The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 20, 1883, Image 3

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    to (Carton gflwwnte.
SATURDAY, JAtfUAllY 20, 1883.
Ouf Noighborhood in Briof.
.Btrfcalni !n nUlnRt tnt. laces 'at V.
P. Long's Ifdies lurnishlng store.
In the Wllkeiborra mining tlilricllur
Ing 1R82 Ihcre wf re 219 mine oedrlcnlt.
The CBnoM Advocatk oho year tnrl
the Philadelphia Weekly Ptt nl premium
Map of Pennsylvania for $2.25.
It. E. Wright, Jr., has been elected
president ol the Amcrlcus Club of Allen
town. JT-Ladies' Jewelry very cheap at W. P.
Long's, to close out business.
Joseph Obert last week (hipped about
3000 empty pork barrels West. lie is un
doubtedly doing a rushing business.
jalrWho wants to exchange Town prop
erty for a Farm or 142 acres, with good new
buildings and fine Iruitlrees on It. Address,
yt. M. lUrsitun, this borough.
The Easton Silk Mill will bo ready for
operations in two weeks. The stack is 110
feet high and the machinery is of the most
xponsire kind.
teS-Ladles' and children' Hosiery and
Neckware, at cost at W. P. Long's. Must
be sold, in order to close out the business.
The employes of the steel department
of the Bethlehem Iron Company have de
termined to accept a reduction of 20 per
cent. In wages.
We will send the Camiox AnvocATtt to
gether with the Philadelphia Yetkly Pros
for one year for $2.00
ar-Thcre was .sold on Saturday, 25th,
ult., at Ilagaman'a store, Lehighton, seventy-one
dollars worth of watches and jewel
ly, far one fumily.
We learn from a private letter lo a
gentleman ol town, that Mrs. C. Iloyer, of
Grand Itapids, Mich,, is lying very serious
ly ill, which her many friends in this sec
tion will no doubt feel pained to learn.
William Evans, foreman at the Cayuga
Colliery, at Providence, near Scranton, was
killed Saturday by tho explosion of a dyna
mite cartridge.
ASB-U you wanta nice amooth.eaay shave
your hair cut or shmnpooing, go to Fraiis
Kooilerer s BaLoon, under ino axennnge Ho
tel. Ho will fix you right, and dou'tyou
forget it.
John Welles Hiillcnback, of Wilkes
barre, last week presented $50,000 to Ijiifay
sslta College lo endow tho chair of tho Presl
dent. A similar gill was make by him to
the College a few years ugo.
A year's subscription to the Breeder'
Journal given for 4 new subscribers to the
-Carrox Advocatk at $1 each. The Breed--era'
Journal is published at Beecher, III.
5fM. Florey, of Weissport, has now on
hand and for sale a large stock of Horse
Blankets, Lap and IlulUlo Kobes. Bells,
Whips, and Double and Singlo Harness,
auitable for winter use, all of which he will
Klisposo of at very reasonable prices.
Tne project to unnex the lower portion
of Luzerne to this county, seems to meet
with the approval of the inhabitants ol
Jinwer Luzerne. Thoy sJiy all business con
nected with the CouriB cuu bo attended to
snore speedily and at less cost than under
ilio present arrangement.
Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Surgeon
Dentist, of Broadway, Maucli Chuirit, has
hml a practice ol over 20 vearf.ninl isirob
iably th oldest resident dentist in this val
ley. The Dr's work speak for Use IT, and
the fact that all critical work in the. reiion
Is given to him is a sufficient guarantee of
bis superior aoility as a surgeon jjeuusi.
For the week ending on the 13th insl.,
133,235 tons of coal nros trnnsjNirted over
the L V. ItR., making Uital of 7110,058
tons to that dale, and showing an increuso
of 1,447 as compared with same time last
SrMrs. Mamie J. Mullen, f.ishlnnable
dressmaker, corner of Second and South
ftreeta, this borough. PerVcl tils and work
mansliip guaranteed. Wax Flowers of all
lesigus at lowest pricea. Wkite Flowers
for funerals a specially.
Willie engine 102 of the L. V. It. It.,
was backing into the siding at the depot In
this place, a freight car jumped the track,
the conductor, Oscar Waturbor, was helping
to get it on the track again witli a crowbar,
when the bar flew from his liand.and struck
him under the chin, loosening several ol his
teeth and knocking him down.
The Coroner's inquest into the cause of
death of the four persons killed by the ex
plosion of boilers at tho Bethlehem Iron
Company's works on Tuesday ol last week,
met Friday, and, after examining a nuni
Ler of witnesses, reudered a verdict that
George Crade, Jesse Bright, Samuel Mc-
Candlcss and Mrs. Rosa Graff cjtne lo their
death at the works of the Bethlehem Iron
Company, on January U, 1883, by an ex
plosion of boilers, and that tho iron com
pany should be exonerated from all blame.
Library of Universal Knowledge,
one half Rursla, rcdurrd to $11101), ut
Luckenbach's, 01 Broadwuy,Mauch Chunk.
An Italian laborer, named Michael
Joseph, bad just finished clearing the snow
from a frog on the L. V. railroad, near
Bouth Sugurloaf, last Saturday, when he
was struck by ancDjius and utmost Instant
ly killed.
Christopher King, a farmer, aged 70
years, died suddenly of heart disease in an
outhouse at bis homo in Butztown, North
ampton cflunly, ou Satnrday afternoon.
A series of revival meetings arein prog
ress at the Evangelical church, Weissiiort,
smd from what we learn arA proving quite
auasrcsful, there being on Sunday evening
last fifteen penitents at the mourners bench.
Work at the rolling mill at Weissport,
was stopped for an indefinite period on Sat
urday last.
For the week ending on the 12th InsL,
there were 91,402 tons of coal shipped over
the Lehigh & Susquehanna ItR., making a
total for the year to that dale of 143,794
tons, an increase as compared with same
time last year of 11,095 tons.
The National Newspaper Union, of
Philadelphia, will please accept our thanks
for a very handsomely printed Counting
house Calendar lor 1S83.
Tuesday afternoon, while John Mc-
Cormlck and a Polauder were working to
gether In a breast at Lehigh Valley No. 2
Colliery, at Lost Cieik, u dispute arose be
tween tbem about coins work, when Mc
Cormick struck the Polauder over the bead
with a pick, Inflicting a frightful and fatal
wound. McCormick was arrested.
Notwithstanding BeecHer's aseerllon
that there is no hell, Dav.Ebbcrt continues
tu hire out excellent teams, at his livery uu
North street, at very low rates, and don't
you forget it.
Wednesday the shoemakers employed
by John E. Leutz & Co.. of Alleiitown, re
quested an advance in wages, which being
refused the men ttonjied work.
