H' v Mor.TiHMKn, KDITOlt LHItiallTON. tA.t 8ATPRPAY,OCTOnEU 15, 1881. Democratic Ticket. STATE. ftTATIt JRCASURFIl, ORANOK NODU;, of Erie. JUDICIARY. - ASSOCIATE JUDO, HARRY K. rACKER.of Mauch Chunk. COUNTY. BAMtJEb niCKEUT.orSummltHlll. RKomTin xvo nrcnrtoaR, Cin. HENRY K. 8VTARTZ, of Kidder. COMVIdSIOKP.RS, JOHN J.flALLAaltEn.uf Banks, E. SENSINGEK, orFrauklln. SAMUEL ZEIOENFU83, of Lower Towa menstng. J. W. HUNTER, of Wcatbcrly. wfn.rrjs KTAti'i'i.init rtoiit. Charles S. Wolfe, tbe Independent Itc publican candidate for State Treasurer, is pontine '10t Bot an5 S'1C" 'nl "ie ranks of tbo Cameron-Quay ring. 1IU object is to swash tbe mncbiuo tvud hU mcaeM iu (bat direction in November it now without question. Ho will not be elected himself he knows that nnd has known it from the start, but his effective efforts on the stump will defeat S. M Daily the Sing candidate. He has been telling some startling Etories in his can toss and he can substantiate every state ment he has made. Mr. Wolfo is terribly in earnest, and hs has fortified himselt with facts. His Btatemeuts are worthy of more than passing notice. They deserve the earnest consideration of every good citizen of this Commonwealth. He says that when tbe present Shite Treosurfr Butler, went into office ho found an im mense snm of money represented only by comparatively worthless duo bills. War ranto on the Treasury conld not be cash ed, holders were glnd to sell at a discount nnd school hoards could not draw tboir appropriations. Tills was due to the spec ulations of Gov. Hoyt, Secretary Quay and Iilfiko Walter, Cashier of tbe Treas ury nuder Noyce, who used tho money of the Stato to buy etude oil certificates.and then tried to lobby through the Legish turn n lax on oil. Their scheme failed and the money was lost; but Senator Cameron and Harry Oliver. made thim Sflves' responsible f(r the amount This happened in 1879 according to Mr. Wolfe Tucrb men had tied up (not to use a harsher term) $?50,000 and orippled the Treasury and it was not until this year. a period of nearly two years, that the money was restored to meet tho pressing wants of the State. Treasurer Butler was Tery'lfcnient with these men unwarrant ably so; if Mr. Wclfe'a strry be trne and wo can see no reason to doubt it. It was his duty to exposo their peculations and bring. them up with n round turn. But the all powerful Mrjg had put n seal up ou his llps,nnd stayed the hand of justice while publio interests were made to suf fer. The public can now sen why the Qnoy gang were so anxious to elect Harry Oil ver to tbe United States Senate last Jan uary. It was to repay him for befriend ing irr the most substantial manner, tho men who had been using publio money in their private concerns. It was un questionably a good thing for the State that these men had such solid backers as Don Cameron and Harry Oliver, else the Treasury would be a quarter of a million poorer; but it is a sad condition of pub lio morals, when men who have been guil ty of the offences with which they are charged are permitted to dictate the pol- ioy,of a party which numbers among its members some very excellent aud intel ligent men. But we are satisfied that this condition of things Is nearing an end. The people who have long been Rupinely indifftrent arearoused. Heartily db-gus'ed with tho machinations of men who have long dis graced aud dishonored the State, they will hurl them from power to make way for official whose unsullied record in a guarantee that the trust they will assume win oe maintained witn Honor and fidel ity. THE su.n.vri:. Ou Monday Senator Bayard, of De la- ware, was elected President pro tem., of Senate, upon its assembling in extra ses sion at the call of President Arthur. Senator Kdmunds.of Vermont.attemnt ad to force through a motion to have the newly elected Senators from New York aud llhode Island, sworn in before a pre siding officer was elected and made ser- end short speeches in defence of his mo tion , laying great stress on tho point that two States were not allowed a voice iu this important matter. His motion was defeated by a party vote nud he then runele notion to elect Senator Bayard for the term of one dny.v Men was also defeated Senator Edmunds showed great bitter Bess iu bis remarks. At one time refer ing tothe "prize iu the lottery of assas einatioii" and then warning the Demo crats in meuaciug to'irs, that their trl umph would bo short lived. The Democrats were very dlgnifici throughout the entire proceedings, mere ly quoting law aud precedents to auslain tuor poHillou aud iniinlging in no linn ooinbe like their Republican colleagues. Mr. BUlue is still alive and abouT; The plumed knight has not lost the can nlng that has characterlz d bim through out his political cereerv and the publica tion Al tbls titrie, of the letter which be wrote to Gem Garfield last December, may be said to' bo one of tba shrewd, st moves he ever made on tho political the board. James G. Blalncia a man whom it would lie better for Preaideul Arthur to concilia to than to antrgouize aud the Administration knows it. Jndge limit Is candid enough to avow that he would like to be retaiued as Secretary of the Nuvy. He gives his rea- son ton. He Miya he relinquished a life place la the Court of Claims to accept his present position nnd nemi to think that it would bo a terribly cruel thing to turn htm adrift on the wotld to earn hi living like am ordinary mortal. Judge Hunt Is candid anyway. We should like to have tbe New Jer sey authorities get hold of Onltraa and give bin) a fair wrnge specimen