Advertising Rates. We dosiro It to be. distinctly understood that no- advertisement will bo Inserted in Uto eSolumns of Tim Carbon Adtocatr that ran be received from unknown parties or ((rim unless accompanied by the cash. the following are our crux term: - 1 Ml SCjUA (10 IHBji One rearV each insertion c, lOota. Six months, each insertion 15 ots. Thrtfc months, esch 20 eta. Letts than IVree months, flrstlnsertlon "Jl, each subsequent insertion. 2S els. local notice 19 efttta per line. 1!. V. MORTHIMEK, Publisher. CARDS. Attorneys. -rirr m. itArsiiEB, ATTUKNttr AND COONSIH.LOR IT LAW, 0iK8tsstr,tiBioaTO,PA. tt..i.,i.i'..:jnAlWtt.n Amnav. WIUBayaad. 3.11 Katal. Oenveyanelnx ueatty done Oel" Micas tratnptiy maae. mhihj iti isaata a spaclalty. Hay bs toasailM r-n"n ndU.rJi.n.", PKysicians and Dentists. D tt. W. A. COKTUIUIIT, SURGEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services to the peo ple of Mauch Chunk, Lehighton, Weissport, Packerton ana vicinity. OFFICE: Opposite the Broadway House, "llRQ'A.DWAY, MA.0CII CHUNK, Pa, r,.t, T;itiinn' Gas always on hand. All work euaranteed satisfactory. aug2-yl ; plIIbA. ItEADlWO HA1LIIUAU, Arrangement of Passenger Trains. January Tib imj. Train tear ALLBJSTOWl. a lollowii (TIA HIKIOMIN BAriBOAD). For Phtladele,bl,af4iJ,t!.4, I MO. a.m.. and SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at t a. m..J.J$ p. m. (via east ritXA. bkakcb.) For Reudlnic and nnrrlsbarar, .W, " n.15. 4.30 and 9 06 p. m. For Lancasterand Colombia, 8.00, ana 4.30 p. Xa. For Readmit, narruiiDrj, and way.polnts, .Ji p. Dl. Trains FOR A LLENTOWN leave as follows! (VIA riKKlOMIX BAItBOAD.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.49 a. m. and 1.0, -1.30 .anas.iip, aud '4.20 -TXT A. DEBHAMEK, M ., 'jMlYSICIAN ANDSBROEON IbmIsI attention paid to Chronle Diseases. nM.; South Ent eornar Iron and 2nd at.,Le- hlthton,r. April 3, 1876, It. BGDElt, M. U. V. S Kxamlnlng Surgeon, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN and SO i'.dBoN. Osricll.Bank Street, Rxasa'fc BLOCK. Lahich. 'Maybe eonsnttcd In tbeOermn, Nov. . rnuinns kemcRCR. JL CONVEYANCER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Tht Mlowlo Companies are Rapra.eatad: LKl!A.VN S4TJ rUALFIRIt. KBAJIlcrJ MUTUAL 1'IIIE, WYOMING FIRS. VITtW. Lumaii fi rk. an thorn av, accident insurance. Also Tonnsrltsnli and Mutual llotse Thief Marcn JJ.1I7J JgEUSAttU PrilLMTS, Cobtv:Biliiiio, MAUCH CHUNK, Pa, Fire Insurance Agent. AW-POLI'IIKS la SAFE Companies only, ml nuinak)l,Rattt. AUK. VS-yt jpAVID ElinCRTS Livery & Sale Stables HAWK Tn.KKT.L.HlIiailTON, P FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, ' And nasttlvely LOYYKR PRICES than anr other Livory In the Loamy. Large amt handsnmo Carilaires for Panera virpnl.sana wcuumsa. ajavau,.... Nor. 11, I 7a.- 1 I - J. w. 1 ii in. I .J i ' ', i ii I . in i I 1 mi II, i iii.!Jlii...U )J LU.U1LL LJ ! vTe? II.- V.' Morthimkb; Proprioior. INDEPENDENT " Live ana Let Live.' $1.00, a Year if "Paid in Advnnco. VOL. X., No 10. LElllGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1882. If not paid in advance, $ 1.25 Railroad Guide. BTJITDAYS. Leave .Philadelphia, .0 a. n IVIA EAST FENKA. BRANCH.) Leave Ileadlnc.7.0. lo.Ma.mrC0,.l.snd.15 Leave nan IsbniK S.30 8.tsand.80. a. m..l.4S ana 4.00 p. m. , Leave Lancaster. t7.V)a. m 1.00 and ( p. ro. Leave Columbia 7.60 a.m. 1.10 and 1.40 p. m. tFrom K nfc treet Dopot. BUBUAYS, Leave TteadlnR. 7.30 a. m. Leave Ilarrlshui. 8.10 a.m. Train, t.1. "Pfrltlnmcii rtonta" marked thus (I run 10 and from Depot, riinsii ana oroen Btoad strrot Depot. Tne 4.n and C.45 i.m trains from Allcntown, and the -1.31 and 8.IS5. m. train Irom ruilo. drlptita.vla reriioroen Rnilro.d.have through cars 10 nuu irom x niiBuvipuis. J. H. WOOTTEN. General Mantwtr, C. O HANCOCK Oen'l Fan. A Ticket Agtnt. novemuci vtn. EES THE BEST OF COAL The undersigned Is now prepared to supply the very best I.ATT1MKH COAL at the fol. lowing LOW PRICES FOR CASH: Uellv'fl. No. i Chestnut, hy the ear fl 18 No. 1 Chestnut, by the car 8 75 Siove, by the oar 4 00 Hy the singleton, 28 contsper ton additional J . L . GAB EL , Seater la General Hardware, &c, , Opposite (he Pnbllo Square, HAKE STREET, LEIIIOUION, PA. nov.30,l71 JOHNR.G.WEYSSER, PROPRIETOR OF THE m West End Brewer y, Mauch Chunk, Pa., Pure Porter and Lager Beer Delivered all over the State. October 8,1881 Jl SPECet'S PORT GRAPE WINE UKd In iho prlncira1 Chinches for Comma EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. spb is in9 RAUDENBUSH Rinettullr nnnminors ro tho pnhllo hit he has opened ft NEW MVUIIY S TA IlLli In unncotlon with hla hotel, and U preparetl to Nrnlih Te&mt for Funerals,. Weddings or Business Trips on shortes t notice and rooit liberal terms. All rders l the "Carbon llonso" will receive prompt attention Siable on Norlh Street, next Ih. hole), LehlKhton. jin2!.jl CV- VOUTU AND MlDDtK-AQTCD. Wonin yen be retored 10 iOU.Vu Ifnnhnnrl 1 4id .tAinn and vna will rat a I- lUdUllUUll . ,nn 111 .nicvi ngieiajin, AaillTH". Prof. J.Y. KG AN. OKdrnaouro. N.Y. Jalyiryl THEGREAT fflAnttttNtU Ii FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backaches, Sorehoss'.of (ho Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Sora Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scatdl.'phneral Bojlif Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Fronted "Foot and Earsand'all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on rsrth eqjials Sr. Jacobs Ou a. a itnfe, jtire, timple and cheap Kztenial llcmedjr. A trial entails but the comporntlrcly trlfllnc.cntlaj of.uO Cents, and everyone .iilTer Ing nlth pain can bavo cheap and posttlTe proof of Its claims. Direction. In Eleven Langnagcs. BOLD BY ALL DKUQQT3T8 KVQ DEALERS IN MEDI0INE. A. VOGEI.ER & CO!, Baltimore, Md., XT. S. ,Mareh t, lSBl.yl The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over allother cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. SOMEBODY'S MOTHER. The woman Was old, and ragged, and'grayi And bent with the chill of the .winter's dayj The street was wet with the'reeent snow, And the woman' feet were aittd and stow. She stood at the crossing and waited long Alone, uncared for amid (be throng, Of human being who passed her None heeded the Rlance of her anxious eye. Down thetnroen with laughter and shout, O lad In the freedom of-sehool let out." Came the boys, like a flack ot sheep, Hailing the snow piled white and deep. Past the woman so old and irray. Hastened the ohifdrrn 60 thslr way, Nor offt red a helping hiind 'io'tiit, ' So meek, so timid, afraid to sUr Lest Iho carriage wheels, or the horse's feet, Should crowd her down In the slippery street. At last came one ormo merry troop, The gayest laddie of all the group ' Ue paused beside her and whispered low, "I'lr help you across If you wish to Ito." Iter.aged hand on his strong yormir arm Bhe placed, and o wlttraut hdrt or harm He guided .the trembling feet along, , 1 Proud that his own were firm and strong. Then back ag-aln to his friends he went, His young heart happy, and well content. " She's somebody's mother, boys, yeu know', For all she.' aged, andpobr, and slow,-' Ar.d Hope some fellow will lemta band To help my mother you understand. 1 If ever she' old, andpoof, and gray.. Whe.n her own dear boy is far away." And ",sombody's mother.''" bowed low her head " In her home that sight, and the prayers Ih .Was, "UoJ be klaJ to that nolle boy -Who li somebody's son, and pride anif joy." On Fuaj. ma Mil in 11 m 1 ! II II 11II1 1 T7--. .1.- r r f c?A Hoarseness, Croup", Asthma, Bron chitis, Whoopintr Coutdi, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of I consumptive persons in advanced stajres of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 23 cents. RUPTURE, Th lMrr.i'.iAL urjfs lawhotvon want Ihe arratest Invention if thenrel he. our pam. nhlet. xont tree. Prol. J. Y.EUAN, Ovren. bars. .w.Y. 9lrl7rl How Lost, How Morel ! Jnt published, a new edition of Dr. CUL VKRWKLL'f CELE.HItArr!D ESAY on the radical cureot bresMAlouuitOEA or .-emi-nal Weakness Invo.nntary beimual Losses, IirroTRSCT. Mentil aii'i Physic) Incapacity liapdtnienta to Marrlaa'e. etc. i als i. Cox curtiOH. EriLErsT anil rW, lodoeeu by sell lodulaeuce or v-exual exlravagauce, Ac The eelehrsted author. In this admirable Es aay. etenrly drraontrsies. tro.n a thirty veara' anecearul practice, that tovatarmtnp conse-qaeneeanMelt-abase may be radically cured i pointing; ont a raodi.-rjt cure at once elmnle.cer lainaad eSietnal, by mams ot wbtch every matter what lit. condition may be, mar euro hlmaeK ebeaply, privately, and tal ally. - rvTTkls Lretnre shoulr) be'ln Ihe bandsef every yentb and every man In the land. Sontieder aral.Jna plain anv adlrasa, nott-pvA en receipt ot six centa or awe poBtajro atampa. Jtua eas The Calvf rvrell Medical Co., .' 1 ".41 ANM St.. Mew York. K. Y. r. O.'Bdx tM . Jaa.l.ltsirl ' : : - MILTON A. WEISS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. REPAIRING Of all description promptly attended to at the . most reasonable prices. Aty All Work guaranteed, and patronage is respectfully souoiiea. uan.-jv-yt QARBON HOUSE, J. W. RAUDENIIUHH, PROPRIETOR HakkSt., Lxhiohtoh, Pa, The naaBOM Hnrsx nlfers flrsMlsss aoenm, aodallons to the TTavellnv public). Hoardln Df tne nay or evic on Keasoiiaoie Terms, tjholee Clxar. Wines and l.lnuors always on nana. uasoni ana aiauies. wtin alien Sneer's Port Grape Win' FOUR YEAH SOLD. mbls Celebrated Nativo Wine l made fnm tb-Jalcoof thcoorto Ornn.' raised in Couiurv. Ha Invnlia'jlo Tonic And btrengtheulng Propertlrs re itnsu roused bv anv other Native Wine. I. nsthe parr uioe ot the (Irapr, Diodncrd un it r Mr. rueei'a own ceraoual fnnenlafou. it nurlty ind cenulneues re fruaiantred. The yennesi child may pat take of Us peccrous quatitlee, and Ihe wrakert Inva Id use It to ad uningn. ji m iaricniariv ui'nenciai to ine aeo Mnd oebilitaUd, and euited toihevailoua l.ments the weaker sex. 7l lam ever respect A WINE TO I1B ItbLIEl) ON, SPEER'S Po F. Sherry, Tli P.J. 8IIERUY ta a Wine of Snnrnor Chi meter nod partake of the go Cen qna Itled ol I lie erape (mm whlcii H is made, lor Phii. ty. Itlchnnt-s, KtftTor and Medical Properties, It' Trill bo found unexcelled. SPEER'S ! J. IBraiidy, This BRANDY aUnda nnrlvalrd In tlila Country, bolnx far superior for medicinal pur poses, IT in A PURE dlstlllatttti firm the crane andcoutalue valuaole medicinal properties. II baa a delicate flavor, elrntlar to that of tne era oei from which li Is tl. tilled, and Is in treat larur amonK uiaKiA.a lamiues. nee that the aignatureof ALFRED Rf'EER, j-ateaic, n, j., la.ver tne oomoc eacn Dome. SOL.D HY PRUGGISTS, and bvA. J. Dnrllnir. C. T. Horn, Lehigh iieo. 35 PI CATARRH ' REMEDY A Positive Curo for Cntarrli of nil Iilml-. It Is liiKtaiitniieoua m ffect u ul i'orinniivnt m iscsult. C'uies at any nxo of t ii i I'Cis i curud costs so teiitble Ih.t bum. canto irom Ibu nose, nr. !v rv' llliltnoixl rntnrrli Rem ccly i mi il uuJ p I'limni. airorillitjr linmedlHta It. I. i i d,nmii'U;iiroliuillcti-e3i M'utarrll, K'fliirnza. liny I'ever. Ilroncliltls. It w II ruiiiovo 1'olypus and effectually cure UVeiv all I I'uinlcnt l)lcliarcea from the Head un i, anil tuetiu. stckening ureal n: per rcth r.'Htnre iiunal cil Smell. Tuste and llearlnc ri-Uev.' Hoadrcl e. llrt'ak un Coldx In tho Head: Iruuilieu iho Voice Mini Kycuj Purify, lteitulate niiii la-mi. r tear onu Acuve every urtn oi tu ii ii u hi iinoai. iTice, ouceiiis, i Dr. i:vir)' nininoiirt Invlcnrator Is n f.-rlcci Itiuuit I'lirltlrr. Aimetlier and Norv.i 'r'onlc. it makea a delightful, wholc hoiua ilr nr., wilcn liivlcorutei; Purine unl Sireiitlirii tlto "cnilre system: Fur (leue ul 1) bility, I)ysp?psla, nillonmess, To p d Liver. InUlcestn n, rlenralglo and Rheu m.Hlo Atlectlons, Jaundice, Malaria, Flatulency, N.ui-ea, Mick H.-ailHcho aril Kidney Complaint, it is mvaiuauic. nice, o tenis. Dr. rvnry'a Diamond Salro tan sover el.n cuio lor Hums, lirtilses. Sotes of all kinds, .'-alt Kiieuin, Tctii-r, lilneworm aud Cutaneous Eruptions. 1 rice, ii cents. Aalx'Tonr Drucfrlat Tor theae remed ch unit take no other! or will be aeut t'lee ou receipt oi priro. ,, Pcicripilre rjmph'ct Free. Address Dr. Evory' Diamond Remedies Co., )'. O. Box S3 60. 104 John Street, New York. tire Hostlers, attached. April W-yl FARMERS, LOOK to Your INTERESTS AND PURCHASE taMi Machines ana Atf cflltnral ImplemeBts, The Best In the Market at J. L. GABEL'S. Also, on hand, and for Sale In Lot to Mult Purchasers, CHEAP Full OAbll 10,000 feet Georgia Yellow Pine Flooring, White Pine Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. AT HIM HARDWARE STORE, Apm -d. LwiiGnTOK, Pa M in H 0 c a ...i.. i, ,i. mm THIS URBAT JJPrETIZEB TONIO, 1VD DOUGH CURE rim COUGHS, C0ED3, CONSUMTTION, BnONCIIlTIS, ASTHMA, Aim All SlsoaaM or TUB THROAT, CHEST AUD LUNGS. Then AM A 1TI of TO LI) bss slway been one of themost Important weapon eided bvtneu leal faculty against the encroachment of the above' Dls esses.bulltbasnev r been eo advanta4 ceonelv eomnonnd ed at In Lawbenci & WinTtii'a TOLU, HOCK and RYE. Its nothing RAUAUia Sropertles affords a lffuthe silmolant. ppemerana ionics to nulla up the bys. tem after the coush ha been rellcred. r. ir v n. llAirir. Ckimnilssloner of Internal Hovciiiic, Washlnctun, D, t'., Jan, siilh, 1S30, .ays: "TOLU, ROCK and HYE Is an agreeable Remedy In l'vctora compiaici. ana is jr...- a SlMllplnnl nrrnaratlon under the S. Revised Statutes, and when so stamped, may be sold by DRUUOIHTS, GROCERS, and other pcrsouswuaQut special m, - ui hm.. nnilTIDM I Don't bo deeelted by dealers u'lU I lUtV I ko try to palm oi ltock and Rye Tor LAwncsei ii lUunk'a TOLU. ROCK snd RYE-wblcU Is tho only MEDICATED ar. tlclo male the gennlue hat their name on the Tronrlotarr Btamn on each bonis. Put v.? In "Qnart BGej5ottles. ?xm $1.00. Luiwiiut i: v fi Aii s itM, I'roujietors, Cold by DP.UCOIST3 a 1! CENHnAL QALcn8 Kvorywnectv THEBESTREVENGE Wo were all bo tappyand cheerful In our little seaside cottage when Aunt Bat chin's letter came and told us that Fred Brastome bad "jilted " my sinter Agnes. Ve, tvoro thunders truok I Agnes herself refused to credit the report. They had only been engaged a fow months, and the arrangement was a secret. My ouiit was ignorant of the actual engagement, bat when she wrote, and told as that Brast- omo was engaged to Sir Somebody Some thing's daughter, and bad jnst inherited his nncle's property quite unexpectedly, it wns a terrible blow to as all at homo. Yet there were hisktters fall of affection. Acnes bore np wonderfully, hat at length even she succumbed. Wo had heard nothing from Fred very lately Jind my inquiries onlyelicited. lhe statement that ho bad gonealroad'snddenly. Even our neighbors the-Fendreiritts, nt whose house Aeuos had first met him. werri away 'yachting, and! we, 'could. !)iot jget at the truth. I' wrote to hfs bnhliers and pot his ndclress, and- then (a BtiDUli letter) for an explanation, and waited. .v. ' Agnes got worse. We could nottest I ypwed vengeapc3 Bgaln6t;tllo'.ma'n;'and unanie to stana tue suspense mid loneli ness, one evening, when 'darling'Agnes' lifo was almost trembling in the. balance; I rushed jont to do something, ''"re "idy tq encounter any dangrr in search of forgel- fnlness of our injury. Only a few weeks since be bad gone. ,and this was .the re sult ! I could scarcely credit it. I went out.. It was a lovi-lyi nigbt; I stood upon the stop t and lookod across the moonlit bay,- at the southern' side of which the lighthouse rose disdainfully. A Aj.hU came lull upon my face', and' with it, came the thought I will go out to the 11 htbouse. ' I descended, rapidly at first,-and' then more slowly, and begin to think;'but still I went down, and met Bob Murray, my' boatman, as I enterjicl a shop tq alike a smnll purchase. 1 f ' We ran out quickly, and in about an hour was close to the lighthouse. A simultaneous roar of "Ahoy th're" brought my old friend Dobson to the g tilery. The tide was out; a well-judged spring us the boat roso to the wave, and I landed safely on the granite. When I turned ronna again jiiurray was 'nireaaytsix leet Irom my perch. 4'Good nigbt. Bob. Gome' back to, morrow; tell them I'm coming soon; if they ask forme. I'm nil right;'' Aye, aye, sir. Good night I" Mur rey ran for home with the. sheet hauled well aft, and lying as cloxe to the wind as the Hastened sail would draw. I turned nnd found Dobson at my el bow. Ue bad beard my parting words and commented anon them thus, In a tone that chilled me through and through If ye g"ts ashore much inside of a week I'm a Dutchman, and saving your presence, Mister 'Enery, you's nnortier 1 Come in now the flood's makin' if you please," We entered the lighthouse together, and as we ascended the winding stairway Dobson said i "Did ye brine aaoht with ye, sir have ye brought any clothing, or any thing?" "Jnst enough for a night," I replied. "Because, look ye here," ho said, and denly changing his tone. He led me to therwind ward side of. the' gallery which we Jastihen reached. "D'yejsee yonder linelubon the sea J'' N 'Tfes iwhat of it? lis a breeze earn, ing up- all the better." ('All the worser I Last time I see that with this m6on,and after these warnings, was whe the Oa'fllly Castle, went dosrn on yonder reef, and only fifty was saved out o .nlgn three nunurea auoara, , -I coufess I felt a dull sensation of dread. That some calamity was pending, I felt sure. I shivered, not with cold though and looked steadily at Dobson. .Then affecting n cheerful manner, I replied: "But there's no prospect of storm yet, apd there is plenty of time Xof any ablp to get an offlng if tho skipper can read- the sky as well as jou. At any rat I'm quite safe here." "Aye, aye, for that mitter,afe apongb, But ye see, Mr. 'Enery well all right; come inside." We ascended through the bed-room. There were three bed betwteu the win dows, a cuckoo clock, an almanac, the stove-pine tending upward, pom cloth- ing, and two t If scopes, and some-other nautical necessaries were vUlbl at glance. The bed-room v as plainly and rather scantily furiished. Some books were Oh tbe single table, and in a cup beard were some blue lights. A pair of pistols, three cutlasses, and bayonets were also noticed by me, and I wondered why fire-arms were kept there. Ah I gazi'd round tbe room the cuckoo burst open the little wooden door with tremendous energy, aud "ccckoo'd" ten times, retreating again only just in time to escape a blow from the door. A sallot' descended from tho upp'r floor. He twas rather asttuished to see me. t thiuk) but in a moment he touched Ids cap, and professed himself glad to see "a friend of his mate's, who was a friend of his, nnd welcome" so he said. "Mister 'En rj's goiu' to tkko a berth hero to-night, Judkins," said Dobson. 'Yon and me will nrrange about a shako- d un, It's m watch at midnight, sd hi cuu:turn iu o soou as he likes." I should prefer being up with yon, Dobspu," I said; "I want to see the sea. and how things look iu tho dead of night. very weird and very grand here iu a storm." ."Aye, aye, .sir. You'll bare storm enough. Belter sleep while yc can, and let , tbe sea take care of itself,." But I came to sit. up," I remarked, "and unless you object " "Me,. Mister 'Euery 1 Not a bit of it. Come aloft if yo like; I'll keep ye company." We went np to the gallery again, and stood leaning over, gazing steadily, half-dreamily, nt the heaving, water. The sea was evidently rising, and yet the long, heavy, booming Sfletl rolled in without breaking till close upon tbe rocks. Then the roar arose, tho spray, dashed up in, vain attempts to reach the beacon, and fell back exhausted on th whitened sea. As I continued to look across the moon lit waves, a strong sensation of tho un reality of it all came upon me. I could fancy it all unreal; I know and felt that I 'as iu the ligbtbouso, that nil was right, that I was in good health and spir its, and yet all the surroundings appear ed as if I were in n dream. I could see a shape in the water beneath, a dark form, and lo I suddenly it was clad in white, a female shape, ascending to the gallery. I knew tbe face in tbe lantern light. It was Agnes. Strange illusion t I called out; tho form vanished; the spray sploshed heavily down to tbe wa- ter, 'and Dobson approached mo quickly and anxiously. '.'Did you call, Mister 'Enery ?" "Yc, I did," I replied, "The spray .very nearly came up into the gallery. It tartled me. , . "That's nothing," replied Dobson .I'yon'U bavo it over the lantern afore to- morrpw. Hold, np your hand. Dye feel the salt on it?" f . I put up my palm to tbe wind, and then touched my toucue with it., It was quite salt to the taste. "You'll excuse me, sir, but you's'look- ing pule aud word out. Turn in, and coma np at daybreak. Thai's the time to see tho sea, and sunrise too." I knew the well-intentioned sailor was quite right. I was over-wrought; my nerves were highly strung; I wn'uted rebt "Will yon call me early, or if un) thing turns np ?" "I will, sir; you shall know. One of m mites is goiu' ashore nt dawn; I'll call ye then for certain sure." ' So we bade each other a good nigbt and I descended to tho sleeping-room in semi-darkness. In ten minutes I must have been sound asleep; the noise of the waves dashing outside, and tbe rushing, sound of the wind, far from keepiug me awake, were soothirg to my troubled spirit. I sit pt.nordid the restless cuckoo in the clock that whirred and chirped the hours through the stormy night awake me from my dreaming. . I was half aroused by a touch npon the shoulder, and opened my eyes, but Ibe semi-darkness was still before thim. Then a voice I know said : "Tom's just off, but the morning's wet and stormy, sir. Be advised and stay below; you " I had Iain down again, and was asleep once more before he bad completed the sentence. I must have slept some time, when a dull sound aroused me. I looked about, and it was not till the clock-door burst open aud tbe bird came out that I recol lected where I was. "Cuckoo!" I counted six strokes. Then the dull and distant sound came down npon tbe wind, aud I began to wonder what it was. A third time.londcr now, and "flatter,1 so to speak, as if tbe wind had caught the noise and borne it hard against the stone-pillar wherein I lay. I could bear Dobson and bis companlun hurrying to and fro, and in a few moments, as the former passed the door, I called aloud, and he came in hastily. "Wbafa the matter, Dobson ?" "Vessel drifting in, disabled. She'll strike, I fear. They're signaling for help don't you hear tbe guns ? He was gone. Gnus I A vessel la dis tress 1 Here was ah adventnre, indeed, I leaped out of bed and hurried through my toljet, from time to time looklog out npon tbe angry, tumbling sea, driven in before a sou'west gale, in broken bills of water. I ascended to the gallery.and the gran deur of Ihe scene beneath took my atten tlon for a moment from the reeling yacht that was drifting helplessly, it seemed fairly down upon the cruel line of jagged rocks that were now and then visible to windward. "Now, mate," said Dobson, "yon and me must lake this job in hand. We'll cross the rock before she strike yonder, and save the poor fellows. Come, To their aatouisbmentl volunteered to help. "Excuse me, sir, but yon ain't any good in thl. You can bear a band on the life-line, bownomdever; and if should not both turn up to muster, why Without another word they shook bands rnlrtnlVty with me and with each other, and thee descended to Ibe rock. I followed to the door, and made fast tbe lines they had s 'cured around their waists, j The sea was new sweeping over the rock, and the hissing of the foam was like es caping steam, or tho horrid whizzing 'of an avalanche, which few otn bear and lire after they nave heard It Tbe mcu disappeared rouua tho rock ml left me standing at the door irreso- nte, a life-line in my baud, a buoy at tached lo It ready for use. A loud cry attracted my attention a cracking, grinding holo the vessel bad struck; and as I looked over tbe rushing. swirllbg waves, I could see, though in distinctly, three white fucei, and three pairs of arms struggling with the water. was fascinated; I could only, stare. lit lp wssetont of tlio question, bat eveh n I gazed, oue swimmer, with great pres ence of mind, turned with tho, waves tow ard the Ice of tho lighthouse, to a spot where, Iu a :uomenlary eddy, he.might be saved. ' I saw this now, and, "pulling mysell together," stepped cautiously just .with out tbe roach of the hissing wares.wbich wpoped iu masses down upou tbe rocks and slid in smooth layers of water, like thick glass, into the boiling surf beneath. When I bad reached n coigue of vantage, the poor swimmer was still bravely bat. tliug with the undertow, and (u a few moments I hoped to be able to heave tbe life-bnoy to his assistance. It seems so unreal to look back upon. and were I not sure of all this sad morn ing's work, I could almost believe il fancy. But there was no time, to think what to do. In nnolhir moment I bad, grasped the line, aud was about to swing tbe buoy to the struggling, drowning man, when I recognized his features, notwithstanding the wild spray and the disheveled hair that was matted by the salt water round his forehead. Tbe swimmer was Frederio Brasfome the man who had all but killed my dar ling sister the traitor I My arm fell listlessly to my side. Ag nes was dyiug. poor darling, almost with in sight of the heaving sea'whlch bore her faithless lover, on lis angry. bosom; and should I savefhio life when be had wrecked neri-7 No! ily revenge was complete. I bad him in my power now The demon icmpted!mc to let him bide and die; and jet a strange Bad compass ion ior me nearness acsirojt r oi my sis- ter's life, in bis dire calamity, filled niy heart. He recognized me. and called gasping ly for help; for help for Agues sake! For her sake! Did he dare to tr'ado bis safety on her blighted life? Aud 'yct at the sound of hi? name, the thought that she had forgiven him bis trespasses a. gainst her now prevailed. I called out and hove the life close to him. 'Hi was almost spent, but clutched it with the grasp of drowning men, and soon, assisted by the wares, I hauled him al most senseless to tho rock, alive!, (The yacht drove on tbe reef just then, and the crew were rescued i.fler.) Tbank hinvm, I bad saved himl Now that he was free from danger I felt moro at cue. Tbe black cloud of revenge bad passed away, and Agues' puro kfliieiice had worked a wondrous change in roe. Hu lay.itisensible, but in n short litun Dobsou.and his mate, having hauled, the others out of danger, camo to my assist ance, and they carried Brastomo iu and laid him on the bod. I could not see him, though I .saved bis, life, but afterward I heard the. facts from tho other young men, who over whelmed u with thanks, and their ac count was this (we were sitting in the gllry when they told the tale, and bow' they met their companion him my enemy as I judged): They had borrowed Mr. Fcudrewitt's yacht and hud sailed to Cherbourg. At that port they bad encountered-Brast-omc, wh was very anxious lo return at once to England, but bad missed the steanjer. Knowing who bo was lor they had met at Mr, Pendrewitt'B house tbey volunteered to bring him to our littl port, sb be said he bad received a moat urgent letter from a friend. My luiorm ant, his own sailing master, had inanag ed to get good anchorage about 10 miles away at six o'clock the previous evening, but the storm increasing, theyaoh, drig gsd her anchor about three a, ro... Thus tbey bad drifted, and though tbey liail managed to keep off Ihe shore, the set of the tide carried them to leeward, aud tbe yacht bore down upon tbe reef, struck, and sank in eight fathoms. I listened to this narrative with very mingled feelings. Tbe letter referred to must be the letter which I had sent. Why did be not telegraph bis ropl? was still debating on, the course I should adopt, when Dobson oauie np and said that the other geatleman wished to see me. X ! lioweu tne nailer, anvi in a mo meut was In Brastome's room. He held ont bis hand, I hesitated to acoept it. Why, Harry," he said, " how have I offended yon? Your letter puzzKd me considerably. "Can yon ask ho ?" I replied. "You who have jilted my slater, uud blighted ber life and, I fear, caused her death. by yonr dastardly conduct. I saved your life but I could almost regret .it. I have ft lone r-'ckouluc 16 settle with vou." "But listen to roe; you are quite tn error. I never injured yonr slsteri I am as true to ber as even you could desire, I oro Indeedl" "Are yon not engaged to be married to Sir William A's daughter?" "Certainly not My cousin, who has come into the title, 1 going to marry ber I hope to marry Agnes yonr sister and I can t really understand I did not permit him In finish, wrung bis hand nearly off, begged his pardon, and almost cried in doing it Then I rushed ont and wrttrted Dobson to signal for a boat, which he very prop erly declined to do; so I sat with Fred and talkod about Agnes till I began tn think' that I had carried my affection quite far enonoh. All was explained, nnd I was happy again; and the next day! Oh, what a happy day It wast The sea fortnnatelrj abated. Mnrr.iV came ottt with Ihe wel comenews that darling Agnes was better. aud that evening we all went rub oro in Ibe'bibest spirits. The glad intellig ence of her fiilthrnt swain's return was gently conveyed to her, and she at ones got so bright ttntl happy, that we doclr ed she hnrl been 'shammies' H "1S time; and when, three days later, she nnd Fred were allowed to soo each blhtfr well, the meeting is beyond tho power of my poor pen to describe. Nothing now presented any obstacle to their engagement helrg anuonhced. About threo months afterward, on a cold Jnnnnry morning, my dear sister was uni ted to tbehusvand of Her choioe " for richer, for pbnrer, till" 'death do them pari i1 and, judging bexterrJsl evidence, I am thanlifnl to say Ikat there is no prospect nf a. separation fur many years. I'am'vfiy gHd now that I heavnd the life-buoy at Frederic's head from the Old Channel rock that stormy morning just fifteen-years ago. i And that was Mr BE' VENat! The Carbon Advocate, An Independent Family JIwaiaper Published evory SATURDAY, in Lehtgiilon,. uarbon uo.,i'a., ny HAuitY v. moRTiiixniiit. OrTiri-nAsR.WAY. a '.tori dtYl'sncs sbevs the Lehigh VAIty 1VHJ Depot. Toms: $1.00 perAiiium in Aflyancc kVinrbrecmmos orrtArx asd met Job Printing AT VERV LOW PRICKS. OMF, STEtV. A nuioky, fiissy, round Utile man step ped up to the first waiter in a new ojattr saloon in New York, and said I "Have yon ot any real nice, fresh, good oysters T' Yes. f,lr." 'Not too fat, yon know bh't not thin either. I want them just exactly right and I want them perfectly fresh." "How will you have thtin hulf shell?" "Stop a moment," s'.ld the little men, "ifynnhavj get jnst tbe right kind, la jnst the right condition, please take a half pint smill ones, and strain iudjaice tff them carefully. leaing nojiiVceon tbem; put thtm In rt pan'wblcti ban bien scoured and dried, nnd then add 'a little batter (pure good butter), rind a little milk, (not Nf w York milk but rent coun try cows milk) and then plrtce thffpau uver a coal fire, and bs careful to keep the pan in motion so as' not to let the oysters or Iho milk burn; add 'a Utile juice if you choose, and then watch the pan so closely that tho 'cxict moment it comc-4 to n boil yir h cn whlpit-MT. At the same time bavo a deep' dish" warming dear nt band, nud when you see 'the fi st sign of bulling, empty tin pan into' the lish. Do yon think yon Wii rvmfinber that?" '"One stew 1" the wniter called out. vtunpiM; ovr.u an awful KIND MAIV. Tbe saddest faced man we bavo seen for a long time came into our sanctnm tho cither day, and sat down near the sa cred desk. He didn't seem inclined to talk, and we didn't know exactly what to make of it; but we were busy nud said nothing. Fresently he fished out an exchange in a kind of timid way that showed that be was young in the nuisance business. He had road probably halt an hour, when onr attention was called tq him by well defined sob. We looked hastily up. The roan sat there with tbe paper beforo bis eyes, the very picture of misery, the great tear drops trickling dewn bis brown cheeks. "What's the matter?" asked wennxi- 'ons'to learn tho cause of his trouble. ' ''I was 'jest," said he in a broken voice "1" was jest n readin' about the death of John Wilklns." ''An old frlead of yours?" ''Yes-no; that is not cxie'ly. I never sriw'blm but once, but he wns.nn awful 'kind man; Ydu see, I have heart dis ease', nnd' not able to wcrk and thin ri an' kctched me in j'-st such a fix as ava in to day, nud .what does ho do but yank" out his leather and.shovq. mo a V, That man wns n Christian. I'm sufferin' right now, paril, roore'u tongue can Jell,, and if that man John Vfilkins war alive and in town I'd go to him now, and you bet your socks he'd' keep me from sleep ing on tbe sidewalk with this heart of Ine. Oh, I can't help weeping over a friend like tbnt," We are very sorry, friend, that John Wilklns Is not alive and hers to look af ter yon. but we're afraid you'll find it dry picking on this pasture. So I guess you'd better take n littlo recreation, and see if yon can't weep up a donation somewhere else. Ho seemed to appreciate the suggestion and went slowly and sadly out. Ml.-Clemens, (Mich.) True He.rJ. W. T. Lee, esq., of this panorisaysf Reins convinced f t he efficacy of St Jacob's' Ou in curing rheumatism, i bavo no hesitancy in recommending It. Hero we have a lady. She was at a party last night, and the paper spoke nf her as the amiable aud accomplished wife of our respected fellow citizen., Our respected fellow citizen is now as full as tick, and his amiable wife Is wolloping bim with the roHiug pin. Tho lady ap pears to be more uocomplishud than amiable. DejMiualtito. You have allowed your bowels to. become habitually costive, your liver has become tumid, the same thinz ails vour kidneys. and your ale just used up. Now be sensible get a iacknge ol Kidney-Wort, take it faith- lunv end eoon you wuiiurgoi you.vejigin any such orgnus,(ur you , will be a well mail. Altany Argvt. i-The rule now is for. every lady" lo have ber age indicated on ber hat-brin-. Every inch of width indicates llirte years. A ten inch brim ' msans'tbnt tLu lady is thirty' years old; a twetity-ihoU brim shows that she Is sixty; and bo'cd. It is a charming conceit. Quick mul Sure, Many miserable people drag themselves about with failing streugti,fecling that they ra steadilv sinking into their craves. When by using Parker's dinger Tonio fliey would find a cure commencing with tlie first dose, and vitality and strength quickly and sure- coming back to mem, r How briskly tbe firo bams in , tho grate. Yes, the Editpr has received a fresh lot of poetry. Sympathetic; "I feel for you, deep ly," said tho hungry 'man, probing about in his soup bowl for a stray oyster, rhcire'lai llttrdly-ttu Adult I'craoit livinc but is sometimes troubled with lild- ey difficulty, which is the most prolific snd anceriuis causa of all disease. There Is no sort of need lo have. 'any form ofkidney'nr urinary trouble It Hop fitters are tuken occasionally. nnrii si'dem ottiie mtiDnc. ''Sav' mister, nre we on this side of the 'bridge or the oilier?" asked n placid old lady' of a gentleman on a Court street car yesterday morning! Wo are on Ibis side, responded tbe gentleman gravely. "Laws me I Then we ain't anywhere near Greenwood cem'ctery, yet 1" "Yes madam, we nre within a few squares of It.'' "Sake a massey ! I thought Green wood was on the other side of tho bridge?" "No, madam, it is ou this side:" "We.ll that pesky conductor told me it was tin tbe other side when we started, 'It wSs, madame, on tho other side then, but we bavo crossed tbe bridge, Thou' we nre on the other side?" "No'madnme, -we are on this side of the bridge. Wo've passed it." "And1 is Greenwood ou the 'other side?' she asked, startiug up In some alarm, "No, it is on Ibid side." 'Don't try to fool me with your non sense !" exclaimed tbe old lady indig nantly. "Don't try to make me think that Greenwood is on this side of lb bridge,' when I know better, and don't try to make me believe! I'm on this side, when I know Fm on the other I Don't ye do ill You want to be careful how yoa amuse yourself with me, rr Hi fit you ont with a new set nf ribs !"' and tbe lady shook her umbrella in warning as the source of the additional phj Biological develop- meut. "The idea she continued, turn ing t6 tbe other passengers, "of trying to muddle an old woman that might be hi mother 1 I'll bridge ye, both sides in minute. Conduct r, inst us soon as I k on this side of the bridge yon let me out, or Ibis will be yonr tombstone trip to Greenwood I ' And the dam straightened raok aud declared doQauce, while her wcll.meatiug informant concluded that it wasn't tco cold for him tn walk to his destination. What U that which never asks any question bnt requires many answers ? Tbe street door. Wheu the modosl young man is unex pectedly caught Iu n parlor full of wo men one of whom has roguish eyes, nud begins to think whether bis hair Is pari exi straight or not, the blushes start from bis forehead, and creep over tbe top of bis bead and down his back nntil be feels like a nutmeg grater with a liu ear. Woman-is tialurully'gifted with quick er wit, better judgment, greater self-possession lhau man.lbut Ibere are very, very few women who can appear at ease ami look pleasant when nne-xpeeted callers suddenly surprise ber w"b a set of tetta lo each hand and ncjxti In her mouth. A bad case of n. g. ; Gas Siugsaaly is as deaf as a post. During one pf .the cold days of last week a friend told h'jm lie wonld freeze his ears if he did not protect them in some way, "Snpposo they do freeze, said Sin'gsadly, "what harm will that do? They're no good.""4 KIDNEY DISEASE CUUHD. ChristIaxbckqVa., 1881. fltifTprlnir from kiilnftv HlSasea. Irom which t could get no relief either1 frnrh'medi' rino or Iho prominent physicians of our country, I tried Brown1 Iron Ditteri. w(ielt cured me completely. A .Mid nf'mlne re covering mrrrtne "scarlet lever, nsu nn ap petite, and il hi not t'em to !e. awe to eat at all 1 1 save bim Iron Miller Willi; the bap piest results. j. it. z nr. nuu i'auuc. Narrow escape; Ike has nn irrigating disense; Charlotte rnsse broke, out all over htm, and if hi hadn't worn the In- jun bead as an pmletta it wonld doubt- lea, bavo calumlnated fatally. If vou desiroa true meilluinullonle that will positively rid yoii ofaliVnur ailments and general ill health, 'Brown's Iron Hitter Is tbe best. A Connecticut into has refuted for fourteen long years to let hi wife, .speak to a neighbor, for fear soma nf them wonld become frieqdly enough to want to borrow a drawing of tea. rDr. Pierce's "Faverite Prescription" Is not extolled as a "cure-all," but admirab ly fulfill, a singleness of purpose'. "beinx a most potent specific iu those cliroulo weak. peculiar to women, Partjoolars.Jn I)r. Tierce's pamphlet treatise mi Disease Prullar lo women, 11 paces, tent fur tfire lata inns. Address Woai' Pisraasaar 1 ....... Tl..,r..l.. XT V "Mother," said a little square-built urchin about five years old, "why clo't the teacher make me monitor sometime? I can lick evrry boy iu my clisa bul ont ," SLr-I)r. Tierce' "Tcllcts'-lftlle'liver pills (sugar-coated) purify tho blood, speedily correct all disorders of th liver, stomach, aud bowels. By drujrl.ts. A Chieago girl's usefulness: 13 men crossed a St. Louis street dry shod 'yes terday by simply following In the tracks of a Chicago girl who is ou a visit there. Accept Our Cirnllltide.'r Dr. It V. Puace, if, Y-i DearEirYnur "Oolden Medical Discovery" bus cured my buy of fever sora of two year sfsudjng. Tleste accept our gmlitude. Yours truly, HENRY WIllTISO. Boitnn, Mst. f)nallrtca,Uon: Qhe told bm that she could read his mind Ilk niopeii book, lad then softly added, "blank book."