The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 24, 1882, Image 4

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    St. JosicruBATUiuiw limiormXT, August
17, 1SS1.
A Friend to the Friendless.
Sorrow -mil sickness Is ilio two common
hcrllngoor humniiliy, m.d wlim no so liow
little Is ilono 10 nlluvlato the miseries ot tlie
ureal -nnss of ImrnniiUy tie nro nlliio.-t out or
tintlence lift) Kviii where tho Inlen
lions nre best, litnorsnce is prone lo bid tlio
omicicl "sulfor hiiiI he sIiohk," Insliad tf
"mlnlstsrlng to the tnlml iilevnrod."r laylnn
a li-tml ol httillriK on tho oor tortured body
Alit when .-elcnco nml I ' l.llu tit , with
love and fympri hy nnil skill, o .mo to the nld
on ho siinorcrs, they reel ns tr Ilia nnglo ot
miiiunclii'lon hid drnnn ninr.
Saniorltun Nervine ri'ftlly Is salv-illon to
thourn ds. 1 si nk Irotu u lull In nrt when 1
s.i) It. lor Irlcwls very near and dear to nm
hi ro been restored to health and Ininnlners
b means ol It.
"Clod bless Dr. Uletitnond," said ono nr
lltoin to mo Ihe other ibiy. '1 feel ns Iknow
tho man inuilloniil In ferlpturo must linve
fell wlmti ho went I ruin .1. nullum to Jeikho
and lell ai-n-nic thloves.nnd when rnhhril and
at tho dnt ot dentil, bchlemled and ro
stored in h nllli by the (loud niiinrltnn '
'n," ho ouniliiucd, "Hint was exartly
niv eundltlun. Ihnd spi-nt a Ibrlune In d. o
tr's Hills und (intent ik-nliel-ir. Lverjililnu
1 c mid hear ol 1 tried, hi lUsi-rnie uiis my
sliU'illon, hot 1 urew wuiso stoiidlly. until
sumo kind Mend told mo oi tho Siiiiiiintnn
Nervine. Since tnklnx It 1 aui,s jonsio ro
atorwl tu lierlect henllli-"
With such Incontrovc'tlblo iroof of the
beneficent nnltiro nl tho remedy. I Is not
strango that on editor, nlwn s snilriious I; r
an accurate knowlod'e olwliatcould benefit
the world In general, sl.ou il tnke the ear lest
onnortuuliv ol lsUli it the Inventor and iiro-
.prfetorortho medicine at tho World's Ljillcp.
no insmuie. ... .
We found the doctor In his eleeant rrlv;
nHli-a hmllv eniriiucd In sntlerlntemllnit I
Kcntleuian wh'.se business It Is In attend lo
tho details 4 r tho Immense correspondence
which Is ft natural risiilt or his wide spread
On making known our wishes, bo vory
kindly accompanied ns In our tour ol Inspec
tion through the magnlficleul building nod
grounds. I
Almnst as soon ns we entered tho otflc" our
attention was arrested by a mnlirful col
lection ol' ptuiinurdphs. nun b ili g fonu.
whrro In the Ihous.inils All,ngis mid
stnllons were repn sented. '1 be rlcunni cnrlc
ol the sooiety lender was side hy side with tho
pic uro of the humble arilrnn ; Innocent
tul ho d and withered old ngo showed In
their countei leit presentments the khIIiiMi '
tuey could not spenk: dolors, lawyers, mm-Is'e-s
oflhe o!icl. so'dh'rs. lnbriTS. j.liil
raotiers ot rambbs, (.auvlity children or,
w.inlth. rich nnil po.r. high nnd l"w. hltnk
a id while, all woio reprcsenied. It reminded
him nrthi, mlrni'tn enrtm nl Kurotie. ulllV III
stead ot Ihe crutches, b uiiliige', gold, sliver
and wax Images i rtho rreuperated pllarltns,
lett belore the ahrlno nf the inlrnelo w, rki r,
JJr. Itlclimondhnsnslesllmonl.ila tho pictures
or his deeply grntoltil patients.
"You must reel very happy, doctor, when
you look at this collection." wo snld.
"Ah I yes,'ald tho doctor pleasantly, "but
lfyou like my Art Hallery, what would you
say to my Library t"
Ho led tho way io tho noxt apaitmnt, nnd
we followed, expec Ing only io see perlmps
one bookcase filled with dusty tomes ol ab
stract science. Instead, tho walls were lined
with very handsome bookcases, eonialnlng
over one hundred thousand unsollcted tcsll
nionlals Iroui those whom tho Nervine had
How wonderfully forlunnto ns well as 'nl
ontcil you are," wo exclaimed In ninnii ment.
"The Nervine hns proved a perfect gold
The doctor looked at us reproachfully.
I am not one to underestimate the value
nf wealth..1 ho answered. "Inrlhae knoun
what It Is to bo without It, but what Is Iho
most colossal lortuno that was ever In Iho
grasp of mortal man In comparison to the
r-ood tnv remedv Is dolnrrT Picture toour-
self, lfyou can, what must bo the feeling of
an eiilleptlo. lninic oi nun witn nisureuii
ful disease so limit: pronounced incurable. 11
eannot take part In the similes, duties, em
plomeuts, recreations or nmuscmenls ofan
ordinary humnn bolnir. Ho Is an nbect of
horror rather than nf pity to his friend . Ills
malndv never stands still: It Is cnnslnnllr
growing worse nml moro dreadful In all lis
phases. Last nnd most dre.idful before him
stands the awlul iibanlom ol Insnn tv Mlecn-
lnir or waklnir he feels Hint It Is there, and
that sooner or later It will clutch hltn ; nnd It
dots. An epileptic must be, like Job. tempt,
cd tocursu Henrcn and die. Why, ft woold
brlnir tenrs lo your cos o read a letter 1 ro
cctved from a iccnllcmun at Potsdam, Iew
York,telllng how ho hod twothousnnd dread
ful Ills In eighteen in nth-, anil Is now, thanks
to tho Nervine, entirely cured. Thut p--or
fellow can scarcely And words Strom,
toexprefs his fecllnkS. Thai's the kind ol a
thing to make a man feel happy."
To the victim belongs the bolls.
-The Corn LawKeep It pared.
"Wells' Health Uenewer" restores health
and vif,or, cures DysiCisln, IiinxHenee,-5ex-uol
Debility. $1.
-Joke for washday: Mistress "Why
dtdn'tyou answer Hie bell, alary?" jllary
'Fnltli, mum, didn't ye tell me you liau a
rlnglu' tunchlne."
Clears nut rats, in ieo, rnuolies, flies, atiis
bedbtirs, skunks, chipmunks, suphirs. 15i
-A man Is oalled a bad egic," we presume
because you can tell what's in him when he's
Positive met
Dr. Evnry's Diamond Catarrh IteniO'ly,
will cure the worst case of Catarrh or Ilay
Dr. Evory's Dinmnml InvIgoroUir gives
health and strength, mciilul und nhysical,
makes the complexion clear, white utiil
beautiful. Pamphlet flee. Itend the Ad
Tertisement. -A good time to offer your hand to a lady
when Hie Is KCtlln; out ofan ouinllius.
