The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 17, 1883, Image 2

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    a. V.. MORTIItMKtl.
Editorial Mention.
FttiXCfi OoBTficaAKnrP, FX-Cuanefllor
6t the Russian empire, died on Sunday
morning at,
IIom Boot. Klotz will picas ncccpt
our tbnnkn for publio documents.
Tun Chief of ile Secret Service Divla
Jon of I ho Treasury Department basbctn
ni'viactl that a most danperous counter
feit of tbe standard silver dollar has
nlaila i(H appcaranoe in Obio and Indi
ana. Tbe base coin bas tbe t-xnet weight,
ring aud appearance of the genuine and
resists tbe acid test, uulesi the outer
e atloj of silver Is penetrated. It would
r-sdily be accepted as geuniue by mer
chant. Sivrral of Ibe pieces have only
been tlixcoTered upon reaching a Si b
Trensnry. Mai. Datis forbids John Dojle, a sa
Innu kteper ut North Adami, Mass., to
sell her husband any more mm. ''As
long ns be Inn money to buy wllh.'' said
D.ijle, "be can get drinks nt n-y Imr."
Divia abuHtid this privilege by getting
drunk at once, aud while in tlmt condit
ion bad both legs cutoff by a locomotive.
Mrs. D.ivin got a verdict nl ST.COO gainst
l)nylx, and the Supreme Court bas con
firmed it. Suits with similar results are
constantly being brought in numerous
Slats under citil damage liws which
sra suDktanti.illy aliko in their prows
i an.
Mm Benisov, of PliibuUIpbi.i, proie
cuted Thomas Craig for breach or pron
I sc. and be pleaded guilty, ncrepting n
sentence of six uiontlis' imprisonment
with penitence and resignation. The
plaintiff was a seemingly devout church
member, and bad made ont a pitiable
case. Bat just when Craig was ubont to
be taken to the penitentiary Jumes .John
son rams forward with a charge that
Miss lieuison bad treated him worse in
love aff lira than the prisoner bad served
ber. Hit prodnca.1 a bundle of ber let-
tera, which proved that her character .
was tbe reverse of what alio bad made it
appear in court. Tbe Judge reopened
Craig's oase aud discharged him.
Dukes, who has been on trial during
tbe week, at Uuioutown, for tbo murder
of Nutt, was acquitted by the jury on
Wednesday night The verdict is an
outrage on justice, and is most justly
condetnued by tbo Philadelphia Times,
in tbo following words: "It is difficult to
jipeak with moderation of the acquittal
.of Dukce. It is a disgrace not alone to
tbe people of TJuiontown, but to tbe
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There
-was a reasonable doubt of tbe fellow's
guilt of wilful murder, as technically de
fined; but that he bad murder in bis
heart toward bis victim, whom be killed
jn tbo pursuance of a deliberate plan ol
erime, does not admit of question, aud
the jurymen have dishonored tbeir own
manhood in holding him guiltless of tbe
blood of Captain Nutt. Such n man as
.Dukes is not fit to bo at large. We may
question, indeed, whether there is a place
on earth low enough to hold such a des
picable villian. The creature that could
deliberately write what he wrote of a
girl who bad given herself to him, and
that to the father of tbe girl, is worse)
tbau a murderer. Language is not ade
quate to express tbe contempt and loath
ing which every man deserving tbe name
zaust feel for him, and to bave such a
vTretcb as this fully acquitted of bis
crime, the murder of tbe man whom be
bed so foully wronged, must make every
American blush for tbe Tionor of bis na
t ve land. We bnve cast slurs at the:
people of the South because juries are
said sometimes there allowed to let
tbeir political prejudices influence
them to connive at-crime. It Wus open
ly charged when the jury was formed in
the Dukes cise that it was made up of
members of his own political household
and therefore would not convict him.and
tbe event has justified the charge. Can trur? Can it be that In tbe State
pf Pennsylvania to-day a politician can
obtain immunity frtm the just penalties
of u.iuie by bis political iLflueuce? It
would be pleasun'.er not to believe this
aud ai'.d one shame to another, aud yet
this reproach "ill rest upon the juiy that
acquitted Duki-s, Tlie iiidiguation of
the ciliz.iiis of Uuiontou is natural and
roper. Tbiy will gain notbirg by law
lessness, and it may be iiuumed that tbe
sober second thought of the people will
put an end to tbe violent outbreak that
disturbed tbo quiet to veil Weduesday
uigbt. But tbey must, for tbeir ouu
hftior, put themselves emphatically on
record as discountenancing and denounc
ing this iufamous verdict. By such no
turn tu.-y may at least preserve tbe fair
r-pu'aiiou of tbeir community, aud they
can turn leave Dukes aud bis abettors to
bear the punishment of Cain."
On Monday last Dr. Wiggins guve to
the press tbe theory on which Le pre
dicted tbe great storm which was to bate
occurred from the 9lh to tbe 12th Inst.,
til which bo claims fulfilled Lis pre
diction. Here is what be says himself: I
"TbU storm satisfies me that tbe theo
ry ot tbe opposite tide) which I advanced
in 18(11, in correct, uaiuely, that it is
caused by Ibe vibratory luotiou of the
ociud troiu rasi to west, it you will look
at a terrestrial globe and see tbe pecul
iar posltlou of tbe Gulf of Mixico and
th tendency of Cupe St. lloequu to
fclti'ce northward, tbe tid.s moving
west, you will not wonder at my alarm
wuetu observing that the moon's forces
bave beau increased to tbe greatest po.
tilde extent, aud that, too, ubeusbels
hastening with tbe other planets from
south to north across tbe equator. This
ng exactly tre condition ol things dur
ing tbe storm, aud only ouo element was
lacking to bave ruaae Ibis a terrible af
fair for tbe peopld of America. For mark
It wel", if the mopn's conjunction with
th" sun bad taken place at 1 o'clock on
the meridian of tiiudon, instead ol 1 o
-( -lc iu the morning. Ioudon time in
other words, if tbe conjunction bad takeu
plane over tbe Qutf ot Guinea Instead of
lbs UUina o a ma wnoia American
MUt, granting ber to have been, as she
was. In perigee, wouia nave uun put
nuder water. A time will come when
this will taka place, and should Venns
nai Mrcurjr happen at that moment to
h at their Inferior conjunction and
Jfnpltrr, llrs. audAturnt tbe superior
ooiijnoettou. the brokers will roar in Ibe
'tt of New Vork .city, aud Florida
.wilt be under watsr. All astrouomera.
from the Astronomer Ilojaldowu, will
Uue make Ibis explanation to show
sc'eititlo men tlmt in; syatera of for.
le llnR klornis ia not only lonniiea on
science, but oil the earth and tbe Ilcnvt n
ly bodies.
