loMSTlioiiias,mr:ithtl:eK ' Nos. 0 unci 10 Mc plce4 to how It to our townsmen who may be in that city, or na.ke advertising contract, at lowest cash rate to (Buxton &&wmte. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881. Local and Personal. The druggist who ht.ll.let now !i Iml for th winter. lie ahouM illnj together torn tweet oil and licorlsa.nd bring out hit cough cure at once. Dr. Bull'a Cough Syrup dott not py him enough profit. Riffling nd hooting mtlchet for tur- k.yt are now in full play. We bare the mctt quiet printer in the county he it a mCtkI 8- Ho akatlng in December, it what the Uw Jersey weather prophet tayt, and eve rybudy wliothlnUtofthat new pair of skates he axpecla for a Christina, preaent, will ho (hat the New Jersey man don't know any Uiiox.almut it. How erer that may tie, the Hew Hardware 8tore, 60(1 Hamilton ttreet, AIlciHiiwti, Pu., it 'he best place to buy the tkatea. Tho Ice will come by and bye. All kinds hardware cheap I .The reunion of the Fifty third and One-hundred-and-thirty first Regiments ofPenn aylrania Volunteers took place Tuesday at Milton. Franklin J Schick, 55 yean old, mar ket clerk ol South BethlehemTuesday mm mitled suicide by hanging, while tempor arily insane. jasT" Before ordering your fall and winter suits and overcoats, ynu should nut fail to drop into the Post O'ffice buildnig, in this borough, and examine the new and elegant assortment of latest novelties in cloths, eaaiiinerea, suitings and overcoatings now opening, and which the undersigned is pre pared to make up in the very latest style and most durable manner at prices fully as low as the same material and workmanship can be nbtaiued elsewhere. Call aud be convinced. Respectfully, II. II. Prtkrs, Agent, P. 0. Building, Lehighton, Venn's. The Slatingtcn Iltflcj are making pre parations for holding a fair. The old jail property in Eastnn was lately asld to a Freemansburg man for $16, 500. a0 The Enterprise Sausage Bluffer and Lard Press combiod is acknowledged the best. Meat Cutters of various kinds, also Scale lira ins to get the correct weight of your nogs, cheap at trie mew iiaruwan- tjtore, BUB Hamilton street, Allentown, ra All. kinds or hardware. tf The year 188J enters on Sunday and closes on Sunday, making fifty-three Sun dth in fifty.lwo weeks. The No. 1 furnace of the Thomas Iron 'Works at Ilokendauqtia, after a thorough repairing, was lighted tip last week. &Sutfyou wanta nice smooth,easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Frunz Ueederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. He will fix you right, and don't you forget it., Governor Iloyt said in a recent public address that there are 3000 children between 12 and 10 years of age in the almshouses in this Stale. They are in constant contact with pauperism, having no opportunity to rise or develop self-resjiect, and readily be come criminals. The law should stop this, Abram Katr, of New York, a dealer in tinware, was struck by the engine ol strain on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at White Haven on Saturday night, and killed. L-Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and silver warn lr sals, ami repairing ilone at Uaga man's Store, Weissport. 25-yI. fcfi-Smoke"The Hound Head Cigars the best 5 cut cijar in town. Try them. f or sale by J. W. ilaudetibush, at the "Car-, Don House." 31 tf. As if the small-pox contagion were not enough, the measles have now broken out among the juveniles of Allentown. A great isany cases prevail, and until fully devel oped parents are kept in great alarm as to whether the sickness is going to bring forth amall-pox or measles. SfW. invite the attention of our read era to the advertisement of tho Buckeye MTg Co., Marion, Ohio, in another column. They offer rare inducements to earn an henet living. II you propose taking your lady love for a ride during the holidays, don't you forget that David Ebbert, at his livery on North street, this borough, can supply you with a splendid turnout for very little cash. . f For Holiday goods of elaborate de. algn and elegance of finish, you should call at the drug store of Dr. C. T. Horn, in Leuekel't block. It will be a pleasure for the Dr. to show you his stock whether you purchase or not. Christmas day next Sunday week. Ac- cording to the laws of this Stste Monday, the 20th, will be a legal holiday, and the banks and other public institutions will he closed; so if you have a note due on the th, you mutt see to Hon Saturday, 24th lost. a-BEAUT!FUL. the stock of Holiday Goods at E. F. Ltickenhach's, Broadway, Mauch Chunk. Booka for all kinds of peo pie, toys rorlittlechildren and big children, pocket books, albums, and in fact something of every kind people are likely to want aoout tna notiday season, rrices very low, The Hatleton Daily DulMin, of laet Mooday, very pertly asks," How do you like us today?" Well, friend Sam, after turning you over and viewing the vast im provements msde In the size and appca ranee ortke-JJuHetia, we most heartily rongralu lata you on this marked evidence of your success. Go on and prosper. JEM- Persont from IWileliton and vlein Ity, visiting Allentown by rail will find the Haw Hardware store, DOB Hamilton street, tba most convenient place to buy, as it is nearest the Railroad depots. A large line ot go. "is for a substantial Christinas present to select from. All kinds of hardware. Low prices and fair dealing is our rule. Respectfully, Axthoxt A EaBKCXI, 2 Allentown. Pa. Oor streets are in a terribly muddy con dition, ou accmintof the recent rains Interesting news items are just about as scarce as ben'a teeth. Onr public tthooli wilt close next Fri day for the holidays. They will re-open on Tuesdsy, January 3d. teB- If Yu have a cold orcouh of any kind, buy a bottle of Hill's Tce-rlest Couch Syrup at Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store. Use it ail, and if not satisfied return tha empty bottle aod he will relund your inonev. He also sails Peerless Worm Specific and Hill's Worm Drops on Ihe tame terms. No cure, So pay. 4-y The Allentown Democrat, unlike soma other newspspers, publishes the actual farts about the smsll pox in Allentown, just as it would any other item of news, ao that the country people may know about it. We hear of new eaaea almost every day, and among those ill with lha malady the fatal! ty it large, there having been