-HaKaKO smashers treat Jumbo's trunk
witn great respect.
Bose Cold asd Hay Fover,
Messrs. White .V. liiinl irk .I)riit;i;lsta,II hncn ,
N, Y. -I can recommend Ely's Cieam U.ilm
to relievo all lersons siilleriug Irmn Hose
Cold and Hay Fever. 1 have been n rcul
sufferer Irnm tiei' coinpl.iiul'.; by uf-ingthe
Daliu bnVd had great relief. I liHVe rei-iuu
mended it tu many uf my friends lor Cu
tarrhund in nil cuhes where tliey Imvo tued
Hie Balm freely have been cured.' T. Ken
Dry, Urv Gnods MereliHiu, Ithaca, X. Y.
Messrs. Win. Kuat A Sons, DrugKisKKew
Brunswick, N. J. Since bnyn t I linve
been Ir milled with Cntiirrh nud liny Fever,
anil hnve U-en uiiablo hi obtain pHrmuiieut
relief until I used" Ely's Cre.un lt,ilin,wliii h
has anred me. Alter a few days' u,e I
eonlil sleep all night. E I- fllii kener, New
Brunswick, N. J. l'ricn 5(1 cents.
Apply into iulril with litile linger.
The biggest graiu elivator In the world
Une of the earliest settlers An egg shell,
Personal ! To Men Only !
Thr Yni.t.iio Hii.t Hi., Mi.iflnill, Mich ,
wilt .riid ur. Ill e Uelelirnted Kltctro Vol
tan- Bells anil Kiivlnc Apidiiintn'S nil trial
fur ttiirty days In men (yiuitii; ur old) a!iu
are Htiiu'ii',1 witn Nervous Heiiililv, l,.st
Vitality iiml Miiiili'mil and kinduil tinub
leu, Kuaraiiieeine speedn g nnd cmnplete io
stnralinu of health nud manly viirnr. Ad
drs nsabnye. N. B. Nu rnk is ii.i'itrred,
as thirty days' trial is alluned, 19-yl
Art Is lom?, but Ihe artist Is usually
The women who do fancy work don't
fancy work.
A Good Foundation.
In Anierti'un houeliiids Hie prcvniling
rnmpluinls lire wenkiiessnf and
lis cunsequeuce, indigestion, iiervousnetis
and ilietiiuatUm. Such suflerers can lay a
giiHt fotindalior fur heelili by usintr rark
tr's Gineer Tiuiic us Ittoius up the itiiinach
and nerves, and keeps the kidneys ictive to
carry oil' the foul matter. J. O'Tycaunt.
Hnrwln's monument should be of links
with a koi I latin at the npt.x,
Hotel wabers at the seashore ore cult'vn
ting cheek and practicing Impudence lor tbe
Now Life for Functions Wcakonedby
Ditoise, Debility and Dissipation.
isthennly specillo fur imputeney, nervi-us
debility, universal lassitude, fnrgellulnes,
I h 1 1 1 in the back or tides, tin matter how
shattered the system may be frum excesse-i
of any kind, the (ireat "Herman Remedy,
will restore the lost lunctmns and sci-u e
health and happiness, id. (Ill per lane, six
Lixcs fr $3 110. Sold by all druglsls. Sent :
on receipt nl prii, iNistnge aid, tiy t J.
CilENEY, Tiiledn, U., t.ilo ai;eut fur Ilia
I'liited Slates. Citculars n tul tesliuuinials
fier, Wholesule ami retail by Dr. Charles
Hum, Lehiijlibin, I'a.
S.metlines Hie slock men snatcn . burn
from tbe branding
Why should every t ully on the frontier
bo palled a cow buy t
SuludLeivr lbs lAamm Advocatx
And their oxcollont reputation in
jured by worthless imitHorB. Tho
Publio aro cautioned against buy
ing Plasters having similar sound
ing names. Soo that tho word
C-A-P-C-I-N-K is corrootly spoiled.
Benson's Capcine
DnrnllO PlQCtorO
Aro tho only improTomont over
mado in Plasters. !
Ono is worth moro than a dozen
of any other kind.
Will positively euro whero other
rcmodios will not even roliovo.
Prico 25 cents.
Bowaro of cheap Plasters mado
with lead poisons.
Mnnnfaciurlng Chemists, New York.
a -.nill! np-fri)V AT LAST. Prlce?5ets.
- riiinisf.nd-nr t-r.iv.
Ob are unnuslly
I,- d nf Iln ir vi-tl'iis.
lves proliinaed hip
plucua auit hcaitu re
al stnred oy the u"o of tlio gi
German Invigorator,
which uos-lltvelv en 1 permanently cures IM
iorK.Voy ici u-cd oy exoiBSus of m'.'Uiiu).
SUMIN'AI, t F.AKNUSb ai il jl 1 dlftnws that
rollowa- a scqiii'iic ot cif-Ainibti. a lo-sof
euery lost of memory, unlveti'al Insitud--,
pnln in tho met. iilnne--B ot vision urem ifnre
old ape, oid many other dise-iso. thai leao to
insm ty o consun'i't on ,t n prenmture g-avo.
Peuti tor clreul n w.tb te-tiniinnnls tree Uy
mnil Ti.o lb Vltintl T.'lt is sod atttnrr
Ihix or six boxes lor hy nil drtiRiilsts, or wil
tin so tfreebymrll secur iy soaicd. ou receipt
of price, by udd efcstng
P J. CHENEY, Druimt
IS7 -uinn it HI., I oltilo, O'llo.
Pol; Aireut for IhoUnitiO fctntcs. Whole-nle
and R-tnll by Du. C. I. UO UN, liank rtlreot,
Lohighton opnl i9-vl
SdOO Reward!
Prof. GnilmettG's Frendi Kiflney Fails
nnvontroidy tiocn r-old In ilil-i country nud
lu Frnno.-: every one of wlitch him Riven
iieiferi inti lfolnm, and haa rcr
forra d currs every time when
UiuJ accordns to clicctloua
ift X
wo now pay to tin rfflsclml nnd dourtlns ones
tact wo will pay il eniovn toward lot a
XjAivte back:
Tbnl the Pad falls to cur-. This rreat remedr
euro LiiinianKo iamo unctc, -c.atlca, orne'
Dlatietro, Drfp-v. llripli a Disease nf thn ICld
ilrvk. IncoiittiiPuro mid Rctcutinn of the Urine.
Intiaiuihotlon of the Kiditev. Catarrli (if the
i:l r.llia C'do ed U Ino. Pan uiheUncV:
f ido or Loluc, Nironi WeikifS", und tn fact
all douittis of the llladdor nnd Urlu.ny Ur
puns whuiher LonttacteJ by private dlicaai'or
T1ADIK8, t va uro onflentifff oni Female
WcatfiiesM. Leururhoen or-Jinv dmchbe of tue
Kidneys JUtoderor ,'ru:orj urnns
Witiont RwiUowIng naiiBcou uicdiclues. b
eimvly wear.u;
French Kidney Pad ! !
which cuus.3 by AionrTior.