of tho way tbsy deal with men of his class, What might hare been a very criti cal day In the Seuato passed over Mon day with uo great amount of friction. Any burst of passion might hare led to a reuewul of the discreditable strife which wasted so many weeks of the spring ses sion, aud which gave so much offence to the country. There wa? claim and coun ter clilm during the day, parliamentary tactics and strategy, insistanco on one si Jo nud complaint oh the other, but a result was nriivod nt without rupture or disorder. It was an uutqnal contest, as the Democrats had theadvantngo of both n tompornry majority nnd of express law, Theto wai ingenious argument that the law was not intended to apply to condi lions such ni tbo. in which tho Senate found itself; but, plnusiblo as it was, the law as it stood hud to rnle the case, There wore threo newly chosen Senators to bo sworn in, and as to them the law read; "The oath of u&lce fihall bo ad ministered by the President of tbe Seu ato to each Senator who shnll hereafter be elcctod before ho shall tako his scat." Tli ere waB bat one wny to enforce this law, and that wns for the duly qualified Senators to choosa a President pro tern., who could then proceed to qualify tho new 8enntors. So tar, the Democratic Senators having law on their side as well as the weight of number;, no one can reasonably complain of them for ad hering to the advantage of their position. And especially U there but little reason to complain, seeing that their choice for presiding officer is Senator Bayard a fair and able nnn a Senator that no brother Senator fears will do otherwise than impartiala President mo teh., who is equal in all respects to the cap able and faithful discharge of tho duties of the high ofHco of President of the United States if unhappily another fa tality, such as the nation has experienced should divolvo tho duties on him. Hav ing chosen n presiding officer and tho Setate being thus ready to swear iu tho newly elected Senators, tho Demoeyilio side of the chamber will weaken the strength of thoir present portion, and put themselves in the wrong, if they at tempt to choose a Secretary or proceed to any other business, before administer ing the oath of office to their three col leagues now asking for that qualification. What is right now can bo made very in- deufonsible by a slight error in the direc tion of attempting too much. -Judge FoTgar, of New York.hesitates to accept the office of Secretary of tho Treas'iry. He is nqt willing to give up his place as Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, which he will hold until ho is seventy years old, for the control of tho Trcawcy Department, which cannot bo expected to last more than three yeais and a half. Judge i'ulgar is one of tho most level-htaded and successful of Re publican politicians he is also very in- ependent, nud there l-just a possibility that ho and President Arthur could not agree for any length of time, even if he Bhculd decide to accept the position. Itoscoe Conkliug is again on deck and pulling the wires. He finds an at tentive listener in President Arthur, with wbom he was closeted for twelve hours on Saturday It is the refinement of torture to talk u man to death; but then perhaps the President is an .admirer of lloscoe's rare conversational gifts some persons are, but they are not so numerous as tttey wore a few months ago. The Virginia repndiators are short of money.dcspite the fact that in defiance of law they opeuly assessed Uuited States officials in that State, two por cent, on their salaries with the approval of the Treasury Department, Senator Mahone has been trying to raise moro of the need ful in 'Washington. MIC. IVOUI.Ii'.S ACCEPTANCE. REPLY TO TlIK OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS Or HIS MOUINATIOX. Hon. Orange Noble, the Democratic can didate for State Treasurer, has written the following letter. Emu, October 10, 1831. Messrs. George W. Miller, George McGowan, W. J. Bren uau, D. W. fjonnelly and R. E. James, Com mute Gentlemen: Your letter formally notifying mo of my nomination for State Treasurer by the recent Democrat lo State Conventlou st Wllliamtiiort would have been answered sooner but for unavoidable absence from home. You say truly that it is a high compli ment to have been made tho nomineowlien so many worthy gentlemen were compel!, tors for the position. I am gratified to know that the rivalry for the nomination was of tho most friendly character, both before and during the sessions of the Convention, and assure you that, if the choice had fallen upon any one of the candidates, my friends and myself would have given him a ready nd octive support. The reflection to which you so appropriately refer that the nomina tion "was uniufluenced by faction, corrupt combinations or how dictation" adds very much to my appreciation of rho honor. I rcccpt the nomination with a full un derstanding of the responsibility It imposes, nnd pledge myself that if the confidence re- msed In ma by the Convention Is ratified by tho people they shall not bedisappolnted in their just exudations. The Treasury will be administered aa "a sacred trustfrom the people;" care will be- taken to employ none hut pure, competent and trustworthy men; the records of the office will always be open for the most rigid ecruUDVj th corrupt "rings" will be discontinued and the constant effort will be to reduce expen se, collect the revenues impartially and In every way possible to promote the interests of tbe State. Not a dollar that does net le gitimately belong