-T-1 f t ik I . Iff, We desire It to be dlttlnctljr understood Chat ua advertisements will be inserted In the columns of Tits, Oaxsok Advocavk that may be$T!vi,froFirunknottn. parliesjor firms unless accompanied by the CUH. L;ae wnowing kto uur vii iui rnsi sqviiut ilO Mass), Irfeaeh Insertion .'. loot. nth!. cachHhsHlon....i. ...... 5S eU. Ifiiroofeotithi, each Insertion. ........ 20 cU. W ' 1 O.. ....... I.V AMtlnMrllXn JJVM iua.il lAigv uiwuuuj ,.,. um ... $1 ; each subsequent Insertion It eta. Local notices 10 cents per line. IflStfrOQfrrPrifak' Publisher. Attorneys. m. uapsher, A'rttiilNUY d foouNSiaLott' at law, O a . ic nut. 8isr.it, biniaaTO, Pa. it-.iK.i.t.tna nollictton Acenev. vrillno.Tind Sail H-al Kutale. Conveyancing .lastly done Col letfyns promptly made, tjtlltlng Batatas of Da- I4atlt trtCltllT lJT DSCOUIUllHUlO r'"l( ad Hitman. ' Ncv.lg. tcians and Dentists,; JT WIS) "is -." F E a r nun rcoN dentist i PSn.i. unless accompanied by tha ciia.l , g-V VyVT y P" AVA Au- 'f VyA'NW le following arToUTbihYUrmsi t ; . V f j i L JBOROEONCEKTIST, v lenders nio proiossiunai uiia w wav liva ble of Mauch Chunk. LebigUton, Weiuport, OFFICE i OSili?tiie Broadway Jlouse, DUOADWArlfATicilC&UNK, Pa. ... i . . . Fresh Laughineas .always on hand. Work guaraubed .satisfactory. otig2- All -yl A. lEIUIAKER, BiL l.,t ' I'UYSICIAN AND 8UUOEON Special attention pulii to Chronli nineties. oni: South Eili-tnrIronntt 2nd sta...i iiihton.l;a t j f April-Lima 7CT U.lltEllKtt, M.il V. S tCxa.mlnliis Surgeon, PRACTICING PIIYglOIAN and SU.e'OEON, r.riaiiAinnk streati HsuimVrJtocK. Leh'ich- I'tiorWV ' Nov. 33. JL . CONVEYANCER, AND ORKERAL INSURANCE AGENT The fUojng OnnlpinUs ara UnprMBtdt LKISA.' IK .MO rUALPinil, BUA HlhO. M UTUAti yiUB, 'WVOllINOTIRK,. V U'oriwitJii: Fiitu. I.IIIIIOH PrRK. aiKUhoTHAV AUnjFnnnmTvauiTanil'Matoal Iloim Tlilel cielTO ana iiluramo L.nuiiBT. . Mari:i.U7t I'lios. Kn:MKnr:K. B1 OooktiUoiLbIhoImAPCH CHUNK, Pa. FircIrtH,uviincS Agent. r- POtil'HRS'litMArE Companlos onljr, I Boaionaljle JUtca, t Auj. D.1 tiivery & Sale Stables UAIIKtTR.BBT.aVBniailTON, I'" !"A3TrTtlOT I'lNU IlblliSES, ' ' ' ELEQAXT CAUUIAOES. ab4 'roiltlisiy i.ownu pnlac tuan any otber Ltrcry In ta Coantr. Lagga ant JiitwUomo1 Carrtacaa for Pttnaril nri3 and Weiidlnxa. DAVIU KOUKUT Mot. Jl. a, J...W. RAUDENUUSH ltipecltull)-anntranc to tho pulillo that he kai'opoaeila NEW LIVERY STAIILK In oaacetlon with his hotel, ami Is prepared tu rarnlsk Teams f.ir FanebalS, Weaiins 01; Business Trips, en shortrs t nollee and most llboinl terms. All erdert l.dai the ' Carb.m llnuio" will reeelre rnipt attention. Btabla on Norih"atrrei, aezl ths hotel, I.ohlptUton. Jan2i.yl ... w.'rouTii- and Mtrmirc-AoriD, woaia yon up taior to so una 1 j-om aia-np ana Ton wni ratal. lTot, J.YKUa.M. UcltnourS N.T, jalTKl RllPrffREi-e?, Tha PERIAI, 1 JtU. 8 hb von wanL 1 lit. airratest Inrtntlin ol tho ami Ki-a our nn. phlot.l Hmti Itso. l'rol, J. Y. UAN. Orians err. n.y. lalruri MM How Morel! A Jfc JnttnnbllahadT new rdltlnn or Dr. CVI. vuiwklii i!CL.c.HitAri:ii b say on tkaradiraleoteo! t-rraMtioanuoKa o. rem nal TVoaknos4 Iuvo uutarv soinuml L.oe. laroiaacr Montil and rhyslcl lnoap.ru , lnp4liuont in MarilHam vto t als. Cov aBMrrioa. r;rinrr mid t'lr nnlofn o sell ladttlavboo or jieiual e&travaicint , Ao Tha astalratad nnthor In tnla edimrrhle Kr. aa.e'eailr demoin.rnej-iro.u a iturty tvu' eaMeatful praa cr tl.al tn nlarnnmr ron anoM ol ali abn?e mar be raiica.irrqiorii toUUtna ont a mod- ol rare at oner a.nipia.cer im-Agd eff'einal by mama nt irlnch ttrery anCasar do tastier what liu eonditiou mar te, BMijreUmjqliohenp!y,yrlT.iteij, and lall- trTbisXuoSeiee saonlii be In the tandsef eTaty yotth and fTery man la Ibe land. 8at aadcr ?al. in a'ii:iln enTlot. to out. adlaaia, ait-ptnl ou receipt ol alx cents of twjotaj4 aumpa. - Add osa . ThB i CuJjfrTTPll SlrUlcal Co., TiO. Box MU.. now Y" K K.V. Jao. 1, 1131. i MIL'TQN A. WEISS', CARRIAGE BUILDER, a ' J;Bank.Streqt, Lchighton. REPAIRING Of all 4fiptIon proutly attended to at tho NT All "Work wotracteeJ, and patronare ll'niMetfullv afnllnltaitl. Mart - " ' . (v 0ARBON HOUSE; ttyriiiltipzxBvau, pro'pri'etoii, t"..,.' 'BaheSt., LmiattTOs, Pa, The OiKiiow Ilnraa orrara nritUn imam aeeatrons to the Traveller public Hoarding ba IhaMiay or Week on Reasonable Terms, Uketee Olicara. Wines and l.louors alwayt en TlliMra, aUMked.. April XO-fX i t ' ' H. V. MoRTiriME-nl Proprioio. VOL. X., lo 5. Railroad Guide. plllL.A. 4b RKADMb tlAlLltOAD, Arrangement of PawDger Trains. NCVEMIlEll , Ml. Trains loaTaALLKNTOWN aafollowsi (VIA rtBKIOHBX BA1LCOAD). For Pbtladolphla.at'tiS'.e.U, 11.40. a.tn.. and 1 in p. m. SDNDAYH. For.riilladrlphla at '(.to a.m.,.t o. rn. " "iVIAKASrr'FXIIA. BUAKCU.l" For RendltiR and llatrlsbnir, c.OO, O.Cda m in in i "I. nuil it (A tl. m For LfmcatlOfarid Oolnmlita, ceo, s.fCa.'niaDd ' p. Ul i .-STWTlAVn I Vor neadinz.Hsrrlabnre, and way'po nta.s X p! m. , . , Trains'roll A LLKNTOWN lenTe as followai (TU rKRRlOllEX UAILHOAD.) I.eaTorhlladelphla. 