n.V. MORTIIIMBR, EDITOR LEIIIOHTON. PA.: 8AT0RDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1882. Editorial Mention. It. V, Mecxe, of E-uiton, will be press ed by tbo members from Northampton comity ns n auicHilate for PostmitHter of tbe House of Representatives at Harris. bnrg. Liiut.-Colonel Geo. W. Sciiohe:.d, of Ibo Hteth Oavnlry, committed suicide cm Saturday niornlug at Fort Apache, Arlznm, bysbootlDgblmsolf In tbe LeMtl. lie hud been in ill bcultb for some time. The total exports of brenelstnflh fn m the United States daring tie eleven months wbiod ended November 30tb, 1882, amounted in value to $1GS,C06,G93 against $210,318, 43'2 lor the correspond iui period of 1831. Bef be another issue of tbo Cahdon Advocate nppears Christmas day will liave come and passed away, we therefore embrace tbo present opportunity of wish inu onr pulrons aud friends a VEltY MEIUtt: CIIiUSTMAS. What proniio3 to becomo the largest iron farnaco iu the United States bas grown up epitotly in the Virginia moun tains, aud is now nearly ready to be put into blast. It is in Rockbridge county, will produco 200 tons of iron daily, and belongs exclusively to English capitalists. An Euglish medical journal dees not agree with those, who wozhl do awuy al together with tobacco instead of miking temperate use of it. The writer says: "We live in times in which the custom is to denounce ns deleterious everything which happens to bo pleasant. Man could probably live without tobacco, as Tio formerly did without clothes; but the act that both these luxuries are in the naturo of comfortp should not necessarily spur us into action against either of them." The popular advertising agency of N. W. Ayer & Sous, of Philadelphia have just Uaued their Anieriean Newspaper Annual for 18S2. It makes a portly oc tavo of 832 pages, containing a full list of all newspapers and periodicals pub lished in the United States and Canada, together with tbo siza and circulation of caoh, The information given in regard to each town, county and State or prov' ices will be of use to all writers. The work rtflects much credit on its enter prising publishers. The Congregational Club of Boston has been discussing the question how to win young men to Christianity. The Rev. R. R. Meredith: said "The churches to day do not get the best and sharpest young men. They get the goody-goody ones, easily enough; but those whs do tbo thinking are not brought into the Church in great numbers. You cannot rcaoh them by tbe Bible. How many did Moody touch in this city during his revival days? You can count them on yenr fingers. The man who wants them cannot get them with tbo Bible under his arm. He must be like them, sharp. They cannot be gathered by sentimental ity. If you say to them, 'Come to Jesus, ' very likely they will reply, "Go to thun der.' The thing to be done with such a man is to first get into bis heart, and then lead him into salvation before bo .knows it." Our Washington Lottor. LFkou ourt Special Corrkspokdrnt. Wasuisqton Dec. 16, 1882. It gtovs more aud more certain every ,Jay that Congress is disposed to pass a 'bill for tbo rtvision of the tariff this si s sion. However much individual mem bers differ as to the particular rates of duty on spexifijil articles or classes of .articles, they apparently generally agree that the country demands tariff revision, demands it loudly and demands it at the hands of Congress this winter. There is iu the general opinion, an emergency. For this reason both the House and Sen Ate turn to the work of tho Tariff Com mission as forming the only substantial tusis of the hope and expectation within -them. Thcro is scarcely a single mem ber of Congress of either house but ob jects to some particular feature of lhat work, and thtre is scarcely one of these objectors but would, could be have the opportunity, make au effort to modify t'jo objectionable features. "Only thirty-seven days for tbe gay season," sighed a youug lady, "and that is including Sumlays." This estimate is made of the number of days between New Year aud the beginning of Lent, on February 7, aud withiu lhat peiiod there will be rlvo Sundays, leaving only thirty two davs on which it will be possible to give parlies by day or night, for Sunday evening receptions, attempted by u few here,. ihaveTiWver been sufficiently en couraged'to be long coutlnued. Those who havo received on that evening v. ere, as a rule, toreigners aud Catholics, who followed the enstem, common in Catho lio countries but rarely sanctioned by those of that faith who are natives of the United Slates, of making Sunday, after attending Mass, tbo great fete day of th Wjek. One or two American Protestant ladies have bad for a time inform il re ceptions for their friends on Situdny eve nings, but I bear of none now. Th brevity of the em son aud of the erssio i of Congress has not caused auyoue to hasten here to make the most of the al lotted time. In fact, there beems to b. an nuiunul iudiSVrtuce to soclsl divi-r ions for the pr.ttnt, or iu uiitlclpa'i ju waerefore no one nm.'Ug the roxidnnU of Washington verged in its social cus toms expects the season to be a gay oik. No event of special iutirent is as jet r uouueed for this mouth thai is, none at which a large company nill assemble. General Bingham's efforts for cheap postage ard likely to bring good fruits at au early day. His ripe experience iu intal ufUira aud his exhaustive and practical methods of research in all cj iestions which command his spetiil c. r, peculiarly fitted him for tbe task of bolviug the problem of cheap postage. Hj has finally been able to make a unani mous report fromhU commltteo iu favor of reducing Utter postage to two cauU, and there is little doubt of the passage of the measure during tbe present ses ska. Cheap postage