The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 29, 1881, Image 3

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    SATURDAY. OCTOBKU 29, 1881.
Local and Personal.
If you can't "Bcr" n couth, "Bull" it
with Dr. Bull'i Cough Syrup.
Catasatiqtia national bank stock soils at
$40 per share.
There are 1,007 011 Fellows In Horth
ampton couuty, according to the report of
the District Deputy.
The beautiful autumnal loliftRO through
the Dehigh Valloy attracts ths attention of
passengers on the roilroads.
25lrFor a clean shove, a fashionable hair
cut.sbanipoonlng, or anythingln the line
of hair dressing call on R. B. Wlddoss.op
poslle the public square, Bank street, Le
tt ighton.
See that your stove pipes and flues ar,
n good rendition. A llltle attention In this
direction may save a. big fire.
Ths directors of the Slatington Bridge
Company have declared a dividend ol five
per cent, payable now at the Slatington Na
tional Bank.
SSErBeloro ordering your fall and winter
suits and overcoat, you should not fail-to
.!.. In In the Vast Office bulMnti!, in this
be-rough, and examine the new and elegant
assortment or latest novelties In cloths,
cassimeres, suitings and overcoatings now
n.i.ii.if. m,l wliirli tlia undersicned is pre
pared to miltta tip in the very latest style
and most durable manner at prices fully as
low as the Samo material and workmanship
n be ubtained elsewhere. Call and be
II. II. 1'ktkhs, Atent,
P. 0. Building, Lehighton, l'enn'a,
The annual election of tho Lehigh Gap
Bridge Company will be held at Bcrger'a
hotel, at Lehigh Gap,on Saturday Oct. ZStli
between the hours of 2 and 4.
Rev. L. K. Derr and family, of Slating
ton, resident for the past thirteen yeara In
aid place, have moved to Reading, where
Mr. Derr will serve a congregation In the
sn-If vou wantn nice amnoth.easy shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
Roederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho
tel, He will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
iHS-Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and silver
ware lor sale, anil repairing uone at, nega
man's Store, Weissport. 25-yl.
At a meeting on Tuesday of tho Board
of Manajrereol the Lehigh Coal and Navi
ration Company, Francis C. Yarnall, the
oldest member of the Board, was unanl
tnouslv elected Vice President of the Com
pany. It. Y., from long service as a tnem
beroftlie Board of Managers, and several
times actlngTresidetit pro lem.of the Com
pany, is eminently filled fortlte position of
Vice President, and can scarcely fail to be
acceptable to the Company.
SB5Smoke "The Round Head Cigars.,
the best 5 cent cigar in town. Try them.
or sale by J. W. Itaudenbush, at the "Car
bon House." 31 tf.
A msn named Dillon got on a drunk at
Tamaqna, an Saturday of last week, and
be was locked up. The following morning
he was found dead in his cell.
The Catasauqua Manufacturing Com
pany has introduced the electric light Into
its mills. Eight lights, aggregating 2000
candle power, are used. The lights wore
first tested on Thursday night oflast week,
and they worked perfectly.
Attention is directed to the advertise'
mcut of the Wyoming Seminary in another
column of to day's paiier. It is one of the
best educational institutions in this country
;J5B-The best and cheapest books may
ha hail at Lucketibach's. 6b Broadway,
MaUch Chunk. Among the works he of
fers for aale are the following: Acme biog
raphy: 12 standard books by Macauley,
Carlyla aud others, bound in ope volume,
SO cents. Lives ot Chaucer, Spencer, Mil
Ion, Cowper and Southey, 1 volume, 50
cents. Lives ol Do Foe, Johnson, Gold
smith, Scott and Thackeray', I volume, 50
cents. Youngs Ilihln Concordance $2,
The worka of Fh vious Josephus, $2.
Samuel A. 8.mtce, a well known
len of Slatington, died on Friday week,
quite unexpectedly and from a singular
cause. About a week before his demise be
commenced to complain ofa sore on the foro
.finger of his right hand. The member Boon
began to. swelt,tbe arm became similarly af
fected, and, in fact, the entire body speedily
experienced the influence of the malady
blood poisoning. Dr. Miller was called, and
also Dr. Bteckel, but all their efforts failrd
to check the progress of the disease, and
the man died alter great suffering as above
At Chapman's Quarries, on Friday of
last week, a hole was blasted eighty feet
long. fourteen feet deep and twelve feet wide
containing about 1,500 tons of slate ma
22fWo notice that a number of our pco-
tlla go to Dr. J. A. Mayer, at Muucli Chunk,
to ret beautiful seta of teeth I tho Dr., as an
operator, is unexcelled by any other in this
region, winch laci is appreciate.! tiy ma puo-
IIC jyau-idw.
flggfTlfose of our subscrib
ers cettinR me I DVOOATK
through the mail will please
refer to tho direction tab, note
their indebtedness, and remit
the amount. In all cases
whore we have to send bills
$1.25 will be charged to cover
expenses of postage, etc.
aj-We Invite the attention of our read
ers to the advertisement of tho Buckeye
M Tg Co.. Marlon, Ohm, in another column
They olfer rare inducements to earn ar
hone t living.
Tmciica's Ehuis-atios. --A public
examination on Saturday, Oct. 20, in the
public school building, at Lchightoii, of all
applicants for schools who have not yet
been examined. All such applicants are re
quested to present themselves. No private
examinations will be granted.
A big bargain for gentlemen A fine
white dress shirt for fifty cents, at the orig
inal cheap cash store.
A new organ has been bought for St,
John'a church, In Mahoning. It will be
dedicated during the holiday season.
Mr. Harry Hartman, member of the.
senir-r class In Franklin and Marshall Col
lege, died last Friday of malarial fever.
During the week ending on the 22nd
Inst., there were 120,214 tons of coal trans,
ported over the Lehigh Valley R. R., mak
ing a total for the season of 5,039,230 tons,
showing an Increase of 1,062,473 tons as
compared with the same ttyie last year.
David Thomjs, a miner In the No. 4
lope, Upper Lehigh, was killed by a fall of
0 ial on Friday.
The circus which exhibited here on
Tuesday last, was very poorly attended In
the afternoon, but In the evening there was
a pretty fair audience. The prcformance
wu a fair average of all this clasa of shows.
The public schools opened in Mahon
ing on the 24th. In Packer end Franklin
twps., they will open on the 31st, and in
Towamensiog on Dec. 8th. On account
of tho scarcity of teachers the salariea in
these districts have been raised a few dol
The coming County Institute promises
to be a very Intsresllng one. No (eachercan
afford to miss It, A large attendance of di
rector! is expected on Tuesday afternoon
when the BUte Superintendent will deliver
an address to them. The evening lectures
and etitertainruents will all be free. Miss
Bareford will read before the Institute on
Moudovr evening, Dr. Ferrier will lecture
on Tuesday evening, on Wednesday even
log Hon, li. A. Apgar, State Superintendent
of New Jersey ,wl lecture on "Switzerland,
Bernard Geiser fell through abridge at
Wllkcsbarre on Tuesday night of last woek,
and was killed.
We are pleased to learn that ouryoung
friend Albert E. Romlz, of Bethlehem,
formerly of this place, Is eonvaleslng.
