ui',l.iumisaicsj.sJuHL.'agw3 &ATUHDAY, UOVEMBKIl 4, 1882. Our Neighborhood in Brief. LELWVJEHTS BEAD. VfJaen, thowtd storms howl around the door, And you, by the llnht of taper, Gltbtosely by lbs evening Are, Eoloylni tho last paper, ... Just think or him whose worlc Ihui helps To woar away Hie W Inter. And rt tills 'luerytp yoursclf- Have Ipald the TrlnlerT -jLook l the yellow dlrectlnn lab on this paper unl mo how you stand, rlzi JohoJude marlOSI then you owe two years subscription, which please, remit. We are In need, of money. - T 1 ar T td-Oo Is Jonas' f.r UNDEHWKAIl the moil complete stock to town. IUbbits are now in season you may elioot them till January lit, If you can. &0-Tlie headquarters fur Vflnfla and Plushes is at Jonas', in Obert'a building. James Bmitli and Daniel Doyle, two Hto Democrats, from Buck Mountain, wcro In town Wednesday morninc- Voters, you will not Inrget lo deposit your ballot next Tuesday, 7lh inst. Oct your vote In early, but only once ! teSj-Clocks, Walrlics, Jowolry and flhor ware lor sale, aud rcpilrlng douo at Hua- .... T-t.I-l.t-... Kv1. roan s Diore, ueuii;ii"jn. - i Thoy are rushing ur. the foundation walls of the new M. E. church in this bor- eugb. Now it Is asserted that cigarette smok ing prevetits the growth of the mustache Young men, smoke a plpo or a cigar. nfiut received al.Tenss' a splendid and e.mnlde line of Mcu and Boy's over- coati ana Ulsters. Francis, a son of Samuel Klbler, of Big Creek, died on Friday noon, of diphtheria, and was buried on Monday. Aged 4 year-, Our friend Wm. HeaboMt, at the Le high Valley depot, has been nursing a fel on on the forefinger f his left band during -tho past wock. Ouch I Jonas has Ilia latest, and finest, sty let In I.vliesand Children's COATS and 'DOLMANS. Bishop Simpson will preside over the Central Pennsylvania Conference oT tl.e M. E.. Church, which will - inert ut C'uam bursburs, March U. 1SK3. Tlio post office at Wyoming win enler od by burplnrK, en the night ot the 2Mb ult., and robbed of "no hundred and fifty dollars. The Philadelphia and Heading Kallruad "Company has advanced iho iiiiva nfeig, etoye and chestnut coal for November 1 cents per ton. air-Whi wants In exchange Town prop erty for a Farm of 142 acres, with jnrtd n,w buildings and fine Irulttrees on it. Address, TT. M. llirsiiKR, tliis borough. Henry Wngnor was instantly killed by i cavo-in of ore at the mines of Dr. Slmllz, Boar Emails, Thursday afternoon 2M ult. 3tri leaves a wifo and child. Ur. Wm. Craig, of Lehigh Gap, will, to-day (Saturday) sell ul auction a variety of personal property. Ho will in a few days leavo for Montana. A young man named Hi-fTclfingor was killai by curs at Bharklrr' ending, on the Ii. V. H. U., last Friday morning, lie le idad in tho vicinity of 31.iling.lM. sa-WAifTKD. Immediately, a neat r sptcteblo yuug lady, us an apprentice, to ltaro tho 'rullliuerv buslm-3S. For further particulars apply ut the Causes Auvocatk vines. A smash-up of coal cara occurred, about s mile nbare Petiti llavcu Junction, on the Ii. V. It. It., la- Tne-day ulg'it. Noono hurt, but any quantity ofco.il a s.d broken cars piled up. General Ebenescr Warron Strudlvant Jied Monday in Wlliiosbarre,agod 70 years. JI was formerly District Attorney for Lu acruo county, and lately President of City Councils of Wilkcsbarro ta",lfvou wanta nice smnith,eaRy shave Tnr hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz Roodcror's Saloon, under mo txenango Ho tel. Bo will fix you right, and don't you target It. Take little annoyances out of tho way. Ifyou are- suffering with acinitth or cold, ueo Dr. Bull's Dough Syrup at once. Tliia old and rcllablo remedy will nover disap point you. All druggists soil it for 25 els. a bottle. Wm bad a ycry pleasant visit from our old frlsnd, M. It. F. J. Brown, of tlio War Deportment, Wasliington, D. C, on Mon day last. Ho Is looking well, and Is now taking his annual furlough visiting his relatives and friends In this locality. Ila will return In about ten days to Washing ton. St. John's Catliollo church, in lionos dale, a massive stone structure in tho Go thic style, tho corner stono of which was laid In 16TB, was dedicated Sunday by Bishop O'llnra, of Scranton. Excursion trains from llawloy, Bcrantaa and Carbon dsle carried a large number of pooplo lo as sist In tho services. The grounds on which the church is built was given by the Dela ware and Hudson Canal Company, At Olen Carbon, Schuylkill eeunly.lasl Saturday morning, Mrs. Tobln, wifo of Jainos Tobin, a miner, left the houso In get some water, leaving hr two-year old son playing on tko floor. About twenty minutes later she returned, to find the little fellow In flames and so terribly burned that ha died an hour afterward. Tim child hail lighted pieces of paper at the atovo and set its clothes 6u lire. Govern Burt and Poler Lamb, miners, on Friday entered an abandoned portion of the Delowaro ami HuJs.m Canal Company's mine, at Wllkesbarre, lo get a lot of old iron. They carried naked lamp npou their hats, and the result was the tcrriflio cxplo. sior of mine gas. In tho now workings oyer a 1(10 mon woro laboring, but all made their escape. Subsequently a force of men searched for Burt mil Lamb, who wero found In tho fine Wdgo shaft. They wcte blown several yards aivav,nud were burned t death. We are Informed that Mr. Tlobcrt II. SayrJ has dctermltioj to accej t the presi dency of the South Pennsylvania Railroad and take lull cha go of its affair. His re signation as superintendent and engineer of the Lahigh Valley railroad was accepted, and went Into effect Tuesday last. Mr. Snyro will, however, retain hfa dim torship Abdnctlnu Her Own Child. Tho Easton JliprVU tell) tho following story i About fivo years ago William Koa tenbadet and his wife, both young pcoplo of Williams township, bad a difficulty and they separated. They bad a child a little girl then about two years of ago. Kotleu bndcr took tho child to ltls mother and sho agreed to raiso and care for it. The child's mother assumed her maiden nanio, Emma lluple, and after a short residence in Knston wont lo Ilazlelon, whero sho baa since mar ried a man named Edward Kroph. Kos tenbader, sinco tho separation, has been working in, York Slate, and has married there. Emma P.uplo has visited the homo of Kcslchbadcr several times since tho sep aration lo too her