Monday a 3 year "Id daughter of Oliver
Wengel.of Taniaquo, found a boltloof rlllu.j
ted hartshorn, while playing in the kitchen,
and drank of it, from the elU-cIs ol which
he died In great agouy on Wednesday,
Twenty-three young people nulled with
the Prcsbyteriau church, Hokendauqua, at
lbs recent January cuiuinuuiou Under
the labors of Iter. J. A. Little this prosper
ous church has received accessions to its
inemlerthip st every communion for 14
We have heard both Democrats and
Republicans say that there Is nothing bet
ter for a cough than Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup J tills old reliable remedy never falls
to cure a co'.'gb or cold at once, and may be
obtained at any drug storo for 25 cents a
Argument was heard before Judge
Rice, of Wilkesbarre, Monday morning for
a motion for a new trial In the case of
Hoiipt vs. Itendlr,the defendant being the
applicant. Mr. Hendlcr's main ground for
asking for u uew trial is the alleged drunk
enness of two of the jut) men, who served
when the case was decided against Hcndler
The judge reserved his decision, The de
cision is awaited with much-Interest, as de
ciding the responsibility of drunken Jurors.
The tube works building, used by Mc
Kee, Fuller & Co., at Fullerton, for finish
ing cars, collapsed with a terrible crash ou
Saturday night. The building was a frame
structure, GOO feci long ai.d 100 wide. The
roof wos nearly fiat, and the weight of the
snow upon It, lucreased by tho rain of Sat
urday, crushed the edifice. Several cars
and a small locomotive were ruined. The
losa (a estimated at $12,000.
Miss Nora Rhoads, who has been vis
iting friends In Bethlehem for the past two
weeks, has returned home agiln.
WANTED, a Woman to do General
Housework in a small family. Fair wages
and ordinary work. Apply at W. S. Wlnt
ermula'a store. Jan. 20.
Teacneri Local Institute
According to announcement the first Joint
Mahoning Items.
Mr. David M. Dnlllet, or this Mace,
iMMuuuv. ...... - ..... t . .... ... .it..... ty-
Institute ever held In this district was held ( " l pre.eui auenaing u -
uer uigu ucuuui. xin mn (j. ...
Court Proceedings.
Quarter Skssions. Com vt Thos Jones)
open lewdness. Not guilty, but to pay jds
of costs and prosecutrix other id.
Com vs Penrose' George ; selling liquors
to minors. Continued.
Petition for bridge over Poho Poco creek
in Franklin twp., disapproved.
Com vs John Gallagher; assault and bat
lery. Plea guilty.
Com vs AnuCadden; assault and battery.
Sentenced to pay $1 fine aud costs.
Com vs David Watkins; assault and bat
tery. Plea guilty.
Com ys Ann Cailden; assault and battery.
Not guilty and prosecutor to pay costs.
Com vs Jacob Jackersonj peddling with
out license. Prosecutor, Lewie Zahn. Nut
gulty, and prosecutor to pay the cobts.
Petition lor vacating public road in Ma
honing twp , leading Irom Lehighton aud
lavinc out a new one. Confirmed nisi.
Petition for review of a road laid out In
Lower Towamcnsing township and vacut
ing an old one. Continued to next term.
Com vs Archy McMichael : fornication
and bastardy. Prosecutrix, I'risrilla Tay
lor. Recognizances forfeited, to be respited
at next term.
Com ys T. D. Koons; desertion. Recog
nizances forfeited, to be respited next term.
Com ex relatione vs Haiti.: B. Reichard ;
petition for allowance and attachment.
Common Pi. has. The Susquehanna Mu--tual
Fire Insurance Co va Bernard Voghl J
judgment fur plaiutifTon pnvmcnt jury fee.
David Rehr vs Ada M. Rehr. L. II.
Barber, Esq , appointed cnmmUsionsr to
hear testimony, aud retwrt ut next term,
Michael MrOinty. guardian ol Daniel
Carr, va Elwin .Suuer and John Itabcr;
summons in ejectment. Juror withdrawn
and plumtiU takes a verdict ol nnn suit.
Sheriffs sale of real estute of William Be
bring. Rule granted on Sheriff lo pay tho
money arising from said sate.
eciauc.'i & itucn vs John rurren.jonn
Farren and Francis Stocker, administrators
of William Farren, dee'd. Judgment in
lavor of nlaintill's against John Farrui in
dividually ami John Farren und Fiancis
b'ocKer, mint rs, lor $.919 75.
Selauch A Rucli vs John Farren et al ;
pelilion f.ireheritl to make deed to purchas
er. Granted.
Emetla Ida Ludwic, bv her next friend
C. .'. Beiiuer, vs George II. Ludwig. Re
lurnablu t next teim.
Ori-iiass.' Court. Tho followingaccounts
Were confirmed absolutely.:
First and final account of administrators
ofD.inlet Littz.dec'd.
i irst and final nc.-ount of the executor of
Jacob Snvdi-r, sr., dee'd.
First und final account of administrator
of Aiiiiu Maria Horn, ifce'd.
becoiM and hnul ucvoont or administra
tor of Oliver Breneiser, dee'd.
First and finul account of the executors
of Eliza B-ters, dee'd.
First and final account of administrator
of Daniel Remalev. dee'd.
rtrst and nnul account ot tse executor ol
Nathan Patterson, dee'd.
The following accounts were all confirm
ed nisi :
First and final account of guardian of 8
minor cliilitiuii of S. Wuidenheimer, deo'd.
' The account of the administrator ol 11.
Sperlbaiim, dee'd.
First and final occouutof the guardian of
Adam Shiye, a minor.
First account of the guardian of James
Second and final account ol administra
tor of Minliael Thompson, dee'd.
Account ol one of the executors of Pat'k
Brislin, dee'd.
First ami final account of administrator
of Joseph Sauers, dee'd.
First and final account of administrator
of Joshua Klotz, dee'd.
hirst and final account or the executrix
of John Henry, dee'd
first and nual account ol tne executor ol
Slmou Weidenheimer, dee'd.
First and final account of tne executors
of David Kreitz, deu'd.
Petition of John Maitvn, guardian of W
and Baruh Purcell,lor discharge, etc Pc
tion granted.
Estate of Daniel Clauss, dee'd. Applica
tion of executors to sell real estate. Appli
cation crantcd.
Estate of Samuel Greensweig, dee'd. Au
ditors' reimrt of funds in hands of executor.
confirmed nisi.
l.flale of Henry Schroeder, dee'd. Tell
tion fur sale of real estate granted.
Another New Route-
The charter ol the Natarcth and Phila
delphia Railroad Company wca granted
January 3. 1883, A corps of engineers was
placed on the route on tho 5th insU, and
have already surveyed and located the road
from tho point of intersection with the
North Pennsylvania between Iron Hill and
Hellertown to Butztown, two miles north
of Freemausburg, which latter town is two
miles cast of Bethlehem. The line occupies
what was known as the Freemansburg
Branch of the North Pennsylvania road and
connects w'ith tho Lehigh Volley Railway
at Freemansburg and crosses the Lehigh at
the lower end of Fieemansburg. It Is
claimed that the distance from Philadel
phia to Portland on the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad by this route
will be but eighty-six miles as against one
hundred and lour miles by the Belvidere
Delaware Ruilroad. The Bangor and Port
'and Railroad Is now running three trains
daily fioni Portlaod to Nazareth, so that
only tho ten miles from Iron Hill to Nut
arelh remains to bo built to complete what
is claimed to be the shortest line from the
Lukes to Philadelphia. The capital slock
of the company u $1110,000, mid the stock
holders are Charles Brodhead, B. It. Jami
son, J. II. Krnhaw, Philip F. Kelh-y, A.