We had a call from Obe S. Kelsor, ti e
gentlemanly proprietor of the U. 8. Hotol
of Slatington, on Thursday.
The Lehigh Church, near Alburlls, was
entered by thieves on Friday night aod
robbed of the communion service, consist
ing ofa silver pitcher, goblet, troy, Ac The
church was entered through one of tho win
dows. The robbery is supposed to have been
the work of tramps,
Michael O'Boylc, of Sugar Iiotch, Lu
zerne county, aged 72, la dead. He was in
sured for $200,000 by graveyard speculators.
Hon. Rolert Klotz will please accept
our thanks for a copy of the Official Army
Register, for January, 1881.
The Into Baron Hay merle, the Austrian
Premier, spoke len languages porfectly.
David Ebbert, our popular liverman speaks
two, and. hires loams to all in need at ycry
low rates. Livery on North street.
Highest cash prices paid for hides and
akins by F. J. Gcnsmer, opposite Carlon
House, agent for Win. A. Gensiner & Co.
Thomas Ward was killed, John Ward I
fatally hurtand Timothy Whittleand Miles
Keeler seriously injured by a fall of coal in
the mines at Mohanoy City on Friday.
Fritz Dayid, aged 15 years, is in jail at
Pottsville for burglary. He confesses that
ho has been at the head ofa gang of boys
who have committed thirty burglaries.
The Young Men's Christian Association
Convention at Easton was largely attended.
At Boston on Saturday 150 veierons or
the Forty-sevnth Pennsylvania Volunteers
held a. re union and adjoiined to meet at
Catasanqua on October 21, 1882. Captain
Charles II. Yard, of Easton, waa elected
During the week ending on the 21sl
Inst , there were 101,781 tons of coal ship
ped over the Lehigh k Suquchanna rail
rood, making a total (or tho season to that
date of 3,620,228 tons, showing an Increase-)
of 601,396 tons as compared with the same
time last year.
Evidence was obtained at Pottsville
Wednesday that P. Forter.Republlcan can
didate for Prolhonotnry, had offered to fell
out to the Greenback candidate, George W,
Cole. The discovery caused considerable
excitement, and Porter's resignation was at
once asked for. The matter will be further
considered at a meeting to beheld to-day
pa-FOR SALE. The undersigned have
a new piann-uox vwn-KaiPi i-iirrnii;.., mtivcu
inr nnn'nr two horses, and one nearly new
two.seated carriage the front seat can be
taken nut. or left in either of them at plea
ore. Either one of these carriages will le
sold at a verv low figure, as we have use for
but one. Apply to
49 4 Wei59Krt, Pa
The Allentown Chronicle denies that
Gyumbrr, "the sleeping Hungariap," Is
dead, and says he "is in a better condition
than he Iibb been for eight months, is .'lead
lly improving and works at upholstering
with Mr. Frank Berkemey
cr's furniture store, lie taias ireoiy, eats
heartily, sleeps well at nights, and is wide
awake in daytime."
On Wednesday night of last week, as
Engine 311, drawing No. 81 freight on tho
Lehigh Valley Railroad, was running down
what is called the "Slatington grade," the
train broke just as it paasetl the depot, and
colliding, badly wrecked 15 to 20 of the CO
fieight cars which constituted the train,
Tiie drawheads of 14 loaded curs wero brok
en. One of the cars mounted the tank of
the engine, and the fiieman, Chun. Sheet
narrowly escaped with his life. The.tiatn
was in charge of conductor A. D. Packer,
and consisted of through Western freight
The damaged cars wero taken to the 1'ack
erton sho for repairs.
Sperlnl Invitation.
Ladies aro respectfully invited to call and
examine my elegant assortment ol snocs
and gaiters, "just received from tho manu
lactnrerb, winch for quality, hcauly of style
and finish are unsurpassed, and which I
have placed at lower prices than evrrbn
fore reached. Respectfully,
J. T. Ncsbaou,
Original Cheap Cash Store.
Mr. Editor; In examining the Commis
sioners' account of disbursements in 1873,
when Samuel Harleinan was President of
the Board, I find tho enormous sum of $7,'
599.85 tor "Miscellaneous Exicnses." Tills
seems to me rather an Indefinite accomt,
and should require an explanation of
where the money was spent. Why has
not Harleman'B statement during his ad
ministration been published in the Gazettet
Yours, Taxpayer.
The Coal Txndo.'
The most noticeable feature In the anthra
cite coal trodc, for thopast Week, saya Mon
day's Philadelphia Ledqcr, is the demand for
coal, which is In excess of the ability of the
companies to furnish. We have wllbln a
day or two visited the several coal compa
nies, and larger operators, and find them
all in possession of orders for coal largely In
excess of coal for delivery. This short sup
ply of coal has been caused In soma meas
ure by the very general and long continued
drought in the coal regions. Nearly all the
several companies are lull of the most per
suasive appeals for coal on accepted orders,
for one cargo If uot for the full amount or
dered. The anxiety manifested to get coal
and the anxioty to havo It at onco shows
the really pitiable condition of the coal
market juit now, aud Is really Just cause
for apprehension for tho future should the
trouble of want of water or other causes con
tinue to limit production S'everal of the
companies declare themselves in the pos
session of more orders now than they can fill
henco to the end of tho year, though they
should not accept a slnglo new one. Thero
Iscertnluly no necessity for any action to
limit production in order to keep up the
prices nf coal. The demand is very sure to
keep ahead of the supply, and tho want of
coal is very likely to further advance prices.
The coal production for tho year is largely
in advance of the production last year to
corresponding date. Those experienced In
the coal trade ore now estimating the pro
duct lor ths year at 28,000,000 tons; others
again think this amount n'little ton large,
an. I do not estimate higher than 26,000,000
tonr; probably the true amout lies between
the two, Or, Buy in round figures, 27,000,000
tons. As large as this supply ol coal is Been
to be, it is believed tbut it will be found to
be short of the demand. About tho only
hope against a Bbort rupply of coal during
the coming winter, is the known product
ve capacity of several of the large coal com
panies, and especially ol that of tho Read-
ng Railroad Company, which, when not
interfered with by want of water or other
casualily, Is capable of throwing into the
market per month, truly astounding
amounts ol ull Bin s of coals. The Western
eniiind for coal is jteadily on the increuse,
and is another consideration in the coal sit
uation to awaken uppreheiision, if not fear,
lor tbe luture. The following Is the state
ment of anthracite coal tonnage for tin
month of September, 1881, compared with
same period last year, prepared by John II
Jones, accountant for tho companies:
Kept. 1681. Sept. 1880.
rnlla. St Red. R. H....eo5,86s.i)8
l.ehluh valley K. H...&04,73.
V. 11. H.of N. J 880,608.07
U. L. St W. II. It 3 0.013.0T
U. n. 11. Ualial 2M.S73.U
1'ennsylvanla, it. It iw.cvs.ut
fennivlvanla Cell Hli.W .00
N. Y. li. E. & W. K. K..V-3.01
411,872 12
'.08,- 61 01
357,382. 8
From ttojtaty Seat.
-Robert Drehr, nephew of Judgo Drchr,
has accepted a position as clerk In the store
orC. A. Rex Bro., of this place.
Wm. J. llatrlck and Mhn M. Towell
were united In marriage, on last Wednesday
evening, by the Rev. Mr. Hoffman, of St.
