Advertising Rates. We desire It to lie distinctly understood that no advcrllsomculs will bo Inserted lu the columns of Tim Cinnox AnvooAT that may be recoived from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by the cash. Tho following aro our oxvr tcrmsi OKIt S(JUAB (10 LINK), One year, each insertion '.- 0 Blx months, each Insertion cts. Three months, each insertion ZU CM. Loss than three months, first insertion 1 j each subsequent Insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents per line. II. V. MORTIIIMER, Publisher. CARDS. Attorneys. VTT SI. lUrSHEK, ATTOllNEY AND COuNBELLOn AT LAW, Bis St iti,t.inioBtO!i , Pi. .... .. n i willllut.nd BelBiiaienae.o""i" r . Sell Rest Ktt. Ceravej.ncinK .leatly clone Col :.,in. nmmnll. made. Settling Estate of P. ,d,nU .'specialty. May b. cou.ull.d In i.njnsn BdlUrman. " Physicians and Dentists. A. PF.nH.VMEn, SI ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bpll .Uentlon pld to Chronic ulwases. OlScol South Kstcotnrlrononii2iidt..le kljhton.P.. April 3, 1875. B. UEHF.K, 31. D. U. S Rxamlnlng SnrReon, PRACTICING PIIYSICIAS and SO f.DEoN. Oeficei Hank Street. UEDStt's HLOCK, Lehurli. '"waVbo consulted In the Ocrm n Language. Nov. 3. W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE: Opposite the "iiroadwny House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patients have the benefit of Itio la left lm movements In appliances and the best mothoda .r treatment In nil uricloAl V" , iiiiiitTiiji'l lil-l mlmtn .tered if d. tired. irpos.lMe, persons residing outside of Mauch Chunk, should in.iku engagements by mail. Jl"' I CONVKYANUEll, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The Mlwn Compinle. ara Uepi "seated! LEftAN )N MUTUAL FIIJB, nm Jiiia tiuruAi. i'ihs, vmiUINO FIRS, rorr.-iviLi.u Finn. I. n II 1 (1 1 1 i-'i n a- n A the m A v l-.r.r.n-. ACCIJliSHT IKMUHAKCE. it., vnnnarlranli and Mutn.ll Ilo.-so Thief tt.a'lveandlu.uranieivniraiiv. MareaSJ.lSil inoH. Kl.MlCllER. QARBON HOUSE, J. W. ltA.UDEXHUSU, PROPrtlETOIt, Dane Sr., Lbiiiohtoi, I'a. rr-u. . . iri -1. tilli.ra flmuelnss nccum maditioni to il.w I'MVddmr publle. iHMrdlnit 1.. ., II. M nr ttuuk uu Il-os itiaMo Toruis. Ohoico Olu. Wlnus mid i.:rinoiii .ilwayon lund. Ood Sheds aud stamoa. wnu anvji tire Hostlers, .utaobed. April l'J-yl, -p.VCKKItTON HOTKI.. Midway between Mauch Chunk S: Lehlaihton LEOPOLD MEYER, PnornttTon, Puekerton, Penn'a. This well known h'Hul It ndinlrablv rofltled, ki. ihn h...t ..i!iiiiiinudiLlliils lor Purniall- atand transleni burden. t-xi:ollentiaWc and the very best liqaors. AUo tin sulilea Livery & Sale Stables manic sTaKET.LKHiaiiTON, p PAST TROT TING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively LOWKB PltlOCS than any otlier Lively In tho Co jnlr. l.arseanrt handxime Carilaeca for Fjnera uarisoataauu wcuumxa. u.vym niimun Nov. J2, ls7i J. W. UAUDENBUSII B.ipootlully announces to tho puhllo that he has opened ft NF.W LIVEUY SPAIILU in e.tanrctlon Willi bis hotel, and Is prepared to furnish TcAms for Fmerah, Wclilnss or Biisiuess Trips on shortest notice and mo.t llbnralterm.. All orders left at ttio"Orlnn House" will reeclvo prompt atlentiim Stable un North S reet. next tho hotel. LehlUtiin. an22-l rf" M O I AM O r"r Soldiers, Widows Hi SI I I lJ S Parent and Children I wlwllJ Any dlfea,e, wimnd or lnury entitles. Million, appropriated and workinic force doubled. Pnmipt mk and homes made happy. Fee $10 Apply now Widows, remarried, now entitled during widowhood. Oreat succi'S, In INCREASE assa. IIouktvuikI Hack Piyand l)lclinri:e. nroaured. Detertert entitled lu all dues under new laws. DAipUHT? ,ar Inventors. Land Warrant! F iv I lilt 10 piueured, luiuKht and sold. The " IfOJd.O i" SOLIIIKH," (weekly paper), hatoptu utipy tree. Send st.(tnp for full tntruclliin. blanks and bounty table. M. W. FirOEB ALU & CO., Fenidon, P,itnt and Uaud All')., Washington, D.C. l.m2 DROP IN AT THE Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOR Cheap Printing ! TIicCaiwon' A-DVocate one year for $1, and Kendall's Horse Eoolc as a premium. 1 II. V. Mortiiimer, Proprietor. VOL. XL, No 8. Railroad Guide. ipa ujmm . n. A T L Tl Tl Arrangement ofPaEsenger Trains. NOVEMBER, 12th, 1BS2. Trains loavo AHentown as follows: (Via 1'KnKlOMItN RAILROAD.) For Philadelphia at S.tO, B.45, 11.10 a. m ami 3.o p. ni. SUNDAYS. For Plilladelphlaat 6.00 a. m. and 3.33p.m. (Via East Pesw Branch.) For Ttaaitlnx and HarrlsbuOg, 0 00, 8.40 a. ro.,, 4.3 and 8.05 p. ra. For Lancaster and Columbia, 0.00, 8.40 a, m., and4 3Jp to. SUNDAYS. For Harrlsburg, and waypoints, 9.0S p. m. Trains for Allentown leave as follows : (Via PkKKIOMKN lUlLnOAD ) Leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. and 1.00, 1.35, and 5.15 p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8.10 a. m., 3.15, and 4'J0 p. in. (Via East pkks. Branch.) Leave Heading-, 7.30, 10.16 a. m., 2.00. 