CHAS. M. SWEENY & SON Are offering cxtiaordiumy inducements to nil Buyers of Choice Groceries, and Prorisions, DRESS AND DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, OIL CLOTHS, Queenswarc, Wood and Willlow Ware, &c, BSf- DURING THE HOLIDAYS ! Remember the Place, Old Post-Office Building, Bank St Lehighton, Dr. N! -i? M tr ie? n v M py -k ff i i B1 li 1 Emm ilUUU iWl IV V fl! 8 ifcj. hi V E V ' THE LIMEKILN CLUB. TUB PRES1DNTB ADMONITION TO TOE DI- FAItTINO COLORED LECIUnEIl. INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Livor, Bow- Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi- Jry to its efficacy in healing tho above named diseases, and pronounoo it to bp the m?o'r -nrMnnv Tt"mwxr 'vr at a at Guaranteed to Care Dyspepsia. JgiT A GENTS W A-N T E ryiSD .Laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists pell it. liYKENS, JlAcrms OA.. Pa. Dn. Clark .Totikson: My lwdv was literally covered with Tetter, for which Iconic! get no rellefuntll I took jour 1NL." AN IILOOU SYRUP, which lias effectually cured mo. I rccomnicml It h'uhly. 11NOUH Jir.KOEU. My Veritable nntl Flower Peed Catalogue Tor' 1 Hh3 will tie s;nt t kee to all wlm Apply. Lusioincn of last season neid not write for it. All seed sent Iroin my csuUiihniciit warranted toiwboLli fresh and true in name, so i tr, tltat bhoulil It i rot e cilif rw itc, I nree iu rclU tlie order pratl. My collection of vegstahle fceed vnt of the inubt ctcnsise lobe frjunj in any American catalogue, an. I a Iirri part of It is cf my own jrrtmniff An thv orU'Iitiil tntrtMlnerr P Eor,y OIiin fitiLl Iturlmiik Jultttocf. Mnrlilf lirtnl Early Cii-n. tiie llnliliaril nn-i sd re of oilier mvt t fniie ihc patron 3 age if the puhlie. In lha cinletn and en the farms of'-J those Alio plant my seil will l found my best A'lvtrtise n mciit. James J. H. Gregory, Martichead. Mn.M An English Veterinary tmrgcon and Chrmlst, nnw tratulinff in this country, says that most of tha iloisu it ml Cnlllu I'ou tiers uld lierc arc worth ier traj-L. 11c Bays trial Sheridan's Condition liwlii nrn iihnlnlnK' mtri mul lmmrntlv valuable. Knthinv on eirtli will make lieti. l.iy like Flieridiin's Cut dltion I'ovwferp. I Jose, 1 iCTtpoonfiit to 1 pint food. iSukl nery where, or Bent by ir H Ie(ier-,iumii. I. S. JoiiNtUN A; Co., lObio,MAb RACINE, WIS., WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OP Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, onflnln? ourselves strictly to one class ol work: by employing nouo lmt tlio ijont tKJlKN, usliis nothing but FIRST-CLASS IMPKOVKD MAOHINEHY ami tlie VEllx" SKLKCTED T1MD1SR, and by a TUOItOUOU KNOWLEDGE ol tho business, we have WHEELS," And by confintrj or woiii4. il HET of SELK justly earned the reputation of making THE BEST WAG Manufacturers liavo abolished the warranty, but Agents may, on their own responsibility, give tho following warranty with each wagon, It so agreed: We Hereby Wurrnnt tho Kisn BUOS. WAGON No to be well mado In every parllc- ularandol good material, and that tho strength of the same la sufficient for all work with fair usage. Should any breakage occur within one year from this dalo by reason of defective material or workmanship, repairs for tho same will bo furnished at placo of sale, freo of charge, or the price of said repairs, as per agent's price list, will be paid lu cash by the purchaser producing a aainple of the broken or defective parts an evidence. O Knowing wa can ult you, wo solicit patronage from every section of tho United States. Send for Fries and Terms, and for a copy of TUB ItACINU AGHIOULTUH 1ST, to V1SU illSOS. & CO., Undue, ffll. "Am TrnsUe 1'ullbaclc lu do Hall to night?" asked (lie 1'reMdeut ns the band censed bltigiuj,', niul n window was low. crod to let tho