Paul's M. E. Church, nt tbe.roaldenccof R.
Q. Butler. We heartily congratulalo thtm
and wish them joy and prosperity.
P.J. Meebam, Esq., ha moved Into
the house lately occupied by 8. M. Young,
one door below the Broadway house.
Good and substantial stone are
being laid from Whito'a corner to John C.
Dolan'a pavement, and from the New Mark
et house to G. W. Essor'a residence. The
borough fathers are doing good work, and
adding not only beauty 10 tna oornugn, out
substantial ornaments. Wa admire their
judgment and applaud their courage'nso
boldlv discharging their duty as public olh
cers. Irrespective of con fl icll n tr opinion s. As
ongas yod are right, we say g ahead
Mora kindness and loss brutality
More sobriety and less drunkenness.
More open honesty In politics, and less
secret corruption.
More economy in office, and IcM unnec
essary taxes.
Morn mental culture, nnd less stupid
More effectual praying, ond less dis
gusting profanity.
More regard for the moral law, and less
Sabbath desecration.
More care and respect for tho aged and
n firm, and less selfish indifference.
More love and charity, and less malice
nd scandal.
More patience and perseverance, and
less needless murmuring.
Moro natural affection among relatives,
aud less envy and strife.
More home patronage, and less buying
More frequenting the house of God, and
less door step loafing.
-More general fitness in candidates for
pupllc office, and less unmerited popularity,
-Mors sober and Intelligent thinking
and less morbid indolence and swelling
More own candor and less base and
secret intriguing.
More true sympathy for the nnforlu
nite, and less unnecessary opprei-eiofi.
Mure genuine sociability, and less af
fected superiority.
More honor and independent writing, and
less yeilding to demigouges.
Decrease. ...
2,688,219.03 2,812,478.00
Total for the year, 20,361,363 tons, an in
crease of 3,674,454 tons over the correspond
ing period of list year. The stock of coal
nn hand at tidewater shipping points Sep
tember 30, 1881, was 013,958 tons; on Aug
ust '81, 652,943 tnnsj decrease, 38,985 tons,
A striking feature in the above, statistics is
the position held by the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company. Of the large compa
nies it is the only one that shows a gain in
September, while lor the year the increase
is 908,371 tons. It Is imw carrying over
four-tilths as much as the Reading, while a
lew years ago it was expected to produce
less than two-thirds us much, and Upon this
point tho companies disagreed. With
moderately cold winter there will be a large
demand for duineclic sines, while the cou
sumption by the iion works is probably
aruer llfau it eyer has been, and gives evi
dene ol continuing so for a long timu to
come. In fai t tho indications rather f.ivo
au mere-abed than a decreased consumption
The total tonnage of uuthrucite con I from
all tho regions lor tho Week ending Oct. 15
as reported by the several carrying cumpa
nies,amuunted to 652,084 tons, against 699,-
1118 tons in the corresponding week lust year,
a decrease ot 46,934 Ion a. The total amount
of uuthrucite mined for the year is 21,!51I-
611 tons, against 17,859,923 tons lor tl
same period last ytar, an increase of 3,991
688 tons.
! to
Iffnvo Sigurd off.
We are reliably informed that a number
of teachers, in order to secure engagements
have signed off their right to pay during
tbelr atlendauce at the annual county teach
ers' institute; we therefore deem it expedi
ent to publish the law passed last winter or
this subject, wherein school directors arc
required" to allow teachers pay for the
timo tbey aro in atlendsucoat theco'.nty
institute. Directors aud teachers may read
tbe law with profit to themselves i
Itennlrlna the school directors, of the sever.
a I sennot umrieis or ims commonwealth, to
allow tbe school teachers the time and
waxes whilst attending the annual county
Institutes, ami prescribing- certain dutloa of
the county and city sui-ailntendents respect
ing the same.
Section 1. Jit it enacted, ilc, That fiom
and after the passage of this act, it shall be
tbe duty of tho school directors, of the sev
eral school districts of this commonwealth,
and they ore hereby required, to allow the
school teachtrs, employed in the said school
district, who are actually engaged in teach
ing school therein, tbe time and wages
whilst attending and participating in the
exercises of the annual county institutes for
the improvement of teachera.
Skctiox 2. That, at the close of the an
nual sessions nf tbe said Institutes, it shall
be the duty ol the several county, city and
borough superintendents to make a report,
to each board of school directors In their le
snective lunsdlctions. settine forth the num.
ber nf days that each teacher shall havo at
tended and participated in the exercises of
inasam annual teac.nera' Institute, which
said report shall ha the basis for allowing
the tcacbera their time and wsecs: JVobW-
ed, Thst the provisions of this act shall not
extenu to inauriiscnooi district or I'ennsyl
vania, nor to the counties wherein eperial
laws regulating or relating to county Insti
tutes aro In force.
ArraoyitD Tho 7th day of June, A D.
Luwer T)WiUiitljll(r ltcm,
Sinre jack (lost paid us a visit soiu
time ago, there is a dillerent tispect til na
ture. Tho trees on the surrounding hill
have changed their green foliage for one of
a dillerent hue.
Apple butler is selling for fifty cents
Mr. Bcnjimln Kern, of Aquashicola
has returned home Irom Kansas, altera
absence nf lour and one half years. Benj
looks hale and hearty, and it seems that tb
climate in the West is more healthy than
ia in Pennsylvania. In a lew weeks I
will return to Kansas to resume his work
He is a carpenter, and he earns from $2
$3 a day.
Fattening season is at hand. Lay
your porkers.
A few people were engaged last week
i hauling their winter coal.
Rev. Breagvl did not occupy the pulp!
of 8t. James' church, nlihis place, on Sun
day before last, but substituted another
young man to preach in I is stead. His
name we were unable tolearn. Rev. Brea
gel was in attendance at the dedicatory
services, in Kunkletown church, Monroo
Mrs. Thomas nnwman, after returning
home on Monday, the 3,1 hist , Irom a visit
to Slatington, was highly surprised in the
evcuinc, by u parly nt friends and relatives,
who had usfinbiod to celebrate her birth
day. She received n number of presents.
William Hurp, of Edt Wctsirt, paid
n flying visit to his grandmother, on Mon
day of last week, at Fire Line, which was
his former home.
Mr. and Mrs D. F. Blose, were visiting
at Charles Olewine's, at Miliiairt, on last
Sunday a week,
Tim funeral of Wm. Wagner, who died
so suddenly and unexpectedly was largely
attended last Saturday a week Rev. Urea-g-lind
the pnstor oftlieLehlybtou Lutheran
church, officiated. Coxi'iDtsct.
WelKNport Ileitis.
In tho Evangelical church, on Sunday
evening last, W. C. Weiss, as a substitute for
Rev. E. J. Mil'.er, who is busily engaged in
holding revival meetings in the Chapel, at
North Weissport, preached an nblo sermon
to a large and an attentive audience. The
Sunday-school connected with this church
J in a prosperous condition.
Where is the law and order society that
was so strongly agitated by some of our citi
zens, gono to ? Wo suppose where the
woodbine twineth.
Mrs. Lewis Horn has moved Into her
new dwelling house, in East Wispnrt.
