FARMERS' COLUMN. Autumn SouliiJ. Mol people buva observed no doubt, that tfllf town seeds, that is, sood that have rtroped from tho growing plnitta of the previous season, smiii-lltnea produce tbe tronget und meal heady plants that bloom the most freely. This is true of several Kltids, and particularly uf these that sutler nnder cxnotur of our mid-suintnur eun. Tbe reason is that self rnwn seeds got a very healthy growth in the spring, vegta tio( us soon as frost Is gono, and tire good sited plants at tbo time wo usually put seeds In the ground, even If (hey do not tart in the fall. They thus mature and flower during the conl weather of spring. The clarkias and nemnphllos and annual larkspurs are noted exninp'os. There are also several varieties of hnrdv unnunls Hint do well with spring sowing, that will Lear uulunin sotting in the open giound, and re ward us with early spring flowers. Swtet alyssum ami while candy tuft will give us abundance of white fnre.nly cultlng.ilsown in autumn, fn o shidy soil the porlulneca may bo 'sow or its autumn with good success. Seeds of biennials and perennials, if sown early enough In produce strong little planfs, veill flower next summer j pinsieannd Chin ese pinks, though thcy.blooin the fir.t sum mer If sown in the spring, will make much stronger plants and flower more freely and earlier if young plants are grown in the autumn. All hardy planls.tho pteiniaa.hoilyhoeks, delphiniums perennial phlox, day lily, dlcentra, and plants of a similar character, indeed, all that will Injure our winter.", should be planted In the autumn, If posslblo, as they thus get a good start la the spring. Floral Guide, SoCalled "1'iinej- Funiiur.'1 Tbey havo tested theories, while others raised crops for market; they have given glory to farming it would not otherwise 'possess. Fancy farmers havo charged the wild bog into the Buflblk and Berkshire,! lie wild cattle f Britian into shorthorns, the mountain sheep with its lean body and hair fleece Into IheSouthdnwn and Merino. They brought up the milk of cows from pints to gallons. They have lengthened the sirloin of the bollock, enlarged the ham of the hog. given strength to the shoulder of the ox, rendered finer tho wool of the sheep, added deetness to the horse, and made more beau tiful every animal that is kept in tho aer vioe of man. They have impioved and hastened tho development of all domestic animals till they scarcely resemble tho ones from which Jhey sprang. Fancy larmera .introduced irrigation and under draining t also grinding and cocking for block. They , Have brought guana from Peru and nitrale ; of soda from Chill. They introdnced-and domesticated all the plants wo havo of foi ecn origin. Thev brourrht nut the thnorv Mine ruiauon.01 crops an a natural means , of keeping up and increasing the fertility ot the soil. They fiist ground up gypsum and bones, and treated the latter wilh acid lo make manure of peculiar value. They first Analyzed soil as a means uf determining What was wanted to inciease lis fertility. " Tbey introduced the most improved metis ' ads of raising and distributing water. Fancy farmers or fancy hoiticullurlst have given us all our varieties of fruits, vege tables and flowers, A fancy farmer in Ver mont, a few years ago, originated ike Early JBose potato, which added millions ,f dol lars to the wealth of the c unlry and prov ed a hiost important accession in every part of the world where introduced. Another these same fancy men originated the Wil son strawberry, and another the Concord grape. But it is unnecessary to enumerate; anyone who will take the trouble to inves tigate a little or reflict will readily see and will cheerfully accord the praise that is Justly due to men that are called "fancy ferraers." , So not allow chickens to crowd one an .ether In the coops at night. Many erode- " fbrmed by being overcrowdcil. Leisure, like every other good, to he en -t, joyed with profit must be earned by labnr. 