juunrTji,'AJUi.woW-CT3cjrq.irTi MI30ELLAKEOU3. Eycrj farmer tlmuM it Icail hare on ttunty ppr, AnJ that psper should bo ILs Ai)TiiOat, which conUIni all the latest lo cal ntirt. On Ijr $1 00 a year. Seymour IUJi'ii, tho Kngllah etcher, rftrnlly arrived In this counlry, saj-t that ust before he left Kngltnrt he nsked'Sir 0.rge DaseDtlf Iir had ever becu in Ainorl , nnd, on his laying he lind, asliod htm to nil about Hi lie saitl he could tell nothing about it) he had no Impression elh.ul It. Whit did he think of New Yt.iM lie didn't think nnjftlilni; nlxml it. Had he twn toNioRara! Yi'S. What did lie think of lit He didn't think ofll at all. Whin was ho In America t 8lx(T-fnir years and three muni hi ago, and lie li nntr tixty. flye. BKINltV MEN. "Weill Ilratlh llsnower" restores health and rigor, cures Dyspepsia, Iinpolenecdex oal D.-Uility. $1. A man who ventures upon the study of tclenee stcr his ninrrlapo is apt to have his mind dlver'ed by nunv considerations that do nut properly arise from that study. A younj Brooklyn husband hain't fiulsted half a down chapters of a work on geology before he observed to his wilei '"My dear, 1 wonder if tlio. women of the glacial epoch hart. cold font." Fitmoodle is a Klmrod who goes out ynrj often, and brligs In n rabbit r two. Filznoodle Is an enormous ejter, and no body cdse gts niucli of the rabbit. "I won del why nobody gels any of the shot except me," vs FiUnoodle, taking a grain of sli t out of his mouth. "Because nobody rise gets any of the rabbit, I suppose," replied his wife, with tolling sarcasm. ' "ROTJOH OH EATS." CliMra o.it r.it, inleo, roaches, llirs, ants bsd biict", skuiiki, chipmunks, gophers, lac Druggists. A debtor, who wns sued by his credit" r, cknowlfdced that ho had borrowed tin money, but declared that the plaltiir knew that It was a Kathleen Mavourncen loan. "A Kathleen Mavourncen loan," replied the court with a pur.zled look. "That's il.Judge. one of tho 'It may be for years, and it msy be for iiver," sort. Pa-mers and others deMrin; o gen tttl, lucrative agency business, by which H to $20 a day can be e irnc I, send mMrcsi a' tine, on posl'nl, to II. C. Wii.khsos ,t Co. 193 and 1)9 Fulton sireat. New Yirk. CHAS. M. SWEENY & SON Aret offering extraordinary inducements to nil Buyers of Choice Groceries and Proyisions, DItESS AND DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, OIL CI.OTIIS, Qucenswnre, Wood and Willlow . Ware, &c.,' BT DURING THE HOLIDAYS ! Bemcmbcr the Place, Old Post-Office Building, Bank St.,-Lehighton. to 1 plnl food, SuW tvury w litre, or sniil by null W 8 Icitcr-slniuj'S. An nnpJuli Veterinary Kurreon antl Cheralit. Ttnw traveling In this country, skyt thfct most of ttit llornt! timl C.utk l'uui.tri fold In? re a ro worth Ina troth lin tofilhnl Rhnrt.l nna t V.n.t I il.tn .rowdfrs nro nb-tlutelv pure nnd Immense. y .Not tun if on eirtti will m ike lietn Iny like ShcrUtnu' Ccwittion I'owilern. Ie.lteiupootifa, i. a. tjuuxtux a wo, uosrux, habs Hi mm Emm Dr. INDIAN BLOOD SYMJP J Cures all diaeasca of tho Stomach, Liver, Eow- el3, Kidneys, Sirin and Elood. Millions testi- ify to its ofllccoy in healing tho above named diseases, and pronounce it to ho the Me Mark, west remedy known to man. Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia. OSTA GENTS WAN T E D .Jgfl Laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists sell it. IjYKENS, lucrum C6.. Pa. Dr. Ci.Anic JonMow: My bmlr was llloratly mrrrml w'lli Tftlcr. for which I could irt ro ndlcf until I took JourlNU.'i.. J1LOOU SYItl'i which lias ellcclually cured inc. I recommend It highly. UNOOII III'IJOER- Inatins Donnelly, in a recent work, devotes a whole chapter to explaining llic "Ktre of a Myth." Tho thing can b. dnno tip in four lints. A mylh is a dry nil well run In the interest of six men who us it to work the market and enrich them jelrca at the expense- of six or seven thuus and "Iambs." On Thirty Days Trial. Tint Viii.taic Uklt Co., Marshall, MIc1-., wilj sond Dr. Dv'a Celebrated Electro Vol lie Tt-U an 1 E'oetrin Appliances on trial tor tiiMf diva to men (young nr old) who ara ofllicleil with nervous .loUilitv, 1'1 yl llnity an 1 kindred !n"iol-i. guaranleeing spee-ly Kiid omiplct. rMto'atloii cl' henlth od manly yigor. N B. Mo risk is Incur re.'l, as thirty days' trial is hIIowcI. 5.1y A Ciliforuli liny Kiood an uinbicl'a in a pitr'c doorway during a rulirtious meet ing, the umbrella was attached to a Hrong ronljtlle end of'which tlio boy held In Ms hand. Eleven different people nro said to havo carried tho umbrolla tho length of the itrlnj. All the money that Gambelta left he had saved, from liis newspaper busiiiftf. All tho money wo hao-.lcU is also in the newspaper business. In fact our monct Ins been In it so long llirro isn'L any of it left. nil mwmi column. IS MANUFACTURED Bt FISH BROS. & CO., RACINE, WIS., WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OP Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, And by confining ourselves strictly to ono class of work: hy employing none hnt tho Bont of WOllK.ISliN, using nothing but FIltST-CLASS IMl'ltOVliD MACHINERY and the VEKY I'.EST of KULKCTKD TIMBER, and by a THOUUUOU KNOWLEDGE ot tho business, we have Justiy earned the reputation ot making ''THE BEST WAGOftS WHEELS." Mannfactnrers bare abolished the warranty, but Agents may, on their own responsibility, give tho following warranty with each wagon, If so agreed: Xf 'e Hereby Wnrrnnt tho KISn BROS. WAOON No to bS well made In every panic- ular and ot good material, and that tho strength of the t.imo Is sufficient for all work with fair usage. Should any breakage occur within ono year from this dato by reason of defective material or workmanship, repairs for the same will bo furnished at place ot ealc, free of charge, or tho price ot said repairs, as per agent's prlco list, will bo paid In cash by tho purchaser producing a sample of the broken or defectlro part an evidence, 0 Knowing wa can ;alt yon, we solicit patronago from every section ot tho United States. Send for Prices and Terms, and tor a copy ot TilK RACINE AGRICULTURIST, to JI91.A uitva, k Lu,f uocinei will BunliRht in Stables. D. D. Blade, M. D., wrltes lu IheMcrieuZ. , tfri'.,f (or February. .p- j . j All barns, stables, sheds and other Wild ings. Intended for the shelter of domestic animals, should bo to arranged a; (a cjnn maud all Iho sunlight possible. -For tint putpose, invarllly place. the Kills on the eastern nnLouthern tides of the building. Tlio windows should bo large and sufficient- lr numerous. There is no fear of too mnch tunliglil, cither In the house or barn. We have na right to deprive our animals, any more than our children, of that which lias been diffused so liberally, There is no ob jection to placing animals In tho basement or cellar of a building, If due caro is laken to proyido against dampness and darkness. In fast, if tliottablo Is properly constructed, tho ground floor should bo the warmest iu winter, and tho coolest in summer. Every animal seeks the sun, and will comfort it self by basking in its rays. Let thorn Kur freely into barns and cellars, and bui'd yards so that while sheltered from tho cold winds, they may be open to tho winter's sun, Irom the rising until tho going down ol the same. Some i.biecttfl'lliedirct!sun- light falling upon the head and face of tho horsn as injurious to. iho tight. It is