Ante yonr rtriigc'fit for VROF O UJLMETTIS'a
Fitl'NOIt ivlD.NKY I'AD und Ukoiio olhpr
If .in nit niiL Kt m. wen l j2.0jaud y.u wi.l ges
to i a 1 Lv ruiuru mail
Testimonials from the People.
JLDOtt r.ucuAAK, Lawjcr, Telcdo. O., s tve i
Onn nf l'mf. Out uictleM Fnncli K'diicv
Fadiarirt mo I umbaito m tinea wei-k.'
time, MvraHti 11,(1 been gtvfn up In tie best
IJiK"tor an lucunolii Jmnui d ttui timo I
mil ci eft n 'told ujoi y and pJiioui UrKe hums
ol mimey."
QEOIiOIC ETTEB, J. V,t TosOOO, C, 8afP t
I 'iiff'TUtl lor ilireeirar-t with clntl(-r. and
K dner f)i"ai".f and of ea in k about on
cruichr I w.i oitiel nn 1 ernini.e.rtvcuied
atitr wear n Prt Quiluietto' French Kiduev
l'ad l oar lvteL'l.,,
QuntE N C. Scott, syivnnlo, o . wrlton t
" I have been a reat for 15 venrs
vit'i Jhlrht'ji 1M( of tbe Kicueis. Fur
weeks at a time wi unntdu to f out r.f bed -
t ok uuieu ol -uedluliiH, Imt thov onlt ffivo
me teiiiiciiry roue', I woro two of 1'iofitiSor
Uuhm tie'j Klduur railum weokt, sud I now
1. now 1 am etin e y i un"i,-
Mm. HELEN JKROKB, Toledo, o , snye :
F u years I hnvo bocu ennflnod. u croit part
of the tuui 10 niv o-d with i.ea-or iioci tu d
l enifiie mi; liens j. were t.uc 1 1 -m iiiietiov
Kinney i'adjnnd a dirod in o-to uiomli."
II. B UnrES,Vholea 0 Oiocer. lludUy. Obto,
v, rit- a t
I mff"red for 2 year with L me Hack, nd
in -i with wii norji udiii y vurm oy WCauUK
cnool i'lot. o.iilut'Ue'4 K dney Tad- "
E. F. K."E.-iUa t I). nrusriri-t. I.ncnrainrf
lua., i -mi m au oidurior KtUuty
I wore one oT tl e tlrst nnoiwn vre bad and
t no .jived ra,jr boi lit tiom it h nanttitns
i evor uai'ii. iu luot mo i mi pivo jeiter t u
r 1 -utisfact oa tUuu uuy ICIduey itmedy we
r.AVA .-iiOEUVKr.ti !)rur&1 ta, Mot
'Wean w .rlutr una ilrrlv tniicm vi.n
Tad, aud aid iiuniuii; of t.uod horn
iuvui eturj uy."
rr.or. guilmettc3
Will ivsilively eure Kever and Ague,
Ditnili Acne. Auiia Cuke. Uilllnus Fover.
Juuiidliu, Dieisia,aud all Diseases of Ihe
I.iver, Stmuiieii und III.ukI. Prim $1.50 by
mail. Send tor I'ruf. tiiiilinetie's Treatise
on the lvullievs and Liver, free by mall.
Address, Fit i:.:il PAI CO.,
Toledo, Obin,
v. tiniejaio nun ttetall ur ilR..;.T. llnnx
Lehightun, I'a. sir. 2'J y
tn.ine now before the
mu can u-hk ii-wey
fatter ht worc fur ut thmt at
r-Sedod"' owt.l ffffsJ!.,?"
evry where to work for us. Note t.ii time.
luuviu Hum in apart iitn" oui or friV" your
vlioe Unietn the neas. Yon cm live at
home and do the work. No other btunens wt 1
tay you uear y as well No one can fail ol tntice
euoriuijlM u V uv -iirnfiii. a miiu.- n.,.tl--
pu fl sudteimafreo Money nmde tat. ci-
ly aud Ijou.irjely, Abusss TkVT A CO. An -
fkOir-n, jcibv ielOf!
Farming at the "Front."
Never before hayo there been so ninny
people nf allclassess taking a strong, direct,
personal Interest In llio agricultural situa
tion ami (lrn'pec'.s. Business men, bank
ers, capitalists, stock brokers, merchants,
I . !.! ...r.i.. .-.i. .i
ilmly laborers even, nto waUliing the dully
bulletins and reports oftlie weather, Willi
especial reference lo how it Is ollerllng the
growing wheat, corn, ami oats, ami the fur
ther planting of corn. Never beforo have
they teen so clearly that larining Is the real
basis i'f all other business, nml Hint upnn it
rests tlio prosperity of the country. They
now comprehend lite fuct that it was the
good rrn of lb71), 1880 nnd 1881, from the
export of which we received so many bun
dffl millions of dollnrs from other InudJ,
which C,ani.c,l tho
financial deprcsalon of
1873, and lh years fiillMwini, Into n roa
liermts activity extending tkrouh all
branolies nf trade anil tnunufaclure. Every
extra bushel nf wheut or
ivir. i.r iM.timl nf
eorj, or pnunu in
Hint went lo mar-.
intat, clieeiie nml butler
L..I l.alna.1 In ln,n lliu.n.ila Tla lillli.lftiits
nl III I II loud nf bushels id grinii thut ciitno
fnini the interior to tho seaboard, cavo
, ,
profitable employment to the rnilrui dr.
The e Imiihl nnd usul nmre ears, m. ro
iron, more sloe?, utt( the makers i f these,
from Head director tn the Inwest lub rcr, re
ceived more wages and more constant em
ployment, and they purchased more fteily
those articles that go to supily tho necessi
ties and comforts of every day life. This
stimulated and increased tlio mercliatilile
trade, and made heavier demands upon oil
kinds of manufactured commodities. The
farmers who received the proceeds were
able to reduce debts u,ion their larms f to
buy more and better iniplemeiils j to pay
up their store debts, and buy moro freely
from their merchants. The merchants and
shop keepers vero in turn able to pay up
tlieir debts to wholesalo houses, brokers and
manufacturers, nnd Importers, and to buy
arger stocks of goods fur cash or on short
credits. The carrvinpr of these giods in
creased the transportation business, arid
stimulated the building nfflve loten thousi
end miles uf new rail n ads per year.
This brief glance at some leading pom's
shows the great and lar-reaching influence
of prosperity to farmers. On theollicr hand,
the unfavorable winter nnd spring and the
summer droughts of 18SI cut down Hi; sur
plus wheat and corn and meat and dairy
products and cotton, many scnro millions in
value. This ofcoursu diminished exports,
and has started gold abroad; it decreas
ed Hie ability of larmeis, and all classes of
workers, to buy goods and manufactures.