'Vacation ia a rest from work, end he who ' 1 sever works can never have a real vara- r ''Ion. There is a weeklv sale in Paris of loads 1 which ore brought in rusk filled with damp moss. One hundred goou toudsare woith .from $13 lo $17. These are bought for gar dens, j Prof. Beal lias 200 different grasses and clovers growing, each iu a repaint bed, in Ilia garden uttuched to the Michigan Agri cultural College. It hat token several years tn make the collection, which is being add ed to yearly. A Massachusetts woman owns a large .farm, upon which she does most of the work herself, drives tbe wheel harrow in sowing time, tho mowing-machine and horse-rake Jo baying season and loads and stacks bay In a 6ne style. Sho keeps twenty cowsor.d takes care of the butter and cbeei-e. While working with the l-eea, avoid all (udden jars, quick, active millions, end T.ver fight them. Orvlul kindling will cpro noarly all cross bevf, while with coin loss, rough handling, tho fjuiet will leOouia tints. It is n pait ol Ihi- nature of le to gorge thvmselvta w.ih honey when alarmed, and when In lint (-niuiltlon they rarely, ifever, sting unlets they are pinch ' id. Ej-Governor Seymour said recently that u,tlie spirit of gambling Js the gror.icst evil a farmer has toconteud with.. More men havo been ruined by holding their hups for i klgher prices, when they could have MH at ' thirty cents a pound, than have be. n hurt , by selling In season wheu the market ruled fit ten cents per und. Bn with wheat' Fanners ie always holding out for signer prlotJ. ,J TTIJIEMf WAItMM: nit TJaK KXtM:itnjNtu of a niiMsn:ic. If you sutler from generol debility, brought on by too close application to busiiiees and yxeesslyo braiuworki or from lurrensing prostratlnu and sinking sjiells, that even a irtitor rfinoval m the cunte will not re lieve, make bait to do as did a n-reiend frend of imrs. Ho pecurrd from hn drug Rit a bottle of Ilrown's Iron Bittia, haviiu; heard of iU merits f.nm a nlivslclau. who told Imrs not to lake any other Hiitora Jonte. tor wish tne cxs-epinn ni llrown Jrao flHter'a, thoy all rnn'nned alchohnnd (iM iallel Uigive his pslieuts li-l mi- relief; i.jior should lie take any other preuriiu if Iron, for with thecxoi-pti..ii"f limwn'slron Bitten, they all blnckvnrd the teeth, am) efien guv headache, h Diown's Iron )ltter never did, but in fact cur.-d head i.ctio. The ellrct was mst wttUfaotory ; be immediately realiiiil w.inderl'ul results Ills old euergv relumed, his natural furco MM back, and ho felt hiinx-lfaltogether a new pan, lull of health, strength and vlg vr, aud h lias continued to remain sn ever ainco. Sow he recommend Urnwn' Irwu Bitters to bis friends which we unhesitat iffty da to edl oar readers OsJc PS $ ml ll mt I ill RRY DAVIS' N KILLER IS A rUnEIr VEGETABLE BEU1IDT For IHTEENAL and EXTEENAL Use. A snro and speedy euro Ibr Soro Throat, Coughs, Colrlrj, Diphtheria, Chllls,llarrhen,DyBentcry,Cramps, Cholera, Summer O jinplalnt, Slclc Headachc,NeuralgU,Rhoumatiaiu, Bruises, Outs, Sprains, etc. Perfectly eaje to use internally or exicmnltu,nni certain to afford relief. No family tan aflord to be without it. Sold by all druggists at 3c 60c., and St a hottlo. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I, rew &sm! Fasliiouahle stock of FJJLli mm in r.iTiim: i.iouiu oi: duv ronai Tlsnt Acta at tho anino tlmo on ' THE ZI7S3, TSS B9WSZS, AUD THE KIDNEYS. WHY ARE WE S8CK? fincauss 'ict allow time oreat otvans to llccome dogged or torpid, and jioUonom ihwnoriare thtrtfbrt forced into tlu blood j Wat tliouldbt expelled naturally. WILL. SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Ei ru.r.s, CONSTIPATION, UniNAUT r DISEASCS, FUlIALi: WT.AKNCSSES, M ANU NERVOUS llISOItDCHS, ESliiciitiisiijyi'M action nf tlttst organs end mtortng lAclr jtoufer to throic eff dlteatt. r TThr lufTi-r Illlloiiv laiu mill arhrat Ki V.'Iir toriiieuteawlth Vlles. Conhtliiotlonl M Why frightened out disordered Kidneys! I-"J wiijr enaure nerrous