Rev. J. E. Freeman occupied the pill
pit and preached and addressed the congrc
galion on Sunday evening last in the Luth
eran and Reformed church.
Weissport was well represented at th
Great Royal Circus anJ Menagerie, which,
exhibited at Lehighton, on Tuesday.
Ouryoung frieud Will Rctsl was mad
very happy ono day loft week, by bti-om
lug tho proud father ofa bright and bounc
ing bov. We congratulate Will, and hope
the new arrival niuy live long and prosper,
The newly built furnoca was prtundv
slack, and wus fired upon Wednesday lam
There are now five puddle furnaces in oper
ation, three double aud two single.
We learn that our old filend Job
Kruse, of Rickertsville, formerly brass file
in the Packerton car shops, has been pro-
moled to a higher and more respectable po
sition that of boss of the machine shops
formerly held by John Lehighton
We congratulate John on his promotion
and we hopo he may be capable of perform
ing the duties of that liositlcn.
Your correspondent wa privileged with
a fiirnd to visit Millport ami vicinity some
time ago, and was strikingly impressed
with the beauty of the surrounding scenery.
The crowning incident of late was the
burial of "Clover Beaver," a dog, on the
bank of the Lehigh river. The following
persons officiated s Adam Graver, grave dig
ger; Pete Kelly, orator on the occasion;
Whitehead and Bill Beaver, chief mourners
and pall bearers So rest "Clover" rest.
The spirit of Improvement does not fail
with the advance of tho cold weather, as
Mr. A. F. Leapdd has made preparations
for the erection of anew department adjoin
ing his store, now occupied by Josiah Ruch.
Father Daniel Shoch,of this place, an
old and a respected citizen, died at the ad
vanced age of 86 years, and was interred In
tbe East Weissport cemetery, on Tuesday
last. Revs. Erb, ol Slatington, nui Free
man, nf this place, officiated.
Our Rolling Mill Works are runuing
right ahead without any stoppages or break
downs of any conscquenco. Wo learn that
they intend paying their workmen every
second Saturday nf each month.
Onco moro has our glorious brass band
gono under. We huvecome to theconuclu-
sion that they quitted it owing to their not
having sufficient "tin" to carry it through
Who says again ; "Let's help them."
If you baye a good watch, or a fine
piece of jewelry, don't have tbem ruined hy
tinkers, who don't understand the first prin
ciple about a watch or a clock. Take them
to E. II. Hohl'a, Mauch Chunk, and vou
can depend on it that you will get good
work and low prices. QeisiT,
nig Creek Item.
The election will take place on Tues
day, November 8lh.
Mr. J, J. Kemercrif this place,was on a
business visit to Hokendauqua, Catasauqua
and Allentown, on Friday aud Saturday of
last week.
It ia reported that teachera are very
scares In Monroo counly this year. No
wonder that $18 and $20 teachers are scarce
for such situations. Let the directors pay a
reasonable salary, and we have no doubt
that they would have applicants for all their
Wo are In receipt of a copy of the Pro-
Ai'lifiomV, published at Leliighlon, and Is
sued from the Carbon Advocatk office The
paper is got out in good style, and it con
tains good rcoding matter. It can safely be
placed In any family. Wo hope its ylsits
may be frequent to our table.
Peter Schabo and wife were at this placo
on Sunday, on a visit to friends.
Winter grain looks splendid so tar.
Mr.vC. A. Buck, agent for the New
Homo sewing machine, was at this place on
Mr. Frank Hnntz and wife, of Ejston,
were here on t visit over Sunday, to her
parents, who resldo at this place.
We are pleased to learn that our friend
Thomas F. Arner has accepted the offer to
teach the Northeast Welssorl school, tho
present term. Wo also take pleasure in
recommending him as a livo teacher, and
wo welcome him bark again In tho tutorial
ranks of Franklin, after having been absent
from the county for a numbor of years, en
gaged in fanning in Montgomery county.
The Soli Sabbath-school expects to
make a change shortly in singing books so
ieoided at their last meeting.
The prop business, ot this place, Is con-
luclcd on a larger scale at present than
The teachers of Fronklln will this year,
for the first time, bo In attendance the
whole week, at the Teachera' County Insti
tute, which opens on .Monday, November
tho 14th.
The Supervisor la at work at present,
with a force of men, rebuilding the bridge,
at Shoenberger's, that was carried away by
tho Ire freshet lastSpring.
Mr. Bcbwcibens, of this place, recently
purchased n splendid new carriage for him
self, and on Sunday was out to lake a ride
for the first tlmn.
W. II. Kramer, of East Weissport, was
on a yisit to the Bolt's Sabuatli-srhool, on
Sunday last, and at thccloBeho delivered
an address to the children. Call again
A number of p"ople, from this place,
were to Lehighton to seo the elephant on
Long straw is in demand, at present, at
a lair price.
-A daughter of Thomas Leves is down
with typhoid fever. She Is attended by Dr.
Seiple, of Lehighton. This is the only case
of sickness we have at this place, at present.
miner, laborer, mechanic, merchant, farmer
and capilalUt.are all represented ,this make!
It truly Democratic in every respect -of tho
people and from among the people. Car
bon county Is out of debt, lha tax rato S
mills lower than evar.all the county bridges,
Jail, court house and county buildings In
first-class condition and assrasnent valua
tion reduced 100 percent. Where In Penn-.
sylvanla is there another county can boast
of as much?
John Gallagher, ono of our candidates for
Commissioner, has proved himself thorough
ly honest, Is capable In every respect, is a
staid teetotaler,from prlnclple,snd has been
so for twenty-four years ho Is a represen
tative of ths mining and tailoring interest
which enlivens at least nno-balf of our
county. Edwin Sensinger Is an upright,
careful, prudent, successful fanner of good
judgment ond represents the lower portion
of our county In Its farming Intcrssbj. They
are tho right men for the place. Samuel
Rlckert for County Treasurer, a bard work
ing tinsmith, exact In the penny ,vbrr, care
ful and successful In all bis own business
affairs, Just the man to handle tho peoples'
money; his Integrity is unquestioned and
his word Is as good as an oath. Harry Pack
er represents the young Democracy "and with
his millions he is as plain aud unassuming
as a farmer boy. His good judgment, firm-
ess and cauliou eminently fit him for the
position of Associate Judge. Cant. Harry
Swartz, candidate for Register Recoid
er il a gallant soldier of the famous Buck
tail Rifles, a thorough German and English
scholar and a vary rapid nnd skillful pen
man and will make an exceedingly correct,
fflciont and obliging officer. Samuel Z-ig-
eiifuss and J. W. Hunter, both careful mer
chants who count their figure up twice be
fore they are sure they aro right j both up-
glit, honorable and honest men, just tbe
kind for auditors no better could be found
n the county so we have Mauch Chunk,
ummit Hill, Beaver Meadow, Wealhrrly,
Franklin and Lower Towamenslng all rep
resented on our ticket. We have without a
oubt as good a ticket as was ever nominat
ed and lot every one ol us "put ourshnlders
o the wheel and give a long pull, a strong
till and a pull altogether," and get every
vote out in our strongholds and cive the
straight ticket a regular old fashioned Jack
son 'majority. JiFf-.nsosuN.
Stemlcrsvllle.Oct. 25, 1881.