(J. riuiumer, G. H. Millet, W. R. Meredith,
William L. Levin and F. R. Shattuck.
al 81atlnglon, Lehigh county, on Friday
and Saturday ol last week by tho Superin
tendents and teachers ofCarben, Lehigh
and Northampton counties. Tho exercises
on Friday ovonlng were held in Armory
Hall, and consisted oran address on "Prac
tical School Work," by T. M. Balllct, Sup.
erlulendent of Carbon, which was futi of
practical suggestions for the teachers pres
ent, as well as highly interesting to the
audience assembled. Prof. Balliel, wus fol
lowed by Rev. A. R. Home, the lecturer of
the evening, on the subject, "Experiences in
the State of Texas." All were highly pleas
ed with the lecture and all felt they had
learned many interesting facts In regard to
the Lone Star Slate.
On Saturday morning at 9 o'clock the In
stitute convened in the High Schoolroom,
at Slatington, aud throughout tho whole of
the morning the room was crowded with
teachers from the different counties, so that
they were obliged to adjourn to Armory
Hall in the afternoon, to find room fur those
seeking admittance.
The Institute opened with prayer by Rev.
A. R. Home, alter which J. O. Kuauss,
Superintendent of Lehigh county, was
chosen Chairman of the meeting and T. M.
Balllct, Suiwrintendent of Carbon countv,
and J. W. Wemer,Superintendcntof North
ampton county, were chosen Vice-Presdents.
T. A. Snyder, of Carbon, O. P. Snyder, of
Lehigh and J. Meyers, of Northampton,
were elected Secretaries.
Supt. Knausaon takingthechalr thanked
the members of the Institute for the honor
conferred on him in electing him Chairman,
and asked all the teachers from tho differ
ent counties to co-operate with him and the
instructors present in making the sessions
interesting. He said be was glad to see such
a large attendance of teachers present; it
showed that all were aliye to the interests
of their work, and proved to him that ad
vancement was being made in the educa
tional work in tho counties representel.
Miss Minnie Ruch, of Slatington, then
gave a class drill on Oral Geography, and
showed what a live, active teacher could
accomplish in this branch in a few months.
This exercise was pronounced, by the mem
bers of the Institute, one of the best exercis
es of the Institute. Following tbedrill was
a discussion on the subject, participated in
by Supt. Werner, Rev. A. R. Home, W. II.
Ranch, T. A. Snyder und Supt. Knnuss.
Mr. F. J. Stetllor then read an Essay on
"Ancient aud Modern Education." Tho
essay showed very careful preparation and
was listened lo wun marked attention
throughout. Prof. Home, procured it for
publication, in full, in his "National Edu
cator" next week.
A short ditcujsion then followed on Pri
mary Instruction, alter which Supt. Balliel
asked tho question whether it was good
policy in the Directors promoting a teacher
from the primary grade to a higher grude
when ho proved very successful in that
grade? In his opinion the Directors should
show the teacher that they appreciate his
work by raising hlssalory and not by pro
moting In in to a higher crade. An earnest
discussion followed aud all were unanimous
in the opinion of Supt, llalliet.
The remaining part of the morning was
spent In answering questions from the
"Query Box." A num,bcrof very interest
ing practical questions were aked and the
discussion that followed was participated in
bv Mr. Rosenberger,H. A. Eisenhart, J. G.
Kershnei-.T. A. Snyder, W. II. Ranch, F.
J. Stettler and others. Institute then ad
journed until 1:30 p. in. to meet iu Armory
Although the weather wos very unfavor
able during the afternoon, yet Armory Hall
was well filled and the attendance of teach
ers was still larger than in the morning.
The first exercise of the afternoon was an
esny by Miss Mary A. Smith, Heidleberg,
subject "Sowing and Reaping." The essay
was well read and carefully prepared.
Prof. T. M. B.illiet then gave un interest
ing talk on the subject of Reading. In my
opinion leading is more poorly taught thah
any other brouch in the school room. Our
methods are bad, and bur books our bad.
About one half of the limn is spent iu
teaching leading and yet we do not have
irood results. Tllo Word method should be
used iu teaching beginners and gradually
post, into tho sentence method. We teach-
Arithumetic by beginning at whole num
bers. No teacher would think of beginning
at fractions, neither should they becin at
the alphabet but at the word which is the
unit of reading. Twothiugs are necessary
in good reading. 1st. Gelling the thought
2nd. Expiessiug the thought to others. If
the pupil has the thought that the piece
Contains. the ability toexprtssit will follow.
Ilavo til" pupils gather the though! silently
aud then let them read it aloud. Never let
them read a sentence aloud until they un
derstand tho thought expressed in tho sen
tence. We do nin limes as much silent
reading as wo read aloud. Have the pupils
tho spring and will then be the teacher
of penmanship in the Centre Square Se
lect School.
An election for clencoun was held la
tho Lutheran and Reformed church, of
tht plarc M?Hftrx. Daniel Miller and
T. It. Kunkel were clecled nn the Ue
forrued id. nnd Meters. Cbnrle It.
Fritz nud Moses U-.x ou the Lutheran
Ou Sunday rt week ngo, Mr, Frank
Bled, Xif Weal P.mi, wan united ill the
holy bonds of wedlock with tho baud
xonie and uccouiplishtd daughter of Mr.
Charles Krilz, of this pluce. Rev. A.
Ilartbulomew, or Lehlghtou. performed
the nuptial corcinoniea. May the bright
present of tho ne.wly wedded ra'r over
continue bo, changing only to the mel
low bennty of ndvaucing years, and tony
tbey be as happy as the happiest, live
long nnd prosper; and feel the footfalls
of Time as lightly as the most favored of
fortune, is our wish and that of -all of
their many friends.
Messrs. T. R. Knnkel and H. A.
Keiser wtre iu attendnnce at tbe Teach
ers' Local Institute, held ut Slatington
ou Saturday, January 13tb. Tbey re
port the exercises as having beeu very
instructive. There were about 20 teach
ers from Carbon present
Half of our school term of five
mouths has expired.
Onr pnblio schools at present con
tain 312 scholars; 1G5 males and 117 fe
males. A number of sleighing parties have
Rone to Lehighton to attend the pro
tracted meeting held iu the Evangelical
Tbe Catechumen class, .held in the
St John's churob, of this place, by the
Itev. A. Hartholnmew numbers 21. In
structions are given once and sometimes
twice a week.
Jake's alminao for 1883 is becoming
quite popular. We congratulate Jakeon
his success as a weather prophet
The very name of Governor Pattlson
makes the average Democrat happy.
And well it may. After more than
twenty years of Republican rule, such a
reformer as P.dtieon has proved himself
to be, as Governor, is enough to make
anybody happy.
A man aud his wife from this place,
met a "spook" last Sunday night on
their way to Weissport, The "pook"
was iu the form of n big dog, aud jumped
up in front of the lady. She called out
and, as is usual in such vanished.
We hope somebody will organize a party
to shoot the "spouk."
