Sr InsirH Volksbi.att Anjj. 22, IStilt i What a OormanNewinspsr Says. Wo Uermmii nria general n it Inclined l bellern nl nnc In gnM Atinntinncmetils en. I pull's w are rathur aii'piiMiu, and f ten with perfect right, of cxc?nrnllnni nil 1 ttumuujs. Our tnnlln Is, "Wiiot llio iye trti the heart bellnvas," Ami vt tlierefom dmn to see ami examine ourselves uefiirn yip spoak about tilings nnd pralsn thum. This was nur Idea wnen we heard nn t road a inurli ab'nit Dr. S. A Uichmnil' justly elelnled WnrM'i EpiK-ptl.i lntllntc, ami wk lliorefurn sent a repirler to Hie building. We arc iiowabm In Rive I he Ix-al laf.irtini. lliin on the sulijct, Inseil on irsniial re Tiiw and examination nf Hie prpniits. Our reptirur fmtiiil D(. RicliiiMiiil In his eilliee. The J.xjlnr kimlly rocoivi-il Irmml tint only nnjwerol all q'ti-ninn", lint show el ami rxptalnnl I'vervtliinj n'mnt the ri ire t" hnn. IlisnlHro is on Hie first tl.wr the builillnjt, ami its walls are cnvr-rivl with thtiufl itt'li nl pliiiliit;railt nl gi'tlllil-m.-n urn! Min restrI o liniltli by the timi of tfiiiinritan Nervine, ninnnx whmn O'tr rflrU-r rwipnin-il ninny f his own cViUtitryiiKn, uii'l iu (lM pea inntain lu ll iinrrable ii-rtlfiivitf s of cure anil tellers pralteof this -urM lamotis roiunly. Aliout icn ye.irsni?.i Dr. nirliinnnil rame In Bl. Jnsr-p I. Jle w.u then a iivir y.iiio? man, with b it little nmiipy, mul :i irlnwls assist him lie rintit n small itffiro nn V anels street, a i'l cniinnmvj Hie Strug;! lor success sini!e lui 'il 'I mi ' alnne. Ii hisarliievetl a granil triumph, n the fnc f tutlrrii ojniFitinn nn cvi-ry haml, and if In-day one of the wealthiest men In our mMst. 'This fart alone is nmply siifiirirnt Mchnwthi' rnpriln olliutiiviiluable prepare-j tiini,eveii Ihtiugh there warn iniotiier sources from whli'li lo procure valid and reliable It-slimony. But beatdes the money which this great medicine has liten the means iif li'ingliiir. the tiivenlnr, the ilm-lnr rival vm daily the blesiings ol thousands of pilit-lila rcsl'ted bl health and happim'S through his In sirmneiitallly. Tlnw letters are i pen lor hisp'ction at his uifii'i', ami il reiunes lno rl-rks to attend to this brauch of the bufl- L-SJ. Dr. Rtclnnnnd is n li vine example to bo Imitated by all young men who liHVe fl dis pidliuito reach 0 iiiiieiii-e in the world by diligence in Hie use nl their own exrtiom, and besides the enjoyment of Hie ptmnerity which surrounds him, lie bus the satistac tiou to bo regarded a human benefactor. MISCELLANEOUS, There ore four millions of pins used every hour and the wonder is what becomes of them. As we shiver over Hie stove to. day, we wish one might have been arranged fn Hi o lap of spring before winter sat down on It. SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Ib'niyver" restores health and vigor, cuns D.'spepsin, IuiKtencc,dex sal Dobility. $1. A Cincinnati journalist remarks that for men to stand in front of churches when the ladies are coming nut is small pn(a toes. As if there could bo no small potato maslwr. IMkilivu Fnct Dr. Evory's Diamond Catarrh Remedy, will cure the worst case of Culurrh or Hav JVver. Dr. Evory's Diamond Iuvigoratnr gives health and btrcngth, mental and physical, makes the complexion clear, winto ami beautiful. Pamphlet free. Read the Ad vertisement. "What becomes of all the pianos?" aksa writer. When they get too old and frail to be of any further eervico we believe they are cut down and made into accor deuus. "BUCHJJPAIBA." Quick, compli'tu cure, all unnovini; Ki ny, IHadder and Urinary Diseases' $1 I.'ruj-gista. What is tliat nmil ol five litter, o which, when you take two away, only oiir remains? Stone. Personal ! To Slen Only ! Tnic Voi.mio Hkl.T Co., M.irnliall, Mieli, will send Dr. Dve'n Celebrated Eli'clro Vol laic Belts and Electric Atirdianiis on trial fir thirty days to men (young or old) who re umictcil Willi rtervou-t ueoiliiy, 1j si Vitality and Mauliood uml kindred troub les, guaranteeing speeiling and I'omplete re itoration of health and manly vigor. Ad dress asabovc. N. B.- No rilk is iiieiirrfd as thirty days' IrUl is allowed. 49-yI Why are fowls ttie most econoniicul ceaturea that a farmer keeps? Becnibe Ut every grain they eat they give a peek. ATraveler'a Story. After spending montbs in watering jtlaaes anil cousulling the best physicians without Lenctit, I returned homo diabeartt neii and expected to die, A Iriend urged a trial ol Parker's Oiuger Tonic. Thre hollies and careful diet liave bioi'ght tne excellenl health and spirits, and I hope my experi ence may benefit similar auH'ereis. Cincin nati ladv. See other column. The rlgarmiikrrs have formed a union. Wa fear It will prove a union of cabbage leaves, paste and saltpetre. Bright'a Disease, Diabetes. . Beware of the stutt1 lliul pretends to cure these diseases or oilier serious kidney, urn- ary or liver disean-a, as they only, relievo for a liipe and makes you ten liin.