The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 06, 1883, Image 4

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    lyrrr.T ;,i c;r f a, ? rr. mmmnti&Buuuzu,
Thgood tlio first-rate.
oIipiI protector A pml-lork.
Mmco pia causes liaitied up dreams.
A Inoilcl building Tho Patent Office.
Jail birds tli'outd bn happy tu fly time.
The man V bo Inula tils lufluanuo rare
f gej it bark.
Down In n coal mine A young mlner'a
Hrst rausUche. ,
Jt 11 the wluliey that generally flll the
family jura.
Tim Inst polka dot dlainvereJ on the
auu Is Sixty tlimiMMiil milii. in illmneter.
If it la trim Hint 'VloAtillnrsj la next l
Rodlinfsi," then snip must lio'next to prayer.
"Wells' Health Uenower" restores hcaltli
ml vlniir, cures Dyspepsia, Impoteiiuecx
ual Debility. 41.
t An Enslirh VlfrtHArrEurreon tnil Chemist, tinw
trimling In thia country, nj Ihsl most of tha
ilurne iiud Cattle 1'owdera wld here are unrili.
less IrAtb. lie sari that Sheridan's Condition
ralQAbie. Noinin uucirtli will nuke Iicim lity llko Stierldttu's Condition Powders. 1)60,1 tenr.pciilul
to 1 pint food. SoKl c cry where, or sunt by mull lor 8 lctter-sUniiJi. 1. S. Joiiksom & Co.. Posro., Ma&i
A quack doctor would look with ill'cust
Upon a present of a cane with u duck's liemi
carved upon It.
It ia wrong to address a soldier as ho is
turning a corner. Don't speak to tha man
at the wheel,
The. railroad man is tlio only poron
that we know of who likefrldln ou a rall'j
for a Steady diet.
Clars n'Jt ruts, iniiM, m.u'lici, flies, ants
bsd-biig. skunks, cnipmiiuks. Ropbers. 1 Si
A retiring prize fighter fays Hint in fish'
lug, as well as In writing, you should al
waa dot the ryes.
Man Iibk but littlohcre bolow.but when
he dies li gels a lot. There isn't much
The worst uboul kissing u I'itUburg
girl Is that you can carry tlio murks ofcoul
dust nbout your nosf and other features un
til you reach the nearest pump.
Fftnn-ra iiml others ilostrtng o gen-
teal, lucrative ngeney busiiicsi, by which $5
to $20 a djv wu be earned, send nd Hie nt
nnw,-on potnl, tn II, C. Wilkinson .t Co
195 mid ISO Fulton tirrcl, New York,
Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bow-
olsj Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi
fy to it3 olHoaoy in healing tho abovo named
it diseases and pronounoe it to he tho
iTRfiR lffarlr. mest remedy known to man.
Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia.
Laboratory 11 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists pell it.
Dn. Clank Johkbok:
Mv bodr was literally ooverod wllh Tetter, (or which I could b1 no relief until II took
rour INDIAN 1ILOOD SY1U1I which has effectually cured inc. I recommend It nigniy.
W.lhnut good nature, man Is but better
kind of vermin.
Till1 is half gr.iutod which is donled
Wo do more good by being good than
in any other way.
On Thirty Days Trial.
Tnic Voltaic IKlt Co., Marshall, Mich,
will sand Dr, Dye's Cololirutol Electro Vol
ilsc DulUand Electric Appliances on trial
tor thirty days to men (young nr old) who
aro allllcud with nervous ilcbililr, lust V
talitt' and kindreil troubles, giiardtHeeing
sjci.y unit complete rrstorntion ol liealll:
hihI nmily vigor. N. II. No risk is incur
red, as thirty days' trial is allowed.
Nature is tho master of talent ; genius
is tha master of nuluie.
To a man, truth is what he knows, to a
woman, truth is what she believes.
Mo soul Is do olato si long ns there is a
Iimnun being lor whom it can feet trust uud
Special Announcement.
