The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 15, 1882, Image 1

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    vAdyetfisuig Rates.
Ajo awitp II tos.dislldcllrijindlerstooil
amwbSjrtcoJWffota unknown
18 51f.
The, fallowing are our ONLY tcrmn
Ona rear. eaeliMnSeTtion'
HI months, each Insertion
. cts,
Three jnontbt, each insertion,..,
Less than Utea months', first Insertion'
20 cts,.
$lf each BubsequenLinsertlon.,.,... ,25 cbj,
l'oj)!lOJcenV4(SrJine. ;
v II. V-.MORTHjfltKR, Publisher.
, j,, , QAR.DS,
n c.'von'&Attofiioys.'
Biaii Strut, LiRliJBton,rA.
Kaai nstate and CollKtiorr. A??ncT ,' Will Bovnd
Sell Heal KstaUi OSoieykncin'g oeitly done Col
aotlnns promptly made, sewing biihmw u"
laeiits a specialty. Mav be consulted lu Knlltb
BdUerinau Net. 12.
v. n. doolittlk. n. n. wAitwtn n.'HCJJ,ete.
(Late Assistant Oora'r or Patents.)
B. H. WARNER & CO.,ittoriiBs atlfflp.
Warrkii IlDilbmo,
aAltentlen rlTao"lo Ijatotit and Mining cases,
"""Lands. Pensions? Bounties," and Government
il1rae.AftBnllonprouipi, charges moderate.
Vadrlls'rflth 'am(C- llcler t.. Aleinbor or
Oonaress and the Heads or Government De
partments, dec 10, 1881 0
"'I' J II ' ; j
PHysicians' and 'Dentists.
A. IiEKIIAJlEI,, M 1).,
Special ttontlon paid to Chronic Diseases.
ORlee: South East cornerlronand 2nd sts.,Le
llhlon,l'a. Aprl'3, 1875.
s a 1 i-
U. S (examining Surgeon,
Oiiricm Baiik Stref t, Ittnat'.'a ULOOtt, Lrlugh
tan, May be consulted In the Germ n Lauguage.
if. Sti, wAkkhkh',
Tji!, (AtiBoCoosTir, Pa.
jfcay lie' ioniulled In the E'nu-i'lsh'or German
Language. air.8
rpiroji is KCiiniiGR,
The "UowltiK Companies are Represented:
KB.v.ntio ini'ruAD i'iue;
WYU2uI.SCi Fllti',
" I'oi; PirtK.
Li'.lllGII riltK.nnd Ciel'ItAV
Er,iin- AticiniiNi' issukanor.
Also Penn-tytviinh n"d Mn'risl Ifo.-ie Thlet
ett-cvtvdanil In.urabroi'cmimiiv.
Cevs-rv, Buir.oti.q-, MAUUH CHUNK, Pa.
Fire Insurant Agent.
OT-PPLI')IK In SAFE Ooriipinles only.'jMnnble Hates. ; Auf.2J-yi
'. . '.HaXKST., IiISIII01!TO,,Pa.
Trio Oarbow HunHKolTiira (lrat-class acfom.
'm.i.Utloni to il.e TruTollnir public. Iloirdlni:
Jby the Iw'y or .Week on Reasonable Tonne.
Ulioico Clic'irs. Wines and Liquors alwuy on
hand. Jloeiltjlieds ad Stables, wlili oilei'
(vo IlonlerJj attached. . April 10-yl,
Instructor of Music,
'Pinuo, OrganjYoiee ami Theory.)
-1ri 'lHOHTONt PA. '
Solo agent ror the
And danlar In all kinds or Planosard Orit ins.
Tor-ras low and onsy. Slate, lumber, briuUs,
etc., takeu In exchange
. "
Sheet Mutlc and books, furnished on short
For particulars, terms, &e., Address,
AuffZ, .1179-ly. I.elilulilon, Pa.
Livery & Sale Stables
And positively I.OWISII PUICES than any
utucr Livery lu the Co july.
Larae and htntHoino uarilaeea for F.inerHl
.iraoseaaiirt wcodmsa. u.vviu uuuku
Nov. liU7J
rtespectlully annonnes to the publlo that he
has opened' NEW I.IVEIIY ST I1I.E In
eonnrctlon with his hotel, and Is prepared to
furnish Teams for
Fperals, Weiilngs or Basiaess Trips,
on shortest notice and mo.t liberal terras. All
orders led attho "Carl, n Il,iosa will receive
prompt attention Stable uu North Street,
next the hotel, Lehlirhton, Jan22-1
1 m
Bank Street, Lehighton.
Of all description promptly at'ended to at th
msirea.oneble prices.
T:AllWbrlcKuanteed,- and patronagi
raj,i:irjIy sollcllod Jaa.28-tl
me columns niiiiiK UABBors-fcn.iiTuuATit mat.
fefc-v-J t97IH IE? Jl
H. V. MoriTiiiMEB, Propriet
Railroad . Guide.
Arrangement of Passenger Trains.
MAY 5D. 1882.
