The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 03, 1883, Image 3

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Hit Hair Breadth Escapes from Soon and
Unseen Foes.
Troy Kamat Chief, Jan. 18, 1RS3.
Mdst c-l bur older rltikens will remember
.Mere Kilo (who lived In Petersburg Hot
torn), the hern of our stale's iHillllial tils
lory, who was ofstaltvart uuilil anil power
ful physique) who in 1853 led a colony of
our people to Piko's Teak, who fought tho
Indians on the pining and was shot through
the body, who ou his return hero after tho
rebellion was conrerted and baptized by
Elder Ueushall, of the Cliriitaln church nt
Petersburg Bottom, and became a revival
preacher of eclebrttv all through this sec
tion. They will also recall the fact that,
attacked with consumption and reduced to
a skeleton, he Was obliged to remove to tba
Hock lis in tho hope of saving his life. None
thought he. would succeed. Last fall, how.
erer,the editor of this paper met him at tho
head or the Republican river, bigger and
more robust than over. "Whv, I thought
on had died ol cousuintiuu lunirjong you.
E .lor!"
"Mt I never had consumption, man I
though M-ople thought that wus wnut nildl
me, and I thought so myself. Rut the (be
Rut the die- '
fore had sent me on u vild goose chuso alter
a loen other diseases, just as fatal, and this
whs the wildest one of isll.''
The good Elder then recounted to us, in a
charming vein, Ins juany aitveiilures lit the
lourti and rcu'ly life he hud leil,"but," ho
said, "remarkable as you may think my
warlike llle bus been, I have a much moiu
f ii trMIInff Rlnri l.i lull vim " ,
iuteresliiiz slorv to tell vou
"You ltnow what a rough, noisy fellow I
used to be, and how 1 could sUind any hard
ship. Why, ou a wager, 1 knoekuil down
an ox and it inulo with my flat. I have
fought rul!ianstborder outlaws uud Iudiuns;
but 1 was
by a more dangerous unn'iii enemy that
wis ever getting tne-more completely in his
clutches. I wus shot t by an Indian in u
fight on the plains, but tho wound hcutcd
rruililv and gvu mo but little trouble. Al
ter I re nrueil to Kutipas ttliil commenced
limtcliiug, I first bi'gau to giyc way. I had
4 dull feeling nrcompmi'd with a p.iin in
the side. Dr. Uutler, our lit mi ly physician,
said my liver was out of older, caused by
tho malaria of (lie bot'xims. I IihiI always
had an appetite like an ostrich, but mv d'l
gi'Stion bc'cnmo seriously impaireil. While
ou the circuit preaching, I consulted a doc
tor, who said I had dyspepsia. Afler that,
distressing palpitation of the heart billowed
mid ton physician taiil this was caused by
my indigestion and diseased livor wlucli
Would probably terminate, laUilly, Sumo
l.tnes 1 had a ravenous appetite, at others
none at alt. I was feverish uud then chilly.
My lood seemed to do mo no good. A spec
ialist told mo I had a tape worm? Tlmn I
vm troubled with luminal niiutititics of
water and a frequentdesirelo urinate, which
was done with dilliculy and great pain.
The specialist said I had a touch of tho
gfc el, caused by use of the alkaline water
of the plains. I then began lo sutler severe
pi ns in tho loins and the small of the hack,
accompanied with sudden attacks of ilizzl
Deu, during which I had to sit or lie down,
to avoid tailing. I was forced toabaudou
because I could no b nger ridu on horseback
or Iruit myself nut alone. I began to bo
seriously alarmed, and sought advice of the
most noted physician within reach. lie
said that my frequent hortehack riding had
jnllcd and jarred mn until the old Indian
wound, which had injured my Itldneys.hnd
bocome inflamed, lie treiited me with
medicines and electricity also, but gave mo
no permanent oeuclil. My pnitilul syniii
lotus all returned. I began to cough, gut
cry thin anil my legs were disagreeably
nuinu. t oegnn In despair. At each at
tempt to cure, my ailments became worse,
with now symptoms. I next consulted n
celebrated physician fiom tho East, who,
niter iiiuininiig unit examining ine, Fiait-ti
that I wai in nif advauitd stitgcofconaitiMii
tiou and threateped with dinheteniin I para
lysisl He-'(b"iiht I might possibly pro
long iny Ufa lor n year or two, by seeking a
(InV.rclliuate.. This was mv condition when
Ihojieo'iiJejn' yur,"itt of tho country last
aaw rite.- r. ay.v i . .1 i I
Tli'eif'I'Sfarto'd roYlKo'Rrtck'ioi but liked
this country, atyl settled here. At first the
change. iiclpid me, but about three vears
ago the. Ijenimtcuiiscil. Then I failed
rupidly that'I coiiM bo out of bed only part
oi eacn nay. Alt my mil symptoms return
ed.' At this crisis, a party of Eastern gent
mado tny house their headquurters. In the
party was a Dr. Wakefield, who informed
ine that I had a case of inriirahlo Bright'
uisruse, anu gave mo a preparation whirl:
nngnl. lie eato, ease me lor a few weeks or
mouths, but that was the best that could be
done. Around the bottle was r newspaper.
uo a newspaper whs a rarity in our home
uud I sat in my chair looking it over when
my eyo providently fell upon an article re
luting a mint wonderful cure of llright's
disease th very malady that was killing
run oy in ue 01 Warners rialo Kinney
and Liver cure, (ol Rochester, N. Y.) Con".
yiuerd that further delay would be fatal,
uud everything else failing, the next morn
ing, I ilispatrhed one ol my boys to the
irareu railroad station, many miles ills
t nt, to obtain a uoitle of the Safe Cine
Tne druggist said the demand for tho Cure
was so great thai ho could not keep it in
6li fit, nd he bad to send to Kansas City
for more. It was more than a week before
it arrived, and I was daily getting weaker.
Rut it came at hist, and I at nnre began to
Uke it. When I told Dr. Wakefield what I
wss taking, be gave ine h look, half of scorn,
hall of pity, us tiuuli as to say,
'rooa VI lloivI
he ii putting his trust iu a humbug.'
Nevertheless I persevered and for the past
year and a half I have been as stout und
rugged na I ever was in my life. After es
caping tho attacks of Indians and half o
dozen doctors. I was lying at the mercy ol
of a still more dreadful foe that was about
fcNiognietbe Kuiahing blow, when Ihat
great remedy vd-piKM in,slew my adversary,
nd plated me firmly ou my teet once more.
I have commenced prrr.e ling again : for I
louk.uim the circumstances and manner of
my cure as a direct interposition of Provi
dence, and to Providence is my services
due. That is iny story. I think it is as good
as a romance aud much better, for it Is
8uch is the substance, and very nearly
tha language of Elder Kite'" narrative.
Those who read it, and are sulfering, may
benefit by his experience, if they will follow
his example.
Xist of Letters
Remaining uncalled for In the Lehighton
Post office, January 31t
Ebberls. Owen (2)
Rnth, Benjamin W.
Cruin, Natham
Kruni, Edward E.
Kraii!,!-' A. (2j
Kistter, John
Kiitler, Jacob
MrurhofT, Henry
Mearhofl', Susau
Miller, A. It.
Nolhstein. Charles
Rex, Jacob
Rex, Leviua
Kemaly, Jonathau
Slemler, Mawena,
Seilv, Charles
Sini'th, Waller E.
Smith, W. E.
Smith, A, R
Shoemaker, Owen
White, Ri v. Mr.
