- fat'MjiljlljlJIlM"i "" "."j Advertising Rates. Wo deslro It to be distinctly understood lhat no advertisements will lo Inserted In lh columns of This Cahboh Adtooat that may be received from , unknown parties or firms unloss accompanied by the c.bii. The following are our oiar torrast art BQ.UAB.I (10 LIJS3), One yoar, each insertion. .... JO et. Bix monUis, each insertion 15 cts. Three months, each Insertion 30 cts. Less than three months, first Insertion $1 j each subsequent lnsortlon 25 cts. Local noticos 10 cents per lir.e. II. V. MORT1III.1ER, Publisher. ' '' OARD3( Attorneys. mr k. hapsiier, ATTORNEY AND COUNSCLLOR AT LAW, BAIIl8lIST,ttaISET0,PAi k.eiS.tt.ndC.llMtlon Af.oeT W"1"""! 1.11 aual BsUU. Convayamini! fleitljr don. Col Kl.nl' proaV"T ma'.. 8.H1UB f . spMi.tty. M.y b..oW In Knll.h aaO.rm.n. W. H. DO0LITTt.lt. B. H. TVAI1HER (Late Assistant Com'r of Tatents.) B. H. WARHEft & CO., Attorneys at Lawi Waemkr Uoildiico, WASHINOTON, D. O. Attention Riven to Patent and Mining cases, Lands, PeSslons, Bounties, and Government ilalms. Attention prompt, charges moderate. Address with stamp, itcler to Members of 0n"r"s and the Heads of Government De partments, dee. 10, mi o Physicians and Dentists. -TTT A. DEUILVMEB, M ' PHYSICIAN AND BCRG EON Sstolal attention paid to Chronlo Dll.dSes. Oltl.a: South Bast oornar iron and 2ndst.,I,o bljblon.Pa. April 3,1810. -JSq- b. RCIIEU, M. q. U. 9 UxnmllitilB Surgeon, MIACTICIMH PHYSIUIAN and SU ItOKbN. OarioK llaufc Street, HEUB'a ULOCK, Lehigh. '"jiay'bo consulted In tho Oorm m Language. Nov. )". "W. A. Cortrisht, D.D.S., bFFICE: Opposite the "unwdwuy House," Mauch Chunk) Pa. Patients havo the bcnollt of the latest lm. urov.mcou In moi'hanlial appliances and tho best methods or treatment In all surulcal b.i.s. NITKOUS-OXUIK administered if SMlred. If posMUo, persons rcsldlng outslile bf Mauch Chunk, bhuuld make cngaiji-inents by mall. J " I CON VETANURK, AWD 6SHSR&.I. INSURANCE AGENT Ytd UHowlnjt Ooipanloi are TpieAntodi IlKHAh )N KUrUALTIBB, RSAIIIHO UUTUAL KlllB, VYOUIMt k'lUC, POlTeJVIJ.I.B FIRE. . . I.ltnlOll FIRE, end HinTJtAV BLnr.e. ACCIDGMY ikbUU.IKOK, A Ib. p,erlvanl and Mntual lldrio Tlilcf eteeuvoano m.niajMj.n.i.u.. h HOUSE, 4. W. RAUDBN nUSH, 1'ltOPRinTOR, IUukSt., LantonTOtr, PA. vnlhunt irniT4RoirttraflrSt.elaisaflsom' tnodallon to tbb 1'ravellnir public. Iloardlns liV tho liar H Week on Umis .liable Toruis. Uhelso Olitari, Wines and Liquors always on Via. .1. (Jotti miiMS ami aiaon s. Willi atteo lira U.ttl.rs, attaohiJ April lo-yi TpAOEEHTOS HOTEL. Wdway betvrcch MaUf h Chunk & Lohljbtcn ' " LEOPOLD aildY&t, I'Btjrntittott, ! Pdekerton, PSnn'd. ' ' .. -Fills Well known hotel Is lulmlrnlilrfclUlod hnd ls tho liertaecoininodnllnna lor pennon. BHthd translont Imanlers. Kxrclluill Idblcs hnd the very bestliauors. Also rlno (tallies tkttaohedt Sept. i) l j-A.Vaa EQBEKT'S Livery & Sale Stables UANIC STIIBIST.LKIIIOHTON, la FAST TROTTINQ IIORSK3, ELEUA'T CARRIAGES. Aa Kltlvoly LOW7CR PI08 than any other Livery In the County. Larceanl handsome Carriages for Foneral ntKCil and Weddlnas. DAVI O EBUICUT ov. i:. 171. a J. W. IIAUDENBUSU Btsp.otfully annonno.s tn the puhlie that ho has opened a NKW I.IVUItY SI'AIILU In (..acetlon with his hotel, and Is prepared to tarnish Teams for Funerals, Wcddiuss or Business Trips sa shortest notlee and most liberal terms. All rders lertatthe"i;arln llouso" will reoelve prompt attontlon. Stable on North Siri'ct, noxt the hotel, LehlKhton. (anXi-vl $10 to $20,000 In leKltlraate tudlolous speculation In Oraln, Provisions and Stocks on our rfected plm, vlelds sure monthly prohts to larito and small invp.iurs. A'loresa, lor inn iaruuiara, :. lisiluu & Co., Com'n Merrhaqts, A.i:o Li ailli Street, Chleago, lil, H Sol 5a mhz4l 'At E' B-i Sufi H. V. Morthtmer, Proprietor. VOL. X., No 50. Railroad Guide. p II I LA. & nBADtnO nAlLIlOAD Arrangement of raisenjer Trains. HAY Illl Trains leav. ALLKfcTO WW asfollonsi (VIA HKKIOIias UILKOAD) Tor Pblla&el.ala.at Mi, e.u, 11.40. a.m., and 1.10 p. H. BCWlJAYS. ror rblUdclibla at M.JO a. m:.a p. m. I via sisr rcnxA. naaaca.l ror rteafllng and Harrlsbarg, l.ce, t.49 a. n 12.it. 4.30 and scsp. n. , For Lancaster and Colarabla, tU0, t.Pa.ru. and 4. so p. m. SUNDAYS. ForE.adlni. 4 and .t 6 p. in. ror Uarrieburf , and wa po.tts. .)! tu m. Trains foil J. LLENTOWN lekVe as follows: VIA flRKlOMIN KAlLXOAD.) Leave rhlladeioaln, 4.S9 7.40 i. m. and I.e., l.:0dnO 5.15 p. Ml il HUN.OATH. Leave 1'hlladllphla, (:() a. ifi., i.I and 4.:o B'm' (TIAIASTrESsi. kRAItCM.I Leavo Re.0lJis,7.t0, 10.ISa.nu,2.W,S.S5,!inrte.lS Leavoltaritsburg 5.20 J.tO and t.SO. a.m., 1.45 aim i oo p. m. , .an Lancaster. 