The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 15, 1881, Image 3

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Local and Personal.
Tba poor sufferer that has been dosing
himself with so-callerl Troches ami thereby
upset hit stomachwlthout curlngthe trouble
lom coi'gh, should take our advice, and
use at once Dr. Bull'a Cough Syrup and get
Tbe many frlendi of Mr. Dr. N. B.
Reber,of town will be pained to learn that
aha met with a very painful accident on
Saturday afternoon last. She was In the
act of lifting a trap door to go to the cellar,
when aha slipped and fell Into the cellar,
fracturing one of her wrists and receiving a
number of bruises about her body. Wo are
pleased to learn that she is again able to be
about the house.
jEnWore ordering your fall and winter
suits and overcoats, you should not fail to
Jrrip Into the .Post Office buildnlg, in this
borough, and examine the new and elegant
assortment of latest novelties In olotbs,
casslmeres, suitings and overcoatings now
opentng, and which the undersigned is pre
pared to make up In the very latest style
and most durable manner at prices fully as
low as the sstne material and workmanship
can be obtained elsewhere. Call and be
II. It. 1'ktkrs, Agent,
P. 0. Building, Lehlgbton, l'enn'a.
A strike ot coal miners at Sandy Run,
has ended, tbe operators acceding to tho
demands of their men.
Ice formed at Eaiton on Wednesday
morning of last week.
Samuel Groman, ot South Bethlehem,
was Killed by cars on Thursday of last week.
Neil Null and James MrQuiiton, horse
thieves, recently escaped from tha Clarion
Ersrsfus Miller, a brakeman on the Le
high Valley Railroad, wsi killed by cars at
Fitlston on Thursday of lost week.
&a.If vou wanta nlco amooth.eosy shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Frani
Koo.lerer s Saloon, unuer tne r.xenange Ho
tel. He will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
ES.CIocks, Watches, Jewelry and silver
wsre lor sale, and reptlrlng done at Haga
man's Store, Weissport. 25-yl.
Harry ClarkeandGcorc.rSmith .tramps,
who were arrested near Easmn a fw days
since, are believed to have been the perpe
trators ol thlr ecn safe robberies that have
bren committed in liebigh ami Nnrthanip
ton counties, and in the neighborhood of
Fhilllpiburz, N. .1., within a year.
fc88moke "The Round Head CignreS..
the best 5 cent clr in town. Try tlnyn.
For sale bv J. W. Itiudenbush, at th "ir-
bon House." 31 tf.
Mrs. Lucy Kttntx recently Bold her
handsome resilience near Cherry ville to Mr,
Gideon Frtck, and Intends now to move to
Durinir the week ending on the 8th
not., there wero Ml.Snfi tons of dal trans
ported over the L. V. R. R. making a totil
for tfie season of 4,770,468 tons, showing an
inereaseof 1,011,179 tons as compared with
tho same data last year.
jtO-Tlie best and cheapest books may
be bait at Luckenbacli s, CI Urcmdway,
Mauch Chunk. Among tbe works he of
fers for sale are tho follnwiue: Arme binz
rapliy: 12 standard books by Maeauley,
Cirlyl and olliers, bonml in one volume,
4 cents." Lives ol Chaucer, Spencer, Mil
ton. Cowper and Bmilhey, 1 volume, SO
cents. Lives ol De Foe, Johnson, Gold
smith, Scott and Thackeray, I volume, .10
cents. young's ittble (joncorunnco
Tha works of Fli vious Josephus, $2.
Tha double track ol the L. & S. R R.
Is now being graded as fur north as Walnut
port. " ' ' '
Flour, potatoes,' butter nnd milk, oil I
the necessities of life are advancing in price.
The new stack of tbe No. 8 furnace,
Bethlehem iron works, is rapidly approach
ing eomplction.
jsS'We notice that a number of our peo
dla go to Dr. J. A. Mayer, at Chunk,
to get beautiful sets or teeth ; the Dr., as un
operator, is unexcelled by any other in this
region, which lact is appreciated bv the pub
lic. jy30 l,tw.
Tbe State Superintendent will be pres
ent at tho County Institute on Tuesday,
Nov. 15th,and will delivera special address
to the school directors of the county. Ha
desires all to be present. Hon. E. A. Apgar,
State, Superintendent of New Jersey, will
also be present, nnd will give instructions
cn Geography and the use of the globe.
T-We Invite the attention of our read
ers to trie advertisement of tho Buckeye
MTg Co., Marion, Ohio, in another column.
They offer rare inducements to earn an
hnnart living. '
We would like to have the address of
any member of Battery G. Second Heavy
Artillery (ProTissinnal,) Pennsylvania Vol
untesrs, who was in the action before
Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. By com
mnnicating with this office an old wounded
comrade will be benefitted. Exchanges
please copy.
Tmcima's Examikatiok. -A public
examination on Saturday, Oct. 29, in tbe
public school building, at Lehightou, of all
applicants for schools who have not yet
been examined. All such applicants are re
quested to present themselves. No private
examinations will be granted.
Tho Democratic Judicial Convention of
Northampton county, on Saturday last
nominated W. W. Schuyler, of Eatton, for
Additioaal Law Judge.
Margaret Agnew was awarded $5200
damages at Pottsvillo on Saturday last. 8he
sued the Reading Company for causing tbe
death of her husband in 1875.
Ex-Judge Edwin Owen Parry, aged 74
years, died suddenly Monday at Pottiville,
of heart disease. Un was a leading member
of tha Schuylkill County Bar,
Freight cars built at shops in Lehigh
and Northampton counties for tba Msssourl
Pacific Railroad Company are loaded witli
ateel rails at the Bethlehem Iron Works
and sent to their destination.
Tux Sixth Comxt. Intelligence re
ceiveif at tba Warner Observatory, Roches
ter; If. Y., from Britul, England, states that
Prof. W. F. Denning discovered a bright
new comet on the 4th init. It is located in
tba constellation of Lao, right ascension 9
hours 22 minutes, declination North 16 de
grees, daily motion 30 minutts East. This
la tha sixth comet which has been seen
since May 1st, five being new discoveries, all
but two of which ware first discovered by
Americans, and it is certainly a high com
plimtnt to the industry and skill of Ameri
can astronomers that they have shown so
fine a record, Tbe total amount which Mr.
II. II. Warner has piita In comet prises
during tha past year is $1,300 which shows
that the interest taken in astronomical af
fain in this country is greatly increasing.
Mrs. Edward Burgess died in Stockton
oo Friday evening after a short Illness. Her
husband, with five small children, are left
to monrn her death. Mrs. Burgess was a
sister to William Airey, Esq., the euperln
tendentof the Stockton tnines, and was a
lady universally beloved by all who anew
her, Bha was amiable charitable and
true chrlsltau lady.