Advico to teachers If yon don't
want to be soolded by the women, dou't
keep their children iu after xcbool to
study lesions that they ought to have
studied at home.
The Mahoning District Institute will
convene this (Saturday) morning at 9 o'
clock, nt S-nrlel's school limits. The
Firogrnmmn is as follows: History, W.
I. lliltner; Primary Grammer. A. J
IUIliet; Pronunciation, Robert It Jones,
nnd ft debate on the question, "Which
gives' the better mnntnl tralniug History
Or Geography?" Tho speakers on the af
firmative sido are T. R. Knnkel nnd R.
R. Jones; nn the negative, Josiah Mus
selman and C. A. Hurtling.
Why Mystorlons Physical Troubles Aronie
Special Dread A Professional
Few things give more pain than dread or
apprehension. Most people are able to face
apparent danger herolclcally, but the sud
den and unexpected coming of tome Indefi
nite calamity very naturally strikes terror
to even the brayest. For this reason lightn
ing and tornadoes are considered terrible;
their coming and going ire so sudden, un
announced and Unknown. For this same
reason an unknown dUcase, some poison Iu
the blood, some malady that is gradually
undermining the life, is specially dreaded
by all thinking people. And, indeed, there
are good reaions for such dread, for modern
science has dlscuverel that some virulent
disorders show the least sign in their be
ginnings, whll they havetho worst possible
symptoms. We know of many pursout who
have dull and uncertain pains In various
portions of the body, who are unnaturally
tired one day and apparently well the next;
who bayo an enormous apietile at times
and a loathing of food soon thereafter. Such
persons are really In a dangerous condition,
even though they may not reilize it. The
following statement of a most prominent
physician, who has had unusual opportuni
ties for Investigation is of so striking and
important a nature that it will bo read with
interest by all :
Juhui Balke. Jr, A
Mrs. M. K Foict,
Mrt. Georqt JIunert,
Frd'k Lunlenlteimer,
JWi'ui litis.
II. A Smith, if. J).,
11 Miller,
Bev. C. W. WenJte,
uamu noife,
read the lesson silently before reading it
aloud. In Franco nearly all their reading
is done silently. Teach the child 50 or OU
words and then use the articles before tho
words, after which form sentences with the
words and have the pupils rejd them. All
regretted that Prof. Balliel'a time had ex
pired before he had completed the subject,
as it was one of the most practical lectures 61
tho Institute.
A d scussion on the subject of reading fol
lowed which was participated in by Supt.
Werner and Mr. Krnut, of Caplay.
Mr. A. H. Bieber, of North While Hall,
then read a pa per on ''School Management."
The paper was quite lengtbyand contained
many practical suggestions for the teachers
on school government. The speaker thought
the goyernment ol the school shoul. be I asi d
ou the same plan as the 8tate Government
and the laws made should be rigorously enforced.
The discussion was 0ened by W. J. An
drews, Washington, who thought the fol
lowing were Important rules in governing
the school: 1st. Love and duly. 2nd. Plain
and important rules, 3rd. A firm determination.
The next subject on tho programme was
ocnoiars -juoniniy Airports," " Aerni oern
ficates," and High School Diplomas by
Prof. G. H. Desh of Bethlehem, but Mr.
Desh tailed to put in an appearance, and
the discussion was oiiened by A. F. lined-
enzer, --loriu wiiueuail, followed by supt.
Balliet,H.A.Eisenhart,Dr.N. C. HcUaell'jr,
Mr. Krout, Mr. Schirer and others.
Supt. Kuauss explained what use had
been made of the "Term CertificaU-s" in
Lehigh county, and be thought their use
nau ueen tno means or doing good In the
Dr. W. C. SchaerTer thought that the
graduating ol scholars from tbe Public
Schools and giving Ihem diplomas was pro
ductive of mora evil than good Supt.
Balliet thought the trouble was in railing.
tho paper granted a diploma aud in calling
the closing exercise a Commencement.
That in Carbon they were now trying to fix
a course tor all tne high schools anil when
the echolars had completed lhat course they
would be granted a certificate of competen
cy in tho branches pasaed and the exercise
wuld be called a closing exercise, instead
of a commencement exercise. This method
was decided upon; thinking it would be
productive of greatgood in keeping scholars
in the High Schools longer than they would
otherwice May.
n I it. Kuauss then congratulated the
teachers on the success of the Inttitule and
especially on the large attendance during its
sessions. The attendance of teachers was
the largest ot any or Ine local institutes held
iu the eounly. There were preseut during
the ke(ions 42 teachers from Lehigh, 18
Irom Carbon and 18 from Northampton.
Supt. Knaues proved himself to bo just the
man for the Chairman, and much of the
sucres. id tho Institute was due to hit earn
est etl'orlt.
Dottlngs from Parryville.
No. 1 furnace was lit last Monday by
some lailics who accompanied the manager,
Mr. Douglass, of Munch Chunk.
Frank Kemerer, manager of the foun
dry, was in town during lio week.
The borough highways have been much
improved during Hie last two or three j oars.
They had been greallv neglected while the
town wos in its adversity. The miserable
condition of the sidewalks should next
command attention.
Onr schools ore well attended, still, we'
regret to state, wo have some people bo ig
norant that the.y wilfully neglect sending
their children. ''
Tho Evangelical association It in o
thriving condition. The M. E. is rather
the opposite.
Mr. Joseph Meyer will take possession
of the well known "Horse Shoe" next
spring, leaving Mr. Dildine Snyder to oc
cupy his own hostlery, "The Eagle."
Your reporter was pleased lo hear from
John I'ettitwlio left here with his family
for Dakota some two years ago. He is a
farmer, owns some 200 acres land, stock,
Ac, and as hc.says Is further ahead iu dol
lars than mauy a man in Parryville is a
head in cents in the tame time.
The latest newt from Mr. James Bow
man, formerly of this place, now in the far
north west, is that he is sick, and writes
"far away from friend or foe." Hit old
companions iu his western life it in San
Our friend Eras. Straup contemplates
accepting a position oficred.hiin somewhere
in Minnesota, in the tpriug.
AtleigMng party from here, increased
in number by somo friends at Lehighton,
proceeded to McDuniel's, up the Mahoning
Valley, on last Tuesday night. All were
masked, serving to enliven the fun until
supper lime. All pleasure parlies from here
have been such enjoyable affairs that your
reporter allows the reader to surmise the
success of this one. Josirm'S.
A Olgantlo Blast. ,
The third of a scries of very large blastt
now being made by llioGleudon Iron Com
pany was fired Thursday ol last week, and
was attended by very tatitfaclory results, at
It is esllmato.l that over 120,000 torn of rock
were displaced. The lite ol the blast vat a
hill en the north tide of the Lehigh river,
a quarter of a mile above the workt. Into
thlt hill, which is 160 feet high, were dug
three tunnels each forty feet long. At the
end ol each, at right angles, were rut two
tunnels, ending In chambers, where the
powder was placed. Each of Ihcto tlx cham
bers were 150 feet below tho top ot Hie hill
and forty feet from the surface. The hill
was almost perpendicular. Twenty-nine
thousand pounds of Judson powder, equal
to 30,500 pounds of cannon powder, were
stored In these rhambers,aud the whole was
fired by a magneto-electric machine by n
touch from the hand of Superintendent
Frenk Firmstone. The nhock of the explos
ion wat more severe than at any previous
blast, though no damage was done at all.
