The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 22, 1882, Image 3

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We hate just received a limited sap
ply of new work entitled "A Thonwinil
Facts" with a Memorandum Calendar for
IBM, wblth we nre presenting to nnl-
tcrlbern who pay $1.00 In advance for Hie
'' Cabbo Advocate. Yonr choice of Ibis
fir "Kendall Horse and bl Diseawg."
Ty promptly and get the premium 1
JQfThose of our subscrib
ers getting the Advocate
V through the mail will please
refer to the direction tab, note
, their indebtedness, and remit
the amount. In all cases
whore we have to send bills
$1.25 will be charged to cover
expenses of postage, etc.
; .Wit (Storium guUwafc.
Local and Personal.
The trees will stay around although
they have begun to leaf.
A very heavy atorm of rain, accompan
ied by severe thunder and lightning, visited
this section Wednesday night
Paul Wagner, of Cunthncken. was In
town Thursday, looking well and feeling
Jolly as ever.
pxJ-For prepared paints, wall paper,
books, stationery or fancy article of any and
very discription, at very lowest prices, go
to K. F. Luckeobacb, Broadway, Maucb
About 0 car loads of cinder from the
furnaces along the valley are sent to Pack
erten daily, lor filling in the channel of tho
river between "Coney lilaud" and the rail
road. pSr Baby Carriages an immense stock,
all style-and all prices. Just received tit J.
L. label's, hardware store, opposite pub) ic
square, Bank street, this borough. Call anil
ece them, and u will be sure to buy oiu
;or your baby. "They are nobby I
John Bay less, a noted racer of Audon
rled, went into training on Thursday. He
is wepsThigliimsearor a race against Wil
liam MUey, of Summit Hill. It will take
place in this borough on May 25th, and is
for a purse of six hundred dollars.
SSi. If you have a cold or cough of any
kind, buy a. bottle of II ill's Peerless Cough
fiyr'up at Dr. C. T. Horn's -drug store. Use
l all, and If not satisfied return the empty
bittfe and he will relund ynur money. He
also sells Peerless Worm Specific and Hill's
Wo'rm Crops on the aatae terms. No euro,
John McTaggart, a miner in tho em-plny-ofJ.C.
Hardened., of Jeaneayille,
ihad his leg broken at site ankle Tuesday af
ternooD in 1?o. 5 slope by a fall of coal. He
was at work in a breast and one of the
benches fell with the above mentioned re
pir- Have yon seen' the new and eleganl
stock of spring aud summer merchant tall
orii-g 15001U, comprising cloths, cansimeres
ssil suitiii.rjtiet received at Claims A- 3ro'e,
Bank etreet, t'ns bumuitliT If you have
not, call at oimc. Good fits guaranteed at
price! to suit you all.
-It seeias nuiro than probable that the
anthracite .coal collieries will work only
Iialf time during the n.onth of Mny. The
Zjehigh Valley Coal Co., is said to be In
favor of working only one-third timedur
log that month.
Three ntw cases of small pox and two
tenths were reported Wednesday, in South
Bethlehem. Thirly houses aru being disin
fected. ta-Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and silver
ware lor sale, and repairing done ut llaga
Juan's Store, Lehighlon. 25-yl.
The heavy rains Wednesday afternoon
and evenlngquenehed the forest tires which
were threatening disaster in the couuties o
Iiiizerne and Pike.
About 200 men employed in the blast
furnaces or the Hethlehoiii Iinlling
Bethlehem, nu Wednesday evening, tlrui'l
ior higher wages.
JL-& ll'HiUatid shoes for ladles, gentle
nen, misses, youths and children, ol latest
style and most substantial make, ut lowest
pftcbs, at Clauss 3c Bru's', Lehighton.
During the week ending on the 1 4th
lust., 1U.5I7 Urns of coal were ihipK'd over
the Lehigh 3c Suijuehimna railroad.niakitig
a total or 1,01)6,424 tons (or the seamn to that
dale, a decrease of 3rt,tl3 tons as compared
with the s-inie time last year.
&3Ifyou wantit nice smootli.ensy shave
vnur hair cut or s tampooing. go to Fraiix
Itoederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho
tel, lie will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
County Supt. T. M. Balliet returned
home from his trip to Florida last week
looking much Improved, lln is now at
tending to the duties of Ins office as usual.
Percy Herman is happy it is a boy.
Milliter aud child are doing well.
&ErYou will find a laree stock of the
(nest elegant designs in WALL l'APEK
and BOltDEUS, at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug
tore,, in Leuekel's Block, at very lowest
iirio-a. Make your selections now.
Two trains were placed on the Lehigh
Valley railroad last Sunday, and we under
stand will be continued an up train leak
ing here at 11:45 a. m. and a down train
leaving here at 4:37 p. m.
&& Geotlemen'a furnishing goods in
endless variety new and bright at very
bottom prices, at Clauss 3c Urn's, Bank st.
The Independent Social Club, of '.Vit
port, will hold their first Grand
Linderman'a Hall, this borough, on Friday
evening, May 19th. Tickets 75 cents each.
From, the arrangements making this will
no doubt irove the ball of the season.
pif Hats and caps, an immense variety
ol all the latest styes, at popular prices, at
Clauss ic Bro's, Bank street.
It Is now thought that the deficiences
of A. N. Dundore, the absconding I'X-Cnun-ty
Treasurer of Berks, will aggregate $50,
000, nooks covering the period Irum 1879
to 1R82 are misting.
Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Surgeon
Deuliat, of Broadway, Munch Chunk, has
had a praetira of over 20 years, and is prob
ably the "Idest resident dentist in this vnl
ley. The Dr's work speaks for iteejr, ami
the fatt that all critical work ill thcreeiini
is given to him is a suflii'ient guarantee of
nta superior ability as a burgeon Dciilitt.
Lehigh county will support General
Beaver in the Republican State Convention.
There are about twenty five slate quar
rlei id active opeiation in aud around Slat
ington. Prof. Ditlerline, or Mauch Chunk, is
the present teacher of the Pioneer Cornel
Band ofCatarauqua.
Wblt-Mondsy fslllng on the 29th of
May this year, and Decoration Day on May
30tb, brings two holidays together.
Mr. Owen Williams, an old and exper
ienced slate nun, is opening a new and ex
tensive quarry on lands near the L. 3c S, R.
R., depot, at Walnut port,recent)y purchased
of the Hunts estate.
The general agent of the Reformed
Church Publication Board, of Philadelphia,
Rev. II. K. Binkley, will preach In the Re
formed church, Weltsporl, to morrow (Sun
day) morning In German and In the even
ing In Englinh. All are welcome.
The public meeting held at Wilkesbarre
the other night, to urge the Improvement of
the Susquehanna river, resolved to atk an
ap ro.ination off IOO,OUU from Copgreta or
the purpose.
Tobacco Is to be cultivated extensively
In Pike county this year.'
Two black bear cubs were killed at.
Harvey's Lake, Luierns county, last Wed
nesday week.
teSuBeelhe b-sutlfol slock of gold and
silver watches, at E. It. Hold's, Mauch
Some malicious Individuals are mak
ing trouble for Mllford sportsmen by poison
ing bird dogs.
i The oldest Inhabitant in Deleware
township, Pike county, W, C. Jaggcr, died
on Saturday, at the age of 80.
9,Ladlr, have vouseen the hand'mne
Mas. WEIIR Sz SISTER'S, on South street
If you have not, rail now.