Tha next meeting of tha Bos ad of Par
doni bas been fixed for the 25tb Instant. It
tluU ., VA.1,R
jgjfr'Those of our subscrib
ers getting tho Advocate
through the mail will please
refer to tho direction tab, note
their indebtedness, and remit
the amount. In all cases
whore we have to send bills
$1.25 will be charged to cover
expenses of postage, etc.
Jacob Hochberg, employed at the Has
ard Wire Rope Works, Wllkrsbarre, fell In
to a tub of hot water and vitriol on Satur
day night ol last week and was so badly
burned tbst ha la not expected to recovor.
Jamej Campbell, an old man, died a'
the Northampton county Almshouse on
Saturday of last week of smallpox. Specu
lative Insurance risks to the amount of $00,
000 had been placed on his life.
Misses Hartman and Buchman, of Al
lentown, are tha guests of Mrs. T. D.CIauss,
of this place.
Our young friend Q. W. Nuabaum was
mndo extremely happy one day last week
It is a boy. Mother and child are doing well
Masscr Jfc Keek's tannery, at Allen
town, was destroyed by fire on Sunday.
Loss, $60,000; fully Insured.
Horses nnd carriages, at lowest rales at
David Ebbert's popularllyery on North 8t.,
this borough.
-Through the energy of our School Boord
the Principalshtpof the schools was prompt
ly filled on Monday morning, by the ap
pointment of Prof. C. E. Orlffin,of Easton,
in place of James Kelfer, resigned. Prof.
Orinin is a graduate ofLaFayetta College,
and the people may well congratulate them
selves upon such an excellent choice.
Farmers are selling potatoea on our
streets at $1.00 per bushel.
The demand for roofing slate In Lehigh
county, is reported to be rapidly on tha in
crease. The Lehigh ,-ounly R"ptibllcan Con
vention met at Bujtlau'e hotel, In South
Whitehall, on Saturday Inst, nnd was quite
largely attended. The following ticket was
placed In nomination : Prolhonotary,Lewis
Schmidt: Reamer, Joseph Saegcr; Clerk ol
Orphan's Court, A. D. Knchline; Clerk of
.Quarter Sessions, O. A. Nedj Coroner, Dr. R.
F. Snwileiij Treasurer, Samuel Sta ufer; Com
misiioners, Daniel II. Bustlnn and John
Ilutleustlne; Auditor, Alex. J. Zellner and
J.S. Weller; County Surveyor, F. J. Kistler;
Diiectorof the Poor, Daniel Fethernlf.
To the l'oiiplo af I,clil;rIiton.
Inasmuch as the people of Lchlirhton seem
to be Interested In finding out the reasons for
my resignation, and their curiosity found
vent In last week's Advocatk, I think It but
fair to all parlies that I should give mv rea
sons for my actions, and also all the circum
stances. This I shall do, giving the facts,
and let ihcm please or displease whom they
When I a"8umed the prlnclpalshlp of your
public schools, at the opening of the term, I
found that the Board or Directors had lound
It necessary to reduce the number of schools.
I promoted, or rather transferred the highest
class of the Grammar school to my room
then the highest of the Intermediate to the
Grammar, nnd put the entlie school, known
last year as cconlary No. 1, Into the Inter
mediate, thus leaving but ono Secondary
This arrangement gave each teacher In the
bulldlrg three grades, oxcept Miss Hank,
whose school was not alfected hy It. I sup
pose all know that her school, the lowest la
grade, was ton large.
On Friday, September SOth, the Hoard if
Directors met and passed tho following reso
lution: nrtolvtd, That tho Grammar si-hool bo
promoted lutiitho High school, the Interme
diate Into tne-Oramuiar, and so on through
n,i mv Krwir, mi, rrsoiuuou 10 ico lolo er.
feet on wc.lnes l.iv. Oetotier a. mm Hi Prin.
cipal of the schools to see to Its execution.
Alter careful consideration ofthe matter, I,
on Monday morning, October 3d, sent the fol
lowing letter to Wm, Rapsher, Esq.:
LuiinHTON, Pa., Oct. S. 1881.
To w, TtAMHEn. Esq.. Secretary of Le.
niuiun rcnoui iioaru ukas Mm The
resolution of the Hoard oflllicctors, relating
i.i i'iuuiuiiuii ui iuo itrnininar into ilia
lilghschool, ele., has received lull and care
fui consideration at my hands, and I would
respeciimiy say mat as 1 consider suoh pro
motion to be tireiudielal to the Inter..,, nr
the schools, I ctimot carry It Into effect as
provided fur In the resolution, I shall be
ready to meet tho Board or Directors In a,
special meeting this evcnlnx. II thty see tit
and proper, antl discuss the etlect or the car
rying out or the resolution, and alto etato
mom fully my reasons fur reluilng to carry It
out. If. twtrever, the Uoard declines to dis
cuss tho matter, or Insists upon the execution
ol the resolution, I shall deem It my duty to
tender my resignation. Inasmuch as I was
Inlormed ofthe action of the Uoard through
)ou their Secretary, I shall expect you to
advise them or this communication so that I
nay know as soon as possible, tho wishes of
the Hoard. I shall also thank you, to Inform
me. It I am desired to attend a special meet,
log. lit'speeilully,
James hurcn, Principal.
To my letter as given above I received the
following reply:
Lehiohton, Pa., Oct. 3, 1881.
Mn. jAMEsKlErun DiiinSin- Ynnr let.
ter In relation to the resolution wtiieh nn.
unanimously adopted by the Hoard, Is at
hansi, The advice of teachers Is orten neces
sary and valuable, but lu this case the Honrd
of Directors do not need It. We emeet to
control the schools. The resolution as adopt
ed must be carried Into effect. If you eannot
wm; uur uruori ana requests.we will net Some
one who will. Yours very truly.
W. M. Kavshhi, Secretary.
I hare now given to tha public, the corres
pondence that passed between me and. as I
suppose, the Hoard; hut as I find, Mr Ilap-
sner, previous to my resignation. I will now
give some of ray reasons for that step. It Is
always customary, when any such Important
changes are to be made In the schools ofa
borough, to at least discuss Iho proposed ac
tion with the Principal of the schools. In
this case, one man, Inking counsel of his own
wisdom (T) Induced the other members ol tba
Hoard of Directors to pass tha resolution
above referred to, without acy such previous
aiscussion. it was at the least, a marked
slight. Hut that la a merely personal matter.