The decline in the demand fur iron and
steel, and Ibe fall in prices, urcveut pay
ment of the wages asked for, anil there is
now prevailing one of the greatest "strikes''
eyer known in this country.ol laborers who
demand higher pay to meet the increased
cost of living, due in part to the advance in
breadslufl's, consequent upon the lessemd
crops of last year. Is it any wonder tl at
this state ot things has opened the eyes ai.d
enlightened the understanding of that hull
of the people who nro imt engaged in agri
culture, and who have hitherto been In
clined tn look upon farming ns of inferior
importance, and suited for clod hoppeis?
Farming has come to the front, and it I
going to stay their. -Imcricon Agriculturist
fur July.
Poultry Food and Feeding.
There is some little art, il we may so style
it, Iti feeding young chicks to make
healthful and vigorous growth while young.
Fullynine-Ienths of tho tnortullty aiuougtt
poultry, from sickness or disease, ociuri.
while chicks are still in the "downy" slate,
and the majority uf this loss occurs from
I nprnper liiod, and careless or Ignorant
feeding. Cnrn-tiieal, which is far too gen
erallv used, is unfit for young chicks, being
ton hen ting 'for their lender nnd immulure
ligestive organs. Corn-meal haB killed
m iro young chicks than ratr. The be.t
food we have ever found for young birds Is
stale bread, either crumbled up aud fed dry
scalded and fed when cool, nr elso tner. ly
moistened in desli milk. Where milk
abundant, it should always be used, and if
the young birds get plenty nf milk, in some
form, they will grmv so ruprlly ns lo ns
tonisti those who huvo never given milk
iberally to tlieir p diltrv. We know ofune
breeder, a large dairyman ill Cneiler conn
ty I'a., who feeds the principal part of hu
refure milk to his poultry, old and young
and his birds are not only singularly lie
from disease, but Inme.ntiil finely develop
ed in body and f-uthering. This breeder
gives milk the credit of it all. but it may be
due in pait to excellent care. -D. Kvans
Jr., in .-l-ncricnii Agrtcutturixt for July.
It Is noted by a philologist that "posses
scs possesses more ss than any oilier com
mon word possesses.
The Boston Commercial Bulletin says
that ''Oscar Wilde was Hie first to difcuver
that there are greenbacks to sunflowers.
Jfvouare troubled with lever and ague,
bilious fever, jaundice, dyspepsia, or any
dts'aso nf the liver ulnou and stomach, an
isli In net well, trv the new remedy, 1'rot
Uuilinette 8 Kreneh Kidhey I'ml. Ask yuu
druuibt lor it' and take, no other, and if he
has not not it Lend $1-5(1 in a letter lo Hi
r rench l ad Im.. Joledn, Uhlo, und receiv
ne by return inuil. Wholesale aud retui
by U T. Horn, Udilglitim.
Broom drills aro all the rage down
South, but the old hearted tiothcruers pre
Icr to see a woman split wood or put up
clothesline. s
-Sophronin"Wliat Is philosophy?" it
is something thut enables a rich man to Buy
there is uo disgrace in being poor.
A Cross Baby.
Nothing is hi conducive tu a man's re
mainlug a bachelor as stotiniug for one
night at Hie liousu nf a married friend at.
being kept awake for fiyo or six hours by
the crying ol a cross oaoy. All erofs ui
crying babies need only Hop Bitters
make Hieui well and nulling. Young ma
remember this. -Traveller,
Men and watches don't amount to
much when they are ruu down.
-friiiee Charles of Prussia has met wil h
an accident by which his leg was fractured
We are all more or les subject lo cntieli
and colds at this season -if jou should be
nfllicted with either, rememl-er that Bines'
pub ' ."I' ,,( Tur' w,1'11 Cherry and Iloarhound
i i to- ,uitcn mm i run ium vuic.
I -
-Apropos of tbe"Langungo of Flowers,
furget-tne-not do to send to
, rich relation ?
Neryousness, peevialiness, and fretling,
often onnnectM with overworked
males' lives, is rapidly relieved by Brown'
1 . r '
mill iiiih-i-.
At llih Benson, various diseases of the
bowel. nro pruv-ilcnl, and rimiy tires are
lost lit rough lack of knowledge of n eafe
nml Biire remedy. lr,uu' Davis Pais
KlhLKit h n Aurt: euro tor Uiarrlioca. livs
cntery, Iiolcra.UhoIcr.i Morbu3,Summer
Cinnpliiiiit, etc., find h perfectly safe
Head the following:
tl-vtsuitliinK, K. Y., March 22, 1881.
TEniiT Divm'Tais KtLi.Kn ttrjait$ to afford
tnitaitt rtUtf for cramp aud jmln In tlio f tomath.
Jo-seph BUHUITT.
liIC'tnLVUXK, N. Y..Ib. 2,
Tim em nicrtlcina I Unow of for d-senlory,
cbo erinioibu,a'iii cramiulattio utomncb. Iae
used It for years, and it ii nri cwr every time.
Juuua VI. Ueb.
Moinoo t Iowa. Mnrcu 12,
I llat1od yo'irrAl:i KiLLrnln ppvcto ca-es of
crump, collo an J cholera ino; bus.nnd ft kug tluioat lC.lOf. Ii 1 CALDWl'LIa.
CinNK-SVILLE, OA., Jcb. R, ItJSl.
Tor t-rfttitr w.ti I iuo need vonr Paik KiLLcn
In my family. Ue ued It ma iy tlm (or bowel
roinphlntsnndltaiVay-ie"''. wouldn tftvlcalo
v.-itbDit a bot.lo In tlio h niBO. J. 1). Ivir.
(Uco, Me , Jen. 1SS1.
Itivo i"cd Tennv V wis Tain KiLLF.n lor tweho
year. It li tat't. ture. and reliable. Ho mother
fchouU allow It ta Iw out of tlia f ami' v
II I. Natt.
0.veip i, IT. Y., 1 cb. in, lwi.
We 1pjyan itrlnT It ill riy e3r Sfro,and it
alwy4 pitta limuo lU nril ef. Won d hardly tiaro
to go to bed without a bottlo in the liourp.
COSWATBOllO. 8 0.,FcU 2,188!.
Nearly every family In tills frortion 1 ccr a bolile
In tho housy, I)n. E. Moiiton.
CnEFELn, Itnr.uijm I'jiupia Yth. 8. 183L
I hivo known l'Limv I viV Paii? Kif.u.a almost
from tho day It wai infruduccd.nud Uttr jeara of
ou'fcrviiiion biilI ur-a i ri(iiini iuj nmiiw in iiijr
hoiuthold aa an in,dlvtnalla ntretti'y.
I I H VoTTin, If. 8. ConraL
TIitht(V-i.onTrfkt. Eko.