is one of tho agents of Intellectual and basinets progress at r? 11 as one of thg rcott cowplooons muinnierits of nelvrincemeut. It cost many years of ngltatlou to make Con-1 gress understand that the Postoffice De partment was sonietbing more than a mere business enterprise on tbo part of tbe government. For half a century the postal system didn't pay mainly became it was too costly to command tbe sup port of tbe people; and a self-sustaining postal system ban been moro nnd more nearly reacbod jnst as we reduced tbe rates of postage. Now, with tbo cheap est system of our national history, the postal department pays, aud General Bingham, in an able and complete re view of tbe whole system, now demon strated that two cent postago will pay as well as the higher rate has paid in the past. Mrs. Labonchere, tbe ex-friend and confidanto of Mrs. Langtry, who nceoun- pauled tbe beauty to this conntry, ar rived in this city on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Labouchere is a woman of about forty years of age.with light hair, tinged with Rray, reserved and dicuifled in manner aud in conversation betraying the evidences of English birtb, Sho will sail for England on the Strvln on Wed nesday. "When I was about starting for this country," said Mrs. Libouchere, 'my husband told me not to miss visit lug Washington, where ho was stationed twenty-five years ago as an attache of tbe British Legation, Is It true that Mrs. Lmgtry and I have had a misunderstand ing? Yes, I must confess that it is, at least Iu a measure, Mrs Langlry, when sbe first came to London, enjoyed a soc ial triumph aud was reoeived everywhere, her grace and beauty giving her a pass port into the most refiued and exclusive ciiclrs. Her social position seemed as Mired, when an unfortunate scandal came into circulation and materially af ftcted her position in the fashionable world. Her husband having lost bis money, she adopted tho stage as a pro fessionnot alone with the object of making money, but with an earnest de sire to succeed as nn artist. August, From oun Reoulab Cohbesfondent.3 WAsniNOTos, D. 0., Dec. 18, 1882. Congress is now getting down to its work, and with that great and sagacious body bas come to its great and varied crowd of adjuncts, hangers-on, enrup' flowers, footers and parasites of all kinds and of both sexes. There are the tariff, Banking, Indian, Whiskey, Iron and Steel, Dakota-admission, Railroad and other lobbies small and great with their agents and assistants whose name is le gion, Iu addition to the above there are the innumerable small"' satelites, male and female, which revolyo singly or in constellations around the Congres sional luminaries. There is tbe lovely and accomplished Mrs. Anonyma, who has that celebrated claim, you know, for her dear dead husband's servicus as great counsel in the great whiskey suit. There is the typical claimant who bas grown gray in the steady pursuit of some gigau tio sum of, money wrongfully withheld perhaps,' bnt which every sane man knows tbo gray-haired claimant will nev er get. Then there are the typical "Judge," and "Major," and ".Colonel," whose military ranks are brevets granted in tho '.ar-room and bandied over drinks for which none of them are ever able to pay. The second Star-route trial attracts more interest here than the first, and tbe prevailing opinion now is that somebody will get hurt this time. The counsel and defendants in tbe case are numerous enough to form a little jury of their ov. n, and they are making desperate efforts to get their case prejudiced, Eyery re source that shrewd counsel can sugfif-t is being employed not only to secure re lays, but to effect publio opinion. As saults upon the Government counsel,and upon the Court, of the most outrageous and unheard-of nature are among their devices. A. long and varied experience pursuaded a witty Frenohman to con clude that "we ought only to be aston ished that wo are still ablo to bo aston ished." But he had never witnessed a Star-route trial, with its dramatie sur prises. An ex-Senator indicted, then in dignant at the delay of his trial a delay either necessary or proverbial but r - turned non est when called before the array, filially coming into tbe arena 'smiling" and going out sorrowful. Re turning to the contest with his war paint on, printing two or three columns of battle-cries, and then falling back into the arms of tbe medicine-man. There is a broad margin of eccentricity as signed to every one in the embarrassed situation which is occupied by the cun ning men who imposed on Mr. Dorsey's too confiding, unsuspicious nature, but this charity docs not extend to their counsel learned iu tbo law. Human ex perience was not fully prepared for tbe p.ut played by some of the counsel for the defense when they appeared bufore Judge Wylie and modestly requested that gen- tUnuii to certify to bis own judicial dis (pmlificatiou. Tbe court is crowded daily, Que of these days I may find lime and opportunity for a pen sketch of ibe scene presented and tbo prominent Hjjures in it The recent braggadocio iu the French newspapers incident to tho rumor that the United States intends to demand reparation fur the vtroiigs of American sailors iu the Island of Madagascar, is attracting much (.ainful attention and provoking much angry comment here, The claim made by the French that on account of the utter impotence cf our navy that of France could niiu every American seaport is filt to have much ground of shameful truth. And hero is -i fine oppcrlnuity for Mr. Robiuson, of tie lork, and other dorghty mouthers of Congress wh se pleasant July it has hitherto been ti periodical'y twist tbe till ol the British lion, to turn their ut leution to cutting tho comb of the Gallio rooster, which crows so lustily. The farmer and