Wolf. Zoeh.
Wunderly, Hallia
Wateibor, Oscar
When calling for the above letters say
"advertised." II. II. Pkties, P. II,
Public Gales.
Tha ollowing sales are advertised in the
columns of the AnvocsTR or bills havebe'n
printed at this office lor them : ,
Feb. 8, at 7 p. m. Parlor organ and a va
riety ofbousebnld furniture property uf
F. E. Whitney, ol this borough.
Feb 18, at 2 p. m. Lot on Northainpli'li
street, this borough, at the Excbuucu
Ilnlel, by Thomas Muiielman.
Feb. 21, at 1 p. in. Fifty oight acres of
Farm land ill East Prim, proerly ot
Elizabeth Giess. rjalaal Eist I'eini Hotel.
At Private Sale rO acrca of laud with farm
buildings, in Fruukliu twp., projxrty ef
A. w. uoittiisielti.
Tall and Winter Styles.
Our gentlemen readers will no duubt be
pleased to learn that II. II. Peters, the pop
ular merchant tailor, at the Puit-nlTlca, is
now receiving an Immense str-ck of cloths,
rassimeres and all wool suitings fur the Uli
and winter trade, and Iket be is fully pre-
Jured to nuke up those goods in the most
ashinnablsi and tasteful manner, at prices
wnich cannot ba disputed. Remember per
fect lit and low prices, Is ins motto.
.(.. luijiect goods.
Iw (Cartoon xms
Oar Neighborhood in Brief. (Friday) Is ground hog day.
Shrovo Tuesday- Next Tueedoy, Oth
Thirty six prisoners In tho Lehigh
count all.
The Lenten season commences tho 7lh
Wtlkesbarro has ovr400 cases ol mra
s'es. Hon. E. It. Snyder was at homo over
Mrs. Longtry and Mr. Gebbard will go
lo Wllkrsborre early in April.
fcB.llrnok's Method of Teaching and
Calrins Object Teaching kept in slock at
Luckenbach's, 81 Uroodwoy,Maueli Chunk.
W. A. 8uvder,or Belvidere.N. J., pent
Sunday with his brother, Trof. T. A. Sny-
der, ol town.
Dr. W. A. Dcrhomer's horse died on
Wednesday night of last week, very sud
deuly. It was a valuable animal.
'ESU An elegant assortment of solid silver
nedilini presents, just received at E. II.
UoblV, Munch Chunk.
Miss Llzzio DeLanty was the guest of
truest of Mls Jennie Greenwult. on Second, during the week .
?0-Vhn wants lo exqhange Town prop
erty fir n Farm of 142 acres, with good new
buildings and fine Iruit trees on it. Address,
W. M. ltAfsHKR, this borough.
Joseh Obert recelycd a car load of
Chicago fresh beel this week, which he la
selling at a very low price.
Miss DoYonng, of Stroudsburg, is visit
ing at lion. A J. Durllug's, on Bank street,
this borough.
Wo learn thst our old friend E. K.
Slroh, of Miiuch Chunk, died on Tuesday
list. Ho hail been confined to the house
for two orthreo months with malarial fever.
Jflr Tho jewelry slnro of E. If. Hohl, at
Muurh Chunk, has been enlarged. Mr. II.
intends to keep a larger anil finer stock
than ever belore.
A new counterfeit hall dollar is out.
It is mude of copper and alloy and plated
with silver, and is nearly full weight.
Robert II. Sayre, of Bethlehem, lato
Supt. of tho L-"lilgli Valley railroad, now
President ol the South Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, is to receivo a 6alary of $25 -000
per annum.
.ZD-There wus sold on Saturday, 2ith,
ult., at Ilugmiiiu's store, Leliighton, seven-ly-oue
dnllurs worth of watches and jewel
ly, lor one family.
John Fry, who lived alone at Copley,
was found frozen to death in his room Men
day morning.
Ifynu wantcsrriages for pleasure trips,
wedding or funeral purposes, you should
call at David Elibert.s livery, ou North
street. Terms yery rc isonablc.
Tho widow of tho lato Samuel Mc-
Cdtidlcs3 bus sued the Bethlehem Iron
Company fur damages, Her husband had
been a water tender of tho boitors whleh
exploded recently, and by which he was
Mrs. Polly Brown, widow uf Paul
Brown, dec'd.,ofBall!etsville, died on Sat
urday last, after a lingering illness, at the
uge of 70.
Un Tuesday, the 20th Inst., you will bo
called upon to elect your borough officers
Is it not about lime to make nominations?
Come trot out your best men.
ffi-CJ- The watches sold by E. If. Hnhl.i t
Munch Chunk, are growing' more popu ur
every day, and his sales are rapidlv incr as
ing. Low prices and fair dealing bus secur
ed him a largo run ot custom.
Mr. D.ivld Flinekinger, well known lo
the older people of the lower end ol the
county, dice, lately at bis residence at Al
lenlown. ,
A very handsomo new school house
has been erected at Nesquchoning. It will
be dedicated with appropriate exercises as
soon as It is entirely finished.
tU.lf you want.a nico smooth.ensy sh.ivc
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
Koedercr's Saloon, under the Exchange Ilo
el. lie will fix you right, and don't you
lorget it.
The school board at Lnnsford esUblish
ed a new primary school a few months ago
to prcveutothcr schools from getting over
crowded. Instead of appointing a young,
inexperienced girl to take charge of it, as is
too olten the esso, they engaged a teacher of
th rough culture and seyen years' experi-
en e. This is a move in the right direction.
A night telegraph office was nrened at
Rockdile station, ou the L. V. R. R , on Ibo
30i h ult , with David Case os operator.
a$f It will pay vou. if vou are in need
ol wuich, clock or anything in the way of
juxuiry in can on . it. limn, at Muttcu
Chi nt, and examine, his stock aud j,e' bit
prices betoro going elsewhere.
While kneeling In prayer In the Luth
erau church at Schuylkill Haven on Son-
day night .). T. Koons dropped dead from
ho irt disease. He was lorty-one years ot
By an explosion In the Warwick i re
mines at Boyertown Tuesday Robert Onlt
sliall and Samuel Bryan were thrown from
a car and both seriously injured. Gottthall
was unconscious for some time.
X-Cr-Mrs. Mamie J. Mullen, fushinnable
dressmaker, corner of Second and South
itreets, this borough. Per 'eel fits und work
manship guaranteed. Wax Flowers of all
designs at lowest prices. Winta Flowers
lor funerals a specialty.
Colonel John McComb 'Wethenll, or
Pottsville, has been elected Lieutenant
Colonel of tho Eighth Regiment, N. 0. P.
He succeeds Lieutenant Colonel William IC
- In Drehcr township, Pike county, o
whole family recently died from diphtheria.
Two small children of Sydenham. Hazleton
died first. The mother aud father died a
few days afterward.
jJt-eM. Florey, of Weissport, has now on
hand and for sale a large stock of Horse
Blankets, Lap and Buffalo Robes. Bells,
Whips, and Double and Single Harness,
suitable for winter use, all ot which he will
uisiuse of at very reasonable prices.
Silas Jonrs, a local pugilist of Bangor,
Northampton county, was severely beaten
recently in a fair fight by a woman bsr-
teuder. It Is said that Jones onco killed
man in a prizo fight in the Northampton
slate district.