four death 00 Saturday, and eix or eight since our last Issue. But the disease is found only in by atresia and alleys, and not in the hetelt tnd tmataeas thoroughfares. Itexistaon fiordon on Liberty, on South Fifthn North Eighth, Jfeirth Ninth, Walnut above Eighth. North Penn, Turner near Fourth, and on various alleys, but in the business center and among the business public it is not to be found. U it not better to tall the country people all about the small-pox than to keep the truth from them 7 ANEW PREMIUM! We have just received a limited tup ply or a new work entitled "A Tbooaand FhcIb" with a Memornudum Calendar for 1882, whlrh we are preeeutlng trjsub (cribera who pay $1.00 in advance for the Cabbox Advocate. Tour choice of thin or "Kendall, lion and hia Diseasei." Pay promptly and get the premium I flgpTThose or our subscrib ers getting the Advocate through the mail will please refer to. tho direction tab, note their indebtedness, and remit the amount. In all cases whore we have to send bills $1.25 will be charged to cover expenses of postage, etc. .Every watch sola at E. II. Hobl's, Mauch Chunk, sella another. The Bangor 8lale Quarry Coru'y, for a three-fifths interest in which the Lehigh Navigation Company paid $100,000, had a surplus of tlOO.tlOO, which was divided a mong the old stockholders lour in number. The company is to be reorganised tinder the name of the Old Bangor Slate Company, with a paid up capital ol $250,000. Tile old stockholders, fourin nninber.get $20,000 each out of the surplus fund, realize $20,000 each on the sale, get $20,000 each of the full paid up slock of the new company, end have Irawn $3000 annually in dividends for 12 years, the time ol the existence of the com pany. This makes$96,000 inch rvalixed on an investment of $0000. X5rlf you can't tret what vou want at E. II. Hi. hl's Mauch Chuuk, there it no uts going further. Freddie, the youngest ton of Mr. and Mrs. II. I. Cooper, of Parryville, died on Saturday last, and was buried on Tuesday afternoon. SS, CllHISTUAS AXKOCNCItMKXT I W have a large variety of gnodasuituhleforliie Holiday Trade, that are useful as well as ornamental Guns anil Srtlng Goody, silver rialed Ware, hn Ivory Handle Knives, Carvers, Steel,-, Ac. Ac Call at the New Hardware Store, (SOS Hamilton street, Allentown, before buying your Christmas presents, aud save money. 2 The willow tree standing on the pave ment in front of Dr. C. S. German's real dence was felled on Wednesday last. So passes away the old landmarks. You will run your nose against that tree no more on durk nights. iJ-Beautiful gold rings, tiraclets, pins, ear-ring neck chains, lockets, Ac, at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk. For the week ending on the 9lh iml., there were 104,(91 tons of coal shipped over the L. .t d. rsilroad, making a total for Ibe season of 4,304,857 tons, showing an in crease of 050,533 tons as compared with the tame date last year. To Puni.iSBKRt Those in want of a good and industrious compositor, guaran teeing hi in a permanent situation, and who does not care as to wages, will please send postal-card to Jortx Hit,., LnmouTOX, Pa. Carbon Advocate Very .fashionable just now Heuvy colds: fS-Jewelry, Jewelry, you will find the Original Cheap Cash Store bas a large as sortment of jewelry adapted for the holiday trade. One of our exchanget very truthfully remarka, that to make a town prosperous everything possible should be purchased in it and in this way money will circulate amongst us, going from one to another, instead of cutering the pockets of the rich merchants of the eastern cities, never to return again. We have entered upon the oliday trade when thousands of dollars will be expended, and it is to be hoped that one and all of our people will forego pur chasing in the cities, and give our town merchunts that supiort which they merit as citizens and men whu have Invented their capital in our midst. Not.nt course, forgetting those who advertise liberally in their home paper, for audi men can always be depended upon for honest denting. touFor a useful nreeeut fine cold or fiiver which-,, see ll. limit's ntw slkk Susquehanna street, Mauch Chunk. To-murrow (Similar) morning, -it 10 o'clock, Rev. A. J. O. Dubbt, of Allentown, ill preach in the Reformat! Churah, Weiss- port, in the German language, and at 7 o clock p. in., Rev Then. Appel, D. P., of Lancaster city, will preach in English, All are invited to hear them. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has declared a quarterly dividend of IJ per cent., payable Jam 16. Patrick Barrett, a miner, w.is so badly burned by an explosion of gas in Ihe Sugar Notch mines, near Wilkesbarre, Wednesday, that be (tied before reaching home. JHj-inc Holiday trade is immense, an says ii. iinni, oi iuaucn Chunk. John Turner and John Deiti, employed at the Prospect mines, near Wilkesbaire, were horribly burned Wednesday bv an ex plosion of gui. Turner toon died and Deitz it not expected to live. &3f Beautiful cold and silver watches at ll. Honrs, Mauch Chunk. The verdict of the Fayette county In rv, finding Pat Dolon guilty of inur.l.'r in the second decree Inr the murder of Miiurioe Haaly, la severely censured. Doloii is either an innocent man or guilty of murder in the first degree. ;ti Reader, if vou want to rave nmin. -c a.i it- ju utrau mi e,. it, lioiii s.MaUCII Chunk, and see bis elegant stock and learn un jiricrs. 2&Mr. D. 8. Bock haa mat mienrd watch making and jewelry eelablialimcut in Quart's buildiug. this boroueh. and invites a share uf nitmaoa. Km his advertisement in to Jay's uanernd cive uiiii a can. -The Lehlghtou Evang-liral Sunday. School will have It Cbristmss entertain. msnt on Christmas Eve, Saturday, Decern lr 24, The exercises will consist of si tie ing, declamations, dialogues tnd candy distribution. ten. When in search nf holiday roods, do not pass by the Original Cheap Cash Siore, as you willfiod a full line of goods auiul.lv lor presents. -Presiding Elder, C. R Fhr, will preach in the Mahoning Valley Evaiieelica Chuich on Saturday eveuing, December 24tb, (Cnrlstmaa Eve). Preaching in the Lrhighton Evancali cat Church to-morrow (8unday) at 10 a.m, and 7 p.m. Morning subject i "A M riage in Heaven." Evening subject :- "Gad Searching with Lanterns for Men.1 All are welcome. Cure far Btsanllpex. A correspondent of the Liverpool Mer cury writes 1 1 am wjllinr to risk mv renu. talienaaa public man if the worst case of smallpox cannot be affeclaallv cured i three days, simply by cream or tartar. Thit is the sura and nevar.failing remedri One ounce orereemoftartar dissolved In a pint oi wining water, to be drank when odd, a soon intervals. It can be taken tim. ., I. - .,. 