7.4H a. m. and r.Oj;' i.t ..no S.1". u. ui. SUNDAYh. I.etiTe rhlladslphla, 8.0" a. ni., Z It and M.:i P'1"' (TIA EAST rtXKA. DRASCU.I LeaTe Oeadlnff.7.t0 lo.JOa. m..I.OO S.Sl.fnrt C.I5 Lenrn If nrilahnrt; S.-0 t.t't tniir.So. a. tnVt,i , ami 4.00 p. tit. , ... l.eatre Lancaster, tf.'.o a. re 1.03 anil )1. in p. n (,oavCo!iiiiililn 1.00 a.' re. 1.10 nnd 1.10 p. in (From K tic Htteot Depot. ' SUMlAYfti is I.eaTe Ttejdlna:. 7.80 a. m. LeaTe llarrlKlinrK, s0 a.m. Tiatpa Tla "rertlomeu nonto" marked thai ()runinaml limn Uapot. Ntntii and nt-etn Mtfeta. r. 11 tlplita, other Iraiua to and Tioni Iliostlattt I cpot. Trie '4.1 and C.4S H.m trains from A lleotown, anil the "1.3'. nml S.lSp. in. train from l'lula. di'tp)na.la PerAioninn il'itlrond.hate tliroagh tars lu auU liorn l'ulletelpbta. J. K. WOOT1EN. Qtneral Manager, CO TIANCUrK, Crn't ran, & nekct Autnt. NoveltiUel sth. THE BEST OF COAL . The undersigned Is now prepared to supply the very best I.ATTlMKIt COAL at the fol lowing LOW PRICES FOIt CASH: DellTM. No.S Chestnut, hy the oar to 71 No. 1 Chestnut, by the ear 3 76 Siose, by the car , 4 00 Uy tho single ton, :S cents per ton additional J. L. GBEL, Bonier In .General Hardbake, &c, Opposite! ho lMibllrRnnare. 11AKK KTItEBT, i.KitloiIioN, i-A. ' iior.so.is?; JOHNR.GiWEYSSERj rROrRtETOR OF THE West End Brewery, Maucii Chunk, Pa. Pore Porter and Laser Jeer Delivered all over the State. October 1,1881 51 SI'EKnc'S PORT GRAPE WINE VmA lu the prirctrni Chmches for Comma, nlon piirpuse. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. S 1 E JE in9 1 ers 1-01T urape win FOI'It YlUlt SOLD. rphla Caibratol Natiye WI110 la made Irnm A thi'Jnleonf lhOooitoOrn.Tauirl intl la Couutty. lta liival ta'4 o Tonic nnd btrt-iixtlienlng Prnpi-rtlea aro nns'iroa'S'il by anrMhtr at've Wine. h iccthopan uce nf t. 0 (Iron -, mmluc il nt. J mr Mr, nrei'a cwu teriMiiiul oneril'on.ii. n:irliy ml neiinlm-no-a re euaianiirrl. Tn vou.wcm clu'rl mav o r take rl t ni"ua qnaillliv.niii' he eake, inva Id Me itieail lantnge. it Ik tmrliruiiiiiv bintticial to the MttC l.nd rih1! tttert. aim mint., inih. p.lA... anroenta tli t 1 He -t Ilia weaker sex. Ii ii ni ceri respect a WIN1STO BU ULLIKIJ ON. SPEER'S The 1. J. JIIEnrtv l w,n Chiiacter and part kaaof tha go een nu t tile nt itio rrnpo irmu whioo It i 111 Ha. i'or I'm it. f.ivin.. r .avnrnno aieaicai rropertioa. 11 wlil bo found uncxce.led. SPEER'S 1B J. lSr2UEly9 This llrtANTtV standi linTlvnlArf In f,.,u uuuii;,iniu,igr eujenor tor ineuieinai tor pos, IT IS ATUHK dlMUIatiOi fnm the rraiii andcouaiLB va'ua'ile mclicMial piopertlea I liaaa do Icair thvor attn.lar tu th it of tt e craoex finm wi.ici. in. nltti I c aud la in treat taror ainoue fliaUl,-a fiulll. See that tho aignatm e of A 1 FPED h l'Er:it, ra aaie, (.Jiiovertliecirao( such bottle. sol,u iiv iitu(;;ivrs. and by A. J. Dor lnc. O. T. Horn, Lrhlch toiinmio W Leui of .Veisepgru Dec. 73 -yl FARMERS, LOOK to Your INTERESTS AND I'UIIOIIASE TlmMn Matlte aii Api- ts, ' ' The lieet In the Market at J. L. GABEL'S. Alio, mi band, and foSU In Lola to flalt 10,000 feet Georgia Yellow Pine Flooring, "White Pine Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. AT HIS HAIiriWAIiK STOWS, iptii Leujghion, Pa. n t . . . . li m mmm .a f i i n i ,11 iv www.w . itta.r 1 av iron RHEUMATISM. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, .Backache, Soreness of iho Chest, uout, quinsy, soro Throat, Swell Jngs and Sprains, Burns and K Scalds, Gener'allBodily rams, Tooth, Ear cpd Hoa(acha, Frosted j j foot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No rrepsntlon on earth' eqjials St. Jactt.i Oil -ai a mV,;ar. nhnpttt slid rhrxtp Kxtrinnl itemcly. A trial entails but the compiinitlrely trlfllnr outlay of SO Tenia, and everr olio tufTer lug wllh piln can haro cheap and bositlro proof of Its claims. DlrectlutiK In Cleren Tjangnacrs. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IH MEDI0IHE, A. YOGEI.ER; &'CO., Baltimore, ,34, XT. S. March &, 1881-V1 ' Tlie great superiority rof DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP ocr .allother cough remedies is attested by the-immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron chitisj Whooping Cough Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages,: ef the Disease'. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents, DIAMOND CATAEEH REMEDY, A PniUtlve Cnro Tor Onfarrh of nil kln.la. It U litatniitniivoUK in I ffrct and I'vrniaiK iii in Itomilt. cnin at any kiairo nr tio-f.c.is: line curw cwia so tu ilUe Uut bones cnaie iroai iliu'noae. Dr. Uv.iry'x Dliininiul Taiarrlt Item etly ! nml and pruaut uilonliiis linnicdlula Km.Ipiu .l.foni't cure In iillca'Cs. It nturrll, li'fliH'iizu, Itiiy ir,-ver Itioncliltla. It w II icmoTu I'olrini anil cffetlujlly cnro itatervani I'liinliiit DIscliOfKca Irom the Il.a.1 nn.l Tliro.tr, nn,l ', etiil. Sickcnlnie lireatlt: per fc.'tlv risiore inipAl cd Smell, Tnle and llcarliijr! rcllevi' lloart in e. Ureal: up Cold-. In ihe Head) r-trunirihen M Voice nml Kye; Pnrlfy, Itct'Ulsto and Itcmhr Icar and Actlreivery Oriau or Hie lli-Jd tt.id 'J liroat. ljr.ee, to cei.is. Dr. liTorjIaniainnnd IltTlirorntor l A I'rrloei Itioutl I'lirlllir. Appetizer nnd nervo 'f'oiilc. it niukt-a a tlrlimfiil. wlinc souio ilrcc, which luvlejnratrs. furlllca and Streitstliena tiiu emlre eieicm. or Ue al II btllty, DyBpfpsIs, BIlonncfs, Toipil Liver. Intlhesti.n, Keiiralgle aqd nheu ntailo Atrections Jaundice, Malaria, Flatulency. Non-en. K cfc I!.