Prof. Wiggins Insists that bis prophecy
lias been literally fulfilled, as tbe highest
tidal wave over known was reported at
Halifax, and telegrams bo received from
all parts indicated a severe tempest. IIo
fays ho has always entertained the great
est anxiety for tbe safely of tbo people
on tbe shores of the Bay of Bengal and
Gulf of Mexico. In tbe former tbo mnjor
tielal wave, of which the minor one on
our coast was a reflection, musthavo oc
curred on the afternoon of the lOtb,
London time, hundreds of lives perish
ing. He expressed great fears for the
safety of the City of Chester, which ar
rived at Halifax Monday, and character
ired this storm as the greatest that can
possibly occur on this planet, and tbe
greatness of its extent is the only hope of
safety In any particular quarter. Some
people, bo said, expected an impossible
storm, but be bad repe.itedly said that
bis object In making tbe rritliellon nas
for the safety of mariners, as no damage
could possibly reenr on land except in
tbe vicinity of the places named us being
3 i .. II... ,11.1 . ,. i . . H .. t
I cipuacu iu mo tiuui mi,-, uu, 10
like to he filxliUivil, anil clung to tlieir
own interpretation in preference to his.
Our Washington Letter.
f From our Sfeciai. Onaacspoi)ssT.
Wasuikoton, D. C, March 10, 1883.
A paluful impreKsion prevalla that the
halcyon days of tbe dilapidated reminis
cences of departed military, political and
judicial gliry who have made the nation
al Capital famous in years gone by arc
past. They are less numerous now than
nt any time since the war, though their
familiar faces are to be seen yet in con
siderable force iu and about the hotels
a'ld the saloons on the avenue, and their
sptcicswill never become extinct. There
will alwas be 'JInjors" and "Colonels"
aud "Judges" enough In existence to go
around with some to spare for the com
ing generation. They will always re'
main a feature of Washington life. It is
possible that Borne time in tbe dim past
they may have been persons of real iru
parlance and great men in their neigh
b-uhoods. Some of them are
gressioen who have served in the coun
cils of tbe nation without distinction.
When ungrateful constituencies turned
hem out of office tbey preferred to stay
here rather than return to tbeir people.
Others came to Washington to be secre
taries, ministers plenipotentiary to for
eign courts, beads of departments, col
lsstors of customs, and tbe like, and still
nnotber class have been pursuing that
soul destroying ignis fatnns a "claim'
until their brains are ttirno I. The time
was when tbey would have taken noth
ing short of a million or a diplomatic
position of tbebigbe.t imporlauce. Now
a seat at tbe right hand of tbe President
would not tempt them. Tbey know a
belter and easier way of getting a liying
and they take more solid satisfaction iu
"working" a stranger, a new congress
man, or a freshly lauded statesman for
the drinks tbau tbey could possibly en
joy In any other occupation iu life. They
employ more diplomacy in lauding a
cocktail than a man of business would
brin to bis aid in the purchase of a year's
stock of goods. Tbey are always inti
mate friends of presidents, senators.mem
liers, or distinguished army and navy
officer, usially a brother or a cousin or
a brother-in-law and none can cling so
lovingly to stray lambs as tbey, or sur
round longer drinks of "red linker."
They bang their crooked cane on tbeir
arms,and with tbeirabdomens up against
a bar tbey adhere to that article of saloon
furniture with tbe tenacity of barnacles
to a ship's bottom. Tbey were more
numerous during tbe teu or twelve years
a ter the war than at any other period iu
the history of the city, and of late years
mtny of the most notable specimens have
been taken to Abraham's bosom. How
tbe "Majors" and tbe "Colonels" and
the "Judges" live, none but tbey can
tell. They are absolutely without means
or credit and never do a stroke of work
from one year's end to tbe other. They
show np at tbeir haunts day after day
with unfailing regularity, appearing as
early iu tbe day as tbey think it will be
potable to sponge a drink and slaying
as lung as there is the remotest chance of
being invited to take another "night
cap." Where they sleep or get the
clothes tbey wear, must forever remain a
mystery. It is tbeir secret aud it would
be barbarous to force them to divulge it.
Fnoii ot'n Beoulau Correspondent, j
Washington, D. C, March 12, 1853.
With Cougrrss gone the Capitol build
ing Is i dreary place, "like some batqiet
ball desert -d.' As usual tbe closing
scenes of the (ate session were suggestive
of be il-etu or something worse. To an
outsider who happeus in during these
last hours or days it is a matter of perfect
amaz-meut bow any business can be
traustctedat all.'tbough a great deal is
done. Everybody wrangles over every,
tbiuj, and this yearns 117 men were
leaviugthe legist itive balls never to re
turn tbey naturally wanted to bave n cay
or get through a pet bill. But with all
tU . .1! I, f
I "isurneir u is a good-natured crowd
and becomes hilarious over the smallest
attjmpt at wit. Mingled with the yelps
of laughter ce me tbo sbouls of members
who arj anxious to be beard. "Mr.
bpeaker, I desire five minutes cnlv."
"The gentleman from Wl-iconsiu will
come to order," "For Ood's sake let me
get through what I am saying," Mr.
Speaker. I am not to be driven from this
fl )or, "VoW Vote!" and a torrent of mo
tions, amendments aud Heaven knows
what. As fi'r submitting anything lotbe
yeas and naes it has got to b.i almost an
impossibility. The yeas ans'er vigor
ously, but wheu it comes to tbe nays
tbey bawl it out so loud that filly men
cnnld readily be tuken for a hundred.
Then comes tbe standing up and sittiug
down to detertuiue tbe yeas and uays.