to me shall be taken as a part of the compensation of the office. The platform is one of the boldest and soundest that has been adopted by aconven lion of any parly in Pennsylvania for many years. Those portions especially which re late to the rights, duties and control of the great corporations are in accord with my life-long convictions, and I cannot doubt that they will be approvej by tho people, Whl'e I would uot take from any corpora tion a single right that properly bolnngs to It, 1 iuslst.ln common with most of the busi ness men, farmers aud mechanics pf the State, that nono shall be abova th law; thai monopolies must not be tolerated, and that the "greatest good of tho greatest number" must be me auproine oujoct or the Govern ment. Having; made no pledges of patronage aunng mo canvass tor me nomination, and being determined to continue the same ml. ley until the close of the campaign, I will be free, in the event of my election, lo make such appointments as will bt-st advance the principle! abova staled. I have no enemies to punish ana win know no ructions In tbe selection ormvsuburbinales. With thanks to the Convention and kind regards for each of the committee. i am, yours 'ryiy fitf-t(itti.t. WASHINGTON. From odr SrsciiuCoaRr.sronnitNT. Washington, Oct. 8, 1831. The new President expressed his inten tion to continue at tho rcsldenco of Sena tor Jones for somo time The President thinks that the extra session of tho Sen ate will be of brief duration, nnd until that is over ho will remain iu his pres ent quarters, transacting his official busi ness through the Executive Mansion. After that it is probable that he will re move to tho Soldiers' Home until the White Honso repairs are fully completed, cr-ming into town every day lo the White Hnnso to attend to any business that may require his presence. At present ho re ceives tho heads of tho different depart ments every day, excepting Saturday, between the hours of 1 aud 3 o'clock,and other visitors on Monday, Wednesday nnd Thursday. Tho first Cabinet meeting of the new administration will he held next TucsdHy, by which llmo it Ir expected that nil the members of tho Cabinet will have relumed to Washington. ThePrcsi dent positively declines to hear nny ap plicants for publio office, nnd thinks that tho minor offices now vacant should he filled by the heads of the various depart ments. Mr. Brown reports tho Presi dent as looking well nud as being in the best of health. The White nouso will not be rcudy for occupancy before )the winter is well advanced. Daily during thoso-sion of tho Senate the President will bo seen nt Senator Jones', nnd trans not there the usual business of tho Presi doutial office, which piles up whon there is a Congressional session. Proceedings in the Star P.outo cases were begun on September 30 by tbe filing of an "information" by George B. Cork hill, United States Attorney for the Dis trict of Columbia, nnd Wm. A. Conk, Special Assistant Altornoy General, who prosecutes on behalf of the Government This is the first instance in the District that proceedings of this chnractt r have been begun by information, but tho ad journment of the grand jury until Octob or 3 aud tho operation of the statute of limitation rendered this step necessary. The information sots forth in effect that on the first day of October, 1G78, in the city of Washington, nnd within tho juris diction of tbo Court, Thomas J. Brady, Second AFsistnnt Postmaster General; John Ii. French, chief clerk; Wm. II. Turner, olerk in the Contract Office, to gether with George L. McDonough, Sam uel P. Brown nnd certain other persons, knowingly, wilfully, unlawfully, fraudu lently and corruptly, did conspire, com bine and ngreo together to defraud the United States out of large sums of money in causing nnd procuring unnecessary nnd improper nnd cxtravageut addition nl compensjtion to bo pnid by the United States for additional service iu carrying the malls. Candidates for the Secretary of the Sen ate nre increasing, and a lively raco is ahead. It seems to be generally under stood nmong the Democratic Senators that if they get the position it shall bo conceded to the 8onth, When the Dem ocrats organized the Senato tho position of Secretary was accorded to the South. Now it is claimed by the Southern Dem ocrats that they aro entitled to choosa a successor to tho late Colonel Burch, nnd nil the Northern Senators, so far ns heard from, readily coucedo this. The candi dates now here and nt work nre Ce loncl L.Q. Washington, of Vigiuia; Colonel It. 0. Wiuteismith, of Kentucky; Col. William H. McArdle,of Mississippi; Mr. Bees B. Edmnnson, of Tennessc; Gener al Pierce M. B. Yonng. of Georgia, and ex-Senator Withers, of Virginia. It is altogether probable that tho Cab inet will he changed during tho extra ses sion of the Senate. President Arthur cannot afford to ignore the friends to whom he is indebted for his position. Experience has taught him that fair weather friends nre not to be relied on. Only those who come to the front wbon tho gale blows ore to be trusted. If ho keeps ou a Cabinet knowu to be wedded to monopoly ho will have to meet publio criticism later when misfortnno" comes-. President Arthur, with a? little delay ns possible, ongbt to select a man to take Mr. Windom's portfolio one who will lay by the surplus revenue of the Gnvern ment until it amounts to a gold dollar frr every greenback out nnd a silver dollar for every silver certificate issued, and thns provent a panic which is likely to ensue under the present policy nnd to which the panio of 