-a.lnrl.o ai il Kidney Complalnla, It Is luvaludblc. I'ljcc, Wt cnn Dr. :vorj) niamond SbItb lan aover. eltn cuie lor Hums, lirulses. Soiei of nil kinds, salt lllieum, Tct i-r, l.lnawona and Cutaneous Eruptions, ,1'rlcc, a cents. AslI jour Drncclatfor he remed ies and liikn oilier or will 10 aeut l'rcoou rotclptoi prlt o. , , . Po-cilpflrorjmphictsFree. ' Addrcs Hr. Kvory'a Diamond Itemedles Co , P. O. liox Mca 10a, John street. New York. TII1S tilTEAX APPETIZEB TONIC, AND COUGH CURE ran C0TJGHS, COLDS, coysuniPTioy, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AHD All XJISCQSOB or TUB THROAT, CHEST AKDLUHGS. The ISALSAIII of TOLU has always been one of the most Important wespons nieiucn nrllieilea. leal rncultracslnst the encroachments of the aboTO Die eoiei.butlthn nev er been sqadvapta. g'ocly compound, ed as In LAWRsxca A HanflN's TOUU,' IiOi Kand ItVK. Iu soothlnir DAUamo Jiropertles affords a HUnslte. ellmulsnt. J juppcllter and toule, M to build up the bys tarn after the coagh has been relieved. GREEN B, IlATJ.Vf, CVimralsaloner of Interiinl Revenue, washlncton, D. u., Jan. ttttk, 1830, sayai "TOLU, HOCK and ltYK It an agreeable ltemedy In l'ectoral complolut, and Is classed as a Medicinal preparation under the U. B. Revised Statutes, and when so stamped, may bo sold by IIRUUQISTS, GROCERS, aud other pvraoua, vruaiut special lax," or license. CAUTION I Don't be decrlted by dealers vha trv ta nalm off ltnrt; ...4 Rye for LawreUce & Manns's TOLU. ROCK and RYB which Is the only MEDICATED ar. ,ii ma inwiDs enuiue nas uieir name ou ute rroprloury Bump on each bottle. Put up la QTirtlGo Battles. Prico $1,00. laAVItENfR A- IrlAItTin, Propiletors, CHICAGO, ILL. ' Sole by DRUGGISTS and GEKERAL PSALERS Evarvwhoro- mm. r- 0 5 " m w. ... m.. i. ...... i! INDEPENDENT " LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, . THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS. ar cutuxHT o. voofic Twas the Klfcht before Chilstmat, when all through the h'ouse Neta'creaturewatj itfrrlng,noteren a mouse; Tho stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In Lopes that Sti 'Nicholas soon 'would be lliere. ' " The children rrefe ncttlsd all inttg lb their Whllo visions or sugar-plumt danced In their heads, And mamma In her VercHef.nnd t In mVcnn. Had Just seltle'donbralns for a long winter's When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, . '' ' '. I sprang from my bed to see what was the uiatterj . Arrny othelndoir 1 flew like a Hash, Tote open the ihhtlers and threw iipthe sash, The moon, on the breast of the ncw.Xallen finow, . ( dave'a'luiler'or nMd.da to hhjecls below When, what to my1 wondering eyti should ai ar, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny rein, dear. With a little old driver, to lively and quick, I knew In a moment It mutt be St. Nick. More rapid than, eagles his couriers they came, And lie whlstled,and shouted, and called them by nnluo "Now, Dasher,! now, Dancer I now, Prancer and Vixen 1 On, Comet I on, Cupid I on, Bonder and Bllti. en To.the top of the porch, to the top ofthowalll NcW, dash away, dash away, dash away alll" As dry leaves that berore the wild hurricane nr. When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, So.up to tho houto-iop the coursers they flew, With a slelKB full ol toys and St. Nicholas too. And then In a twinkling I heard on the roof Tho prancing and p .wing or each little hoof. As I drew In my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas cams with a bound, lie was pressed all In fur from his head to Ml Toot, And his clothes were alt tarnished with ash. ts and soot A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And ho looked like a peddler Just opening his pack. Ills eyes how they twinkled I his dimples how merry I lilt cheeks were llko roste, Ms nole like a cherry- Ills droll little month was drawn up like a now, And the beard on hli cblo was'ai white as the snow, ' The stump 6f a ppe he held tight In hit teeth, And Ihe smoke, It enetrcloJ his head like a wreath " IIo had a broad face and a little round belly That shook, when he laughed, like a bowl lull olj-n;. He was chubby and plump a right Jolly eld eir And l.laughed whep Isaw, blm. In tpltoof myself, A wink ufhlt eye, and twist of his head. Soon gayenle (o know 1 lVadnotMeg lodread. lie spoke hot a word, but went straight to his work. And filled all the stockings Ihenturned with a jerk, And Is j log