The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 26, 1882, Image 1

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    maun. mi jii in i ij
Advertising Rates.
We. desiro It to bo distinctly understood
that no advertisements will bo inserted iu
the' columns of The Carbon Advooatr that
way be j-ecelved from unknown turtles or
firms unless accompanied by the cash.
The following aro our oxtY terms I
nun BqOABK (10 Ltsr.3),
On year, each insertion 10 cts.
Bix months, each Insertion J5 cts.
Three months, each insertion 20 cts.
teas thin .three months, first insertion
$1 ( each subsequent insertion 25 cts.
Local libtleScslO .cents per lino.
II. V. MOIlTIIIMEIt, Publisher.
The Carbon Advocate.-
An Independent Famllv Newspaper
l'nlillshcel every ATtmtUY, In
Iiehlgliloli, Carbon Co.,Pn., by
ejFFlcK-n.A LVAY. a ihnit distance eboT.
be Lehigh Valley : H. Depot.
Terms: $1.00 perAiinnin in Advance
Kvunr DFhcinrnox op plain asd kakct
job Printing
H. V. MoitTinsiEU, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance.
VOL. X., No 40. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1882. If not paid in advance, $1.23
Dim 8tiiiT,Linlooton,Pi.
Beat aitale and Collection Agency WIllBmrand
II B,al Kitiu. ISourejanclug ,ieatly done Col
Mtlini promptly mads, nettling liut.. if p.
Mentsa .peeWlty. May bo eon.ulleid In tfnnsn
(Lata Assistant Oom'r or 1'aUnts.)
B. E WARMER & CO., Attorneys at Law,
Attention given to Patent and Mlnlnic eases,
Lands, I'emlons. Uounllcs, and Unvcrnment
slalran. Attention prompt, charges moderate.
Address wllh siamp. iteler tu Aleintwrj of
Oonaress and the Head of Government De
pailineDU. dec. W, 1S81 o
Physicians and Dentists.
8p.rl0 alta-nlton paid to Chronic l)Uwss.
Office: South Kast collier Iron aruf 2nd alt... l.c
.lfhloo,Pa. Aprl 3,1678.
U. KEHEK, JI. I).'
U. S KxaraliiluB SurRvon.
Dunes: Hank Sheet, lutnita's ilLOCK. LoSisU
ten, fa.
May be oonsiilicdlti tho (Jitoi n Language.
Nnv. 3'.
W, A, Cortright, D.D.S.,
OFFICE : OjiiHiouu the "urojdwjy House,"
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Fatltntf have Ihe benefit of Hie litest Ira.
revements In me, appliances nnd
ha bst method, .firintincui in all surgical
Ms. NlTltOUS-OJCll'l" ndmlnisleiiil II
4filred. If pos.Iiile. persons ri'idlng outside
of Mauch Chunk should inuke engagements
ymall. J) DM
rni?oM4S r&i;:u:.:r.rt,
GEHERAlL insurance agent
The ?U.ilwins Compnil.. are Unpreseotedi
RSA oljii iHU'UAL, FJltlJ,
W roUIMO I'lllE,
roTT5Vii,fiK Finn,
LiSHKHt VIRK.andtllcTrtAV
.Also r.iasvlvnnli and Mnteul Horse Thlel iuu.ounj; "n,l'u,il:,.. .,.,
Vrco?J.i!7i I MW3. JfEJWSlJEn.
" ' "
Puuhtt noiLOta, MAUCH CHUNK, T.
Fire Insurar.uu Agent.
trr I'OLjI'lir.A la SAl'B Oorapinles only.
,t Uaasunablo lUtes. Ant:. SJ-yl
Hake Sr., Lsiiiohtqk, Pa.
Tla Oabso IlniisK otfers flmt.class ncrmm.
sn.aalloas to the Travotlnie public. II" inline
py lbs-Hay or iVeuk on Reasonable Terms.
Uholoe Ulgari, Wines and l.leiuors alway on
Juaad. Ood Shels ami Stables, wlili alter,
ire llottlors, attached. April
Instructor of Music,
(Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.)
Sole agent for Jjje
iynilKn PIANOS and thi NBW ENO-
And dealer In all kinds of Pianos and Organs.
Terms low and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks,
fit., takn In exehaujEO,'
sheet Made and buoks furnlihcd on short
For particulars, terms, &lc, Address,
Aag t,- lS79-Jy. Lchljrhion, I'a.
-5 r
Liyery & Sale Stables
Manic sTiiKKT.LKiiKiirroN, p
And votltlvely I.OU'Kll PltlOts tlian aaJ
I.arxaand haQiUotne C'artlacoa for Fanerl
rvrvniKa ana weoainta. ujiviu tuilltin
Nor.U. I"3.
IUipeotlully annnuno-s to Ihe pnhllo that he
has )peaed . NKW L1VKII Y ST IILE in
ponnpetluo with his hutel, and Is prepared to
rurulsn Teams for
Fperals, WeJiiiigs or BwTriiiSi1
on shortest notice and most liberal terras. All
prders left at the'Ourbon House" will recelvo
prompt attention Stable on North S'reet,
next the hotel, Lehlifhton, Jan'ii-yl
Tie American Antiquarian
Published by JaIUlSO & Muusk, Chicago,
III, $3 per year. Irililed by Stkpiiks D.