much, more to bo feared tbat the animal will thy an I start upon the road, if lie Is kept In darkness and then suddenly exposed to a bright light. The use of blinds, or curttins during the hot months, may, under certain circumstances, be advisable. Darkness is sometimes conducive te repose, and indi rectly, this reposo to the process of fatten Ing, but with darkness, both Tilth and ne gleet are too apt to be found. The barn, cellar, or basement, is not onlya convent ence, but ollcn a necessity. If Ibis is com mndioua, with ample meant of light and ventilation, easy of access for the removal of manure, then (tin farmer has nil that car. bo desired in tins way In most stable," the provisions for pnper ventilation ore de ficient, nnd consequently atninoniacal va pors from Iho fermenting manure heap, penclrato the apartments above, whicli aro loo often ill ventilated, and exert an in jurious effect upon the animal! there con. flnod,and do much damage to harnest and carriage!.' When the basement, or cellar of a barn la needed for other purposes, as for the storage of vegetables, or where It is not practical to have a reHr, a pit may be dug ut the side of the building, over wbicl shed may be erected. Thus, in my own stable, a lil.or outside cellar, receives the horse droppings through a sliding door, on a level witli the II or of the atable, while over the pit is the row stable, the dung flom which is thrown through an opening pre teclcd by a sliding door. The pit may nlsn servo lor a pig pen, if eivcred and rntecled unl ut tho tame time open to the sunlight and air, clemenls essential to the well. being of twine, as of other animals. -Th! 1110M obf-tinato cafes of Catarrh n' Has Fevirnro cured by tho ufo of Elv'f Jr.im UjIiii the only agreeable rcniodv. Prir 50 els. Apply Inio.ninliila with little finger. From Major Diwnr, Military Instructor. Ml. IMeaianl Au le ny. Sin; Sing, N. Y. D iring lha very cold weather I was sillier ing wt,h Catarrh. My head anil throat ached so severely that 1 was obliged to give up every thing and keep timet. Ely's Cream Balm was anggiwtpil. Wiihiu un hour from tho firnt iipplieslion I lelt relieved.tho pain began to su'wide. In two days was euliro ly cured. W. A. D.wut. Feb. 15, ISSI. My son, 3d nine, veirs, was iifllieted with Catarrh, tho use of Ely's Cream llalin oUVcte.1 n complete euro. W. E. llaiuuiau. Druggist, East'in, Pa. One of tlio siddest mnmsnts in life is when n man is I mliiiig through an obi veil tad tbltiks he has loiiud u ten cent nicer, which, when brought to light, turns out to be n cough loienger. Half the fools in the world think the can prescribe for tbe sick better than the d telor i two thirds Ihlnk they can preach better than the minister, nnd all of them know they can edit tho papers letter than tbe editors. I is presenting to the public n mode id treatment fur the euro of any m those lor r I tile disease that fillet mankind, it is but just and proper II. at lha principles upon which it is foudeil'ahauld hn set Ibilh in ns clear a light s piislble. Tho time for re rrecy in such matters is p.iHt, and any plan if treatment or remedy, that will not bear the closest scrutiny of scientific investiga lion must be regarded with supicioii. It it rarely in tho history of medicine that all the indications of di.e.tso have been met by a si u x e remo ly or combination of remedies, U'lt after a conllnlid anil accurate tibser. T.'ition of all the pheiioiiicn t iiltetuling the cotirsa of an Mluiost counties! iiuuiter of cases of K ipluro, nud extending over a long term of years,. a preparation has been grad ally perfected, which, In a most sitrprislnj and satisfactory manner meets Iho txite rHtuironienls