orsicK iieadacnesi bSjiUuliiniiEY-V(iKTandrVolctnltfalln. H3 ItlmutUDln llrv VAffelnMa Vapih. Inttn cans ono puctafo of hjcli snakc six cu.irts of ineaictne. Also sn iquia i arm, cry t oneen t rated, for tlicwe t hat cannot readily preparo lb pM t3"It a-ts with wjual efflclcney lo either form. GET IT Of VOUU DRUGGIST. l'RICE, 1.00 WELLS, UlCIUItnsOX & Co., rrop's. OTWsettd the dry post-paid) linal.tCTOS, TT. shavincM BAZOBKEI MADE A late discovery, which has at once gained tt il fl eer veil promtiii-ncQ from Ht ova inoril. As nn aUi lo stmvlnf. It tins tuner bct-p EASY 1 NO equ.iutiii. Ills Invaluable to every nn who uei ft Ktunu or ufilre a tharp ktfuAnstru- MORE DULL RAZORINE. By use of this wonderful powder, the edit" of the Kt-.nest raxor may b 1m. RAZORS! provets The most wiry beard may be removed Irons tbe most tender skin without pain or lncou- orivenlenco. RAZORINE. Removes all dread ol the Indlrlduat use of , the raior. Any man posssln;r a beard, can by 'be utoof thlsrKtaiJte Jluorcry on his strap, remove his board villi ease, comfort and celerity. Afcnti wanted In every town and county, S nd lor circular ilh lern. &n. Hy mail poit-pald lor M cents. Sample uuava, null. Address IUVM0NH & CO., 87 Vflik How, . NEW YORK OITV may? m3 A. 1. losscr, ManaMorsrer ot and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, An aM Sheet-Iron fare anil General Honse FnriiiSuing Goofls. (lOOFINn nuil sroUTIWO dono at short notice and at Lowest Cash Prices. l.rcrvklnd of STOVE atlATES ana F 1 7(12 illllllB keiitcoustmtlyon hind. Store on SOUTH Street, 4 few doors obovo Ba ok St., LEUIGHTOX. Pnttonnao solicited S-tlatftC ton irnarnotei d. Oi:t 5-yl A. U. MOSM15U A WW flit t tonr own tntvn, 3.(0 'Jutfltfreo .No risk, lttviftor If 'on want aba lnos hc -which person of eitlier nor uun miiio uveal ujv&lllhe Uhir Uipv work, fir n.irttrntar to IS. II LLliTT. &cO rorHflnil. Me. .lime 23.- S2 nil bent for imo or BtePiUtlT iurp. Yaluabla January 0, ISSl-yt &rra CARBON ADVOCATE PLAIN AND FANCY BOOK" JOB PRINTIN& HOUSE BANKWAY, arliort distance above the Lthlish Valley R.R. Depot, LEHIGirfON, PA. We are now fully prepared to execute every description of PRINTING, lrom a Visiting Card to aLaree Poster! l'osters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Shipping Tags, Cards, RUI Hoads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Statement, . Programmes, Pamphlets, te., &c.,Tn Rest Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! Inventors will Advinco their Interests by Employ Inir an zperirnre,l Attorney resident In ashlnRtun. . A. Lehinaon. Solicitor of Amerlum and F"relicn Patents. Washing ton, Ji. (J , has had years of successful Prac tice, and was formerly an Examiner of i a tents in the Patent OtHe-. All business be. forethe'ourtsorthe lleiartuirnl promptly attended to. fee contingent upon success send for Circular. April Jtf-cor. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A tfcthn of a-outhful imprudence causing Pi-ematore Drcay. Nervous Debility, Lost Uin. bood. etov baring tried lu vain every known rcsaedTdios discovered a simple kOI cure, which he will aei.d FHEB to bis fellow-lufferera, d drea J. 11. JUO;VE3, IS Chatham fcU, M. t. Jannary 29. 1881-tI Dira L H. U'AJ THEGREAT -nt lESEMEDl POU RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko reparation on earth equals St. JrAits On si a Jinff, jvfirff, tltnplo nmt cheap External Jtomcitjr. A trial entails but the eoBiparallrrt trintnc nutla.r of SO Tents, and eery one anffcr liiff ultli pain can have cheap and petUiTopnH.f of 1U claims. Iiircctlons In XHeTffn I,anungs. SOLD BYALLDEUOOISTS AHDDEALEB8 IN MEDIOINE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., U.S. March (, Respectfully announces to tho people of La- hlghton and its vicinity, that he Is now pra- (iureu su aupiiiy iueia nuu an Miuua os Household Furniture f-Mannfaetured from the best Seasoned Mate. rials at Prices sully as low as the nameartlcle. can be bought