til?",. i i i.v.T-iLUgi.M.;J.-y Tdveftising Rates. WEM"" ty 10 H dlstlncliy, understood Miilfn3 aaVertiromontsfwiU ba inserted, lu ithtf&iamnsofffnrt&RiioiJ Ai"vooatk that 'njiWwi itM!frSi ;uhknnwn firtlcSJor k'rmi MeiicWwti"cd W ,he 0AH- 1 oxe sqoiRK (10 UKia), One y&r, each Insertion.......; 10 els. Blx monthS, each-iheertion r li cts. Three months, each Insertion 20 cts. Leu than three months, first Insertion I '$tichiuseqaent insertion t. 25 cU. LoollVStlcci 10 ' cents per line. ' I ft' !' ltj"yl MRTHfMEK, Publisher. , CARDS. Attorneys. isexttioKKK Ari o6olaKLLon at law, dim stsist,t.siosTOii,Pi. ...ilj j clUrtlnn Aosncr Wllllluysnd 8.11 K,.l Kitatr. .Oonveysnclng .iwitly done Col sttlsns promptly mads. Hettllng Kalatas of Us- d.nti spssUHr. May be consulted in nnginn aaUtrmtn. Nci.iz. "tw.'ob'oLtfrL. i. n. wAtt'smi rtMeMKKN. (Late Assistant Oom'r of Patents.) B. E WARNER SCO Attorneys at Law, .Warnkr HuiLdivo, WAS 11 IN l TON , D. 0. Attention given to Patent and Mlnln cases, Lands, Pensions. Hounlles, and Hovernm-nt rEIiysicians.aud Dentists. 1 ' 1 1 j i i ' . , 'pitYSIOlAN , AND SURGEON, Sr-etl.l sttentlon 'rU to Chronlt Diseases. Offles: South East corner Iron and 2nd sts-bo-hljhlon.Pa. April 3, 1875. B. EEI1EH, M. D. U.,8lExtnlntnK Surgeon, pnAOTieiNoVlIYBIllIAN andSOKOEoN. OEriCEtiilankStreot, HrBEB'b ULOOK, Lehigh '"jjar'toeoonsatiea la tlio Germ -n LauguaKO. U. WILL W. KEUElt, MAIN STBEET, PikuTTILtK, (lARDOX COUWTIT, PA. Mav be oonsulled la the English or German W?A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : OpiKisite the "uroadway House," f 1 1 MVUOh- Chunk, Pa. Patients have the benrfit of Hie lntest lm lirovements In. rnei-hnnlwl nppllanrea and li... iu..t mntiimii lirtreatlneni in nil surutctl cntn. NITHtlUS-OXIHK ndmlnlMcml II dulred. If posill.lc, perinns resiumi! vumiio .of Mauch Chunk, should make eiigaircnicnls Iimall. J)M JL- . CON VKYANURH, Ann GKNERAL INSURANCE AOENT iTh .Mlowloil Owapanles re ltepresented: LUllA.S )N MUrUALFIKK, ' RliAlllMQ 11 II I'll A L I'l HE, VOMINCl F1UE, por i'mviliiK pina, - I.UHKin KjRK.aiid thelltAV ' .RLEUn AliOID'JNT lHStTHANUH, i: Also" roansvlvanli and iluttml llocse Thief ' eteollvcann m-uram-ej "'"l'aiiy. Marenil.Wl mos. KEMKBEB, Joctt Bou.Dii.0, MAUUH CHUNK, Pa. ' ; Fire -Insurance Agent. S- POLl'MES In SAKE Companies only, at Beasunable Hates. Aug. 'J3-yl ARBON HOUSE, UAUDEMI1USII, PnOPniETOIl, Iaxe St., LamortTOK, Pa. "rt. flAnnnW II nnaa. lifers llrst.class aceom raodatlnas to Ihe Traveilnir public Honnllna iallnas to me i ravennir puum-. nuiuuttia the nav or vi"eok on lteasmiahle Terms eloe Cigars, Wines and l.innors alwuy on id. (Joed Sheds aud Stables, nlih nitre- br the It. llostlsra, attaebed. April ltl-yl JOHN F. HALBACII, Instructor of Music, '(Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LEIIIGHTON, PA. Sole agent for the WEBEK PIANOS and tin NEW ENG LAND OliOANS i Jtad dealer In all kinds or Planosand Orgmr Terms low and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks, cts., taken In exchange. Sheet Miiite and books furnished en short notice. t For jiarUculars, terms, fco., Address, ' -JOHN F. HALBAOH. Aug 1, ;nif-ly. Lehlishton, Pa. D .VYIU EK II CRT'S Livery & Sale Stables uawk sTHKiaT.LKiiluuTO.nf, i' FAST TROT I'INQ HORSES, ELEtiAUT CARRIAGES, And Miitlrelr LOWKIt PHIOES than any oiue livery in in woaniy. Large ana hmil.omo Carnages far Funeral varaoses ana weooinxs. jjaviu i.uaivur nov. JJ. 171 W W. RAUDENBUSH Resneetlnlly announei tn the public that he has opened a NEW LIVERY aTAIILK In Mnneetlon with his hotel, and Is prepared to famish Teams for Funerals, Weddings or Bisiness Trips. en shortest netleeand most liberal terms. All orders left at the "Carbon House" will receive pioiupt attention Stable on North S'reet, next the hotel, Lehlgbloa. JanZ2.yl A Bible Commentary. Hlghlv endorsed by Representative Men .of ill Churches. Lowest prieml book pub lished. Address NiUES & WuiTLnnic.llillt dale, Mleh,-, ' apr8 cor is" n h H. V. roRTinstEn, Proprietor. " INDEPENDENT ' 5 Live aild Let Live.' l-00 a Year if Paid in Advauce. VOL. X., No 37. LEIIIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY AUGUST 5, 1882. If not paid in advance, 1.25 Railroad Guide. pl'lII.A. A HIOAOIPTG KAILIIOAD Arrangement of Passenger. Trains. may an. IM1 Trains lcavo ALLEi.'roWN asfollowsi TU ritttKIOHEK BAlLHOiU) Tnr Philadelphia, at "4:3., C4S, IMO.n.m.. and J. 10 p. in. hUNDAYP. For Philadelphia at 4.30 n. m..3.J8 t. m. I VIA KA&1' fF.SKA. BnAKCU'.l ForRenllng and Ilntrlatiuiir, e.DO, 8.43a ru I2.IS. 4.".u and 06p. m Tor Lancnletnd Columbia, C.C0. 