47.31 a. tn I.COand 11.10 p. m. r.eavwCohimbla T.n.i a. id. 1.10 and s.40 p. a. fFrom KinKhtteet Uepdt. , BUNDAYB. r.eavo ilondlnr. 7.S0 and 9. S a. hi. Leave llarrlsbai c. e.'.e a.m. Tr.in. vt. MIerklonrD rtSnte' marked thn lrunto und Trom Depot. Nmtit arid Green ilrpct. Pullaitelphla, oilier trains to and from uroau street ueitot Tno I.V and t.ii n.m trslns from Allcntown, and the'I.Su and 5.15 p. in. trsin from Phila. )tiia,via I'cricmmen i(niirnna,navo uiiousu cars to nd irom rulisceitma. J. K. WOOTlJtit, Otnetal Manabtr. c.n tiANcorit, ert'i rait, nticti Antni. Huvemuti cm. J0HNR.G.WEYSSER, PROPRIETOR OF THE West End Brewery, Mauch OiitJNK, Pa. Pure Porter aufl. Laser Beer Delivered all over the State. Octobers, 1IC1 rl M. H AO AM AN Has Krmnred from Wrinpnrt and taken up quarters in tho " Old Fatzinger Store," Bank Street, Lehighton, where old friends and new ones can always find a choice assortment of Dress and Dry Goods, Notions and Trimmings, GrorJerics, Provisions, &o.j Krc. AT Villi I.IIWKST casci puitn Also, always in stock one or tho finest and beet selections of Clocks, Walcta aii'l Jewelry to bo round in this fwrlinn ofthepountrj. at Trices fully us Luvr ta elsewhere. BepairiiiG dnno in tho best manner, at very moderate charges. Patronage invited. apr3 2y Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lehililon, Pa., Are preparod to Manufacture Carriages, ISuggics, Sleiglis, Spring Wagouj &c., Of oyory description. In the most pubiUntlal uiauuer, anil at I.owcut OaiU Trlcvi. Reuftlrlng rroiniilly Attended to. TUEXI.EU & KltEIDI.F.n, April W, 1883 yl Proprietors. PATENT MAGNUM BONUM The underaisned respectfully annntnca to their friends and the public generally, that they have secured the right to manu facture and sell tins excellent Washing Ma chine In Carbon and Luserne couuties. Thl. is undoubtedly the BEST Washer made,and gives the meet perfect satisfaction to all who use It. See tins maehino before you buy any other. Price $10 00. Address ' Yenser & Bartholomew, Lehighton, Pa. may 2n Cm. NERVOUS DEBILITY: A CUKE HUARAXTKED. Dr II. a.WEeraKavK and Warn Tbeat UUhT, a ajiecinc ior H)stei1a, Ulzzlness, Con vuiBimia, Kitvou. Iteadaclie, Mental lieprea alnu, Lnaauf Memorv. r pe.ma oithcea, luiio tency. lnvolnntarr Kmlsmoua, Premature Old Ako, cauaod b? overexertion, .clfabnae. or ovordiiilnigeiiee. uhlch leaos to misery, decay and death. Out lull will ran riu.nr jhch box cnntnina ono muutli'. treatment. One uu.i.r n uu. ur .,x uoxea ior uve atiusrs t aenr br mail prepaid on irci iDt nl artee. We irnar. autre six boxoa to oure any case Willi each runr icceiviHi uv ua tor .lx Imxea. accomoau led With QVO dollar. Va will rmiuI thn itnrnhn.. erour written guarantee to return tho monev ii in. ur.imuub uuca noi eniCi a curt), fiaar anteeal.sned unlv whea the treatment laorder ed direct from u. JOHN o. wkst no.. Sole l'r"PrleUra. 161 A 1.3 W. Uadlaim Htrrrt. . ri. uviibi.tu, .t;eui, j cnigu. 1IT h.MITJI K.INEro Whole. ale At euts ' sT.I v i.i i-jiiiiii i i wii ii iiMiiijiiiii ii iii' iMiijwijjiiiiiijii iuji jjjji'.i'!' is'S'JJ 'JJLUJ- L - ...JI3I rpiIE SLAT1SUT0N PLANING MIIL AltD Caliinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLIBT, Prtipn, Deals In Rll klitds and slsss ot I'lne, Hemlock Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and Is now pie vared to execute any araouut of oi dera lor DressoD LumbeR OP ALL KINDS. Doora, Sashes, Dllilij, Shultern, Motildlnijs, Calilnfct Ware, &c, With PnS,nptnoa. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery Is all hew and of the best And moet Improved kinds. I employ none but tho best workmen, uie well seasoned and i.ood ma tcrlal, and am ihfcreforoablo to guai Mitre cntllo aiitactlon to nil who may favor me with a full. orders ov mail ptouipily attended to. Mr ch.irces are iiioiletotos terms cash, or Interoat charged alter thirty days. atVB li&A eAf.t. IV Those rnwspd In nnildinp will nud It t Iheir ailvnntngo to hnvo MilliiR. Floor Boards Doora, Haslies, vhutters, &c, a.e., made at thl Factory. Hay JOHN llALLtKT. DANIEL 'IEAND, Carriages, Wngohs,icighs)&c t'OnnER or MASK AM) IUOM STISEETS, LEHKHITONi Pcnnil., rartltular attcfitlon glVort to REPAIRING In a'l its details, at tho very I.oncit Prlcss. Patronoiie respectrnlly solicited and pcrKct satlsrnctlon uuaratiteed. lice 8, 1S79 Jrl DAN. WIEAND. 