The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 02, 1882, Image 1

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    Advertising Rates.
Wo desiro It lo bo distinctly understood
that no advertisements will bo inserted In
the columns of Tun Cakbox Auvooatk that
iay bo recelvod faun unknown parties or
firms unless accompanied by the cash.
The following are our osuv terms!
One year, cacli Insertion... 10 els.
Bl x months, each nsert Ion 1- cts.
Three months, each Insertion 20 cts.
Less than throo mouths, first insertion
$1 j each subscquont Insertion 25 cts.
Local notices 10 cents jcr line.
II. V. MORTHIMER, rubllslicr.
-rrr- m. nu'siiEn,
Rs.llssUt. ana Collection Atfeney V '111
Ball Real Kstate. Conveyaoc.ln! neatly done Col
"tlons promptly male. Settling Katale. of D
Id.nts . specl.lty. May b. consults In Kim"
dUerman. rct.n.
Physicians and Dentists.
-rrr a. UEUHAJIEK, M
Special atUntlon psld to Chronic MMaiel.
omce: South UaslcoinrIronai.(l2ndfU..Lo
nlshlon.Pa. April 3, 1875.
15. KEItER, M. D.
U. S Itxmnllitlifr Surgeon,
rnAOTicina piiysiuian and su uanoN.
Okficb: AlanUBtiPot, Kliikr'b tiLOCK, Lchnrli-
'"aVuViIo consulted In the Ournvn I.9ffiiaire.
Nov. 3".
W. A. Cortright, D.D.S.
OFFICE: Opposite the "uroadwiiy House,"
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Patients lm u the benefit of the latest Itu
provuinents in
me Irilibal appliances mil
thO lltSt UlCtllOilS 1.1 lieatllieui in nil
CaSCS. Nil HUUS-UAll'H nu im"."'i
desire,!, lrpossit.le, iorf ns residing outslclo
of Mauch Chunk should in iko engagements
by mall. Jl
The ?fUo.lna llnmpanl are Represented!
lkiia n av I'u.u. rinr.,
r.i:A niiti ii uruAtj i'iish,
.i4llllIl 1'IUE.nnu tlinTUAV
Also Iv.nnv1v.inH ami .Initial Ilocwi Thlcl
ctce ive anil In uruu. c; ;;Wiauv.
llaivn 23. U7l IllO-i.
Tl..n.Diinii irni.rfte ..tiers Nrst-clasS HCC1R1
modatloa. in ibnTnivoilna- public. Iloardln
livlhs l iy or Wed: m Reasonable, Touns.
IIIm.Va f.lmr. Wined Ille.l l.kltlotS nlWliy on
lmiJ. Uol SlnUs and Stables. Willi nltui--
tlro Hostlers, .ittaoh-.l. M'"i io-vi.
Jllilway betweon Mauch Chunk & Lehlirhton
.LUUrtlLlI MEYKU, Pnoi'Wi.TOK,
Packerton, Penu'a.
T-lilswell known hotel Is ailmtrablr refitted,
ami lias the best accommodations lor peritinii
nt an. I Iransii'Ui boinlurs. Excellent tallies
umt Iho vuiy bout liquors. Also tlnu Hublcs
altac.lcl. Sept. 16-yt.
Liy8ry & Sale Stables
And nosttlvoly LO Willi PHICKS thau any
oinoi i.ivciy iu inu iiuum.).
Larsnanrt hill lionii- Lanlajro. for P.ineral
Birsoaea Wiiidiuss. 1JAVI I) KHHKii I
Nov. K ISM
Kpoctfully annoaics ta tlio nuhlla that ho
has opened ft NIJW 11 VKU V SV UUK In
ocmn-'ctlon with lila hotel, anJ i prciarcil to
furnish Teams for
Funerals, Weite or Business Trips,
on shorteat notleo and nnt liberal terms. All
orders left at the "iVirb n Himiro" will recelvo
proyipt attcntlun Stable on North S'reet,
uexl i ho hotel, LohUhiou. an22-vl
. for Sol Hers, Widows,
Partnt und Uhlldren
Any ill.ele, m.tind
or Inpiry entitles Mlillonsnpproprlated and
worWInx lorco doubled. Pr.inpl iurk and
homes iuaiId happy, F.'e ilO Auily now
"Widows, re-nnrried, now entitled during
wldowlioxd. II rent success In INCREASE
case. llniiNTYiind Ituck t'.iyand IIUeharKea
Vrocureil. Dtttrtert eiiiulcd to allducs under
new laws. pAinpiiniO lor Inventors, hand
It'arrunl 111 1 uli l procured, bouiihimid
sold. The WOULII SOI.)l:i(," (weekly
l.nnerl. Sniinilo col.v tree. Send at iir.n tor
lull lntriicll..n. blanks and bounty table.
H. W. FITZQERALB & CO., Pension, P.itnt
nnd Land Alt'ys, WashinRton, D,C. M-inS
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printing ! ,
llgfTlie CAitnoN Advocate
one year for $1, and Kendall's
Jlorsc Book as a premium.
II. V. Mortiumer, Proprietor.
VOL. XL, No 2.
Railroad Guide.
