n.v. MonTiiiMnn, EDITOR I.KI1IUUTON. I'A.i SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1882. Editorial Mention. TnB Btatn ilelit of PeiiEfylv.vjh was retlticeil $1)15,101 ilnriiiu iha fiscal year oneled November 3(1, r.iul itsloinl cn that data was $20,225,083. The buiims! neollon of Kingston, Jamaica, wni ilentroytil by fire on ilon ly. Tlie lost H cjtltnitrd at $30,000,' 009, mi J numlri ils of people Rre Louie lesk aud destitute. The Stata Hoard of AgTicnUnreJinakM ths follnttlng estimate) of tlm crop' of ruuniylvalita for 1882: Wheat, 22.123,. 000 bniliolij oorti. 39,875,000 Imihfb; cats, 31,530 000 bushels; rye, 6 805,000 Wlielx; rntatoiR, 13.TCO.000 buahtlsi tobacco, 28.750,000 1'oul.Ik. GiNEiuLyjUTi.Kr., it is stid, has mad the iietaewliat iistcnisliiiig btalemciit t bat bo in '-a Republican Governor" of Wni fcucbusetls. Tho wife- of n prominent Re publican prliticl.in, meeting bim in a fctrect car, said: "V m will soon be in uutuir.ited Governor of Massachusetts." In reply Guntrul Hutlor is reported to have srtld: "Yes, luadam, and a Repub lican Governor I was not eloeted by Democratic votm, but by a larrjo body of Republicans who nro di'gustcd with tho nieu who have controlled tlio parly. Tl.a Democrats Uryb not galntd o victory in my election. I nin a Republican U.ver uor." Tits Commissioner ofJIVnsionain 1 is annual report, myn in relation to the "pension population" of the country tint he baa boon unable to procure accurate data upon the subject. "Tlio beet ap proximation that cau ba made shows that of tho 2,0G3,391jitdJier3 who enlisted during tho war, peus,lons have been ap plied for by or ou account of, only 20 per ceut." lie conclude) by siyiug that, "from the best available information, it appears that there U a surviving toldlor population of a little over 1,000,000, out of which claims ;or pensions in the fu ture may by mido by thosa who incurrod pensionable disabilities." When the national dobt statement for December is made public it will be well to renielnbcrtbat a considerable part of tho redaction it will show is due not to the Itepublican administration but to queer old Joseph Lewis. The patriotic bequest of tho llobokcu millionaii'0 at last has been devoted to the object for which it was intended. Government bonds to tho amount of $950,000, repre senting the gift, have been canceled by the Treasury Department, and by that much has tho burden of the people been lighteuod. Mr. Lewis' gift has always bean considered n strange Ireak of eccen tricity. Yet if nil the men in the United States who could afford it should give a mill. on apioce to tbeir country the na tional debt would soon bo wiped out. Tub ineoming Legislature has a num btr of important nud unimportant posi tions to All, and in the disposal of its pat ronage the majority should first bo guid ed by fitness uud qualification and then by party merit. It is of imperative im portance that the Chief Clerk tdiould not be a mere hack, but a man who is well vtrsed lu.tho "win's and wherefores" of parliamentary rules and tactics. Ho must be nltrt aud always ready to furnish any points that may ba essential to the proper conducting of tho business of tlio Ilouse of Representatives. There are ninny caudidaU-s for this positiou, some fitted and others unfitted, hence it be hooves our Rspresenlntiyes to be wise in chousing their mm for this position. One of these candidates who pre-eminently possesses all the necessary requisites for the Cliiet Clerkship is P. Uny Meek, of the "Ilellefonte Watchman" uud laW Editorial Secretary of the Democratic State Committee. Hon. Michael Cussidy Is also fitted for the position, but if the fates decree that be should unsuccessful In bia aspiratio", then it becomes the bouadeu duty of the Caibon Representa tives to throw their influence in favor of Meek, as the second best, most worthy and best qualified, of the remaining can didates. PENNSYLVANIA P0LITIC3- Pnu.Auct.riiu, Dec. 12 It may bo so'. down as an absolute certainty that Governor-elect 1'attison has determined tu ap point tlio lion. Lewis C. Cassiely Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and the Hun. W. S. Stengor ot Cliambersburg, Secretary of the Commonwealth. A pielty cluso ac qualntanco with Mr. I'altieon, almost from the day that he first entered Mr, CaisUlv'a offico a law Uideiit, warrants mo in say inj; that when ho once makes up his mind to do a thing, ho does It just about its ho concluded to do lt,aiid the sooner tho Dcm ocratlc politicians of the Slato understand this the better it will be for all concerned. There is one thing I mention, njt hereto fore made public, in connection with Gov. Paulson's Cabiue't. When Mr. Malcum II uy of Pittsburgh eaino in Philadelphia to look after his appointment as Secretory of the ComiiioiiwcaUh, ho informed Mr. Pat tison that it would give him great pleasure 1 , terra in tho Cabinet with Mr. Ctssidy, and it was not until forty-eight hours alter Mr. Paulson told II ay Hut he had conclud ed to appoint Mr. Stcnger Secretary of Ibe Commonwealth that Malom of the Wett determined not t serve with Mr. ratably. It is surprising how many candidate, there are for Altorney-Giiieral. Col, A. K. M iCIure, who never neglects an opixulun -ty to serve those who have served him, is working hard to make Cbas. R. Buckalow me Aitorney-uencrai. inn. a. vtanart-, who is lsying pipe tor a return to the Unit ed States Brittle, is tor It. Miltou Epeer, ex Congressman from the Iluntinj.lou illatrici; Hopkins of Pittsburgh, Mr. Pdttisoii's mutt formidable competitor lor Governor, win, also liai an eye upon a Senatorial seat, jy. urs the aiiiKdutiusnt of George A. Jenksof Jefferson county. While Col. McClure is interested in his friend Buckulew's sm-cess, hn is entirely