1873 would be a mere pigmy. AcacsT. Faoii oca TtraoLiR Corresponofnt. Wasuikoton, D. C, Oct. 11,1831. It is pretty certain that the next few days will bring a settlement of some things about which there has been a good deal of speculation. One "near friend" of the President's has been reported as saying that there would be no Cabinet changes until December, nnd tbe next day another near friend, or ono supposed to have some means of knowing whereof bo asserted, has declared that a new Cabinet would be aunounced during tbe extra sessiou of the Senate'. For some clays past the impression has prevailed, upon apparently autht ritive foundation, that I'retident Arthur had decided to avail himself of the services of the pres ent Cabinet in preparing the annual re ports on which his message to Congress must be to some extent founded. But to-day it is reported, upon good author ity also, that some if uot all tbe new Cabinet appointments will be sent in dur ing the week. Mr. HcVenRh is under stood to be already making preparations to move back to Philadelphia, aud to ex press himself as quite satisfied with his experience as a Cahiuet minister. The President, it does not seem to be doubt ed, wcul.l profer that Mr. James and Mr. McVeagU thould remain until the star route prosecutions are conclude 1, as they are certainly entitled to any glory which may come out of that matter. But neither Mr. James or Mr, MoYeagh are at all confident that convictions will follow tbe indiotment of tbe star route people, and if the whole business falls after the great hurrah which has been made over it, they prefer that tbe failure should he at ributed to some one else. At nny rate it Is certain that tbe pres ent Cabinet could not under any cir cumstances bold together for a very long time. It may not be generally known outside of certain circles, bat it is nevertheless a fact that this was not an uevertnejeu n tact that this waa pot an alnuln. TLonvU not inn eh doubt that ginuing. Tlier-ij not lunch doubt that but for tbe shooting of Gen. Garfield a partial rc-organlzstlon wonld have been effected before this. That work would have been one of tbo first things claim lug his attention had he reoovered, Presi dent Arthur is loo good n politician not to know what his Administration can only hope to be successful and brilliant one with all the members in perfect har mony. For some unknown reason efforts are being made to prove tho present Cabi net void of all discord, but I do not seo the necessity of attempting to conceal facts well known here. It is said here nmong friends of Mr. Blaino that the publication of his letter of December last to Gen. Gatfield was without his knowledge or consont; that the motive was to annoy and iujuro him, nnd that another member of the Cabinet with whetn hq is on notoriously unfriendly terms is really responsible for tho pub lication of tho letter. Certainly Mr Blaine can tak i no pleasure in seeing such a documont in priut with his name attached to It. Some of Mr. Blaiue's particular friends here are so much irri tated by the pucllcation tbatnt first they wero inclined to doubt its generonsness. With reference to the duration of the exlra session of the Senate, the generally expressed opinion among Senators is that it will not last over two weeks. This opinion is nearly always qualified with the remark that it is uot expected that the Picsident intends to send to the Seuato nominations for offices except such as required to fill vncancics, nnd some Sscnlors express the belief that the President will not feel called upon even to fill the vacancies iu the high grade of offices, such as the Justico of the Su premo Court and the Minister to Russia, Austria, and Germany, but will let these go over until the December session ot Congress. This idea includes tho bcliel thnt the Cabinet is to remain uuchangod until that period. Beside nominations for office the President will have soveral treaties to transmit to tho Senato one with Chius, made by Secretary Blaine in June last, and two with South American nations. The White House jnst now exeinplfies a line of th" old sohool song: "Great big house and nobody liviu' iu it." The place looks gloomy aud deserted ouough, especially nt night when the heavy mourning drapery covering the walls is just rliseernnblo by tho dim flickering of ouo old l imp post nt tho left of tbo-cortu portico. On the inside workmen are employed overhauling tho eld rookery and endeavoring to make it inhabitable. Their hardest job is to get rid of the myriads of roaches aud other vermin. Tho repairs will occupy a considerable time nnd it is not likely that President Arthur will take np his residence there until next winter. He is still with Sena tor Jones in tho Ben Butler mansion near tho Capitol, nnd after the extra session will reside for n time nt the Soldiers Home. The Cabinet meeting ru Tues day is the first since his accession to the Presidency. Dc-M PlDBO COLORADO. SAorj.vcnE, SaRUicbe c.o Ceil., October 7lh, 1881. H. V. Mor.TiiiMEn Dctn Snt: 1 1 ceived your valuable p:tptr to-day, and noticing my )nit letter iu tt-t f-plcy cnl- urrim, I take the liberty of writing ngniu, of Villa Urove. this time. The town is situated in the center of the broad nnd extensive valley of San Luis; to the east is the rich mineral district of Oriental, cousiatiug of tho precious metnls ns well as rich iron mines from which steel is manufactured; to the west arc the Cucbc- topa Hills, in whoso basins nre thickly populated miuing towns and hundreds of well developed gold nnd silver