3 Mm., and is a preventive at well .. a curt - tlve. Hit known U have cured In tbout- ends of casts without a failure. It never leaves , m.rk, and never cause. Umdu,... and alwtyt prev.nU tedious ling.ring. From the County Seat On last Saturday morning We were grnallv delighted To eee the New Market House, So brilliantly lighted. For all things conaidered, It was a pleasing tight To see everything appear So pleasant and bright. For convenience and comfort, Not so easily outdone. A fact freely conceded By almost eVerv one. The butchers behind their stalls, In livery complete, With ssussges and puddiugs, And fine savory meat. The only grumbling we heard, Was made by thoae who buy, 6svlng aa they pasrtd along. That things were much too high. As concerning their prices, We'll have no more 'a say, Providing someone will send ut A turkey for Christmas Day. Tho cord that sweetly binds Con-curd, The up tbat is easy and quick Hick up. -i-The pole that Uvea and moves Tad Kle. The mile that is very short and bitter Calllo-nillo. The nap that is dangerous and dreaded Kid-nap. The pit that is honorable and desirable Pul-pit. The bug that is the most detectable -Hum-bug. The route now very notorj. us Star Route. The net iimt datigvrous to fool with Hor-net. The largest vial in use Bass-viol. Toe bats universally coveted Ding bats The licks that are received with pleas ure Spondu-llcks. Thecoma that is most welcome In come. The lock that fastens for life Wed lock. The thrift that usually ends in povcr. ty Spend-thrifl. Tho tune universally admired For tune. We advise those who enjoy a cold and airy carriage rida to take c short trip into Penn Forest township, providing they are blest with extraordinary patience. A substantial Hag pavement 77 feet in length has been laid on the south and east aide of Judge Leisenrin't premises in this borough. A valuable and important im provement, and will, no dubt, be appreci ated by the people of tint and East Mauch Chunk borough. Kemerer A Stroh are still in the Insur ance business, and a. I those desiring to in' vest their money in this direction, can safe ly do so by calling on either Kemerer or Stroh. A sociable hop, by tome of our light footed citizens, was held at the American House on last Wednesday evening; par ticulars not known, but judging from the inclemency of the weather, we opine that it was rather a slim affair. May Roberts and the Sterling Comedy Company design playing Hazle Kirk and the Banker's Daughter In Oak Hall, on Fri- ay and Satunlaf evenings of this week. Those wishing to purchase a first class organ at s fair price, on good and leason ble terms can be accommodated by Prof. W. Vananda, of thit borough. Rumor taya that James Zellner, photo grapher, of this place, has or toon will leave for the South, to be absent two or three months' for the purpose of taking Southern viewt for C. F. Schueur. proprietor of the Switch-Back Bazar, at the Mansion House. Wm. F. Yarrington, late civil engineer for the L. C. i Nuy. Co..l-lt several mouths ago for the west where he accepted a posi tion on tho Rio Grande Railroad. Ho in tends returning some time next week, and wilt resume his former imsition. H.J. Woodring, who went west about six months ago returned home nn last Sat urday, and will remain here during the winter. -Miss Annie Hurtman.one of ilie mem Iters of the family of Judge 11. B Packer, h has been ah-nt in Europe lor the tail seven months, srrived home on last Sjlur day ev, nine, to Ihejoy of her many friends. Francis Sharkey, oldest ton uf Patrick Sharkey, nVo'd, who hot been attending college in Dublin, Ireland, for Ihe past 4 or 5 yesra returned home on Tuesdny night to the argeeable surprise of his friends. WeUxporl Ilenitt. --Limited -newt. Rumor says that the subjects ol gravis yard insurance of this place have beei a) most daily in communica'.inn with Harri burgince thecoininulesare being oniull ed to dissolve. The agent at Big Creek ap pears daily on horseback for information I -A Polar bear, while exhibiting here. was petted by W. C. Keck, and In return madea disastrous grasp, givinr Keck barely time to escape. Hereafter, pet Iambi onlv Our friend, O. 8 Weiss, was 'n town, and presented tracts, entitled "If I die tn. night, where shall I siieiid eternity t" We hoie some gixvl may thereby he arcom plished. There it loom for moral Improve ment here. The members nf the Evangelical Sab bath-School meet once a week (Saturday evenings), for mutual iinnrovement in tinging, and it hat a very beneficial effect On Sunday morning next, Rer. Mr, Dubbs will preach in the Reformed Church. English preaching in the evening. All are cordially Invited tn attend. lac. Wild Creek Itcnaa. A large crowd were In attendance at Ihe pmtreded meeting at Big Creek on Sun day evening last. -Mrs. 8mllb, of Trarhsville, who hi been unwell for some weeks pt, left last Tuesday on a visit to relations at 1'i.rkerton Samuel Kibler, of Beer's valley, was busy a few days ago hauling a I of Ion, belonging t., John II. Wei,,, r0i Kibler's mill to Distler mill. Robert Greene, ao far Ibis season, has raptured four foxes. Lucky, Miss Elleu J. Kern, of Slatingtnn, Is on a visit tn friends and relatives here. Adam Gaorge left here a few days ago, In search of employment. John C. Distler, of Lehighton, and M A. Fegley, of Mauch Chunk, were visiting here last week. Otaou. Call atstd Suortiaif Oiwdsv. We know what it it to overcome our littl prejudice! and how hard it is, after a place gets the name of being high priced, to get people to come back even though there is change of proprietors. Tbat we haye sold 75 guns thit season we think sufficient proof that our way of dealing ia satisfactory and priest reasonable. Our customers are satis Had and come again they tell their friendt and tbey coma and buy. We stand by every aale wr make and me.n to do the very best nr our customers. Auaoiuie lann.uiuast by both partiea the basis or all transactions 1 All kinds of hardware and sporting good, cbesp. lUsi-rfully your, I Axthoxt Eurcxt, I town. Pa. ' rtiea