sinolto escape, "lie air, sir,'' wns tho prompt answer, ns l!ro. Fullback rose off his stool. "Please Btep dls way." When tho tall form utld Bhtnlngpnto of tho number bad toed tho mirkbofore the desk, llro. Gardner coutluuen: "Brudder l'ullbnck, I has received it letter nsln' permishnn fur you to wislt tho town of Akron, O., nti' deliber yotir celebrated address on De Rise an' Fall nb do Hill Pence. I 1ms answered dat ya:i will bo dar' on lime, your shoes nil greased ld cocn's-ilo nn' your froat in tood shapo fur a two hours' Bpcoch, l'tillhack trembled with emotion, and nvirninrs of lulmlnuiou were heard from every corner of tho ball. "Before you sot out on d!s journey, resumed tbo President, "I want to gin you a few word of fatherly advico. You will fur a time represent do cnll'd clO' mcnt of Detroit, an' you will bo p'inted out as u well-known memhir of do Lime- kiln Club. All yonr words an' deeds will bo token noliss of, an' people will forgit do sizo of ymir ftt in deir anxiety to lttio whether jou nm second-growth hickory or basswood tluiued ober. Dnn't cir'y de idenh tUt you own nil do co'urr hits in Di lmit an' am waiting ftu n s.itlii. rise ol 200 per centum bofo' KCllfcl' Don't tnko along any bras, watch chain or doll di tdoh diamond, an' do luet limo jou seo anjboly look twice nt yer nc.v ilnc htt take it off and brush de nap do wronx way oj ycr elbow. "Doftti't talk boss, teligun, pnllytiokR, freo trido nor proteckshnu. What you duati' know on dose subilcs would fdl a big book, an' what you do know you can'i half tell on account of ycr astbma. 'Yiu will bo offered tho freedom of de city in a lin box. Accept it wid thanks, but pay fur ycr berrnn' cigars, nn' brin do bnx home to keep cold biscuit in. ' In couversasEun bo pleasant and oonit-ous an' pliable. You will fin' men iu Akron who ilati' believo dat do whale swallered Jul. ah. You am not sent dovtn dar to convince 'em. " Keep tobor,'y yer m mey in the pockot iu yer fhirt, an' bick to leave n good oplnyuu behind you. As yon will have to gjt up at fonh o'clock to.morrer mawin' to colon da airly freight train fur Toledo, you had bet go homo now au' practice on lookin' like an old trab er whllo biylu a railroad ticket." Sir Isaao W.ilpolo being temporarily detained at Lome to club a cat, Wuydown Btbee passed the bean-box nud ationnc ed tbo election of the following candi dates Tvj so Smith, Loos ly Jonei, Al phabet Brown, Pitti-burgli Sam, Captain D'll 1, Pri.f. Cotto1), D idger Brown Drorl Scolt Wliilo, General Greene, Suuris. Clayltn and Contiuued B ker. MISCELtANEOUS. Every farmer should t least have one cojnly paper, and that paper tlieuld be tho AnvuOATK, which contains all the latest lo cal news. Only $1.00 a year. A blind man should not be a Judge of colors. Bo not the first lb ouarrel with a friend. If you desire to know, do not fear to ask. Honest loss ! preferable to shameful gain. -Frugality provides an easy chair for old age. -An ill servant will never bo a cood master. -If you are in debt, somebody owns part of you. -Trust not the man who promises with an oath. -Nothing is troublesome that we do will ingly. -We seldom repent of having eaten too little. SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Uenewer" restores health and vigor, eure3 Dyspepsia, Iinpotoncc,dex- ual Debility!" $1. I -Always look on the bright side of every thing. The sweetest rose grows upon the sharp est tlinrns. Never spend your money before you have it. A truo man will not swerve from the path of duly. Bustle Is not industry, nor is Imprud enco courage. Desperate, diseases must have desperate remedies. Never put oft" till to-morrow what you can do to-day. "KOTJOH ON BATS," Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants bod-bugs, skunks,chlpmunks, gophers. 