The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 08, 1882, Image 3

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We hiWfl jdst received a limited itnp
fly of a new work entitled "A Thousand
TiwJb" with a Memorandum Calendar for
1882, wbtrh we are presenting to boI
aoriber who pafrJl.fXHii siilvanco fdf the
" Camion ADTotiltt Yonr choice of thin
, . ... i . n 1 1 - - .M.l l,la tltaAtfaob '
vr "nraiiaim uwido now wio '
lay promptly and get the premium I
(JgjfThose oi'our. subscrib
ers getting the ADVOCATE
through the mail will please
refer to the direction tab, note
''their indebtedness, and remit
the amount. Itt all cases
vhere. we have, to send bills
, $1,25 will be charged to cover
expenses of postage, etc.
Lopal and Personal.
Easter Sunday , to raurrow. Uth.
-s-Ho clean up JfrtUT yards end nunlpu
It t tile whitewash brush.
You may taWh trout now, If you know
how. t
-J-" Hungarian tneasles" U what they tay
they hive In Bolltli Dctlilebem.
SSU Lndles, have vnu Been the handsome
Mas. WKIIR k SISTER'S, on South slreelt
I f u.tai listtrik nnf nu 1 1 nnW.
Th- driver bova at the Lehigh Valley
colliery, t West Pittston, struck for an inJVC-Jiilui Dngali.i.fMaucli Chunk, a brake
crease of wsges on Tuesday morning, and a
large number of people are thereby thrown
out of work until ths matter Is seltle.t.
SI-Choice CLOVER SEED for sale by
J. L. Gable, Bankstreet,this borough, cheap
far cash I
We were In error lsst week when we
stated that Charles Rehr left no children
there are three.
&Fot prepared paints, wall paper,
books, stationery or fancy article of a ny and
every discription, at very lowest prices, go
to E. F. Luckenbach, Broadway, Mauch
There are three, cases ot small-pox in
the Lehigh countv poor house.
JSU" C. M. Sweeny A Son have removed
their dry goods slid grocery business Into
the building lately occupies ny me post
nflire. They have now room to acenmmo
data their friends.and next week will receive
en immense assortment or all the laU-at
noveltiea in ladles spring and auminer dress
goods, dry goods, xe.
For the week ending on the 31st ult.
there were 101,441 tons of coal transported
oyer the Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad,
making a total for the aeason to that dale
''of 912,805 tons, a decrease of 80,8J0 tous aa
compared with same time last year.
Si-si" Baby Carriages an immense slock,
nil style and all prices, just reeeived nt J.
Ii. Gahel's, hardware store, opposite public
eriuare, Uank street, this liomugli. vail anil
ece them', and yoii will lie sure to buy oils
mr-vour uauv, iney aru uouut i
( Our Borough Council, on Monday even
ing, orgitiisud by the election nf the
following officers: Treusiirer, Win. Miller;
Secretary and Solicitor, W M. llat'iher;
(Street Commissioner, .Ezra Keyhard ; Po
liccmen Joseph Zahn, Chief i Abraham
Horn and Alex. Miller.
"S-Q. Our lady readers will do well to call
lo day at Mrs. L. Wehr k Sister's, on South
street, stittl select one of those hundsome
HATS or BONNETS which they hare just
Aliout noon last Monday, Chas. Fritche,
Jr., and hlSjjojijip, Jose(iJljirkn,srt,,were
.culling woon ill a uses; vuru, av ouum
Bethlehem, when, suddenly, the former
drew a pistol uuil, aiming it at his cousin,
shouted" Deliver or die.'' At the. sanm
time burkhsrt alio pulled out his pistol and
In a like.jnanner pointed it. St Frilchie,
locking tt'aud pulljng the trigger, the bul
let' entering- young' Fritche'a Ijrcoet and
lodging In the upper left lung, causing a
S?a. Iffou have a cold or cough of any
klml, hiiVfajvvller mil's reerless Cough
PvniD at Dr. 0. T. Horn's drue slore. Use
it all, aiid.if.uot satisfle.1 return the. empty
bittle andihe will relutid your money. He
.also sella Peerlt-Ss tyorm Sjiecitic and Hill's
'worm urousvn ine sameienus. no cure,
On Monday aflertioon Mr. Oakley gave
the child ren'of our schools an etiterlalim'nt,
C insisting of Magic Lantern vh-wi of points
nf.lnterest in the West, and of Art and Hit-
lory. The children were highly delighted
with the exhibition.
JST IIa,ve rou seen the nf and elegant
slock nl spring' and summer merchant toll
nring goos, ooinprising cloths cashmeres
Kn,i suiting, ptn receivro: tuinuns.v Jr,v,
Bank stretTt, this1 bonitl'ih? If y,oi have
taut, nail at one. Uoud tits guaraiiteol at
prices to sun you an
Col. T. U. SitgreaVeS, of fission, has
presented 410, volumes to the public librury
of that borouh;
ilB-Clocks, Wafchcs, Jewelry and silver
ware lor sale, ami repairing done at Uaga
man's store, iieiiigiium. Z5-yl.
Casper Deilsur, who was a soldier un
der Napoleon, died last Friday in Wilkes-
barre, aged 101 years.
JUV Boots and shoes for Udics, gentle
men, misses, youths an, Children. ! Ulwi
ktyle and IllKt sulistaiitial ulaki, at lowest
prices, at uausa & Bro's, Lhighton
Moses Taylor, of New York, last Friday
gave niO.OOO to the hospital founded
ScraKton for the benefit ot the employee, ot
the Delaware, Lackawanna and Wesleri
Railroad Company,
fcSUlf you wartti nice smooth,easy shave
yeUr hair Cut or shampooing, gn to Krnns
Roederer's Simon, under the Exchange Ho
tel. He will Ax you right, and dou'tyou
forget it. .
Cbailea SUckhouse, nf Kingston, waa
arras led at Wilkrsbarre last Week, charged
with being Implicated in the murder of
farmer named Klipple, in Hays City, Kan
two years ago.
y-irSUmplngof all kinds done hy Mrs,
xi. I . iing. van ami examine patterns.
A vein of slate has been oned
Jones farm, in the yiclnity nf Slatington
which is said to mtature SO feet in thick
"iTu Genfilefiien'B furnishing goods i
ndlaaa .variety new and bright at very
ronton iTires, mviauss 4E uro s, uana ai
Tba Delaware, lckawaiina and West
rn Railroad Cimjwojr announces a qusr
iterly dividend ol 2 sirent, payable on an
liter April 20.
JBJT Hals and cam. an lumens variety
ot all the latest styes, at pular prices, at
UjiusA ro a, bshk street.
William Favor, a prominent citrten ol
Ruehsvilla, Lekigh eounty, attempted
Aomnill suicide, on last Saturday, by sliool
log himself thn.ugh the head. No cause i
ssigned fur the rash act,
ia-Starariior for braUhig. erabroide
ing, outlining and Kensington or Crewel
work, done at Mrs. W. 1. Long's. Call and
examine patterns.
On Thursday of last week, Deteetl
Unions, of Easton, arrested a man glvin
the name of John Reed, of thtt county.
hsving robbed tbe post-office and a store at
Kesquehooing of a quantity of stamps,
postals, Ittttrt.and ttore gixait. Tlie proof
gainst Rad Is said lobe omvincjng, and
tome of the goods hsve been recovered.
You want the Advocate, only $1.00 a
year with a premium la til subscribers.
During the Hk ending on the lit,
loit , there were JS,8J8 torn of coal trana
ported over the Lehigh Valley railroad,
making a tblsl for the Mason to that ilate of
t,4tn,)3 tonlj and showing an Increase of
lfe,sor torn as compared alili th same
time last Jean
AH Unknown- mat Wat kilted" by ears ;
at Portland. Northampton eounty, Fridays
lie bad a kit of burglar's tool) Including
powdery fnsei elft.