For'4;3.,iM5, II. 40, a.m., and
;3.10, - - t K ,
fc; ... sddaypj, , .. ..
For rblladelphla at 4.20 a. tn..3.SS p. rn.
imEAMTr.s.NA. niiAiicn.)
ForrteidlnR and llnrrlsbmir, 0.008 40 a m,,
-'i2.-i-4.:U) nml'Offlsp. in - ,
Tor r.ancastor and Columbia; 8.C0, 8.Ca.m. and
4.30 mm
sunda ys:
For P endln?. 4 30 end 0.1 5 p. rn.
For Ilurrlabmg, nurt wa. po nt. 0.)5o. ro.
TalnF01t S r,liE.TOWJSfJeave as rollowsi
J vrArBTttiuoiiKs iiAiLaoAr.) -"
Leave rhlladeluhln, 4.30 7.40 a. in. and 1.00,
1.30 .. no 6. is p. in
r.envo' Philadelphia, 8.W a. m., 3 1C and '4.20
p. hi. -
f.eavo nejdlnE.7.t0 10.15 n, ui.,5.C0 3.51,rndO.I5
I.raTU irnnlsbnrc; 5.0 7 to and 0.50. a.m., 1.43
and 4 OOp. m. "
l.CHve Lancaster ti.aim l.ooand (3,to p. rn.
t.eav-Columbia. 7.Jn. m. 1.10 and 1.40 p. ni.'
tFromTKioRblreet Depot.
Leave Heading. 7.30 ano 9, A a.m.
Leave llai rlel.ui u 5.10 a.m.
Tia'lnarla Perklomen nonte marked tho
(ruoiound lioni Uopot NiuM nnd Gi-cen
etrets. P llndclphla, other trains to and from
BrOad'Rtrect eiot
Tne 4.V nnd 0.45 a.m trains Irom Altentown
and the "1.3 and 6.15 p. in. train from Plilln
delpnta.vla reriiomen 'IMirod.hae through
cars to and (rotu Ptillprelihla.
" Oeuerol JirntioiKr.
C.Q' HAKCUCK c?n'I Pact. & nekct Avtnt.
Kovctnbex 6th,
West End Brewery,
JMaucii Chunk, Pa.
Fare Porter and Lap Beer
Delivered all over the State.
October 8, 1881 jl
Has RtMiioved from Weisaport and token up
quarters in the "Old Fatzinncr Store'
Bank Street, Lehighton,
wiiero old friiuls aiu! new onei can always
find a clioire assortinciil of
Dress and Dry Goods,
Notions and Trimmings,
Provisions, &n., &c.
vr '11111; i,(vi:s v (jami I'icst.i;
Also, always in etnok one of tlio finest and
best selections of
Clocks, Watches an3 tain
to be round in tliie Motion )f tJie iimntry. ut
Prires lully us Lw as eUewhere.
done (n tlie let mnnne', Bt very moderate
fhurges. Patronage iurited. uprS 2y
Central Caniage Works,
Hank St., Lohigliton, Ta.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,
ur every description. In tho most substantial
manner, and at i.ontsl Cash Prices.
Ucpalrlng I'roimitly Atlciulcd to.
April aj( 1879 yl Proprietors.
Tho undersigned resiwctfiilly anir.iinra
In their friemla unil tho public generally.
litat liny have eeenreil the right tt inaiiii
fjcture and s-ll Una excellent Washing Mu
rliitie in Karlxmuml Luzerne enmities. Tin.
is iindoubtmlly lh BEST Washer niade.Biiil
gives the timst perlert satislectinn tnall who
use it. See this machine before you buy
any other. Price $10 00. Address
Ycnser & Bartholomew,
Lehighton, Pa.
may 20 Om.
v' . waif a ana jijiaui TBEAT"
MSMr.a.pei-liioior IDrterta, iMulacaa, Con
vu.aioue, ,-rvuua i.eaddeke. Ueniai JiVures
ri'ili, Ltieaol Ueiuori. neiioa otiLms. lmnn.
icuey.ineoinuMir BmlaMoaa, I'retuiitnie Old
,uw, uv uverexeiion. eeuabuse n
uvBr.ii.iu'(ji c, biolileatto ni .erv. deca
ami itcatb. One box will ruto recent c.-n
acn oox cunt iitaoue iiionth'treatiueut. On
dol.arHoox or a x itnxei forflve dollarai eon
. ................ v.. ,,.-,(1, , p,ice. wevuur
auiee ux boxea to cure any cg y th ech
..... ........ w - 0 .rim mu purcn '8
ffr.n,uti"r ".""".""rai tr-e to return the im.nev
I;l-. e' u.-,l .ulv wben the treatment i.ottl r.
O ieet ,lniu u J O W1IKT ,t CO
"y. r "'"lore. '51 ,t in w. Vadtanu btreeL
b M-O.111. A J UUtlLINO .tnt,Uhlab;
tOtl I'M.
n&?Iir.II.KUS,5&C0 Wbole.ale Atcnti
PhlladeVnu. ipt.:oilr
CalDinet" Ware' Factory,
Deals, in nil klmh nnl alio of liu. Jlemlnck
Oak nml Hard Wooo Luinoer, niiit tsuowpie
IJBicu iu uiecuic uuy uiouut oi uruera J or
DresseD Lumbolt
Doors, Saslios, Bllmls, Sliutlciv,
Mouldings, Cabinet Wnro, &c,
With projiptnesa.