1 ATADDS. ELYa' w9 i-4 a if i4 si n n n .. Wftjfiti ntreclnnllyelenn .S?AM BNtJfes tlicnaial pn6- &ieiaVAEtSlAV,mn1llf tlainmnllnt), ito- ino mom lrom nddl Mm tlnnrtl coldj.com I'tately heals tlin stp!inii(lrcftoTes ho ienso of tnstu and smell. Jlcnu ficMI mulls arc resillzcd by a few Application. A Ihorongh treat mont will uro Oatarrli. Hay Fever, &c. Un equalled for ctil i In tho heail. Agreeable to uco. Apply by tho )HUo tinker Intu tho nut trill, (hi rucelpt of &0q will mall a packno. For Hiiln hy all Oru.ulstaln Iohluh ton. IjSUKKAM HAI-M CO.. novSC-jI Oweso, N. V. F V0U AUK IS M'KD OF Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Caps, or Gents' Furnishing Goods GO TO CLAUSS& BROTHER THE POPULAR Merchant Tailors, Bank Street, Lehighton. PKI0E8 VKHY LOW FOB CASH. The public patronage solicited. Julyl-tf 1881. HOLIDAYS. 1881. Mrs. C. DeTSCHIRSGHSKY He. reel fully announcestnhcr friends and the public generally, that she Is now receiving and opening lor their Inspection a larger stock than ever of the very latest novelties In Toys & Fancy Goods, Suitable for HOLIDAY PKESF.NTS for Younir and Old. lllcli. and Poor,. Don't fall to call early and secure first eholco and best bargains, She also calls their attention to nor new, t.ariceatd r.ugant assortment or NOTIONS, comprising Underwear, Herlln and Ocrman. town vyoois. Hosiery, impnrieu ami Jio. mestlo Itibbuos Uloves, Flowers and a f"ie assortment of New Uesluns IN FANCY AltTIOLES Also, In connection with the above, a full aud oomplete stock of GERMA.N FRUITS, LIMBUrtUEK CHEESE. t'andli's & CoufrIInn$, together wllh a variety of Uoo.1s not general ly kept In any other store in town. Iftoudo not see what you want, atk for It, A sharoof public patronage solicited, and perrect satlslactlon guaranteed In prlco and quality of goods. Seconu St, 2 floors aliove Iron, Nov, 2fl.1881.mS. liEIllOHTON, Pa, ggfTlie Carbon Advocate one year for $1, and Kendall's Horse Book as a premium. 'g fifi Jifin I "1 vlr". canslnj; INDEPENDENT" LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, The great cuperiority of DU. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP oVer allotlter cough remedies U Attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. M 14 fJ" J. ! I For the Cure of Couglts, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in tdvanced stanc3 ot the Disease. I-or bale With Moiticiiie Quality Dot Quantity is tbe greatest icmortaiice; next is the Knowleie and EipetlciiuS to Cor rectly Prepare and Dispense the same At A. J. DURLING'S POPULAR Drug & Family Mm Store, Bank Strec Leliighton, Vuucnn alnors rely upon Rettlnir STRIOT h Vast: and uiiadnltcrated Drugs and Medicines. DURl.IrVO. carries the tersest stock PA M.JtT JlEilir IXlrB la tho county. UUllLlNfJ hiisnnclMrantstnokoriJKUa (USTJ SIJMIKIES, FANCY and TIJI 1.IJT AKT1UULS lor tho ladies as weU as the ucnls. 1JUKL1NO makes HOKSKand CATTLE POWnt'.liS a rpcclnlty. HlslOyoorscxiior lence In tho druK I'l'Slncss gives him a great advantage 111 tlut lino. TI!l!BSKS, SUPPOIiTEHS andUrtAOES always a largo stuck on l.aud. WltfKS and I.ltlt'OHS, both foreign and domestic, llo lias a lillnlon ilrajio Wluo nnd a Hry Uatawba Wine. Just splendid and cheap. WAI.t, PAPI1KS and HORDLIIS the largest assort nicnt in Dun, Oo to UURLINU'S with your prcscrlpi tlohs Oo to DUKLIMU'S lur your Patent MtJIcl'ici. Go to DI'RIiINU'B fur your fancy art'elcs. Farmers and horsemen goto llUltl.lNG1 for your Horse aud Uatllo Ponders. angH-yt. Tmr"Py wVnteiT.losoll Kdlson'sJIus. rtt.Jljl li) leal Telephono ami Edison's Instantaneous I'lann end (Irwin Music. En close stamp for e-italouuc and terms. EDISON M.US10 CO., Phllsdelphla, Pa. dec. Si-me, HAS DEEfJ PROVED Tlio SUREST CURUfor KIDfJEY D5SEASES. Doom a laa baelc or a disordered urine indloAtottityouaroaviotimf TUEK T0 KOTHS3ITATB IKS KIDNEY-W OUT fit onoo(drucffl3tsreooniinendlt) and tttill 'epcedlly overocn tha disease &ud reaUire hc-Uthy Mtion toallthoorans kLs.UUIC7a to vourper.BUchaaDain and weakness cu, KIDICiUY'WOIjVT is unEurv iwasod. m it will act promptly imd safely.! Sillier Ocx. Incontinence; rstdntlon of urine; brick dot or ropy deposits, and doll drigg-ins palno, all speedily yield toita car itivo power. (Si) I PUiJJIJjT ALIUUUtEUIHT3. IriCOCX. I Keipcetrully announces to the peoj.loof Lo htKhton una Us vicinity, thnt he la now pre pared toBupiiIy the in with nil kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from tbe best Seasoned Mate, rials at Prices fully as low as tho same article, can be taught lur elsewhere. Here are a few ot tho tnducemcuta offered Parlor Sets at from JW to