tor elsewhere. Here are a few or tne inducements ooereu ; Parlor Sets at from $60 to $60 Walnnt Marble-ton Drestlnir Case lleclrcmm Suites, 3 pieces tit) to Hi r-ainieu rieurooin musses.,,, ...... aiaio840 (lane tteatnt I'hairf, per set oft.... t Uumraon i 'halri', per sot of 0 $t and all other Goods equally cheap. In this connection, I desire to call the at. tenlluu of tho people to my ample facilities In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME HEARSE, and a full UneofUAhKETS and COFFINS, I ain prepared to attend promptly to all or ders In this line, at lowest prices. Patronage reriieetrully solicited and (he most au,ple satisfaction guaranteed, V. SCHWARTZ, OCU2 RANK St,, Lehlghtcn. JOHN F. HAL13ACII, Insh uctor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LEUIOIITON, PA. Role agent for the WEBER PIANOS and the NEW ENG LAND OltUANS i And dealer In all kinds of Planosand Organs. Terms low.and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks, etc., taken In exchange. Sheet Muilo and books furnished on short notice. For particulars, terms', Ae., Address, JOHNV. H ALUAOH, Aug. IllWy. Lejilghton, T. Xtnra to lay Ho. Mo necessity of snap ping It out dog fashion, but say It firmly and retpectfully. A Brooklyn young man calls his swect- hi art "Silence," because when he wants to kiss her "the girei consent." Communion Wine. The crane crori of A. Sneer's vineyards in Now Jersey last year was double that of any previous year. His vineyards in Now Jersey havo so Increased each year that be has been enauieci 10 Keep a biock tour years ahead. Koue-eold less than four years old. It has become a popular nine among the best physicians In New York, and is largely used for communion purposes, and for weun aud nged persons. Tins iviuo is lor saie Dy our uruggisis, A. J. Purling and C.T. IIorn.M. L).,Lehlgh ton, and Zern Jc Espalier, Druggists, Weiss port, Pa. There is one good thing about a boy when a circus Is in town iou know where to look for him. "Who grasps much holds little." The proprielois of Kly's Crrsm Balm do not claim It to be a cure-all, but a sute remedy for Uatarru ana uatarrual Dcalnees, Cuius in tho head and Hay Fever. Cream Ualm ellectually cleanses the nas al passages of catarrrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays intlaination and irritation, protocta the mcmbranal linings ol the. head from additional colds, complete ly heals tne sores anu restores the sense ol . . . , i, , -i taste anil sinew, uenenciai results arc rea lized by a few applications A thorough treatment us directed will cure catarrh. The 11a ru is easv to use and aereeable. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. On receipt of 611 els., we will man a pacaage. oeuu sur circuiur with full infonnallon. Et.t' Caaau Balm Co., Oweco. N. Y For sale by A. J. Hurling und C. T. Horn, II. D., LebighUm. During hot weather barkeepers report (be lemon squeezer as a pressing necessity. ' ' Tho Esquimaux ought to be a good classi cal scholar he is very fond of old grease. Women that have been bedridden lor years have been entirely cured of female . t .i. - . t- i. r!..i.t - wcaaliosa uy use use ui uyuia x iiiaiiaiii a Vegetable ComKund, Scud to JI r. Lyd a E. Pinkham; 2.13 Western Avenue, Lyni , Mass., for pamphlets. When a man forges lie sometimes finds it necessary to make a bolt, A noble part of every true life is to learn to undo what hns'bccn wrongly dono. It I Oil IMtAISC. Letter ftom Paolo Marib, tbe great Prima Donna of Frenoh and Italian Opera. Mknoklssohx Piano Co., Kkw Vom : GitsTtKMicit I m delighted with your unriulit pianos, cverytuing seems possible iwilh them. They havo such a potverful tone, that I can imagine inyseli playing up on a Grand, aud vet thev are susccutiblo ol the mostdelicateshndesnfexprrssion. Their sisuico quality is lovelr, ami lor on accom paniment to singing, I wish only a Men- ilelsxolm 1'iatio. Yi lining you every pros perily, 1 am, YourlTespectfuliy, Paolo