Cries of Get up e verj bod) are ftflowed
by "Sit down! sit down!'' and even then
the tellers bave to be resorted to some
times. Tbe only exhibitions of ill-bumor
last Sunday morning came from the
friends or the wblikey bill who stolidly
refused (o lt any other measures come
up out of order so long us their's could
not; and tbe eight gentlemeu who vehe
berqeutly shouted no to the rrsolutfou of
thanks to Speaker Keifer.
Ibe proverb that nothing evif kbnuld
b spoken of the dead l pot .bry d hy
tlic publlo or the press In commenting
a )0U ti,e Forty-seventh Congress. Its
shortcomings are raked up remorselessly,
while tbe good that it did is lightly
passed over. There Is, boweyer, room
for something oommeudatory to be said
of the Congress just expired. IU last
days wore comparatively free from tbo
passage of jobs and schemes such as loo
frequently Mip through in the rush aud
hurry preceding final adjournment. It
is true thousands nt measures were per
mitted to fall, but the .chances are that
there was a great deal moro to be con
demned than npproved In the lot. Some
of the wisest statesmen maintain that too
much legislation is a greater evil than
too little, and upon this theory the course
nf Congress In quietly allotting several
thousand bills to go to tbo waste-basket
is, iu fact, a benefit to the country.
Among tbe lost bills are many of un
doubted merit, such t3 tbe sblppiug bill;
that to provide an intermediate ccurt for
tba relief of the the United States Su
preme Court, tbe educational bill, and
others of like importance. Oue of tie
most Serious omissions was tbo failure to
enact a defluile law regulating tbe o ,unt
of tbe tlectoral vote aud providing for
the Presidential Micrcslon. Tbe next
Congress will be divided betwern the two
pirties, the Republicans controlling tbe
Satiate and tbe Democrats the House;
hence there is but little prospect that it
will agree upon any law prescribing how
Ibe electoral voles hhall be counted, and
thus tbe country may be exposed to tbe
danger of another complication and par
tisan controversy over the decision ol the
next Presidential election.
Amid tbe babble and tumult of tbe
closing scenes in tbe two Houses of Con
press a thoughtful person might bave
been moved with many serious reflec
tions. Any one given to sentiment could
bave fouud food for melting thoughts in
the contemplation of Senator Ferry's va
cant chair Sunday morning. Two mouths
ago be was regarded as a very fortunate
man. He was supposed to be a fixture
in tbe Senate.bis re-election being looked
upon as a certainty, and bis wealth was
estimated at over a million. Two or three
weeks later it became evident he would
have tronble in securing a re-election,
and a few days afterwards came the an
nouncement that bis ricbes bad taken
wings. Accumulated misfortunes pros
trated bim, and on Sunday, while the
last act of the Forty-seventh Congress
was being played, be was lying on a bed
of pain a few blocks distant, a physical
as well as a financial wreck. His ab
sence from tbe Senate, of which he bad
been an honored member for twelve
years, was scarcely noticed. He was not
missed from bissiatby half a dozen of
bis old associates. He bad not been in
tbe chamber for weeks, and was well
nigh forgotten. Sunday evening after
the adjournment he left Washington, ac
companied by bis sister and one or two
devoted friends, perhaps neyer to return
to the scene of all his former greatness
How different his worldly aspect from
that proud occasiou when at tbe.bead of
his fellow-Senators, as tbe presiding of
ficer of that body and the acting vi'ce
Presldent, be marched into the jiint sea
sion of tbe two Houses to preside over
the proceedings of the electoral count
aud affix his signature to' ibV"r'ecord
which made it B. Hayes President.
Dom Pedbo.
Our New York Letter.
Regular eorreipondence ofADVocATE.
Nkw York, March 13, 1883.
Dr. Dix's Lenten lectures about wo
men have created n decided sensation,
but his address of last Friday evening on
divorce fairly capped the climax. Di
vorces are really increasing nt an alarm
ing rate, find tbe question arises nuder
what circumstances do people really
marry now-a-d lys. when so many coup
les find that tbey have made mistakes.
If marriage is oi ly n civil contract liable
to be dissolved whenever the parties to
it desire, bow will their children eventu
ally bo able to recognize tbeir own par
ents. We will bave to get to tbe ideal
of tbe rabid socialist nud communist who
maintains that tbe State sbonld take care
of all children. But to return to tbe in
crease of diveirce. I called at the ofBce
of a man In Broadway not far from St.
Paul's Church the other dey. "I have
to go out for half an hour, please wait.
If you wish to amuse yourself sit down
at the window aud watch tbe building
ou tbe other side of the way. Tell me
what you notice." He returned iu about
twenty minutes. "Did you notice any
t'liuiT' he akked. "Nothing," I ans
wered. He stepped over to tbe window.
"What is that going into that building?"
"A handsomely dressed lady, and as far
as I can make out good looking," was
my reply. "And is that the first one
yon noticed entering there?" "No, I did
not keep couut, but there must have been
a dozen before her."' "That's it," he
exclaimed, "Tbtre are four or five d.
varce lawyers in that establishment
misery loves company you know ond
there is a regular stream of women,
ladies, I suppose I ought lo call tbem,
going Iu and out of that building from
ten to four o'clock every day. If you
value your peace of mind, 'my friend,
never get marrieel." Here is a fact which
Dr. Dix might have introduced very
nicely in bis sermon.
Mrs Paran Stevens, the well known
wealthy society lady, was defendant In a
suit some days ago iu a civil court. Her
cook bad sued ber for $74, back wages
due. Biddy claimed that she bad au
arrangement wilb Mrs. Stevens by which
she was to get $10 a mouth when iu
towu and $30 wheu st Newport. She
claimed that ber mistress had tried In
get the best of ber and still owed ber tbe
amount she demauded, Biddy was a
vigorous middle-aged woman who could
use Billingsgate in n manner to delight
a thoroughbred fithwife, and she had no
hesitation to cdl a spade a spade and
with a baudlo too.
She was uot to be done by "milady's"
exalted position, When she mado np
ber mind to bring suit, she fir t called
ou Attorney General Russell, who hap.
pued to be in town, aud asked bim to
conduct it for ber. Ab he was unable to
postpone au argument on Ibe telegraph
question for tbe sake of Biddy's $71, be
had to decline a retaining fee. She then
weut to see Ex Lieutenant Govcre or
Dorsbelmer but quarrelled with bim.