On Thirty llnya'Trinl.
Wa will send Dr. five's celebrated Electro-
Ycltalo liclts and other Eleetrlo AKPllanres
on trial for 30 days to younir mon and older
Cersons who are afflicted with Nervous lie
lllty, f.ost Vltallty,ki.,guaranteelng speedy
relief and complete restoration of vlmr and
manhood. Alsufor ttheumatlsm, Neuralgia,
i'aral) sis, Liver and Kidney difficulties, hut
tures, and many other diseases. Illustrated
pamphlet sent free. Address Voltalo Kelt
jo , juarsnau, illicit. tv-ji
Tho Public School
of Franking Township will open on Mon
day October 31st, 1S81. Schools No, 1 G
A. Campbell, Teacher; No. 2 Albert Rishel,
Teacher, and No. 8 Miss Mary Snyder,
Teacher, will open with tbe following exer
cise i 1st. Singing t Welcome; 2nd. Pray.
e.r; 3rd., Singing I Promptly at Nine ; 4th.,
Address by W.C.Weis ; 5th., Singing i Be
iu Earnest; Clb., Short Greetings by the
above Teachers in charge ; 7th., Singing?!
Idlers to Work; Sth., Addresa by T. M.
Balliet, Supt. of schools 9th., Singing My
Country 'lis of Thee; 10th., Withdrawal of
schools and work.
W. 0. Weiss, Director.
Tba Pittsburg A. M. E Conference met in
Its fourteenth annual session, at Wilkesbar-
At Muney Creek township, on Saturday , ( on Saturday of last week, Bishop J. A
DvruuiKiii iusi ween,D icn-year-om son oi . m . , m, ' .
I Wilson' Opp fell from a wjgon under tho "" r l DB: non.erenco
ana on Thursday evening rrot. -uroom on ma; fiwt, and his heai wa trampled on western i-enosyivaoia, jtasiern Ohio ana Association were vary largely atwmded and
"jioroe fcuueauon. w ma u mou iu mun nine, woticm Virginia, ' were exceedingly iQieretuog. .t.
Fouiitlcr'k Day at l.uf ll'ctlo Collcffc,
Wednesday was Founder's Day at Lafay
ette College, and the annual address was do
livered by Dr. McCook, of Philadelphia,
Theservires in the College chapel were
conducted by the Rev. Dr. Knox, of Brie
tol, a member of the Board of Trusiees. Af
ter tho chapel exercises Dr. Traill Greru
said i "We have met to celebrate a great
event in the history of this College, and tn
honor Ario Pardee. We have once cele
brated the daya when Pardee Hall waa ded
icated and have always felt gratified at the
interest taken by the students in theao cele
brations." He referred to tbo wisdom ot
Solomon, and said Solomon had no Greek
no Latin, no geometry, no conic sections, no
calculus, philosophy, Anglo-Saxon, French'
or German. He was without microscopes or
telescopes, or any ol the modern appli
ances of science i and it ia no wonder, he
said, "Of the making of books there ia no
end, and much study is weariness to the
flesh." Tbe sneaker said it was unneces
sary to Introduce Dr. McCodk to the students
for they had met him before, and ha knew
be waa always gladly received. Dr. McCook
then delivered an intereatlnz and Instruc
tive address on"Fortordlnatinn in Nature."
Tbe address was the occasion for many
compliments to the learned doctor. Wed
nesday afternoon the athletic sport of tbe
Sore EScmls.
Editor Advocate: Of late a few men
styling themselves Democrats, havo been
making the rounds in opposition to our
county ticket. They aro mora particularly
opposed to J J.Gallagher and II, E. Swartz
than ony other candidates. The reason for
this course, on the part of these men, is not
very obvious to the masses. As stated by
one of theso "Nobles," it is berause a certain
prominent man had an imperative request
td-make of.the Democracy of this county
nnd'that request was thatanothor promi
nent man should bo placed on ths ticket for
congeniality's sake, without that man even
exerting himself in the least for the nomi
nation, in tho face of sixteen or seventeen
worthy aspirants for the coveted position.
This candi latedld not succeed in
his aspirations, without cicrting himself,
and now liken child, with his subservient
too), ho is going throughout the county be
wailing and moaniiiE tbe dire result"
which he says have been precipitated by
the Democratic; representatives, who met in
convention, In Mauch Chunk, on August
5th. While this combination opposes the
ticket, the question arises, will the Demo
cratic voturs bow down and worship ot tho
repulsed shrine of these men, like a set n!
tinkou, crouching, abiecled slaves? We
say no! becauso Democracy will never sub
mit to dictation or a dictator, be ho rirh or
poor, opulent or lank. Tho bedwork on
which true Democracy rests, or what la so
eloquently portrayed or propounded by Jef
ferson's oft repeated and beautiful sentence:
Equal and exjet jnstlco tn oil men and ex
clusive privileges to none," would not per
mit such a prostitution of principle An
right. We contend that il ia tho duty of
every true Democrat, to stand by lha ticket,
when it is the embodiment of Democratic
principle and the choice of tho represenla
lives, who constitute the parly. And hence
these men who in their maddened cours
am attempting to destroy the supremacy o
the good old party, In this county, because
self and ambition were repudiated in the
convention, Is childish, indeed, and we are
confident that if these men, whoare honest
upright and wlss, would with any prophel
Ic vision look to the future and count tho
consequences to the party they claim to love.
they would desist from their diseased act-
Inns, and turn in and support the who!
ticket, for the advancement of its principles,
We have no ill feeling agalnstony member
of the party, for any act of treason of which
he may be guilty, but wa shall attempt
maintain the Integrity and purity nf the
parly against any Individual or number
men, who, under the thin cloak of the
professions, which in this case is to smash,
what they are pleased to term the ring.
But where is there a worsoring than in lha
opimsito party? Yet theso men would per-
petuste this ring at tho sacrifice of our par
ty's success. In conclusion we can say to
these meN, that they .can't defeat any of our
nominees, unless they coerce the men un-.
dertheir control, and put money into the
canvass to corrupt vulnerable voters, be
cause our candidates are enshrined and
imbedded in the h arts of the people for
their honesty, Integrity and uprightness in
all their actious. Democrat.
East Mauch Chunk, Oct. 25, ISfil.
Mrs. Nita Bolster died at Readlnz on
Sunday morning, aged f-8 years.
In a Pittsburg Catholic Church nn Sun-
day lbs officiating priest was astounded by
i man jumping over the railing in trunt nt
he altar autl snatchlmr the book from his
land which be waa reading. The aarrl
iclous Individual is said to be a surncwled
priest wnq nas an antipiny in t-ainrr aea
son. The Intruder wna hustled out.
The Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania Volun
teers' reunion at Altnoni on tho 20th Inst .
elected aanlthvjsnf the permanent organi
zation Gen. George Zinii, President; Captain
James J. Wcisiug ami Captain Jonathan
Demo, Vice Presidents; Captain 1 hnmss E.
Aicrcnant, Aiijunant, tt-unumi Mather anil
Private 0. N. Bnwers, Secretaries, and Cap-
am Jesse u. lining, Treasurer.
a t'ohtttvu riK-i.