the basis of all transactions. turn twit Hill and Neighborhood. The following items are clipped' from the eolumnt of Ihe Ittcord, of the 10th lust f Bomxit Ifll.L. A' colleetlon l helm taken un through tbo Companv'a office for the widows of IJaniel and John Uavit, wno were uurncu with gat tn No. 4 recently. The workmen contributed liberally. The Water Company are taking lime by the forelocks and pntting aahea around the ttreet hydrants to prevent heeaing when the thermometer takes a notion to-come dowu In Ihe world. ' Baltzer Fink it going tn efeeta-shop In town, in which to carry nte bltcksiieitlung, hiving left the Lansford shopa where he was foreman, on account of Ihe low wages. The business ieople ol the Hill should give bun a grind aii Tt aa lie is a No. I workman. Prayera were offered in the Cattxdie Church no Sunday last, ,'or the happy re pose of the soul of Philip McLaughlin. Many were at a loss to undersumd who tins Phllin xrel..n,hlin . Ha was formerly a resident ol Back street, and a brother of Barney McLaughlin, of Nn. 0. He died in the hospital at Philadelphia. On Wednesday evening nf last weei" sirs. Evan Evun, Mrs. William Morgan and Mrs. Morgan Morgans, beaded a party nf some thirty-five ladles who got up a do nation gathering for tho benefit of Mrs. Margaret Evans, nn White street. The al ia ir was a succefs flmiii' ially aud socially. Between dry coods.groi'e.-ios and ready cash, Mit. E. reiei il about llilily ilollare. Summit Hill was the scene ol' a din graceful rumpus on Sunday night taut, in which David Bunion, of Neeqiirhonttig.ivRS stni'-k in the face with a b- erulass while he and Aumn Davla.of Summit Hill were try ing to I'oitc tneir way into Simon Andls ner's saloon. 'J he lower panels of the dmr had already l,eeu ktiwkiii In bv these -uen. On Monday morning Buirtoii journeyed to Mauch Chunk and had a tvurriint issued lor the anekt of the proprietor for selling liquor on Sunday, and another charging Barney Sharp, the bartender, with assault and battery. Both men entered ball. LsNtroBO. Tatrick MeNeilus haa relumed home from tne hospital at Philadelphia. Mrs. George Wiltinebam presented her husband with a young son on WcdhemlAy evening.. Frank Spensler. of Tiiinaquii, employ ed ns driver on No. 11 bank, was jatnbed between cars on caturday last and had his collar hone cracked. William Williams, lormeily a resident ot this borough, last Monday uesumed the liiremaiisbip ot the company inaciune shop here, succeeding iVallaiti Diiinihcier, whu eaigucd logo back aa jouuieymaii in the aatiiesuop. John Carter, who was recently foreman in the moulding detriment at ibe ahups now fills a like position at Williamspori J. M. Keller bas taken the place ol Mr. Carter. Ilaocins no such good luck struck the luouideia aa an iuereusr ol 30 cents per, day wtiicli we gavetbcin credit for last week. They have been promised an increase, but bow much they have not been able to learn. Not a lilile difficulty has been experi enced with the "Wabash," the dtrl-buriitug engine, during the week in runniug uu" the track. It eeems the road is not heavy enough and spreads. These two tiowerful locomotives are ol a, lot ol twenty eight that were built by the Baldwin. Locomotive Works fur the Philadelphia and Reading, but when the financial panic ol'is occur red, they were not delivered, and later on were purchased by the Wabash, bt. Ixmis ud I'acilic itailroad, who sold them to the Lebigb Coal 3i Navigation Company. 'J he weight is 70 tons, aud they will push 110 cart through the tunnel, which it 45 mure than the ordinary locomotive. One of our oldest citizens passed away on Sunday afternoon, iu the person uf Juhn Sbarpe, at the age of about 50 years. He had been alllnir. tor years with miners con sumption, but for brief periods would be able to get about, yet most nf the time be was asullercr. Deceased wat a native oi the Parish of Inniskiel, County Donegal, Ireland, but tor the past szveart was a rest dent of Lsnsford,wbere he had many friends who extend their sympathy to his wtle aud family in their sore affliction. Six children, the oldest being tmt'l, years, arn left father less by his dedtli. The funeral took place at the old Catholic cemetery on tlia HIM luuradav atlcrnoon. NxsqilKKoxixa On account of a defect in tbo heating apparatus nf the M. E. Church on Sunday, the services were Held In the school-House. While John Buss waa out hunlimi last week bis gun burst, the lock and iart of the j uarrei gon.gui pans uuauuwo, ronuiiau; ly he escaied injury. Neaouehonlne haa n new physician in the person of Dr. J. Gillespie, a graduate of heWew York University: he also pasted a successlul examihiition before the Board of Examiners of the Pennsylvania University. tie bas rented and will niieu all olhce In una of Klejipinger's building on Monday next. Martlia, a very tuterestlug little girl five, years of age, lieloiicing to Jacob Buss, died ou Monday evening last with enuip, and was buried in the Protestant cemetery u Wednesday. Divid BuH'tnn slaughtered the larseat p, rker we have heard ol this fall; it tipped the beam at 575 pounds. Tom Wntkins and John Jones have ngreed to stioota pigeon midchnu dalurday, December J 1st, with Moreen Jenkins as referee. The match is tied with $10. ,IHi, Tovrnthlu llcmn. A message receive! from our friend B. II. Meilzler, whnmnveJ to Maryland a few days ago, aunnuncet that he reached Mary. land safe, but was robbed nf about $50 worth of lha goods ho had in the car. Mr. M,and his family went with his team, which bik him four and a ball days and ot $24. The car arriving before him was robbed. Amandus Mower has the "boss" thresh ing machine in this vicinity. It is called the " Young Chief" it takes the straw up to the roof of the barn. The protracted meeting was largely at tended last Sunday eveuing. -Mr. Biery, of Indian Creek, Is improv ing his grist mill ; he hat put in new belts and a corn breaker. -Augustus Jacoby, nf Indian Cree, kill ed a beef that weighed 404 pounds. -Robert Younr, nf Lehigh township, has built an addition to bis barn, filly fret long and 15 feet wide. -J. II. Merit, of Hokendauqua Creek, slaughtered a pig weighing 508 pounds. The largest in Ibis neighborhood. Nathan Beck and Gideon Frack have put up a distillery near Dauieltville, and are busy distilling birch. Adam Cola it preparing to build t wagon abed. Mrs. George Ilower ia very