WWIII18WMIIMSaBWMMMaWffySMBMH189BlMMW3 fc i ' - r'- SATURDAY, BCTOliBft 1, 1881. Local and Pef Sonal. Frederick lteltinger aged 64 years; H Bunday found drowned in the canal at Wilkesbarre. Hdi saw mai parties mere hare insurance io the amount of $T0,uuti ori bis life. James Williams fell down an air shaft at the Btanton Um, nc&f Wllkesberre, ott Saturday and was instantly killed. Francis Mitbum Iron worker.wasfdUnd Urowned in the Lehigh Canal at Catasau- tiua on Thursday of last week, XSr WANTED, Irhrtic'dlaUly a falWrbM, m wor on una coats, h?"" per wee. Appy at mi. o.... . -The East Pennsylvania Syhod ol the , Lutheran Church, in session at Lancaster, ,bn Thursday of last Week, elected the fol1 lowing officers: Bev. W. M. tialllti, D. Di; bf Phllsdelphla, President Ilev. J- A. Blngi master, Schuylkill Haven, Secretary, and Bev. E. Hub? r, Philadelphia, Treasurer. sSr-For dust proofon time railroad watch o to E. II. Ilohl's, Mauch Chunk. The good wife of our friend Wnitney, Hfifc.L. S. n. Tt. denot. of this place, Presented him on Monday last, with anotb er "Stalwart" pledge bf her failhfultiess. The boy has not yet been named, but friend Vhitney is very happy I i i . . . . .-v . The .yield bf buckwheat will be very light this year. . as-Belore ordering ydtlr fall add Whiter suits and overcoats, you should not rail to Urop idtd trie ;Fost Oilice builddlg, in tins boroueh.and examine tho now and elegant -r l nnlil. in rlnlh.. fcassiirleres, sdillngs and overcoatings now bpeniug, and Which the undersigned is pre- pared to make up In the very latest style and most durable manner at prices fully as low as the satrle itiaferial arid Workmanship ban be obtained elsewherB. Call and be convinced. Eespectfully, It. II. PrtRBS, AeBtlt, P. 0. Building, Lehightoh, Penn'a. 53uIfyou waUta nice smdOtb,easy BbaVe Jrour hair cut or ShamrkiBing, go to Fran Krfederers Haloon; unuer me excuange no' tel. He will ax you rlgui; anu aouiyou i k . . 1 '"'S" ,w Ware for sale, and repairing' done1 at iloga- roan's Store, Weissport. 2&yl. John Madden, of Bethlehem; sold his IrotUr "Thomas Carlylej1' td J. B. Bdttcrs wick, bf Philadelphia, for $930. 3404 bushels' of huckleberries Were thinned from Curbondale tins season, all picked on the mountains surrounding. They I were worth at pibkers-prices $8,544.08. I An Unregistered physician cannot col- iect payment by law for professional scr- Vices. It is singular tbat this fad has not made the doctors morosnxious to register: The furnace at Lyons is tbe odly ono idle oMhe entire number dfiron making establishtnents along tbe tart i'ennt ran- roan. Joseph Metzlbttr Was killed in new lloston Colliery, Schuylkill county, on Sat- brday, by being caugbt In machinery. teS.8moke "The Hound HeacLOigars-. the best S cent .cigar in town. Try them. For Sale by J. W. Baudeubush, at the "car bon House." 31 tfi Sfi-The bert aild cheapest boolls may be had at Luckehbaeh's: 61 Uroaciway, Mauch Chunki Among the works he of fers for salts are" tile" followine: Acme bibg raphy: 12 Standard books by MacaUley, Carlyls and others; boiiiid in one volume, AO rants. Lives of Ohaucen Spencer, Mil ton. Cowper and Southey;. 1 vdlume, 40 fcuntii Lives of Do Foe, Johnron, Gold SnijlH, Scott and Thackeray, 1 volume; 50 Vnitn. TiMa Pnrvtrrld hl-A A?. The works of Fiivtous JosephUS; $2. aW invite tho attention of.our read kn to the advertisement of the tfuckeye MTg Cd.i iiaHbh, Ohio, in another column. They offer rare inducements to earn an hone-t living. DUring the week ending on the 23d tilt., there were 93,053 tons of coal shipped bver the L. & S. railrord, making a total of 8,-i40,Jl0tons for the season to that date, an increase ol 502.567 tons as compared with Ibe same time last year. The Stale Detective Association met at Allehtown, Wednesday add elected Wil- liam A. Bwan, of wimeeoarre, presiaem, and B. F. Meyers, treasurer. Thirty coua- ties were represented. The next meeting Will be held at Bradford. $Sr We notice that a number or odr ped- die go to Dr. J. A. Mayer; at Mauch Chunk, to get beautiful sets of teeth ; Ihe Df.( as an .bpoVator, is unecelled by anV other ih this ar We notice that a number of odr ped- Hgion, Which fact is appreciated by the pub- tic . jySOlSw. "Sm-Al private salei dhs Conner still, bead and worm, alsd One patent Birch Chopper and two 300 gallon casks. Apnly to T. S. BKt, lie&lgliton, l'a. cepi- iu jw Abraham Pott died at Port fWfbon, Sohuylkill cminty; on Motiduy, ih his S5d 1-ear. He Was ono of the first coal upcrators lb llial county, and ono of the first to use knthracll coal Ih the manufacture of iron: Charles Fdlloroth,a well known miner in the employ of tbe Delaware and Hudson Company, accidentally walked ihto the No. I t!it ft at Fljmouth Tuesday eveuing. Ho fell 154 feet. When hlj bodr wuS brol'ght la the surface it was bsfdly recognisable. Read W. P. Long's new advertisement ifl to-day's paper; (hen call and see bis Stock; Don't nCglect to call OO David Ebbeit if you want a good team at a low prices, Living on North street. ss8BeSt watches made for railroad meu, at low prices," at H. H. Ilohl's; Mauch Chunk, . We have) bad several nice showers of raiu .during the past few days, Highly -Interesting and instructive memorial services lor th late President uarnciu wore uem tu our BCTcrai cuuicuca On Sunday and Monday last. All our busi- ness places add rrtany private residences Were draptd in rroorning. Our young friends oolumbuJ uom and i-eier rvressiey en ior riiuuurg on lucsasy last, waere iney nave lonnu empiomeni. uunngme weex ending on me in over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total for tbe season to tbat date of 4,438,700 (ami an fncreaseof 973,168 tons as compared With same date last year. 23Clocks. watches.-riivef Ware and jew elry, largest assortment of new goods in Carbon county, at B. Ui Hohl'i, Mauch C'htfnii. Qutta a number of our people visited (he Alientown fair on Thursday last. Mrs. Scbweibins, 70 years of ago.