tbe merchant of tbe island towns may often find it difficult to ap. predate the need for a powerful and ef leelive cavy, aud yet it enters closely as a powerful factor into the question of his dally expenditures. The navy of any mercantile and maratlme nation is at once the pioneer and protector of its for- .igntraJe, and when either of the cltl.jdvriuK speculator hlmseir, worked ou zeus named bai to pay a few ceuts mora for his teas or coffees, for example, be cause some foreigu power bag monopol ized tbe trade, he begins to find tbat a great uayy U useful after all. We all had a chance to look upon Ibe well-known physiognomy of General Driller riming His Into' visit to the Ojpl- tal. Ills expression Is simply blissfnl iu spite of the fact that Mrs. Julia Ward Howe refuses to let him be presented to her. But be was rather cross one day while attending to some business in tbe Land Office. An old gentleman went up to him as ho was writing with furious rapidity with a stub pen and congratu lated him, expressing a wish that his ad ministration would be a success. Tbe Governor-elect of Massachusetts did not stop to answer, but growled between tho scr itching of the pen "I'll endeavor, sir scratch to meet your good scratch scratch opinion scratch," The Presi dent had him out to dinner at tho Sold iers' Hume while here. He likes the politician, and the Governor-elect Is said to be n tolerably accomplished diner-out. Somebody asks, "What does this intimacy with the Administration mean?-' Simply that "Bnccaneer Ben" is out with all bis war-palut on, howl ing for the scalp of George F. Hoar. Tbe Administration will help him. Dick Worthiutton, tho collector at Boston, will assist in the "downing" process. If Mr. Hviar lives through this combina tion he is a much stronger man than any of his friends at present estimate. Talking with Mr. Speffurd, the able and learned Librarian of Congress yes terday, concerning the new Library Building, that gentleman said: "It is the first want of Washington at the present time Over 450.000 volumes are now heaped up at the National Capitol iu shell-room and other space which can not accommndato 300,000. A vast col lection of great value, including over 10,000 volumes of hound newspapers are piled away, and literally hidden in dark rooms down in the crypt. Every year some 20,000 publications, books, maps, charts, engravings, music, photographs and chronu s come in under the copy right law and are heaped up in the dark, inaccessible rooms, where it is utterly impossible to arrange or classify them. In lad, said Mr. Spofford with great warmth, the neglect of Congress to pro vide suitably for Ibis magnificent and rapidly growing collection of litern'ure and art is beginning to assume tbe pro portions of a national disgrace." ' Don Pedro. Our New York Letter. Regular corrcipondenre of Advocate. Nrw York, Dee. 19, 1882. New York City is at present exeitod over tho exposure by the "Mail and Ex press," of tbe way .in which tbe Street Cleaning Depaitment has been misman aged by Ccmmissinner Coleman. The ' Mail and Express" has latterly been manifesting n great deal of fearless en terprise in various directions, but this is its most important work, and its labors aro likely to be rewarded by tho remoyal of the present Commissioner and tbe substitution of a man who with nearly two millions to spend, will givo us what any other great city accomplishes at less than ono half the amount, clean streets, It is said by thoso hurt by those state ments that Tammany Hall is behind the movement, and soks thereby to get con trol again of tho city's affairs. But as suming that this is true, this does not alter tbe truth of the charges. Tam many Hull ought to go further and ex pose the IMice, D ck. Building aud other Departments iu all of which there are many sores to be cut out. A great deal of yaluable matter is be. lug brought to light by the investiga tions of the Legislative Committee on Finaneial Corners and dealings in Fu tures on the produce and similar ex changes. But outside of Vanderbilt and Jay Gould, no more interesting witness was placed on the stand than Rev. Hen ry Ward Beecher. His testimony was striking in every respect, but if bo bad taken less pains to hide uis profession ot Minister of the Gospel beneath tho ai views and expressions of a man of the world, he would have been more of a credit to his cloth. Tho most suggest ive remark he made was "I don't know much about stocks. I never bought any except on two occasions. Then I bought Panama at 4C0 and sold it at 100. An other stock that 1 had bought in the hope of its benefiting my children slumped from nudcr me." I was riding up town yesterday with a prominent broker, when conversation turned to this utterance of Mr. Beecbers. ilr. Beecher got off easy," Raid my com panion. "Were yon to take a glauce at tbe books of any broker of standing you would be surprised to see the number of clerical customers they bad. The gamb ling mania is as fierce among them as it is in the hearts of tbo poor devils who invest tbclr pennies in policy, and it is all tho more intense because they are compelled to wear a mask. One of the fraternity Rev. Dr. Tyng did so well at it, that bo gave up preacbiug the Gospel and studying tbe Bible, to read thi tape and worship at what the old time minis ters called the altar of Mammon. He is in the insurance busine.'