child, but was refused. On Iho Bth of October Emma Kaple csroa from Hazleton,and with a brother and lis ter, calledlal tbf school houso ill Williams township and singled her child, whom sho had not seen for a long time out among the children, nnd cnirled herofTlua carriage to tho He p.. I and took the tialn In her home at Huzletnn. Tho grasdmotlior of tho child when she did not return fiom school, was very much troubled, but when lo'.d how the child was taken, divined tho mother was tho abdualor. The grandmother then com menced proceedings lo get the child back ogain. Sho appeared before Jiiitico Hiblo brand and madn complaint against Emma Itnple for abduction of the child and lar encyoflts woaring .apparel, school books and dinner kettle. Emma Itnple was ar rested at Uazlelnn, and was taken before Justico Hildcbrond to answer Iho charge. She confronted tho child's grandmother and said sho was lully nblo to tako chargo of the I child, that sho would not bring it back,nnd that her husband would support it. The grandmother, who is ycry much attached to tho child, after having il for fiye years, very reluctantly withdrew the complaint, upon being told.lhut sho could not n-covcr It under tho procoeoingl entered, and eairt sho would take other 6tep to rcgiln Ho custody of tho little one, aud would send lo New York Slate for the t.ither to come on auil cuter suit. An American. Pablo. This fits Lohighlon about as w"ll as any nlaco wo know ofs A Ilorso ownel by a Peasant ouo day ivl'ined to draw Lis load, in tho Lehigh Vnll.y Ilailroa I, and con- ' ,liriug u.om, tjl,, of lba tyrllv of ,an tinuc bis friendly interest in the affairs of the company in whose servico ho was to usefully and actively eugaged for more thsii ti quarter of a century. rtpTho question is often asked, Can Rimtnro (abdominal hernial bocunrd? 1 mm.t cmphalin(Ui my, VJlM. That thin p.irt of ihe body oiler.i no exception to those physoiogiciu lawawhicli govern Hie Wlmla phvsn-ial economy und it makes not a par ticle el ilillcrctice whether the ogenf the afflicted U one vcar or h hundred yeura, bo c.iue tho msteititial changes aio forever lit work, from birth to death, and so long ss thero is a npsrk if 'vitality left, nature when aided by proper treatment exerts herself to remedy t lie evil. Jtecognizing tho laeta, and in reply to tho thourauda niw tutfer mg fuini Kiipture in its vnri.ius firms, and to ihotiiousands who have been cured nnd made happy by using rlUc Jlrcchfor 7,up turc 2Vc'ff'i( we sujgegt thul von deud to F. II. MEHItlCK, Osdensh:irg, N. Y., for his lieo l,.k on Ttuptuie in which y on will find a satisl'-ictory answer to tiic oft rcjiealcd question, why, iiiid how n it that such re markable and permanent ri'snlla aro oN taineil by its use. a euro heiug efi'-eled m HO days from tho day tho Plmdcr is applied. Founder's Day at Laf:i70tto. . "Founders' D.iv" wi iMl.ilir.ited at La fayette College, WeJiiesday. After morn ing pijycrttio faculty and atlidouts nqiair- od in a body to Iho aiidiiriitui in PjrJcc Hull. Professf.r Often delivered an address on scientific progress in .its irbtion til learning. The Onllego tilee Cluh raiift se vcral sslcetions. ()-H-ar WnTr.er, of New York,mndeun address I o Dr. Ca.teli, pio sonling to tho college a portrait of John 1, Blair, of New Ji-isey. DV. Cttcll cepond cd and tho students gavo their collego cheer, Tho pmiiiiil is fio by s;x feet aud cost $ I, (Kill. II wjs :iiut-d in Paris by Angela Woodward, a y..,mg New York artist, and is pron uni-cJ faitliful lik. n -s i Ml Blair. The annual athletic tournament took place Will Boyd shook hands with hia Iriends on tiic campus in tha alternoon. A large j number of people witnessed tho sport. Mod- als vera awarded to the winners for tlio nue hundred yards dsh, jumping, thruwlug Peihsps I have been loa hard with h In,' sdlloquizcd Iho Peasant, "und I will n.w make his burdens eaeier for a tluis." Tho Horse was theivfora given light r loals, his supply of provcudcr increased I his master never appeared at tha fitnt.lt! without 0 big lump of sugar in hia fingers. A Fox who had observed how the thing worked piid a visit to a. llulj uwued by the Sdine Peussnt, and asked : "Do yon want more oats and hay ?" "I should murmur," replied tho Muio. "Aud would you. like to loef half your time nwav in tho clover fielJ V" I'm blessed if I uuulrin'l I'1 "Ami havo some one rub yim dnwu with a pieco or velvet and Iced you cut loaf Miiiur'f" "Ii makes m.v" innulh wafer fo think of it," said tho Mule as he nibbled at the ( nee. "Very well then," continued the Fex "All yon have to do is to refuse to budge nhen hiiehtd up. Tlio horns pleyed that jainc.atid the result is that he Ls become deck and tat." Ne.vi day when the Peasant hitched the Mule fo liia call Iho iiihimI u-fused t move. "Whatl rrbcllion in lay rd l Mule, too?" shonieil the Peasant. "Indeed 1 c-iunot peimft IkUh ani'jihla lo defy my autli'iity. H.ivnjg oxh.intrd my km.) wi,tdHiid Sng iir on the Horse, I will t)y tho virtues ol a club on the Mnlo."' He thereuon jumudc I tho animal until ho was. glad lo sed fister and druw a heavier load than ever beforo. sioiui.. Tho Fox had lecn watching Hie afi'air from n fenci corner, an I us he caw tho ro salt he chacklcd to h uisell : "A rich man mav iiavo his fenco in the street, but a poor u an mutt k-ep his side waik in repair lo escape tho Law." Wednesday prior to leavitg for Bethlehem nd,Piiladelfiliia, from which port he will ail Saturday for London, England. Always in good condition and ready for the road tha teams furnished by David Kbbort, at his livery on North struct, this Borough, aud then his terms are so lew, all enn afford to rido. We dropped in lo seo our friend Ksi -dtnbuib, at the CiirUm Housa, a day or two age, aud notieod that his bcarc. isbeginnir.g to show a few gray hairs. Juke, this is a guarantee of early piety in your case. Fact! t3Sohinil books and school niaU'riul at vary loweit prices, at E. V. Luekeiibach. Broadway, Mauch lihunk. AIm full line of the luudauniesl designs in wall pajierand borders. While on bis way to work Tuesday morning Joseph Wyant,of Kattou.ati in u roller,-w.n struck by paisengcr luiuou the Lehigh Valley ltuilroad and fatally in Jured, The engine and one car pa&sed over him. A threa-yoar-old son of Mrs. Hunter, i f Kaynold's Station, Schuylliill county, dur ing tha