Marik. Absence destroys trifling intimacies, but it invigorates stning oncs- A chiropodist might havo his sign : Sec the corn curing hern omics. Foi three years my back, kidneys, urinal aud stomach have troubled me fo 1 have teen unable to attend to huaines. Two bnttlrs D. it. V. G. has mode Ino a well inn n No one should be without it, J. D. Freilenburgh, II Walton, St.. Syrnciiee, N. Y. The brewer belongs to au ancient race Hebrews. If you had the material would Jamaica runs puhcli? Ten years ajo while gathering ire I strain ed my back ami look cold, urination tins been painful ever since, until after consum ing three Untiles IK K. V. O. lam well now, nu years oiu anu wci nuo a ikii. B. B.rilmlgett, Baker. Syracuse, N. Y. Guaranteed hy all Druggists. Two tramps wills a single thought beat as one. The rod is never used in the mackeiel'a School. Des Moines Iowa State Register. Hon. S. XI. Voder'. Pooitlon. A icpresentative man's opinion on other than political matters, is oilcn of great use to lua coiislltuonry. The lloD.b. II. Ymli r, ol uione Mills, pa., lias recorded bis oiun ion on a suliject nf popular interest. I have been selling ou Jacob s uu lor tne last year, I have never heard a person speak, of it, except as a (plenum nu-uicine, and as thr great speciuc lor r ncu inane a iiccllons,wiiell er intlaniatory, acute or chronic, swellings, sores, sprains, uurns, wounds, (tc. i sen .UinreM. Jacob s Oil than ot any other kind ot iiiiimeni, ana it gives universal eattsiac tinn. 1 will always keep it oi, hand. The fanners say, that lor man and beast, Uicy find nothing to equal il. Llltle Lotlle to lier friend "I have so many cares. Yesterday n littlo baby sister arrived and papa is on a journey. It was but n piece nf lurk that mamma was at liomu (a take rare of it." Tbu I'opullir Ilomiillil. So crest has been tho popular demand for .the celebrated remedy Kidney-Wort, that il is Having an immense sale lrom Maine to California. Sonic have- found il inconvenient In prepare it Irons the drv mmiound. For such tho proprietors now prepare It lu liquid lorui. uniaran bo pro cured at tbe druggists. It has precisely I ho same effect as tbe dry, but is very concen trated so that the dose ia much tmalltr. ZokiII Mail. "Fancy the feeling" of the contributor to a metropolitan journal when his line iai sage about tbe "Irish peasants" was made to read "fresh peauuta." pm Bo suro and stop aud ask for Dr. Bailsmen's German Vegetable Worm Medi cine. Wa muted to cure or no pay. A.J. Hurling, Bank St., sole agent for Lehighton, Penna. 2G 13w Samuel Ward says it is genteel to cat game of the small-bone kind with your fin gers. This it very gratifying information. Tho girls have taken to wearing hoop skirts again, but this step doesn't add to their attractiveness, except in thunder storms. Iiuporluist iu 'I rnrelerx SrrciAt. IsrouciCiiKXTS ro offered you by the huKLIXGTOX ltocTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found else- whero in this issue. What men call accident is God's own part. The rule which works both ways is no rule at all. The girl In the apron is alvays tired. Given up by Doclortu "Is It possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work and cured by so simple a remedy?" "I assure you it is true that he is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop.Bitlers j and only ten days ago bis doctors gayo him up and said he must die 1" "Wella-dayl That'a remarkable I". I will go this day and get nine for my poor George I know hops are good." 6amuel Bovard,' a farmer near Salem, Westmoreland county, was thrown from a sulky drill with which he was cowing Wbtat by iheteamrunningaway. Ua was dragged under the drill and horribly mangled, Toor circumstances alter burial casesr Wr -Iters are at work In divers, placti. O c 3 O - o NEW HARDWARE Where vnn can buv anvthine usually ktnt tn CABII PRICES? Razors, Fine Cutlery & Shears, folly Warranted SCISSORS AND RAZORS GROUND AT SHORT