I had been rcvcral day (nf 'erini? t(rtly ircrr
dlarrboea, ncoom'-anie-l with Ii tenceralu. uben I
ltm ioatVilx Killo .andlouml afmoi-tlnftant
relief. ' H J. Ncome.
Durlrjirarc-ddencarf twcuty-tlireeycirriln India
terr, and cholera, and uover Icnow it tn fell to rrto
l uave Five
1-CUvI. Ii. UL'-CIDQE.
No family can cafely bo without this
invaluttblo remedy. It3 price brings it
within tho reach of nil.
For sale by nil druggists at 25c, 50c
nml 31.00 per bottle,
PERKY DAVIS & SOK.rroprietors,
i'roviucnco, it. I.
luir ltitrFr a
A'ercr lllclenullii,,l& tlpirnut twifumc.
Xercr Falls to Restore Grey or Faded Hair
totb. Jrouttiful culor. SOcll. nn.lf t ill.-, nl nil drag-full,
(ittizrr. lliirliii. Mindrnke Sttlllnzla &
mnnvrf i!ic Lct mcd einc known r.rjhciccom-
tincd i itoanic ici"e ofsti "h variffla:ulc.Tcc:ive
powcts,a4tomakcthc Greatest Lluod rurificrfc
The Cc:ttl23!:lt a C:rcnrj.!i Hsstorcr Cv:r Us:d
It cures DysTepMi, Uhcnnntis-n, loep'csv
nesi, nil dltcr.sesof the Etnmnch, I) r.vcl, 1 .ungs,
Ltvcr, KiJncjs, and all Fcma'c Complaints,
I f oil nre v aMm; a-ay w I.'i Coti"-nmption or
rny di.casc, ut'icTcN ctMl.iy, Itvi Uurc'y
h.lpyou, ),e:reml.crl itisfr.neriortoi:ii;cr,
Essences of ("Imuran Jcnlier Tonics, as it Js
upthe'" e-n w.dinut i.itoxicaung, 45cc. & $i
tSzcs, f tdci'crsindrtnis. Konegenmreviihout
si?natu-ccfIIi-co'C.rvCo.(X Y.cnd(jrcrci:lar
Thlg briind oT ToKiccn, tliouh but a Mwrt
Itnoon tlio innrKet, Is nlrrtiiiv tho tarnrlto
with tnony chew its. Made from solecteil
en I nnu wmi nr st awpei'Miinu1, it is a capital
trttclc ant! e?pec(nlly -suited totlm Pennil-
rantatnste. For s.ile by nil dealers. Send
iorfiunplo to tho inauulacturt-rB,
C. A. JACKS DIT & CO., PcterEburff, Va,
Will okt valuadlk iMyuitMATtoM FKKE
hy sending for clruilar to 1'. TOl KJKU,
IIoston, Mass.
ion Ter Wick cun li inmlo In any locnll
VU" ly. Soinetlilna entlri ly new lorairents
Hoiiuini ireo. u. v. jnuuaiiA.u .JU.
Mosion, Alass,
4 IIVEKTlSrit-: hy niMrefflng (II O. P.
ltdUUI.I, fct CO. 10 Miruec St.. New
i orK. can learn ti.o exnet co.t oiAiivlilt
T1S1NU In American Ntwsii.ipers.
Tito above Is the exaet renresentatlon of the
scwlnn machine we sell for twenty dollars
It Is In every resnect the verv best ol ihe
blnuer ft lo nfmiu liln, j : tinl lied In Hie best
manner, witn ine latesi tnitivveinents fur
wIiiiIIok iho liolitiin, the mon convenient ntylc
il tHlilo with extension leaf, lame ilriiwcrt
anu oo uiiiui goimc cover, il stanus WIM'
out a rival.
King of Sioier Macliines.
Wo ilo not asu you tu nay for It until von
see what jou aro I uylng. Wo only wish to
Krow mm yuu roaiiy wain io nuy a roaetilne
and are willing to pay for Hie best in the
Write 'o us sending Ihe name oryou near
est rallroail station. We nlll send Hie ioa.
chine ami hrlre Instructions tn allow you to
vnuuiiuu it, ueiuii yuu pav lor H.
7-.D Pllhert street,
l'hlladelrhla. Pa.
July D.-lr.
I! n 3?4a.-ltEiiSt!9
5 .t:E'SslStoa
tn A v -s a-
would tou .roLor d to suU-NIi 1
e id MMnip od ytm will ret ad J)l(
vice in KHited uiivcfpi. AiJres r.
inot J.Y. KUAN, OKdDiourR N.V. Julyiryi
hnl von want 1 he
ereateat Invention cf lh'ael Hee our pani.
nhlet ent tree. rot. J. V. 1CUAN. Orcen-i.
bursr. -V.Y, Jaly Uyl
Life and Fire !
E. K. Stroh, General Apt,
Only good and reliable Companies repre
sented. A'10, Agent for the nuliiiif t
lit) I Ionium uC Sluiuiiore.
w is . S . c . r - " i-
V3 s. sg'-,.;C--i S
ar -s--7
Samaritan Nervine
Cures cplleptlo fits, spasms, convulsions, St.
Vitus dance, yirttgo, hysterics, Insanity , ok
plcxy, paralysis, rheumatism, neuralgia and
all nervous diseases. This Infallablo remedy
will positively erodicataovery species of ner
vous derangement, and drive them away
from whence they came, never to return
again, It utterly destroys the germs ol ills
paic hy neutralising Ihe hereditary taint or
poison In the system, and thoroughly eradi
cates the disease, and utterly destroys tho
Samaritan Nervine
Cures female weakness, general dehllitv.
leitcorrlica.1 or whites, minlul menstruation,
ulceration ot me merits, interim I neat, gray
el. Iiillatnmatioii of the bladder. Irritability
of tbe bladder. For wakefulness at night
there Is no better remedy. During the
change "f life no female should be willnnit
It, It nuiets llio nervous system and cives
rest, com fort and nature's sweet sleep.
Samaritan Nervine
Cures alciiholisni, drunkenness and the hab
it of opium eating. Tnesu degrading habits
aro by far the worst evils that huve eyer be
fallen sullerlng Humanity. Thousands d o
annually Irmn these noxious drugs. The
drunkard drinks liquor not because be likes
it, but lor ino pleasure ot ctrinKing and
ol treating his mends, little thinking that
he is nn his road tn ruin. Like the uiiium
caler, ho first uses Hie drug tn small quan
tities as a harmless antidnte. The soothing
inUucncenf the drug takes Blrong hold un-'
nn Its victim, leading htm nn tn his own
slruction. the habits of onium eating
and liquor drinking nro precisely what eat
ing is to ullmentlveness, as nver-ealing first
inflames the stomach, which redoubles its
cravings until it paralyzes both theBtomach
ntiil appetite, tin every rtrinu nl liquor or
Insn nl opium, Instead ol satislvtng, nnl
adds to its fierce fires, tl nl II ilcniisunies tho
vital force and then itself. Like the glut
tonottstape cries"01ve,give, givel"
but sever e:.ough until its own rapacity de-
itseit. tianiarllan JNcrvlne gives Inst-
ant relief in all such cases. It produces
sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up thn ner
mis system, and restores body and. mind to
a healthy condition.