15c Druggists. ARMERS' COLUMN. J. F. HALBACH, MusiC DealbII -AND- Instrnctor in Music LEHIGHTON, Penna. A full line of all kinds of MUSICAL IHME1JTS, Sheet Music, MUSIC BOOKS, Sec, is constantly kept nn band at the Wure Ilooni, near tlie L. Jc S. Dput. Sole Agent In the Lehigh Valley for BelminG Pianos ! Call and see them; they have no stipciinr. Also, Agent fur Weber, Decker, Connor and J. P. .Halo Picnos, Ana varions Mate of 0R6AHS Instruction given at Pupil's residence on Piano, Orgau, Vinee end Theory. ik-2S ALsstare to.YoniiE Men o.v tui: or A Tiee'ura on the Noluro, Treatment nntl Ktvlteal cure of Seminal weakne, or Sponn nlorrhoa Induced by Sutt.Aoune, uvulnuinry VUulsilunf, linputeney, Ncvoub lehltlty, uiul Imodlinenl to Murrtiu uonerallv t Con. umptlon: Epilepsy and Tits; Mr'iiMtl nnl j -ny ate in jiicipucuy. ?ny t .1 WHO IS UNACQUAINTKO WITH THE OEOQRAPHV OF THIS COUN TRY WILL SEC DV EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE GHIGA00.RQGK I8LAHD&PACIFIC ffT By the central position of its line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route, and car ries passeueera, without chance of oara, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Blutfj, Leaven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. It eonrccts in Union Depots with all the principal lines or road between the Atlantic and tho Taenia Oceana. Its equipment la unrivaled and magnifi cent, belne composed of Moot Comfortabto tnd ",r,u",l,i WB' oioaei, iiiBgumcent uoiion uc cllninc Chair Cars, Tullman's Prettiest Palaca Bleeplnc Cars, and the Ueat Line of Dining Cars In the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri lliver Polnta. a-wo Trains between Chl coco and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via tho i'amoua "ALBERT LEA ROUTE,,f A New and Dlreot Lino, via Seneca and Kanka-' Svee,iia? "ccntly been opened between llichmoud. Norfolk Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- fusta, Nashville. Louf svlllo, Lexington, Cincinnati, dlanapolia and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and Ot, Paul and Intermediate points. Trains Passenger Travel on Faut Exprecs .Tl?Ht.a!.0.aleat aUprlnolpal Ticket Offlcesla tho United States and Canada. Baggage cheeked through and rates or fare al, ways as low as competitors that oucr lefcs advan tages. Por detailed Information, get tho Maps and Fold tsrs of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Offioo, or eddross R. R. CABLE, E.ST. JOHN, VlMftci. t ato'l U'T, GeulTkL4roii.Ajt. CHICAGO. OUT THIS OUT! We have stores In 15 leading Cities, rrom wnien or agents obtain uielr etirrlles qulcuy. Address Never buy what you do not want bo cause it is cheap. Never trouble another for what yeu can do yourself. Walk swiftly Irom temptation, or it may overtake you. Self-denial and patience aro euro to meet their reward.- Past services should forgotten by the recipients. Perseverence is tho bridge by wbtcb difficulty is overcome. Imitate the Industry of tho ant and the frugality of tho bee. A mere nothing -0. A timely reminder A clock. Patent medicines nro now made thai will euro everything txcept bams. A piece of oletl in a Rood deal like a raau when you got it red-hot it lposes ils tempsr. Vnv is a railroal so patriotic? B cause it is bound to tho country with the strongest ties. "Jin, djn'tyou rtm mber that one day n ftw years nc,o, you swooned?' 'Yjs, my dear, I have a l'uint recolleo tioiof it.'