Dr. Evnry'a Diamond C-itarih Remedy,
will euro thu worst case nf Catarrh or Hay
Dr. Evorv's Diamond tnv gnrator elves
health and ftreiigth, mental and physical,
makes tliu complexion clour, white and
beautiful. Pamphlet free. Read tbe Ad
Solid Agnlll.
Editor Abvooatr Lately some men-
Republicans and Democrats have been go
ing through this township poisoning the
minds of our Democratic voters with the
veriest twaddlo and basest falsehoods, viz
that J. J. Gallagher and somo Democratic
leaders wero working solely for tho election
f Gallagher for Commissioner. By the ma
jority this was discredited, but aims who
arc unwary and not conversant with jmliti
cal tactics, believed it, and consequently
were alarme 1 lest Sensinger be defeated, by
such work by these leaders. Wo aro hap
py to soy, that by this timo tho minds of
these men have been disabused, nnd a con
sequent result, a reaction has eel in for the
entire ticket, and men who for years did
no work at the polls, will bo thore on the
day of election and work with a will, fervor
and force unknown of before. Tho coming
nto our midst of these traitors, aa will bo
seen by tbe above, lias proved moro of a
benefit, as far as this township is concerned,
tlmn a harm. We welcome them again.
This township will give a good report of
itself on election day, and Iho voting will
be straight on the Democratic aide with tho
exception of two or three men, won will
cast complimentary votes. Sensinger, who
Is one of natiue's noblemen, will receive a
larger vole in this township than any other
man before him. The reason for Una is be
cause he isgmutlv esteemed and liked bv
his fellow citizens. Ho is known tn be lion
est, upright and just in all his dealings ant'
transactions with his fcllowincn. Next to
Sensinger will bo Riikcrt, who will run a
number ahead of bis ticket. Swartz is al
so ono .if the lucky, and iu this respect he
will get as many if not more votes from the
opposition than Rickerl. The rest of th
ticket will hold Us own, with very slight
varyings. The upper end Democrats need
havo nn fearus to our support of Gallagher,
becnuin hero some of his statiDchest and
warmest .friends reside, who will manage
his rase at the proper tin.o. "Everything
is lovely when tho goose hangs high," and
it happens that it haugs high at this time,
as, regards Franklin and the entire ticket.
Big Creek, Oct. 26, 1881. Naan.
Will Hette Quality not Mly is
tie greatest linpurtafice; next is tbe
KnowififlZB anil EiperifirxG to Cfr
r6Gfl7 Prepare and Blspense tbe same
I.oliitflitois .Itiirltols
IVmrtECTaii Wkeclt.
flour pirenek m ?5 flour per tack none
Oorn, pr bushel OS
Oats, per bushel CO
iHiieo unop, per ow i l 7,.
MUdllncs. nerewt 1 Oi
Corn Chop 1 "
iiran, per evi, , i o
Butter, per pound S3
Eggs, per dotcn '.e
Ham, per pound 13
L.arda ber ponnd 10
Shoulders, per pound ,. . 11
Potatoes, per burbot 1 10
Th. nf tf.. T f-.At.-t.-
lln.orsomervllle, luagjt..i83u remarkable that
wo beg to asu lor it the attention of our renti
ers He savs : " In the rail of 1676 I was tak
en with a violent nt.tnnir.a or tiik lcsuh.
tollowcd by a severe o nigh. 1 soon bemiu to
lose my appetite and flesh. 1 was so weak at
ono tliuo that 1 eould not leave my bed. In
the summer of 1677 I was admitted !o the City
iiospitai, niieinere mouuciorssani x niui
hole In rov left lunir as Mir as a hairdoilar
1 expended over a hundred dollars in doctors
and medicine. I was so far irono at one time
a report went around that I was dead. J irnve
up none, nut a irienu toiu me or nn. m
laughed at my ft lends, tblnkluz that niy casa
ffi" mnurnuie, um i trot a uutllQ 10 sunny
them. when, to niv surprise and vrailflcatlen.
I commenced to lcel batter. Mv hone, once
dead, began to rcvlvo. and to-day I feel in bet
ter spirits man i navo mo past tnree years.
' 1 write this hoping you will publish It, so
that everyone afflietcd with IMseased f.ungs
will be Induced to take lilt. Vlil, HALliS
BALSAM KUH TUB Ijl'NOS. and bo eon
rolced thatUONf,U;.lPtlON Can be Cured.
1 have taken two bottles and can posltlrely
say that It has done moro uood than all th-
otber medicines 1 have taken since my sick
ness, my coun airuost entirely ainnp,
beared and 1 aha 11 soon bo able to iro to work."
Sold by A. J. Dcblino, Lehlglitoii, and all
aruggists. Lice. in. issu-yioow
Drat & Family HettMiie Store.
Batik Street, Lehighton,
you can always rely upoo iv-tttntr STRICT ,.
Ltx run snu uawuui;iAigi
Drugs and Medicines.
rt!Rt.IN(l. carries the lurarst stock of
PATfNr lUJiliU INtS In the enmity.
DUIiLlK'tl hasanrleirniitstcckof DfiUn.
hUT ARrirliUS h-r ibelsdus as well us
the aetiis.
PU Willi K9 a specialty. Ill" 113 yats exper
loner In the drag business gives Mm a treat
advantage In th it line.
TIlUHStS, Stll'PilftTERR andllRAUES
always a largo stock on hand.
tflKKS and MQfTOHS, both rorefgn and
domestic. He t-asnOlln-oiillrapo Wine and
a fry Uaiawba Wine. Just splendid ani
largest assortment In tawn,
Clo to uUhUINtl'S with your prescript
llms On to IHJitt.l.Vti'S for voar Patent
do to I)t'Rl,lN(t'fl fur vonrfancvart'oles.
Fanners and hnrsaiaen auto IIDltl.INQ'j
for uur Horse aud Cattle Powders.
The BEST SAL.TE In the world for Outs,
Bruises, sores. Ulcers. Salt Ilheum. Totter.
Chapped Hands, (Jhllbtalns, Corns, and all
kinds of Skin Eruptions, Frceklcs and Pim
ple. The Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction In every rase or money refunded.
He fiiro you get HENRY'S OAUUOLIO
SAUVE. as all others are Cut Imitations.
i'rice 2a cents, f ur sale oy an urugvim
everywhere. doc. is, issu-yieow
Are tho only Horse and Poultry Powders that
alvo universal satisfaction. If the Powders
do not give satisfaction, the Llruirgtst will re
turn your money. ueo. is, isw yieow
New Advertisements.
Mr.oiGAL raorrssiux.
JIall'3 Journal (jf Health, refcrtlng to Con
sumption, makes tbo following important
'Consumption usually begins with a
slight, dry cough in the morning, then ou
going tn bed, getting moro and more lre
quent.with moro and more phlegm, increas
ing debility, thinness of flesh, shortness of
breath, and quickness of pulso. In fatal
cases its average course is about two yeara;
henre the imorlance of arresting the di
sease at as early a stage as iiossible, and ti e
sooner rational means are employed for this
purpose the greater the chanco of6Uccess.
The disease ia owing tn an irritation com
mencing in the throat and extending to tho
lungs, so that their action isiulerlered with,
and the blood does not receive sufficient
oxygen to purify it. The most marked sign
nf lung disease is emaciation J and the most
posilivo indication of returning health is
Increase In weight."