mines. Seven miles distant are the bituminous coal fields, which nro now being devel oped. This valley is one of the most ex tensive in the Stale; cattle, horses and sheep abound ou thise bottrm lands nnd their condition proves tho nutriiionsness of its productions; proper irrigation will yet make this valley of the San Luis.wavn with flowing grain and a cultivated vege tation. The V. & 11. U. 11. li., now pisses the town, which will nit-ke it a commercial center of importance. A more desirable and enchanting spot could not be relected for a town, n splendid view of the Cochelopa Hills ou one side aud of the Saugro Da Cristo range of mountains other, while north and south the vlow fudes away with the cxtcusive valley. Saguache, this town is the coun ty seat of Saguache county, and is situ ated ou Saguache Creek, twenty miles from Villa Grove. It is located iu the broad aud expansive valley of San Luis, aud is a place of considerable importance, This is one of tho finest stock raising re gion iu the Stato of Colorado, and is the headquarters for all ranchers iu tho Sau Luis valley; the town is an old Mexican built ous, hut of late years some fine buildings have been erected; nrpuud Saguache is tbe great hay producing re gion of Colorado, and some of tho most extensive stuck r inches in the State arc in this section. The town has a grand aud romantic, situation, nestling nt the foot of tho Cochetopa Hills, on a stream called Saguache. Ot late some very rich strikes have been made in tbe hills ad- joiniug tho towu and its mineral resource s bid fair to become extensive. In the near futnre I expect visiting Gunuison City, Hilly Camp, Crested Butte and Gothic, and will write yon from there. With best wishes, aud an increased circulation, I remain, respectfully, 0. W. LENTZ. Andrew Eastman was found dead in bed near rottstown on Friday with cuts and onuses on ma uooy. as mere was no weapon near bim with which he could have muictrei mo injuries n la tlioogtil lo hav been murdered, lie wsa verv poor, ace J 70 years, and bad lived alone for soma time. Jacob Knoedler, living on the Mononya hela Iliver, near rittaburg, Incautiously ex- hibitod SICO Ina saloon amongstraneeraon last Thursday, The next day his tx dv was . i ; .- ,L. i t-f. ' loiiii'i iu buo river auu ins inouey was g- Ee found that Mary Seymour died of over ex citement raused by a felonious assault made upon her by Edward Bandera. Sanders has been committed to Jail for trial. Robert Med nre, engineer, was killed aud James McGuire, John Kelley, Peter McQill nnd John Grady badly hurt by a boiler explosion, at Grady's Shoddy Hill, Clifton, Delaware county, on Monday, The mill was completely wrecked. Abiah Sellers, who disappeared from his home in August last, while deranged, re turned a few days ago. He stated that he urfu "w naJ & " lI "' he l.rinVHJix &2 lri'rtW New Advertisements, T iVIiom It Mny Concern. Notice Is herohvBtvcntothenubtto atlsra-a not to trust or sell any good, wares or tnor Mhftmltjin to anv ner.on on the ererllt nfthn underslxnoil unless ordarod by a written In- ! sirumeni anil aignou or F.VT. JOHN, Oct, 15, 18ll-w3 Lehlghton, Pa. JTJxccutors' Nolico. Loiters testamentary on the estate ofSam. uel Hariman, late of Franklin Tovrnslilp,Jar lion County, I'a , dcc'il, have bern granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebt ed to tho said estate are requested to mako payment within six weeks, and all persons having claims or demands will make known the caino without delay to IIENHY IIOYER, Exeentor. Wclssport, Oot. 15, 188l-w GrAllFIELB Agents wanted for Life of Pres. Ment (Jarfleld. A complete, faithful history from cradle to grave, by the eminent biographer, Uol Corn wall. Introduction by Ills Kxccllency, John 11, Governor ol Massachusetts, Hooks all roHdy for delivery. Au elegantly illus trated volume. Undorsed edition. Liberal terms. Agents take orders rnrlrotn2l to 60 copies dally Outsells any other book ten to one. Agents never mado money so fast. Tho bonk sells Itself. Experlenro not necessary Kalluro unknown. All mako immense pro tits. Private tonus tree. OKOKQE STINaON & DO., Oct. 16.1m. Portland, Maine. REPORT (IF THE CONDITION oi the FIRST NATIONAL BANK. at l.-likhlnn, lu tbeState nrpennayhanh,at the close o; nusinoKsucioucr ii, ib&i RESOVRt'tS. Loans and discounts S3,035 24 Oifrlr.ifl 16000 IT. S. Bonds to secure circulation . . "6.(KO.0O Other Rtock. bond. nni mortices. . 2110 00 Cue from srproted leserte agents 20,C4B49 Due from other N'ntlonal I'ankii. . . 3,2R3.t2 Pua from stale winks and Jiitiiacrft, 3JI.U7 Tlenl estate, furniture, and fixture. . 8,25i.l8 Current expenses and taxes raid . in fl 61 Checks and other rash Items . . 353 C2 Illlls of other llauk 700.00 Frditliual ounereufiencr. nickels, and pennies, 215 73 Spcclo 8,052.33 IjOiTni lenaer noica do.iu.uv Itttdtnmtlen Fund with U. S. Trnnsu- rjr (o per ceau oi circuuuen; . .,,., o.w Total im,UZW LIABlLltlES. Cnpltal stork p-ild In $7500.00 snnou lunil ... .....-, )w,. UiiOlttdrd profits .Natl nal Uaok t otes ou'.standlnj 1)1vIJi.iJ Unpild Individual eh imslts subject to check. OcrttUoJ ohcclis 4,581.75 G7.fiOO.00 157 5.1 73450.09 274.25 t'65 611 Uue to other National Banks . . , Totsl 29,4D2.09 Slats ol JVmnsilranla, Count of Carbon, ti t T. W. W :ovnun. Cashier of the ab&Yo-r.smed bunk, do sr.lenuily Swear tint the above statement U true 10 lue oesi Ol my itnnwiruro una upum. w. w. buwjiaw, cashier. Riib.rrlbed nud sworn bofore me this 10th day of Ootobor, 1881. Correct Attest: Thos Kemorr'. II. T. UolTord and. A. J. Durllng, Directors. Oct 15, If 81. TJDIHmrDCI Tho Pl'.OHltESSlVE PlilN. TEltlsa now book, full ofln formation, by an old Printer It Is heautl- rnllv lUintri.tr.l and nnnir Job Printing vires samulca of fins DLIUll. The colored plate Is a line feature, and worth the prlco of tne look. onn lor u ni once. a. 