After that aba called ou tbe Mayor who
of conrsa was unable to assist ber. Then
I sbe took one of the or Unary civil ourt
lawyers and did gt a Ju igment for H,
She docs not mind tbe money so much
but she did enjoy "sbpaklu her moiud
about milady In open coort an' before
bis Honor tbe Joodge."
St, Patrick's Day is coming on apace
Next Saturday, St. Patrick who was a
"ginlleroan," will come up smillug In
the morning aud take possession of old
Gotham rs be bas done for years, nud
tbe shamrock nud tbe harp that once
twanged Tara'a halls will float triumph
antly above tbe stars and stripes. Still
the day will be celebrated much more
quietly than in former yearsi The suf
ferings or the relatives and friends tin
the green islu bave caused tbe money
which would otherwise hayo beeu spent
forsasbtsand potheen to be sent abroad,
Tbe representative Irish organization St.
Patrick's Alliance, will have its usual
dinner In tbo evening, and other associ
ations will bavo entertainments of oue
kiud or anotber.nearly nil for tbe benefit
of tbe sufferers at borne.
Kistcr cards and Easter fhwerr are
what interest everybody now. The fash
ion has been set that churches ou Christ-
mas. aud Eister must be decorated su
perbly uilh cut fbwers,and every church
uo matter bow poor it may be spends
from hundreds to thousands ou tbem,
Tuojo decorations will be very expensive
this year, as the prolonged cold weather
makes the price of flowers come very
high. Violets aud other spring flowers
hivo seldom been so expensive as they
are no7, and as regards fine and rare
roes they ore worth from twenty-five
cents to a dollar a piece. As regards
Easter cards tbe stationers have given ns
n number of new and tasteful designs
and the styles of execution are in many
cases marvellously beautiful. Christ'
mas and Easter cards bave all but driven
valentines out of fhshion, and when one
remembers to wbat base uses tbe valen
tine bas frequently come to, one can
hardly regret it. Hand painted cards,
little plates of ivory, wooden and metal
plaques, beautifully colored with spring
flowers and the cross make handsome
presents, aud may be had at prices rang
lug nil, tbo way from one to fifty and sev
enty-five dollars.
A determined effort is to be made by
tbe police to close tbe opium dens in tbe
city, which have been increasing at a
really alarming rate. Captain Williams
of the Twenty-ninth Police Precinct
raided one last week and captured the
Chinese proprietor and one of bis guests.
This however is only a forerunner of
what is to come. There ore about eighty
well known and .regularly patronized
dens iu operation and they are thronged
nightly and to a great extent daily too.
Most of them are situated .far down
town in the regions along tbe river front.
They are most extensively patronized by
abandoned men and women of the lower
walks of lile, but persons of both sexes
from the best classes frequent tbem as
well, because they believe that there they
are freer from discovery than in more
select places up town. Tbe other even
ing as I came home from Brooklyn I met
a well known detective who took me to
an opium.den in n side street leading off
from Cbatam Street. The Ute consist
ing of two small rooms was packed. A
divan ran nlong the walls, and'for every
two smokers thero was a, peculiar litlle
kerosene lamp, with a chimney shaped
like an inverted cup, with a small hole
on top. At this the smokers lighted tbe
opium before they placed it on tbe pans
of tbeir pipes which from a distance
looked liko iv ry mounted clarionets.
What was my horror to find lying
alongside of a sailor, an actress who not
so many years ago was a popular favor
it a. She was insensible. She was rich
ly dressed and' though ber face was
ghastly, pallid, the traces of former
beauty could still be marked. Tbe den
was filled, with smoke arising from twen
ty odd pipes, and it was so dense as to
almost obscure' tbe light from tbe little
lamps. Through tbe gloom could be
seen the demouiac face of the Chinaman
presiding over tbe orgie. His bright
little eyes gleamed like coals from tbe
mtst, aud his long bony bauds tightly
grasped his money drawer. I have seen
revolting pictures, but this was the worst,
Wb'U I came out in the fresh air I was
all in a tremor, bnt perhaps this was
caused by tbe opium fumes which I had
Poor WIggius. There is not a friend
hero to speak well of bim. The pilots
aud captains of tug-boats who refrained
going ont to sea for fear lest his predic
tion would come true.are swearing at the
pecuniary loss which bas accrued to
tbem. On Long Island several people
bad built huts on elevated places iu or
der to retire to tbem when the floods
should make their advent. All this is
now so mncb fear's labor lost, aud Wig
gins is held responsible for it. Fortun
ate it is for bim that be is not a wealthy
man, otherwise his heirs would bave bim
committed to a lunatio asylum.
The following patents wero granted to
eitnens of Pennsylvania, bearing date Mar.
fills, 1883. Iteportcd expressly for thhi paper
hy Louis Banger A Co , Mechanical Experts
and Solicitors of Patents,Waihington,D. C.
'Burner, h Philadelphia, Grate.
Cain, A. C. W. 1'ittsburg, Wooden half
sola for shoes.
Cupit, Alfred, Philadelphia, Clock winding
Diehl, W. If., Hyde Tark, Car courlinj.
Uodd, W. II. Eldred, DucUe.
Uotte, T. J., Heading, Automatic shutter
Dunn, M. J., Philadelphia, Shoemaker's
Hay, J, P., Drip, Mold for rakes.
Miller, Levi 1C, Collunier, Tire upwlter.
Pateterenu, P., AleKeeshirt, Tube coupling.
Heam, Pre I, Danville, Lamp-burner.
Itresr, Jacob ritUhurg, lllctt furnace plant.
Thomas, J, II., Indiana, Odiiineier.
Wilson, J, U., Phi'adelpbia, Umbrella run
ner. Wilson, J. It., Philadelphia, Umbrella run
Closing prices nf Da Haven Jt Townsend,
Bankers, No. 3(5 South Third Street, Phil.
adrlphiar Stocks bought and sold aitber
lor rash or on margin.
March 14. IBM.
hiil asked
., .1311
1(13 J
U 8 Currency 6'
U S -tl's Ext
U S 41. new
US 4'
Pennsylvania K It
Philadelphia le Hiading It ft..
Lehigh Valley H R
Lehigh Coal A Navigation Co..
llnl'Hl N J It It A- Canal Co....