temporary a 1 coco of its mother drank a large quantity of coal oil, and after lingering in great agony lor 24 hours died Saturday. tea.E. F. Luekenbch,nf Mauch Chunk, having taken the agency .for llurK.r' Ba zaar Patterns is authorized to tako subsenp tlnna for Jlaryier'a Monthly, llarjvr'n Week ly, Harper' Jh:aar,JIarjer'.i Youiiy 1'cojik, at the publisher's trims. Subscriptions left at bis store will be promptly forwarded. Trexler & Krsiiler, the carrisgo build ms, are full of work ; Tuesday morning we nilicod a bauds-i: e butcher wagou aud a couple of neat bugeies, in a nearly finished condition, in their chop. They do good work at low prices. tRS If you have a cold or cough of any kind, buv a bottle of Hill's Peerless Cough SvruD at Dr. C. T. Horn'a drug store. Use it all. and if not satisfied return tha empty bottle and he will return! your money. He also sails Peerless Worm bpecine and lllll s Worm Drops ou tho same tortus. No cure, no pay. sirs. Augustus Deppo, of Wilkes Barro, was on a visit to fritnds at Mauch Chunk, aud wss taken sick a few doysngn,aud died on Sunday last, need 37 years. Her funer-' the hummer and other eo.tege sports. VVclssport Letter. Our young friend Aaron F. Suyder,who had n grand jolilCcaliun trip to liio Bi.cen tenuial last weak, returned homo on Men day morning. Aurou is a capital good fel low, and such persons always have a good time when nuoy from home. Persons who aro Bwayed by pir iimiet and iguoracco have no respect for men of slncciity and couviction This was fully illustrated ou Thursday, when one of the most futilo aud cmiemptible insinuations that wo ever heard, w.ia mcdo t.y a hlindul and big.'Ud stulwuif, against tho motive n I honesty of the Prohibition candidate for Sheriff. Is tho m.iu that male I; be smirched in record. When Wch.ter C. Weiss, though wo widely differ with him on questions uf Klicy, is attacked und his mo tlvts for honesty un I sinevrity nro luipucn cd, we aro compolled, knowing tho worth and merit ol him aia man, to defend him and hurl back info the inan'a Iceth.thenboi' inablo insinuation, from which itemanatcd. Wo lieliavo Weise to be sineero aud honest 1 1 his haltio for what he believes to boa pnneipla, and henrc, wo glory in Ins cour ageous liht for tho causo notwitlistanding tlio inslnuutinu luado that il Is a monev consideration which actuates him in this contest. For honesty of purpose and sin eerily of couvictjon bo is tha peer of any man. He will not ho elected Sheriff1 nor will wo aid him in hisiispirutius,hut when his character Is attacked, we projioee to de fend il und compare his ricord for honesty and manliness with that of any man in this county. John Laury, tho new barber, it replen ishing and refitting hisahop. Tho decora tions are tn.ty and sttrticlivo. The East Weisspoit schools opened on Monday. Mr. Kothchild, tho traveling salesman for L. Slrouso A Co., Has in towu on Wad- Iluhcninff Crrsiba. Farmers iro busily rngaged in "crib b ug" their ci.-n at prtienl, but it appears that they do not intend lo hayo any husk tng matelies. I Hi ink tins plun is a wise one, because the election is so close at hand. On S.turday ovening last a Temper. unco lecture was delivered in the Centre Square publio school house by Mr. It. I Hoflard. The Centre Bqutro Literary society had no meeting on last Friday evening; tho uaxt meeting will la hld to night (Friday) iu thi- public school building, at New Mahoulng. The qtieMlinn ford'Scua siou is: Resolved "That the political parties ara bi coming oirruj.t." Mr. F. S. Ballict, of this plsoe, was at' tending tha Bl ceutenuLI last week. Begzars como through tho Valley every no end then, some am deaf nnd duiuh,lut uevcitheleis wo hayo sumo persons who aro a le to talk lo them, -The wedding on last Sui.day, 29lh ult., was well attended. Dennis Nolhslein,wlio has been thresh ing by steam this lull, has sold Iho wagou on which ho had the onginc, and will do no more thre-shlng for the present. Mr. C. II. Soidle was in Philadelphia during tlio week. A Deniecratic mass meeting was hold a' the puhl o huu-o of F.ank Stouter, nu last Tuesday oveniug. Tho Anthraclto Coal Trade Philadelphia Xcijtr, 30tli ulf.i - Tho an- thraclte ooal trade, notwlthilindlng the great dlslurbanrs sf almost all businoti In about this city by reason of tho observance of the ceremonies attendant on the Bi Cen tennial, reports that cesl production kept well up,and aside talcs of coal for the neck wcro larjo at full prices. The shlpmsnls of tho week by Iho Heading Railroad were fully tip to Its average amount at this sea ton of the year. The rtmounls coming Into tho yards and tho amounts going lata tho possefsion of consumers wore not much In lerruptid. The mining operations In Hie Schuylkill region, without sny special ef. fort to make the output largo, wcra quite full, tho miners there continuing to work more generally than In theccal regions far ther north. The Welsh, eccupicd mro gancrslly in the Wyoming region, being more clanlsh, wero numerous in their at tendatico en the festivities of tho Bl Cu tstinial. The voluntary action of tho miners, In keeping up a full supply of cual, Is what the operators most desired, becauso the ad vantage of largest production is juilnow do sired and becauso the demand for cvel is very olamorous. It is cow 'daily mora cer tain that Ihero will not be any excess In the supply of cnal, nor Is it likely that there will be o short supply. Thero will be coal enough, but no surplus is indicated to bring down tho prices. The trade is now quiet, uud thero is little -or 1,0 buying of owl on speculation. November prices for coal will not bo obouged. Tho AfiKCis' Journat says there is an improvement in the demand far the stove sizes, oud.all other sizes aro In goixl request. The stocks in first hands aro light, ami the orders are fully equal lo the production. Thero is sonie talk about an advance of prices in November, but at tho present timo nothing lias been determined upon. If there could bo an advanra made only upon tho best grades of cut I thero would bo litllo oppiailion on the psrlof purchtsers.but on advance U'llally lucludea all the qualities, and thero is u very tial'ir al objection to paying the price fur an in diirerentarticIoih.it is only demanded for a superior. Il is, in fact, impossible lo ob tain il, aad henco Iho cutting ef circular