The act of the Board took from my hands all
control ol the grading. It Is always the ease
that people blame the Principal ror all troub.
lea Incident to promotions and grading;. At
though the action of tha Hoard took from me
all control, it did not relievo me of the re.
epouslblllty. I deellne to be blamed for the
acts of other men. I had a small number of
pupils In my school, It Is true, but It was not
tha number of pupils to which 1 objected.
Tba different grades eannot recite together,
and as I had threo grades In mv school. I bad
my time tally occupied. It would be utterly
loiiosslble to do luttlce to the five grades
that the school would contain after suoh pro
motion as coatemplatad by the resolution of
September 30tb. Tha originator of this
scheme seems to have evsrlooked the fact
that tha Principal Is also Interested In the
saccess of the schools, as well as the Hoard,
butseems to evince a desire to treat him as a
mere hireling, who could be kloked about at
pleasure. I declined to be connected with
the schools when 1 knew that the act or the
Hoard made any reasonable degree or suceess
Immposslble. And now let ma say that after
my resignation, I was unable to find that Mr.
iiapsher, previous to wrltloir bis Insulting
letter to me, consulted aoy other members of
tne ueard or Directors. I would Just here
ask the eltlsans or Lehlxhton a auestlon. Is
W. M. Rapsher the whole Hoard or Directors!
Is he really heartily In sympathy with eeon-
emy.or is he alter popularity In conclusion
1 wish to sjy that I tried faithfully to do my
duty to your schools, and as to my suceess, I
am wining to ne maged by all ra r tieoola.
reel confident that yon will In fulcra be on
your watcn to sea tbst trna economv Is nraa.
tloed, and that "wolves In sheep.'a clothing"
ue uui use ine nnanciai management of your.
uisirio. as a
Thanking m;
as a means of gaining popular!!
TIellow teacbera lor iLii,Mn,.
toons and able assistance during my conns-
I r t. .... .. a
Mauoh Otronk, Oot. 1), lift.
The Coal Trade,
There Is no change In the sntbrsclle coal
trade. There It still a good demand for coal
and prices rule firm. Water Is still In about
the same demand as at this time last week,
and. Indeed, for at least a month past. At
several of the mines the supply of water la
to short that they have to haul 80,000 gall
ons every twenty-four hours, estimated In
weight at two thousand tons. This is add
ing largely to the labor and cost of mlnlng(
and are facta In themselves that ara likely
to Insure full prices of coal hence to tha end
of the season. Another check to coal pro
duction, and which will contribute Its mite
In holding up prices, Is a scarcity of cars for
moving coal West, which has provoked In
quiries In some quarters for shipment of
coal by tbe Erie Canal. With tha exception
of tha want of water for mining purposes,
and the lack of the necessary facilities for
transportation, tho supply of coal la not like
ly to be so increased as to bringdown prices
below what they now are. The supply of
orders Is very lull, and Is likely to be kept
so. Thus from every point of view the out
look for tho trade is quite encouraging, and
seems likely to to run into the next year.
ThoSe who would not bo caught during the
coming winter with a short supply of coal
should not let tha opportunity to secure it
pass. The best informed members of the
trade state that, at the present rata of pro
duction, there will not be less than 2f),000,
000 tons mined this year. The supplies at
Richmond are not large for tbe season, and
it is thought that the next large fleet of ves
sels that comes Into this harbor will reduce
the stock to a nominal amount. Large
shipments of anthracite coalpit least as large
as the supply ol cars will admit, are being
made to the West, and It was stated last
week that the Empire Transportation Com
pany had made a contract to carry about
2000 tons to Louisville at very low freight
rates. The cars that come East loaded
might otherwise be taken back empty .which
is stated to be tha reason for the low freights.
Prices are well maintained ,and it is thought
that the cold weather will so increase tho
demand that the output of the mines will
be absorbed na fast as it appears. The re
tail de tiers in this market report that they
nro busy, nnd all along the line there is an
active request for coal. The bituminous
ccal trade is reported in a fair condition,
but sales are curtailed, as we have said, by
a scarcity ofrars. There is a good business
doing in egg, stove and chestnut, and other
sites, with the exreptionof pea, are in lair
demand. As was anticipated during the
month of September, the only change made
In tha October prices was an advance in
Lykens Valley for Eastern and Southern
shipment of 25 cents a ton. The result of
the conference was disappointing to many
who were building upon an advance on tbe
preferred varietiea of at least IS cents a ton,
but, in view of tho limited business doing
in the manufacturing sites, it was thought
licst to niuke no change in the price of white
nsh ronls at present.
The total tonnngo of anthracite coal from
all the regions for the week ending Oct. 1,
as rejiorted by the several carrying compan
ies, amounted to M1,I3J tons, against 535,
V02 tons in the corresponding week last year,
an increase of 5-173 tons. The total amount
of anthracite mined lor the year is 20,523,-
240 tons, against 16,819,922 tons for the
same period last year, an increase of 3,708,
327 tons. Ltigcr, Monday, Oct. 10.
Don't I.Ike Dt-raocrntv.
WEissroRT, P.i, Oct. 10, 1881.
Editor Adyocai e : Wlnla rending
tst weK! isuo of that clasnio eirgan,
more fumilirly known as tho ' Gaiette,"
we csm to tbe conclusion that the uinn
who writes the ups ami downs for the
tha orpin, tad a very poor opinion of onr
Democrats; he like mnuy others must
biuk we are made of "rteen cheese," or
cIks the atnrditii8 which the "Gnzelte"
rontRined for the last two weeks would
have been omitted. In snid paper, of tho
issue of tho Sept. 30, nppear three letters
by the way masUrly productions and,
when we come to think of it, whnt a sub
lime and intricate mind this writer has,
so shrewd, eo stigaoions that it b.:01es all
Inscription; within its depths we find the
ability to originate these three letters,
which are intensely Irish, dated on the
same dny, at different places and relating
almost identically, to Iho same thing. It
is canons nnd lasghnblo to think that
any man especially one v ho wants to be
master-mind should have the least
idea that he could "hood-wink," in such
a burelaced and coouterliiting manner.