. A coat-tail flirtation is the latest. A wrink'ed coat-tail bearing the dusty toe marks means "I have spoken to your father." Shall wo try Market-Qardenlnp 1 Every season lurn Ishes Its crop of unsuc cessful merchants, or mechanics, who ask our agricultural editors If market garden- Ingdoes not pay large profits, and if there is not a good chance In this business for an. Industrious man to better his condition. Judglngby the high prices the average citi zen pays for bis vegetables In the large cities, It seems to him that there must be money in raising vegetables. If he could remove to tho country ,say within an hour's ride, he could attend to bis city business without loss of time, and by hiring a good girdoner, be could Ituyo cheaper vegetables and fruits, and add something to his in come, by sending the surplus to market Nothing looks more feasible on paper,-noth ing is more delusive in practice. Every business, to be successful, requires a sponsiblo head, thoroughly acquainted with all its details, and giving It bis personal at tention. There aro many points In market gardening that can only be learned by ex perience, anil II a stranger to the business undertakes it, he will pay dearly for his education. Some three hundred dollars to the acre are needed as capital to carry on tho business to advantage, even when a man is'practlcally acquainted with It, and knows how and whero to invest every dollar. The questions to bo solved, are location in refer ence to market, soil, what kind and haw much, What crops to grow, what kind of manure to apply to a given crop, and the quantity, what tools are wanted, what seed to plant, what teams are needed and what labor to carry on tho busiuess successfully, and. have no waste. The cultivation of a few square rods for a family Supply of small fruits and vegetables, might prove profit able and healthful, whllo market-gardening in the same bands would prove disastrous. Market gardening is a remunerative busi ness when a man understands it, bnt It is far from being an easy road to wealth for those who have all the details to learn. Agricullurut. WMW GOODS , (I- ,-". BOTTOM PRICES! FAIBllJEAMC? ! At Winteraute's BOTTOM Price Store f A full line of Fall and Winter Goods at LOWER PRICES THAN E YER. I hare just added a nicee ot Men's, Youths' and Boys' mm ao(Dfs mmm to my stock, and at prices that are away DOWN' Farmers and others desiring a gen teel, lucrative agency business, by which $5 to $20 a day can be earned, send address at once, on postal, to II. C. Wilkinson & Co., TJ5 and 109 Fulton street, Now York. Why? Because I bought them low and for cash: and will sell them low. Call and examine stock be fore you purchasing- elsewhere. No trouble to show Goods and giye Prices. W. S. WINTERMUTE ;iiiLjt.t9iui:il:iiiiuuiuuu' jlj (inpraarani' ;! affiaiESDsro P'Mil. till Hit VUiliUIUiUiiMiK' llij 1 ,...,......M.,,rtt- 'ill' jiitemui&Slj'iji II! MS! THE GREAT GEf REMEDY FOR PAIR. Relieves and euros KltliUJIATISM, Ncuralcla, Sciatica, Lumhrgo, it.icriAcici:, HUMEF, lKTEiCUB, SOLE THROAT, QflNSV, BW M. I.IS08, &ui, Cuts, Cruises, rnusTMrEs, lU'ItHW, sc.ti.ns, And til tidier Iwvtll kcLci tul mlDI. Hflt CENTS i BOTUE. PM.llij Ml Dniril.K nr OiAlur. nir.itiuu4 lu 11 Ibiibuikci :hgChu!csA.Vor;cUr C9. (lucMiM-t u A. Vwrl.r t C.) iUUiuurr, UJ C. S. A. Our 1 neloriei, ajid l'riiirlinil ttfilrrs are at lliie, l'.i. bjud (or pur Nu ir CuIuIokuo and 313 LaoUnwnnna Ave GCRANTOH. PA. teruii to a&onu M. II LOWELL ACHING NERVES CAUSE AGONY TERIIY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER KtlNCIS RELIEF! auiuor 't ti.ei :.W'ji?n.Jv uroon hook." ao. ('&?5to'.4,!i!"!'k-''i"i The worl.l-renown..lanlinr. in this a.lmlr- t'-T (KSSfffC-5 " Xt.: perience thai the awful tuowiiueiipei afrielU '-5 ffs, 1 tl' liti, T.".',1.' H".'".", "" ' Ivtju'o may ho ellccttinlly remove.l without t f 51 m T B'oiViVflVctu" -T" I jtriimonis. rlns or cor.ll.ils i polntlmr out a NewSmA 4 Xn?XJ?;3?:$!ij&-'x mode ol cure at once cert.i n iiikI o lent tl. Iiv I o) VWV' CiJ "wu;iiw,itai.rt,rfi, which every ulU-ror, nn in.itier wh .t his cim- -tS--' -J V'-''VVK'' "o 'f '.'