BOWSES FARMERS' COLUMN. Solectioa of a Farm. Tho sii4 nf a Inrm sliouM bo nuilcil In (tic aapicity ol thn Tckul-l-! . Many yiiiij ftrinrra malio the niilnko of buying a lorgn fatiil with liltlo money tit ny lor It. There It nothing that so binds a man i a hecvy in jttgng . It eata the very lif nrt nut of the f.irmor, anil hnngi liko n h'oricl weight up nu every aaplrntlnn of his wifj nud child- ro't. It ll better to buy a small form and have capital enough to troik II well. As the sii'p'iis may be Inverted in mow iei, or in a better e-jlliim f thoso tliut luye ilrcidy prnven prn!ltnblo. Thorn is a aizn below which nuriy of I Its oontinnilcs if tho farm ran not bo practiced t the bf at nl Tnntn0, aud on tho other hand there it a dmiger nfpiilig beyond tliut ui'rcngo wKaie tho most nroAtnblo farming may bo etrrlcd oil. It riu'rea cunilderablii e.xecullve ah 1 ity t nulling n Iarj5i thoruf-tn men nro t-xeludoJ fr.ln auch n lank wuieb thoy mny not fully apprecia e until the trial haa been nude u l the failure re corded. Furmiiijj is not like the taking of a citadel, and ran not be done iucccssf-1'y with a ruoh and n nolso. ll is a Ihmijh. ful and tlendy working out from well laid plans -a eiiquevf .r ernin, and lb hand nitl't herlear Hint wins where tho scat of a campaign for a Ufa tlmo covcra tiwii.hl s-r Tu square miles. The evil is the fnunda tlon of farming, and it should bo fitted lc lbs kinds nf crops Unit it is ilesiren to raise. Tho dill'mi'Di-cs in the nature and t-apac lies of aindnud e.layjihnuhl be uudurftnod, and a favorable mixiuio of lbs two nbtainid if Ihero is on opportunity for choosing. A rich soil, with proper management, meiiis coolVrops at once, but it may te S9 profit able to .nvesl much less in an ana of over-ernppeil land, mid brui( it up to a bifih St U j of eiilllvation br green nianuring oUier methods of restoration. Tho farm hoiist is In bo tho homo of the family, and therefore the locnlit;o' the fjim slmnM be b-allhlul. The richest land fnr tho price may be on tba border of a malaria breed og awa up, uul the prolits ol tho investment may be more than balanced by tho doctor's bills and loss of time, not to mention lie discomfort of fevers In the household. 1 is Imp'rluut that therabe on abundant water supply on all farms.both for the family acd llvu slock. There aro social considerate ns that no farmer should overlook in mai ing a cboico ol a farm. Ho lives not to him tell alone; tho children need tba privilegis of god schools, etc., in short, the commu nity should bo one In which sympathy good ness and intelligence prevail. W ill a good farm of proper size, health fully located, abundantly supplied with water, irood neighbors, and a handy mar ket, a ma'i is so woll situated tliut ho oughl to make hiunolf nud thiaronnd haipy. Cbooe well, and hold on to the choice. Agriculturist. Half-Hardy Shrtiia. A number of our shrubs nro hardy in or glairy winters, but will not endure ore of Unujual severity, while Jolliers can not be dsponded uion in any winUr. Both klni's mutt be taken up and housed, or be protect ed w'icre they stand. One of the simplest methods of whiter proleclicn is tn lay the plar.tilnwn ond cover it with a few ircliis ofhnil.ns prelied on tho largo sella with tho European Unspberry. The fig n.ay be Jiroteclcd in tho fame manner, but its rnfls must bo so trained as (sallow of Ilia bend ing. A modilii-alinn of this is to foyer tbi plant with sods, placed crass-side up. Thl. method ia advised for the soc:illct Month ly Hoses (the Bengal or China), which niuv ithus be lelt in Ilia beds wilhjsalely. On cov "criiig with earth or sod, II tlinulj