A collision between two coal trains oc
curre.l Tuesday on I ho 3huiindoah brnncl
of the Philadelphia aud Reading Railinnd
Both engines were badly wrecked and the
ears piled high up in the air. Several
lite train hands made a narrow escape, by
Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Surgeon
ueoiiai, i'l uri'uuwtty, pitmen UIIUIIK, I1UI
had a practice of over 211 yeurs.and irprob
ably the oldest resident dentist In thii ml
fey. The I)r"s work speaks for itself, and
the fact that all critical work lu tho region
is given to him is a sufficient guarantee of
u s sniK-nor uuiiuy as a Burgeon uentfst.
A dwelling house nit West Hill, na
Mauhatlan Slrect, Ashley, Luzerne county.
owned by Pf ter Hoy ami occupied by Geo,
Iteiliy. was entirely consumed by firs Mon
day, together with all the furniture and
0 otbinj of the family. The fire was caused
oy 1 '''"d throwing some paper in a store
during the mi tber s absence.
Having used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
In my family for Hie last three years. I find
it is tho brsl preparation I have ever used
for Coughs and Colds, giving almost Im
mediate relief, B. Walker, General Com,
Merchant, 118 Light street, Uulllmore, M.
Tuesday afternnon'Trtnlty Episcopal
Church, rotlsvtlle, was crowded by a largn
and fashionable audience to witness the
wedding ceremony ol Lewis .Grant, eon of
William Grunt, deceased, an extenslye coal
opcintor, and Hurrirt Wynkoup, daughter
ofColonel John E. Wyiikoop. Tho rcre
mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Charles
G. Gillio'.t. Immediately af'cr the ceremony
tho happy coliplo left for New York. The
presents were very numerous and costly.
The Republican County- Committee
met at the office of E. M. Mulhaarc, Esq.,
Wednesday and electeiVtho old officers lor
the ensuing year, viz: E. M. Mulhrarn,
District Attorney, Chairman, nndiCharlcs
Orion Slroh, E-q,, Secretary. Philip J.
Boyle, of Buck Mountain waa nominated
lor Poor Director of tho Middle. Coal Field
Poor District. Thero was a full attendance
and tho meeting was very harmonious.
An explosion of fire damp occurred at
Pitlston Wednesday at (he Phoenix Coal
Co 's shaft at the upper end of that place.
Four men were burned. A shot fired In the
lop bench, next to the roof, it Is supposed,
set off tho gas. Thomas Rntchford was
badly burned about tho limbs and body.
John McGralh's foco and hands were sari
ously burned, and Martin Garrily and
Charles Barber were slightly burned about
the fa co and hands. - -
A boy of fourteen years drank a luinb
lor of whisky on Tuesday to keep him warm
before starting In u sleigh fntm Wescoesvlllo
to Hellcrlown in company with a man
named Moll. At Allentown the boy was
found to be entirely oycrromo with the
whisky ond eold, and was apparently life
less. He was taken to a hotel, and alcr
four men had rubbed him for sn hour or so
partially recovered.
At Eoston, beloro Judges Meyers and
Schuyler, Monday morning the injunction
suit of the Wind Gap and Delaware Rail
road und the Lehigh aud.Lackawunna Rail
road vs. the Pennsylvania, Slutinglon and
New England Railroad was on motion and
agreement of all the counsel interested con
tinncd'nue week, because arrangements are
being mado fur settlement of tho difficulty
without further recourse to law.
A Hungnrlan''".nomed Cnigin, while
practicing with a'piitol on Saturday night
at the rear end of his boarding houso in Ash
ley, Luzerne county, fired into an outbuild
ing, Inside of which was another Hungari
an, hitting him on the shuulderand in
dicting, as was thought at the time, only a
slight flesh wound, but which now turns out
to be probably a fatal injury. Crogan has
left the city.
Mrs. P. T. Meyer, who was charged
with throwing nt Mrs. Duesch.of Allentown,
n inowball saturated with vitriol, tried to
commit suicide on Friday. She was en
gaged to be married and the wedding was
fixed lor Thursday of Inst week. Her lover
ran away on the wedding morning. It is
' thought that with this trouble on her mind
and tho charge of throwing vitriol drove her
The collieries or the Lehigh and Wilkes
barro Coal Company, owned by the New
Jersjy Central Railroad Company and op
crated by Charles Parrish, have been in
Bpectcd by Chief Englucer Whiting, of the
Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron
Company. 3, The Inspection is said to have
been made for tho information of Mr. Gow
en. a member ol tho Jersey Central's Boa id
f Directors. It is stated that it is one of
the steps preliminary to taking the property
out of tho hands of the Receivers,
Peter Monge, an Ilalian,'wbo had been
working at Bangor, thought he would like
return lo his native country., Before
eaving lie helped himself ta $00 belonging
a fellow counttyman. Having been
caughtphis Eurnpea n.Jtrln has been post
poned I nili finitely.
Ou Tuesday altcrnoon last the old eu-
gine "Nescr.pee," of the L. V. railroad, ex
iloiled hcn near the iron bridge, above
"ackerlon, and wus completely wrecked
There were five men on the engine at the
time of the explosion, three of whom were
somewhat injured, viz: Engineer John
Miller, August Youngblood , a brakeman.ol
Muucii Chunk, and Lewis Grower, of this
borough, A closo call for all hands ou
Water Keotliirr To-Night.
You huvo un interest in the Introduction
of a full water supply into this borough, do
not fail then to attend the adjourned meit
ng to be held at Mantz's Exchange Hotel,
this (Fridoy) evenlng,ot 7:30 u'clock. Every
property owner is interested in this mutter,
and should go prepared lo support the mat
ter not only with his voice, but with his
means. With a plcu'.iful wuler supply the
borough will grow and property thereby en
hance in valuo, so that owners of property
cannot full to reap a rich roward from the
investment of funds in a Water Company.
Keep ths ball moving now it Is once started,
your 0 per ceut. will eventually follow the
Investment of capital. Rome was not built
in a day, nor will the investment of capital
always return a profit Immediately.
The Cave-In at Wilkesbarre.
Thero was a rumor olluat carlv Monday
morning that another cave in had occurred
at the "Five Paints," Wjlkesborro, but a
subsequent examination proved that such
was not the caw. The report arose from the
lact that the men aud mules employed iu
the working part of the mine were coin
pelled to come nut owing to the rapid aa
cumulation of gas, which-is being forced In
from tho sunken portion. All efforts to
reach that portion uf the colliery.which has
settled have proved fruitless, uud the party
of miners who went In for tho purpose of
making an examination as lo the future
Kssibilities,haro been compelled to nbandoa
their design. It is now thought that the
earth below lias settled probaldy aa far as it
will, find the only danger that now tbreit
ens the town Is that which may arils Irom
I he sinking ol the furnace when the frost
leaves it. Muuy pereous wera busily en.
gaged Monday in repairing and propping
their houses which wrre to shsktti uply
the cave In.
The schools in the cave-in district are still
closed, aud in all nroUlulily will remain
so until April. Ills now thought that large
quantities of gas that hare gathered in dif
ferent parts of the M mine will beforctd
to the surface by the ruahiug water of the
swollen mountain torrents Ihat aro pouring
Into the mine. Those occupying houses are
In continual dread of tbe gas being ignited
from tbe surface, thereby causing a terrible
explosion in the lower depths of Ihe mine,
which will find vent' throughout the loose
surface Mining engineers say that in case
nfun explosion the gas will find egress
through the old oinings at the foot ot tne
mountain. Too inhabitants are leaving as
fast as they can find dwellings in other parts
or the city. T ",.