rates scv much complained of. Wheu the circular prices are fixed according to tho quality aa well oa siz4 of coal there will be less cutting and less of tho donioralieation that exists in the trado during dull sea sons. Tho jLAQtMcriiiq aad Muting Journal says: "The only thing that is checkiug trade is the warm weather, and all engaged In the business are anxiously awaiting the first cold snap, which, it is aopcd,will csrry iho trado out of itprcsent condition uf ab solute quiet ude.Theio is a scry largo ton nage moying In fact so Urge Ihatmany well posted In the trade r.ro at a loss lo ex plain how It U thai, notwithstanding the heavy movement, there is so ycry little cup rent business." The total tonnage of anthracite coal frem ill the regions for,the week ei.ding Oct. 21, as reported by the several carrying compan ies, amounted to 702,077 Ions, ugainst C-llr 638 tons lu the crresuding week last yenr.an iucreaeo of 71,2r.9 tons. The total amount ol anthracite luiued for tho year is 22,904,317 tons, against 22,131,241 tin. a for the same period last year, a increase of 778,- 07.1 ions. For tho week ending ontlia 2BIU lost., 115,037 tons of coal was trans orled over tho L V. HU., making u total ot 5,(,18,600 Ions to that date, and showing a deeiease ol 3 -7.1.1 as compared with same time last year. For tho week ending October 20th, there wero inr.jOSC tons of coal ah ipp-id over tha L k S. UR., making a trial to dale uf3,- riiltjitl tons, an increase as compared to same tfmo last year at 4j,U47 tons. 'The Tailor Malos tlio ITen." Since the tailor makes tho man, It must bo evident to the meet ensy-goiug mind that the bct tailor makes the bei-l man. rius, of courw, must bo lokcn with limit- ntious. However, it is a fact uduiiltcd by all, that as man must have clclhing be might as well Lavo it to lit lnm neatly and nndt- in becoming slvle as to have it dis guise him aguinst ail recognition by his friends, as it loo frequently does For the purjxise then of having tli-lr patrons praise them bccaue of their becoming aupoarsncc and wcll-uiadn garments, I'lauis I Bro,tbe popular merchant tulbrs, of Lebighton, make a ijilil to gi7c their customers per fect f'.ls and garment well an! artistically made Artist in clothing themselves, they aro satisfied only wheu their patrons arc satisfied, and their purpose is locome as ne ar perfection as can be. The stock of fall and winter goods is very large, larger than most merchant tailoring establishments carry, and much larger than can bo fouud in any of thetalb'rijg clores, and boiug gentlamen of taste the ty!o ol their goods is a prime consideration with them. In ad dition to their immense slock of merchant tailoring goods they havoa full line of boots, shoes, hats, caps, aud gentlemen's furnish ing goods, to which they invito tho atten tion of their patrons and thopublic. Prices fully u3 low ba the same articles cau be got anywhere in the State. rPllblllhsd hv Ttnoeeat 1 Questions' Tropoiod to the rrehibiticnistl. bono lo then 4& publishing houses doing this wmk. U lilt consistent to odvoeato temperance! ! ,,, ,,. ..t,ttnr a Inrfat principles sni on the daycf elsotlon deposit' a.. ...,.'.. lt. ..ii.t" a vole for a liquor seller, becauso he, was , , ,. ., noulnalnJ henna e.r ih.ir,n .ee..t nnliilr.t worus oi iiiauin van uuren mo nncoi partlaa t a. Is It consistent to advocate tcm pcranoo principles, and not protest against the nomtnatten and eleetlon of liquor men for our publio oGIccst . Do tho politicians who advocate (for policy's sake) the foolish nonsense of agitating tho tetnperanco que Hon by moral and gospel tulh only wlthont a change of oxlstlng laws lleonslng and pro tecting the trade-deal In tho tauie nny with olhor crtruos not doing one-thousandth part of the harm dona by the liquor trafno? Why do not these advocates ef moral snaiton only talk morality and goips I to the murderer, tho horn thtef aad highway rebbar. Instead of prahlbltlng and sorcrcly punishing these crimes Wy law 7 sse Prev. xxill., 31. 4. Ii:d tho tliuU k ti tl t sa men who ear, "only ketp this quattlanont ot politics," erer ice tha day when It was net In politics controlling It as a mighty fores? t. Do too. pray fcr tho ad. vanctment of tha cause cf temprrineo and prohibition, every day, as earnestly ai you work fer ft? 0. Do you itippcse It would be consistent to pray for the prohflttlen of the trafflcln Intoxicants, and not work as earn estly as you pray ? 7. Weald It t,e consistent lo piay for tomperaneo anil vota for and with a llqnur Hotels party"! see Uir. x II. t Doyau sopiosethat tarn who roallse hund. reds of dollars annually from a party In paw. r aad fear that thiy may",lo both cfSca and itienuy bynot Stlctfna; to that partj, will do anything but oppose the prohibition pnit? . Do yea suppose that cili" holdeis, like will Join a small and Jesplscd party nesday, al took plueo at Big Creek on Wednesday,' Miss Sellers, of WimUor Custlo, and the formor rtsideuee of her husband. Two freight trains ran into each other Wndnes.lay, at a crossing in Sji-.iiitou, und 25 cars were thrown from the track and an (iigiuo was smashed. John Glynn, watch man, was killed and several train hnn.ls ware injure!. The disaster is said to buve been caused by Glynn's negligence. Dr. J. A. Muver. the uraolleil Surzcon Dentist, of Broadway, Muuc.li Chunk, has had a practice ofnvcr 20 yoars.und is prob ably the oldest resident dentist in tills val lay. The Dr's work speaks for Itself, and th fact that all i-rlt'cul work in tho lezlon is civen to him Is a sufficient guarantea of -" . n....,:. his siunor auiiu Democrats wilj do well ta ayoid de(Ki. illug a county ticket furniakod by J. 1!. Dimmick, a self-nomiualed .