VCa offer tho Oahdok Advocatb in com
bination with the Ajiekican AantcvLTCG
ir.T for $2 a y?nr, which includes pontage
on both. In ndjition, no will bend free
to every person who takes both papers, n
Mnguificent Plate Engraving of Dapre's
last (;reat raiutiuR. ' IN THE MEAD
OW," now ou exhibition in Now York,
and offered for sale nt $5,000.
Tho eminent nrliHt F, S. Church, win
ing to n friend in the country last OctoL
er, thus alludes to thix picture:
" I was delighted this morning to
see ottered nn it 1'rrniium a reproduction
of n very bountiful, picture, "In tho
Mendnw," by Dupre. This picture is an
educator "
This superb engraving (17J x 12 inches
exclusive of wide border) is worth more
than fie cost of both Journals. It is
mounted ou heavy plate paper, ntid sent
securely packed in tubus made expressly
for the purpose. To securo this picture,
10 cents extra is required for packing,
postage, elo.
Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons,
iy conflnlng ourselves strictly to ono class or worn y employing nonn i
OltCttltiiV, ushiif nothing bin FIRST-CLASS lMPUOVhU MAOIIINk.
ol SLLKCTKD, and by a TUOItOUQU IillOWLEDGE ol the
none hut tho lESoisit;
KHY ami tlio vuttY
bDSincss, wo Lure
And by
or w
inaiu mnip.l tho rcntitatlou of inakin
- . J m m n m era ft B
"Scots' ESE-ST L i ffTl R8 OBS -LM."
r.-f(r h nhlllmil Hit- warrantv. but Airents may. on their own responsibility, glvo
the followlu; warranty with each wagon. it so agreed:
Wo Hereby Warrant tho 1'lSlI DUOS. WAOON No ho well BJr.'" ;j.p.frJ'5,
usa'c. Should nny occur within ono year troM thin date by reaauimf defective mater a
It."... ..n.u. - t, .nni,um ,rt fnrnUitnd nt it .ina nf sale, free of cliarec. or the
price of said rcpilrn, a per nKfUt'8 prlco Ht. will bo paid In casIx by the purchaser producln- a
ifl.iiv.if, nr-iiin brnUrn nr rifni'tlvo nartn an evidence.
i.-,..,rr r- rnn nH vini. wo not M t no t run iLo from every Paction of the United States. Send
for Prices and Terms, and for a copy of THE UAC1KB AGBit u
H aunfacturor of anil Denier in
Till ai Sheet-Iron fare aii'l General
HGiise FnruisMnp: Goods.
ROOFING ami Jl)trj'CSi' ilono n'
short notice aud at Lowest Cash Prices.
In presenting to tho I ubllc a modo oi
treirtmetit for thu cute of any ol those ter
riblo diseases that nllliet minkiud,lt is but
just and proper that tho principles upn
which It is lotided slwuld bo Set loith in as
clear a light us possible. The time fur t
creey in such luuUere is M, and nny plan
of treatment or romedy, that will not bear
tlio closest scrutiny nf scientific investiga
tion must bo rcgurdid wuh suspicion. It is
rarely in tho histmy of niodicine that all
the ludhtutlon.' of disease have been met 'oy
ii sing e ruincdy or couibiiiation ol'rimo I its.
lint after u rontinil'd ul.d aecur.ito nbser-
yution of all the phsnomena nllcndiug tho
course of an utmost countless number of
oasis of Rupture, and extendineoverii lone
term of years, a prep-ir.itlnn has been prad
alty perlirtod, winch, in h must surprising
anl saiisiaeuiry nuiuur meets the exact
rmpiimnoiita for the jiermanent Uidief und
(!ura of Rupture, even in it most obstinate
tonus, r or the hiMielit ot ihue ormtr rei d
or wlio li'ivo nut lud the npnmtutiilY ol
tt'tln7 the ni-'riU of Excelsior lt'iidi!