NOTICE. Um! Cwisias! guaranteed. AGENTS FOR THE OBfif1i .IleiMl Chilled IBlow9 (Every Plow given on pSf Persons visiting Allentnwn by Rail uuy, as it is nearest tue jtniiroau ucpots. a Respectfully, Anthony SIGN OF THE BIG CUN,) 606 Hamilton September 21th, 1881-yl MeilelBBDa Piano Oomp'y Will make, for the next 60 850 Square Grand Piano for only $2-45 ! orsTxr-r -n ni MagnlBeent rosewood ease elegantly Hnlsbed SBTmnns, lSOdTAVcs, mil OLA L'LJ patent cantante agraltes, our new patent overstrung scale, beautllul carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large Taney moulding round c.ifo.lull Iron Frame, French UrAnd Aetlon, Grand Hammers, in fact every lmprovumclit which can in any way tend to tbe perfection of the Instrument has been added. Ti-OUn 1'BIOE FOR TmS INflTUMENT HOXSO AMD BULl VK1IED ON UOARD OARS f) iK f( at New York, witss vinb Piano Uovkr, Stool aku Hook, only $&o,i) This Pfano will ba sent on test trial. Please soud rcfureiice II vou do not sond monev with order Jath sent with order will be refunded Piano IS not just as reprcsonicu in tuis Aiivorusenieiii. snousanas in use. Sena lor uata lcgue. Every Instrument fully Warranted for Uve years. XXT A TVTIiCt ttOO to 4101 (with Slool, Hover and Bcok). All strictly First-clabr 9T I AJI1L1 and sold at Wiiolksalk rACTORY prices. These Pianos nmdo one ol tho iiuest illsplays at the llenlennlal EihlbliloD, and were unanlmtiuily re- ooresneuded fur tbe llioni:ST IIoaoKS. The Squares, contain our New Patent Smle, tbo greatest tmprovenient lu tho history ol Pl.sno uiaklnir. The new patent mile Uprights are tho vinkst in America. Posltlrol'y we make the tlneet (.'prlulit Pianos, oi the riobest tone and greatest durability. T ey are recoinmeuded by the highest authorities lu the country. 'ver 11,000 In use, and not onk dihiatisi'iku i-uiich abkii. All Planosand Urgans sent ou 15 daja' lost trial-ftetgtttfree ifuntatUfaclory. 1'gti'l tall to write us before buy ing. Positively we oHor tbe neat bargains Piano Oatahuue mallfd free. Handsome Itlus. trated and Descriptive Piano catalogue ol 60 pages mailed tut Sc. stamp, Erary l lano fully warranted for 6 yoare. JUBILEE 0HG ANS cSi'sffis i?,?:s!r U U JLlAUUiJ 7JS.ajA SO , t ,,,,..(. tas.lest and rweeleat toned Parlor Organ ever nilorcd tho musloa! public. Itountalns Fivu Uctaws, Fivk sets of Heeds, viz: Slclo-lla, Uelesir, UliipDSun, Mil)-1 lass and Oilesflni. AlfO Fiftrrn Dtauti ful Stoni. as follow?, via : Mi lodla, Oelcste, (a charniini; stop,) Diapason, Hub-Hail, Lrho, Dulcet. Melodla.Forto. Uelcste Porte, Expression, Treble-Uouplrr, Celeilina. Husi-iloiiplcr, Grand Organ, (whHi throws on tho entire power or tho Instrument.) stlght Knee titoji and Swell, Left Knee Slop ami Swell, lloluht, 70 In.; Lrnitlh, 4? In.; H Idth, i4 In. , Veluhi, noxed. &tt0 lbs. Tbe case Is of solid walnut, veneercil wltti choice woods, u-nt la ol an entirely now and bi-outlful design, elaborately carved, with panels, tmule oluaet, lamp stand, frotwoik, fic, all cleKitnily fifilslird. fouenet all th latest and best ImnrovoMionls, with nn at power, depth, brilliancy and svinpntli. tlo qimlltv ol tone. II .0 utl ul solo ellce'snnd perfect stop action. retail price .;75. IJur KholetaU net cath price to have It Mro dHccit, with stool and liui, only iS7 niiuorirun snld sells o hers. PnaiTiVKW no iikvia tion lii rRini;. Nopayuieut n-qmied until ou have lully leiliul the onran In yourOAii home. Wo fend nllnruanR on U iagt ten trial anl p.iy ftelitht both w.sys II Instrument Is tsot as represented. Posltiiely,.our irgaus contain no "Hoisus" sols of heeds, ur Dummy" ftopf, as du n aov others. IVe inal.ft no inUieprcsentailons, uud srnaraniee honrst and lair dcnlln,ornosi'le. F ally warianlcd lor 5 yiars. timer stilrs au, 6o, 457. i65, 47 , J75.H5S, etc. Ovr.r. 34,t"0 solu, a.d i;vtin Ouoan iia oivuntiie vULLcar SATiarAOl ion. Organ Catalogue mailed tree. Factory ao WJhikrooms, 67th St., and lbth Ave. ciTrr tf'n - f iiorp a' ono-thtrd price. Catalogue of 3 00 cholec pieces sent forSo' OIIIjLjL illUsjlv stump. Thla Catalogue Includes most of the impular'iuusio o the d.iy and every variety. of musival composition. ly the btst authors. .Addrees, 5.KSI1M.SS1I0X MAX0 CO., P. 0. Jinx 058, New York ('My. July 2.