Ma Meaili B. 1
Arrangement of Passenger Trains.
NOVKMHER, 12th, 18S2.
Trains leave Allentown as follows :
(Via Pehkiomen IIaiuioad.)
For Philadelphia at 6.O0, 0.43, 11.40 a. m.,
and 3.I0 p. in.
For Phlladelphiaat .O0 n. m. and 3.35p.m.
(Via Hast Fesm Hbascu.)
For IlcadlnK nnd HarrlsbuOif, 0.00, 8.40 a.
m.. PJ.15, 4.3i, anil 9.05 p. m.
For Lancaster and Uoluuibla, 0.00, 8.10tt.
m., and 4 3J p.m.
For Hurrlsburir, and naypolnts, 0.05 p. m.
Trains for Allentown loavo as follows s
(Via Pkukiomkn Railuoau )
Leavo Piilladelphla, 7.40 a. m. and 1.00,
1.35, and 6.15 p. m.
Lcavo Philadelphia, 8.C0 a. m., 3.15, and
4.20 p. m.
(Via East Penn. Dkatcch.)
X.cavo ltcudln, 7.30, 10 16 a. in., 2.00, 3.65,
and 0 15 p.
i. m.
arrlsbuig, 62, 7.50, 0.50 a. m , 1.15
nd 4.IH) 1
and 4.IH) p. m.
ancastcr, 17.30 a. m., 1.0) and (3.40
V in.)
I.nnvn 30 a. m..l 10and3.4'J).ui.
fc'roiu KIuk tri'Ct Depot.
Leare ncadlnir, 7 00 a. m.
Leave lliinislmrK, 6 20 n. m.
Trail s via "Perklomen Itallroad" marked
thus () run lo and Irom Depot, Ninth mid
Urecn streets, I'lilbdelphln, other trains lo
ami liom strfot Deiior,
The "6 00 and 0.45 a. m. trains from Allen,
town, and the 1 35 and 6.15 p.m. triiln Irom
Philadelphia, via Pcrkloii.on liallroad, havu
through curn lo uud Irum PhiliiUelphi.i.
(lenerul JMannj;er.
Ucn'l I'n-sT A. Ticket Agent.
November Hill
West Slid Brewery,
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Pure Purler ami Laser E
Delivered all over the State.
October 8, 1881 jl
Has Hemoycil from Wei squirt and taken U
qiiartirs in tho " OM Ftzim;er Slure,"
Bank Street, Lehighton,
where old frifinls and new ones can always
find ii choice aesorttnont of
Drcos and Dry Goods,
Notions and Trimmings,
Provisions, &., &c.
Al' TI!!i I.HV!;1' CASH pitaci:s
Also, always in stock nnn of the finest aud
best eulcciiuns of
Clocks, Watnta ana Jnwelry
to be fnuml iu this seftinn tiftlioiMuntry, at
Trices fully us Li.w fts elsewhere.
done in the best manner, at very moderate
charges. Patronage iu riled. nprS 2y
Biuilt St., Loliigiitoii, Pa.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring "Wagon, &c.,
Of every description. In tho rnoac substantial
manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices.
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
April 20, 182yl Proprietors.
2swls Wesss3
HANK RTrtEF.T, first store above Iron,
calls attention lo hie new and lath
lunahle slock
All of which he is Selling at VERY LOW
Dlr An Inspection Invited and satisfaction
Kuaiaulccd lo all cases.
Life and 3Tiro !
"E. K. Stroh, General Apt,
Only good and reliable Companies repre
cnted. Also, Agent for tho ITALIAN and
Central Carriage works,
to a s
O n CSfciJJJJil XifiS 1 f- Manufactured from the best Seasoned Jlnte.
KCS-W gf rn rialsatPrlcesruIlyaslowasthefaiiiearttcIe,
O PwBV a Fas i v. can bo bouslit lor cls'whcro. Here area few
IT FvS&SfifiS) IV 9tP oftho Inducements olferod'
CJ t;M xtiQs2&vi e) 1 r 1 Parlor Sets at from $50 to too
rT) Ell t12 c, U C J 1 Walnut olni hlcton Drcsvlnir t'nso
vf 13 fi Heilroom Suites. 3 PliTCS
'r-( ft KX ri
The great superiority of DR.
all othercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron
chitis.Whoopinr' Coiifih, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief off
consumptive persons in advanced
stages of the Disease. For Sale
by all Dmnr'ists. Price, 23 cents.
With Medicine Quality not Qnautity is
the .trreatcst imuortanco ; next is the
Knowledge and Experience to Ccr
rccfly Prepare and Dispense the same
Drug & Family IMieiiie Store,
Bank Stree Lehighton,
You can always rely upon Routine STUIOT
LY l'urouud UiiaUulteratu.l
Drugs and Medicines.
IWI! LINO, carries the largest sloek
PATJ.NT IMEIHi I.N'I S In Iho county.
llttl.'LINd Imsanelcannt stock of DKUO.
