MISCELTiANEOUS, fcH-Qel lha Advooitk for ono year, only one Hollar. A palrof sllppcri Ihs orange and la Dana skins. Temporary Insanity time "out of mind." A tornado. Is not a circumstances to a matrimonial Mowing up. A llHckonsncH man calls his parrot "Wine," bocatisi5"Wliio Ian mocker." Never ollnw the fact In escape your no tice that wlinli ilia Lord mado inau he mado two ears but duly ono. tongue. Even the nlcoeit looking overcoat moy liars a ragged lining. SKIKIIT HEN. "Wells' Health Ueiidnrer" restores liealtli nnd rigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impolcnce.cJex ual Debility. '$1. If explorers over find tlio North Tolo ther will freeze to it. A unpleasant particle A piece of tome body else's mind. It Is easy finding reasons why other poople should be patient. Man wants but little here below, add hegols Just about lhatmueh. "30TJQH on BATB." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics, ants bed-bugs, ikunks,chipmunl;s, gophers. 15c Druggists. What wo arc at home is a pretty sure test ef what we really are. Tbo good cook knows how to temper the heat U the carred laiuh. A new color is called "honeyauckle." 'It mint be "toe awed for anything." There is always a demand lor superior nulmali of every kind. Personal I To Men Only 1 Tn x Voi.t.1 10 Hilt Co., Marshall, Mirli., will eend Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on (rial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are MlHctal with Servnm IVlnlitv, Ijnst Vitiilltv and Munli'xid and kindred troub- le, giiaraiiU'oingapeeding and complete re storation n health' nnd manly vizor. Ad dress asabore. N. 11. No risk isinrurred, as thirty days' tri.il is allowed. 49-yl A good place to get a fit The tailors We3ton, the-walker, has taken to talk ing. Socitly frowns coldly upon the amateur flute player. Guraarabio Tacha will stick until sen touced. Good Advico. You will prevent and euro the greater part of tho ills that afllict mankind in this or any section, If you keep your stomach, liver and kidneys in perfect wnrkiug order. There Is no medicine known that docs this na surelv as Parker's Gincor Tonic. It will keep your blood rich and pure, and give you good health at little cost. See other column. There is a new brand of whiskey called "wire crass." This is a fresh name for tanglefoot. "Loyo creep? where it cannot walk,' sighs the philosopher who has been trying to crawl over tbo garden wall. A Boston deacon, is to be put under discipline for Inserting in his dry goods ad vertisemcnt the lins : "High, low, jack and the game." A "Fat" hand is sometimes a full one Call no man; to account who doesn know how to figure. When the political macbino needs oil' Jog the bar'l is tapped. There ii'.llttlc.in tho world but that lias vest soma one deeply. Tiina table Any table purchased on the Installment plan. Firing a man out ef tho houso is not a proof of warm friendship. Never loose your temper. Some ono might step on it and crush the life out of it. Poems about molaucholy days aro now In ordor. The Indian apeuts didn't getaway with ihe Indian summer this year. Civil service reform has mado more conyerts tinea President Garfield was shot than in all the years since the agitation of It begun. Government official:.'1 Patrick wcra you minor whon you landed in America?" Candidate for naturalization : "No, jour boner, I was a brick-layer." The most obslinato cases of Catarrh and Hay Fever are cured by the uso of Ely's Cream Balm the only agreeable remedy. Price (0 cts. Apply into nostrils with little finger. From Hajor Downs, Military Instructor: lit. Pleasant Academy. Sine Sine, N. Y. During tho very cold weather 1 was Buffer ing with Catarrh. Mr liuud and throat ached so sovcrely that I was obliged to giro up everything and kern quiet Ely's Cream Balm was suggested. Within an hour from the first application I felt relieved, the piin otgsn to subside. In two days was entire ly cured. W. A. Downs. Feb. 15, I SSI. My son, agid nine years, was afllictcd with Catarrh, tho ute of Elv'n Cream Halm effected a complete cure. W. E. Ilamuian, Druggist, i-uslon, i'u. A man named Duulop requested Theo dore Hook to malio punning allusion to his name. "Well, Just hp oirtne Ijst syllable," resKinded ih wit, "and its Dun." Major Phlpps, the gsnial stealer of the roef and other paits of thn Philadelphia alms-house, has been placed in a corner by a Cauadian Judge. Tho Judge rays Phlpps .must be held for extradition. 