The entire surface nflhe hill 100 feet long,
150 feet high and 41 feet deep wot rent by
the cxposiun.
One of the best it not the very best
placet In this section to spend a pleasant
and agreeable evening is at the hotel of our
old friend, J. T. McDanirl's in Mahoning
Valley, which fact is fully evidence! by
the large number of sleighing parties which
gather athisplace during the winter season.
He has a nice hall for dancing, sets a mag
nificent tabic, keeps fine music in readiness
for parties and in fact leaves nothing un
done that will add tothovomforland pleas
ure of his guests.
Lower Towameniing Squibs.
Cold weather existed during the early
part of last week, aud the result is good
Mr. Daniel Beer was ut Bethlehem latt
Saturday, for medical treatment of hit can
Our popular tewing machine agent, L.
F. Kern, it meeting with success selling the
"Crown Duplex" machiue making both
lock and chain tlitch.
Johu Prulzmtn has been employed as
section boss on the L. & S. RR. in place of
Abe. Green, discharged.
Mr. Aaron Stroup was made hap;yone
lay last week by tbe presentation of ayoung
ton from his wile.
Rev. Freeman baa a large cists oi
catechumens, to which he Instructs weekly
iu tho St. John's church.
Bowman's it to have a Post office, with
John Ruch at postmaster, al least rumor
say! so.
Some of our teachers have formed a de
bating society ; they meet every Tuetday
evening, at Lentz't school house, the sub
ject for discussion last week wat "Mar
ried life it prelerable to tingle life."
J. B. Wilton.
Orncx : No. 271 Wmt Eiaiun Stakkt,
u. Akdkrsoh, M. i). QUierintendeni
(JINCISKATI, a, Dec Z, 1882.
Messrs. Editors :
I have, during my professional career of
many years' practice, treated a large
numbers of Various disorders, ol whichsper
haps, none have given me moretroublethan
the mysterious disease known as acute nep.
nritis ; and'wbile it may teem strange, it is,
nevertheless, true, lhat the physician it
generally greatly annoyed by t"iit myster
ibus trouble especially when the caso is of
hereditary orgin. It is, doubtless, the first
stago of the well-known, but terrible
Brlght's disease, at the kidneys contain
large quantities of' albumen; and while
children and young people are especially
liable to its attacks, it it prevalent with all
classes, and usually oohtinuet until late in
life. " '
One obstinate case which rame under my
observation, wat lhat of a fireman of this
city who a nulled to me for treatment. Tho
caso wat diagnosed parenchymatous nephri
tis. The man wat twenty four years ol age;
plethoric and light, enmplected. He staled
that he had suffered from urinary troubles
from childhoWd, and that he had "doctored"
a hundred ttiMS,each limnimproving some;
after wbicbpin'u short while, he would re
lapse into his former slate of misery. I pre
scribed the usual therapeutics known lo the
profession with the same result that my
colUaguet had obtained. He got better for
a while and then worse again, in fact so
bad that he had to lay off fur tome time.
He suffered intense pain ; to much so that
I confess I had to resort to hypodermic in
jections of morphia. My druggist who knew
how disgusted I wat with the caselthough
not willing to desert the man, advised me
to try a remedy from which he (the drug-!
gist) himselfs, had derived great nonefit. As
a drowning man calchea at a straw, I. pre
scribed this remedy, not letting my patient,
however, know what I was giving him,hnd,
although not a believer in nor a patron of
"patent medicines," I must confess that af
ter my fireman had taken one bottle he grew
.much getter. Tniade him continue its use
for a period oftwo months, with the most
gratilying results j it really worked wonders
und ua.owes nit cure and :preteut pcriert
health .solely to the remarkable power of
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, the
remedy! wbicli I prescribed, and he used.
Since the recovery of the man above
mentioned, I have given considerable
thought to the subject of acute nephritis, o'r
kidney difficulty, and I find that its mani
festations are most remarkable. It often
ppears without any tpccial symptoms of
tt own, or possibly as a sequel to some oth
:r disease. It may be a sequel to scarlatina.
iipnuieria,- and oiner illnesses, and eveu
arise Irom pergnancy. The first symptoms
frequently show themselves iu the form of
high, fierce and intense pains in tho lum
bar region, "the small of the back," trouble
some micturitions and frequent changes
In 'tbe color or tne urine which at times
liminlshes preceptibly. II tho urine It en
tirely anpprcsscd, the case, probably, will
fenniuale fatally In a very few days.
Dropsy !sa miumaiience of the suppression
of urine, and the eeyerness of it is governed
by the proportion of retention. The uer-
vout system becomes prostrated with subse
qnent convulsions and irregular circulation
of the blood, which, in mvcstimatlon,even
tunny might cause a uiseasen neart to give
out As I have remarked, in many kid
ney disease! yet, even in Bright'! disease
melt uiere is no precepuuie pain in tne
back. And these troubles often assart them
selves in various symptoms for instance, In
troublesome diarrhoea, blood poison, nn
paired eyesight, nausea, loss of appetitclis'
ordered digestion, loss of consciousness,
nusicy voice and many oiner complaints mo
numerous to mention. Indeed thousands
of people are suffering from the first elages
of Brigbt't disease to day, and (heydo not
know it.
In conclusion. I would like to slate that I
have, since my success with the fireman, re
peatedly prescribed Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Cure, and if my professional
bretbern could only be brought to far as to
overcome meir prejuiiicBBgaiusbiiroprieuir
medicines tney would, undoubtedly, unci
themselves recompensed for their supposed
sacrifice nl liberty, ot well at by the great
benenlt that would accrue to the world.
Most tincerelv,
To all who are suffering Troro the errors and
Indiscretions o youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, Ka , 1 will send
a recipe that will euro you. Fit KB Of
(JHAHQi:. This great remedy was dlseov
ered by a missionary In South America. Send
a solf-aildressed envelope to the Hbv. Josifru
T. IniiAH. Station D, New York tllty.
aug, 1j. ly.
I will mall (Free) the recipe forn simple
VEOKTAULll HALM that will remove
I1LU TOI1KS, leavlnic the skin son .clear and
beautiful ; also instructions lor producing a
luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or
smooth race. Address Inclosing 3c. stamp,
JIEN. VANDEI.F, li Barclay S,N. Y.
mar. 25-yl.
Tho advertiser having been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by
a sluiplo remedy. Is anxious to make knuwn
to his fellow entferors tho means or cure. To
all who desire it, lie will send a copy ofthe
prescription used, (free orcharire). with the
dlrectluns ror preparing and iisinic tho same,
which they will tlnd a sure CURE for
THMA, liltONUHITlS, &c.
Parties wishing tho Prescription. will pleaso
address, Itev. E A. WILSON, 1!H PennSt.,
Williamsburg, N. Y. mar. 26-yl.
A GENTLEMAN who suffered ror yean
rrom Nervous DEBILITY. PKEMA.