Bo speaks Hail's Journal of Health end
we may avid that in desperate cases, aud, ill
fort, in nil ,-uhi nf Coiisiiiiiiilion. or troubles
nf the throat and lung, immediate' relief
may bo obtained and a permanent cure el
feried by the use ol Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam
for the Lung, a medicine known for moro
than thirty-five veaia as an unfailing rem
edy for roughs, colds, bronchitis And all
pulmonary and perioral uiseases. inaime
wnret cases ir Consumption have been cured
by the use of Hall's Uals-tm has been attest
ed to by the thousands who have used it, or
have tieen cognisant of its wonderful reino
dial eQicsry.
Of V.aluable Beal Estate
TIio folio win ir described real ectatr will be
eoiu on ino promises, on
Saturday, Nov. 19th, 1881,
at TWO o'clock 1. ST. To wit: all that cer-
tain tractor piece or land situated in fait
Penn township, Carbon county, l'a., bounded
and described as follows t Beginning at a
stone In a public road leading from the house
of John Blttenbender to the house or Charles
Rerlg ; thenco In an I along said road and by
land ol John Bowinan,soulh87andono-iourtu
degrees, west SO and one-fourth perches to a
sione ; lueuco oy mo iimp, eoum os ucgrees,
west fit and one-half nerches to a stone !
thence south ID and one half degrees, west
17 and eight-tenth purchos to a wild cherry
trenj thence south seventy-four deurces, west
10 perches to a post: thence by land of Daniel
rtoimr. north S3 detrrees. west 20 and cla-ht-
tenth perches to n post; thenco by land of
Chailes llerlg, north one-hair degree, east 14
perches to a stone: thenco by the saoie.south
63 deKrees, west 14 perches to a stone : thenoo
by land of Jonas Andreas, north 16 degrees,
west 8a nerches to a post : thence by land o
John Bowman, north 63 dcurecs, east 45
pcrchos to a stono ; thence by the sarae.south
62 and one-half degrees, east 160 perohes to
lha place of benlunlnK containing SIXTY
Flr'TY-EKJUT PERCHES, within said
bounds. The improvements thereon consist
of HOUSE and STAHLEand other outbuild
ings and a fine stream ot water runs through
the premises. Terms and conditions wilt be
made known at time and place ol sale, by
AsslKiieeoritudolph Vochatzer.
sept. 0, 1831.W3.
gf The Carbon Advocate
one year for $1, and Kendall's'
Horse Book as a prettiium.
A C-SHTS VTAHIEI lor the Best and Fastest,
i Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prior s
reduced 33 per cent, national rumisninu
Co., Philadelphia. Pa. inar&-ra3
CateUl. 8temWIMtm:s.a.WTtltt3Mlttnnt!n
Cam.-. InilultoiiKnUStf. builitirnldrlL CUwpe-s
undbwiirnritMnri. euttlfiurpr,l'H VMlnrita
caiuncuvir-r. 1 lit, 4pua w
January SO, 1881-jl
Towu.mcm.lUjf o. It.
Editor Cabaox .Advoqati Dear Sir;
Our township Is becoming thoroughly
aroused to the good' work nf getting every
vote out and putting in the ticket, as wa
haye alwaya done, tiraiqht. We were
brought up to that from voting tba old fash
ioned flag ticket. Eycry Democrat knows
that the Republican Icadeis counted out our
President, Tildeo and also Governor Asa
Packer, and the very Republicans that are
now candidates for offiee, going around beg
ging for our voles to elect them into county
offices, applauded tbesediabolical acts. Dur
ing tbe war they railed us copper-heads,
traitors and rebels, and even horsj thieves.
Now, when they want to get Into office, we
ara the best men that ever lived. We are
satisfied with our ticket, for on it we have a
Yankee, a German, ao Irishman, an Eng
lishman, and several good old Pennsylvania
Dutchman. ; it is a ticket of tba people
Hy the overturning ofa lamp in a biiiM
ingon Kf wall avenue, at Bradlord on Tues
day ninht. the New York House, owned bv
II. C. Hickork, and two Iraine buildings
were totally destroyed, lioss, 6(Juo.
A postal clerk named Vanhom, who re
sided in Pittsburg and run bctreen Harris
burtr and PitUburc. was arrerted at Harris-
burg Wednesday nn a ofcarge nf robbing tbe
mails. A decoy lettor was louurj upon mm
At Chambersburg, nn datiirdoy of last
week, Miuers' Secretary, D. R. Jones, con-
vlcted of conspiracy at the January court,
was sentenced by Judgo Hunter tn pay a
fine of f ICO, the costs of prosecution and
undergo an Imprisonment nf twenty. lour
hours. A similar penalty was imposed on
Hugh Anderson, Jones' co-defendant. Bait
was entered and the matter will be curried
to the Supreme court.
11 a nrc HlL.I)EUft AND. On tba mh Inst .
by Hev. J. E. Freeman, llobtrt Itabe, of
E&H Maueh Uhnnk. and Miss Emma O.
ltlldebrand, of Easton, Pa.
17111 Inst., by tbo Jtev. J b, Erb, Ueoru-,
Swarlwood, of Maueh Chunk and Alii
Eoina C. shatfer.of Walnutport.
MnVEHR OltOSS. On the VOth lnlt.. bv
Hev. J. E- Freeman, Mr Joseph Mpycra, of
ueriioivtue noriaamiuon co t. aim wn.
Cellnda UroM, or East Maueh Chunk, l a,
SOLT.inAY. At th residence of Mr. tT
roan jticiianiai, as racatrion, on mesznu
last., aios aouwarv agw apoui 11 years,
Tito County Teachers' Institute
Will be held in tbe Court House, at Mauch
Chunk, beginning NOVEMBER 14th and
continuing one week. The Lecturers from
nbroad will be Miss Tillie Bareford, Prof.
G. M. Philips, Prof. N. C. Shaofer, Prof
Edward Hrooks, Hev. Dr. Edsaii j-errier,
Hon. E. A. Apgar, and Hon. E. E Hlgbce.
The State Sunarinlendent will deliver a
Special Address to the School Directora on
Tuesday Atternoon, Novvcmbcr 10th. A
lull attendance la requested.
Sept22 w3 County Superintendent.
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Deals tn nl lslndt pml stw of Pliif. IlemWk
OulE Hint Ilmd Wqmt Iai ruber, oiul JitDowtne
patt'd to execute mi y Amount of orders tvv
BressoB Limibell
Doom, Saslios, Minds, SlmUerM,
Mouldlns-s, Cabinet TYnrc, &c,
With rroJiptueiB.
Brackets Made to Order.
tiia Machinery Is all new and of the best anil
most Improved kinds. I employ none bat Ilia
best workmen, use well seBnoueil end pool ma
tel lal, and aui Utei afore ablo to iniaraiitcr enltro
saii'tactlou to all who noy lavor inowltu a call.
Orders ov mall inoiiiplly attended to. Mv
charges are moderate terms cabh. or Inteiest
ckarged alter tulrty days.