satisfied with the selection of Mr. Ciiuidr, at he eousiiiers it on anti-Wallace appoint rneutj and st Col. McClurs hot in the col umns of his l-spcr, the Times, d. signaled tcnator Wallsiu initio leader of theCrub 1,'eiuoerscy, because of his etlorts to break down Mr. l'jlli.ou. It it only reasoniblo to believe ths- Uilllure "ill supja.it Gov, Pallium in hit rll'urlt to advauto the inter ests ef the Randall wing lithe Democratic tity ol this Bute. llllOU, UIMIIIJf, OtCMgC, UW K.V lire. Event. D. D.. will make a rorii.fduble (.'oLiimI. As parelo 1 11-al.l it Will rove a iie.r t rxlnlnsu. t;r,ttvi.uenct o Our Washington Lottor. Fnoii our SrrctAt. CoanMro.siniNT. Wasuikoton Dec. !), 1BS2. And here we nro again looking down npou the assembled Senatorial it dim again In session. The Souate Chamhrr has been newly drcrsod and bedecked, and oiled and varnished and painted mid cirpoted tmtil it looks wonderfully im- priced in nppearnuo. The tosh) and desks shine like to many now pcwUr dollars, while the new green carpet cov ering tho floor f.Ivos the chamber an ap pcarance of veidnre thai Is both plcnsaut and plni'lug to the eye. Tho reader is begged to believe tbtt this particular color green was intentionally selected for the Chamber not to mark tho "Etern al Fitness of Things." but in order to present tu the world aud the balance of man and nnmaubind the greatest possi ble contrast between the trappings nud trimmings of the chamber and ils sage. cedate and dlgum? d ocsupatits. The popular demand for economy found a rcsponslvo chord in the House of Representatives to-day, and it was bronght about by nu nsplrant for the Speakership of the licit IIoubc. After several atltmptsMr. Springer.of Illinois, was n cognized to introduce n lcsolution providing fcrthe printing of 2,000 copieB of the dignst of tho rales of tho House. Objector, Ilolmr.rj, of Indiana, did not mglcct the opportunity offered to carry out his policy Mid entered a protest. To his maniftst surprise Republicans and Democrats rallied to his support, nud al though Mr. Springer cxplalucd that tho cumber of copies asked was not in ex cess of the usual session r.llowauco only nineteen Representatives were willing to stand by him, nud he was compelled to sticcouib to superior numbers. The in cident was tho subject of considerable comment as indicative of the tendency of the House, for among Mr. Holmau's adherents were Robeson, of New Jersey; Horr, Michigan; fisher, of Penusylvau ia; Hiscock, of Now York, aud Drner, of Maryland. Seme comment has been made because of the failure so fur of tho President to semi to the Senate notices of the recent suspensions of officials in this Distiict, with tho nominations of their successors. Under the law the President has thirty days from tho beginning of tho session to do this, so that ho has plenty of time, as yet. Mr. McPherson, clerk of tbo House of Representatives, has prepared a table of members of the next House of Iteprei cn tatives, in which he figures up n clear majority for the Democrats of GO over nil. Some of the Democratic meruit rs who have seen this cstimato think Mr. McPherson has not given the Democrats credit for nil tho straightouts of tLcir parly aud that the Democratic mijoiity will be nt least several above the figure fixed by Mr. McPherson. The President's) levees will not begin until alter the holidays. There is much talk about Congress not ndjovrniug for the holidays, but this is an ancient larce that is gone through with every year with commoudable regularity, mid ends ju&t where it begins in talk. As Lent be gins eorly in Ftbrunry, things will havo to bo rushed, and the levees, which will be four in number, will have to bo cror.ded close upou ono another. It can't be denied that Washington society is just & little gone on the handsome, diguified President. He is simple and unaffected as ho possibly can be, aud const quently extremely elegant. It is a great inislako to suppose that tho fact that he is President makes people in dulgcnt toward him. Ou the coutiary, ho is on that account subjected to severer xcruuity aud keener ciiticitra. He is n perfsct master of social fence. No man was ever so anxious for a social persecu tiou as Mr. Blaine was. To have been kUked out of office and ordered out ot tho White House would have suited his purpose exactly. Instead of that he was let down as easy as possible, nud treated with the most marked social deference, bciug repeatedly invited to diuueis at the White House, both formally autl ic formally. The sanio may be Enid of half a dozen other men whom the President knew to ba viudicthely opposed to him They might plot against him, but he re fused to oblige them by opening n social warfare. As for the President's inultf tudinous love affairs, which are regular ly telegraphed over tho country by hys ic-riciu correspondents, lie lias no more i tea of being married than tho Pope, The Supreme Csurt of tho United Slates on the 4th instant rendered it de cision ou tho tax sale case of the TJuitcd States r.guiust tbo Arlington estate, af firming tlio decision of the lower court iu favor ot tho Leo heirs. Chief Justice Wuito und Jusllco Gray, Bradley and Woods dissented. Acoust. rr.ou our REoui.in ConBtsroscEXT. Y.'AiinxaTON, D. O., Dec. 11, 18S2. There was an uncommonly slim attend ance of Representatives nt the opeuiugtf Congress on Monday the sliinest 1 havo secu iu my eight yeats observation here. The laggards arc ulvwiys numerous at the Lctinuing of a session, iu years when there is no speakership to settle, but what it was that kept hv ch au uuusual Lumber behind this year cm hardly bo ciildiued, unless Sptaker Keiiir's rul ing that 11 o'clock should be tho hour was too much lor thorn. People who wirk from suurUe to