'Trouidfs oflrii romo from whence -we least expect them." Yet wo mav often prevent or counteract them br prompt and intelligent action. Thousands of persons are constantly troiihle.l with a romhiuatlur. of dikcktfs. Dlseand kidneys mid costive uowris are their tormentors. Ilicy f Mould kuow that Kidney Wort nets on (Iteiie or gans at tho samo time, causing thern tn throw olf tho puiwms that hrte clogged them, ami so renewing tho whole system. A tall, eaunt daughter of Erin, is 11 e slock rejiorter of tbo New York Times, and is said to bo one of the best judgf-s of cattle lu the country. She foriiierly bad charge of the extensive stables of the lato King Emninnl,of Italy. A correfjuindent asks t "Whit tlmo of year do the days begin to shorten ?" When You haye a no'e in the hank. A note in the bank is lha grent annlhihitorofiline. The days are crowded tngelher In thin laycrr, and the nlshts ure liko a smear from the blacking blush. History is .uintinuully repeating itself. Every obo Is taking the good, old fushlonrd remelly, Sine' Syrup uf Tar, Wild Cherry and Iloarhound fer coujhs und colds this fall. A French paier has the story of a widow who visited the tomb whera reposed her lately lost husband. "Well," said tho, "thero Is one consolation for me. I know now where he spends his evenings." A Cherokee Indian is editing a paper at FayettevIIle, Ark. As his tru.ly rlflo .....1. t- .nn hit riliatlim It ! fti. ,,,,,, ,i i ....i i i . and was fonntrly uu Kxeinluer of I u- ferreil that he kuowjall about "Kcded mat-1 tents In tha i'ateht Ortlcr. All Lusmees hi- ter".nd kc a numUr of "lug." ou'Jl ttanJ 4 1 WeoJ 9r OticuUr, Aunt u tf-cr. J. F. HALBACH, MusiC DezUjbE, AND Instructor in Music LEIIIGHTON, Ponim. A full line of all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Sheet Music, MUSIO BOOKS, Sec, is constantly kept on hand at the Ware' Itoom, near tlie ii. x s. uepot. 8ole Agent in tho Lehigh Valley for Bolmiuc: Pianos! Call and seo them ; they hare bo superior. Also, Agent for Vobcr, Decker, Connor and J. P. Hale Pianoa, Anfl Tarious BEakes or 0H6-AB8 Instruction given at TiipH's residence on riano, Organ, Voice and Theory. ocJ8 A SELECT 30 FOB BOYS AND GIRLS, At Slatington, Pcnna. This School wilt open In the Ilnsomcntof the rrcsuytcrian unurcn, ai aiaunKiuu, x-., on Monday, September 4, 1882 Tiinrnmrh Instruction In Knzllsh. Jtathcmat les J.aun. urccK ami rrcccu. uwauiia uu tho I'lano a speclaltv. , raujiiij 11. iuiji uii. Principal. i or Olrcularr, address IIkv. II. K. MEYERS, Supt. August 5, 188J-m3 $14 for $4. Upon receipt or tl 00 1 will send to any a dress ill tho Halted States The My Monntaiii Mining Eeyiew, tho lcndlni mlnlmc journal of tho country, containing each wbek the latest news from all tho camps of Colorado and tho adjoining Territories, lor one year, und One Ten Dollar Siums or Non-Assessable Stock in The SntucE Cheek Mining CoMrANY. The propcrtlns of this company aro located In Summit County, Colorado, and consists ol 18 full claims, upon which considerable work lias already been done. 'I ho mines aro nil Ituoil, and the stock of tills conipmy oilers an unusually Kuod Held lor investment. Ihe publisher of this paper p'tys rorstocK Klven to suliscrlhcrs the regular price at which It Is selling at tho company's office. Tor Inlorma tion regarding the mines or stock address tho secretary, it. iv. ,A4. i , t- v.u, Send check, money order, or rcxlstercd let. tcr to JAHK3 B. IVES. PuWiiner iiocity ifounraln .Ufnlnji Rcvitw, Dbnykr. Oor Send 10 cents for saraplo copy. J)-22-tr How Lost, How Restored ! JwtimbMshcd, a npw edition of Or. CUT VKUWKljliS UUiiEjMKATJSU tbA.i on ibu ri ilcal rare or BrciaiAi obruoua or bemu nal Weakness Iutoiuutury Kt-mmal Losses, luroTKxer. MentJl nn riijnici Incapacity ImnrttimenU to MantnocH. cto. i kImo. Cot BUumoN, Knucrav ami I'm. induced b? ielt lDuuiceuce or aoxuai b.itiw stance ao. The ecloliritpd author. In Ihm fidrairnbla Es say, oleaily dtimoiihirntes, from a thirty veatV iiue08ruj practice, mav in aiarmmK coiiio quinces o( rtfU.sljute may to radically cured ; vAutWR out a modn of c ure it once atmnle.cer turn nod cftVctuat. by mojua ot winch every minever, no matter vuiai uu couumon may uc, ioav euro hlauclt cheaply, privately, and iaOi c&liy. tWTlt Lecture should bo In tho tandof every youth and evory man tn the land. Hent under Real, in a nlalu envcloie. to anv adrtres. voit-pid ou receipt of sis eenu or ivro postage flumps. .Aaa:oM The Culvcrwcll Medical Co., il ANN St., Now York. N. Y. P. O. Box 130 Oct. 7. ISSa.yl m' FRANK JAMES1 SOBRENDER. Ao-onC-a or 1,16 Illustrateil I.lvcs J-AtZCilxiti anil Ailrcuturcs of Frank tltTi n'-nA ami .lesse .lames an.l the "V ulitt.a Younger Hnithers, tho not cit Western Outlaws, lly lion J. A. ltacus, I'h 1). A true unit thrilling account of tlu-lr hjtd operations fer 20 years. In as many States ami Territories, with uranhto ttcscrln. ll n of tho ileath ef Jcsto. the surrender of fraott ami tho trelliuluarlcs or nts trial on a score of Indictments f ir 31uitDKaamI titan. wav itnniiunr. l'KorrLT iLicsTniTBD, with engraving of tto (tutlaws as boys aud men. I'icir youoic wives and llitle clitldrcn, Ihe l'.iiu) liovsand 60 others engraved from actum piiuiOKrupns. A Bonanza for Arrests ! Send for full pnr. tlcutars ami ho cuiivlncrd that this Is the most ,aicau;o una promaiiio dook imbiisncu, or, to save time, send &0 cts atonse lor ('an. vasslmc hook uud st.ito vour chuloe of town- ship. OutBI aud Sample Cony s.oit preiKild lor HO Aildresr, N. 11. THOMPSON-fc I'O,, rube , N. W, corner 8th und llroadway, C DROP IN AT TinT "j Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOR l Cheap Printing ! lUMneM now before I lie pub lie. Yuil ran umki innimir f Jeter nt woi Uv u tiin at uuv lUiiis flst Captlul liist - . iwm: i o win Piatt Volt. F12 n iinp nnn nrw run tuitln nt. ImmA it in rttitst I'mia, Men, woutrtii, Loys and ciru WftUtcd i'u-ijm mm wur mr un. ffuw IH lil- tune, luucju woi ir in rpaiviim otii i,v pv vinr ntiu.Q iimtii U.t l.UtlHM-. YOU CjII lllOUl home and the vvoru. N'u other b.tina wi. pay you nearly an Will Xoxtiocau fan loiaaKO niwiiiious ptv UV ( UttMIW at on ce. uoitiv kilMl asiil iariii fun.. IS ff ....... ly a ii.i 1'ou Mih. AilOreM Tuv& &. Co.. au. FATMm Inventors will Advan.n il.rir Tni i. Employing an Kiperleuccl Attorney resident in UashlnKlon. I'. A. I.oliiuanu, tiollcltorot ton, II. O., lus had jcjis of sueeeasful i'rac Auavrioiu unu rurui'n I'uienii. wns i nu. i jt r Best FARMERS' COLUMN. Beglnnlfig-A Garden. If one proposes to begin gardeQing,whelb- er to raise vegetables fer home use or for sale, commencement should net be put off until spring. The work could hare been started a month or two earlier, hut much can yet be dene in all but very cold locali ties. It Is of little use to try to make a gar den on wot land. Unless ttia soil has a Bat umi drainage, tile er plank drains should be laid the first thing. If sod-land be selected, npplr a goed dressing ef manors, break it up, and let it He until spring, when anoth er manuring and plowing, with thorough harrowing, will be needed. The success In the garden depends largely Upon the amount of manure applied to It. a Stable manure to the extent of SO or St loads to the acre Is needed, or iftomuoh cannot be obtained,the lack should be supplied by the use of ground-bone, fish-guano, superphos phate, or other good commercial fertilizers. Agriculturist. In-door "Work. The Importance ef planning for In-door work during stormy days la not fully ap predated. There are many things that can be done as well when it rains, as during fair days. With small fanners, the thresh Ing of the little amount of grain raised,may be done bv hand in stormy weather. The tools sheuld be thoroughly cleaned,mended and painted If this Is needed.and put away to be in readiness for the busy time of spring. A good day's work may be given to tho re pairing and oiling ol harness. There aro enough jobs that may be done under tover, to fill all the raiuy days, If there is only planning for it. At this season there may bo feed racks needed, and a day at the tool bench is far more profitable in every way, than ono spent in lounging, especially if it bo done at tho Tillage store. Make the most of evory day, and not count stormy days as blank ones. American Agricul turist. Parsnips and BaUlfy. Tho same treatment In winter will not answer fer all ruot-cropsalike. Boets and carroli aro the loast hardy of all, and when frozen lose tbelr sweetness to a marked ex tent. The parsnip is not only not injured, but many think it is groatly improved by reezing. If the amouut ol sugar is not ac tually increased, its flesh Is so modified that it tastes sweoter. The parsnips and salsify era our rery hardiest roots (though, we should includo horseradish,) and may be lelt without barm in tbo soil where they grew. But as wo can not depend upon find ing the ground open at all times, a share should bo dug to supply the table. These may bo packod in boxes or barrels, and if they are to bo kept in tbo cellar, should be covered with sand to prevent them from shrivelling. Thoy can as well bo placed m somo shed, or other out bulldiug. Agricvl turitt. Kind Troatmcnt of Animals. No animal