'ii WllYlillliw, ruo. Hocnester, n x.i A rVVrflQ WANTED for tbe l.iro, iiUJiiN lOrublleSorvlccsnnd AS3A3 SIM ATI ON of our Mahtirsu Puksidkm' liy Kev. Ilr. Draper, of New York. This lth our Manual ot Amcrloin Progress. Six Hook In one. An A No. 1 Work lur Home, Library or i;ounllnir House. E. 11.TKKAT, 757 Uroadwi, Now at. e-ct 8-4t JOHNR.G.WEYSSER, rr.oiT.iEToi: of the West End Brewery, Mauch ;Ohonk, Pa. 'Furor "Porter and tef -BBsr ": i . Delivered all over the State. October 8. 1S81 1 Notice la hsreby jrjcn. that an Application wilt ho niDdo to the elouriof Ouiiimcii I'li-mt ol t:arbnn!ouutv lor the tllssnliiilon nf"TJie Fort Allen Ilnlldlni; aud Loan A'swclatbiD, of Wols.port, Pa.," iitljclobor TounolCoilrl, 1LS1. All persons tulureeted trill ploase take notice ot tho same. J. O. ZEUV. Secretar.. W. M. RAI'allEi;,' Solicitor. September 24, 18SI jq-l.STATR notici:. llftateoniENRY Kl'KHLHAUM, late or the liornugn of I.ehluhton, (Jurhnn countv. Ha., ileo'd. All persons Indebted to said ee tuto nro rcnues'.ed to make Immediate pay ment, nd tli.iao havlnir leiral nlnliua airalnst the same will present them without delay, in proper order for settlement, to FEItlllNAND SHKULHAtm, Administrator. Franklin twp.. (let. 1. 1S81-W0. rUKE NOTIOK. Estate or Hknuy llnBTSRV, Dkokabed. Uy virtue of a power of attorney made by the heirs nnd lcural rei resematlves of Henry liretney. late ut MahonlnprTownshlp. (larbon county. I'a., deceased, umo lllluton liretlur, of Lehlghti.n, nuthorlzlni; 111 in to eeltlo up the e?tato of said decedent, to whom all per. ons indebted to s.-itd estate are requested to make payn.ent, and thnre havinic claims or demands will make kn.twn tho samn without delay. OL1NTO.V URETNEY, Attorney In tact lor Heirs. Aug. 25, 1881 -nfc -pUnUi! SALE. The undersigned will sell at TahHc Salo, on 'he premises, situate on tho road leading from Welssport to l'arryvllle, Carbon coun. ty, I'a., on Saturday, Oct. 22d, 1881, at 2 o'clock p. m., all that certain Lot of Oround situae on tho ton of the hill, on the publio road leading lroni Welssport to I'nrry ville, Iu Franklin twp., contaluing nbout three.fourtha of an acre, with n 2-Morv Frame Dwelling House, 18i?2 feet, ami klteh. en attached 8x23 feet, nud other utliulldlnKS.i and a Kood well or water. Terms will be uiada known at time ami placo of sale, by OUARLES MiOWN. Attorney for the Heirs ot Jus. Urown. ileo'd. Out. 1.-W3. JgjXKCUTOUS SALU Of Valuable Real Estate. There will be sold at publle sale on the premises or John Krellr, deo'd, In East 1'enn town, hip, Oarbon county, l'n., on Saturday, Oct. 29th, 1881, at 2 o'clock p. m., a certain Iraot or land eon. talnltiR sixty-live acres and nlnety-elicht perch's and the allowances, adjoining lands of Daniel Jtelnert, Jacob tSteliterwalt, Jacob Frllzmgerand the late John Horn and others, upon which is erected a 2-Story Frame Dwel. lliiK House, :'4x28 feet, and a kitohen 10x14 feel, and a Swiss Darn 33x60 feat and other outbuildings too numerous to mention. Terms and conditions will bo made known at time and place of sale, by 4 DAVID HOFFMAN and 11ENJ. NOtllSTEIN, Oct. 1, 18S1.W4 hUccutors QOUHT I'ltOCLAMATlON. WllERLAS,thelIon.RAMrELS. DnEnait, President ot the XLUId Judicial Mstrlot, composed of Monroe and tlarbon counties, and Chas. Aleendsen and It. Leonard, Eaqs., Judges of (Jommon 1'leaa of Uaroon county, and by virtue of thelr.otflces, Justlcesoftbo Orphans' (Jourt, Court of Orer and Terminer nnd (Jeneral Jail Delivery, and tbe Court of Ltuartsr Sessions or the l'aace or said county olUarbon. have Issued their preoeptto me, bearing (into of Jane 2Mb, 1881, for holding Court of Uuarter Seeslons of l ho I'eace. (Jourt of Common I'leat, and Court or Uycr and Terminer, and (Jeneral Jail Delivery, and Orphans' Court, ror the purpose ul trying Is sues In criminal cases, and tbe transacting or other business of said Courts, at the Court House, In the llorougb or Mauch Chunk, on Monday, the 10th Jay or October 1881, to con tinue two weeks. NOTICE ri therefore hereby nlven to the Coroner. Justices ot the Peaea, and the Constables or the said County of Oarboa, that they may be then and there at ! o'clock In the afternoon or the said day, witn tnoir rous, recoras, inquis. Itlons and remembrances, to do tbosa things which to their offices are appertaining, .and also those that aro bound by recognizance to proseeute and give evidence against persons charged with the commission of otfenscs, to prosecute as suail ueju.i,. Divert uaJtr tur liaml at Mauch Chunk, In i . County, tej . Ker.t. lfith. iksi. iva iub I the rowinonwea 1th. THOMAS K( IONS. Sheriff. Mauch Chunk, Dept. IT, 1881. W Mew doods, Fiiae- &rood9 Mice Ctoods, Chtod d-oods, Medifiiii frtnls, Meat Croods, Cflicap 47oods9 FALL AND a BOTTOM Cali and examine before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble, but a pleasure to show goods. LADIES FURNISHING- Store - W. 1. LOXO Respectfully announces to tho I. ad Irs of I.e hlghton anil vicinity, that he has Just receiv ed another lot ol GOODS for the Fall Trade, usin prising VELVETS, LAOES, ItllHiONS, NKUKWEAK of every description, Zcphera, Oorinanhiwn und Saxony Wools, TKIMMINtt SILKS and SATINS of all Colors, Hamburg and Sw.ss Embroidery, and a vaMoiy or FANCY GOODS, Umleitrcur, Hosiery and Felt Skirls. Ladles Gosiainer-t lor il.S" upivurcls. L ADIEUS JEWELRY A SPECIALTY. A cordial InvlUtluii la cxtemip'l to the! LruHta to call nuil uinko an Inspect I'm fur! them?elvos No tfuiiDle to huw gouds, and ; une iTicc 10 nu. DRESS-MAKING ! In onincctinn with tho utnv.e, Mrs W, P. KOXG .4 inspired to Mnkr Divmci wini ntx to Lalh-sL tftyiVa ut JiuEou.ihlo Prirw. Dirts Ti mi iiiiiis id nil kindd nu hand. ' "lii'nipmhef thftMrhW, Two T -tWs nhoirV Gim4-rf & Uiy'i -Clothiug Stie, 1IAML t., Lejilji htmi, Pti. Oi-tl-yl EJ1PI.OY31KKT ! FOll ALL. To M a teMt Article ')l!i: i nor "a well us lb rleh.llic oM as well ' ns the youujr, the"t'lt. us well ns tbe bus. ' band, tile young uuitden as well aa the ynutiK man, '.lie Klrl as well ns the boy, may just as ..