suuset .ill havo some diificnlly in comprehending iho tardiness of aCougressmau who finds 11 or 12 o'clock too early for him to be in ins beat, but there itre many of them. The greetings among meuibcis of both partus were unusually cordial. The checrlulutss o! tbo day appeared to dwell ou the Democratic side, as they discussed v I nt they would do iu the next Coujtreos. Every one was anxious to note the ir.au ntr aud demrauor of the dt fluted mem-b-rs who were represented iu such large numbers upon the floor. Robeson, upru uhoui tbo en ni tho gallery were oltin centered, was very ucllve going nbout among his colleagues, and no oue would have inferred from his manner that he is an intensely dissippoiuted man. He did not extend many of his calls to the Democratie side, probably because of the jokes and chaffiug ho lutt with there. Much of Iha talkamcug memb.rs ou the licpublic-au sido was made up of explan ations by those who had been defeated for re-election of the peculiar cause, , which letTto that reml'. Jay Hnbbtll was one of the at sentees. Ju running ovr the Itspnl'lloin si te th fl;iiriMcest sought after by the guilt ries were ilio! diplomatio aud courtly Kasson, tLo sturdy aud vigorous Father Kellty, the , judicious and ever alert Robinson, of I Massachusetts, Mr. Robeson and Speaker Kclfcr. Upon the Democratic sido the candidates for tho next Speakership aro tho main objects of attention, They were all on hand Monday. Carlisle aud Randall were tho most dignified of these tiontlciiicn, remaining at their desks to receiyo ealleis. None of tho candidates were so agile and so effusive ns tlio gcniiil bpriuger, who In the courso M thirty tr forty minutes embraced every Dcmo cratic voter ia (he House. On the Senate side of the Cspilol the exchange of pleasant greetings, cciapaih son of notes about Ihe pe.st fall's ca'ii paigu, aud other subjects kept up a per feol buiez of conversation ia the ahamber. As is Usual oil tho first day of a scsson, evcryboily was in uooi humor. Tho chamber, with the handsome now enrpU lately laid, new chairs and desk?, flesh ly yarnished, wore a bright and cleanly appearauce. Some of the desks were decorated with floral tributes, which added to tho pleasant surroundings. Senator Voorhees was tbo favorite among tho senders of bouquets. Ho had no less than three on his desk. Mr. Logan's desk was almost covered with a bank ot flowers, having bis initials iu blue, set in n surrounding of whito flowers. Sena' tors Ingalls nud Lapham were also the recipients of tributes of this kind. Don Caiutran appears 'a little stern just now, A prominent newspaper correspondent went to him just alter the Senate met ou Monday and asked him what he thought of tbo appointment of his enemy, Clay ton McMicbael, as United Slates Mar shall for the District of Columbia. The ex-proprietor of Pennsylvania nearly jumped out of his chair, as this proved to be the first intimation he had of Ihe news. Ho said ho had not read the morning papers, and oauld scarcely credit it. Mr. McMichael, he said, had never been more than a half-and-half Re- publican, and had always opposed him. This was all Mr. Cameron would say, but he immediately called General Lo gan aside and began whispering to him with much earnestness, which was inter preted as evidence that Mr. McMichael would not find plain sailing in his path to confirmation As the result of conversations with several members of Congress of Loth parties I find that both aides seem moved by a desuo to proceed promptly with the work in hand, attend striclly to business and make good use of tbeir limited time aud talents. The Prisidem's missace w.-.s received hero with varying degices of criticism and npprovnl, but tho pre ponderance of sentiment is that while it does not rank as one of the ablest of state papers, it was nevertheless constructed with a great deal of shruwdiicfs, so as to touch n popular chcrd upon all the vari ous qncotious concerning which the i oc- plo hive lately expressed themselyes.and t ) steal aw ii j' from the Dcmocrals a good deal of thtir loudest thunder. There wns not iho usual oxprieuco of printing tbo messi-gj all over the country beforo it was sent toCongriss. A rumor was current in uowsrmner Row Saluidav night Ihut a copy of tbo mefsugo Lad been procured uud was for sale to corres pondents desiring it. Ouo or two, I be lieve, were tukeu in by this bogus copy, but when President Author heard the rumor he sent word that he would like to get a copy himself, ss his own mes sage was not yet finished, aud this might save him all further trouble. Though the Guriiild Monument Fair was not financially a success it developed a num ber of amusing iucideuts. One was tbo developeuicnt of Congrossmau Houok, of Tennessee, and one Wiggius, of seme where, as Presidential candidates. A watch was voted to the most popular candidate, and in spito of the fact that votes were cast for more than tweuty-fivo candidates, among whom wero such well known names us James G. Llaine, Sam uel J. Tildcu an 1 l)r Mary E. Walker, the fricuels of Ilonck and Wiggius f.uriy astonished themselves by the strength they were found lo possess. But Houck oirried of! the election. All the gossipors have been indulging iu more or less talk about tho coming social season at the Capitol, which they generally predict is to be unusually live ly. Tbo season will be short uud wo shall have hero an unusual number ol people who come just to speud the win ter r.ud seo what is going ou. This class is growing yearly, uud the peculiarities of the present situation adds to their number a good muuy who aro interested in political matters the canvass fur the next speakership, tho revision of tho tar iff tiLd other kindred subjects. . The President will take a