.'.'.iT-. i illiton rajy he, may cure himself cheaply, WtllllTt -oIvAKSj !T-,,.,f''!,'';'i ...,. n, urlvaiely.nd radically. o.-ii-iii iJJiJAiiU.ii;j.,i.,u...-.;.. - rl Itcture Kill prove a 6io.i lo Houi- 1 .audi undlhomitaitt. Sent under senl. In ft plain envelope.tti any I ddrs. on receipt ol sir cents, or two post-1 1fii'fT'T" stamps. Address MMMmriSST SB Esl J-VtNTERripP-.nTF UEURALGIA CCIATICA TOOTHACHE EARACHE And tho wliola noiiouj family of nerva. dboascs aro cured by 1 1 ittfioi-lll SURE I ALL RESPECTABLE DRUGGISTS KEEP "PAIN KILLER." Never open tlie door to a little vice, lest a great one comes in. People swear becauso tbey know'their words are worthless. Mornlnsj for work.evcnlng for thought, and night for repose. Time is the precious of all posses slou', but least thought of. Cherish no unkind nor revengeful feel ings toward thy neighbor. On Thirty Days Trial. 1 Thk Voltaic Uklt Co., Matsliall,-Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro Vid iae Belts anil Electric Appliances tin trial lor thirty days to men (young or old) .who nrnaniieted with nervous debility lost yi tlaity and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health aud manly vigor. N it. No risk is incur red, us thirty days' trial is allowed. 5.1y When angry, eiunt ten before you Siieuk ; if very onry, ono hundred., Slippery sidewalks are signs ol fall. A light sentence To bo burned at tho stake. When the clock strikes one there is no legal ri dress. The Navy Yard -Three feet (same as any other yard). A tie vote When two people agree to get married. The most obstinate cases of Catarrh and Hay Fever aro cured by the use of Elv's Cream Balm the only agreeable remedy. Price 51) cts. Apply into nostrils with little finger. From Major Downs, Military Initructor, Mt. Tleasant Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y During tho very cold weather f was suffer ing with Cutarrh. My head and throat acted so severely that I was obliged to give up everything and keep quiet. Ely's Cream Balm was suggested. Within an hour Irom tho lirst application I lelt relleved.tho pain begin to subside. In two days wus entire ly cured. W. A. Downs. Feb. 15, 1881. My son, aged nine years, was afflicted with CaUrrh, the use nl'Elv's Cream Balm effected a complete cure. W. E. Ilamiiian, uruggist, tasum, ru. Music should always be written upon note paper. For giving a striking bint nothing com pares with a clock. Digging a ton of soil is a fair day's work lor a son of toil. Tho boy alwats goes right to the core when he gets bold of an apple. Surrogates court T Well, II not married and not too old, of course they do, An English neighbor invests largely In riroceUiu eggs. He says tbey hen courage his imultry. Lite's contradictions are many. Hot words produce coolness, and sjlt wuter gives m, fresh fish, A Moutma man who can't spell bruin has killed twenty-eight in side of five months. rv-EfOMrfTO.N liRUTNKY, zl3 Hoot and Kline Makkii, liauk Ml., jenixnioii au wor- wartauieu, i MONEY IS MADE hj Judl.lous Investments In Wall Street. We sndFEEE. to an; address, full Inloruiatlon of a system of o)ruU g by which sumsol CIO, 8-0. elOU or o.oro outn return T. L. Miller nn -BUDEBJ AND luPOET-IUl OT HEREFORD CATTLE COTSWOLD SHEEP BERKSHIRE SWINE. BlUl B. VIUU "' I-I--1IU Hips sVMIillWIIIII- pfodis. "EDOAR EOOTAY ft CO., 6 Wall I,,...,, w J, ItresLKewYor-. v '!.. UEccnin, Win Co., Illinois, ALMOST AS BAD. What the Fcrplexcd do In Cases of Emergency. I 1 I'll lell you tho honest truth," nnsnercd tho (tooior, "HrlKl't's Disease bulhers tho ii edleal men aluiLst us ti.idly as cunc-r does. IUvIuk pissed a co.tnln staKe, tolh mlnt siini-jia to etcroiiy. It mij ho uuprorcsslon. nl to let out the sccret.hut whenever a patient i-oines to me with Ilrlxht's llljiii-e. or any k ilney Irouhle actltiul ke II, I tell hluHo put on HUNSON'S OAI'umiil'OllOUS PLXSTHIt without deloy." 