Samaritan Nervine
Cures nervous dyspepsia, pal ilation of the
heart, nBtlimn, brqjicliitis, scrofula, syphilis,
diseases of the kidneys end all diseases ol
Ihe urinary organs. Nervous debility, caus
ed by Ihe ind'sorelions of youth, iermnn-
ently cured by tho use of this invaluable
lenicdy. To you, young, middle-aged and
old men, who are covering your sufferings
as with a mantle by silence, look up, you
can be saved by timely efforts, ond make
ornaments to society, and jewels in the
crown of your Maker, if you nill. Do not
keep Ihis a secret longer, until il saps your
vitals, ana destroys both body and soul. If
you ore thus nfllicted, take Drt. Iltciiuotfo's
Samaritan Nervine. It will restore your
shattered nerves, arrest premature decay,
impart tone and energy to tlie wnolo sys
Cured my Utile girl of fits. She was also
leaf and dumb, but it cured her. She can
now talk nnd hear as well as anybody.
Peter Itcss, Springwater, Wis.
lias been the means of curing my wife of
J. 13. Fletiher, Foil Collins, Col.
Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my son.
T l tt.ll- ,.!..-. .Ml-
x.. u. nuns, uiimsviiie,
Cured me of vertigo, , neuralgia and sick
Mrs. Wm, Henwn, Aurora, III.
Was the means of curing my wile ofipasms.
Jiev. J. A. Jennie, iscaver, i'a.
Cured me of asthma, after spending over
.i,uuu witn inner doctors.
B. it. Itnbsnn, New Albany, Inil
Effectually cuicd me of spasms.
Mhs Jennie Warren,
7-10 West Van Ritreti St., Chicago, III
Cured our child of fits aficr given up to dio
oy our mmny pnysician, ii Having over iuu
n .'4 hours. iictiry lince,
Vcrvi la, Warren Co., Tenn.
Cured me nf serolnln after sufTering tor 8
years. Altn'it bnnpsnn, f'eona, HI
Cured my son of fits, after spending $2,500
.vim oilier doctors.
J. W. Thornton, Claihorn, Miss.
Cured me permanently of epileptic, fits of a
tuiitiorn chancier.
Rev. Win. Martin, Moehanicstown, Md.
''ured my son of fits, alter having had 2,500
ii eigli'een months.
Mrs. E. Fobes, West Polsdam, N. Y.
Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' stand
ing. Miss Urlena Marshall,
Granby, Newton Co., Mo.
lias permanently cured me of epilepsy of
many years duration.
jacnu outer, bt. Joseph, Mo.
Cured me of bronchitis, asthma and gener
it debility.
Oliver Myers, Ironton, Ohio.
Has cured me of asthma ; also scrofuU of
many years standing.
Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky,
Cured me ol fits, Have been well for over
our years. Charles E. Curtis,
Osakis, Douglass Co., Minn.
Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia
very uauiy.
Michael O'Connor, Hiilgway, Ta.
Has permanently cured me of epileptic fits.
jjavin iremoiy, ues .Moines, towa,
Cured my wife of ciiilepsv of 35 years stand
ing. Henry Clark.'Fairfield, Mich.
Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the
head. J'.. Urahain, North Hope, I'a.
Cured my son of fits. He has not had a fit
for about four years. John Davis,
Wuodburn, Macoupin Co., Ill
Cured my son's wife of a rase of epileptic
fits. Rebecca Laude, Mnlillespnle, N. Y.
Cured me of fits of many years' standing.
Kmma A. Iluswell, Holyoke, Mass.
Cured my little girl of fits Jlaa not had a
lit lor over three years.
James Murphy, Cubs, Fulton Co., 111.
His effectually cured me of epileptic fits.
Miss llattie E. Wilder, Doufder.Col.
Cured my daughter of spasms of a scvero
character. Mrs. M. 1'. liucker,
Davis Mills, Bedfoid Co., Va.
Cured toy father of that terrible allliclion
epilepsy, Aunte uettniy,
Trlnci-m, Md.
Cured my child of fits and I feel very thank
ful to you lor ii.
Mrs. M. A. Chenat, Milburu, Ky.
Samaritan Nervine.
is fur sale by druggists "everywhere, nr may
be had direct from us. Those who wish lo
obtain further evidence of Ibe curative pror
crlles of Samaritan Nervine will please en
close a S cent postage stamp for a copy nf
nnr Illustrated Journal of Ifetllh, giving
hundreds nf testimonials of cure from par-
sons who have used the medicine, and also
their pictures photographed oiler their res
loration io penecv neaiiii. .viurees
nn. s. a. iticinioH) & co.
grid's Epileptic Institute,
fipr. 8-yl,
BANKWA'4', a short distance above
the Lehigh Valley H.R. Depot,
We ore now fully .prepared to execute every
description orFIUNTINO, from
Visitii Card to aLaree Poster!
Shipping Tags,
. Dill Heads,
Letter Heads.
Note Heads,
ic., &e., In Best Manner, at
Reasonable Prices !
You should go to
Dr. C. T. Horn's
He personally attends to his business,
He has the experience of medicine.
He has the best and purest Drucs and
He hns one price to all.
Ho lots i& b 'S goods for the least money.
Ho has all the Popular Patent Medicines,
ilo has the best Horse and Cattle Powder.
Ho has tho host wines and cigars.
Ho keep the best Old Rye Whiskey for
mcuicinai purpose.
He has tbe latest patterns In WAI.l.
He has a full line of Lamps and Lamp Fix
He has a lull line of Toilet and Fancy Ar
Ho buys and solls fos cash.
Call and be convinced that the above rca.
sons are correct, and oblige
O. T. HORN, M. I).,
Leuckel's Dloek.
Opposite the "Curbon House.1'
Sept 10, 1881-ly.
Manufacturer of and Dealer lo
nil and Sheet-Iron Ware aiii General
Hense FiMisliing Goods.
HOOFING nml sroirriNO done nl
short notice and at Lowest Cash-Prices.
very kind of STOVE O BATES and FIIIE
BRICK'S kept constantly on baud.
Store on SOUTH Streot,
A few doors above Bank St., LEUIGnTON.
Patronnae solicited "Satlstactien guaranteed.
Ott. 6-VI A. D. MOSSUB.
v Kaiiner, 1'roduccr
I'mducU should Sut
Every Dairy Kaiiner, 1'roduccr and Dealer
iu 'Dairy Products should Subscribe for
BEOAUSF. It Is the only paper which tn any
way attempts to cover this special BcM
of commercial enterprise.
DEUAUS K It lithe only puldlcatlonln which
are tn be lounU regularly, and with cer
talnlty, reports ot the proecediug of all
lJalrymen's Ai-sociatlons.