Oomorntio vottrs. We coutend that
said letters were counterfeits as coming
from any reliable Irish-Democratic
source, becauae it would be a wonderful
coincidence, that three minds should beat
as one; have tbe same thoughts, same
ideas and contributed on the s.ime day;
only differing a little in tbe phraseology
unit manner in whtoh they are put. If
this is not maudlin jabber, we do not
know what it U. Last week's Issue is
snore dishonest aud inconsistent than be
fore. Dishonest because it tells it read
ers that the Philadelphia "Times" is the
leading Dcmrcratio journal of Pennsyl
vania Anyone that reads the "Times"
und is couvtreant with its political status,
known that it ii a barefaced fabrication
and carries with itself deceit. Inconsis
tent, because in one article or paragraph
it advises one tbing and in another re
pudiates it. Iu an article advising the
Democrats to concentrate nnder the
leademhip of Judge Pucker, ha calls up
on them to vute the Republican ticket, to
amitfcli tbe Democratic Iliou. or as be
terms them, the "KlotxiUs." While on
the otter baud, in another article, advo
cating the election of Gen. saje,
"Let overt Republican do his duty and
vote ter Gen. linily. and advuoute the
sniatMug of the Republican tnaohiue
withiu the party organization. It is a
p ior pulley to bolt aud let tbe enemy in
to power. "O, consistency tLou art a
jewel I ' We ate inclined to tbiuk, and
know for s certainty, that tbe Democrats
ol this immediate vicinity, will take tbe
latter advice and vote tha Btraight Demo
cratic ticket aud run the risk to smash
the maobiue within the party Hues But,
praises to ibe Democratic voters of Ci
oi u county, tnsy never nave toIeraUU a
machine or any 'bosses.' Our Democrat.
io voters are, and have been, as free as
the air aud the peer ot any man; not ab
ject, crouobing slaves like tbe Republi
csurvt 1879 and 1881 were. 1879 is tbe
most notable because Saturday eveulng
before the meeting of the Republican con
vention, in a dark room tbe 'bosses' of
the party of "moral ideas" met and find
the slate that was put through the con.
vention Mouday succeeding. Shifting
Wbbr Irom Sheriff to Prothonotary and
filing o i Kuons for Sheriff, choking off
such a respectable man and good citlteu
as 6s, 8. Webb, by promising blm the
nomination to 1882, Houo
Welraport IfefH.
Our friend Wm, H. Oswald, was on
a short vlatt to Philadelphia, on Wednes-
and Thursday of last week, engaged iu
buying a new stok of goods for the store
house of Joslih W. Ruch. "Chal." at
tended to tbe duties of cleric while Will,
was absent.
The east end or the Rolling Mill, In
the vicinity of what is commonly known
as tho "Camel-back," was set on fire by
A passing coal train, on Wednesday
morning last, but was speedily put out
before any damage was done. This is
the second timo the works have been set
on fire.
Rev. Gross, of rarryvillo circuit, fill
ed the pulpit, and preached to a large
congregation, in tha evening, in the
Evangelical Church, on Sunday, the 2d
lust. Ills remarks were considered very
acceptable. It was an elcquent sermon.
The boisterous crowd of half-grown
boys, who let loose at the Central Depot
on Sunday morning last, would do a
great deal bitter to conduct themselveB
in a more orderly manner tu the future,
If they intend to gaiu tbe respect of tbe
people. We can term the nbovo intrud
ers "young men of statue," but "not ol
principle. No, not by a good deal.
It is rumored that it is tha intention
ol the Rolling Mill toll.s to remove, or
build a now Guide Mill, on a nioro se
cluded spot, on tho Company's grounds,
iu Lehighton. If this be tbe case, it will
be adding another improvement to the
business interests of that borough.
Miss Mary V. Diltcrllue, aud ber lis
ts.' Mattle, returned home from their
late visit to Allentown, on Saturday lost
Ercrio Feuticr is at present having
bis dwelling bouse repainted, and other
wise repaired. This Is a much ncu'.cd
improvement, and ados much to the ap
pearance of the luildiug. The work is
under the supervision ol Frank O. Merlz,
who is quite a skilled workman iu that
The many friends of Dave O'Brian,
will be pained to learn that he has been
quite indisposed for the post few weeks.
We hope he may be speedily restored to
his lormer health.
Miss Delia Solt, an accomplished
young ludy of Lehigh Tuunery, paid this
place a visit during last week. Miss Sol',
in her short visit to the people of this
place, gained quite a large number of ac
quaintances and friends. Sho lett for
her home Inst Saturday,
For a temperance meeting held iu
the Evangelical Church, on Monday eve
ning last, conducted by W, W. Bowman,,
of Lebigbton, a programme was provid
ed nnd filled tu tbe extreme satisfaction
and enjoyment ofa crowded bouse. The
platform, during the evening was occu
pied by the following speakers: Rev. J.
C. Bliem, of Blutiugion.Hon. Levi WoLtr,
of Aqu'isliicolu, Wm. Craig, of Lehigb
Gap, and others. Iu bi gluningnnd cl s
iug bis spetch tbe latter speaker 8' ng a
short temperance Bong. Ouixt.
Letter From I.tiiikforil.
Ma. EniTon: I write these few lines to
iafonu you that the Democratic ticket takes
well up beta, and rest assured that if you
in the lower end do as much as the mining
regions do for it, every man on it will be
elected. Of course, tho Republican candi
dates are going around begging Democrats
to vote fur them, and to cut tha Democratic
ticket so that they can be. eltvted, but tir,
that is too thin, etui it won't go down this
year. Every Democrat knows that tho lie-
publicans cheated and counted out Pre si-
lent Tildcn for us, and that they did tha
sam&thlng with Asa Packer when he ran
for Governor. They tried to count out
Judge Meeudscn too, when ho was fairly
elected Associate Judge, but Ihey badly fail
ed. These dirty political tricks were all ap
plauded by tbe Kepnbliean ring leaders, and
now tbey have the audacity, Mr. Editor,
and the cheek, to expect Democrats tbroueh
out the couuty to vole them in oflfce. Then
they will kick out all our tax-collectore and
get the Commissioners' Clerk, Mercantile,
Appraiser, and everything else. How many
of them would vote for a Democrat, do
you suppose? Tbey must think we are lu
natics. It looks much as if our State Treas
urer would be elected, and we want Carbon
county to give a good majority. Reigel nnd
Hurleman ain't of much account up here aud
they will Gnd it so after the election. Alt
our candidates are honest and capable, and
If you of the lower end do your duty tho
question will be settled largoly in our favor
Tbe Republicans are using money, but wo
don't care for that. Money caunot buy
everything, and principles especially. If
Sensinger and his friends do as much for
Gallagher, as Gallagher's men do for him,
they will both run well. We want to keep
the county s'raight, and not have it said
that the lower end is against tha upper end
Let every man go in for finning this time.
Give us tbe whole ticket straight.
Lansford, Pa., Oct. II, 1881.
"Wild Creek Item;.
Eggs are 20 ceutsper dczenandbut
ter 30 cents per pound.
We bad a pleasant call from George
Minehart, on Monday.
Mr". Kkintop is tbe happy man it
is a girl.
George Haydt is again able to be on
bis feeMhanks to tbe skill of Dr. Stroup.