-s, and as I am informed has made a couple of excellent 'coups' on the Stook Exchange. Another poor fellow whom I knew very well fared vary badly, ne was a very fine man and it really made me feel bad to see bim enter the whirlpool from which so few eiope smud iu limb and body. He was the pastor of a small hut very rich con gregatimi, a Cue speaker and u gentle man. The community of which I was a mtmber provided him with a cosy house aud as they paid him a good salary be could live not alone iu else aud oomfcrt, but in decidedly more luxury than St. Paul would ever have dreamed of. Well ho grew dissatisfied. Perhaps he was too well cff. He wanted to becomo rich. One evening when I called on him be broached mo ou the subject of trying bis baud on stock gambling. I did idl could to disjuade him, but seeing that be wus bant on it. I thought that sooner than let bim get into the hands of people be did not know I would conduct his operations for him. I did so, and as I operated carefully I made some money for biin. But that was not enough for bim. He took bigger risks. Oue day .r.t l.fm In It, ..mA .if n l.rnlro ndi.i very close margins for bia customers Well, to make a long story khorl, be be came so interested In tbe fluctuations of the market that be neglected his work, prepared bis sermons in a very slovenly j style, and was absent minded aud fretful, One Dno dy, a certain slock which bail b:en systematically depressed by a rer tttn cllqno went up with a bonnd, and as my friend was heavily short of it he went np with It, high and dry in fact. He not only lost bis own but owed bis broker a large sum. What did he do? Why, he skipped the town, as they say. Poor man, I suppose he's teaching school in some wilderness out West." As I am speaking of stocks just now, I am reminded of the fact I learned a few clays ago that Oscar Wilde bas beeu in vesting some of the profits of his lectur ing tour in Keeley Motor Stock. How viry appropriate. A case of Greek meet ing Greek but without tho tug of war. Next week Mr. William II. Vanderbilt gives bis fitst reception this season, and a great gathering of nicklo-plated aris tocracy nnd Bohemia it will be. Strange, that with all his wealth, all his patronage of art. all his fondness for sport he can not Indnce the real aristocracy of social life, letters or even sport to fill bis gorge ous establishment in Fifth Avenue. Tbe old Knickerbocker families would as soon think of visiting a German plcnio as a Vanderbilt reception. To them Vanderbilt with all bis millions is bnt nickel-plated. Drop tbe faintest touch of acid on the surface and you will find tbe common naturo of tbe parvenu un derneath. In view of this one is tempt ed to ask, is it worth one's while to have the riches of this man? Perhaps he does not enjoy them all. Liko all Croesuses and millionaires he has bis own troubles. He is a constant sufferer from the disease which killed his father and grandfather. Jay Gould is afflicted not alone filth dyspepsia but he is also subject to fits oi nervous prostration. Russell Sage constantly using mediolne for ono or the other ailment. Rufus Hatch has to spend many months of the year away from all work on account of his nerves, and James xl. Keene is ft confirmed vie tim of liver complaint. The good old English custom of hav ing Christmas pantomime at the theatres during tbft holidays, will be revived this year at the Alcazar, the first performance taking place this evening. A capital company has been collected and a very efficient aud beautiful ballet added. The scenery, costnmes and general mounting is really brilliant. Should the panto mime which is entitled "The Three Wishes," provo a success financially, it is to be taken on the road. That charming artist, Modjeska bas been playing to enormous houses at Booth's Theatre Her 'Rosalind' was as winsome a creation as has been seen on the boards lor a long time, Sbe gives us a genuine, soulful, bright, living wo man not a physical, dramatio nnd Intel lbctual impossibility as so many of her predecessors have done. The very latest and extremest vagary for fasniouable women is to' spend the money of their husbands for coats of real seal skin for their cauiuo pets. They cost from filteen to twenty-five dollars. Another novelty which is likely to give the fashionable world i leuty to thiuk and talk about as well as Work on, is the effort a certain social clique is making to revive the grave and majestic dances' of the roccoco period, thegivotte aud the minuet. This fashion comes direct. from Paris, where a number of the most charming and sprightly ladles of fashion have been hard at work for months, practicing the steps. A lady tells me, however, that this new departurorin tbe terpsichcrean lino iu this city vas.pro j 'Cted towards the end of the last sens u, aud the thing which suggested it was to other than the Children's Carnival at tbo Academy where a Louis XIV Mineut was danced most exquisitely by a number ot children, The world of people interested in rac ing, are considerably aroused over the fact that Lord Marcus Bcresford is on tbo point of shipping a stable of horses to this country to take part in our turt o mtests and to see if he caunot do what Mr. L rillard and Mr. Keeuo did in England last year, take the lion's share of the money "hung up" by the different jo 'key clubs and racing associate ns, as uis lordship will probably come over himself, for he is not alone a capital gentleman jockey, but also an amateur tra'nerorno mean skill and experience, tbe Turf Club and the various local Jockey Clubs will meet him with a hear ty wcloome. Special Announcement. REDUCTION IS PItlOE. AVe offer the Cinnos Advocate in com bination with the American Aobiculthii. irt for $2 a year, which includes postage on both. In addition, wa will seud free to every person who takes both papers, a Magnificent Plate EngravlnR of Dupre's last great painting, "IN THE MEAD OW," now on exhibition in New York, and offered for sale at $5,000. Tbe eminent artist F, S. Church, writ ing to a friend In tho country last Ootob er, thus alludes to this picture: 44 1 was delighted this morning to see otlVred as a Premium n reproduction of a very beautiful