IIECAHSK It It Is the only medium Hirouifh
which producers ami ilenlvrs In butler,
eheeso ami dairy products are enabled to
communicate wltb each other on topics
connected with their mutual Interests.
II EO A USE It Is tbe only means by which
new Inventions for the dairy can be
bruuicht directly to the attention oftlie
inectfia class fur whom theyaredeslirned.
IIEUAUS b It hirhts frauds andmonoplies of
every kind, anu eonienas loriair piay and
fair if oallnjt In the marki ts oi Ibe world.
IIEUAI'SE the most prosperous and sue
resslul dairymen In all parts of the coun
try laKe It, sustains and like It
1IK11A1ISK no italrvmen can alford to be
wltboutlt. Ignorance purchased by the
saving ofil.'O per year will, In the end
cost many times that amount.
"The American Dairyman " is Published
every Tliuisday,lnr$l.Operyrar,post
li'jld. Siuele copies. Five Cents.
All voinmuuicatinus should be addressed to
J, E. CLARK, MMcr,
5 and 7 MUMMY Street. N. V,
P. 0. Box CU. febl If
a wpelc in year ono town, S3
out 11 1 iree. u rnk. J2veir
itiiui,' new. C'uuii.Tl itot cqulr
ed. W will lurtmb vou eervs
tain. Maur ie ma-lu fur
tupM. Ladle maie qi tuucUa- boy
anu cirU make tcrrat uar. Ha ider if you want
bum aa ucwluetl you ran muKtt siewtiay
an mp lime run wor. wnie lor particn aia w
)I. JUUKTTdrro.,
rortlaat. u,
including Hals, Bonnets, Flowers, Hlbbons, Feathers, Notions, and DIIESS' TltraiMlIfaaf
All work dono In the latest style, and most durable" tho lowest cssVprlcss.'
STORll! at the Intersection orUANK.STKEKT and HANKWAY, LEIliaHTON, PA.-
oprll.SO, ISSl-yl.
Use Lawrence & Martin's
niuiiiHvuiiauiiiriiun, uisoasosoi 1 fllfUAT, CHEST AND LUNGS.
P2.N,sHyjf3:I.01.'n.,ts lnctpleht ami advSSced
nil I IT Ml ! 4 lii, I I.I ......v... u.., uu , ..t.u
iiee i ...'.Iii " V.", "Der ueeirsu imvanuigeousiy coinpounucu ns 111 1110 iUliU, JIUUJV nnu
h.,U. l?2?fl,lns u?I!ml! properties allord a dlffuslvo stimulant ami tonlo to build up ths"
system alter tlio cousU lias been relieved. Quart slzo bottles, I'rlco Sl.oo.
O A 1 1 T B f M I P not bo deceived by dealers who try to palm olt Eock find Ttyn
-JtifflAViM? irr 1? h! I-1?00 of our XOI.U, HOCK AN!! KYE, which Is tho ONLY
f i.1. .. . V article tho cenulno has aTrlvato Dio Proprietary Stamp on each bottlo, which'
permits It to bo Hold by UrnBglsu, Grocers nml Ucnlcrs Everywhere,
Tho TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St., Chicago, llfcr
Mo Fatent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In the United States
Oanadaand Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal offlco located In Washington,
directly opposite tho Untied States Patent
Office, wo are able to attend to all patent
business with greater promptness and de.
spatch and at less cost than other patent at
torneys who are at a distance from Wash
ington, and who have, therefore, to employ
' associate attorneys.'1 We make preliminary
examinations and furnish opinions as to i a-
tcntablllty, free of charge, and all who are
Interested In nw Inventions and imtenls are
Invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for
obtaining Patents," nhlih Is sent fne tn
any address, and contains coini loto Insnuc.
Hons how to obtain patents and other valua
Mo matter. We refer to tho Oinnan-Ainer
loan National Hank Wiiililogtun, I). U. ; the
lloyal Swedish, Nortreirlan and Dai hOiL'ua
lliins, at Washington; Hon. Jos. t'a.oy, late
Chlel Justice U. S. Coon ol Ulalins; in the
Ulllclals or Ibe U. S Putrnt Office, and to
Senators and Members or Uongrcss from
evory State.
Address: 1,01'IS Ik UO., So.
Ilcltors ol Patents and Attorneys at Law, Le
Droit llulldlng, Wasiii-icton. II. ).
Saloon Keepers and. Others,
Don't fall te buy jour
Champaigne Pear Cider,
Lager Beer,
Root Beer,
Porter, &c.,
Aug. IS, 1181-Iy.
$500 Reward I
"iVE will pay the above reward for any ease
of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, t-lek Head,
acbe,, Uonstlpilfon ort.'o-tlreness
we cannot cure with u esl's JLtver VeKetiible
Pills, when the directions are strictly com.
piled nltli. They are purely Yeiret able, and
never fail to Klve satisfaction. Suvari 'onted,
Larite boxes. contalnltiK 30 Pills, 25 cents.
For sale by all Drutfulsls. Deware nf coun
terfeits nnd Imitations. The iri'iiulne manu
factured only by JOHN U. WhST t CO,
"The Pill llakers " 181 & 183 W Slailison
St., Ohlcnirn. Pree trial package sent by
mnll prepaid on receipt of 3 cent stamp.
Smith Kline & Co., Wholesale Agents,
Philadelphia, Pa. se t. 'it, '81-ly.
We enntiuue tn act as Solicitors for Pat
ents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrii;lils,elc.,
for Ihe United States, Canada, Cuba, Kng
land, France, Germany, elc. We liavn bad
TimiTV-nvr. viabs tn-ntiUNcr-.
Pnteuts nbtained throueli us are noticed
in the SciRiTIFIo Aukrican. This large
and splendid illustrated weekly paier3.20
a year, shows Ihe Progress nf Science, ia very
interesting, and has an enormous circula
tion. Address MUNN A CO., Patent Solic.
ilnrs, rublisheis of ScUKTirlo AuentCiN,
37 Park Umv.New York. Hand book about
Patents sent fre , .
A, A. THOMAS.St.Oloud llulld.
ine. Washlnitton. I), t). Prae.
tlcei before Ibe United states
(Icnenil Land Office. Contested cases, pri
vate land claims, mining, pre-t-inpilmi nud
homestead casts pmsecutrd the De
partm nl oflhe InlerlorandSupremeCourtj
and all classes nf claims before the Kxeuitlve
Depar ments. Special atientlon givn to
tnwnslte cases. Land WHrrsnts, huiuestead
fliiatr, and all kinds of land scrip bouuht hli!
sold. uato-cor.
Job Printing neatly,
cheaply and promptly execut
ed at this office. Give is a
trial nnd be convincod.