Miscellaneous the weatherdurlng Ihe
past week.
Hftbonlnff Twinklings.
Miss Kuto J. Arner had been visiting
relatives and friends at Tamsqua during tho
fore part of the week, returned home on
Messrs Reuben Relrismllh and J. D.
Hofrman riut'-olil hunVcrV, lists shot two
foxes this winter.
A sleighing pnrly from the valley look
a ride up to Tainaqua ou Saturday evening.
Notwithstanding the rain Ihey enjoyed
themselves very much So they say.
As the election Is so near at band we
would rail tip-m Mir citizens to look npgnd
n ml cnmpelent men to fill all offices, espec
ially those orsclinnldlieclora and siiperylmrs.
Tlifl Couuty'Siiperlhtoiidenl, Prof. 'T.
M. Billlct, visited our school during tho
week. '
L. O. J. BlrsiiM." who was attending the
KutztowVi 8tale Normal Schoolfwos laken
sick and Is now at home.
Owing to tho Inclemency of the weal It
er for the Isst few Satuiday evenings, no
society has been held! If the weather "III
permit, the (oilely .will ireet this (Saturday)
evening at the Pleasant Corner trhnnl house.
The .programme that has been previously
unnounced will bo followed out.
The Mahoning District Institute will
ennveno this (Saturday) morning at 0 o'
clockat Mahoning.-' The progrstnme is as
follows: Primary U.auimar, A. .1. Ballietj
Pronunciation, R. It. Jones; School Gov
eminent,. W. H. Bittner, and a general dis
cussion on the'quesllon : "Which gives the
better mental training History or Geog.
Frank D. Klingaman, who has been
visiting friends In Lehigh county, returned
ou n week ago.
A. J. Balliet was on the other side of
the mountain last Friday, ostensibly to at
tend a vendue, but in reality to attend to
some "private business," which is none of
our business, even though it would be for
the Aiivocatk.
On Tuesdoy evehlng, J. II. Brown, of
Hcllc rtnwn,gave a magic lantern exhibition
and illustrated lecture at New Mahoning.
The tectum was interspersed with choice
hymns. The school houso was crowded lo
its lullest capacity.
Tho report of tho Centre Square school
tor tho month ending January 23, 1S83, is
as follows:
Whole No.ln attendance 27 29 50
Average attendance 24 22 4ft
Per Cent, of attendance US 80 91
The following is the report of the New
Mahoning school for tho mouth ending Jan.
23, 1883:
Whole No. in allendanro 25 13 38
Ayerago attendance 2, II) 31
Per cent, of attendance 89 81 85
The following aro the names of pupils
who attended every day during the month ;
Wallace P. Nothslein, Harry Reinsmilb,
Oscar Zimmerman, Joseph Arner, Erwin
A. xioth'leiu, btephen O. renslermae.Uer,
Marlin E. Nothstoin, William 0. Siller,
Ulysses G. Sitler, Irn Fritz. Albert M. Fen-
stennachor.Laura L. Sitler.Emily J. Arner,
S. Alesla Fenslcrmacher aud Henrietta
Two Mysterious Murders in Ltizerae Co.
The people ol Nnuticokenne of the bor
oughs of Luierne county,!) ro greatly excited
over tbe discovery of two murders which
have just come to light. The first is that
of the tragic death ot James W. McFarlane,
a boss carpenter and formerly Superintend
ent of No. 3 breaker of the Susquehanna
Coal Company. It appears that on Wed
nesday night of last week, whilu returning
to his boarding. house, McFarlane was as
saulted on the head with un iron instru
ment in tho hands of a person or persons nt,
present unknown. Tho motive of the dead-'
ly assault appears In have been iupired by,
an intimacy which had existed for some
time between McFarlane and tho wife nt
Samuel Cluuser, a nlgbl-dlspatcher on the
Lackawanna und Blomnsburg Railroad.
McFurlano, fur uwbi!e,uoarded with Clans
er, when tha latter begun to suspect that all
was notg!iUetwen;hiswire ond McFar
lane and a separation was tbe result. Hus
band and wife continued apart for some
time, but a short time"ago they made up
again and once mnre'dived as man and wife.
McFarlane was also pardoned by the hus
band and peace rslgned supremebut it did
not last long.
McFarlane was caught in criminal act
again. On Thursday night he received his
death-blow, but by -whom isnot known.
Clauscrsays that when be returned home
that night lie found McFarlane in bed with
the wounds upon .him. The dying mon
said he knew who dealt the fatal blow, but
that he would not tcll'uniil the next morn'
ing. Afterward he died without revcaliog
tho important facts. McFarlane was a mar
ried man, and resided iu Plvmnuth
William Fink, also of Nanticuko, who
mysteriously disappeared from bis home one
day during the mouth of July last, wus
found Friday by "a gang of men who were
clcanlngotittheabandonrd McFarlane shaft
it being intended to resume work there'
They found the body of the man upon a
pumping platform two hundred feet below
the surface The remains were greatly de
complied. Ho had undoubtedly been in ur-
uereu. it is thought tiy many that be was
killed by Molly Maguires, and an investi
gallon is to be made.
The case of James N. McFarlane, the ex
Mine Superintendent of.NnntieoUe.wlin was
murdered on Thursday night ol last week,
is still a mystery. At Ibo inquest Saturday
niglil Mrs. Clauscr, in whose house McFar
lane was fouud with his head split open,
testified that he slept in tho house but, she
was not aware as to how lie met bis death.
The husband and son testified likewise.
AquUted of Libel.
the case ol the Commonwealth vs. E. A
Nevin, an editorial writer otl'lhe stall
Wilkesbarre UnionLeaJtr.MM. Imd'beeu
occupying Ibo attenti-ni of the cntt fort
days, was divided Wedneiduy evenirg.
The jury relurned a veruict of not guilty,
defendant to pay the costs. Kjven was
charged with libeling Seiba Vanlnou by
means of a circular during the minpaign of
1E82, when Yii&hym wus a rjiididate. for
Protlmnotary on Demirralic lickel. Van
loon was defii-teil, owing, as Ins friend,,
claim, to the it tliiecre at ll e cilcutar, and
he .immediately Instituted proceeding
against Nrvln. The trial txritrd morethan
usual luteiesl, particular y among thu poli.
ti Inns. Able men wero employed on both
ailes, Vniil.H.ii bring tepreieulvd by cx
Judge Harding and John Lynch and the
defense by Attorney General Palmer and
John Lenuhau,
Weissport Picture Gallery.
M. D. Rishel, has o-i,cd his Portable
Gallery, near the Square, Weissport. Do
not miss this splendid opportunity of ga
ting pictures st low prices.
4 Fine Pearl P'ictures 2S cents
, 2 Bon-Ton Pictures 2J cents -
M Hx 10 Large firlures ,,,1.00
Old pictures copied and enlarged at low
prices a specially. ,
- F. R. Alexander, District Agent for the
New Era Life AC, of Philadelphia, was
In town Thurtdsr, and gave us a call.
tower End Items.
Dr. J. C. Kcatner, Col. John Craig, Sol.
Snyder, Conrad Strohl and 8eholt landed
with 7 head of horses, fiom Philsdelphla on
Saturday last..
Eugene E. Ash, an operator on Ihe L.
.V S. R. R, Is lying seriously III of malarial
and typhoid fever.
At n public salo near KunVeltown, Mon
roe county, Thursday, Jan. 25th, side meat
brought 19 cents per pound. Rather fat,
both the meat and price.