f GO Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case lledroom Suites, 3 pieces 40 to 65 Painted lledroom suites US to tlO Cane ttcatid Chairs, per sot of 8.... tfl Common t 'hairs, per .et of e, ft and all other Uoods equally cheap. In this connection, I desire to call the at tention of the people to my ample fjrlllttes In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME UEAItSK, and a full llnoof OAbKl.Tri and COFFINS, 1 am prepared to attend promptly to all or- uers m una iiuu. ui lowest iiricoa. Patronage rcrticctlully sullcltcl and tho most ample satisfaction guaranteed. V. SCHWAltTZ, octl2 HANK St., Lehighton, A Bible Commentary. Ilishly endnrfo) by Hvr M? illative Men of all Churchc. Lott pnol Uk lwb li.hwl. Addrtnss I.'asim A WuiTLocx, Ililla dal, Mich. aprfi cor 111 3l Live ana Let Live." PA. SAIUliDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1882. THE CIIYIHO EVILi Our ber Is full of awful things, There's terra alba In our sandy) False notes, too eft, th. tenor sings, Our brandy 'a anything but brandy j Our tea would mako Celestials weep, Our woolens bubble o'or with cotton Oood fruit Is always on tho top, Whllo underneath la placed tlio rotton. Tha oyster l.ugbs tbtlr skill to scorn, They can't adulterate potatoes) But though we know that "eggs aro eggs," They often scctu half salaratus. The English ale Is far behind Tho brew that plcaied the cheery Dickons, And I'm convinced wo buy n kind Of patent llgnum-vitm chickens 1 On with the danc6 I We must not daro To spend a moment In reflecting, tfinco what we eat and drink and wear Is filled with whit we're not expecting, My farewell words, though few nud sad, Tcrchance trfay be anticipated Our politicians are so bad Tur.r cannot be adulterated 1 All Ugly Bird. Up in tbo mountains stood a wooden hut, and there Jacques lived with his father and mother. A prettier spot yoa novc-f spied. Ntvcr was grass bo creen as hereabouts, and, although the mountains ehowod their snow-clad heads nbovo it, they seemed llto great, good-natured giants whoso task and bare it was to keep tho liny cot safo from )srm. Even when winter CR&r;, and the great winds went roaring down tho valloy, thoso mountains looked much as usual, nor changed when nil else hnd altered for tho worso ttben the snow lay thick on tha dooratep and fan the little pad. dock where Iia-ha was wont to skip and play in the sunshiuo. Tbe sutishino was gone now, but Ba-lm 6carce Jitiscd it; for bo was taken in doors ahilo tho cold lasted, and Lad a b'oruer of his own by tho kitchen fire; and there tlio ungrateful brute would actually butt at ilia own shadow as a dangerous enemy, whereat Jacquos would laugh and clap hi3 hands. Jacques father made toys during these winter months, aud with the coining of spring would travel ilh them to differ ent luirs, Loing often a long lime from home nn such occasiunc. Then Jacques and bin mother used to keep each other company, and rutrry was Ihb' welcome that awaited'tuo wanderer on his return. .bo you know, wife," said the toy- maker, one evening, "I think fwo sLnll have an early spring thi3 year. Thd win tor is nearly over already." "I am glad to hear it," Bald Jacqne-' mother, giving her spinning-wheel atnrn as sho spoko. "I don't llk! the cold." "Nor I." 'Vr'o burn a deal of 'irUod, dud Ba-ba cats uinch moro when ho is here with us, Ir.d od, I never sew an animal wilh such an appetite." Ua, ha, h.!" lnnghed her husband; that is well. But wo mu&tit't be grum blers, though the goat should oat a little extra. Ba-ba's a friend." ' 'That ho is, father' said Jacques wilh animation. "Wo should flud it very dull sometinus, were it not forbim. "Friends are not to bo lightly parted with, either," coutinued the loymakeri ltomeaibcr that, my boyi1' la tbe end llto father's prophecy proved Irna. Ojly a wcik later the snow began to mtit any. All day nud all night wan heard tho rush of tlio water flowing down into the valley, and by and by tho sun seemed to burst out overhead with a mighty trido, aud the winter was gone. Now, the loyruakcr had n larger stock of to) a thati nMml this season, and pro posed lo Iravcl further from homo on that account. A grand fair was about to be held in rt village Rome miles off, and there he.hopcd to dispose of the greater part of his good"!, "For my dolls nre much liked by the couutry folk," he remarked, with oue of his bluff laughs. "No mother for half a league round will buy of any other deal or when I am by. Ha, hal" He trimmed with his pooket-ax at the doll he was making, laughing merrily