-..II n..rn Inu In ti.m.,1 niAi.l.ivinun, as tu sit around thohuuso and waft lur otl. ers to earn It fur litem. We ean give you em- t.ioj tn. nt. all lh time, or durltniy..ur snare Ileitis only : traveling. -,r ire ytmrlown neiielt. Uirbood, uiiiraK jour friends arid acquaint. aticrs. lijouelo nut 0.1 r lor employment, wo ean Impart valuahto Inlormallon to you treo of et-s. It will eoetyotinnlVoneeeni ror 11 postal eard to write lorour rrorpcctus.nnd It may be the means or tuaklnlc jouagooJ many dollars. Do not nrxlcet this opportunity. You do not have to Invest a large sum or money, nnd run tin. risk or losing; It. You will readily see ttat It will bo uneasy tna'ter In make from 810 to 4100, a week, nnd establish a lu crative, aud independent buflncss,hinorablo, stralifhtforwaid and protltablo Attend to this matter !OW, lor there IsMO.N'KV IN IT for all who engnne "II h ua. Wo will sur prise you nnd you will wonder why you nerer wroto to us bcfuni. Wu 8ED tuli. pautio ulars FittK. Addrem (Name this paper.) Mauiun, Ohio. i-iept. Ui. mS. EARSoimm MILLION"! Foo Glioo's Balsam of Shark's Oil ' J. Tbomnsou Muilauie.. lu eaid (ownfcjtp tub oxlt AUaotUTit CORK Tor DXAriius I Th0 fteomea ol the towndi'p or reuujrore't ksoivs. I will holt their election at 1llopu3llo housw of This Oil Is extracted from a peculiar species ' Euoa JCoeli. in tald townhip. or U'ntTi Shark, caught tn the Yellow Sea, I Tbo treonitn or lb towu, hip ol Upper Tovra. known as Cm cltaroion nondrlttH. Every . menaln will hold tbclr cicctlou at tbe pnblo Chinese fisherman knows It. Its virtues as a . , , , .VelB. . ...d fownahln restorative or hearlna; were discovered by a houao at JuJiti iuweiaa.io aaia towuanip. -lluddlst l'rlest about the year 1410. Itscnrea! 1 he freemtn ol taa lowuahlp of Packer will were so numerous and hat co skemiolt ; bold tbclr election at tbe putlio house ( Peter MIltaouLOUS, that tbo remedy was officially! jjartt,.olsau township. Crnelalmed over the entire Empire Its use n,,,,.,,,! , ,,.hinf,f ocame so unlrersal tbat for ovkb SOO v kaus ' Tho freemen ol that part 01 tbe township or. 'KO DKArnr.sa has EiiarxD amoko thk : Mauoh Chunk rcs'dlug wjthlu tbe auuumt UniNEBi! rEort-K. Sent, charges prepaid, to i Hill district will hold tlclr.elecllon at the towu any address at tl.W per bottle. ' hallln thoTllltKOOf Saramlt U11L ' (July imported byHAYLOUK fcTO . Tne (re0Ini.n 0, lhat ,llirt o ,hJ ,own.hlp 0, Sole Agents ror America. ' j MaucUCaunk rosltllng wil'uiu tho Netqaehou- Inc distrlit will hold their e.eclloa at the puoao Its virtues are unquestionable and Iticura- bousoof Patrtclc McKcnua.la tho vl'lao ol tlvochraeler absolute, aa tho writer ean per. . ....h. sonally testify, both from exierlcnce and ob- einhonioir. serration. Tbo tie. men residing In that part ol Kidder Among tbe many readers of the Review In township knot una the Heath district will hulu one part and anotherorthacountry, It Is prob. , elecUon at tbe publio houso ol Paul lies, able tbat numbers ore afflicted with deafness, 1 h rt . . . and to sueh It may be said I " Writ, at one. n"d,, jUl township. -to llavloek & Uo.. T Dev street. Now York. TH. freemen lesldlnglu that part of K dder enclosing (1, and you will reaelve by return a rrmcuj inat will cnaujo you 10 near lino nny. tody else, and whose curative affects will bo permanent. You will never regret ilolnv so." Editor of MtrctnHlt Rivieto. Jy2-19we. Central Carriage Works, ihlllk St., LcllighiOIl, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture CiirriaSCS, Buggies, SleigllS, 0 . ... bpnllg WflgOn, OCC, v . .. , ' Itpiiarrlti" Promntlr Attended (o HCIiairillo troiiumy Alicnucu l TREXlER & KUEIDLEIJ, April SS, H7yl Proprietors. Shotld address EDSON DIKIS., Attorneys at l.aw ana I'Aleni solicitors, air l in Direct, Washington. V. (J.. for circulars or Instruc iltenJ .xsluslvely to Patent butlnesa. He. . I... U.,.M...ah.l..l.l Low (A'- reeiereneca anu no vice sent vbkk. wo issues, jntcriercnces ana cases rejecieu m oivenunoeruiyband atHaucn Chunk, tho other bands, specially. Tra't-Marks and ' mftnot hopLmbcr. " u. o.,. thooaiSu OavMts rollleteil. Upou reeelpt of model or eignt hundred aurt elrhir one, ano of the Inoe sketch and description w.Klv.nnr opinion aa 1 peuo.ue. 01 tbo Vnttod otatea the ouo btut. to paltnUbllily.rBH nrOHARO. V. refer I djed uu auth to the IJomralllloner of Patents, alsotoax- - TXIOMAS K0OK4. Hh.rtff. '.Oomtalsslon.rs. LstaMiibed IMo. Sl-eor Worth f OB FOB g at If ottom lrices ! A LARGE Stock of all Classes of WINTER GOODS FHK1 STOIili 1 1 Q.EXEKAL Election Proclamation Pnrfunnt to rn act of tbo ricoeml AfisamMy ot tin CoiftmoDUOolttiof rcnnyylviii I, cnt t'td ' An act relatuiir to election In hl Common. wnaltU," nnuravfltl liic .rt . nv or Jti r, Anno ' Donilni.one trousunc eljht hundred end thirty nine, and a fu'ttn.r nnr emml ti that jet. no lirOYolJaiM ry3). 