not Le done loo early, but delayed until there i danger that tho ground might possibly bi frozen. But many piauls can nolbe bcnl down and sucb iiiual bo protected us tboy stand The old gardeners used to take gieat pains to straw up their shrubs, and nmk'i limn Into neat-looking bundles. Qiile nseOe tlvo a method of protecting is to use the boughs ol some evergreen tree -spruce an wers well. These are stuck in the soil around the shrub ; iir.if that is loo large, ome may be tied ill its upper pari. S. me evergreen trocs are tender whan first plant cd, nl when lare and well establiliod,aio liarly. Bu.-h, while small, aro easily, ro tected by thejbranches of other evergreens In the absence c other have utcil Bim ply common bruih, kept from rettinc upon the shrub by using a few stakes to rv ceiye its weight. American Agricultural. Miss M. A. SNYDER, "Respect fully announces to her ladv friends that she has iust veccived a Mfa full line ol" tho lateet s novelties m FALL & WINTER fit R.Biya kH W Including Ilatt, Bonnets, Floaarf, Blbbons, reotbers, Nollonsand-nitESS TRIMlliSTIs NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. MI3CELLAHE0U3. ropular belief In the wisdom of vacci nation lias received a sevcro blow In a part of Germany, whero a largo number of chll dreu, both those vaccinated for the Grst time and others rcvacclnalcd after nn In lerval of twelve years, have fallen danger ously ill, the flesh about the puncturod part decaying and sloughing off, and the bodies being covered with sores and bolls. It Is thought unlikely that n single ono of tho affected children will recover. Impure virus appears to have been the cause of Ibis unfortunate result. All work done In the tatott style. anJ most durable manner, at tho lowest cash prlMS. BTUKKi at tho Intersection of BANK STUKET and BANK WAY, I.KIU011T()N. PA, aprll 30, llll-yl. Years New Dniwlv. fJnw FTHItlnn 1 I he OS LY 110IK ol the kln.l cit twWKl.ei rvry A'tiniitrtlofi fmni Washikgton to tl e trent LUhttsfiruftrtttU of lsadlraurtl l)UeHouwsUhviewio( nuay urncuii if ttt jPietf (lie 1'rmti.lenM. UUAULUY A CO., 99 .N. nr (!in tilm. with l-il I fur VuhtU Siren l. rhllaJelrliUu ouse. INJjIAN blood syrup Ouros all diseases of tho Stomach, Livor, Bow els, Kidnoya, Skin and Blood. Millions teoti ry to its ofllcaoy in hoaling tho aboyo named disoasos, and pronounce it to bo tho Me Marl best remedy known to man. Guaranteed to Care Dyspepsia. 0eTa gents w ant e Djg?!! Laboratory 77 "West 3d St., New York City, Druggists sell it. lA'KENS, DAurutH Co., Pa. I)n. Ci.ark Jonaaos: I'orally eovei-M with Tet'or. (or which I oould get no rclleruntu l toon ILOULi SYIttli' whlah has ei7ectuUy cured uic. I recomraenl It hluhly. My boiiv was your INDIAN l)M)0 ENOCH BEKOEU. MnoafacWrer ot sod Dsslerln SIOVESj RAMES AHD HEATERS, Ha and. Sheet-Iron Ware and General Henss FniiisMi Goods. Rcorircc Biirt roxmxa done at short netice ana at Lowest Cash Prices. THO NUHAOqUAINTID WITH THS OtOOSAPMV Of TH0 e4Ui TRY WILL 6tt BV EXAMINIMO THISAPTHATTMK SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Itenewer" restores health nd vlnor, cures Dvsncusla. linpotonoo.dex- ual Debility. 21. Money was urgently needed by a church at Dlandford, Mass., aid a committee, with tba pattor. at ita head, devised a novel schamn. A challenge was sent to a number of young men at W'estfield to coma and hunt squirrels all day, and at night eat a supper in the church, tho party which bad killed the least game to pay$l each for all the meals sarved. To the surprise ol the church members wh joined in the bunt, the marks men from wcsifiold beat' them; but the Sprinqfictd Republican is authority far the charge that, when it came tn a count, o number of squirrels that had been shot sev eral days before were fraudulently Intro' duccd, so that tho church calno out flrtauci' ally victors. "BOUGH ON BATS." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers, lie Druggists. An linmeuse fortune is waiting for a claimant In India. The person entitled to it is e'man named William McCarthy, pre sumably an Irishman, who sailed from Liverpool for New York abont fcrty years ago. Nothing is at present- kunwu of this individual, and advertisements haye been Inserted in the papers in England and this country. Tossibly he may haye succeeded in realizing a fortune here by his own in dustry; p"Ssibly ho may bo In dire destitu tion; pissibly be Is dead. Whatever has Vcomo ofbfm tho fact remains that bif jnelo, Goii. William Frederick McCarthy, has recently died in India, and In his will left him all his property, amounting to over million rupees. .BOTTOM PRICES! FAIR RJEAMMCH At Wintermnte's BOTTOM Price Store ! A full line of Fall and "Winter Goods at LOWER PJEUCJfiS THAJN EYEE. I haye just added, a nice line aO ti ri msm mwm mmm to my stock, and at Prices that are away - DOWN - - DOWN J ln, f -T) T t 11 in v iiv i jjuuttuso x uoujrni tnem low and for cartt and will sell, them low. Call and examine stock be fore you purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show Goods and Tve Prices. VV. S. WINTFRMIITF ' ... - I I I Ml IHIW b Oood Advice. You will pr- vent and euro the greater part of the ills that afflict mankind in this ir any section, If you keep your stomach, iver and kidneys in perfect working order. There Is no medicine known that does this s surely as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It will keep your blood rich and pure, and gita vou gnod health at little cost. See other .-olumu. IiTerr fcinrtof STOVE ORATES and TIUE HHICKP kertooastnntlr ou linul. Store on SOUTH Street, A. taw doors above Caak at, LEIIIGTITOX Patronare solicited. Oct. t, vl -Sutistao'trnt A. u. aranlecd. USSEK. The TJnnecsssary Waste. Unless one conforms to the ru.loms in pulling up and puiking his prmluc.', he had better kep it at home and feed It to the pigs. Lima llpiiii., fut example, are sold in the market mostly In the pods In bushel bags. 6n!iie "f tho market i -pK occupy tbo.r loisuioliiue In shelling i f for them fur sale In the shelled tnto. Snm grower, who pro -it.h hd seen the shelled beans on sale, hud his stiplUd at home cud sent tn market. Pneh a snrry-bniklng bruised lot they 'vere I Hut from Icing cloee together In a liulf lcrn-1, they lad al cea ly begun to mould, when receive. A' though tho coTimbsIon men spread Idem t. prevent heating and further moulding i did n giml, as they dried and shrivelled iind wero only fit for tho garbage dump Tomatoca are often put Into half barrrla or large boxes, In a condition tit for the kitrh n. If (hey aro not thrown out by the wsy. tbey are utterly urelees when they lem'h the city,-sent thus they only enluil i jtenro up on the raiser. Wherever ono turns in the market, he sees waste, and cannot help a ieelliit: of pily lor those upon wh'iui Hie b.i must fall llw prmluicra. If thrsoprdu--ra In-d liroper knowledge nf their biislnrsi and a liltlo common reuse, this diitroMn, exhibition of wiiiteau loss at the luaiket would be avoided. AnrieullurUt. a.Get tho Auvocitk otic year, only ona dollar. "rifdae hang up," Is lb' polite tvle phwnicfor"II dd vour tongue" A Nebra.ka saviii); Vink has openrd a cMldrrn'a departnn-nt. In which a depti it as mall aa one wnt can be made. An Italian organ grinder, enraged by bad busineaa, sniakbeil bis iirgan with an axe al Springfiell, Obi", and made a bon fire nf the pieces. - An Iowa woman who got left by a train wh ch afterward met with an accident sent the conductor a check for J50 to show Ler gra'itude. Toe feel iiiadieme of the age is for quick )v uring ludi-estiou, nervouiness, etc., is .Brown's Iron filters. J. F. HALBACH, MusiC DealeII AND Instructor in Music LEHIGHTON, Pcnna. A full lino of all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Sheet Mtisic, MUSIC BOOKS, &c., i constantly kept on hand al the Ware Room, near the h. A 6. Depot. Eolc Agent in tho I chlgli Valley for Belmin Pianos ! Call aud sec them ; 'hey hayo no superior, Also, Ag' nt for Vebcr, Decker, Ccnnor end J, P. Halo Pianos, Ail various Mates ofBEBAES Instruction pi von ut Pupil' rrtijene nn Piano, Organ, Yuiee unit Theury. ic2K CBIGAGO.R0CK ISLlVHD SPACMC RT By the central poiition of Its line, oonnects ib Sastand the West bytbthottcat route, and car ries paaienffera, without ohango of eara, batwea Chicago and Kansas City, Couiioil Blaffa.IaeaTaa worth, Atcofaon, Minneapoli and 6t. Paul. II connects In Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Paalna Oceans. Ita equipment Is unrivaled and magnifi cent, being composed of Moat Comfortable and Zleautlful Day Coaches, Magnificent) 31 or ton Be ollnlne Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Falao bleeplne Cars, and the Uett Line of Dining Cars In the world. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri ntver Points. Two Trains betwetn Cbl ago and Minneapolis and &C Paul, via the Xamotu "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Kew and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kMft.haa raccntlv been onnned betwaan Riehmond. Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- Ksia, ft asnTiiie. uouiiTiiit, jjbxiublou, v-insiDuaii, dianapolls and Lafayette, and Omaha, Mlnneap oils and Bt. Paul and intermediate tiolnta. All Through Paasensers Travel on ITaat Zxpreo TralnB, Tickets for sale at allprlnclpal Ticket OfBcosul aa unnea tsiaiea ana uanaaa. Ilatzeaea checked throush and rates of fare aL waya as low as competitors that offer leas adran- For detailed Information, get tho Maps and 7oUU CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At yonr nearest Tlokat Oflla., or address R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, u Tloa-fm. Geo! MVr. Oea'l Itl 4 Tim. IsA CHICAGO. The involuntary retirement of Pro'. Ezra P. Gould from llio lacultv of the New- on University, a Massachusetts Biptistiu tilulion, gnve riso to varied eurmisos, and President Hovey authorizes the following xplunitiuu : "Students made known to him nd to many others the fact that their views ere unsettle! on vital doctrines by the teaching in the department of New lesla' n-nt iterptetation. tCxaliiinalions foror- linatiou gaye ample proof of these unsettled pinions, and scrupulous pastors hesitate ill voting lor ordination. In on rareordiia- ion waa refused." In view ol the fact that .Indent were thus being led away ft' m rthodoxy, tho ttiislces deemed it necessary n remove Prof. Gnuld. OUTTHBSOUTI Wo havo stores In 1 5 leadlns Cities, Our 1'nctorlea and l'rlnclpnl OAleea an at Krle, l'a. tieud lor our New Cataloajno aaa terma to sjfents Addreea 19 SJ I fllfCI I 318 Lackawanna Ava Hll 111 LUIbkb SCRANTONPA. tmMm Wo continrto to actaaaolicitorafor natonta. caveats. tratlo-marks, copyrights, etc.,for IIUUU.U1UI US, vU'JAlKUhO, wwnw. tho United States, andlo obtain pat ents in uanaua, iingiana, Tanoo, Uermany, ana all other countrioa, 'X niriy-six yi r oxaminalion