Monday evening, January 29th, Robert
-"nyder's shanty, nt his blue paint ore mine,
burned dnn after tho men had quit work,
Tllc'bulldlng contained some hay, shovels,
jfiwder, etc., which wero entirely consumed.
4 John Strohl is serving his seventeenth
If'")1 as constable of Loner Towamenslng
township and no doubt will be re-elected.
Samuel Zeigenfuss, Is a candidate for
re-election as Justice of tlio Peaco.
Our citizens should be wideawake In
telecting good men for school directors, as
some of our most succeisful teachers have
retired from teaching. Some of them should
e re nominated aud elected, as they have
expericnro In the school room uud know
just what is needed to promote the stand
ard of education in our district.
-The teachers ond scholars of Ihe public
schools of Parryvllla enloyed a sleigh ride
on Monday last, passing through Aquashic
ola, thence to Steinter's and home,
-Elias Roycr, one of Lower Towamcn-
sing's poor, supported by Ihe eold charity of
the township, aged about 69 years, died on
Sunday, Jan. 21st, and was burled on Tues
day afternoon, 23rd.
Wednesday night n week some of the
Lehigh Gap youths wero outslcigliiug.untl!
after midnight among them some catechu
mens. It would bo much better for parents
to keep their children at home In Ihe even
ing and havo them attend tn their lessons
for echcol next day, and so keep them from
forming ovil habits. St. John.
Pcler Yeck lost a valuable horse by
death, last week. It had inflammation of
the lungs.
The old willow tree, ono of tho largest
of the kind iu this place, which stood on the
homestead of O. O. Blose, formerly Daniel
Blose, Sr., was felled, it measured 13 feet in
Singing school at Bowman's will be dis
continued for n while after next Sunday
evening. The rudiments of music were
taliglit.and some gained considerable knowl
edge during Ihe term.
-Albert Bowmni passed through Fire
Lino Valley last Saturday, collecting Ihe
postor'a salary from the Lutheran congre
Supervisor Jnsiah Stroup is engaged
settling accounts and collecting tax.
Fred. Schmidt is busllv engaged end
ing a saw-mill, on tho properly which he
bought from Mrs. George Lower.
-Rumor says that Reuben Blnso will be
our candidate for Supervisor for 1883.
-rnnce'a P. O. received its first mail last
Monday morning. A new post route will
be opened between Bowman's and Ringgold
through Lizard Creek Valley next spring.
Mine Accident.
About two o'clock Saturday afternoon a
terrible accident occurred at Jonas Metzger's
ore bed, near Ruchsville, Lehigh county.
Tbe men wero at work in the shaft, and
suddenly, without warning, Ihe timber
crushed down upon them, followed by a
mass or earth and ore, bu'ying two of the
,nien in the ground and imprisoning three
In the trench behind the barrier. The muss
of limber and earth struck William Melz
gernti the head, completely covering hlrn,
nothing being risible but tho tips of bis
fingers. A force of men were Immediately
put to work digging him out, but this was
found lo be a difficult matter, as tho earth
fell in as fast as removed. He is badly hurt
though ft is though not fatally. It was no
ticcd that tho men inside tha shaft were
still alive. One of the men. named John
Hillard, succeeded in digging his way out,
but the passage of his exit was immediately
closed agalu by'the falling in of additional
ore and llier debris. His injuries are not
serious. Elios Hunsberger is supposed to bo
crushed todeath,as no trace of liiin has been
discovered up to a lata hour Saturday even
ing. A large force ol employes of the Thom
as Iron Company, together with a number
of other workmen, are busily engaged In
rescuing remaining in the shuft with
the hope of finding them still alive, but tbe
general belief is that Ibey arc already dead,
being crushed by the terrible weight of ore,
etc. The spot is surrounded by hundreds
of iienple from surrounding towns aud excit
ed and terror-stricken friends making in
quiries regarding the yictims of the disaster.
Latrr. The body of.Eli Hunsberger was
recovered Monday. Tho coroner's jury has
returned a verdict that death was caused by
an accident, and exonerates all persons from
Mra. Miller, wife of Philip Miller, re
siding on Northampton street, this borough,
died on Tuesday morning last, after a long
and painful illness which she bore with
great christian resignation. She leayes a
husband and one son, Dr. El, Miller, of
Altoona.lo movrn the loss of an affectionate
wife and mother.
Mrs. A.J. nrell, formerly Wlntermute,
mother of W. 8. Wlntermute, of this bor
ough, died at her sons residence, on Tues
day Inst. Deceased wos for a number of
years a resi lent of Packertnn, and wss very
highly esteemed by a largo circle of filends
of thst place, Munch Chunk and I-a h'ghtnu.
Tbe funeral services will take place at the
residence of her sou, W. S. Winlermute, in
this borough, to day (Saturday), Fob. 3rd,
at one o'ehaik p. m.
Hon. Richard Williams, on ex-mml er
of the Legislature, died ut his homo in An
druricd, Tuesday afternoon, after four
weeks or severe illness. In 1870 Mr. V 1
Mains wos elected to represent the Fourth
District uf Luzerne iu the Legislature, and
made himself conspicuous in that body by
earnestly adyocating the cause of the work
Ingmen agoinst corporations. Ho wss re
elected in 1871, and on his presentment a
charier was obtained for the Hszleton Snr
ingjjtank, of which institution he was a
director uutll almut three years ago, when
falling hralll. compelled him lo retire from
active life. He was about sixty eight years
of ago, and leaves a widow, four sons Id
two daughters, all of whom are grown up.
A Hermit's Death.
Tbe following particulars of the death of
Eldridge Hazzurd, of Braver Meadow, we
clip from the Hazleton iVaiV SjxaltroS
the 271b ult.)
The death of the harmll, Eldridge Ha.
mi'i.oi iissTer ineaaow, caused a eoinmo-
lion among tbe curious of thst village, as it
was well-known Ihat ho was the owner ol 1
some real etlate. ami thn IinnrAttnn !
. a-..n.VI. aire-
vailed with those who bad been n,0it l,t.
male wilh him, that he was alto lb. posses,
tor of some weall), tie ti,f efcajh.
John Wear was called on by some lo (ska
ehargs, but declined, unless a justice of tha
peace was brengbt 'Squire McOorvsy was.
sent for, who summoned John Wear, John
Treyaskls, Stephen Farrow, John B. Pen
rose, J. P. Reiss and Jos. Robert, six good
citizens, who were sworn to Inquire into
tho rause of the hermit's death, and also tn
search the premises occupied by thodci eased
end make true returns of ull things of val
ue that might be found. It was ascertained
that two citizens were present when the
lone man died. The search wss then be
gun, Mr. Wear, nt the suggestion of tl.o
'Squire, was chosen foreman and banker.
The premises occupied by the lierini', is
a laiard cabin about 12 feet square, with a
corresponding loft overhead, djrk und dif
ii. ul. Tim cot on which reposed tin) remains
Is a rough board structure, Just large enough
lo bold tho deceased, who was; n man six
feet tall, and built In proportion, with a few
blankets for bedding. One largo heuter,and
one small healing store stood neurone side.
One chair, a four I gged stool, a small table,
three smalt cupboards, ir closela of rudo
contt urlioo.nnil a wardrobe three feel h'gh,
and about inur feet longhand built Inuu thn
tloor with n falling door aguiiil tho wall,
comprised the furniture, Iwo trunks and six
or eight flu sis, or wooden boxis, sonio of
wlnili stood on shelves against the will,
wera louiid lo be thn d posilorics of vuli.
ables. One of thn trunks contained nolb
lug nl moment. The other was louiid to
contain several unit of yery fine clothing.