1 K
Miss M. A. SNYDEK,
Respectfully announces
to-her lady friends that
she has just received a
full lino of thctlatest
novelties in
Spring & Summoi'
tins aiwayi noen ono or tlio most important
weapons wielded hy tho M12MOAL FACULTY
nRalnsttlio encroachment! otCOUOIIH.COLDS,
ol.iki:, ,11111 tin ui-ui ui inu iiiiku. ,vji.ux
A Ponltlvo Cure" for CiUnrrli of nil1
niiul. It ii liiMtntitniicotiK in I rfect
nut l'ormaiient In ICcnult. Cuics at any
wane of t n 1 1 ..s cured cases so teirlble
Hut bones came trom tho nose.
Dr. t!v ry Uliiinnnd rnlnrrh II m
rily Is mi il und i i Ht.m uilniuins liiimeilliiln
It. ilcl.i .ilpi.inii tciire lunllca-ra M'alanh,
Influenzal, liny f.vir Itroncliltm.
It wil leiimvo 1'oli'inn and etl'cctunlly cure'
u ate) t an I I'm iilciit lllsclmrces Iroui tlio ll.n l
and, and V etui. Sickenini? Itreath! per-'
fe-ili r.olorc nopal eil Smell, TaMo ond lltimn-;
relieve'cic. Ureal; op Cold-i in Ihe Head;'
Mrengiheii tho Volcmiioil; Purify, Itetdlate
ami tieinbr i Icar1 and Active every Oman of l
H.'.'.da.iiriliioat. Price, &0 101,11, .
Dr. !!t orj'.-i 5)Iuhiii1 Invlirnrnlor Is1
a i',.'ect Iiiooil 1'n r lili r, Alip--tlxerand
Norvti 'foislc, It in Kes a ilfiiaiilfnl, wlio-
some ilrr.s, which Invlunrntrs. 1'iirlQea'
aud Slrrii2i:irn-j Ciu en, Ire sjaicm.
l'or (Jene al J) imitr, Dvsp psln, l)lllounev
Toipd Liver. Iiull.cetn Iiciimlslo and lllieti-'
malic Atlcctlons Js f.Ulce,, F atiilriicr., S cH a' il Kidney Complaints
It Is invaluable. I'i Ice, to i cnts.
Dr. Kvorj'K Diamond Salvo Is a foyer
el.u cuio lor minis, lirulsea Soie of nil kinds,'
Salt ltlicum, Tct . r, 1 Inirworm and Cutanconr-
"Eruptions. Price, S cents.
AsU yonr DriiycUt for thene rc-ocd"
Ion niiflliikn mi oilier ) or will lo aeut
I'l cu i,n receipt ol fprlio.
Decilpllve l'.mphcts Prco.
Address Dr. livery's Diamond Remedies Cot
p. o. liox 3-oo.- 104 Jolm street, Kow Torkv
nit. footc's
liicl Heady JUcipet,
Worth $!tl. Coat 25.
Uy Hi. .nltier tt
"Puim IIi-mb Talk" avd "IIedi
cal Common Eekbe."
IOQ rAfi&Scf A.1.l...t-"nl P.llr If-.Tbll-
m O Aud KMlp.. f T r.r ol Colnni.R Atl
in.nt. I . ..Iii.IjU Look ol It.r.r.B.. hr ...1
Family. Only 25 "Ht' by ni.ll, pirf .IS.
'I L. ttnnd b.HK ci N Hy
ffl.n. f T .11 ...oii- Comiit-.i &..M o. C.n
Ition lll.,llTrili!'im,ll.w t-
A,i,M -.Llldi.n, Kit.,.. W.lllh
Knowlrf, II nt. on D.thlnr. oo hor.loc Iho
rlek, on F.menr.nct,., tllnU for
Women, tof-t!ii with .omo cf th. Trlvolo
Fonnul ol llr. Fpoti, nil I ottier hiL-o
of lilL-h r,.ul., ni,H dli-Uon. f.r r...rl.-f
food lr IstsIUi. trAUENIS WAM1IU.
Hurray EiU rublishlsg Oo,
12 Zitt 23:a Street, l!e Tcik City.
p.ith lunrked out by thai
UIIIIUIIIU ;nost popuuir iok
snclil nnd sexuil science, VLMX 1IOMK
MbmiCAt, Cosmo- SKNiK. Nearly 1,000 ree. !
lllunrations; by llr. E. II. Fo-te. Purchasers are ea-
titletl to free consultation, t'tther In iierson. or oy mail.
A . book rehired to $M. irukinu It th CIHArtST
Itooir. in tho or Oeiim in l.nn(-uaf;e. 16 palm
CmtenM Tables free. Wo al.o send free samples of
Hit. 1'niiTK'H IIkalth IlosnlLY with list cf nearly
l?i nreintumi; Mrcntsn vi"nr.
SiultltA-: UILIj PUULISIIISO CO., N. Y. City.
We have stores In 1 5 leadlngf Cities.
from which our agents obtain their aurrl
Our Factories and X'rlnelptil Oil J
lirld Va, Head tor our Svw Catu
term to agents Addrctis
Ues miicklr.
fiiccu aro at
logue ana
M. N. LOVELL 3,sAcl.aTwoaNn.n?r
Br thts central coittion of Its line, eonntcta ttxm
ut and the Went by the ahorteit roots, And ear
riM paaaengera, wit bout change of cara, between
Chicago and Kaniaa City, Council BtUfla.Leaven
worth, AtchUon. JUinneapolia and fit. Paul. It
conn-to t in Union Depot a with all the pnnelpal
lines of road between the Atlantlo and the FaeiOa
Ooeani. Its equipment la unrivaled and mafnlfl
cent, belna oompoied of Moat Comfortable and
Beautiful Day Coaehei, Uagnlfloent Xlorton Be
clinine Chair Cars. lull man's Prettiest Palaee
Bleeplne Cars, and the Beat Line of Dining Cars
in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and
Uisaouri Xliver Points, Two Trains between Chios-go
and Alinnea polls and St. Paul, via tbe -fuooii
A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka
kee, has recently ben opened between Richmond.
Xiorrol k, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, An
Juata, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati,
ndianapolls and Lafayette, and Omaha, Mlnneap
Oils and St. Paul and Intermediate points.
A11 Through Passengers Travel on fast SxprcM
Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offloeela
the United States and Canada.
Baggage checked through and rates of fare aU
ways as low as competitors that oiler less advan
tages. For detailed Information, get the Mapa and Told-
rs of the
At your nearest Ticket Office, or address
Tlot frtf. o-ul W i r, Gca'l Tkk rass.
A 51 Oil I'll INE
A Treatise nn their I
inpfdvtureHKNT KIlKli T
llor -uxN.P.O.Uur JU.CUIcagu.llL
fa 0 Tntana. X Cn
eiM i.ijutftu, c
tjluluff G (tot 11' (ai-aurr to
tit Kutat luipcirUut mailer
tit it tr lu tiii WrM. ,
1 1 r. I'M- ' ''nW
tus i tt H o r i-jfc it
j tiL'tUt fub
sr.ltsor s 'a Ms n m
v urth. aorN ut, u
I IiikIvs 1-mu.7, Iks
fir TTnlraraal KnnwtiJr-i
THOUSANDS-' tefeenft from persons cored. )C