o Ings. Advico by mail froo No eliargo for examination of moileU or draw- ig8. auvico ny maiuroo. l'atcntu obtained throuch tia aro noticod in tho 8CII5.NTIFIO AMEHICAN, which has) tho largost circulation, and is tho moat influ ential uowapapor of Its kind pnbliahodin tho world. Tlio Rdvantogcsof Bttchanotico every patontco undcrBlands Tlilalarrro nml nnlei paper is jmbliehcd wKEltl-V at 3.20 a year, and is admitted to bo tho best nancr dovoted to scienco, mechanics, inventions, engineering Vforka, aud other dopartmonta of industrial nroirroes. Tinbllshed in anv country. Bintrte Sold by all nowa- coplca by mail, 10 cents, ,1o;ilnr. Address, Jlunn Co.,publiBliora of Scien tific American, 201 Droactway, New York. iianuuoou aooui patents matiou ireo. TJ- & CO., BAKE STREET, Lehighton, Pa., MILI.UHS and Dcalara In AllKllidict a RAIN EODOltTnad SOLO a UJ20UI.AU HAJ1H.KT JtATJiS. We wonld.alio. lesoeettnllv lalaraa onrolti acua iliat weal now talij prepared to SUP I'M' them with Meat ef rromauyMla deatiod at YERY LOW EST PR9CE18. 3T. rtEILH AN & 60. JlifThe nuetlon is Ituu'ure (ubdoininal heruiu) bl oft.Mi aske 1, Can ured? I nost cmphttirally ". 1 KS. That this n.irt of the bodv olb-ra no nxeoni on totbosa liyboiogieal laivs wineli g.ivern the whulo' ti vsiciiil economy nnd it inaU'S not,a par icle or itillerence whether the aeor the illlictei is one venr or a hundred years. bf .line tho changes are forever at voric, Iroiu uirlu to laatn, and so long a Here is a spark ol vitality lelt, nature whrn idei by proper treatment oxerts herself to omeily the evil. HecoeniiniE the lai'tl ind in retilv tn the thousands now sulfer ng from Uuptute In its various mrms, and o tho thoUMnds who have been cured aud nade hapnv hv using Ihc Excelsior Hup'. lure Treatment we euggest that you send to II, MKltlilOK. Oidensburz. N. V.. fir lis free bnnlc ou UuMute in which viu will dnd a at sf.ictory aitbwor to the oft rejieated piesuun, wn. , tinu tinw is il inai sueu re 'iMrkablo ni d permanent results are ob ta ned by ila use, a cure being effected in 30 lays tr Jin I ho day the t'laster is applied A Detroit saloon keepor advertises the he has paid $300 for a year's license to so' iquors, but that he means to voluntarily n strict his business within certain inon iouiiiIs. "Tn the wife who haa a drunkard for a husband," he snya in his advertise ment, "or a friend ho Is dissipated, 1 sa; "mphatleally, give, me nolire nf such cases ind all inch shall be excluded from my duce. Iet fathers, mothers, sisters do like wise, and their requests shall be regatded I pay a heavy tax for the privilege of selling whiskey aud other liquors, and I v ant it distinctly understood thai t I have no desire to sell to arunkarda or minors, or to the p Mr or destitute. I much prefer that they sive their money and put it where it will do the most good lo their families." ?m Til V li3 now suffering from 0J1 jlJliil0 Wliunds or dlscaie or any kind caused by military service are entitled io rcnsion. mows, minor ciniurcn. oe. puniteut mothers or lathers nfsnlillers who died Irnin the cflects of Ihclr service arc also entitled. IMauy Invalid pensioners nro cm tlrd lo nn inckuask. thiirfu assistance trlrru In uki.ayki or kKJRCThii claius, as many can he allowed with hut llttlo moro erlrtence. Complete Instructions with refer, ences sent on applleatl'.n. Oiias k (Ifo. A. iviNr. Aiiurueyaiijaw, uio t.r4i., w nsninir ion, 1) C, July 1, Wl. fircrt cor-ncr tomakemon ry. Tliore wAonliviiy' tate f cHnP9 for umVintr money mat nro onrreu, cenrmur cconio wenhhy. tlioso who do rot im- mvfl kih h clmucpi lomaln lu novelty. We wautnuut