-andidate fer Jury Commissioner In the ballet box. Thero il no name thereon for Congressman at Large, and every one of them voted will bo a vote lost to Mortimer I- EHi t'hc Pemo. cratic r.omlnco Miss Grccuawall, of Itcadiim, tw.it-ctimab!u ladles wero the guests of Miss E.iima Itelier nvcr Sunday. Uu .Mtinduy thuy rclurued to their rtapectivc hoiues. Ml.s EUu Snyder is off on a vi.it lo Coahtale. Th Wolssport drug stnro has changed haudi. Tlio Horn Bros., have bought tho rights and claims of Uaiiaher Zcrn S. F. Minnick, tho Stalnart candidate for the Legislature, wjs in town Monday, looking up his chances. Tho Franklin township school board has made a good nd splendid movo in adopting aud twuring a uniform series o text books. The credit is duo to W. C. WIis one of the slcunihest and firmest frleuds of i our publio cehool system. It stouhl In a I God 'a bleating if mcio such inrii wcro echeol directors throughout the county. Alu.v. Resolutions of Couioleuco Wucukas, Gial, in la las Infinite wisdom has been pb'used to remove from our inidat by death our respected fnsud and lellow- teacher, Fanuio S Hottcnstain, who, by her untiring lab'ir ami trl.ft Uevotiou In the- cause of education, and bv uer kind and gentle disposition, has won the Irien lshi and aumiraiion ot iter puii'is ana tallow leacliera iu tlio anort limn slio lias betn umaiizus, therefore, ho it Uea'dved, fW, iliat while wo rro.;niru the liand of Our Heavenlv Father iu her death, and numbly bow In sutiinlseiou lo ilia will, yet wu deeply mourn the loss ot oue so vnuuz. so full of gentleness aud kindness, uud so successful and full id priiuiiio-rar the future. accond. That in uer ruiiioval we rcalitu that ne lose a cenial comiiunioii.aii earnest co-laborer iu iho wuik of education and ouo whoso self fscnfii'inc diasition and strict adberaneo to tho riglit won the aduiirition of all who knew her. JYiierf, That wo lender to her bereaved aud afllloled family oni hearilelt sympathy lu Ibis hour of i,fil. c ion and distress. jhurih, That wo wear a badgo of maurn ll. ' lor lluriv duya in token ut our respect ami adiiiiiuiioii of nur departed friend and Ic.nov ttaener. J'iflh, Thai a copy of there resolutions be. sent to her sorrowing family and tint they be puiiiitlicl in too Uat nose Anvi catt. like Iho piohlliltlrnl-ts, or that such o.Tlra holder nlll fall to do what he con to sup) rest the prohibition roorcment? 10. De you know (hat unprincipled men men who care more for party nnue than fr prlncli le and right are the principal epposcrs of prohibition ? II. Do you know that !gto-ance;is tho princi pal Ingredient In the opposition to piohlbl lloa, aud tho ureal thing necessary to get prohibitory Una ts the'edueatlun of the poo phi and the political leaders on the subject of lutouiptrance, aud the cost ef crime, litiga tion, pauperism, Insanity, and consequent blah taxation arlslmr therefrom 7 seo John III. , 19. U. When the Kepubtlcan party went Into power loartoon Matrs had prohibitory laws, while only thiee Males bad prohibitory lavts in 1SSI. What (Treat party repealed tho laws In the other elaveuj.jtates ? 18. Isnot tills same party culled by antl-prohlltltonlsts tho "temperance party," and Is It not veryf?) eonslstoatly so uamod ? 14. Hat o not Ihet 0 great parties for a numbar ol years been vei j largely, If not altogether, contiolled by the liquor men ? IS. Daro the Itepubltoan or tho Democratic party tako a firm stand in favor of lemperanso and the suppression of the traffic without cutting off their una heads 7 see Mark III., ti. 18. Dare Bobt. TS. rattlsen or .Tames A. Beaver open their mouths In fa vor of lemperanco and prohibition, without losing thousands ofj votes and eonirnlttlng political suicide? 17. If the two great part ies aad their leaders dare not take a firm stand on temperance and prohibition, what can be expected by remaining In cither of them to the exclusion of others? see S Cor. Tl., 17. II. Do yoa not know that we would bare bad Constitutional amendment, not only In law but In fact,ln State and Nation long ago If It were not tbat both of th4 grCat polltles.1 partus aro bound hand and foot by the liquor IrafCc sso Mark 111., 2.1. 19. Do you know that tho Uepubllcan as well al the Democratic party Is dependent upon tho li quor traffic for iltallty and existence ? iO. Will you rather sacrlflco yuur convictions than your liquor license aud liquor protective party 1 sea Josh, ixlv , 5. at. Why do not the liquor men aot as feollsh as Iho temper ance men (?) by fcrmtcganen party called the llqaor party? 12. Did you over consider what a terrible effect the ballots cf prohlbf. tlonists must have oa Iho couiinon tnomy while temptranco incu are equally dlttdod belweeu the two parlies, and sland toting against eacb other? seo Katt. ill., 2S. 2-1, Do you know that the boer brewsrs act more wise than the majority of tesiperai.oo men In 167, tlio tT. S. Brewers' Ass elation, met at Cincinnati, and adopted the folluwlns : Htinlveil. That politicians favoring- r.rolil bftory enactments, rho offer themselves as canuiiiaics lor oinee. i everywncro strenu ously opposed, anj the more so If it he found mas nieir roisouai jiaous no not cen orm with their publio profession. seo Luke xvltu cnap , sin crsc. It. Do ycu knew that cao vote In favor of prqhlUtlon will do more good for the came of temperance and righteousness, than 1000 votes with the Republican and Democratic parties? ti Do you know that the Devil Is theuost earnest opposeref the prohibition party although ha has many scents, and that every liquor seller In the land hates one solid prohibition veto more than a hundred thousand In tho two treat liquor license and liquor protective parties ? Txct. There isa tide in the affairs of man Which, taken at the flood, leads onto for tune. Tho opposing counsel, ax-Judge Cele,sly ly interjected tho remark thai he never would have supposed Van Buren guilty of plagiarizing Byron. Tho two enrsmen, Messrs. BomccI and Ferrari, who starts! nut from Rome to row II the way to Patla Id an oii'trl(ger,riara ar rived sifely at their destination, net, how ever, without meeting with adventures and mishaps on the way. The Journey has occupied jun three months. They prtceeded by way of the Msditerr.ituti Sea, tho river Rhone, the Sacao, aad thence through the Beurgnrno into the Seine. tome lime after the rranco-Prnsslsn war,Dc(alll. painted a baltlu pieco In which a few Prtia'ian prisoners figured conspicu ously. He shewed II to Marshal MarMa heu, who after twisting his meustaehe. raid in a sad ttrain, "Ah, t, we niede about a dozen prisoners during Ilia war, aad they aro all there." Delallle felt perple-xcd. "Whutean I do" ha asked. "Well," re plied MacMahun, smiling mournfully "lake my advite, charge their aationalhy, and make Auttrinns ut them. The thrco evangelical doctrines (hat ought to bo insisted upon ss conditional to the crdimttii.n or installation of a paster, as slated by tho Kcv. Edwards A. Park to tha Boston Congregational