hand in the social festivities this season, which will be opeued with the New Year's reception nt the White House. Having a good dtnl of pride about doing s.uch things correct ly nud brilliantly, it is probablo that the round of receptions and dinners will be in keeping with the predictions and ex pectations for an nuususlly brilliant season. Last winter, while the Presi dent was writing his comiuunicntinus to Congress and his notes to personal fiiendii on piper deeply bordered with miitirniL'g, it was proper that a degree of restraint should be e.bfcrvcd at the Ex ecutive Macsioo. The season of crucial mourning was long ago ended, and the occasion tor it has faded from the mem ory of uioit people here. In pref nrttiou for the fitting reception ot guests at the White House, tbo Interior, as will as ex t.iior, has been impioved. The scat' i'olilings aro still up iu the halls and the, vestibule, hut lliowvrk cf the decorators will be completed iu a few das, Don Ptuco, Our Now York Letter. Regular correspondence of Advocate. Kmv Youk, Dec. 12, 1SR2, Tho Ltnglry Lvbouchere estrange meut aud nil its attendant gossip, co-tudal and nastiuiss have filled the columns of the daily press oil nanse'iui, nnd furnished some sensational preachers additional fuel with which to make it hot It r the theatrical profession. Now, if they would only level their shafts of denuuei atioi s against those young men whom nature provided with rich fathers, but neglected tn furnish with long earc, they would do the worl I a beuefit. It is they that furnish the scandals with their silly desire of aplug rich foreign libertines,' the height of whose ambition is to git Ibtmselrt tlkl aWul (a coiinertiou wl.h some woman wbpse name happens lo be tho talk of the town. The scmics and characters described by Zola are bad ineugti to rend about as having occurred lu other lauds. Let us not have them cuncted before us in reality in this conn- tiy, and that too by striplings who are not men enough to play at vice. I am not in a position to Bay much about Laugtry from personal know ledge, but nouo the less I am convinced that not ouo half of tbo vile statements and viler insinuations concerning her are founded ou facts. I have this on the statements of people who know what they speak of. She has been Indiscreet, she has been guilty of follies which a woman liko Mary Auderson, Maggie Mitchell or Lot tn, would not have been reproached with 'mats, que voultz-vous?" She is tnoroof a natural Bohemian than they aro, she has been brought up in n different at uiosphero, she has hail two boasons of Loudon "society,' which according to tho iidmisslons of the belter members of It, is as corrupt as French' society was in Napoleonic days. And, after all, her greatest crime is that she hag been inti mate with a set of brazen donkeys in stead of assooiatlng with peoplo of con sequence Fortunately for herself she bus thus far been able to keop silent to tho reporters of Boston regarding her troubles, but heaven help her when she gets to Chicago,Cinciunati and St. Louis. There the reporters prowl about like highwaymen. "Stand nnd deliver," is their motto, nnd should she fail to talk to them, they will make it hot for her, besides printing interviews with her uny way. I saw Oscar Wilde tho other ovening iu a new English chop house on upper Broadway. It was after the theatre, and although the place was filled with thtat ricul nud literary people, tho long haired apostlo of check sat alone, pensively dis cussiug a light supper. The Wilde boom has petered out, and the burly Irish masquernder is being left to droop and die like one of his own lillies. He is do ing but little or any literary work now, Ho says thnt he is sufforing from ex. hnustion nnd over work. The truth is, however, that no newspaper or magazine I ubllsher of consequence cares to pur thase or print his twaddle. As a mem' her of the Century Club, a literary man of note put it, if ho stays here another six mouths ho will have to do police court reporting for a living. Still Oscar is not so badly ofl. He has posed beforo the American public to the luue of somo six ty thousand dollars, aud he cau afford to look on for a while, while the public re covers fiom its disgust of having been drawn by the nose by a man like Oscar Wildo. That "brass" pays is further cvidencod by Col, Iugersoll. I have on the author ity of a man closely"couuccted with bim iu u busiuess way, that since the twollth of October last, he rnado no less thuu $j0,000, by his lectures. In ft great uiauy States there are old laws ou the statute books visiting blasphemy wjlh hiavy fines. Blasphemy fills Col. Inger- soil's pockets, and enables him lo follow his epicurean tastes in the matter of eat ing and driuking to his heart's content. All of which goes to prove tliat what is sauce for the goose is not always sauce for tho' gander. As I have given yon so much personal gossip, let moadd another bit, which ban caused n great deal of nmnsenieut among tlio theitrical fraternity. Everybody knows John Stetson tbo genial and as tute manager of Booth's and the Four teenth Street Theatres. Unfortunately he has acquired the reputation of being a sort of male Mrs. Malaprop, and thus the actors are constantly circulating "bon mole" alleged to have been uttered by him. The latest is this: ho was speak ing to a number of friends at the bur of tho Monitor House, when conversation turned on n theatricaDiuannger who was constantly slipping up because he was not quick at snapping nt good things. . "Always tho case," said Stetson dogrnat- j ically. "Once a man gets ou tho sus pender bridge of hesitation, there is but one ono step to the abscess (abyss) of failure. A FREE OIFT. The Chicago, Rock Island 3c Pacific Rail way, have