' II. L . .1.1 . FARMERS' COLUMN, t'.tu.n no i i-.s. There Is new strawberry socking fume and buyers ml! It "ilia .fihirts." Its Humo will liortliy lialii lis sale.. The. new Souliejaii. fifi'ilerry l juli-lvr than llio Orejtg, ami lliorct'oro loses mure il 'vmsf. It Is a sbinlne lil.iclij without any bl.Miiu, and makes a utie-aipearniic. A Canadian Jins patented n process by which to slilp fresh fruit, tomatoes, ranfu latipes and melons In England, ami one con ll jnrnent ui least lint gone successfully to Ltvorpool. 1'eacliea uro to In. low alter a tun". Perhaps this may open the dour to a great trade In perishable articles. Peaches are raised lu Dakota, nliliouc.il the temperature thero lint winter sunk 38 decrees below 2mo. Tliey oro planted assinst a tii:ti hank, bent ngiiiutt it n wit -' lr lasltiird down, ami then covered with, hay or ell Wo ntptat'ie Alapkn tl nlao a gnrxl country for po.n.lies with sufficient protection. Mr. A. I). Allen, writing from Tom's Biifer, in the Coiinrr.y Gentleman juyt that "liernes of all kinds sr n In llht fill In that climate ar sweeter than ti e tamo sojta produced on a heavy loam or clay soli In ft cooler rltmalo." L't berry buyers remember that when tlicy sneer at "Jersey sand.", To aid In securing uniform eirps of tu ples each vear a fruit wrltnr aiig,-ia II at most of the pruning he. done in theofryeart" that Is, In the fall or winter preceding what is looked fi r as'the hettriiiu year. For Instance, prune heavily now at any lime to reduce the bearing wood for next year, and less next yepr for the year thai Is to fol low. Cut when much pruning Is done, in advance of the growing season the wounds must be waxed or painted over to protect the woad from dacny. There It a brisk demand' fur rattle, both fat tn dairy, about Qtiakcrtown, Burks county. Canada has becumr an- important com pctitor with the United States in siiDplylug England with checre. The Falrnmunt Creamery Association M Upper Uwclilan, Chesler county, paid 4J cents a quart for milk in September. Trof. YYillard thinks American cbiwe-' makers are studying llio EnclUfi market far cheese to the neglect or the American, yr iich is vastly more important. Who will say that balky horses, like ba ky'chlldren, are. not ofcner. mado so, by bid treatment than by Inherent viciousness, which is another name for original tin T Somebody is stated to have lately haul ad 9,R00 pounds of manure over a hilly road fioin l)oyletown to Flumslead with four horses. This is not mentioned as a worthy achievement, hut instead, one to, be condemned. It is cruelty to animals. The condition of the corn stalks in the Mississippi Valley is milch at they are In He spring after a winter's exposure, and much stock aWllon, It is believed, must result from it. Put blno grass there Is re ported to be growing of late under'the in fluence of recent rains. A Tennessee shopkeeper reports in the Country Gentleman that on September 1, J8S0,Ji bought IB ewes.for J0, and rrpm them has since sold Iambs and wool to the yalue.of f 138.24, and hat eight of hit best old ewet left. His first year't experience must be very salislaetory. Many of the farmers of the upper part of B ickt county are obliged to haul all tbe wa'er they use from tome neighboring stream or spring, and in some cases are obliged to drive cattle from one to two miles for water. Much work of this tort will toon equal tho cost of a windmill and Its fixture. y ' , The manufacture of oleomargarine on ah extensive scale Injures the soap anil candle buuness by making tallow prices high, at least so tbo soap men claim. Tliev eay that the bogut butter people buy up pretty much all klndtof fat including hog fat, dog fat, and 'possum fat, and they would buy "printers' fat" if they could melt it. There It a cattle disease ir. Salem county, New Jersey, which the State Agent Is un able to Indentify, thniicli lie.saye' It is not pleuro-pneumonla. Michael Ilogan, near Action Station, has lost eight head, and the V. S., who made the out mortem pronoun ees the disease a sort ol a typhus fever, and thinks it must spread. The State author Hies ought to look into this matter iuiined lately. The value ' rnrii-fod lr depends, as l the caw with hay. In its manlier of growth and tbe manner and suovst In curing. Simply to state that coru-1'odder is vert valuable as stork fml is not mouth : If you think you havepiod u bv trial it is worili more, to the public to know how it was grown and cured Ihuii to know that certain arsons' lliink well of it. Mr. Clarkson Ii inm'1 of Manniniiton 8alem niuiitr, X. J . ucriitly lost three cows which were in apparent eid health op to tbe day of ileutli. A p-t-iri"tt m showed that the ear were lull of m.ic8otr supposed to be III laivae f the bolt fly, which usually infest the legs of hr s in August ami September, ,Hul why the mag gots were supaaed In have originated from that source is not staled. The Wassaie Milk Company, a milk pur chasing company near Aineiiia, N