- res! dlCgTn the vleinity ofBigC'reek, fell and fractured her artfi at the Wrist a few days ago. Willie, a young sou of John Ruber, fll i few days since and bftke his arm be loW tbe elbow, Thia Is th second ftaetur. ithlB J month Both cases are io charge of Dr. 8dpi. of town. " Palmer has been detested is hit calcu fadotra in Luzerne county Republican tick b The ticket named is at follows r James rjUpatrieV,' of IIailetonf for County Treas irrer,gopa muuBi, w uiowre ior Register, tnd John Haines, of Pitlston, and James Lindsay, or Plymouth, for Contois- Farnftr. and all those Interested Will Wr In1 mind that tbe Carbon County fair Mill take place, on tbir grounds 'n this bor ougbjcommcneing on Tuesday,Octobr 11th. t jew tahibiU ready. Ttt the itiocfcy tit Crirlioii Crf. We tro on the era of In ithportant elefc- tloo In both Stile aud Counljrj and there are bat six weeks left Tor work, with a bllUr Independent Republican fight on the Cameron Btalwart nine, candidate far Slate Treasurer throughout the bordtrJoaweaHh; tit. ndrtv UnVtat.Mlt, A IvfriAH . Ihft nlnn tloU bf lb. Democratic bandldale for Stat' Trisiirer Is a fofEohb conclusion, rt. rv,ni HMr.t I. nn nf the. belt and jngt, and embraces among its nominees renrcsentativei of capitalists) merchant; i.,iK., i.hnrer .nd farmer, and contains rfePh8entatlTe men of tho German) Irish, Pennsylvania Dutch and English Hatioti- Unties) some of wtlaBi have alroady been tried and proved faithful and true to the old Jefferson lost ol hdhesty and fitness. With a lull vote and a straight ballot the Hddhtr will i e tsd d fash oned Demo- , moritv. Our noble Hancock waa Ignomlnously defeated in Dertlocrallo New n , . n.rti..U- Sr York through treachery and the result of party feuds, party indifference and local disaffection) Our opponents throughoutthe county; though apparently inactive, are working steadily; day and night for the aUccesi of at least a portion of their ticket This they openly admit they can only at' cdmplish by Democrats scratching and bar terinz. It tnercfore' behooves Us to bb Up nu on me. aiert, wormng, eacn ana bi.i oi " honestly, fearlessly, persistently and ef- fectually for thejuhole ticket, and nothing the ticket until lite Ides of November. , T. .J J . u. " every uemocrai. noes uia wooio uuty success is certain. 1 call upon every uem ocrat who has the good of the glorious De- niocrary at heart and desires the principles of jefr,raon anrl jaak,orl to be perpetuated) j , ji to arouse himself for the good work, and be vigilant and active, and victory. Will) US iri tbe past( porci, upon 0r bannori GKd. Wi Essrr, Chairman Co. Com Attest! E K. SlKwitas, Sec'y. irieninrlnl Service on (lie llerttll of Jnillci A. Cnrflcld, at the Koj'- ktono S.rtlo PiorlUa School. For the CarKok Advocatk. MonBat, Sept.Se, 1831 When the sad news of tho death of our .,..... . , .. ... ,.,!...,. luiueiikuu irsiiiciib icuviicu vino lusiuutr. .1 r .....t... i... .kJ steps taken to pay dbe tribute and honor to his memory, Patty lines vanished as dark- ness before a burnlne sun. The sludehla flo more thought of the deputed as apolitical factor, but as a benefactor of his country. Mr, Samuel T. Bordnef Was elected per IHahebt Chairman, and to his credit bo it (aid be first advanced tbe proposition of (jaVihg some appropriate exercises on this occasion. The following persons were appointed Id perforiii on the appdlnled dayi Mies Barefurd, Select Beading; Mr. C. Hj Leihbacb, Eulogy: Prof. Kemp, Memorial: nd p r youndi Music. Ten o'clock a. m. was appointed fdrthe exercises to begin. The Chapel presented an inibosine.solemn and impressive apnesr- ,oc, Tll() DuiDi, .taud was draned In Mack. Right behind and above it was this mottoi "God Beigns," with two pendent flgs. Tho ehandeliorS were also draped. Many people from town were in attendance so tbat the Chapel was quite filled. Dr. Schaeffer read an appropriate extract of scripture, after- which was sung "Asleep Id jesus," followed by the litany. The Chair man then onnouueed the.first perfbtmer, Miss Barefoid; who in a calm, steady voice, though deeply moved, read the Selection, "The Truly Great Can Never Die." This was followed by a Solo and Quartette, enti tled. "A Nation's Tear In.-Sorrow Fall.'' Miss Ella S. Keiser sang the Solo in a clear and thrilling" tone. Miss Mary Fister and Profs. Schnabel and Young joined in the Quartette. C. II. Leinbach was next an bounced. The beauty bf expression, depth 0f feeling and sincerity, alid strong deline atjou of the character and life ol the deceas- e(i a wer0 Krand, patriotic and sublime, prof. Young followed with Music "PresU dent Garfield's Funeral March." The feel- jng of interest awakened by patriotic Lein- buch. was not in anvwav diminished when prof, Kemp took the Stand and opened his Memorial address. His style at once cle- Tated a figuratiye, conveyed assurance that 8 better choice could not have been made, Beady and fluent the speaker held the af tentioti of tho audience from beginning to tentioti of the audience from t end He c , Jefl d tfa . . of 'be Nation's dead Chie rise and prog- eftain. His- tory will remember him. A sorrowing Na- tion and a sympathizing world will ever treasure,- the memory of James A. Garfield; and link it with bis devotedness as a sob, hubband and lather. Prof. Kemp paid high Imlior In bis memory, and nobly alid nun fullv portrayed tbe acts of tbe departed l.ero. Pml, Young, by request, sarig "A Jution Weeps." Sonl-stirriug.patheticand mouiaful, was the delivery of ibis beauti ful piece of composition, lt.v, Leinbach; of Beudiiig, announced tbe closing, well I known Nationul song. Alter the benedie Hon by the sums; the audlcnco'slowiy filed onl, and though perhaps sadder thon when I they entered, they surely felt more deter- mined to be mere loyal; good and true. Though an all wise Providence bos seen fit to call the latient sullerer from earth to heaven let us not forget tbat He rules the Nations oh. the earth that He doeth all things well. The weary strife is I oyer. 1 he long and earnest struggle to rise ) tho world had hardly ended, when tbe man of the' battle-field tbe Senate and Ex ecutive Hall, bad to leave all and enter on Ike life immortal. Yet bis spirit hovers over us, is with us, and still prompts us to worthy anil BcWe deca,. Peace to his i ajn Allen rorfrtslllp itcniBJ Now gather in your hickory nnta, xb6 Cherryville Creamery Is using 50,000 lb3. of milk dailyi -Some of our farrriers have commenced hakjug Nathan Beck is employed with two teams hauling railroad ties from Smith Gap to Lehigh Gap. -The young folk who went to Phita delphia with the excursion on the 21th ult, enjoyed themselves immensely. Sylvester Blose, of near Berlinsiill, paid ns a flying visit last Sunday. Services in memory of our late Pre sident, James A. Garfield, in the Cherry- vilio St. Paul's church was held lost Mon day evening. Addresses were made by Revs. Mabre and Breugel, Frantr Mills, of Moore twp., left bis homa Uat 8&3 week and 06 (he fol '0?lDS 'Ihursday Was found in the canal gftug. drowned. He wo. buried last Satur'dav. nnnuanipiou co Bept, TJ. AJlFAnW IKn Tnn 17arnV TnJIo. r.ut . - u vwu w..u, ........ ti xji cvn, McKean county, a few dayrsince destroyed tn Af l..b. 1. . 1 ; .. . . IT 1 ' Kribbs, and four hundred eofds Of hemlock bark, valued at $2000, that belonged to F. H' Neff- John DViscoli, of Bradford, distressed . I nvar i Iva Ana U r 1. 1 . J I . T 0 IST. "X. k tTu "'"5 Saturday by taking poison, - 1 Richard. Boon, a' trdl.trnmn ti;n nr Berks county, died In Union township, that I eountyoa FrldayvBged 85 years.- Frflin flmOranlj Seat. 0. W. WilHelm, eon of dames Wii helm, who has been on a proapeoting tour through tho silver rnlning region;. of Colorado, for tho last five months, re turned homo last Saturday In order to rccrdit his health. lie designs return ing to tho west tigatn in the spring. Win, G. reyman, attorney at law; has moved into his new office, 70 Broad way, In olir hnmble opinion he has tho most conveniently arranged and hand somely furnished office in the county, if not in the state it is neat, inviting, rich ly furnished and beautifully proportion ed. It looks as if ho intends to stay and meant business: We admire his taste and commend his judgment. Charles Carroll (not of Carlton), bnt of Laurytown, this county,- died vory suddenly and unexpectedly a, few days ago. He was an old citizen and a good farmer. in obedience to a proclamation of the Qovernor of this Commonwealth and in accordance with tho request of the Oencral Oovernmont, and in honor of odr lately deceased, much loved and nnivtr- dlly lamented President, James A. Oar- field, all business was suspended on last Monday, and the. day sacredly obs.rved as a day of fasting and prayer by our people, l'he Methodists of town and of East Mauch Chunk joined iu a union service with tho Presbyterians here. Tho church was well filled, and the services appropriate, insttuctive and impresbive: Tho youngest son of II , T. Kneal, of 2nd ward, fell from. a chestnut treo, last Wednesday, and alrtiosfinstnutly killed. Ho was about 11 years old: A dblcmn admonition to boys not to venture too reckleanly while chestnut gathering. Mrs. N. D. Cortright, jr., wife of our worthy postmaster, who has been visiting her parents at Fort Eennedy, Pa., returned home Wednesday, alter an absence of several months. A very largo excursion, or rather an army, for the word excursion is not suf ficiently comprehonsive for so large a crowd as that which visited the Bwitzer land of America lost Thursday. It was simply immense. John Leisenring, Jr:, who is largely interested in n cattle ranch in Montana Territory, and who has been absent for a number of months is home on a visit and looks welli He is lit present visit ing friends in Upper Lehigh. W. H. StrohaudD. G. Bertsoh.have returned, home from their Western toun - John Ilarkina.nil old resident of East Mauch Chunk) died on Saturday last and was buried on Monday. John Brelstord & Son have resumed operations at the old tunnel (Huckelbir- nle) ahd they will soon be in condition to again supply their old customers and tho market with coal. JCsiioe, Aviill Crock. I (cm. Foamers are at present busily on- gaged sowing grain. Mr. tichlnke, of Upper Pills Run, who strolled riway froln home several weeks past, without telling bin wherea bouts, has not relumed, and the people are anxiously watching for a trnfce of him. Tbe wunderer is a man of no ex perience intraveling. -The Jerubaleni Sunday-shool picnio at Tracbsvflle, was held on Saturday last. It was very agreeable. An ad dress was made by the Rev. Freeman; Mubic by a string band lrom Kresge ville'.- -Visitbfs in this place on Sunday were Auidndus KlbU-r and Mrs: Beck, of Kreidirsville; Mr. J. F. Seurfoss, of L'Oopersburg; Monroa County; and J. II. Leindecker, abcompanied by several of bis friends, All were welcome. -Mr.- A Hawk, of Middle Creek, Mon roe county, paid us a lrieudly visit on Monday last. Come again. --Mr. Jceeph Kibler, of this place, suddenly taken ill on Monday last, is on his feet again. Mr. Win,-Eckert is erecting a dis tillery at a, place called Stone Hut Bun, proposing to distill oil of birch.' -Our friend H. B. Christman; painter, near Taachsville, who was taken ill sev eral weeks ago, is at present iu n very poor ntrt helpless condition. Of the dis oase we Lavo not a true idea, though it is bitpp-)ed tii be typhoid, accompanied with t-bvae other kind of a fover. We wish him to bo speedily restored to his former health. ileury H. Kibler, of this plate; has left fr Long Bun; where he is employed forming for laisbro:hrr-iu-lw, C. Ahntn -On Tuesday last we ero agreeably MirpiUcd with a good shower of rain Mr. Ndtbau Smith, who was taken ill a week ago, is at present in the samo condition, unable to be about. Of ado. -Too UUs Ed. Advocate. nig; Creek living. James I. Blakslee; of l'cnn Haveft Juction, was at this plne'e on a visit to friends on Wednesday of last wetk. - J. K. Rickert and Mr. -Harsh, of Weissport, were at this plape onVedncs- tlny of last week looking