picture, 44In tbe Meadow," by Dapre. This picture is an educator " This superb engraving (17J x 12 Inches exclusive of wide border) is worth more than tbe cost of both journals. It is mounted on heavy plate paper, and sent securely packed in tubes made expressly for the purpose). To secure this picture, 10 cents extra is required for packing, postage, cto. :iiudnm.,iiumutmi.iumu' v THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. lUliiYii and cam MIKIMATISM, Neuralgia, Sclsllcs, Lumbjgo, IIACKACIIE, B'.IUCEI, TOOIUCm, SOF.E THROAT, Ql'IXSr.SWKLMXOS, NI'IIAIHS, Sorttat, Cuts, Briuts, FROSTBITES, IIUUNS, KCALDS, AbS til etkr bo4lt cbei nm cists a tonii PM bj all llnifi lilt 1 nlcr. PUcflltvaa In 11 lDf lugtt. Tit CUi'.ei A.Tcsdcr Cj. !u-iHn u A. Tm.Wi C) lL.IU.rr,.BL, C. b.i. .csiarano 1 rpin: fikst national hank OF LEIIIGIU'UN. The annual EIrcllon for Seven Directors of mi uhiik,wui u uem ai me uaiiKinir Jlouso. on Tl'KSUAY, JANUARY vtlt, 1883, be. tween the hours or 1 and 3 o'clock P. II. T , , . !Y- w; MO WMAN, Cashier. Leblghtoo, Dec. 19, ISSV-wI. 1 jiaSj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Applicants for License I.lst ef Applicants for Tavern, Restaurant nil Llauor Store Licenses at January Term ofUourt, 1B53! TAVERNS. Lents A'rmbrnster, 1st ward Mauch Chunk. licnrjrUhristrnan, " " " Joseph Soitdt. " " " ' J.S.Ketsor, 11 11 11 44 Oco". WooUrlnff, Sd ward 44 44 A. r. uiauss, iiemgiiton Doroufii. Catharine Ksch, " 44 Thomas Mants, 44 44 Philip Hader, East Blanch ununK liorouRti John 1'. ltyan, Knit Mauch Chunk Dorough Henry Trapp, Welssport Horouah Francis Earler, lansfbrd Borough Thomas Moore, 44 44 iiavm oi. wiiuaras, Patrick SIcKcnna. 44 44 Joseph Varzl, Weathorly Borough a, u i-Buereon, Cajpcr olser, 44 44 IjcvI Harts. 44 44 Joslah Stoftert, 44 44 Joseph Meyer, Parryvlllo Borough. J. T. Mollanlel, Mn nonius Township L.eopoiu .nejcr racaerion uismci Patrick Derraott, riesijuehonlng District J'avlrt Reese, 44 " Jacob Buss, 44 44 Mrs. Mary MfQIll, Lehigh Township John F. Bleckley, 44 44 Ellas Frits, Mauch Chunk Township Timothy Pagan, .Mauch ejhunk Township James Sneensy, Mauch Chunk Township Amamlut Bachman, Mauch Chunk Twp. .lames nicuimy, i.iuiuno lownimp Aaron Strohl. U. Towamontlnir Townshln Frea. wlssler, It. Tonamenslng Township wauaco unoaas, 1 Towawonsing rwp. S. II. Anthony, L. Towamenslng Township Nathsn Stemler, Towamenslng Township David Belts, Franklin Townshln RESTAURANTS. John J. McUinloy. 1st ward Mauch Chunk Richard B. Widdoss, Lelilghton Bomngh A. K. Miller, " 44 Wilson A. Peters, 44 44 F. E. Miller, 44 44 Peter Hush, East Mauch Chunk Borough Jacob Straussbergcr. Welssport Borough William Victor, Packer Township Harvey Slurry, Parryvlllo Borough Enos Koch, Penn Forest Township Thomas Watklns, Nesquehonlng District LIQUOR STORES. Catharine Sharkey, Mauch Chunk Borough Henry ounier, tvcameriy liorougn John I.lndenberger, Weatherlv Jfornugh Mrs Mary Campbell, LansTonl Borough James Cannon, Lehtgh Township Mary Brogan, Banks Township Catharine Malloy, Mauch Chunk Township UEOUUE W. KSSKIt, Bee. 23. 1882. Prothonotarv. I CURE FITS! When I siy euro I do not mean merely to stop them for a tlmo and then have them re turn again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease or FITS, EPILEPSY and MiiLinu Biuim i,ss a liic-iong study, 1 warrant my remedv to cure tho worst cases. Because Uhers have failed Is no reason for not now receirmg a cure. Send at once lor a Treatise and a Fres Ilottto of my lnlalllble Remedy. Olve Express and Post Omco. It eosts you nothing lor a trial, nnd I will euro you. Address, ll. H. O. ROOT. 183 Pearl street jnw York. dec.23.ml Ills ft assuaxs'" I havo a poMtlro remrd.v (or tho aborn (Its ea: hy Its use thousands ufcasesortlie wnrsl klr.l and ot lnnir standing hare been cured Indeed, so strong is my nilth In Its rlllcacy, that I wllljond TWO BOTTI,K F!(Efc. together with a VALUABLE TREATISE oi) ihlsdl!eae,to any sufferer. Olve Express arui i-. u. nuuress, im i. a. diau.uih. iJcc23.nil) 181 Pearl St., New York, "ISMS" THE WORST " ISM " TO-DAY IS Rheumatism RHEUMATISM IN THE BACK Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAW KILLER, RHEUMATISM IN THE KHEES Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATISM IN THE MUSCLES Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATISM OFLONO STANDING Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, buy of any Druggist Perry Davis's Pain Killer E. A. HORN, Successor to Messrs. Ra usher & Zern. DEALER IN JP Mininrn Pare Us, &Cieitals, WEISSPORT, PENN'A, Respectfully announces to the publlo that he Is prepared to supply them with all the Pop ular PATENT MEDICINES, HORSE and OATTLE POWDERS, Fancy and Tollotte Articles, WALL PAPERS & BORDERS, OHOIOE OIOARS, and, In fact, everything usually found In a flritclais Drugstore. FANCY ARTICLES ! a large and beautiful assortment, suitable fer HOLIDAY PRhSENTS. Oall and see them. Lowest Prices, PURE WINES and LIQUORS for Medi cinal purposes. Kg- Prescriptions carefully compounded, day or ntght. Patronage Invited. E. A. HORN, Welssport, Pa. November 2i, 183 )'! r S3 3 -gig d el i v v S 13 oo a o . o a - s. . H J Ijl fjS 2 11C IIO, THE HOLIDAYS ! ! ! Mrs. C. BbTSCHIRSCHSKY Respectfully announcestoher friends and tbe public generally, that six Is now receiving ami opening lur their inspection a larger stock than ever of tho very latest novelties in Toys & Fancy Goods, Suitable fur HOLIDAY PRESENTS for Young and Old. Rich and Poor,. Don't Tail to eall early and secure Urst choice and best bargains. She also calls their attention to her New, Large and Elrgant assortment of NOTIONS, eomprlslng Underwear, Berlin and Herman, town Wools. Hosiery, Imported ami Do medio Ribbons lllores. Flowers and a Pi assortment of New Designs IN FANCY ARTICLES