V., had a contract with the neighboring tanners to take their milk for tlx months from Octo ber I at three and a half cents a quart. But raeeutly, for some honorable rauae, we pre tume, they have volunteered to break Iheli contract and to pay four rents Instead ol three and a-half. Such ntr'liuary con duct merits well, a notice at any rate. It looks almost as if the age of miracles was about to roturn. "What-1 luaven's le.t gift to manj ussei a young lady, the oilier uljlit, sinil lur, awee'lr oq a pleasant lonUng clerk. "A boss I" replied Ibeyouug lnau, with great prudtnee. A bark mill a dot; fight. Wlui ran t- i-aU-li iu.i when I fell? Tbe BhtrilT. i.i.'Aitiv 'i ins uv m:tt r. Hj nervrt wUI regain tbelr vigur. My brtiu will become more alttr and powerful. My muscles be made strong. My dyspeidia tnd indigtstion no longer trouble ins-- My bean's regular action restored. My blood be made more pure,. "My weak lungs made more healthy, tnd l the functions ol my body restored to tattr normal wudillon. and every symptom of Weainesln'ervqusnefs, removed, if I use Swk'alrvu BilUrs. Ai. Ncurnlfiln, Sprains, Pain In tho Back nnd Sltlo. There 13 nothing more painful than theso .diseases r but tho p."tn can bo removed and tho di3cas3 cured sy uso of Perry Davlo' Pain Killer. This remedy la not n cheap Itcniine or retroletim product that must be Iccpt nwo.y from flru or heat to avoid dancer or explosion, nor la It nn untried, expert inent that may do mora harm than pood. Pain Killer has boon In constant uso for forty years, and tbo universal testimony from alt parts of tho world 13, It never falls. Knot only effects a permanent cure, but It rcllovca pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely Tcgctablo remedy, It Is Bate In, tbo hands ct tho meet Inexperienced. The record of euros by tho uso of Path Kitxtm would nil volumes. Tho following ixtracts from letters received show what those who hare tried It think Edgar Cad7, Owatonna, Minn., says : . Abaut a roar slnoo my vtife became aurdect to aoTcre auflerlnir from rheumatism. Our report was to the l'Aisr Killxb, which speedily relloved btr. Charlaa Powell wrltos from the Gallon? Home, London: I h,l hran afflltM thrM vtarewlth bshhuu and violent spasms of the. stomach. The doctors as w&itinl aster later no osr-ltM srmva un mr c&sa In despair. Itriedroi I tried rone P.UM KlLLKa.and It rare atreiwtti. and am now able to follow aqriwal oponnaUon. O.fl. Walworth, Baco, Me., writes: I expericneed Immedlstarel'ef from paia la the ride by the use cf your Paiw Kili.th. E.Yprktayt: I pave used your Finr ICrtLtm for rhecmtUaa. ana have received great benefit, Barton Seaman says : asva used Fxm KiLuea foe Uilrtf years, have found It a ntvtrfawng remedj far rbeumattTOi aed lameness, Mr. EuralU wrlteo : ltnn-trvill. tqslre n lief In eaees ef rheotnttism. riill. Gilbert, Somerset, Fa., writes : , JTrom actual we, I xnow rourruar ' It tna beat raedidne I can get. All druggists keep Pad eeluil Its prlot is so low that It Is within the reach of all, and It will savo many times 1U cost In doctors' bills. 38c, BOc and 01.00 ft botUa, PERRY DAVIS A SON, Prcprlitert,1 Providence, R. I. 11 THE ONLY MEDICINE H.i Mm&u uu uui Etnl That Acta at ibo aamo lime on oTtrna F rrrryri mrrrm nntrrmr n 6 a li tit vma, taa bu wgu, AKD TBS SIDSSYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Tltcauit to allow Ihttt gnat organi ta Ucomt dogged or torpid, and poiniuxu that thouldbt txpellid naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS. I PILES, CONSTlrATION, ritrMAltY PIICAAES. F EM AUK WEAKNESSES, AXO KEUTOC DISORDERS, 6y earning HI action cf Uuit organ) end mtoring thilr power It throti ofdlHau. ITIir suffer Billons pslas and a thcil IVf hr tormtnted with riles, CenstlpatlanI Why frightened ever disordered KHneril iThy eauare nervaat or sick lieadaehett I Use li.IDNBYtVORTand rejolet In health. III! Put op In Irr YecetaMe Fcras. latla Jeans ens package of whlcu inakoa six cuirt of medicine. AUolnXJqnldFflm. TtrrConeaa. 1 tratsd, for tboM that caunot mdily prcpara 1L tTlt acts with equal erAclcncy la elthsr form. Ioetji.of your onuaaisT. rmcE, at.oo 1TELI.S, UICIUUDSOX & Co., froa, (WUl Mail the dry post-paid) SrsiXlET0X,TT.' USE RAZORINE ! SHAVING MADE EASY ! NO A. late dlieorerr. whleh baa at once jfulned r tle lervutl prumlueDce from Hi ottd merit. At an aM to ilinrlnjf, it hai never been t-quHlle.i. It Is InralnaMe to crtrr lone who uien a It a ton or dei ires a tharp ktntintru- MORE DULL RAZORS! mrm icr any purpuis. RAZORINE. nvuteoflhls wonilerful totrder, the edge of -the eenestrator may b Im. proved. The most wiry beard may bo remored (rom the lunat tender skin without pain or Ineon ranteuce. RAZORINE. , Itemoyta all dread ot the Individual use of the rator. Any man possesMntf a beard, can by the use of this rtmarkabie riticotiry on his strap, rernoye hit bsard with ease, comfort and celerity. dgtnti wanted In every town and county. S-nd tor circular with terms, (cc. Hy mall post-paid lor (9 cents. Sample tons, 2J cents. Address S. RAYHONI) & CO., . 