tho while. Jacques was np early noxt tnoruinp, and started for a ramble. As he passed through tbe kitchen from the room ad joiuing, Bu.ba roused himself and trot ted to tho door. "No," said Ihe boy, and shut him in. At this the goat bellowed plaintively, but Jacques was soon out of beariug.iud walked briskly ou in the pure air. The snn was rising when he reached the wooden cross by tbe notary's garden. Early as it was. Mr. Vcdal nas stand ing at his gate, smoking his mcCMohauin. Ho had a book in oue hand aud his to bacco pouch in tho other. "Ahu!" he cried, briskly, "it's my lit tie friend. How is Jacqne.?" Jacques bowed aud blushed, and blushed and bowed again, as ho answered that ho was qnlte well, and hoped his honor was the same. "Fnt on your cap, child," said Sir. Vedal, kindly. "So father has plenty of toys ready for our villagers yonder, has ht?" The notary's mauner was ono ol the cheeriest ever known. Jacques had a great respect for him. In a neighborly, unprctendiug way Hr. Vcdal had been very kind to the toy maker and his family, nnd they had no firmer friend in the world. "Father expects to bo busy this year, sir," the boy explained. "Wo are arrald ho will be away for some weeks." "All!" said Sir Vodal, all tho merri ment dying outof his face. "When ill he start?" "I can't tt II, sir. Is there any mes sage from jour honor that I can give him?" "Thauk yon, Jacnnrs no. I .hall ace hi in Wfnre that. Oood morning." As Jaoqufs doffed bU cap and uont away, it .truck him that his natron was SI. 00 If nbt in his usual good spirits'. But he quickly rtfJrctcd (hat It 'iras no business of his. No doubt, such a gentleman as Sir. Vadnl had a gnat deal lo occupy bite thoughts and mako him gr'ive at times. Tho boy had only gouo a few steps further, when he suddenly stopped. "Here's a birdf" be exclaibittl. And such a bird, too! An uUof speci men of it's kind it would bavo bten bard to discover. He had a huge head, set on a gaunt ungainly body, short wings, and enormous feet and clatta. llixejcs were btlghland piercing, with a curious, far-away gazu in them, his voice a hoarse, defying bcream. The boy stood still in surprise, unable lo stir. Tbo bird made an effort and wriggled on a little way, flapping his dwarfed wings , and clutching viciously with his formidable claws at any obstacle in the path, na was evidently youug aud nnused to act for bin'sclf. Without 'nore ado Jaf-'ques decided lo tako the stranger home. Wrapping his handkerchief ronnd his hand, he man nged.at the cost of some severe scratches, to capture him.ii.ButSovon Ihcn the get ting him into the hut was no easy task. Ho plunged and screamed and tors. At last, breathless aud heated, tho boy stumbled into the kitchen with bis prize. "Look what Fvo found, fathttl" he gasped, hnd dropped, panting, into a chair. Father and mother wero at breakfast Tho toyninkcr paused in tho act of con veying a slice of black bread to his mouth and laid down his knifo. "Oh. what a frightful monster!" cried tho loymaker'S wife retreating. Jacques' proud look feli. "Slolher! But ho is only a crriw," he' pleaded. "Crow, Jacques i with those eyes ? Well, I nover I What do you think, father?" Tho toymaker rubbed his chin in thoughtful silsnoe; then riling, proceed ed to examine the bird with a searching scrunity. "IIo's young," ho remarked. "Do you know what he is, wife?" "No." "Can't you guess or yon Jacques?" ThnsJ'nppValoa to, they both shook their hoads. Tho other smilod superior, "I'll leave you to penetrate tho mys tery yours'tires, tbt'h, hd said, and eoci tinucd bis breakfast. Tho stranger could certainly cat as well as Ba-ba did; Bbverthe'eM, his taste in the matter of diet was remarkable: For the seeds and grain which they brought him ho showed n thorough coni tempt, but he literally devoured laent of every kind. Then ho moved across the floor and perched blmfeeif on the edge of a broken stool, whence he continued to casi sidelong glances at them until over oonio by sleep. When tho family retired for Ihe night ho was wide nwako, and they left him brooding there like au ugly hobgoblin. Thoy bad not retired long, and the hut was sunk indarkness, whdn a hide oub uproar arose in tbe kitchen. Thejtoymaker was qtiiokly on tho spot with a light, and lo ! there was Ba-ba butting furiously at random, whilo ths .bird fluttered ro'jud him with feathers rulll-id, eyes aglow, and claws working like the sails of a windmill, Yet, marvelous to ay, bird aud beast agreed amazingly aftef that encounter, and never fought more. They would lie