Also, In connection with the above, a full and oomplete stock uf (JEIUFAM FRUITS, LIMBUROER CHEESE. Candles & Oonfef Horn, together with a variety of Goods not general ly kept In any other store In town. If ou do not see what you want, ask f ir It. A sharo of publlo patronage solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed lnprioe and quality of goods. Second St, 2 floors above Iron, Nov. 55, ISStniJ. LEJIHJHTON, P. A NEW AND ELEGANT LINE OP Clocks, Watches anil Jewelry Jnst Rseelred, at HAGAMAN'S STORE, Bank St., Lehighton, SUITABLE FOR Holiday Presents, AU of which Is being sold at such extraordin ary Low Prloes that all can buy. Look for ITourselves ! ! Gold and Silver Watches from i 00 to ((0 04 Dent's Chains 44 12 to 00 Ladles' Chain 44 Si to 0 0 Locket 44 t 00 to 20 00 Ring 44 i to 12 00 Bracolets, Oenti' and Ladles' Chains, Breast Pins, Ear Jewels, and a variety of other aril cles too numerous to mention, Including SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &o. Fleaso eall and see for yourselves, before buying elscwhore. dec2-r Special to the Ladies! A Special Invitation Is extended to the Lad les of Lehlghton and surrounding neighbor hood to call and examine the Immense stock of FALL ANB WINTER Press $mm! JUST RECEIVED AT E. H. SNYDER'S Bank-st., LeM&litoii, Pa, comprising all the latest Novelties In Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, Plaids, Cash meres. Serges, all-Wool Suitings, (Jrtng hams. Prints, ho. Also, a full line of Blankets, Domestic!, Shawls, Muslins, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS, fce., all or which he Is offering at very Lowest Prices. A nlco line ot Silver-Plated Ware, Do call ami seo It. My stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Carpets, Oil Cloths, QUEENSWAHE,-GLASSWARE, &0., Is full and complete. Cheap as the Cheapest, and Good as the Best. sept.t-Yl DANIEL W1EAND, 13 Carriages,"Vagons,Sleiglis,&c CORNER OV BANK AND IRON STREETS, LEHIGIITON. Penna., 'Particular attention clven to REPAIRING In a'l Its details, at the verr Lowest Prices, Vatronaice respectfully solicited and perfect aaiuiacuon punrauiceu. -GO TO- A. K. MILLER'S Opposite the Publie Square, Bank St., Lehigliton, FOR PURE, CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS For the Holidays! LOWEST PRICEd. Nov. 18-w JUST RECEIVED, AT F. LEIBENGUTH'S, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Fa., ONE OAR LOAD OF York State Apples AND A FULL LINE OF Holiday GoodS. Sellina: at Lowest Prices ! Saloon Keepers ana Others, Don't fall to buy your Champaigne Pear Cider, Lager Beer, Boot Beer, Nectar, Porter, &c., or C. B0ETTGER, TAMAQUA, Pa. A u g. 13. 1881-Ir. $721: a week made at home by the In- vstrwius. liesi kueiuess now ne- ire the Dub o. ejanltal not needed. He will start you. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is tbe time. You can work In spare time, or give your whole time to the business. No other business will pay you nearly so well. No one cun fail to make enor mous pay, by engaging at once. Oostly out fit ami terms free. Money made fast, sailly and honorably, Address Tana & On., Au gusta, Maine. deci-yl" The American Antiquarian OBIENTAlToURNAL ! ! Published by Jamison .t Moaaa, Chicago, III. $3 per year. Emitted by Srinux D. rT, devoted to Classical, Oriental Eu ropean and American Arcliroology, Il lustrated. This Jonrnal gives Information on discover ies and explorations in all lauds, and Is yery valuable to ttiosa who are following Anti iiuarian subjects as well as to the common rader. If RUPTURE, Tho lUPRRIAL IIItTfB la what rou want lh greatest Invention of Ihnarel Kee our paro. nhlet "ent Ireo. rol.J. Y. EuAN Oncen'. burj, -V Y llr 'H nranvean CARBON ADVOCATE PLAIN AND FANCY BOOKs JOB PRINTING HOUSE BANK WAY, a shortldlstanet above the Lehigh Valley R.R. Dspct, LEHIGHTON, PA. We art bow full y prepared to eitento srerj description ef PRINTINQ, from Visitii Card to aLarge Poster! Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, ejlroulsre Shipping Tags, Cards, 111 Heads, Letter Heads. Note Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Programmes, Pamphlets, fco., (m In Best Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! THE W. T. SUJNT. NEW YORK, 1883. Mora peoplo havo read The Sun during tne yearjusi now p:ieii!g man ever uewro since it wns tlrst prlu iiieu. No other nes- I mi per published on this sltle or the earth has oen bought and read Iu any j ear by so many men and women. We are creditably Informed that people buy, read, nnd liko ThilSun forthe lollow. Ing reasons, among others: Because its news columns nresent In at tractive form and with the greatest possible accuracy whatever has interest lor human kind ; tho events, the deeds, ami misdeeds,! he I wisdom, the philosophy, the notable folly, tho solid sense, the improving nonsense alt the news or the bnsleet world at present re volving In space. Bocnuse peoplo have learned that In Its re marks concerning persons and affairs Thu Sun innkes a practice of telling them tho ex act truth to the best of ability three hundred and sixty-five days In the year, belure elec tion as well as after, about the whales as well as the small tish. In the f.icoof dlfjent as plainly and fearlersiy as when supported bv irtneral annruval. Tint Sun has iibsolutcly no purposes to serve, ave the Information of Us readers and the furtherance uf tho com mon good. linos, a I, la nTnrThnili', n.n.n.n. TCn mnn i hnmhin i h,i , Tn v s n v i. in!iiirrrn t to his welfare and his rlahls. No man, no I own town. t6 ontflt fre. No risk Every asioclatlou ofmen, is powerful enough to be thing new Oapll.il not required. We wflt exempt Irom the strict application of Its furnish yon everything. Many are making; principles or right and wrong. fortunes. Ladles mako