87 I'nrk Kow, NEW YORK OITY. ruay7 iu3 WANTED GOLDEN" AUKHTS roil tub mwuuuh Ti A XKT TOT i 'r. r.ioiiT on tuk U JO. W Xi UllKAT FUTIRB In lhl lite, throuich the d.rk alley, and la the Ufa eternal ; us fen In the best ttiouirhis ol Ieallnar autliiraandsehol irs, amonir wlioin are Itl. Imps Slmptoi , Foster Wa ren. Hur-t and F'iss. Jus- li Cook. Hercher, Talmaze, I)r. I'urriu. Ilr. Marcn Hr. .McCnli.lir. I'rut. by. Hr. (Jotler. Cle.i. II. I'renilce, llran 8 an. ly, Whlitler, LonxMlow, and others. The -uhjeets treated aro Deat.lt I nmurtalln, Mllienluni it nil Second Ailreni. the Kesur recti. in. JulKinent, I lie I'lint-liment of tho Wicked. and the ltewtrd of the HlKlileoua. A ileh least uuraita the reader ot ihlt lawk. Ii conialn. the irrandcst ihnuati aol the world's Kreatrst i-uthruf. sut'jec aidlhe must pri found liittn si to everyone. Nut uluoint bui brilliant There la not it dull Mtir In ha lionk. It IsaMduiely wl hou nrtl IJrery IhIt will read It. School Tilirhors.Stu.lxi tt. Yuii Men n l I.idn s, aeiitiK as avetita lor thl. tHiuk are makliuover l0a w ntli. Sel.s r.isi, II c auent rol l 77 nrsl lad yr, uuuilier 46 in 8 da is. a nt lit r II in one ilay. another 16nn, i lllhlca In idaya, a l.vly sold 9 In It) h -urs. Secure lorrltory quti-k Also agents wanted fur the best lllusiraied HevKu.1 'law Testament. nnd lor the hnent Family lltbles ever suM bv aKeuts. Saml f.irelr ulara I". W ZIKlI.KIt fc o. ill ,reh St., 1'hll. dclpbla, Fa. W E. Adams St., Ohlcay;i. III. au(. li-2m. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada and Europe, at reJucedratetr With our principal office located In Washington, dlraetly opposite the United States Patent Office, wa are able to attend to all patent business with Kreeter promptners and de spatch and at lets cost than ether patent at. tornays who are at a tllitsnre from Wash ington, and who hare, therefore, to employ " astoelata attorneys." We make preliminary eiamlnatlons and furnish opinion! at to ra tentabllliy, free1 of charge, and all who are Interested In ntw Inventions and patents are Invited to lend for a copy ol our "Ouldo for obtaining Patents,'! wbhh Is sent Tree to any address, and contains 60 ml lete Instruc tions bow to obtain patents sod other valua. Lie matter. We rafr to the Otrman-Amsr. lean National Hank, Warhli gti.n, I). O. ; the Hnyal Swedish. Norwenian and Danish L"Ht tlons, at Wathlngton ; Hon. Jvs. Uaaey, late t:iilt Justice U. rt. (,'ouri ol Olalmi: to the UtUclalt or the U. H Patent OSIee, and to Senators and Members or Congress from every Stale, Addrerst LOUIS lUflOEIt fc CO., So licitors of Patents and Atlorneya at Law, Lo ll roll Handing, WiaiimoToK, D. 'I. ' T o IVhota It May Concern. All parsons are hereby forbid meddling with nauna tit,irr, lonneo oy ine unaer signed in U.1LSUN SWAIlTWUtill, ni Ma. boulng Valley, f , aa s.tld horsa Is the prop erly lit PETER SWART WOOIJ. Sept. J7, 1MI.I aiabonlng Twp., Pa. nrPOLlf TUN nRETEY,lashlnnaMe IS-TS Door and rinnnWuaa, bank St. Lehlyhteo. Xli wwk warrauied. A. J2J. Msser, Manufacturer of and Dealer lu STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, nil and Stcel-to fare and General House FnraMiiig Goods. KOOFINn nnd HPOUTIIVM done at abort notice and at Lowest Cash Trices. Kverr kind a( R10VB OttAT.ts tod FIUE MRU &9 kci'tconstaBtly on haud. Stow? on SOUTH Street, A few dears a 'iota Bank St, LEUIOIITOSf. Fatnmait aollcttti S-tntse ion (rnarantaed. ottsyi a. u. Mossisn. WHY! WHY! Yon should g ta Dr. C. T. Horn's CENTRAL DRUGSTORE, BECAUSE Ho personalty attends to his business. Ho has tho experience of modlrlne. Ho has the bejt and purest Urngs and Chemicals, lie has one price to all. He has the best goods for the least money. Ho bat all tko Popular Patent Medicines, He has the hstt Horse and Cattle PowJer. Ho hat tbe beat wines and dinars. He keep the best Old liyo Whiskey lor mem- inai purposes. He has the latest pattern! In WALL I'arM, He haa a full line of Lam pi and Lamp Fix, tn'ei. He hat a lull line of Toilet and Fancy Ar ticles. . He bnya and tells fos cash. Call and be eonvlnrcd that the above re a tons are correct, and oblige O. T. HORN. M. I Leuokel'a Block. Opposite the "Carbon House." Sept 1", lSSl-ly. JJIPOIITANT ANNOUNCEMENT! JLewts Weiss, VOST OFFICE 11UILD1NO LKHIQHTOX, PA., has the Largest and moat cjtteniivo atoeit oi 5 VJlUVqeSst HATS, CAPS, &c. ever oiTcrcl In thli borouirh. nnrf to whlrh f inTiie ina ijieciJi Attention of ray cuHoinM nml the public generally, as I am prepared to uuwr vAirnuruuiurjr inuuceiuemi id FALL AND WINTER Boots, Shoes, Hats,. Gaps, k, and I Invite mynumtrout fi lends and patrons to call and examine my stock before making thotr purchases elsewhere, as lam prepared to give spectaJLInducementa to all CASH I'UHOIIASKUS. lieuicmber, LEWIS WEISS I'ost-Offlee llulldlng, Lchlabton, Pa. Sept. 20. Saloon Keepers ail Ota;' Don't (all to buy your Champaigne Pear Cider, Lager Beer, Root Beer, Nectar, Porter, &c., OF C. BOETTGER, TAMAQUA, Pa. Auk. 13, IMl-Iy. THE LATI'ST AND MOST WONDER 1UL INVENIIONI EDISON'S IiistantanoouS G-umB TO THE PIANO OR ORGAN Ilv which anr hlld or Person can play any nrihe P' pillar Alr by note, at slislit, with out sriMIV, PIIKVIDUS PliAi'TU'E. or tven Mosleal lalei.i. The Cinpiny will Miitr r I r ii 00 ir any I'lilhl ten yeura old falls to pjay ij VONEtif t,ur Popular Tunes nn me t-i,i uf, iiit't Art or at ct, 1 1 tct j wl hlii ON h, HuUH after reeetvli.a; ill" Mus. le and Inntrucilons. provided tM child can euiint, with the flames beforo 11, from 1 to 100 correctly. 