3.6J, and nl6 p. m. Leave lla rrlsburg, 62 7.60, 9.50 ,1.45 nn 4 mi n. tn. Leave Lancaster, a. m., i.uj ami tj.iu IjOUVO ejlllUUIUIIl,, V ... tli.,. .v .iiuu.iv '.u.. tr'roui King Street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave Reading, 7 SO a. m. Leave llnrilsburg, 6 20 a. m. Tmlra via "Pcrklomfn Railroad" marked thus () run to and Irom Depot, Ninth and Given streets, I'lilladelphla, other trulns lo and from Ilmad street Depot. The 5 to and 0.45 a. tn. trains Trom Allen, town, and tlio 135und fi.I5 p. in. train from Philadelphia, via rerKIoinon uauroau, nave through cars to aud Iroin Philadelphia. J. E. WOOTTLN, General Manager. CO. HANCOCK. tjcn'l rnsr St iictei Agent. November Olh JOHNR.G.VVEYSSER, rnoruiETOR of the West End Brewery, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Pure Porter aai Lap Beer Delivered all over the State. October 8, 1881 Jl JF YOU a in: IX ni;i:d OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, uents l-urnisinng uooas GO TO CLAUSS&BROTHER THE TOPULAR Merchant Tailors, Bank Street, Lohighton. PRICES VERY LOW FOB CASH. The public patronago solicited. Julyl-tf Central Carriage"Works, Bank St., Lohiglilon, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c., Uf every description, In the most substantial maimer, uuu at j.uwut uasn rrices. Rt'iialrlnj,- rromptlj' Attended to TUEXI.ER & KREIDLER, April 29, 1882 yl Proprietors. BANK STREET, first stnro ahnvo Iron, calls attention tn his new and fash ionable stock All of which he is Selling at VERY LOW EST CASK PIIICES. r An Inspection Invited and satisfaction Kuaiantecd In all cases. Life and Fire ! E. K. Stroh, General Apt, AT MAUCH CHUNK, Tx. Only good and rellsble Companies repre eni.d. Al". Ag'nl rnr thn ITALIAN and RJfTERDAM LINE OF STEAMERS, CARB0M ADVOCATE ruim AND fancy OOKsJOBPRME HOUSE BANKWAY, a short distance above the Lehlxh Valley U.K. Depot, LEIIIGIITON, PA. We are now fully prepared to execute every description ofPRINTINQ, Irom a isitii Card to aLarge Poster! Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars Shipping Tags. Cards, Hill Heads, Letter Heads, Koto Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Programmes, Pamphlets, da., &c., In Best Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! THE N. Y. SOT. NEW YORK, 1883. Moro people haro read Tnic Sun during no jcnrjuii now passing innn over ucioro ince li wan nrst iinnieu. nn oiner news- mner nulillsHeit on thl eldo of (lio earth has been Luuuht an l read In any year by tu uianv tttcn aiul wuitmi. Wo are cruu tnbit infrmeil that neon e nuy, rcau, ana jiko lonno louovi reiinp, uuujnie omera ; itccuuFO hi news co I u inn nrrt-cni in ni autuo form ami with tlmurcatcst pojuiblo iccuracv whatever has lntcrrst lor human kind ; theevontu, tho doeds.and mlsilccils.Uio wiauom, i ne iniioFDpny, me nuiauie tony, the fi. lid seme, the Imnrov Inir noiiBenge all uioncwptn i uu uusicsi woia ai present re voiviiitf in Hot-auto people hare learned that tn Its re marks concurnlntc persons and nrT.tirs Thk Su.n makes a praclleo ol tailing them the ex act truth to the best of ability three him lmi at i u 8ixirvd nay! in mo year, uiunio elec tion as well a i after, about tho whiles ns well a the stnull hsh. In tho fuce ofdi!ji;cnt as and le.irlcssly us when supported by Ki-nerul approval. Tub Sun has aLmolutely no purposes to serve, nve tne iniuruuthui 01 Its readers and tho furtherance of the com- iteoausrt u n everynony s newspaper no man Is sohuniblettMtTnttSUN I IiidllTercnt to his welfare nnd his rfuhts. No a-j-ocl.tllon ol men, ts powerful enough to be exftnpt from tho strict application of Its principles ui ninit aim wronn. jsco -upo in puiuics u hub iuv(t;ni lor a uozen yeurs, wttlo ut Intermission and sometluiPS almost alono an our newspupers, the rltihl that has resulted In tho reccntovcrwhelinlrig lopumr vcruici utcuinEi i(uucsoniin ami ior fiontut Kovcrnment. No matter what party Is In power. Tiik Sun stnnds ami will con tinue to stand like a ruck for (he Interests of the people agAlnst the ambition oriiosccs.thp cncroacnmcnts of inonoollel, aud the dlf. honest schemes of public rubbers. All tuis is wnai we ure loin almost naiiy bv our Irlcmls. One man holds that Tub Sun Is the best relUlous nenspaipercverpui. iifiieu. occaiuo in unrisuatniy is uiiiinuieii