after their tim ber laud on Cull Mountain. - Our farmers hate about finished cute ting corn. - Potatoes ate commsmling a fair price at present. Long straw is retailing at from 20 to 25 Cents per bundle. Considerable cider was made at this place last week. Our furmtra havo finished (be great er part of their seeding. Mr. Wilson ShOenberger, who left for Kansas this Spring, returned to this place on Saturday, the 17th ult.,- disgust ed with the West, and expeets to stay in the East It is rumored that James Christman, of East Weissport, expects to teach the Sb'oenberger school tbis term. Mr. Wm. Watkin has been engaged la teach the Btemlcrsville school. The bridge across Big Creek, at Gildnor's has b'eem repaired by the Su pervisor. Reuben Strohl, of Mauch Chunk, was at tbis place on Tuesday of last Week on business; No cabbage at this plaee this year. -Cider . is selling from 2 to 3 dollars' per barrel. The corn crop is poor and the price win do uigu. Good colta are selling at from 30 to 17 dollars eacn. keveile. Our neighbor, Mr. E. Hiblor.was made Very happy on Sunday morning last by tbe Dirth r daughter, I doing well Mother and child are brgniitKetVfToiupcrnrico IJnllot. 3b the Editor c tht CARBon AntooiTit. Aocordlng to previous notice a num- b6r bf prominent Temperance men throughout the county, among whom Were lion. Lot! Wenlz, of Aquashlcola; Wm; Craicr, of Iiehioh Gap: W. W, Bow man, B. F. liofford, Phillip Miller, John Bohti; Ed, Badcllf, Lewis Weiss, O. 8. Weiss, A. M. Kuntz, of Lehigh ton; J. K. Bickert, W. O. Weiss, of East Weiss port; E. A. Packer, of Mauch Chunk; J, J. Kemmerer, of Towamensing, and others of Parryville, Weissport and Iie hlghlbn, met in theFrosbytcrlan Church, at Lehlghton, September the 23d. Tem porary organization was affected by tho election of W. C. Weiss, as Chairman, and B. F. liofford; as Secretary. The following Preambles and Resolutions were presontld by W, W. Bowman, which, .after a thorough discussion, were unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Wnttattis, Tho llijuor dealer! organized In National, Stale and Local Associations. backed by hoavy capital, are tltfacto, a party united by self Interest in the liquor traffic; and WilsitiAs, They constantly use their po litical pobr as u caMrollinrj force lor a con tinuance of their trade; by the repeated and avowed purpose to vbto for no man who holds adverse views v ineir interests, and bv tbe nianipulations of our National Con gress in the defeat of the proposed Commis sion of Inquiry concerning the liquor traffic, in iis.rpiauuus iu uriiue, pauperism and inu general welfare, arid in many State Legis latures actively intervened to defeat local option and prohibitory tuensUrefj and WhkrbaS, They have declared the traffic In intoxicating drinks to be a legitimate part of American commerce, and deny the right to prohibit or restrict the same, and by a balanc'e-of-paWer-party (controlling foroe,) consisting of tho liquor-ldvlng ele ment in each partyi have succeeded in re ceiving tbe countenance of tbcjSlate Senate of Pennsylvania in the suminrl of the posi tion thus assumed, and by the rejection of. the Uommllleo on Kesoiutious ol tbe late Republican Convention of a prohibitory plank, prohibited prohibition; by refusing the sovereign citizens of tbe State, in whom is vested the government by tho people' and for the peopls, to express their seulimcDts; therefore Iltsolvcd, 1, That the machinations and Organizations of the brewing, distilling and liquor celling interests, as d power in our National, Slate, County, Borough and Town ship politics in protecting by law, the vir tue despising liquor business must be met by an organized ballot, and tbat such an organized ballot for securing and maintain ing prohibitory amendments of tbe liquor trade, to tbe State Constitution, is a present and imperative necessity, and that adhesion to party, allied with liquor manufacturers and sellers for party purposes and party ends only is treason to temperance, and gives aid and comfort to the enemy. Prayer and the ballot should be as inseparable as faith and works, Resolved, 2. That we charge the Demo cratic and Republican parties with being identified with the liquor crime. They ems body that crime. The liquor criminals, tbe importers, manufacturers, wholesale and re tail dealers, thoso engaged in the perpetra tion of the crime, the wretched victims of the crirna tbe drunkards are found in these great parties, making and eettlnir drunk by tho protection and authority of law. ininengnioi anu-Biavery logic and God's truth, everv christian citizen, and every man who votes for the candidates of these parties pledged to tbe interests of tho liquor business, Is morally and politically identified with the liriuor crime, and that every conscientious and patriotic voter will witnoia uis vote lrom any candidate nomi nated by eltherpnrly forour county offices. known to favor the liquor business, in prin ciple, personal patronage as n beveraee.or to make votes by treating or being treated, and that we will vote only for such; irro gurdless of party, who are Known to favbr the enactment of prohibitory meaEures,and since the candidates for Slate Treasurer, by tne two great parties, are nominated in the interest of the liquor men, and will be up held and approved by them, the enemies of prohibition; therefore as a step toward con? Biiiuuuuui uruuiuiiiuii 01 me lliiuor irainc,- r.. I I .. p iuu iiiutiuiurburv uuu HHiu ni itiioxicaiing quors as a beverage, we endorse the pro ibition candidato for State Treasurer. J M. Wilson, and will urge bis election with norav. Mesolvea,3. 