in press an Almanac and Hand Book of Usclul Information, containing a vast amount of matter which it is handy to have available, and which all classes of people want eometimo during the year Tho hook contains descriptions of tho West ern Slates aud Territories, a list of U. 8. Land Oflices, whero lands are avsilable at low rates, how obtained, etc., etc., as well as interest tables, business law, rates of post al; o and political facts and figures. In fact it is viultum in panv, and all tho much is of every day use. The same road also publishes a Christmas Rook for Children, which contains several fine illustrations, and is original mailer, und a very fine piece of sheet music, ar ranged fur piano and a quartet of voices. Either, or both of theso books and the music will be sent lost free, if requested.by jwslal or letter. Tho earlier your name is rent to E. St. John, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago, tho quicker you will get tho books. A Missouri doctor reports lo the Phila delphia iltdical and Surqical Reporter tho esse of a fanner who had nine children, ths eldest of whom is 10 and the yoqngest two yeirsofage. The list begins with the cirl of 10 years; and then comes twins (boy and girl) of S years, another pair of twins of six years, a girl oft, and finally triplets (all girls) 2 years old. Father, mother and children aro in good health. Tho last Glaqoto Herald says that the parental relatives of Mr. A. T. Stewart, rest dent in Scotland, had met at an attorney's in Iiin'korbio. It was shows that there are twenty-seyeu second cousins, but there stands in the war a certain Jane Stewart, full Ajusin to Mr. Stewart, who married Mr. Haritnces, and who.lfehe survived Mr. Stowart, would be his sella heir. These peo ple ire either acting under thedelusion that Mr. Stewart died incstale, or that they can fvt asido his will on the score o( undue in fluence. It is not necessary tu pick our words in mentioning the PhiladelpVIa 77i, the pr.npectus of which journal appears in au other column, TVie Timet has got to be a sort of necessity with some people ol this community and It nucbt to bo with manv more. It has many Imitators all over tbo , , , , ., , ... ,, i.nu, u.ie uirr. i rv.uy ,i...niyK ms ine TVmct from Maine tn California, We have persuaueii ourselves at times mat mo reason the people like, it so much Is that it Is cor- ts'inlly giving Itaj-culfrs juicy bites from Ike sannj- side f lh jiraal!sii jaeh., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rpiIE riKST NATIONAL HANK oriEuionrON. The annual Miction for Seven Directors of this llnnli.wll! tie hold at tlio llai.Klnie Homo, on TUESDAY, JANUARY lh, J8S3, bo- iween ine nuuri oil ann a o'ciork i. ai. w. w. uuwman, casnier. I.clilgliton, Deo. 19, 188i-lrt. Notioo to Tresspassers. The Kihler rarnllr and All oluar nertont nre bereby forbid Tresspassing on the lands of mo unuersifeneii, in upper AowaTneniing Township, Carbon county, after this notice, JOHN MSTr,KU, UAT11AU1NK UlSTI.UR. Deo. 10, 1882-3n THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. ItelttTei and cum IlIIEUMATISM, Neuralgia, 8ctat!ca, Lumbago, ItACKACIIK, HtlClCEt, MOTllCEK, SORE THROAT, Ql'lKSV, SWELU.VaS, SPIIAINS, Strtaets, Cats, Braises, FROSTDITES, rtUilNS, SCALDS, Ini lU oilier lxidll kcfacl mil CIKTS 1 EOTItS. Soliltiy nil Brunei,!, fend n.klcn. nircclloni lu II irnf utftl. ThoChir'.H A.Veceltr Co. tA.VK!aC UllllMI rt, kta, t. S. A. E. A. HORN, Successor to Messrs, Rapsher Si 7cm, DEALER IN Pore Dns, WXISSI'ORT, PENU'A, Respectfully announces to the publio that ho Is prepared to supply them with all tbo Pop ular PATENT ainillUINKS, 110 US K an J OATTI.E POWDERS, Fancr and Toilette Articles, WALL, PAPERS & BORDERS, UHOIUE 01U ARS, and, In fact, cvcrjthlnir usually found tn a first-class Drug Store. FANCY ARTICLES ! a largo and beautiful assortment, suitable fer HOLIDAY PRESENTS. (Jail and tee them. Lowest Prices. PURE WINES nnd UO.UORS for Medl. clnat pnrporos. a Air Prescriptions carefully compounded, day or night. 1'atronago Invited. , E A. HORN, Wclssport, Pa. November 25, 1SS -yl II O, THE HOLIDAYS!! ! Ill C. BeTSCHIRSCHSKY Rcpcctfally announces to her frlcndsard tho public Kcncrally, that shots now rcctlvliiK and opening lur their Inspection a larxi-r clock than ever of tho very latest uuvellies In Toys & Fancy Goods, Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS for Yoemjf and Old. Rich und Poor,. Don't fall to rail early and secure first choice and hen bargains. Sho also calls their attention to her New, Large and Elegant assortment of NOTIONS, eomprlflnKfjiiderwcar, lterllnand Herman towirWuuls. lloslory, Imported and Ho meSite millions Gloves, Flowers and . 'a fiiBosotmcntof. New Deslana , IN .FANCY ARTICLES Also, In connection with tho above, a full and oompleto stock of (ID I! MAN FISUITS, LIMBURQER CHEESE. Candies & ConlVellniis, toRcther with a variety ofHoods not treneral ly kept In any other store In town, irjoudo not seo what you want, nsk for it. A share of publlo patronage solicited, and perfect sitlsrictlon guaranteed In nrlce aud quality or roods. Second St., 2 doors above Iron, Nov. 25, 18S2-m3. LEHIGHTON, Pa. THE WORST " ISM " TO-DAY IS Rheumatism RHEUMATISM IN THE BACK Cured by PERRY DAVISS PAIN KILLER, RHEUMATISM IN THE KNEES Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATISM IN THE MUSCLES Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATISM OF LONG STANDING Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, buy of any Druggist Perry Davis's Pain Killer E. F. LUCKENDACH, Two Doors Below tbo " Jiroadwar Home MAUCn CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all rattens of rialn and raaer Wall isaflDei'Ss Window Shades, Paints & Paintesr' Supplies, lowest CAsn