. k
Brackets Hade to Order.
Tlie Mpchltiery In all new and or tbo best om1
most ituni)vcl klniln. I employ uono bni tho
beat woiKmen. tine well seanfincu amicoodnia
teilnt.autl am llioieroreubln to pnmnntce entiiB
iiiiiractioii to an nno mav invor uiottiui a van.
Orders tiv roail piompily nttetiUed to. Mv
cl)Hrpu3 are moiierutct terms cash, or interest
kbiiist'd alter thirty oavs
tV Thoae ennpretJ In llnjM-np will find. It t
their ndvuntiffe to luveWillnff, Floor iloards
noora, -naiics, liuticrfl, te. Ac, nictle at thl
Fp tor v.
Carriages, Wagons,Sleighs,&c
Particular attention given to
In a'l Its details, at the very Lowest Prices.
Patronaiie resnectfiillv solicited and nerfect
satlsraetlon Kuarat.teed.
Doo 8. 1878 J1 DAN. WIEAND.
Cream Balm
Effoctualty clean
res pas'
PiiKfSnl Catarrh
ill virus, eaurln
lieattliy seori'
Hi'np, Hll:iyp tn
naminntion, pro.
t'Cts the mem
hrane irnm ndtll.
tlonal cohl.. coin
pli'tcly heals the
s- re 8 a ml restore
tllO 81' MSf 4lf til 8 to
nnd sinvll. Heno. reputlB are
realized by a few
upplleatlons. A
thoronKli treat
uinit "iinw'tJi u in i r li uuy r ever, OtC. Ull
tiqualled for cold In the hetul. ARrccjiMe to
ue. Apply bv the little flower Into the nos.
trfl. fin rerelptof 60o will mall a pnclcniro.
Owego, N, V,
jp you aui: i.n m.i:d op
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing 'Goods
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, 'Lehighton.
publlo patronage solicited. Juljl-tl
1881. HOLIDAYS. 1881
Ilespec fully nnnouneestoher frlendsarxl the
public KentTully, that f lie Is titiw rcevlnK
kimi upi'inoK lur uu'ir iiifprciion a lurtct-r
ftock than ever ut tne very lalcsi nuveltttt In
Toys &. Fancy Goods,
Suitable fr HnLIPAY PRESENTS for
Younir and DM. ltirh ami Poor. Ilon't Tall
in rail early and f'cure nrst eholoe and best
bare is. She also c.ills Iho.r attention to
her New, Large and EHgant aisortmentot
comprising Underwear, Merlin and German,
town Wools. Hosiery, Imported and I'o
loesilo lllliboits llloves. Pluoereand
a P'in assortment ol New Doslnns
Also, In eonneetlon with the above, a full
and complete stock of
Ciimlifs & rnnfi'ellnns,
together with a variety or Clouds not general
l kept In any oihe' sture In town. If jou do
not see what you waut, ask f ir It.
A shere or public patronage solicit W, and
perfect satlsfHctlun guaranteed in price and
(juollty or goods.
Seconfl St, 2 doors above Iron,
Nov. S8, ISSl.mS. LEIIlailTON, Pa.
ggf Tl-c Carbon- AnvocATB
one year for $1, and Kendall's
Uorso Book as a premium,
With Meaicine Quality not Quantity Is
the greatest importance ; next is the
Knowledge and Experience to Cor
rectly Prepare ana Dispense the same
Drnc & Family Milcine Store,
Bank Strce Lehighton,
You can always rely upon getting ST1UOT
LY Puroaud unadulterulod
Drugs and Medicines.
DVni.ING, carries' the largest stock
PA1M-.NT JMEDII 1N,I;S In the Cyunty.
UUIIL1NU has an elVarant stock o'rDHUO.
LET )Mt'l'l(JL.ES Tor the ladles as well as
the gents.
POU'DEKS a sueclalty. Ills Wyeusexiicr.
lence in the drug business gives blm a great
advantage In IhH line. '
always a largu stock on hand.
7INK8 and LIQ,l'OHS, both roretgn nnti
domestic, lib has a Clinton Grape Wine and
a lry Catawba, Wine. Just splendid and
largest assortment In town..
Go to DUHLING'S with your presinp.
tlons Go to UUBLINU'S for jour Patent
Go to PT'BLING'S Tor vnnrrancvarl'eles.'
Faimorsand horsemen unto llt'ltl.INtl'i
fqr youc Horse and Cattle l'uwders. ,.
ang. o jFi.
A Cl Vf$'V wn'nted.lo sell Edison's Ms-.
1 O Telephone nnd Kdlson's
Instantaneous Piano and flriran AlUsle. En.
close stamp (or o tntoyuo and terms.