tick and helpless; doubts are entertained of her re covery. J(. Northampton county, Dec. 12. ftranlltox. Edith. AnvocAT.t Sir Small pox it raging and devastating our surrounding towns, to Ihe north and to the south of us, are families that are stricken down with this malady. And .r'e long, who knows, but that thit contagion, with iu poisonous exands, may take bold of tome of our peo. pie aud strike them low, hence th. necessi ty nf being vaccinated, aud we hope that every parent, at soon is possible, will attend to Ibis and see that the children, at wall as themselves, properly inoculated with cow. pox or vaccine matter. If we take the past at a criterion, w. must conclude that Jen. ner't remedy it the surest preventive tnd tafegu.nl against this fell and loathaom. destroyer. And therefore let every man end woman attend to their own safety by uting bit remedy. If the people will not tct In their own behalf, then let th. proper authuritie. Uk. told of thit tnd push it with force end precision. Only 20 mllet distant, at Allentown this loathsome dit- ail. r..lo , a i. .i.ii.:..- ,V Marl tfiara. aa tn ,1 . t and titer, and carrying many a on loan auLSajm untimely grave. Again let ut urge ttpon the people the necessity of being vacclnnaled aa the surest preventive to the pox. Al o guard against tramps, forbid them to come Inside of tbo family circle, because Ihey aie the medium th rough which the disease Is spread, even refuse them the lock-up at a place of shelter. It It known tbat they have tpread the malady at Allentown, why will they not bring it Into our midst! Yours, etc., 0. A. C. The Conl Tratdc. The anthracite coal trade for I ho year 1881 is not yet fully made up, but enough is known t authorise general results, and warrants the assertion that the aggregate tonnage will reach fully 25 millions of lon, an increase nf about 4) millions nf tons on the- production of last year; and, in the ojiinion- of those supposed to be best in. forrscd in the trade, the outlook now is bet ter for market and lor amount of product than at any time before In many years. We do not remember a time before in several years when the opinion as to the near Iu lute of Ihe trade wos-morc-in liarniony than just at present. If fhw winter is imtseveie the coltjtrics will alt bo nblc to make good lime, and Ihvre is no reasorr Ur tear Ihul tin dcmiuili of tic.t year can ntr lie met, oen ifllny do lench tin" fxlraimliimy fion-a that have lieen named 30 IlllO.nOtr Ions. Fioni present indications the. tr.nl WiH be lelt comparatively free from eomi'liialioio- or IVuin coercion as to pi ices (JJ to ,"llot ment nf tonnage. Prices have for fevera' mouth Kt ruled neaily Meady, mid li e demand is .ill the time britk. All the lea lures of the anthracite coal trade are of the brightest character. Another year's busi nesis it about opening, with lilllu or no probable surplus coal on the market to de press prices at the start. The sources of driiiuud for coal tho coining year ore likely to be as oien and as exacting as was the past year. For manulHCturim purposes the demand 18 estimated lo be even larger than waa the demand iu 1881, and grealer In ibe new fields lor consumption ol coal. B.ith the Estuud the West, it is estimated, will largely tncreate their demand lor roul in 1882 over their consumption in 1881. The total tonnage of anthracite coal from all the regions for the week ending Dec. 3, at reported by the several currying compan ies amounted to 058,53(1 tons, against 581, V87 tons in the corresponding week la it year, an increase of 76,549 tons. The total amount of anthracite mined for the year is 20,974' 015 tons, against 22,532,502 tons for the same ierid last year, and increase nf 4,341,512 tons. Tne quantity uf bituminous coal sent to market Tor the week amounted to 1 14, 759 It ns, against 92,125 bins in the corres ponding week last year, an increase of 22, 634 tons. For the Cakbon Aovooati: SCIENTIFIC NOTES. M. Taul Bert has msde some Interest ing investigations into the effects of anes thetics. Among other results, he finds that the fatal dose it just about double that which is sufficient to produce insensibility, and a dose aboat midway between these two ex tremes will very readily produce anesthe sia. Of the anaesthetics in common use he finds chloroformjhe most dangerous, ether ranking next, and protoxide of nitrogen be ing.saf.r than any other tried by him. In a lecture upon th. "great comet of 1881," the Astronomer Royal for Ireland, Prof. R. S. Ball, states that collisions of the earth with comets haye often occurred, and others will doubtless occur in the future. The last of these collisions was in June, 1801, when the earth passed through the tail of a large comet. Had the earth passed through the densest part of the nucleus he did not know what the result would baye been, but thinks the consequences would not have been serious. On the occasion mentioned the only indication tbat a col lision had taken place wat the peculiar ap iearance uf the tky aa observed at what was probably the very time when the earth was enclosed in Ibe tail uf the comet. It has been discovered by M. Tomasi that' surrounding the electric arc by tubes filled with cold water produces a greateffect upon it, the luminous power being much weakened, and the arc itself so much affect ed that a slight puff would extinguish it. A Vienna chemist has made a new glass, containing nn silica or other ingredi ent uf ordinary glass. Its most iinrtant property is that it may be used to glare iron and other metals. In a recent address tn Ihe Balloon So ciety of Groat Britain, Mr W. B. Woodbury predicted that photographers will bo able at uo distnut day lo obtain from balloous bird's eye views of any city or town, phc to graphed true to nature and showing every dttail with tufficient rlearnest lo serve many purport. The motion to which the camera mutt be subjected is ibe chief obstacle to the successlul practice of ballucn photography, but lie believed that the extremely sensitive plates now prepared must serve in a con siderable degree to overcome this dithculty. He hoped that another year would show some advance in this particular branch of tt.'ieuco. Some time during the com Inc. year, an exhibition It to be held at Berlin of article! ierlaiuing tn the "science and technology of health, and the raving of Ijfe." It would seem that such