Some of our farmers are throu
cowing their grain, some are busltfug
com, and others are digging potatoei
The wells in tbis vicinity aru alncst
Mrs. Mury Wilderman, of Fliiladel.
phia. wbo has bad a bousa put up here,
left for tbe above place last week to ship
ber furniture. She returned Monday und
moyed iuto ber new home ou the same
Typhoid fever bas not yet disappear.
ed in this vicinity. Perry, a son of Nath
an Smith, is very low with typhoid and
Mr. S and daughter are down with soma
kind of a fever. We hope they may soon
Henry B. Christman.of near Tracbs-
illo whohad been conflued with typhoid
fev r for several weeks, departed this life
ou Sept. 30,aud wot buried in Jerusalem
Uemelrry on Monday UcU 3rd. aged HI
years, b months and 17 ilays. Key. A.
M Strauss conducted tbe funeral services.
Text. St. Murk 115. The Jerusalem
Sunday school, of which be was a mem
ber sang appropriate bmns.
-A. W. Bertolet, of Allentown, Advanel
Agent for tbe Osborne Combination trouM,
was In town last Thursday and Friday.
Bert understands his business and is lull of
J'get up and get."
For tbe week ending on the 7th Inst.,
there were (8,Ii tons of coal shipped over
the L. k 8. Railroad, raaklog a total ol 3c
itSSid tons for the season to that date, and
showing an Ineresse of 610,507 tons aieo ni
ps red with tba lame date list year.
From theJMy Seat
Bamuel Wandler, wanl of Gen. Chas.
Albright, dee'd, and who resided with his
guardian fora number of ycars,tatety arriv
ed at the age of 21, aud left for Hamburg,
Germany, on Wednesday, to visit relatives.
lie expects tu be absent several years. He
was accompanied as far as New York by
Mrs. Albright. Wo wish hltn a pleasant
and safe Journey.
Miss M. La Van, who bas, for a number
of years.been witb Mrs. John D. Bertolette,
of this place, has been visiting her friends
In and n round Reading, Pa., returned home
on last Tuesday aftor in absence of several
James llyndmnn.f sou of Mark Hynd-
man,) and, who has been for a number of
years, chief opera tor for the C. It. R. Co., of
N. J., at this place, but who had gone
West to his parents during the week, we
are informed that ha Intends going to Ell
mboth, N. J., where ho has accepted a po
sition with tho same Company,
F. B. Morris is having a flag pavement
put down In front of his residence, a good
and heavy stone to take the place of his old
stone pavement, and judging from the op-
-pearanco ofthe material; it will nut only
be substantial, but permanent.
Milton Dunmick, eon of (M. M. Dim-
tnick, dee'd.,) tins returned from Eurupe,
and is again in our midst, and appoares
much improved In health.
We are sorry to learn that Win. R.
Butler, son of A. W. Butler, of this place, is
indisposed and confined to this room. We
hope lie may soon recover to his usual
Mr. Fred VnnDoren, fornicr.illy one of
the clerks In the Lehigh Viillcy office of
this placo, but has now, charge of the New
Market station, at N. J., was in town on
Monday and visited his old friend i.
The session's Court of this week was
rather a slim affair. A few cafes were iis-
Jiosecd of by trial Ihcro were nineteen
rases on the list, nnd only three true bills
returned hy the Grand Jurv. Most of the
cases wore either settled or pestonel.
Suout.D Be. Wages should be raised to
correspond with tha high prices for provis
ions, some of our capitalists should rmr-
chase tho lower foundry and put it in suc
cessful operation. Tlio New Jersey Hail-
r ad Company should put up a new depot
in this place. The old one is bcromiuga
hissing and a by-word" to all passers by
and is a discrcdltto thecotnpany.nnd a dis
grace to the towu. A stone or plank walk
should be laid from John C. Dolan'a dwell
ing to the Diinmick bouse, also from the
Dunmick house to the New Market house.
All wholesome laws should be strictly cn.
forced for the safety ot society. Going in
debt shuuld be avoided as far as possible.
Economy should be practiced by all, and es
pecially by those who dispose of and control
public funds, in order to reduce the taxes.
All men should have their lives insured, for
the benefit of those who are dependent u 3-
on them. All buildings, whether public or
private, should be insured.
The old Btove in the Protbonotnry'e of
fice has been renioved,and a new and tancy
one put in its place. It may be an improve
ment in appearance, but we doubt whether
it will be in comfort and convenience.
While wo welcome the rain and bail it
witb delight, we nevertheless regret that the
weather during Fair week was so inclement
and unpropitious, for we have no doubt that
n number of persons have been disappoint
cd in their expectations, and especially tbe
politicians and contributors. Wo advise the
managers of the Fair hereafter to consult
Vennor in regard to the weather, for it has
become a fact that it almost invariably rains
hero during Fair week. Why it thus?
Hip Creek ItcniK.
Mr. D. 8. Harpel and wife, of Harris
burg, on Friday of last woek, were here on
a visit to bis parents-
-Mr. llandiverk, whole a candidate for
Rogister aud Recorder, on the Republican
side, was at this place on Friday of last
week, and while hcie gave us a pleasant
J J. Kemcrer recently purchased a
colt of Levi Horn, of East Weissport.' Con
sideration, twenty-eight dollars.
Jacob Buck, of Danielsyille, Northnmp
ton county, father of our esteemed friend,
Paul Buck, ot this place, died un Friday of
last week, and his body was interred in tho
Evangelical cemetery, of that place, on
Tuesday morning. A very large concourse
of people followed his remains to their last
resting place. He had attained the rine
ago oi.eigiiiy years.
The teniperanco question is making
some stir in Franklin, and we should not
bo surprised if the party wll from thirty to
tony votca ibis tall, lor Btate Treasurer.
The greater part of our farmers lake lit-
tie or no interest in our county tulr. Gen
tiemen, this ought not to be so.
We had a pleasant call from Mifs Mary
A. Suyder, of Williamsport, on Monday
lust Miss Snyder Informed us that she
will open her school in East Welssnort. on
ilondoy, October 31st, for a term of five
months. She is well pleased with the Di
rectors for raising ber salary four dollars per
-Mr. Paul Buck, of this plaoe, is bul.ld-
mg a earn at present on tne Heydl s prop
erty, which be purchased recently.
-rCharles Driesbach. Josiah HarDel. and
W. E. Kemerer, of Big Creek, were serving
as jurors, at uourt, one aay tnis week.
Our farmers are busy at present husk
ing corn.
Seeding is about done for thisseason.