Trcitni'mt tor Iheni4lvi'4, ivo ask you
soil i n r m. aierrit'H, Uitluioour,;. ii. A
(or lair Free Eiok ou Rupture. x -
A minister sa it fifty cents to a firm
vho udvettii-td "a valuable book for to n
J omnco men only," and received by return
mull n treatise entitled "Pull down your
vest." The pars.m n w wishes ho had haul
d down some common seuse beloro ho had
rhad such a fool of hlmselt,
A OoodWord for tho Worst Weeds.
Purslane and Cbickwoed are, by common
consent, put down as tho worst weeds In the
garden. Maiiy a man fights them' his life
long, and leaves his garden more thickly
lopulutcd with these enemies than when he
leathered his first crop. They have their
economic uses especially purslane, which is
xcolleut food lor pigs and chickens when
confined In pen", and Is not to be despised as
dish of greens with boiled ham. But the
chief value of these vegetables pests is us a
sign of bud husbandry. They can bo eradi
ated us surely as any other weed, and if
Unwed to choke tho growth of any crop, it
s proof positive against the cultivator, that
id lias neglected his duly. The tares hayc
rowu while ho slept. Mora thorough
scarify! ig tho soil would .have killed the
weeds as fust as tho seed sprouted, and at
the same time have made the crop far more
iro liic'tive, When tlio crop is Gathered, no
line should bo lost in plowing or cultiva
ting the surface of the aot!. If there is an
pen spell in wintor, plow or harrow again
if a weed is in sight. ylmerican Aqricuhur-
Kvorr kind ol S10V13 ClttATISS and F1UE
UFIILjIM knt constantly on hand.
Stoiie on SOUTH Street,
A few doors above BanV. Pt., LEIUOnTON.
I'atioaiitro solicited S-tistec iin Ktiainnterd.
Ott.S-vi . . A..l)tgf!3j;it1
It is not neoessary to pick our words In
mentioning tho rhiladolpViia Time, the
prospectus of which journal appejirs in n
other column. The Times has got to bo a
sort of necessity with some peopla ol thii
a-ninniunity and it ought lo be with' many
more. It bus many imitators all over th
laud, but (her is really nothing like The
Time from Maine to California, We hav
pnrsuaded nurtelvcs at times that tho reason
tha people like it S" much is that it Is con
siantly ijiviog its leaders juicy biles doni
the sunny side of the journalistic pencil.
A lady pot a wulch under her pilhw
the other nlsht, but couldn't keep it there
l.i-uuv it di'lurlipii her s'eep. And there,
ll tho timo, was her bed licking rlslit mi
tier her, und she never puid the lcubt atten
tion to it.
Know (lie true value of time : match,
P'-ize aud enjoy ovcry tnomunt of it. No
1 Heneas, no lutiness, no pnerastinhtion.
Clever put off till lo moirjw wha' you can
do to-day.
(,"'Men coiideinii in olhers what they
practice Iheinselves" Thcbo uhnpraeliie
tao use of lCldney-Wort never condemn i Is.
K by others, but commend it to all ulloct
id with piles, d)Stcp!a und cnnidiputioii
mid all other diseises resulting from a dis
ordered stuteofthe kidiioys.liverorbuwels.
MusiG" DbbEi
Instructoi. in JIusic
aV li.
-I, - ? V ;
A full lino of all kinds of
Sheet Music,
is ronttant'r Lent on han 1 at thu Warc
lii oru, near the h. i. 6. Dbpat.
Eolo Agent In tho Lehigh Yulley for
Beniiin' Pianos !
Call and see them j they have no superior.