Parr, devoted to CUmiojiI, Oriental En
ropcan nnd Atuericuu Arch. oology. J.
TJiIs Journal elves Information on dimiver
lea and exlratlnninajl lamls.and Is i cry
valuable U thr who aro following Antf.
quartan subJecU as well as to the cniim di
feeler, 8r8-lf
Railroad Guide.
Arrangement of I'asseoger Trains.
MAY KID. 1882.
Trains leave ALLHtsTOWN asfollowai-
For rbllndclpbla.nt Mi3.,0.3. 11.40. a.m.. and
3.10 p, in.
For Philadelphia at t.30 a. xa.Xil v. m.
Kor rtenillnn am) HairlsbuiK, 0.00, 8.10 a.m.,
12.15. 4.SU and (Up. m
l'or Lancastoi and Columbia, COO, S.Pa.m. and
4.30 p m
l'or Eeadini 4 39 and t.i S p. m.
Furllnrrlsbntg, and wn pools 9. )5o. ru.
TrainaFOlt A LLKNTOWN leave aa followsi
VIA rRKIOUKN nAILBOAD.) Plilladelnhla. 4.39 7.40 a. in. and 1.00,
1.30. .lie S.l p. m
I.euTO Plillaoclphla, 6.W a. in., 8 1C and '4.20
X. ni.
I VIA ET rM,! .nnin.i
l.eavo nedlnc,7 to IO.I5a. ui.. 2.10 J.51,fnil6.IJ
t.rare Ifarilsburc 5.0 7t0and0.5O. a.m., 1.45
ami 4 00 p. in.
t.cave Lancaster t7.3ia.ui 1.01 and 3.i p. ro.
r.rarCoinnibl 7.3 a. m l.lo and 3.40 p. m.
tFrom Kiur btreet Depot.
i.eave iteadlnir. 7.30 ane S. 8 n. m.
f.cavo llairlximi a. 8.10 a.m.
Tialns via Perklompn rtoute" raarkod H,oa
') run io intl fumi Depot Mmt.t and 0"een
ntrete, P lladvlphla, oilier Iraiua to and fiom
Droad street Dejoll
Toe 4.1 and C.45 h.m trains from Allentovn
and the M.J and S.ISp m. tram from riuia PcrAionienlMiiOHd.Uave tbrouirh
(araloaLd Horn Piillf tplpbla.
Oeueral ATanaQtr,
C. O IIANCOrK. Orn'I Pan. & 'Jttktt .incut.
November bib.
West End Brewery,
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Pure Porter and Lap Beer
Delivered all over the State.
Oatober,18Sl ;1
ffl. HAG AM AN
Has lUmnved from Weissjiort and taken up
quarters in tho "Old FatzinKer Store,"
Bank Street, Lehighton,
where-old friends and new one can always
find a choice afturujicul at
Dress and Dry Goods,
Notions and Trimmings,
G roccrics,
Provisions, &o., &o. -at
Ttfi; i,4vti:vr tiAsia imcili:s
Also, always in stock one of the finest and
beet selections of
Clocks. Wateta and Jewelry
to bo fmunl In lliii sod inn nf !hMninlry, at
Prices lully b Lw as w'sew liere.
. RepairiiiGr
done In the Wft limine', nt very moderate
eliuigcs. lVitronugc iuvited. upiS 2y
Boiilc St., Lcltiglilon, Pa.,
Aro prepared tp M.ajiufacturo
Carriages, Buggies, Sleiglis,
Spring "Wagon, &c.,
Of every description, In tho most substantial
manner, and at Lonest UasJ? 1'rioes.
Itciiiilrlng rioiniitly Atlcmlcd to.
April 24, 183? yl Proprietors.
The undersigned respectfully antnunco
to their, friends ami the public generally,
that they have secured tho right to manu
facture and Srll this excellent Washing Ma
chine iu Carbon uud Luinrne counties. Tint
is undoubtedly the I1EST Washer tnade.aiid
gives the most perfect satisfaction toall who
use it. Sea this machine before you buy
anyuthcr. Price I0 00. Address
Yenser & Bartholomew,
Lehighton, Pa.
may 20 0m,
Dr r.c.Wr-srsNFiivi! and Drain Treat
Ml.KT.atj.r.dnc.or Ujtterla, lliijluess. Con
ruiuona, Kirvous noaducbe. Meuui Deurea
fiou, Lessor Meniorv. pemn oirlicea. Iniiio.
teney. luvoinutair UmlnBiona. rreniiture Old
Axe, caued Dy over emit on. ai,ue. or'Bi-iieo.Mliiclileatsto ini.erv. ilecnv
nuo .leath. Ouo box will euro went caw a.
acd dox cent ina one nmuttiV trealmeni. Ono a oox or ,x Oosei lor Ovo dollarai aeur
bi lnallplepnliluu teci-ipt I price. We cuar'
aniee six Uoxej to e ire any ca,e w,th eaili
..lUeriecoiwdbi ualoi .x boxca accennan.
lea witii live iloliar. wo nil .nud tho rorclii a-
.",ur.","'",!.u?0"t"' 'oietum thi mi ner
If the treatineut does not eir.e i a euro
niteca 'a.uiil .,ulv when the ticatmeut lanrd'r.
eil direct Ironi n JOHN o WKwT ft CO
Kola Pr.nrtetora. 1st .t its v. Vadiana btreet
tX'lFfI.KLtsEitC0 Wholesale Aaenl,
PnlladeliliiJ, sepLM.'SlOj?