exhibitions ougbt to become epidemic. -The principles of the new rapid tbip, now being constructed at Geneva from M. Ranul Pictet's plans, were lately described to Ihe French Academy. The vessel is to be broad and quite flat, and so built that Ihe bottom will constantly receive an upward thrust, tending tn lilt it from the water. Thit will leaeeu the draught of the vessel, and consequently diminish the resistance of the water tn its passage. M. Pictet calculates that he will be able to obtain a speed equal U) about three timet the present average. A practical test uf the new ship's capabilities is awaited with much interest. Experiment has shown M. Maiche Ibal tounds ofdiirereut characters produced from two separate sources can be tent simultane ously on one wire and received separately. At tne receiving station he used two tele phones of different resistances, and at the transmitting end caused a music box to op erate upon a microphone while an induc tion telephone transmitter was tioken into at the tame time. The musical sounds were reproduced in tba telepboae of least resis tance, end lb. vocal sounds in lb. other, to thtt with the two telephones to the eare the listener could hear Ibe music by one car and th. speech by lb. other. An electrical elevator, worked by a Si.ment machine, bas been one of the many novelties of Ibe Paris Electrical Exhibition. Always llofrekhlnir. A delicious odor it imparted byFlorettoo Calonge, which it tlwayt refreshing, no matter how Ireely used, Poallivas Fact. Dr. Evory't Diamond Catarrh Remedy, -m uiiii iui nuni case oi uuarrn er Jiav Fever. Dr. Evory't Diamond Invlmratap -4 health and atrengtb, mental and physical. ' m e. complexion clear, white and o,,,,,,,,, w.mpnUl fre. r, . . Scad th. Ad- yertisemenL " xmarv Thirty Venr' Trtnl. We will send tr.Pj' colebrated neetro." Vultals llelts and other Kleclrla Appliances on trial for 30 days tn younu men unit older tiersons who are nOHeted with Nervous Do titty. Lost Vltallty,tie.,guaranterlng speedy relief and couipleiu rwtorntlon of vlaorand manhood. Alturr Hlieinuallsin, Neuralgia, I'araljsM, Liter unit Kidney dIUlcullles. Ma tures, and many other diseases. Illustrated pamphlet Sent free. Address Voltalo Belt yo , Marshall, Mich. tf-l l,chlrhlon illnrltclis C'onnECTiu Wexklt. Flour ptrtack M Ou Flour, Mprlng mixed ,,. 4 20 lluckwhont flour per sack...... 4 75 Corn, per bosliel, , V6 tints, per bushel 60 Mlsed Chop, per cwt 1 "0 SlMtlllngs, per ewt 11)6 Horn Chop , 1 70 lirnn, per cai ,,, j-za Butter, per pound to KKgs, twriioxen ft! Itaiii, ter iKiuiid , 16 Lard, per pound , , 11 Shoulders, per pound 11 I'ouuues, yer Qutnei. l to Mock .Tlrtruri. Closing prices or UkIIavin 3c Towxhkxu Stock, Government and Hold 411 rioulh Thlid Street, I'll i la.. Dec 15 I 81 O. S. 6's, ISil Ext Wi M nil n-kid U. S. Uurrency, 's 1'2I tod IM n.-kul U , 6-,188l, now. Ext.mii t.iit i ii urkul II, ci. 4U. M, lUK 1.1(1 11141 asked U. S. t'rincw W III I 1174 us'Kld PcniiBtinla K. It bt bid 6VM nskeit I'lllln. & Itm.lInK K. It 31 liiit ark.d Lehiali Vnlltv H. It .. tV4 Mil VI nl.i-o LihurllU BlSiNuv. t'o. . 14k. Iml stUiKknl United llo's ill ,S. J .... Its., bid IkO askl'il Northern Central It 11. ol lad bl arhed lirstonvllle I'.iss. II. II 19, l.l.l 20 asked l'ltte.'Tn. ft. Hull. II. II 'ay. Mil 2:4 iitkeil t'entrill Transportation 4 Mil 4 asked Northern I'acinoi'oni... llV hid St arktd " 1'rei'd.. my, hl.l 6i askud North Penn. It It Mi bid io linked I'liti h Knu K. H ft) Ltd '.V.j .irkeil Stlvc'f, (.I'rue,).'. ivl.; bid Wj uekid M .11! Itll.li. ZIEOLKt-rffcRHEIl -On the 5;h ult . by Rev. V lt.rinci.miew, jiiirvs z.eiitier. ol Frelm iifljuiir, !i,l ?,litt lliniiciialler ber. ntWiJi Tmn, JVIinvikill eoun y. HUNMIUKKIt l,.'KR.E,.-0ii the lob ult . by the sail.-. Alumni r nuinucair, ot Lynnluwn, Lihlitli ci.mty.- and mini Knto t; irell, ol Oht I'trAV elldyllml CuUlitV. IltlUSER KNhPPER. C'118'b nftniy rtie s.nne, Udlliuii House), or .l'alll""li""nil Jll-a Alice J, Knepr, ol IU.! i n, S huylklll coun v, I'ETEliS ST I lOKKWALT. On th'i'.'tlh ult.. hj tho name, John J. I'eier and iJirs Amniida Suliceralt, tioth ot lleldclbira Lillian couiiij. It ATtTZEL. On tbf2nd lnst.,ln West Penn, X.-A-..I. I.... ... I.I n.l 1.' II xcl, aged 2 months and 20 days. Ui:i) HOUSE I'OUIHMtS Are the nnlv Horse and Poultry Powders that ulve universal satisfaction. If tho Ponders do not Klve satisfaction, the Druuglsi will re- turn your money. iiee. is. 1880 yleuw itiscuuii i iiou ii:aiii. The follovrlnir statement of Wm JrComrli- lln.ol Sotnervllle, M ass., is so remarkable thai we beg to ask lor It ttie attention if our remt-' ers lie suvs: "In the rail of 1876 1 was tak With 11 VIOLENT ni.EKDIM) OF TllBLUMl.". followed by a secere couirh. I soon boann tu lose mv amietlte and Aesh. I wnfl no weal nt onetime tbat 1 could not leave my bed. In me summer oi is77 i was aiimiticci totne i ity Hospital. While there the doctors raid I hint a hole In my left Iudk as Mv as a half dollar 1 expended over a hundred dollars in doctors and modlclne. I was so rar gone at one time a reort went around that I was dead. 1 sravc up hone, but a Irlend told me or nit. WM. UAILiS UAl.SAIU HIK TI1U LiUISUS. 1 lauifhed at my friend?, thinking that my case was Incurable, but I got a bottle to vatlsf) mem, wnen, to my surprise and irraiincaiinn, T Anmm-n-A ,n ,Aut l,.i... M I A nnAu dead, began to revive anil to-day 1 teel In but. ter spirits man i nave tne pasi tnree years. ' 1 nrlte this honing you will publish It, so that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be Induced totxke lilt. WM. HALhS DALLAM FUK TUB I.UNOS, and bo con voiced that CONSUMPTION Can ba Cured. I hare taken two bottles and can positively say that It has done more kooi! than all th other medicines 1 have taken since my sick ness. My cough bas almost entirely disap peared andl shall soonbeabletegotowork." Sold by A, J. Dcrhho, Lehighton, and all druggists. Deo. 18. 