8. Ca.ro. and 4.J0U ra" . - f-'UNDAVS. For Jieadint 4 St and o.i t p. m. Kuril nit Isbnrg, and WB o nts Lltn. n. Trains FOB A LLK si OWN leave as follows: VIA PgKKIOMItN ItAILKOAB.) Leave rhlladelnlilii. 4.30 7.40 a. ru. and 1.09, 1.30 .iua 5.1 w. in KUKDAY.s. boive Philadelphia, 8.W a. m., 8 16 and M.30 p. IU, (VIA HABT FKNNA BIUKCII.I cavo rteadlne.7 10 10.15n-m..2.C0 J.St,mrtC.I5 .',.i. r.eavo nnrtlsburg 6.0 7 to andO.50. a. m.. 1.4S Ri.il I uo i. m. Leave Lancaster t7.3'n.ro l.(V and tl.io p. in. r,cai"Co'iinibl!i .i a. ro J.10 and S.40 p. ro. I From liingbtreot Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave neadtnir. 7.S0ane 9.6 a.m. I.euvc HuirlKini:,6.'.0a.ni. Tialnsvln PerHomen noute" marked lt.fl () run 'o (.nd rioin Depot Nitit arid Oi-een (irels. 1 lladelplda, oibor troius to and from llro id meet Dc-ot Tne 4.1 and (1.45 n.m tialna from Allentoirn nd the "1.3 aiid 5.161). m. tram from Plilla. rit'lpliin.Mn l'rr Jinn'"" Hnilro d.uate tbroneli aiatoaud Iroiu riillpcei n;a. K. WOOT1EN. Qeueroi Sfanaaer. c. a nANcoric. am'i rati. & ntket Aotnt. Piuvciuuei bin JOHNR.G.WEYSSER, mtonuETon of the West End Brewery, Maucii Chunk, Pa. Pure Porter and Lapr Beer Delivered all over the State. October 8. 1881 yl M. n.-VGAHIAN IIu3 Hi'innyeil from Wi-iMort mid laken up quarters In tho " Old Falziuner Store," Bank Street, Lehighton, where old Irin-ls and new nue can always find u rhoice Hrs'trliuetil of Dress and Dry Goods, Notions and Trimmings, Groceries, Provisions, &c, &c. at Tim: i.ovrKir oamj im:ici Also, always in stock one nf the finest anil best Beleciions.of Clocks. Watcta and Jewelry to be found in tills km t inn of 1l.eountry, at 1 ru'f s hilly us Jjw as elsewhere. HepairinG- lone'ln tlip lest mnnne-. at very mndorato etiurgce. Patronage ttmtfd, aprS 2y Central Carriage Works, Bank St.. Lciiiglitou. Pa., Are jireparod to manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Uf every description, In the most substantial manner, auu at i.vwcst casn Prices. Ht'inlrlii Promptly Attended to. TKEXI.ER & KUEini.En, April 2fl, 1870 yl Proprietors. PATENT MAGNUM BOXUM lotnes Wasiier. The undersijned respectfully announce tn tlirlr friends and the pulillo generally, that they have 6eciireil tho right to inanu fjrture anil 6rll tins excellent Washing Ma chino in Carbon ami Lueerne counties. Tliu is undoubtedly the BEST Washer niade.and Rives the most wrleet satislaclion to all tvhu nto It. See this machine before, vou buy any other. I'ricoSIOOO. Address Yensor & Bartholomew, Lehighton, Pa. may 2D dm. NERVOUS DEB1LI Y: A CURE (JUARANTEEn. l)r o. West's 1. FitvR and Iirain Tbeat Ml:.T. a nierluc ior ItjUerl.i, IhizIiksu, Oou vuimoua, Miivous ..eud'.cbe. Menial Iieprea slon.LoHaof Memurt. poima nu-lioea, Impo. tency, luvomntarr Kmlaio;H. Premuiure Old Ago, cnueti bv over exi.it on, telr-ubuse. or overduiluigenco, lacb leacato iun.err. decav ami ticnth. One box will euro ncout ca.ca. Kacn box cnut inaoue n.unth'. tieutuifui, one doliar a vox or six i.oxalortlvodollrai ecnt Ur mail uiepahi mi receipt 1 1 price. Wo auar auiee aix boxes to euro auy care With each I'lder icce.ve.lb. ua foi lx boxes oceoaiuali lo wit.i nve doliai . we mill . ud the tiurehaa rr out written guarantee to return the ini.uev If inotreaiuientdora uni elf.ciacure Hoar Miter. tatuiduulv when the treatment laord'r. ed direct iroiu n. JijIIN c vvisht CO.. Sole IT "oilelors, 181 .6 K3 w. Vadiann street ruioego.IU. A J DUltLINO Auent, 1 ehlgu: ton Pa. i?.?,F.II.K1IJiE "(.. Wholesale Asnts Phaxdeljdua. seit.:,'lly rpitK SLA'J'IMUTOJi PLANING MIL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, ATSLATIXniOX. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., 'DeMs In nil kinds onrt sites of PJho, Hemlock Oak una Hatd wood Lumber, nud la now pie parea 10 execute any hivouui ot orucrs ior DresseB Lumfoell. OF ALA, KIKD9. Doorg, Sashes, Blinds, Slmttcry, Jlouldliigs, CrtbliiGtVaro, &c, With PrOinplness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery is all now and ot the best anil must Improved kinds. I employ none but the best workmen, utte well sra.ouod and good ma terlal, and am Ihei efore able tn pnai antec eutlro atilactlon to all who niavlnvor mewlth a call. Onlcra uv mail piompily attended to. Mv rlDtraei are moderatei termi cash, or inteicst charged alter thirty days Q1VK ME A CALL, rr?" 1 hose rn?aced In Bnild'ne will find It t heir advantage to h'lVe Mdluir. Floor iloarda Doors, saalics. hu tiers, dio.. Ac, mrdeatthl Fei'tory. alar juna haluiki. DANIEL W1EAND, Carriages,AVagons,Sleighs,&c COKNEU OF BANK AJil) IK0S STREETS, LEHIHHTON. Penna.,' Particular attention given to REPAIRING tn all Its dotntlff. at the very Toveest rrlcea. Patronairo rosneelfullv eollcllcd and nerfect paUp far lion uuaraLtcod. Dec 6. 1879-yl DAN. WIEAND, D ATARRH ELYa' Cream Balm L"l WIG Ehcctuallyolcan VOCAM oWleM ses thonsil ims . T IV r iV v-.., h mat, ft ill I'ntnrrl,. al virus, cuuhin healthy Mcrc Mnns, allays In flammation, .ro t cts tliH mem. hrane (rom iiddU tlonal cuhU. com plitety htul? the srcsiind resinrcs ihe scn? oftuste HAtAtPASSAa'-WyjSJ- and simtl. lleno- ncnl results arc realized by a few applications. A t heron nh treat. ment will cure ratarrli Hay Fever, &c. Un i qnnlletl Torcoldy In the head. Afcreeable to Ufa. Apply by the little Anger Into the nos trils, i m receipt ofoOo will mall a p.ickaifo. T$- Fur Sntn hy all tlru Khts In Lclififh ton. EIYYS'UKKAM '(., novXQ-yl Uwcgo, N. Y, JP YOU ARE IN NEED OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods GO TO CLAUSS & BROTHER THE POPULAR Merchant Tailors, Bank Street, Lehighton. PRIOES VERY LOW FOIt OASH. The publlo patronage solicited. Juljl-tf 1881. HOLIDAYS. 1881. Mrs. C. DeTSCHIRSCHSKY ! Ilespeeifully announces tober friends and the public grnrnlly, lhat she Is now receiving and opening for their In-pen Ion a larger stock (ban ever of the very latest novelties lo Toys & Fancy Goods, Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS for Young and Old. Rich and Poor,. Don't fall lo rati early and scure tlrst choice and best bargains. She also calls Ihe'r attention lo tier New, Large and Elegant assortment of NOTIONS, comprising Underwear, Herlln and Ocrman. town Wools. Hosiery, Imported aud Do mestic Ribbons (lloves. Flowers and n Pin assortment ot New Dostgns IN FANCY ARTICLES Also, tn connection with the above, a full and complete stock of GERMAN FRUITS, LIJIllURQEIt CHEESE. - ' CanillfS & roufoelloiis, together with a variety of Goods not general ly kept In any other store In town. If jou do cot sre what you want, ask Pir It. A share of public patronage solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed In prlco and quality or goods. SecoEu St., 2 floors auove Iron, Nov. S, 1681-mS. LEU1QHTON, Pa. The Carbon Advocate one year for $1, and Kendall's Horse Book as a premium. With Medicine Quality not Quantity is the neatest importance; next is the Knowleflffi) aim menence to utr rectly EreBare and Dispense the same At A. J. DURLING'S POPULAR Dri & Family Mlm Store, Bank Strec Lehighton, You can always rely upon Return? STltlOT LY Pure and Unadulterated Drugs and Medicines. DUULINU. carries the larircet Block PAT1.NT MEDIl INtS In the county. DUIIL1NO has an clm-ant strck of DJiUO- OlSTJ SIlMIMtB, FANUY and T)I LKT AltTlOLES for tho ladles al Well as Ihe nenln. DUltLINO mnkes HOUsn and OATTLE IUJWDKHS a sneclalty. HislS yoirs exber- lehce In tho irug business gives him a great uilvniiluKe In Hi it line. TUtlSSKS. SUPPIlRTKItSandUKAUES always a largo slock on hand. iVINKS and LICH'OIIS, both forclRn nnd domestic, lie lias a (Jlluiou (irape Wine and a 1 1 r y Uatanba Wine. Just splendid and cheap. WALL PAPK1IS and HOUDERS the largest assortment In town. Clo to UUHLINU'S with your prescrip tions (In to UUKLINU'S lor your Patent Medicines. Oo to DURLINH'S for yourfancvart'cleS. Farmers and horsemen goto IiliRLlNGM for your Horse and Uattlu Powders. A fJlfV'rC! wanted.losell Edison's I tJljl 1 O C., Telephone and Kills Mus. tihone and hdlson's Instantaneous Piano and Organ Music. Ln. close stamp lor catalogue and terms. EUISON MUSIO CO., Philadelphia. Pa. dec. !2tuiG. WHEMCE COMES THE DSBODHDED POPULARITY OF Allcoct's Porous Plasters ? Because they have proved themselves the Best External Remedy ever invented. They will cure asthma,colds,coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, and any local pains. Applied to the small of the hack . they arc infiiHihlg, , in Back-Ache, Nervous Debility, and all Kidney troubles; to the pit of the stomach they are a sure cure ior Dyspepsia and Liver Pomplaints. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS arc painless, fra grant, and quick to cure. Be ware of imitations that blister and burn. Get ALLCOPK'S, the only Genuine Porous Plaster. Feb. 18-13 c. o. v. Respectfully announces i the peoplo of Lo. hlghton and Its vicinity, that ho is now pro. pared to supply them wit th all kinds of Household Furniture Manufactured from the beet Reasoned Mate- rtnls at Pr ees fully m low as theraine article. can bo taught lor tls-whero. Here are a few ot the Inducements offered' Parlor Sets at Irora $50 to $00 watnut ltiarntciop ures'in t.aso lledroom Suites. 3 nieces atO to AQS Painted Jledromn Sultrs 18tofl0 Oane Seated (Jhatri1, per set of6.... ss Oommon i hairs, per .et of C $1 ami an oinor uoous equally enap. In this connection. 1 desire to call the at tentlon of the people to in v ample facilities In THE UNDERTAKING BUSING with a NEW and HANDSOME UKARSK, and a lull llneofUAMCLTS nnd COFFINS, 1 am prepaied to attend promptly to all or ders In Ibis Hue. at lowest prices. Patronage rerpectlully solicited and the most ample satisfaction guaranteed. V. SCHWARTZ, octll HANK St., L hlghton. I? 0HGAN8 27Stnps.l0 8et6noeds only too. PiAKoa$l25up. Rare Holiday Inducements Readv. Write or call on HKATTV, Washington. N.J. . (jEsjpThose of our subscribe ers getting, the Advocate through the mail will please refer to the direction tab, note their indebtedness, and remit the amount. In all eases where we have to send hills $1.25 will be charged to cover expenses of postago, etc. DABWIN1SM IN TIIE KITCHESi I was tnltln' oft tliy boniiet One afternoon at tlirte, Vhen a hinscck Juntpcil upon It As provcil to he a flea. Tlicn t takes it to ttie grate, hel ween the bars lo slick it; But I hadn't Innj; to watt Ere It cli rinsed Into a cricket. Saya I ! "Surely my eeuecs' Is a-iltlln' In a fbffl" So tn drnwnd it I commences, When it halters to a frog. Here my heart began to thumps - And no wonder I felt funky j For tho frog, witli tine .big Jump, Leaped hisself into n monkey. Then I opened wido my cyca, His features for lo scon, And observer! with great surprise, That the monkey was a Irian, Cut he vanished from my sight, And t sunk urain lie floor, Just as missus, witli a light, Came inside Hie kllchlil door; Then, beginning to abuse hie, In I' She says: "Sarah, you've been drink- I says: "No mum, you'll excuse mej But I've merely been a thlnkin'. "But, as sure as I'm n cinner, That party what you scs A-giltin out o' the winder, Have developed from a Ilea." The Ghost ofje Laburnums. "Why do yon not invite ynur humble servant to tho Laburnums, Pan?" nsked pretty llapbftellit Fniilie. "Because it is so lonely there, Rae." "For that reason I shall coma Hud keep yon company for n whole week, jnst ns soon as I can get nvvny ffoin the city. I know yon nnd Phil were mopli.g; ' A sudden gravity went over Fanny nrudenei's KentU countenance, yet her eyes brightened expectantly. "I should love to have you there, of course, she said. When tho traiu time enme nnd Fannie had left Rie's pretty studio and the city, the little iirtist still sat daiutily touching the photograph sho was coloring, and evidently closely thinking of something else. She was i.ot sure that Dr. l'hilip Urudcnel would exactly approve of her going to the Labumniiis, but she meant to go for fill that, for sho loyed him, find she could plainly see that lie hod cures nud perplexities of which she know noth ing. And though they bait been engaged over o. year, he m ida no proposal of mar rying soon, but looked tnoody when the subject was nieutioned. lite so enjoyed his company that she could live with him lu the black hole of Cilcnttn, she,declar ed to hersell.lmt probably Philip did not think so. Anyhow idle was going to the Laburnums, his home at Iiowshoro, be cause ehe felt that her love gave her nj right to know what Was disturbing him. Ton day later she locked hir studio door nud took the train to Lmvsborp.nud soon the depot carriage had set hrr down nt-the door of a tiny cottage hid In the laburnums. Fiinuie kissed her affectionately. "What n delightful apparition yon nrei llae," she said, and led her into n little) sitting-room. Evtrythitg was very plain aud very tiny, It.ie thought, accustomed to city npartineuta; and hen Fannie had taken htr hat nnd travrlllng-satchel. and gone to spread n luuch for her, lte looked nrounii aua saw that the carpet was lhreadb.ir and the luruiture extremely old-fashioned. Suddenly n dooropened, and mi old lady leaning ou a cano totter ed iuto the room. Her lace, bordered by snowy ctp, had n. stringe, imffj look.bnt yet she showed igns of having been very pretty lu her youth. "WUitiaro your sue ahkert lite, "n fiiry2 Do you think you o.iu better our falleu fortune? No, no, th it cau never be." llte's cbeok burned under the strange ly significant words hut she guessed irn mediately that the ol I ladj's mind wn wantltring; then lannie entered the room, "Rome, mother, ccme and reht. now, she K.ii gently, and drew her from the room. She t'umu back, saying toRtr, "my mother is demented. Du not bi troubled by nn thing she says." It was evening when Ur. Philip brought his line presence into the homo. Ills btart of delight on seeing Rie was suc ceeded by a rutber sad smile. "What pleasure did yon exp.ct to fii d here, dear child?'' he nsked, holding ber hands. "Pet-Imps I did not come altogether for pleasure, Philip." "For what then?" "Profit." "I find very little of that here." Two d,,ys paRkrtl. Kae wiw ul.inlv what life was at thq laburnums monot onous, meagre- but ever since Philip bad brought his sister In be stiidin IUh had lovtd Fannie, who was older than b.rsi If, and patiently becoming one of the swret- j est Of old maids. S i she erjoyed, sUter- ly talks with Fannie. Philip was ibsent m ist ol the time. In one of thebo talks Fannie Mild, "You ought to have ccmo in tho early Rutumu, R io, it is prettLr here then. In November wo havo nothing attiactie. I have often expressed the wis!, to Thilip to have you visit us; but he aluys speaks of the costra6t between your life aud ours. you ju the city, with access to so much that is entertaining, aud wo so shut out Ironi tho world, lint beoanse it is you, I think, Rae, I will show you the houso in the hollow." "Tliu hou.e iu the hollow, Fan?" "Yes, our ancestral home) for Philip ami I oamo of it prosperous race, poor us wo now ore, and the old house la full of what Is beautiful and rare. Get your bat nud we will go now." Through long lines of laburbnms.acrots a lluy kilobon garden, along a deeajiue orchard into a eloys btill grecu tn thi November sunshine. At tine cud of the valley which opened toward the sen.stood a large and handsome house of painted brick, with oriel windows nnd other pic turesque effects. "It is not an Old house,'' pitld Funnle. "It was built by my grandfather, iu his last days, ns a wedding present to my mother. Tho old hohro which had form' erly Btood here be had pulled down nnd this one built. He meant to reside with his only daughter wheu lihe taarried Is rael l!ea Ho lire, n Freuch JeV, whom ho had chosen for her. Hut rrly mother fell in love with her mnsio teacher, lloss Brndenel, rind eloped with him, nnd grandfather forbade hir to return. Hut when Philip and I were fatherless my mother cattle, ih her great eitremity.and begged her father's assistance. G.and father gavo her this Cottage we bnve now nud n small Incnmo with which to bring us Up, but nover forgave her. At Inst he died, willing1 till hisproperty to n distent cousin in India, who has never come for it. The house stnnds empty, v.-it li nil its beautiful furniture, and the rich fields lie fallow, whilo Philip bareiy suppotts us with his small practice. Lowsbore is a most distressingly healthy place," with faint smile. The interior of the horise was finished In rich foreign woods, the floors polished like glass nnd laid with costly rugs nnd tapestry. The furniture wns of mahog- nny nnd Velvet, long mirrors nnd dark pictures adorned the walls. It was in deed n handsome house, spenKlng of lim- itlei-B Wealth. There are thousands of dollars worth of silver in the bank nt Shoreborongh," said Fannie, "and rents nccumulntiug which will be a small fortune. But wo hnve nothing." "Howhardl how cruel!" cried Rte. "I should not think your grandfather could rest in bis grave to have you nnd Philip, with your rffiiiementnndculttire. Bpond ing your lives in a hand to hand scramble for bread;" They say, he does come back nnd wander uneasily nbottthere," said Fan nie, carefully closing shutters and door nnd coming out into the sunshine.. "But of cotirs? such stories nretold of nil such residences. Philip snys be does not be liore a word of it," with a marked em phasis which made Rae turn and look nt her. "Hut you do. Fan." "Twice people hnve tried to sleep there nnd declared that grandfather appeared to them. I Rhnuld not dare to try it, for lamn timorous thing nt best, nud" The intensity of Roe's thoughts made her quite deaf to what further her com panion was saying. No wonder Philip was sad and hopeless of their marritge as he wns situated and seemed fated to continue to be. "The will was made immediately after mamma's m irriage," said Fannie, stand ing Under the laburnums and looking up at the great hoUt,e. "Poor mother says he told her on his death-bud tbathe made nnother will perhaps in her fnvor. Hut what she says goes' for little. '' tier state is n very strange one since n fevei' she had jnst lifter Philip came ot age yet she seems to understand some things in our affairs that wo do not understand till af terwards. It is nlmost uncanny to think over the strange knowledgo she has had during these past years." said Fannie, musingly. They walked hack 10 the tiny cottage. Itie's veins thrilled with excitement, but Fannie went soberly about gelling ct'. They kept no servant, this poor, disin herited family, and Rae learned that Philip's own liauci-, tilled the little kileli en garden while every labor of the house, hold was performed by Fannie, She could not sleeti that night after she bad goue to bed. The moonlight Ft emed to disturb her, nnd make her brain wild ly nctive. What influence strung her nerves? for when all was still and Ihe night far advanced she rose, nnd, dress. ins?, douued her warm senlsjtlii cap and hack aud came out iuto the hall. She took n bU ich of keyn fri'trl their naii,nud selecting one which she had s;cn Faunie hike, held it tightly In her slim whlt fingers ns she went out into the night. In the moon's white light sho went steadily through the long line of Ir.burn urns, across the tiny kitchen garden, iuto the hollow. She stood a inoineut before the grent still lion.e, listening to the roir ol the sea. Strangely enough she did not frfl nlraid. If she thought of tho presence of an unseen spirit it was to np peal to it prayerfully for help, Another will! It must be. At least it would do no harm lo search, and that is what she bad come for, 'the left Ihe hall door open nnd tho moonlight flooded the tiled hall. It btrrnmed through the chinks of tho shutters, wMnhbh'i opened one by ono ns she fitted keys to drawers ol nil Kinds, lint tliera were no papers anywhere. Many things which must have been the properly of the old squ'rn she found, hut not his w ill. 'Oh, it I only uld if I only could!" she said in it sd voice, "ami it would ri store Philiti to his inherilnuc, I" Rat, tat, tat the sotiud of a cane on the tiled floor. Rae turned for the first lime, her ryes wide with fright. Tho en thusi.tnm with which she had entertained her gem rotis purposs had made her u terly forgetful of hersilf. Now some ono wns coming. The door swung slosly on its tarnished silver hinges. A quaint bent little figure, leaning on n ciue.came into the room aud passed beside a hand- some armchair which btood before a table. Lifting the cane, the bent old woman kuockud smartly thrice on the seat of this chair, filling the room with a hollow sound, then resuming her feeble walk, she passed out of the apartment b) an, other door. Tremblingly, donbtingly, Itae p. proached the armchair. The blows of the cane steiued to have broken the seat, for it was awry, plainly revealing a cavity benratb. Turning the chair to the light, lUn luokrd wiibiu nntl mw distinctly a foldud finer. It wai a Urge thoet, yol- low, and thick ns vellnm. Her hands trembled ns she tiuftildt d it mid rend "My last will nnd testament." nnd it dropped to Iho ilor. Snatching it np she ran swif(ly out of the house, nnd flow to Fnnide's door. "I hnve found lt--I have found ill" she- cried, ns she threw her nrtns uroitnd the niuazed, white-robed figure that admitted her to Fannie's chamber. Found what? Are yon sick? Are you crazj?" nsked Fannie. "The other will in nn old nrhichnit in tho house lu Iho hollow. A ghost showed It to mel" said Rao, boldiu'g thepaptr al; ft. There wris n knoek n! the door. "Sister, whnt is the niattei? What dis lurlis the bouse?" It wns Philips Voice. , , "I have fouud the will I Comb in nud sen HI cried lino. She lighted (ho Inmpnntlgnve him the paper. He wns forced tb read.' Strug gling for calmness ns he prnc-eded, lie read to the end, Yes, late,; but not too late, the precious document wns fouud, the Recoud will of Paul Bitinscomb, be queathing t.11 he owned tb his grand children. tn the exciting talk wbich followed no one heard i slender cane go rat-tat tat past the door,- bttt when tho blue morn ing light dawned and Fannie bestirred herself to get briakl'ast, she went first to Iter mother's room. "Philip,1' Oho Eaiti, coming back. "mother has had ono of her bad uights again. She has been up nnd. nway. I must have slept lnoro soundly than usual; she never eluded me before. She is very much exhausted." Philip went instantly to attend his mother. When, tho next dny, she seem ed ie to el till rnsunlconditicn.nnd Rae had minutely told her story, they ciosely questioned the invalid nnd tried to dis cover if sho had any knowledge of the hiding place or the will. But nothing could bo gained from her disordered mind. 'How dare you go on such nn expedi tion to that lonely place atBiich nn hour, Rae?" nsked l'hilip, the next eveiling. when, embraced by bis arm, they hnd talked over the prospects of their immed iate union. "I was inspired," sho answered, laugh ing, but n look of dwecame into ber beau tiful eyes; "Then, ns she'reconsidered that strange night, she gently embraced him: "All for love.'Phillp. Itwnsdone nil for love." "BTJCHUPAIBA." Quick, complete cure, nil annoying Kid ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1 Druggists. Charms strike the sight, tut merit wins the soul. The fire of vanit.f is fed by tho fuel of flattery. Strive for the best, nnd provide against the worst. People's intentions can only be de cided by their conducts Improvement for Mind and Body. There is more strength restoring power in a botlloof Parker's Gineer Tonic, than in a bushel, of malt or a callon nf milk. As an appetizer, blood purifier und kidney correla tor, there is nothing like it, and Invalids rnnrerjuently llnd ft n wonderlul invigor aut for mind and body. Cbmmera'ni. An effort made for tho happiness of others lifts us above ourselves. Titne once passed never returns, the moment which is lost is lost forever. The man who steps out of h's way to injure another, deserves, nud will surely meet, with reprisal, Vigor, strength and health all found til oiio bottle of Brjiwn's Iron Bilters. What uoVolty is worth tho sweet monotony where cvrry thing is linowu,atul loved because it is lui iwu? We nil feel able to accustom ourselves to the possession of wealth, but to get used to poverty we havo never learned. Cancers and other Tumors are treated with unusual sueeeas by World's Dispensary Medical Association, Bullalo,N. X. bend Mattip ler pamphlet. The obscurest s.ijiugs of tho truly great nrn often those which contain the protniinilist nud most useful truths. They say that money dots not bring happiness. This is nn cxpirimeut, how ever, which every one wishts to try for himself. Fits, Fits, Fitu, successfully tleutid by World's Dispensary Meilical A-socialion. Adlress, with tin nip tor pamphlet, U11II.1I0, N. Y. Tho mind profits by the wreck ot tvery passion, nnd no may measure one road to wisdom by Uo borrows wo have undergone. The talent of success is nothing more than doing what jou can well; nuddoiiii( well whatever )ou do, withuut a thought of fame. Advice to Consumptives. On the apprrirauc' ol too tirt symptoms asgetierul ilebility,lo.-s of upn'ltir, pallor, chilly sensations, lolluived by night sweats and rough prompt measures for relief should betaken. Consumption is scrottilmis disease of the lungs; therefore use tho great anti scrolulu, or blisut purifier nud strrngtb restorer, Dr. Pierce's "Gulden Medical Discovery," Superior lo &1 liverml as a nutritive, and uneuriMsicsl as a peetorjl. For weak lungs, spitting ul blood, and kin dred allecllous.it has no rrjujl. Sold by druggists (lie world over. For Dr, I'lorce's. pamphlet on Consumption, sendtwo 6tamps Ui World's Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. Tho desire to bo loved is everrct!ess and uusatisfittd; but the love that flows out upon others is a perpctnal well spring from on high. All tho knowledge we mortals cau acquire is not knowledge positive, but kuonledge comparative, at d subject to tho errors uud passions of humanity. The scar which au uukiud word leaves upon a large love msy be invis ible, like that of a grout slu upon the tissues of a repeutant s ml; but for one as Uid-dtbu; llio hid &i tciling. The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Fnmtlv Newspaper Published every ATt'BDAY, lu Lehighton, Carlmn Co.,ra., by HAItltV V. IMOltTIIIItll.Jt. ornra-nAVKWAY. a shoit distance. abor the Leldsti Valley It R. Depot. Terms: $1.00 rcrAmmin in Adrance RvtRt prscnirnox orr..Atn A.sn F-tNer J ob .Printing AT YJC1W LOW PtltCUH. For Die tnnoii' AnvocATE.1 SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. Among Sir John Lubbock's nnls nrn some workers which must be between nix and seveu years of nge, nnd queens which are certainly more limn seven years old nnd probably more than eight, A native nsslstnnt surgeon to ths British troops stationed In Afghanistan has found tho diluted jnleo of willow lenvrR to be nn effective substitute for qillnlne Iu the lrrnliuent or intermittent fever. At tho Oxford University Observa tory n survey is in progress of tho relative) brightness ot nil stars visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere. 'Tho work thus far accomplished indicates that this pall of tho heayens contains riboitt flvn hundred stars brighter than Ihe fif h magnitude. A Eoti-exhilarallng Ionic of tVo In habitants of Central Africa is the Kola nut, which is found to contain cnffelne the esseullnl principle of coffee -nnd glu cose, which sweetens it. It will freshen nnd Bwecteu tho foulest of slngunntwnter. Since 1871 tho French Government has authorized the organisation nf 33d scientific missions, of which ICS were to Operate in tinrope. iU in Africn, 48 tn Asia, 3(1 in Americn, aud 21 in Oceanlca. Most of these rrlii.sinun are' still nt work, nnd nccomjilisblng iinportnnt scicutifio resnlts. , It is slated, .n'peording to lit. Lock- yer, the English nstrounmeri thai tho Egyptians huVe recorded S7.1 solar and 832 lunar eclipses. Mr. Lockyer thinks the statement correct, as the nronortlons nre exact; nnd the eclipses of the sun nnd moou would reach, the respective num bers given ih it period of twelve or thir teen centuiies, tlerr Rodas, siirve'yor to the Finnish. Government, has carefully measured tho height of n hole which, according to au thentic records, was bored two inches above tho sea-level on the fconst of Oster bottbn on Juue 23, 1755, and finds thnt tho cnn3t nt that point lins risen six nnd one-third feet in the 127 years, or moro thnnnlf.nn Inch n year. A new explosive called "dynamngea" is claimed by Its inventor, M. Pelrie, of Vienna, to be superior in nearly every re spect to gunpowder It is cheaper, snfer nud more effective, while it contains no substance wbich can injure the guns. In yiow of the announcement of so many new nnd greatly superior explosives it seems a lithe singular that the nld-fosh-ioned gunpowder first used nt a period so reriiote that its origin ennuct be traced, should be the chief dependence of modern artillery. Philosophers have told us that nit energy upon the earth must havo been brought into existence by solir nctipn. Prof, Milne, however, lias called tho at tention of tho Seisinologicnl Society of. Japan to the fact that one vast mine pf energy, quite independent of the suu.has been overlooked, viz., the earth s intern. nl bent. Tho surface out-croppings of this inexhaustible supply of force fount! In volcanoes, hot springs, nnd the like may be readily employed to generate electricity, which maybe transported "tb neighboring cities mid put io practical service. It has been shown by Prof. Loomis thnt more ruin1 falls nn the enstefB than on the western side of continents. This is trtio everywhere except in tho higher latitudes. Thus the average rainfall at San Francisco is only from a half to a' third as great in quantity ns ou the coast ol" Pennsylvania, and the same or even' mofe s'ril.iiigdiff.-rence may bo found by comparing Morocco with the Chinese, coift, nud tho went with the east coast of South Africn, Australia nnd South Ainef. ica the comparisons being in each case mido between ptinlS having the sauia latitude. Tho proportion of salt in the water of the ocean varies greatly lu different lo calities. M. da la dryo has made a series of observations on tho suhjret, in which' nniong many intiivsting results he has found that the sal liess diminishes rapidly ns n const is approached, due probably to the freshening by rivers dis charging iuto tho sen. The suit also les. sens on the, approach of icebergs, Thcso facts would seem to have an important bearing ou navigation, ns In bad weather tests of the saltiiess of the sea-water might enable tho Biuiuer to avoid run ning into unseen coasts or Icebergs. DuiSug n total eclipse of its surface' tho moon assumes a copper-red cpKr, which gradually fules nwny ns llie.e.clip .e' progttbses. Sir. W. Mallieu Williams accounts for this curious phenomenon by supposing that tho illuminated position of t lie Iiin.tr enrfat-e lacking the jiroleo, lion of mi ntuinspht re must bo mad red hot by the s iu'h rai h. Only a thin layer of tLe union's suljslniu-,- is an liiatesl and when tho nut's rajs tire withdrawn it. rapidly cools, causing ti n lading uusyof the red color when in the shadow of (be car'h. If his hypothesis is correct. Mr. Williams hi lieves that the biirlace ttni pttiitnro of tho bright bide of the moon must be ubout COO elegrees. Of couite, tbo dark side innat bo Intensely cold, io qiilckly does the heat pass into space nf tcr the Mill tlisjppturs. Oj the whole, the moon must be an uauotufurtnllu world. A WOMAH'S INFLUENCE. The comfort of the average home de pe lids entirely upon the wunmu who is the mistress of It. Whttkir buusbiue. shall enter the n pnis, whethtr the parlor shall be tisd nr.tl enjoyed, whether tho table shall bo invitingly spread, whether bright lights and bright Ires shall give, warmth nud cheer ou winter nights whether, lu brief, the home shall beau agreeable or eln-agrteuble place, U Usual ly what the woman tleteimlncs. Meu arc powtrljss in the matter. Why are cowardly soldiers like la!, low candles? Because vlen exposed to the fire they rnn. How long did Ciin hato hl Li. ,fcer Ab lung ua Lu ivs Able,1