Also, Agent for
VeTjor, Dcckpr, Connor end
J. P. Halo Pianos,
By the central position of Its line, connects tho
East and the West by the ohortent route, and car
rtea paaaeucere, without ohango of oars, between
Chicaeo and Kansas City, Council BlulTs.Leaven
toATth AinhUnn. T.Ttnn punnl i and 8t. Paul. It
con&ecta iu Union Dcpoti with all the principal
lines ot road between the Atlantic and tho Pociflo
Oceans, lie equipment ia unrivaled and magnlfi
rent. iiotncr nomriuaed of Most Comfortable and
Xeautitul Day Coaches, Xlagnlflcent llorton 2ie
olininc Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palaoe
Blcepinfi Cars, and the iJest Line of Dlnlnn Cars
t tho Wnrlrl. ThMfl Tralua between Chloairo and
Mia a our i Ulvcr Points. Two Trains between Cbl
oofio And Minneapolis and at. Paulvia the i'amona
A Wu nr1 T)trMft t.tnA via Sinteaanr Itanka
kee, has recently been opened between Richmond,
Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au
Rusta, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati,
inaiauapous ana Ajaiayeiie, aua uisum, iaiuueup'
nlia Binrt fit Panl nnrl tnttr mart late nointa.
All Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express
Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offices ia
ine united tnaiea ana uanaaa,
llocrrrarra en.flreti liirnuryh nnrt rntna nf fare al.
ways as low as competitors that oiler loss advan-
JPor detailed Information, cet tho Maps and Pold
era of the
At your nearest Ticket Offloo, or address
u Vlcc-I'lii. i Cea-1 11'jT, Gta'lllUii'iai.Ait.
AMAKES S "8 5 !2 S40 WEEK
Ve have stores In 15 leading Cities
from which our agents obtain their supplies quietly.
turnis to areata Addreja
Our Factories
pern are at
tseni (or our Sew Catulouuo and
312 Lackawanna Avo
AfWintovmute's Price Store !
A full line of Fall and Winter Goods at LOWER
PRICES THAN EYER. I have just added a nice line
of Men's, Youths' and Boys'
to my stock, and at prices that are away
"rtri,r i t i . -
vyiiy t jjtjutiusu x uoim-nt mem LOW AND FOR CASH
and will sell them low. Call and examine stock be
fore you purchasing' elsewhere. No trouble to show
uoous ana-.C'iye trices. , W. S. W NTFRM TF
Have a Plan tn.Farmmf;.
The groat fault with American farmers is
a constant desire far ehonge. The farm is
rarelv thought tif us the home which the
h i III ron ate to ooeiipy iluring a life time
ml then leiivo to lliir heirs. Thore is to"
much ,-linlii;ing with thu erons first uue
hinj; nil'! then nmither, the result of whleh
is n i-hifiinE that is firnfuless. Fur a few
voars it inn v he that sheeii raUinz Is the
til ins featuio of the farm, .suon tu ho ful
owed by real i he a breed of entile, or rultl
vatint; lieli", tobacco, or even ihubsrb. The
general management of u farm should be
planned once for all, it is only beingsuhject
o those changes that an improvement In
agrjcul.ural u.clhodi suggest. Tho-worl
a farm should g'.ion regularly from year to
year, so that even in midwinter Ihe farmer
nay make his arri!gcmruls,'ni.d complete
hisseheine ol work for tlio Svliole season.
,i'ho man who is trying to sell his farm.lix
lis Ileal t in s nne ihhfr hU'.in-Bsaud he who
s ready to ,ieoie hs energies t'i S'Unc new
ni or meih id, is seldom ou the highway
'o success. It is well to try that which
tew, but not by giving up the old and well
ried mclhods. Aqrkultmist.
BANK STREET, Lehifhton, Pa.,
MIIjLEIIM and Scalers lu
A.UKlud-of GRA1K BOUGHT nnd SOLD a
Wo would, nloo. lcsntcttullr inform ourclti
xrus ihut we mo uuwluliy iirepnrcd to bUl
X'romsoyMln dcslicil ot VEtlY
A New YorU g rl luudo one luiinliei)
thousand dollars recently by tho "rii in
oil." An "II lamp blew up, leaving the girl
solo heiress of a rich aui.t who was killed
by tbo explosion. I
A man In Springfield, Mo , poured out
a glass of whiskey, looked at it a moment
und then dropped dtad. This should be a
warniug to all men to diinU their whiskey
Ui mu a. ihi-y xir it rut.