ministers, and ap parently approrcd by them, aro that the tlihla la perfectly trustworthy as a religious (tilde; that the atonement ef Christ Is n sacrificial ad, ii (luenoiiig (be mind of Gail at well at ainm is. and thai this is the only world of probaliuu, the dilute world being oue of pitnishmtat fer those who die Im penitent. At the Fan and Laco Exhibilon now being held tt the Asjourium in Brighten, England, is olionn n msgnificent antiquo rose- Venetian point fjoitnro, which meas ures uvr six(ynr,la iu Ii ug'.h, aad ts nca ly three quarleia of a yard jvnle. It is ill apleudid condition, aad its value is estimat ed nl ovtr 1, CCD guineas; it is believed to bo the finest specimen of this Isce ia the world, csnainty tho best in Europe. It ha9 been heavily insured while vtx view. TbediK-iriue Isabel! by a few Poliih Jews that a f,ocd man may sell his claim upon heaven. This belief is based on the Rabbineial proverb, '.'Good dsedj buy the future world," which is interpreted by mesi Jens to mean that by doing good one may secure for himself happy immortality. Har ris Udovitch of Troy bargained to buy Louis Coheu'a heavenly claim for $160, but Cohen backed out of the agrecmeul, and the result was a fracas which sciil,Udcvitch to jail. HKW AnVCItTISKMICSTS. To Whom it may Concern. All persons are hereby forbid meddling with two Dark Mules, two Hell of Harness, one r,uekliard, ona Farm Wagon nnd off Plow loaned by tho iindrislgiiexl to J. Satn'l Hawk, of East Ponti Township, Carbon Couulv, l'a.. i s tho same is mv properly. '.Mm. RSt)E('('A IIEVFKLFINOER, Penn Forest Twp., Pa, Sept. 3,1 S83 w.1 Special to the Ladies! A Special Invitation Is extended to the Lad. fca of Iiehtgliton and surrounding neighbor hood to call and examine, tho Immense stock ot TALL AND WIIsTBR em kiks1s just rtnuEivr.D at E. H. SNYDER'S !M-st, LeliilitOB, Pa omprlr Ins all the latest novelties In Black and Colored Silks, Yelvvtr, Plaids, Cash meres, Merges, all-Wool Suitings, Urlnir hams. I'cfr.ts, fce. Also, a fall line of nhirikctf.Pomestics.fihaitls.Musllns, HWTIONa, THIMMINOS, fco all of which he Is ollcrlnx; at very I.onsst Friers. A nlee line of Silvor-rluted Waro, Do call and sec It. My stock of GROCEfllES, PROVISIONS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, aut:r.NhWAt:i:,;oi,.i.swAitj:, c, is full a'ol complete. Cheap as the Cheapest, and (Joel as the Ucst. eept.4-yl T. A. Snyder, ILiltio !j Knons, Cora M. L. Pthoads, Belle Kmli.iuni, Laura V. Holl'ord, Aasie Huuk, Annie acwell. Teachers of the Leliighton Scliools.' Miraculous Escape of Mlneri. On Thursday morning, 2!th till., at Pack er No. it Colliery of tha Lehigh Vallsy Coal Company, near Bhinaiidoah, five minors named Peter, James and Henry Bheeta. Timothy Keynoid3 and Hubert Honna.were imprisoned iu the mine by the .breaking in of the water at the fane of the tunnel. They were taken out alive mi Filday morning. Oro of them tells the following story : "Whon Peter Shectz tho sldar of tho Bheolz brolhers,a practical and experienced miner. look in tlio situation after tho fall of coal and rock, ho began exploring tho surround ings and coutiuued for many hours. Ac companied by his brother Henry, ihey u tered au old breast, uu which they climbed, liable at auy moment to lose their hold and bo dashed to pieces. Their lives, as well as that of their compaaions, whom they loft behind, deluded on Ibis undertaking and thoy moyed '.'pnard heedless ol the danger. At 5o'olock Friday morning they reached wnat is caued 'the mud drill," an upper level from whoro thoy were entombed, They soon reached the miners, who were working like Trojans ll night tocfluctlheir r-'liase. Ladders were quickly procured, and eight or ten men, headed by the Sheelz brothoia started hack after their coin pan ioni, the ladders were roped together until the mou were reached. Their escape is al most miraculous aud is entirely duo ti the knowledge and courage uf Peler Sheets and his btother." Soligions Notice. Itov. ti. L. Wiest, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Corresondlng Secretary e.f tho Missionary' Society of the Evangelical Association, will preach in the Lchightou Erangelical church .next Sunday morning. Ho will also od dress the Sunday svhool at I;!0 p.m., on the tuljecl of "Miasionory Work in Jajuu." lie has a number of little idols lent him from Japan which he will exhibit to tho school. In the evening there will lo preach Vannor and the Weather. November half fair, half alormy) brief spell of Indian summer. December snewy, stormy and net aad cold, according lo lo calily ; ycry stormy on Atlantic (similar to lrsSl); Unusual rain-fall iu J-'cw York und Middle States, isa board section, November and December. One very cold term in Do camber (fore part) likely to be generally fait. Tho winter of IKS 1S3 will bo the reverse ef "quiet." February will be Ike finest month, oltar the first ten days. March will havo its blow aud blualcr tbo wroDg end. X.V THIS rOt'KT OF COMMON J'Ij;,U1 . r lhv Coutily of Carbon. Octrte: Term, 18S2, Ho. 7 In EiTprce. Ellcti Jano Painter r. Geo. F. Tainler. To GEO. F. PAIJfTEft, Edponitnt, SIP.: Tou are hereby notified that the undersigned has heen appointed by tbo Court ot Common Pleas of Carbon County a Commissioner, lo take the testimony cf wit nesses in the abntc named I'roceeiltncs in Divorce, and that be will meet for the pur ie;es ef his appointment all parties con cerned on tha I. 1th day of November, A. D. IHSZ, at 9 o ctocK a. in., at nis oiticc, in in Borough ef Mauch Chunk, County of Car bon, Tenn'a, when and where you are re quested to attend with your witucssea. L. II. HARDER, Commissioner. October JI,18fJ-w4 Bow Sho Bavod her Darling-. "I shall not feel s netveus again about baby's toothing," writes a g'ateful mother. We almost lost our darling frcm cholera infantum, but happily heard ol Parker's Ginger Tonic in tune. A lew traspoonfula cured baby, and an oceisieaal dose keeps us in good health." Brooklyn Mother. T-JEl'OKT OF THE C0KMTI0X .V the FIP.STNATIO.VAIi HANK, at Lihktiten, In th State of Penu8lvaiils,at lba sfose or business, Oct. 3rd, 1852 : asbosacss. Loses and discounts. ...... igs.oSd.i? Overdraft . . . S4o.n0 y. Iloiida to seeure etrcutaiten . . .ft.ricii.ro) Other stocks, bonds, and m-irtesjees. . 