wlthcaiit. Another holds that It Is the best Itemih lean bewsiuincr iirlntcd. because It has already whippet b.tlf of tho rascals out ot that party, ami tho prncci'djnics ugalnst the other h.tlf withundcinlnlshed vig r. A third bellees It tu be tho best maunzldc ofireneral (Ueraturo in existence, because lis readers tnl-s nuihlntr worlhv of notice that is current in thu world of lhoue;ht So eery friend o( IhkSun discovers ono of Its many sldts that atipeals with pttrticular torce to his iuJIvldu- HI HKintf. If you already know The Pun. ynu will oh rvu that in 1883 ft Is a little better than ever before. If you do not already know Tiik sun. ou win n nu 11 10 do a mitror 01 an nu man activity, a storehouse of tho choicest products of nomuton scnte and imaKlnatmn, n uiainstny ior me c iu?o 01 nonesi overnmtni a sentinel fur icenulne Jcllersoiiian l)mo eraey. a scouruo for wickedness of every Steele, un and uncommonly good Investment ior tuo coming ear. Tonus to Hail Subscribers. The several editions of The Sun a e sent by mail, postpaid, as follows : DAILY 55 cents a month, SO 50 a year Willi Sunday edition, 67.70-SUNDAV-KIkIh pajces. gl.20 a year. W KKKIA'-31 a year, hltiht pu'es of the best mutter ot the daily limes; an Agricul tural Department of unequalled merit, mar- kut reports, au 1 literary- scientific, and do. icctlo fntelllncnco mako l'uu Wkkklv Sun tho nownp.iper for the farmer's house, hold, Tu clubs of ten with lo, an extra copy free. Address I. W. EXOLAND. I'ubllskr. Tub Sun, Now vurk Oily November 5k0 No Patf nt No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada ami Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal omce located In aihtngton, directly opposite the United States Patent Olnce, wo are able to altend to all patent loudness with greater piomptne'S and de spatch and at lees cost than other patent at torneys who are at a ULtance from Wash Ingtou, and who have, there lore, to employ " assochite attorneys." We make preliminary I examinations and furnish opinions as to ra-1 tcntablll.y, free or charge, and all who are Interested In new Inventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy ol our "Oulde for obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any address, and contains complete Instruc tions how to obtain patents and other valua ble matter. We refer to tho (lerman.Atner Ican National Hank Washlrgton, I). O. i tlio Itoyal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Li-ica. Hons, at Washington! Hon. Jos. Carey, late (lhlei Justice U. S. Court ol Claims; to the Officials of the U. 8 Patent Office, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. Addressi I.OI'IS IlnOF.H U CO.. So licitors nr Paten's and Attorneys at LawLe Droit Hnlldlng, Vashi:.otoii, 11, J, INDEPENDENT-" LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, iThe great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP ovcr ailothcrcough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, .Bron chitis, Whooping Coush, Incipient Consumption and for the relief off consumptive persons m advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 23 cents. Witii Medicine Quality not Quantity is tfiepiatestiiniisraiice; next is the Knowlcflie U Experience to Cor rectly Prcjjarc ana" Dispense tne same At A. J. DURLING'S l'Ol'ULAll Dn & Family Msiilcine Store, Bank Stiee Lcliigliton, You can always rely upon ircltlii' STH1UT LV I'ur&iuj'l unailulUntloil Drugs and Medicines. DUni.INCl, onrrlos tlio larircst stock PATLNT .MKUll lNhS la tho county. 1)U1II.IN1 liasan cli-L'iiiit stock of DHUa. OlSTJ SUMIhltS, 1'ANUY nnd Tol L.LT Alt'Il(JL,l.S lor tliol.idics us well as tlio Kcnta, DURUNd mntcs HOIKH nnd CATTLE PUW1IKHS a specialty. HIsMyeirs eiier. Icnoo in tlio druse business gives him u great advanluKO in line. TliUSSES, SUI'POHTKJiS and 1IRAUES alwoys a largo slock on liand, 'INi:s and Iiiai'OIIS. both brclgnnnd domes!. Ho lias (Minion Ornpo Wine and a Iiry Unianba Wine. Jubt splendid and cheap. WALL, PAPEliS and noilDEnS Hie larnot assortment In ton. Oo to DUIILIN'CJ'S with your prcsenp tions On to pUlfLlNU'S lor your I'utcul JU'dlclncs. (lo to III'IILINO'S for yourfnncyart'clis. Farmers and liorstincn Koto llt'ltl.INU'd for i our Hoi so and Uuttlo Powders. aug. 5.yl. A r'W'I'Q wnnlnl.tofell Edison's 5Iu. AVJijl 1 O lcalTclediono nnd Edison's Instantaneous Plnno anil Organ Mulc. En close stamp Tor c tnloiiuc nml terms. EU1SON J1USIO CO., Phll.idclphla, Pa. dec. 'Ji-iua. GS A SURE CURB for nil dlseaocs of tlio Kidneys and 6 LBVER S orgm. cnablins it to throw off torpidity and f t inwtian, Etiaiulatlajj the licaltby Bocretioa 3 Tl. l,a.nalllinMlnn ., J pi u liuo, nr.u ay .Kcepiiis uo do wcis m tree A oonditlou. eUccUnfT lta i-crular dlrdiaxfro. 