taeii.woriifiu, boys nnrt gtlls to work ns riarht in 'ftflr nwn 'rCR'ltle. Aiir trie riti rtoilio work pioprlr from iho start. The DU'nr'B "in par tiror" 11 'll nn i'iuit iiitnuai j wr.. HxiioiixtTo ontftt furnlvkrU fiec. on wttd chu fn;nvo faila tn trait money rapid IV- von can iipvotp tpu ivn.uc mn ininowor r (in iv vour npare n Dinrnm. xuu I' loiu nnun v dnll that 1 nro'H 'O'Uf ee. Addrts Snx- kok & Co., 1 criftnJ, Mftlne. declO-'y CHAS. M. SWEENY & SON Announce to their numerous friends and the publio gonsrallv, thai they have Remove from Levan'a Buiidiug into the Old Post-Office Building, Bank St., Lehighton and have just received a very large invoice of ib Latest Styles of DRESS AND DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, &c Together. with o lull and complete lino i Choice Groceries and Proyisions, Queenswnre, Wood and Willlow Ware, and In fact anything and everything usually to be found in a flrst alass store, all t wlitok they are selliug at Prices lully as Low as the same Qualltv f Gaods can a Uazhl for s ,ny store in this section. A trial will convince you. " April 33 ls3. S3B VARIETIES. Clocks & Spectacles. Subscribe for AdvoOAtb $1 a year. Women arc never so co- or blind that they can't see the make up of n ncv bonnet passing along fifty feet dis tance. A young lady attending balls and parties should always secure a female chaperon un til she is able to call some male chap her own. You will wonder where all the dogs in Georgia are until you dismount at the gate of a planter's house. Then you will Avonder if he owns all the dogs m Georgia. "Yes," said the captain of an ocean steamship, "we had a very expensive trip this time. Very little sea-sickness; passengers ate frightfully." An Indianapolis paper estimates that the farmers of that State arc yearly swindled out of $2,000,000 by tricks which the newspapers have exposed over and over again. A local paper publishes a poem entitled "Why the Cows Came Late." They came late because they had an engagement in somebody's front yard. When a man says he is satisfied with his lot, you may be sure of one or two things, either he is a very unenter prising specimen of humanity or he is lying. "Oh, my poir heart ! My heart is bie.king," wailed a Chicago girl, and yet the deq tor who was called in pre scribed lime-water, and told her she'd better leave off eat ing fried pork for a few days- A man fishing around in all his pockets for a nickle to secure admission to fi five cent lunch house can hardly realize that the amount of coin' in circulation in this country is over $700,000,000. A lady out west has a railroad sandwich which she puts in the heels and toes of - u - a j-ffiri-r r-H c "Z- a Watclies and Jewelry 2 ir a m m -v T HE CREAT CURE iWa one thinks nf travelling without aking along a bottlt of Sines' Syrup olTar, Wild Cbergy and Uoarhound. I'rico 25 rents. AGISTS! AGE.Vl'SJ AGEXTSJ Tor Or.N. DODGE'S bran' new book, entitled Thirty-Three Tr i, M Id. Hn ! m Sffl ..ll mii.ll.l..! A ...lltlfi. ol Ta- 'ft 1 JuH rubliMifi1. a iuw cl-HIom of lir. f'l I .btiitt-:iUnrt'il tvt nil "ivhhota 01 u nl WiviKnt'iis luvti uulii r fiuira lf)rrt, iKVOfRKcr Men ts I nu'i Ibyticl irvaiwtn , liiiimtimcntA lo Kiril. cr etc. i ftlftt, C ok ecKnoK, I'l'iuj-Y rrrt nr intvero uv e t TliocclotiistftlimtVor fn tms tluur tilo r.i My. o vtly l''mu!iT'.o- Iumi i iDiily vrfir n.Cii. hInl pia tti. tl ht In. itlantmH' toiuv qii-iiii'H i -til ali-iM- mcv If Tti Jcuuv rnirl ; ij. liitinu ont a mml" it t uit ui ut vr aui ilr,iur i mpuJ tit ciual. ty me im ol vlicU i-vny a,. jrrcr no matter wlin 1 1 riMi.t ! ma- i f , itiar'licheai'ly, iriVsstny, i.nO I Oil er. Iiv. llTI.U I. 