The lh ahnttal meeting of the slock
holders of the Carbon County Industrial
Society will be held at TrmlllaS ManU'a,
Exchange Hotel, III this borough, on Mon.
day next, the 10th lnL, ol I o'clock p. ni.,
when the s1eclion of officers for the ensuing
year will be beld.
Mr. Oeorge DB. itelni will act aa Pres
ident and Receiver nf the Reading railroad
during Mr. Onwan'a absence In Eutoj-e,
which Is expected to continue until June.
jgf Gents, fall not to buy those 01 cl.
Klilrla at HtfSDALM'S. Tbey are well
Worth $1.25.
Still on the jump, David Ebbert'ahand
some teams, and no vronder.hls changes are
si moderate ill can alTord to ride. Livery
on North street.
-i;ouil convenes at Mauch Chunk next
Monday, loth Inst.
Small'pix still lingers In the .family of
Ilenrv Drutnhore, lu this borough, one of
bisyonng children betng the sufferer.
Eleven new cases of mull-pox and five
death were rerted Wednesday in South
Bethlehem, and one UeW casts in Bethle
StB This Is the season when the people
want a fine mackerel cheap. That article
lte gt M NUSUaUM'S.
man on the Lehigh & bosrpichanna Han
road, While arranging for a locomotive at
tached to a rotie to draw cool cars on a sid
Ing at Chain Dam, Thursday night ol last
week, had both his arms crushed in a hor
rlble manner, Mug jsmmed between the
ooimoliye and cars.lieslilea receiving severe
Internal injuiies. He was taken to St,
uke's Hospital, where he died during Frh
y night. He had Icon on the ruilmad
only four days. Deceased was about twen
ty-one years of age,
List of Lettsrs
Relnuillilig Uncalled lor ill the Lehightnn
st office, April 6th, 18R2
aimer. Jacob
Ebert. Nathaniel
issnrd, Miss L. J.
(ireenawalt, Win.
Miller, Mrs. Joseph
Psalm, Oeorge
Remalv. Henry
owman, Miss b. U.
rger, Catharine
resky, John
Emory, George
Rehrig, Charles
Persons asking for any ol the above let
era will please say "Advertised."
An Aged Clergyman in Trouble.
Rev. Jesso Laros, of the Evangelical de
omination, ws arrested In Allentown
Tuesday by a Pottsville tillicer,ehnrged with
ssailiting Ida A. Miller, of Schuylkill co,
he oH'cnee was committed in March. The
accuwl is about 60 years old and the giri is
not quite IS. Mr. Laros had a congregation
ii Allentown several years ago and last
car preached in Schuylkill county. At
resent he resides at Kulztown, Berks co,
He entered bail in $1100 to appear at court
lie says the charge is false and is levied foi
Fablie Sales to Take rises,
The billowing public sales are advertised
lu the Cakdou bills have been
printed lor them at thia office:
Apfil 10, at 2 p. m.' cows, shouts, horse,
Mrmitig implements, , ai resilience ni
jnlill oriiiitM, in .Mumming vaney, prop
erty nl William Miller.
Anrll 10. at 2 turn house and It acres nl
laud ill EaatPenn twp., property of Adaline
riuinti. A nice little protierty.
April in, at 1 p in. Administrators tile
valuable lartli, two pieces til WiuHltatid
ml h lnlnf peisonal proiiertv, at the late
resirinnce nt Isaac uiinfer, lu bnil tenu
twp., property of Adorn German, dte'd.
American Newspapers in 1802.
The American Nrweiutier Direclorv.which
will be issued this month by Gen. P. Rowel'
A Co., of New York, Will contain thp namca
f 10.811 periodicals m the United States
nd Territories, which is a gain .144 in the
ear just passed. Th number nf daily
piera has increased in a somewhat larger
tiroimrliniand is now represented by n total
f 0q against 2I in 1831. Th largest
nctvase has been in New York III .lailiee
2'J of all sorts. Illlnoia and Missouri show
ierccutiige of gain whick is even greater
while Colorado lea, Is all others ill the per
reutuge nf increase, both daily and weekly
issues. California, Nebraska, Nevada, Ore
gon, South Cimliiih, Tennessee, Vermont
lid West Virginia have fatlen behind 1881
n the total number nf periodicals issued
III Georgia. Maine and Massachusetts th
suswusioiis have exactly counterbalanced
the new ventures. In every Stute :mt men
nned above, and in the Territories, there
has been an increase..
Weissport Itims.
Tim) Ymilig Men a I. S. club met on the
st inaU, and elected the following olllcers
. K. Snyder, President) W. II. Oswald
Gorressui ling Secretuiyi C. 0 Hann, Assi
Si-tfrelarjl W. II. NusIkiiiiii, Treasurer. Th
boya have lurtilslud their n in hatidsnnie
1y,aiid all presents a bright apiHiarunce.
W. H.Oswald Is how clerkiu tor J. M
Culberu,iii i Co., of Allentown.
Miss Carrie Deihert has made the city
UfScranUin her home.
-Mrs. Leah Laury, an old and rmiected
lady, died last week of drny, and Waa in
lerred In tbe ner cemetery.
-Ellas Koneh returned fmm a mouth
visit to his son In Missouri, a fw days ago,
He enjoyed his trip Very much
Mrs. Angelina Qtont has been laid up
with rheumatism tor urns l-rne just.
-L. E Wills has moved to Lehightnn.
-Work in tbe rolling mill has beeu
stopped fur a week. Qciax
A Valuable 01ft.
The Moravian Church, at Bethlehem, hat
ben the recipient ofn munifictent gifi. Fi r
nearly fnrtv veara Mr. W. (S Matin, of th
Pennsylvania II spi al l'l i a le did,, has
been gradually gilheriuj works relating to
this Church Until he has accumulated a II
brary nf aluiut 1200 volumes. This entire
collection he has tioiv, by dead id gilt.made
over to the Moravian Church, constituting
ita Provincial B,urd the owners in law. It
is the most onmplele and valuable library
of this kind in the country, tnd the only
foreign library of Moravian literature that
suriasses it is the ono iu the archives of the
Church at Herrnhut, In Saxony. By far
tbe mod, valuable wrt ol it couslstt Of au
Ueuariaa works which rslate to tbe history
fBoheuiaand Moravia, of John Hust and
the Hassites, and of the Bohemian and
Moravia Bretbero In the deed of gift
Mr. Malln hat turned Inrae directoia who
Car r t" have charge a ttie library, namely.
1 BUh.p UmurM de 8,'Wini.s, Profe-.r
tvlwiu G, Robert Oau, of the Board ofTrut -
tees oftbe Moravian Church at Balhlcham.
Clears nut rau, mice, roaches, flies, ants
bed-bags, tkuDkt,chlpmunks. gopher, lie
From theJMy Seat.-;
tt Is rumored that the old stout mill oc
cupied at a flour tnd feed store and printing
luce will toon be empty the presumption
i, therefore, tint the C R. R. of Ni J., con
.template making some Imports at changes,
If to, the probability Is this is tbe beginning.
Report say t tint the office of tnt Mtucb
Chunk Dtmocrat will be -removed lo Otk
Hall, Market Square.
We understand that the Lehigh Canal
will be open for navigation April 10th.
Miss M. Clemson, of Clsytnoiit, Del., Is
isltlng her sister, Mrs. Fisher Hasard,of
this place.
Erakine Itasard, youngest son of Fisher
HaiarJ, has accepted a situation on the civil
engineer corps which will leave for Boston,
Mass , in the course of a few days.
Tho office of J. 1. Blakilee and A. 0.
Brnadhead has been removed to tho second
story of the County Bulldiligsvertbe Cum
iilisslonera' office.
Albert Brenelser, son of Sheriff Brett-
eiser, den'ii. lell on Monday evening lor
Montana Terrilnr.Vi where he expects to be
amploved on a sheep ranch.