H7- Those envaped In Builfjmg will Ann It t
Ihsir advnntnie to hive wrtlnc, Floor Dennis
Doors, nasties, abutters, &o., die. made at tltt
Focfory. -
Dr. t!. c. WasraHEKVE ana urjici TBHt
M&NT. afpecltlo lor Hysteria, Dimness, Qua
voisions, Sirvoua lieadaehe. Mental Ueqres
alon,I.os4 0f Mcmorv. .-peiina.oitlicoa. luipn.
tency. Involuntary Emission. Premature old
Aue. caused bv over cielt on. sell abuse or
over.lndutjtonce, which leaca so misery, decay
aud iieath. Ono box will cure recent cares,
r ach box con t,i ins one month' trcatrurni. Ono
rtohar a box. or a x boxes for five dolUra , acnt
br innil prepaid on recmpt 1 1 pnee. We aruar
anlee six boxen to cure any case With eaoh
.....lArmvi-rihi tmforlr boxea. accomoulu
lea wita live dollar, we xill "iid the pnrch.ia-.
or our written cuarant"' to return tno money
11 the ireaimtni noea noi cuvctji euio i,u
nnteoats-nedunlv when the tiestmonr isordtr.
ed direct irom ns JOHN O WEST & CO.,,
solo Pr-prlelor-. 1SI A IHW. Vadiaou Street.
Cb!csco,Ul. A J. DUitLIKO Afrcnt.lAhlsb-
"smith KLINE & CO.. Wholesale Atrrnt.,
rh'ladelihir eept :.'8i
nt L-lilu'hten, In thiStata of IViimj-lnoKX lbs
cIom o; buslneu, uctouer isi, 1661 :
'83.C35 31
TS.Oa 11.00
20.048 43
8,25 .US
l-l 8.41
246 73
S 6,'U.OO
J.S76 00
A complete, faithful history from' cradle to
grave, by the eminent blogra pher, Uol t om.
well. Introduction by Ills Excellency, John
1). Ijonir, tlavcrnorof-atassaehusttis. Hooks
all ready for dellvory. An elegantly tlms.
tratcd voluino. Endorsed odltion. Liberal
torms. Agents take orders forlromsi toW
copies daily Umsells any other book ten to
one. Audits never made money so fast. Thai
lonksells Itself. Experience not neet-ssaiy
Failure unknown, All make Immense pro.
Ills, i'llvale terms Iree.
oet. 15.1m. 1'ortland, Slalna.
Leans and discounts
U. S. Hindu lo feeure flreulillon ,
Other stocks. Iiond, ani m- rt7es. .
Due from itpr-roTed resorve agents . .
line from '-ther Nullonai PankR . . .
Ou from Stale Il.tnkand flankers, ratal, tarnlture. and natures.
Current exnenaea and taxes paid .
I'herta and otbr eh Items ...
Illlli, I'fotlisr I'inKa
t'racil pal pjpircurrency,nlckls, and
rrnnl, ,
Legal lender netea ......
Itadenipilen Fund lth D. 8. Tiraiu-
r.v (5 per cent- of clrcuLUle-n)
Capital itrck pjld iu
8urplua fund ,
UiidlTldMl fmOla ,
Natl nai I'ank notes on'sland n ,
IlivldeuJa Unpaid
Individual fUimkltsaul-Jact to check
CcrtlOel ehtois -
Uas tu oibar r.atlonal Hanks .
Total f.'OT.lCXta
StaU ot fvnwiriranf. fVunry ol Oartiim, rs t
I, W. W Bowman, Caabler or ihe ol'-Te-r.amtd
bank, d" solemnly swear ttut lha above tatmii.l
la tra to tba beat 01 my kcowlcdire and tellef.
V.;W. BUWiUN,Cabter.
KiibH-rlbcl and sweru Ufure me tbla 10th day ot
Oetober, 1881. g
(irrect Atteatl Tho. Uemerer. It. T. Ilr.fTWd
and A.J. Purlins, Dlrwloia. Oct. 16. IW.
. 1J,4.2.09
. $;s,'H0 0O
, 7 600 PA
. 4. M 1.75
, C7.Wlo.00
. 7S4M.0S
-. S7I.24
lt6 40
Whom It JIajr Concern.
Notice la heretiv clven to tbe publle at Urge
nol tn trust or sell any itoods. wares or mer
ehaudlse to any perron on the credit of the
underlined unless ordered by a written In
strument and signed by y john.
Oct. 15, I.wS Lshl'giiton, Pa.
TpxccutorV Notlco.
Of Vahmblo Real Estf tc.
There will he sold at public sale on lha
premises or John Krclts, deo'd, In East fenn
township, Carbon county, l'a., on
Saturday, Oct. 29th, 1881,
at 3 o'clock p. in., a certain traot of land con.
lalnlng sixty-five acres and nlncty-eiiiht
percnes and ma allowances, uujuiiioirf lanui
Krllzlngerand Iho late John Horn and oihers,
ol llaniel ilelnert, Jociiii Stelgerwalt, Jacob
upon which is erected a itsiory rrerae vei
ling Home, -.4x28 feet, and a kitchen Uxlt
feel, ami a Swiss lUrn UxoO leet and other
outbulldlnKS too numerous lo mention. Terms
and conditions will be made known at time
and place of sale, by
LJ ' V
Oct. 1, lMl-wl
r i'uivati: sAiaE.
The underslitned offers at I'rlrat Sale. th
following valuable properties, to wt;
All tbal certain valuablo lot, with the. bulH- o
Inga thereon situate cn the corner urlroa
and I.chlgU streets In tl'C borouzhol Lcbigb
ion known as the "Eehlghloa Hotel,
Also, one lot, wiihfbundatlpa walls sJrdy
erected, situate on the upper end ot Iroa
street, Lehighton.
And, thoone-and o-balf story bonae and lot,
situate on the corner of Hank iireel and
liankway, Ectilghtnn.
Alto, a Dwelllnir Homo and. Six Aaresof
lind situate In Kraukllu township, on ths
yubllo road leadlog lo Maria t'uruaca.
And, aUo, a lot of carriages, barness, fio.
Apply to
Echlghlnn Ho-cl,
Oor. Iron and XxWgh sifeeia,
Julyt, UBUtn! SALE.
Ill coll at Tn1i!l SmIm
on he premises, situate on th roid loading
irnrn Wet, sport to i-arryviu, uorKmcuun.
ty, l'a., on
Saturday, Oct. 22d, 1881, n
t 2 o'clock n. m.. all that certain f.ot of
! Oround sltua'e un iho ton of tba hll, on the
The undersigned
r.ti ra tatnmentarv on tba estate of Sam. nubile road leadlna from Wetsrport to P-trry
uel Hartman. lata or Franklin Tuwnihlp.Uar- vllle, In franklin twp conlalnlcg about
bon County, l'a, deo'd. hate been granted to three-fourths of an rre. -with, a 3-Mory
the undersixned. o whom all persons Indob'- Frame Iiwalllott llunsa, UxStS fett.and kink
ed to the said estato ara requested to make en attached Jxasfeet.and other i-nlhotliilDia,
payment within six weeks, and all perrons and Is iioud weir or water. Terms will bs)
liavlnic claims or demands will make known , made known at time au J place or sale, by
IhVsame without delay lo ! OlIAHJKH IWOWl, ,
HENRY HOVF.n, Executor. ' Attorney for the Itejn of Ja. litatn, dM,
WeUsport, Oet, 1, Ufl-wl UU.l-Vf,