TORE DEOAY, and all thocllectsoryouth.
fui Indiscretion, will tor the sake or sutlcrlng
humanity, send tree to all who nocd It, tho
recipe and direction Tor making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by lho advertiser's experi
ence can do so by addressing In pcrtect con-
nuence. .luiui jj. t,iri,in
mir.25.yl 4'z cedar c t. new York.
Onnnltta Should Preserve Thlt.
No eisou shall kill, or havu in lilt pot
tesslou alter being killed, any gray, black
or fox squirrels bctweeu January 1 and
September 1, penally f5 ; hare or rabbit be
tween January I and October 15 ; penalty
$5 fur each rabbit; wild turkey between
J.nuaiy I and October 15, nalty $5 for
each turkey, upland or gross ployer.betweeu
January 1 and July 15, nslly $10 for
each plover ; woodcock between January 1
aud July 4, penalty $10 lor each woodcock;
quail or partridge between January 1 and
October 15, penalty f 10 lor each partridge;
ru filed grouse or pheasant between January
1 aud October 1, penalty $10 for each
Tho exercises on Saturday crcnlne were
a success In ipitu of the uulayorableiiCM or
the weather. D. D. Roper, Esq., ol Klatllir-
Ion, ilcllven d a vary interesting address on
Machine Made Mer.."und Dr.N.O. Bcbaer
Terjd the Kulllown Normal SehnoUerliired
on "The Iniiorlaiil Oiuiitinns in School
worn," wiucn wat highly appreciated by
lue auiiieuce.
At the annual election for officers of
tbe 1st National Bank, of this borough, tht
following Director! were duly elected!
Thos. Kemerer, A. J, Durling, Dennis Bow.
msn, P. J. Kistler, J.G. Zeru, C. II. Soldle,
and 11. F. Holford. The Board orgtmted
as follows: President, Thos. Kemerer: Vice-
President, R. F. Hotford; Cashier, W. W
Hair-Time Adrrtcd.
All nl the authraeile coal rnmpanlet,wilh
lho exception of tho Philadelphia A Read
ing Omipaliy, agreed lust Friday to tusiend
mining three days a week. It is understood
by those who have entered Into the agree
menl that the Reading will alto become a
parly in it. The agreement it not for
specified number of weeks, but will probab
ly continue in force until a majority ofthe
Interests are satisfied that the supply it re
duced to proortlnns more ncsrly equal to
the demand than is at preseut the case. The
President of una ofthe coal companies etli
mates that, in order to preserve tucli rela
tions between production aud demand as
will insure to the companies fairly profit
able prices, mining will hive to be suspend'
cd forty-eight dayt betwetn now and Aug
utt 1.
Tbe committee of tbe Schuylkill Coal
bxenanga Tuetday ordered a suspension lo
cai production and shipping on the IStn
iviu anu ;iuu iui.
Fall and Winter Stylet.
Our gentlemen readers will no doubt be
pleased to learn that 11. II. l'elers. tne pop
ular merchant tailor, at the l'ost-ollice, it
now reccivine an Immense slock of cloths,
cassimeret and all wool suitings for the fall
and winter trade, and lhat he is fully pre
pared to make up those goods In the most
fashionable and tasteful manner, at prices
wnieh cannot be disputed. Remember per
fect fits ami low prices, it hit motto. Cull
Inspect goods.
A Deeply Disgraced Man.
A dispatch to the Philadelphia Timet
Irom Tuwauda, dated the 12th Inst., says
"About three weeks ago II. W. Thomas, 20
yeart of age, n well-known and hitherto re-
apected citizen of Say re, called at the resi
dence of a prominent gcutlcmali of that
place. Tbe gentleman was out and Mr.
Thomas tuggested that he wuld remain
until the bnuieholJer't return. While he
was waiting he committed an outrage upou
the little girl ofthe house, who upon her
father's return, told the slry ol her wrong!.
committee nu apikiinted to wall upon
Mr. Thomas, composed of the following
gentlemen : 8. N. Blood, C. II. Satteriee, S.
W, Bishop and D'A, Overton, attorney for
the girl's fstber. When accused of tbe
crime Thomas broke down completely. He
offered $7i00 if the matter eoulJ bo seltled
Some duyi afterward! a meriting or citizens
was held wilh R. Ata Packer iir I ha chair,
and a resolution wat adopted stating, that
while tho perpetrator or the enmo deserved
no consideration altbe hands or an It-dig
nant community, yet in view or tbe phytic
al condition ol the child upon whom the
outrage wat committed, sml the consequence
to the innocent members or his own family,
lie wus notified to remove his presence froiu
the vicinity within twenty four hours "not
to return while hit miserable life latt."
Tbe resolution wat read to Thomas, who
immediately dejiarud to part! unkuown,
Days are gelling longer.
Write 18E3.
The blood is the foundation of
life, it circulates through every part
of the body, and unless it is pure
and rich, good health is impossible.
If disease has entered the system
the only sure and quick way to drive
it out is to purify and enrich the
These simple facts are well
known, and the highest medical
authorities agree that nothing but
iron will restore the blood to its
natural condition; and also that
all the iron preparations hitherto
made blacken the teeth, cause head
ache, and are otherwise injurious.
Brown's Iron Bitters will thor
oughly and quickly assimilate wilh
the blood, purifying and strengthen
ing it, and thus drive disease from
any part of the tystem, and it will
not blacken the teeth, cause head
ache or constipation, and it posi
tively not injurious.
Saved his Child.
tj N. Eutaw St, Baltimore, Md,
Feb. is, iSSo.
Gents: Upon the recommenda
tion of a friend I tried Brown's
IaoN Bitters as a tonic and re
storative for my daughter, whom
I was thoroughly convinced was
wasting away with Consumption.
Havine lost three daughters by the
terrible disease, under the care v(
eminent physicians, I was loth to
believe that anything could arrest
the progress ot the disease, but, to
my great surprise, before my daugh
ter had taken one bottle or Browm'i
Iron Bitters, she began to mend
and now is quite restored to former
health. A fifth daughter began to
show signs or Consumption, and
when the physician was consulted
he quickly said "Tonics were re
quired;" and when Informed that
the elder sister was taking Brown's
Iron Bitters, responded "lhat Is
a good tonic, take it."
Brown's Iron Bitters effectual
ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and
Weakness, and renders the greatest
relief and benefit to persons suffering
from such wasting diseases at Con
sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc
Just Received, tt
(Ms, Watches anfl Jewelry Mrs. C. MMIMSKY
llepecirully nniiouucKtohet I lends a'.d I tie
jiublle generally, that she t now recHWnu;
aii'I opening lor Ih-Ir li.srnuilon a larirer
(tuck tban ever ol lho very latest nuvelll, t la
Toys & Fancy Goods,
Suitable Tor HOLIDAY PUE.SUNTS for
Young and Old, l!l h und four.. Ilon'l foil
to call early mil s-cure nrtt choice n lr-1 l st
bargains. She alto rails their allentlun to
her New, 1. urn-nnd Klixaiit a'torltuf ut ol
Bank St., Lehighton,
Holiday Presents,
All ol which Is being sold attach extraordin
ary i.ow 1'rlces that alt can buy.