William Reed, tobncctmlrt, formerly of
Lehlghton, now ol thia borough, has rented
the mom lately occupied by Mrs. Oliver
Breneiser as a cigar and tobacco store, on
Susquehanna sfrecti
Chailes Oet-etlhetger, Jr., one ol the
conductors on tho C. R. R. nf N. J , has
moved tali) the bouse on West Broadway
acated bv E. It. Rauch.
The Hug paveiuanl In frnnt of Packer's
brick building on Market Squure and Sus
quehaiinu street have beeli removed and
he ground fenced in the entire length nf the
building for the protection nf pedestrians,
while tukliigdnwn the old building and also
to keep outiillesieclaturs,as weunderstand
that there will be no admittance to theprcm
ses except on business, during tilts removal
of the old building and rebuilding the new,
The Banker's Daughter, was performed
n Concert Hall on lust Monday evening, to
a medium house Those who were in at
tendance were well pleased mid pronounce
it a first class play.
Mrs. S. E. Kind, who kept a boarding
house on Susquehanna street, this borough)
nil who was lately married tu Mr. S. IIp'
ier, has left for Harrisburg, Pa.
The indications are that Gormsn'i
Church Choir Company will rejieat the
opera of Patience, In Concert Hall, at an
early date.
The dissolution of the firm of Kemercr
k Stroll took place on the 1st or April, hy
mutual consent. E. K. Stroh will continue
in the insurance business. Those desiring
to secure a safe and reliable insurnnce on
either life or property can be accommodated
by catling on him nt Mauch CtlUuh.
Dr. J. A. Horn has rented the Stcdmon
property, opiualte the Broadivay House,
lately occupied by John Green.
We arc Informed that 0. M. Ebert has
renM the room on Susquehanna street, va
eated hy William Beed,to be occupied as a
tubacco store, in chiirgeof Charles dimple,
One nf the persons living ill the Brick
Row, West Broadway , suspecting that some
carniverous thief was sneaking into Ins hett
coop determined to catch him, and therefnre
ret a trap for it, when nn last Monday marli
ng ho went to the coop he discovered that
he had caught the thief, which had almost
buried itself in the ground, so that but a
small part of It could be seen. AtKr sever
al shots were lired at the rascal from a six
shooter it was pulled out and from the pe
collar i dor of the fellow it was soon discov
ercil to be a full grown skunk, which made!
it necetsary for the parties who were near it
o change their clothing, to the amusement
f I heir neighbors and disgust nl themselves.
A warning not to venture too near a skunk.
Though they are not dangerous, they are to
say the least, yery disagreeable.
Stripping Coal Mines.
A cnrrrspiicriaiil of the Philadelphia
Lrlgcr, writing Irnin the Hazlrton Region
relative to the coal operations now going on
says I Tho coal formation in thia portion o
the Siute, and particularly in the vicinity
o' Huileinn, is often found near t ie surfaee
and ojsrations are now going on t.i remove
from these mines the earth
that the coal may I taken nut without die
risk that occurs iu the underground work
logs. Al niesHul the wi rk of stripping, a
term applied lo the. irdiung of coa by first
removing the earth turl'acc, ia carried on a
dleraine, Yurklown, UeaVer Brook, Milnes
villo and Hollywood collieries. At the lust
named place, njieraled by Calvin Pardee i-
0., Hie work is.iflho most extensive. char
acler, at least 300,000 tuns of coal being ex
posed to view mid 'Which can be removed
without the necessity of very skilled labur
or any great ilunger.
Ill this cidlle-y there is about 25 acres n
mil in nil- i,1,biii1 that exiose.l to view is
almut 13110 leel ill ten jtli.300 feel wi.M frnm
out Crop to .ml crop. taering as il g,is
westward to a mtnt the depth l(f thu basin
is 219 feet, the lu of coal being from 20 lu
70 toet deep and shuktl like the letter V
Th mining of oml was oiiiunenced here in
IS76, In the ustiil way, and alter ItilO.OliO
Ions had lievn leinoved, the idea ol taking
the earth (loin II waa entertained and tsuii
nieiicrd vltniourh Hi I860, Some ideu
(he magnitude nl the work may be hai
when it is slated that the depth of earth an
rock to be renins, -d was from 30 l'l 80 leet,
and last year oyei JO.000 Wat exieuded i
the enterprise. In a imrlion ol the coal un
covered may be seen the old chambers,ilh
their massive pillars nf coal, which are al
ways left l' supirt the surface and protect
the lives of the miners. These pillars con
tain nearly as much onal as hat been re
moved fmm the chambers, and. In the or
dinary May nf mining, aro aa lar as possible
taken nut after all the coal ia removed Irons
tho breasts and gangways. Il Is slated that
at least 50 per cent, of (ha coal Is lost by
what Is known as robbing the mine, but by
the mole ofstnppingss here,evf:y pound
I c ,al can be saved an I worked at much less
ex-uae add danger
Simv tho removal nf the earth fmm M
Pardee's mine, 1011,000 tons of coal hay
been taken nut, but this quantity call be in
dvasod in 180,000 or 200,000 tons as
the ciatlty nl the wnrks to prepare thecos
for market. The only additional mat In
this way of cutting Coal is adilitinual pumps
to keep the niening clear of water, ttye en
lira surface being exposed to the rath water,
in addition to thai which is always to be
loUnd deep down.
Much of tho coal in this basin, which is
about four miles from Uatleum, cro out
comparatively bear the surfaoe, and the
operation of stripping n various places In
the region will be iucreased and thoroughly
pushed aa the demand of coal requires It.
Of course, with coal In sections where the
veins are fsr beeath tbe surface, tbe old
mode has to be continued, at tbe stripping
VTOCru would U too costly but where it I.
1 found as In the Itatleion region, there it a
I great saving In the cost of mining after tba
earth is removed.
Jamas Nolan, of Lost Crrek, Schuylkill
county, wtt Instantly killed by rst ntar
thtt place, on Saturday nighl list.
Th Coal Trad.
ZtJotr.Srct intUU the anlbracile coal
trade the week thtt closed on Sslurdsy wss
full week of labor tt the mines. The re
sult wit an tncresseln stock at the shipping
purls. The policy ol restriction will be con
tinued by a thres day's suspension this
week, after which full time will be made
t the mines until the last week of April,
ben another three day's suspension will
be msde. The producers do not si m to ex
pect that the market will take all tho cost
that will be mined In April, but they are
anticipating ah aceumulstlon especially In
tbe stove and egg sites, lor which the de
mand is somewhat flat, and is Hot so good
s for the larger sites. It appears that about
II the wbite ash coal that is mined it taken
by the-market, jbut the red ash varieties)
which chledy go lo New England, lire Hot
sold so readily. The stock nf coal at l'urt
Richmond increased about 3(1,000 thus last
week. There IsUtfll a shading in prlus
nd considerable cutting, under circular
rates, but the card prices for April arc.un-.
changed. Tho tolls are, hoWeveri slightly
reduced, which makes a small concession to
our local Philadelphia and line trade. The
iriccsjor, the Eastern trade, arc, however,
maintained In the circulars, and it is in this
branch that the shading in rates is cbietly
noticed. Tho retains of apprehended labor1
troubles In the anthracite mining regions
liuyo about died away, showing that busi
ness at the mines ia iu fair pmsiect of con
tinuing liuriiionlnusly. There is some ap..
prelWuded decrease of demand formal by
the iron furnaces and mills, owing to a do
line in iron consumption and a fear of
labor troubles, but this is more a foreboding
than the reality. Oihehriso there is little
Unit is new hi report in the anthracite coal
tradei The April prices, es fix-d by the
Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal kxchuiige, are
as lullows : White ash, red ash and Shamo'
kin coal at Schuylkill Ha veu Lutlipleam
boat, bhikrneggtnveand sinalUtore,$2 75.