Including a handsome plush ye it ond a
beaver hat. The scorrh of tho trunks end
ed Willi the finding of only a few dollars,
wlun in tbe Interstices were d.fcovertd a
box and n wallet, which on being opened
dlspluyed a $20 silyer ceiliflcatR und SISli
in gold, Reaching up to one o the shelves,
Mr. Wear took down n boxjllml lay open
and unlocked, remarking Ihat it felt heavy,
and in it were found three hundred silver
dollars. Box after box was then starched,
ten dollars in ten centjpieces,ln a buckskin
pouch, was tbe next discovery. Tho lusi
a rude box of strong boards, was found to
bo locked, and on being pried open, reveal
ed a beautiful rosewood keepsake, that
would do credit tn the surroutidlnga of any
ludy. "Now wo have the strong box sure,"
exclaimed oue of 'the jury, Tjitt on being
opened, only a gold pen and holder and a"
pocket book with two three rent pieces
were dlfcovered. The wardrobe was then
searched, and much good clothing, hats,
caps, boots and shoes. The search was then
adjournod until after two o'clock Saturday.
Win. McNully, tho undertaker, arrived
with a coffin about ten o'clock, and with
the aid of the jury .tho remains of the her
mit were attired in his best clothes- for the
first lime in many years and laid in the
casket. Mr. Hazz.ird was, it is genncrally
believed, u native of York State. Ha never
liked tho presenee of women, and when
meeting a woman alone on the road ex
hibited much agitation and displeasure.
Regularly he took his walk nut on the
Back Mountain road, or nut on the Spring
Mountain road, and meeting n nico sapling
or a forked stick, suitable lor a cane, cut it
down and took it home. His cabin was
literally strewn with such bri.t a-hr.ioa.
Sometimes he would devote his energy to
harking down any kind of a tree, exclaim
ing as he sunk his axo into the wood'
"Sock you again, and ogainjsock you again,
you d b " .
He was a tall, powerful and very intelli
gent man, but there were but few pc. pie
with whom he would converse. A story
obt&'us, that he was about to be married at
one time, and a brother of bis eloped with
tho object of his affections. Tho evidences
ofhislifein Beaver Meadow go lo prove
that some such incident marred Ms exist
euro for many years, and destroyed Ibo no
bility of a soul that might have adorned hu
manity. The bulk of the money found ore
the savings of Ihe last few years, all in gold
and silver, and tho impression prevails that
he has luid away in same place with papers
that will identify him, tbe savings of years
when greenbacks were the medium.
Local Institute.
A Teachers' Local Institute will be held
at Weatberly. tills Friday and Saturday.
February 2d and 3rd. 1 he lollowiug is the
order of exercises-:
Friday, 7:40 r. it., (Miller's Hall.)
Recitatiniis..By Tuplls of Ihe rublio Schools
"Sleep and Dreams" a Lecturc.Henry F
Bltner, A. M.
SATcnoAT, 0:00 A. u.
First Leisons in Parsing a Class Drill... II
a. runner.
Spelling Reform D. F. Smith
Reading J. L. Potteiger
Schoil Discipline Prof, H. F. Bitnrr
Uejeci wesson a lluss Drill Miss Emma
1:30 r. i.
Clars Criticism II. A. Eisenhardt
Menial Science Prot. Henry F. Bituer
miliary Arithmetic a Class Unll-Miss E.
J. Andreas
Tbe English Language John Trevaskls
UrTcacbers aro requeued lo brlrg to
the Institute specimens of practical school
work in Drawing, Map-Drawing, Penman
ship, io. This ran be made a very Inter
esting and profitable feature of the Ius itu te.
A Jeint Loral Institute of Ihe teachers o I
Northampton, Lehigh and Carbon rounliu
will be held ut Lehighton, February ICti
and 17th.
A Joint District Institute will be held at
Rockport, February loth. There will alto
be an evening session on February Utn. Iu
s'ruction will be given by J. 0. Ltnilama
H. S. Rinker. O. P. KIsller.Gcorge M. Fahl,
W, li. Ranch and Olivers. Tho even lug
sessions will be devoted to addresses by
prominent teachers of Ihe county.
An Institute- will also bo held in the
Church, at Big Creek, Franklin township,
on TburJiiy evening, Februury Slh.
Tha Coal Trado.
Tne Pottsville Miner' Journal speaks of
the coal trade as folk.wa "The announce
ment lias been made Ihat the three days a
week suspensions will bo continued until
further notice, which means that the com-
pinies are all agreed as to the poliry of re
siricliun as a means of equalizing the sup
ply und demand. This plan bus wurkei
well for both operator and dealer in the last
two years, by keeping the trude steady ana
preventing the fluctuation in prices that
were Ihe result of the operations under the
old system of working. The suspension sn
far has tedueedthe production considerably,
but not to Ihe extent it would If the order
was rigorously obeyed by Ihe individual
operators as it is by the companies. While
its observanre is roinpulsnrv so far as shli.
ping the coal to market Is concerned, there
are many ways in which not only the spirit
but tha letter of tha order can bo evaded
and it is a matter of regret that advantage
la laken In many quarters to millily its er
fect as much as possible The suspension
his occasioned comldtrahlo annoyance to a
number of furnace proprietors, who ore not
In tho habit of storing ony conshbrable
quantity of oosl. They say Ihat furnaces
ari built on the lln-s of tbe railroads so as
lu cnabl Ihem lo receive constant supplies,
and they do not provide for the storage
room necessary for the large qusntity ofcoal
tbey are compelled lo us. Jual now many
of Ihrm are yery short of coal, and are
rUinerlng for supplies) and it has rrqulrrd
8 dial of good management on tbe part of
tho companies lo keep them going. The
restriction of the output gives the operator
scarcely sufficient lump and steamboat roil
for the furnnces, and s-tme of the fdrnsce
men last week were compelled to use broken.
All other sizes are in fair demaud except
egg, which Is n drug."
A vein of coel twelve feel thick has
been discovered on the mountain lands o
Ju.lgo Andrew Light, near Mifflin, Schuyl'
kill county, on the Libauou and Trcmonl
The Beaver Brook Coal Ol., have dis
covered secral yeins of cool on llieir tracts
near Alldentled. The coil is ol excellent
quality, und tho veins vary in thickness
from nine lo fifteen, feet.
In tho hew oenings nnde by Lindrr
man A fikeer nt Ihe Stockton collieries n
sufficient area ofllie Mammoth vein has
been developed In enahb lh conipttnv to
continue Its present output for thu next 411
For the week end'ng on Ihe 27'h III
70,303 tons of coal was transported ov ,
the L. V. lilt., making n total of 931,1 n
tons to that dale, and showing an lucrcaie
of 111,077 as compaied with
For Ihe week ending on Ihe 191h ins' ,
llierc were 73,031) Ions of coul shipped over
the Lehigh A Susquehanna RR , making a
total f,r tha year to Hint date of 217.124
tons, n deereuso as compared .with t-auio
limo last Vear of -1,2-10 Inns
The Woodword colliery, situated at
Kitu'slon, the pr"wrly of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Compun, Is said
to he ono of the largest in th" unthrucilo
regioin. Shaft, 11211 Icet to the Red
yein, 7 lei t in thickness, ami capacity 1210
tons dally.