Th Washington World. & Citimn.SoUter. '
Tbo Oid.SuldUrs' Vaper, tho lao, loV
J'ipar, IS HOW 111 lln tIKIilu year, t-ll-lar,d
i i l8 nilumiis, S poem, m n.tiio
i ilreKj, vvrry week, it only Ono DM
1 r n ytur, bjircimeii copy Irto lo any
u IdrcM, on iu-'eipt tif Iios'nl car 1 I'
ij iwit, hv tho Worl l Iiud Soldlu- l'.ili
1 liiuu C niipiiuy. World ITuildinu, 1000
T K . V,iliini;toii 1). (J TIi Camion
Aii"ikjatis aud "Wotlil," oue jcar lor
l liJ.
Instruellon yiven nt I'npH's rctidenee on
1'iano, Organ, Voice mid Theory , t''"-1
Wo continuo to
natontB. caveats,
i trado-marlis, copyrighta, eto.,lor
tho United States, and to obtain Tiat-
onta la Canada, jaigiana, xiunco,
Germany, and pll othor countries,
'rtilrtv-sts years' nractico. No
chargo for examination of models or draw
ings. Advico by inailt'reo.
Patonta obtained tlirongh ua aro noticod In
tho SCIHN'TIFIU A5I!itICAN, wliicli baa
tho largOBt circulation, anil is tbo most influ
ential uowBpaper ol its Kind published in tho
world. Tho ail vantages of isuch a notico pvory
pateutoo understands.
Thlo largo and splendidly illustrated news
papor is nubllBlicd WEEltLY at (3.W a year,
r.udisndmittod to bo tho boat paper devoted
to scicnco.rnochanics, inventions, enginoorinc
Torks, and other dopartmonts of induetrial
progroja, published in any country. Bingle
copies by mall, 10 cents. Bold by all uows
dealers. Address, Munn & Co., publishers of Scion
tiflo American. "01 ISroadway, New York,
llandboolc about patents mailed free.
Farm Oates.
Hove as few firm giles as possible. EacV
no Is an expense I it ts construction' slid.
nbbcqiient care. It navor paya lo make
ifiorgate. The fiame should be con.lruetei
of hard and lasting, with the slats
liht and durable material. This gate
needs thorough bracing with strips of wood,
or better, rods of iron, which run from th
bottom of the latch and to the top of the
hinge-end. A gate thus braced cannot sag,
as it is lihtmssiuloTor it to grt out of the rec-
tangular form'. When finished, a gat
should be painted. Tho farm gate shoui
be wide enough to permit Ihe free passage
of loads of buy and grain, field rollers, am
A most inipoitant point is a large, du
able ami well set po.-t, upon which the ga
is to be hung. The hingA pist should nut
bo less than eight inches square, and set
least t'irenaud u half feet deep. Tlio earth
iieuls lo be rammed firmly around the post
.V lirst-clasi gate Is cxpcoilve at the outset,
out i. e :ils very II tie attention altemardfor
everul yenrs. -Aqn'c illiirnt.
July 55.
if. HEILJ1AN & CO.
dOT 1 iTF i"" suffering from
OV-AJAJJ.aUiiO wounds or dlcea,oornny
kind caused by military service are entltlid
to I'cnslon. Widens, minor children, ile.
Iiendent mothers nr tattlers or soldiers who
lied Irnm tho efleets ol tlielr service ore also
pti I It lea. lManv inviuiii pensioners aro cu
lilli'il lo'nn ir,riiKASK.' Carclul assistance
(riven Io okl.vvkd or iikjkoti:ii claims, as
many can ltd allowed with lull littlo mure
evidence. Dumpletn Instrucllons with reler.
ences sent ou nppllcatlrn. Ohs, k Uio. A.
kimi, Aiiorneyai.aiv.viu r,oi., .iriiiiiK
ion, 1) C, july 1, m-2.