appreciates kind treatment more than a heifer. Naturally gentle, il is only by ueglcct that sho acquires habits harmful to herself and annoying to her owner. Tho writer has seen a calf six months old mado the object ol torment for sport by a group of "smart" boys. The hei fer had a bundlo of corn stalks bound under her body by a stout ccrd and was tbon 6ct at liberty (In the barn yard. Sho ran and kicked, and finally broke through a weak place in tho fence ami hurried away to the back of the field. The creature was never afterwards the geulle animal she would otherwise have been.,The fright modo ber afraid of all mankind, and especially of tbo boys by whpu she had suDere'd. In some such way as this, most of the "wildness" in farm uni uuls has its origin. At this season, when the young slock are for the first tlmo brought intn closer rola tions with the owners or keepers, it is of great importance to employ kindness and gentleness. Agriculturist. Young Fruit Trees. Many seem to think that when th.y have planted an orchard, they have dona all that tho trees require A neglected old orchard ts a 6orry sight, but a neglected ynung one in si good deal worse. A stray animal or two, especially when snow is on the ground, will disfigure many trees In a 6horl tlmo by browsing their tops or gnawing the bark. Fences and gates need looking to. Young trees, especially those set last spring or this fall, should haye a mound of earth at the base, not a mere heap thrown up carelessly, but made 6mooth and firm, in the form of a sharp cone, 12 or 15 inches high. This will not only aid in keeping the treo upright, but will prevent the at tacks of mioe. Should snow be dsep enough to cover tho mound, mice may work under it while it is light and newly fallen, and it will bo nocessary to go through the orchard and press the snow around each treo with tho foot. Rabbits will work on the snow, not only barking the trunks, but we have known them, when the snow was sufficient ly deep, to cut o(T the end of oyery twig within their reach. Theso animals have a gre.it aversion to blood, and will not touch trees that have been smeared with it. In large orchards, blood is procured at a slaughter bouse, and applied to the trees by means of n swsb, made by tying a few corn husks to h stick. Rabbits are in goed con dition this month, and the use of traps will prevent misehlef and afford material for an excellent pie or fncasce. Sometimes snow is very damp, and as it falls, lodges in tho tops of the trees and accumulates there. If this is allowed to freeze, the branches will be badly Injured should there coma a strong wind. When snow thus gathers, it should by all means bo shaken out of the trees be fore it has tlmo to frcezo. American Agri culturid. Rice rancskes Two Urge cups of rice well washed, bell in one quart water, whon the water boils off, add one quart milk, one cup wheat flower, one eng. Tomato Chew'dcri Soak a peck of green tomatoes far livcuty-four buursin salt water. Chop them quite fine in the chopping bowl, adding three or lour unions, mix with them a teacupful of white mustard seed Scald sufficient good vinegar to cover them, spicing it with jiepper corns, cloves and all spice lied loosly in a tbin muslin bag. Four the vinegar over tbo tonutoes and tie up tho mouths of the jars In which ft Is put away. It is one of the best pickles ever made. Why sutler irom a .late fill health T Why be troubled with dysijiIat Bruwn'a ;r.a liiiurs trill cure, Ache POSITIVELY CURED Br Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. ReaaoM 'Why they are Preferred to All Other Voroui Flatters or ElUrul ttemcdlnt Flrel. Beeatue they positsa an the merit of the atr.ngtbcolog porous plaster, and contain In ad dition thereto the newly discovered powerful and active vegetable combination which acts with In creased rubefacient, stimulating, aedatlre and counter irritant effects. Second; Because they area cennlne pharmaceutical prep aration, and ao recognized by the protection. Third. Because tbty are the only plasters that relieve pain at one. rourth. TJeeanso thoy will positively enre disease) which othor rtmediea will not even reliove. rittu. Tlecanso over B000 phyalclans and druggists hare voluntarily testified that they are superior to all other plasters or medicines (or external use, Sixth. Because the manufacturers hare received the only medals ever given for porous plasters. Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chcralsti, Hew York. I HSJKK Kr.MEDV AT r.A3T. Prica Mete. I HEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. PARKER' IR BALSAM. The Dest, Cleanest and mmt Economical Hair DresihitT, KBTcrrailsto Restore the youthful color to :tey natr. 50c ana i iiie at druggists. f lorcston Cologne. ntwjmaixrtfunfiy fragrant ml lutivr Tr fui. Frit SI m4 PASSER'S IIIlfiTi I A Pure Family Medlcinethat Never Intoxicates. 1 If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or inousenoia amies try i'arker 3 uinger ionic. If you are a lawyer minister or business man exhausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not tale in toxica tine stimulants, but use Par ker's Ginger Tonic. If you have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney if Urinarr Complaints, or if you are troubled I with any disorder of the I unci, stomach, bowels. iiooa or nerves you can oe cured by barker s Ginger Tonic. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation fl or any disease and require a stimulant take Gin Q cbr Tonic at once ; it will invigorate & build you fl up fromthefirst dose but wlllnever intoxicate. It (J has saved hundreds of lives ; it may save yours. 1 IIISCOX at CO., 163 William St., fit Tork. 10c E ud out dollw ilwt, tvt all tU&Urt la mtxlkUMt. GREAT 8AVIMQ BUYI.tO DOLLAR SIZE. IS A SURE CURE ! for all diseases cf trie Kldnoys and I n organ, enabling it to throrr off torpidity and 4 L iiuvction, ctiznaJ&tIng tho healthy oooreUon condition, effoctlug lta regular dlncharce. Ek EwiCllcai Id malaria, have the chills. f are bilious, dyepeptio, or constipated, Kid- In this tcavm to clennsa the QTstom. otctt f one should tate a thorough oourso oflt. (&) BGOLD fcJY DRUQOISTS, Price 91 THE LEADING BUSINESS SCHOOL OF PENNSYLVANIA. TllG OLDEST, tie LARGEST, tte BEST A Succeceful Cuecr cf Boventoen Tears I This Institution Is thoroughly cslablisheil, ami, bolng so favorably known throughout tbe country, receives a very libcrul slutro ol patronage. There ara to-day over 300 Students In os tunl attendance. Tho Diploma ami the President's recom mendation aro recognized overywhero by the best business men. Its terms aro extremely moderate, while its appliauces and facilities uro not sur msscd. Durlnr; the past year, of the number who attended, SI were placed in lucrative posi tions, and many more scoured pluccs through their own ellbrts. Expenses : Scholarship $30 00 Doolts for Full Course 7 00 Good B.iarJ, per Month :..... 15 00 For Collcso Journals, Ac, address P. E. WOOD, President, WILLIAMSPOHT, PA. August S, 1882-m3 8g 3 H2 aituia"-,;!jS tV VOUTll AND MIUfJlK-AOED, nuui you uo rw-wn q to eu unu rruti stamp aim yoa win ppiqiI', vfru In mIim1 ouvoIuda. Aililrpai. ITof. J.V. KU AN, Ok'Jenat)cr N.V, julyKyl RUPTURE The IPKUIAL TltnfB U whst run vr&ut Ihe rrcfltcat Inrcntlnu of thearel hco our pam phlet. Kput Iroe. rot.J, Y, EOAN.OKdtiis. uurt, Ji.it jeiy 17) l Life and Fire 1 E. K. Stroh, AT MAUOEI CHUNK, Vx. Only good and reliable Companies repre enled. Also, Agent for tho ITALIAN and JtOTTBUDAW LJ.N'E OP STEAMEU8. h 5 o S R g O S 5 VARIETIES. Kind words arc like bald heads ; thoy cun never dye. "Please hang up," is the polite telephonic for "Hold your tongue." A farce seeing man : One who-belicvcs that life is only folly. "The proper study of mankind is man." Pope knew better than to say "woman." Woman is too deep a study for anybody to undertake. It rains alike on the just and the unjust and on the just family because the unjust have borrowed their umbrella. No man is more nobly born than another unless he is born with better abilities and a more amiable disposition. A New York letter car rier was arrested for stealing money letters, when it was discovered that he had four wives. No wonder he had to steal. Judge Allen, of Boston, called up a lawyer in open court and compelled him to refund a lee of $25 from a poor woman whose case he had utterly neglected. A trade journal gives di rections lor preserving har ness. Preserved harness may be considered very palatable to those who like that sort of thing, but we don't want a bit 111 our mouth. -Newspaper advertising is the most energetic and vigil ant of salesmen, addressing thousands each day, always in the advertiser's interest, and carelessly at work seeking customers irom all classes. A honeymoon incident "Married six wccks and in tears !" exclaimed a friend to a weeping bride. "Yes ; the first cruel shadow has fallen athwart our pathway. Jt is settled at Inst ; either I must give up eating taffy or George . must cut oft his moustache. A From h chemist has discovered that the flavor of cheese is determined by the germs in the