EDISON MUSIO CO., Phllndelphifi; Pa.
dec. 2!.uj0.
Allcoct's Poms Plasters ?
Bqcause they huve pi;oved
themselves the Best External
Remedy oyer 'invented. ,'t)ay'
will cure asthma,colds,coughs,
rheumatism, neuralgia',' and
any locnl pains.. , .
Applied to the. small of the
hack thev are infallible ,.iri
Back-Ache, Nervous IJehility,-
and all Kidney troubles,; to
the pit of the stomach they are
a sure cure ior Dyspepsia. and
Liver l om plaints.
PLASTERS are painless, fra'r
grant, and quick to cure. Be
ware of Imitations that blister
and burn. Get ALLCOfK'S,
the only Genuine' Porous
Feb. 18-13 e. o. w.
Respectfully announces i.. the opleof Le
highton and its vicinity, that he is now pre-
puron to supply mem wun an aiuusoi
Household JBurnit.ure
Manuractiirod Horn the beet Seasoned Mate,
rials at Prices fullyns lnwns tttei-ameartlcle.
can be taught lor els where. Hure are a tew
ol tne Inducements ouered
Perlor Sels ai Irom tW to $00
Walnut Idarblt'.top Dressing tase
lleilrooin Sulies. 3 pieces 440 to (43
Painted lltdriMini nllrs 1R to t(0
(lane Siat'd t'halr. perai't ofe,...
Cminon hairs, per. et or 0 ..... $4
ami all othor Goods equally cluap.
In Ibis connection, I desire to call the at.
tenllon ol the people ,n my antplo ricillties la
and a lull line of OAMvhTS and UOKF1NS,
I am prepared lo attend promptly to all or
ders lu this lli.e. at lowest prices.
Patronage rerpectlully solicited and the
most au.plo sallsfactl n guaranteed.
octl2 HANK St., Lehighton.
RP&TTVJ ORGANS !ISt..p.10SelsR'ds
Ulinl 1 I U only aoo. Plannatms tin. Baro
Holiday Inducements Beady. Writ or call
on HEAT TV. Washington. N.J.
jgjlHThose of our subscrib
ers getting the Advooatk
through the mail will please
refer to the direction tab, note
their indebtedness, and remit
tne amount. in all cases
whfii e we have to send bills
Si. 25 will he charged to coyej:
i expenses of postage,, etc' v
wssiaixeaa Maaw'eeiiejeejw mm m ami fiiwea eaattaalwiiejijutuuAuau i.Liimijjimaamj
Live and Let Live."
A rote nag born at morn.
- Ah, she was full of sraopj
. Bright was Iter crimson robe,
And winsome tvas her faco.
A butlerfly come" to woo,
He sought her for It btlitc;
Hose gave a'scoruful look
And spurned liim from her sIJo,
Then came a liumming bird,
Who whispered In lier ctr,
"Will you be my own, love?
'Say, will you bo my dear''
Deep In the rose's heart,'
Lies n lore yel lo bej
So the faithful humming bird,
Hose did not deign to see.
The sun bent Ms false faco
To kisa her o'er and o'erj
Rose blushed t he dceja-st red
And thrilled to inmost core.
The tun lie stayed an hour,
To pass the time away.
Then said, "Good-by, sweet rose,
I can no longer stay."
Sail was the rose's plight,
8ho hung her lovely hcaij .
At tuoru the rose was born,
The eyenlnp; found her ieatt.''
Sly Lcrione wns just eiRhteeu when bud
met Curol Leighton, and so pretty nnd
winsome thnt lliero ttns no diipuling the
fact that ,I3trtha Asliby was tliobilloof
K 1.
Many a young ladyntmld lmve had it
otherwise; fond mammas eyed her ask
ance as a dangi rous rival to their (laugh
tors entering a second season, nnd looked
lynx-eyed if their Bona ohoosu to honor
her with their attentions.
I suppose Blie waa not a desirable
daufibter-in.liwjtbotigh mothm usually
Uek sympathy with the tender passion
in their sous unless the ohj-ct of it be
like Hood's fnmcus "MisnKtllmansegg;"
and then bow forid thoy suddenly be
coma of the dinoiselle, though she may
have do more intrinsic Vf,luo than n.lay
uro upon which to show off murvelous
toilets and rare gemsl "Shu is jtibt the
one woman in the world" that is, in
their world; of course aptinefss would
1)6 aabetter mate; but after them, this
butterfly of fashion would best ndorn the
house of her yotinr;, perhaps dUsoiule
But with fntb'ersitis difftrentj their
sympathy is raive at once to tho first,
awakening iii their eons; they waleh the
j'egolnping of it, step by step, with on
qndisfjui'iod interest, remembt-rirg tbelr
own early hetssAtions fooking at tired
dtsappoiuted mothers, (for mothers Am
wives are generally disappointed), tpey
think it would bo refreshing to see rosy
cheeks nnd laughing eyes vis- tls nt the
table; forgetting how much of the pallor
and yearning look from the
eyes has come through their c-wn short,
comings, Dutpshal women expect too
mnohj they expect and by should they
especially in this nineteenth century
that the vows, men make in the days of
their courtship are longer lived than the
mushroom. They really think Ihe lover
lives in the husband, and when they find
themselves mistakeu, accuse him of de
ceiving them, nnd fret nway their chaim,
and wonder all the sauiej hat he can havo
eyes lor or Cud any woman fairer than
themselves. For my part, I pity men,
and hope but what is the use of hoping
In these days of enlightenment? We know
we have no fairy nod-mothers to give us
what we waut for the asking of it, and so
wishing, aud nil that, had better reft
while we save breath to scold if we find
a button off or a sock undarned. But to
my story.