Oreit cuftiv'p to in tin mnn-
C3 frtviiiHa'o M the court
AL 9 fhanc?! lor rmikliiif inoiicy
ihL nrn hITl'Tci. rcncKiJlv
Iteromo wealthy. wM'" tT"o who ?o not im
l-rovo audi rlinurr Tcmaln in pornly Wf
waut nmny mon.woaion, uoyflim gliU to work
fornn Th at in ihoir uwn c-ca iticM. Any no
can tin tlw work iirouuily fioiu Hip Btrt. The
ItnMuraM will vv more th m tf n I raoa ordinary
wngn". KxifOiiMTO nuJfit (nrnitlicU lice. No
nun f un nnirnon fiilh In mnkr mni.eVTUlllll-
IV. You can (ii.vnic tm wnoioumu i i n wum,
nrnnlv aurfp:iro n'muuniH, imiii iiucriiniinii
hON & Co., 1 ortUnil, Maluo. ucciu- i'
Arc oflbring extiaordinaiy inducements to all Buyers o
Choice Groceries and Provisions,
Qucenswnre, Wood and Willlow Ware, &c.,
Remember the Place,
Old Post-Office Building, Bank St., Lehighton.
Clocks & Spectacles.
R &.2.S &
Xmmf$$&t a3 SSfl6l
p t ) ft- o
Watclies and JeTrehy
Ae It Is for aU tho palnlnl cacTsca o tae
It cleanses us Eysuani oi i--"'
tSnt. Mitn, 1)13 drcadTlil FuCfcrUff hlc!l
only tho victims cf rheumatism can roaliie-
of tho -worst forms cf this terr:b:oi"lseaso
have been quietly roiwveu, uwwwi"1
pmci; f i. ui m " ir M" u b nat coisTS,
wrf lfl T!U?!lAi:DsONA:C0..1tuil!npton,Vt
Jiy the Combined Treatment of
rosillre evidence of Wonderful Cures sent on receipt of 3c. stump.
jly U yl Address. F. JI. MERRICK, OdcnsUnri, N. Y.
Thew aro six different tyvs of tho
Je of liberty U .it In not
ineof'oiii i. dinged iu n way you would
Jko Li u. j our sl.ler uJupt.
If llu puilrails ot Alexander Third
prioud lu Ilia pBers do him justice, iiq is a j
How Lost, How Moral
Tint uublUliHl. n ncn irtitto'i nl In. TV I.
vwuvtiii' cEhLiiitArrii ihay uu
ttlOlirJU'nlCUlO)! t,l'i(I:)UlOLUl.C'r'4 j. 0 )l
i ol Wenknea- Imo imt.VV hutnu ai iMftv, Aleut) ouri I' by imwitun- ,
Imp ilnneiiU in jMnrilnpf. 10 ; itlf, tvs (
MiMrioN, Kriu:iT mul 111 . tituuero uy tc f .
liiOulfttiicu or extuil v ktra u Vo
Ttiecclfur&ttit mi Hi or in Iumi ilumnlilo J
ay.orriIytU'nnii.irjj(?.ri),ii n iinly
Kiiuu'ot.t.fus lira t'te tlttt Ir- aiariimi flto
qunc! ntt-uhn it uibv lo uu 1uiir rxw nl j .
u--iuiiiia imii n iiiui.h oi i in t a tn ft nu.i'if,rr r
t in i.ikI 'iT tiiiri oy mo u ot vl.irli tny
il7cn'r no mntiiT njint 1 1 ' ficiud.-ttoii n o. U
wav euro Ulu.uoUcUc. ply, i riv.ilt y. nuUias -cully.
(4Thli r.toturo shonM tig In lbo l-audifof
cvciy joutUcnU fcy luan in tlio Isi il.