his finger aside of his noss. And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. He sprang to his sleigh, to bis team gave a vrli stlo. And away they all flew like tbe down of a thistle- But I beard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas' to all, and to all a good night 1" At The GlaflChristmas Time. By MAItY D. BllINE. Ho turned and looked at her. How sweet aud fair alio wax, this .fiirl, whose power over Li heart he could not but confcRs was wonderlully strotg and win. Home. The black monrning robe was relieved from somlircneas hy the sort, white ruf fle at throat nnd wrists. Her gold-brown hair full la little waves over tbe white brow.and the.bcaut'iful Rray eyes- ao lull of tears were turned full upon Lnuin face as she awaited a reply to her ques tion. "Giving her up," thought be mean while, "will be like death; bnt aurely If I am flrru bhe she will send form's in n day or two, and 'we will be bette. friends than ever." So be ansuered at last: "Only what I said before. You will find that yon cannot do without ine by. and-by, Mabel."' Either tbe triumph which lurktd in his tones, or the Might, and, it mnst be con. f-Bsed, dincourteonH thruc of his shnul ders, aroused till the pride In Mabel's be.trt and a feeling of anger she could not restrain. Haughtily she answered her lover: "Understand me.Louij. I shall meyxb send for yon do not even dream ol such a possibility. When you want me, you will find mo ami; but ynu will come uaca kj mo- yt xovn own accoru, or she choked n little "yon wilt not return nt all 1 Excuse me now, I am going np stairs. She turned and laid the ring upon the table, theniwllh a sudden thought, "Oh, no 1 not yet not yet," she slipped it baok upon her finger, and passing Louis, whose baok was turned toward her that she wight not witut-ss the pain in his face, Mabel roiched tht? door. There she paused. "Good-by, Liuls!" But no answer came, and, woman-like, the girl yearned to hear his voice. 'Ppod.byj Lpuji;'afniiiibla time ioues were lower, ana, as sue epoae, the m:tn hawed only a his hand touched the la cb of the outer door. "And you are going without kissing me good-by?" asked Mabel, pale now to the lips. "It will be the tint time, dear, if yon do," she added, pitifully enough, all her pride' gone, and only her great love for tbU uuworthy lover remain, ing. "Iicannot kiss yon,. Mabel Anthony, because you do not love me, and you are giving me np so coldly. Ah. it is bard, indeed (" 'Ko, Loula; it U too who give MS bp, .was the tow reply; and, with no otber word, she passed np the, stairs. A moment Louis ttoad irttsolatt, then Live and Let Live. PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1881. the door was opened and closed, and bo was gone, ..... "What a time Louis has staid I" mur mured Mrs. Grey, br Mabel entered her room Inter," "And hire's Harry fretting bectuBo I can't bold him In my lsp. My head Is very bad this afternoon, dear. Ciin't yon keen the little fellow quiet?" The six year old boy climbed into the arms which were never too tired to hold him, and presently forjjottlio pain in bis crippled limbs As his cousin fang to him sang while slio thought her very heart was breaking. "Such a comfort ns you are, dear niece," resumed auntie, a few mlnulon later. "What should I do without you ? Lou's doesn't want to hnaten yonr mar iligo. I hope) it would kill me tu pari with you." Mabel slifled baric a tigh. "Do not be troubled, auntie mine," she, said, cheerily. ."I'm not going to leave you Just yet." "You look doleful about the face, dear child, iu spile of your words and the smile. Oh, Mabel, has anything gone wrong with you ?" "I found niy manuscript returned, auntie, when I came lioms td-day, just before Louis called. Iiu't it enough to make one doleful to receivo htr rejected bruin-lnbori as frequently as I do.1' "How sttange that editors cannot see the merit of yonr writingkl'' complained auutle, who thought her neice the per sonification of all things great aud olever, Mabel smiled. "Becauso there is no merit to be seen, I presmne, anntie, dear," she roplled. "I mint try,, try again; but, meauwhile I wonld have been glad If my manuscript bad been acceptable just now, when I need money so much. There's the doc tor's bill, you know. I don't like to owe a cent, but Harry must have attention so frequently. Oh, dearl it is hard times for us, auntie, but we will hope for the best." "Christmas is coming, too, and what a slim purso I have for my boy this year!" Auntie sighed heavily as she ceased speaking, and Harry, gone fast asleep, was laid down from' the loving arms which had held him; and then at last, little by .little, as the shadows gathered closely about the two who sat before tbe fire, Mabel told tho sad story of herself cud lover. There were tears, of course, and words of sympathy and love from anntie. Ma bel withheld ns much as she could of ker lover's fault, and smoothed over forfym all sbo, was obliged to relate; bat auntie guessed