hestnut I, J! G0 chestnut Ho. Z,FZ.43:
Pea No. l,$l 0; Pea No. 2, $1 2J Lor
berry ooal at Schuylkill llayen Broken"
ml egg, $2.85; stove und smalt stnve,f3.75
chestnut, f! 60 J and pea $1 0. Lykens
Valley coal at Pine Grove by reil--Broken,
egg, stove and small stove, i3 25; chestnut
$2 65; pea,$l 75 ; at Schuylkill Haven by
canal, 10 cents per ton additional. Lykens
Valley buckwheat coal (Bruoksidu), $1 10
t Pine Grove.1 "
The total totlnage of anthracite coal from
II the regions for tbe wsek ending Mar, ,2 J,
as reported by the s,'yeral carrying compan
es, amounted to 403,714 tons, aguiuit 379,'
360 tons in the corresponding week last year,'
u increase of 28,154 loos. The total anmutil
of anthracite mined for the yecr .is 5,020,
251 tons against 5,640,883 tons for the
same period last year, a decrease of 620,632
Spri&cr and Summer Styles,
In his new quartersMti the Exchange Ho
tel uilllillug, ine nuiy pre
UICI 1,1 U,,WU 1llivnri.ll I.GI niiU CICMU,1
v fitting suit nf clothes, at u price which
must convince the moat.kptti?at Unit what
he promises he can and it'll! 'tierfnrin. His
slock embraces the latest novelties in cloths,
cassimers1 und suitings, and he is making
coiistanLBipntiona to hia slock. Urop In and
see his new quarters in the Exchange Hotel
Dunning, uanK sticet, benigmon, ra. -
H. H. rsttiis, Ag'.t,
Summit nill and Around.
We clip tbe following 'ittms from the
Record ef the 1st Inst :
Professor McLaughlin was under tbe
weather during tho .early part of the.week,
aim our lligu ocuooi itsi cioseu in ennse
quence. " '
1 ITI..I. - l ,
aiues Clyde tired, of this half-time
business at the mines and resigned his po
sition as inside laborer at No. 5. He wil)
return to Philadelphia as soon as he can get
his lime check cashed.
The School Board met last Saturday
evening alid'dltcussed the question nf bulld
og a school -h, one at Nesqcehotiing But
owing to the absence of Directors Bogle and
Early no final notion was taken.
The BuiHingCnmmlltCO ufthcCathn-
lio Church held a meeting on Sunday last
ith Father Garvey. They concluded to
start the new edifice immediately. , On Mon
day, the 1 0th, the work nf tearing down the
old building will begin. The jiew church
is in be ready for plastering by the 1st nf
August. Until the new, bnilding is ready
lor occupancy, one Mass will beead every
Sunday in Armory Hall, Summit Hill, and'
in Davis' Hall,Lai:sford.
The German Reformed Church have of
fered a beautiful regalia of the Past Grand.
degrees in the Independent Order nf Odd
Fellows, and a gold-headed cane, to be com
peted for until the 22,1 of this month, tba
proceeds of such competition, to I, devoted
towards wiping nut roine.debt yet remain
ing on the church. The candidates for the
cane are George Heister ami Dr. Neumuller,
while the regalia will be contested fur by
I'll i Hp Porlxand Sol Rickert, These articles
are now on exhibdiou al Neuuiullcr's slore,
Assistant Supt. Morris intends erecting
dwelling east nf the knoll, where Sunt.
Zidiuer resides. Price k Hall will do the
Coiiuciliutn Jenkins was presented with
his second child ami daughter on
day evening. He smiles, but would smile
louder il it had been a boy.
Orders have gone forth from the Com
Mny office that hereafter no private teams
will be allowed to haul coal fmm When
meyer'a office. The Company pr.ipnaes lo do
this themselves. If 'hey do not be more
prompt iu delivering orders In the future
than they have in the past, some people will
be compelled to make moonlight excursions
to their neighbors' coal house. It usually
look them about three weeks to deliver an
In a lecture at Philadelphia on Monday
evening ReVj Henry Ward Beeeher said be
believed that In this country every inaV
Who at 33 years of age'wii not lnd'endent
must have been an immoral man, 'As the
rev. gentleman will be hero .on tho. ,134b
Init., some kind person ahou d lake hi.m J II
low ami explain tbe halC-.Uiue system th
him We Iwlieve that'whyo he learns that
men receive but (I. It lo $1.45 ier day.
with prnvislunttt war prices, be will alter
his present opinfrn somewhat.
From Our Bouthern Correspondent.
Mr. Entypu: Your comsjioudent, lata
of West Foirviuw, l'o., is sojouruiug for
a while in the old North State. A few
items concerning tbe " Sunny South,"
particularly North Carolina, may be of
interest to yonttelf and numerous read'
ers, so, by your permitudoa, I will veu
ture to give a line or two. This State baa
an area Of 60,101 square miles. It is
naturally divided Into three sections
tbe eastern, middle and western, I wish
to writs more particularly of tbe middle
section, This section extends from a line
drawn from north to south serosa the
State, little out of Raleigh, where IU
elevation It from 200 to 300 'feet lo the
bast of the motuttain .range, ?hra it tt
tnlua to an (deration of 1200 feet The
cllrnnle here It very pleasant, correspond
ing to that of northern middle Italy and
Konthern middle Frtrjoa. It I entirely
free from malarial ti flnnncta. Land can
be purchased lu this section at very low
prices from five to twenty dollars--
averaging abont $13 per acre. Mrich of
thia Und Is susceptible cf a high degree
of cultivation. Tbe soil Is composed of
every grade of fertility cluyey, gravely
and sandy loams. The products are
varied, among whch mlcht be mention.
ed corn, wheat, o.its, rye, batley, bit ok-
whent. cotton, tobacco, sweot and Irish
potatoes, clover, ofcliU'J timothy and
head grass, tiome crops can lie success
fully rotated; for instance), cats or wheat
Sown In the fall cnu be harvested abont
the 10th of June:; the ground can (hen
be made ready fi t n, crop of corn, which
will be btit.A .little lighter tbnu that
pint) led In theeaily (.prlng."1 Boms; of the
limner do this annually. Out-door ta
bor can be performed nlmoxt the year
round, the winter being very short mid
mild. Many thousand acres of land are
uiK'iiHivKttd for want of laborers. The
labor system, has undergone qnlle n
ohtttgo hi nee the days of slavery. The
yonng Butltherller of to iUy earns bis
bread as he should l.y Hie sweat of hia
brow. And be' il mifd In Ills credit, that
he tnkoato it well. Mot of the eld
slave owners nre deid, and passed into
eternity, A niijority.or those living pull
off tbelr. coats and roll up their sletvrH
niol work border thuu their lormer hlaves.
Tiiero aetmsto be n universal feeling
nmouji lheiu that the iniaticipation of
the negro was beaveli'H greateht bbsslng
upon tba South. They see plainly bikI
auknov. ledge freely that khm-ry was a
oiirsa to them. They, rejoice 'iu his free
dom, nnd have been doing what they
oould to tuakt him an intelligent and
useful citizen. The old pUntnliorl nys
tbm of labor lins seen its da) and 1 pass
ing forever away. They want their large
tracts cut up into buull ou's, and nre
willing to sill or reut laud nt low ratta.
They are exceodingly.anxiuus to become
first-class farmvrs, bi lieving that they
are p(ciilintl) favored with cliuiato aud
soil to Moel ns un agrlcaltunil people.
Tbe amount or land is too great for the
number of soil tiiler. They are anxioua
to stll or rent tu persons moving into the
Sta,te Northern men prtf-rrod. They
believe that l'euusylvauialls know far
moro ttbndt f.-.ruilug than themselves.
Tbey have soma practicil illustrations,
"ahhi uuuiber have com'j.luto their tnid-t,
nn 1 nre beating thim ns agriculturists rn
their own soil. Hence, their agricultural
aimciaiions for home improvement und
the encouragement of Immigration. A
society has been organized iu the heart
of the ' South em tier," on thd dividing
line between tho lunfj leaf piue and the
sturdy oak, the rich collou lands of the
Veo Dee aud tho fertile wheat and corn
lields of the riedmont regions, with its
heltdqnarters'at Wadesboro', Auton CO.,
Mr.J.'T. Patrick, SecMtary. This bo
ciity hits located several liimiliiH Eear Its
beadquarter within the lust lew weoka;
they came from Pennsj lvauia and Wst
Vfrginia. They have rented eictllent
farms nt low rafex; some of thrra being
fur;iished with stock, farming imple
ments, setd, Sm., to be paid for Irom the
proceeds ot crops.wliea poldjeSome who
nave uetu uro lor soma time own prop
erly of their own, nnd are dniug well.
Pho "Sunny South" Is destiucd to be.
coiiiH the most popular and thrifty sco
liou of the United States. W.
"Walls' Ili-ulth Renewel'1 reslnres dieallh
and vignr, cures Dyspepsia, IinK)tf Itce.dei
uai xieuility. l.
i'onltlTe Fact
'Dr. Evory't Diamond Catarrh Remedy,
will cure the worst case of Catarrh or .Uay
Dr. Evory's Diamond' Invignrator, gives
health and alreuglli, mental and physical,
ma'kes the complexion clear, wliile and
beautiful. Pamphlet free. Head the Ad
vertisement. Ttilrly Diij-k' Trsril.
We Will Semi IT. lire's celebrated Elect to.
Voltaic Hells and other Elcclrlo Appliances
"on3lrlat for So days iu young men and older
persons Who are amtaied with Nervous no
bility, l-oet Vltallty,ti,'..guarnnteelnKSHiedy
relief and complete' restoration or vlnorand
inanhuod. Also for liheumatism, Neuralgia,
1'aralj sis, Liver nud Kidney dlmcullles, l,ui
tures, and many other diseases. Illustrated
pamphlet sent fre. Address Voltaic llelt
Co,, Marshall, Mich. 9-l
1 will malt (Free! he reolne foraslmnle
VKUEIAUL.K HALM that will remove
JII.IITrilKM, leuvlna lliesklntun, clear and
l.sautllul ; also Instructions for producing a
luxuriant urowth of hair on a laid head or
tuiuuth face. Addrsss Inclosing So. stamp.
sic Is. VANUlLI', la Barclay H ..Pf. Y.
, a, mar, at-yl.
The advertiser havlns- lieen permanently
cured of i hat dread disease, Unnsnmidlon, hy
a simple ri-medv. Is anxious to make known
to Ills fellow sufferers the means of cure. To
all whmle.lre It lie will send copy orthe
inscription used. (Irte oichame). wlihtht
dlreeilons for prejiarlnu; and using the same,
wnien iney win nnu a sure dhhk inr
l'artles wishing the Prescription, will please
address, Rev. K A. WILSON, 104 I'ennSt.,
wiiuaiusourg, n. y. rnar.s-yi.
AOENTf.EM AN who sulTcred f" years
from Nervous 1) lillll.lT Y. PKEMA
Tlll,K IIEUAY. and all the effects ot youth
fu Indtscratlon, will for tba sake of sutfcrlnar
humanity, rend irea to all who need It, the
rselpe and dlreetlon for making- the simple
remedy by which ha was rurrd. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advtrtlscr'a experi
ence can do so by addresalftir la perteei eon
bdenee. JUHN B. IKIIIEN.
uiar.u.jl 4'4 C'soar ft. If tw York.
BItOWN-I)AUnEKfiPECK.-On the S h
ult.,'hy Rev. Ahriu. Ilartlinlomew. W. II
nn,nbn,l Planus pautainspeck, btdh of ivun,b.'lluyiklll eounty.
the 1UI1 ult. 1 l,v. the sam.., Kels.ui Thus.
Xidhsleln, of Mahnning, and Miss Julia
L. Wratherly.
the same, Willoughby Fralits, nf Eat
Penn, and Alavesta Mnaer, ofMahnnlns.
DELTZ DtiOSE.- On the tame dar, bv tho
same, R,derl F. Hells, of Parry ville, and
Ann. ii. uinsa, nt Lower Tntvauiehsing.
MEBTZ HEX On the 2ml Inst., bv the
same, Edwin Merts and Mury Aliee'ltrx,
01 aiauoninr.,
LOVTEIl. On the lrt ult., !h Parryville,
Barsh Rt wife of Darby J. Lower, aged
1 1 years, a iimnms ana it nays.
6CIIEIHY. On theSOth Ult., In VfestPenn,
Henry Schelry, aged 80 years, 11 months
ana 11 nays.
FltANTZ. -On the Jlnd UlUi lh West Tenn,
Wilson T., son of diss, aud PolIJr Frants,
aged 1 month and 4 day.
KKAPP.-On the Jjrd ult. Itt West Tenn,
Catharine, wife of FWsric A. Kospn,
1 AKHDT. On the Mlh nit.. Irf 'West T.nn
ou jciia. nionina ana zn navs.
, flnsanns, wile of Benjamin Arndt, aged
ivjrc-ers anq v Tnunins.
Wholesale MarM Report.
Corrected Weskiy fiir llie CaasnK AoToCair.
By i mmjm & co,
No. 193 Liberty fit"; rillsb'
rteceiveand sell alt kinds of bountrr Tro.
flnce. Domestlo snd Foreign Freits tuoVre
tables, ehipocraana Country Doalera hsnii?
PeasonaDle 1'roOnce, AO, are invited to con
sign or correspond
EirmtsuxDIx 1J50.
TUESDAY, AT till, 4, I8S2.
The week clnred with ,i decidedly firm feelins;
In dernend nnd price for Etui snd India Mens
point lo a (rood mars et for J.tsler. nutter cm
linnet activa and prices mm. Few i lances
are to be retried, and a steitlr tune prevails
In almitt nil leading: branches of flVA'.
Country Produce.
ArPI.E8-.New. eholco. par bbl 4 00f H,
Medium : teal K; Fat cy 4 tOai 0".
APrLE OnTTEtl per tat, r.0a7"e t Apple
Je'lr. lal per 10.
nUITCR-Dnuy. 4"a4'ci Ollt ECte'Stnc,
Creamery. ajrc Choice Roll, s3c Hitn
Cliolce Itoll, SOsUc: Medlnm, lSi2Cc.
11ISANH -Choice Nut -,ltJi(W tiiOlnni.
i M.uSd. I 7ttl so: 1 Itiia, Esse per In.
rjAlOX-Uniihtrr. Clear Bidca. OulCc Ittbs,
7 It a;cs fchouMera t'a'f. ,
11HOOM COllN-l'.iira Cholee Orecn Hurl,
oallct No 1 lltll,tl.LPc: r.ed. Ctc.
UHEESK-New Ohio Factory. lltlM; J. V
Oorhea, 4a t4He l Young America, tilt a Ito
Hwltio', 6atici Unibi'iger, uaifc.
CIDlSll per Obi. slOalJiiO) Crab Apple.
9 OOnlU 00.
UllANURItniEt -per tbl It 10 a 14 (0 per
box 4 S'n4 TO.
Dl'.ICD rltUIlS Arp os sliced, Ba 7o i Co
Quarters 5 11 tt j I caihes. oalves, tt tc; p-eleil,
tic, 21B 2c-pittcd Coelh s. 23 B 22c I ttuhpbcl
riea. :5.1.'ci Dlr.cabdrticS. UaHc (crib, tdi ill.
rotlKKIN I'HUllS-L'oious, 4 Uai 10 per
Ooxi Florid lOnincts. 4 0 s5u).
FUATUKllh-Liie Cce-e, per lb., tea etc:
s-lxcd, 4ja5 o
K JCl-i-Slrictlv Frh case, UalCo t Pickled.
II U M I N Y-S K'uS Ev per bhl.
U A rm 8IVJS KTi)-Syi nn, t lOal 0 per aol.i
Bucar. UaKc per lb.; i-nar, Oian., iraile.
MJrs-reinut-. 4H ailic lorttioieo While i
C. ctnut', I CO u 1 00 1 Wali.nts, to a 7Sc ?hell
baiks, 1 is,, a I !41.
0.10.". ocr bblj.irai25 Yellow Duuvcr,
i'iaA itt Onion Sets, 7 00c0 Oipcr bokh.
FIITJl.ritYLiie Chicken a,. 'iuCc per pair
accordlua: to sita; Dicased. icrlb. iSnlc, '1 nr
kiys. 'tal7c; OooiS SaOc; I) no iwtairo.
PO'I ATOKS-I 2 a I 2j i,er oushal i Sweets,
5t)a 0.
BaLI jo. l. per nut, I :y, y.ttt. per tbl.
I2"i Duly, per tiDl. 1 5'.
ItAGS Cotton, White, per lb. 2Ho Cotton,
Mixed. 2 a 2k ct Woolen, al a ko
SEEDS Timothy, per bushel, I M a 1 so
Clover 4 7a a & 0 1 for auiall a JSOaS iW for lnrire.
TAfXOY-Cou.iiry, 7a6o; Uoeawtx, 2) a 21
per lo.
VINEOAH-Chotce Wine and Kail, 73 a 30c
per salt Stand ird Cltr Brands, llnuo per pal i
r'ounlry, italic per ral, as lo qualitr,
OUKUN- COrFEE-Faney Bio, rer lb. tjijc
Choice do, ISO t rruaeuo. 120 Giaaldo, lOHct
U'dlnary. lJot Jhvb,2?,i23o
ItOASIED COFFEli-In pap,T, per lb. 20 a
2'ci lower ctat'ra iSalCc. In bulk, UalScj Java,
paper, :4,2CC; Jars bulk, 2Ca2:o
SUO AltS-StBniarf A. per lb, 9Mci Wlnltor
A OC'Tralne 11 Scs Itcflaed Ye,low,71ta8itc;
Molasses Ya'low, 7H a 8c i drauu'atd, tot
l'oudcrct, 10ot Crushed, law, lOHot Cut
Loaf, lose.
- SVItUI' Choice Maple Flavored, 44o; Trlme
ilupie Flavored. 43c l choice Sutor Srrup, 43o
Pnnie Sugir oyrop. 40ot Ooo-I bugar Syrup
44r; Bin, k strap, Xc,
HICK ItaUKOon, per lb, 6H a6Soi Csrolinai
XBW OUI.EANS MOt.AsSES -Cholte.7:c:
fjtrlctlr iTlme. I8ci rr'rao. 65o.
TICAS Yountr Uvson. per 1U.23C a 1 00, (Ian
puwirr, lUc it I ed lniocrisl, JSnMo- Japan 2i a
70c; Ootoua'.S.'ai&o; Souchong, 22a(3o
CAKl)LL.rt-8Uir. full welgit. ICo t Slcarlne,
pirset. I. He; alould pe, set. s'.c.
Orain, Flour, Feed, Ac.
WtlfiAl -Prime itod Wu ter. 1 33 a 1 42- Me.
'dtuiii. 1 30 n 133.
COllN-Ulph Mixed Shel'ed, 74t7:o; Yollow
Shelled, 7;a;rc; Ear Corn. 7Ca7fn.
OAT.s- I'rlrae Wn te.I4a4! Mixed. 4)s4ic
ityn 53tSlo for Westom: 03 atoc for f enna
11A r.I.r.Y-t oral lOforP.lme Northwestern
Hpru tt- tlo a I 00 lor Medium.
F, OU.t Fancy Tatenta, (spring and win
lei) a 23 is i : Vmey Jit,. Lou's (Hlntcr) 7 7Sa
oi) Fancy Family While Amber and Whiter.
7 a7 731 Ciioloa Faiuilv (chlcred winter) 7
;to7 U) XX FamUv (medium winter) a 7oa7 00;
Dakera' (MiuneoU) 7 007 23, XX Bax.
era' (Wlrconsti.) 7 0ds7 2S; Cornmaal. SOaeto. 10
paper. Oatmeal medium brand 0Ca3 33 per
bnl; Fancy 7 7338 10. Itj e F.onr, 3 7JsS to.
MILL FEED-lVllIteMldOllDgs, 2S0.OM00;
Coarse do.2300a2H 00; seconds. 21 tvo22 00; Bran.
23 O B24 00, Cnopped Feed. 23 OCaiS 00.
HAY-Pnine Timothy, tatod. 14 30alS 00 per
ton: Prime ew, loose. ISS'oltOO.
frovlilons and Live Stock.
rnoVIsloNB. r.x, -,.0. Iisins porlb.WWc.
F.x S. C. r-houulcrs, S3 1 Kx 8. C. Breikfaat
Ba-on. 12kc; "tlx C Siled Beef, m seta, 14c; ,
Beef To'jjrnM. pordnen, a 00; liaci u hi onto.
era. sue; short Rib Shies, 11 v; do Clear Sulo
use Mess I'oik. per Obi, 13 73; do, SSort Cut
Fsmilr. 4) in bbit I3 73i Lard. Ile
flo, d. summer ose. In ttoicrs. I1H0 1 do In half
tibia, tic; do. la bnckota I2H 1 do. in 3 lb pulls,
IW los tu case, 13)iot do, Saudt lb palla.lSlto 1
do, IU 1010 flail.. 13d.
CATTLE Fair to Prime shlpplnj.SOOaltOi
rothmou 10 good hutcbeilng t S"aS ll Uai:a sad
1 at Cows. 4 teas 30; Veals,
BIlEl V-Common to ilr, 3 75H! 0"; Qood to
rrimo ejoaoro; Iji nibs. 3 Ma I SO.
IlOOS-l'l iljrteljhll Uo?s. 7 23aT 10 1 Oaod
Corn Ftd Yorsi rs, a 6C11A ;S. Otanaers. 4 &JaC 75.
C'onnecTsn Wxselt.
Flour per snek
Flour Stirlmr mixed...
..a 70
1 es
, 1 c
1 ii
, 1 so
, 1
tjoru, per bushel
IHsls, per bushel
Mixeu unup, ajr owi..
Mid, Minus. iKirewt....
i:rn tlb.ip
liran, per cnt.....
llutlcr.lH-r nound
Etfifi, ritusen ,
iiatn. per xwn,i
Lard, tier tmund
Shoulders, lr pound,.
Potatoes, par trasnal...
Closing prices ol Dsllavss le Tiiivksriiu
SUa'k, onvcrnmenl and tintii 40 M,iutn
Third Street, l'hila., April 8, leM.
U H. fl's. ISil Lit, 101 bid 101H' asked
U. 8. Uurrsncy, s's 114 hid arked
U' S. o's.Ull, new, Kit.ioi bid asked
U.S. 4, new IV '4 bid asked
u.rt. as new li: nil asae.i
Hennsranta It. R Wf bid 7rt asked
Phlla. at Uea,llnaT II. It. hid 37 asktd
Lehiitli Vallev K. II.... Wl bid St asked
Lahlirh 0-.alKNar.IJo.. bid 1K a'krd
United (Jo'Bol N. J.,...1SI, bid 1SS askad
Northern Central H. II. S bid SOJJ asked
liesiunviue fass. k. k. jo 01,1
Pitts. Tit. Sl llutf. II. It. IS bid
7 askad
lSVi asked
St asked
Stt asked
78i asked
14 asked
4 asked
(lentral Transportation. 2i bid
Northern raclBal'om... IU bid
i roru., 1S DM
North Penn. It II e3 hid
I'hll II Erie II. !(.-... IS l td
Silver, (Trader,) V9X bid Wii
The unJenlcnfl will rent tba etnterooin
anil sell the stock, romprlMmr Dry uoods,
uroeorlef, 1'fuilstons, liuaen.tvare, Uuois,
sners. -o uausa lor relllin stekness. i ne
store Is ilulni; a irtsal ius litis and Is one of
sno ucst suuaiau eiauas m i eisspnri.
llEHNAIlll Villi Itt.
Mar. S1..V1 Welssp.iri. Pa.
Life and Fire I
E, K. Stroh, General Aw,
Only good sbd felisble Companies repre
vntedi Also, Agent for tbe Italia sunt
llatlerdUssi Mnej sis ltfUUcr.
A Bible Commentary
Itliihly endorse.! by Representative. Men
nt all-Churehes, Lowest priced lk!iub
lishsd. Address Kakts i wbiilock, Iltlli
dale, Mieh. arS cor
to vfgdraiify push a but!ntv
ttfength to tludy a profettton,
strength to regulit a household,
strength to do a diy'f latfor w!rii
out physical pain. All thif rtpre
scnts what Is wanted, In the often
heard expression, "Oh I I wish I
had tho strength!" If you are
broken down, have not energy, or
.feel as If life was hardly worth liv
ing, you can be relieved and re
stored forobust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT
TERS, which Is a true tonic a
medicine universally recommended
for all wasting diseases.
St it. Fremont St., Cattlmerl
During the war I was in
jured in the stomach by a piece
of a shell, and have suttcred
from it ever since. About four
years ago H brought on batalr.
sis, which kept me In bed tlx
months, and the best doctors
in the city said I could not
live. I sundered fearlnlly front
indigestion, and for1 over In o
years could not eat solid food
and for a large portion of the
time was unable to retain even
liquid nourishment. I tried
Brown's Iron Bitters and now
after taking two bottles I am
able to get up and go around
and am rapidly improving,
G. Deckbss
a complete and sure remedy for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic
tonic. It enriches the blood, gives
new life to tho muscles and tons
to .the nerves.
Finest Illnstrntr-ri Subscription llok
Ever ftibliihed.
Hovelling the mystifies aril miseries ol
Hltrhand Low life In America's irreat oltles,
emlirnctnu; New Ynrk, Washlnirtnn tMty,
New tlriean. Salt I.ako Oily and San Fran Fashion's follies nn,l frivolities ; be
hind tiro scenes nt masked balls 1 sly tricks
orpretly ilccelvera: tho city's rich and I ho
cltj's pour how arecnlea nre taken In, and
Innnccnt irlrla ruined ; cnrriiitIon and lasciv
tnusness at WasnlnKtoii hoary headed old
sinners titnlef t'lo gas-light and Mjhlnd tha
Curlnlns!; f.ishlnna'ile and urtlclal life at ha
(Junlial ; benitchincslrensnnd their vlcilms
life 111 the South; VoU'loiiism Its hiriicrles
md hurrnrs; the vail uplllted from Alutirinn.
tm, reveallnir the secrets nnd horrors uf the
Euiiuwiricnt ll"Uo s n pern behind the veil
Into Morinoh domes lo llle. srAIITHNQ
HBVHLATIONSl Lire In Man FMnclseo;;
all about John Chlnnninn and his dark ways
nnd vain tricks, uv-lnst mysierhm., wun
ilerful end exciting laiok ever published.
Over COO iiCifes, 130 llltlstratlons. eloKanily
onlored eyinliolio frnrltlrilace s flno super-calftli.K-f
lit pilitr. HMCofi (,u. .lust tho t.cniU
for stents I Write nt once r,ir Illustrated cir
cular nn I full particulars FltUK, ur snndiJ
cents Tar camuluta nutrlt.
6U1 N. Fuurlhat., St Louis, Mo, -
letters lestainontary rn Ihc estate of J. J.
Kemercr, late of Towamcnsins; Tn. Car
bon County, Pa., denM, nave been granted
In the undersigned, to win, In all iersfltts in
debted lo tlie saiil eslalB afe lriueste-l tn
tnake pay t within six weeks, ami lllo.o
having claims of demands will make known
the saute williniit itelav In
Executors, Weissrt P. 0.
March 4, 18S2-w
Beatly'a UEETnorKX Oreaa eoiiUlnl ISfutl ssts
wviuru luntni. i.vtol f r , urr, .
Oaao. SOctavea.Uetal Font rUtM.lTm
'IS WalnotorKliODlsed
i.UliHsrhtJlellows. Btl
f prjncs,lAniii Elands, Pocket tor Inn. ic, llaodlrs and
ens Ffiifi J rt Inn a
isjw a.iu jv.l r.l. Jl
lUet.e as much muM 111 Si COMSION OIICANS.
o ether. maker dare hullothta.ernll (Ik la Mtsatad.1
... .. -. .". nin ur .vmij. mollis,
$"2S'2!!KrtM!": ilrraetorTWeiklag PAY aM
bySJOtVllaou-. tlitttfSXltliu at K I liUT to Oil,
PTrle.n6ed,PellveredibMral eAA
SC Caraere.SliM,l.UaaL. l...ul. tbtlU
If after Tsar's km yen are aeS aalUB.Jr.Urn
rasa, Kill pramptljr reread aaaacr wltk laureai.
ecua Aim tTAmra tes unrtinnsr
In person. Flra DoIUra (til allowed la rarenr.Me It
,x rce a aaaa
ncaaa Adcresa or call epon
flAHTEL r. EEATTY, Vstldnftea, Hw Jtrsay.
up, and
-M-Jit' RMurllv three lo six
Times iho lian.xlth.
ont ths Dnlldlnts. Interest Sainl An.
nUal. Nothlnir ever been lost. 17th
vaarofreftleuc and sihln the bus
iness Hell nrrafafchoet Send for
particulars If you have money to loan.
nd principal guaranteed In case ol for.
N'nhtlalof orMoriKasLiins, ST. PAULj
rv-ssPlJI.INTtl.V tillETVKY.IitshinnBi.le
jwT? Hoot an,) Hiiiie AlAKan. llsnk St.',
.chlkhlon Ah wdfk warranted.
jgjxnt UtOhm xoriDK.
Letters Testamentary on the H-lnle of
Daniel Wenia, Inl- id Piiir.vvllln Unrnusli!
CarbnnCnbillVi Inii.iil'fari'l,liav bren
granted In Iho iitdlcrslrnli tu wnyn all
iwrwun ihdeh)ed bisuhl estate nn-rviiestwl
to ilialie payment wilhit. sis ivrras, and
those bavtug flaitis nr demands will nuke
known the sateiu tvllhntit delay In
liiteciitnrs, Purryvtlle) Pai
March H.IS62 WIS
House and Lot at Frit ats Sale.
The ilnder.Igneil ofTers at Wlvale 8ale,
his House snd uii, very pieasaniiy
localcl on tha difer end of Bins;
Street, in the Bornuch nf LehiKhtftii.
Th. nun. I. A- n h. HrtH, t, -llrl I . I- Mr I . I f,
Koch, who will tvo parl)oulara and shun
premises, or sdtlress J At:0 R URONO,
MiMtutai.. Top,
HarchS'wl Luierne county, Va'
Snirmritan Nervine'
Cures eplteplla Ilia, spasms ennvnlslnns, 8fv
Vitus da nre, vlrlixn, hysterics, Infanltr, ppo
I'lssr, ralvsls,rheuinBtltm, neiiralila and
all nrivmisitisras-s. This Infnl'ahlo remeilf
will p-tltlvely e radlcata every s-.ieriii of rer
vmis ileratis;eiiienl, and ilrivr them away
frotrr whemf Ihev cam, naver lo return
axaln. It irttely',les'r,y the eernn ol ills
raw by priitraflslns; ll.e hrreHI'ary taint nr
a,snn in the r(is'ein, and limn, uglily eradf
coles (lie dl.ea.r, aud utterly He, trills I he
Snmnrhaii XcfvSnc
Cures fenialo weakness, general debility,
lem-orrluo 1 nr whiter, palntul ineiiatnialle-n,
lllcrsfmnr nf the Ulerns. in e.inl liralfs;iMV
el, lt ( nr the hl.ddrr, irrttatdlity
of the hhidder. Fn-naksfulmss at night
there Is mi tir-tter rcuily. During the
change nf life nn Imisle should be without
It. Il quina I ho nerv,, ns system and gives
rest, coiirfiirt aiel imlnre's sweel sleep
iSiimiirltufi Nervine
Cure. ato,l,iisni,itriiii'ai'unefs ami the hib
it nfnpiuui eallliil. Tliesi degradi'lg habits
are hv lar Ihe wrst evil that hate ever be-
fatleri riiireriAc l.uinaiiliv. 'fi,,UMiiidsilta
kuiiii.lly iMiri there ihvilis Hrugs. The
Irniiiani nrlnka un-d-r not i-raine he uses
II, but fir Hip ideas'iio ,f drinking ami
i.f Ire, ling his In I', little thinking that
i,e Ir o ins road in rnlir.- I-Me llie ,,plum
cut , In hr.t 11 s the drug 111 small nuan-
Itiisg.a hurnir'rSi'iilld'de The s,,lhing
I11U11, tt-v nf Ifre ,lru lakes strung hnlil up-
n lis vii-liui. u-aifiiig him 1111 In his own
l,-slriictiii The hal.ils nf niniiiii eating
and I1cstt.1t drinking are prrH-lv what eat
ing Is to eliinenllveiie-s, as ,,ver i-nllllg first
lultiimes flr sfumiirh. whii-li ledntib'rs its
raving, tlnlil It varn I tmtli thestmnscri
and rr rj-e t lief. &i every drink nl liquor or
,ii nl 1111111111, instead falls'.viiig, onl.
adds In its flenv fin s, unlit itciuisuiiirs the
Vital frc- nud then ils-df. Like the tint
toiinualapn wiir(ii,lti'rle,'Oi'ivglve,glveI"
hut never t:.,,ilch until lit own ranrily de
V ,rs tfsell. Samaritan Kurvlue g Tes inst
ant reliof in all snrh cirt. It produces
sleep, unlets Ilia Merveii builds Uplhenar-
us sysi.vuti and resturvs ixidv ulld llilhd u
a healthy ntlMllltitl.
Samarifan Nervine
Cures nerval. ,Irsia-ii.i, (nil itnllnn of the
heart, aslhrrnf hnim-iiitis. scnd'ula, syfihllis,
diseases nf the kidu-vs cud nil dlsessea of
the urinary nr.ius. S'vrfods ilebllily, cans-e-1
by the IndWrvllnns nf ynulh, f'-ertliah-enlly
cureil hy thd it'e nf this inraliiahla
rCirtedV. Tu vntt. vnuuz. 111 diltn-aaeil anil
nld men, who arc iVcring your sulfrritlgl
as with a mantle by silence, li-nk up, ynu
cat) tm saved by tlu'iely ellnrls, and make
ornaments tn society, ami jewels in the
crnwu nf your Maker, If vnu will. l)-i not
keep this n secret longer, until il snpa your
vitals, and destrors both hudv and Mill. If
ynu ait, thiH ufllicte,!, take la. IIicmmon'i. a
Samaritan Nervine. It will restore your
shattered nerves, arrest premiiluio itciVVi
tmpirt tone and energy to the wriolo ays-
HAJt-titiTAjf wnnvisn
Cured mr little girl of his. film wasslso
leaf and dumb, hut it cured hef. She can
now talk nnd hear ns Wei! as ativbndv.
Peter Ross, Springwatcrj Wis.
Has been tha means nf curjng my wife of
J. 11. Flet-hcr, Fort Collins, Col.
Made a sure curenfn case id Ills fhrmv son.
E B. Ralls, Hiatlsvllle, Kan.
Cureil me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick
Mrs. m. Hen. on, Aurora, III.
sAUAi-.irAN Nii'nviNi:
Was the tneaiis of cilrinjlny wilnfriasms.
llev. J. A. Ladle, Denver, l a.
Cured me of asthma, after spending over
ta.uuu wiin oilier auctnrs.
B. 11. Itnbsnn, .New Alljsny, Ind.
Effectually cured me of spasm..
miss Ji-unie warren,
740 West Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.
Cured our child nf fits aficr given up to die
by mlr family ihysician, Il having over 100
in 24 hours. Henry Kni-e,
Vervllla, Warren Cn.,Teun.
Cured me t,r si'rolula alter sutn-rlng tor 8
years, Albeit Simpson. Peoria, III.
Cured my son uf fits, after sjiendlng $2,i00
wiin oiner iinctnrs.
J. W. Thornton, Clslhorn, Miss.
Cuml me periiiaueiitly of epileptio fits of
stubborn Character.
UeV, Win, Marliiij Mci'lmuicatuwn.Md.
Cured my aou nf lite, alter having hail 2,500
111 eigntU'Mi iiiaiiins.
Mrs. E. F..bes, West Potsdam, N. Y.
Cured me of epilepsy uf nine years' stand-
nig. miss unena jiitrsnau,
Otatiby, Newhui Co., Mo.
Has permanently cured in a of epilepsy of
many years duration.
Jacob Suter, St. Joseph, Mo.
Cured ma of bronchitis, asthma and MDtr
si debility.
Oliver Myers, I ronton, Ohio.
Has cureil md nf asthma nlso scrofula of '
many yeais standing.
Isaac Jewel), Cnvingtnn, Ky.
CUreil me ol fits. Have been well fur over
tour years. Chorles E. Curtis,
Osakls, DotigtaM Co., Miun.
Cured a friend of mine vrho dysperisla
very badly,
Michael O'Connor, Bhlgwiy, Pa.
Has Nrinsln'iitly i-uro-l mo of epileptic fits,
David T,vm',lv, Ilea Moines, Iowa.
bAil.VItlTAN N Kit VI. Mi
Cured my wii'eid vpili-p.v ,,l 35 years stun-l-ing.
Henri i;tira.'F..lilie,, Mich.
bA lA.tll AN NIlllVlNU
Cured my Vi fV ..f tt ilerV..,n di-ai of tha
neail. E. Orall ini, N -r h lla. Pa.
Cured my aou 1,1 liu. He has not had it flt
for about four vears. John Davis,
WiMMlburti, Maii.llpltl (To., ill,
sama .iian u:lVt'll
Cureil mr aon's Viu i fa msn nrrnileptio
fits. Kelast-rsl taiml', MU tUsorlle.S V,
HtMltflAN NKi.V.HH
Cureil me of fiia of many y.iras atandlng.
Emma A H is,TeII,'Holy.,k,, Mass.
Cnre.1 My linle girl nl (lis ilaa uol had a
tit for nVer Ihree veara
James Murphy, (MIm, Fillimi Co., Ill,
ltas rlleclil dlv ciin-,1 llie of ,il-ilir- tils
Miss llaitie K. Wilder, ii-iil,l-r,C'ul.
Carol mV dailfhter nf smsins 1, fa severe)
oharuclef. Mrs. M. P. Hunker.
havis Mills, Ifodrmil tU, Va.
St.dAltlT.VV NBIlVINri
Cttr-d Irly father of that lerrlfd-affjlctlon,
epil,ipj. Annie K K"Hhly,
l',mriai, Md.
Cilrcl niv child of fit. aivl I leoi very thank,
fill to yu tor 11.
Mrs. M. A. Ctieiul, Milhurn, Ky.
Samaritnn Nervine.
Is for sala hy dnitfjlste eferysrharoi, of May
bo hail direct from us. Tlmse who wish lo
obtain lurlhereridenne of Ihemratlv pmp
erlles ofSanisrltan IfcrVine will ph-aia en
close a J.reilt (uistsge slsmp fnr a onpy of
nnr III iisi ruti-d Journal uf llealth, giving
hundreds iiflasliiiioiilals of 1-0 re front per
a, lis who have llseil llle nivdicilie, and alas
their pictures ph,ugraphe, alter their res
liirathiii til ierl.-cl haallh. Address
DU. S. A. K1CH.M0M) & CO.,
WorUN Kjillentlo Intltu(p,
ST. JOS El Ii, HQ.
spr. Syl.