7 Fleces of Ym, with Instrncllons, Mailed to any address on rtcelpt ofel.O . En. clos, ine.cent postaire stamp r.ir C'atuloaue ol Tunes. J9Ke la wanted lu every State and count) In the Union. ftdison Music Co., m ktll Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, Sept. JT-41. $500 Eewtrdl WE will tiav the above reward for anr ease of l.lver t'otiiplalut, Dyspeps-a. Mok Head, ache, Inilltestl n, Cunstlp illun or Co-ilveness 'uecar.not cure with v esl's Ltver Vegetable I'ltll. when the directions are strictly com. piled with. They are purely Vegetable, and never rallioalvesatlsraetlun 8ue"art:oaled. Lartee buxes. eontalntnie KO Pllli. rvnla. Kur sale by all liruKalata. ileware uf eoun. tarieua nun trniiaiiuns. rne trenuine manu lectured only by JOHN o. WWI & CO, "The Pill Maketa " Ml h 181 W Slailison St., CkloaKu. Preu l rial paekaxe sent by mail prepaid on receipt ol 3 cent sump. Smith ICIIna Sl Co., Wholesale Aicentt, Phlludelpbla, Pa. sa t. if. 'IMy. Inventors will Advance their Intareata l,v Employing an Etperleneed Attornay resident 1n ashlna;l"n. e. A.Lehmann. Sollelturof Aiiierietn aou rureiajn i-atenis. wasiunj(. ton, I). C , has had yean of successful Prac tice and was formerly an Examiner of Pa tents In the Patent Offloe. All business be fore the Count or the Department promptly attended to. Pee contingent uiion success Send for Circular. April vt-tf-eur. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence cansinj Premature Decay. Nervona Debility, Lost Man hood, eta , having tried In vain every known remedy.bts d lacovercd aslmnla aelf cure,whlch he will tend rnr.U to his fellow. sufferers, sd. (Ucm J. II. KUi-YES, 14 Chatham tu, H.Y. January s, mi-rl TIeaneotrullv announces tti the nednle of fLe- hlRhton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre-' pared to supply them with all klnda of Household Furniture MimnfAAtnraf! from the best Reasoned Mate. rials at Prlees fully as low as the same article, can ba tawKht lor elsewhere. Here are a few ol the Inducements olTered I Parlor Sett at Irora t)90tot)C0 Walnut ldarhle-top DresXnu; Case Iiedroum Suites, a pieces,, tXttateJ Painted lledrootn Suites.... ...... 1 to tie CaneSeateil Chairs, veraotor...i tj Common hairs, per set of 8..... (I and all other Clods equally cheap. In this connection, I dcilrti to rail the at. tentlun of the peoplo to my ample faellltlct In Jblfjjel attttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKaHaHUPrW. sta.sH alirrBia I I I HM Mttlil I THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME 11 EARS C, and a lull ItneofCAhKbTS and OOKyi.NS. 1 am prepared to attend promptly to all nr. ders In this Hue. at lowest prlees. Patronai(c rerpectlully sullcltetl and the most ample sallsuotUn uuaranteed, V. SCUWAKTZ, eetU liAKKSLtLehlchtoa. CARBON ADVOCATE PLAIN AND FANCY BOOKS JOB PRIimNG HOUSE BAKKWA.T, a short dlstaaaa above the Lehlich Talley B:R. Depot, LEHIG HTON, , PA. ., , We are now fully prepared to execute every i description or PKINTINO, Irora a Visiting Car ti to a Laito Foster ! Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Shipping Tas, Cards, t ,!i.H ,. Dill Heads, ,.('!- ' Letter Heads,' - Note Heads, Enrelopor, Stafcpje'riur' ' Propraroract, .Pamphlets, kc, be., In Best Manner, at' Reasonable Prices ! JOHN F. HALBACH, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LEHIOIITON, PA. Sole auent for the WEDEB PIANIIS and lha NEW ENS LAND OIIOANS ; And dealer In all kinds of Planosand llrsjant. rcrrna inw nan ensy, biaie, lumoor, brloKS, etc, taken Intexchange. Sheet Mutle and books furnished on short notice. For pt-tlculars, terms, fcc., Address,' JOHN F.HAI.IIAC1I, Aug 2, iua-ly. Lehlghton, I'a. 4,ui)ll AGENTS WAN TED TO SELL THE LIFE OF GARFIELD! Hit early Ufa and career aa soldier and states man; his eleotlon aud admlnlstrationi his as. sassinaliuii: his heroic struBTirle lor Hie: won. derful tiietllcal freatmnntt blood.olsonlnici ramiival to Elberon: f.calli. elo Prtduselv Illustrated. Splendid portrait of Oarfleld, btswlfa and n other; scene of the ihoottnri the sick chamber; Uutteau In bis cell j the surgeons, and the Cabinet. The only Ciih. rLKTK and authkntic work. There Is a for. tune liT auent" first In the field with this txaiK. uui ill too speak quick. AddreBt, HUHUAIIIi 1IKOS., 123 Chestnut