-3ono. Including Hats, Uonnete, Flowers, Ribbons, NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. All work; done In tho latest style, aud won durable manner, at the lowest cash prices. STORK: at the intersection of HANK STltEET and BANKWAY, LEIUOHTflN. PA, nprllSO, IS1J1. A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IKON BITTERS aro lilclslv recommended for all diseases re quiting a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indication, Dytpcpeia, Inter mittent J-'cnrj, Wan! of Appetite. Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the Wood, strengthens the muscles, and givesnew life to Use nerves. They act liko a charm on tho digestive organs, removing all dyspeutlc symptoms, suclt ns Ihstsnj the Food, Belching, Ileal in the Stomach, Heartburn, tie. Tho only Iron Preparation that ivill not lilaclccn tlto teeth or give headache. Bold by all druggists. Writ for the A B C Boole, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading tent free, BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. ITTER A. A. THOMAS. Corner Ninth and Streets. Washington, 11. O., attends to Pen sion and Bock Pay. Bounty Claims collect ed. Contested Ln.d Claims, Mineral aud Asrlculinral; attended to before the Depart ment or tne interior ana supreme i uuri. Land Serin and Additional Homesteads nur- cbased and sold. April 13-tl-cor, laS ?IS J SUITES &SJ t V 1 istliPsU AOElin WAEIZS lor tbe Best and Fastest BelUuic Pictorial Booka and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National. Publishes Co., Philadelphia, Pa. mar5-ma i2 1 5 8 sS : Bit ti 1 is 1 3 CD J CD t3" Pi 8 a first-class Ilsrdwara Store at BOTTOM miiiii! CELEBRATED and Sporting Cnnds at Lower Prices than ever and satisfaction Trial and Warranted,) will find this the most convenient place to can sosicium. dfc SDisijecbos Street, Allentown, Pa. days only, a Grand Offer of and freight charges paid by us both ways If MISS M. S. SHYDIB, liespcctfully announces to l)t?r lady friends that she has just received a nil line of the latest 'lovelties in FALL & WINTER Store Feathers, Notions, and UKKSS TI1IMMINUS DROP IN AT THE ft Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOR I Cheap Printing ! J $gr'hc Cabbon Advocate one yeur for $1, and Kendall's j Horse Book as, a xncmium. j I I AGENTS WANTED ins jomrcoiT asvoLvnra boos im vrrra laurtnuirt lur-tn ArcstaMji to Boon Art Ki.EaA,vr rncsevr. IXVAXCAttXtO Inxrrm, ClerrT. l?liy!cln. XUIItors, jjnnuorsa senciitni Tlorclinnt. Stndentk: Asd all who ml Bsaka, OHEAPE3T, 0TRONOE8T, BEST. Bend for deseilptivo elrcultirand Prloe list. COHJ1E3POHDKNCB BOUCTrXD Addrees, nAKUIt, VHATl Ac CO., Deheol, end dealers la everything U it Poo and Matwaaty u-o. ID Eond HU, Nevr York. Bend U cents for onr New IUustrte4 pata logue, with over 909 IUtutrsUlosa ot oducaUoaal lina tuetul crUclcs, THE GREAT BUItLJOrGTOtf MOVTE. t3yNo olhor line runs Thruo Throunh Tas Bcngcr Tralna Unlly botween Chicago, lci Moines, Council llluCs, Oinubn, Lincoln, bt, Joseph, Atchison, Topekrt nnrt Kiuisas City. Direct connections for nib point In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado. Wymnlnir. Jlontanai Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizonn, Idaho, Oregon ana Cislifornln, Tho Shortest, Spocdlost find MostComfortn. ble Itouto vlnliannibi.i to Fort Scott, Donlsoit, Dnllns, Houston, Aiftin. San Antonio, Ualvcs ton and all polmn in Tojns. Tho iineiiualod Inducements offered by this Lino to Trnvolcrs nnd Tourists, nr? m Inllnwat Tho eolebvatod Futlraitn lin-wheel) I'alaeo Slceplns Cnrs. run only on tbli I.liic.C, Q. Palnco nrawlng-Iloom Cars, with Ilorton's fieollnlnirChalra. Nu ovtm rhara-o Tor feats In ltccllnlnir CbalrJ. Tho