all the selfishness, and lbved her niece the" more. , Time passed, November gave place to December.end the days fast roiling them, selves into weeks brought the Christmas time near at hand. All this long time no word had come to Louis from Mabel Anthony, as ho had confidently believed would be the case ere even one week had passed. Ho had passed her house many an eve ntng, even going up the stoop for a glimpse of the familiar parlor wherein he had passed his twilfghthours with Ma bel so very" ofien on his ,way from bis nthce. He had seen her, all unconscious of his watching, sitting beforo the low grate, the child Harry in her arms, nnd the fire light lightlnglulo distinctness the fair, sweet face he' loved. How often had his, Impnlalve hand touched the' bell with the thought: "I will go in I I will, confess myself iu the wrong r But beforo the bell waB pulled would come tbe fnoliah pride and its thought. 'No; if I yitld.she will never respect me again. Patience ilabtl ,wiU send for me soon." So the time had gone by, until at last Lnuia had left the city on some business matter not to be interfered with by love or love affitirsaniL soma weeks 'passed cro ue reiurueu. ' ' ; Then it wanted but, a week before Christina time, and tbe longing for a sight of Mabel bad increased tenfold, "I nm stronger this morning, anntie, and will sit quietly before tbe parlor fire while yon are at church. The glad Christmas morning had dawn ed at last, aud Mabel.- recovering from a severe illness, which for two weeks past had prostrated htr, was assisted down stairs by ber aunt, who was unwilling to leave her dear invalid, "You're quite sure you will be com fortable, dear child ?" asked Mrs. Grey. "Do smile, dear, and let me know that you are happy." Mabel rtadily smiled at her anxious aunt's roq iisl, as she replied; "I m happy, unn'ii'. Oughtn't I to be.aftcr this good chauge in my fortune?' holding up an envelope wbjoh contained a check for some manuscript, at last so oepted, with alo the request that "Miss Anthony would, kindly fayor the editor again," She and Harry laughingly called l a "Christmas gift." and Mabel added with a laugh, "at any rote, it is the only'pres ent I expect, and more, f dare say, than I deserve; so we'll make the most of it, won't we, Harry, and maybe better times will come bytnd-by," So, finally, Mrs. Grey departed for the Christmas service at Church, leav. I ing Harry to amuse his cousin, and take care of ber. i Poor Mabel I She was tblp and' pale from her illness and tbe troubled heart she carried all tbe time because of the silence between ber and ber lover, seem ed likely to weaf htr away at last Iu all the long weeks since her sad parting with Louis, her thoughts bad not oeased to go in search of him, nor ber heart to grieve for him. She had not thought be could bold nnkindness to ward ber so long a time, nnd what won der If, mingled with htr afT'Ciou for ber lover, there were als miioh of surprise aud indignation lu her boart I' $1.00 a If And now during her convalescence she longd for him more tban even her aunt imagined, particularly when all the earth rejotcedTti fh'e GliKslinas time, and there should have been only "peace, good will amongst men." ' i Little Harry climbed upon the arm of her chair presently.and for waut of some thing else to talk nb'nut, touohed upon, the very subject Mabel would have avoided, "I say, Cousin Mab, why don't that man come and see us auy more ? the one who liked you best Of all Of us, you know." M-tbel fell the warm blood conrsing swiftly over her nee, but buo replied quietly enough! "I do'not know that bo will overcome again, dtar. Maybe ha has gone far away 1 Never mind I Tell me what you found in your Christmas stoekiDg this morning?" The church belli censed riiiglDg, the streets were comparatively quletafter the throng of church-going people bad ended and by and by little Harry limped out to the door-step to talk to a little neighbor next door. Mabel, from her chair before the fire, could hear the childish voices its the chil dren discussed the gifts of Santa CUns eagerly, until ire long she Rrew drowsy, and, resting her head agaluhf the chair, closed ber sad eyes, nnd it was while thinking of her liver, nnd praying for him on this Christmas morning, that she presently fell nsleep. Meanwhile Harry, childlike in his de sire to seo what good gifts had coma to his neighbor that morning, hobbled as fast as his little crutches could move down tbe stoop nnd into the ntxt house, leaving the street-door ajar, and quite forgetlul of Mabel who fclnuibered peace fully ou nor dreamed of ono who stole softly In at tho street-door, and, with a fast beating henrt, eutered the pnrlor.his eyes shining with tears, not unmanly. When the young girl opetied her eyes it was at the close clasp of Louis Grant's eager hand, and his kiss closed her lips ere she could speak or exclaim. "Yes, it is II Ob, my darling 1 Oh, Mabel, for tbe sake of Christmas Day, take fide back again and