'ibat.the l'ublic reoceOlucer, nown as Constable, whoso duty it is to make returns of all violations of law by the, retail liquor dealers, as provided bv law. and is interogated by the Court, whether to tne best ol his knowledge no violations ex ist unlicensed saloons, selling on the Sab bath, selling to minors, etc-and as tbe presence of drunken bovs fininorsl and Sunday drunkenness corroborates the com monly accepted opinion that such violations do exist, and as it is known that tbe consta bles do invariably report under oath that taey Know oi no violations, Iney are open ior action against tnem lor perjury, anu tbat such action should be encouraged, and tnat it is toe duty ol every lover ol law, and law abidinir citizen Id make known anv and all evidence in his possession that may. lead to the conviction of such unfaithful officers. Tbe dlscussioii of theso Resolutions called forth stronc aud positive speeches n favor of an organized ballot, as a re- buko to our party leaders iu pandering after liquor men, and to elevate and pur ify our State and County politics. The party leaders, irrespective of patty; ig nored and belittled the Temperance, question, that to day, our Stato and Couuty politics are so thoroughly satur ated with whUky and beer, that gobd, onest sober; law-abiding men do not want to take active part in politics. It is time that our politics be purified that good men need not hesitate actively to take part iu them. The Committee on Permanent Organi zation made the following report,- which was approved: W. W. Bowman, Cbairmari, E. A. Packer, Secretary, R, F. liofford, Treasurer, The officers of Permanent Organization were unanimously empowered to increase their number to such an extent as they may deem proper for tho suc6esifn! pros ecution of the work. The meeting was harmonious, showed a determination to Stand by. their standard bearer, and to work faithfully for the advancement of prohibition. The meeting adjourned to meet at tne can oi tne uommittee. The Connty Committee, sa far as torn pleted, stduds as follows: W.W.Bowman, Chairman; E. A. Pack er, secretary; B. F. Hotford, Treasurer. Members of Committee; Lower Towamensing Levi Wenti, Wm I'arryyiiie cvan uaumer. Towamensing Paul Buck. Weisiport 8ol. Yeakel, Jbhn Arnef. Franklin W. C. Weiss, J. K. Bickert. Lehlghton Phillip Miller, John Bohn, ourumii mil jos. xuciaugbiin; fii E; Sinyard. Nesquehonlng L. W. Reilly. MauTch Chunk Oscar Hamilton. W. Dirutners. East Mauch Chunk Charles Armbj The Coat Trade. Tbe anthracite coal trade for the past week shows no material change front its condition in previous weeks. There is tbe same scar city of water at the mines that we had oc casion to' notice last week. There has been some rain, but as yet it has failed to furnish the requisite supply to keep the mines In full operation. Through nearly all the an thracite coal regions the supply ol water is abort, and scarcely to be bad except at points where it can be pumped directly from tbe riyer, in tbe Wilkesbarre region, bordering the Susquehanna. This lack of water has materially shortened the cot) supply and quite relieved all necessity of any further discussion of a limited eoai suspension.- But nrSter.l f as a further intervention In that direction, and to rcriiove all apprehetislod of an over production ofcoal.we notice that the Schuly klll Committee of the Coal Exchange havo, In conformity with the recommendation of President Arthur, ordered tbat a general Suspension of business take place Monday. The anthracite coal Interests havd agreed to this stoppage of mining and shipping of coal, to enable tbe employes In and about the mines to join In the public tribute to the memory of tbe late President of the United States. In accordance with this notice thero will be a suspension and holiday through out, all the coal regious, over the several ilnes of transportation, aud at the principle offices of tho larger coal companies iu the bhlef cities. The orders for coal are only to a Irioderato extent, especially for the sever al sizes of egg, bIovo and cbeetriul. The shortening ef.cers from the Eastward is nlost noticeable, and apprehension In sorrio quarters is expressed lest this halting in or ders now may have the effect of running prices up on themselves1 later in the' year; when there will bb a general demand lor coal, and also a clamor to have it all deliv ered at the same ntdhieht. While this wilt punish thb negllgeht, who neglect supply ing themselves When it lhay be bad, it will, en thb other band, help coal operators, the demand upon whom will bokefJt bp to the end of tho year. The fear is that; with a spurt of cold weather hoar the close of the year, all who are short of coal will want coal at onfc'uj.tihd, as a' rlatural consequence, will have to pay correspondingly higher to get it. The death of 1'resident Garfield has thrown quite a gloom over almost alt kinds of business, and theUoal business especially; and thescaroity of coal supply has increas ed the orders for coal, but, notwithstanding this, tho stock of coal does not vary much from week to week. For the larger sizes of coal) sucli as Is used for the regular supplies for the line trndo, foi-mills and furnaces; the idea tbat prevailed a few weeks ago, of au accumulation of stock, has quite passed away. The Western demand is still very great and the Supply of cars very small. It ii though t probable that there will bo an advance of ten cents in tolls next month. Tbe present condition of the trade and its general outlook continues to justify tbe be lief previously expressed, tbat tho coal year will be nin out without further suspension. The total tonddge of anthracite coal froin all (he regions for the week ending Sept. 1 7, as reported by the several carrying compan ies, amounted to 647,200 tons, against 630,- 394 Ions in the corresponding week last year, an increase of 7806 tons. The total amount of anthracite mined for the year is 19,372,- tons against 15,649,441 tons for the same period last year, an increase of 3,723,429 tons. Ledger, Monday . JCovrer Towamenslntr Ilemsj. Quito a number of people in our vi cinity are afflicted with the sore throat. Mr. J, L. Buck is engaged by the Board of Directors to teach the Fire Line School, and Mr. Oliver Blose to teach at Bowman's. Some of the farmers were busily en gaged the fore part of last week in mak ing cider, and cooking apple butter, .from .the wind-fall of apples that occur red tbe. previous week. Cider is rather scarce in some parts of the country. It is Belling for three dollars per barrel, Mr and Mrs. William Behler paid a visit, to Mr. Oliver Blose last Sunday, and they were hospitably entertained. Come agalu soon, -'Mr., Georgo Sherer, while tending to the. bricklayers, who were encased in re- 'pldrjp.g No". 