atmosphere. The germs must be in a state of rapid decomposition wher Limburgcr is manufactured. An old bachelor recentlv gave the following toast Woman the morning star 0 infancy, the day star of man hood, the evening star of acre, Bless our stars, and may they always be kept at a telescopic distance. ny is it that in coun try towns people make them selves the sewers of gossip of every description 1 The more filth and lies, or even truth they can retail to the disad vantage of anyone, the hap pier they seem to feel. Av are not striking at any partic ular place or person, but if the shoe fits put it on. A little girl whose moth er often talked to her of heav en in such a way that she con sidered it a glorious shining place above the sky, crept 111 between the curtain and win dow one evening, and stood for a long time gazing into the sky. Suddenly she bounded to her mother s side, exclaim ing, "Mother 1 oh, mother ! know now what the stars arc God punches holes in his floor and that lets the shine down. A teacher, in giving her class their first lesson on op positcs, found it difficult for the children to undcrstand.and illustrating from the word ''sugar" and its opposite, "vin ogar," thought she had mado the dittercnce intelligible "AVhat is vinegars she m quired. "Sour," was the re sponse. "I think you under stand now. Please tell me what is the opposite of politel" A cloud ol hands was raised and a chorus of voices exclaim' cd "Sour." Dr. Bait, an Irish astroa omer. says the length of the day is constantly increasing but in a few centuries the change is but a fraction a second. This information should greatly encourage me chanics who want an eight hour law, in order that they may devote a couple ol hour; each day to improving the mind by studying books, play ing pool, etc. Ten thousand years hence the days will be a couple of hours longer, and this extra time may be devot ed to mental improvement af ter working en hours a day. ARB0N ADVOCATE FLA IN AND FANCY BOOK-JOB PRIM HOUSE DANCWAT. s ibortldlitanca absre tha LshlKk Valley B.R. Depot, LEHIGHTON, PA. TTsj are now fully prepared to exeouto arerr r description ofTOINTINO, Irom a Visiting Carflto a Large Poster ! rosters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars Shipping Tags, Cards, Dill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Btatements, Programmes, Pamphlets, te., Ice., In Dsst Manser, at Reasonable Prices ! C. W. LENTZ, Real Estate & Commission Apnt, OITers the following Properties for Sale : 18 Acres on.nnd, ono mllo from I.cMghton, alt under best cultivation. Uheup. SO Acres yoiir.R Uliestnut Timber In Lower TowuniensUig twp , near Millport. Very ehcap. Hulldlng Lot on Third Street, IhlKhton ; a good location; very cheap at (ISO. Two story Ilrlck Dwelllnit In Welssport. A very Uvslrahlo property, and chmtp at 600. 100 llulbilnir I)ls. Snyder Addition to Weiss orl. will be sold on In3tnlmunls of frura i& tu vlO per month. A tWiVstory'DwcllInK on Ilankway, Lehigh ton. Flno location. Only tl200. $30,000 to Loan on good First Mortgages. f you Avish to Buy, Sell or to Kent call and sec me. All business placed in my hands will receive early attention. Bank St., Lehighton, Next Weiss' Carrioga Works. August S, 1832. Manufacturer ot and Dealer In STOVES, RAHGES AND HEATERS, fin and SlBst-Irai Ware anil General House Fiirnisning Goods. ItOOt'irtG nrttl KPOlTTIIVrt ilone al short notioe and at Lowest Cash Prices, hiorr yiod of stove o hates and rntK uttiuKB Kvptcoosiannron usua. Stoke on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Baak St., LEUiajITON. Patronsira Bollcited.Satlstantien tfiiarnnteed. Oct. 5TI A. u.VustiUK. F. LUCKEKBAC11, Two Doom Below tbo " Broadway II ou so MAUCU CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all 1'atterns'ot rialu and Fancy Wall EPapeirSj "Window Shades, Paints & Paintesr' Supplies, lowest cAsn rniORS, $8 a week In your own town. 63 outfit free. No rut. verr ttunuew. Capital not requlr. ed. We will luruuhyon everv talnir. Manv are 01 klaa for. tanrs. Ladle maKeasiuucha. inen.kndbova aud girls make irreat pay. Header, if you waut liu.iD.f aiwiuol roaean lusao Kitutiiay lltliotioie you ork, wrttofur uarllcu.arsn II. 1UHKTT 4 Oo., furtlaod. Me. ueio-yl d"Job Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly execut ed at this office. Give u a trial and bp convinced, Including Hals, IJonnttt, Flowers, Ribbons, Feathers, Notlons,;and'DHES3;TRIMMIfe5"a .NEW GOODS KECEIVED WEEKLY. All work done Inhe latest stylo, and most durable'mannerat the lowest oask rtV STORE ! at tho Interaction f DANK STREET and BANKW AT, LElllOIITOrT, r A, aprll 10, HM-ju' r Use Lawrence & RfJartiiVs I III! 