rnicEs. The American Autianarian ORIENTAL JOURNAL ! ! Published by Jaiiksox A- MoRsr, Chicago, 111. JJporyear. Edited by firsriinx D. 1'r.tT, devoted to Classical, Oriental .Eu ropean and American Archreology. Il lustrated, This Journal gives information on discover- e u'l expiora lions in all lan, ,1s ,anrt is very valuablo to those who aro following Antl- nU4r , ,uh eels as WC II as to the colnli mon piiW. aprB-tf r-)l inTI IDL" H U f I U M L .Vi' The pr.niAf, nturn j pr- atestlr ''SSfST Dal yon want IIia nt Ire, $t vsJSiBSSSSEs A IS,'II!!!iti 1 tMediciiies & Ciiemicals roi, j. v- euaiv, i)rni-, ' fair IM A NKW AND ELEOANT LINE OP 4 Clocks, Watches anil Jewelry Just Receive!, at HAGAMAN'S STORE, Bank St., Lehighton, SU1TAULE FOR Holiday Presents, All of which Is bolnit sold at such extraordin ary Low Prleos that all can buy. Look for Yourselves ! I 0 old and Silver Watches from t 00 to teO 00 Oent'f Chains " 12 lo e 00 Ladles' Ohalns J5 to 0 00 Lockets 1 00 to SO 00 RIDES ' S to 12 Oft Dracelets, dents' and Ladles' Chains, Urea it Pins, Ear Jewels, and a variety of other art! cles too numerous to mention, Including , SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &o. Please oall and seo for yourselves, before buying elsewhere. dec2-r Special to the Ladies! A Special Invitation Is extended to the Lad, les of Lehighton and surrounding neighbor, hood to call and examine tho Immense stock of FALL AND WINTER JUST RLOEIVED AT E. H. SNYDER'S Bani-st, MiiMon, Pa, comprising all tho latest Novelties In Black and Colored Silks, Velvets, Plaids, Cash mores, Scruff, all-Wool Suitings, tiring, haras. Prints, he. Also, a fall line of I3lunkels,Domcstics,Shawts,aIusllns, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, fco., all of which be Is offcrlog at very Lowest Prices. A nice line of Silver-Plated Ware, Do call and seo It. My stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, 0UEN!WAREGLA!SSWARE, a.e Is full and complete. Cheap as the Cheapest, and Uond as tho Best sept.i-vl DANIEL WIEAND, CarriageSjWagons.SIeigliSj&c COBKHa OF BANK AND IKON STREETS, LEHIGHTON, PenM Particular attention given to REPAIRING tn a I ttm ftntfill nt 4fc T at T)tai l'atronauft re? ied fully ollcHcd and perfect Deo C. 1870-yl DAN. WIEAND. -GO TO- A. K. MILLER'S Opposite tho Public Square, Bank St., Lehighton, FOR TURE, CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS For the Holidays! LOWEST PRICEd. Nov. 18-w8 JUST RECEIVED, AT F. LEIBENGUTH'S, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., ONE OAK LOAD OP York State Apples AND A FULL- LINE OF Holiday GoodS. w at Lowest Prices ! Saloon Keepers ana Others, Don't fait to buy your Ohampaigne Pear Cider, Lager Beer, Root Beer, Nectar, Porter, &a, or C. B0ETTGER, TAMAQUA, Pa Anc 13, 1811-17. Tlie fcta' County Institote. Tin Teachers' County Institute will con yene In CONCERT HALL, at MAUUH CHUNK, on Monday, December 18, and remain In session for FItc Days. The Principal Instructors from abroad will be Prof. K. V. UefJralT, Ilr. N. O. Heliaener, Prof. (leo. Ii Little, Prof. U. al Phillips, .ill's Anna nager. ana rrni. w, w, wooa. ruir. Amonir the Kvenlnu-Lecturers will be: W. 1, Marshall. Km., Colonel J. P. ban ford, rror. j. v. neuruu. nnu rror.it. r.. s.iuie. Adiulsslun to tho trcnlnic Entertainments 85 cen. s. THOS. M. IIALL1F.T. I)ee.?-wJ Co. tiupt. of schools. a weelr n.adtt at Lome Lv the ln CT) i f re sirinus, nest business now ue- ire the publlo. Capital not neeoeu. o win start jon. jien, women, boys and jrlrls wanted ryerywhere la work for us. Now Is Ihe time. You n work In spare time, or giro your whole iluie to Ihe business. No other business will pay you nearly so well. Nuone can fall tu make enor innupay, by rnaaglna; at once. Costly out flt ami terms free. Muney inada fast, easily and hannrehty. Address Tans K I., An f nits, Mla. Jctl.Tl CARBON ADVOCATE PLAIN AND FANOT BOOK-JOB PRINTING HOUSE BANKWAT, a shcrtldlstanee abort Ite LshlKh Valley H.R. Depet, LEHIGHTON. PA. We are aow fully prepared to execute eyery description orPRINTINO, Irom a Yisitii Card to a Large Poster ! Poster, Handbills, Dodgers; Circulars Shipping. Tags, Cards, Bill Hoads, Letter Heads,' Not Heads, Knyelepes, ' Statements, Programmes, . i Pamphlets, (., ke., to Rest Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! THE K Y. SUE", NEW YORK, 1833. JMoro rxwplo have read Tnu Sun during mo jcarju.t nuw passing rnnn ever imioru since it was first printed. No other liens paper published on tbls side of the earth li:i been boutrht nnd read iu any yeur by so uiuriy men ii, iu Heiu.e,,. We are creditably Informed that peoplo bay, rend, and liko Tiikun forlhe follon intr reasons, ninorrtr others : ilecnujo Its news columns nrisont In at. tractive form nnd with tho greatest iiosslhle tccurncy whatever his Interest lor human kind; tbo events, tbo deeds, and mfsdoeds.thu wisiuiui, too iiiiuosopuy. mo noiuiiie Tolly, tho solid sense, tho improving ueiriscns? nil the news nl the busiest world nt pre'tint re volving 111 space, llccauso neonle havo lenrned that In lt rn. marks concerning ncrsuus nnd nffilrs Tun Su.n makes a pracllco ol te'lllne; them ibe ex act iruin to mcoesioi uuiiiiyiurce lniU'irrei and slxte -live days In the year, beioro el"e. Hon as well as alter, about Iho whales ns well ns the small fish. In tho fnco ofdlfscnt as piaitiiy.nnu reancesiy ns wnon supiiortcei hy ircnerul aniiroval, Tun Sun has absolutely no purposes lo toMc.tuvo tbo infnrmallon of us reaoera auu tno lurincrnnco ol tnocout mon !HlHl. Hccause It Is everybody's newspaper. I'o man is fo huuiblo Unit TiikSuk is Imllirercnt lohlswclfaro and bis rlnhis. No man, no aseoclatloii ol men, Is jmncrlul ent,u)rh to be exempt Irom tho strict application of its principles of rlithl nnd wronir. lice uso In politics It hnsloutrht for a iloien )enrs. withe'ut Intermission and snmctlmos almost Alone amonir newsnnttcrs. I he rlulit mat lias rcsniieu in too rorcnioverwneimlni; popular verdlctaitalnst liohesonlsm unit lor Honest goernmcnt. ivo mutter whnt partj is In power, Tub Sun rtnmls ami will con tlnue ru stand UUo a rock l(r Iho interests uf tlio pconio nKaitist tne nr.'