B rtha Ashby met Carol Leighton at
an eveaing party, herself the plainest
dressed, yel as us.ual the prettiest young
lady iu the room. Young ladies in silks
and satins.who wore costly gems as crna.
merits, wondered that (he young lady
whom they treated with pitying condeg
cension dared come among them in a
plain muslin and natural flowers, and
thought every beau devoid of taste and
breeding who in the face of their charms
would go over to her from them and even
receive their snubs. Bertha could snub
youtig meu of whom even a breath of
slander reached hergircinusly. Not one
of tin Re young ladies wonltl ndmit even to
herRelf that she wa. jealous but they
unreservedly admitted that they did be.
liove in the "fitneks of things." and if
Mr. Ashby couldn't dress his dinghter
for the company she kept, she should keep
the company she rould dress for; aud
though each at heart blamed her neighbor
for keeping the yonng person in Bocioly,
nnt one had the conroge to take the lead
In louring her ofl their visiting 1UI. And
he father w ih such a rourtly iteutltm n
t at they couldn't do ithout bi n. Hi
only f.iult bis ecci utrlcity.
William Ashby had o nn to K some
two years before, routed a small house,
furnished itsirutdy, put his daughter in
to the best sobool in town, paid as he
went, said nothing of LU past, talking not
of his future, but liiing with frugal cue
that bad stamped him in the town ofK
as a "broken down geutlemau." When
Bertha had finished her eilncatloo, accord,
ing to the regime of education prescribed
by the Misses Madden for tho seminary,
the young lady was introduced, by her
fond papa into the sooiety he frequented,
Her charming simplicity ,of manner won
all u ho had uo r;ason to fear her as a
rival, ao it came about that those wbo did
d ined not exclude her, for the very con
fession such a slight would carry; and so
Bertha was lo-night,as many times
before, ao unwelcome gueat at John
Loigbtoo's house at one of bis sister's
charming receptions.
Mi Iteigbtou felt keenly, and could
not couceal her uneasineaa when her
I brothel' o ly aon.O rol, who by snma
J touato eirewuau'uoe ba' sho umd
It, ntways made his visits home when this
dangerous young lady was anay, asked
with deep Interest
'Who Is that bctuliful creature Fred
Height has just led out to dance?"
Miss Leighton, with that short-sight
edoess which characleriz-ssonia womru,
whetted bis curiosity aud interest by pre
tending not to ltuow while had she, with
the cleverness of Mrs.Bngby Smith.said,
"a poor young persou whom we invite
for the sake of her father, a broken-down
gentleman," her nephew might, like Mrs.
Smith's son, have been Unified lest his
susceptible- heart be caught, aud he lead
to the altar a charming bride with that
dreadfnl bugbear, rfter the mother-in-
law, a father-iu-law, as an encumbrance.
But Curol was not on a matrimonial
sccut, but rather bent on having a plias
ant evening, nnd that with tho prettiest
girl he could find tn help him to it; ac
cordingly, when his aunt did uot know,
he set to work to find some oue who did,
and succeeded.
"That charming creature, to bo sure.
She is Bertha Ashby, the most charming
Rirl in all K . Your allut didn't know
her? But, nhl you have to learn, my
dear hoy, all the ladies fear her, and
know, too, uot one will be willing to in
troduce you. But come on I will, glad
ly." And, locking his arm within that of
Carol, John Hall led bim to his. fato.
Miss Ashby, permit me to introduce my
friend, Carol Leighton, the nephew ot our
charming hostess Mr. Leighton, Miss
Ashby, the lady we all isb to waltz with;
so if you cravo that honor, I shall repent
my kindly office."
Miss Ashby extended her fingers, dain
tily touched those of Mr. Letghtou, and
smiled as every oung lady iu the room
had smiled upon ltim that evening. Yet
the touch had thrilled him us no other
had doue, and the smile charmed him
"So I may not ask you to waltz?" he
snirl, with a look that iuvitod her per
mission to do so.
"Mr. Hall has mado it impossible for
me to do so, even if you wero to ask, by
putting his name down for the oi ly one
that Is mine to givo." Sho smiled alike
on both, and went on, "I am so fond.of
dancing 1 I never say 'no' if tho partner
is even a passable dancer; for, after all
it is all one cares for lu a dance."