Look for Yourselves ! !
Gold and:SHvcr Watches from it 00 to ICO 00
Gent's Uhaln " Uto e 01
Ladles' Chains Silo 0 00
Lockets , " 100 to 20 ru
King ' 3 to 12 00
llracelM. Omit' and I. titles' Chains, llreast
l int, liar Jenels, and a variety or other artl.
clcs too numerous to mention, Including
Pleaso call and see ror yourselves, before
buying elsi where. dec'i-r
Special to the Ladies!
A Special Invitation la cz'cndcd lo the t-ad.
les of Lehlfihton and sunoundtiiK nelghlior
hood to call and examine tho Immense atuek
P tress dt
Bai-st, LeMiMoD, Fa,
comprising; all the latest Novelties In Black
and Colored Silks, Velvets, Plaids, Cash
meres, Series, all-Wool Suitings, Grlng
hams. Prints, a.o. Also, a lull ltno of
lllankels, Domestics. Shawls, JIusllns,
all of which he Is offering at very
Lowest Prices. A nice line or
.Silver-Plated Ware,
Do call and see It. My Hook or
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
mil and complete. Cheap as tho Cheapest,
and G ood at tbe liett. sept .i ll
comprising Tnderwear, lterjlrfnnd German
town Wools. Hosiery, loimried and I'O
lucsilo Kllibone Gloves. Flowers und
a pon assortiiieut ut New Ifo-lulis
Also, In connection with the above, a fall
and uoinplctu slock or
LlMlll'HOEK CllHi:SR
('until fc fVnilWiinis,
toge'her with a varletvof Goott no' ircnenl
ly kept In nnv it'lm stort. Iu town. Koudo
not trt what yon want, ast r-ir It.
A sh.iro orpnblle patronage solicited, and
perTeet sntlsfaeitnn guaranteed In nrtco ami
quality of goods.
Second St., 2 doors aiwe Iron,
Nov.It. 18e2.iii3. LKllldUTON. Ta.
A Lsclnrc to Yom Men
A Lecture on th Nature Trent muni und
Uadlea) cure weakna, orSperju
alorrhou Induced by Hull-A du.e, liivoluntftrv
l.nilsslons, Iiupotency, Nevous Debility, and
Iiepo.lttiieiils to MurrliKP irenerallv t Con
sumption: Epilepsy and Fits; Menial and
1 hyslenl Incapacity, hcUf 1KII1EKT .1.
I) I'l.VKKWLM,, 31. U., author uf tl.o
"Green Hook,'' Jo.
Tho worl 1-renowned author, in this admir
able Lecture, clear.y proves Irom Ins own ex
perience that the awful conscquenc-i nf b. 1
Abue may bo-cflcetualiy rcmovd without
dangerous turgleol opi.ratlm t, bougies In
strtiiueiits. r.iiKS or conli.ils; imlntlnii out a
uioueui cure a once cermn en I e etual, liv
which matter whit hlsemi.
tlltlon m..y be, may cure himself cheaply,
privately . nd radically.
sJif-TAf lecture wiltvravea boon tn thoui.
atutt and Ihoutandt.
Sent under soul. In n nlalnenreloni .to miv
address on receipt o! six cents, or two post
age slumps. Addiess
Tim Cnlrrnrcll Mfdlcal Co.,
Post (IfTlco
coBusn or
Particular attention given to
In ail Its details, at the verv Lowest Prices.
Fatronoice respectfully solicited and perfect
aaiisiacuun Kuaruoieeu.
DCO , 1879-yl DAN. WIEAND,
Two Doors Below tbo "Broadway Ilouto
Dealer in all ratterna ol Plain olid Fancy
DanEtters, Yfl7BSMotli8rsi
si-rls-A SJ- V
Thlt remedy will act In harmony with tbo Ee
.aalo system at all timet, and alto Immediately
upon tbe abdominal and uterine muscles, and ro-
inH Ik.m In h.illh sn1 .Imns rnnititlon.
Dr. ilaxchlsfo Uterine Catholieoa will cure fill
laj ot tho womb, Leacnrrheea, Chronic Iaflsmais.
Hon and L'lcerallou ot lho Womb. Incidental
UemorrbtTO or Kloodlnr;, Painful, Suppressed
and Irrcsular llenst mat Ion, Kidney Complaint,
Dsrreoneea and Iseepccially adapted to Ilia ctiauo
of Life. Send (or pamphlet free. All letters of
inquiry rrcoly answered. Address aaaboo. Kor
aalo by all drnisists. New alio 81 per bottle,
Oldslzo SI. CO. Basaroen.l ask lorDr.ilar-
cbiai-a u terine i-'awoucou. -s aaa no ow
TVinuow Shades,
Paints & Paintesr' Supplies,
BANK STREET, Lohighton, Fa.,
MILL Kits and Dealers In
lonii'dfc Feed.,
A-lllCind.of 0 ItAIX CODOllTand SOLDO
Wewonld.also. leaoccttttllr Inform oorclti
aena luat weat-e nuwluuy prepared to aur
t'lsY luein wuu
JSest nl' Coal
From any Mln dealt ed at VnrtY
LOWEST I'Uicr.s.
41 Ann St.. Now Yolk. N. Y i
ilox 4su. Oct 't
t CullS MKEAll ItJt'rAllS. f3
rjl JlestOonKh Byrup. Twtep;ood. ISA
Use In lime. Eofdhydracsrista. IgJ
r--Jgi;LirrrON nRETNUY.fashlonal.lo
HlitS Hoot and .Siiok Makck, liook St.,
Lehfithton. All work warranted.
by judicious Investments In Wall Slreet. Vs
send FREE, to any address, full Inlortnatlun
or a system or operatli a; by which sun a ot
SIO. $25, f 100 or more often return large
. EDOAE E00TAY r CO., 6 Vail
i New York. nov.6-uC
csr voutii and middie-a oed.
Wonld yon bo I e-tor. d to sounu l
eeutl aiunm aim roa win set an-
tico in aeaieu ooveiopn. Adureni. i
trot. J.Y. VflAN. (Igdsnaonra JT.Y. lalrl'y I
life Is s ween
ond dare before you
somethlnic mlahty
and siltillme tt-nvo lie-
hfnd to conquer time." )08 a week In your
own town, so outni irc . io tibk r.very-
thliis! new. Capital not required. We will
furnlslt you everytliinir. 3litny are making
fortunes. I.ndtes matte as much as men. und
hoys and if Iris make great pay Header. It
you want business at which you ean make
great pay on ino nine, write ior rnrucuiara
to II. II allkit J- Co., Portland, Maine.
Private Sale.
The undersigned will sell al Private Sale,
the fiillnwlns articles or HOUSEHOLD
1 Mason Hamlin Farlor Orcan,
1 WulhUt Bonk Case and Writing Desk
2 nupbourds,
1 VVuUut Extension Dining Table,
1 Marble-top Table,
I Tete-a-Tete,
1 Don bio Heater, ,
and other valuable articles.