Andrew Y. Hlllman, a well-known
druggist of Wljkesborre, died suddenly of
apoplexy last Monday night.
James Rice, aged 8 years, was run over
an Instantly killed by a Lehigh Valley train
at Biery'a Bridge last Saturday evening.
He was walking on the track and getting
conTused stepped In front of the train.
Martin Gaughln, a deaf mute, was in
stantly killed by caraon the Lehigh Valley
Railroad, at Centralis, on Saturday after
noon. fctuGood one day clocks for$l,atE II
Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk.
Mrs. M. Silliman, for the past twenty
two years Postmistress at Puttsville, die.) on
Saturday night.
George W. Drum, member of the As
sembly from the Fourth district (Luterne
county), who had small-pox when ahoy, is
now suffering at his home, Conyngham,
with varioloid.
S.0ur lady readers will do well loxnll
to-day at Mrs. L. Wehr 3t Sister's, on South
street, and select one of those handsome
HATS or BONNETS which they have just
During the week ending on tho 15th
Inst., 164,321 tons of coal were translated
over the Lehigh Valley railroad; total for
the season to date, 2,083,537 tons ; increase,
compared with same time last year, 204,
307t.ins. .Gooil eight day clocks for $3.50 and
upward, at E II Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
The County Commissioners sent their
clerk to Assessor, T. D. Clauss, to ask him
to raise the tax rate on laborers, etc., which
request was very properly and most em
phatically declined by Mr. Clauss,as he had
made hit return at last year's rate.
pr Light Single and Double Harness,
Ntrkle Plated, for sale nt very reasonable
prices, at M. Florey'a, Weissporl.
The Wyoming Coal Company, wjth a
capital stock nl $1,200,000, was chartered on
Wednesday, of lastwetk. The principal of
fice of the company will be at Wilkerbarre.
Daniel Transue, formerly of Linwootl,
Kansas, was killed at the Pamsh colliery,
near Wilkesbarre, on Thursday evening of
last week by falling down the shaft.
James M Reeder Friday at Allentown
pleaded guilty to the charge of embezzling
$.10110 from the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company while engaged as clerk. He was
sentenced loan imprisonment of one year,
and also to repay the company the amount
Joseph Obert it putting a bay window
in bis residnco on Bank street, and fixing
up bis side lot, wliieh will be enclosed with
a handsome iron fence.
HGood revolvers, nickel plated, 7 shot,
for only $1. Finest slock of revolver and
cartridges, aNo Smith 3c Wesson s goods at
E II Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk.
We nolice our friend Dr. C. T. Horn Is
snorting a very handsome new busgy, from
the manufactory of Daniel Wiea .d An
evidence of the Dr's growing popularity.
We learn that Mr. John Leuckel pro
poses to leave for Colorudu sometime early
in the month of May.
Some of our business men along
street are endeavoring to perfect arrange
ments to have a rprinkler on that street the
coining summer. This is right. In addi
tion to the comfort afforded lMdf.lriiiiiK. it
will de a saving of manv times the amount
of its cost in goods exiioK'd at doors, in the
windows and on shelves and coitulers. A
sprinkler by nil mean.i.
JiVhe James has been shot lo death, but
that makes no difference to David Ebherl,
who continues to hiro out teams at low
Hats ! Hats and Bonnets.
T.i thk Laiiiks. Mrs. L. WEIIR ,t SIS
TER NMiiectliilly invite the attention of the
l.i.l it-ts lo the new ami eli-nant assortment of
HATS and BONNET which thev have just
received fiom tho city, and whiali thev are
prepared lo dispos of ut very low prices for
raaii. Call early lor la-st bargains. 21.
A Free Library for Wilkesbarre.
The will of the late Isaac 8. Oiterhout, or
Wilkesbarre, was read before his heirs last
Saturday afternoon, lie liequealhea lo his
wife and relatives $104,000! the balance of
estate, amounting to $3511,0110, is donated in
triibt lo his executors, v. bo lire instructed to
erect a building and purchase a library, and
to keep it ronslatilly open to the public as
a free institution.
Spring and Bummer Styles.
In his new quaners in the Exchange Ho-
tel buililing, the under.igned is fully pie-
Kirru 111 uvyou nut wiin a liewauil elegant
y filling suit of clothes, at a nrire which
liiin.1 convince ihe int tki-plical that what
he promis lie can and will iM-rform. Iliti
slia'k embraces the latii novelties in cloths,
caimers uud editing, and lie is making
constant additions to his stock. Drop in and
see Ms new quarters in tin- Exchange lintel
uuiiuillg, 11-inK bltri-l, Lelilalilon. l'u.
U.Ji. Pktsks, Ag't.
Sold by the Sheriff.
The billowing piojierliea were sold last
week by the Sheriff!
ProiMTly i.r Levi Harts of Weatherly, to
A. G Lauilerhurii, for 70il
I'ruieriy ot T. R. Williams, of Lansford,
UiMirab Sidiiicotee, Suniiiiit Hill, lor $100.
Projariy ol N. C Strohl, ol Lower Towa-
"ie m, I.. N. W. A Helfrieh, Sehnecks-
ville, lor $050. Jacob L llotlensteiii, Nesque
honing, i" Am- a ltngel, tor $1000.
l'roKMty t A J Litsenberger. Mahon
ing, u, l;.-v. W. II fitroiiw, .or $415. .
Will Bridge It.
There apieara, says a Wilkesbarre dis
(wicli, to be c,oo,l authority for Haling that
the l'eniieylniiila lUilnud Company in.
tends to hridge Ihe fiu)Uehainia river at
Danville, and run the Sunbury, Haslelou
and Wilkesbarre 'branch of the road to eon
nect with the Philadelphia and Erie road
at Milton, and wilh Ihe Lewisburg and
Spruce Creek roal at Lewisburg, thus mak
ing direct Western and Northwestern con.
State Council 0. V. A. If.
The State Council of Ihe Order or United
American Mechanics will meet Ibis year in
annual session in Bethlehem, on Tucnlav,
ay iiiu. there will be in Ihe neighbor-
nun! or 350 delegates present. This order
in I ennsylvanla now has from 28 lo 30.000
members, and is steadily increasing yearly.
EucourageiiientCouncil.ol Bethlehem, with
an efficient Committee of Reception, it al
ready busily engaged in making arrange-
menu ui receive ma vtsiUirs, and have all
things now nearly cnmplrte.
t tears laiTTsiu Ioa,ie., ilcs,aiiWi
heel buak. skuukl. oh.riroonta ...... 1. le-
I Drugguts.
From the County Seatr
The popular drama Itazel KirVe was
played here In Concert Hall, on last' tjstur
day evening was well received by a 'packed
house, to tho pleasure of the audience and
attsfsctlon of the performers.
The old plantation scene orUncleTom's
Cabin will be performed here this Saturday
evening, in Concert Had, by the Jarrett,
Palmer and Slavln's Combination
The roof of Roblson'a Steam Mill has
undergone considerable repair during the
Mrs. Clark, of llazlclon, is visiting at
Gen. William Lllly'a.
Mrs. Anina Stroh who has been serious
ly III for the pist year Is, we are happy to
state, again able to be about the bouse, and
from present indications will Boon bo blested
with her us6al health.