forgive all my fault, 1" he implored, almost crushing the fragile form In his strong arms. No matter what passed then between the two. Suffice it to know that the long estranged hearts came ouce rnoro closely together, ns, hand-in-hand, Louis Grant and Mabel a Waited Mrs. Grey'n return from church. When she comethe forgetful Harry jolnlng'bcr at tho door she started oh seeifg'that her liieco hud company; but Mabel with a, new light iu her eyes, ahd a new ring in her' voice, cried. "Come, anntie,. for I have had another Chrihtmas gift: the best, tbe dearest of all gifts, for Louis has come back to me, auntie, and there is 'Peace on earth !bf6r us all P I.ICCYSED tt'O KIM,. , Apropos of tho medical Congres?. hero Is a story which will amnso such of my readers as may happen to be "licensed to kill." It appears that an epidemic of typhoid fever had brokrn.nttt in a small village in the sqUth of J?rance. A blacksmith fell ill and called id n local medical man, who came, prescribed, and went away. The next day, during his usual rounds, he called at the blacksmith's nnd asked his wife after. tbe health of the patient.. - She replied, "Ah, sir, only imagine.' whilst I went to fetch the medicine, niy husband ate two pickle horrings and a dish of bean salad." "Great heavens," cried the doctor, "and now-be is" "Qdite well, doctor. ' He Vent to work this morning, and is as well as possible," said thu happy wife. "This la extraordinary I" exclaimed the doctor, "what a wonderful remedy for typhoid 1 I must make a note of It." And accordingly entered In his note book, "Typhoid fever tried remedy ; two pickled herring and, beau Halad, Two days afterwards a brick-layer was attacked by, tbo came disorder. "Take, saiti the same doctor,, who was consulted, "two pickled herrings and a dish of bean salad. -I will come again to-morrow." To-morrow alas 1 tbe brick-layer was dead. The doctor taking it logical View of bis experimental method, again entered in tbe famous note-book, "Typhoid fever remedy pickled herrings and bean salad, G od for blacksmith, bad for bricklayers." DOB TOOHHV BUllSM BIHD, I suppose every one connected in any way with the Uniyeruly of Georgia has heard of the famous oak in front of the obnpil, and in connection with it I will relate an antodoie of Bob Toe rubs, showing his impetuous, irrraistiole nature, which so characterized bim ju hU alter life. Toombs had been attending college two years, nnd within a week of graduating, when, in n difficulty, he stabbed one of the students, inflicting a serious, but not fatal, wouud. For this act be was expelled by tbo faculty, who soon after were petitioned by the graduating class to allow hint to graduate wjlli them, as he Lad so nearly completed his course, and had also been given a .speakerV place; Toombs himself petitioned them, bnt both were refused, He apparently submitted, bnt on com mencement day, when the chape waa crowded with visitors, aud the seniors .vehemently , orating preparatory to re ceiving their diplomas, he stationed a brass band under tha spreading limbs of the oak, whose musio succeeded in bringing scores -of town people who were not then in the chapel, and iilso of clearing it of nearly Ml its auditors,. Then, in as cool a manner as possible, he plaoed binuelf in ,t chair aud nude io'tlja.iJi., suobitli said', eew'us Lover Year if Pnid in Adranco. not paid in advance, $1.25. spoken by a student here beforo or since. He never received bis diploma, though after his celebrated Boston speech it was sent him, but was returned with the answer : "D n the diploma ; when it would have been an honor to me I was refused it ; now, when I am nn honor to ft, it is off.'red me." Ho wan afterward reconciled with the faculty, and is now one of the staunchest supporters of tho college. Atlanln Constitution. cirri: thicks or iaoi:m.N Tftuinx. On last Sunday morning nn old Mormon whoso wife wrti sick, attempted to cook a breakfast on his own hook. He found some eggs iu the pntitry, which he prootedcrf to fry. It was pretty hard work to fry those eggs, but a good deal more of a job to ent them, One mouthful was enough, and the eld fellow rushed up Btairswlth : "Betsy,, what in thunder's the matter with them eggs?" "Do you get 'em. in that earthen crock, on the top shelf, just alongside the sassengers?" "Thill's thoiilaco." "Oh, John, thoseeggs have bean under tbo red hen two .weeks. They ain't for table nsp. Them's lithin eggs, John. When -I-6n't -hntch eggs, I turn 'em owr to.tbe.Lord," , 'i Theold'uWth'eh'Uustued inordinately nnd said that would be a good j ike on the collectors. In connection with, the abovo melancholy exposure nf the lukewnrmneFs iu Israel, it is said that of late nearly all of the eggs whicl come- to tho tithing house, are looked upon with suspicion.' TU K l'CH, 13 I. tic;. The ancient Goths aud Saxons observed a festival nt tbe wlntcr-solistioo. As it celebrated the turning-point of Ihe year, or the day when tbo sun began its northern