1 ho doctor snuko ty tho card. The Pa peine tnri rluht to liin spot, iryoucanhe be I pel, tia peine will dolt. Jook out TurTrauds. Is the onl I'Al'i INK cut In the middle of the plaster? lfsn, v are all rUht lie IS cents. Seai.ury it Jolinsjn. I'he-n.s's Nr ork. ailiyst awards. Jin.s;, ISil-lm, .'Belter be wise by the misfortunes of others thau by your own," Tuke warning in time. Avoid quack nostrums by which thousands annually ptrish. Uso only such remedies as aro demonstrated above sus pieiou, fermost among which is lidney Wort. For torpid llyer, bowels or kidneys, no other remedy equals it. It Is sold in bitli dry and liquid form by all druggists. Sealskin has been in such demand dur ing tho winter that old ladies can have no reasonable doubt as to what becomo of their cats. The mania fur adulteration Is so great that you can't buy a quart ot sand and be sure that It ! not half sugar. A retired shipmaster vlsiteil a country school the other day, and (aid it reminded him of old limes. It was a literal school of wails. A recent brido's dowry Included a f 1,000 set of Ulse teeth. And her husband when he Sieaks of her precious mouth knows what he is talking about. A Colorado man wus recently killed whjle gathering a scuttleof coal In his bark yard. After few heart-rending occurren ces like this, wives will begin to learn their houeshold duties. Life for the hopeful youth Is full of lo morrow. The o'.i man who liveson yester day bar 'slender diet and very little com-foil, Interesting and Valuable Results. The experiments with Indian Corn t Houghton Km in, as so far reported, show : 1st. How such u work ought to be com menced tho general uniformity of the toil proved by examination and by raising crops without manure. The land is accurately laid off into fifth-acre plots, two rods wide, underdrulned by a tile drain through the center of each and accessible at the lower end for examluutiou of the dialnogfjwnters, 2d. How it should be conducted so that all the plots and all parts of each plot should bo subjected to the same influences plowed at tho same time, harrowed at tho same time, planted the same day, tilled the same lime, and so on, to tho harvesting, and husking, and storing, the plan being to sub ject each plot to precisely tho sainc'iufluen res from first to last. 3d. They show, incidentally, a remark able effect of drainage (noted below); they roll 11 nn the views taken at Ilothamstcd in regard in the relations ol barn-yard man-. ure to soils and crops, which depend not so much upon its chemicle constituents ns up on upon ils physical properties, and the re- l&t'ons of the soil to moisture ; and they ii dici'e that tho best results to be ga'ncd Irom commercial fertilizers will be in con necuouwitn Lan.-yurd manure. 4th. It is clearly shown that manures affect tho amount of moisture fouiukin the graiu as harvested, and that the weight ol the bushel of the same kind of corn does sot depend altogether upon ils dryness, as usually supposed, but m a measure upon its coiiipuctnes!, which is influenced by the relations of the soil to moisture, and manures. The curious development or fertility ly drainage alluded to, occurred in this way Some years ago a portion of tbegrouud now occupied by the experimental plots was used to lest certain commercial fertilizers. No effect of these fertilizers as observed upon tho crops of 1878, when they were ap plied, nor in 1879, but III 1880, after tbo drains were put m, a marked effect was vis ibb, which was also noticeable in tlio crops of 1881. This clearly indicates, either