Seutaodor fat.iu a pIj.Jh tiiveloie. to out
cJ.-.icsh, iMitt-)ia ou uct'iDt of rix cons or
tvQ postage itauips. AUd:t
Tlio Cuhi'nvfU Sledlcnl Co.,
i-iJ '',A-'-'A!rc'" " no r.Ltnto.u tii
h?',!? c"V'',''1ul1''1','r',,-l,'''S'eTl'-ii
Vi I W t-i 'V ln-IM.i l'F.Jili.f
I I a B''.rN fk r-3 I's. w J IeJ 1-5 I-'? " Ti''"'ii.."tiu,
(gSWr'ggM;i'jT 1 ' 1 ii'A 1 nuuriii.uj.m.i.-in..,.w
1 i9'SJ''-JT:u-
41 AK.N it.
.O. IlnxU 1
J.oiv VorK. N Y.
WSsTJob Piiiitin" r.entlv,
irlr looking b-mlieu, und u n.odcrato uio ; cheaply lllld lllClUntlv CXCt Ut
to dyii.tmila lu Ins l..Uia piuo would U! ,i f 4i,: .':
lUel lu iut'iuii l,t U-.i c., a.-
T. L. Miller Co.,
Bumms iho larosriu cr
Dcrcnsn, Vili. Co., Illutcih
Caring for Harness.
Tho avcroi;o lurnoes iu Ilia rural dis
iricls is piniily cared for, and sliort-lived.
tfot Infrequently it is hung in the horsa
luble exjioscd to tlio ammonia geueraled
from u inlo of fernicutlili; inuuurc. Tho
itiible may bo furnitdied nt oc!d spells with
bedding or absorbents of so no kind,but these
iro not promptly renewed, and thero is a
jrejt wjsle of tlio most valuable constituent
of uianuie. The harness has the benefit of
the ammonia, and the effect is abiul tho
same as washing it with lye. Tlio harness
ols, cracks, and without frequent uiliug
comes to grief ut uu early dale. Tho tutor
ivuy is to have a placo for tho harness In the
.Mrruige house, or some building outside the
table. If tbo hluljlo" aloue is available, it
hould be kept free from the mull ol um.
iti'inia by the constant use of nbsorbeuls,
sawdust, sjds, road dust, straw, or refuse
liay. A harness properly cued for and kept
lean and pliable wilt lust twice as long as
ma that is neglected. !l is much cheaper
to spend ten cents for neats-foot oil, onco lu
llueo mouths, than fifty cents at the harneiS
maker's. Agriculturiit.
An exchange opmrtunely advises Ihe
desliuclioii of all old corn shocks, straw
piles and heaus of litter on the farm,
ivliero chinch bugs nre being hai bored; to
issue when the weather becomes settled.
All appetizing hot sauce for meals is
m ido by taking ono can of tomatoes aud
.id Mug to it twu pnious chop'd fine, a Ira
4ptiiful of cjyeuue lepper, cinnamou,
cloves, olt and a littla nutmeg to suit the
t ste, Let thu tomatoes, onions, etc, boil
for about ten minutes, ihn take from, the
,-oyo and add a largo cupful of very stroug
Wl fire low BMBT for FALL
Every farmer should at least have one
tMuniy paper, and that puwr should bo ibe
AotoOaTk, which cnnlulns all the latest lo
cal lows. Oulv $1 Ho a tear.
Mrs. C. ii. May, Mechauit'sburg, Pa.,
mvs: "I so wtaK ami iMimnaieii i
oJ d lixt work, vuou It.ottu'i. E.iiuls '
lwl'Vlb4 ui. ' 1
Persons wishing to buy Woolen and Cotton Goods Cheap
for Cash this Fall, will do well by visiting our place of business ;
our store is filled with a larse stock of Silks, plain and bro
cade Satins, Plushes, Cashmeres, plain and brocade
Yelvets, Henrietta and Ladies' Cloth ; a full line of Cheap
Ladies' and Children's COATS & DOLMANS a specialty; Skirts,
Table Linens, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Tickings, Flannels,
Muslins, a full line of Blankets, Bed Quilts, Table and
Floor Oil Cloths, and in short everything usually to be found
in a First-class Dry Goods Store. In
our stock is one of the largest in the county, comprising Men's,
Youth's, Boy's and Children's SUITS, OVERCOATS for all-large
and small, Skating Coats, Cardigan Jackets, HATS, CAPS, Hosiery,
Collars, Cuffs, a full line of Neckwear, &c. Our celebrated WHITE
nt tiriT I I L Couio and J-"t 1'riciM Woro purchasing tUowlure.