'Jit. i..lli.'..'JIH m.i For COUGHS, COLDS, SORE T Mi OAT, DnONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PWEU-1 iiviiim, ounaumruun, uisoaooSGT I rliiUA I, UtvLiliT Aliu LUNGS. n nn VSf r8n vWa 'i0,1? i'."iUs '"'fit and nclTanced iVvir i.. .'7i 1 " ... "c,Fr ueo a auTaniBceousir compounneii jis in uio iui.li, uuuiL una KYIS. ItS EOOtll Tiff 111 Mm (i nrnniiT... nfTnm I r...1.-.. "-.I ... ....... -...1 ..-!. . - ?..m.i .u. ejstem alter tuo cougU liaa been relieved. Quart 5 Do not bo deceived Si Si... VnnIc.,e.-:thoftenulno.llM aTrlvato Ulo rroiirlctary Htarap on each bottlo, TthleU permits It to bo Sold bjr iru pslatu, Orocera and Scalers Everywhere. i 3- WXTHOOT SPECIA1, TA3 Oil tlCCNSD. Tho T0LU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St., Chicago, l .How Rendy. Now, Edition. UADIE3 In tho s iic xrf tii ears J ;y AdmlnistraUon from Washington o the present time, wlili over w icei i-wiiritirra pi ,auinoi me m nueiiouwitn views or many w the HomM f the Treitlentv Thi i the most salnblsbook nubllshed. Af-r.TH WA.NTKI). Send i:TH WA.NTKI). Send Nd Patent No Par- PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tha United States Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal office located In Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Omce, we are ablo to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and de spatch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who are at a uisianco irom v am. Ington, and who have, therefore, to employ "associate attorneys." We make preliminary t examinations anil lurnisn opinions as 10 pa- tentablll.y, free of charge, and all who are I Interested In new Inventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy of our "Uulde for obtaining Patents," which Is sent frco to any address, and contains complete lnstruc. tlons how to obtain patents and other valua ble matter. We refer to the Oernian-Amor-Ican National Hank Washington, I). (J. ; the lloyal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Lega. tliiiis. at Washington : lion. Jos. Ca&ey, late (Jlilei Justice U. S. Court or Ulnlins; tu tho Uirtclals of the U. S I'jtrnt Oaico, and to Senators and Members ol Congress from every State. Address: LOTUS lUOOF.lt & CO., So. llcltors ol I'atcnts and Attorneys at l.atr, Le Drolt Uulldlng, Wasuihotoh. 1). O. Salooa Kespors and Otte, Dun't fall to buy your Ohampaigne Pear Cider, Lager Beer, Root Beer, Nectar, ' Porter, See, or C. B0ETTGER, TAMAQUA, Pa. Aug. 13, 18S1-IJ. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the abovo reward for any case cr Liver Comjdalnt, llyrrwpsla. Sick Head, ache, Indlvretkru, Const1)ttlon orCnstlrcness wo cannot cure with West's I.lvcr Vegetable 11 1 lev. when the directions are strictly com. plied with. They are purely Vcifftnble, and never till loulve satisfaction Suiur Coated, Large boies. containing SO I'llls, '.'5 cents. For sale by all DrugaUle. Ueware of coun. forfeits and Imitations. Tho icrnulno uiauu. tacturrtl only by JOHN O. WLST i. CO, "The rill makors." 181 & 1S3 W. Jlmlison St., Ublcngn. I'rco trial packaKe sent by mall preji-ifd on receipt ots cent stump. Smith Kline k. Co., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia. Fa. su.it. 'Jl, '81-ly. We enntiuuo to net as Sollcilors for Tal ents, Cnveale.Trailo Murks, Coiyrii!hts,cto , for the United States, Canada, Cuba, Eng land, Frnnre, Oerinony, etc. Wo bava had THIRTV-FIVK YEAK1 KXIT.EliNCIf. I'utents obtained lliroiicli us a r noticed In tho EciRXTirio Amkbioau. This larco and splendid illustrated weekly aier,f8 20 a year, shows the Progress ol Science, Is very IntcrcstlnK, and has an enormous circula tion. Address MUNN .t CO., Talent Solic itors, Publishers uf FciKXTtno AumticAX, 37 Park How. New York. Haml book ubotit Patents scut free. T 1 ITTi I A- A. THOMAS lAN I Waililnitto JJilllU . Hoes belore th A. A. THOMAS, St. Cloud Dulld. fion, ii. ii. rrae. the Unltetl States (leneral Land Otnce. (Contested cases, prK vale land claims, mining, pre-emption and homestead eases prosecuted before the De partment of the Interior and Supremo Courti and all classes nf claims beroro the Executive Departments. Stieclal atlentlen Klvcn to town-ilto oases. I.inl warrants, homestead floats, and all kinds of land scrip bought and ohl, lnavfteoT. M. A. SNYDER, ticspcctfully announces to her lady friends that she has just received a full line of the latest novelties in FALL & WINTER .1 1 . ... ..... jim nirrnvs