1880-yloow HENUY'S CAW10MC SALVE. The BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds or Mklu Eruptions, Freckles and Pim ples. TheSalve Is guaranteed to ulve perfect satisfaction In every easo or meney refnnded. lie sure you not HKNKY's UAItltOI.IO SALVE, as, all others are but lmltntlons. Price 25 cents. For title by all DruKk'Ist everywhere. Dee. 18, 1880-yleow- EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. To Sell a Household Article. rpHE poor as well as the rich, the old as well L as the young, tho wife, as well ns the hus band, the yountr maiden as well at the younsr man. the girl as well as the bor, may just as well earn a few dollars In honest employment, as tu sit around the house and watt for oth ers to earn It ror them. We can give you em ployment, all Ihe time, ordurlnx your spare Hours omy ; traveling, or in your own ncis;n borhood, amomc your friends and acquaint ances. If you do not care for employment, wo can Itnnart valuable Information to you Ireo or cos'. It will cot you only one cent ror a postal caru 10 write tor our i-roBnecius,anu It may be tho means or making you a good niflnv dollara. Do not neulect this omiortunlty. You do not have to Invest a large sum or money, and run thk risk or loslnir It. You will readily seetl.at It will bo an easy ma'ter tn make Irom 410 to n week, and establish a lu crative, and Independent buslncSF,honorablc, stnilKlitftirward and profitable Attend to till, matter NOW, lor thero IsJIONKY IN 1 r ror all who etnraure with us. We will sur prise you and 1 ou will wonder why yon never wrote to us before. We send vull, rAUTio BLARS rnxa. Address BUCKEYE M'F'O CO., (Name this paper.) Mabioh, Ouio, tfept. Hi.tnC. JSq-OTlCETO HOLUEKSOF Carbon County Bonds. At a meetlna; ol the County Commissioners bold on Wednesday. October 29th, 1881,11 was resoireu mat tne wnoie uouiuy uonueu in. debtedness shall be nald orf Therer.ire In accordance with established rules, Hie numbers were drawn and will ba paid by the County Traalurur, in thi follow ing rotation: iNos. 154 176, 174, 170, 1G0, 162, 175, 178, 164, 171, 158, 172 Holders of -above bonili are requested to ma lie ineir ucinanus iiure uecemuvr am, ai no .merest ttiu ue paiu auer inai cat. By order uf County Uommlsiluners. U.E.SWAU12. Clerk. jvov. 5, 'Sl-lT. ZB-::g2atr.iIa S SC-ia-iSS'SES SEltYOUS DEBILITY: A CUUH ODAItANTEED. Or E.C. Wraf. Itaavx and liiuix treat UKKT. aspecllla lor Uysterta, Tllsztuua, Con voiaioua, florroua iieadashe, slenlal lieorea. aion.I.oaoi Memorr. po, ma orrbcaa. tmno. .vuvj, .uTwiituurir r.miHiu u r. irremsture U1C Age, caused bv over exert on, sett abuse, or over-liiiiutgeiice, mhtcb leaoa lo misery, dsoay aud death. Oue box will cure reeeot case., e ach box oont, tna ona mootb'a treatmem, onn Aoliar a oor, er aix boxes lor Bye dollara i aear u., w... ,,.yv uU iwiji & unco, w.aasr. sole, six boxea to cure inr uu With order leceived bv uatorelx boxea, aceompan- ion mi uve uuiiri. m win seua mo purcuaa er our written smarantHe to retarn the mooer 11 tne treatment doea not effect a cure llaar atiteea fssued only wben the trestroent laorder. ml direct rrom us JOHN O. WEST A CO. Bole Pvprletors. Ill A IS w. Vadlaoo utreet! Cblcaao.111. A J. DUIILINO. Aaeut, Ltbhlb. ton Ia. bMITIl KMNK A CO Wholesale Afentt PhUadslbie, aept :f.'Sl-i WANTED r ' L--' lia'oirav I In i CATIIO- iteady bab. n aellnn In which he resides. Permanent employment and Brood compensation to an eneraetlo man Rarerrnces. HLVZIdEll BKOTHEHS. Sll Ilrosdwsy, New York, d.ca.wl a5 ' Q j B I B -H o i i awi at w.9 14 v-i THE PHILADELPHIA Now stnnrla confessedly nt tho' head of Philadelphia Jottrnnllam In all that makes tt thoroughly complotc, Renoriil and family nowsj pnper. It Is moro cotnpleto In its iiowb, in lbs niioclar correspon dence, In Its varied contributions on nil stibjecti of popular interest, and In nil tho qualities of a newspaper for the family circle aUtl" fJr tho business man than nny of Its contemporaries, because It. facilities and rcsourcos aro equal to ovury wuut of a flnt-claa national Journal. M "The WeekliJ during tho past year. Its contributors rrom weok to week nro amnnu; tho foremost mon of the nation, and no department of news or literature is sugiitou m nny number on any pretext. It Is adapted ns well to women us to inert bonco, although Its" political Intelli gence Is full and aecurato and its political editorials free and fear less, liberal provision Is made fof literary, dramatic, and musical matters, travels and mlvcnt'uro, fiction, poetry, fashions and tho chronicle of current social ovcilts. In nil theso departments ths pens of tho best writers nro engaged, while, selections from other journals aro made with caro, taste and fullueas that aro unsurpassed. Tun "Atnat.s or ran Wau" chnpters of unwritten history contributed by prominent actors in tho war of the rebellion, art) a vitlunblo foattiro of tho paper and liavo become a recognized depository of such matters, whether I'rortl Jfortlibrh or Southern Bourcos. This department, i well us all olhors, will bo kept fully up to tho high standard of former years. -TEHMS:-- THE DAILY TIMES-Dcllvered In the City of PhlltdelphU and surrounding Towns for Twelve Cents a week Mail Si'riscMrriojts, posUg. free, Six Hollars a year, or Fifty Cents a month. THE WEEKLY TIMES-Firty-sIx columns of the choicest rcodlnpr.cpeclally prepared to meet tho wants of weekly newspaper readers. On. copy,S2.00j Five copies, 88.00 j Ten copies, 515.00: Twenty copias, t25.00. An Extra copy sent free to any person getting up Clubs of terror twenty, .THE SUNDAY EDITION-Double sheet, eight page., ft best Cnotvn and most accomplished writers contribute to its columns .very week. Two Dollars a year, potago free. Single copies, Four Cents. THE TIMES ALMANAC-A Manual of Political and other Information, published' on the First of January, every year. Flheen Cents a copy THE ANNALS OF THE WAR-ArojaloctavoTotam. of 5typages, beautifully Illustrated'.. Written by Principal Participants In the War, Jlortlt aflU- South.- Price, 3.00. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS'TO THE TIMES, TIMES BUILDIlVQ, Chcst.niit nnd Eighth Streets Philadelphia. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. 881. HOLIDAYS. 