Central Carnage Works,
Cabinet Ware Factory,
fie&la in all kindi nnd ulies of Pliie. Jletuloclt
Oak Hiid Until Woou Lumber, aint is now pie
DresseB LumboR
Poors, Saslics, Blinds, Shutlorv,
Mouldlnt's, Cabinet AVarc, fee,
With lTouiptnesa.
Brackets Made to Order.
TlieMncJjIiicrrlcinll new end of ttiobestaud
most Improvfrt klntlA I euiuloy none but tfio
hent wort in en. me well (teaouod undiioodnm
terlftt.mul urn ilieiroroitblotKa'nteo ontlrn
H8iiIactluu to all wlio nuHj'lavor niewith aenll.
Ordcrfl bv moil liiompily ntlenUeii tu. Mv
cbarce ore moniTutoj term 3 cash, or Interest
t-uarsfil alter ttilrty days
Tw? 11ioio rararrM hi Itmldtna will find it t
1 heir nJvatitnjje to nTe HUUnff, FUtor Bunrda
uoorK, asiics, uuiiera, o;o. &r.. nnuo ni mi
Far tor r.
oonNEn or
Particular attention given to
In a'l Its ilctnlls. nt the very Inmost Prices.
I'atronaun respectfully solicited and perfect
satisfaction uuaraatced.
Dec 6. 1878-yl DAN. WIEAND.
Cream Bali
EiTcctunlty clean
cs tlion.i? ll 8 8
sattrsol Catarrh
al vims, cnurhiK
healthy soore
Honi nllnjs in
Aamnintlnn, pro-t-cii
tliH mrni.
Itrane Iroin mldl
tlonal roJdi. com.
I'letcly heals thu
s-'resntnJ rcBtnri'f
rhe pens of tatUu
nnd eirmll. IJtnu
Het il fiutt am
real I ted hv il few
mcnt will cure Catarrh Hay Fever, tve. Un
equalled for cnlda In the Airrrcanln to
uho. Apply by the little flngcr Into the nns.
trlls. On receipt nr60o Tf ill mall a packniro.
STB" For Sale tiy all dru ulsts In r.chlah
ton. liljVS'OllEAM HAI.M I'D.,
nov28.yl Uivego, N. V.
Boots, Shoes,
or, Gents' Furnisliing Goods
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
public iiatronage solicited. julyl-tf
1881. HOLIDAYS, ll
lleapeel fully announces to her frlondsand tho
public generally, that she la now rvceli lnir
and opening lor their Inspection a larger
stock than ever of the very latest novelties In
Toys & Fancy Goods,
Sullablo for HOLIDAY PI1KSKNTR for
ounic ami Old, ltlch and Puor.. Don't rail
to call early and secure hrst oholce and best
bargains. She also culls their attention to
her Now, Large and Elegant atsortment or
comprising Underwear, Jlerlln and Merman
town Wools. Hosiery, Imported and Do.
Destlo lilbhons Oloves, Flowers and
a fWa assortment or New Designs
Also, In connection with the above, a full
and complete stock of
Caiulli-g & Confections,
together with a variety or Uoods not general
ly kept In any oiher store In town. If loudo
not see what you want, ask for It.
A sh-ire or pabllo patronaKe solicited, and
periect satlsfactlun guaranteed In price and
quality of goods.
Second St, 2 floors above Iron,
Nor. SS, HSi.uiJ. LEHIOHTON, Pa.
(JgfTho Carbon Advocate
one year for $1, and Kendall's
Horse Book as a premium.
With Medicine Quality not Quantity is
the neatest importance; next is the
Knowledge and Experience to Cor
rectly Prepare and Dispense the same
Dil & Family Micine Store,
Bank Strce Lehighton,
You can always roly upon getting STRIOT
LY l'uro and I
Drugs and Medicines.
DURI.INU. carries the laraest stock
PAT1.NT ilEDIl IMS la the county.
DTJRL1NO has an cleirnnt stock of DRUO.
L.c.1- auiiull-b tor ineiaaies as wciias
llio genla.
I'UW IlKKK n snecliilty. His l!3 yere exticr.
lence In the drug business gives blm a great
advantago In lint line.
always a lurgu stock on haud,
vV'INKSnn.l I.1Q VU IIS. both forchrn and
domestic. He has u Ullnioutirapo Wine and
a lry Catawba Wine. Just splendid and
largest assortment In tjwn.