neen onn or thn mm Imnortant weapons wicliled by tha MEDICAL FAt5llI.Tr rpr.lmttlioencro.vIinttiHotCOUOim,COr.D3, staces, iml ftll illsni-ci ot tbo THliOAT.CIIBsf slzo bottles. Prlco Cl.eo. by dealers who try to palm off Rock and Rye rinit ever iitlQlisnoil. A II 1 J lift for Circulars, wtih fill mrtkolars. to for Circulars, wtih fill Giise. VHO Tfl UNACQUAINTED WITHTHl OlOOHAPHf OFTMM THY WILL Stt BV IXAMININO THtjA THAT TM CBICAGO, ROCK ISL&KD S PACIFIC Rr By the central poaition or lt line, oodskU th? Bast and tho West by tho thorteat rout, and -' rlea paasenscrs, vsltbout chin go or ctr. bfivMS Chicago and Xa,ns City, Couaoll SlaOa, Lcaraa- worth, Atchison, XXtnneapolia and ot, Paal. It' connects in Union Depots with all tha principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Piiaa1 Oceans. Its equipment la unrivaled and raejrnl? cent, being composed of Host Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaehes, Uagnlflson Ilorten &w cllntnn Chair Cars, Xullman'a Prtttleat fala' Bleepincr Cars, and tbo Dest Isina or Dlnlsa; Car1 in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and1 Allasourl River Points. Two Trains betweam Chi oofiu and Minneapolis and Ou Pant, via lha Ji'aiacmaf1 "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Llno.Tl C.nin4 nk. kee. hu recently ben opened between Hlohaond.. Norrolk.Newport Neiri,Chsttmnoo.AtlMiu.AnS' ensta, Nashville. LouUvlllo. Leilngton. clnelnnaU.. Indianapolis and Larajette. and Omaha, UlanecpZ' olla and St. Paul and Intermediate points. Trains UE 1'u,n!c Travel on Tut Xxre v1'1?.1"?'" iT ' miprlnclpal TIo OOeeta tbe United States and Canada. UagRaKp cheoked through and ratea of Cam al. 7a7a oa low u eompetltora that offer lees adnuS' taccea. Sot detailed Information, set the Maps and Fold GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. At your neareat Ticket Office, or addreaa B. R. CABLE, E. 8T. JQHrl, 4 Yka-ri.&Ueo-lU'iY; OtalTiU4riM.it- CHICAGO. CUTTH8SUTr AGENTS G4Ra&m PBRt AMIKTE8S15i2S40 MAKE. 3 I J Hi i?tVJ' WE Etta' Wohavo stores In lo leading Cltlas( irom vrnicu oitr ayenu cinam tnsir supplies qui cur. Bk'fE'SK. for SWrcXfS;Vli terms to ag-enta M. N. L0VELL 312 Lackawanna Ave CCRAUTON..PA. Wo eontlnno to uctassoUcitorafor Tiatonts. cavcata. tratlo-marlts. convrlnhts. otcfor thoTJnltod States, and to obtain pat ents in Canada, England, Franco, Germany, and all other countries. Tlilrtr-slx yeara' practice No cliargo for examination of models or draw ings. Advico by mall frco. l'atontn obtained thronRh na aro noticed in tho SCIENTIFIC AMBHICAN, which has tho largest circulation, and is tho most inlla ontlal uowspapcr of its kind published in tho world. Tho adTantagcaof suchanotico every patentco understands. Thislargo and splendidly illnstratod nows paper is published AVEEItlVV at J3.20 a year, and is admit tod to bo thobest paper devoted, to scionco,mochanics, inventions, onginoorinpf works, and othor departments of 'industrial, progress, published in any country. Binglo. copies by mail, JO cents. Bold by all news dealers. Address, Munn A Co., publishers of Scion tlflo American. 281 Broadway, New York, Handbook about patonta mailod froo. AU.vrai ACE.VrS! AGEXTSl Tor OEN. DODGT.'S bran' new book, entitled Thirty-Three Years Amonft odb mm mmm A true i-rccr-l of thinthorj Thlrtv-Thrte Year Penonal Km- By Gen. Sherman. ThU new work wti at one uter,be4 or br JVfJn Akthcb ami entlrt CtfAnct, and lr Gen, Sherman, Cm 0anlt Gen. SheriJa, Gttu Ifancoct, and thoutandt of a' laent 5ren. Cc. Oravt f-Jt itOieUti book on Indian Zycierirntti-n." Uuiiop Wittr (M.UiodUt,) ir t-M u a book of OAfnenfs value." U U the only iuthenile aeeoail U our Indlani ever rut1UhI, full reTeallnf Uulr lant life," tecrtt lUn ciplulu, etc, Jt la repleU with thrlUInj experiences of tha Author, an4 of famoui ScoqU, Tnpptr Cow-boya, Minn. ItorUcr Ilunin, etc,TifWl port nj log Ur lu th Qreat Vct u tt mow is. 4S4 tkoummt in prwA With Bte.l Enrmlogi and Superb ChrorooUtliocrapli rhtti ta 15 colon, irom nhotogivph nu4 by th U. ft Government crtKjj Jbr this pret i k, AG U.N T 8 1 Tbli cru! book it now oat-telUnr all oUm 10tol eomjrtiHon, AftnU aTtrt 10 to CO oxja adiy. W want 1000 mora ap&u at once. xclm,f Ttrritory at Sffri'il Ttrmt given. Our Utr circular, w& full puUcuIan aral free. A, fine Specimen Plat not tn aJJitim for a 3 cent ttinp. ddreu the tola publUhcn, JL a KQUTUINQTO.V CO- lIifcTroED. Com lirTTA-H u tW Wl rntmsU to J. Isu ikal I .. .St I CmZ. uala CLAlULOVEKmUCiU--IIlMM a .WMMUti i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers