The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 21, 1882, Image 3

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Local and Personal.
An'fcxchnnES says, "Man's average life
ta 33 year." Dr.'Dull'aCuunh Byrup will
al trays live.
John Wllllams,or Bethlehem, was kill
ed by cars thero oU the 10th Inst.
A miner named Robert Marshall, vrai
killed In the mines, near Brranton,on Wed
nesday of Mat week, by a fall of coal.
MT-For ."prepared paints, wall paper,
books, stationery or fancy article of any and
every dlscriptlon, at very lowest prices, ro
to . F. IiUckenbach) Broadway, Mauch
A thorough-bred young GORDON SET
TER DOO, for sale. Apply at thta office.
Tha Allentown gas worka hare been
purchased of W. W. Kuril, of Philadelphia.
A stock company has been formed with a
capital of $180,000, with Mr. Kurti as Pres
ident The Beaver Run M. E. Church will he
dedicated on Sunday, the 20th Inst., at 7:0
o'clock p. m. Rev. L. B. JIolTman, pastor
or the Maucb Chunk M. E. ;hurcb, will
preach the dedicatory sermoa. All ara
cordially Invited to be present.
aScVBetore ordering your fall and winter
suits and overcoats, you should not fall to
drop into lheI'ost O'ffieo buildnlg, In this
borough, and examine the new and elegant
assortment of latest hovclties in cloths,
easslineres, suiting" and overcoatings now
opening,-nnd which the undersigned is pre
psred make up In the very latest style
and most durable manner at prices fully as
low as the same material and workmanship
can be obtained elsewhere. Call and be
II. II. Pmtis, Agent,
P. O. Building, Lehlghlon, I'enn'a.
The Schuylkill Valley Navigation and
Railroad Company announces adlvidend of
two and one-half percent, payable oa de
mand. The Mill Creek and Mine Hill Naviga
tion and Railroad announces a dividend of
five per cent, payable on demand.
The Mount Carbon and Port Carbon
Railroad announces u dividend of six per
cent, payable on demand.
tgu If you have a cold or cough of any
kind, buy a bottle of Hill's Tcerleaa Cough
Syrup at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store. Use
It all, and if not satisfied return tha empty
battle and ho will ri-lund your money. He.
also sells PeerWss Worm Specific and Hill's
Worm Drops on the same terms. No euro,
no pay.
The water is being removed Irom Kch-
ley Run Colliery, near Shenandoah, as It
Is believed that the tiro bas been extin
guished. Thomas GafTney, n sliocmaker.of Scran
ton, was killed on Monday by an accidental
fall down alalra.
The Knhinoor Colliery, at Sheneadnab,
bas reached the Primrose vein.
jftSfWe invito the attention of our read
ers to tha advertisement of the Buckeye
MTg Co., Marlon, Ohio, In another column.
They rare inducements to earn an
hone.t living.
Considerable real estate is (hanging
bands in Allentown at prescat.
The RcadiDg Railroad owns 782 miles
of road, 858 under lease and 84 under con
trol, making a total of 1,735 mites.
The Berks County Agricultural Society
kas fixed upon the 26lh,27tb,28lh aud 29th
of September as the time for holding its
next tair at Rending.
&juClocks, Watchos, Jewelry and silver
ware lor sale, nod repairing done nt llaga
roan a Store, Weissprtrt. zo-yi
While a freight train on the li. V. road
was standing at Cherry Ford, on Monday
afternoon, H coal train rnn into it, wrecking
two cars of the freight train and some 25
cars of the coal .train besides the engine.
No one injured. The brakcinan had neg
lecled to flag the coal train.
Tho Philadelphia and Reodlng Coal
and Iron Company Is pumping the water
out of Middle Creek Colliery, Schuylkill Co.,
preparatory to working the same.
ifSUlfyou wanla nice amooth.casy shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Fr.tnz
lloeilerer's Saloon, under me svxrlianeeltc
tel. He will tlx. you right, and don'tyou
target It.
Mrs. George Messinger,'o widow, aged
7 5, living alone near Easton, was found dead
in her bed on Sunday morning. Her son
went fo visit her, and, Bulling' the house
locked, became alarmed, and on bursting
open the door found his mother dead
During the week ending on the 14th
init., there were 142,323 tonsof cosl shipped
over ihe Lehigh Valley railroad, making a
total of 801,105 to for the season to that date.
and showing an increase af 274,315 tons as
ompared with the same time last year
ZSt The Enterprise Sausage StulTer and
Tjird Press combined is acknowledged tho
best. Melt Cutters of various kinds, also
Scale Itaiims to get the correct weight of
your hogs, cheap at the Hew Hardware
Store, 60S Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa
All kinds of hardware. tf
The members of the Northampton Co,
bar have tendered to ex Judgel!. J. Render
a complimentary bauquet. The invitation
bas been accepted, and the affair will coma
off at the United States Hotel, Eiston, this
(Friday) evening. Hon. Henry Green, of
the 8upreme Court, will preside, and
number nf distinguished gentlemen will be
The Irst case of small pox manifested
Itself In East Mauch Chunk on Friday of
last wsk, in the person of David Belts, a
freight conductor on the L. V. It. R. It is
supposed he contracted tbe disease by bis
necessary stopping over at Pitlslon
Mrs. Charles Parrish, of Wilkesbarre,
who recent! jjllt for a tour abroad, gave $50
a month far the year toward a free reading
room and papdlar lunch house in thst city
The miners employed by Charles Par
rish A Co.. at Wilkesbarre, have decided n
to enter Into a strike. This ends tha trouble
between them aud the operators. Orders
were issued on Saturday last for three day
work a weckdurng the remainder of tbi
month and tojcontiuue through February,
and longer if necessary
William Encke, Justice of the Penes
and a leadiugciliienofMahanoy City, com
milted suicide about five o'clock on Thurs-
day afternoon, tbe 12th inaL, by shooting
himself through the heart. He was forty
five years of age, and prominently identified
with the National Guard. He bad recent
ly appeared to be melancholy, and epen
tbe afternoon at bis office. His wife aud
children were with blm until half-past four,
when they went home at bis request, say.
ing be would follow shortly. Financial
embarrassment and family difficulties ara
thought to be tbe cause.
Several weeks ago Mr, Joshua Hun
Superintendent of the Crane Iron Works, a
Catasauqua, haiided in his resignation after
an employment under the eoiniany of about
30 years. At, a late meeting of the directors
the resignation was aocenud. Mr. Joteuh
Hunt, "who has now been placed in charge
of the Works.haabeen assistant superintend
ent since the death of Mr. Thomas Hunt
Mr. Clement Hazard.son ol Fisher
Hazard, of Mauch Chunk, has been made Superintendentoftbel'oiiusylvania division
assistant suerinlendent. OtUf the company's railroad, and Mr. Weston.
The (Ire in No. I colliery, of the LehlghGeneral Real Estate Agent, were all born in
Coal and Navigation Lansford,
is a o looger regarded as serious.
Wo bave just received a limited sap
ply of a new work entitled "A Tliouwuid
Facts'' with n Memorandum Calendar for
1882, which we ore presenting to sab
scribcrs who pay $1.00 in tvlvanco for the
CinnoN Advocate. Tour choice of this
or "Kendall's Horse nnd his Dlsr-aies."
Pay promptly ftnd get tho premium 1
fhose of our subscrib
ers getting the .Advocatf.
through the mail will please
refer to the direction tab, note
their indebtedness, and remit
the amount. In all cases
whore we have to send bills
$1.25 'will be charged to cover
expenses of postage, etc.
The doys have gained thirty-five min
utes in length since Christmas.
The commissioners of Berks county
have determined upon refunding the county
debt at 4 per cent, interest, and will call In
all the county bonds.
Stephen Voxburg, a watchman on the
Lehigh Valley railroad, was Instantly killed
by cars at Towanda on Wednesday of last
William Randau, of rittston, was ar
rested In Wilkesbarre on Sunday night,
while wandering around the oily suffering
with small-pox, and sent to the hospital.
II. P. Erb and Solomon Close bave
brought suit against the Lehigh and Wilkes
barre Coal Company to recover 200 acres ol
coal and timber land at Summit Station, la
Schuylkill county.
The graveyard Insurance company es
tablished at Kutztown somo time ago ills
continued business last week after an exist
ence of less than six months. They closed
out their office fixtures at auction on Salur-
ay evening last. Quite u numbcrof policy
holders are considerably out of pocket.
The lollowlng named gentlemen were
elected Directors of the Slatingtou National
Bank on Tuesday of last Week : Peter Gross,
ohn flalilet, John Craig, Thomas Kern,
Dr. II. II. Rlegel, D. D. Roper, V. W.
Weaver, 8. J. Klstler, David Henry, Dr. J.
, Miller and K. D. Peters.
Dr. F. J. Slough, newly elected health
nicer of Allentown, says the Democrat, is
fast bringing the small pox under control.
and If he kctpson making like good prog
ress we will soon be entirely free fiom the
malady. When heentered upon duty early
n January there wcse.30 casea In the city,
some of them being of the most virulent
kind. Now the number has gone down to
19, and of these, in a number of instances.
there are two and three in one and tho snma
family. The majority of tha cases more
over are in a state or convalescence, 'ihe
buve IB include all the new cuses reported
since our last isbue. There have been only
three deaths ao far in the present year.
Don't you forget when you want a team
for business or pleasure to call on our popu
tar liveryman, David Ebbcrt, on North St.
Terms low und teams excellent.
- Robert Bartholomew, an old residentof
town and supervisor ol streets, died at his
residence in this borough, on Friday of last
week, after a few (lavs illness. His funeral
took placs Mouday nnd was very largely
attended by relatives nnd friends.
Mrs. Sarah Mnber, widow of James
Dolon und Michael Mnher, died at her res
idence, Fuekerton, on Friday morning, 13th
nt.1., at 10 o'clock, in the 78th year of her
ace, of mnlsrlul fever. She was the daugh
it of the lale George Fi.glemau, end was
born in Pnckerton iu 1804, and has ever
since resided there. Her child) en ara John
C, George and Wm. Dolon, and Mrs John
Welsh and Joins McGinn, by her first hus
band, and Peter and Margaret Muher, by
her second husband. She was n ludy well
known nnd very highly esteemed. She was
buried at Lehigbton on Monday morning
-The coal breaker of J. C. Hayden ,t Co ,
at Jeansyllle, in I.uzeruo county, one of the
largest ill the Stale, was destroyed on Tues-
lay night by a fire, cupKised to have been
the work of an incendiary. Loss $200,000.
About 350 men aud boys were employed by
this breaker.
Wo are pleased to stale that Mr. Thns.
Kemerer basso far recovered from his late
llness as to be able to be out of doors.
If Jnmes Billman noes not call at this
office- nnd settle for tickets ho got printed,
we will publish the two first letters of bis
name in the next issue of this paper.
For the week ending on the 1.1th inst.,
there were 02,577 tons of coal shipjied over
he Lehigh Ic Susquehanna railroad, mak
ing a total for the season to that date of 132,
608 tons, an increase of 21,815 tons as com
pared with same date last year.
A leading question : "How Is your vac
cination t"
John Miller and Frauk Stengly lost
their eyesight by the premature explosion
of a blastat Guty's Station, near Allentown,
Wcnnelay afternoon, aud Miller is so bad
ly injured otherwise that he is not expected
to recover.
Ia-At a the meeting of the stockholders
4Tftho First Notional Bank, of this borough.
held on the 11th inst., Ihe'foilowing named
gentlemen were elected Directors A. J.
Hurling, R. F, Hnlford, Dennis Bowman, 0.
II. Seidel, P. J. Kistler, Thomas Kemerer.
On Wednesday last the Board organized by
tbe election of the following officers Thos-
Kemerer, President! R F. Hofforil, Vice
President; W. W. Bowman, Cashier.
rilxllllllT Their Whj- to Fortune.
In the summer of 1836 a bare footed boy
was in bis way to Houesdale, walking the
tow pdth of the Delaware and Hudson Ca
nal. When four miles out ol Port Jervls,
and still forty miles from bis destination,
he was overtaken by a canal boat. He was
asked to jump aboard the boat and ride,
which he did. On the boat was a Scotch
family, just landed In America, who were
on their way to the Pennsylvania coal fields,
One of its members was a boy tha same age
of thu young pedestrian, 11 years. A strong
friendship grew up between the two boys
by the time they reached Uonesdale. Tbe
Scotch family went on to Carbondale, the
center of tbe LuckawanDa coal field. The
boy who had beou given tbe rjde ou the
boat obtained employment pq tbe canal,
Hit friend, the Scotch boy, worked in the
mines for a short time as mule boy. Both
be and tbe former baie-foot boy rose In the
eomiany'a' service. The Scotch boy of for
ty-six yeara ago is Thomas Diokson, Tresl
dent of the Delaware and Hudson Canal
Company, His friend.lbe other boy, Is Col,
F. Young, General Manager of the Com
pany.ond President of its Albany and Bus
quehanna Railroad system. Mr. Dickson,
Mr". Young, J. T, Olip'iant, the Treasurer of
1 the eniniiauv". Mr. Van Sh-klrn. R.rin.
! lendeut of the coal M.nvill..
lR2s, the year in which ground
' to construct tho canal.
was broken
From tlieCdiLinty Seat.'
More unfeigned charily.
More geuuine friendship.
More domestic forbearance.
More manifested generostty.
More yielding to conscience.
More true courage to resist evil.
More cheerful readiness to do right.
More obedience to conviction of duty.
More brotherly love In secret associations.
More consistency in professing christians.
The annual election for Directors ofthe
First National Bank of Mauch Chunk was
held on Tuesday, the 10th inst., when the
following genlle'nen wero chosen! A. W.
Lelscnrlng, Daniel Bertsch, A., A. Douglas,
William Lilly, Allen Craig, John L. Stead
man, Wm. B. Muck, George Ruddle, Wm.
Butler, J. W. Heberling, Ames Reigel,
James McGinty, E. B. Lelsenring. At a
ni'eUng ofthe Directors held on Thuisdsy,
tbe 12ih Inst., A. W. Lelscnrlng was re
elected President, and A. W. Butler Caihjcr.
Oa Tuesday, Jan. 10th, the aununl
election for Directors of the Second National
Bank of Mauch Chunk resulted ns follows!
T. L Foster, W. II. Slroh, Leonard Yeager,
N. D. Cortiight, John O. Dolon, CO. Skeen
Lafayette Lentz, Christopher Curran, J. M.
Driesbacb. Tho board met on Thursday,
12th inst., and re-elected T. L. Foster Presi
dent, and J.M. Driesbach Cashier.
Qukry. If it is not right and proper
to dance or attend public places of amuse
ments a few days before taking sacrament
or during lent, how can it be right ht any
other timo7 If ills a sin at such times,
what makes it right or justifiable In any
event? The very lact that It is considered
wrong or Improper during set times, is a
tacit acknowledgment that it is exceedingly
doubtful, to say the least, and a self-evident
fact that it is regarded as wrong and not in
keeping with tbe christian character, for we
are commanded to " shun the very appear
ance of evil."
As far as beard from, there is but one
case of smallpox in East Mauch Chunk tor
ougn. It was rumored a few days ago that
there whs two other Cases there, btit they
have turned out to be measles, Instead of
smallpox Mr. David Beltz is the only case
of smallpox In said borough, and he is get
ting along finely, having it very light. We
arc informed that every precaution is taken
by tho authorities to prevent It from spread
ing by having the picmises strictly guarded.
Jacob Rommel, of this plane, a rail
roader on theN. J.C. R. R., slipped and lell
from the enrsand broke tils collnr bone. Wo
feel sorry for Jake, ami hope he may soon
get over It.
Patrick Welsh, of Canadaj ula, N. Y., a
reformed Catholic, lectured in Oak Hall, on
last Sunday afternoon and Monday night,
on "Romanism," which created quite a
sensation. We arc informed that be is now
lecturing in Schuylkill CO., Pa.
Empty The County Prison, which
speaks well for the morals of the county.
With the exception of slight colds, the
general health of the borough of Mauch
Chunk is good nt present.
Protracted meetings ore being contin
ued at St. Paul's M. E. church, in this bor
ough. m
We predict cold weather and good
sleighing during tho next six weeks, and if
not, we nre simply mistaken, that's all.
The last few days of Court were so still
while our friend Jonah opened the Court,
we could almost hear a gum drop.
WcUnport lions.
The crowning incident of Ihe week was
a surprise narty to Itev. E, J. Miller and
family, One hundred or more friends and
members of his own church participated
and contributed as they were inclined or
able. Among the various articles presented
was a purse containing $5.70, nn autograph
album to Miss Carrie, valued at $3, and a
turkey. The whole, ns nearascnuid be do
tcrinined amounted to $30. Mr. Miller ac
cepted the goods by tendering his sincercsl
thanks. Warm enroniums were heard on
overy side ns we passed out of thu hall nn
this occasion, and the friends were prouder
than ever of their beloved pastor. By fay
ing Hint wo desire In sec him reappointed to
his-prescnt charge, by couference, we hut
echo the wishes of his many friends In gen
eral. The long evenings have given oppor
tunity for intellectual as well as social re
creation. A pleusunt leading circle has
been formed, where nn appointed lady
gentlemen excluded reads aloud for an
hour or so, from romance, essay, history or
jioetry, as Inclination prompts. This social
group, thus Informally gathered, have been
at once entertained and profited without
heavy taxation on the part of any one. We
learn that somo of these gatherings are very
delightful in a social way.
A glorious revival of religion is pro
gressing at Maria Furnace. We were pnv-
ilegeil on last Sunday atternooti to viit the
meeting. The pastor Rev, Mr. Sheppardof
ficiating. His sermon was full of interest
ing fnijts, ond of minute and careful expla
natinu,ofien hastily passed over and neglect
ed by the ordinary preachers. It was de
livered, loo, with great ease and fluency of
expression. Thus, the furnace is becom
ing hot ft r the wandering soas of Adam.
Our prominent merchants have notified
their patrons that they will not accept any
punched or mutilated coin.
-Daniel Graver, moulder, has located in
Scranton. He is a young man of good ad
dress and deserves to meet with success in
his new field, pfjsbor. ,
Rev. J.' E. Freeman, of the Reformed
churchjias been remembered by his friends
He was presented with various articles by
the members of bis church. Another bap
py pastor I
In resmne to the pulpit and press, our
borough counsel bas appointed Nathan
Kresge police. We applaud)
An Infant child of Win, Knons depart
ed this life on last Wednesday.
A brief visit to the East Wetesport
schools nn Tuesday afternoon convinced us
that Mr. A. G. Campbell, principal, is en
deavorlug to bring the schools up to a high
standard. A. D. Rishel and Miss Mary A
Snyder, teachers assisting, are helping nobly
in this direction.
The meetings in the Evangelical church
are still progressing. The meetings tbe
present year are not as largely attended as
last, except on special evenings. It was
preceded by a district meeting In Franklin
This more or less divides the attendance.
The roads bave been iu such a condition
that persons could only with great difficul
ty endure to walk over them. But with all
these drawbacks, tbe meetings are marked
by deep spirituality that may yet work
wonders. Ixi.
The anthracite coal trade is fast wnrklag
into shape for the new year, We noticed on
Monday morning, says the Philadelphia
Ltdger, the fact that the several leading
companies had resolved on a policy of work
ing tbe current rear. To day we publish
I " following circular which has been Ir
sued to tha coul operators of Schuylkill
county t "Gentlemen i The anthracite coal
Interests havo agreed to the stoppage ol coal
mining the folluwlngdoysln Junuaryt 10th,
20th, 21st. To fully carry out the spirit ot
the agreement, It Is essential tlint the min
ing, hoisting, preparation, and loading of
coal during those days be entirely discon
tinued, and it is earnestly hoped that the
above agreement for suspension will be car
ried out by every one In good faith. Re
spectfully, Wm. II. Jones, John E. GraefT,
John Milnes, R. Ileckscher, Committee
Schuylkill Coal Exchange."
Coilkt I'rncccdlrtjrsi,
Commonwealth v. Geo. 8cherer) Indlcl
ment, fornication and bastardy. By r
mission of Court the District Attorney en
tered a nolle pros.
Report of ylewers of public rond In James
town, Mahouing twp., lctiding.frnm school
house to laud of Henry Beckeudoif. Con
finned nisi.
Report of viewers of publio rood in Tenn
Forest two., from a point near house of John
Serfass, in Kidder twp., tn n line on public
road near the house lonneriy qwneit by John
Eckhart, in Pcnn Foiest twp. Order con
tinued, and return to be made next term.
Com. V.John Frey; Indirtmenl, fornica
tion nnd bastardy. Prosecutrix, Elltu Lauer.
Ignoramus. County to pay costs.
First and final account of Charles Trrasl,
administrator of the estate of Marv Eickliolf,
dee'd. . Confirmed nisi.
First and final account of J. O. Krenmer,
administrator of Henry Ramalcy, deceased.
Confirmed uisl.
First and final nccount nf Robert Calvin,
administrator dn bonus nnn of Geo. Spung
ler, deu'd, Coufirmed nisi.
First account of William Idlly, executor
of George Fegley.dcc'd. Confirmed nisi.
rirst anil Is is n I account or Milton Dim
mlck.survlvinKcxecutorof M, M. Dlmiuick,
dee'd. Confirmed nisi.
First account of Henry Jolm, administra
tor of Thomas John, dee'd. Confirmed nisi.
Firsts ml partial nccount ofC. 8. Bellord,
administrator of Hannah Belford, deceased.
Confirmed nisi.
Widow's appraisement of the estalo ol
Charles Carroll, dea'd. Confirmed nisi.
Final account of Ellen Bellord, adminis
tratrix of Sam. B. Hutchinson, deo'd. Con
firmed nisi.
Estate of Jncob Snyder, late of Franklin
twp., dee'd. Rejmrt of snle continued nisi.
Plurius order of Court to sell real estate
of 8lephen Kern, dee'd. Report ol euleron-finm-d
First and final account of W. H. Arner,
guardian of John MuCalley. Continued
First nod filial account of Polly Kolb, ad
ministratrix of Dnnicl Kolb, dee'd. Con
firmed absolutely, '
Widow's appraisement of Ihe estate of
Gabriel Ditcher, dee'd. Confirmed abso
lutely. Widow's nppra'tcmcnt of the eslnlo of
John D. Bertolelto, dee'd. Confirmed abso
lutely. fclllion for appointment of guardian and
citation of Knte A- Ktigler. Cilntion dircc
ted tn issun ognins't Duulcl Miller, the
gunrdian, requiring him to file and render
an account, and a rule Is granted on him to
appear und show cause, ,tc.
In, tho matter of the estate of Gabriel Dit
cher, dee'd. Sale decreed.
Widow's appraisement of the estate of
Tilghman Aruer, dee'd. Approved.
Widow's appruisement of the estnto of
Unuiel ttumaley, ,lec d. Approved.
First mill dual a. -count of E. F. Lucken
tiHch, administrator of John J. Stall!, deo'd.
Confirmed nisi.
Account of John Beynon, gunrdian of G.
Powell, minor child ol Morgan Powell, de
ceased. Confirmed nisi.
Auditor's report distributing funds of the
estate of Uriah Rehr, deceased. Confirmed
First and final account of W. W. Trescoll,
Susan Dodson and Mary 0. Dodaon, execu
tors of tho last will and testament of John
C. Dodson, dee'd. Confirmed absolutely.
First nnd final account of Francis Stnekcr,
administrator, Ac, of Francis Okcrhouter.
Uonlirmeri ubsolutclv.
Second and final account of Charles W.
bwanl;, ocltnlnistriitor,.Vc.,of Amelia Swank,
dee'd. Cnfirmed absolute.
The account of Lewis West, guardian ot
William F. West. Confirmed absolutely.
Fiist and final account of George Uuddle,
administrator of Sarah Ruddle, dee'd. Con
firmed ubsolutely.
Fiist and final account of A. G. Brndhend
nnd E. P. Willinnis, executors of Mnry M.
Siveon, dee'd. Confirmed ubsoltite nnd
Win. M. Rup'dier, Esq., appointed nuriitjr
m iiiaKo insinuation oi iiiiius in in minus
ol executors and report ot next term.
First and final account of Georiro Ruddle,
administrator of Lillian B. Joseph, dee'd.
Ci n finned ubsolutely.
t'irstnnil final account of Arm. Ilurnel.
giiiriimn oi oyivcsier eaer. uonnrincil
1' Ireland final account of K. II. Siewcrs.
administrator of E. II. Siewers, deo'd. Con
firmed absolutely.
Account of lhos, Kemerer, one or the ex
ecutors of Granville Cluuss, dee'd. Confirm
ed absolutely.
In the matter nf the petition of tho ronl
estato of Mary Mnximer. nf the bornueh of
.naucii Uliunk, deed, was on motion ot
Messrs. Craig Loose, attorneys for peti
tioners, ordered to be sold nt public sale.
U. Q. Butler, Esq., wos appointed hy Ihe
i ourt trustee to conduct said sale, nnd exe
cute and deliver a Kood ond sufficient deed
.nearly an me cases la the Common fleas
Court were postponed, so tbnWho jury wero
iiibcnurgeii on me nrsi uny ol t.ourr, unit
the Court ndiourned on Tuesdnv utter hav
ing disposed of a few ofthe cuses on the ar
gument list.
Loner 'rnwumciislil? iiuiiin.
Dallas Blose, of Lehigh Gap, dlsiiosed
ol n is lioree to Al. Lichtenwalter for $50.
The County Superintendent visited our
schools last week.
-Rev. J. E. Freeman delivered an elo
quent sermon on last Sunday a week. Sub
ject: "The Circumcision of the Child Jesus.'
He strongly urged tbe importance of the
baptism of children.
Apples and cabbago are scarce, and
command high prices.
-Itev. J. b. Freemnn paid a pastornl
visit at O, Blnse's on Sunday a week, after
service, on which occasion their little sin
was christened, receiving the name of Ed
win Jacob,
John Rueh.ofEast Pcnn, is busily en
gaged clearing bis lot iu BowmanSYille, He
Intends to erect a dwelling thereon.
John Blose. of Berliusville, wos visiting
friends at Fire Line Inst Sunday week.
The teacher of Bowman's school has
introduced mapdrawing in connection with
geography, according to the method of E.
A. Apgar, State Superintendent of N. J., as
given by him to the teachers at the Carbon
county Institute, in November last. His
class Is, composed of eight pupils, viz! E. C.
Snyder, H. II. Horlacher, Alton Bowman,
V. E. Brown, Misses Ida M, Noll. Acefe A.
Romig, Lizzie Eoycr, and Lizzie Bowman,
and each of them has drawn a map of the
United Stales, and handed them to their
teacher to be submitted to tbe County Sunt-
en his next visit.
Subscribe for tbe Carbox Aovocatx-
only $1 a year. CoKrinxsca.
:rnild Jury lteport.
Ta tht Honorable, the Judqei of Quarter Set
that of tht Peace, in and for the County of
Carbon t
Jamuart Sissioss, 1881
The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth
nf Pennsylvania, iuauirinz for tho County
of Carbon, in all matters relating to the
same, do respectfully report!
That they have, acted upon eight bills of
iNwmwiiriu, ui wuicii six were louna true
bills uud two Ignored.
We bee further to report i That we have
visited and iuspected the county buildings
and liud them in good onudi.lon, and the
omeera in cnarge are to he recommended
lor ina lallulul performance of their re
spective auties.
We respectfully tender our thanks to th
Honorable Judges and District Attorney Iu
the courtesy and assistance reudered us
during our deliberations.
IUubiin Zziouruse, Foreman,
January 11, 1882.
The value of the assessable property o
West ChoUr is $7,021,003,
HamiMlt IIIU nnd Ncliiliborliood.
The following items are clipped from the
elumns of the Iteeord, ofthe 14th inst t
Summit Hill.
The rope broke on No. 4 slope on Tb urs-
dcy, but fortunately no person was hurt,
The Mite Society of the Episcopal
Church will hold a coffee festlval'in Armory
Mall on Monday evening, the 23d inst.
The law suits between 81mon Andesner
nd Bernard Bhsrp on one side, and Aaron
Davis and David Bullion on the other, were
settled on Saturday lost in tlmn to prevent
their going before Court.
At a meeting of tho Summit Hill Water
Company the following officers were elected
for the present year! Directors George
Ruddle, James McCready, John McCreadv,
Smith Fleming, John McDIih, John F.
Breilln, John P, McIIugh, W. T. Jonos,
Idward Minfilck, Samuel Rlcket, Benja
min Ross, John Boglo. Auditors James
mlth, E. II. Klstler, Robert Ross.
Mrs. Mary Rickcrt, a highly respected
resident of this place, died In her COth year
on Tuenlny, after an Illness which confined
her to bed for the past eighteen weeks. Do-
ceased was a native of Grschenhopeti lown
shlp, Lehigh county, Pa., where she was
born August 20, 1812. Four sons Samuel,
Solomon, John nnd Joseph survive her.
Her husband preceded her to the great tribu
nal 10 years ago, having met his death by
coal cars on Nn. 1 rianc, thort used to hoist
cnnl, Mrs. Rickerl's funeral took place Frl-
lay afternoon in the Protestant cemetery.
Rev. I, E. Graelf and W. II. Strouseof the
Reformed mid Lutheran Churches, conduct
d the burial services.
A child of William Etnuiiual, aged two
years, died on Wednesday morning.
Ilia (iimored that two swell marriages
re to take placo before Lent deud-loeks the
matrimonial market. Tho parties interested
feel happy.
At tho last meeting ofthe St. Joseph
Temperance Society tho following officers
were elcctid for the ensuing year: Presi
dent, Patrick Ciillenj Vice President, Col-
turn M clinch: Secretory. Cornelius Riley t
Assistant Secretary, Thomas Hulpins Treas
urer, Hugh Smith J Board of Directors
Henry McGorry, Jumes Butler, Hugh Me-
Cube, Philip McArdlc, Tolrick Coylc, John
Gallagher, Mnrtagcr,Grorgc McElvn. Henry
McGony wus made President of the Board
f Directors.
The boundary lino between Carbon ond
Schuylkill counties is at Inst settled. All nf
what is known as "Buck Mountain," on the
west side of No. S brcuker, now belongs to
Henry Holland, once a tesident of
Lnnsford, died at Bristol, England at the
home of his parents, from the effect of an
ccident ho met with by fulling oil the
Screen Building, Hautn, while in the em-
iloy of tho Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal
Company In the spring of 1874. Deceased
was an honorably discharged soldier of tbe
ate civil war, having served iu tho Fourth
Pennsylvania Cavulry.
-We have John Koch among us again,
hanl.s to what is culled law. John was
charged with breaking his boy's arm, for
which he Was lodged in jail. Before the
Grand Jury tho boy swore that his father
lid break his arm, but when put on the
stand in the prcseoce of his father, hp swore
lint ho did not break it, but thnt it was
irokrn by a .fall on tho breaker' whero he
was employed as a slate-picker. While
Judge. anil-Jury wero satisfied that tho boy
win lulraid to testify nguiust his barbarous
father, according to the evidence they could
Iff nothing but acquit bun. District At-
orney, Mulhearn made on able speech In
favor of conviction. Judgn Drehertold the
rrepressiblo Koch that if he came before
tut Court again on such a charge, he would
not fare so well.
t lio Cnnl Trnaiu.
Tbn anthracite eosl trade, says Monday's
Leaner, has been almost entirely absorbed
In the very general interest laken .in th
Reading Railroad election, which has occu
pie I the greafe.'part of the week. A week
ago.tho market wes materially unsettled hy
Ike mild weat er of the previous week. In
order to keep the coal market fioni an ad
verse turn in consequence ofthe very un
usually warm weather, a proposition wns
started to so control production as tn hold
the supply of and demand for cnnl so as not
to cross any ofthe divers Interest, to Ihe
serious detriment of any of the pirlles in
volved. The trade all of the past year has
worked so satisfactorily from lis na n voli
tion that a general disiositinn prevailed to
stand aloof and let. the business continue as
it li ml run on. Somo there were, however.
who thought the coiiliol of production.
which had worked so well, should bo held
in the hniids of those who had alrcady
achlevcd so much success. Let well enough
alone, Is a good and wholesome tine of
policy. Up to the end of the past week the
subject matter was more or less discussed,
but nothing definite was determined upon.
The amount of coal put Ukiii tho market is
s little full, and somo of the outside opera-
lore are showing a slight weakening in
pruvs, but it is hardly believed that this
ill seriously disturb the market. Indeed,
the JuVufM' Journal of Saturday last says i
"The trade continues brisk for all sizes ex
cept domestic, ond of these the accumula
tion at tidewater points is not sufficient as
yet to cause uny embarrassment. This un
usual activity at this season of the year has
had the effect of suspending discusslou on
the question of suspension, which was be
gun after the holidays. Tlio last expression
of views on the snbject fouud some advo
cates for Immediate suspension, while nth-
rs contended that they could not suspend
si prrsnt without serious embarrassment lo
their manufacturing trade. At tho present
riling nothing has been determined ou,
though it was thoughtthat next week wouid
develop tha programme for Ihe winter
months. The January circulars continue
the December prices, and it is not probable
that there will be any advauce iu prices
ntil the spring. Tbe anthracite product
of the Schuylkill region for the first week
in the new year was 85,591 tons, against
111,244 tons for the week prevlons and
74,283 Ions for the Bame week of last year."
The (eyeral parlies in interest controlling
the anthracito eon I trade ci ntinued their
negotiations at New York all last week up
to Saturday afternoon, when Ibo following;
was announced us tbe conclusion arived at,
namely, to suspend oierat!oiis fJr the last
three days of the present weekf tbe 19th,
20th and 21st instant, the lust throe days of
the following week, and, if scessary, the
last three dsys of each weeh through the ,
month of February. This tails of adjust
ment, it is believed, will prtve satisfactory.
The total tonnage of antla-acite coal from
all the regions for the week'eudlng Jan, 7,
mounted lo 375,077 tonatgainst 318,577
tons in tbe cnrrrsKindlni week lost year,
an Increase of 58,500 tons!) Thu is the opeu
ing week of the new year.
Hutchinson Brothers have purchased 400
acres of coal land near V'leircoke works at
Mount Pleasant.Westmoreland county. The
price ranged from $2.40' to SI iO r acre.
Tlio ICcinainn It. It.' Election.
On Baturdiiy last, In the Court or Common
PIcasNo. l,of Philadelphia, before Judgas
Allison and Blddle, the report ef the judges
of tho Reading Railroad election was read
by Gen. M. Dallas, Esq., the Master, whose
formal report will be filed hereafter. The
following Is the report i
PitiLAnxLrntA, Jan. 14, 1882.
The judges of the election report that at a
meeting of the stockholders of the Phila. ,1c
Reading R. R. Company, held at Association
Hall, at the corner of 15th and Chestnut
street, in the said city, upon the 9th day of
January, A. D. 1882, ond continued therein
from tiny to day, nil election was held for
President, Secretary, Treasurer and (i Man
agers of suid Company, nud thnt 403,601
snares were voted, viz .
For President, Frank 8. Bond
For President, F. B. Gowan,,
lor Secretary, Ed. L. Kinsley,
For Secretary, Albert Foster,
For Treusurer, Samuel Bred ford,...
For Manager, George F. Taylor, ...
For " Sain'l R. Shipley,
For " JohnS. Newbold,.,..
For " Edward S. Steel,.....,
For " Charlea Parrish 222,717
For " John Lowber Welsh, 222,617
For " J. U. Lippincoll, Z70,9H4
For " I. V. Willlianisnn,... 270,984
For " Henrv Lewis 270,984
For " Eckley B. Coxc 270,881
For " Ed. C. Knight, 270,981
For " Jos. B. Altemus, 270,981
The fudces of Ihe election do. therefore.
declare that the following (lersons have been
duly elected i For President, Franklin B.
Gowan for Secretary, Albert Foster, for
Trersurer, Samuel Bradford; for Managers,
J. B. Ltpnincott, I. V. Williamson, Henrv
Lewis, Ecklev B. Coxe. Edward C. Kniuhl.
Joseph 1). Altcmus.
ltcspcciiuiiy sunmiitcd,
Judges of Election.
In accordance with tho order of Court,
under which tho election was held, Judge
Allisnn mado a preliminary decree, with
the assent of Mr. Bullitt, declaring that Un
persons named as elected shall occupy the
offices to which they havo bo rospeatively
John C. Bullitt, Esq., then explained it
length the mltiou of tho Messrs. McCal
moot with reference to the controversy,
and said that, having nn interest In theeor
(Kiralion nihdunting to about $18,000,000.
they necetsjrlly were interested iu the pol
icy uf the company which they had stood
by in its adversity, and which they hud
helped to maintain its credit so that it
could fill its mission. He thought, speak
ing of Ihe some 00,000 challenges, that the
judges ofelection should have passed upon
many of the questions submitted and not
acted merely ns clerks, looking only to the
registry. He concluded as follows t
"I stated, however, last Saturday or Sat
urday week, that the parties we represented
proposed tn make no factious opposition to
the result of this olection. While v-o be
lieve that very many of the challenges
which we have made could bo sustained ;
while we believe that tlio positions which
wo hove taken In (Hiintof law are correct,
yet tno majority lor Mr. uowen and his
colleagues would appear to bo Somewhere
near 47,000 votes. Somo of the shares to
which we objected, I believe, UHin further
information, we should nave to withdraw
our objections to. Others wo believe we
cou'd sustain. But as at present advised
we nre not willing, either upou behalf of the
Messrs. McCulmout or the old Board to
make a contest whero tho apparent major
ity Is as largo ns this, unless wo had clsar
and f ndisputnble oyldence that wo could
overconio thnt majority."
At tho conclusion of Mr. Bullitt's address
Mr. James E. Gowen complimented the
judges ot the election, and also spoke of the
position taken by the complainnnls in simi
lar terms. ,
Mr. Bullllt replied, that he had no charge
to make against the judges of the election,
merely believing that they acted upon an
erroneous construction "of their duties, nnd
ho did not desire their action to form a pre
Judge Allison said that what might have
grown into a protracted litigation ha I been
averted by the action of tbo minority, a
thing as creditabto to them as it was grati
fying lo Ihe Court.
Miss Alhina Hoopes, of Oakland, Chester
county, is U3 years old.
Tioga county tins a debt of only $3000,and
tbis will be paid by June next.
Tho cowpox prevails to un alarming ex
tent in McKeesport Allegheny county.
Mrs. Niiltnn died nt Kittanning, Arm-
stiong county, Kceuily aged 107 years.
W. C Guss wus instantly killed by cars
near iwinniitnwn, juuiataco., on Tuesday
oftayt week.
Five hundred coko and five hundred
gnndula i-ais ure being built at the Altoona
A barn belonging tn E.J. Ball, and lo
cated near Eric, was burned down on Fri
day. Loss, $5000,
Many ofthe ico houses in Bucks cnunlv,
havo been filled with ice from five to six
inches in thickness,
Annie L. Sunwden, of riltsburg, wns
nurned intaliy by un exploding lamp a lew
duya since.
Frederick Railroad, York coun-.
ty, made 300 bairels of apple brandy from
a.uuu uarrcis of apples tins season.
Domestic troubles caused Mrs. Sebastian
Reding, of Pittsburg, to commit suicide lust
week by swallowing rut poison
The residence of William Shcdrori of
Lic"iiier. Westmoreland county, ws robbed
of 521)0 nn TueMlay night nf lust week.
John A. Baker, cso., has ably and sue
cessfully conducted the Perry couuty Free
man lor forty. tbiee years.
Hon. Henry C Marehand, a veteran of
the Mexicnn war and a prominent lawyer of
uri-ensnur, wcetiuoreiuud couuty, aieu on
Ilarveiy Hiishei, convicted at Waynea
burc, Greene county, ol murder In the sec
ond degree, was sentenced on Saturday to
two years in tne reniieniiory.
Crutrflll to liivullil.
Florcston Cologne is grateful to invnlids,
because it is refreshing without lue sicken
lug effect of most perfumes.
The Conrstnga Cork Works, at Llncaster,
svere destroyed by an incendiarv fire early
Sunday. Loss, $15,000. Sixty-five hands
ore thrown out or employment,
I'ulllvo Fuel
Dr. Evory's Diamond Catarrh Remedy,
wilt cure the worst cato ol uatarrn or nay
Dr. Evory's Diamond Invlgorator gives
health and strength, menial and physical,
makes the complexion clejr, white and
beautiful. Pamphlet free. Read the Ad
A chatter has been cranted to the Tea
pie's Gas Fuel Couipsny of Bradford. The
company has a capital of $50,000, aud will
supply tnatcity wun naiurai gas.
Thirty YcrtrV'J'riR).
We will send Dr. lire's celebrated Elsctru.
Voltalo llelts and otbor Electric Appliances
on trial for 3'i days to younit meu ui;u older
Ecrsons who are afnlcted with Nervous He.
Illty, Lost Vilallty,fcojuarn.atclnirsieedy
relief and complete restoration of vluorand
manhood. Alsufor Itbeumallsin, Neuralgia,
t'araljsll. Elver atvl Utdney difficulties, hU).
tures, and many i.'.nar diseases. Illustrated
pamphlet sent tVo. Address Voltalo Melt
Co,. Marshall, Mich. e.,l
LKSTZ ANPREA8 On January Tlhs
Irlb2. by the Rev. A. M. MaMnheiiner,
Mr- Benjamin Lenlstu Miss Martha An
dieas, both nt Wralherly.
by the same, Mr. Christopher Krieger to
Miss Alice Garrett, both of Wentherly.
14th, by the tame, Mr. Alfred Troutinan
to Miss Lucy Hiukle.
KRIl-.OER-MEI-ER.-Oii January Utb.
bv ihe same. Mr. William Kro;.rio
Miss cS.lho M.ieer, butts vi t tatherly.
Mock Itlnrltct.
Closing prices of DkIUvkx A Towxiuxd
S took, Government and Gold 41) South
Third Street. Phlln., Jan. 19 IM2.
V. H. '. 18U Kxtn 100 bid 101M asked
U. 8. Currency, o'f 129 bid 127 o'ked
U- H.6'.:!l. new, Elt.lMU bid liSV asksil
s,.sbi, now, uiu si nsKsu
u, nfw 114& bid mUasked
.now lKVblJ UlVf askod
anla It. It OUi Md 01K asked
V. . fin
Phtta. &. Hearting It. R. JJ bid 3SJ asked
Ihlirh Vnllev R. Jt.... bid B2U asked
Lehigh Oal&M&v.Co.. t3i hid 5Jf asked
United Co'sot N. J 1S bid 185 asked
Northern tjcntral It. Jt. 43 Md 9J asked
llestnnvllle Pass. It.It. 17 bid st
Pitta. Tit. & Itutr. II. It. bid Wit asked
Itentrnl Transportation. 3liS bid 85
Northern I'aelHo t'om. .. SM! bid 3
" l'refM.. 7lCi bIJ 7454 oeked
North Pcnn. It 11,
, mi bid i-U asKcd
Phil h Erlo It. It
Silver, (Trades,)
, SVOI OKI u urhmi
W)? bid W asked
l.olilKliliiti ,Vlnrkt
Flour per sack
Flour, Spring mixed
Ilackwhent fleur per suck
OS fl
4 20
4 75
, eo
, 1 03
, 1 05
1 65
, 1 SC
SI 24
, 1 10
Corn, purbushel .
Oats, per bushel ,
Mixed Chop, perewt
Middlings, per ewt
(lorn Chop 7
Isran, per owt. ,
Ilutter. per pound
Etcgs, por dozen
llnin, per pound ,
I.nrd. nor pound
Shoulders, per pound
Putatoes, per bushol
Wl IMoiiiG Quality not Quantity is
the greatBsSt imDortancc : mtistlie
Knowledge and Experience to Gn'-
rGclly Pref'are and Dispbdsg ite same
flu & Family IMicius Store,
Bank Street, Leliighton,
Vou can always rely npon getttn STRIUT
ux I'uroanu uuauuueraieu
Drugs and Medicines.
Tlttill TVH. taB.ll SI..I,
JUltiiitm, vuiiirja mo litlKCil ahirvst
PATl-.NT MEDICINES la the county.
DUtlLlXO has an eleaant stock of DltUO-
I.CT AKTIOLISS for the ladles as well as
tho gents.
POW DEItS a specialty. Ills 3 yens es,pr
lenoe In the druif business elves hies a urcat
advantage In that line.
-always a large stock on hand,
tVINKS and LIQUORS, both foreign and
domestic. Ha lias u Cllmonilrapo Wine and
a tiry Uatawba, Wine, Just splendid and
largest assortment In town.
Oo to UURLINU'S with your prescrip
tions (JotoDUltLlNU'S for your Patent
Oo to IIURLINO'S for your fanoynrt'clcs.
r armors ami iiorsenion goto lJUll,l?iU'
for your Horse and Cattle Powdors.
aug. C-yl.
1881. HOLIDAY. 1881.
Rcsncotfullv nnnounecstoher friends and tho
public generally, thnt she Is now receiving
and opening lor their Inspection n larger
stock than evor of the very latest novelties In
Toys & Fancy Goods,
Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS for
Young and Old, Iticli and Poor,. Don't fall
to call cnrlv and sncuru nrst choice and best
bargains. She also calls their attention to
narrow, iarge nsiu L-itgaut assortment oi
comprising Underwear, ltorlln nnd German-
town woois, isosiary, suiporiea anu no
acstle lilbbons (llovcx. Flowers und
a flue assortment of New Designs
Also. In connection with tho above, a full
aad complete slock of
Ciutilifs & Coiifcellons,
together with a variety of floods not kenornl
y Kcsji in any oi nor store iu town, ll J ou uo
not see what you want, ask for it.
A sturoofpubllo natrooaire sultelted. nnd
perfect satisfaction guaranteed In prlco and
quality of Koods.
Second St., 2 floors aliovo Iron,
Nov. ii, 16Sl-m3. 'lEHIUHTON, Pa.
ViHlB Farmjt Private Sale.
Tho um'crslgned offer at Private Sale.thelr
VALU AHUS FAIliM, situate In franklin
township, Carbon county. Pa., a lout one and
a halt miles Irom Welssort, on the publlo
road leading to Krcsgcville. bounded by lauds
of Poter Kruni, Robert Anthony, Ed. Ruber
md others, containing
12 7 ACRES
and some perches. 100 acres of which are un
der a lilith suite of cultivation, nnd
nnce In chestnut timber suitable for rails
&c.,2J acres of tbe nboie ure planted In rye.
The Improvements thereon are one Six-room-e.l
and loft gurrct fit A ME
tn good condition, ono larsro Summer Klteh,
en with vault underneath, IIAKN, Sox 80
feet. Tool tluuse. Pig Stable, Chicken Coop,
Curn Crib, and all necessary outbuildings.
For Urms which will be made reasonable,
call on or address,
Fort Allen Foundry, Wclssporl, Oaibon Co.,
Pa. dec, 31st, 1(81.
Rupture Plaster
Sure sure, by an outward application which
will cause the brokeu membrane tn heal and
become as strong as belore the accident. No
ono need run the feurlul risk ofsiranirul.i.
tlutiwhena certain and speedy cure can bo
had at a IrlOInK cost of fi. lull trentmur,,
and valuable imurination sunt on rt-cflr.of
SIIUQ Ujr r, ii, ,ubu,l,uu, I'HtllintDUtg,
Tbe above price of Rupture Plaster Is only
to Introdue It, On and alter '.-eh. 1st the
price wit) be ii.
'I be above ldaster was fl'i-nv-rf nnm.
her of years ago by au obi lady a resident of
u,...iK. iimvimv surnisueu u ueitreu
Jan. T-6 uro.
Af4ENTrt nted,tossll EdlsonMui
JJ,J.H lc leal Telephono and Ellison's
iiinuii.uv,ns riano anu iirgan aiusje, n
close stiup lur catalogue andteruis.
EDISON MUSIC CO., Philadelphia, Pa
dee. tIJ-u.6.
a wrti'x in yenr omi totrn. is
uu hi irpu, i o x-tctt-'
ib'n.r now. Capital not -eiulr-!
ed. we w.ll turuib vou e,eiT. ;
tln . laur are loa. lne ror '
tunes. I.a1te toaze as much a- men, and bora ,
and girl make ineat vay. llcudtr il you want,
ana pru raaiio Bieat vay. sjojair nyouwact.
a biuiu a atwliici vo l ran raiae st ct bay !
nt tho tin ft you . r.. w lietor pariKn a-a tu
II. JlAtLETi Co.. fori aa.i, no. eoo-jl .
eJ ! t.ret.itnsnntoiu.kouion
Si 9 ,y. T. u.e whoulHuy la..i-
UTf"J & E VI sd.anu e li.e kooi!
Jk JL Va- 9 cbvntieslor lunkiua uiouey
imtv Mir iUii u, pruciTiil
i ii e Tf-oltljy utilo ihe Oo l.ot im
ucn t liHUC-et it'inalii ia puToity
want tntii mcu.wooiDu. onyanDil gtrU tu work
forua ri'ht iu hvv uvrn tc itlM, A una
oju do tho mii1c piovvrly (uhu itie s-or. Tlio lav iimr th-n tn t.nnv. orliury
w.icv. tipitfiT6 ml tit tumt'UKt lii-A, n
udu wti MtriU3a''0 fmU "o nmk tunoey rnit.
ly. You pa a devute vou Vtbttlft-Uio ttUt work
oroulv fuurpjid i nraenw. Full lufori' nli
a dull llu. i i eeim -on' l ea AdUrrkilN
ton Co., 1 ori'auJ, &io4i. rtiO- y
llolUljiy InduociuvutK U'riU r
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Deal in nil km) nhizv ut fitii. llrin.M'tt
Onk mitl Hard Voe T.n-i.t't't, I'nil iritiw)i
pftrtdlooxetutMiuy tuuiM b't-MciMor
Drcsscl) Lumbell
OT? Af Ij K1K1V5.
Doors, Sashes, JfiitlnS, SIihIIcim,
Jlonltilttfrs, CalifiM Ware, Ac
With s. nun lltfsr.
Brackets Made to Ord&rv
The UnchluMiV all nt-wni-ilor tl.obertMrf'
mont m-iirnvi-i klt-i' i w ! hiii-d bui. f
nnmmiii. ni will .'vi ci mm, eb I ma
ti-rtii.end am ilinie.ct, 'b, i topiis-auto enii-i to nn -nnj s. i.o . , . tm
Orders u raa.l ti.. u.p.-" i tiei.Mert !. T
cbarses nre run urnH. urn cnsli, w tt-it-i
tiaii;edttertiilriv Jnti.
atVI-i Ml-: A CAM,
IS-Those cai-aeiMii-i Doili! lie will r'nft''
iheu-ndvi-ntne ti hve Ictlnc. Flr.o. lie. r 'r
Doom, nWuee. h .1 -it,, .'.-, .pr n.rile ni .ail
A;nj- juiisj i;s,.i.ii i.
dan iel" wmKm
LEHIftHTON, P.nun.,
Particular attention given to
In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices.
Pntronauc rcspee-fully solicited and perfect
satisfaction uuaro.Ucd
Dee 6, 1879 J 1 DAN, WIEAND.
To Sell a House.Iioia Article.
rpRF. poor ns well as thn rich, tho old as well
L al the vounK, the wife, ns wall na tbe bus.
band, lbs young maiden as well as tbv yuur h;
man. the irlrl us well as the bur, may jest ns
well earn n lew dollars In hones: em ploy bicu,
as to sit around tho bouso and wait for oth
ers to earn It for them. We can give jou em.
ploincnt. all Ihe time, ordurlntc y-ur S are
hours only; trarellnir, or in your own uelKh
borhood, amunir your fi lends and acquaint
ances. If you do not care for en-.ploj moot,
we can Itiiiuit aluable Information to yiu
freoorcosi. It will co tyononlyonecent for
a postal card to write lor our Prospectus. mot
It way be tlio means of uukin you a rooJ
many dollars.
Do not iieKleet this opportunity. You c'
not have to Invest a larc sum of ninn-y. np.l
run tlu. risk of loslnir It. You will rcadllr
see that It will bo uneasy mutter to leaks
from tlO to ,ll)o, a week, and establish a lu
crative, and litdi-peruU-nt busluess,hoiiorable,
straightforward and profitable All on it U
this matter NOW, lur there IsMOXKY IS
IT lor ull who engage with Us. We will sur
prise you and iou will wonder why jou ntv.-f
wrote to us bofoto. V.'u bshd vdlc r-AUT.iv
clahs vilta. Addreta
(Name this raper.) ManioK,' OiliO.
Sept. -11, nn).
.us .Cuds a isa
H5 -c63S'Ssl-gtoj
F H S fc iS
w da:
Dr n, c. WreVd MsnvB nui hnxix Trpat
MHisT.nippcUla ur iljmiMu, biailndw, Cou
vuiHiouM, tti'i'vnuri i.e. d. I'liu, AJenliit U rr.
tttnn, lo at Mrniurw pmn.ii o!1jgg. Impo.
tency, luvohtnury K utaa'o is, rriMjuiuie ulii
Airp. ciiuruu Uv oL'iM'xutt.rn. rtli iibit r
ami i:raiu. ulu ujs wui ciue iceui ruhia.
Kach box cunt ms ;:o ii.uiilu'trcalu:ru. Oi
tlnnnr n uox. or BtX ittxe fovtlrn dulUrut hvlc
b mail pupaltl nn ut:ii,it it o:'.tc Wcciur
uniro fix buiet touircauy cum Willi fcacli
cider iccciviit b Ufiioi ix btxr. LC(ospiii
lea s it a Uvotloltu. , rro h-ji. it.U the j.uicn. t
cronr written tfunriiiit''" in rolu n tbu tnw v
If itielrcntiiicutdota nt I f llVet a cur. tiau.
Mtttc'iBfannt'il onlr wlicu tl.o luotmont uviu r
eU Oixect llniu Us J 01124 O WJfiiiT t CO..
Solo IT mletnrc,. 1S1 A its W, MhIiai n tixtv. i.
t h'cptro.lll. A J UUilLJU. AKt-ul.UIil.v
sJIITXr Ki.INKiCU)., WboUMte Am.
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printing !
C ATAfiH h
Cream Balm
ss tbe nasal pas
saxes of Catarrh
al virus, causing
healthy seerc
Hons, allays In.
ftaniaialtoD, pro.
t. els the mem
brane Irous addi
tional robts. euus
I'letcly heals the
t res und restores
the seas of tasta
and smell, Rn
nclsl results are
lentil u,l liv A. few
"t"?"".,".,ll is,,
u i. .u.' J 'Hmiilrjiim a
MttYPFWEiW?.pp '! '
UJ"1 0 " " iTu tiiomnjh treat.
ment lll enre t'alarrh Hay KeVer. he. Vu.
t.iuallcu for e -I.., In the hia.f. Aareeatla to
ue. Apply l tin- little finirei thto (he m a
trils. im rei alio of too mil wall i.cUno.
Sold by A. 1. l'ti"l.lM. it'M itlit, JbUb
ton. tl,Vb'UllEAlt 1ULJI i cijfc
norSJ-yl Oerago, Zi. f.
Should sdilreu EDSON 1IROS., Atlornsys
at Uavr and I'nlrnt Nnlleltors 0.7 Tib Mlrtet,
Washloirton. 1. "- fr rlieuUrs of Insirua.
tlon , Itefwrenees anil ailrice sret )aiK, e
attend eisluirel lo I'.ilui.l laslnrss. lis.
Issues, lulerferencts aud eass rejset4 In
other hands a sielaliy. Tri e-Ma'ks 1
tlavwui solilcted. t Hin foeefpt of iniHliI or
sketch and description wulre oaroplalon as
lu patsulabllliy. n, rrusaoi. We rafir
t tbu I uustu.ssb-nar i f Haiti's. aliAtnaal
O jui., ssutbitt.ies lsvi. M-sr
i fCVi s