In the spring the Olio Colliery, nt New
Mines, will run full lorco, und mi. e
one ol tho heaviest a Ipping collieries be
longing to the Philadi-lphlu and Rending
Coal nn.l Iron Cuiiip-.tiy. The shipments
will then range from 2011 lo 250 cars n day,
uud employment will bo given In just
treble the force i.f workmen oxunlly employ
ed there.
Coxe Broilers A Company have spent
an Immense sum uf n 1 1 ey during he ntV
twelve luoiiths cpi iiliij up thn Mammoth,
Whurton and Buck veins at
Gowen, Derringer, Tonihi"kin and Beaver
Meadow, From pren nl liniicatii.nsat each
of the places above named, it is estimate 1
that the output of coal this year will be
inoro than double that shipjied in SS2.
At tho request of Presi lent G w in o f
tho Philadelphia and Reading Ruilio d,
who claims that his company is short of
coal for local consumption along the line o
its roads, Iho anthracite coal companies
have agreed to mine on full tlina next
week. This change is meroly a susp'nsinn
for one week of the agr -ement to restrict
production now in force between the com
panies, and after next week they will re
turn to its provi'ioits and mine only three
davs of each week.
LOVETT. In this borough, on Ihe .".Olh
Ult., Airs. A. J. Unveil, mother ol W.B,
Wintermute, nged about 53 years.
Funeral services at the 'esidence of W.
S. Wlntermute, to-day (Saturday) at one
o'clock p. m.
health and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out, instead of aches
and pains, wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong?
You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing, and no one but your
self can find fault, but if you
are tired of that kind oflife,
you can change it if you
How? By getting one
bottle of Brown' Iron Bit
ters, and taking it regularly
according to directions.
Mansfield, Ohio, Nor. it, iS3i.
Gentlemen : I have suffered with
pain In ray side aud back, and crcat
soreness on my breast, with shoot
ing pains all through ray body, at
leaded with greatweakness, depres
sion of spirits, and loss of appe
tite. I have taken several different
medicines, and was treated by prom
inent physicians for my liver, kid
neys, andspleen, but I got no relief.
I thought 1 would try Brown's Iron
Bitters ; 1 have now uken one bottle
and a half and am about w0 pain
In side and back alt gone soreness
alt out of my breast, and I have a
good appetite, and am gaining in
strength and flesh. Itcan justly te
called thcA7i-e vuJicintt.
Brown's Iron Bitters is
composed of Iron in soluble
form; Cinchona the great
tonic, together with other
standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria,
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
t I'r !" A M v- " " 7
ltd tSiCcdy will art in harmony with the Fo
r4lc system at all Umes. and also trotncdlstely
upon ice aouoaiuiai anu uicriuo auaccice. sua its
Store them, to a l.edlay and strong condlt'on.
Dr. Marcottt'9 1'tcrtno Catholteon v-lll en to fsTt
logoX tbe. womb, Leucorrhcca, Chronic Inflamma
tion suw Ulceration nt tbe Womb, IccldetitsI
He:uorihs:a or Flooajn?, Painful, Suppressed
t'ld Jrregid&rMoastruation, Kidney Cou.p'⁢t,
DarrecACS) and Is especially adapted to the cliavgo
otUte. Bend for pamphlet trco. AHlctlaraof
Inquiry freely ansivcred. Ad-lreis as abase. For
ai'a It U dracalsts. Kevr elro SI pert.ortle,
Oldi.Im 81.30. E' euro si!c for Dr. ilir-tbM'-s
VtgrlnaOslboUcon. TaisnootiM-
For Sale by A. j. Ourllug, Drurgi , L J
;igbton, V. 20y
DuOpisrs, Wires, lows!
'jj-uj a inmas
PAYNE'S 10 Ilciso 3par&-Acoaifc
Portable Ensino has cut 10 000 ft. of J Ichlgut
Fine Board lu 10 h, nrs, burning alabi from tfu
aaw in eight loot iiigtua.
Our 10 ll&r-t ttV G-iATvtiet to fu-nlcu power
to cavr 8,000 feet of boards lu 10 hours
Our 10 Xorif tWIt cut 10.003 te' In same Urn.
uur cntfnea aro oCArtAKraat
to furn..-li a birso -power oa
)i lcso- f.tcl nod vrster thn
any other Ihk-iii cot flttel
with aa Automatic Cot-Off.
Tf Tftl Wite.fc n RtaHAtiaf
iiffiS!ntiX I'ortablo lf ialne, Doiter. Clr
l?K0j eitlar Ban- Mill. Hbaftleg ee-
1'it'im, enter caator MedOart'a
Patent Vronght Iron rullsy,
aeu 1 fsr one lltn&tt- t-iS P...I14
. " fnr Informsll-n ant prices.
B. W. TATNE h SONS. Oornlug. N. Y, Ux..M
1-1 1 1 cj-utn uj-inn
7illhni3 Sowing Machines
Thy havo received highest Avrardi at tho
Ccntcnnial niid nt nil other leading
Inhibitions held in urpo
rnd Amtrica.
mar i!A:n::2 v:a::ssiid E7 ran vixrm
Factories locateJ. at Montreal, Canada, and
Platteburj, Now York.
317 li'stro 2.1x0 Et'wct, Hentrcsl
Sendnrnuli ulrptrh or f!f ynu pnnlnmorlctf f vopr
I .vei.tton tuI-.kU4C .Ll.3l, vynsMue
ton, k. C, mh a SVoHmiiiury am Inn
wilt be mula rf ull United fctuie- vutcm or tl t
Ramo rlasiul Inventioni ntnl yon w I'l DeiuivUcU
whether ur uot a piuouU-nu be ubtnincd
XION NO CilAittii; lb MADK.
What will a Patentees!
It younrpufsvlsftd tbnt ynrlnveutlnn!s pntcnt
nble, newl jtfio to pay Utn nrnmeitt pppllCiUion fc
of 13nna S3 tur tho drrtwinfri rtquirtHl by lha
Government, TlilMs jinynl.iwlii iinppUaiifn'
mad?, and is all of iii3('Xponreiin!e.npfHrnti,Ai..
lowed. WheuallowM, the lUlcrn-ya h r
th( UnalGovcrnmunt fee (S0) U payable. Tim
yon knowbeforehm I.Jnrttoifttttr.ttftoUit'ryonflri
polnc to m a pntiiit or not, anil no attorney Ten
PirlmrKM 'inleMytnUocct al'jttcnt. Anaiiomfrv
whose iVc depends on liu h.pciThS hi oMnlnlrc ts
Patent will not aivi'-o yon t!mt your Invt'initn Is
pttentMtlp, un.fMM U rt illy li pi.ttn.tntn, no far
his bMtJUiltnent ran Ud In c. (itn.tnliif tl f qun
tlon ; nenco, you pan rely n thoruli Isr u o.i-ftr n
a preliminary tMatnlnaMo i t hort rcfpn J'nt-f
enUand the HrUtra1lcn or I.;;lit liuttoi
Mar lis and Hflvtucs tHCimrt, tnteiif ru-,
pared and MM. ApntleailotK tn Te lv r- of lie
cPt4!u,A'n;!iti(sl,or I'orfVUi C C':rr D-ril?