Street! Philadelphia, Pa. oct29-w IS oa bSH . e3 z: C3 iS.xwBiSt c I K Ha, i - Soa I CS .,' r n f. 1 . f StS5t, S. e Si- Sri 6 A YEAR and eipensea to Iff sjrrnts Outfit free. Add rest P. w. Mtft.KliAVaiSIA,!!, 1 DVXRTl 8 as hy s dd resiln 1 1 tto. P. lto will 4 fc Co . JO Spruce St., New York, e'i learn theexaetcostorany proposed line of Arlrer. inlaw In Amerlejin Newspapert, -ir0-paiia Pamphlet, ii ctt. oci29-w $66 tfs3 alll.atf ..at EEK In lonrowu town. U.rO iivq. v(i. iteu'ier ix Ton 1 lilt iniu at ta-htiili - a - a ntrvu PSI tMJILB 1l li.LLxrr, a v0..i'oeiujit Ma. jiueM Mils-Ills!?5.! S s. S3. v,tl$sis tut s 5 itftttrii 5SH- aaw. snsci:i.i,Ni:otis. ii. f. Postyn and jdnlt Je nklnsliarged witti. ltlrglary, apd A.ndy Relnhardt and Samuel tieoMy, charged with tinning a (rain, escaped from Ihe liunlingdon jail, on jfonday. The death orFredtfl6k Dolley, at Uahntv towrt, Lancaster county, Sept. 30, which a Coroner's jury decided was caused by hit accldenlally fallirlg through a hayloft, la pow rcportfd to have bean designedly brongkl about to secure 2000 insurance on hit life. The rumor will bo Inresiigated, InipnrlnlirtaXriivolorH. SrreiAL IxoccxMKXTa afe nfTered rnu hr the mm,MN0Tos Uiictk. It-wjll pay you lo read their odyertisement lo be found else' where in mis issue. A ihoe-ba'rn .A sherry cobbler. An excellent tax collector A. claw ham- mer- Co(d wealh'e'r wanted I Hero lie a man who beat the printer; Ql, how hit tout dolb long for winter I ArWoria ofsiotxl. One of the most popular medicines now before the American public, is Hop Bitters. Vntt see ft everywhere. Peonfo lt,. ti .lit. good efTerU It builds them up. It la not as pleasant to the taste as tome other Bittrra.nt it la not a whisker drink. It It mnt. Ilk. the nld-rashloned boneset lea, that has done a world of Rood. If you dnn'l feel just 'right, mj uttivra, jvttnoa iveics. Subtcribe:for the AnroatTK. Thero are 230,000 costs on the Island of uyprus. Mnlasset Ii not emotional, yet it It often found In tlerccY Its tho clean, tablecloth, that ealehea 11. early 'greaco spot. o i i tvew Jcraoy Urane Wlsio. The aee nf Xfr fl,u,r It.. !.. - mar! or New Jersey, has arisen from the etrict purity and valuable properties nf his wioei for invalids and feeble persons, ind ui3 ,ruiniitii, ejirnni over tne whole union as heing a reliable produerr of imrn wlllea. TTIi l'n,-! f!r.lu tOI.. I. I.' . "'"K-1 ,o it in,n ih-iiie ordered bv famillea Iw Tn.l,, ...j t-:. i,t ruinrritir inenicinai virtues. una wiio )t inr sale by our Dmeeists Jt. .T rt,,!,... n p tr t -ii -,. ton, and Zsrn A Rabshef, Druggists, Weiss jtltt, L H. r'orluf.o often makes a rich featt and then takes away appetite You rau alwaya tell a truly pijuj man" oy the nay bo kickt hit dog. If you with to be really happy lake n good ileal ef outdoor exercise and never run in debt. .Fouror lire yean trouble witlia rash and ruin ol blood to the head, billowed with an exreesive lime bleedinc left meat once when tising u,, it. v.i o. Words cannot express IKMlUlltS. James & Brooks, Attorney. Syracuse, N". Y, Guaranteed by druggists. Th cre'a the postage stamp, now Itsalwayt a head, and yot it seems to be-its fate to get licked;' ' It It One thing lo have a bouso.tn liven, and quits another thing to have n hotiin t live lu. Several years I nave been taking so-call eil remedies mid peracritititins frnni nlivsi ciani, fiSf'ilvietisia, with no lienrllt; one laiiufl.! i;, it. v. u. lias cure.! nu-; I tako pieoiuro in lecniniiieiiiiiiig to u, ,' I. T. Stmldanl, ' ' . Ailju.ter Charter Odk Mfr. .f t Haillnrd, Conn. Giiiirnutecd liy dealers.' ;';A Pari! shoe-black atatea, that the rising generaJiiui ofthut city is mean.'." '-They all like cabs," he says "in Order lo keep their -slicas-ctcan and economito the cost of black ing." V .. Subscribb 'for the";ADvtiCSTK oulv ,1 a year.""' JSt. Itouie Reiiihlican. ".Ills very rare that the Republican con sents'Io editorully forward the interests id udvertisers of what are known as patent medicines, at it doct nut freaiientlv fall mil that we can have iwsitive kmmlclze of ineir menu. However, ire take pleasure in saying of St. Jacob's Oil fmn. individual experiiheiit,that it is a most excellent reme dial ocjmt, and at such wc can heartily lecomuicnd, t.. Some men are too small uud mean lo le tho World liroureSS llllleaa lliHV Minn rean'lh'e'tieuel'it. Thm nr tl, ... .ut... wan t large' pay 'for what they do and great . .'cl"ll i m, .. ptiMit mr tiiriiiieiyes. iney are tne tain inen'Whn aro unwilling to pay others no; profit whatever, and want those who wor fur thelu U do so at starvation rates. Nntiiro'u Miilco-Wnr. The kidneys are nature'a sluice waya to trnsn not me ticuris ui tiurcnnsunij y rtian Inz Ixxlies. If '.her do not work nrmrlv the tniub'lo Is felt everywhere. Tntn be -wise and as soon as you see signs id dis order art a package .of Kidney-Wort and take it faithfully. It Will olean Ihe sluice way o( sand, j-rnvt-1 or slime and purify Ihe witoir ff aieut. urtigi;isis