Oo to DUHLINU'S with your prescrip
tions On to DUKLINU'S lor your Patcul
Go to DURLlNH'S ror vnurrancvart'cles.
Farmers and hofsemcn an tu DI'KJ.lNU'a
lor our Horso and Catlle Powders.
oug. a-yi.
A m??CT sell Edlson'sMus.
i,-,LJA, A "P UjjI Telephone and lilison's
Instantaneous Piano and oriran Mualc. Ln
close stamp lor c tlalogue and terms.
EDISON MUSIO CO., Philadelphia, Pa,
dec. 'J4.IH0.
Real Estate & Commission Agent,
Offers tho following Protiertics for Bale:
Farm of 60 Acres. In cultivation : good build
ings; price re.tsonaiilo--one.llilrd cash, bal
ance on long time H desired.
Farm, 45 Acres, In Franklin township. Very
encup. ?.-.iju.
18 Acres or Land, one mile from Lehighton,
an unucr oust cultivation uneap.
30 Acres young Chestnut Timber In Lower
iowninensiiig iwp, near iiiuiporl. very
HulMIng Lot on Third Street. Lehighton ; a
goou locaiion ; very cuouii at 913U.
Two-story Ilrick Dwelling In Welsport. A
very uesir.ioie jiroperty, anu encap in e'auo.
1M Kulldlnir Lois Snyder Addition to tt'elu.
iorr. win no rom on insiaimvniji oi iroin s
to 10 tie, month.
A two.slory llivolllng on llankwny, Lehigh.
leu, jmuu lucjiiou, uniy 91UOU.
4.DO.00S to Loan on good First Mortgages.
If you wih to Buy, Sell or to
Jient call and cee me. All
htisincss placed in my
hands will receive
early attention.
Bank St., Lehighton,
Next Weiss' Carriage Works.
August 6, 188.
Doea a lama baelc or ftdlaorJertadTJi-liie
Indicate tfvat you fu-e a viotiin? TIIENI3D,
pace (oruesiaui i ocoinmoad It) and IfwllJ
.speedilT1 overccmi tho disease and rcotorc
hcalUiy ftctioa t5 all the oreads.
rf i a ct ' or ooipiAua peculiar
,and wcaltncoses, ICXDWEY-WOST la unsur
paj3od,a3 ituill act prompt and eaTcly.
! ElUicr Bex. Incontinence, retantian cfl
urine. Drtci dust orronTdrroslti. and dull!
dracclnz pains, all enccxiUy yield to Its cur
itive power. (JJ)
mjLU 1.x all Priced.
Tteipeet fully announces tu the icoplcof I.e
hlffhtou and Its vicinity, that ho i iiuw iiro
I'arcd toiupply tLom with all kinds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Mate
rials al Prices fully as low as the sameorllele,
can he liought lor etsi-whero. Here are a few
of the Inducements offered
Parlor Sets at Irotn fcSO to (60
Walnut fclarblc-top Dressing Caso
lledroom Suites, 3 pieces AintoAsj
Painted lledroom Suites ilK to 110
(lone Seale.1 1'halrs, persetofC... 14
Common i 'hairs, per et or 0. $1
and all other Goods equally cheap.
In this connection, I desire to call the at
tention or the people to toy uiuplo racllltles In
and a lull UueorOAMiLTS and DOPFINS,
lam prepared to attend promptly Iu all or
ders Iu this line, at lowest prices.
I'atronage rer-pectlully sulleftid and tho
most ample latljfaotl .n guaranteed.
octlJ DANK SU Lehighton.
OF all ntnusenients of the mind,
From logladown to fishing.
The'o Isn't one that you can find
So very cheap as "wishing!"
A very choice diversion, too,
If we but rightly use it,
And not, as wo ore apt lo do,
Pervert It anil abuso it.
I wish a common wish indeed
My purse was somewhat fatter,
That I might cheer the child of need,
And not my pride to flatter;
That I might make oppression reel,
As only gold can make It;
And break the tyrant's rod of steel,
As only gold can break HI
I wish that sympathy and love,
And every human passion,
That has Its origin above,
Would come and keep in fashion
That scorn, and jealousy, and hate,
And every base emotion,
Were buried fifty fathoms deep
Beneath tho waves of ocean.
I wish that friends were always true,
And motives always pure;
I wish the good were not so few,
I wish the bad were fewer;
I wish that persons ne'er forgot
To heed their pious teochings;
I wish that practicing was not
So different from preaching.
I wish that modern worth might be
Appraised with truth and candor;
1 wish that innocence were free
From treachery and slander.
I wisli that men their vows would mind,
That women ne'er were rovers;
I wish that wives were slivers kind,
And husbands always lovers.
I wish in fine that joy and mirth,
And every good ideal,
May come erewhile throughout Ihe earlh,
To )e thi glorious real;
Till God shall uvery creature bless
With his suprciuest blessing
And hope bo lost in happiness,
And wishing be possessing.
ny a. it. k. r.