1881. Mrs. C. MSCHIKSCHSKT Itenncctfullv nnnounceitn her friends ami tho publlo Kencrally. Hint elie Is now rtcelvln ari'l ODenlntr lor their Inneetlttn a Inrirfr stock than ever of the very futeet noveltUt In Toys & Fancy Goods, Suitable ror HOLIDAY PRESENTS ror i ounjt unit Olil. Ulcli and Poor,. Don't rail lo call early and secure flrst choice and best bargains. She also culls their attention to her New, Large and Elegant assortment or NOTIONS, comprising Underwear, llerlln and (lorman- iown woois. Hosiery, imported aim no mestlc Hlbbons Oloves, Flowers and a lino assortment or Ncrr Designs IN FANCY ARTICLES Also, in connection vrlth tho abovo. a Toll and complete stock or GERMAN FKUITS, LIMBUKQEIt CHEESE, CautHfS & Confections, together vrlth a variety orOoods not general ly kept In any oilier store In town. If jou do not seo what you want, ask for It. A shiireorpuhllo patronage solicited, and porrcct citlslnctlon guaranteed In price nnd quality or goods. Second St., 2 floors above Iron, Nov. 28, 1831-IE3. LEHIGHTON, Pa. C ATARR ELYa' Cream Balm Elfactualty clean ses then.iBal pas sages ot Catarrh al virus, causing healthy secre tions, allays in. flanunatlou, pre sets the mem brane lrom addi tional colds, coin rlrtrly heals the rnrtrmt mm l- M Vi wrrf ajl tui -r ' WMJRrh cotosi" .r, suresand restores tho sense oMasto nnd sinelL Hone, licl.il results are realised by n row applications. A thorongh treat HAY-FEVKR ment will cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, 4e. Un equalled rur colds In the head. AKreenblo to use, Apply by the little tinner Into the noa trlls. tin receipt ordOo will insll a packago. Sold by A, J. llnnLlxo, drug a.ft, Iehlxb. ton. ELYS'UUKAM JIALM i!ll.. novM-yl Owago, N. Y. IN the COURT or COMMON FLIMS OP CAKUON COUNTY. PLEASE TAKE NOTIOK, That the Hoard or Directors or Ihe EAST MA Hi it CHUNK LOAN and IIU1LII1NU ASSDOI ATIO.N, or E.ist Mauch Chunk, Car lion county. Pa., Iiaru flled a Petition asking Tor a Dissolution r tald Association, and if no sufficient cause be shown to the contrary nn or hclore the flrst day orncxt Terra, to wit: theoth day or January, A. 0. 1S82. the Court will eraiit the retltlon and uuke the Decreo asked ror. lir tho t!ourt. GEO. W. ESS Ell, Nov 29, 1881.WS 1'rothonotary. IN the COl'KT or COMMON PLEAS FUA t BO N COUNTY, Fa. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the Hoard orDlrcetora ot the IltONIA j LHAN AN II HU1LIIINU ASSOCIATION, I ori'AKUYVlLLU, Carbon t.'ounty, I'enni., have tiled a Petition asklns: ror a Dissolution ! ut said Association, and, II no sufficient canto : be shown to tne contrary on or berore the first I day ot next Term or Court, to wit: the 9th I day nf January, A. D. 18S2, the Court will , arant the petti Ion nnd make the decree asked rur. By tba Court. GEO. W. ESSER, I Nov, 13 wl rrothonotary, , ARpatty's rianofortps MuRiilfi- cent holiday presents ; sriuare urand pianorortes, luur very handsome round onrn. ers, rosewood cases, three unisons, lleatty's matchless Iron rraines, stool, book, cover, box ed, S2Z2 76 t i297 to t cataloxue prices, 18 0 to 41000 tatlsraetlon Kuaranleed or monoy refuuded after nno year's use; upright piano rortes, (12: totliS; catalogue prices. s)i00 to .800: standard planolortesortlie unlvurse.as thousands testlry ; write ror roamn.oth list of tea linonlals; lleatty's cabinet orarant, cathe dral, church, chapel, parlor, 30 upward i visitors welcome; free earrlaicemeets trains; Illustrated catalogue (holiday edition) tree. Addr.-ssorcnllupon DANIEL P. IIEATI'Y, Waaldnt;tun. New Jersey. novSS-wi TLAYSI FLAYS I TLAYSI TLAYS1 For Heading Clubs, ror Amateur Theatricals, Temperance i'lsvs, Drawloic-Itooai Plays, Fairy I'lays, Ethiopian l'laya. Uulde Uooka, Speakers, Pantomimes, Tableaux, Llxbtt, Maxneslum Lights, Colored Fire, ilurnt Cork, Theatrical Face Preparations, Jarley's Wax Works, Wigs, Heards, Moustaches, Cos tumes, Charades, and Paper Scenery, Net Cataloguea sent tree, containing lull deserlp. Hon and prices SAMUEL FltENCU U SON, 3S h. lltb St., New York. no26 wt S-NEWBOOK "TIIE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER. ' Tba Ilett and Funniest ot all, E.egantly bound; wlth2J0 llustratlons. Just the thing tor the holidays. F. C. 11I.ISS i CO.. New. ark. New Jersey. norlM.ws A YE All and expenses to at agents Outfit free. Addrsti P. " O. VlCEKRT, ACOUiTA.MK. BpTfraSyTri ORGANS 27Btop.loi7t7lWds DDftl 1 1 0 only 1 00. Puvea till up. Hare Holiday inducements Heady. Writ, or rail un 11 HATTY, Waslilntrton, N. J. Times''- "tn nearly doubled Iba .ornler lariro circulation Yi'iLisiiie Quality not Qnaitity is' the griest iinpDrtance ; uext is the1 Knowledge H Experience to Cer rectly Frepare aM-DiLPense tte same At A. J. DURLING'S ropuLAn Mi & Faiaily Meaicine M, -Bank Street, Lehighton, You can always rely upon getting STltlOT LV Pure and Untdulter.tsHt Drugs and Medicines. DUHt.INO, carries the largest stock PATI NT fllEDU lNhS la the county. IIUIILlNli has nn olnaont stock of DltUfJ. OISTS SIIKDK1ES, FANCY and TOI LET ARTICLES ror the ladles at well .1 the gents. DURLINO makes HOUSE and CATTLE POWDEHS n specially, HlslSyetrs exper ience In the drug business gives him a great advantage in that line. TKUSSES, SUPPORTERS andURAOES always a large stock on hand. WINriS and LIQUORS, both foreign and domestic. Ho has u Clinton drape Wine and a Dry Catawba Wine. Just splendid tad oheap. WALL PAPERS and noRDERS the largest assortment In tiwn. (lo to DUIiLINO'S with your prescrip tions (is to IIUHLINU'S tor your Patent Med iclies. Qo to DURLINO'S for yourranoyarfelee. Farmers and horsemen goto UUKI.INU'4 for your Horse and Cattle Powders. tug. i-yl. rpHE SLAIINUTON PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATING! ON. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Dealnln All kimn and nlzes of rjnp. llrroleck Oak mit Hard Wood Lumber, and in now pi patcd to execute any amount of urdera lor DrcsscD LumbeR OP ALU KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Minds, Sltutlerv, Mouldings, Cabinet Wore, &c., Willi t'rndiptuess. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery Is all new mil ot the best sad must Improved kinds. I employ uone but the beat woicmen. nao well teaODed and good nia terlal, and am Ihei erore able to guai aiilee entire saiistaction to all who niaylsvor mewltli a calk Ordera or mall piompily attended to. Mr cbargoa are mo.ti ratei terms cash, ox Interest (.barged alter thirty daya OlVLMA CAM.. tTT Those entaged In Onildlng will tndltt lhair advantago tu bay Hiding, Floor ileani. Uoora, Kaalics, tdiutters, As., &c. tarda .ttlil Factory. May JOHN BA I.LIKT. DANIEL WIEAND, Ciu-ringcs.Wngons.Slcighs.&c wBKtr. or BANK AND mON STREETS; LEIIIOHTON. Penna., Particular attention given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at the very Lowest Priest. Palrouag. rtrptetlully tolltlled. and MrCesi satlsfsetlon auaraateed. . Dee e. V l HATf. WlfcAHTr.