as much as men. ami BcoInselnpoIitlcslthasloBghtforadosenl ,M,y d iflrle make great pay Reader. If years, without Intermlslon nnd sometimes almost alono among newspapers. Die fight that has resulted In the recentoverwhelmlng popular verdict agamai eiuuesonism ami lor no: lonest government sin power. Tiik S No matter what nartv is in power, tiik sun stands ami win von tlnue tn stand like a rock for tho interests uf the people against thu ambition ofboses.tho encroachments of monoK)llsis. and the dis honest schemes of public robbers. All this Is what we are told almost dally by our friends. Ono man holds that The Sun la tbo liest religious nowspa pur ever pul llshcd, because Us ejhrlstlanliy Is undllutod withcant. Another holds that It Is the best Republican newspaper printed, because It has already whipped hair of the rascals out of that parly, and the proceedings against Ihe other half with undetnlnlshed vlgnr. A third belle; es it to be tbo best magazine of general literature In existence, because Us leaders mlts nothing worthy of notice that is current In the world of thought. So every friend of '1 il k Sun discovers oue of Its many elites tint appeals with particular forco to his Individu al llkin. If you already know The Run, you will ob serve that In 18S3 It is a lltllo btdter than ever before. If yuu do not already know The Sun, you will Hud It to he a mirror of all hu. man activity, a storehouse of the choicest productsof oommon sense and imagination, a mainstay for the cause of honest government, a sentinel for genuine Jetfersunfan Demo cracy, a scourge for wickedness of every si ccles, an and uncommonly good Investment lor tbe coming year. Terms to Mall Subscribers. The several editions of The Sun a e sent by mall, postpaid, as follows : DAILY 35 cents a month, 86 SO a year wilh Sunday edition, 87.70. SUN I) AY Eight pages, 81.20 a year. WKKKLY 81 a year. Eight pages or the best matter ef the dally Issues; an Agricul tural Drpartmentofunequalled merit, mar ket reports, and literary, scientific, and do mestic Intelligence make The Wkuklt Sun the newspaper for the farmer's house hold. To clubs of ten with 410, an extra copy free. Address 1. W. ENOLAND, Publisher. The Sun, New vork City November 25-wO No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal office located In Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are able to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and de spatch and at lets cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ 44 associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to pa tentability, free of charge, and all who are Interested In new Inventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy ol our "Outds for obtaining Patents,44 which Is sent free to any address, and contains complete Instruc tions how to obtain patents and other valua. ble matter. We refer to the Uerman-Amer- lean National Bank Washington, D. O.l the , Royal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Lega tions, at Washington; Hon. Jos. t'asey, lata Ohlei Justice U. ti. Court of Claims; to the Officials or the U. S Patent 0ee. and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State, i Address: LOUIS RAflUF.R fc CO., Ho Helton or Patents and Attorneys at Law, Le-' Droit Building, Washihgtox, 1). (). TTTTriTTI people are always on VV I M H l be lookeut for chancel Y T JLK- JL-J to lncreae their earn. Inns, and In time be. corns wealthy; those who do not Improve their opportunities remain in poverty. We offer a IE-eat chance to make money. We want many men, women, boys end girls to wor torus .!..!, n ihala Ann InHllMai InTitrl Din ilel Km nrnrlr nrnntrlv KAin lh Aril Blurt Th ' baslncsi will pay more than ten timet urdln. rywaKi. Expensive outfit furnUbed free. No one who to ianei lalli to make moaey rapidly. You ran devote your whole time to the work, or enly your ipare moments. Full Information and all thatll needetl rent Ire e. Addrcts ansiaoj. h Co., fortUnd, Uatoi. New Advertisements. Orphans' Court Salo Of YaluaI)Io Ileal Estate! By vlrluo of an Order of the Ornhani' Court of Carbon county, to us directed, there will be exposed to publie sale, at the house of JOHN S. LENTZ, Northampton Street, Xienignton, l a., on Saturday, December 30, 1882,, at TWO o'clock T. M., the following describ ed REAL ESTATE, the property of tho lale Elizabeth Lcnti, deceased t All that rertaln nmiety or half of a LOT or PIECE. OP GROUND, situate in the Borough or Le higliton, Carbon Co., Ta,, numbered 181 la tho Plan or Plot of said Borough, being the aonnimruiy one hail part Ibereol, baying s front or width on the westwardly side ef Northampton Street of 33 left, and extend ing thence wostwardly of that sam width, between parallel lines at right angles with raid Northampton Street, in length or depth 1R9 feet 9 Inchea to West Alley; bounded on the south by the other part ol said Lot no. ii; on mo west by West Alley; on they north by lot Xo. 182, and on the cast by" Northampton Street. Terms ol Sale one-third rash; on third In six months, and balance In Ann yeary with interest. JOHN 8. LENTZ. F. P. LENTZ. Dec. 9, 1882. Executors. THE GRAND NEW BOOK THEATRICALS CIRCUS LIFE on agents!' Gnu Room, THE SECRETS; aud or mi WanteD. Siw Dust A R E N A-,. STAGE, Revealing tho mysteries of tho Theatre Circus, Variety Show, lioncert Dire, &a &0. HOME AND PRIVATE LIFE AOTOKSANU ACTRESSES. Mostw derful and Interesting book over published.. ExpoMngthe secret doings ofOlddy Ballet Ulrls, Back Door Mashers, Matinees, Mid night Suppers, &c, &o. Tho veil lined from the BEAU& ART.. How Women aro fired from cannons; Men eat tiro; Heads aro cut off and hundreds oftother mysteries performed. 