Northern Central It R Co
. (12
.. 2
.. Hi
.. 41
Ilestonville Tass. K it C
Buff. Pittsburg k West. It It Co... lJ
Cential Transportation Co 331
Northern Tarific Com 50J
" Prefil M
North Pennsvlvsnia R It ' ex
Philadelphia A Erie R R 2" I
Silver, tTrades) W
34 1
6K1 i
S6 !
91 A It It IK I).
GH.OSS-lIONTZ.-On tbo 10th lull,, In
this borough, by Rev. J, If. Ilartinan,
Mr, Jno. F. G'ots, of Lehlghlon. and Mies
Kllen Montr., of Mahoning.
14 Ecetman
Street, N.Y.,
dealers luType, Presses, Taper Cutters, and
an kind i or Printing Materials, ooui now
and Stcond.ha'nd. A corrected list of prices
lftued weekly, of alt material on hand for
(ale, (milch of which are ncnulno bargain!)
will be mailed tree on application.
WKoaWTcrtieisn Amvtiiino rnoM A IIod-
kik to a (JycihObb Prkss marlT
Publio Sale of Valuable .
Meal lEtat!3.
Will intci st Puhlln Bale, at trio " KX
fill ANOK UOTEI"ln llio DOltOUGH OF
LE11H1HTUN, rarbun County, l'a.
Saturday, March 31fet, 1883,
at TVtU o'clock P.M.,thc following valuable
Heal r siaio iHUonging to ine esinie oi w,,i.
iiv.uniil. lleeenipil. 10 wit: AlltliatCertnln
one-hall part or l.or No. 2V7, Mtuate In the
liOrOUKn 01 i.cnt anion nuirernin, unui uiimiik
in rrant nn Lelilirh ttreet 113 leet. and extend
ing or tlist wldl ii In depth, at rlulit angle s of
s.ld Lehigh alrcct tjr parallel llnrt. Hi feet
Blnche-i lo Apple alley, bolnir ihorneliAlrnf
Lot AO bounueu on ino east uy iemgii.
f l red. on the south hy Iho other part of Lot
No. S2T. on tho wejt by Apple alley, and on
tho north hy Lot No. 2.'8, etc. 'I he u
Improvements on this Lutarea Vl-M
Dwelling House, with n 1. story Klieh. &i2mlt
en attached ; Frame litnble, 12 x 14 reel, ami
other necessary Outbuildings, and an excel
lent Well of Water.
ALSO, all that certain Town Lot, situate
ami bclnirln the llorouuh of Lchlahton afore
said, anil numbered In tho plan or plot thero
of LOT No. 19T, containing ea feci Iront by
169 feel 9 Inches In tepth, bounded on the
north by Lot No. 1B8, on tho east by Apple
alley, on the suiiin oy uot ro. i-ja. nnu on
the nest by Northampton street. The lm-
movements thereon are a brick Dwell-
Ming House, Vi x 31 foet ; Mablo 14 x 16
leet, and necessary Outbuildings, The
Lot Is rinnttd with f ruit Trees anu mere is
a Well nfirno.l Water.
Jondltlonsof Sate One-fourth of purchase
monev lo ha nnhl on knocking down of Dron.
erty, onc-lourlh In three tnoDths from day of
sale, anu mo oniancu in eix iduiiiiis, or i-ueu
down, II" convenient. Possession given on 1st
oi April n required.
Fnr.D. I3ERTOLETTE, Att'y. Star 17wS-
Public Sale of Valuable
Personal Property.
Tho undcrffUnptl. Administratrix ot AInm
r.uu-hn ore. due'd. of Maliontnir Tuwiiflliln.
Carbon Courtly, I'iy, will sell at J'ublo Sulc,
on mo reraises, on
Friday ai Saturday, March 23 & 24.
1683, at ONE o'clock I M the following
personal properly, vis:
l aiare4yearsoiu,evow
3 Heifers, 2 Carriages,
2-tiorse I'arra Wauon.
2.horsa Mprlnie Wauon. Mowlnur Machine
Sleighs, 4 llarrels or Vinegar, Oats, Wheat
undeforn by tho bushel, (Jutting Ilox, (lorn
Planter, Horse Rake, Fannlnir mill, Thresh
in Machine with horso power, Hay, Straw
and Cornstalks bv ton. rcadi.mailo Fenoo
Posts, 2 Cultivators,! Harrow?, 2 Plows, lot
oi r ence nans, iiives ol liecs, lot 1'olatot-s,
itpnlo lluttcr. Honey, i Iledstends with lied
dlnir. Closets. Tables. Chairs, store with
Pipe, llarrels. Tubs, lot Tools. Hoes, Forks,
Shovels, Chains ilnd other articles.
Terms will bo made known at tho tltno and
place ol sale, by TEH. LAtlCHNOKK.
Feb. 23 w3 Administratrix.
Auditor's Notice.
Estato ol OLIVER III! ENEKSEH, Dec'd:
Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans Conrt' of Carbon County to uiako
distribution of the bilanceof tlio lunds In the
hands of Thomas Kernerer, Ailtulnlsiiator
of said Kstale, will hold a raeutinu lor the
purpose ofhls appointment on SATUHUAY,
!l AltU If 17th, 1S83, at ONE o'clock P.M.,
nt tho Office of Win, U.' l-rejlnan. Esq., In
the JlorouKh qT Mauch Chunk, Pa., when
and wlii-ro aU'partlcs Interested will bo r
lulriHl to preseuLlhelr claims, or budebarred
liom cpmlnx In upon safd luinl.
' ' St II. U1EI1AM. Auditor.
Mauch Chunk..Eeb. 17, 18S3-W4 m
Administratrix's Notice.
EasfStool WM. E. KEMEUEK, Deceased.
Letters or Administration nn the E-taln
nf Wm. E. Kemerer, late ol Kranklin town
ship,Cnrbon Co.,rit.,dec'd,have been grant
ed to tho undersigned, residing in tho said
township, to wliniii all persons indebted to
said estate are requested In make linioe linle
payment, and tlwse having claims or de
mands will make known the saino' without
delay. SUSANNA K EM E UK It,
Feb. 3, 1RS3-61 Administratrix.
Administratrix's Notice.
Estate of ADAM IMUCIiNOItE. Deceased.