SHIRT has no equal at 00 cents. N-Trouu. to show Goods.
April 2l 1S2
2D, W. rZZIST, Manner.
When a Russian is too
azy to scratch for a. living ho
ms himself arrested, for, a
Though not much of a
conversationalist, a muto
might get along very nicely
in a spoke factory.
-They say you can sell a
spavined horse to an Illinois
man by telling him it s Queen
Anne style.
The coat-tail flirtation is
the latest. A wrinkled coat-
tail bearing the dusty toe
marks means "1 have spoken
to your father."
"Why is a young man
like a kernel of cornl" asked
j'oung lady. "Because,"
said another, "he turns white
when he pops'
Women are such queer
creatures that no man can
understand them. Indeed,
it has been generally conced
ed that the only way to find
a woman out is to call when
sho is not m.
"You sec, my child, this
turtle one of the wonders of
creation he furnishes the
best combs that aro made and
yet ho cannot use one, as he
hasn't a single hair to comb."
The mean velocity of gy
ration in a tornado is discov
ered to be 174 meters in a
second, but a Blue Island av
enue girl waltzing can give it
three laps and beat it.
When things come to
such a pass in Idaho that
men arc shot by an angry
boarding-house-keeper just
because they refuse to eat his
fishballs, we don't wonder
that young Lochinvar came
out of the West
A quaint old minister
was once asked what he
thought of his two son?, who
were both preachers. "Well,''
he replicd,"Gcorge has a bet
tor show in his shop window
than John, but John has' a
larger stock in his Ware
house." Mr. Corcor m is eminent
ly wise in deciding that an
all-sufficient epitaph for the
proposed mo.iumeiit is "Au-.
thor of Heme, Sweet Home.''
The homeless poet would
have- wished no other, and
literary ingenuity could devise
no better.
e'erk in an emiiiuntV
respectable house was instruct
ed to prepare an auvcitiSDmciit
and have it inserted in the
newspapers. "lie prepared,
one which road: "The pot
scooped! We hold four aces
to the bolt-tail flush of any
other house iu town on flue
Charles Lamb represent
ed the ordinary church-goer.
"You don't seqm to bo any
better for what 1 said to you,"
complained his friend. "No,"
was the beautiful and charita
ble reply, "but the man who
sat near me must be, because
it all went in at one ear and
out at the other."
A Perthshire minister,
more skillful as an angler
than popular as a preacher,
was once giving advice to a
parishioner on the benefits of
early rising, and mentioned as
an instance that he had, a few
mornings before composed a
sermon and killed a salmon
belbre breakfast. "In fact,
sir," said he with selt-satisfac-tion,
"it is a feat on which I
plume myself greatly."
"Awcel, sir," was the pointed
reply, "I wud much rather
hae had yer sauman than yer
A lady stood patiently
before the receiving teller's
window in a Broadway bank,
the other day, but no one took
any notice of her till she at
tracted the attention of tho
money-taker by topping with
her parasol on the glass.
"Why, don't you pay atten
tion to meV she said, petul
antly. "I'm sorry, ma'am,
but wo don't pay anything
here. Next window, please,"
was the polite response.
Bridesburg, a suburb of
Philadelphia, has a plague of
cats, Farmers on the way to
the city i'rom Bucks county
have been in the habit for
years of dropping their super
numerary felines in the vicini
ty of Bridesburg, and this,
with the natural increase of
the cat population, has made
sleep impossible to the inhab
itant., ol the place.