Nestled among tho Bine monntnins,
far from the busy haunts of commerce, ii
tho picturesque village t f S . People
o.iU it a "more, dead than alive" place,
for the most exciting events of tbe day
nru the arrivals of tho two tmiDs from the
metropolis. Long ngo all thoughts of
navigatiug the river us far north as S
were abandoned on acfiouut of tho lifU;
nnd now, vdlli the exception of a few
rifts in eprtiic. 'ho waters sweep serently
on, bf nring no greater freight tbuu the
hV.iflu of pleasun.'secktrs.
It was evening. The sun hnd bulIi bo
low tbe horizon, nnd its last rays brilli
antly illumined tbe village and river;
the latter was dotted as visual with plea
nro boats. Iu one of these a light
working boat, snch ns college students
use sat ft youtlilul conple to whom we
will introduce our renders. The j-ounger was n young girl of nineteen,
rather blender and 6trikingly handsome;
sho was leaning back and trailing her
band through the water; iu her lap ex.
rjuisite wild flowers were gathered in pro
lusion. As she sat there in the goldtn
hunlight, her blue boating suit and dark,
bright beauty made a striking picture.
Huch was Edna It. Id, tho ackuowledgt d
belle ot 8 . Her pompaniou was u
young man somewhat older than herself;
his face was extremely pale; his brow be
tokened intellect of unusual degrce;every
feature indicated rtfiueiutnt; one might
easily guoss that bo was an artist. His
eyes were fixed upon his companion with
an expression of tenderness us he said,
"Edna, this may be our last row to
gether. Will you recall these happy
hours when I a ti far awuj?"
"Indeed Herbert, I shall always re
member kindly the companion of my
Yes- but, Edna, is that all?"
"All, You remiiieber your promise.'
With a sigh he loaned back iu his smt,
a d for a lew moments neither spoke;
then in a light tone be said
"Ob! the baron has arrived. I saw
him this afternoon, You will not like
him; bo is too grave to pleasoyou."
"I do not like foreigners at all Mrs.
Ginwell is a eharming woman, but It Is
not prubjble that her L-rother In like her;
however, we shall see him to-night, and
can decide better then."
"Ha will not like S -if he has any
taste. I hate it?"
"Ho will show bu good taste If lie does
like this old town;. It U tho pleaiantest
place I know. We hnd better return; it
is late, and I promised Mrs. Carswell to
atsUt iu arranging these flowers. It U
to be hoped tho baron will keep out of
the wuy."
They were soon at tbe shore, and Edna
sprang out of the boat.
"Good-bye, Herbert 1 You need not
H-rbtrt Worth gazed i.fter her for a
monieut. and then rowed away.
Edna walked leisurely np tbe principal
street of S , carrying her flowers onre-
leshly in her baud. Suddenly n small
boy darted past and ltuooked tho bios
unit to tbe pavement.
"Allow me," said a rich, musical voice
at ber side.
She turned aud saw a tall, distinguish) d
looking mau stooping to restore tbe in
jured flowers. He banded the basket
hack, bowed and passed on, but not un
til he had seen that his courtesy had been
extended to a wondronsly beautifnl girl,
Edna soon reached her friend's house,
where she found the hero of ber kligbt
adventure, talking to Mrs, Carswell.
Surely this was the baron,
"WJiy, here she 1 now. My dear, you
are late. Miss IUid. my brother, Baron
Sietifrtil You Forsttier."
Tho introduced parties bowed, and
Mrs. Carswell continued,
"You am too lata to assist iu any pre
parations, and as puuisbtneut, you are
not to sco my flowera until you return."
The lady spoke wllh n slight foreign
AuceuL She bad been Mnlie on Forst
ner, daughter of a uoblu of thnt name
and au American mother; having mar
rled Joseph Carswell, she bad beeu liv
ing in S for several years, Imt this
was the first visit of herldolized brother.
"I shall expect all to enjoy the affair,
and take it as it personal insult If any one
Is out of humor."
So tho lady chattered on until Edna
rose tn depart.
"Miss Held is handsome," said the
"Very," responded his sisters
Mrp. Carsw ell's fete was a success
The brilliantly lighted bouse and
grounds, nnd the profusion of exquisite
flowers, rendered tho scene magnificent.
Herbert nnd Edna were there. Edna,
radiantly beautiful in creamy gatizo and
rich old lace. Herbert more Bad and
pale than usual.
The baron evidently disliked being
lionized, but be bore himself well. When
all tbe guests bad beeu presented nnd he
was nt liberty, be made his way to where
Edna was seated.
"Miss Iteid, may I have this wal'z?"
Iu a moment they wero whirling
through tbe dizzy maze. They danced
perfectly; lis blonde, mnuly Keauty con
trasted well with her dark loveliuess.
When tho music censed they wandered
through tbe grounds, conversing upon
subjects of common interest. The baron
was captivated; as for Edna she did not
disliko foreigners qnite so much. ,
The following Subbnth fouud Edna at
church with her mother nnd younger sis
ter, Nellie. Herbert wns by Edna's side;
be seldom occupied the Worth pow. Mrs.