Wo are Informed that Frof. A. W. Van
Anda is meeting with considerable success
in the piano, orcan and sewing machine
business. He is prepared to' supply tllher
to the satisfaction of those wishing to pur
chase. We nre sorry to learn that Grant Tobias,
youngest son of A. II. Tobias, of this place,
broke his right arm nt Ihe wrist by falling
from the wall behind the public school
Harry Williams, youngest son of Wil
liam Williams, late of this placo, ilec.'il,who
has been uiessstiger hoy for the Western
Union Telegraph Co. here, lias accepted a
poiition as assistant operator in the Wilkes
barre Western Union Telegraph office.
Mrs Mackl, successor to Mrs. Schmale,
near the Mansion House, Susquehanna St.,
has put a new open front In her store. It
very much Improves the appearance ol the
R. G. Grade, brother-ln law of Mrs. A.
W. Nouamucher of this place, is here on a
visit among his friends. Ho has been late
ly residing in Arizona. Can't say whether
he intends to return or not.
Asa R. Beers seems to be happy just
now, and well ho may be for bis wife has
presented him 'ith a fine young son. We
congratulate him on the new addition to his
The brick building known as Packer's
Corner, is entirely taken down and all tiow
necessary to commence rebuilding is to re
move the rubbish, which is being done as
rapidly as mssiblc.
A general social gathering look place
at the American House on last Wednesday
evening; notwithstanding Ihe inclemency
ol the weather, it was well attended. Music
furnished by Rime's orchestra, Allentown.
The Mauch Chunk ost odico which
heretofore only ojiencd on Sunday from 9
to 10 a. m., will also lie opened hereafter
from 1 to 2 p. in., consequent upon the ar
rival of a direct mail to this place from New
Yoik and Philadelphia.
Wednesday, Apiil 10th, 1881, first
thunder shower of the season.
There were only a few cases tried in
the common pleas -court Ibis term. An in
dicatioti of healthy tliius. Justick.
Court Proceedings.
Coin. vs. Mrs. Anna Jones; assault and
li.itieiy. i'loecciiirix, Ilniiiinh Tliuckery.
Deleiolanl tcuteuceil to pay u fine ol une
dollar .nid cot-Is.
Com. vs. Michael Boyle; laiceny of an
accordeon. Prosecutor, Samuel Cadogan.
Sentence, IK months hard labor in the Eit
ern jieiiiteulinry.
Com ya. MicltHcl Boyle; burglary. Pros
cculrix, Sarah Sellinger. Not guilty.
Com. vs. Sihelia Morgan ; indictment,
coiiceilmg (be ileath ot batuld child. Not
uuilty and liuteinhinl dUchargeit. She was
deleinled by W. M. Rauslier and L. II. Bar
ber, E'jrs.
Com. vs. Patrick Conlin : peddling and
selling liuUor wiihout lic-eitpe. Verdict
guilty ; sentence $50 line unit cots ol prote
ctiiiou, to give nan to the Miemi to pay
leu ,iays anil t-tauo commilli-it, ice.
Com. vs. Stephen Smith ; selHim and
raddling liquor without u-licent-e. Verdict
guilty; tsuteace to pay a film ol $50, costs
ol prosecution nod give bail, 1c
Com vs. II II. McUtide; scl!ng-l!quor
without lici iia. Verdict hqt guilty ,but le
fi ndaiit to pay com of prosecution.
Cm. vs. John U'Donuell ; fornication and
bastardy. Prosecutrix, Mary (lillcspi. De
fendant and John McflVatty e.ich held in
$300 bail for ilefendantVNapjiearaiice at the
next term of court.
Petition for public, road in Penn Forest
aud Kidder townships, lending from a-ioint
between the liousa of John 'Serfs? and
Christian Gregory, in Kidder township, to
a pilot in n public road near tho old home
ot John Eckarl.or'thoold saw mill, in Penn
Forest. Report of viewers confirmed nisi.
Amos Reigel vs. Jucob L. Ilnltenstetn ;
rule granted upon Thomas Koons, sherill)
to pay lulu court the monies re.iltzeinroiu
'ale of defendant's personal property lor dis
tribution. In Ihe matter of the nsngned estate of J,
K. Rickcrt. On motion ol Win. G. Ficy
man, attorney for ieiitioiier, Lewjs Kcnier
cr was appointed assignee of said estate in
place of J. J. Kenierer, deo'd.
Josephine M, I'.hiuds and E II. RbnaiN,
Iit liuliaml, to ne of J. A. Drake and son,
vs. James Loin. The jurv being unable to
agree alter being nut al! nlchl, were, by re
quest of jurors, itix-harced by the Court.
Na I E. Albright, Win. Lilly, William
II Stroh uud William G. Fryman, executors
of the relate of Charles Alb'right, ilec'd,vs.
Mom A- Co; verdict in favor cf defendant.
George J. Wahllingrr, Attorney at Law,of
i niiHviiie, was, on motion ol It. olewers,
admitted lo practice in the several Courts ol
Carbon county.
Eilcu V. Carter. 'bv her next friend Wil
liaui Wntkius, Sr., vs. George B. .Carter;'
riinpa-na in oivnrre. uu motion ol K M.
Miiilieiirn, atti.ruey for p;aintillV'C. Ornn
Stroh was appointed Coinmiisiyner to hear
evidence and rvjiort the facts to next term
u Court.
John Watson, Jr., an insolvent debtor,
rompKei with the laws fur iinieurinv his
discharge, took the oath hf oien Court, ami
wn iiifcciiargcu as inaoiyeui Heomr. alter Do
ing earnestly addressed by the Court.
Jacob Beeel was appointed guardian of
Jonas Reinuly.
The following appraisements and accounts
were confirmed absolutely :
Widow's a ppraitemeut, estate of Tilghtnan
Arner, dee'd.
Widow's appraisement, ettate of Daniel
Remaly, dee'd.
Widow! appraisement, estata of Charles
Carroll, dee'd.
Account of John Bvnon, guardian of mi
nor child of Morgan Vowell, dec'.l.
Final account nl E K. Luekenbach, estate
of John J. Stahi, dee'd.
The following accounts were confirmed
nisi :
Final account of Cbas. Mrendsen, estate
of Edw. Kelchner.dec'd.
Filial account of A. II. Tobias, estate ol
William Remaly, dee'd.
Final account of Geo. and Amelia Arner,
estate of Daniel Arner, deo'd.
Final occoiiut of Caroline Tralnor, estate
of Alfied Trainnr. deo'd.
Final account of Benjamin Ross, estate of
Final account of EHen B. Relford, estate
of Samuel II. Hutchison, deo'd.
Final account of J C. Kreamer, estate ol
Henry Rumalv, ilec'd.
Partial account of Charles Neast, estate of
George Eickholl', dee'd.
First account f Henry John, estate of
iiiuinaa jonn, neo n.
Account of William Lilly, estate of Eliza
Fecley, dee'd.
Final account of Robert Calvin, estate of
Gi orite Spender, dee'd.
Final account of Charles Neast, estate of
Mary EickhofT, dee'd.
final account of Milton Dimmick, estate
ot M. M. Duninick. deo'd.
Partial account of C. S. Belford, estate of
iiannan ueiiorii, deed.
Ono hundred and fifty Mormon con
vertj.nioitly Dines and Norwegiansjirrived
at San Francisco Wednesday from New
Zealand ca route (o Salt Lake City.
Splinters from Penn Forest.
While John Baumgardner was loading
lumber at Oett'a saw ;nllla few days ago,
onaof lill horses was taken with colic and
dleil. The horse waa only four years old,
and waa valued at (200.
Charles A. fiaumgarder, ofEmaui, Lo
high county, formerly of this township, was
here on a visit ono day last week, and on
leaving look wilh him Franklin Yerger, to
assist him In his distillery business.