Sudden Ocatlr.
t Is our painful duty this week to record
the sudden death of Mr. Wm. Wagner, form.
erly a resident of this borough and for two or
three terms Its Ohler Burgess ; but who.some
two or three years ago, moved to Plymouth
Meeting, MontKomery county, this 8 1 an,
where he has been following the peaceful Ufa
ofa larmer. On. Monday evening last be
oama to this borongh and on Tuesday morn
ing wen to Millport, and while walking
alongthe street fell to the ground, and be
fore help could reach him he was dead. He
ceased was born In Millport this county, In
tne year ls:, and was one ol oar oldest and
most highly respected cltliens The funeral
will take place this (Saturday) morning, at
8 o'clock, at the Lower Towamenslng church.
Mr. it Mrs. Henry Osborne, with their
celebrated Dramatio Ot mpany. will ap.
pear in ucnool Jl.ill, tbis borough, on
Saturday eveulng next, tho 15th inst.,
upon wbicloccasiou tbey uill prestnt
the beautiful dnmestio diauia, entitled
"Kathleen's Oddities," and tbe "Only Of
home's Dream." Admission 35 aud 60
cents. Reserved seals at E. H. Snyder's.
Let there be a lull house they are good,
-Our county fair tbis week was well it-
tended, especially so on Thursday. Taking
Unto consideration tbe lateussof the time
for holding tbe fair and the long drouth,
tbe exhibition were fully up to the average.
The rain on Thursday aftern-mn hastened
tbe departure of many ol the visitors. All
else passed of satisfactorily.
Rev. James A. Little, of Jlokendaurjua,
exchanges next Sabbath, October loth, with
Rev. J. R. Doremus.of SuinmltUill.McKle
rstor of tb Presbytery oftshigb.
A Republican Caucus Nominates
David Davis for President
pro to of tta Senate.
"Washington, Oct. 12.
Tho Republican Senators in
caucus this afternoon dctei in
ined, by a two-thirds vote, to
nominate David Davis for Pres
ident pro tempore, and Davis
will probably accept. The
Republicans will try to oubt
Rayard and elect Davis to
morrow. The Democrats will
firmly resist. If they fillibuster
the Republicans eannot effect
their purpose; but it is not
believed that they williillibus
ter. The Democrats resolw d
this afternoon to force the
fight on Secretary of tha Sen
ate, but the Republicans have
come to no conclusion about
that office.
The dicker with David
Davis comprehends, it is be
lieved, the ousting of all
Democrats in Senate offices
and the substitution of Re
Iho Democrats will adhere
to their present position on
the committee question, but
the Republicans will try, with
Davis help, to revive the
standing committees of the
last session.
It is said to-night that a
scheme is under consideration
to secure for David Davis, in
the event of his declining to
stand as a candidate to dis
place Bayard, the tender of
the position of Attorney Gen
eral in Arthur's Cabinet, with
a view of gettmij him out of
the benate and replacing him
with a Republican who will
attend caucuses and heed their
dictation. This programme,
however, is of doubtful utility
as Mr. Davis has recently said
in a verrv positive manner
that he would not accept a
Cabinet appointment.
Dtvld Ilartman.a prominent citizen of
iiaucasicr, aiea ou Moniitiy, agea 7u years.
Mrs. Mary A. Ellls,of Heading, died sud
denly ou Saturday while reading her Bible.
Charles McOorgan was killed at New
Haven, Fayette county, on Saturday by
lulling uown a snail.
Mrs., an old lady, of Dawson,
tayctte county, was Instantly Hilled onsat.
unlay by a fall down stairs.
Abe Weilcr, a well known ticket scalncr.
was arrested Monday at Pittsburg, and is
held for a hearing. He threatens a suit
against the l'eunsylvauia Railroad Cum
psny for damages in comequenco of his er
John Ainsworlh, of Altoona, was run over
and killed by cars on Satuiday.
John B. Hamilton, a brakeman. was kill
ed by cars near Corry, ou Friday.
Hon. R. J. C Walker, of Williamsport.
recently paid Siai.'.ua as taxes ou real es
tote in that city.
Alexander Reynolds, a prominent mflnu
factururof iron at Kittuuninz, Armslronz
county, tiled ou Friday, aged 72 years.
Two masked men robbed the house of
John Light, near Lebanon, on Saturday
morning oi about $31).
Maggie Carrol died at Chester on Satur
day from burns received by the explosion of
a u,t iisiup.
The wages of the hands in the Viaduct
Uolllng Mill at CoalesvllJe nave been vol
untarilv increased S per cent.
A wrestling match at Titusville on Wed.
nesday between Jack McGraw and Henry
Edwards for the championship of the oil re
gions and J7J was won by Aicuraw,
Emerson, Smith & Co., saw manufactur
ers at Beayer Falls, Braver county, have
voluntarily Increased tne wages ol tnelr
men x3 cents per day.
Samuel Riddle, owner and operator ol
the extensive cotton mills at Olen Riddle,
Delaware county, bas reached his 83d year.
lie engages actively in his business daily.
John Batman, a carpenter, aged 50 years,
bung himself in Norristown ou Tuesdsy.
He bad been a sufferer from malarial fever
and became despondent.
Silas Stackhouse, sged 87 years, aociden
tally fell into a watering trough at Kennet
square on Monday and was urownea.
Domesllo afllcliucs caused .Job Cbisler,
oi ureeusuoro, ureece county, to laae nis
mo by snooting on baiurtiay lasi.
William Laird, an aged cititen of Mur,
raysvllle, Westmoreland county, was kick
ek to death by a horse on Saturday.
Ealen by Ilut.
Pottsiowm, Oct. 7. In an old, weather
beaten framo house,bclonging to theScbuyl
kill Navigation Company located along tbe
Schuylkill Canal, one mile east of Potts.
town, for the past three years lived Alexan
der Sassainan, a man whose reputation foi
honesty was damaged some years ago by his
conviction and imprisonment for larency.
He had refused a borne with cither of his
childrrn, one or two of whom reside in
Potutowu.and preferred to remain entirely
by himself. He bad frequently harbored
tramps and when It became known to day
that he was dead it was supplied he had
been murdered. Mrs. Sarah Eisenhower,
bis daughterliscovered hie body this morn
murning. When the entered the house she
was borri6ed to find her father lying on bis
back on tbe steps leading from the base.
ment to the first floor, dead- His head was
thrown back, bis eyea and mouth were wide
open and his bowels protruded from a hole
In his stomach. Tbe scanty furniture in
the room, which bad been left In confusion,
teemed to betoken a struggle. Everybody
believed it was a case of murder until tbis
afternoon, when the Coroner's jury met.
Then Dr. A. it. oavage, wno nad inane an
examination, gave It as bis opinion that tbe
bole in Iho body bad not been made by a
murderous instrument, bat tbst it wss tbe
I work of rats. There was no blood about the
body and. although soma people yet be.