(4JST.I SUMIhllS, FANCY mill Tlll-
Li;T vlt rltJLI.S tor tholadics as well as
the M.enlB.
millUNd makes IIOR!: nnri OATTLE
POM DEKS a siKcialty His 23 yoira
ience In tho dniK business gives blui a ureut
advunlUKU In th it line.
alw.iys a largo stock on hand.
VlNi:Sand I.IOI'OKS. both forelirn and
domestic. He I.114 a. (Jltit'outirnpe Wluo and
a l.ry Oaianbi Wins, .lust splendid una
larcrl assortment In t jwn.
Oo U DUULINU'S Willi jour lirescnp
Hons On to DUISLINU'S lor your Patent
Uo to DUIILINU'S for ynur fancy nrt'cles.
Farmers and horsemen o to HUULINU'S
lor your Horse and Cattle l'owilcis.
aug. S.yl.
fiVWV w'miTeilVro scdTEdTsotisJIus
iVJlJl l o leal Telephono ami Edison's
Instantnnenus Piano and Oman Music. En
close stamp for cdalouuo and terms.
EDISON MUSIO CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
dec. 24-m6.
3?ocs a larno back cr n dlacrdcrod urine tttt you exo OTcllmP DO,
oiv3 (cJrurr-rli'J rDcoir.iucnil il) nnrl It will
-.ercr5H7 ovcvocjtw tUodltcr.:? and restore
$ Uialtliy Bctioji toolltlioerra -9
o U f5StCt tfcrcaiaiilainto peculiar
HiCiUIwJi toyourret.eucuaspaln
ri3;J,fc3it will act vronpLIy an:l caloly.
J I ilir B-x. Incontio-.ce. retention ol
i-.rrln?. brluic duct cr ronv dCTKnits. and dull
jjdra jcif; iilaa, cU epecdily yield to lta cur
Ttpsneetfiillv iimmuncos to the nconle of
lilKlttun ami lis vicinity, tliat he U now pre
pared lOSUrP'y IUCLU IIU Uli KimiB 01
H0 to A5
Painted Heilroom Sullis 418 to S40
(lane Seated I'halrs, per set of6.... $9
oommon t'nnirs, per tel or 0 (4
ami an oilier uoo l. equally eneap.
In llifs ennneellnn. T ,lntrr t, inll tlin nt.
I tenllon of the people lo my ample faellltles In
and a lull llneof OAMil.TfJ and COFFINS,
1 am prepared to attend promptly lu all or.
dors In this liuo. at lov.est prlcon,
Patronage rerpectlully sullclte.1 and the
most ample lallllactl m fuarantced.
octl2 HANK St., Lehighton.
H Wanted, Salesmen,
To canvass ror the sale or Nursery
Stosk. Unequalled facilities. No
experience required. Salary and ex
penses paid too acres of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roses,
etc. W. &T. SHITU, Qenova. N.Y.
When the the year lias lived its summer,
And the birds hove touched their strain,
Aud full ripe for the keen sieklo ,
Beuds tho hoary bearded grain,
All my feelings gather softly,
Like sweet comforters, aud say,
Bummer lime has gone, but autumn
Brings a calmer, fruittul day.
When I, wandering where the summer
Lingered fondly to tho last,
See the fairest flowers withered
By the first chili autumn blast,
KaughUKif sadness fills my spirit,
That my roses long haye blown,
For each leal that flutters earthward,
Tells me I am nearer home.
And when sunset fades out coldly-
And the barren fields look cray,
The last golden fruits nil gathered,
Tho last reaper gone away,
Weary I, and sadly loitering,
Evening shadows softly corns,
Touching my sore feet with healing.
As they whisper, "Nearer Home."
And niy heart puts off all sadness,
Though tho barren fields are gray,
Though the golden fruits nrn gathered,
And the birds have flown away;
For I'm going where the flowers
Bloom'in perpetual spring,
Whcro the birds uo moie are flcklo,
But remain. lo ever sing.
Where no frost halh ever blighted
The bright verdure of the clime,
And the fairest fruits are ripened,
Wherejthe sun knnws no decline;
And my wasted spirit sinteth
In a soft and hopeful tone,
Till the stars shiue down toMiglit me
On and upward to my home!
"I tell you, ,T,ick, the farm is not your
vocalion. I become more nuil more con
vinced of the fnct every day, nnd less
couleuted with the life we ore leading."
llreakfast was ovir, aurl we stood ou
the fnrmhouie portico 'mm in arm. On
tho sill sat baby, nerramiup; with delight
its Hhe fed a pair of pet pigeons from her
dimpled bnml-i.
Our breakfast bad beena delicious one
colfec clear na amber, bread like unow,
und aleak dnue to a turn.
All about na was a green tanule of
Kweetbrierand honeysuckle! the Run was
just li-sing above the ninnnlnia pcaks.and
the morning air was sweet anil fnsb.nud
filled with exqui-dtowooillund colnrs.nnd with the song cf bird. We
could catoli a glimpse of the barn anil
Ibo poultry-yards from where we stood,
aud bear the plaintive lowing of tho kino
aud the dreamlike tinkle of thsir bells.
I felt a vague sort of conviction that
Jack had lint liltlo sympathy with my
pint of iHsoonteut; yet I determined
to carry my point if possible.