2 jnrnace, at Parryville, was very untortnne, tie ttad one ol bis little fingers crushed by a fire brick fall ing on. it, which caused bim severe pain The bone was fractured in several parts, which caused him to delay his work. As we are informed, the Sunday- schbol at Lentz's was not largely attend on' Sunday, the 25th indt., on account of the sore throat which is prevailiuR among the children in our vicinity. Miss Amelia Blose, the Servant girl of Mr. Jacob Peters, paid a flying visit to her parents lost Sunday. As she in formed us, sha was also unlncky in out- ting her index-finger, bnt not so badly as tO delay her from her duties; Mr. Samuel Stroup is seriously ill with the sore throat. As he has been afflicted quite a long time, it has led aome to believe that it is d oaBcer. Mr. William Behler, of Hazard, sbjCjJ, .three gray squirrels on Saturday of l(i8t week. Persons cun do no better than to in vest one dollar for the Caeuon Advocate one year. A little stranger arrived at John Simpson's aud it appears as if it would stay. Although it is a girl, he is highly pleased, CoNl'ii'iaiCEi Weimpurt Items. Aaron Snyder and Joe Fenner spent a day at the Allontown Fair during this week. Hope they had a good time of it Among this Week's visitors We no ticed E. II. Youndt, of Philadelphia, .Kick Sinucker, of the firm of Burns & Smucker, New York, and James II, Handwork, of Mauch Chunk; James 8, Miller is busily engaged in tbe organ and lowing machine bussincss We hope he may be successful. Scott E. Groot formerly of this place now telegraph operater and coal shipper for Coxo Brothers, of Dnfton, was in town over Sunday visiting his parents. Scott looks as natural as ever. The coal regions seem to agree with him. A number 6f tbe employees of tbe Miner Bros, foundry were compelled to lay off a fbw days lost week, bwiug to their patterns being run but. Work was resumed on Money last Amos W. Marsh, uur genial log and prop dealer and shipper, was in town on Wednesday last, on business. Nathan Snyder, merchant in East Weissport,- hag been adding tt n limber of improvements to bis dwelling and store lately, which adds much to the appear ance of the building. Our Rolling Mill Is now running right ahead,- night and day, and 'with' plenty and any amount of ofders for their iron.- Tbey are at present running four puddle furnaces three double and one single. They have just received full supply of coal, oar and pig-iron, and as soon as they get the Guide Mill in motion they will be ready to turn out most any kind of iron, and of any size. The little rolls will be put In operation in a few weeks, or . art soon as they get the heating furnaces two in number in proper running order. Our place presents a lively appearance. Quint, James Sullivan, a laborer, was killed by cars at Lernont. Favette county m Monday. While the Inquest was being held upon bis body a' not occurred between whites and blacks, during which several were badlv hurt. There was no known cause for the riot- V THE DEirxOOItATIC STATC COrr VEiVTION. WllMAJtsr-OBT, Pa., Sept. 28. Is spile of the arrival of nearly one thoussnd delegates nhd strangers to attend tho Democratic State Convention, to place In nomination a can didate for State Treasurer, this city retains its usual quietness and there docs not ap pear to be shy great amount of interest tak en In tbe result outside ol the candidates and their immediate friends. Withadozeh or "'ore aspirants for the position, there has been necessarily n considerable amount of log rblliug, but up to the tlmoof tbe calling of the Convention there were no straws whatever to Indicate tho nominee. The Convention wns called to order at noon, Iu thb Wiltlamspot-t dperd Housp, by lion. Andrew II. Dllt,oi Union, after which prayer wajpffcred by Rey. Caleb E. Wright, of Bucks. The cilllng of tho roll iblldwtd, and W. U. Itcnsel,of Lancaster, Was unani mously clebled temporary chairman. After considerable debate, the order of business, as presented by Mr. Georgo Mc Gowan, of Philadelphia; was Agreed upon, substantially postponing the consideration of the new Slate rules and report of the Peace Commission dulil after tile nomina tion of the caudidato. An adjournment was then taken Until three o'clock, at which time the Committee on Credentials reported that Ihey had awarded the seat in the Twenty-seventh Senatorial District to John H. Oaki.tliht be ing the only contest submitted to them. The report was accepted. a permanoni organization was tuen ei- fected by the election of Wi U. Hensol ni President, with one Vice-President from each Senatorial District, and d similar num ber of Secretaries. Tho Committee on Resolutions next re ported', tbo platform being read by John H Kow, of Philadelphia. the rLATronji. t Tho report of tho Committee on Resolution wss rcau ana aacptea as ioiiows : Besolved, Tbat we. the Democratlo party of i'ennsvlvantai In Convention assembleifi ueciare First, for the preservation of tho Constltu- tton of the United States, horde rule, freedom bf elections, for resistance ta tevblationarv changos tending to consolidation or empire; against the election of any person to the I'resluonoy a third time, and against tho pre sonco of troops at tho polls: against the an propriaiion oi puuuc- money ior any purpose out ior tne support oi uovernuienri ana against class legislation, Wlilon despoils la bor to build up uionopolr. Second, Tbat the Democratlo party, as of bid. favors a constitutional currency of gold and sllvor In all forms and coalition with rc- pudlators merits the commendation of honest fieopie. meroiusi! oi a itepuoucan nuirjin