Franklin. ICresge, of Kresgeville, paid
ua a short visit last Monday.
Amandus A. Hawk, ol Elllirt, Monroe
counly, lias bought a 100 acre farm of Win.
Getz, sr., for (900. There being no buildings
on the place, he will immediately com
mence the erection of a very handsonu I J
story Swiss cottage, large barn and other
necessary buildings.
Joseph S. Hawk was on a trip to Le
high county, looking for a location to es
tablish a wintergreen distillery.
Henry J. Deiqiey Is erecting a large 2
stnry Iraiue dwelling house, 23 x 30 feet,
with kitchen attached, 12 x 24 Teet, to be
occupied by his employees. II. G. Del-pey
has the contract for the work.
Henry J. Deppey, ope of the leading
lumber merchants ol this township, starts
next Monday for Birmingham, Ala., where
he owns a large tract of Iron ore land, he
will also visit St. Louis, Missouri, "Zancs
villc and Cincinnati, Ohio; he will be ah
sent about six weeks, and during that lime
Ills oldest son, II. G-, will conduct his busi
ness. Mrs. G. Christian George who has been
visiting friends and relatives in Monroe
country, returned homo last Monday much
pleased with her trip.
Master John B. Deppey is the champion
trout fisher so far this season. On Saturday
nlternoon last, he caught 49 of the siccklrd
beauties, the smallest measuring 8 and the
largest 1ft) inches, the average length was
10 inches'. Matter John is only 15 years
old, and he feels proud of his afternoon's
sport. Next T Ditlkx.
Lower Towamenslng Dots.
Mr. an! Mrs. O. Blnse paid a visit to
the Lehigh Gap Sabbath School last Sunday
nlternoon. The officers oftaid school are
accumulating money lo purchase an organ.
The firm known ns J. tc W. Craig, of
Lehigh Gap, will be, by mutual consenl,dts
solyed on May 1st. The business will be
conducted by John Craig.
Three children belonging toN.8trohl,
died of small pox recently. The hither was
not expected to recover, but he is able to be
out again.
Last week quite a number oT persons
from Lehigh Gap attended Court to serve as
jury-men, viz: John Prulznian.Ed Lichten-
waller, Thomas Green, and W. H. Gruber.
Very seldom that so many from one place
are so fortunate.
Potatoes ore scarce and high fn price
Oliver Bloso received some from Philadel
phia at $3 ier bushel, viz: "Mammoth
icarl" and "Pride of America," ono bushel
of each variety, which he will plant and
test their qualities.
St. John's Sunday school ol Lentz's Is
in a thriving condition. The officers Intend
to introduce Sunshine a weekly paier for
clilldreii.pulliahed by the Reformed Church
Publication Boanl, ol' Philadelphia.
Mrs. Schuler, of Firo Line, is confined
to her bed by souio malady which we are
unable to learn.
Within a short period of time the fol
lowing names were secured as subscribers toJ
the Csftnos AnvocATx: Peter Yeck,, David
Farver. George Siierer, Muses Straup nnd
Tlioinas Gieeu. All sent in by Oliver Blose,
Room lor more. Conkidlnce.
E mall-Pox. ' -
List week we staled that the rare of!
mall x in the family of Henry Drum
bore,nl'tln pluce, were convalescent, and
that the house was being disinfected and
would bo released from qnaraiilinc ; but on
Saturday morning tho fell disease developed
on tho infant child "aged ten weeks too
young to vaccinate) in a severe form, thus
causing a renewal of the strictest quarantine.
The child sullfcred until Tuesday evening
last whin It died end wrs buried In the
cemetery at 4 o'clock i: Wednesday morn
ihg. We nre assured by Dr. Reber that at
this writing there are no indications of a
further spread of the iliseose.llienther mem
here of the family haying been vaccinated
when the disease firtt developed itself on
the lather. If our Council maintains strict
watch upon the promisee, and deter child
ren from playing in front or the building
and older people from visiting there, until
everything is thoroughly purified, we may
conclude that smal-Nix is "stamped out.'
While we sympathise wilh Mr. and Mrs.
Drumbire in their sad affliction, we must,
on Ihe iart of our people, demand that
everything in the power ofour Council be
done to preveut tbe spread of this foul dis
ease. Big Creole Items.
The wife or Jacob Ileydt is lying in a
critical condition wilh pneumonia. Joseph
Otto, of Pine Run, is also confined to bis
bed by sickness. He is attended by Dr.
Reber, of Lehighlon, under whose medical
skill we hope lie may soon be restored to his
usual good health.
D. Dorward, of Slatinglon, waa alibis
place on business, on Tuesday last.
Win. R. Drciaba.'b.or this place, wil1
attend Prof. Snyder's select school in Weiss
Farmers are all very busy at present.
Several ofour boatmen have made one
trip already.
Sherilf Ktxins Is having tbe house re
oenlly purchased at this pluce, reuiuted by
Mr. Aaron Sclinell.
Win. Luckenbill, of Delano, Schuylkill
county, moved on lua farm at this place
last week. We aro pleased to have him
back again,
Being very busy accounts for the short
ness ot our letter this week. IIevkbx.
The No .r Comet
The uew comet gives prom ise ofa brilliant
future. In about three weeks it will prob
ably be conspicuous in the northern sky,
but at present it cannot bo discerned by the
naked eye. Even In the telescope it la a
faint object, but tho observer quickly per
ceives that, under the mighty pull cf tbe
sun, it ifqnlekeuing its Might every hour
and rapidly growing larger. In June It
will dart into its perihelion, sweep around
the sun, and, it is hoped burst into a blaze
of coinetary glory. The direction of iti
Sight it such that, if it doea, fling out a long
tail, we shall have a fine view of it. Th'
comet will at no time come near the earth,
but it will be one of the most remarkable
ever known for it close approach to tbe
sun. The figures or the calculator vary,
but all agree that tbe comet will go very
close to the sun, and tome express doubt at
to whether it may not strike the solar orb.
In tbat event we may behold such a spec
tacle as msn never wjlneued before, or,
more likely, we shall know nothing of the
catastrophe lo tbe cornet except what theat
tronoiurra tell ua. At any rate, we have no
fr. of tbo consequence. J?r.
The Coal Trade, . k
Philadelphia Lciqtr, 17lh Intl.: Tho an
thracite coal trade Is In a rather dull and
drooping condition. Last week was one of
full labor at the mines, and the present
week will also furnish six days lull output,
mere being no suspension arranged until
.the last three day ol next week. Full time
Isevldently producing nnoversupply ofcoal,
ano the Reading Railroad last week piled
up at lis shipping ports come .17,009 tons
more coal than were sent away to consum
era, and a similar Increase Is expected this
week. It seems that the domestic sizes of
coal can only be told by granting concessions
in price, though the larger sizes ol coal are
reported In somewhat better demand.- The
process of accumulation Is going on stall Ihe
pnrts,nnd the dearth of orders indicates (list
a considerable amount of enforced restric
tion will hereafter be necessary to keep the
production down hi Ihe prospective demand.
Of the Schuylkill trade llie Miners' Journal
sayai "The country It evidently not suffer
ing for stove burning coal, and it la only
sacrificing a valuable commodity to attempt
to r.irre, it njmji an unwilling market. Stll'
it is an .Inconvenient thing In have on hand
when once taken out or the ground, and'
broken up for general use. Tho, wisdom ol
restricting production la very apparent un
dcr the circumstances, mid luid there been
liioie of it ordered lor this month It would
be nil the heller for Ihe trade. There will
have to be a marked improvement in the
demand lo prevent a still crcater dcmorali
zation of the trade before the period usual
ly assigned for the opening of the spring
trade, and the least evidence of an Improv
ing tendency Is certainly mil discernible to
day." or the trade at New York the Engi
neering and Mining Journal says ! "The
trade has rarely been so dull, nnd what lit
tie activity waa manifested iu the begin
ning of tho week, in consequence oT the raw
weather, has disappercd. There is, how
ever, less cutting under circular rates than
there has been in the past. Buyers do not
show the least activity, and what little is
dono Is for urgent present requirements, as
the opinion seems to prevail among dealers
that lower prices will bo readied. During
the week the regular spring meeting of the
Western Anthracite, Coal Association .which
is composed of the shippers of coal to bulla
lo and farther Western places, was held
The subject of o'ltting rates formed the
principle topic-d discussion. The tariff es
tablished was about 50 cents per tun on the
average below present nominal prices, and
alwut 10 to 15 cents a ton below llieopcniug
prices at the same time last year" In the
bituminnuscoal trade the Cumberland strike
continues, and almost entirely cuts off pro
duction in that region. An attempt maybe
made tins week tn employ other labor. The
Clearfield region Is Binding a heavy tonnage
to market largely increasing its output
aboye last year. The Clearfield operators,
we learn, have accepted tho Pennsylvania
Railniad's offer to furnish cars at a rental
of $30 apiece annually for three years, to
the extent ol about 2700 curs, and this will
give them large transportation facilities.
The rumored strike at Clearfield has not
amounted to anything, and was probably
only a feint to aid the Cumberland strikers.
In the bituminous as an the anthracite mar
ket prices are reported somewhat drooping,
under tbo urgent effort of the Clearfield pro
ducers to sell their coal, even if a concession
has. to be made in rates.
The tola! tonnage of anthracite coal from
alt tho regions for Ihe week ending April 8,
"as reiHirte'd by the several carrying coinpan-.
leB.ljmouuted to 400,077 tons, against 40,:
.502 toisin the corresponding week lastyear,
n decrease of J4S5tons. Tho total amount
of anthracite mined for tho year Is 5,ti8,
298 tons, against 5,003,1011 tuns fur Ihe same
period last year, a decrease of 431,424
A Terrible Death by Snicido.
A miner named John Richards, residing
on the outskirts of Mount. Carmel with his
wire nnd several children, drew his pay at
ihe colliery the beginning or last week and
Immediately started on a spree. Ho re
mained away from bis family who were
in poorcircumstances,untilThursday night,
13th, wban he went home, packed his trunk
and took his departure. Mrs. Richards be
came frantic over the action of her husband
and, on Friday morning, arose ut an early
hour and without saying unytliing lo her
children, who were all in bed, saturated
her clothing with coal oil and proceeded to
an unfrequented part of ihe neighliorhuod
and deliberately set fire to tier clothing. In
an iastanther body wasenveloed in flames
and the unfortunate woman was aoou burn
ed to a crisp. Tho Icrriblo affair created
considerable excitement. It is supposed
jealousy was tlje cause nl the trouble.
Among the Mollies Again.
A Reading dispatch dated the leUh Inst.,
says a detective, belonging to Pinkerlon's
force and disguised as a trimp,wns wander
ing about Mifflin, Schuylkill county, re
cently, when he fell in with a young man
named Klisha Krtngle. The tramp inci
dentally spoke or George II. Wagner, whose
barn, with all the cattle, was burned a short
time ago, and who has received numerous
llircaleping MoBie Maguire letters rtcently.
In the course of conver-ation Kringle told
Ihe tramp many things, which caused the
detective to have him arrested on the charge
of being the leader ol the Mollio Mogulre
gang who have committed many depreda
tions reccutly. He waa terribly bewildered
when ho found the tramp was a detective.
Kringle was put under bail to answer Hi
charge at court. It is alleged that there are
quite a number nfoihrra connected with the
Another ex-Offlcial Reported " Short."
AScranton dispatch ol the 14th says-;
The ex-secretary of the Sciuiilnn School
Board, Isaac G. Fuller, waa arrested. Kri.lar
night ut the tusUiire of the president or the
Board on charges of forgery nnd embezzle
ment, and held to bail in $1,000 for bis ap
pearance at court. A committee of investi
gation wai app.intcl at a previous meeting
of the board, wth F, A. Beamish at chair
man, and defalcations xlieoovered amount
ing to nearly $1,000.. . t,js alleged that
Fuller, while secretary, drew echool orders
in favor or fictitious tetcbrrs and apprnprj
ateil the money tq hit own use. Fuller is
well connected, and Hie report of his dis
grace hat created a sensation in that city.
On hit behalf it, it claimed that he can clear
up the apparent discrepancy by documents
in hit possession.
pig11 from Drinking Oil of Birch.
nienry Pollock, sou of John Pollock, tbe
biWi manufacturer, of Eatton, a young man
prominently known in tbat neighborhood,
died on Saturday night last. He bad, while
In While Haven on the day previous, taken
three swallows of oil of birch, a volatile
fluid distilled from birchwood. Several of
hit friends also tested the .11, but not in ,o
large a quantity. 'Upon bis arrival at home
on Friday evening lie was 'taken very HI;
Phyticiana were summoned, but the oil be
ing readily absorbed was too generally
spread through hit system, and dealh re
tulted at above. He lea yet a wife and one
child to mourn their lots.
Read Thls.and then Examine; tho Direction
TabIt It Important
If subscriber to newspapers knew bow
Important it ia to publishers to hnye sub
scriptions paid promptly al the proper lime,
they would keep a memornilum of the dale
wheu a new year begins, and be ts prompt
a,tlio payment of a note in bank in meet.
Ihg It. ,Sn small a turn at one dollar la net
much In tbe eyes of perhaps ninety-nine In
a hundred, but the aggregate of several
hundred of these dollaf't outstanding Is a
mailer of very considerable Importance to
us, and don't you forget II I
1400 Immigrants arrived al Baltimore
Wednesday from Bremen.
The North Carolina Democratic Stale
Convention will meet at Raleigh on May 3,
The St. Paul Evangelical Liithern
Church, at .'ndhtiiipulii, Ind., was destroy
ed by firo uu luesday night, Loss, $15,000.
The body ol an unknown mau was found
Wednesday near tbe South Side Club, at
Oakdale, L. I., wilh eyery Indications of
foul play.
The Rcadjutters In the Vlrglna Home
of Delegates Wednesday adopted a joint
resolution to udjouiu fiom Saturday next
until June 12.
Thomas Monson, ex iovcnian, was
Wednesday nt New York sentenced to State
Prison fur twenty years for committing an
atrocious assault ujion hit fourteen year-old
The furniture manufacturing firm of
Warner, Ware Jr. Co., at Providence, It.
I., is in financial emharrbBsmciit, because
ol the failure of the Provideoce Tool Com
I any.
Charles C Alkler was shot and killed al
Maryland, Mo., on Tuesday, by a crazy
tramp, white nsaisling a constable in ar
resting him. Tbe tramp was subsequently
Alexander Fisher, manager of the On.
tnrio Dank, nt Toronto, committed suicide
Wednesday by shooting himself through the
head. The enuso is supjmsed to be protract
ed illness.
Senator Jones, of Florida, has nccepled
an invitation to address the political oi
gntiization known ns the "Young Demo
cracy of Near York" on the eening of the
2'Jlli Inst.
Daniel O'Kccfr, n ynnl walchinan in Ihe
Chesapeake, and Ohio Railway dra t, at
Richmond, Va., was found dead Wednesday
between two cars with a pistol shot wound
in the right side of his neck, the result of
suicide or accident.
Robert 8. Franklin, Republican, Wed
nesdry elected Mayor of Newport, R. I , by
174 majority over Stephen P. Slociim, the
present incumbent. Hie proposition to light
the parks nnd Bclleyue with electric light
was adopted by a large majority.
James C. Powers, a Universalis! minis
ter, sentenced at Dcdham, Mars., to an im
prisonment of ten months in the House of
Correction for vagrancy, having becomes
desperate with grief at his wife's death, was
pardoned by Gov. Long on Weduesday.
"Wells Health Henewer" restores health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Iuiiolenco,3ex
ual Debility. $1.
A Delightful Novelty.
Ladies preler Kluiestoii Cologne because
they find this lasting eombinalinu ol ex
quisite iwrlumes a delightful novelty.
l'utitlvc Fuel
Tip Vvnn', ni.nmn.l Polor-I, nA.a.,
will cure the worst case. of, Catarrh or Ilay
Dr. Evorys Diamond Invigorntor gives
health ami strength, mental and physical,
mutiM lltn mninlnvinn ,!..,..,.
beautiful. Pamphlet free. Read tbo Ad
liilrlj- Days' Trial.
We will send Hr. llyo's ccleliraled Electro.
Voltaic Heirs nnd other Electric. Annllancca
on Irial fur 3i days to younir men aud oldtr
persons nnu are ninicieii witn nervous lie
blllty, l.ust VI I alliy.ti-.. guaranteeing speetly
rebel anl complete restoration or vigor and
in n nh ol. Alsufor llheuniallsui, Neuralgia,
I'aralj tfs, Liver and Kidney difficulties, l.up
turcs, ami many other diseases. Illustrated
pamphlet sent frea. Address Voltaic licit
Co , Marshall, Mich. 48-yl
I will mall ( Free) he recipe tor a simple
VKDEI'AIII.K HALM that will remove
II l.t I foil ES, lea vliiu I lie skin soil , clear and
lenutltul ; also Instructions fur pro-iuclmc a
luxuriant Kruwth of hutr on a laid head or
aniuulh face. Address Inclosing 3c. at imp,
JilSN. VAND13LI-', U Barclays ..N. Y.
mar. 25-j J.
Tlie (! vertlfer huTlng Wen peni.Hnei.t1y
cur I'd of that ilreftiltlljCHfi', Otmsuniiulnn, by
u fiinpln mneily. Is hiixUiui tu mnko knuwn
l till fellow suUVrcrt th means o retire, lo
all vrhiitlcolre ft, lie will ?tn.l N coyy uftliu
prescription used, (Iree otcliaruc), with Die
directions for prcpftrln.? ami using the vamp,
which they will hul n sure OUIti; for
Parties wishing the I'rewrlptlon.wlll please
BU'ircsr, ev. tz a. twusui, iwi rennni..
Wllliuiueburg, N. V. tunr.2&-yl.
I OENTI.KMAN who suffered for years
" from Nervous DEIIIt.lTV. J'UE.II A.
TUHE DEUAY. undnll tin) tllectaol youth
fu, Indiscretion, will fur the sake of tutrerlnir
numaniiy, semi tree lo an wuu need It, tlio
recipe and direction fur maklnr the simple
remedy by which he w it cured. Sufferera
wlslitittr to profit by Ihe advertiser's experi
ence can do so by addreMtuu- In perleet en
ttdeiice. JOHN U. U.IIIE.V,
uiar.23.jl Cedar k't. New Yolk.
New Advertisements.
puui:it: sale
The undersigned will sell nt Publii- Sale
on lh premises in MAIIOSINO TOWN
8111 1', Carbon County, Ia., on
Tuesday, May 2nd, 1882,
At TWO n'cliK'k in. nil Hint certain irurt
or pieca n UihI situated in Mahoning town
ship uforvBUHi, knowu as Ihe Driestmch
Ffirin, bnumlftt by Unls of John IJjlliet,
Solouian Gi.mery ami other, cnnUiiiinj;
Twenty-twa Acres, ire or less,
all cleared and under a fine state of culti
ration. Tbo improvements thereon aru a
roik! ,
Two-Story lTnmc Dwelling,
Swim Dim, Wagon Sited and oilier out-
loillclingi. There It a good yvell or Water
near the house. 'and a line vouatr orchard
of choice Fruit Trees. '
Terms will ha made knoirti al tba time
and place ol tale, by
aprzz-zi'j O. w. DHltSUAUII.
Two Doors Below tbo "Broadway llonae
dealer in all rattrrue ol Plalu and Finer
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Paints & Paintesr Supplies,
Wholesale Market SeporL
Corrected Weekly for IheCARBo.x AnTodT
No. 10.1 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
receive anil aelt all kinds of Country Pro.
dnce. Doincslie Hid Foin gn rriutt- am'Vipe
tab'ea. hliipera and Country licalera havlus
r-'eaonabk- rrodiu-e, Ao , ato invited to con.
lgu or oorroeponu.
raTaFtlsiiLDIM ISM.
The tnpplr cf Kepi tim Leon hw'-t mice Ess
tcr, ahfj phtm laa remained firm i oaertnet Do A general advance nmj he
noted In lrovlali, Cutter In lair dcun no..
PoUtoos active.
Country Produce;
APPLES Niw. choice, tee aol 4 OOol fa,
Mrdinm t ten tr j Fa, cy 4 Sua 0 .
Al'l'l.i: JjUITEll-prr cat, roa7 ei Apple
Jo'lr. !a,c per la.
liUlTEn Dilry, Z 'Oct Gilt Kii.e ' 3.'a.;ci
Creamery to. o Clioire llnll. v5'3oci Kxtrn
Choice Moll, Si ;0c: Medium, IS re,
llliANS ino'ce NaT ,3S.4 M diem.
1 '-"aa 4 t Mixed. 1 ,ca: Ml; 1 imii. laco po'i- ID.
UAlON-O.uiiIm, clear Siuon. uuie Itlbv,
7irasc! Hboiil'ten. 7.1 c.
UUOO.M C01t.s-i:x,ra Chot.e Oiecn l.url.
lUallo. No 1 1liil,uti.Cc; lint. 4 to.
OlipKSE Jfiw cli'o l-'aitnij Kalict N. V
Gorlieu, 13 a 4eiYoia Amend, 141 alto
Swilzur, salic: Lniibeiger, itai7c.
CItli:il-per lib'. D 10 a la no Ciab Apple,
0 VOalO ().
CKAN11KIUUE -per bbl IS 10 a 14 (P; per
tiox 4 2'i 4 ;s.
IJI.I1CD rllUIlF App es. (heed. a 70 1 1o
qn.irteis 5 a oc i I raibus, on Tea, til-; p'o'ed,
.0-, 2) a :2c; pitted Coceilia. 2.1 a JJu 1 ilmpber
ries. nOaSic; lllncibcrii.e 13.u4c itrlb to. ill
I'OltKKIN KilTJtlS-L-luulli., 4 Uai tl'per
oox; Mur.d Or. uccs. 4 0 1.5 w.
KEATUUIlS-LUc Gco-e, per ll'..;CBUC!
Mixed, 4taS o
UjG4 -btrutli Fre. b rju-c. ITalfc.
IIOIIIM- sue.!! Super oo!.
M APtii: SWXJtTB-Symii. I Wat 0 ner rat i
auznr llal-ie per lb. Knear, Oinn., tin ic
MJftj Puinut.. Itt a:ic lor Loire ivhttei
U oti.ut-, IWaoUi; Wallinls, i0ll7iC .-hull
bai-ka, I a' a i Ss.
OMOIS-nei obl.2faJ2f Yrlh.w Duuver
1 2SS :t; Oi.I.jli o.ta, 7 iwol) 0 1 ci Lu-h
PoULrilY Llie Clnckeua, .a6 c per pair
accordlnir to a xj; Dlcaed i er ,b iCat c, '1 ur-1-iyt.
'6al7c; Uiec 8,,c; Duo e. DaUc.
POTATO LB-I) al 2a Mr uub-;l, Sweets. 5 53
a 0 .
BALI No. 1 per n'.il, I 20j Kxtra. per bbl.
1 2") Dniy, tcr o'jl. I S
t'.AGS (,'otti ii. White, per lb iHo j Cotton,
Mixed, 2u2t:; vVooleu, !t a 1,0
8EE.DS TliiintUv. per Oniiliel, 75 a 2).
Clover 4 75 a 5 0 tor small 6 &0a5 6 1 for larjro.
TAI,LOV-t.'ou.iiry,7 6o; Ueeswar, 2)aS?;
VINCGAH Choice Wine and H'alt, 75 a 30o
ptr al i standard Cltv B.und", lia.So per pal i
foontry, 'talJc per irat, ot to q lalit .
V.SGUTAMLU-lJerinada ouioaa, Si0.i3t5
ucrbox. Polotjca-SOJa Kioobal. Tojiaioes
Il ea. IX) box. Cabbage. 0 50a7 IA) crjto.
OttEEN COFFEK-l'ajoynlo.rer lb. IJo
Choice do, 1210 Prime do. l':o Good do, 10c .
O-dlnary. Irci, 2?.i27o
TlUASrED COFFKI' Iti pap rpar lb 17Ha
8,c; lower urai'es;:' allHo In bu.t, IHjaliti
Java, paper, '4j:lc; Jam bulk. 2'a2jo
SUOAItS-stanCant A. pea lb. Olic, Wlnleor
A, 81,c-Pialre 11 OHci Ittfluod Yeilow,3.8Uci ,
.Humana i o ioff, ,f a so t uranu at.u, it,o t ,
Pondered, Crashed, Ijw, l.o; CutLonf, i
lis. j
SVrtUP Choice Maple Flavored, 5 ci Prime
Staple F'avored. 40e ; cbolco sugar Srrun, tCo:
Piimo Sugir syrup. 51c; Goo-I bugar Byrup. i
50ii Kr.ik strap, sic.
ltJCl',-Uauu'oon, per lb. 04 aCtci Carallna,
sat.H. I
NUWORI.EAN8 MOI.AS8H8 Choice. 72c: ,
Plrlcttr l-rluie.iSCi l'r mo. ii5o.
TI5AS Youox llvaon, per lb, 25c a.l 00, Goo
tuwher,24cu I mi linueriiil, 35i6ce Jauau23a
700; OOlouir, 2.'a.5j. 8ouchour, 2Jaboo 1
CANDl,liH--Btr, fall weigi f ice Stcarlne,
ptr set, I. He; Alould pei set. titic.
Oraln, Flour, Feed, &e.
WIIEAl-Prllue Red Wli'tor. 1 33 a 1 42: Me.
dluili, 1 3!) a t 33.
COllN Iliali Mixed Shcl!oiJ, 8(H8:c; Yellow
dbel ed, 85iS7ci KarCorn, SQasfto.
oats- Piliiiu wa te. olaM- Mixed. M.-itidc.
liyn I CS tor Wetto.-n; I 00 a t 05 for Pcnna.
ud ULio.
UAItLHY-l oral io far P I me Northwestern
Sarina 150 n I oo tor Medium.
FLOUU Faney Patents, (rpring and win
ter) s Sis 6-i fuiicy Su Lou'a (uiutcri 7 75a
ot't Faiicr Family While Aruber and WLater,
7 .'.0a7 75; Choice raiuilv (choice led wlutcr) 7
2a7 10, XX Furollv (mediaui winieri 6 7ta7 00;
XXX Baker.1 I MllinooU) 7 00.i7 25. XX 11a X
irs' IWJ-ooasti.) 7 oca? 2a; I'o.nmaal. 8Cag5o, in
paper. Oainieal medium brand n OCaO 25icr
bbl; Faucy 7 75js IO. lt)u F.uur, 5 7bC 0.
1IIL1. FEKD-W'l.lte !LWd.lug, 30O aJ Z2;
Course do 2500aO0; Becoiida,21 COaSOO; III all
0 a2IOJ, CUoji lied Feci 32" XuJI CO.
HAY Prime 'I'luuitliy. l aled. 14 50al5 00 per
ton: Prime aNcw, loose. 135 alloo.
Proviiloss and Live Stock.
PItOVI-lONS. fx,-.0. Ilnnia pirlb.lSWe.
Kx H.q ebouldcir, t40 . Kx 8. C Dteikfast
Uiiou.i:),!-; 1.x h. c In led Ueerinscla. Ilhit-i
Ilecr Touffuoi, per duzeu, 0 00 j Baeou Riouid.
e.,0c: bhult lt.b Shies, 12J,ct uo Clear Hide-,
I2SC Mem I'o k per bbl, 10 00; do, SSortCut
Family, 41 lo bbl, lt50 Lard, lie
fla.d, suuuuer uie. In Uoiccs, Uc; do.iu I air
bb.a KKc; da tu bucketa 13 1 do. in lib palls,
Oilbalnoase, Ke do, 5 and 0 lb pails, 131,0 1
do. In 10 In pail.. 13,0.
CArrr.K-Fal.-to ?nme shli;iln..7er-a7V) t
toiiiuiou lopoedbuUhcilng 25ao; Uul aaad j
HHEl P-Conilroil to l-air,5'.6 5 6 ; Gool to
Prime t 50a 6); Ijimla. m ,a7 II.
1IOQS-PI iladeljlua Uo. 7 4i a 7 50 1 Good
Coru Fed Yorkira, t7i7 CO, Gia-koia. 4.au75.
Flour per sack ,
Flour hprinir mixed
Com, la.-r bushel
Oh s, lair bushel, ,
.MUcd Chop, per owl
Middlings, per curl
Cum Chop
Until, pur owl
Duller, per pound ,
Kiriis, iwrduxcn
Uaiu, per pound
I,.ird. per kuiii ,
Shouhiers, ja.r iHiund....
I'utulovs, per buahtl
.... t3 8i
i 41
... 1 00
.... ts
.... 1 71
.... 1 71
.... 1 76
1 I'O
.... 1 SSI
Closing )iriec of Dull vis A Town rind
8tock, Giiveriiinenl nnd Gold 40 .Small
Third ritieet. I'hila., A ril 20, lfS2.
II. S. 0's, 18n Hxt. .
IT K llnrrbnv A'
101 bid lOiW a.ktd
111 hid a.ked
lO.Ji hid ankml
W Ud 110U atked
l;i;, bid l:i asked
U' S. t'r.lssi, ne, Hxl.
'. new
U. S. 4't new
1'ioitmt aula If. It
I'hila. a. l!. a.iliiK II. it.
LcIhkIi Vallev It. Ii ...
I.tlnijli U .altiNav.Co,.
United Co's ol N. J ....
Northern Central It. 11.
llemonville 1'ais. II. It.
Pitts. Til. & Huff. Ii. Ii.
Central Transportation,
Northern 1'aclnot'oui...
" " I'rel'd..
North Penn. It It
Phil. i. Krlo Ii. It
Silver, (Trades,)
Di lllll ll aiKfl'l
Vt Id t 'J V,
01 Mil SlU
UK bid SO
bid 17
t& uiu aw
15 bid
17 hid
33 bid
:i' bid
Yiy, asked
Z2U stkeil
18)Z atked
TiH bid 7:?i atked
61 bid CIV. asked
1J bid atked
vy, bid atked
A Bible Commentary.
HI t; lily rmtorsMl by Upprfffntutivis Mrn
of all Cliiirnhet. Itwt priml U)k pub;
lisliet!. Afldreu Namkk & Whitlck,HiII
ilftlf, Mich hrfl onr
Announce to their numerous friends and the publiu generally, that they havo Kt moved
from L-svali'a DuildhiK into the
Old Building, Bank St., Lehighton,
and have jut received a very lartte invoice of tbe Latest Styles of
Together with a lull and complete line of
Choice Groceries and Provisions,
Quecnswurc, Wood and "Willlow "Ware,
and in fact anything and everything usually tn be found in a first clan store, all of which
they are aellinz at Prices lully Iw as the same Quality of Uuod can lie twijiJUi, for. a. .
any itora in tbi Kction. A trial will convince you. April :2-, UB2. "
i -irwn-M in - urn
That's ae6fhfliGricxpfc
sion and has a v6tw o
mcaninfr. Mow mlicli- sftiP
fcring is summed up ffi It,
The singular thing about
it is, that pain in the back
is occasioned by so many
things. May be caused by
kidney disease, liver com
plaint, consumption, cold,
rheumatism,dyspcpsia,ove re
work, nervous debility, &c.
Whatever tho cause, don't
neglect it Something Is
wrong and needs prompt
attention. No medicine has
yet been discovered that
will so quickly and surely
euro such diseases as
Brown's Iron Bitters, and
it docs this by commencing
at the foundation, and mak
ing the blood pure and rich.
Logansport. Tnd. Dec. t, tESo,
Tcr a long time I have been a
sufferer from stomach and kidney
disease. My appetite was very poi r
and the very small amount I oia eat
disagreed with me. 1 was annoyed
very much from non.retentlon (f
urine. I tried many remedies with
no success, until I used Brown's
, Iron Bitters. Since 1 used that my
stomach does not bother me any.
MyappetHeisiimplyfmmense. lily
kidney trouble it no more, and mv
fieneral health Is tuchthat I fee'l
ike a new man. After the use of
Brown's Iron Bitters for one month,
I have gained twenty pounds, la
weight. O. B. Sargent.
Leading physicians and
clergymen use and recom
mend "Brown's Iron Bit
ters. It has cured others
sulTcring as you arc, and it
will cure you,
f o n
I ,iffi TTuvfii cil
Finest Illustrated Subscription Uoolc
Ever Pub.iahcd.
IWeallnir the mysteries and mlrc'le of
Hitch and I. on lire In America's Krent cltief,
embracing New York, Washington CI y,
New Orleans, salt I.nke Oily and San Fian
cinco. Fashion's follies and frivolities) be
hind the f cones nt masked balls ; tly trlt ka
or pretty -deceivers: the city's rich and I ho
clly's poor ; how tjrccnU-s are taken In, ami
Innocent srlrls ruined : corruption and lasclr.
lousness nt Washington ; boary headed old
sinners uuder tbe (ral-llnht and hehlud Ihe
curtains; fashionable and official Ilia at l.o
Uapllal ; bewltchlmc sirens and their vletln..;
Ufa In the South; Voudoulsui. Hi. mieterlea
md horrors; the Toll uplifted from M. roo.ii.
Ism, revcalliiir the tecrets nnd horrors ol iho
Endowment House ; a peep behind thev. II
Into Mormon domestic lite. STAhTI INl
UK VIOLATIONS! I.tfe In Kun Kianel-eo
all about John Chinaman and his dark kii a
and vain tricks. M.Mo!t mjsierlour, woi
lerrul and cxcltlnu; lok ever iinbllsheo.
Over COO penes, 150 llluitrallons, elcitan ly
colored aymbolio frontispiece; Hne super
calendert'd paper. Prlcni2(o. Just Ihe hunk
for nitentaj Write at onre for Illustrated clr.
culara ami full partlculnrs FltEK, or sei.d 5o
cents for complete outfit.
002 N. Fourth St., St. Louis, Mo,
-gjxreuTons notice.
filters testamentary on the estale of J, J,
Kenierer, Into of Towaniensing Twn., Cart
bon .County, ra.,dccM, nave b -cn cruiiU-il,
to tho undersigned, to whom all iorii8 in-'
dehteil to the'said ettate are reqin-aleil to
make linyrr.cnt within six weeks, and I bono
having claims ordcmamlt will make known
tbo same without delay to
Kxei ntors, Weistiiort P. 0.
March 4, 18S2-W8
Zimmerman Fruit Oryor
Haw and for Term. Addrew
THOU8AHD8 ol rererences from persons rurtd. Urn
tj autU Cared. Be. J. aTZI'UCNS, Lebura, O.
llolden Tonpao Heeds, 87 M orei. Watnat or fMWtied
Cae. 5CVtYf,HeUJ foot I1atee,ijprlrht Itrllow,euel
fprtnirs, lAiupSlands, I'oeket formusie, llandlea said
Uollei-a fnr umvlne. Deatly'ii IMient Stop Anion, a
NKW ANI NHYCt. lllXDIHlAnil .irnuVl)
WUlei's as much mu.lo 11 CIIUslUK OIIUAKS.
No otlwr -maker dar build this orcn (It In rjattnted.)
K.MHIMOI S t.l'cr. BV orrr ir OjT month;
rieiiuiml iiicrewliiB-. tyr Factory norklntr I1A Y and
by 3JJ maou'alilictrtoLlglitaat HltiUl tonllonlers.
(TKP'Pflee, IlaieiJ, Pellvered beard OiCkt
Caraliere.Mxil, Uaak, Ac, trnly
irartereneycar'atiftexsMi are net aatlaflrdrelnni
UrsuH,vtlll lireiaptljl-cluadluaucj villa lalcrcst.
c:us Airs zzAimm ins uisTsnxi't
In perron. lire Poltari ((SI allowed to rarcxpensea IC
you bo, iromeanrway. yonaravieleomo. Trlwaeh
mlth pllic alriiaantB saeeU all Iralh. Ol&er
Orjr.n.sso, I0, IWiip, llanofortm l:i la 11600.
try lltauttful lltuiirattd Catalogue free.
4 ricase Addresa er call upon a,
DANIEL r. EEATTT, Watllairtoa, Ernr Jtricx.
Security three to tlx
Timet Ihe Loan. with.
out Ihe flulldlniit. Interetl Semi An.
nual. NethlOK jver Ix-'n loot. 27th
earof retlduucA and atliln the but
Incsi Heat orrefa. tnttt fiend tor
nartlrnlart if you have money In loan,.
N ii.(ioiia advaneod. Intmralt kept
up, and )irluclal ituaraniei-d lu cats lor.
Neuotlalor or Mortiane Lruns, 5T. I'Al'f,,