'Yon are dissatisfied with your lot 1
see that plainly, Nell," said Jack, a tritje
"Ob, nonsense!' I put in. "Nol with
my lot, nor with jou.only with tho farm,
Jack. I'm tired to death with this prosy,
humdrum life.iind I hate to see yon delv-
ug' aud toilin;; like a sltve Ironi one
year'8 end to another. Yoa were born
for something better, Jack something
grauder and nobler. Fancy a man of
your abilities sowing graiu nnd digniug
potatoes and raising stock to his life's
'Hut, my dear," suggested J.iok, "one
nvtst live and hive bread aud butter."
"To be sure. Jack; but why not earn
it iu a more genteel Ir.shiou?"
"Houest labor is always genteol,Nll."
"Oh, pshaw! you don't understand me,
Jack. I mean that von havo capabilities
for something better. You ouly eliiig to
the old farm to please your father, when
you could do a hundred fold belter else
where And, besides, where is our so
ciety in this place, Jack? What chauco
Is there for our children as they grow
Jack laughed as he glanced down at
baby, who was struggling furiously to
get a pigeon's head in her moth.
"Ah, Null.thatUlookingsofar ahead,"
lie said; "and, my dear, you seem to for
get that I have lived here all my llle!"
"No, no, I don't forgst, Aud
what have you doue, Jack?"
"Led au upright life aud married your
self in the end."
"Dnt you didn't pick me up among the
clover-blossom, Jack, don't forget that.
You found me in town, and Jack, dear,
I'm anxious to get back to my native ele
ment. I'm tlrod of all this. You can get
on ever so nicely in town, Jack, aud there
we can get into society."
"I'm not overfond of society, Nell,"
"Oh, but you should be for my sake,
Jack. I'm fond of it. I hate to live like
a hermit. Why, Jack, if we desired to
give a Utile party to-moriow we could
not for lack of gnesla."
"Doir me, Noll, why I could muster
"Of a cerhiin sort, ye; but I don't
want them, Jaok. I'm u little peculiar
iu my notions. I v.m t uo society but
I the best; tho tha sjrt of society one
gets into iu town,"
"Pabhiouable seciety, Nell."
"Well then, why not? You have means
Jack, and I 11 iter myself that we are
fitted to move iu any circle. Why
shonld wo bury ourselvts iu this wilder
ness?" I "Our means are not inexhaustible,
V II ,
"I'm aware of that, Jack, but we've
enough for a start, and Vanborough
offers you a good phfe in Hit bank."
"At a limited balaiy, Nell."
"Oh, yes, but you can work your way
up, Jack; right up to the topmost round
of the ladder. l)o let's go, Jack! I've
lived here lo please yon ever fiuce onr
marriage; I think you can afford to please
me a little now."
Jack sighed as he looked ont upon
his ripening grain fields, but he drew
me close to his heart aud kissed me,
"That's true," he said; 'yon can't be
txpected to care for the farm as I do,
Live and Let Live."
Nell. I promised to make you happy
when you consented lo become my wife,
and I'll try and keep my word. Yon
.sLali have it all your own way, Nell."
The contluuous droppirg of water
wears away tho solid stone. I had con
quered my husband At last, nnd the do
sire of my heart was about to bo accom
plished. When Jack once made np his mind to
do n thing he did it with nil his might.
The matter was soon settled. Cherry
Hill, as we called the farm, was sold at
a great sacrifice, nnd one fine sunny
morning we turned our backs upon the
breezy mountain summits and golden
grain fields, and jnurucyed cityward.
"I'm afraid you've made a big mis
tako," said Jack's lather, as ho bade us
good-bye, "You remember the old saying
about rolling stones?"
"I don't believe in old sayings, sir," I
auswered, loftily; "and I think I cau ap
preciate my husband's nbilities better
thau any one tlso can,"
"All right; I hope you won't find your
self mistaken, my dear. Uood-bye to
both of yon. Whatever you do care well
(or the little one. I'm afraid sho won't
like the change. If you happen to lire
of town and fashion don't forget that a
welcome always awaits you at home."
Jack's heart was too full for uttetance.
"Thank you, sir," I said, "but wusunll
uot get tired." now homo iu Penryth was a styl
ish residtnep In a fashionable block.
We established ourselves lu the priucipal
hotel, aud thcu set about tho task of
furnishing Ihebouse. '
"My dear child,"fiid Mrs. Vanbor
ough, tho banker's wife, dropping in for
au e-oily call, "don't dream of such a
thing an ingrniu carp' t. Get brnssels,
by all means, good English hrusscls
You'll find it much cheaper in the end,
qndliesides it is so much moro stylish.
Wo hearkened to our friend's advico
aud laiel our rooms with brnssels, nud
tho cost ran up into hundreds.
Then wojgot luruitiiro lo match, 3Irs.
Vutiboiouah and siyera! other friends
aiding us in our ctlfcticn. and all sorts
of pretty, costly bric-a-brac, and real
lace curtains, and a new cottage piano.
My old instrument was too plain aud
clumsy for the new establishment.