102 0 00 Due from af prcvpii reserve agents . K.sift On Una from other Nstloeal Pauka , . . Doe from State Ranks and Flankers, . 343.89 Itesl estate, furniture and fixtures. . 8,472.21 liurrent expenses and taxes paid . 1,016 27 l'romlains fa Id 12.S00.48 l'lie.'ks mid i-tbor ensh Itema . . . 1,033.43 hills of other Pank 6,1)0000 Kractlmat papereorrcney, nickels, apd pennies, -aai.ua im'le 6.232.3J Leir-sl tender nrtr 4Q0J.OO ItoJfinl.llon Kund wit), U.S. Treasu. rj (5 per ceat. cr circulation) . 3,3.0.00 Wc have tl scholarship for the Williamsport Commercial College, which we will dig' noso of tit a discount. A ijood opportunity lor a young man desirous of takinjr a husincss. course. Apply at this office, nAi:nti:i). LEAKE AULT.-At tho residoneo of M John Allen, Coplay, Lahigh county, Pa Thursday, October 261b, by the lUv. James A. Little. Hugh Leake, of lloktn daurjua, to SavauDa Ault, of Catasuuqua. IUKU. ISRAEL. At Beaver Meadew, Thursday Oct. Jolbi Sophia, daughter of Frederick Israel, aged 7 years, 7 months and ID days. BT0CK MARKET. Closing prices of De Haven k Townsend Bankers. Ho, Seuth Third Street. Phil adelphia. Stocks bought and sold eithei lor cash or en margin. FMladtlpfaa, November 2, lt.12, bid asked U BJ'a.Elt 1023 102 U S Currency 6's 132 US Si's Ext. 1011 U 8 J, ew 113, 1IJ u a 4's nt'i Pennsylvania K K 6J Pliiledelihia A Reading K R :rj Lehigh Yallev U U 65 Lehigh Coal A Navigation Co il j united xi J lint Canal Co l."J Jr-Dresj tswdi at Snsjet's. Fall and Viatw Styloi. Our cenllcmen readers will no doubt le pleased In learn that 11. II. Peters, tho pe-p-1 Ing lu theasmo church by the pastor, Hey, war merclianl tailor, at (he r, st-idlire, is w. C, Wieand, subject: "Intemperance and (--IK, ru w II- mni.liui 1 nib .f nlf.tl,- I - 1 etaaaimeres and all wool suitings for the tall aud winter trade, and tbat I o Is fully pre pared to muko up those goods in the moat fashionable and tasteful manner, at prices wnleh cannot be disputed. IUmemberer fect fits and low prices, is his motto. Call a inspect goods, Election Tucidiy next, lib. iust. its Remedy or. Our Duty utxt Tuesday. All are cordially invited lo attend. The contract for the building ol a new depot for tho Lehigh Valley ltailroad Com piny at Ferudale, has been awarded to Mr, Cain Semmels. Work cn the lame has al ready been bejuu, OENEEAL. Tho Rallwsy Benevolent Association has dendrd to erect a railrond hospital nl Miles City. Mis Mullio Welles is slumping Henry County, Iowa, us Republican noniinte for Recorder. All the English counties except Corn- rta'l, CiimlrhiDil and Lancashire hate less i.o stock than iluy had lliirtcen years ago. The best srtitt on Iho piano in Chicago i sa'd lo he the ycuug lady w ho can knock out the ibsftumbitt in the fewest rounds. Sho can do it in ono. At a steiingrai hlo exhibition in Taris twenty four different systems ofihorl-hai'd are on view. Amongnthercuriiiliea,thc e isa piisluard containing 14,000 words. Bismarck has just got his forty fifth decoration Japanese while (ilads'ora 1. a not a single one. So diflereiit Is it lei be head of affairs in Gsrmuny ard in England. The eldest 6on of Mr. P.csiiilhol.bauker of Bucharest, blew cut his brains because ho thought ho had )otl$l,'iflO o hia father's. Four day's later his n other found the inoc ay in the lining of his coat, Tho Einporcr e,f B aril has granted a pension from his pilsatepirseto theyoung pianist Cnilos do Mcsiiulls to enable him to pursuo hia inhsicel studies in Europe. Thero aro now oyer thirly petiaii ncrs In Europe studying at the Emperor's expense. -A levuliarity of the Wilmington, Wrlghlsvllle, and Onslow Coast Jisllr-ad Cimpany In North Carolina ia tbi.t it is owned by colored men, and will be opera ted exclusively by tl.em. H. y. Miitlo.cn enterprising colored man of Wiliiiingtvn, ia the manager. Tho ticket of learo system Is to ho in- troduced at tho Michigan Stato Reform school for girls, at Ad-ian.' Girls who h.ivo' made good recoids will hereafttr be released on paiolo and go out to service. A portion of their wages will bo placed lo their credit, and if they bohavo well they will be dls charged. At a Duddhist meeting held lately at Japan, ono ol the speakers said i "Of late the progress madohy Christianity has been marvelous, aud may be compare! to a firo sweeping over a plalu, which constantly increases lu power." Anti-Christian lilera- ture Is in such Xorthern Central II R Co.. Heslonville Psss. It K C Duff. Pittsburg t We-sl. P. It Co.. Central Transportation Cn Northern Pacific Com " rrefd North Pcnnsvlvania R It Philadelphia A Erie U II Silver, (Trades)., iT 17 20 Si H 02 Ml 21 88 621 2D 65 42 Iff! 6T4 IS 30J 3 mi 6S 21 til LEKIOHT0N RETAIL MAKKETJ. OoaastCTsn Waixi.v. Flour persacK IS 49 Flour tNirn, purhushsl Oats, per bushel. MlnJ Chop, per ewt. Middllnets, per cvt... elorn Clip Krsu, per ewt t'.atter.per pound... . Kltis, per dosen Haiu, per pound I. ard. per pound s-ucuMers, per pound. Potatoes, per bushel t V5 at tt l to 1 70 1 5 1 CO 30 St IS IS It CO SI'LCUL XCTJITS. A CARD. To all who are snftotlng from the orrori and inuiscronena oi youin. nervous weaancss, early decay, loss of manhood. o . 1 will send recipe mat win cure leu. i iir;t; tir IIHAKUt;. Ill's creat remeitr was it seer. crcd by a mlssiomrr InSoaih America, Acini a self.a.ldressrd cm slope to the It kv. J ultra '. 1SBA.1. siatti.n 1), How lor City, aag. is. ly. PIMPLES. t will mall (Free) '.he reclne foraslmnl VKliin'AUl.H II.U.M that will remove TAN, VltHUKI.ES, I'HII'bKti and ni.t) runts, itavina iiieskiusuie. cicar ar.u bcautllul; also Instrnetlons fur pr,iuclnsr a luiarlaut growth ot lialr on a l aid head or sruootn lace. Ati.irvsa inclosing .m. si-iiiij l.l.N, VAM'tl.t, 1.' IJarclay w 1 mar. 2l-, TO CONsSUMPTlVES. 1 ho Milvrrtlrer hartnir lorn nerui;itt nt! eurtil of that dreiitl i1U(,jc. (Joiiiutni.tlou. 1, tt ilmitle nnictly. li nnxluus tu mate KDinn to lil fellow iuirrori iho nirani of cure, lo all vrlioilelro It, lie nlll nn-t coy of lliw trrtlt.rii (or nruiiarlni; nml nilcit the Mini-. wlifrli Ihcy nlll nivl h into (31'IU; for TU. MA. UHU.MJtliriS. he. rartltn wlilili'R I lie lrcicrlptton.wllI j-lonrc ElVRORS OF YOUTH. UESTI.EMAN who suffered fer years s- from Nervous IlKlllI.lTY. 1'ltH.llA. TIIUK DKOAY. and all Iheerfeetaol v.oilh fu. Indiscretion, will for tha sake of sutferlns humanity, send free to alt who need It, the reel ne and direction for roaktns: the sluude reioedv bv which he was currd. Sutlcrcrs siisame 10 prom dv me auvernsers exneri. demand In 1m,iu ii,i in 1 ence can do so by addreaalmr In nerlacteon. . ' 1 - 1 ,. i - , 1 1 r x- ,, n. , ,i Luckuow and Cawuix,ru there are said to 1 mer.ia.yl U Oodar Si. New Yai'fc Tolal Capital sleek paid In ;urr'os iiina ......... UiiJivlileil rreflls .Natl mil llai.k notes on'.standmg lml.trii.1. l.'lHnM tiiJlTMud ifeKilta subject to cheek. Una lo other .National Uanks . . . tl,4:s.2a . tTS.'OOCO SltjUISl . 