for the permanent Relief and Curd of lliinliire, oven in its tit it ohttlnat forms. Fjr lha lunellt of Ihow of our read crt who have nt hid the npinrtiiniiv of letting tho in lill of Eteelaior l'.uplu Trmtmnt for Iheiiilolres, wo ok Ih it you send to K. M. Merrick, UletitUiiri. a. i for his Free Uonk on Rupture. J, F. HALBACH, MusiC DbaleR HO ISUNACQUAINTIO WITH THI OEOOHAIHr Of THlSCOUH TRVW1LL6CCDV EXAMINING THIS MAPTHAT THE -AND- l ns tructor in Music LEHIGHTON, Penna. A full line of all kinds of 10lUUiUi Sheet Music, MUSIC BOOKS, &c, 1 constantlv kept on hand at the Ware- Itourn, near the L. i S. Depot. Sole Agent in tbe Lehigh Valley for Belmine: Pitmos ! Call and sco I hem; they have no superior. Also, Agent for We'ber, Becker, Connor and J. P. Hale Pianca, Ami various Males of 0H6ASS Instruction given ot Pupil's residence on Piano, Organ, Vi ice and Tliei ry. o A Mm to Yomiwlfl ON' Till: LOSS OF Poor Peyche! A Sew York inlliloiiaire, in showiuz his new Inline to a friend, said ''Here is a niche I'T a I'ili." Woman it a niiracla uf divine rnnlra diction. Miche'et. Kit Perkins and Sojourner Truth nirt the other day. It was tho lint tlmo III t 11 and truth ever came so near to each other. tffDon't wear dingy or faded things when tho ten cent Diani-md Dro will make lb' m as good as new. They ate peificl. A I.eeturoon he r.'..lnre. Treaiicnt and Radleal cure orSjoilnal weaUna, t Sprio. atorrho.i iodtiOiKl liySell Ai'Ue, Iniol intnry Kmlssions, lioiHitercy, Ncvous llctilllty, and loipa.llineiits to Marrl ue voncrallv i 'on. iiii-rion; t:plleisy ao.1 Ki.a; Meiral nod I li)le.il Jheipiclty. &.c l)y ltiiil!:.ir .1. II I.VUKWI'm., :d. 1., author vr tt.o "Qrecn Hook." No. Th worl l-rerownvd author, in till iidtnlr. ahU Lieture. clear yiror.sluro t,is otrii o. Iierli'iieo ihar th awful coarciju.Mices of srp 4bu.e may to ettectualty rcinop,l uitiuiil dangerous su'iul opratlo a. liouil in ptriioiants, rmus or cordials: p.ilntloix cut a motteot euro a oneo eaita uaude eiaal, bv u hleh every xullerer, n-j m it'er wh t Ins con dition iniy be, may cure Llnisulf choaply. vnvaieiy nu r.tuieauy, VThultcturt ivlllprovfa to.aa to Aau Bimi una oioiiiuhis. Suit ucdi r teal. In a ntalo eat ctoee. to nm address on receipt ol six ceuts, or two pot ato si.tiups. Address The Ciilwnyt'll Mpillcnl Co., 41 Ann St., New York, Jf . Y i Post OfJlcc HoX1a. Dei ;, Jssu.lyr. CeiGAGO.ROCKISL&ND&PACIFIG R' JJy tho central position of it line, oonnecta the kstand the West by theahorteit route, nnd car rier pasaeofCfrs, wlioout change of can, between Chicago and Kamaa City, Council Slufla.Leaven worth, Atchison, Mtnneapolla and 8u Paul, It con recta in Union Depots with all the principal lines or road between the Atlantic and the Paclflo Oceans. Its equipment Is unrivaled and magnifi cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Uaffnlflecnt Ilorton Be cltnluc Chair Cars, Pullman's Prottiest .Palacs Sleeping Cars, and the lien Lino of Dining Cars In tha World. Three Trains between Chicago and Hlssouri Klver Points. Two Tralna between Chi cago and Minneapolis and tit. Paul, via tbe Pamoua "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A liaw and Direct Xalne. via Sena tnd Tttnlra.. kee, has recently been opened between Illchmond, Korfolk.Ncwport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- Sfusta, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, ,ndtanapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and at. Paul and Intermediate polnta. A11 Throuffh Pasjencers Travel on Fast Express Trains. Tiokcts for sale at all principal Ticket Offices la the United States and Canada. Uaggage cheeked through and rates of fare al, ways as low as competitors that offer leas advan tages. JE'or detailed Information, get ths Maps and Fold Crs of tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At 70ur nearest Ticket Offloo, or address u n. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, j Vloe-fiM. si u.nl ll'i'r, (lta'lTkLrui,Att CHICAGO. T THBS 15T! WohavostorcslnIO load Ins Cities, from which our accnti olitaln tholr itin Ilea nulcLlr. t'jr l'nrtorlfj, a 'til l'rliteipnl (flilren are at from which our agenti olitaln tholr sttri Ilea qulcVly. Jriv I'a. JSdai for our htsr Cutulosuo uid termi t'j font Addters 312 Lncitavtanna Avo 11 13 UUVLiZi uCf!ATOiii PA M. N, LOVELL , f 'li.!tl(. I.t aii RlV.l A .1. ? A11' lwa.uifttjfc. .tlii,i 1 autu-i. i - . - j r in its" iiLtiTi r u , W A II I !!( b I! Vttytt 1 M 1 !-UlU.KtHM-Sl.liOt.l.-ttf;ttM IK. tsCL??, .,M.-..itwa4.iiM.l,aVJ,1, fceimilealy uat t.'llinj Jeyell that lirvwrr liari been ilri'nnl in lilt un va', "All," wut Jeyell'u remark, " Jjallug on hit own watery tier." "Dues he know any thlncjT" auxlmuly Itirjulreil a Irleoil bemlmgover I he Uuty .f a icin urhu hml jiitt fallen from the rcol uf t lwuie. "D.'ii't know, I'm sure," tht jihy. tieitu rllel, ''h never JM know tny. tiiiiif, but yuu i-Jii'l toil what rllVct the (ill M.y havtf Usil Ui..a htm until he rrgaiut tvatcUuincM." mm (it Sl2 t'jt'ts WlllSt ALL Lit tilt:. JtailCoosUtiyrup. T'.i1 tfiiod, Vsalnilme. bufa t drurtwu. r-tJI.INTnN lillirrN'tSY, InsliUnal.h IIiiot ana Nnuu Makkii, Ham. SI.. Ltlilxlit, All Mork warruntut. "money "is'masb ty Jmllelous Investments In Villi Slrttl. Wi send FEEK. tnau j uililnir. fall Inluriuntlcn ut a tvstcm lit urai g liywlilett su'tsu! 1 810, if 2 5, tSlQO ur mum of. in rni.ru tarui i niuj-s. EUOAP. BC0TAY i CO, f, VaV I Street Hew iurk- w- ,l ut' Be Beady Early. A tensnn nf octivily is near at homl Sjirin is iiiinin?, with i.ts irtssiiig worV Are farmers ready fnrsmving nuil lanlii;? uvery implement tnnuit uu iirnvnnii pj Inichanil, that nn timo may be WBSlcd n making purchdses or repairs alter Hie work luu M lein. Wo Kavo known a linlf-.ilsy of jihuvins In be lost because the wliidle troes nerc not at hand. Some farmers ktart nut with their spring plowins without single plow point in stork, and when one i n'c led, tlio team is taken from the fiel and driyen to the store. Such a loss nf time is a serious mutter, and should be Ihouji hY Tully guarded against by ample provision of all such articles ol tho farm. It is u po. t'me tn mend a harrow wicn it should be at work in the fnl.l. We do not favor thai economy if It may bj scT'called that relict upon Ihene'sh' ort for innriv of tho tools ot the' farm. There are certain farm implements that may be owned in partnership, at a roller or reaper, but the constant borrowing nf rakes, forks, etc., li not a wise and economical prnctlce. Be proridi d with all these essential farm tools, and have them In good order, and at hand when the time arrives for using them. Now Is the time lo look tn there matters, and makn' alt needed preparations for, the busy dsyt that will toon be here. In the peaco of winter prepare for tbe wtr of spring. Aqriculturitt. BOTTOM. PRICES! FAIB BJDJLIiinTG M Winiermnte's BOTTOM Price Store A full line of Fall and Winter Goods at LOWETJ, PRICES THAN EYER. I hare just added a nice Jine ot men s, X outns and Boys bqsmj qq(ds mmm to my stock, and at prices that are away Why? Because I bought thein low and for cash and will sell them low. Call and examine stock be fore you purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show Goods and g'iye Prices. W. S. WINTERMUTE. Sir "STd&ia cstEa get JPwe o tieHe2im$. every! laiEig usually kepi Bus sa fflrs!