There is a 'curious sort of excitement
n spending money, which seems to
drive the most sober and economizing
people desperate, when they ouco get Bt
it. Jack had always beeu tho most care
ful of men, counting the eost of 'every
thing as he went aud sving every stray
Ouce in the vortex of city life his
prudence was speedily turned luto a
sort of reckloKSue-ss. Afler the firit few
days, and by .the, time our newhomn
was ready to receive us, he iictualiy
seemed to take delight iu seeing his
money go. '
"We've got sung quarters here, Nell,
by Geoige!" he said, looking through
the extravagantly furnished rooms with
admiring pride. "No ouo in town can
onlshiue us, uot even Vanborough him
self. It has lightened our purse a good
ileal, I II admit, but what does that sig
uifj? What good comes of having money
unless one enjoys it?"
"We mustlry aud save up alittle now,
Jack, sincoAve are fixed so nicely," 1 said,
feellug somowhat teriifiedat his growing
'Pshaw, child! Who ever heard of a
banker's clerk saving "anything. If we
make both ends meet it will be more than
I look fo
"My dear," said Mrs. Vanborough,
when we were pleasantly settled incur
baudsomo house andlmd, hired a couple
of servants "I suppose you will want to
give some sort of n party now. Suppose
you let it be nn informal reception, with
cards nnd coffee for the old people nnd
ices and fruits aud dancing for the young
one,? That would ilo nicely. You can
throw your parlors into one, ami tho new
carp its will potjget much injured. I'll
help yon to order your refreshments.aud
Cecelia will writeout your iuvitalions for
you. She's au excellent judge ns to whom
it is expedient to iuvite."
I mentioned the matter to Jack when
he came home, aud he entered iuto the
spirit of the affair with great excitement
"To be little wife.huve a party
by all means. When one's iu Ruuie.on
must do as Romans do, you know. Don'
spare any expense either, niy dear; we
limit make as good n show as'olher peo
pie. Aud I shall lake it upon myself to
order your costume, I waut you to look
as grand as a littlu empress."
nut, Jack," i suggtsted.tlinirtly, "we
arapeudiug a great deal o: money."
"Oh. well, never roiud. It will all go,
anyhow, pue nay or the other, and w
might as well enjoy it. You've alwayi
wanted lo get into good society, Nell. and
you're fairly iu uow, and it won't do lo
let people see that you are cramped fn
m .ney. Lst's make tho most of it while
we've got it."
My heart ached a little; nud in lb
iniiUt ofnlt the. flare and fltittir of pre
paration, I was oonscious of a vague letl
lug of regret whenever 1 recalled tho quiet
months of ray eurly wifehood sjcut at
Cherry Hill. Jack Lad Beemed such
different person iu those days so strong
aud steady and self-reliat 1; and uow ho
seemed to tako as umcli pleasure iu life;
frivolities as I did. Wllh the foolish in
consistency of my sex. I sat down and
cried over the consummation of the very
hopes which I had oherlshed so long.
Rut, despite my tesrs, our reception
went on and it turned out to he a great
success. Tho best people In town hon
ored ns with their presence, and overy
thing, thanks to MrsVnnborougb's fore
sight, was carried out in the most lavish
aud elegaut manner,
"Uy George." said Jack. "Ihis sort of
thing is jollier than the -Id farm. I see
now, Utile wife,' lhat you w right, al
ways right."
I would ten times rather he should have
upbraided we for what I hd done.
The winter that followed was exceed
ingly pay. We were invited evprywhere,
nnd our house was constantly filled with
guests. Balls, soirees, kettledrums ond
tho opera, seemed lo engross every hour.
Jack n:ul I seldom bad a quiet moment
together, yet he seemed to enjoy it with
hi i whols heart.
When spring ovnio our list surplus
d dlor bod been expended, nnd we were
solely dependent on Jack's monthly
The warm weather enroe on, nnd baby
fell ill. I hoped tlav by day that Jack
would say something about going bulk
to his father's for the summer, but ho bid
not even hint at such a thing.
The days grow longer nnd warmer.
The sun shon down with a pitllef sard"1
dor, nnd tho p.ived streets seemed like
heated brass.
Our fashioutible frleuds fluttered rfl'
like summer swallows, and we were left
nlmist nlone.
"Couldn't you manage to make a Utile
trip lo tho seashore, my denr? '
Mrs. Vanborough suggested, nnd
Jack had caught nt the idea with eager
"We might, Nell. Ithiukwecan. I'll
try to borrow a fow hundred somewhere."
'Oh, Jack, co.inol" I sobbed out in
my remorse nun despair. "1 won t go
to Iho senshore.f You see bow ill baby
Oh, Jack, ask your father to let us
retnru home."
"Oh, you wouldn't be satisfied, Nell,
if we went baok. It is dreadfully stupid
down there these summer days, with the
haymaking, and the reaping, aud all that
sort of thing. We should never be able
to endure it now."
I snid no more. The long, bright,
burning days wore on, and our bills ran
up higher and higher, nnd our baby's
little breath seemed to grow weaker nud
weaker, aud poor Jack himself began lo
ok dreadfully ill and worn. And one
afternoon, he was sent home lu n carriage,
quite unconscious, strickm down by a
sudden fever:
I put my pride nside Iheii and wrote n
letter to Jack's father.