' llcve that Bassaman was killed, it is the
geueral opinion tnal lie died suddenly and
I that the rats' took itossesalon ol his body.
He was over seventy yeans of age and there
are some suspicions that It lo another case
1 oi insurance
Erjg'aaraiu f
Tho woolen and cotton mill of Charles
II. I,andenberger,on Randolph street,above
Columbia avenue, Philadelphia, was en
llrely detniyed by fire Wedm-sday night.
The flames spread so rapidly that many of
tho hands, who were workinji'over-tlme,"
and some of whom were glrls.bocatne panic
stricken, and jumped from the windows en
thethlrd,fnurthand filth Iloors to the ground.
Six of them were killed, and a large number
were It la feared,, fatally Injured. Thry
wsre removed to their liiimes, to St. Mary's
and the Episcopal Hospitals.
A PukillVU fUL't.
Dr. rivrrva Diamond Hutui-rli Ttmft.!.
will cure the worst ca-o of Catarrh er Hay
Dr. Evury's Diamond Invlgoratnr gives
.un mm 9kieiii!ii, invuiai Him uiijbicui,
kes the comiilaxlmi clear, white and
lutldll. I'imtilllit (W. Horn thn A.I.
LflilBliruil .llurkrtir
Hour pi r sack
Duck wheat flour ber sack ,
M 54
, vl
. 1 80
. 70
, 1 8
, 1 40
t;om, per bushel
Dais, per bushel
Mixed Uhop, percnt ,
Middlings, iiercwt
IJorn Ithup
nrnn, per owi
Iluttcr.pnr pound
Kgi;s, per ilot.-n
llatn, per puuml ,
Lard, nor Di.uml
1 10
shr.uldors, in r jiotitid ,
I'uiaiovs, ptr ouinei ......
stock nnrKet.
Oln'tng prices of liMliVK.x ,t Town8nd
uwcii, Mnvernmcul ami uoid 41) rtoutli
Third Stretd. Ililla., Ojt. 13, lf-81.
17. S. e's. 18.1 Ext bid anlicd
U. 8. Uurriucy, 130 bid atlted
U' .4. 6,1S81, new, Kit. cgl' LM 100 asked
11. M. 4K. new lit; Mil 13 a, Hod
U. S. i'eunw hU bid
ennsianla l(. It...... 04 but
6 ask i-d
hi asked
J4 asked
k asked
H asked
CQ asked
21 asked
40 asked
Hhlla. Si Ri-adlna- K. It Be Mi
I.nlilHh Valler It. R.... C0U Md
I.i lilah U'al&Nor.Co.. Ifi'i ii d
Unlled Co'a o! N. J Its bl 1
Northern Central It. It. 49 M
Ilrstonvlllo Pass. It. It. 19U bid
Pitts. Tit. &. Dutr. It. R. 2-sj hid
Oontral Transportation. SV bM
Nortliorn Paolhul'oin... 37 bid
H asked
" I'rord.. 77U bid H ko
North Penn. R R bid 60 asse.
Phil. & Krlo R. R 19! 1,1,1 ;o aske.
Oliver, iirauce,;.
!'; b'ld asked
Tho fbllowlnir statement of Win. J. nouirh
lln, of doiuervllle, JM ass.. Is an remnrkable Hint
we Leg to ask lor II the attention of onr
ers He sais: "In the full of 15701 was tnk
en with h violent iiustniMQ of the ttxo,
ivnunuu iv a i-cert, i-'iukii. & soon ucxnn io
lose inv annctlto and tl:sh. I wns o weaw at
ono tlmo that I could not lenvo my bed. In
iuo lumiacrui isn i wus nuinuieu toinei ny
Hospital, M hllethrro the doctors said I bud
a huln lu tny left lung as Mir as a balfi'.ollar
I expended over a hundred dollars In diciors
snd medicine. I wa so far gono at one tlmo
a report went around that I was dead. I gave
up hone, but a friend told me of nR. WM.
laughed at my Mends, Ihloklng that my caso
was Incurable, but I got a bottle to satlsf)
tlieni, Whoa, to my eurnrlse and gratlflcatli-n,
dead, began to revive, and to-day I fcol in bet.
lev. spirits man j nnvc tne past inrce years.
N. write this hoping you will publish It, so
that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs
will be Induced to take Dlt. WM. U,L!, S
UALSAM FOR TUB LT'tfOS, and be con
vnlccd that OOtfsUMPl ION Can be Cured.
I have taken two bottles and can positively
say that It has done more good than oil Ui
otner medicines 1 havo taken since iny sick
ness. My cough Las almost entirely dlsap.
neared and 1,81ihI1 si-ou be able io go to work."
Sold by A, J. DcHLino. Lehlgbton, nnd all
druggists. Deo. 18. lSSO-yloow
Tbe REST SALVE In the world for Cuts.
Chappo.l Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freokles and Pim
ples. Tho Salve Is guaranteed to srlve perfect
satisfaction in every rase or money refunded.
Ue sure you ct HENRY'S (JAiillOLIO
SALVl., as nil others are but Initial lone.
T1 -.. I . T ' I n . . .51. ... TV. I
r rice z cents, ror suie oy nil urinrum
evcrrwhero. Dec. 18, 1830-Jleow
nun hoi'.si: PovYUEns
Are the only Horse and Poultry Powders that
Hive universal satisfaction. If tha Powders
do not give satisfaction, the Druaglst will re
turn your money, ucc. is, imu yieow
BANK WAY, a short distance above
the Lchljch Valley R.R.' Depot,
We are now fully prepared to execute every
description of PR1NT1NO, Irom a
Visitni Carii to a Large Poster 1
Shlprlng Tags,
BUI Heads,
Letter Heads,
Note fields,
etc., i.e., In Best Manner, at
Reasonable Prices !
The underlined off. rs at Private Sale, tbe
following valuable properties, to wit:
All that eerUIn valuable lot. wllh tbe build.
lo-ri thereon, situate rn the corner of Iron
and Lebljib streets In tt borough ol Lehigh.
Ion anown as ine "ienigmoa num.
Also, one lot, wtthfunnJatlira walls already
erected, situate on tha upper end ol Iron
street, jjeniynion.
n nu, ino uucnuu u-uii,wiii .uu .,.
situate on the corner ol Rank stroet and
Uankwiy, Lehlabton.
Also, a Dwollln-; House and sis Acres of
land annate in I ranaun townanip, on loo
publlo roaa isaaing to aiaria x urnace.
And, also, a lot of carriages, harness, So.
Apply to
I.ehlKhlon Hotel,
Cur. Iron and Lehigh streets.