Very often valuaMJnVRnt.t.iar.rc u c, In theri
classes of cws. Kyon hiiVtSXijipi'tKni V srout
rourown pitentan I fatlcd. r.I,ilJ'iK hrnlHjedC
thiease my 1? id to s,icres. fr'rn- mr am rlMf n re
quest addressed ti the Conn!'.! nrr ot Intrutt
Hint he rpcofnlr.eQr.oiimc 3C. I.itNt't Wiihhlnr
toii, IJ.C, aM your attornrv In ihetT'.r' lnethj
tltlf of the Invention and rbrnt lheiiAt f illlrtr
your application. An exnmlnniltvnnnd rnvrt lu
c.iit vo nothiii? Sp-irphPS" ''rt'tjp tolnvrr
Hons, lu fact anv Informn.Ion relntlrif to Ps) ms
rrotnnilvfurnlshel. Conies of rptit3 nalltd ut
he regular Onvernnient mips, 22r. Mrh,1 JIp
membpr this ofil co lias hoen liiMir(o?:i.rflMrftlon
ilnce lf3 and you thTefoie ri'itp tlip hriulWsoi
experience, besldps rfferenco rnn berlvn lone
tuulcllenta lnalmort overy ennntv In t V j,
ramphlet relating tn IMtcmu frca upon n-p.uest.
fits ISth St., V.-ASiriXOTdN. w. c.
Attorney-Rt-T.nve unit ntleltornf Axneri-
ou uud l-'ortl;;rt, i'ntents.
A33riTS2 AKS;! ACSK1VT31
. rr f!EN. noiirj! 's bni.' i,c-v book, saL'tlcd
Years Amonrt
A trn c nrronl of the X u IWt 77i trto. Th rxj Tenrt rt nenal K
pcrhcu u-vi l-tHuti, Witu avu aLLj Jntrrilurtioa
By Gen. Sherman.
Till naw wo:i Tras at onto rn-i-oiliJ for tj PmlilcH
TDt-a oii l cnr.V. fa1..,!.!, oud lijr C:. .Vleoncn, On.
Orwil, Cm. '.erWon, Cm. oiiraet, ona tliimwh cf Era
Incut Men. Get. Ga-itr aa-a , - II ij tV 1, ltdtm
Vfr ncr vrrilltn." Uiiuur Wiut IMc:!ioCjt.) aajl t--;l
U a loat uf bamcnit i-u.'iie.- It ta t.'.o M3 tsftiaCa aeeoiltt
cf our luiUani ever r'J'-tiilitd, fu'.l rcirallni; ttclr "tuner
We," secret doings, cxi'.olt,, etc. tl r ;i!ctc wttli thrffllnj
tiperiencca ef tho Author, an 1 of fam-ras H.-nt I, Trarpen.
Cov-bi-l-a. jl.nert. Honlcr lViHair, ite.,s'- . r rwtxajtnj
Ufa la tl.s Great Wet os It tawa 424 rn"n-l In jims.
With Steel tnsrarltsa an I Pnpc-li CV-nmUthor-aph
riltea la 15 eiilo-s, from rt-iirrrhi uuilo 1 tho V. 8.
Gorrrnment tlprrul for t.'iii great virh.
AQKXTS I This srand 1kV is noT out-ie'ulns a:i otiifra
lOtol. Vo crt.nv'i111,. -enta arenso 1 0 to t!0 order
siaj. W. srant lOlltl mors an's at once. Ezdumra
Territory a4 Special Tzrna pfim. O-ir lata rlrrnlaii rltl
full paitlcutara aciil frrr. A fno Pprc!mcu l'lato sent M
aJJUi-m for ft 3 rent rtsmn. Ait jrrs the rot. poblkhrrs.
A. D. WOI1TIIINGTOX & CO, lUnrrosD. Coiir.
rAinr.iv ar.'t vAraavrz.i' sow
Durla; ftu Wil nl V.ini-i. im P-. 1.11.. ftn Iicsj
J.C.iti-llir.lj.v rlillxd(li.lilpal'.
ARlTfJTC ISfTilnH frl.nnJ.allln.lral.Sna4-
kaof.hJ(acl cteat s.i.u, i50OKS Ci DIUIUJ
1v-Iiiml. t.-t,inj u-.' nt-rilrJver)tv r." 1. rral term,.
iv..iL. ....... 1...7.. . ... u, M 1 .mrili .t.. 1 1 t fa.
rt rz V Rr. t-TL. A KTI CUS".-
Luuiiki n-j.y-i ti'ituho O.US,
ultr tiS rail an I loHrou
rJS !vol lu nil mIio sxrnd tru
tt H ''' -'"tF for potZ M1
LUUHKl tCj.vX Cl'ltUhO CIA.US.
"-t, u. nil'iJUliX C3., bin rCKL
si'iaX-iAi. :r in:s.
To nil wlio aro HifJ--1 lnjr Tronn tlio errors and
Iml-scri-ltoi.s o oiii. ricrv.ins srcni.i,(ss,
(arly itocnt. is ur niai.lio.-il. o, I ill stmt
a n-clon Hint will .-urn iu, Kul:K OK
i-11 Mtlll'.. Ill s itrciit rciuuy ns .11 cov.
ered lo a inlsuomrr luSr-uih Aintr n. Hend
a s lr-i'i-'ilri fji-il mrnl(iiti to the her. Joski-it
T. I.nman. suttvu 1, iVch Veils 1 It y.
au,-, 1 . ly.
I nlll wall (Kric) th rcclo fnraslinita
VtiH;i.ui.i: ttiat "i.l irnuiia
TAN. KIlsi-iKMlfi, 1' 1 61 ! I. K S atn.l
Ill,uft:ill'-s, If.ivlnu tli sklu suit .oicur ant
oc.iuttlul t ttUo ti.siriiutliirs f r p-n nic 114 a
luxuriant strain tli of hair on a i.osior
suuoih face. Address luctuslnt; Sc. stamn,
JifcN. VArUliL.r, li iWCUirH N V.
mar. S4)l
"to consumptives.
1 ho uilrcrtlcr lisvlnit ttrcu crunni' i-Ujr
curcil of ilut ilreait illfcf, Uontuiiii 'to 1,
u sitniltf r'-mcily, la auxtous to io.ike knossti
to his fellow sullen r thn inrui.s ot ture 1 it
all ho ilcrlro tt, lie will tviul tO y oriij
rescript Ion use.l, (Ir.-c or nltli ll 1
illrceilouf (nr irciiii.iur huI nstutr tl.t- suun.
whleli tiny will mil u sure IH'IIK I. r
uttudiis, ''.tiiTiiN, A
.T11SIA. ilNO.M) -1 ri-. e.
1 lpllva sslablnif thd I ru. rlollon.nlll itlcAS.1
nil.lriii, Iter, K A. it IUSUS, IH I'cou.Si ,
WIHUiolburi;, N.Y. miir. S4-yl
A OE.VTf.EIAV wl.n sutfered (or y.ars
" from Nervous lttillll.l 1 V. J'JIK" .
TUItK I)hti. . anil nil rh ellei-ts ot y 11 Hi
fu, lnillscrmiiiD, will for ttio sjko ot ruHsrint;
liuraanttr, ssnit ireu lo atlsrhu neJ 11, lUu
rodi an.l illri-oiion fur loaktii: the,
reiui-Oy I.f nlitoli lm was t'Ur3. SuUn.
wt.tilut; to pr.irJt iv Ilia adverttsi-i 4 ttajier
rnca can do so by auVrcSMiuir In nrrteoi c-n-BJenca.
JOHN II, Dtilit- .V
tnar..)l it U)ar I t Naur Yvik