6 C rvTI I f 3 -i ITyouarocuiTatinfflromi A hVi&idi Bciu malaria,havothechUii,(( 7 AraLllloua. dvincitla. or ecnetinataJ. Ttld- N ncy. . ort svjucurejy r 'iieve tz quiciay cure, la tills Ecascn to clcwif o Uie Crslcm. everr i-z;- ' - - - . - M f ono cbould tcio a ti.orcunli eourso cfit, (Si) 4 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Prlco 01 hlxuton and Its vicinity, that ho is nuw pre pared tosupply them with nil kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from the liest Seasoned M-Ko. rials at Prices Hilly ns Inwas thntiunnnp . ctin ho bought lor elsewhere Here are a few or tho Inducements ouered Parlor Sets a) from 630 to 1 30 Walnut Marble-top Dresnlnu Cnso lleilroom Sulu s, 3 pieces 10lo W Palmed lledroom Suites tin to f 40 (lane Seated I'halr, per set of 0..,. 4 Uummon chairs, perctofa $1 and all other Uoods equally cheap. In this connection, I desire to call the at tentlnn of the peopl. to tnv ample f.irllltlr In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS , uh a NK. HANI,S()ME EASE, , an,j a mu llneofUAMihTS and ll()FlS, I I am prepared to attend promptly lo all or ders In this line, at lowest prices. Patronago respcctlully sullcilcd and tbe most ample satlsfactlun guaranteed. V. SCHWARTZ, ootlJ HANK St., I.ehlghton. jglTJob Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly execut ed at this ofiire. Give us a trial and be convinced, '9 Ttesneetrullv announces to the rconle of Le Live and Let Live." PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1883. -BIIE SEA-MAIDEN. Ttiero was n lily and rose. sea-tnaMcn In marvellous depths of lar-away seas, Whose eyes were blue, and wlioso head was Inilon With luminous curls Ilka tbe lioncy of bees. Half hidden by corals and swaying rushes And vines of tho ocean, she sat arrayed In n tremulous veil nfdelicato blushes And robes of quivering light aud shade. The sun-fish came lo worst Ip her graces, Tho dog-fish lingered and marvelled be side, And sho gayly smiled in their whimsical feces, And sang them songs till Ihey laughed or cried, A poet of earth looked down upon her, And loved, and beckoned, and told his love j But her soul was coy with a eca-maiden's honor, And she would not go to the world above. So there he stayed by the crystalllno water; He leaned and gazed with heart on fire: And died at last for the ocean's daughter Died of sorrow nnd long desire. And still she si' In the pence ofoecan Tho peaco of tho mouth of ocean-caves A damsel without an earthly emotion, Who cares not for men, their loves, nor their paves. Thus, deep In the calms of woman's life, ooyers Herself some maiden on aureate sands Of duly and innocence, far from lovers, From beatings of heart and rcachings ol hands. JVic Sunday Times. FERGUS MAC1L1LSH; on, Tho Last Elm of the Avenue. Ha was a tnll, handsome fellow, with dark comnlcxinn aud curiously light, eoger pyes; by name I discovered, Cap tain Augus JIcL'.'ih, of the Thirty fourth (Iloyal Croinnrly) Highlanders (Here I timy iutrodnco msstlf to my readers, Lieutenant Jones, Iloyal North Willis Militia.) Captain MncLeish was r.itlier stiff and high nnd mighty at fltbt, thought very much the Highland chieftain. "Caolchairn," or some such pretty name, was, I found, his correct designation. Still, I lit hiru see thai I considered ft Jones of I'rybullych the equal ofneyman iu her majesty's ser vice, nnd we gradually warmed into sociihllity over the landlady',! blazing fire, and such refreshments as the Green Lion afforded. The landlady's prediction was verified in less than the time mentioned. The lstorm blew over, the clouds patted, and a Clear white moon shono ont, II ilf an hour's quick walking brought ns to the top of the hill, under which Uy the little town of Clinqharon. Its red roofs looked pretty nnd pioluresqne in the moonlight beyoud, and to westward thescanndthe marshes stretched away ray nnd mysterious; below us a row of light id windows showed where the bar racks stood. 'That's n welcome sight,'' said Mao Laisli. 