'Jack and baby are both ill, and we
are sick and tlred4of this life. Pray for
give us, cud let us come home."
Tho very next day the dear old gentle
man arrived, but tho bailiffs and the of
ficers of the law weie there beforo him
The rumor that we iuteuded to leavo
towu had got out, and our creditors
rushed in, anxious to secure the lion's
share of our effects. The brnssels car
pet, the handsome fnruitura and costly
bric-a-brac nil went under, tho hummer
nt a disastrously low figure.
"Never mind," said my father-in-law,
not a shadow of reproach on bis kind
old face; "let them squabble over it if
they will. Wo must get our sick ones
As we got Jack iuto the carriage, and
with his poor hot bead upon tuy face.
aud baby in my arms, I turned n y back
upon tho sceno of my short-lived tri
umph. We tiro going back to Cherry Hill,"
said the old gentleman, ns iu the dusk
of tho golden day wo drove through the
dewy stilluess of the mouutaiu ravine.
'The old home has been waiting for you
all these months. I was jpretly sure
you'd want to come back."
I could notjntter,'one word in answer.
A great full moon wos;riing ahovo tho
mountain peaks nsjwe reached the house.
Not tho smallest thing was changed.
Tho great red roses bloomed on the ter
race, the bees droned In the hive and tho
cittla-bells tinkled iu the barnyard. Tho
doors ctood wide open. We carried
Jack inaud laid him down in the broad,
breezy room that had been our bridal
Ho opened his eyes and drew a deep,
quivering breath, as the mountain
breeze touched his throbbing head.
"Nell, where are you?" he said. "Snro
ly this must be bout?"
"I am here, Jack," I answered,
through my tears, "aud this is homo,
dear; old Cherry nill."
"Thank Godl" he murmured, nnd fell
back upon the pillows, nud I saw great
tears trickling slowly from beneath his
closed eyelids.
Deyond the open window, in tho silver
glory of the rising moon, the old grand
father sat, with baby at his feet, half
hidden in the rank, cool graxs, nud even
nt that lste hour the plgoons oamo flut
tering round her as of old, nud sho
screamed with rapture as sh clutched
at them with her tJuiu'little bauds.
I arose softly and fell ou uy knees be
side Jack's low pillow.
' Oh, Jack," I sobbed, "I have beeu so
wicked. Forgive me. Jack, forgiieme.
I am so glad to be at home agaiu."
His worn face grew radiant, nud his
dear arms held me close.
And tlitu and there, clasped to mv
husband's heart, in the sife, sweet shel
ter or the homo be laved, I understood
all the past.
"Yoa dldu't mean it, Jack," I whis
pered. ' You only pretended to enjoy it
all to please me."
He smiled at me with his grao fond
"And, oh, Jack, our money is all gone
and "
Ho silenced nie with a kiss.
"No matter, little woman, the lesson
wo havo learned has been cheaply
bought. Wo shall uot care to leave tho
safe old mouutaiu nest iu search of fash
ion and bociety again."
I could uot nuswer. I hsnrJ my baby
oooliig to tho pigeons in tho grass, and
sat there, clasped ia Jack's forhiug
arms, the happiest wsmiu the world
Uurabletou had a severe strain on
his conscience the other day. He aims j year not divisible by 400 a year of ouly
to be the most honest of critics, and on 3CS days. This improved system forms
being asked by the father of an animated j the Gregoriau calendar, which has taken
fog-horn how he liked his daughter's the place of the "Old Stylo" iu all coun
voice, he replied: "She sings like a Pat-1 tries save Russia, where the latter meth-ll-(uuder
his breathl gonlanl" t od i still utaiued.
a Year if Paid in Advance.
not paid in advance, $1.23
Forthe OAanoM AnvooATB.)
Out of 110,000 known Bpecles of
plauts only about 300 nro used by man,
aco mlng to a memoir by Mons. de C&n
dollo. A wire C 000 fee t long over the river
K'stimh in India is tho loi.ge3t in the
world. It is slrctcfievf between two hills
1,200 fiet high.
Sir Joseph Hooker has described a
uow genus of rubbcr-prodnolnB plants
of Malayan origin to which tho name
I)yn has been given.
It is pointtd out that nanny wines,
and especinlly those ol llnrdeaux, hold in
Rolullou a larger proportion of iron than
most of Iho so-called chalybeate waters.
Iu Norsy woodpeckers hors iuto
telegraph posls, being misled by Iho
humming of the wires iuto the belief that
tho w owl contains Insects; and bears mis
take tbo sound for Iho noise of bu s.
Recent analysts are staled to show
that tho water of tho ' Holy Will" at
Mecca so eagerly drank by pilgrims
is sowagonbout ten times ns strong ns tho
uverago London ewge.
It is well known that mauy fine
bronzes soon turn qnilo black while oth
ers equally exposed do not. The llerlln
Society of Architects fiii'ls that the black-
eniug is probably due to the presence of
zinc iu the Iroi zes ho-tiflV.ctrd.