together in the paddock till the former grew restlcso, and thon whir! whir! my lord was'bil, darling through the air as a fish darts through tho water; for he had soon grown into a splendid bird, and when he roso from the ground the sound of his wings could be heard all over th place, btul neither Jacques nor his mother knew exactly what to mako of him, and still Iho father kept his secret. Tho day of the grand fair drew nigh The toymaker began to prepare Voi his departure, aud the packing of his goods was the work of somo timo. Ono evoning, in Iho middlo of all. a visitor appeared Sir. Vedal. The goal was in his customary corner; Jacques on his knees helping his father to sort the dolls in their proper sizes while his mother eat knitting. As for the bird, he had been abroad from an early hour, but was sure to como back. The toymaker greeted tho notary htar tily, and offered him a chair. Sir. Vedal shut the door as ho came in. "You are a bold aud bravo mun," be said, speaking quickly. "Can I trust you to go to tho Auberge for the guard?' The (oymakerdrsw nearer to him. "What do you mean, sir?" he asked. "Three men are on my (rack to rob. perhaps murder me, and I am defence less. Ljisteu. my friend. When fiist your sou told me that you intended go- iug to the fair, I thought I would see you and put you on your guaid, but I was busy then, and am old, and hav de- 1 iyed (111 it may bo too late. Tho men I speak of have been lurtlug in (he neigh borhood for mouibs past. Returning but how from vi.iting u clieut, who has entrusted mo with alarge sum of nrnuey, i luiiim iney were in pursuit. I whs mounted, and di.tauced thttnat flr.t.but my horse fill nndir mo, Huriy, now, aud brin,-; (he guard, while I do my best to hold the l.ico thiy will suon be here." The listener understood the liluallou "lent h.we been kind tome, sir," ho said, in his frank way. I go." About half au hour aftt-iward tbtre cuius- a thump at tbe door, atid another thump, thump till Iho door swiiug loosu mi its hinges. In that a ful moment one last chance was left to ruh out as tbe door fell in and tuiot to tbe darkness for escapes As tbo notary prepared to put ont tbo light, a dark object brushing by his side caused him In stait violently. "Au tkblol How" Uj waj utu:LIo to say uou. By do a Ytfnr if Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1.25, greU Iho doorjjopened wider, tilt there was space for a limn tn pass lbroug!i,tud over the thrtshi-ld passed Ihp first ruf fian. Beforo he could defend hlnjstlf beforo ho could ieu'ttll Urn u itr.ro of tho danger lhat thrtnfeti.d him tffrizl clnpl a stroke llko n flail caught him in tho face, and ho pitched h ml foremost on Iho floor. Staggered nt first by the fnlo of their leader,- I!t4 ottiuu rnllii nnu camo obstinately on. uuo drew n pistol nnd prepared to fir. But just then tho tr.iuip of armed men was audible, advancing nt the dolllj '. The ruflkn flung his -weapon down, mut tering: "The bird's chmo fur tlx! ' Willi that ho was preparing to make a run for It, when be saw It wax too late. Tbe soldiers had arrived. "All that glitters is not gold," snys Ihe ptoverb. Be kind to nil dumb en ntttre if you would meet wllh kiKljW mir- solf. This is tbe moral cf "An Ui;! Bird." For tho CAnnos Advocate.) flCIKHIIFIC HISCEILAHY. rrof. Dnfour BtaUs, ns an overlook- ed fact, thitt hall-proveuters of tbo nature of lightning-rods wero set np in several vineyards of tho Canton id Vnud in 'i!5; tho object being to hinder the formation of hail by withdrawlbg electricity from tho clouds. Somo of tho vineyards tbns protected Wero destroyed by hull the next year, and Iho experiment was de clared a failure. While doubting the influence df saoh apparatus on hail clouds, the Prof, thinks (he matter deserv. ing of a fresh investigation, inasmuch as it has recently been shown that tho pres ence of a forest which tilay bo regarded as a collection of lightning-rods may greatly lessen the frequency of hail showers. When lone heatinc has driven all air from Ibo water in a slenin-boiier, boiling sometimes ceases, and superheating may occur with danger of explosion. Clean pieces of zino in the liquid, by Uniting with Borne of its oxygen and liberating hydrogen, should theoretically maintain boiling. As a more reliable plan in prac tice, however. Hons. Trove advises ths injection nt the bottom of the boiler of hot air, or, still better, of a non-oxidizing gas such as carbonia acid tho injec tion to bo moderate but continuous. Superheating, w hich may be conceited ns a sleep of tha