'Were you ever here before?'' I asked "Never. I only heard of the place last week ah!" he stopped short. I looked ronnd ii amazement. He was standing upright nnd rigid, his eyes fixed on so-ne point in the road before ns, his finger extended. "Why, what's the matter?" I asked, looking down the road -white nnd lone ly and seeing only n milo-stpue stand ing distinctly from tbe dark hedge. "Tberel" His eyes dilattd with a fixed stnro of horror, his breath came short and quick, and at last, with a sharp cry, he swayed forward and fell insensible on mo path, i thought he tried to say something, but failed to understand b;m. Tuo soldiers had haltvd, nnJ two ci.nie running up vociteratiog In some un known tongue They knelt beside him and rninod hira nil stark uud white, in the moonshine. I gave u few directions, tu which they vouchsafed not the small ost utteutionjhiithomehow they contrived to support him between them, aud we proceeded to the barracks; no great dis tance fortnnately. I qzeMionod tho sergeant, who had looked on meanwhile with undUturhed composure. He declined to commit him self to any opinion whatever. The prl vates were "Caolchairn's" own people, poor ignorant Highland Lodies. who could hardly peak English. And hero Ser geaut TuUuch'H commauication c.uue to au abrupt stop, r.ud I could only extract in addition, that tbe Highlanders knew best what to do with their chief, and that "he'll bs i' rlcht in the morn." So he. was. Ho appeared on narad right enough. I found that be and I were iuthot-ame section; alo that of nil the sixty offieirs comosiug the 'coure,' he was tht only oue with whom I had the .lightest acquaintance. He was in the sumo position, I fancy so ne fraternized to a certain extent walked over to Uoals- town together the popular amusiraeut ui the period, and worked nt tho red book in company. He wn an odd young fel low, at slate-lily lep-lUut ns n Spnuisb Don ono moment, nnd the next loyishh rxpan.ive uud couiuiunlc.illvo. I think he was re.illy desper.tltly shy the result of Lome-breeding. He gave mo a descrip tion of his Highland home oue d.iy. with his mountaiu aud moor, loch nnd forest. where the MacbL-isbes lived in feudal state,naugbt appertaining to the true dig' nily of ureal Highland chieftain b ing licking, from the pipers to the deadly- feud. The MacLeiabes of Tncboran had killed, burned, betrayed, massacred aud generally made themselves mutually un pleasant from time immemorial. The two branches of this amiable family sprang from twin brothers, and, accord- log tn tradition, were to carry on tin Harne bloodthirsty relations till they b. eaie .imnl aueously extinct. 1.00 If "And may I ask how you nnd the repre sentatives of the other litn conduct your selves when yon happen to meet iu soci ety uow-a-dnyt?" I inqnircd. JIacLeish laughed. "Wo don't meet. Tncboran was sold generations ago, and the MacLcisli of that date died abroad. Wo have often tried to truce out Lis descendants, but with only partial success. Perhaps tt is juitns well, ' he continued nltb an em btrrassed laugh, "for they say that though we don't slay nnd plunder now a-days the enne ii on ns yet. Vhen one of each lino bhall meet, theu follows calamity. I looked ns profoundly impressed as he could eUsire. "Ten ysais ago n clergyman In the South chnpUin to a licspltnl wrote lo ray father to say his cousin, Fergus llac Leish, lay dying mortally wounded iu some discreditable brawl. Sly father, good man, started nt once. Ho was in time to see tbe tlying man nnd to proin iso to befriend his only son a boy about fourteen. Fergus M.icLeish died with hie Land clasped in my father's. It was their first aud last meeting." "We-1.1 No harm came of it, I sup pose. 'Sly father never saw his homo again. lie was killed in the great railway acci dent on tho Great Northern." What became of the boy?" I asked, presently. Young Fergus? He was an utter good- for-nothing. Sly mother gave the chap lain carte-bianche, nnd he did his utmost lo reclaim him. It was no use. He was in nnd out of prison half a dozen times, nnd nt last we shipped him off to the col oniesbut I'm almost sure I met him last year at tho Derby." "How did you know him?" "By his likeness to-myself. It's curi ously strong. Also by nuother mark a cut on one eyelid that giyes him a most sinister look. The chaplain mentioned it to me." "Did anything happen?'" I could not resist asking. JIacLeish's face grew dark. "Don't ask me enough to ruin my life, and make it little worth having from henceforward. Hullo! it's seven o'clock Do you dine at mess to-night?" and he left me to dress. Next day, instead of our usual secluded seat ou the shingle, by a deserted Slartello tower, I suggested that wo should take our books to the parade, studying in pnblic being a Clinq haven fashion. Where's the Parade? I've never seen it yet," he remarked. I marched him eastward forthwith. It was half-past twelve on a bright autumn morning, the sun was shining, the sea dancing, bevies of pretty children rollicking on the shingle, and three of tbe prettiest girls in Clincjbaven taking a brisk turn after bathing. The prettiest bowed to me, aud looked ns if we might come and talk to her if we liked; but all that'SIacLeish saiduas; "It was a bad place for work ing, and that he wanted to go to town to buy somo red ink." 