journey, they named it "Jul" or "Yule. The name is Riipposed to have been derived from the Gothic giul or biul, tbe origin of the word "ubeel." nud bearing thu same signification. The name is preserved in the phrase of the 'Yule log," the burning of which is nn old Christmas ceremony. Tho.Scandina viun ancestors of tho English used, nt their feast of Yule, to kindle largo bonfires in honor of Thor. The transmitted usVom was formerly observed in England with pomp nnd circumstance. On Christmas eve, after the religions services, a liugo log, sometimes a rugged root grotesquely marked, was drawn from, the woods with much merriment. As It passed tho wayfarer, he -raised his hat in honor nf the venerable black-log, which won destined to support a fire that would crackle a wc-lapme to nil guests nnd bntu out ancient fends. formerly the custom was for each member of the family to sit iiutnrn pn the log, after it was rolled to the north, slug a Yule song and drink- n merry Christmas. When the fire waa kindled. large, Christmas, candles were lighted and the sports begati.r The log was kept burning lll Candlemas, February 2d, and a small portion of it was corefnljy preserved to light,. tbe Yule log of the next Christmas. Herri ck sets forth tbe customs Ju the following stanzas : "Come br!ngrwlth a noise Mynerry, merry boys, Tha (Jhristruas log to the firing While my good dame the Bids you all be treo, And drink to yonr heart's desiring. 'With tho latt year's brand Light the new block, and For good success In bis spending. On yonr psalteries play That swett luck may Come while tho log Is n teendlng.a" "Burning. ' A WELI,.SKLCVli;D JURV. raz snnzwDNEss or am absarsas iaw- YEJS-A STOLEN IIOO. The Little Rock Gazette ssvs: Down iu nn extremely rural district of Arkan sas, ah old mkn was arrested for stealing n hog. The proof was positive, and thu Court -was surprised when tbe pie of not guilty was introduced. The lawyer for the defense, a man well known for bis trickery rather than bis ability, seemed particularly desirous of selecting a Jury that would not show partiality iu its de cision. She prosecuting attoruey.a young and inexperienced man, agreed to every jnryman selected by the defense, nnd the judge although he might have thought the defense stepped over the bolinds of judicial oourt;i-y, said nothing'. The ar gument, were cuncludol,' leaving in the minds 'of the' people no doubt sa to tto verdict, for one' of the witni'seH, a inuu whose word ho ono could dispute, sworef that h saw tbe defendant when he stole the nuitn.il. The jury rathe tl, and, after a few'moments, returned a verdict of not guilty, la exact opposition to the chargu of tbe Court, When the Ojnrt arljiurned, the judge approached tbe lawyer fur tlie . deff u uud rermuke'di "Look, here, my friend, I never heard of such a verdict. I cunnol,as un impar tial dfsseminator of justice, a)low. so Hi. grant an outrage to be perpetrated oa this community. That mau U av gnilty as Judas, but if you will tell tup thu secret of the acquittal, I'll allow the verdict to pass, . . "Von see, judge, some of the jurymen wore rather yonng and some ratbt r older," "Yes, bnt what does that signify ?'' "It signifies that I run in theold laan'a twelve sons on the jury." Tbcy Wdre walking by the seaside, and ho (-ig)ied and she sighed uud the was. by his aide, and he by her side, and they were both betide themstilvt-s,- lieside being at tbe seaside, where she eigne I and jio sighed,. . -rAn American girl in Columbns bna nwii d a Pbluaninn tor love, aud 'whila hH.Wluio.lmmmochai.die.Ub.iv.i.u"1,r n w bU.mn. -At, AT J -.ing and W.ngtC'1 tVol'.Wy't aud kerpfl tbo fiy-.iupa Uji t-j Luctntti thjjtcsiU.i. ' liu -jl ui uri il - a i s wmi i iiuivvui An Independent Family Newspaper Published every SATURDAY, In Ia high ton, Carbon Co., Pa., by IIAUltY V. iriOItTlIIMKH, jw ar ti a v jrt, vv art, a a at ui uisieiivt ta an. the Lehigh Vatler R. nvDepoU Terms: $1.1)0 'per Aunrim in Aimc CTCRT DCBCtUintOM OF TtSSS AiND FAX OX dot) Jr j? i n b i n : AT VritVY LOW PRICKS. A l'ICTtflth klV CIIARt.lM DICKU.NN. iir. i. - .1 - e.i i .. i. - r-i - iroin enriv ums. witu wuom vco u . . . . .... ... .. hdw we would speak, and walk, i llilnh .....1 lolL-. uh.n w nn,u l I.. t A ,,,a n.ri i..r i.u , . ma .. .. ... ... the dead received him in bis trime. Shall bo be shut nut from our Christmas remembrance? Would his love so ex clude ns? Lost fiieud, lost ohlld, lout parent, sisicr, urutner, who, h'lgDand, we will nut so discard you. You shall he Id your clieiishtd pines in our Cbristmr.c hearts nud by our flhrMuini fires ; and, In thu HcnsoH nl urunrlnl hope, end on tbe birthday ot iu,uiortnl mucy we will shut out nothing. Tho wlutirun goes down over town and village ; on the sea It umkes n rCay path, as if the sacred trend were fresh upou thu water. A few more moments, and it sinks, and night comes on, aud lights begiu to sparkle In the prospect. Ou tho billride beyond the Rbaptlessly diffused town, and