-s worte afterwards, but rely mley on Hop Hitters, thn only remedy that will siirelv and iter niaueiitly cure ou. Il debtroya and lemuves the cause ot iliseasn txi vlleutually that it .never returns. If a maa has good health Ills linfjjr for him to ask thn Ijnrd In give him any thing else, bccaiue bu uuht to get it for himself. Thousands bear uituess to the positive curative imwers ol Hie 11 u EAT (.LK.MA.N IKVIGOUATOIt, the only lemedy that bus proved itself a srr.citc lor general ilebilily. seminal wcaKiii'KS, imHitvi.i-y,rte.,iitnl nil diseases Hist arlte Imm fell uliuo or over taxeil brain, finally ending in ionumpliou, nitaiiiiy anil a premauire grjve. Mini iv till druggists, or will ne sent free on receipt ol SI. on per laix, or six boxes I ir S to. AM- riress F.J. CllKNkY, luliilo, 0., mle agent for the United Sutis. Siid lor clieular and testimonials ol genuine -uri-i. Wholesale and retail by Dr. C. T. Horn, Lclnghlt'ii. Why are bells the mol obedient of in animate IhlugH? IWuute they iiuiko a noise whenever they mo tolled (told) Tneluiige window g!a In tin le-avo the wiuduw open when it rain uud It will beat in, When you have si ti intl.nurd eye, a swelled han I, or ilei-.iyed or aching tooth, you do not tane ami tul our stomach with drugs to cure it, but apply n ooolutj lotion or mime a-ailhiiig narcotic diivelly to ihu iarts. So il you hae u ui-ak or l.une luck, sore kidneys,' protuve or eaiitv uriioyir the tocretnry system iscluggeit uih'I iuartive,you should use I'l. 'I Uuilmeiti-'s Treneli Kidney rail, whirli is a directly application, which ulwtiys gives sjieivly rebel and al ways cures the diK-ase. A-k uur drugi;it for it. Wholeaale nud rcUn by Dr Horn, Lchightou. ' If you are & tvrribiy ocrvoiu that every tlujud ihlng vou ae friglilei3 you! Void the K'oUinj; ghu. -Which i heavier, a halfnr a full ino-m? : The liul . It tuUM the full moot is a light 1 gut 11. j 11 - rv u iMittinuMlty ri'Htit)j lUeK, Every ('in tjktujf iht Bini, fid ft)liti.o,l rtiinlytAiiii'1 Syri4ii Tar, Wild CJierry , ml IIiur!imnil Wr muiai. ami wtUlt this; fall. Ill a slander suit lu Oregon the court held thai "an bmiett tiian is u man wliii won't steal fire-un. mii a ciild nil.t." - Wedo lnye bruty at Hr.l ilil, ana tve do cease In love Hint Is uot anMinjiau ki by em.atlv o.iwlltlif. Beware mfmm PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their cxoollent reputation in JnrOfl by vr6rlhle3r,imitatl"3 fl. 1'ho TtibHo tiro coutionod n&nihnt buy ing riartcro licvins similnr Boiinrl- rtnoi. Coo ihit tho v.-orrt C APO I-2MJ ia corrcolly spollod. Porous Plasters ji-r, iTie. rmixr Imnrovernrmt over . mado in riastera. I Ono is rorth moro than r. clson cf nr.7 other kind. Will positively euro whero other rcmodi33 vill net even relievo. Prico 23 cent?. BMraro cf chor? Plasters rnado ri?h lclpiiror.3. 1 Tj1 -fi'-n-ii-g Co-r. iK York. B t Tbnna. nl-rtrrai Thnv.n. nl-ftrrnr. ,)0- 'its. Dlucat nuil hcaltn re- Btorcil ij the nno of f.o ri t German Invigorator, r,h.Vc!n-U!nr.ePV.Cxe7,";,oIt Vt'imi: Hi:MINAI. rtKAKESniiiatileaathai follow a n arqasnoe Hi ru-.yi'in. m "i eiiery low of mrnicrv. nr,veral les t-nl-, 1,1, IS .-U rnSnr" ll'tr ilia-Vse" tha. iVa to , luSL"f SliS: mull Tlie JVHinjlTCIl i nod nt tlr' IU1 IT SIX Uf51 l"t f'. "J " I wa tft.-nltrTil.-ll iH-nr'-.y aeaieu, on rrunyi of p rice, by afld.csetng J-' J. CIIENKY, Drnrnt 187 idiuii It M..lolulo, OMo. Pole Airem for the Unitm Mntrs. Wbole-nlo nun n-tnll by U. C. T. J10UN, ItniiR Htieet, Lch's'iton ai'iiUD-vl S500 He ward! OVKTt A MILT-ION OF Prof. Gtiilmette's Fnmcli Kidney Pafis llave atronlv boon rolil In Hilycnnntrr nnl lu Franc -i every one ol wli'en una slven ii (ci t i-atl-WJliiin. ami bsa icr Ii.rui it cores everv time wbeu used aoconlus to cliictlons Wo now aiy to tho atitio-.i-il mul ilonMlnfr onc3 tbit wo will pay lLo aiove reward f jr a blagle t-a-o tf Xjvtb back: That tho Itil fjillHtocui1. Thtjrroat rcmPrtr will imjmijivei. mm rijit3iAKri ri y rnre Ijiminaifi. La-i o butlc. ncntica, (lrP Ilain'tf Diupov, JJrtjth' l)lc.veif th KI1 nnys, Iucttntnifm'tt hihI Hftcutiou ot the Urine, InlUuiiiiatltMi of tli KtdQtr4. ratrr)i or the r.I-iti.11 r.!na Otlu tnt U'lno.Pft u n f he Bic-, i.loor LoltiH, NiTvotn"B, nntl lu fact UUi-onlwn (.f lhe lil&iKor uud Urinuy Or trmis wlioiher loaiiacio! bj-privnte illasoor olli rwln.'. I.ATUT-S, it Fa .iro nliTiuKf o:n Krrailii Wincin'SH. IJ'sl-l., i tr anv diaoat-e ot the KUluey-. Jtladilcror iTriuary Uruuj YOU CAN BE CUUEDI Wiibnut Rwallowlug uausi-oui tuoJiclnca. b mrauly carmtr PllOF, GUILMKTTE'S French Kidney Pad ! ! WHICH CUHF3 BY ABOUrTI0. AKl:ynnrrtrnRrr1stfm- OL'ILM ETTE'f PltlvNil KtiJM:Y I'AD iiinUko mi olfcor. It to .111 ihji unt it.M n'lf2.UUuuJ ou Wijlgct tho I'tvl LvifiUiti UMil Testimonials from the People. JLPQtt fir CHAN AH. Inwjer, TpIMo. O., One oX Prof. (Jul iuctte'4 Frcncti K.rturr Pfl-la curn! iu vl l.iuubtxfio lu Ihioo wcnk hnit. MTiife h tl hft'ii ftvt'u uu ii H o tKii jMM tors tk Incur Dunns nil tin ttuiol funt'iofiu fiiiodt Urpts rums ol mouey." (iriii-on rrrKn, J. r., Tiiciio, O.. snye i I uflVrCil tor three vrr wuh clattrft cnO K ouer t)te3e nuil cf cnlm.l iui:u olMiutoii cruith 8. I niiti-eh mi j ermauenturitieil niitr wi'ur n lr"t. uuiIuioiio'h l rincli Kidney l.iil lour vi olrp., quikk N C. Scott, y.TnHa, o , wiite i I have heen n treat MilTeirr for ifi year Vltti JlilVbt DiHiuHd nr ihy Kicuem. Pur vek9HtH tltre wa-i uit'iitto tu cei, out rr bed t ik buiel i'f neilUlne. but the- tmlv k ive (Jullni.tU'M KUuev I'uoa six wtcitv, nud 1 uon i i.ow I cm ml e y uiei)." Mm. Ilr.t.i:N Jkkomu, Titleito. ( , says t " Fur jbira I lmvo been rf.uflne4, n part of the I'liu ki iiiv u l wilU Lo j?or tioet uml FfiuHle wenkiieis 1 vroruoucif Jinluietto' juuuoy raujitiHi una curoiiiaouo luouiu." II II (IitVEN.V.holesa'QGroccr.llnaiay.Ohla, w rji hi M I t-ntt rinl tot -'ft yfOMwitL L me DftcV.mitl in i wik- w i ner n iiou y nuren ny w oar. 03 IS. 1'. 1C KSI.INO 1). Dru,rirKt. Li)Lr.