that by means of tlio drainage the roots o I the plants were able to penetrate deeper into the soil, and so hudjaoress to elements of fertility which bud sunk beyond llicir reach, or that tlie soil through the elfeets of drain age was able to draw up moisture with whatever of fertility it might hold in solu tion, from a lower depth thau bofore,nr both of these causes might have contributed to the increased crops over this area. Aqricul turht. Live Cattle Weight by Measure. The only instrument necessary Is a meas ure with feet and inch marks upon it The girth is the circumference of the ani mal, just behind the shoulder blades. The superficial feel arc obtained by multiplying the girth and length. The following are the rules to ascertain tho weight of the ani mul : Iflesstban one foot in girth, multiply superficial leet by eight. If less than three and more than one, mul tlply superficial feet byeleveo. If less tl an 5 and more than 3, multiply superficial feet by sixteen. If lei s than seven and more than five, multiply superficial feet by twenty-three. If lees than nine and mora than seven, multiply superficial feet bv forly-two. Example: Supiose tho girth of a bullock be si I leet three inches; length, fivo feet six im-hes; the superfieial area will then be thirty-four, and in accrdance with the pre reeding tahle,tbe weight will be seven hun dred and eighty two pounds. Example: Suppose a pig to measure in girth two feel, aud length one foot nine inches. There would then be three ami a half feet, which mulllplyed by eleyen,gives thirty eight and a halfiMUndsa the weight of the animal when d retted. In this way the weight of the four quarters can be sub stantially ascertained during life. Is the Sacred hlms monks. "Save us from our improvements! cry of our boasted ctvilizatiou. Ouray, Odnrudo, people pay Sir) a Ion for coal, and it is the soft coal at that. Abraham Lincoln's birthday was cele brated iu San Francisco, Feb, I2tb. Liquor lends to drag down, and nothing iu It or about it tends to eleyale nun. Colonel Ingersoll snys that "colleges are were bricks are nolitbed and diamonds dimmed." on esaii get JPzss Bismally fcemt sis jjs 31 opposite f lae CJarBDosa Mouse9lllaaBflB& taeee9 mom 9 The American ABtipariai OMENTAL JOURNAL ! ! Published by JaMEsox .t Mortal!, Chicago, III. $3peryeur. Edited by Stkphkn D. Ikkt, devoted to Classical, Oriental Eu ropean and American Archtcology. 11 lustra led. This Jonrnal gives information on discover ies and explorations in all lands, nnd is. very valuable to thoso who are following Anti quarian subjects as well as to the common eadcr. upr8lf THE I IMI-E-tU-r.-A-M-S-l As It Is for U tho piUnful dcasca ot tho KIDNEYS, LIVER AUD KOWELS. It cleanses tho system of the rcrid pcl50n that causes tho dreadful PUrfrr vrhic only the victim of rheumatism can realize. of the worst form- cf thii tcrrlbTortlseaee have been quickly roliovetl, fntllaELorti time ptnf uotut tuiau, micziji. M)unr mn, fold ij nuicriSTS. till Srr can be rent b-rmnU. WlXLS(RICHAltDSONaOO. Ilurllnrtmi.Yt BEBHBsBBgi ays By the Combined Treatment of EXCELSIOR RUPTURE PLASTER AND HEALING COMPOUND ! Fositive evidence of Wonderful Cures sent on receipt of 3. stamp. July 15-yl Address, F. II. MERRICK, Ogdensburg, V. T. This is Your Grand Opportunity! J 7Si Silas M. Brinstock, WrUhlsvllle, Fa., says i "Thseftecl ol Brown's Iron Bittern in chrouja llyer complaint Is unsurp-sied,'' 0SEPH J0IAS, In order to make room for Spring Goods, has made immense Reductions in the' Prices of his stock of Winter DBffiSS and INftY OOOS9 !Ladie9 Coats aBMl jPoimaiis? In Gent's, Youths' and Children's 1 -AND- Immense Reductions have been macle! REMEMBER, JOSEPH JONAS' Is the I April 29, 1882 'iiace : ED. W. PBIST, Manager.