1871, l.TUOaM ' KOOWri, ;yiM"'lTd tiscCctntyofCarhoii llenueTlvn . dj I ocbr uaho t-nowu ft'id kivo notico to thtt j e cc.ois nf the countv aforesaid, thnt an ehe-" tion will ho heldin thoaatd Count ol Crh- o' .OK Till: TUKSDAY APTKR Til 13 FIRST . MOsN'DAYlNKOVJni&HXl heiU4 THKEIOnTIIOFNOVKlIIlEn. 1 Anno Domini, ono thoutnud eiffiithunrtic-l i d : tiputy muu fit which time th iolluwliisr offlcfM ' will ho Yot.o for t 4 no p oi Hon for Stato Treasuicr. Ouc ptiflon t.'r Ai-soe!aie Judp. One l it on Mr Count i rrouurrr. Cno pot turn tin' lidclsier aud tlecordr ol wiuk. i'lirt-o peroa ir Counlj Oriam'as'.oner?. Thrro porRon for County Au Ihorrf. I iiiaiOtnclj ' in.iko Vuowo al.tl kIvo notlcu that tlio tiljcca it holding tho afotoild iho .tout in the ftttveral tnwnhioA of tie fild coin ty w Ul)oreH,oile,y.ittsiftih'C(wliouiui;o. (IlrM'-'llDjCO, 10 Wit i t'- . Ihdtt'omrn tt the hoioii,ror LQUahvnn ; wIUIumI their u ret on as tho piib io bou-e of J, w Uaiirftnbutli. inaalrt ooiouyh. 'Iho trcamon rrntdiiig'i'i thnt iMt rf ruul town (i )p known a thd Acdanruid d timet will ho'd thf Ir election nt the fclirot lioiio in Ail deunil i the fi-eemrn-reiidlni; Iu that urt 01 Han it 8 Icvrnsliin knuwa as the Heaver Mi rt-iv. rilstrn t, ithaU ho d ttioir election nt the cch -01 houtoat LevMou, tn add town'tiii. T'ia fremiti of the tovrinhip ot 1Uat Puns will hold the r cKctlou ut tho public ho.i tt Penrose Ukctko, ia aid tmvi a;dp Tiiei cmen ol the towasii'p fit J owor Jiovr ; tttuonaln will bold tnoir e.cetloo at tbo '.lbl o j houto cf I.crl GnfT, In Mil tJWiKbip. : Til(J irocull-u t ll,e iuwiulii ol 1 nnkl'ii will . .. . ... . "m """eiion ns uio vuudo uuuso ot aa ward tuber, m aata towii-bip. Tho freumeu ol tbe toxiuhlp ot Lauvaneo will boM Hielr e.ectltu .1 the ftnulo feclioo. bone at Baolc Xionntuii:, in cnl Uiwnnl,. Tbe Irceiuen ol tbetownslili, or Lchtga will hold euctr el cllou iu tbo eebeol house iu lUc'-c pott. In said tottnibtp. The Ireetueu ot the borough qJ Wialherlv wdl hold their ejection at tlie-putjllo he.lleol O Keler, lu euld boi ouffb. The lieoincn of the llmt vrrd pf tho butoush ol blanch idiunk will bnld their eleeticu at the publio houso tif Nathan Klutz, lu MIA bur, oujth. ' Tne Ireemen ol Uio ec-nd mtd of lite bor. ougb of 3 aue 1 chunk ml. bolft thoir olcouim atttiopubili-lioutuotFreduilc. riuhi,iu w.U borough. Tbo fteoaieu of Faat Mauch, Ctiuuk will ho.d tholrelectltili at tho imljkc houso olc'hli topher 1 Ounan. In aald tiuroab. - I inerieemon 01 tno towusni? or 11 itmug ; will boMtheii eleouo:i ut tho puolto liuaiatif , township known aa ths borth district will hold 1 their election In tbo school houo at Bildco port. In said township. Tbo freemen ot the borough of ParryvUl. will bold Ibelr election st tho publio houso of , Jacob8chwaiU,ln aa!d borough. ' Tbe freemen reeldlns In tho election district of Paci erton will bold their election at tba pub lic house ot Oeot rs llaiau In aaid district. i Tbe freemen reaidiuc In. the election ntsttlct ' ot Laneford will ho d tbetr e.eciloa at tne pub. Uo houso ol Oeorga Kruns, in said borough. The freeman of the borough o( Woiaapo. t . will hold lite r election at tbe publio bouse 01 j II. II. Everett, in titat botomh 1 I alM nijlco known and say. uo ico. aa lo aud ; by tbo Ulh sectlou ot the alorraald act I au I 1trne.u,il. that everv nutaon pTrj.tttlnv I mtlA !ofthepeaco..wh9 shall held any oflle. or ap ...Mtit t.hn rTnltpa KtAtn n, nl llmRitrinr ! any city or incorporated district, whether earn j mlsa.oned officer or otberwl'.. a autordluaU jomcer, or ogrut, who Is or (ball b. employed under th. legislative, Judlclaty or executive i or or any city or lucorporatod district, and alM '"ery member ol uonjresa and tie gut. ; si,uture. and th. aelect and common coun. ' oil of any city, commlaalooer of any lnoornorat cd dlstrlot. Is by law Incapable of holding or ezereislnc at the aam. time tho offlea nr nn. j poiutment of udge. Impector or olerk or aur I election ot this commouwealtb, and lhat uoiu I apector orludgs, or any other clUcer of anv . tuclt elecitou. ahall bo .llglbl. to any offta. Uieu to b. voted tor. Act of 30th, Juns, nil , ...u,,f elSfl"S HSIfs .s1"14 V ., . -? rr-., ,w vv 1 "s?"a0iufk1"n "'loclc - ,,lw,a " ! 8rpt IMI. ! I JF Y0l; AUK I. HKKU OF UooHs, Shoes, Hats, Cixps. or, Gents' Furnishing Goods GO TO CLA0SS& BROTHER THE rOPULAIl Merchant Tailors, Bunk Street, Lohighton. pjuues vf.UY i7oron OAS!!. Th. public pnfronatco sollt'lted. Juljl-tf , E. F. LUCK KN BACH, Two tiooralieloa tbe "lltoadwav House MAUOH CHUNK,, PA. Detlcr in all Patteruaof r;a!n aad Fatioy Winnow Shades, Paints & Painters' upplies, LOWEST CAW rillClla. fKEt,H!.i.' & CO., BANK STUEET. Lehighton, Pa KILLl'.RS aud Dealeis In AllKiid of GRAIN JlOUnnTPPd NOLU l We wfuhi,nIo, ipnoirlin'lvlntorm onrcltl scui lhat wo ore now fully prewired to VT ri.Ytaemwilb Best Coal FrcinajiyMlue deslied at VERY LOWEST -.PRICES. M. nEILMAN & CO. Jul. :s. DANIEL WIEANDf Carriages, Wngons,SJeighs,&c UOBifEB or BANK AX!) IRON STREETS, LEIIIOIITON. Penna., Particular attention given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at tba very Lowest Prtres. Patronaie. respecimily solicited and parfMt aatlsfaetlon uuaratitavd. Ueo . 1878-yl DAN. W1EAND. JJlOtt FASHI0XA11LE DKESS GOODS, Dress and Trimming Silks, Dress Trimmings, Dry Goods, NOTIONS, Groceries, Provisions, Glass & Queensware. Standard Silver Ware, &c, Call at th. Popular ONKPRIUK Store of E. H.-SNYDER I DANK St., Leblghton. aplt-uU DOLLAR