'C tin a aoul ' 1e In tlin tnniUof ecry joutti nuu eciy umu in hv i.u tt. rt uarter ( a!, tu a ialu ccvMoia ti anr fi'Mti'M. imt-initl ou iocs'it nf kti ciiU cr tno iuto;ru lump. Ailil et ThoCulToriTclI Medical Co., r. o, Box m 41 ANN St.. qvr yvfc, K y. m tnmiiraiiovrbt(uro t tie pub lie, Vmi rrst r i Inkier t wofat for ml It n at onv ihlnts fin. Cftiiilal iiot iieQal. Wa vc 1 feint viia.-. f Ha day ami uvrro at h- nip by tin In tlttvf uttif. Men. women, boytt sud tlrl nf ntt rt rywbere tu work fr nn. jNow m tt time. You nuu work in .nr Itm rn' r jt T vur wlmle t'niutn tLo buiuiiit. ou qu live u t hr.mottnil lo tho win . i'Lerb"'i.- v I 1 pay ron neat ty aa ivell JCo nre mn tail li mure tnorruout piv nr turnv i p al uuv . l rt.y Outfl pnrt teima freo M 'i iy roa'fF e-o-Ir auJ liourat4y, AtldJtat ll:tkVt u Au emu. liuino, :0 i A tru recorJof trmiuthor TZf t-i.n n v 1-utatct umouj vur Uauu. Wim a able loUwiucUoo By Gen, Sherman, Tlit mw orli vn tl tare subtcrlUJ for kr 7VeJl Autnca tin I rnl!m CMnit. aoj L n. ? O.imr, fen. Jtotu, Cm. ITancocl, n4 Hoiaamlt ol Ela- ' ...r , e u ti. u i r .ir. I--UJ Hs Uit loot m Mian I-Wtitr mitten." fcuuor Wilst (Mclliodl.l.) sail i o loot o Uuumm rnJiK. Itl. the only aullituUo sctount U our Indian, ever .nbtl.UeJ, t u!! rtrf.llnj tbdr "tnntr Ma." stent iMngs, eiplolu.clc III. replelavlth thrOioi irrlenettot tho Author, an! ot finioua beonl., Trappen, Cow.boJ il'nen. Eonler ISufatn tle.,vlUI portntlnj lifo la Iho (rcj( i.t u It ao i,. 4UJ tluiiaa! tn inm Wttij 61ecl EneraTlot. ani Buperb Chronw-LlUiotraph rUl. la IS eol..-., Jroro rhotoenphi lnada tj lla V. 8. Covemmrnt 'fr'-"-' Jor Hu Cret wil. AU ILNTSI TUU KiinJ book ll Bow ont-aeUIni ail otlian lOtol. .Vo roMpe'i'MM. AsenlaSTtneo 10 to XOonlirs aaav. Wo ant loou moro atcnu at once. ir)wu r.e.norau.lAiJ T.nui gtrtn. Our linn elrtuUnwIth lull paiUcuUr. kuI ,. A Coo Bptelmcn riate in uJJKua for a 3 rent .lamp. Adjrc.i the wlo pullUhcrfc A. U. WOUTI1I.VQTON t a. lUntroaD. Coai. M.S.LU tkltl. Rusiata A. U)TT-It lU Uit urtMUaM fW S ( at I tAd,l Ha M sxl t SSB . J .1 Neawau.liuMi"li1sji4lwL"bai ifri r ,t -it"n bt tw 0l ' i-wnj Every fanner abould subsiribo for the "'arbux Auviioatk only $1.00 a ;ear,aud n IIors9.Diok, free. - Ccaltkin cloaks are now msnulacturcd from the hide of rats. A small boy in this town, who was jilayinj truant the other day, when isked if ho wouldn't get a whipping whrn lie j-ut l:o:no, reileil, "What is five minutes licV nig to five hours of fun." War lare Hurd talk, Tho lover you must distover by bis lhs. Tl e Icelln, between ague and quinine : eXAiedln'ty bilUT. fc'"Winlr finds out what summer lays y." Kidney Wort cures in Winter and In Summer. There is .carrel r a person to be mun i who will 11. t bo Rroilly benefi ted by j Ihoroujih courso of Kldney-Wnrt every prlng. If you liannet prepare the dry-buy the liquid. It bus tho same ell'ect. A movement on foot Trimming a eorn. llill nf attachment Carriage liccnso. A dead lock The fastening of a ceme tery te. The first round danre originated with A lam when he sat on a hornet. What are twins good for 7 Good for cmuibals to tut pbllopinaa with. A nisi of Gra is a great comfort, but a n nines often suggests a greater. The green groeor is the one who trusts lbs new family in the uezt block, Tom Thumb is said to own ayntch, Wa suppose sha is sailed by a Thumbs' crew, Young layers who are the apples of each other's eyes, ought to gat pi(i)red. An old fellow who bad his wig stolen several tim haa come tp the CMlduiiou that tuor la uo cl br lb wlgge4 lt-M-lG-'C-ai-A-rir-I-S-3I fnva fill thm