'Bather nn equivocal or nmbiguons
rtmatk," said Hall. "Am I to under
stand that I"
Now' Mr. Hall is begging a compli
ment. You see, Mr. Luichton, I taught
bim to waltz, and he is n credit to his
teicher; now judgd for yourself; this is
our danco." She rose ns she spoke, aud
gave ber haud to Mr.'Tlall. "I shall see
Jou upniu, Mr, Leighton, so au heyoih! '
And the flDated.awiiy,
There was nothing in this interview to
letd one to suppose thut .Carol Leiuhtou
should htivu lost his heart to bcr: but so
it was. We would uot have prophesied
on that tteniug that these two who met
Bcnsually would cter be more to one
sno'hf r but in less that six ntoulhs all
K s'aid, aside, of course, that "Carol j
Leightou was fast laying the way to he
cotiie the support of Mr. Ashby .and that
tho daughter was agreeable lo it,"
These lumors reached Mr. Ashby, and
he smiled a smile of i;rilxi satisfnetiou,
Ho ns naturally a mau of good temper.
but even. his daughter could not under
stand tho frown (hit followed his smile,
nor explaiu why hit, voicu souuded so
ohaiigtd wheu he said,
"We shall see."
"You hear what Iho wttld says, Mr.
Leighton," Bertha's father said, wheu
Cirol made his proposal for the hand ot
his daughter; "that you will have me ou
your hands. And yon know I am an ec
centric old fellow aud would Bertha's
charms, without money, satisfy both
heart aud pride, when yim might have
the rich Miss Brown for the asking?"
Carol flushed; he had heard the uu
hridlud tongues of the people, but he did
not know their cruel words had reached
here; but he answered stoutly,
"I have heard, of course, the gossips
of the lowu; but they are nothing to me
nor I to them. -1 love your daughltr,
and I believe she Ions me; aud lam sure
the father of such daughter, if he W
cum a one of a family, wouid make the
home all the happier. So duu't reluse
me, sir I
"God bless you, Caroll" Bald Mr. Ali
by, deeply moved. "You are worthy of
Bertha, my boy."
Aud so, in spite ot town talk and Misa
Leirfhtou'n col'd v lcome to nit en to
be, aud Ci r '1'h f'.itbei't foinial visit and
congratulations, the preparations lor the
wedding went on, and the two most in
terested were happy aud indifferent to all
about them.
About six weel.s before the time fixed
for the wedding, a bouse which had stood
empty for upward of a y ar was bought
and renovated, aud costly furniture nme
np from town to make it more habitable
still. Ami K said, alter p'ying with
qiiestious all tbo workmen, aud burning
tbalit was to belbohoiuHol a newly mar
ried pair, "Ibey iiuisid poor L'igblrn
would be- j-alousof the did. r.'uee aud
be might Lav been just as well rff if he
hid asked Miss llrown." But L'igLton
never ouce regretted it, norevfii troubled
himself to ail; questions of tho new com
ers, lie would Lave been glad to take
Bertha to such a borne instead of to aim-
plo lodgings, but she had expressed her
self satisfied, aud so he Via, TI)UK,when
his father said, "Yon might have lived iu
just such a house if you bud married the
girl I wished you lo,M,Oarrl had auswer
ed, rather bruskly, ' I prefer choosing
my ovin wife, sir; and with the one I
have chosen I would be happy anywhere.'
And so all was left as it was, and the
wedding-day was at band.
The cremony was performed in chnrcb
and the bride looked beautiful indeed in
a long satin princess dress and orange
"Viiy, my love," Cirol had ssld when,
the afteruoon before, she had shown him
her, wwldinit i'n. "by 4II1I ytingtt
anything so e!e&uU"
a Year if Paid in Advance.
IF not paid in advance, $1.23
"I wanted-my bridal pretty. Yon
know girls are very silly about suub
things, Carol."
"Would you retire from your enpng"
mont, Carol," Mr. Ashby asked. "If you
could do so houornbly If you know thai
B rtha nnd I had deceived yhu, stye, and
all K , that we have played n false
game ever since we have been hen? '
"I couldn't know it, Mr. Ashby, unless
you told njoeo yourself, "answered Leigh,
ton at once.
"But to-morrow, before you have been
married au hour, K will be busy with
Buch a story, ,
"It is true. Bertha, tell Carol It is
"It is true, Carole for the time wo have
been hero we have been living a lie; we
aro not what we seem-"
"For Heayen's sake tell me whnt it isl
Your daughter, sir, is not to blame for
deceptiou say that she is notl" cried
"No, sho is not; sho has only acted in
obedience to my wishes."
"Do you wish U leave me, Carol?''
Bertha asked, with her head averted; she
could not meet his eyo
"Leave yon? Never!'' cried Carol.catch
iug tho tumbling girl in Lis arms. "I
know you never meant any hurm."
Bertha let her head fall upon herliv-
er's shoulder, aud said, with difficulty
making her words intelligible
"Tell bim papa."
Carol lifted her face to dry supposed
tears, nnd found she was laughing heart
ily. He looked from one to tho other be
wildered. Mr. Ashby spoke at once.