Carswell wap there wild her brother; of
teu were bis eyes turned to where I'dna
sat, and when the service was ended ho
made an effort to speak to her. Herbert,
divining the young man's intention, hur
ried Edna away.
"I hope you do not care," he said.
"You know this is my last day, and I
want yon all to myself."
Tbe next day Herbert Worth left the
homo of bia childhood and embarked for
Home; be was going to that classic land
lo win renown.
Edna, as she bade him farewell, was
almost tempted to bid him stay, for since
her lather's death be had been her kind
est friend. Tbe tears which gathered in
her eyes wcru remembered by the' young
muu for ni.iuy a weary year.
"Cirliug, you cuu recull mo with a
word at any time."
With tbcte words he was gone. Ah,
bow different was hU return to bel How
many changes were to take place ere these
two would meet again!
During the week that ensued Mrs.
Cuiswell brought ber brother to call upon
Miss Roid. A series of sociul gatherings
sitcceedtd the lete. Ficnics, driyes and
lawn festival wero nt their height; nt
most of these Baron Siegfreei and Edna
were together, and many au evening the
young mau spent at the Iteid homestead.
They played both were flue musicians;
they sang, and bis rich bass harmonized
well with her clear contralto; tbey con
versed, and ho told ber of his beloved
mother country.
Thus did tbe happy weeks wear away
and still the baron lingered in S , un
til autumn warned him no longer to tar
ry. He departed with regret, for it had
been a pleasant summer. On Edna's
linger ha lelt a handsome diamond, an
hairlooni of the Von Forstuer family.
They were sitting together on the night
before his departure.
"Darling," ho said, "if yon had never
known me nould you have married Her
bert Worth?"
Edna hesitated, and be continued,
"I feel sorry for tbe poor .tllow, and
if I thought ynu would bo happier I
would give you up, though it would be
"I lovo ncibert as a brother."
For a long time they were silent, then
be spoke.
"In June I shall return; yon must be
redy, for I will not go again without
After be was gone the weeks dragged
wearily to Edna; but there were letters
to write and receive, and Mrs. Carswell,
who was delighted with the tdeu of buT
ing Edna for a sister, came often, aud
our htroiuo was kept buy.
Mrs. Worth wrote to her son nf tbe en
gagement; his ouly reply was,
"I hope she will bo happy iu her choice;
Edna nnd I were pliymatts, aud I should
not like to know she was uuhuppy."
"How happy I am," thought the fond
mother, "thut he does not cure!" Little
did she dream of tho siruggle that had
taken place lu the attlst's studio, aud of
tbs agony it bad cost blm to say, "Toy
will be doue."
We will pass lightly over the winter,
for it contained nothing of interest to
our characters. The baron wrote ollcu,
aud his letters wero long and tender.
May tad arrived ; Edna's trim,seuu was
finished; eveu the conventional satin aud
orange blobsoms wi re ready, A trlciiruui
arrive'!: "I leaie by xtoituer to-day,"
Then with txueotiincy she waited. At
last the "Sea Gull" was due; to-morrow
ho would be here. Bnt to-mcrrnw ram -,
anil tho next day aud thu next, but not
ber lover.
One morning, as Edna sat In tlje pretty
morning-room overlooking the river,
Nollio eulired. Her face was lUhen; lu
ber haud she held a paper. Seeing E ina
she would have withdrawn. but our hero
ine snatched tbe paper aud read what
ber horror bad tancied. Tbe Sea Gull
had been burned at sea, and Siegireel Von
Forstuer was uuiong tu - cqik.iih,!
Nut a cry, uot a sound oamu troni the
stricken girl; only a ghastly wll,r nnd
a I ard, stem lookcropt ovir ber featuris.
Eutreaty of uotluraud sister was intu
it could nut bring a tear.
TJir.A Ttf.r. Irft. r fi.ltt. . ,,l.. ..r in
room was liltlo changed; the viow ot the 1
river was the saino, and the birds were
slugluo as merrily without ns iVer. The
occupant whs Edna lMd, but oil, how
clintigerll Instead of a bright, girl
she was a sad, beautiful wi in'tti.
As she sat thero lu the Msnlight her
thoughts were plea'aiit, for she smiled
a swi el, sad smile.
A light step behiud ber, and she turned
Herbert was before her; tliuu hnd ltft Its
trace, and there wero marks of car. upon
bU brow. Stooping, lie placed his arm
tsnderly around Edna's' waist;
"Edun, I havecomo for the answer you
promised mo so long ago. Hush, dar
ling! I know what j on have suffered, and
love you better for it,""
"Herbert, Ion n gray-haired woman
now, but if there is uuglit in me that will
ropay you for your waiting. I am yours,"
He did not speak, but the glad light
told better than words thut bo was re
warded. A few weeks later, In the vlllaco chapnl
a quiet wedding took place. Did Edna
think of the past as she walked up tho
alsle.or was hershnddcr caused by a rude
breath of wind ?
In her quiet way she was happy, for
she wns making Herbert happy. His
artist friends envy him, and say thnt with
such a wife he cannot bnt succeed.