-R,nrr Iiiil., v urn roiiA iu na order for Klduey raj , uriio' i I Wtireone of t! o llrst one- w wo had nud I rec.vl lu'ir- tinttlt tiom It h uaut:tliu I evoi iismI. In mot tLq 1 .di f.?o jetter ceu enl iit ftrictioj tU.iu uuv KldiU'y ruiut'dy wo ever lXW'Jt 1103UK&U Dnuv.it4 llaauloal, Jot 'weitT' Virdutr ir ,1 .lvelr foteln vim fail, nul uM lu-uisiu at otJ i(kU'.U from luim c)r uiy." prof. auitjMr.Trcd FRENCH LIVER PAD Will tvi!tircly euro I-'ever nnd Ague, D.iuili Aiie, Aue Cake, llillinus Fever, J.itiu liiw, l)yiieiiiiu,aiid all Diseases nf tho l.u er, iiiuiaeli und I'rieel 50 by null. S-'ini tor l'i of. tiuilinelte's Treatise on the ICidueys und User, lice by mail. AJ'treu, i'tti:.t:ii i n co., Tolwlo, Ohio. Whulesult- ami IU-tuil by D.i.O.T. Hoax, I.ehij;liUiu, l'j ' apr. SVyl i i usino, uoir before ttio imb uu. Y-u can uase mouey taster si Hor tur usth-iii at anr ItiliiK ulte. Caoital vol iieiiui oirisucyuu. f li a ilay anil uvw ru ii.mU at h -uio i.y Hie in. Uu-t tnuii. Ueu. wmueii. ui)aaiui uli-la wanted eivrywtiere ta v.'oi i-ir us. Xow a tan time. You tun ork in slur, tioi- onl or piye veur wliuta I'metii ll.ii bus liens. Vim 011 liveat liiHntaial it Hie worK. Nootbt-r bua'uesa v.1 1 tar lint urar.y as well NintitauaufailotniaKe i-uoituous it v bv tiimii:iiir at iiii-e.. Umtly (lu C nul tejiatfres Mjnrv inst tan. cssi Ir si..: I.mi r .ulj . AAdreu 1 uug To Au iUtla VkMf tc-lCyi FARMERS' COLUMN.1 - I Balsa Tonr Own feed Corn. Tlia time to plsn for this Is new while the corn crop is going in, or under cultiva tion. It is a reasonable thing to say that a tenth moy bo added to" the yield of corn on any farm by using seed that has been care fully raised for Hie purpose. Not much at tention Is paid to the selection of eocd by the average farmer. The man who reads and thinks about the seed ured fur lil crops, selects the bo't ho on find in his crib at planting timo, and finds that this pays. It pays mill bo'ler to select ears from thn field llisi fall r-rdvlntis to planting, from stalks H at bear tn or tno-e wrlcct ears. A beltr r Iiibi t'rrt still iii to plant the corn for seed lot a small patch by itself, and guatd it against all the accidents that must attend its growth and cultivation In the larger field. Tho greand should be specially prepared for this purpose, and mado rich enough to supply lhe wnt' "r ",e l'lnnl- u rh"m bc lliorougliiy cuiuvaieu every iwn r nine weeks, until the grain is full in the ear. Ll'io prinluces like, in corn as in cattle,and the silk and the tissel aro both factors In giving character to corn. Though tho n ale aod female blossoms In the corn arc upon tho samo plant, there is no security for si ll fertilization when any plant is grown in lhe open field. The pollen from a barren stalk may fall npon the ear grown from selected seed, and lilaearmay bo imtierfot, or be a eb with 1'ittlo or no corn on It. If the rars selected for seed havo bee fertilized by a nubbin-stalk, the nubbin Imperfection goes down to posterity. In a small pint of coin planted remote from other corn we may guard against the accidents of promiscuous fertilisations, and secuie, as far as jiorsible, orn with a good pedigree, and perleet after in Vlml. Alt bsrren stalks should be cut out, and no more stalk, be l?ft in the. hill n,,n w Bive perieut ears. If the owner ... . , ., . .in ,- i y, se ect from this patch the earliest anil betl formed ears, for his seed, and follow up this prarlico for a few years, he w.ll have a new variety and a large increaso in his yield. American Agriculturist. - I, , rARM NOTES. For Hungarian one bushel of seed, 4S pounds, is the proper quantity for sowing an aero of ground. In Cheshire. KirRland.cxIraodinary re sults have been attained iu the application of half-ineh bones to poor upland pastures. Tile sugar beet formsstareh in its leaves, but iu the leaf stalk this is converted Into grape sugar,and into cant sugar. In the thick top root in which it is stored up. i Algerian wheat planted 111 Bohemia and Austria Is said to give very satisfactory results, yielding Inoro. largely than other varieties It Is a hard variety, and yields almost 25 bushels per acre. Breeders of Here f.yds claims for their favorites that they am among the most hardy cf all breeds of cattle, and thus are particularly adapted fur cou utiles where it is impesstl.le to take special care of c.itlh through the waiter. Iu selecting paints fur out of door work the lighter colors should be preferred- in. point ol durability, though at present last inn dictalti the darker tints. The dark col ors ab-orb thesuu's rays aid occasion carliei decay of the material painted. To make a cement for stoves take Inn filings and mix to about the consistency o putty for glazing with white lead and lin teed oil. Fill in the jriuts as secuiily possible wbtn Hie stove is cold, ami lit it stand a day or two before using. By growing deeply-rooted crops as pari of a r.tation the eulai I Is mado to con t ibuto to the general fertility. Shallow rooted crops, on the other hand, have gen trally a speeist faculty for appropriating food accumulated at tho surface. The blacksmith often Injures the wood work of it carriage by fitting his irons wlnu I io hot. If the wood burns evar so little it wealenvit, and if a joint is near the latter it is sure to open. A blacksmith who ran not fit un Iron without depending ujioii ha burning its way down should never bo al lowed to work at the forge. The average of German