.inuon onrasses.tiio cncronciimciiis oi monopolists, anu ine uis honest schomes of nubllo robbers. All this is whnt we aro told almost dally by our friends. Ono man holds that Till: sun is i no uest rents ious newspaper ever pub lished, because its tJhrlstinnhv Is undiluted with cant. Another holds that It Is tho best Republican newspaper printed, becnuso It has already whlppc.i hilf of the rascals out or that parly. and Iho proceedings against tho other half with undcinlnlshed viK"r. A third bcllctcs it to bo tho host magazine ofucncrnl literature In existence, becauso ils leaders nibs nollilnif worthy ofnotlce that Is current lu tho worlel of thought- So ovcry frlcnet of '1 UK Sun discovers ouo of its many sldts lliul nppenis wim particular lorco to nis iiuiiviau, al llklnir. If you already knew Tiik Sun. you will ob srrvo that In 18H3II Is n llttlobciterlhnnover before. If you do not already know The bun, jnu win linn ii in tie a mirror oi all hu man activity, a storehouse uf the choicest productsof common senro and HunKination. a mainstay for the cause of honest government, a sentinel for genuine .TcfreTSoulan Demo cracy, a scouruo for wickedness uf every si ecles, an and uncommonly good investment lor uiu ioiuiog year. Tonus to Mall Subscribers. The several editions oTTiikSun a escnt by mall, postpaid, as follows : DAILY 55 cents a month, SO 50 a year nn uuuuu; e ... i 9 e,. SUN DAY Light pages, 81.20 a year. WKhKLY fcl year. I.Ik lit pliers or the best matter of Ihe dally issues; nn Agricul tural Delmrtincntof uncuuailcd merit. mar ket reports, ant literary sclcnlltlc. and do. mesuo intelligence innao lus w kkklv Sun tlie newsnnper for the farmer's house hold. To clubs uf ten with tio. nn extra cony tree. Address 1. W. ENdLAND. Publisher, Tilt Sun, New York City November 55-wo No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in tho United States Canada and Europe, at reduced rates, Wltb our principal office located "in Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are able to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and de spatch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who are at a dlsianco from Wash. Inglon, and who have, I here lore, to employ "associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to pa tentability, free of chargo, and all who are Interested In new Inventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy ot our "tlulde for obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any address, and contains complete Instruc tions how lo obtain patents and other valua ble matter. We refer to the Qerman-Amer-lean Natloual Bank Washington, D. O. ; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Lege. I tloni, at Washington Hon, Jos. Casey, late Unlet Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to the ' Officials or the U. 8 Patent O.tlce, end to. Senators and Members of Congress from 1 every Stale. . Address: LOUIS HAGOER k CO., So. lienors of Patents and Attorneys at Law. Le-1 Droit llulldlng, Washington, D, V. I WTFttk'en rn nlwiiea An eut for chalices nso their earn. ings. an.i in time he me wealthy; tlioio whudo not Imnrove their opportunities remain In inverty. We offer a If eat chance lu make lucney. We want many men. women, boya and girls to wurk for us right In their own 1, ralllles, Anyona can rlo Ihe work properly from Ihe first start. The business will pay more than ten Itmea urdln. ' J ,1 .1 1 D I'UIUI luiuouru 1TCF, No ene who euvages tails lo make money rapidly. You can ilerole yoir whole limn in w.t ,jt h , (soi uea if'i silltnv II III n III the wwrk. or rnl your epare tnomenl. Fall Inrnrmatlon and all thatti 'edei eent lre, IslslaMa tlna, a. Vv I a I " "'" V I VIII VQi Olefin. New AdvorlisemcntsT Orphana' Court Salo Of Valuable Real Estate! ujr vireuo ui an vreicr oi tne urphani Court of Carbon county, to us directed, there will bo expose,! tn public sale, at tlie houso or JOHN S. LENTZ, NorthampUn Street, Lehighton, l'a., nn aamniay, Jjeccmbcr yu, lbbU, at TWO o'clock r. M., tho following describ ed ni'.Ai, i.ai.vii., tne property or ther late Elizabeth Lentx, deceased 1 All that certain niniely or half of a LOT or 1'IKCE OF GROUND, situate in the Rnrough of Le highton, Carbon Co., Pa., numbered 181 Its the Plan nr Plot of said Borough, being the, northwardly ono halfpart thereof, haying front or width on the wettwardly side of Northampton Street of 33 feet, and extend ing thence westtvardly of that same width, between parallel lines at right angles with Fold Northampton Street, in length or depth. 189 feet a Inches to West Alley;' bounded nn tho south by the other part ol said Lot No. 181; on the west by West Alley; on the north by lot No. 182, and on tbo east by Northampton Street. Terms ol Sale one-third cash; one third In six mon I ha, and balance In one year, with interest. JOHN 8. LENTZ. F. P. LENTZ. Dec. 0, 18S2. Executors. THE GRAND NEW BOOK THEATRICALS CIRCUS LIFE OR Gucin Roost, Alto Saw SiiT ARENA. AGENTS THE SECRETS or tux STAGE, WanteD. Revealing tho mysteries of the Theatre, Circus, Variety Show, Concert Dive, ke.. eC HOME AND PRIVATK T.TVK np ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Most won. derful nnd Interesting book ever published. L,xpo,ing the secret doings of uiddy Ballet Olrls, Hack Door JIashcrs, Mntlnecs, Mid night Suppers, tec, See. Tho veil lifted from the HLAUK ART. How Women ore fired from cannons Men nat. hre; Heads aro cut offand hundreds of other mysicnos pcrtormcd. 