Tbe latest craze is the hat flirtation.
It Is too utterly utter, too intensely in
tense. Tho following is the code.
Wearing the bnt squarly on the bead
I love yon madly.
Tippiugitover tbe rightear My little
brother has the measles.
Fulling it over the eyes You must not
recognize me.
On tbe back of tho head Ta, la!
Taking it off and brushing it tho wrong
way My heart is bursting.
Holding it out iu tho right hand Lend
me a quarter.
Leaving it with your uncle I have
been to a church fairc
Throwing It at a policcmaD I love
your sister.
Using it as n fan Coma nnd see my
Carrying a brick in ii Your cruelty is
killing me.
Kicking it up stairs Is tbe old man
around ?
Kicking it down stairs Where Is'yonr
Kicking it across the street I nm en
Hanging it on the right elbow Will
call to-night.
Hanging it on the left elbow Am bad
ly left.
Putting it on the ground and bitting on
it Farewell forever.
Quick, complete cure, all annoving Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases $1
Inclination and interest determine
the will.
-Ferseverence is the best school for
manly virtue.
What sunhine is to flowers smiles
are to humauity.
If you oro 6ick and tronblcil with dva-
popsia Brown's Iron Bitters will cure you.
Poverty is iu want of much, but ava
rice of everything.
Wit is a merchandise that is sold, but
can never bo bought.
It U much oasief to settlo a point
than to act on it.
Ynnng, middle seed, or old men. suffer.
Ing from nervous drbllftv or kindred alfeo
linns, should address, wflli two stamps, for
large treatise, World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Dei flu lo, X. Y,
Action will uot always bring tiorpi-
uess without action.
We are no longer happy as soon as
wo wish to bs happier.
-The winner is he who givoj liiinsdl
to bis work body and soul.
The Heisht of Folly.
Tn wait until v..u are in bed with disease
you may nut ge l oyer for months, is the
height nf folly, when you might be easily
cured during tho early symptoms by Par
sera uinger ITinlc. We Have known sicklv
families made the healthiest, by a timely
uso of this pure medicine. Oitirwr.
Sow good services; sweet remeru-
braces will grow from tbeiu.
He lhat wrestles with u,streiiglbeus
our nerves nnd sharpens our skill.
-Troubles borrowed and stolen out-
number by far all others In tho world.
Greatest Ducsvery Since 1402.
For .muuIis. cidils, sine throat, hnucltitr.
laryngitis, and consumption in Its earl,
stages, nothlr.g equal D'. Piere'e's "Goblin
Meiiicsl I)cniery," It isal.i a great blood-
lurilieranii stri'iijlii-rtnier .r tonlo.nnd
or liver coui'ilaiiit ami ro.liro c 'millions nf
tho bowel it has no equals. Bold by all
Great men uud genuiuiiiiissflnd tlulr
true plioo iu times of grant events.
It is oisy to look down on others; tn
look down ou ourselves is n ditlicully.
Hie npronches of inemies hniild
quicken us tu duty, uud not keep us from
doing it.
Cl rgjmcn consider this world only
us a diligence iu u blub they cau travel to
What's Bavod ia Gained.
Workiiigiiieii will ti.,iii.ii!iito bv employ
ing Dr, IVn1' Mr,licine I!i' Plua., ul
Purgative reliefs" and "uolden Meilitvil
Discovery" cleanse liio blood ami vteoi
thus preventing fevers and other serious die
rases, and curin; oil scrofulous and oilier
humors. Sold by ilruezi'tt.
People's intentions cau ouly bu de
cided by their conduct.
-When you face a difllaulty never let
it staro ynu nut of omintetuiuco.
-Tni ui-t ler cimianitareMura booth- i
d and tomd by inuoieuce.
(if, who WMildscquIrn fain must not
show Meuuli iiiiai l uf o-uure
It i Ul ire bmini.ibl.. 1. aoVenl,HKe
Lv. ii i.. i... ti.siw.t4; .,.'
too btronbly,
Forthe Oauoox Advocate.)'
A cnake whose eutiieliody ! ad become)'
lignined has been taken from the trunk
of n Brazilian tree.
Ill tho Shetland Islands recently
stroke of lightning detached n mass if
four hundred tons of rock from tbe side
of n hill, causing it to fall Into a road be
low. Tho lightning tutu deep' rut down
the fuco of tho hill.
From four observations of Comet
Wells nfl8S2. Herr Thraen, ofDlugel
stndt. Thnringla, lias computed a' bet of
elliptic elements which indicate that a
return nf tlmt Itntlv ulll tint rtcii ftr
alWit 3.1)17 vtnrs".
Crystals sometimes attain an lm
inenso size, one of quartz at Milan belnpf
three nn.l quarter feet in length aud five
uud u hull feel in c.lri iiniri rence, and es
timated t'o weigh nvero'flf) poliBilar while'
a great her 1 at Griifton, N, II., is Diore'
than four feet long ami tldrty.two inches'
iu dlametefand weighs not liss tn'an &,
000 ponuds.