Tho entomologist of Iho ltritish Roy.
nl Agricultural Sociely. Mits A. E. Or-
nierod, says that some kinds t f caterpil
lars may bo frrzen in their winter shelters
so tbnt tbi-y may bo broken like slicks
without beiug injured by thefret zing.
A zone of country in'IIungary re
markably uff.'cted by meteorites has been
noted by Hcrr E. Doll. Of the eight
known meteorite falls recorded during
the twenty-fivoyenrs up 1877 six occurred
in this regicu, and subsequently two
A very durable artificial Ivory has
recently been prepared by dissolving
shellac iu ammonia, mixing the solution
with oxide of zinc, driving off the am
moniu by healing.powderiug.aud strong
ly corapre- s! lg iu moulds.
The smallest insects are proportion
ally tho strongest of all animals, accord
ing to some ingenious experiments by
Mons. Pateau. It wns found that a horse
can pull six-sevenths of lis weight, n
cockchafer fourteen times its weight.and
a bco twenty times its weight.
In the environs of Poitiers Mon.
Lisch has discovered a whole Gallo Ro
man towu, which he declares to be "a
small Pompeii.iu tbocentro of France."
Exoivatious thus far made have disclosed
entire streets, in which are a temple, a
theatre and many other buildings.
After considerable difficulty, tLo
Cavaliere il'Araico has succeeded iu ac
complishing the important botnnical re
sult of acclnuutiziug n number of foreign
plants iu Sicily. Among them is the tea-
plant, and it is hoped that Sicilian tea
may ere long become a not unimportant
nrticlo of commerce,
Prof, llruus, of Tubingen, has made
some experiments on dogs which ho re
gards as proviug that bone-niarrow.ccm-
plotoly separated from the boue, may be
transplanted under the skin of the same
animal nt a remote part of the body with
the Tcsult of giving rlso to tho formation
of bone nnd cartilage.
A large subterranean grotto has been
discovered in tho sido of a mountain at
Uorgali, in the Island of Sardinia. It
has many beautiful stalactites, and there
are fifteen long lateral galleries, tbo arch
of o 30 cf them restiug on a raugo of high
pillars having n whiteness like that of
marble. A mirvellou? effect iu colors is
produced when tho grotto is lit up with
Mr. Vacher has ossurrcd the British
Medical Association that milk from tuber
culous cows must be regarded as danger
ous, but the transmission of consump
tion by milk h almost incapable of proof
beoiuse so many other possible sources
of the disease exist in all cases where per
sons become affected. A wiso course is
to boil nil milk to be me 1 as food.
Mr. Gill, thens'rouoinerui tho Cape
Town Observatory, reports an observa
tion there made which is quite without
precedent iu tho history of comets. On
September 17th tho comet was followed
by two observers with separata instru
ments until it reached the very edge of
tbo sun's disc, whcro it suddenly disap
peared. This observation is an extra nr.
dlnnry illustration of tho inteuse brilli
ancy of tho comet at perihelion.
It has recently been discovered that tie
faded ink ou old pulchmcuts may bo re
stored by inoistcuiug Ibe lines of writing
with a solution of sulphide ol an tn on 1a
The writing will turn quite dark, aud il
on parchment will retain tho color, re
cords treated iu this way in the Gerinau
lo Museum of Kuremburg being still in
the same condition ns immediately alter
tho application ten years ago. On jmper
however, tho restored wrilit'g gradually
fades ng-ilu, but limy boievived at pleas
ure by fresh nppllcallouB of the sulphide.
Ou the lliih of October was com
menced the fourth csutury of Hie New
til) la of time-regUterlug. Tbo true year
does uot contain r.u exact n umber of
days, so the fractions havu been ullowod
to accumulate utid have boon added as
whole dijs at snob times as have been
ooniidered sufficiently accurate for jnac.
tical purposes. As the plan iutroduced
by Julius Camr of adding one day to
every fourth year whs found lo make the
average civil yearn few minutes too long.
Pope Gregory XIU in ISS'J ordered tUt
iho year be corrected by dropping leu
days giving to the usit day after Oct.
-ithtbe dale of Oat. 15th aud that the
oalendnr be raada more nt-urly accurate
by havittg three fewer lp yesrs in each
four centuries, making every cenlurial
The Carbon Advocate,
An independent Famllr Newspaper
Published every -ATtiRDAY, in
Lehighton, Csrlmn Co., Pa., by
OFTi'-rt-UAS'IvWAY. a short distauoe abort,
tho Lehigh Valley It. It. Depot
Terms: $1.00 pertain in Aflyancef
To"b Printing
A reporter dropped Into our largest rc
tall establishment Wednesday.
"You haven great rusli of business,"'
remarked the reporter.
"Yes,"' replied the proprietor, "partly
because it is holiday season, but mainly
on necount of ndyertlsing."
"Uow cm you tell wbetbefadvertivlng;
"1 can tell tbi t advcrlising pays by
stopping it. le tried it. Trade drop'r
tho tide of purchasers flows some other
"Suppose you should give up adrcrlifl
ing?" "I should save a b'g pile of muffley,
but should lose, a bigger pile. Yon must
keep tho boilers heated if yon wants-team.