sen II, lattri tlrj-a-id liriiiil, and it-is equally efucieut in eitlier. Jnuepcnacni, A game cta-k ouj-ht to ba'pibd'eatins;. Doct not the aiet tay "the bravest aro the letiderest I" The Cxar'a en nation, tayt the Beilin rorrrrpondent nf the London Posl, will take place In April next. Fond airent ' What do you tliluk -ol t inikinglyi?" Doii'tknnw. Never smoketl 'em. To.bvrci! It g'al enniixh fur us. Circuses aro disbanding, and Ihe star id the arejia la li-iiniiii a man that a'eenutor nrgivrnorcain have the audacity to ad dress. '-Guilty or not guilty T" asked a Dutch Justice of a prisoner. "Not guilty."' "Den what do you want here? Go about your pi mess. " 6aid the lecturer i "The roads on these mountains are too steep and rocky for even a donkey to climb, therefore I did not at tempt Ihe ascent." Professor Swing thinks stage kissing Is wrung.. The Professor is right. The prop er place lor kissing Is a quiet nook in a con servatory er tome such place. Josh Billings think t It is better to beun known than to bare a pedigree that is ton much fur us.just so it it with, the peacock to be bob-tailed than to have one too big lo .spread. Young husbaud tnyoung wife Tou ought not to tease th? baby by letting htm tuck on an empty bottle. Young wife He can Itet aa much enjoyment out of that as be can out of bit thumb, can't he? The Governor of- the Gold Coast west Afrjca, in hit treaty with King Athanlee, insult upon tbe condition that human sac rifice )n his kingdom shall be utterly abol ished. The latest advices Indicate that be it liktly to succeed. -The girl who It' alwayt saying the "wouldn't marry tbe best man Hying, it pretty sure tooner or later to make tbe bin goat fool of herself on account of tome fel low not worth hit tail, and for whom no body else would give ten cents. A sermon In tlx lines. A penny makes more noise In Ihe contribution box than a five dollar bill, and the man who gives the penny usually makes more noise than : tbe giver ot the bill when It comes to. sy j "kmna" r . nlin on "1, I rl, manHmnt ' asltya o 3 O o Q nsrunw HARDWARE Store Im Allen tow n, Where you can bur anvlhinc usually Vent In a first-clsta Hardware Store at BOTTOM CASH i'lMCEST Razors, Fine Cutlery & Shears, fully Warranted SCISSORS AND RAZORS OROUND AT SHORT H0T1CE. d'M mGif afllinkaf tCl t an'l SrlinK Goods 1SI mUM.rn.ej tsj (aifjjBO 0 guaranteed. AGENTS FOR THE Soufli ICeud Cliilletl IS'lows, (Every TIow given on Trial and Warranted.) ptf Pertnnt visiting Allentown by Rail will find this the most convenient place In buy, at it it nearest the Railroad Depots. A call solicited. Respectfully, SIGN OFTHE BIG GUN, 606 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. September 24th, l&3J-y Mendelssoii Piano Ceiap'y Will make, for the next 60 PIANOS AND 5850 Square Grand QH'rVT T7 Ql Jlannlflceiit rosewood ease y x uia 05 patent cantahte agraffes, carveti iea;a anu iyro, neavy serpentine ana iarKO I'rench Urand Action, Urand Hainmett, In fact tcnu tu inn qrievttuu ut tut ittitruuicui utt uucu J-OCU PRICK FOR TtllB IHBTl'miHT BOXXD AHtt OKLtVKRSD Olf COA11D OARS tOJ.'t fill at New York, with rma Piamu i;ovkr. Stool anu Hook, o.nlv jpiu',uil 'I'ltll Piano will ba sent on test trial. Please tend referoncrll you do not send money will, order. Cah sent with order will ba refunded and freight charges pahl hy us both wavs II 1 lano ia nut juu aa reprcaeuteu io mis tiiruruieiuu it. iiiuuauuua tu uia. cenu lor Uula- logue. tvery insirnmeni luuy .warranieu lornve years. PIANOS $lCOTO40l(ItltSloo1. ann soui &i wiioLKBALcrACTonv imces. flneflt illKntara at tha llenlennlal Ruhihiilon. nml w,rn nn.nl n.lv,n. commended fur the lltoneaT Itoxons. Tho areates improvement in me msiorvoi s-inno luaainir. i no new patent scats uprights an the viNtaT in America. Positively we make the 11 neat I'priant I'lanns, ol the richest tone and greatest durability. T ey are recouimunded by the lilxbestiuuilc.il nullmrltles In the country, "rcr 11,000 In uso, and aiirtiHa DieJ sent on is tiays- icsi inai mgar jree w untanvociory. I'on'i lau to writo us nciure buy. Inic. Positively we ollor the best bargains Planu Cattilovruo mailed free. Ilandsome Illus irated and Descriptive i'iano Catalugue of M paget mailed for Do. stiinp, Every Piano rull) warranted fv,r a years. JUBIIjEE ORGANS cSv&8W3Vffi&i'ffi " WAJJ Vf auviaiJ i, ii,. mi,.e,t. taaiiest and sweetest toned Parlor Orsran ever offered tho musical public, lteuntalnt Five uctavis. Five sets of Heeds, viz: Mclodln. Celeste.