"My dearCarol'hosaid, "forgive the
deception I have practiced upon you nnd
nil the towu; and also forgive Bertha, as
her only fault if fault it were wasobed-
ience to me. The town, from mv econo
my and reticence, have pleased themselves
in supposing mo a brokeu-dowu gentle
man. I have seen my daughter slighted
by fashionables and snubbed by cox
combs too shallow to know that it is not
tbo feathers' thnt make bird. Y'ou came,
regardless of all, aud sought her hand.
Yon asked nothing but her love. But Bho
gives you more. My boy, I am the silent
partner of the well-known firm of B
& Co.. Chicago, woith half a million of
money. The house which has roused the
curiosity of the town as to who should
occupy it id Bertha's wedding present
Irom my sister. And hero is tho deed of
my gift a house in New York."
And K talked and wondered when
they learned Mr. Ashby's stratagem to
prevent his daughter being sought for
For the Carbon Advooatk.J
Evidence that the Dead Sea was ouce
a part of the oceau has been presented to
the Paris Academy of Sciences.
Tho specifio gravity of liquid steel
has recently been determined by Herr
Alexjeff to be 8.05. It is therefore con
siderably heavier than solid steel, which
has a specifio gravity of 7 81 to 7.84.
The cleolric light is reported to have
boeu ttietl iu France os n lure for sea fish.
The hriiliant glare of a submerged lamp
h found to attract great numbers of fish
es, which may be readily captured in
The value for agricultural purposes
of the blood of the 41.000,000 nnim.ils
yenrly slaughtered iu France is estimated
by a French writer torbe31.00U.000.'rancs.
Various methods have beeu proposed tor
treating the blood bo as to prevent nuis
ance. The strength of hoisting cables fur
minis has been investigated by a French
esnmniission. Greater care is found to be
necessary with melallio cables thai with
those of textile malt rials, on account of
liability to corrosion, and preference is
given to the latter for most minis.
Hy an improved method, the quanti
ty of blood iu living mammals has been
ascertained to bo betweeu nue-twelfth and
one-lbirteeuth (1 the weight of the body.
Under normal conditions this proportion
varies but little. A heallhy man weigh
ing ISO pounds must therefore carry
about twelve pounds of blood.
'Ir. A. H. Swiutou has endeavored
to show the relation existiug be' ween the
appearance of insects and sun-spot cycles,
and gives n tabulated record to prove
that cerUin Insects are most numerous
during the years immediately following
a minimum of suu-spots, nud vice Versa.
If thia theory may be applied to all
spceits, a period of ir.scct scarcity should
now follow the'remarkubleuclivity of the
sun's surface for some time past.
Hclusuth Druebeig, ofBriliu, com
tends that the oppi site side of the moon
Irom the earth may Lave air and water,
aud he inhabited. The same side cf the
moon is always turned to the eatlb, nnd
the rcutriftigal force arising from the
mot m's mntiou around the earth would
lend to throw such light nnd fluid por
tions of its substance hs air aud water to
t'je further side, while tie earth's atlrac.
lit u would contribute to keep the heavy
side toward us. As an illustration, a
moistened ball may be swung by a cord.
The same side will always bo toward the
centre of revolution, and the moisture
will pass to the outer side.
The motion r.f heavy bodies like rail
way trains sh.ike the earth for consider
able distances, uml observation of such
facts is gradually giving rise to a belief
that the force neeeesory to produoe earth
quake shocks hr.B beeu over-estimated. A
delicate apparatus need by Prof. H. M.
Paul showed quite strong vibrations on
ibe passing of an express train a third of
a mile avny, aud like effects wtre ob
served even at somen hat greaterdistancts.
A perceptible vibration was transmitted
lb rough Ibe ground whenever a ttone, was
struck by tbo wheels of a one-horse ve
hicle passing at a distance of 400 or 530
Accordii g tn a paper Irom Dr. O. J.
Ma n. w,n, the . iimge ir- u in pnrit ns
(it the pruviuuo ol Ctuilou, lit Cliiua, uru
The Carbon Advocate.
An Independent Family Newspaper
Published every -ATuRDAY, In
Lehighton, Carlton Co., Pa., by
OrnCB-tlAmWAY, abort dlslauoe above
the Lehigh Valley It. It, Depot.
Tens: $1,00 uerAnnniii in Adyancs
Eyanr DrEcuhTios or tlais aao rafpor
Job Printing
injured by certain worms, to destroy
which tho inhabitants import anU from
the neighboring bill. They are of two
spcclcs.pni inhabit nests Ml ponded from
tho branches of trees. They are coIlecU
ed nnd Irnnsported in bladders, and nrer
placed In tho tops of tho orange trees,
which aro connected by ineaus of bamboo
rods so ns to give the ants ready access
to all parts of tho orchard. The remedy
has been In constant uso at least since
1 040, and probably dates from a much
earlier period. Prof. C. V. Illly wishes
to learn If thise species of ant havo ever
beon determined.