-cfitSBss sirui?!ore );pfBsf !e !he Cartou l9 The. American Antianariau ORIENTAL JOURNAL ! ! 1'iihlislicd by JaMcanx & Mors. Chicago, III. $.1perycHr. Edited by Strtuktc D, Ykkt, devoted to Clussic.il, Oriental Eu ropean and American Archrcology, Il lustrated. This Jonrnnl gives li formation on discover ies and explorations noil lands, ami is very vulit-ible to those uho aro following Ariti quarian subjects as well as to tbe common ealer. aprS-tf Ee o j tho Cattle under Cover, Even now, In some of the rewer regions of the West, the easiest way to gel rid of tho manure is considered the best. The Eng lish farmers have long been obliged to feed farm animals largely for the fertilitcrt they yie'd, and this has proved thnl covered yards are the most economical. These cov ers aro not so expensive as might be sup pised at first thought. Substantial sheds, l-trjc enouich tn accommodate a hundred liea I of c. t le, niav be built at a eoit of from $1 1)00 to $1,S(I0, according to the locality mil price of labor and lumber. Tbe roof tn y be made with threo ridge txjles rest mg upon outside walls, and two rows ol pillars. There should be ample provision or ventilation and the escac of the waler falling upon the roof. .The original cost will nut be many dollars per head, and the intention this will represent the yearly cost. If this should be placed at two dol lars fur earh ntiilnal, it will he seen that this outlay is more than repaid by the Ir. 'reaicd value of the huused manure over that made in tho open yard, ami exposed lo ihcsiinand drenching rains. The saying u fH.l consequent upon the warm protec tion of Iho animals has been carefully esti mated to le at least one tenth the whole aiiooint cmiumed. In thetaviiigalone the covered yanl gives a handsome return upon the investment. Agricultural. gHE GREAT OyKEI 1-03 K-II-E-U-BI-A-'iT-S-S-JJ A It la far all the ralnTol diseases of tho KIDNEYS, L1VU.1 AEJD BOWG1.3. ItcleanseatUoaystcmcf the acrid xxataoc that caoaea tho droodful auScrlnxr whir!-! only tho Ticuma 01 rheaaiaucra can ro-uisc-i THOUSANDS CP CARES of tha front farm cf thfa terrible t'l'eaoc1 havo boon quloklj rcliovoJ, and la lAiortj IIUQV PEKrCUTLT (JUI lu. ruin tu LioriD r prt. solo hr uuic cists.1 IWEIJiL UlCHAnDSON & CO., Itm linrton.Vt CJnrcd tan I5ays By the Combined Treatment of EXCELSIOR RUPTURE PLASTER AND HEALING COMPOUND ! Positive evidence ef Wonderful Cures sent on rsrsipt of 3c. tttnip. July IS-yl Addrrts, F. II. SIERUICK, Ogdenslmrg, K. Y. WE are lew HEADY for WALL IBABi WINTER DE-COTE." T. L. Miller Co,. llaUSISt AND IlirOSTUS Of HEREFORD CATTLE COTSWOLD SHEEP BERKSHIRE SWINE. Bcecuxu, WjilCo, iLuspia, Cow Womea are Esteemed. Of all tilings that man possesses, women alone take pleasure Iu being possessed. Malherbc, Woman Is a uroblcmj man's gTcstsst ludy It to find her out.' Woman Is most -rfecl when most wo manly. Gladstone. rShaliepeare has no heroes he Las only heroinet. Kusliln. ' A liaudsouie. woman Is n jewel a good woman is a (le.imre. Sadl. . I ICwnntin lost ut E.lrn,tnch at the alone can restore It Whltller. To a gentleman every, woman.it a lady iu right of ha" tux. Dulrtcr,- . All that I am my mother made me. J. Q Ad a mi. Wm. M. Morri.f n, Wrighttville, taj s i "I have Mind Ilnwn' Iron Biltert t be a great ap;eliur aud health rest'iring iHjJicino." Persons wishing to buy Woolen and Cotton Goods Cheap for Cash this Fall, will do well by visiting our place of business ; our store is filled with a large stock of Silks, plain and bro cade Satins, Plushes, Cashmeres, plain and brocade Yelyets, Henrietta and Ladies' Cloth ; a full line of Cheap Ladies' and Children's COATS & DOLMANS a specialty; Skirts, Table