Letters of Administration on tbe Estate
of A-lam Liuolinore, late of Ml honing tevji,.
Carbon county, Pfl.,dec'd, have' been grant
ted to llie undersigned, residing in tho said
township, to whom all persona indebted lo
said estate aro requested to make immediate
payment, aud those having claims will
make know the same without delay, to
qr to NATHAN MOSSEIt, Agent.
Mahoning, Feb. 3, 18S3 Ct
srEur.Ui notices.
To all who arc surrerfnjf from the errors and
Indiscretions o )outh. nervous, weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, &o , 1 will se-nd
a recipe that will euro jou, FIIEE OF
UHAKOK. This great remedy was OIscov.
erc-d by a missionary in South America. Send
a stiir-Aildressi'd envelope lo the Hkv. Juskfu
T. I.nman, Station II, New York t.lty,
auK. 1.'. ly
I will mall (Free) the recipe for a simple
VEUEI'AIIEK I1ALM that will reinoie
HLUTCUES, leavlmt Die (kin soft, clear and
beautllul ; also Instructions for producing a
luxuriant growth or hair on a bald head or
smooth face. Address Inclosing 3c. stamp,
JiEN. VANDEL.F, 11 llarclay S'.. N. Y.
mar. 5.yl.
The advertiser having been permanently
cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by
u simple remedy. Is unxlous to make known
to his fellow, sufferers the means of cure. To
all who denlre It, lie will send a copy oflho
prescription used, (free ofchartie). Kith the
dtreotlons (or preparing and using the same,
which they will rind a sure 11111111 for
Parlies wishing the Prescription. will please
address. Dev. E A. WILSON, 181 PennSt.,
Williamsburg, N. Y. mar. 2&-yl.
"ekkors of youth.
AOENTI.EMAN who sutTered for years
from Nervous 1IE11IL1TY. I'll EM A.
TUHE DECAY, and all theeflectsol youth,
fu. Indiscretion, will fur the sake ol suilerlng
humanity, send Ireo to all who need It, the
recipe and direction for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by Ihe advertiser's experi
ence can do so by addressing In perleci con
fidence. JOHN II. OitllEN.
mar.25.yl U Cedar ft. Naw York.
Two Doors Dt-low the " Broadway House
Dealt r in all Tattcma ot Plain sad Fanei
Wall Papery
Window Shades,
Paints & Paintesr' Supplies,
Solicitors or V. S. and For
eign Patents. Nn. JtO 7th
Kirrtl. cor of (I. oin. U S. I'atent llltlro.
I Washington, II. '. Correspondence solicit
' rd. No charge tor advice. No Tee charged
1 unless Patent Is allowed, llefercnces, Lewis
I Johnson ft Co.. Ilaakers, and Postmaster,
i Washington, u, u, I'arapniat n jniiruc-
tloos fret.
Jan tf e
I havs just received the most complete line of
ever offered in Lciiighton, consisting or Spanish all Silk
Guipure, Irish Point Embroidery (New tins beason), Heal Linen Thread
Torchon Laces, ranging in price from !3cts. to 2octs per yard, Vermicella, Breton,
Dentilla, .Swiss, Cheltenham, &c, all of which 1 have marked -at Lower Prices
than they nave ever sold for. Am also receiving almost daily SPECIAL Bargains in
Some of which arc now sellincr at a trifle over 50 per cent of their Value. Also u'
full line of Staple and Fancy
Cri'SDeeB'IpSj $M1 Clotlas, S?CB5lffWare? CJ-lass
Wiire, Wood aisd Willow Ware, feco,
At WiateiMiito's BOTTOM
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In the United States
Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal office- located' In Wnshtngton,
directly opposite the-Unlted States Patent
Office, wo nre able Jaat'tcnd to all patent
business with greater -lpromptnc8 and de
spatch and at lefs cost .than other patent at
torneys who are at. n dlstanco from Wash
ington, and who have, therefore, to employ
"associate attorneys." We make preliminary
examinations and furnish opinions as to pa
tentability, freo or charge, and all who are
Interested In new Inventions and patents are
tnTltcd to send for a copy of pur (1Oulde for
obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to
any address, and contains complcto Instruc
tions how lo obtain patents and 'other vnlua.
ble matfer. Wo reTer to the Gcrmnn-Amcr-tcan
National Uank-AVashlngton, I). O.j tho
Itoyal Swodlsli. Norwegian and Dardsh Lega
Hons, at Washington t.Hon. Jns. Casey, Into
Chief Justice U. s. :nnrc of Claims; to tho
Olflclals of the' U. Patent flfnce.-nnd to
Senators and Members or Congress from
every State.
Address t l.OTfls' Da'OOF.U' k'UO.. SO.
llcltors of Patents and Attorneys nt Law.Lr
Droll Ililldina, WASmsoTOif. D. 0.
A ra-adlnrr Tendon
Pliyslctail establishes
an olllee in New York
for tuc cure uf
From. Am. Journal of Medlclna
dp. ah iffluBmia djtM nf London), ntlirt tnaket a r8
eiaiiTO. KpueniT, iiui wnnous uouui irviMs-uun cuuu iinnthr11vlnrr nhrtichm. Ills KUC- I
cjss Iim limply beta utonlirUnp; wo hire hear a if j
Mm. 11a h published work on thii disease, wMcIi
b send with a Inrgobottl of his condttrful.curo frvo
to riny safftrer who rosy send their express and P. (X
Xd4xe". W) Advise any one wlihlnff a cure to adrirese
AT 1U UMblkUib 11V. VU M VUU Dl ln VleW
baoohke& MARK TWAIN,
Emitted "LIFE on tho MISSISSIPPI." .
A rich theme, and the richest, raciest volumo
of all i he Twain series. I'liaractotlstic Illus
trations. $2,500 in Cath I'nzti lo Agtn i.
'A Word to ihe wise la snfllclent."
1 ffPlltt! WintMl uiht now leady, tl. For
Xltlillo particulars address Douglass Bros..
Philadelphia, Pa. Oleo.v4-w4
611 cfc 613 Chestnut St.,
Capital, 31,000,000 I Charter Perpetual.
Acts at Executcr, Administrator, Attignce, He.
criver. Guardtan, Attorney, Agents I'runtee
and Committee, alvnr or in conniction telth
an individual avpotntee.