'This way," I said. "You don't mean to say you've not been down the Lady's avenue? ' We turned through a gate into a cool sbado of some pollard elms that mado a bowery walk across some low lying mead ows to tho town. "Somo dead and gone country lady bless her considerate soul planted this" grove and '.equeatbed it to the town. Its tbe prettiest thing in Clinflhavou," "Tho town doesn't seem to appreciate it," taid SlacLeish. "It has been let go to tho had. These trees want thinning, and some young ones planted in those gaps." "The Slayor and corporation are awak ing to a sense of their duties, I see," I said presently. "They are actually breaking up tbe ground aud getting fresh earth in, I snppote it's twenty years since it was last done nnd it will be twenty more beforo it is done ng -in. SlacLeish did not answer; he seized my arm suddenly aud pointed, with out stretched finger, to the last elm of tbe avenue. "There!" ho exclaimed; "he is there again." I saw nothing but two wheelbarrows.n plank nnl two spades sticking upright the newly broken earth. ' Hold up!" I said. "Don't faint here, for heaven's Bake!" and I shook him roughly. He looked nt me vacantly,aud I hurried him ou. Presently he pissed his baud across bis eyes and drew a long breath. "Sly grave or his!" be muttered, He said no more till we reached the barracks, when be turned to me, quite calmly and collectedly: "Lnngh at me if you will it can do no harm. I have s -en him agi.ln. .The third time will re the Ust." And he close:! bin door gently upon me. I hadn't a chance of msking many friends, kociable and nre-enble ns the Cliuqhnven residents were, and was sur prised to meet some Wtl.h friends es. tublinhed iu one of the Parade homes for the sease-u, They wera gay, hospitable set," with half a dozen pret'y daughters aud ns many sons, all holiday-makiugas hard a tb.y could. Sometbinc was al ways Koing on nt th Piyse-D.tviesei', and I and mmy of my friends were made cordially welcomo nt ni y time, Icoi- veyed numerous invitations tn SlacLebh nil politely but firmly declined. A ploulo tn Eato!iffd Bay a boatiug parly np tbe river to Lynas Castle an after noon dance; finally a seat on the dray to Nnrthwold races. On our return from our walk np the avenue. I fonud another of Sliss V.'insie Pryse-Dayises's pretty littio no'es lying on my table, and a second addressed to C.iptain A. SlacLeish. A dance after the races! Bless the girls, wl at constitutions they have! Is it worth while bothering SlacLeish to go, I wonder? What cue make them so crazy to cultivate bis acquaintance?'' I gave no encouragement to Mm Win a Year if Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1.2f. nlo's hopes of his ncceptanco when I mJt her on the Parade that'evening. "Suohn shnmel" shecald. "Wowant yon all to come in uulfnrm. It wilt make tho room look bo much better. Yours is lovely, I know but a Highland dress!'' "Well, there are somo 931 men hero. Shall I bring tht tu?" "Oh, oh many as ynu all means, but I had set my heart ou your Highland chief." Here three- more Sllss Pryse Davises hurried np, excitedly nnd de llghtedly. 'IIb's coming, Winnie? Here's his noti I" I could hardly believe my eyes. "Why, not?" slid Sir. SlaoLeish tn me that night. "I've been very ungracious to your kind friends. Let me off t'io rncs, and I'll be ns civil as you plenso all tb evening. Next Friday, is it? Well, I hope they won't make a late af fair of it. I'm going to shoot in the match ou Saturday. S it befel Unit ou Friday evjnlng a resplendent figure presented itself inji y room. O.iolchairn in full war paint. "Why, you are as bejewelled as an old tlawager grlng to court," said I, gazing on him with respectful admiration. "Ynt'd be worth something if yon were melted down!" SlacLeish linghcd nvirri ly. He was In high spirits, ns excited as any school-girl nt tho prospect of n dance, asked mo no end of questions about the Sliss Pryse-Davises, and mide me sol emnly promise blm introductions to all of them. By the way, I ought to havo some roouey wltn me, 1 said as we passed through the barrack gate. "We may want n cab home." Nonsense; it,s a splendid night; be tides, I've plenty." And ho drew out his purse ns he stood under the lamp. "No, it's nil gold; what n nuisance!" I noticed a pair of hungry eyes gleam ing out of the darkness as he poured the money