famom C. II. & Q. Palaco Dluluir Cars, (lurn-eoin Hmoklnir Cnra Utted with Klejrunt nirh-ll-U;ed ltaitnis Ke volviwr Chnlia for tho exclusive Uso of tlrst class paengc. Strcl Track r.nd Surcrlor roulpracnt. com; hlfied with their OrmtThroiiirh Cnr AnmiBO' mcnt, makes this, above nil other i, the rnroilto Itputo to tho Houth, South-WCit, nnd tho Far Try it. nr.d vou will find travcllnj n luiurr lnteadof adlsciimfuru .... Throsish Tickets via this Cclchrntrd IJnn for enlo ntall officcalti tho Cr.ltcd mates anil Canada. . All Information nboiit llnlea rf rnro, Sleep. Inir Car Accnrninoilntlons, Time Tilblos, will 1k cheerfully c'u-n bv npplrlim lo J. (J. A. llllAN. Hon'l r-sorn Asrcnt. J01 Wiihln?toti i!r.. II ston. Man. nd "17 l'tti ulwit v, Now Yrkt JAMES 1!. WOOD. (irn. Push. Apt.. I'lilofgo. T. J. I'OTTKII, lieu. Manager, Chlcaga D. R.Y. G. CUREO Dyspepsia. Indigestion And all treublas aritln; ihcrefrom, such ua. Haadacae, uu. it tress aft i Eiilni, Acidity of iht rUtutcacy, Lirsr aad 'liTlomac's, i K I d it a y Liver jAc'ci i Complilnl, Terp! iConitljwtlan. PlUt, ha Hack and Ltmba, Kit ll tlnl belt Purifier a Utile V.Wld. Culraa. ft tntc;iu to lire par- trad by all feci aaU rafamdad. Isl III ljatt p- fiction or noney Try it. Our Vital-To-ilc ntiars. tit pettier iathaYVerU. Call far iStsa. D. R.V.C.Mfff.CoHprop, G SYRACUSK, !. V. New trlk DapM. O.V.CtiMutn, mrCtottruL m n au n-j.;!. lr.l."A K. lt" dm Mm 1i.ooJsIK3BbWMI mm irsalMU Seals!" . Elands pre-eminent anions the treat Trunk Uaea of tba TVest for being the most direct, quickest, and safest Una, connectlnz tbo great Metropolis, ClIlCAOfL and tba Eastsis, NoTn-EiSTis, SosjTjisia and Socm EaSTiax usaa, which terminate there, with Kixsa Cirr. lxivi!twoTn, Atcossox, Council, BLcrra and Oaani. tbe cowxiucsal cxstxu from vitslch a-adl&te EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates the Continent from tbe. Hlwoart Krer to tho PacWe Slope. The 3 CliicaEo, Rock Island & Facile Railway la the only Itae from Chleat? owning track Into Kauaa. or which, by lu own road, reachia the p-iaU ahova named. Nn TumriH sr oaaaiaail No msuixo coaaiorioxil Ho huddling i (Illllaud or ua. cieon eort, at every pauevatr it carrlfd I roem ctaon and untUabi coacku, upon ratt Bzfntt DaT'caas of unrivaled magnldcenee Pruxsir Pxucs $trsxo Cans, and our owa world-famona DiKixa Cabs, upon widen mtala are aenedof n. aarpaawd excellence, at the low rate of snw CaKTiiiacH, with ample time for bralihfol eotormeBt. Through Cars between Chicago, reorte. ktllwaokeia andUlcaoertlUverpoUtfi and close connectlona at all rxanu of Interaoclloa with other roaaa. 'we ticket (do ml forget WWdlrecUyto everyrlaos of Importance tn Kamaa. Nebraaka. niaeltniUa, Wyoming, Ut'h. Idaho, Nevada. Cambnila. Omron, Waahingtoa Territory, Colorado, Artioua and Hew MAabheral arraasemenU regarding Uggsga as aw other Itae. and rateaof fart always as low aacomaea tors, who furnish but a mhe of the comfort IMaa and tackle ot anortainen free. .,.. Helen, mans and foldera at all principal ticket offices In the United Mates and Canada. R, R. CABLE, Vl rrtt't aai Gaa. Muar, Chleasa. E. ST. JOHN, On. TIL aai ratrt If C&itagfl. MTVS OIIOANSIfiuset il stops sets reeds 111" only $55. PiAXoatliiup. O-Illus. Oat. free. Address Hbattv, Washlnitton.N.J. new righ;blooqi I'roisa J'lirffollee l'lltt uiako New ltlch Blooil, and vt IU completely chavee tho blood In thecntlresratem la thrco rrontbs. Auvperson who will take 1 pill each nlirht from 1 to is week maybormtoredloaonnd healtli. If such a thins bo siossibln. gent bv mail for 8 letter stamps. J. H. JOTfXNOX .c CO., Jiotton, Hate., formerly Jtaiigor, Jfe. AGENTS WANTED EffiSTffSSf, tlna SloelUiie ever lntesite.1. Will lullapalrof ttockuus, wiui llll.Li ai 1 coiupieea, u XOmlautcs. It will alao knlta creat variety of faoey wwtiorwhicts taueiasiwa.aa reaur maritiaauu iiyr c4rcularand tcrtul tn U.a Tvvombly Kultttntf Ltaehlue Co., 1J) WaahluvtsnbU Uvtlun, laaas. may j-vl