If you bank your fires loo loug, it lafios
tlmo lo start np. Advertising is the
steam which keeps busiuess moving. I'vu
studied the mallor."
"Foil's Bock oniMartys"
Contains the history and pictures of linn"
dreds of people w-Jio woro stoned, burned,
beaten, pulled In pieces utid otherwise, tor
tured on amount of lli.'irsejiisoientous con
victions ns to duly. They sull'cred increi."
iWe torment and' have coiiro down to Hie
present Si!H martys. It iJ uot now eua
loiuery to tortuiepenplo thus, but they ure
timde maityrs by rheumatism until they
suiler almost as much as did the heroes of
the martyr nijes. Thero was no relief for
tbo old tiinu martyrs, but tlieie Is happy
relief lor lliusu who sulfer fioili rlieuniatlsnh
Cushicr Cluirlcs 1'. Mcnill, of Manchester,
N. H., suH'crcd terribly fioiii fri-qucul at
tacks of thin piitiltil disease, but ho has
been cured. He wriles:"l was a mratyrttr
rlipuinatini, nnd, nllhough I tried many
other leituilies, I found nothing that iii
lif i oil nio liko Psnnv Davis's Pain KitLKK.'r
Other rheumatism marlvrs can wisely take
the hint.
A lady now visitiug at River Park f
tbo mother of seven small children, nit
of w horn nrccxceptionnlly bright. Ouo
of thebo, a lour year old boy, showed ft
greet reluctance to attend church, and
was constantly in disgrace when there.
His mother tried every moans to induvo
him to sit still, but iu vain, until at last
tho little fellow said:
"Mamma, there's just one way jou can
keep me still in church."
What is that," asked his mother
Just let me take off iny shoes aud
stockings so I can wiggle my toes, and
1 11 keep as still ns a mice.
Quick, complete cure, all unnovinc Kid
ney, Bladder and bruinary Diseases. $1.
The lorger is locked cp simply for
writing wrong.
Au unequal match. That which
strikes only one.
Aminadab says a dog's luDga nro the
scat of its pants.
"Sigh no more Ladies 1"
for Dr. Tierce's "Favorite Presriplion" is a
prompt and certain remedy for the painful
disorders peculiar lo your sex. By all drug
gists. The man who scissors off coupons is
the genuine revenue cutter,
It is the young girl of engaging man
ners who naturally becomes engaged first.
Woman and Her Disease
Is the titlo of a large illustrated treatise, by
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Huffa!,., New York, sent
lo any address for three stumps. It teaches
successful self-li'iatiuetit.
A St, Louis horse ohews tobacco.
We have often sceu a fast driven hor e
S.ime tramps refuse to eat chops be
cause they are so suggestive of the wood
pile. Advice to Consumptives.
On the appearance ol the first symptoms,
as general debility, loss ofappeliln, puller,
chilly sensations, folluwot- by night snrnls
and cough, prompt measures ol roliif
should ho taken. Consumption is scrofulous
disease of the luugs; therefore ueo the pleat
oiili scrnlulonsor ljt.m.1 p'lrifinr nml strength
ivsloror. Dr. Pierce's "U.ilJeu Medical Dis
covery." Bupei tor to owl liver oil us a nu
tritive, ami iiiisiii passed ns a pcclniiul. For
ivi-nk lunj.'S, spitting nf blood, ami kindred
aliVclioiis, it has no equal. Sold by drug
gisU, For Dr. Fien-j's treatise on Con
sumption seed two slumps. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, New
Young people writegcuuinolovo let
ters, nud its a matter of coursa they aro
correspondingly Loppy.
When Iho plasterer is at work npou
a ceiiicg, it may be said that he under
stands his business.
Siiimn Wuilz, Millersvllle, Pa , says: ''Of
nil medicines I havo ever taken mine did
ino us much g.iod us Hrown'sJron Bitters.
Keep trouble at arm's length. Never
turn n blessing round to sue whether it
h 13 a dark aids to it.
It is possible Hint tho world owes
every man n livlup, but his best claim for
what is due is that he has earned it.
A High Opinion.
Cap). John .1. Da .vs.. n, late of the British
Army, resiillui on Lovo street, between
Mauduvillu, and Spain, this city, says ho
iirtd HI. JbCl4 Oil A'ltli ilia grentest'jHiss
!! advantage wlisn sldii-led with rheuma
tism, ..Yew Orleans 'Jhici-lir,ucrat,
The Egyptian emblem of u snake
with ils lull in its mouth wns the earliest
sign r.f the "swallow-tail."
A good deacon iu one of our suburbs
is so much oppose j to gambling that he
refuses to shake rffhislethargy.
jtOKxplti'it direction, for every use on
civen with tun Dini'iou.l Dyes. For dyeing
Motfw, Orses, I or , Eib, Hair, etc
Au exchange wants to know: "What
nre our joung men comlug to?" Coming
to see our girls, of course.
Hindoo gltls are taught to think of
marriage as soon as they can talk. Amor
loan girls are not. They du't require
It is not good to tuto tea in the
middle of the day. The'mau who trinl
it in an Austin grocery store, when he
thought tbo clerk was not lookiag, la
ear authority.