Croll, In his "Cllmato and Tlmo,"
says: "Here is oneway nfconve-ying to
the mind anmo idea of what a million of
years is. Take a strip of paper nn iuoh
broad or more, ami eighty-three feet four
inchta in length, and stretch it alonr the
wall of n largo hall, or ronurl the walls of
au apartment somewhat over twenty 'cet
square, ll-call to memory the days of
yuur boyhood, so as to get some adi quats
Conception of what a period of a hundred
years is. Then mark off from one of tho
ends of the strip one-tenth of au inoh.
The one-tenth of an inch will represent
ono hundred years, and the entire length
of the Btrip a million of years. It is well
worth m.dtiug the experiment, ju3t in or
der to feel the striking impression thai
it produces on the mind. Could wo staud
upou tho edge of n gs.rge, n milo nnd a
half in depth, that had been cut out of
the solid rock by a ti'uy scarcely
visible nt the bottom of this fearful aby b,
and were wo iulormed that this littler
streantltt w&3 oble to wear offauuually
ouly one-tenth of an inch from its rocky
bed, whnt would our conception be of tho
prodigious length of time that this stream
must have taken to excavate the gorge?
We should certainly feel startled when,
on making the necessary calculations, we
found that the stream had performed this)
enormous amount of work iu something
less than a million of years,"
Quick, complete euro, all annoying Kid
ney, Bladder ami Urinary Diseases. $1
A stem-winder The caterpiller.
A saga hen Ono who avoids ther
-Humor is the oil and wine of merry
-Home is the seminary of all other
Enrich and revitalize the blood by using"
own'a Iron Uiltcrs.
If a hotel is built iu four flats, what
key is necessary to open it.
-Simples says his wife is a splendid
sample of the "opposlto sex."
Hops Is n delusion; no hand can
grasp a wave or a shadow.
Suicide Kade Easy,
Tri.f efttl, Hear itiiinl,lnt fair (l .MM
cntirso ami don't take. l)r. Pierce's '-Golden
Medical Discovery." Sold hy druggists.
Happiness is like tho echo; it answers
yon, but it dots not come.
A we man often thinks she regrets the
ove when she only regrets the lover.
-High ten is something like dinner.
it is long drtwu tint by aonVerrstori.
-Thongb fl ittery blossoms like friend'
ship, jet there is n great difference in tho
T,'e only in I uu irHiiteed tocureilIabete
gravel, dropsy, Britlit's Uis.'ase, nervous do-
tiiuiy, ami uu ttisea,3 ut iiih Kluiieva and
bladder, Is Prof. Guilmotlu'e French Kidney
J adi
- The green turtles are those that al
low tlurostlvis to bo picked up ou ther
What word is there of five letters
that, alter taking two nnay,will still have
sii? Sixty.
A wit being asked, on the failure of
n bank, "Wore you upset?" replied
"No I ouly lost my bal nice.
Beware cf Imitations,
The delicate ilor ol Klorestou Cologne If
entirely novel. Look for signature of Ills
cox & Co., N. Y., on every bollle.
- A servant with a turn for figures had
five eggs to boil, and b"ing told to give
tbem three minutes each, boiled them n
quarter of an hours altogether.
A woman's, htnrt is a small afTair,but
it can upset the biggest man that tvef
adorned this world.
"Bragging rains."
Dr. U. V. l'ltncr, lloll'alo, N. Y.r tear
Sir My wile had surlerrd with "femeU
weakness" lor nearly three years. At limea
she rould hardly move, she had such drag
ging psius. We olten saw your "Favonie
IWciiplinn" advertised, but supiosed like
most patrol riieilirinrs it did not amount U
u ny t li I re. hut at last roncluded to try a bot
tle, which she did. It made her sick at
first, but it began to show Its effect Ilia
marked improveuienieiil, aud two bollleV
cured her. Yoine. etc.,
A. J. 1IUVCK. Deposit, Y.
A collet tor of autiqie furniture was?
bunting through the unction shops tho
other day for a "signal service bureau,"
"The parting giea me pain," us they
mm siiil wltt u he had a troublesome
tooth extruded.
I' takes ' ill thirteen minutes to load
an elephant em ft railioud train, while ib
takes tweuly )' r h y s rt of a woman ti
lebtt brr fliends good-bye aud loose thu'
cheek fur her Irnitk.
Dr. Pierre's "Pellets," or sujar.cnaleJ
graiiiilea the original "little liver pill."
(tiewure of imitation.) rum sick aud bilious
hradaclie, rlraiue the stomach, and bowels,
and purify the blood. Tn get genuine, seer
Dr Pierce' if nature and portrait ou Gov
rrnmeul stamp. cont jr vial, by drug'
It is awful lubarrasslng for Cott
gressman to have bill suddenly culterj
up aud discover Hint Lebas lift hi tneluv
nrandum book at home and he can't, for
Ibe lire ol him, rcfolliet which way he
agreed to vote on tbut matter.
- "My young friends" said a wise'
teacher to l.ia pupils, "if find gave yonf
laleiita remember not to bury tbem u a,
nspti i. B'tt if He gavevou ouly a nap
tin, i..i,'i think i U oris it ttattt
Will aruiiu 10 U, 1U1 uf ulu.ui,"