6,745.18 . C7.Mo.00 I.S'i oil . 62 "J i0 . '.','.'60 49 Total nn.iCD.u stale ot rtmityleanta. County of Carbon, tu I. W. H ltotftnan. Cashier r,f the abeTe-r.amed bank, do s.emiily swear thtt the above statement ta traa to the beat of my HiiiiwIcO'ie and belief. vt, vv. uuv jiAn,i;asDier. SuWcrlbedand aworu t-eforemo thla 0th dayo! (lot. IbS2. Tlios. s. ni:cK, notary i-uunc. ferrect Attest: Thos. Keuiercr, II. F. Hof- ford and A.J. Durllm, Directors. Oct. St, 1163. E. I. J. PAETZEL, DEALEB Uf Tints and Taps, Umbrellas Satchels, Trunks, Gloves, 39 Market Squarcj MAUCK CHUNK, T'enn'a. ?Jay 20, 192. Saewls Weiss., BANK RTEEET, first store above Iron, sails attentiou to his now aud fash ionable fleck IX! O 9 03 O O y r now Tliat Brovn3 ikots BrrrERii will cure the worst case of dyspepsia; Will insure a hearty appetilti and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of lik; Dispels nervous' depression and low spirits; Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus-' tenancc for her childc Strengthens the muscles and: nervcs,enrichcs the blood; Overcomes weakness,wak?i fulness, and lack of energy Keeps oiT all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison; Will infuse with new the weakest invalid. life 37 Walker St., Baltimore. Dec. 183'; For lx year I hare been a crest lutTerer from Blood Disease. uy epiafand Const! pa tlon.and became o debilitated that I could notrctala Anything on my itomach. In fact life had almost become a burden. Finally , when hope had almost left top, my husband seeing Brown iron hitters ftdvcrtisea in tho paper, induced me to give it a trlaU I am now taking the third bottle and have not felt to well In tlx yeats aa I do at the present time. Mrs.L. F. Gaxmic Brown's Iron Bitters wilt have a better tonic effect upon any one whd needs "bracing up' thari any medicine made, Dauiutirs.Wifis.Mliors! - a-j. , VwV Y1 iTa i Ta. UTCCA. H. Y. DiscovBRKit of "Da. liAncrasra ftFasiiivE dm ras vmit comfuists. This remedy will act In IitirmouT TrttU tlie Fiv! male sjrttia at nil times, end also Immediately upon tha abdominal ana ut:nna mrtsciss, snare' store them to a healthy ami atroDe condition. Dr. Msrchlsl'e Uterine Cstliollcoa will cure fan Ins of tho womb, Leuenrrhxa, Chronic Inflsmme Hon end Ulceration ct tue Womb, Incidental Hemorrliaje or Flooding, Talnfiil, Suppressed and Irregular Kenstrnatlon, Ktdney Complaint, Barrenness ftndls cspeclallv adapted to tho chan of Lite. Send for pinphl-t free. JHltteraof Inquiry freel answered. Address as above. For" silo bralldrotrirlsts. Nowlr.e Jil prrbattln,' Oldalze 81.0O. lH Bitre nnd aslc lor Br. Hai chisl's Uterine Cathollcoo. Talcanootlw For Ealo by A. J. Dut lnfi, DrtiEglsl, Ii h'shton, Ta. miyjO-yl. I'Anjiiirw and s-Annciui ona , Dufioif Wie i-oll KTfl Winters t or tuixttrulxri. atldreUl AViEHTS Wantod feJWitSS ikDrrhirrlert eret uri.rUUUl0 UIUIUV kw n prket ielHj(riiiirJTti7liicjIJbrmlttrti aBrmtsUj. biirrtUva MU-iAti, FouitU St., PAllftUelubi. r na aro reaping ohr' vest EelUns our tIUh.H nuann Cefafu I emnrl (i MlliilCII IUCCll ooiei uiiiJ .iand other household artlclesi !l Thnhwl rlltnfr articles ever DUG 53Sf on tho market. For Nnmplesl tf-3 w and 'i'cruin, address tho CLIPPER M'F'Q CO;, .00 Wnlniit Street, Cincinnati. O. ni A si ta r a & HAIVSLIN All of which he Is Selling at VEKY LOW EST CASK TRICES. 4ir- An Ininc.-tlon tnvlicd and satisfaction gnarantced In all custs. nr-OI,lNTON llItETNKV.IasliIonaMo IllrU Hoot nnJ .Silent JU AKEn, Uank fit.) l.chlKhton. All stork uarrauted. i .rn r.rt.tnlvhf at. liftvlnehef n fd elecreeil atcveryGrentWorld's) ' Industrial Competition for Sixteen Years I no other Annriuin oriearis haxinbccn found eoual at any. Also Cnfapeat. Myle loa i SJiortavcs ; autllclent compass and power, with best quality, for popular aaeml and aerutar Iyuy In schools or families, at enlr S8. selsundjrwl otlier elylee tOi,i7, M.Vt, T8,ra. Stew, IDS J. IMWandup. lis frrrl'rseoH.HeaWlS eMrarM. Afso tor easy payments, ew lllua. tratrd Ta'aloirtia frrp. Tlee SIASON & HAMLIN Orcnn anil IManrt Cli., lit Ircmont Si..lto(on ; set E. nth it.,2w York ; ll'j aliaaU Ave., Chicago. pn Splendid Jovcnile paper. 2 Chromoe lj R H I" 8 ry subeillr. Aicenln make Innra IT 11 Ba ia iay. Address, Tus Cm, Wadswortn, IK AffCuUTVantod. TboCulmlnatlncTrlnmplt BOW to LIVE? AfompletaCycIepc-tlaof lmisehnit k-nntrdirefo-tVie' masscainow ready. KqllilnsrllUnlJl SJolnBtrutJ lair priced. lllu.lraun, imi iiiioltHl In autlior;lil. 8cid lor Tres uotlres aud toil particulars now, Octn. aud Instruction how to sell, free lo actual a? enti. (ue. cess knaran'ecd faithful worker" Mate-.tieelence, if any. Slid territory desired. W. If. TlionapMnJ I'ubltaUcr, (01 Arch Street, i'htladelphla, fa. Tlis Awta Aiitipiiaii ORIENTAL JOURNAL ! j l'ublishe.1 by Jaursose .V Moksk, Chlcaeii, III. $3 per year. IMIted by Stkc jikx 1). l'SKT, itevnteil to Classic.ll, Oriental JJu ropao and Araericau Arclirojbjy. Il lustratol. This Jonrnal tjWes Inf.irmation ouillscover. lei anl explorations in all lau.te, nti.I IsTer volUnlilo tn those who uro foll'iMrltig Ant. .qitarisa sdljicts as well as tu the common I eaJer. r pr8-tt KM TfltRfaAWilS 3 INDIAN BLOOD SYHtJP Cures all dlsoases of tho Stomaoh, Liver, Bow-' ola, Kidnoya, Skin and Blood. Millions testi-1 ty to it9 efficacy In healing tho above named Jj dlseaaes, and pronounoe it to be tlio Trade Hart, hest remedy known to man. Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia. OA GEN T S W A N T E DJ Laboratory 77 "West 3d St., New York City, Druggists sell its LYKUNS, lucrum Cfi., Pa. Dii. Olauk JoutiaoNi My body was literally eoverevl with Tetter, for whleh I coufj g't no relief until I tools your tNUiAV ULOUtJ S ynut'a which b efTeotually cured lae, I recommend It highly, ENOOH UEKOKH.
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