tho quiet keeping nf tho trees that gird Ihe village steeple, remembrances aie cut iu stone, planted in common flowers, growing iu girts. entwined with lowly brambles around many a mound of eattb. In town nnd rllligo there aru doors nnd windows closed ngnlist the weather, there are Aiming logs heaped higb, tLere are joylul faces, tbere is heultliy miuloof voices, lis nil nugentlonebs and harm excluded fti m il.e temples of the housc holil jjoOh, b.tt bi tlioae retniuibrancea admitted with tender eiiconranertnut. They are of -the time and all its cnmfoit- Ing nud peaceful reassurance, and of history that reunited even upon earth the living and the death J and of tbe broad benellceooo and goodness that too many men have tried to tear to narrow shreds. &n.Coi.iuiiitioi! in its early staees Is readily cured by tho uiio nf Ilr. Pierce's Golileit Medical Iliw-overy." thouclt if the littlest urn wauled un medicine will effect a cum, Iio known remedy issest-s such soothing and lieuling intlueiioe over all scrofulous, tuberculous, and pulmonary af fecthms as the ''Dltcuvrry." John Willis, of Elyrla, Ohio, write: ''The 'Goldan Alfilirul jJiswverV tloes positively cure ciiu- sumption, h, niter , trying every uthri medi cine in vain, lliia succeeded." Mr. Z. T. IMieliw, ol Cutlibert. Go.", writes : "T ib 'Go - don Medical Discovery' lias cured my wiU of bmmdiitis and incipient coniuinplion." Sold by druggists. The only jokes women like to read are those that reflect ridicule oil the man. Hence, when u woman picks up n paper, the first llilug she looks for is tha mairiage lumn. S'SL.Dr. Pieroe'a "Favorite Prescription" ia a most powerful restorative tonic, alio combining tha most valuable nervine prop, rrtles, rsprrialty adapted to tho wauls of da bililaled fiidlei tullering from weak' back, Inward fever,, cniiKi-sliiiii, inflammation, or ulceration, or from nervousuets or neural gic paint. By druggists. i No woman should borrow tliehuibaud of another, becauso it fs not gain for men to be a loan. isa. Dyspentla , liver complaint, and kindled aU'ecllous. For trea!i.e niviin; sue- cetalul teir-lrratmMt, address World's Disi'SNSiuv MtuioaL Association. Buffalo. N. Y. It Is useless for physicians to argue against short sleeved 'dresses. Ioesn't the Constitution 'of the United States say, "The right to haro arms shall not be in fringed uuvs 'i-m:.vi iiv hji: cross. ETtl'BitNVll.LE, O., May .5, 1881. rieasa send me at once one gross nf your most cxi-ellent medicinal Ionic, umwn's 1 1 on Uilters. I have used them in my pran- .ticefnr Indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, heartburn, naiiEen, vrrllco, nio., and have met with gieat tiicivus, in eflVcling cures. I find they give perfect tine and real strength to every part of the body, and In cases of kidney itiseates anil .consumption they quickly stop all decay. it. u. ALKXinnxs, iu u., ana uruggisi. A red-haired Englishman says toat In his native- country they called him an ban-burn-haired blonde, but 'ere in America they call lit a red 'eded sou of a uur,., Loas.nf memory, universal, laultude.paln in Ihe back, prcmaiiiro old ae, pnipiplly i-urcil with Brown's, Iron Bitter', 1 1 restores lost functions and strengthens tho weakened parts. 'It is a wieo Freuvllinan who remarks that he who confides In a tattler unit lends to a spendthrift wilj find his tocret every where, and his money nowhere, KUitrit Afiilii.t Dlntruie. If yon find yourself getting bullous, head heavy, rrnmln foul, iy yolloiv, kidneys llonl-vd, symptoms uf piles tormenting (our, i-lis SI nnci a few doiesnf Kidney Wort. It it iialurn's great aitiitant. Vie it as an adv.mc gii-ml don't wait to get down sink. 6en lil. Tha ' renrhsoud tbttonnutry delloiom--ly ireervM strawberries. They- ara nf Urge si:e, beautifully put up in glass. Jars aud will koraiiywbcre. Chicago Tribune. Mr. Ira Brown, Ihe enterprising real es tate man elates th.it he could au.t would tav a good word for the 6t. Jacuh'a Oil, whieii had r u red him of a severe attack of Inflam matory rheumatism that all other treat ments bad failed, even to allay. Now a B-wton barber has tn inspired to kill hit wifj. What wa n-ally want in this country la an inspired hangman. t bad severe attacks of grave) and kid ney trouble! was uuable to gel anv linvti- cilia or doiitir'to euro me until I ud ll-i.i Bitters, aud they cured me In a ihnrt lima. A DitlingiihJbud Lawyer of Wayne County, N, Y. Jaflarsou Davis It 73 years old and is going to Ina home at Louisville to spend tbe cluing years of hit Ilia in Jace, A Word lu .lloltipta, Miilliara ll.t.ol.I rim-irilj, tl r- - . . r ,a a, .....at lnirlatit duty at thu seamtu to I.aik alter the hea1lhf Ihrir families un.l ciratit, h malaria and impurities Irom their iv.len.i. and that nothing will lone up the tloruai-u snd livor, rrgulaia the honlt and purfy he blond ft iH-rltntlv a . Porker's (im-Jr Ti'ltle, i..lrerllee. In ..ur u..li(iii W. ctbor udumu. .Ill Ilia hil attarto i. tins H-r TJr H..I