160 HEAUTIiUn. ILM'STItATlONS. AND BLEOANT COLORED PL.ATES. POSITIVELY the fastest selling book ever published. Agent's anvasslng outfit, 50 cents. Illustrated cir cular and full pirtloulars FREE.. Agents act quick and secure territory by addressing. SUN PUBLISHNO tX)., 110 & 212 Pine St., St Louts, Mo. Private Sale. The undersigned will sell at Private Salo,. lb following articles of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, viz: I Mnmo A Hamlin Parlor Organ, 1 Walnut Book Case aud Writing Desk. miniuneu, 2 Cupt.nanli, I Walnut Extousinn Dining Table, 1 Marble' top Table, 1 Tele-a-Tele, 1 Double Heater, and other yaluable articles. Apply to F. E. WHITNEY, 52-tf L. tc S. depot, Lehigbten, Pa- f7-pSOLlNTtlN BRETNKY, fashionable Boot and SnoK Makkr, Bank St., I Lehlghton. All work warranted. MONEY IS MADE by Judicious Investments In Wall Street. 'We" send FREE, to nny address, full Inlormatlon of a system of opcruliig by which sums of SIO, 325, SI00 or more olien return large profits. EbOAR E0OTAY & CO., fi Wall Street, Kew York. nov.ca-mC VT VOHTH AND itIDDIB-AOBD, Would you t o ro.tiiri u to OUNli j eiiu siainti ami va hiii retail. vicMti waioft .ivciopa. Actiiresi, iraf. J.Y. KUAN, Ofrdeniburg N.Y. JulylTyt RlH'GqSo'amlWe6 JLik7 JL die. something suing by, 10 ore you, a i mlahty and sublime leave be- . hind to conuner time.'4 tt9 a week In vonr I Juu fffllu uujiiieai v wuicn yuu run inn., great pay all the lime, write f;.r particulars Iallkit & Co., Portland, Maine. Notice to Tresspassers. The KIMor family and all other persons aro herebv forbid Tresfpasslnir on the la ds of tho undersignod, In Upper Towamenslntr Township, Carbon county, after this notice 1 under tho nenaltv oflaw. JOHN DISTLEH I.'ATHAIUNK U1STLER.. Dee. 16. 1882-3w rr Wri BeBttXmRhBymp. Tasieagood. SI Ueelnllme. froldbydmgglata. a CAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT? 54Pn4anuffhk1h or fit yon rttnl Amndol rf your I .vnttoM touuoKUK in:3a.vvViiiiinv Ion. .!., an J a S'relliiiliiur.Y lxanilnuiloia. Will he inmlnof uli UiillPil fctut?s pulviitH of Uf) PumeclMirf iiivt-ntloniand jouwlll ueaavUcU. YWitttliur ur not sipeHeiit coil be obtained. FOK TJITS riCKLIMTVATtY KXAMIK A HON' NO CUA1CUH lb MAUU. What will a Patent Cost? If younretdvUM that yotirlnvntlnn IflpnUnC able, seti'l KVU to pay Government Hppllcniion fie or 15, nnd s3 for the dm win its requIrM br tb Government. Tni is payablo when application ' mad?, and Is all of the ux pense uiiIchb n pnu-n t Is a lowpd. When allowed, theimornej aftm'tiB anl the final Government fee ($20) In payable. Thus yuu know he forehand,. or nvtkttirtv he liter) ou am poliir; to fret a patent or not, and 110 attorney! fe lacharcfld unlesi yoi dofftt a I 'a ten r, An attorney whose fee depends on his encct-t In obtnlnlnfr. t Talent wilt not, advise ou thatjotirltiVcnt.cn ti Eatenlable, unlmi It reilty ! pntentnhle, fo far.tv libe-a Judgment r.ui aid In cMcrmlniPK Ihequcy tlotn htnca, you cau rely cn thi.d Im kI en nften a preliminary Piamtnation I-. had Pratsn ent and the Hrtlilrallon at LuttrU, 1 ratio Murka and Ste-liif secured. MtruU pre- pored andnlet. Applir.Wtcm tn revivor of Ifc lertetl.Ahiam! (oc0r Forfeit eel t'nm'iinifil Very often valu.vblo in vrn Hons are anvrd In tl.rfte clavica of ca.i If you have undertaken tusecuiet your own patent aud failed, a skillful bandllrtgr.C the can" may lei 1 lORiirress. FendrneaMrltteu re queit nddrv.sand to the Commissioner of l'atentc that he recorjixaOKonoK ):. IsFMON.of Woshlnjr ton, D. C. as your attorney In the cnFc. giving tho title of the Invention and about the date of flltnr your application, An examination and report M1L cost ruu nothing, bearchefl made for title to Inven tions, In fact anv Information relating to Patent f romptlv turihe 1. Copies of Ptnt mailed at he regular Government rates, (iWc each.) Re member this otllrc has been I nsuccewfiil operation since 186 and you thereforo reap the benefits ot eiprleuce, bcsldfta reference can be riven lo ac tual clients In almost every county fn the V, IMmphlet relating In Patents fnN upon tcquest. GEO. E. LEIVSOFJ, fil5 15th St., WASHINGTON. I. C. Attomeynt-T.nr and Solicitor of Amcri cuu uud ITortilun 1'ntents. NTS. Bend a rough sketch or a mfMlf I uf iur Invention 1a nrmtfii: k. i.imoki. Washington, 1), (:., and a Preliminary Kxamliiatlon Mill ln made, without coarse, ct all United Klatea patents of tbe same clans or Inventions raid you vIll b advUtd whether or not a patent can be obtained, njou are bait uni insiyour llivrmiort ia pakcuiaoitj, send 520, to pay Government fee of 13 and fc-J for drawlnes required by Hi Got enwient This 1 pay able when application Is made. When allowed, tbe attorney's fee () and the float Government t i(u) is pa yame. au attorney nuw ire ainnu cn his success Iu obtaining a Patent will not advlM yow that your Invention Is aleutabl unless It really U, so far as his bet Judgment can determine: beooa, you can rely on the advice Riven after a preliminary examination Is had. DcftUrn Puiente and tbe lleiiistrntloii of -Labels, TradeMarks, svb IteWssue secured. Cn tents prepared and nled. Applications lu revivor of Itejctted, Abandaoitd, or Forfeited Cases made, if you hare undertaken to secure yourow n Latent and fulled, a skillful haodV ling of the com may lead lo success, fiend mi a written request addresed to ths Commlssloosr of Patents that b reconlre Groaaa JJ. Luton, oi Wfuhtiiffloii. lLC.kt vuiir ulianiev Ik the cut. wiv !"? the title ttu'J inWeml Ing the title of Ihe (mention aud about the daw of ppitcatton Auvxaminattouana report emiioii luc t&faS. and rsfsreaca can torn if. riven to actual clients In almost every cunty tn th Pamphlet relating to Pattnls frrs upoo reo tpRP, P T PlVIOM . I VJ O 1 L-L-IVIUlNi , Attorney at Law and ftellcllor er America and ForeUn Patents, , C15 Fifteenth fttrets, WAMIINGTOfts XX fl Uoama this utsrr " PAT r