Takia charKO o tho property of absentees
and lain. residents, cnllcctsand remit Income
promptly, and discharges talthfully tlie dut
ies of every Hduclary trust and agency known
to the law.
Safes lor Itcnt wllhln DurRlar-pruof Vaults
of the most approved construction.
Wills kept In Kirennd liuriclar proof Safes
without charxe. Plate, securities and all
other valuables securely kept at ft moderate
annual charge for a safo return or specific
Oar Trusts and other Approved Securities
for sale
Inter' st allowed nn Moneys deposited for
definite periods, or ujion ten days' notlco.
W. tl IMTTKitStlN. President
IllKSTUlt i:l,Y.l Kit. Vice-President.
MAM I."N S. STIIK K-i, Treasurer.
FKAN01S HAUON.l-ec'y Trust Officer.
W. O. I'ATTanso.v, Hon. T. F. DAVAnn,
Jamks I.oNr Wilmington, Del,
AlfiikdS Oii.lktt. Dr. Qbo W. Heilv,
Hon. Allikon White, llurrl.bursli. Pa.,
Iir. IJ. I . I U1IHKR, lion J, ). AUICA,
D, It, PATTEIiao.
Huntingdon. Pa..
John T. Mote nun.
Job Hkkvk,
Tiioa. It. Patton,
W.J Nead.
Jab. S. Mahtih,
Hon. 11. Clvueii,
Reaillnir, Pa ,
Heading. Pa.,
Edmund S. Dotv, AeiNKW,
Ailiuiniown, ia.
II, lL lloUSTON, Hon It.K.MOOAtlllAN,
Jimin (1. Rkadino, West Chester, Pa
Philadelphia, Pa. Oen.W.W. 11. Davis,
Hon.T.P. Kandolph, Doylestown, Pa.,
Jtlorrlstown, N. J., Chas. W. CourKit,
feb2t-wt Allentown, Pa.
The best In the world, are ea'lly obtained in
Dakota, Minnesota aud Northern Iowa. Uet
ready to move In the spring. First
served. County maps description of lands,
rates nl passage and freight, furnished free
by JOHN If. POTT, Agent. Chicago, Mil
waukte fit St. Paul li'y, Wllllamsport, Pa.
ftoiruuwc to answer questions.
Consul sib ptioii
1 have a positive remedy for tho abore dls.
ease: by Its use thousands of cases ol the worst
Vlnd and of long standing have Iwen cured.
Indeed, so strong Is my lalth in Its efficacy,
that I wilt send TWO DOTTLES FIIEE,
lugt-thrr with a VALUAIILE TREATISE
mi till disease, lu any sulferer, (live Express
and P. O, address, Dn V A. 8UIUU.M,
181 Pearl bl., New uik.
IMBMS. Ileforo locating, consult ourcata.
lugue and inap,i-nt tree. laLmt 4- Mukk.
I j. a, iiambridge, Md. FebStwi.
Farm at Private Sale.
The undersigned offers his Farm, situate
about rt mites trom Wclssport. In Franklin
Township, Carlton County, Pa., nt Private
Salet bounded by lands uf Jaeob tfehrhr,
Eilta Solt and others, containing FIFTY
FIV E A'i;u:s. more or less, alajut tl Acres
of whlclraro cleaiednnd undur a uotal stato
of cultivation, and tlie bnlunca Is fine While
Pine Timber, lue improvements
II, mrkitn ... n ipaa,1 llwolllntr ItmifA
IL a New llaru and necessary Outbuild-
Inus. For furllier particulars - n tlio
premises, tn llfNllY UAUCI1SPISE.
March )0, ItUrwl'
lit A k-l
HI&fiBa JPrice tre9 for
Special to the Ladies!
A Special Invitation Is extended to the Tjftd
les of I-sehigliton and eurroumllnjir ncigli1or.
hood to rail and examine the Immense stock
MM, W0i Pa.,
comprising all the latest Novelties In'Dlack
and Colored Silks, Velvets, Plaids, Cosh
meres, Serges, all-Wool Suitings, (Irlng.
hams, Prints, tec. Also, a full line of
Dlankels, Domcstlcs,Shawls.M ullns,
all of which, ha Is o.tforp)
Lowest Prices. A nlcu line of'
Silver-Plated Ware,
Do call and seo It. My slock of
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
full and complete. Cheap as tho Uhenpest,
and Uood as tho Ilest. ept.-yl
Clods, Watches and Jewelry
Just Itecclvcd, at
Bank St., Lehighton,
Holiday Presents,
AU of which Is being sold at such extraordin
ary Low Prices that all can buy.
Look for Yourselves ! !
Uold andlSllver Watches from t)i 00 to UO 00
Gent's Chain " 12 to 0 00
; Ladies Chains .
34 to
6 00 j
Lockets ,
1 00 to 20 00 .
i Rings
3 to 12 00
; Bracelets, Gentsand Ladles Chain, JJreast
! Tins, Kar Jewels, and a rarlcty or other art..
I clcs too numerous to mention. Including
Please call and see for yo
buying elsewhere.
utves before
BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa.,
MILLERS and Scalers tn
Floifti& Feed.
AH Kind-of O It A IN BOUGHT and BOLD a
Wo would, also, leaprctlully Inform onrctti
tena that woaie uewfully prepared to bUP
PLY tuem with
15e$t of Cosil
rromtnyMIn deslied at VER
s a week mado at homo by the In.
VL! ' J 9 dustrlnul. Ilest business now be.
(D I Cs f'ro the public. Capital not
' needed. e will start you. Wen,
women, hoys and girls wanted everywhere lo
work for us. Now is the time. You can work
In spare time, or give your whole ilme to the
business. No other business will nav vou
nearly so well. No one can fall to make enor.
mous pay, by engaging at once. Costly out
fit and terms freo. Money made fast, easily '
and honorably, Address Tnun & Co., Au
gusta, Maine. deeZ-yl
Tho I
la whnl vou want Ihe
gnateat Invention of tho ae I see our pam ,
phlot Hcnt tree. rol. J. Y. EUAN. Otvena. '
bun V.'V. l.'lv Hi I .
people are always on.
the lookout lor chances ,
Increase their carn
Inas. and In time be
come wealthy; those whodo nut Imprnvo their
opportunities remain In poverty. We ofler a
g eat chance to ruako money. We want many ,
men. women, boys ami girls In work for us
right In their own localities. Any ona can do ,
tbe work properly from tho first start. Tha :
huilneta will pay more than ten limes ordln.
ary wages Expensive outfit lurnifhrd freo.