-Dlauason. ub-Hat9 and Cilcsllna, Alto Ftftrrn fteettli- jui stopi. ni niiiiiws, vn: i ioui, tieicsir, i tiuieat. Aieiouia-riirto. uriasiu eorte. cznreision. t reuie.uuu , er. t ciuiina. itasf.t -nunit-r. Graait Orient, (nhieh throws on the entire power owoll, l.etl hneo aiop ami ttranti nweii. lieigui. iu in ; jenuin. -ii ill. ; t lam, yi in. , Welrht, boxed. .ISO (bs. The ease Is efsnlld walnut, veneered with choice woods, and Is ol an eutlrely new and 'autlful design, elaborately carved, with panels, uiualo closet, lamp stand fretwork, &c, all elegantly fmtilietl. Posiesres all tlH latest and befct linproveinnnts, with grtat power, tleptb, brilliancy nitit syitipath-tle quality of tone., llcautliul solo elTve's ami ptrrect stou action. Regular retail price Stirs, uur whoUtcIt ntl cath price to have li (11O0 dveri, with stool and book, unly ST as one organ sM sells o hers. PiiaiTiVEi.V no dkvia tioh itt.rniLH. No payment required until ou have fully tested tho organ In your own home. We send all irana on 14 (toft tell trial and pay freight both ways II tnstriimtnt I oat as represented. Positively, our urtfitita contain no -Ilogus'" sets of Heeds, or Dummy" slops, as tlo it any other. Wo make no misrepresentations, and guarantee hunest nnd fatt deallnv, or no site, fully vurrcnld rar 6 jenrs, tltber sljln $3i, Ul. J, e" , 71. 85, CtC. OVKUSl.tl'iOSOI.O, AO EVKKY OllUAK II At 0VKK TUB STUU.KIT SATlar AOTin.V. Urgun Catalogue malted Tree. , Factory am WAnnuocua, 67IU3T., amj loth Ave. QTT1?T7'P MTT5TP one.tltlrd price. Catalh'gue or 3 00 oholca pleoos sent forSc' OXIUIj L lit U O lvj jimnn. This Catalogue luclttdes'inost of the popular music o the day aud every variety of musical competition, by the best authors. Address. KXI)r.lJj.SII0X I'IANO CO., r. O.'llox 2055i, Stve York ( lly. July J.-0,o. LIFE and DEATH of A correct Ills! cry nriils .Ira aim rull particulars ot tuo huabmnatmin 01 uur innriyren limit nr.itKtni.a ( ;T?.V'rs' V A'N'I'I'M') T"K "K-ST SI-L-cnlofa noble man. AOJi.N lO Al 1 UiJ IN utioiC ovuii' Pres dent. A nnd critical rcc AtK. 'lr.' r,n . ,u,nl rlter-rtiiiif enlrriFreo. W P"l C0IU. (USCOIlllt 10. OISC1NKAT1 PUII. CO., 171 W Tit MILLINERY GOODS, Inoludlnt; Hats, Uonnew, Flowers, Kilboni, Feathers, Notkim, and DRESS TIIIMMINUS NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. All work done In the latest style, and moit durable manner, at the lewett cash prices. .STORK I at Ibe Intersection ef DANK STREET and BANK WAY, LEIIIOHTtl.V, PA, aprll so, USl-yl. A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigeilion, Dytjxpna, Inter uiltent J'epcrj, Ifanl of Appetite, Loit cf Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches lha blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tailing the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc TIlo Only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tlio tcoth or jjlvo licadaolie. Bold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Boot, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading tenf free. BROWN CITEMICAIj CO., Baltimore, Md. ITTERS sOJLBIXlRN. A. A. THOMAS. Oerner Ninth ami T rJireets. Washington, l. U altemls to Pen. slon and Hack Pay. Doom Claims collect ed. Contested I.iud Claims, Mineral and Avrleuliural; attended lo before Ihe Uepart raent nf the interior and Knprcme Court. land Serll and Additional llumaaleaila imh chased and sold. A or II ZJ-ll-eor. 1O0O ItEWAI6I or anr ease Illlad. Bleeillnte. Itahlaie. IMear. ated or I'rctru.lln PI I. lis that luUma'a i-ilb ukmkuv talis loture. Preparel l.r J. P. Miller. M. II.. 9:1 Arch sfreet,lilla.. Pa. Ioni 9tnvit wltkout kla MlnAitui. Kami rne circular. All druitKl'is or general stores have It or vf. I get It fur yuu il. Sold In JhlghUn by A. J, Hurling, drUKinst aus, la In tc ii tors Bhonld address KDSON BliOS Attorneys at Law and Patent Solicitors. (IT Ttb Street, Washington. D. O., ror circulars or Instruc tion . jteferenees and ailvlee sent v&il Wa attend exalurlrelr to Patent business. Re. Issues. Interferences and case rejected In other hands a specially. Tra e-Marks and llaveata solilrted. Uion roeelplor inmlel or sketch and description we alve our opinion as lo patentability, ruaa ur cUABoc, We refer te tbe t'omuilliloner cf Patents, also to ex Oosauilislontri. Eslabllihed le. n-eor i t i r CD 5 CD CO Va Mk3 at ieiwer Prices than ever and tatitfartion CELEBRATED days only, a Grand Offer of Piano for only $245 1 elegantly finished SSTniAoa, I-SOctavkx, full our new patent overstrung scale. Iieautlful lancy lnouiainc rouniiraie.iull Iron Frame, eveiy liuproveuieut which can In any way nuiieu. (.over rdJ IJpoU). All strlottv Filiar.cLAaa These Ptat.oa inailu nno ul tlie Squares, contain i ur New Patent Scale, the .TilriUD runciiASKR. All Pianos and tireaur cuanniug aiop,i jiiopajnn,cic-ia, r.cno, of the Instrument.) ltlght Knco Rtupatul JAMES A. GARFIELD fn A cmfo ox oiiotits rnu HO cnrita tu; 10 A gl Illb M()Blfc baiiinlo Duok by mall. St.. tItOlKATl, O. MISS M. S. SNYDER, Respectfully announces to her lady l'riends" that hc has just received a nil line of the latest lovcltics an FALL & WINTEIJ DROP IN AT THE K a at I Urbon Advocate Cheap Printing ! aTatiesitii AGENTS WANTED. THS JOHNSON SBVOLVllTa BOOS CASE. VfZnx lmnfaimKiri Snrr.vrs AnjcsTAtui To Boots oraxr UKionr. AN.EtKGAKT PnESElVi'. INVALUABLE TO latvyers, Clcruymoii, Phynlcltuu, EdltorH, ilanliarsi, Vouchors, SIcrcluuitM Sliidcnlat And all who read Boolu, CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, BEST.' Send for descriptive circular and Price list. COBHE3PONDENCE BOIJCITED' Address, JlAUIiU, 3PRAXT tc CO., flchool ramlahers, and dealers la everytainff tn th' Sook and taUonerr liuo. 19 I2oud St., Koiv Yorli. Send 55 cents for our Now Illustrated Cata logue, with over 800 Illustrations ot educational and useful amides. THE GREAT BUItLIKGTOIf ROUTE. tSTSo other lino runs Three Through Pas-' sonitcr Trains Dully botwoon Cliictico,. Doa' Molnce, Council Dluffg, Omaha, I.lnculn, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topokn nnd Kansas City. Direct connections for all polnta In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, f lontnnn, Nc vndn. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Orcffon and California. Tho Shortest, SpocdiMt nnd MostComfnrtn blo Kouto vlallanulbul to Fort Hoott, Denlpon, Dallas, Houston, Austin. Ban Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. Tho uncqualcd Inducements offered by this' Mno to Travelers nnd Tourist?, nro as follows r1 Tho celebrated Pullman llo-w hoe!) . Palaea' Sleeping Cars, run only on thh I.lnc. C, IL k' Q. Pnlaco Drowlng-Iloom Cars, with tlorton's Hcellninp; Chairs. Nu o.vtnt chanro for Scats lu Itoclltilnrr Chairs. Tho famous. C R. & Q. Pnlaco Dlnintr Cars. Oorcrcous Smnklnir Cnrr fitted with r.lcirnnt Illsh-nacltcd ltattnn Ilr vnlvlnx Chairs tor the cxclusivo uso or firat olas? pnesenscrs. Stocl Track nnd Superior nniilpment, com bined with thMrOrcatThrnucu Car Arrange ment, mnkes thia, above ntl ollirrs', tltofnvorlto1 Itouto to tho South, South-Wost, nnd tbo Far' West. Try It, nnd you will find traveling n luxury' Instead of n discomfort. Through Tlcketa via this Colcbrntcd Una! for snlo nt till offices In tho United States and Canada. All Information nhntit ltntcs of F.tro. Sleep Inir Car Accommodntloiis, Time Tables, &c. will tM choerfitlly glvon tv npplylas to J. Q. A. BEAN, Orti'l Eastern Atrcnt. 30J Wnshlnjttm St.. lloeton. Mnst.' nnd 37 Urojdwuy, Now York" , JAMES It. WOOT). Ccn. Pass. Atrtt, Chlcajro. T. J. POTTB11, Oeru Manager, CUH.-afOi D. R.V. G. CURES Dyspepsia. InOigEStion, i And all troubles sriting therefrom, Sick llaadachc, Llta. treif after Stomach, Eailac, Acidity of the FUtulsaey, Livtr and Kidney Complaiat, Torpid Liver AcSea I iConstipattani riles. Back and Limbs, It Is the Lest Purifier la the World. Guaraa. teed by all fact satis. Dru;;it(t to eivt ptr- faction er maecy rcfuadad. lii ne Vest ap Try It. OurTItsU Tonic Btuars, Ute pitlscrlntkaWetld. Call for theia. D.R.V.C.Mffr.Co., Prop's, SYRACUSE, ti. Y. New York Depot, C X. CrlMntsa, 115 rallea Rrtsk 6tanda pre-eminent among the treat Trunk lines of tbe YTcit for being tbe moat direct, quickest, and safest Una connecting the great Metropolis, CIIICAtKl aai the JLL8TZXB, 3?0XTn-EA8TISN, SouTniasr and BOCTD- EasTxasr Lists, which lenolnate there, with Eaxsija Crrr, LzavxtiwotTn, Atcbuox, CotmciL Dtorra and Osaru, the ceMStacuL ontrxas from which rsdlste EVERY LINE OF ROAD thst peattratea Ihe Conttaeat from the Ulstoarl BtTtr to the Factfio Elope. The CMca Boclc Island & Pacific Railway to tbe only He from ChlrAco ovdIbk trwk Into Etuau. or wbkb. by It own ro4. reaehei tho polnta boi natnod. Ko TUKimi nr cimiiiAaxl Nouiuuifl coMMicTioval JV kuddltng in ut-wntWitd or tm tie car, at every pautnatr it cunil in rottm tUan and wniUaita coocw pot ful Zrpru Train, Dtvr Cabs of onrtTiVrcd tntvoiafence, VvyvxiW gtiLACx Slsxpimo Cau. nd cor own wttrld-fiunou iMiHo Cam. opon wMeh mtal aro Mrrcd of on nrpwM4 eicclicDre, at the low rate of &KTXTTriTS Cknti x ach, with ample tlmo for bMHhfal rDtonotBC TnrouKti Care between Chicago, reorta, aitUwaakM end Uitaoerl Ittrrr point t and clcc conficctUeO at all botsu of lnteraecttoo with other roeda. Vetlckrttiitf not forgtt directly to eTerjrJic of Importance in Kan, NebrMka; Black IttUa, Wyoming. VtK Idaho, NeTtda, CaiLiornla, Oirgom, Wuhtoctoa Terrttury. Colorado, Artcoaa eit jlew Siexloo. Aa liberal arraDrtwenti reffardl&c tccce aa aow other UDe.aud rateaof far always aa low aaccmppetf tore, who furnlah lut a tlihe of the eoinfort. IVsaTsi avnrl Lkf klti nf nortainieu frM. llckrta. mare and folder at all p find pel ticket offlow ta the UnJUd Btatea aud Coaada. R. R. CABLE, Tt rtl aa4 Dt&. MAAr, E. ST. JOHN, On. nt. sat rwrit 10 0n0AN81Ruselulstopa4 sets reed U only tel. PiASostmap. Sr-Ilas. Cat. free. Address Hxatt-t. Waihlaxton. IT. J. W RICH BL00Q1 'tlt-aotla' 2'urrfrirleA t'tllm main Ketr IMeJl Blood, and will cointilclcly change the blood In tliocntlrcavttrin In t'lreo i. nnllu. Anr person vliowilltaVel v'H hulr'itfrr,mltolJweeka may lie ro-ioivt to a- I limltd. If arxh a thins bono. it,'". Sontbvii' '1 f-r 8 let'or stamps. . COM -nv S- CO., Jlvtton, Jtfaaa.. fm-m- 'j o rVEBTTllEBR to ten toil a pair ot f-, comiilete, In t vaiuly of fuocr-,1)- ntarkettlSelkt ,. ly Uulfilns lttUtt, ilass. m m mm w MBBHsa3tlsBiaaBeBaWBtmjiaet may