Linens, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Tickings, Flannels, Muslins, a full line of Blankets, Bed Quilts, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, and in short everything usually to be found in a First-class Dry Goods Store. In our stock is one of the largest in the county, comprising Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Children's SUITS, OVERCOATS for all-large and small, Skating Coats, Cardigan Jackets, HATS, CAPS, Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, a full line of Neckwear, &c. Our celebrated WHITE SHIRT has no equal at 85 cents. Coa'ZMt"- JOSEPH JONAS, Obcrt's BuiMiug, IBank St., lielBIifosa9 April 29,1882 ED. W. FEIST, Manager. CONONDRUMS". ! What did Jack Frost sav when he kissed the violet X Wilt thou 1 And it wilted. Why does o man permit himself to bo henpecked 1 Be cause he is chicken hearted. If I were to sco you riding a donkey what fruit would I be reminded oil Tho pair. Why was Ituth very rude to Boaz 1 Because she pulled his cars and trod on his corn. If a Colt's pistol ha six birrcls, how many ought a horse pistol to havd Wc give it up. What is that a cat has, but no other animal? Kittens did Cain hate As long as he v; , How long his brother ? was Able, Why is a steel trap like the small-pox? Because its catch- What is that wc often- re turn yet never borrow? Thanks. How do you spell blind pig in two letters? PG without the I. What is that which put on the table and cut, but never eaten? A pack of cards. Why aro hogs more intelli gent than human beings? Bc causo they nose (knows) everything. Why is a man hung better than a vagabond? Because he has visable nn ans of sup port. Why is a pair of skates like an apple? Because they have both occasioned the fall of man. Why is an umbrella like a pancako? "Because it is ssl dom seen after lent. Why is a shoemaker like a true lover? Because he is faithful to the last. Why is a dog's tail a great curiosity? Because no one ebcr saw one before. irhen a boy falls into the water what is the first, thing he does? lie gets vvcr,1 TFlicn will water s'oprun ning down hill? lichen it gets to the bottom.! "V. ' . l!rhy is the lct'ttrf'ic'i'ike a pig's tail? !Bcci'u'ia;if's'ia't the end of porky ',. ' . i Im y is a dirty" man - like flannel? Because, libi .shrinks from washing. TFhy is an egg like a colt? Because it is not fit for use until broken. What is the difference be wecn a fisherman and "a lazy school boy? One bates his" hook and the other hates his books. If old Nick should lose his tail where would he go to get another? To a grog shop, for there bad spirits are retailed. Is there a word in the Eng glish la iguage that contains all vowels! Yes, unquestion ably. IFliat is the difference be tween a donkey nnd a postage stamp? One you can't lick with a stick the other you stick with a lick. iriiat is the difference be tween a French pastry cook and a bill sticker? One puffs up paste and the pastes up puffs. irhy are cowardly soldiers like tallow candles? Because when exposed to the fire they run. THiy is it easy to break in to an old man's house? Be cause his gait is broken and his looks are few. A coward boasting of his courage may deceive many strangers, but he is tho laugh ing stock to those who know him. If you count the sunny and cloudy days of a whole year, you will find that tho s u ns hine pretbrainatcs. . Ovii'. Anyone who is prosperous may by tho turn of fortune's wheel become wretched. Amminnus Marcollinus. IHiocvcr thou art that has become suddenly rich from great poverty, use thy good fortune with moderation. Ansonius, To avoid misfortune by our watchfulness is not so noble as to overcome them by patience. Silius Italicus. Get the Advocate $1 a year.