liquid, would thus be ren dered impossible, and rapid evaporation, saving of fuel and freedom from risk would bo sofcured. Whdn the spcclroscopo is turned to tho sky in daylight tho presence of watery vapor in the atmosphere produces in the instrument characteristic lines known as the rain-land. Sanguine British meteor ologists expect to baso weather predic tions on observations of this band, nnd tho probability that thoBpectroscopomry bo thus used is a matter of much interest. Some idea of what is becoming of the forests may be had from a consider ation of the amount of wood that is being used by Ihe railroads. A recently pub lished report shows that in the mainten ance and repair of French railways since 1877 more than 700 fine trees must havo been used daily for sleepers alone; and some 5,000,000 cubic feet of timber have boen required yearly for rolling stock. And yet the lnilrago of the railways of Franca is less than one-sixth as great as that of tho United States. A femalo performer in a Parisian circus rttaains under water two minutes and a half at a timo. To apprcciate.says lions. Kerlus, what is implied in pssiug two minutes and a half without taking breath let any ono .inako a small experi ment, holding his bleathftis lcJug as pos sible whilo watching the second-hand ot a watch. Few persous reach one minute: (ho majority are obliged (o tnko breath beforo -15 seconds have elapseds Sponge and pearl Ushers seldom remain under water two minutes, and a voluntary im mersion of more than three minutes lias never been authentically ohscrvod. Prof, tudwig, in G ermauy, has beiu led by his investigations to cOuoludi that, contrary (- (ho assertion of Sounenscheim arsenic may bo readily dcttcted in tho bones after poisoning by that snbstnnce. Ho even fonnd tbe poison iu tho boues of a dog tv.-enty.seveu days after (he last of a series ofdosos had been given tlio animal. Obs-rvations in Franca by Slon- Ruffero show that flies quickly disappear from a room after the introduction of a castor-oil plant (Riciun. o-juimunis' Dea l flies aro found near the plant, from which it appears that the leaves aro big' ly poi.ionuus to tht-so iusccts. Slons. d'Abb.idio reports to Ihe French Acode-iiiy that immunity lrom marsh fevers is olten secured in ttuht-.tl-thy Ethiopian regions by txpoiig tbu naked body to Btilphur fumes. In Hioilj tho workmen iu sulphur-mines on low ground suffer much lw,s from inUnuit teiit feivtr than fun retof tho population; whlld SIohk. Fouqtt? has t-hnwn Hint in Greece n onct fl.nn&Mug (own if -lii.OfO inhabitants- SCophjrla has been tilmost utttily di-popuh.ted through marsh Uvtr, tho dei-adevcii having cuire-spoiulid to n g-ailuiil removal of siilpbin mining uper atious eastward beyond a mountain iung, so Hut (hiisnlpLur-eiuau.tlioiiiiiio longor roach the towu. Siuce 187d useurato !utimijidnt.i have been made tn kIiiiw Hit- range i-f ILi change in level of m.iuy Itiuiau rivi.rH, and some of the rostlltt lire given iu ii it ceut paper by Sluts. Tillo, It iph.Mrs that the highe.t rango is rewuhtd by the Oka ut Kulugn, tie ditToccueei btitweetU the blght-bt and Hit) lowest luvsls being as much ns 15 fuel; while the nvtragu range of theaime rittr lrom its sauioc to Its mouth is Si2 M. Tha nv.ragb range from source to mouth of the Volga Uaa.G feet; of Ihe Kama, 30.1 rict; or tho Duua, '.'3 2 ftet; of tho Don, tfl 1 fet; and cf all other rivem, W ttueu J font. ui ouursu tbi. taaga ilmitiii-u v.ry tuuub titumil thi luuutb uf moU ufi; jut it lw.!.u 1J fevt Ut u. i'.; The Carbon Advocate. An fmletiendeiil Family Nowspaper Published every ATfJlWAY, lu Irchighton, Carbon Co,,Pa., by lAiticv v. iiiouxiiinf nn. )FFirn-iiA.IlWAY, a ahoit dlslauco above tho Lehigh Valloy U. It. Depot. Terms: $1.03 perAnnum In AdranGB nvnnr nrscmrTioyopruwasn riKOT Job Printing at vi-un low rnions. nl Astrakhan, and 9 feel for the Duna at Riga. Thn prealest ranpe of variation obsorvtd in the lukes of Northern Ru siawifs oHlv 2 1 feet. Tho number of hjilrome-lriciil stations on the rivers of jir.fda wst increased in 1SS0 to ?. The ekctrio cirroiil used by lions. Denrer. to work a plow nt tho Munich Electrical Ex-ill-illou is transmitted over a distance of about 40 miles. A CHANGE OF MIND, "Tl.i it-i-n l-eilsin ni.m in this town whom I'm &oing tn lick until h3 won't be out o( bed fur six mtditbs niter, and I vnut In Innw what it will cost me?" Ho nid a in in who enterod a Grlswnlil striv(Iaw office eclt-tdny, and it wpfj plain to be) iceu that his dander was waj up. "Let's se?" rousr-d the lawyer. "I'll defend you fur $10, It )uit lick him in a flrat-e-lnss fn inner your lino will la about S25. Tbou there will be a few dollars costs, nay enough to make tlio whole thing foot up $10. I think that I on n siifely protuisu that it won't cost you over that." 