Na one who envaget (alls lo make money
rapidly. You ran devote vour whole time lo I
tha work, urcniy your spare moments, run .
Information and all that Is needed wn' tree
Address Sritena Co. Portland Maloe,
Black & Cream, Spanish
Price Store !
E. A. hqkn:'
Successor to Messrs. Itapshrr' i-Zern. '
Pure Dris,
& Cnemicals,
Brspectfully nnnounces to the public that h
Is prepared to supply them with all the Pop-
OATTLi: POWDERS, Fancy and. Toilette
CHOICE C1U ARS, nml, In fact, ever) thine
usually found In a first-class Drug Store
n ln,.A K.millreil )., . t . W. 1 - .
HlItTlIDAY PJtfcSENTS. Call and
see them. Lowest Prices.
cinal lairnoses. ' " '
S- Pre-BcrlpUoni,caxcfull) comppiadedtr
day or night. Patronage Invited. ". , , .b
E A. HORN, Wefssport, Pa.
November 25. 181 -yl
. .... -..
NEW YORK, 1883.
More people- have read Tiik Sun dnrlrit;
the ) car Just now passing than ever be-fora
since It was first printed. No other news.
I taper published on this side of the earth hat
leun bought and read in anyyear by loranny
men and women.
We are creditably Informed that nnpla, and like Tiik Sum forth follow
ing reasons, among others :
Huciiuse Its n-ws columns present; In at-trai-the
form and with tbe greatest' possible
ciurii, tr hb uiicrirflb-iMr Human
kind; tho er-nts, tho deeds. and mlsdcedr.tha
wisdom, the philosophy, the notable folly.
the news ol the busiest world ut preseal rti
volvlng in space.
llerauso peuple have learned that In Its re
marks concerulng persons and affairs This ,
Sun makes a practlco ol telling them the ex
act truth to tlie bt it of ability three hundred
and sfxty-Hre days In the year, before elec
tion aawell as after, about the whales as
well as the small tlsh. In the face of dissent aa
plalrdy aud fearlessly as when supported br
general approval. Tug Sun has absolutely
uo purposes to serve, aTe.the information -or
Its readers uud the furtherance of the com
mon good. '
lleoause It Is everybody's newspaper. No,
man Is so humble that TiikSun Is Indifferent
to his welfaru and his rights. No man, no
nsroclatiou of men, Is powerful enough lo bo
exempt Irom the strict application of Hi
principles ol right and wrong.
iteo use in politics it liaslovght fora dosen
jears, witln-ut Intermission and sometimes
almost alone among newspapers, the tight
that bas resulted In tho recent overwhelming
popular verdict against Robesontsin and for
honest government. No matter what party
Is In power, Tiik Sun stands anil will con.
tlnue to stand like a rock fur the Intrrests of
tho people against the ambition of bdsses,tha
encroachments or monopolists, and the dls.
honest schemes of publlo robbers.
All this Is what wo are l old almost dally
by our friends. One man holds that The
Bun Is the best religious newspaper ever pui
lished. because Its Christianity Is undiluted
with cant. Another holds that It Is the best
Republican newspaper printed, beeause H bat
already whlppe-t half of Ihe rascals out uf
that parly, and Ihe proceedings against tha
other half wlthundemlnlslied vigor. A third
believes It to be tho best inagailne of general
literature in exlstenco, beeause Its readers
nil's noihlng worthy of notice Hint Is current
In the world of thought Bo every friend of
'I UK Sun d Hoovers oue of Us many sides I bat
appeals with nartioular torce to Ids indlrhlu.
H you already knew The Sun, yon will ob
serve that In 1883 it la a litlle betterlhan ever
before. 11 you do not already know. Tim
Sun, )Ou will And It lo be a mirror of all hu
man activity, a storehouse of tbe choicest
productsnfnummon sense and Imagination, a,
mainstay fur the cause of honest gorerament,
a sentinel for genuine Jeflertunlan Demo
cracy, a scourao for wickedness of every
siceles, an and uncommonly good Investment
lor the coming year,
Tenni to Stall Subscribers. .
The several editions ofTug Sun a e tent by
mall, postpaid, as follows :
DAILY 55 cents a month, SO ISO a year
with Sunday edition. 87.70.
SUNDAY Eight pages, 81.20 a year.
WKKKLY 61a year. Eight panes of the
best matter of the'daily Issues! an Agricul
tural Department of unequalled merit, mar
ket reports, anJ literary scientific, and do.
mestlo Intelligence make Ilia Wkuxly
Sun Ihe newatutper for the farmer's house
hold. To clubs uf ten with tlo. an extra,
ropy free. Address
1. W. ENI1LAND, Publisher,
TiikSun, Ntw vork City
November 2&-w
, ,1
I ill Ull I Ui wobavahad U yeara'
experience In procuring Patents, ravealt,
Trude.Marka, CopyrlghU, tie.. In this and
other countries. Our Hand Uook giving lall
tnstrurtpins tn Patents Ire Address, 11 ft.
fc A. P. LACEY. Patent Attorneys, tot T
St., Washington, D. C. JAn.ftfo
l-e 1-4 I go and dare before vem
JLV JJjKw JL die. rooeihlpif mlgMy
and sublime leave be
hind to conquer lime." its a week In your
own town. 14 outfit fre. -No rltic Every,
ihlnir new Capital not required. Wt will
furnish you everything. Manyar making
fortunes. - Jajlles make at mueh at men, and
bo)t and vlrlt make great pay ltplutr,ll
you want butlriVtt at wbleb, you fall tatka
great pay all Ibe time, trrlt In? particular!
tn H. IUllsti k Co., PortlahdMalnt.
D JlhrB-AOrD. .
woaiu yon ie riord
enu RinniD aim t"
eMll4lM rDIOpl. AmattM. mmmm pm
rvC. T.Y. KrjAN,Oc(lBSurg K.Tn Ji)iry