back, and saw a ragmuffin Uguro move slowly off. "Luckily there are two of us," I thought. It was u brilliant little dance. Tbe rooms were prettily aud gaily decorated, the local confectioner bad surpassed him self in the supper, and the Pryso-Davies girls looked as fresh and bright as if they had cot passed a whole day under a broil ing sun on the race-course. "Is this wise?" I naked Miss we stood in the open French window of the dining-room, that looked on to the Parade. "What the open air? Oh, it never does me any barm; and the moon is rising so exqnsitely." There was a small enclosnre in front of tho bouse, and over the dwarf wall a crowd of shabby-looking people were gazing in at the brilliantly lighted room. I'll send two of round to or der them off," she said. The last that departed looked ronnd nt me with tbe curious eager eyes I had seen before. Sleanwhile the fun was becoming rath er fast and fnrious. They were getting up reels. One of the Highland officers had brought his bagpipes, on which the miscreant was a distinguished amateur performer. SlacLeish was oue of tho noisiest and gayest there. I could bard ly recognize the proud reserved boy I knew. Tho Piyse-Davieses were bewitch ed with him and he with them. What has come to you, SlacLeish?" I asked, when I came upon him, sitting in a dirk corner nloni'.his face buried in bis hands. He looked np w ith a q ieer, wild smile. "I'm not mad, Jones, or -melancholy. I'm i'ev; that's what it is." Come home, now, that's a good fel low; it's past two, and you wanted to be early." Not a bit of ill I've avalse with Sliss Winnie, and half a dozen other dances to disposo of." The other men departed by degree, but SlacLeish stayed on to tbe last, nnd I with him. I might Lave 1. ft blm, but soron instinct detained iv.e. At last we took leave. Our shortest vtay home vias through tho Lady's avenue, aud I took it without reflection. Half way through the grnye SlacLoish stopped. lie had forgotten somo nonsensical commission for one of the girls. "Ill overtake you," be said. "I must go back." I was too provoked with blm to argue, but walked on, theu est down iu the gloom of an overturned wheelbarrow and waited. Some one passed me n few minntcs later. He wax iu tha full liolit nf 11, n I moou, and I recognized the same shabby figure I had secu tice before a young, broad-shouldered, touching rough. He seemed to disappear suddenly behind one of tbe trees as a footstep approached, ai d SlaeLcish's voice was heard hinging a vilse tune, I caught n glimpse nf his Glengarry aud plaid as he crossed a . streak of moonlight, and the next mo ment heard a sudden ex l.iniittlou. There! came n scuffle, hlous, and before I could , reach tbem, a heavy fall, a groan. SlaoLeish was on bis knees struggling i to rise, held donu in tbegrespof o fallen mn.. I In Llnlr . m no I 11 . , ' ,, , , , ,f , alaggsred to a tree.agalnst which he leant paining nan ure-iti- le-as. iTTm trlpil tn cnrtittn pi., nnrl n-lien T managed to twist out of his handi. dealt me o heavy blow on the head. I oily ,l,n.L l.lm nne In Alr.f.., T I. damaged?'' I turned the fallen man over nu his back. Heliy still. I dragged him to tbe moonlight, "MacLeUh! He's dead." Bat SlacLeish bad droppod on bis knees beside bim and was gazing lq the dead man's face with a face as ghastly. "Fergus! Fergus SlacLeisbl Havo we met? At last!" Ha rose, perfectly panic-stricken. It was his cousin, ho was assured, and In deed tha likeness would have convinced I me of the fact, without the additional eildence of the marked eyelid, The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Famllv Newsniper Published every .ATURIjAY, Iu Lcliigliton, Carbon Co.,l'u., by iiAitiiY v. moitxiiiiuisn. UITOT tlAKKAVAY, a shoit distance abor. tho Lehigh Valley II. It. Depot. Terns: $1.00 perAiiBM in Advance EVKnY Dr.6cniiTi0N or runs akd riser J"o"b Printing' AT VKll i.ow pr.lcrts. SI.icLeiah was distraught with tenor. It was mnrder hu bad done; ho nb ulil die a felon's death. Nothing I could i ay would reassure him. . "Leavo him here. Who's to know anything about blm," I enid nt last. "So-, cioty is well lid of him What ou earth are yon going io do nun?" He had tei2cd one of the pickaxes It It by tbe laborers, nnd was digging in flc-reo bastn under the list elm tree. "Hie grave was to bo )icr" ho Mild. "He came to show me tho epo.." Isuppoio it was a mnd thing to do.but Beeiug him resolved, I turned to with Ibe spade nnd helped him. The enrlh. b -ing newly laid, was light and easily moved, and we soon mado a trench deep euongh for n grave. Then wo laid (he body gently