natnful diattlfl Of UlO trinUFVR. LIVCn AUD BOWELS. It oleamca the lyitem of tbe acrid polaoul that cause tha dreadful oufTcrlnjjr whioh only tho vtcums of rheumatism can rui. i "runiiBiMnn nir Uf tM urnmfe fnrnn of litis terrible dlaeaae have beea quickly relieved, and la .short PERFECTLY CURED. ruins t. UqUD r DRY, ROIU by lmiCCISTS. liy the Combined Treatment of ( RUPTURE PLASTER . EXCELSIOR and I HEALING COMPOUND ! July 15-yl rositlvc;evldenro of Wonderful Cures sent on receipt of So. stomp. Address, F. II. JIEKIilCK, Ogdensburg, a. WI aro New READY for FALL TRADE Persons wishing to buy Woolen and Cotton Goods Cheap for Cash this Fall, will do well by visiting our place of business ; our store is filled with a larse stock of Silks, plain and bro cade Satins, Plushes, Cashmeres, plain and brocade Yelrets, Henrietta and Ladies' Cloth ; a full line of Cheap Ladies' and Children's COATS & DOLMANS a specialty; Skirts, Table Linens, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Tickings, Flannels, Muslins, a full line of Blankets, Bed Quilts, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, and in short everything usually to be found in a First-class Dry Goods Store. In our stock is one of the largest in the county, comprising Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Children's SUITS, OVERCOATS for all-large and small, Skating Coats, Cardigan Jackets, HATS, CAPS, Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, a full line of Neckwear, &c. Our celebrated WHITE ' . , o " --.,,4-. Come aud pet l'rlcea before purchasing elbewhero. SHIli I nas no equal ai ou cuius. 0 s No Tiouble to Show Goods. April 2i), 1889 gr9 JONAS, ED. W, FEIST, Manager. stockings when darning. It enough to- is also used as a door knocker and a familiar engine to knock the lilbout of trespassing boys. A. cabinet organ wlnrta can be taken apart and pack ed in a trunk lias been, patent ed. If vc have ever said any thing against baggage-smashers, we most humbly apolo gize. Let the good work go on. The human footprints found in Nevada rocks are be lieved to date back five thous and ycars.and it is not unlike ly that some old inhabitant and pioneer settler will yet muster up check claim them as his own. Among the presents re ceived by the bride at a re cent New York wedding was! an order for twenty tons of coal. Probably it was fiom an unsuccessful sititor who i'elt that he owed the girl's family that amount of fuel. A Californian, who watr in the business foreight years, says that a faro bank has six chances to a player's one and if he wins any great amount, there are nine chances to one that he will be followed and slugged. A bourgeois and his wife- are inspecting the remains of the dinner ol the evening be fore Husband : "My dear, here is an orange that is be ginning to spoil." Wife: "Very well; put it aside lor the servant." Ilusband : (slowly examining it): "Oh, it isn't as bad as that yet." As a Philadelphia family were eating breakfast the oth er day, the wife uttered, uBi." The husband jumped up, crrnlilinil Ins lint, nnrl Vinltprl out of doors. 'I he good wife was merely going to say Bi- c ntennial, lut the husband thought sho was goiug to ask again fur the five hundredth time, "Buy me a new bon net." "This must be a torna da," remarked a traveler in a town, when ho saw three or four houses flying through the air. "Oh, that's nothing but a little breeze," said an Iowa man. ""When you see a city flying past with all the street lamps burning, then it will be time enough to hunt for a hole to crawl into, for that's a suro sign that a tornado is some where in the neighborhood."