'Forty dollar ! Ft-rty dol lira for lick ing a maul Why, 1 can't go that!" "Well, pull his nose then. Tho last case 1 had ol that seirt the fine wan only Il5. That w lil reduce tbo gross sum to thirly." "I waut to tear him nil to pienes, but I can't aflord to pay Ilka that for the fun. How muuh would it cost loepit' on him?'' "Well) Ihiel's ah nsl-riult, you know,' but the flue iiilght not be over ten dol lars. $2!i would see you through.'' "Lauds! how I do waut to crush that maul Suppose I knock his bat oil?" "Well, about $20 would cover lhat." "I bnu hardly hold myselr, but $20 is pretty Bttep.k.Can'l I call him a liar?" "Ob, yes. I think $15 would cover that." "Well, 1 11 sea about it.I'mithVr going to cull him a liar orolse tell every body thut be is co gentleman, or elso giro him an i-.wlul pounding I'll gee you again." "Sly fee is S3," observed the lawyer, "What for?" "For.'my adVice." The.plilvi-rizer; (sfrtiBd at him for half a mluute,3 aud then laid? down a-"V," and started slowly out with the remark: "I'm going straight to that man anel beg his pardon, and tell hint that I'm the biggest fool In Detroit ! Thank Heaven that you didn't get but ono claw on me!" ' 'BUCHUPAIB A." Quick, complete cure, alt unuoying Kid ney, Bladder and brninary Diseases. $1. Druggists. Spell bouud Tho dicliorJary. A remedy is being pnfled; "Only pOare for ilopture." But it is a lie'. We havo seen n rupture between two lovers cured by an oyster stow and matinea tickets. The Safest Way. The sjfest and surest ways td restore tha youthful coloc of tha hair Is furnished by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deservedly )ojiular from its euporior clcanllttbss. Yon can always guess when an Ar- tio explorer has found tho North Pole. If he comes back he has not foiind It. Why bo weak ? Why not be healthy.ro bust and strong; by uaiug Brown's Iron Bitjors. An Austin teacher wits calling the roll. Just as be called out "B ib Smith,'' Bob pushed open tho iloor.ont of breath, and nujwcted, "Uore, sir," "Robert, next timo you must not answer to your mime unless yuu are here," "Yes, sir; I'll try not lo." JO-Tlie llininniiil live for fanllly usli havo no e-quals. All fmpulur colors easily deed, fust uud bcautilili. 10 ceuU a pack ago. Sidney Smith epeuks of n man so dry that if you was to boro holes in htm with a gimlet, sawdust would run out. Ynubg men or niiilillo nsL'd ones, suffer ing from nervous debility mid kindred weaknrsaes sbuiild send thn-u stumps fur Part VII of World's Disocnsary I)int Series nl hooka. Address Win Id'.- Diiiieii sary Medical Assnci- lion, lli.ltnlb, N. . "Why is that rat like it lawyer?" in quired an observiug man of u by.luuder, pointing to u cut which bad j-tst swallow ed a rodent. The usual silence having fallen, tha perpetrator of tho couuudrum oiliny said, "Because it is in the fee line." No inqut'st was deemed neces sary. ''Wnian and Hor Diseases" is tho title ot n u iiileresniig treatise (del p-'K'ii) foilt.p-sl i.nld,lorlhiio stumps Ad-lirt-w World's DisiH-usury Medical Associa ti.u, Butfalo, X. Y. . . . i.-i. n... i i ifji A provision broker of Chicago, in conversation with n Now Y rker, speak ing of tlio btaguatlon in business kind: Why, it is a positive fart thut tliero aro loss than -JOO.OIHI dr. seen! ai Chicago to-day." His tin' rxpliod in astouudi tiieat, "Wiry, I tlir-nght your popula tion Honieililn.i utur hnlf n million." A Dead Shit may he taken at bier and l-dious dLorder with Dr. Pierce's "I'lraaaiit Turgitivii I'el IrU." Mild yet twrtaili iu operulii.ii, anil there is Imiio of the reoetiou e-.'iisi rpu til up on tikinj Kivere-Hii.l ilr.sliue'athaHii-s, l)y dinggials, A yimi.g in.iii iu iui Illinois towu itteippenl tut j u church door i. nikme ut ou Stiiol iy whilo tie irvievs weregoitgon, nnd the smart mitiislr saw him and shouted, Go om, )ouufc inau sho u nut bore," 'i'ue jnuug man Was euiburasse.l fur a moment, an J them re-muubering the) several ministerial KMniUls thut Uero iu the courts, he said, loud unou ;U f nr utl tu bear him, -'jes sh !, yon old tluffe-r, You Imvo C it her hid bhlud oran, I ieu-1 yuu wuut lo go horn with It r v ir- . att." TUu u.ioist.r Li .e I a id a U thu rklt e..ld view, eiy siunijj ihj ' ty,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers