to 8mbm gwtiwntCe AATU41DAT, JULY IS, I88J. Our Neighborhood in Briof. Too dear Ueef. Hero Dog days. Hippy Our Tanner. Still too high FoUtoei. -Excurilon To-day (.Saturday.) Going through the rye The reaper. Hot Monday last, 92 in the shade. " Democratic County Meeting, Monday T August 14tb. Outrageoui The (peculation in all klndt ol provisions. Belore Uklng the train, call at thll of fice and purchase an accidental policy. JKSV. Parasols mutt en tt one-half and two-thirds nanal pricei. At NosBAUu'a. Daniel Porn, who was in the Mexican war, hai appired. for admission to Lehigh county almshouse. Hats and caps, an Immense variety ol all the I test styes, at popular prices, at Clauss k Dro's, Dank etreet. In town last Monday Captain E. II. Ranch, of Mauch Chunk, looking jolly. lie don't wear crutches now. fc.CIncki, Watches, Jewelry and silver ware for sale, and repairing done at Hajra man'a Store, Lehighton. 25-yt. 20 cents aecurrs you $15 per week In ease of injury, $3,000 in ease of death by ac cldent Tickets for sale at this office. Received to-day, 12 dvzen of those 95 cent White Shirts, At Nubbium's. Thefire In Diamond mine, Wllkesbarre, hssbeen extinguished, and the water will be at once removed and work resumed. Daniel Olewine harvested the most beautiful field ol wheat, on Wednesday last, over raided in this section ot the State. Sf&. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods In endless variety new and bright a very liot'oin prices, at Clauss Bro's, Bank St. Jacob A. Henti, a carpenter, was very dacgerouslyinjred, Monday, by falling from the roof of the Wyoming Valley lintel, at Wilkesbarre. At 3:50 o'clock to morrow (Sunday) af- noon, Rev. B. F. Meyers will preach in the Presbyterian-church, of this borough, and you are invited to be present. .-- Boots and shoes for ladies, centle men, misses, youths and children, of latest style ana most substantial make, at lowest prices, at Clauss k Bro's, LehlKhton Rev. John Fox, of Easton, lias accented a rail to the North Presbyterian church, Al ghny City, and Jwill enter upon thedu ties of bis new charge in September next. On Tuesday morning last David Kllen top, was engaged picking cherrirs from a tree, when ne fell to the ground, severely i ijuring hit face and spraining one arm Moral Don't sleep up a cherry tree. fci-ITyou wanta nlcemnoth.ensy shave Tour hair cut or shampooing, go to From Roederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel, tie will nx you right, and tion tyou lorgei ir. Milton Pearson was killed Wednesday afternoon by a fall of rock in the Wharton mines, near Hellertown. He leaves a wife and three chilJren. XSTlinezy Harness at 12 dollars and up wards; Flyncts.ear tips, lap dusters, screen covers, sheets, collars, whips, etc., at the lowest price, for sale sale by Milton Hory veisspori, ra, FB. Alexander, of Bethlehem, the popular "agent of the New Era Life Associa tion, of Philadelphia, was in town two or three days'thii week in the Interest of that coiunanv. pBTJC ieconif-lrtrid rilAETON, new) painted utid put in thorough rrpuir, will lie sold ou-very reasonable terms. It can be aeen at' (ho carriage works ot M. A Weiss, LehighUm, ra. Pc G. B. Schott, of Hacktown, North ampton county, died last Saturday at till age of 83 years. He bad been in active practice CO years, and was the oldest physi clan in.that coiiuty. ES-Vou will finrt a large stock or the most elegant designs in WALL PAPER and BORDERS, at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store, in' LeuCkel'a Block, at very lowest prices. Make your selections now. The business- places of J. R. Leith, C. Boehm and J. 8. Hess k Co., in Hellertown, Northampton county, were broken into on Thursday night, nth mst., and goods to the value ol $325 stolen therefrom. .H.Fine designs in box papers, plain snd lancy : Easels, various stvles, sizes and colors; Rooks and all kinds ol novelties, very cheap, at E F. Liickenliach's, Broad way, Mauch Chunk. Call and see his stock. Fjlly three years old, and just as good as gold, our wide-awake cntetutorary the Allentown Democrat. As it name-implies it is Deniocratiu all the time, and at the tame time one of the best local papers In the country. iSB- Baby Carriages an immense stock, all'style and all prices, just received nt J. h. Gabel's, hardware store, opposite public square, Bank street, this borough. Call and see them, and you will be sure to buy one (or your baby. They are nobby 1 A miner named Patriek Lyons, em ployed at the Philadelphia Coal Go's No 3 colliery, at Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, wat instantly killed by a fall ol lop coal on Saturday evening. He wat 35 years of age, and leaves a wife and five children. A letter received from our young friend F D, Clauss, who is engaged in the mer chant tailoring business, at Great Ben J, Pa., infornit ut that be it doing a "booming" trade, and that business of all kindt It rushing along. Glad to hear it, Frank. " What sriall we do to entertain our girls!" atka a religious paper. Go to David Ebbert'4 popular livrry, on North St., and eerure eaniaget,at low rates, and take them fort trip through our lovely vallevs. If that don't entertain -'em, we give It up. pST Have you teen the new and elegant stock of apring and summer merchant tail ring goods, comprising cloths, cataiinrres ml suiting, utt received at Clauss k Bro's, Dank street, (hit borough 7 If you have Bnt.mll at once. Good fita guaranteed at puces to sun you an. If you are going on a pleasure or bus ness trip, before you start call at this office and secure a ticket in the New Era Life As station Accidental department. 20 cents guartnteet you $15 per week in case nf in Jury, or $3,000 to your fsmily if killed du ring the day on which the ticket is Issued. S- If you have a cold or cough of any kind, buy a botUa of Hill's Peerless Couch Byrup at Dr. C. T. Iforn'a drug atore. Use it all, and if not lalisfjed return the empty bottle and he will rrluod your monev. He also sells peerless Worm Speeifio and Hill's Worm Drops on the tame terms. No cure, no pay. Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Burgeon Dentist, nf Broadway, Mauch Chunk, has had a practice of oyer 20 years, and it prob ably the oldest resident dentist In this vel ley. The Dr"t work spetkt for itself, and the fact that all critical work in the region it given to him is a sufficient guarantee of nit superior sonny at s burgeon ucniisi. fOiil ypupg friend, C. W. Lents, who bat been absent in Colorada for teyeral mouths past, returned home on Saturday moraing last. During bis absence be bid a tevare attack of "mountain fayer," but ihankt to a good constitution bs pulled through, although it Jeft hint in s vary tnaeialed'eondltion. He It now domiciled with hit mother, In Fracklin twp,, where b will remain lor torn Urns, A W. Squlere, of Carbondale, aged 10, a student at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, fainted while sitting in the window of bit room in the third story at an early bour on Wednesday morntDg, and fell to the ground, a distance of 50 feet he died an bour after- wards. Ho graduated on the previous day, received hit diploma, and wat making pre parationt to return to his borne when the accident happened. An attempt to break jail Monday thorn Ing on the part of several notorious piisou- ert confined in the Luierne county prison wts dlscoyered In time by the watchman. An alarm wat at once given, and the ward en hastened to the interior of the prison, armed with a brace nf revolvers. When he confrorited the prisoners they returned to their cells. They had keys to unlock the doors, but refuse to tell how they pro cured them. When people tee a man advertise they know be is a business man, and his adver tisement claims that he is not above busi ness, but anxious to do it. Customers, like sheep, are gregarious, and Cork where they see others go. If nobody else were engaged In the same business, It would be important to tradesmen and dealers to advertise in the paper, because people are tempted to buy that which tbey read nf. But othere are engaged in the same business and even if tfcev do not advertise, It becomes the more Important for you to do so; If they adver tise, it becomes doubly important for you to do so. On Saturday, Aug. 18th, an excursion is to be run from Catasauqiia to Glen Onnko under tho auspices of the Pioneer Coruit Band. Clergymen should be granted a vaca tion during the continuance ol such weathir as ibis. Special Invitation to the Ladies. Joseph Jonas, the nooulardry goods mer chant, nordially invites the public to lospeci his large and varied lino ol lancy dress goods of all shades and pa terns which he oilers for sale al the lowest rush prices. Call and examine my stock. Oberl't building, Bank street, Lehlghton. Teachers' Examinations. Teachers' examinations will be held as follows i Parkerton.Jtlly Ifith. Packer, lliulsoiiilale, July 20th. Lehigh k Lausanne. at Itnckport, July 21 Franklin, al East Weissport. July 20. L. Tnwameiising, at Millport, July 20. The examinations begin at 8 a.m. Thos. M. Ballist, Co. Sup't. Spring and Summer Btylet. in his new quarters in the Exchange Ho tel building, the undersigned is fully pre (larert to lityou out with a new anil eiegunt y fitting suit of clothes, at a price which must convince the most skeptical that what he promises lie can and will iierform. His stock embraces the latest novelties in cloths, cassimers and suitings, and he is making constant additions to his stork. Drop in and see Jits new quarters in the Exchange Hotel building, Bank street, Lehighton, Pa. H. II. Pettbs, Ag't, Route Changed. This (Saturday) morning, 15th Inst., the excursion of the Reformed Sunday school, of this borough, will leave at 7:22 a. m.t via Lehigh k Susquehanna RR., instead of the Lehigh Valley RR., as previously announc el. The reason for the change of route lie ing that the Lehigh Valley could nut furn ish the necessary cars. Tickets, adu'ts for round trip $1.00, children under 15 years, 30 els. Returning the train will leave Beth lsbeni al 6:45 p. m., thus giving excursion ists about 9 hours for enjoyment on the beautiful Calypso Island. foot Race for $100. A fool race is aunounred to taint place on the Fair Grounds, in this borough, on Sat- urday alteruonn, 22ud lust., at 2:30 p.m., between Griffith Mun'z, ol town, and James Cnnningham, of Cutasauqtia. This, the Committee anuounces,will be a race tu win, and no doubt there will be some lively bet ting on the result, at the leading sportsmen of this and Lehigh county are exiecled to be present in full force. The will take place raiu or sbioe Oar School Board. - At a meeting of our School Board, held on the olh Intl., t.-.e ensuing school term was fixed at eight months, and Ihe follow ing teachers were engaged Principal. I'rof. T. A. Snyder, salary $60 per month , Gram mar, Mia Haltin Knons, $35; Intermediate, , $30; Secondary, , $30; 1st Primary, Miss Aggie Hauk, t25;2nd Prim ary, Miss Laura HoUord, $25; 3rd Primary, Miss Scwell,$25. John Sheckler was engaged as Janatnr at a salary of $12 er month, during Ihe school term, bouse rent and firing for the year Splendid Pictures. Messrs. Witte k Paynler have just open ed their Gem Photo Gallery, near the Ex change Hotel, this borough, and are now prepared to take the. most perfect gems of likeness by a new process From the samples exhibited to us we must pronounce the Sil ver Pearl Picture the most perfect cem of art It has been our pleasure to examine in a long while. Aa theso gentlemen artists only propose a short stay in town, wo ad vise those of our readers who wish correct likeness of themselves, family or friends to lose no time in calling at the Gem Gallery and securing them. Pictures made while you wait, and childreu are preferred in the morning, Oo now. Frauds) Aronad. David Coleman, living near Middleburg, Snyder county, lately eigned tome ptpeit in a transaction with the agent of a clothes wringer for $200. The to afterward came to him in the shape of promissory notes, and the Sheriff notlfyiug him on Thursday of last week that tbey would haya to he paid the old man committed suicide the follow ing day by hanging. lo June a man giving the name nf Amos C. Smith, and bis residence al Pbiladslph obtained the signatures of the following farmers in Lancaster county to receipts for small pay menu madann timber lands i J. Bslmer,, Andrew Heisey and Abraham Herr. These signatures have come back at tached to promissory notes aggregating $11,- 000. Singing School. a siugiugscnoni commenced In the base went of the Evangelical church, of tbit place, a few weeks tgo, under the able leadership of the pastor, offers excellent Itcllitiet to persons in town to learn to sing by note. Although tbe school meets in the bssement of the church, it Isuudenomlna tiontl, and welcomes any one wbo feels dis posed to avail hlmtell or herself of the op portunity to learn to. ting tbe Do, Ra, Me etc The school meets on Fridty evening of etch week, and at the last meeting there were over forty iwrsoni present both old snd young, including tome from other churohet. Rev. Wietnd, the leaoher, hat tho rare gift of combining pleasure with Inst ruction tnd makes the lesson sa plain that a child cannot fall to understand; his method of instruction, including his memorv aidt. ,n both uovel aud unique. Ult terms are "fret gratis Air notblng." 0. 8. W. I VrelisporVlTappenlngi. Why are young men prohibited from engaging In that pleasant exercise, running races, by opr aesthetic policeman Is It contrary to the boruiigh ordinance! If we understand the Eogllsh langnage correctly It is not. Well, we are under a new reign which it to bring about the mlllemum for Weissport, therefore everything must con form to the beautiful taste of our democratic coune'l. When people elect croakers to po sitions in which the power of control it rest ed, nothing else may be expected. "Order is heavens first law," and to it should be of all muncipal powers, but when a thing is carried to extremes It becomes u nuisance, for every current baa Its centre. II one were not acquainted with Weissport he would suppose it were a very unruly and rough place, by the new rules, laws and or ders which have been Issued by the author ities. It is entirely wrong to be ton radical and we hope that law axd order will pre vail, but that the stringency ol oppression will not be the meant of bringing It about. Mr. W. II. Oswald and wife were on a visit to Mrs. O't., parents, al Allentown, over Sunday. No wonder that A. W. Mars') has surb an Illuminating smile all v-eek. It is a matter that brings joy to the bosom of any man. It was not our privilege to see it, but they ssy it is a bouncing girl. Alex accept our hearty congratulations on this, the sec ond advent ot your labor. Our $5 er month policeman, hat been more discussed, lately, than any religious, political or social question that has hung upon the balustrades of public discussion. We are sure that ho is no mo,.ster or won der to bring all this about. He is only a mortal being; has a little more of tho avoir dupois Ilia n the common run of mankind, and is the efficient Instrument that curries into effect the funny promulgations of our model council. So give us a rest. Zern k Marsh are busy shipping props. This enterprise gives considerable work to men around here. The thanks are due tn the gentleman for keeping il up under ad verse circumstance'. Our old friend C. W. Lenli returned from Colorado lust Satuitlay morning, Charley looks well and hearty, and all his friends were gratified to grasp the hand of the living skeleton aflrr it had been dead and hurled for three months, aa minor had it. Oh, no, a person is not quite dead yet, even If he wat aldiost. It it a peculiarly befitting and an aus picious omen that the young men should conduct the coming campaign in an ag gressive and progressive manner, on the Democratic side, for the State ticket is the embodiment of the new blood and young element of the party. It behooves every young man who Is not blinded by party prejudice and bigotry to rally around the standard of Robt. E. ratlison, the youug and heroic leader of reform in Philadelphia. It is necessary to do this for the deliverance of the old Keystone from the autocratic bosses aud domineering thugs who have been and are preying upon its vitals in the manner that a vampire preya upon its vic tim. Let the young meu of Republican antecedents throw ou" the voke, and rome out boldly for Paltison ; Tor it is a well known fact that they have no chance with in the Republican ranks, unless they wnr ship at the unholy and forbidden shrine ol the Bosses and sell their political honesty, integrity and liberty to them. How nause ating it is lo see young men of ability, at tached, as if with chains like u galley slave, lo the triumphal car of such a political au tocrat and absolute monarch as J. D. Cam eron. We appeal to all young men to rise phoenix like and support Puttisou, for he represents the nobler anil better instincts of modern ideas and ethics His election will turn old methods topsy turvy, and direct political currents into new channels. In reality it will turn over "the new loaf" in politics of which we have heard to much nd which has been promised tn us time nd again, lo speed the political deliver ance of Pennsylvania it is the duty of eyery one who is imbued with the spirit of 'Equal and exact justice tn all men, and exclusive privileges to none" to come to I be front, with battle axe in had, girded for the fray, and enlist under the glorious reform banner of tho gallant leaders who repre senlt our aspirations, ideas and hopes. Will Pennsylvania remain longer than Ibis fill In the bondage in which it has re.ted for these good many years. We hope not, and say oil praise to surh men as Mitchell, Stewart, Barker, McKee and others of the Spartan Band, among the Republican hosts, wbo are waging a courageous battle lor the leiiverance. They should support Pattison lirectand then the deliverance would be speeded for certainty. Young men to the front, is the cry the democratic shibboleth. Alikn On Sunday last Mr. Wilson Campbell, of Mauch Chunk, paid a flying visit to tbit place. Mrs. Wm. II. Knrcht, the wife of our popular postmaster, has one of the finest gardens in town. Mrs. C. S. Miller left for Wesbfleid, N Y., on Sunday evening last. Last Sunday was a day nf quietness in our borough hut no cream to cool our parching tongues; vote again for Captain Sol. -Postmaster Knechtand J. Straussberg er have purchased a piece of land in Frank lin twp,nn which they intend to open an extensive flagstone quarry. On Tuesday last Mr. Charles MacDan iel wat made happy by receiving hie com mission aa Sealer of Weights and Measures for thla nouuty. On last Tuesday the man with tho "star" arrested two drunken fellows for be ing disorderly, and abusive to tome ladies. Right I On Wednesday evening Mrs. Knerht and Mias Carrie Kindt took a ride tn New Mahoning, on official business, and enjoyed their ride very much. Quivts. Will Remit Soon." Cheering words these, sayt the Cincinntti Saturday A'lcAf. The editor tits in hit tauc- turn ; he has $92.83 to pay to day, and he hat gathered together $2.83, snd needs but $90 more. Letter after letter is opened, snd bs finds a wonderful unanimity of senti ment upon tha part ol the debtors, a kindly feeling, a disposition tn remit soon. Any wonder that ths unbidden tesrs of grstitude well up, that bis heart it softened, hit soul lifted up tt bs eontldert tbit uniform kind ness? Yes, they will remit soon, snd the next time tbe editor duns them they will remit soonnd if be tackles them again they will remit toon. These fellows wbo sty tbey will remit, tppsrestly bsva a eon luted nolioa si to lbs real meaning sf ths word, a sort of sn undefined ides thst thsl We waut a man to say that bs will pty, or settle, or whsrk up, or oome to tinejnd then we feel thtt we hive S"ine show nf realising; but experience bat Uuahtuithatudeoend ann th. " r o remit into is "Lite dropping baskets Into empty wells. Aim growita; um in urawinn neiaiDa; op." Buy snd IsiursaM ticket befort iUiUdj. From tho County Scat. Should be killed or muttled Dogt. The two nines that wont sgree Btrych ztlne snd canine. Mrt. A. W. Walters snd family,, of Kingston, Pa., are visiting Ibelr relatives n tbit place. Mrt.W. H. Slroh, who hat been very tick for sevenl weeks it rapidly Improving. George Dink, who has been sick snd confined to bit bed for a couple of weeks, we are glad to see It convalescent. Tbe brick work of Asa R. Beers' new house Is up ready for the roof. Joho Belsuer, formerly of this place, but now of Johnstown, accompanied his father lo New York a see him off for Ger many ( alter which John returned by way of Maud, Chunk.where he spent a few dayt with hit friendt and then proceeded tojohnt- town. A W. Butler and family, left on Mon. day for Ocean Grove. They expect to be absent during the warm wealbei. E. W. Crellin and family, nfPhlladel phiu, were visiting T. R. Crellin, on Witt Broadway, returned homo on Monday. Gabriel Gidman,Hcnry Soudheim and Leonard Yaeger are each putting down (lag pavements in front of their respective rest deuces. - The first story of the front part of the residence of Mrs'. J. II. Siewcrs, has been much Improved by the putting in of two windows, beretolore there being but one. Wm. Grnthart. a young man of East Mnucb Chunk, met with an ercidenlon the Fnu rib of July last, severely injuring one ol his fingerK with a toy pistol. The wound becauia inflamed causing lock jaw. We are pleased to say ihat at this writing there are favorable Indentions of relaxation Main's International Show that per formed here lust Wednesday gave general salislaction to those who attended It. From here they went to Lansford. About 12 o'clock last Sunday night the Wood part of the old Jilacksmith shop of the Lower Foundry suddenly tell with a liravv crash, awakening some of Ihe nighbors near by. Cause, old age and decay. On Monday last one or Win. Kane's daughters while putting near ihe gale In the back yard of his dwelling, in Upper Mnurh Chunk, was seveiely bitten In tbe loot by a copperlieud snake. Vaiious remedies were immediately applied, and we are glad lo say that the has passed the crisisait tbe swelling is gradually disappearing. Eddie Peters, son of A. G. Peters, who met with an accident on the Fourth of July by which one of his eyes was Injured and fearing that tbe sight would be destroyed, his lather took him to Philadelphia lor tbe purpose ol having hiarye examined. He was informed that with proper care he might retain tbe sight, but his eye would always remain weak. Another sad result of the recklessness ol others. One or two nights last week Ihe skunky odor was so strong in the neighborhood of the Lower Foundry, that the people were compelled to shut down their windows dur ing the night. Report says that some of the boys actually demolished no less than seven young skunks under some of the old build ings near the Lower Foundry. ReriUdy Let the works be put in active operatton'aind the aweet-'ceuted jokers will "vamoose the ranch." On last Tuesday evening," Joseph L4- ciar's dog "Prince" was taken wltrr a tit while in iron t of the steam mill, ahd'went up as far as J. W. Heberling k Co's store, Mr. Lucia r picked him up and carried him to his drug store where In the course of a few minutes he died. It is believed that some evil disposed person gave him a dose of strvchnine "Prince" was a general favor ite and had quite a number of warm friends who regret his death, and feel like choking the man who kilted the dog. Jvsticic. i?lra Damn. An explosion ol fire damp took place in . y tit tbe Laurel Hill slope of A. Pardee k Co., Wednesday morning and the following per torn were burned: Joseph Harvey ,a miner, John Schobell, laborer,ond John Melkranlz, a driver boy. When the mltier and hit la borer were going to work the fire boss met them al the bottom of the slope nnd told them there was fire damp in tbe gangway in which they worked, aud told them to ba careful. When they reached the face nf the gangway they set their lamps on the bot torn uud proceeded lo brush tho gas, which always bangs like a cloud at the top, away from the face of the gangway into tbe air pussuge They succeeded in this and nick ed up their lamps to proceed with work when the driver came in with his cars and forced the gas with the air back up to the face and Cuming in contact with their naked lamps il exploded with tbe aliove result, The men and the boy are all burned about the bands nnd face, but none seriously There was but h very small amountofgas there at tbe time or the result would have been more serious. This is, we believe, tbe first explosion of fire damp in the Laurel Hill slope, Jlaxkton Muletin. Packerton Ripples. Samuel Mvitz surprised bit young sou with a present l a handsome organ one day last week. John W. MeKelvcy bat thoroughly overhauled and put in good condition en gine No. 317. Engineer Re-iialy will pull tier throttle again, we understand. It is rumored that one of our tcale boyt ii arranging lor a life jiartnerthlp. We are not advised ab to when the articles of agree ment are lo be tigned, but no doubt toon. Our School Board bat selected letcbfi for the coming term, viz: Principal, C A Kilter, ttlary $50; primary department, Miss H. J, Alexander, salary $35. Term nine inoctht. Thomas Storker is buildings bousa In your borough, where bu exjiecis to icslde, Tom is new tax coll.rtur, but vowt he would not take it again. Oh, how happy are they, who bold official tway. " Mist Bertha W. Smith, of Weatberly has quite a class of music scholars in this place. She is an excellent performer on the organ and piano; very thorough in teach Ing, giving excellent satisfaction wherever employed. Mr. Leopold Meytrr, proprietor of the Packerton Hotel, has repainted, repapered and newly furnished bis bouse, aud is now prepsred to entertain sll who call. Mr. M keeps s quiet, orderly bouse, allowing uone of tbe rowdy element sround. Miss Annie Sewell, niece of Wm, King, esq., or tbit place, pasted a very creditable examination before Supt. Balliet, and wat awarded a certificate. Upon application at Lehighton, tbe wit elected a teacher of one of tbe primary schools, official notice of wnicn soe uss received iroru Bee y uofiord of tbe Board. Mist Sewell will mtke an excelieut teacher. She bss pursued her stud'rs with a view tn teaching, slid her many menus nere extend congratulations. A a ox. An exchange sayt Ihe latest game nu called "The Printer'! Delight." It it """' i..i.imWmisjirr, 1 ..I- -.2 is.... . fTA . I - . , write your name and address llleroon, to it around a hank note large enough to iwv arrearages and a year in Jitvauos tor your newspaper, and forward 11 to tho alitor It ii a game that ought to become popular. , Try it. rl I The Anthracite Coal Trade, Philadelphia Ltdgtr. loth Inst.tThe an thracite foal trade remains In much the same easy condition tbat we have bad oc caslon to notice for tbe past three or four Weeks. The production nf coal It large and price are firmly maintained. Tbe orders for coal are fully equal to the large supply dally coining on Ihe market. This Is the ttatool affairs, too, when tbe demand lor the local and line trade Is rather lighter than Usual at tbia season of tbe year. When this demand once quickens, tt it It very sure lo , , ,, ,. , j fit, do In tbo future, there can scarcely fait to be such a stimulation of the trade as may advance prices. If mi advance comes then, .will be a steady increase ol. production and .i, . ..,.,...,,,, . , ,rit Irregularity In the rlw of letters trade. Some veterans in the atithracitu coal trade pill down the amount of anthruclto to be marketed during the year Iss2ul30,(j00, 000 tons. The average increase ol the an thracite coal product has been about double in every decade oi ien years. At this rate the present year'a tonnage will give us an annual product at the end often years of tixty millions of tons. Among the. questions thai arise in tlii" aspect of the case, are,tirst, tho IransjHirtattou of such au aggregate Ion nage'frotn the mines to tbe markets, and, second, the sufllcieul supply uf coal tor such a market demand. An Intelligent writer upon tbe tradb, the Engineering Journal savs: "Tho week past bus beeu a brouen one, and tbe trade has really only now got back into its usual channels. Thus fur tbe inurkel is quiet, as was generally anticipat ed. A good deal ol inul is delivering on old orders, but there is comparatively little done in the way nf new business. We are assured that considerable coal Is sell lug al II. a circular rates, but It is hinted in some quaiters that there are some who urn will in! lo make concessions. There is no doubt, however, tbat cutting, if it ts done, is the exception. As yet there seems to be little indication that prices will uot bo maintain ed. it is, however, too curly to siieuk with any show of confidence nn this ioiut." The Miner's Journal say s : "The demand for all sizes of au'hracite coul continues good, and the orders are in sufficient quautity to lake lip all that is tent to market. This has been a broken week on account of tho celebration f the national holiday, and the production thereby considerably r-urtailed. It is thought that further susieusinn during the month III not be required to keep up the tone of the market, and the prosfiects are good for full time until tbe close of the season, in December next. The collieries ure in good condition, and fully prepared tn supply ult the demands that are expected lo be made on them. Prices are reiorled at well main tamed, and this important branch of tbe trade, which hat been In an uncertain and often in a languishing condition for tbe past six months, may now be reported as fairly re-estibllsbed upon a basis of permanency and profit. The total tonnage gf anthracite coal from all the regions for the week ending July 1, as reported by the several carrying compan ies, amounted to 696 ,567 tons, against 655,- 631 tons In the corrrsponding week last year, an increase of 411,936 tons. The total amount ol anthracite mined for the year is 12I,781,927 tons, against 12,529,212 tons tor the tame period last year, a increase of 251, 715 tons. During the week ending July 7, there were' 74,840 tons of coal shipped over tbe L; 4'8. RR., making a total to date of 2, 177,177 tons, an increase as compared to L asmeljiie last year of 83,885 tons. -1 .For- the week ending on the 8th Inst., tons of coal was transported over theL V. RR., making a total of 3,483,279 tons to that date, and showing an increase of 324,822 as compared with same time last year- Sent to Jail. Moses Anthony, a poor' half-witted fel low, who has been a resident of this' bor ough for a number of years past was arrest ed on Friday afternoon last'and committed to our county jail. For some limn past Moses had been working for the Lehigh Valley company at and around Packerton, where bo hat been made a "butt" of by U'lneof the very sensible (7) employees of that company, who would get behind corn crsand yell at him aud then dodge ut-of hit tight, while othere would tell him thai the police were after him to lake him to State's prison, ic, this playing upon his credulity aud weakness, until he became alarmed, left his work, and arming himself with tometimeta gun and at others a batch et took U) the woodsatnd by his attitude and appearance was deemed dangerous to the community. Hence hit arrest and commit tal to jail. Now, while it is possible that a man of Anthony's mental calibre may at any time become dangerous tn a community, we claim tbat the parties who have been guilty ol playing off tricks Uan lilmarethe ones to blame for his present breach of the ;eace, and it it a pity that there la not some law by whicli thev could be reached aud made to suffer for what they consider their extreme smartness ft) in plaguing ioor Muse. There is a poor lellow from this bor ough, now In the insane department j( the Lehigh county pour house,at the expense ol our people, whom these same'smsrtys'drove hopelessly Insane during the "Molly Ms gulre" trials, playing upon his weak Intel lect, telling him that he wat known to be a Molly, and that they were going to bang him. Thete fellows we have nn doubt .think themselvri very smart, but they may rut satisfied tbat all intelligent people deem them knayetand fools of the first order. Attempt to Poison. Mrs. Long, wife of Simon Long, a well to-do farmer, living one mito north of Schuylkill Haven, alter spending Ihe after iooti, Thursday, 6th lost., working in lbs fields returned to Ihe house and drunk cup of coffee. Shewn taken suddenly ill and wai seized witb vomiting. After careful examination had been made it ws decided that she had been poisoned by Paris green, which in some mysterious manner had found its way into the cup of coffee Two dayt later Mrs. Long end her youngest ion, after drinking from the coffee pot, were taken ill, whereupon Mr. Long sent for a physician, who pronounced it a esse ot poi son and that Pant green was put In tbecup Suspicion rested on the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. Long. Dr.'Dechert, the at tending physician, finally induced her to tell what the knew. She acknowledged having placed tba poison In the cup snd coffee-pot, but claimed thst ths wis prompt ed lo do so by sn elder lister, wbo liyei In Philadelphia, snd wbo through some fam lly difficulty left bar boms, Tbs sfial causes considerable excitement. Tbe vic tims, while still very sick, are la a lair way of recovery. List of Letters Remaining uncalled lr In Ihe Weissport post-office for the week ending July 14, '82: Frederick II. Wolf, Slepbrn Christman, Miss Martha Christman. Persons calling forany of the above let ters -will plttse say "advertised." W. H. KMECUT, T. M, Mysterlont t Last Saturday evening while itnnitlhg lit our office door fVrd. Bprlbeum passed byi and said be would call In as be returned from. up town. As he did tot call, and we have heard nothing of him since, we have n suspicion that he nirt with (out play, or that some serious nilslortune -befell him he certainly did not tell a lalteho'id In avoid paying us a dollar. Oh, ho, of course not) A clever imitutioii of a ten-ibdlar bill of ll.A luaitj. nf 1I47A lia l.cfvtt ir.iliift.t 1,1 I, , ,, ... , . I It'S numbers In eastern Pennsylvania during tbe pnst few weeks- The numberol these bud bills current baa ruused some un easiness among lliu Tieusiiry oflicttils, osthe comb rfeil is well i-ulciilutcd to deceive, a prints I on the top nf tho bill being its prin cipal defect. Sunday, whil a utimtier eiflillle girls were s;iending the afiernmin on liiiigtown Mountain, Noruli Kane, eight yeura ofage, living on West street, waudered. away from the parly. Her companions became ulurm ed ut bcr ubence and instituted a Feurch. The child was found in a mine breach about went! -tire feet deep, Into which she had fallen. She was fatally injured. If you wont to voto next November tee that v-U aror giste.ed oil or before tl o first ut September next. ENGLAND AND EGYPT. The wur bttween Ungluhd ami Egypt opened on Tuesday morning last, in the bombardment of Alexuudro The follow ng telegrams Inou the seat of war give the Inn articulate: The bombardment commenced at 7:J5 Tuesday morning. Tho ironclads 3uierl', Sultan and Alexandra engaged and total v lestroyed rort Pharos and the, Light house 1m leries, which are at the entrance to the new ;hiM, and wero intended to dominate the aiipriKtcli to Ihe inner harbor. The llai;- hip Iuvmcihle,the Monarch and the Peiie- ioittio,K up commutniiiig jMisitions insiuo Ihe reels, and, assisted from the outside by the Temeralre, attucked with desliuctive H'ecl tho stronir imsition ol Fort Mex, wiib the Liiiht-lo'Uee and hlmre batteneB. The Inflexible was stulioned so as to con uiHiid the liuhtl,ou-e btiltrriee. Fort Phai, s nid Foil Mex al the same time, and wat thus in a position to in operate witu the division outside nnd tout inside the reels. The gun vowels Bittern, Condor, lteucon, Decoy unit Cygnet attacked the AlHtabout batteries ut Hie enttauc" ol lite harbor, ond. hiking a close nnd dtstructive range, aoou silenced tnein, alter which they ran in and shelled Fort Mex, on the south side of Ihe entrance to the anchorage or outer harbor. The Invincible, under rover of ber own guns nnd those, ol Hie, Bittern, then landed u party of bluejackets and marines, who entered Fort Alex and blew up the heavy guns. ihe bombardment practically ceased nt noon, though somo heavy guns are at this hour still shelling Fort Natmleon, a large work situated at Ihe southern angle of the inner haibor and dominating the town. The fort does not reply. Un luo whole tho bgyplians lough I their batteries with mure determination than bad been expected. Several of the earthworks, behind which guns were mounted, were found to be meie besps of sand One shot went clear through the Inflexible. The lotal number of rasuullles in the B itish fleet is killed S,wounded27,distribu ted as follows Killed On tho Alexandra, I ; SiiKrb, 1 ; Sultan, 2, and Inflexible, 1. Wounded On Ihe Alexandra, 3 ! Suiierb, 1; Sultan, 7 ; Invincible, 6 ; Indexible, 2, and Penelope, 8 Twelve ullicvrs aud men land ed from the Inflexible, under cover ol the fire of the Condor and Dittern, and destroy ed witb dynamite Ihe heavy guns of Fort Mex. the loss on the hgypttan side is nol known, but is supposed to be severe, London, July 12. The corret-londcot of Ihe Standard, on board tbe Invincible, tele graphing at eight o'clock thll morning, says: "Tbe Captains are now in council re- gaming the operations lorto-aay. ine Mo narch and Penelope went inside the harbor late last evening, and fired a ftw shots at the forts. The enemy only replied by field artillery It seemed as il the batteries were deserted. I Ai.kxskobm, July 12, 11:40 a. m. The Inflexible'uud Temetaire opened fire this morn i nil on the Aloncrielle furl, which,ilur- ine the niiihl, had been repaired. Tbe first 1 three shots greatly damaged the batteries. ' the sigiwl lias just been given to cease tiring. The Ach lies has just been sighted steaming toward the fleet. A fl.AO or TRUCK. 1:30 p. tn A steamer is approaching ti e fleet with a flits of truce. A ilK of trucu is also displayed from the town. London, July 1Z,3:3U p. in. A tlispatcn from Admiral Seymour, tent at two o'clock this afternoon, suyi : "There is no response lo to-day's firing. A flag of truce was hoisted at nown at tbe Arsenal, where the Minister of Wur,and the official diyuu are. A gunbmt, under a Hag of truce proceeded at unco to open cointnu- nication." London, July 12. A dispatch from on board Ihe Chiltern, dated at 6:17 this alter noon, savs : The tine ol truce is still flying. Several targe fires hayo broken out in yari ou jtoiuls ol the town. London, July 12. neuter s Telegram Company nas received the following die patch : "Off Ai.kxamoru.Ju1v 12. Mldninht. The barracks, houses and windmills around Fort Mex have been shattered to pieces. A tmrtion of the lias el Tin Pulace, recent'y inhabited hy D-rvlwb Pasha, which tunned a separato building Irom the Khedive's rest deuce, has been burned Ut the ground. The light-house is slill standing, but a number of holes are visible in the maslonuryiud the light apears lobe Injured. The Bittern, alter taking Flag Lieutenant Lambton nn board, proceeded to the harbor to learn tbe object of the flag of truce." "Information wasonnviyed tn the com mander ol the Bittern thai Toulbu Pasha, the nillilary commander In Alexandria, wished to comuiunlciie with Admiral S-y mour. Lieutenant Lambton replied that, as a preliminary condition to further nego tialion, the forts dominating the entrance of the harbor must be surrendered, Toulbu Pasha refused to accept lliese terinsiud the Bittern returned tn acquaint the Admiral with his refusal, It was understood among the officers that firing would be resumed at 5 o'clock in the alternoon, hut no order to Hint effect whs Riven. The Kgyptlans mbse quently hoisted a second fluic of truce, ami Ihe Helicon wai thereupon scut in to obtain inlormallon. "The Bittern ascertained Ihat the Khedive was safe, havinc cone with Dervisch Pncha to the Itnmleh Palace. I lie storeshlii Hum bor leaves to-niudil with the wounded. "A large fire is now visibl in Iheillroc tion of the British Couusulate." LEHIOHTON RETAIL MARKETS. COHIIBCTKU WllKtr. Flour per sack , Kl-ar Sprint; mined Corn, perhuihcl Jis, per hushel Mlieil Chop, per owl... MlddllnM, perewt Horn Chop , llran, per ewt liutter.per pound Kiwi, iierdusen Haul, tier pound Lard, per pound Shoulder!, per pound Potatoes, per bushel 8 50 3 0U 1 00 75 1 Ii 1 16 1 11 1 4.1 25 24 - IS 10 13 STOCK MARKETS. Closing prieet of D Haven k Tnwnsend, Bankers, Nn. 40 South Third Street, Phil, adrlphta. SUx-ki bought aud told either lor cash or on marxin. Philadelphia, July 1 J, ISS2. bid asked U 8 n'l, 18H1, Elt 100) 101 D S Currency 6's -ISO US&'i, 1881, new, Ext. 1U0 101 US 41. aew 114 U S 4't Pennsvlvanla R R 1161 llfil .... ftvj 591 Philadelphia 4 Reading R R 21 2) LehiKh Valley RR 60 60) I! 4ii 4l! luva ibn Lebieh Coal k Navicatmn C United N J It R A Canal Co 1871 Northern Central It It 0 48 4KI I iietumvuie rase, u it i mi IK Uuir. Pillsburg k WesU II It Co... Id I Central Transmutation Co 33 Northern Pacific t'oni ii " Pref.l - 3j North Pennsylvania R It 81 Philadelphia k Erie R It 151 Silver, (Trades) ) 101 34- m 83 i Ci 1 8Vl An Impossibility. Dismiss; articles are ulwnjs appreciated. The eacepttwikl'ciilhllhertol Parker's llnlr Malum makes It pbpultf. Uray balls aie luipotllblettltti Itl cteasliinal tee. rnil'LtiH. I will mall (Free) 'lie recipe for a simple VKtlK.I AlIMi IIAI..M that will rennoc TAN. KHK'!KLi:s, P I M V I, I- 8 nud UL-OTOUKS, leaving (lie sk In soli, clear nud Lvjtatllul j also Instructloiis I r pri,iiclmr a luxuriant growth of hair on a laid tiend oi smooth fuce. Address inebtsmj; lie, et inp. Ji i:N. VANUEI.r, 1: I).,r,-l S .. N. V, Si.) I. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The uflvertlr'er IijitIiih l-rcn icrmutirntly cureil nl ilmt f1rel (1Ueiir, Uu,ptinitlon, a slmtlo rcincly, U uutUm tn miikr knuwn in hit re low ftufiYt-t-rf Hm- m iUi$ of euro. In all wluulc.,!- It he Kill unil roi.y of the precrlUon (tree ntcliarui'V with ihe (llftMHloli (or preiiarlnic mul nflni? tv mint'. thoy will nirl n xur Ol IfK f-r IMHTOItS, (MM)S.M)sStf.MIMI N, AS Tll.tlA. HlfONU ITIS. fcc, rurtlf? tvlstiftuz Ihe rri'j'cr'ptlori.wlll phugo ml.lrcf. Hcv. K A, VllO.N. U4 I'miiNt., Wtlllnmsburif, N. V. wnr. EimoiW OF YOUTH. A OF.NTt.RMAK wl.o sultercil for years from IIHUILITY. Pit KM A Tl! I' K IIKUAY. n ml nil tlieilfeelsnt youth Til, Indiscretion, will for the suite ol suilerlrir hunianltv, send tree to all who nerd It, the recipe enl ilirecllnu fur toaklue; lu-slmplo remedy by which ho w is eur,d. Sullerers wishing to prullt hy Ihe advertiser's exper! n'den Uu ,u by 'on".'"..'. lnur.IVjl !2 Cedar ft. Nun Yolk. skw Aiivi:imi:Mi:.NT.s. MILS. C. W. OUAVEIl LF.NIZ m ALVniN I.i monroN. PctiiiH., MADAM. Vou ere hoi bv notlfWd that n llivorco has been arrntitcd to (1, V. I.entr.of 1'onelin Slirlnirs. (Niloruilo. aiti.licntlou belli: " ido ll. V. Lents v Mrt. i. W Lents nee A I vena (J raver I Kround, desertion, and yi.ur letters in evidence. Or-ntrd "Mumlav, Juno V8 h.ISs: at the Keirulur.loneTerinofC'ourl, in uicunyor Denver. Colorado, louwlll, thciefure, i lease take noilco. WM. FH1NO -ollcltor for Applicant. July its h. Ib82..w.t AUDITOR'S KOTICE. ESTATK OP Wl'.LIAM Ill.MALV, DaCEAtCn. The underslirneil Auditor, appointed by the O phDiiS' i 'oiirt of Ciirbon County lo ou tfit and make dl'rlhu!li,n of the lunils In Hie bands of A Il.Toblm Ai'iiilidsiralnrorsind Enlnte, will hoi, I a meeting lor the purposes ui uib uppuiniincni on SATURDAY; AUGUST 12th, 1382, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the O.nre of A. It Tobias In the Bor, uirh ofJtnuehCbu k, ra., when and win re all parties tnteres ed will bu required o pesenl their claims or be debar, red from couilnjr In upon said fund rs It. tilLUAM, Auditor. July 15, isn ws. Travelers' lame Tickets ! OOi UENTS SECOHE9 V$15 Weekly Indemnity In case of Injury, or $3,000 INSURANCE In case of Death by Accident. TICKETS FOR SALE AT THE Carbon Advocate Office. Silver Pearl Pictures AT THE GEM PHOTO GALLERY, Near EXCHANGE HOTEL, BANK St., Lehighton, AT POPULAR PRICES, For a Short Time Only! Pictures Finished while Watling. Children Prclerred in the Forenoon. W F WI I TE ) WM.'PAYN'IERJ rrnP'rs July 15 w4 REPORT itF THE roXMTION nf the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Li-blghton, Hi rh. State nt PeuusylvaDl-al tbe oloie of Lusiuass, July 1st, 1882 : Btsoeaci. Loans and discounts 80,435 60 Overdrafts. tibAM U. S. Hinds lo secure circulation 75,0 ntiu U. S. Itonds on band . . . . 7.i00.00 Other stocks, buudii, and mortgages. . SO 2 0 DO Due tnun approved resorve aireiits , 6-8 vu Una from .tber Natlooal I'aiiks. . tlSISiUO nMl,,. furniture, and tlsiures. . 8,4:2.2-1 rrcmiuiiiB pam 12,3.0. u 0 lei-ks and HUer cash Items . . 1,67 0.! Ulllx l oibrr hanks. . - 1,4711X1 1'racll- nal pprcurreDcy, nickels, and peoulea 220 S3 fpecle 4,005.00 Lejral lender notes 4 3ajxu Redemption Fund with U.S. Treasu. rj- (5 percent, of circulation) . 3.37500 Total . i3'.o,i:-j.4a . $75. 00 00 . 8 150 U . 3,780.00 . 67 .00 . 2.47S 50 maiLiTiis. Capital stock paid In eurpius luna Undivided prints ."atl nai Uai,k i otei on'etand n; PlVIUeliils UupalJ Individual deposits subject to check Un to inh-r atluiiai Uattka . IJllls payable 56 607.,', 1,0,-7.44 (5,000.00 Tottl 300,12.40 Matt of rcnutlllcania. County oj Carbon, n : I, W. W IlowDjao, Colder of lh- Lank, do soleuitdv swear that tho above hlateuieiit U true to the bust ot tn kuowUiliiealid ItH-T. U.Vi UOtt MAN.Cai-liler. ntiscrlliedalKt sweru befoieuio tbU 11th Uaj ol July, !6ai. . . THOS. 8. Ill CK, Notary I'ul.lle. Correct" attest l Ihm Keuierer. 4..I Dur t. and P. J. Klstler, Uireclurs. July 16 itS2 JjlVllifcM) NOIICE. Ataltenular Meeting of the Dlreelori of tbe Flm Nation il ol LehlKhton, a rieuil.Annual Dividend ol Tlll.t t. er eeni on the Capl al .--lock was declared, payable on and alter July itlh, 1682. W. W. liUWMAN, Cashier. July 1, 1882-vra W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE: Opposite the "uroudway House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. Patient! have the hem-fit of the In lest Ira. provemknta In me-hant?al api-llanee! an-l the twit uiethodsof treatment In all cases. MTIttlUS-OXlIlK adnnnlrleiul II desired. IT -os,l-1,-, persons rtsldlnic outside or Mauch Chunk thuuld in, ko ciigav-'inen a hyuiall. JjtiJl TalnaHe Famjt Prte Sal . The lludenlZlied idlela IliJ verr valuahb FARM.cotisistiucof FIFTY. TWO AfUtKi situate in Fra skills Township, County oi Carbon, Pa , and aboul four miles eutl of Weissport, at Privtle Sale. Alxoil 46 acre eie eliiirund under Kl stato of cultivation, There is a Huh Orchard of i teres, Ing of all kind, of choice Fruit Trees. The House Is 20 z 40 feet, ami nearly as cood as new. The term! are one half rash, olid the balance on easy uyments. Pers-ins wish log to view the proerly can call on JACOH KREISER. Franklin Twp., Carbon County, l'a. June 24, 1882 w4 Q"il 11TI7 li.G now surorlng from OWiiiJlLinO wounds or disease of any kind earned by military serrlotero entitled to Pension. Wldoos, minor children, de. pendent mothers or fathers of soldiers who died from the c rivets of their lerrle are also entitled. Many Invalid psatlontrs art en titled lo an INCaatiC. Careful assistance Vlvenln dihykd or kueotkd claims, as many can l allowed with but Hula mora avideoee. Complete Instructions witb refer ence! lent on applicant n. Gnat tO so. A. Kmo, Attorney ut Law, mo r, M., Washing ton, I) C, july 1. 1882. -7TATK .NOIlt'U. I ti UtateorilAVII) ti'IUIIAN laleor Fr nV. Allnerrons Indebted to said' iat ure re queste.1 ti make lintnrdlate payment, a d I those luring tearal claims aitmnst the ramai Hi irest nl inem, wunout ueisy, iu irujK-r order for tetileuien to tl.tTII AIIINK lI'llltlAN. or J. O. ZKK.N, Admlnlitratori. Welsiport, Pa June.l, IMi-wS. Noted Men ! Dr. John F. Hancock, late President of the National Phar maceutical Association of the United. States, says t "Drewn's Iron Bitters has a, heavy sale, ts conceded to ba a rln tonic ths character of the mamu ficturers Is a voucher for Its purity and inedlciaal axcallaoca." Dr. Joseph Roberts, President Baltimore Pharmaceutical College, sayst " I Indorse It as a fine medicine, reliable as a strenjrthenlnj tonic, free from alcoholic poisons' Dr. J. Faris Moore, Ph. P., Professor of Pharmacy, BaltU more Pharmaceutical College, sayst " Crown's Iron Bitters Is a safe and reliable medicine, positively free from alcoholic polsona , and can be recommended as a tonic for use among those who opposa alcohol." Dr. Edward Earickson, Secretary Baltimore College of Phar macy, says "1 Indorse It as an excellent medicine, a good digestive agent, and a nsn-iatosdeant la the fullest sense." Dr. Richard Sapington, one of Baltimore's oldest and most reliable physicians, sayst "All who tare used It nrsita Its standard virtues, and the well, known character of ths house which cukes It Is a sufficient guarantee of Its being all that Is claimed, for they are men who could not be In duced to offer anything cist but sv reliable madlclae for public use." A Druggist Cured. Boonsboro, Md., Oct. ts, s88o. Gentlemen: Brown's Iron B1U ten cured me of a bad stuck of Indigestion and fullness In the storn. ach. Having tested it. I take pleas, ure In recommending It to my cut. tomert, and am glad to say It gives entire satisfaction to all." Geo, W, HorsMAX, Druggist. Ask your Druggist for Brown's Iron Bitters, and take no other. One trial will convince you that it is just what you need. B73AROI HXIin.a. as Y. DiscovEirEin of db. MAnoHisrs GATHOLBOOW, & POSITIVE C'JHE FOR FEMALE 00MPUIHT8. rids remedy 111 act in harmony with tho Ke. jalo system at all times, and also Immediately upon the abdominal and merino muscles, and ro store Ihcm to a healthy and strong condition. Dr. JUrclilsl'a Utcriuo Catholicon will cure fall ing of the womb, Lcucnrrhan, Chronic Inflamma tion and Ulceration ot tho Womb, Incidental llernorraa-e or l'loodlnp, Pnlnfol. Suppressed and Irregular Mcnstrnatlon, Kidney Complaint. II trrennes3 nnd is especially adapted to the chsuge of. Llie. Bend for pamphlet free. All letters of inquiry freely answered. Address as above. For tile hy aUdrnprclsts. Ntirslzo 81 per Lottie, O! 1 sirs Sl.dO. H sitro aid irk for Dr. Jtar chiat'a Utei Ina Catholicon. Taka no oth- For iilu at A. J. DurlingV Drujj Storo in Lei) ghtnn. may 20-yl WANTED. SALESMEN. To canvnss for the snle ot our Niimenri I Block. Unequalled fncUltles. Salary and I cs i fuse paid. 600 nci ol Trul t and Of aa-1 i zuvuui irtes, tjiimiii, nose, eic. tt. cv a. niTiiaijK, ueneva. s i. Dau0tBrivesIotIiers! AGENTS Wanted Irs'g'mtbiS low tn pricei selling- uti; arcdra everywhere: Liberal terms, lli-aalc, OarrcUtta Jk lo C6 M. Fourth St., fniladclpllia, fa. Nr.VT Pre,pflrn I ifo t The Key to Feetaaa iiihik practical LitB.(i,n Ac.e.ofLir. Hon pn. lllenetrpe. Onent binding uud Illastrattoaa. t til. MS WANTKII. T& to ilttO ir Meatk. or Icrn.I. atljicai J. C. MiCUKDV i Co , fiUilclpfcl,, Tt iLewts Weissj BANK STREET, fl rst store aliove Iron, culls attention tn his new and fasti tonahle Uvk of c8 All of which hs is Rellinj: at VERY LOW EST CASH" PRICES. tnr An Inspection Invited and satisfaction Kujianlecd In ll The King ot I ' the brain t the stoinerh lit in In euinurt; Ihe nerves Us toes eu: vera; tho towels, the kldn ys and the ports 114 snffiiuartls. mIIu, BLlun creates a violent rutolt niuunu; these at'achri of tho re-al o uau and to ,rl e toem tn thelrouty, Ihtta Is uoihlnv like the regulating, puril . Intr. tneloratliitr, co.'IIiik u,-eritJon oi Tatu itaaT'd -fSLiZ'.H Ar-KUitfcT, It renovate! ihes)itcui uud restotea health both tho h-eiy and tho u lud. Sold hv all bru.g-lsls. Iowa and Minnsaota Lands On tho linlcaito, Milwaukee & fit. Paal It'y CHEAP PUIOES, Loofr Tine, Low Interest, And Itebatojfir luprovsmtnit. For map and lull'partioulait, addresi W1M.1S DRI'MJIONII. Jb-, Land Coiuiiilrilooer, Milwaukee, Wis. P MITT? A IT I Complttt Life, Trial and Est. ITUllMU ! cu Ion Contains Fu.StnUt Ltlttrul iheB'iatiln lo the Publisher. Agents (loina imm-nse. ror itrins, auuresi vvoi. K 1.1 NT. I'hlU olpliU, Pa. Junt2t-w FPIIIT EVAPORATORS. ' nUI I Jlltutratod Catalognt Fret. AMKR. .M'K'II I'C... june 3l-t U'ayiK,Uro. Pa, Advertiiers, send fur Select t.ltt nl Local Newspapers, (leu I Howell St, Co, No. '0 Sprue. Mreel, N Y June31w4 A rrontc Wllu f" l.ivesn-i UninV P. 11 tjiju Aa vcuiurcs ol thu Uuiuwi Xlull&