olservallons show that tbo annual yield of milk rises gradually from tho birth of the first calf Hi) tho fifth, readies its maximum after Hie sixth, sinks gradually till ufier the tenth calf, when it is abi ut the same as at first calving, and after Ilia tlili t-elilh or four tei-nth caf is only one- fourth or one hftb of tho maximum yield. The secret of raising winter squashes is to plant Ibom lao.. Wlieu maggots get into the vines tho only, way to save the crop is to cover the vino about six Inches deep with earth. Curving the worm kills it, and does not hurt tho vines. Tho Crescent strawberry IS the best variety fir all purposes. The way to get rich in fanning is to keep down weeds and us plenty of manure. Farm manures centaln all, while com mercial fertilisers may contain only a por tion nt the ingredients which plants use for food. But if a farmer were to find it profit able to apply large quantities of phosphates to his fields, as is olten the case, he would probably secure that material more cheaply by purchasing a superphosphate or bone meal, than by getting horse manure from city stables at large expense. I'robably there Is no crop to profitable fur sidling purHses as coru fodder. It should be sown at different limes to keep up' a"auccesstou until cold wrather. Oats and then barely may be sown earlier than Is proper for corn to be sown. Tho larg r growing varieties of sweet cam aro best for this purpose ; Hits crop ail'ords a profitable supply of ears for market or home use, and an abundant gruwtb of fodder for milch cows. The fuchsia is readily propagated by cuttings of the young woo,!. These will root in from Iwn to thiee weeks, when they should be potted ill rich soil, kay one-half garden soil or lo.un enriched with welb rotted manure and uue half leaf Boll, with a little cam! wlded, to make the tniiost very linu.. From the time the plant is first potted It should never be allowed to be come so dry ns that the growth will be checked. To prevent tho hair from falling out the common application in Oriental countries is the bruised bulbs of lhe Asphodelus bulbo sua, garlic or onions, mixed with gun powder. For JOB HllNTINU csll at Ibis office' Not on esri-iient or. cheap patent mainline U Browu's "Iron Bitterf. It III prepared by ope pr-the-oldcst and uiostm- LabTe ditifficsn Gfm.raud will da.all tbaj ci iiuien lor 11. I 7 A Never -r'nlllnp; Curo Ibr Tjum, Scalds, 1i uIhc.i, Cuts, Sores, etc. Alter Ibrtv vcjvrs of trial. Perrr Davis' Pain Killer fitaiulfi unrl vnlcu. Itlssafo! Itnclsliiimcillntolyl It never fallil Editor of th9 St. John (If. B.) No73, aayi : 1 n iiean Tyounu?, acnes, imi:-as Bure-5, uic, It la tlio iiol e.eeiiM rcmrtly wo know of. Ko family should lie without, a bottlo ot It ror a sintrio nour. Prom th elnelrrnntl Titnriatch! ws uavo sr'i i h magio cucic, nna Arutts ir. m nn n irma aniric From 1. S. Foitor, Ui 0. Consul at Crefold, After lomr. yciracf us", J nm Batlsflcd It ia piBltlvTly cmclent ns n healing remedy W. w. Bttir2;r,, eaya: It is n p.'iuMJ l"r nil urulaca nnU burns. it gao mo unjiciuivo rvu-ji. Tl T.i-srl nl'n I 1 n fort . ycara' im 1 1 n' vcr has failed mc w. tr. T.Tim, lllchelvllto. M. Y.. cavn : l mu your rii.i mi.! en iiL-iiiiv-uiij. ,1, re'.tcvet pain and sorcnciis,and Acals vrcUndi iiKQinaeio. J.W.Dea sa7o: t or saiu-i ana uurrs n nr.s no cquau rnnitT nwr taix is not a now untried romcily. J'or forty yrnrs llliiisnrcn in rnnataiiuuioi nnu inoao who hava useil It IliO longest f!ref7Ust.Wo!(l. Ilaaiicceslc're'y brcmifpiif HaineiiU Since tlio Tain StIllrmnnrallntroductl( Aiini-rtjmrnnivineitlclncs Juno l-nmcnnd Kiinc, wlillo to-il.iy tlil tnoillclnn la more olenslvely liieit nml mure lilglily valued Man mr h'firt. Kvorr fnmlly rhmild lmvo bolllo mljif.irute. Murli rnln nnd licai-y iw-lnr lilllv ,rlti nftm Ite mrctl lv nromiit nnnllcntlon of Hie rnln ICIIlcr. Vnlikemost mnllcinci. It Isj'errr.'inie even In Iho lianils of it clilld. tit It mien tlinrnligllly, and It will prove tin value. Your druggist lias It at 3c, 50c. nml m.oo per Home. prnnv davis & BOH. Pronrletors.- Provldenoe, R. I I Dfir . AJtulrad for It cUnnllneii A lrMit twtfumn. VeTf r Fulls to Restore Grr or Faded Hair I t it jtmliful color, tO tt. ilm l nil JrTjjjuti. CIneer. lliirhn. Mandrake. Slllllnzla & many cf die bct laed cines known ere here com bined inli a met'-cme of su-h var-ed .mil effi-clire powers, as to nuke the Greatest IHood 1'urifierSc TSo Ctstrisillh & Slrcitalh Rstafr Cv:r Vr.i It cures lysprMa, K'.ieumilH-n, Mrptc-, neM,aMd'ne.nescflhe Stomach, lowel, I.uni, Liver, Kidneys, and all Female Complaint!. 11 50-1 aie vasttn?av.iy wnnonumntion cr any diteaie, utel'ieTos' ltwi !ure!y htlpyou. I'enembcr! itisriMopetiortdEulers, Essences cf Cinder an J ether Tonics, up the syve-Vvtihutt Kitoxicatin-. .50c. &$t sizes, rt tlealers in druss. Konecenuine without signaturcnf HlcoxCo.,N Y. J-endlorctrcuIar LAP.GZ SAVIXO BUVIXU THE DOLLAR SI7.K, (.ttiSSUJOT IMjUU Th'n brand of Tol-aceo. lbouifl. l ut n Miert UmeoH the market. I nlrewty the favorite with innny efcewer Mado I nun suleeted le u( tut. with Upl.iiwi ctciiltikt, It If n cuptU! nrllrle nnd eejtecl.ilty tutted to the IVim?) r.inia mate, tor ship lj iiii iieaier. ccnu for Rumple to herma!iiit(icturcr. EVERYONE. OTrc WtUh OI.T 4'AU'Ant.T; lKPlillMATK'N FIIEE by Fending for clnular to H. TOUKJELV Uostom, Ma6S, it Oil Per 1 V'" ty. Souifstldnic entirely tie lor n-jem lltfflOJl, itllllfl, K liVEKTlSI'KS by nddrclmr (JEO I1 i UOV;,. x tji. iu St.ruto St., New 1 orlr. can iern the cshci cut olAO EH TISIINU In American ItW9imieie. KIH6 OF THE SI86EBS. Tho almvo la the exfiet re nrepcntntlon ef Uie oewlnji uinclilnu wo fell f.r twtnt) dollars It Is In every nupect the very bent ol lhe I nicer style of m.uliint.i; tlnUlied In the bent manner, wuu me inim imiirovemenis tor wlndlnif lhe bobbin. ntvle of table wltb i-xeiiflton leaf, hno drawers nnd be lutlful uutLio cover. It unnU with out a rival. Iw of Sioger Madiiiies. We do not ufu vou to nar fur It until vru foe what yru aro t uylnu;. Wo only vUh to know that ou really want li buy a macblne and nre willing to ay $20 for tbo bust In the UlllTHCl, Write to 11s send nu the nnroe of your near. est railroad ft at Ion. We n HI send t tie ma. clilnc and lvo Inctrueilons tn allow you to cxuuuuo 11 ucioto you jmy jor iu , WIM.MARTIl fc CO.. 7:9 Filbert street. I'hlludeli'blj.ra. July 9.-1T, I I pq o 1-5 O a1 s-sSessss c3 o o ae- u. U 3 e C 2 0 :J3 mm ; 1 Zi a : Liife and Fire ! E. K. Stroh, Sm& k0 AT M.VUOH CUUKK, Ti. Only good and reliable Companies repre vnted, Ali. Agent for Urn liitlln.t uml lEuilt-rilniu l.lao ofMctuiicr., rr- -otttii ash 'mi nuiu-ni:n. WoaUl you '10 rettorrU to bOUNU Mrjnhnnrl moi su-no amt run will peta.t-lIlalJUUUU Tice in ae4iiMi euveiniit-. Aauress, 1 rot, J.y. KUAN, oxaensourjj S.V. JuUI.-r RUPTURE. The PKItlAI, 1HUP8 M-tini vAn want n t I, HanSTCST T.'MZifX,-. 1 Hare. .N l jut 11 ill! iiSSI SAMARITAN Samaritan Nervine urs epileidle Ills, spasms, convulsions. SI. Vitus dance, vlrtlRO, hysterics, Insanity, a(vi- ilexy, para lysis', meuinaiisni.tieuraigin anil II ncrrousi'llsessi'S. This Infnllulile remedy ill ixiiilively eraitlcata every siiecies of ner vous d rangenient, and drive them away from whence niey come, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs ol dis ease by neutralizing the hereditary taint or poison in 1111 sj stem, ami inoroiigniy cram cates the disease, and utterly destrors the cause. Samaritan Nervine Cures female weakness, general debility, leucorrhoea or whites, pnlnlut menstruation, cerallon ol tlie uterus.lniernal heal, trav el! inflammation of the bladder. Irritability nt the tiianuer, for waxeiuinrrs at iiiem there Is no betler remedy. During thn change of life nn fi'inalo should be without it. II quiets the nervous system anrt gives rest, comlort anil nature's sweet sleep. Samaritan Nervine Cures alcoholism, drunkonness and lhe hab it id opium eating. 1 lieseilegrailing habits aro by lar the worst evils that hove eyer be fallen suffering humanity. Thourands dlo nutialiy I run tnesn noxious drugs, iho iiinkaril nrlliks liquor not herause 110 likes t. but for the pleasure of drinking and ol treating his friends, little thinking that lie Is on li is road to rum. i,lke the opium enter, he first uses the drug tn small quan- litifsasa harmless antidote, iho soothing Influence Of the drug takes strong hold up- n its victim, leading Hint on to his own destruction. Tho habits of opium eating ind liquor drinking nre precisely mini rat ing is to allmentivenees, as nver-eallng first ntlaines Iho stomach, which redoubles its cravings until it paralyses both the stomach itid appetite, bit eery drink ot liquor or lose ni npiuin, Instead id satisfying, onlj ill. Is In its fierce fires, until it consumes the .ital force and then itself. Like the glut t uiotistnpe worm, it cni'S"0ive, give, giver' but stter enough until its own rapacity de hors itselt. Samaritan Nervine giyes bist- nt relief in nil such crises. It produces leep, quiets the. nerves, builds up the ner- 113 system, and restores body anil mind 10 healthy condition. Samaritan Nerrinc Cures nervous dyspepsia, pal Itation of lhe earl, asthma, bronchitis, sernlula, syphilis, iseases nt the kidneys end all diseases ol the urinary organs. Nervous debility, caus ed by the Ind'ecretlons of youth, perman ently cured by the ue of this invaluable remedy. To ynu, young, middle-aged and Id men, wno are covering your sunerings s witli a mantle bv silence, look up, you c.m'be saved by timely efforts, and mako ornaments tn society, and jewels in the rnwn ol your Maker, 11 you will, vo not eep this a sc'-et longer, until II saps your Huts, al d deitnys bout body anil soin. it 011 are tlius uillicted, take Da, Kichhoxd'i Samaritan Nervine. It will restoie your hatlcre.l nerves, arrest premature decay, mpart tone and energy to the whole Sys em. fAMAlUTAN NEnVINKI Cufed mr little girl of fits. BI10 was also lenrand diimh, bill itcuredher. one can ow talk nnd hear as well as anybody. i'eter Jloss, Sprmgwater, wis. SAMARITAN NCBVINK Has been the means of curing my wifo of rheumatism. J. It. Flet-her, Furl Collins, Col. SAMAItlTAN -NEKVINrfl Made a sure cure of a casoof fits lor my son. u ti H..11. tr:..ii.ulltA v BAMAHITANVrBVINE Mitred me of vertigo, jueuralglu and sick it-adacne. Mrs. Win. ITenson, Aurora, III. .1 .,,-SAMAr.irAN Js'KIlVXNE .Wins th means of curing my wile ofipatmt. llev. .1. A. J-.mln, Ueaver, la. BAUAIIITAM NP.UV1NE CiA'eh m of asthmn, after steud;rjg over J3jC'00'w'ih other doctors. In ,-K,-llolsitn, Kew Albany, lk(l. BAHAnlTAN tinltVIMC Effectually cured nie of spasms. " ' 'i " iMissji-nnie w.arren, . ,710 Wel Van Buren St., Cliieagn, III. . .fc SvMAItlTA.V KEIIVINU Cured.our child of fits after given up lodio by iiiirf.iinily physician, it having over HI) n 11 hours. Henry, Vervilla, Warren Co., Teun. 8.IMAWTAU NliltVXSK Cured me nf scrolula after suffering tor 8 years. Albeit Simpson, Peoria, III. HAJtAHITAS NlillVISE Cured my son nf fits, after Eciidin (-2,500 ttitli otner iiocinrs. J. W. Tlinrnton, Claibnrn, Miss. hAMARII'AN NEUVINI3 Cured me permanently of epileptic fits of a luiiunrn cnsracier. Uev. Win. MartlnJMechnnicslown, Md. bAMARITAN NEIWIKB iied my son of fit?, after having had 2,500 u eighteen tiionllis. Alls. 1'.. l obes, west I'otsdam, N. 1. SAMAItlTAN NEltVINB Cured 'roe, of epilepsy nf nine years' etand- ng. Miss Orl'na Marshall, uranuy, iseu ton uo., wo. SAMARITAN NERVINE llss perminently cured me of epilepsy ef uaiiy yeais duration Jacob euler, bt. Joseph, Jdo. SAMARITAN NKRVIN1' Cured me of bronchitis, asthma and gencr il debility. uuver Aiyirs, (ronton, uuio. PAMARITAN NEIIV1NK lias cured 1110 uf iistlina; also scrofuU of natiy cais siatiiliug. Isnac Jewi II, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NKhVINE Cured me ol fits. Have bei-ii well for over lour yeuis. Charles p.. Curtis, UiaKis, uoueiaM uo., Aiinn, SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine, who had dyspepsia very Dauiy. jiiu-i.aei u i,onuor, itingway, i'a. OAK RI TAN NERVINE Has permanently t-nred-me of epileptic fits. kjvui irvinuiy, nes amines, lowa. SAMARITAN NERVIhE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 35 years stand ing. Henry Clark, ralrlicld, Mich. bAMA UITAN NERVINE Cured my wife nf a nervous disease of lhe head. fc. uraham, Xiorth lloiie, t'a. SAMARITAN NERVIMS Cured mv sun nffits. He has not bad a fit for about four years. John Davis, Wood burn, Macoupin Co., Ill, SAMAItlTAN I.ERVINK Cured my son's wife of a case nf epileptic fits, liebecca Lsude, Middlesprite, N, 1. HAMARII'AN NERVINE Cured ine of fits of many years' standing. juiiiinu a, iiuswcii, iinivoite, juass. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits Has not had a fit for uver three years. Jam os Murphy, Cuba, Fulton Co., 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cfli clually cured me of epileptic fits. Miss HuUie K. Wilder, Unulder.Col. frAMARITAN NERVINE Cured mv daughter of irwisms of a severe character. Mrs. M. 1'. uucker. Davis Mills, Hedr.ud Co.. Va. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my father of that terrible affliction, epilepsy. Annie r.. iveiiiuy,' l'rinclpo, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my child of fits and I feel very thank ful to vou lor it. ' Mrs. M. A. Chenat, Mllburn, Ivy. Samaritan Nervine. Is for sale bv druggists everywhere, or may bo had direct from us. Those who wish It. obtain further evidence, of the curative prop, eilieaof Samaritau Nervine will please en close a 3-cent postage stamp fur a copy of onr lUUfirau-d journal 01 iieattn, giving hundreds of testimonials or cure irom pei sous who have used lhe medicine, and also their pictures photographed alter their res toralion to perfect health. Address Ml. S. A. MCUMOXD & CO. lVoild's Kplleptlo Institute, ST. JOSIU'lI, JIQ. apr. ?yl. CARBON ADVOCATE NAIN AND" FANCY BOOK-JOB PRINTING HOUSE BAITftWAY, a short distance abovo theI.ehlgh Valley Ti.Tt. Depot, LEHIGHTON, PA. We aro now fully prepared to executo every description orritlNTINQ, Irom a Visitins: Carl to aLarge Poster! Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars Shipping Tags, Cards, Dill Heads,. Letter Heads. Koto Heads, Xnvelopes, Stattrocnts, Programmes, he., &.C, In Best Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! WHY! WHY! You should go to Dr. C. T. Horn's CENTRAL DRUG STORE BECAUSE Ho personally attends tn his business. He has tho experience of uiediolno. He has tho best and purest Drugs ami liiieuucam. He has one price to all. lie has li bust quoits for the least money, Ho has all the Popular Patent Medicines. He has the best Horse and Cattle PowJcr. Ho has the best wines nnd cigars. He keep tho best' Did ltyn Whiskey lor ineuicipai purpuses. .,, Ha has the latest patterns In WALL PAPER. Ho ias ik full line of Lamps and Lamp Fix. tuies. He has a lull line of Toilet nnd Fancy Ar-tlrk-s. Ho buy and sells fes cash. Call and bo convinced that tho above rea sons are correct, and ubllfe O. T. HORN. M. I)., I.euokel's Illrx-k. Opposite the "Oaruon House." Sept 1 1681.1y. A. IB, MsseiTj Manufacturer of orjd Dtv.lrin STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS,, fin and W-Iran-Ware anil General House Fnruisliing Goods. ROOFING nnd Sl'.OirriWS done at short notice and at Lowest Cash Trices. ) verr kind ol MOVE (1 It A TEH and FIRE HUL KS kept constantly on baud. Stoke on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Rank st, LEHIGHTON. ralrouaae solicited Sutlslan'ion trnarantei-d. Oct. 6-yl A. 11. MOSSUR. WHY Every Dairy r'ainier, Producer and Dealer in miry I'mnucis snouiu euoscribe lor ft AMERICAN DAIRYMAN. Is the only paper which In any way aiietnpis to cover lull rjicciat neiu ill pmmitMrplnl enthrnrlRR. DEUAUSK It ISIhe only pulillcatlonln which areinue tounit reuiariy. anu wun cer. lalnity, rcnorls ol lhe proceeding or all Dairymen's Associations. UKCAUSU It It Is the only medium through which iroi)ucera ami dvalcrs In butter, cheese an1 dairy proilucts are enabled to communicate with each other on topics connected with their mutual Interests. DKOAUSK Ills the only means by which new Inventions for the dairy can be brouuiil directly to the attention or the ptieeltlo olass for whom thevnredeihrned. HEOAUShlt flubls frauds and monoplies or every kinu. ami eontenaa loriairpiay and lair iieniinir in toe inaratis oi ine wurt-i BUUM'Si: the most prosperous and suc cessful dairymen la all parts ur tho coun try liKe It. sustains and like It UEUAUSK no dairymen can alford to be without It. luniirnnce purchaied by Iho savtnu; per yenr win, mine eou cost many nines inat atnouui. "Tho Ainerlcin Dairyman" Is Published every Thursday, for $1.50 peryeur, post paid. Sinjjlo enpies, Fite Cents. All communications should In addressed to J. E. CLARK, Palilislier, 6 and 7 MUMMY Street, X, Y. P.O. Box 14. feMtf a week tn roar own lown. tf on fio. o rule. Everv lliin? view. CaHtitl i oc 'cuir cJ. Wc wtll iuimh vou eiirr tjlnx. Mauv re tuftsin tur tnuen. Ladle maie m HiiirJia. iiieii.tiid bor KuU pitUiutke Krwit iy. lltudtr tfyuawsnt a biulu ea ot wliicl vouuaii tu fcu I'Bji alt the t ioii yon work, Mtelor p&rttra ait I. JUU-CTf Jt CO., I'onlaud, Me, oc:0-rl $86 MILLIIIEI aOOBS, ' lnoludlnjtfllati, Donnets, Flowers, lllbbons, Feathers, Notions, and DRESS TRIMMINGS NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY All work done tn tho latest style, and most durable manner, nt the lowest cash prlcss'. STORE: at tho.lntcrscetlon of DANK STREI'.T nnd HANK WAY, LEH10HTON, PA, r "" Use Lawrence & Martin's syn For COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PNEU- uiunin, tuNaumpnun, uiscasoaoi ihkoat, chest and lunqs. BALSAM OF Till II co.. . ,ljy,?JI.0I!.1,1.lts Incipient and advanced stanes.and nil diseases ol thq TIIROAT.CIIEST MffJ'UNaS, but It has never been so advantairconslv comnouiuicd aa in tho TOIAI. HOCK nnd it:,. 1SflnH:BJwamlo properties afford a diffusive stimulant and tonlo to build up the system after tho cough lias been relieved. Quart slzo bottles, l'rlco Sl.OO. in A I i T G 6T) EM T Ho not be deceived by dealers who try to palm olt'ltockand Hy irjfrfiS.VtP .V11.!9 1 ln, Placo 01 0lIr TOl.U, UOCIC AND RYE. which Is tho ONLY 5 ..0A.r.EVartlcletll0fcnuln0lla3 aTrlvato Dlo Proprietary Stamp on each bottle, which permits It to be Mold by llrusclsla, Orocer nnd Icnlcrs Everywhere, -W- WITHOUT SPECIAL TAX OR LICENSE. ' Tho TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St., Chicago, IIL .1 4 X No Fatrnt No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tho United States Canada nml l-htrope. at reduced rates. With our principal olTlco located In Washington, directly opposite the United States I'atint UlTlcc, wo nre able to nttonil to all patent Inisinuss with greater proinptncrs and de. spiitcp anil at lets cost than other patent at. torncys who nre at n. dlstunro liotn Wnth Inglon, and who havo, I here fore, to employ "aisocl.iteattorncjs " examinations nnd furnish opinions its to i a ttntiiblllty, free ofchariie, ami all nhu ate Interested In uvw Invcnllons and patents nre Invited to send for a copy ot our "Guide for obtaining Patents," vthlih Is sent Ovo lu any address, and .contains conn Icto iustiuc lions how to obtain patents and other valua tile matter. We reTer to, the Ucrinan-Ainer. lean llanlt, Wasliluu;tiiu, I). IJ.; the Knyal Swedish. Morweirinn and Dnnlsh L.'irn. ttuns, nt tt'niihlimton : Hun. .los. t'nsoy, l.ili Chlel Justice ll.'S l!ourt ol Ululuia; to lhe UIHclals or the U, S Patent Olllco. and to Senators and members or Connrcm from every State. Address: LOTUS DIUOCII h CO., So licitors or Patents and Atiorncysnt Law, Le Droit llullilltiK, Wabminotcin. 11. !. Saloon Keepers and Others, Don't fall to buy your Glmmpnignc Pear Cider, Lngcr .IJecr, ' ' Hoot Beer, Nectar,' Porter, &c., OF C. BOETTGER, TAMAQUA, Pa. Aok.IS, 1881-Ir. $500 Reward I WK will nav the abnvft reward Tor riit e&sa ori.Wer Uumlilalnt, U!ioisia, Slot llrail. . ache, Inillvesltun, Uunstli.ilun or(7o.tlvcnesil we cannot curo wllh WeslV Liver Veuolalile i l'llls, whon the illrectlons nre strictly com i plleil with. They are iurely VeiietaLle, anil never ratltOKlveratlsracllon. Sugar I'oateil, Lare tmxes. contaiiiluic 30 l'llls, 'ii cenls, Kor sale by all Druggists, lleware r coun. torleltt anil Itnllatluns. The armulne manu. lactureil only by JOHN U. W1.ST fc IHl , "The 1111 Makers " 181 1 183 W Mailison St., Olilcairn. Free trial paclcaire sent by uinu iirejiaiu uu rccrilib u, o cvm siuuiu. Kinlth Kline &. Uu., Wholesula Aicrnts, rhllinlelilila, I'a. se,,t. VI. '8My. Wc cnntiuui In act as Solioilors for Pol ents, Cavnats, Truile Marks, Cuiryric.lils.rtt'., for the Umluil BUle., Canada, "t'ului, Eig lantl, France, Ci'Tiiiany, etc. Wo liuvn hail TIIIUTY riVK YKir.3 Ci TKRI I1NC F.. I'ultnls iiblaincul Ihrmieli us are noliivrl iu llio Scikktific AuitRiCiN, Tills litrp anJ snlenijul illuslrnlcil weekly iaier,$3 2ii a year, shows the rrncress nt Scif nce.Is very InU-rctlinp. anil has an ennnnnus rirruln lion. Aildress MUNN A- CO., ratent Bolit ilnrs, Fublishers nf SciKNriiic Aukiiican. 37 l'ark Rnw, New York. Hand book about Talents seut free. LAUD! A. A. TIlOMAS.St. IMoud Ilaltd. Inir. WasbliiKton. II. U. 1'ruc. tloi-s beloro tbo U"lied Stairs llcucritl Lni'l OIBce. Otilestcd cars, irl valolnn.l claims, mining, iire.i'iiiiiun and hoincilKiil cases (irosi-ruteii l.efure Iho lie liartin'nt oft tin Interior and Sutirt-irot'ourt; nnd all classes "tola I ml Wfuru the 1 xesullve Dcuirui.'its, ijieolal atit-iiHon Kivtn I" luwn-ilta iviies. lml warrants, homestead finals, and all kluds of land scrip bnuiri.t aiHl sold. uino-eyr. JglfMob Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly execut ed at tliis oflice. Give us a trial and be convinced.- Miss M. A. SNYDER, Respectfully announces to her lady l'ricnds that she litis just received ti P.. II t!..l f inn nuu ui tiiu iaic'51, novelties m Spring l& Summer nai nlwnys been ono of the- most Important weapons wielded by tho MEDICAL FACUI.TT nRalnsttheencroncIimcntiof COUOlia.COLDS, iHunuiiLii, Aiii.itA, nuuu iiiuuai, DIAMOND REMEDY A l'oltivo Curo for Cntnrrli of till Itliiii-.. u it iiiNtnulniivQiiN m i fleet a. nl t'lTiiittiKMH in Kviiiti. cmes at any "i" "I ttfii-ejs- II .a tmeil cans so teillble titAt bones t-aiuo ironitho nose. Mr. Hv .ry t)l:.iuonl fni.-irrll Item oil y it ml I ii n I p. Hvit, uitiimliii; liiiuicdlHlfi H.-li-l -t 1 ,i-.ii u ti-mul . rllc.i ca lltitiiriL, Ii'flilriizu, (I:iy I',-1 ci- Kroiivlllllft. It w 1 1 im.iuvi nli pus eirei lu.illy f nre Waicn an i I'm t.l- nt lli-cliiupea from the Utl nnl, nnl I-' i-tnl. Sicken tut ilrealh: per-fc-Mi r. anire i-il Smell, T..Mu ana lUartnr! rcllcv-- i- c Itictk up l'iM In iho lleadj Micniitlieu ho Volte ami Kyt-: Purfy. Herniate nul lleii.h r i It'.ir ami Active tvery orkan uf te lKtid u iirihroat. IT c--, 60 ce.Ja, Dr. ICvovj'h niniitnml Xnvltrnrnior Is 'a r i icct niouii l'iiill,-r, ApiM-tlzeranil Ncrv.i 'f'oulo. It ni k a nil .ui.lful. whoc Minio ilrr.V:, milch In vliriiriiten I'uriUeai uml .SlrriistliriiN fm in tresisiem. l'nr li lulltv. li.Vfp psl.i, Hllloune!, To p il l.lver. I ml 1 ei n. Jvcnralslc anil Klutu ln ills Al'.oclinn-, J. l iKllic,, F amlfi.ey. NiuiM-a, Krk II ntl.irlo a il Kulncy Complalnta, ltlaluvjliulilc. I'l Ice, W t cats. Mr. I!vorj nimnontl Salvo la a sorer el.n cuio lur liuriia, luillses Soie or all kinds. Salt Klieum, Tel.: r, 1 1 cwurm Cutaneous ruptioni. Irice, ss cents. Astir, jour DriiL-eKt for tli'no reined Icn mul liilm ii., i her ; or n 111 bo cut I'l cc i. it l eicipt ol prlio. Do cilptlrc I'-mph eta 1'rcc. Addrrsspr. Kvory'a Dlnmonil Ilcineilles Co., P. O. Ilox a:co. lot John street, New York "IUST LET HE SHOW YOU" Mlt. I'OOTK'S I1AND-800X OF HEALTH HIHTS And Heady Jiedpe, a IVortli $25. Cost 25? St lha fiDtbtr of 'Tliik Hlvx Talk and "Midi cal Common Sbmjk. IO Q PAGE! ft Att If i Pally 1UMU O HI1d Kc!pi ( Cur of Cfuuiw All miit B,vmtnrtbir Ismilt ot Kcfaranr for vry' Fmll. On It 20 ttnlt, by mkf I, frrrpttU. 'I ha lUtid Ihhik i nialna cliUrt vn Hj fWn t -f mII aauuti, t'wnimon bitita Cm nuiu Illa.llriritiitcCnralivaMtiKiimsMow U Afl.t Uutlt-tlrabU'ilslliIrat., Itmarki Wrt Kti'mlnpr, KuU on lUlhinp, un Nonlaf U Mtk, rn EmMTericlrt, 1 lint fcr l'rtrkl Women, lo(ttlir with adin of tk Jt1tH Ffrinii! of Ir. FiwTi, mo-t olhar pkya'iUa4 of 111 eh repute, it Jirettlon t-t preparlrf iMdlurliivallti', tSfAUENra WAnTail Murraj Hill yuUIAlng Oo, 123 Sa:t CSlh CtreettlTiw TofcCltys DISKARCS CURKDi.Kev nwrkert out Ly thmt tnitxt twiiinljj hKk on lliCalL f.!al nnl ftf-m.l crnv, VLkis IIomb TALK Aiu MKuiaiii CoiiMos Ersk. Nearly 1,000 rapt. 2W lilii3tratloin; by Dr. 1J. H. To ta. rurvhawMorecn titlwl to (rco on imitation, cithor fn iierwin, or by mall. A SlsaiMokmlnrwl to f I JO. imkinir ittheCHEArrKT llooit In tho Knolisii orORHM.VN LanpuiiRe. lSpARtf Cmiti'iitBTubrfs Jiva Wo nUt neiid Iroo Nimplri of 1)11. r.M)TK'S lll- ALTri J10XTI1LY With U&t ol XWif 3L) premium': 50viiuh xvar. - . ilbItlL.y IULL J'UBLISUINO CO., N. Y. Cltj. CUTTHISOUTI ASS S15I5S40 wpEEERKr Wohavostoreslnl5 leading Cities, from which oar offenU obtain their MiprUes quickly. Our Ktictorlca and l'liiicipnl' Onlprs re at i:rlc, i'a. fcjeaJ for our ctv Culalujfue &Dtt terms ta aeuta Aadre&s BJ M I nUCI I 312 Lackawanna Av 6CRANTON, PA. 1 WHO t UHACQUAINTCD WITH THt OtOQHApMV Of TMtt 000 TOV WILL, flCC 8Y tXAMtWtHQ THIS MAP THAT TM CBICAGO, ROCK ISUND& PACIFIC R! By tha central poiition of lu 11 n, eoonecu h Eut and the Weil by the ahorteit route, and ear riee paMeDgere, without ehacjce of oar, betweem Chleaco and Kittiu City, Council Bluffs Liiib worth, Atohton, Mioneapells And &. PauL ,Jt connect In Union Depota with all the principal lines of road between tho AtlanUo and the Paelfl Oocasa. It equipment te unrivaled and macnlfl cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaohee, Slaffnlfloenc Horton Be chains Chair Car. PulluaD'e Prettieet .Palaoo Bleepinfr Care, and the lieat Line of Pml&g Cars In the World. Three Tralna between Chleaso and Missouri Illver Point. Two Tralna between ChU oago and MlnneapoliaandtiuPaul,via the ymui "ALBERT LEA ROUTE'' A New and Direct Line, via Beneeaand Kanka koe.has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- fusta, Nashville, Louisville, Lezinston, Cincinnati, ndlanapolls and Lafayette, and Omaha, lUaneap oils and tit. Paul and intermediate points, All Through Paasengere Travel ou Past ZUpreac Trains. Tioketsfor tale at allprlnolpal Ticket Offloeela the United States and Canada. Baggage cheeked through and rates of fare-al, ways aa low m com pU tors that offer less advaa or detailed Information, cot tbe Hapa and Told lira of tne GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. At jour nearest Ticket Oraoe, or address R. R. OADLE, E. ST. JOHN. Vic. I'm. t Oeu l MVr, Gea'l TSU tut. 4(b CHICAGO. : A .IIOIU'IIINE A Tmntlso nn thtrl ShTii-iHlvrme HUNT lltKl-i nn. J .1 Inn il A -. .L'.u.llux J3S,i.-ulcaO.IlL. Cf I TfS ll I tf V CARLETOH'3 i; .v rxyi. it v i . jm :'.iv t la l,i aim. i' sv I j t .wr t-( ik i 1 HEASURY in. .r i u . Of I'nlrerssl Knanlniee. ,th4t t-'.-,it rtillsilelrtai. Tf lOUSANQG o4relcorflS torn jrtont ciued. Bi 11 i. i i CI' - - - ' -