160 HEAUTli UL ILLUSTRATIONS. AND ELEOANT COLORED PLATES. POSITIVELY" tho fastest selling book ever published. Agent's eanvasslngouint, SO cents. Illustrated cir cular and fnll n-irtlitnUr. Prrs.v A..nu act quick ami secure territory by addressing SON PUDLISHNtf CO., 210 ie Sill Pino St., St Louis, Mo. Private Sale. The undersigned will sell at Private Bait, the l,,lloivin; articles cf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, viz: 1 Mason k Homtin Parlor Orxsn, 1 Walnut Rook Case and Writing Desk combined, 2 Cupboards, 1 Wnli. ut Extension Dining Table, I Marble lop Table, I Tclr-n-Trtr, I DeMiblo Hearer, and other valuable article's. Apply to F..E. WHITNEY. 52 tf L. k S. depot, Lehlghten, Pa. ff-JSL'MNTON I1I1ETNEY, fashionable, Ui3 limn and Siiok Makkk, Hank St., lehighton. All work warranted. MONEY IS MADE by judicious Investments In Wall Street. Vf send FREE, to nny uddrrf a. Tull Inlormatlon of a ST3tom or operntli s by which snnis or 310, S25, IS100 or inert often return large, piottls. EL' OAR B00TAY a CO.,- 0 Wall Street, New York. nov. ;S-m IV VOUTII ANT) MIIIDIIS-ACIFID, Would you bo roton it to SOUMH Ifonhnnrl 0 Moml si.inii) and yoa will p.et nrt- xtldllUUUll ! v!co In muled oovelopo. Adtlrcs-,, , erui. j. i. .-.u a ., uRo-nsonrg n.r. jui) iry MASON & HAMLIN nnn i nrt (Trrtalnly Rest, hinloic K tA KX been so decreed at overv Oreat red at cv NIlfSTHl uuuuiiu Wnr.Ln's Imh-stkial t'on. PKTITIOM FOR M stick:, eks; no elkir Am'Xican Organ having been found equal al anv. Also OnKAT-i-aT. Style 103 : IU oc laves; stilllclent compasq and power, with beft quality, for popular sacred and seculr musin in scnoois or inmiues. ni only TtzZ. One hundred other ttylet ai !'. i5T. toe, rj;u. T8. 4i'3, tics, 111 to iM unit up. lie laiger itbtet ore wholly unrivaled byauyolher organt. Aln tor ensy pnymenls. New Jllustrnlsrt tlataloguo Tree. Tho MASON .V HAMLIN OttiiAN ani PiAno Co., IM 1'romont Slreat, ilosion; IS East Uth Street (I'nlein Square), New York: H'J Wabasb Avenue Chicago. I CURE FITS! When I siy cure I do not mean merely to slop them for n time and then havo them re turn again, I mean a radlcnl euro. 1 nav made tho disease or V1TS, EPILEPSY and FALLING SICKNESS a lllo-long study. 1 warrant my reineily to cure the worst cases. Hccause illicit s Intro failed Is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at once for a Treatise and a Free lhittle or my Intalllbla Remedy, lllvo EnprcM anil Post Ofaco. It eosts you nothing lora trial, anil I will. car you. Ail.lrcl", Hk. 11. U. ROOT, m Pearl Street New York. nuv.'iS inl The Best family magazike ' W TO DOLLARS. DEHOBESTS Illnstrated HONTHLTi Sold by all Newsdealers and Postmasters. Send Twenty Cents for Specimen Copy to W. JENNIN'OS DKMOREST, Publisher, If East Fourteenth Street, New Y'ork. AS-Tlx, New Volume (19) commences wltb November. Send FIFTY CENTS for three months; It will satisfy you that you can sub scribe Two Dollars for a year and get ten times its value. nov,36-ro2 HOIft 1 have a positive remedy for the above dis. case; by Its use I bousands of cases of the worst kind nnd uf lung standing have been cared. 'Indeed, sj strong is my lulth in ItselQcaey, that I will send TWO DOTTLES FREE, together wltb a VALUAHLE TREATISE on ilils dlsease,to any sullerer. Give Express and I. O. address, Dk !', A. SLtlOUM. nov-Ji-inl 181 Pearl St., New York. M'ipaper Adv'g Bureau, 10 Srjruco-et,. T. weening by. JLVJLik7 L 'lie. somethlt oeiore you loir mlitntr nnu suuiime leave oe hind to conquer time." (cSaweek in your own town. & oullit fret. No risk, Every thing t ew. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. Many are making; fortunes. Ladles make as much as men. and boys nnd girls make great puy Reader, if you want business at which yuu ran make great pay all the time, write fr reticulars to II. 11 ALLltT i Co., Portland, Maine. Fend ft rough ktth r ft mrnlcl or your Invention t W othlncten, I. C, au ln I'rellmlnKrr Kxumtnniloii will ! made, without rh Drift, of all llnllavl ht&lM nnlonta of Ibo Ann cliva of Invrnlloni nnJ jou will t ftdvUcd wbeilifr or not a pftteut can U oblalnod. Ifou are AdYlMi that ynur iuTeullon It nAtenUbl. endSSO, tQy Uotrruinvut fee of SI5 nnd W for drawlnc? icquhixl by Hie Govenuneut. 11.Ii U dat ableIicnai'pllratioiiU made. When allowed, lb aitoruer'a fee nnd the final Government ( JSJO) It unynle. Autvtlorney whose fe depends on hl iucri-- In ohliiliiltiff a Tntent will not iufvlt yoa Uiatyourineiitlo U palciitiiUe un!eu It really la, m fur m lili Lot Jiuluntent can determine: bene, you can rely on the udiitf given after a preliminary examination U liml. Ueltru I'utenti nud U iiruikiraiioii or aUtiteu, jraiir.iiarkkt nud Jle-Uue Minrrt. Cutout ft (HTparrd aitd filed. AiMillcniloim lu ifYhorof Itejeitrd, Abundonod, or I orlVltedCitkramivle. lf.vu havo iinderlaketi torture juiiroun jaunt nnl rjilt.akllllfUI hand lhuf of the i.iMemir Inn I ia muxrwi. hend iaa a written rvftui'U ndtlifurd to tha Comuiuloner of lhitniM that ho iTco,'iile tiiittuiK K l,KitoMt of wtilittirton, 1. r..ftmi nt I tin try In the ouo, ilv Iiir Uw lltleof Iho lneiiiltm and ntout Ihe date of fllltn inur anisllcntluii. An rififtiln.'ulun nnJ i u.UI wl ffOH vuhlut. ilrrnciubcr, IhUom.-e line Un liiuctvjuruloner.tllouttucp fiC3,aml refereueecan b civcu 1t actual client in almrut every county In th U.S. raini'hletrclatiutf tu ruUoUfrMuionreioet, GEORGE E. LEMON. Attorney nt Law nud Solicitor ef Aau.rteaai . ami r.relau I'alenU, , I1 Firi-nlk aireeh WAtlllNOTO!"!, a, , unm mia r L'fl',EJ HtEI Ali tis: fails. tS Prl 11etcouclHcap- TMiweood. pi yy L'salnllme. Kbldbyetmaelsla. Vlj TDATW r 1 1