down, nud shovelled tho oirth in with feverish haste. The bread staring moon showed tvery pe,bMo nu the pathway, every slr.iy leaf on the earth. Wo removed nil traces of tLo struggle, replaced tbe tools, and Lurried homo in utter hilecco. SInt-Lei3h held out his hand without speaking, ns ho stopped nt his own door. I took it without hesitation. I nm gh A to remciubir that. Ho fixed hisvii'd, wooful eies on mo for a moment ut-cl then hunied away. I was too excited and hormr-stricken to think, nnd I Hy down, dreading tho hours that hi d to pass beforo tho morning. Stiange to say, I slept qmetly and dreamltssly far into the next day, nnl when I awoke I conld not renlisw thu trngeely iu whieh I bad taken part. "I've dreampt it all," I kept saying to myself; nnd a dream is soon Ibrgott, n. I'll go and have n swim nud then see if the Piyse-Davics giilsj are out on iLe Parade. Itmnst bo nil n nightmaic. Still, persuade myself ns I might, tl ero were two things I could not do; piss down the nveuie or face SlacLeish. Where was he, I asked bis servant. Gono to tl e ranges. I would go and meet the party returning. It would I e best to get the first meeting over in pul -lie. I walked quietly along thoprtft'y country lane, listening for tho well known crack of the riflee. All was silent. Then nt a turn of tho road.' I came sud denly upon a dozen figures or so walking slowly and silently. Fonr of them lore a hurdle, on which lay something with an officer's cloak thrown over it. "What is it?" I osked; though I km w beforehand what tho veiy words of ILe reply were going to be, somehow. "Poor SlacLeish! He was in tho butts, and came out to look at the target; tl.oy had ceased firing at it. Wo shooting at long range, and some 'one don't know wh 5 fired ot the wrong target. Shot through the heart, be dropped without a cry, stoue-dead. I loft Cliuqhaveu that night, and will never set foot there again as long as I live. WHAT A Q.TJEEE CLIMATE THIS IB 1 First it snowed And then it bloweil, And then begau to ruin ; And then it Mowed And then It snowed, Aud theu it rained again. With cold In head I'm almost dead ; But yet I won't complain ; Tain Kiu.Kn saes From wintry graves And makes us well Rln. Nobody ought to bo without Thiuiy Dav is's Pais Killer. When the button comes off tbe back of a man's shirt his chnler begins lo rise. "Blood will tell;" bo bo cnrtful how you mako confidants of your relations. When an obilunry notice ends, "No further seek his frailtiis to disclose," it menus "Whisky killed blm." A little Southern boy, when asked if his father had a good mule, monrnfully replied, "one end of him is good." "BU0HUPAIBA." Quick, complete cure, nil annoying Kid ney, Madder and bruiuary Discuses. $1. Diuggisls. "What nro these lioriiblc sounds up stairs?" "Oh, lialV nothing but dear George; I snppcsc be bus lust his cellar button again." Among Ibe novelties announced fcr 1863 is an almanac wilhn new joko iu it. Seed iu your orders tally to avuitl disap pointment, UfA-Mako vournld things look like new by usir.g I lie Diamond Dyes, and you will be- happy. Any uf the lashionuble colors for IU cents. No one bis yet been able to tell wl y a woman will trunUu and turu pale up on receipt of n telegram. Five bricks ft-ll twent j feet and strn k nllirrlsburg cedored man ou tho hta. Thry carnned from his si, nil, l.uiug it uninjurtd, but broke bis little toe. II. II. Helzel, Willininspnrt, Pa., says: "t havn Ufo-l DrmvnV In-ll llitle-rs with mo t hnjipy results lor ily.pepsia." Georgians use w hisky ami onions and cure the chills. Such a cciubh-alion is not ouly strong, but it would scire, aw at the worst case of malaria that tver existed. An enterprising oditrr writes on "How to tr at woman." The only bafo 1 way for one's pocket-book is toncier 1 , ,. . .;, , , . a bill of fare. They huve a 1 fjuduecs fur large fijnic-s. An Incident in Virginia. Our old Iriend, Mr. Win. Clnughlon. of llie.niieriu 01 luuimimi ruai,i l . Va.,foyi "V havn many pun! liicdleluea in our palls, nut lilllilnz wiin-ii canal M. Jaesili's Oil, the Great Herman Remedy. My lumily keep the Oil In the h inseat all lime, anil use it fnralmnst everything that a ini-il. iclne can lie usesl Inr. J uey claim thst It is uniiqualed for rheumatism auo alt bodilv pains TuyxixinnocA-, (T'u.,) 3TWc H'urti 'I declre," exclaim' el Fogg at a dinner table recently, "this is the most affeotionate pie, I ever saw," "Affectiun ate pief cried every one at the table In cluding tbe landlady. ' Yes," said F 'Kg. "the npper aud lower crusts are to f) c tlonate thai they wou't alio anything between, tbem,''