.Apply to K. E. WHITNEY, x
52 If S. depot, LenlRluon, I'a.
Saloon Keepers and Otto,
Don't fall to buy your
Oliampaignc Pear Cider,
Lager Beer,
Root Lcor,
Porter, &c.,
Aou. l,S,18ll-lT.
Send a roach Mcelph or (if yon run) mr.e! nf roar
I iventlon to UEOUUI3 1- 1j1io, ivntiiiic
ton. D.C. and a I'relfraliitiry Kxnnif nuttoii
will be made of all United States patenu of Urn
same claw of invention and you M'l beadvued
whether or not a patent can be obtained.
What will a Patent Cost 1
If you are nd vised that yourinventlnn ts nutnt
able. end S20 to ray Government application fro.
ot 15, and 3 for thodrnMns required by Ilia
Government, Thlt la payable u hen appltrniltn '
made, and is all of the expanse unlewift putrnt Is
lotved. When allowed, theaHarueytepifcy nnt
the final Government fee (620) ts pnyable. Thu
you know beforehand, for nothtngt hether ) ou ara
f;olng to get a patent or not, and no attorney's fee.
sch&rRRdunlctM ycu doiret a Patent. Annttorncy
whose fee depend ott his puccens in obtaining
Talent will not advise you that our Invention im
Sateutable. unless it reilly Is pntetitaLle, to far asi
Is be Judgment can aid In determining ti e qur
tlou t henco, you ran rely cu thendvlFP Riven filer
a preliminary I'xainlnatloii It had H-trn Vat-,
rnU and Urn Registration of Lnbt-t TritfTo
tlitrka nnd Urltue eerurrd. titiruis rr
pared nndtlled. Apnilca Men in revivor of lEe
leeled,AInnilinieU.or l'or felled lnM-atnr.o
Very often valuable Inventions are inrd In theses
classes of cases. If you have undertaken to sure
f our own patent and failed, i ekllUul bnndllnpoC
hecase may leadtosuceeKB. r'i.dniearlttenre-.
quest addressed to the Omrr .sstoner of Tatenta
tbit he recosnlreUEonnic K. J.vvoN.of Wniihltur-.
ton, D. C., as your attorney in the cnse,i:lv1nfftb
tuie of the Invention and about the dnU of nllrT
your application. An examination and report 111
cost vou nothing-. Searches made for title to Inven
tion, In fact any information relating to ratrnta
rrompuv lurmsnea. umnesoi raimu n.niieu nt.
be regular Government rates, OSr. each.) Hi
member this ofllce has been I n surctMf til operation
line I&65. and ynu therefore reap tbe benefits of
experience, besides reference can be riven to ac
tual clients In almost every county in tlie IT- B,
l'umphlet relating to Patents free upon request
CIS 15th St., "WASHINGTON, I. C.
Attorner-nt-T.nir nn.l Solicitor of Ameri
ca u aud I"orulirn l'attuu.
For OEN. DODGK'S bran' new book, cuti'tlal
Years Among
oufi ho wmm i
A rmt record of the i other. Thfrty-Trx4 Tttrt Pcmnuil
pcrUHM Om-ong Qi lnuuau, Jf itU tut till) luliWlucLwH
By Gen Sherman
TUi new werV wm tt enca lobteribej for ly rrtdJenl
Astnci iw I cniir UW. ad by Gen. SAttnww,
Os-ani, Cca. SKerttla, Uacocl tni tkevantlt ot Em
inent Men. G t, (J ax t tiy i It (i a U M m tetin
XiCctrrimW LMlHor Wilet (lUf Witi "it
u a look of immew ra." It U the tg ictluntlo sveouat
s fj - a wceV rr.ade at tome by the In-
9 J ttuiirl'-ut. Ilcst huelne now l.ej.
AJ 9 Mtt lho publle, ('Mpllal not I of our Iodliai ?cr paWUhwl, fully rcTttln-f fielf-lnnie
' needed, w u will itart ton. ileu. ' llfctpen.t dnln-f. tinioitt. rtc. in. i.t4Tin.
women, hoy i and k Iris minted everywhere to enterlcneeaof Ci-Authnr. nd r TnM
workforns, Now Is the time. Yoncaiivnik Cow-bom Minen. Dor-ler XtuCis. ete-.TUidw ixirtriTlne
J.lie la tli Qrcflt Y.'rtt t It tow b. -13d thuum I U j-
With fcteel Is'nrnTlDgs tn Snpe-b ChrnmLlthofrripls
riit!i la 15 colon, from rhotcrmpl.i tuio tj tl U. tl
Gorerameot cxp! for &i greet werfc.
A CUNTS I Thlt fft-ftu book it noent-atUIas sll others
10tol. Xb envpertiiort, AgenUti-eropi jo to COerdcrs
a dir. We want 10OOTnn- tgcn it nee. EztUmi
JTrr,f'torffwt &rtal Tcnu otrtn. Our Urn clreubnirltli
I fall paitlculars trul five. A f no ftpcehnen fU'e moI
4MdJann for a a rent uutn. ACdrrn tbt rolt pQblhhcrt.
A. a WOItTUINGTOX & CO- UiRTrocu. Cos,
in fi-are time, or giro sour whole lime lo tli
huiinrcf, Mo other builnrss will 'ay yuu
nourly rv well. No one cm tall to mnku ei.xr.
motis nay, by ennaglnK at once, t'only out
fit ami ter ro a free. Money made fun. entlly
and honorably, AdJrcii Trdjc & Cu., Au
KUBta, Maine. dec'' ya
I A M n 'tlms a siclltr.
ini i L.'iiuMTKAuneii
KS and all Vlmts of LAM) St'lt
ami .uld. Ljirfl Stork. D1 ills
ifhLn'lV A Dur""' D'Ul't A'" 1 wrltt to AfUf. THOMAhf AltMMVat1!
I VThnL vnu wunt Ihs
trrrate.t Invention vt ttionsel hpi our pjim
nhlet. Knut lroo. rot J. Y.KUAK.Urrepx.
bars. X.V. )ulr IT I
for Soldiers on ary
sr. wounn or in-
rets, tio oo.
IloontT, Ilack Tar, Dltchriftforl)rsertrs.
eu.. procured. 14 years ctperlcnre. Address
C. M SITUS h CO., tti F Street, Vashlnt.
ton, 1). (J. Jan. 0-tfo
and WA1I-
KS and all kinds of LAND St'ltll'T tinniiht
and sold. Ijttft Stork, and llluliest I'rlert
J I to,
-ARnRS.I mill M.RHE:itM' HOSO
XurtaC site. I'll! sn'l Utntr. s-or putt. uIAls, s-MsSMS
k J.CMK'onlr A-Co.. I'klUtvlvkU, I'sw
AGENTS Wanted ;
ftx haatli4a IUtUS U
lewiapiH t ui)tTi.Bctplciicrrlierct Uberal lexm,
tU4Ujt ttxrrUsi J to, ,N. f uunb iu, I'.
a a VBtrvL AnTiciJu,
titjumit. fuiuL Crttwuo Cutc,
ft I. a R v ttrnsi Itli.t.l!-...1
4 liools. U all wke ctt two
Jit. Uiq tW Mf su4
ptrLlM7. McwtUta jaU 99