Julys l&
At! nerions ara herebr forbid rocddllnc
with a IIRHIVN HORSE, loaned Vr me to
PETER awAHTWiiuu, oi mauonmis vai.
ley. Carbon county. Ha., as the same Is ray
property U Y. iJLKPPINliKH,
sept. U, ISSl-wJ. Leblghton, Pa.
Tn tho Court of Common Pleas of
4. 1 nrbuu 1 oitiiy :
on, trustee oi nvn, cumi, ,..its
Sled his account up to July, 1st, lssi, the
IftWS Will UQ cuuiuitii n, bia, ,,tv.,vwww.
Term by the Court, unless obieeted to.
' akoROE W. ESSER.
Sep. St, 1881-wt. Fiotbonotary.
Notice Is hereby glve- that an Application
will be made to tbe t'oqrt of Common Pleas
of 'arbon Countv for tha dissolution i f ''The
Lehigh Dutldlnic and Loin AsipetAMouftif
Lehighton, Pa.," at October Term of 'Court,
Its- All visvui iuisie,iy ,, f,vta issv
HOIIQT ut ins ,iu.
W. M. HAPSUER, Solicitor
BiptsmbM :. 1M.
am i u: J l w ijuw
TO Kettle Qnality not Qaantity Isr
tu& aiesi impcrtarice ; next is ltff
Knowledge and Emenenco to Cj
rectly Prepare aud Dispense tlie sames
Drue & Family IMMae Store,
Bunk Street,. Lehighfon,
Yonoin always rely unor arttln STRICT
LY Pure and unadulterated.
Drugs and IVledicineSr
PURt.INlf. carrh-s tho larifts' stock of
PAVKNT MElUi INrS it the coutny.
IIURL1NO hasauelennnt strek of DIUTO
(llSTtl SIJNDI.ns, FVNl'V nnd Tt'I
LET AR'HiOiKS Tor the ladles as wollas
ihe uenls
POW'UEliS a spccl ilty Ills 'J3yors ex,r.
Isncr In the dru business ulvts blm a xrcat
advantnge In th t lint.
always a large stock on hand.
VINrau,l L10.T OIIS. both forelirn and
domestic, He 1ms Cllinon tlrnpe Wine nmt
a Dry Catawba Wine. Just splendid an.t
lamest uj'ortinunt In t)nn,
Oo to UUHLINU'S whh your prescrip
tions QutoDURLINu'S for your Patenw
Oo tn IU'rlLlNO'SforyourfKneyart'chs.
Fanners aud horsemen K"to IU'Rl-IKU
for J cur tlorso aud Cattlu Powdeis.
atitf. 'S i 1.
s -
gSgPThe Carbon Advocate
one year for $1, and Kendall's
Horse Book as a premium.
AGnrf3 Va1!7& tor tho Rest ami F.istest
Selling Pictorial Rooks nnd Bibles Prices
reduced S3 per cent. Natlouul Publishing
Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. uiar6-m3
,Wtet PlcnW!'!,tAinuntliie
t)fc aDjbc.trrn.o pwu!t.l,ttri!S. Yl!ilr!,'
4 ?lvtn?.Mi U Co. laNlMiut.X.Y
wi . iimi.iiunptitits. ww ikoih, n vi...,t
January , USt-jl
LEIIIQIlTOX, PA., has the Lerjest ana
ilost Extensive Stock of
ever offered In this borouuh. and to which I
Invito the special nttentlon of ray custutrrrs
and Ilia public K.uerally, as I am prepared to
offer extraordinary Inducements In
Hats, Caps, to,
and I Invite mynumerons friends and patrons
to call and examlno my stock bofore makluu
their purchases elsewhere, as I am prepared
to give special, inducements to au
Reuicmbor. LEWIS WEISS
Post-Omce Uulldlntf, Lcbtabton, Pa.
Sept. io.
. Saloon -Keepers anl Ofes,
Don't fall to buy your
Cliampaigne Pear Cider,
Lager Beer,
Iloofc Beer,
Porter, &c,
Aug. U, 1881-Iy.
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Deals In all klud and sizes of fiur, Hemlock
Oalc and nard W'ooo Lumber. and lanowpie
pared to execute usy uraount of orders lor
BrosseB LumbeR
Doors, Smiles, HHntls, Sliullerv,
Sloultlhtgfi, Cabinet Ware, Ac,
Willi i'ro.aptacse.
Brackets Made to Order.
The Machinery Is nil sew raid ot the best and
most Improved kinds. 1 employ none but lh
best workmcu. u.e well aeawned aud stood loa
trria I, and au the: etore ablo to ptiai aatec enure
saufactlou to all whomaylavor mewttb a mil.
Orders uv mall piouiptly attended to. Jlv
rlmipca are moderate, terms cabb, or intriest
charged alter tiilrty days.
tV 1 ho eneasert lo Build na will find tt t
i heir adrsnutce to h-vo WiHou, sine, nrrt
Poors, r-asiica, rhut'ers. c.. Ac. nirde at tnl
The underslensd Is now prepared to supply
tbe very best LATT1MEK COAL atthe fol
No. Chestnut, by the eir tin
Na 1 the oar ITS
Store, by tbe car aba
lly the Sinn's lni "5 cents per ton additional
Dealer In
Genebai, Habdware, &c,
Opposl to t be Tubllc Bijusre, B ANK TE ET.
LCIIIO U inn, PA. nnv.13.ls73
Dr r. f. WKrVaTtCBTK and JUiAHt Tarsi
MUST. a'po- itte ior listeria. UUrit, , On
Tulsifoa, fiivnuis Siedicbo Uei'Ui1 ljrpras
siod.LouoI Mtiar. petma ouhms, I ir po
tency, lnvoinularv Bmli oo. rnuisture ulit
Aire, caused br ovicxei ton. telf abuse or
ovor-U'tn'eoncf, tt-;U lss to siiserv. decsr
aud death. Ou box will cure iccect cat a.
Kaeh oox ennt, piaoae u.nntb'arxstitiDfai. (tus
doiiarabox nr six orxc-far Uve doilsra att
br mail prepaid on rrc- ipt ut pilie. We inur
antee alx Coxes to tre any care W tn each,
mder iwoivedb. uafot -Ii boxes, sccojjoan
lea with Uvedol'.v. we will s.iid the mrcbta
er our written cuaivater lorciura th runn.T
II Ihetreatmuitdoea not effect a cure Unar
aetata (wand culv wben tletrtti'est uord r
ed direct irom as J1HN O WEel' A r.0.,
Sol Pr-'prieUre. Hi A us W. V-iM. u Urreet.
Cttcno.IU. A J. DUULISG. -jent,Lh'tt.
tan. Pa.
RMITUKUNKfiCO,, Wholesale Aran
rjlads'.tu ssirt -C'l-lf