Messrs. Schnlhoff and Bosscrt have
worked out anew (he observations record
ed of tie comet of J812, and from the
most probable elements obtain a revolu
tion period of 71 7 years, lending them to
belleVn thA't Hie comet will again cmno. Irf
perihelion about the middle nf 1683 The)'
uncertainly as to tho period of revolution'
is about threo and a bulf J uirs.
Prof. Whi(ney maiutuius that the
earth is gradually drying up a process'
which commenced in cretaceous times.
Tho increasing dryness within tbo his
torical period, of Persia, Arabia, tbd'
conutries around tbe Aral nnd Caspian,'
North Africa aud Greece is proved by
abundant facts.
According to John Ilogers, F. It. M.
S., it is claimed that modern microscopes
are made to magnify as much as 32.C0O.
diameters, while some regard 100,000 di
ameters us possible. Such excesslvo am
plification, however, gives too imperfect
results aud is attended by too man' dif
ficulties to be of any value. Tho great
est living microscopists are of tbe opin
ion that a power of 3.000 or 4.000 diam
eters represents the highest useful limit
of microscopio vision.
At a recent meeting of the ltoyal
Horticultural Society of London, Bev.
G. nenslowexhibited potato-tubers which'
had grown upon tbe stalks of tbe plants'
in the axils of leaves. He also showed!
plum loaves perforated with small circu
lar holes, caused by tho lens action of
raindrops wblcb oncentrated tbe sun's1
r. s and burned Ihe leaves. Another ex
hibitor, Mr. Saxton, sent green, purple'
nnd speckled pea. pods the last ft result
of crossing the two 0th6rs".
It has been found that the preseuce
of xilica is not essential tn plant-growth,
but thnt it may serve valuable purposes'
is shown by the researches Of Wolf. After
fourteen years of experiments on the oat
plant, this observer concludes that silica
aids iu tbe ripening of grain by causing
tho early' death of thfi leaves, which is
followed by n passage of their nutritive'
matters to tue seeds. Thus iu ad experi
ment without silica 30 seeds wero pro
duced; with a little silica, 90 seeds; with
much silica, 181 seeds. Silica also tends'
to prevent the absorption 'y plants of
superfluous quantities of essential min
eral matter, thus keeping the soil from
unnecessary exhaustion:
In a pnprr upon "electro-mania,"
Mr. W. Mattien Williams says that tlte
leading full icy urging eloclru-m iniacs of
the present day to ruinous investments'
is the ide.i thnt electro-motors are noTel
ties, and that electric-lighting is In its
infancy. Directly, follow ingthe brilliant
discoveries of Faraday, Ampere, and
others, came numerous electro-motors,
nnd n parade of tho wonderful results ob
tained with machines wht-.-h, it was be-
lleyed, were quickly to supirsede steam
engines. ThiH was nearly n half century
ago, and electrical progress has been less
rapid tliAn lniuy seem to beliwe. Com
paring an eJcctric ruilaay of fi'rty-years'
ago (upon which ho Mmself rodol With1
one of to ihiy.nud tho experimental steam,
railway of that timo with the perfected
and ubiquitous modern affair. Mr. WI1
Hams affirms that the rate of advance in
electricity lias teen far slower than that
of sUani during the last four decades. Aa
to dic'rlc-lighting, it is older than gns
llgbtlng, aud its strides have been much
less rapid nnd pssilive. Sir Humphrey
Davy exhibited th electric light in Lon
don whilo the city was dimly lighted by
oil-lamps, and before ga-lighting bad
been attmipted any where. The lamp
used by D ivy at the beginning of this
century was npabte of giving n dazzling
arc four inc'ics in l.-iiftt Is -being vastly
more brilliaut tl.a;i modern arc-lights.
Even the- itifiunievccnl 1 imp is nothing
new, but was originally invented by a
young American named Sli.rr. who died
in 1817. This Inventor, iu whose experi
ments Mr. Williams sin red. tried wlckg
of platinum und of platinum and iridium
alloys, and abandoned them ns Edisou
did tl ir'.y years Liter. Various form of
oirhoii were then tried, including Ihe
i enlieal form now used by Edisou. In
fact, ibis old lamp uoa almost ideuticcl
lu all im;i rtant dttiila with the modern
ones nf Edison, Swuu and others. Its
only (.cleiitillo dele'd was dne to tbe col
lecltiigof norhon film m lbs gUs globe.
The ni'iht important part off very
biisiuos Is to know what ought to be
It is a great gift of the gods tO'be
born with a hatred unit ccuteiopt of all
injustice and lUfHiiuies'.
No evil propnudty of tbo human
heart is so powerful that il may not bs
subdued by stiie-l discipline.
The iu- i-t ri'lii-ate, the most sensible
nf all ,IMnr a Mt In promoting th
plea-ur . other.
lie b - nouns all Ills life In sport.
l h-- w 1 ' ' 1"K hut lliugc.
V " ' -;'"-"
i l m-ys uibcovenng
... -i ii- ea-, s-- e me
p. iu iun uror.