stratlon to accede to the Democratlo demand lor a further reduction in tho rato of Interest on the national debt subject' the Government loaneeuiees expense oi minions oi uonars Third. That In view of tbe exposure of ex tensive frauds in the Postal and Treasury Departments under the last Federal admin istration, the peoble demand prompt and Unfaltering prosecution ol the thieves ; their successiut operations prove tnat inerowiiine no real reform in the managemeot oi depart ments of the Federal Government without a sweeping change therein. Sincere civil ser vice reform will begin With return io the Jetfersonlan tests of officeholders of honesty. capability and fatthtulnoss to the Constitu tion. Fouth, That In the administration of the Government of Pennsylvania, the llepubli oad party has eacouraired. practiced and Shielded spoliation of the State Treasury and misuse of tho pdbllo funds, bribery, of legislators, undue favor to Corporations arid monopolies, an unnecessary high rate of Interest on the State loans, a shameless pros titution of tbe pardoning power, a system of wjioiesate wusio anu peculation in tne orai nary expenditures of tbe Udvernmcnt; and uarrjBaing anu plundering exercise ot municipal trusts. (ranehlses, and abuse of local Filth, That the arrogant, corrupt and per sonal domination controlling tho Republi can party iu inn, oiuiu aim suppressing non esty and Independence In that organization, dictated the policy, the platform undthe can didates ot Its last State Convention. In view oTof these faots we hereby reaffirm the fol lowing resolution of the Democratlo State Convention of 1871;; '-That tho recent attempt unaer tno personal direction orruling repub lican leaders; to debauch tbe Legislature by wholesalo bribery and corruption and take lrom the Commonwealth four millions bf dollars, lor much us nawuiy had nover been ascertained. Is a fresh and alarming evidence of the aggressiveness of oorporate power In Collusion with political rings, and should ro. eelve mo signal condemnation or the people." blxth, That the Democratlo party of l'enn sylvanla, regardful of the State's honor and Its Interests, pledges itself to the lust appli cation of the public moneys to i he public service; toeconomrin governmental expen ditures; that the people may be lightly bur- ueueu unu iuo purity ui mo an ministration preserved : to the nbolltlon of all useless odl ccs and the lopping olf of all supernumerary oinciais ; to tuo lowest praotioaoie rato ot in terest ou taie loans witnout rogaru ior tne advantage of syndicates or speculators': to sleeplens vigilance against the growth and exactions of monopolies; to watchfully iruaru tuo i-uuuo interests against ine pre tentions ol tbe great transportation com- panics to be above the fundamental law ovorninrr un eiso witnin tuo ooroers ot tne itateitoa vigorous collection of all taxes lawfully laid unon corporations chartered or doing business In Pennsylvania, and to in- Tosuitatti,tup- tuo correotiou oi anu punisn- lueui, lur lua iniuus uuu nnsies wiiivu imvo for years porracatod the various departments bf the State Uovernmem and Republican control. Ssventb. That no monopoly Or exclusive rignt in tno lorces ui nature, iu grants oi em inent domain. In the dlnuslon of Information among tho people by telegraph and associa tions ior lornisiiiug aespatcacs to me press, or tuo grant oi priveieges auecung tne aau business of tho citizen, can or ought rightful ly Io exist under our form ol government. These are at all , tiroes to be subject to suoh legislative regulation and control as the rignts una interests ot tne people uemanu, That the delegated power of Congress to reg ulate commeroe among the States and the rejerved power of the Stales to regulate the tamo within their boarders should be forth with exercised, to prevent unjust diicrirolna- iion oy common carriers aguiuit luuiviuuais nd localities, and all the provisions of the Constitution of Pennsylvania relative to the exercise and atruseof corporate franchise and the duties of common carriers to tho publlo mould iie-enroreea, witnout aeiay, oy appro priate legislation : that all Governmental ;iower snouia no useu in restraint oi munupu ies and not in aid of them, and simple and and Speedy remedies should be provided by legislative enacimeut uy vvmcu any uiiitcu lnlured In his business mav. In State and Federal Courts, by due process of law, have Cjulck, certain and adequate redress for cor porate wrongs: mat vestea rigiits must uo irotecteti anu respected auu great curpuru- ions warring between tnoinseives to tuo in jury of tbe publie Interests and their own snaronoiaors must oe reguiuteu anu oonirou ed bv wlfo and effective laws. That franchls. es; the properly or tne people, span oe grant. ea anu exeroiseu cuieiy ior tuo puuuo uoneiiv, irnd sublect to Immediate And absolute for fnttarA bv due nrocefs of law when used for oppression or extortion, or When otherwise aousou. no oorportionean oe aoove ine peo Pie or the law. we thus reaffirm tho ancient doctrines of tbe Democratlo party, and most cordially invite our isnow-emzeus, ot wnat ever party, to loin with us In carrying oat the principles and policy we nerepy announce, anu tu tuo auvuvuvr .ui niiiuu no iiu iy pledge ourselves until tbo right shall prevail. Resolved, That all good eltlsens, regard less of party affiliations, sincerely mourn the death of President UarOcld, and that we, as representatives of more than four hundred thousand Deniocratto Voters, expresi their Individual and collective grief at the calam ity which' has befallen the Republic, their sorrow and sympathy with tbe domestlo al- nietlon or tne l-resiaem-s stricaen nousenoiu and their exeoratlon of his asiasiln1 aud oi the murderer's foul crime. Thomas H. Greevy, of Blair, offered a re solution endorsing ine administration oi ex ,lll,ir n.i-Aril KMiMl. Wm, McClelland opposed the adoption of the resolution because of the probable can dldacv of Mr. Schel). for tbe Governorship A running debate of a half hour ensued, af ter wbicn Mr. ureevy wunarew nis resolu tion and tbe report of the committee was accepted, jur. ureevy s motion was tnen renewed and carried. KOlltXiTIOSS Nominations were next In order, and the following candidates were named; Prossloy N. Guthrie, of Allegheny ; Ed ward F. Kerr, of Bedford i Orance Noble, o Erie r Porter 8. Newmyer, of Fayctfe r Jos. K, Bogert, of Luzerne ; Joseph' Hackett, of Northampton: jonn a. luvis, oi i-nuauei phiai D. C. Dessinger; Of Northumberland Henry B. Plumtf, of Venangof James H, i, John S. Davis was placed in nomination by r. i. JJever,oriue 'iwenty-nrsi wara, and seconded by John U, 1'ow, of tbe Eigh feentb Ward. Tbe first ballot was talten' with the fol lowing result i Bogert. 26 1 Davis, 53 i Dis- singer, 20; Guthrie, Iff; Hackett, 20 Kerr, 23; Kewrnyer, oi rtooie, an; iiuraer, io Ross. 14. Total, 152. Necessary to a choice, 127. A motion to take a recess until half- I nast seven o'clock was overwhelmingly de- foaled, and tbe second ballot was had, as I follows, after tbe name of Mr. Newmyer was withdrawn i BWrt, 22; Davis, 41; Dlssinger, 20 1 uutbrle, 22) HBCltelt, is, Kerr. 28 1 Noble. (9 i Pltirrier. 17 1 Boss. 6. Total, 244. Necessary to a choice, 1 23. At bait-past six o'clock the Convention took a recess till eight o'clock, and tat that iinur proceeded to taue the tiiira on not, as iullowii Boccri. 31 ! Guthrlo.25 1 Noble.69 1 Dav Is; 74 1 Hackett. 171 PlUlncr. 16 1 Dissineer. 8: Kerr, 34) Ross, 7; Tolsl, 241. Necessary to a choice, 120. Kir. Ifackett's nanin waa withdrawn, and the.fourth ballot stood i Bosort. 35 ! Guthrie. 28 1 P umcr. Oi Davis, 56 ) lterr, 36 ; Ross, 6 ; pissingcr, 9) Aiooie, ow. Aotai, zia. .necessary to a cnoico, 2o. Mr. Rosa1 name was withdrawn at tbo closn of the ballot, and tho fifth was taken, its follows t Boeert. 27; D ssinccr: 7i Korr;27t Pluril- er, 12) Davis, 60) Gulbrie, 27; Noble, 72 Total votes, 248. Necessary li a ctiolee,125. At the close of this ballot, Lindsav , or Fay yelle, changed frrfii Giillirle to Davis, and Erfnehtrout. of Berks. Irbiii Kerr to Davis. Mr. DUslnger's name was withdrawn and the sixtb ballot taken: Bogert, 3E; Uuthrie, Noble, 78; Davis. CO: Kerr, 26; Plum- tt, 15. Tidal, 218. Neoeosarv tri a choice, 125. At the close of llin ballot Krmeulmul, of Berks, move t that tbo tuudidato receiv ing tbo lowest vote should be dropped. The Chair, however, ruled it nut of order; ns thero was no ph-codeht ih Democratic Conventions to prevent any delegate frorii voting for hoiimicver he pleated and as long as he pleased. The voting on the soventh ballot contin ued: Bogert, 34; Davis 08; Guthrie, 23) Kerr, U) Noble, 05) riUther, 14. The calling ot the names for tho eighth ballot fidinwcdt Bogert, 20) Davis, 72; Guth rie, 25; Kbrr; 13) Noble, 90; Flurher, 14. Total votes, 249. Necessary to a choice, 125. Previous to announcement oftbe vote of tho ballot, Guthrie, Alleghany, changed his volo fiom bis cousin, Col. Guthrie, to Davis, oi runnueipnia, wncn tne Alleghany dele gation followed, with one or two exceptions, in the same course. The Philndelnhinna cheered. The checrinjr increased when Beimish, of Lackawanna, nud McMullin. ol iiycomiug, changod Imm Uogert to Da vis. For the next ten minutes, amidst con siderable confusion; tho delegates rapidly t-h-'ihged their votes to Noble aud Davis, while the greatest enthusi.tsih existed; As it became evident that one of the two must speedily be nominated. the excitement oecome intense, wuen Andrew -Turner, ol tuo iiitcenth Ward ofl'h ladeiti ua. etinur- ed bis voto from Davis Io Jfoblej and it was increased when ueorgo AlcUowan, ot the Second Ward of Philadelphia, changed his vote lrom Davis to And w. II. Dill, ol Union. Tins did not create the stampede in tho Philadelphia delegation which was expect ed, as John M. CambMI,of the Fifth Ward, and James T. Larkiris, of the Eighth Ward, nilfAblvnl-l,DJ r.n, n...rta I.. V..!.l Mr. Noble noW had clearly a mniorilv of tho ConyeutloU, and after a few more changes had been made the vote was an nounced as lollows: libgsrt, 5) Davis, 94: Dill, 3; NoblejHO; Plumer, 4. Total vole, 246. Necessary to a choice, 124. Thb nom'- ination was made unanimous. J. K. Boeert; of Luzerne, was electod Chairman of the State CordmittcC. State news. Tbe Greenbackers of Huntingdon have nominated a full county ticket. An evi dence that tho fools are not yet all dead. Hon. Jeremiah Black made, a misstep on Thursday bf last week, and frabtured his arm. Benjamin Ramsey, a Very need man of Huntingdon, wno died recently; nad ins life insured on the speculative plan for $130,000; George Ambrose, of Ligouier. Westmore land county, made tbreo unsuccessful at tempts to commit suicide on Thursday ol last weeg. The body of a vouhi man killed on tbe ileadini? itallroad near Tucltertnrl on 'Ilius, day ol last wees: lias been indentibed as that ol irvtn Blicaror, of tbe latter place. Tbo centennial ariuivef&trv of the Red stone Presbytery, the first Presbytery form ed westof the Alleghenles, was appropriate ly celebrated at Uniontown.Fayetto county, on last inuraoay anu n rioay. Rev. Henry Wilson; well-known in tho West Branch Valley, died at Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, on Sunday; in his 56th year. John II. Murray's circus exhibited at Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, oh Satur day, when roughs cut the cauvas and muti lated two ponies. Reading capitalists have purchased six acres of ground at Union Station, on tho Reading and Columbia Railroad, and will erect a biik lactory mere. A i'ositive Fact. Dr. Evory's Diamond Catarrh Remedy, win cure ine worst case ol Ctttarru or ilav Fever. Dr. Evory's Diamond Invlcorator cives health and strength', mental and physical, mages tne complexion clear, wnite and beautiful. Pamphlet free. Bead the Ad vertisement. MARRIED. ENOLERT-PATTERSOWAt the M. E. Earsonage: l-arryviue, raj, an tne zath ult., v liev. W. F. Snenoard. Uustave Englert and Jll!J Ida Patterson; both of Lehlgh ton. lU'SCUKD FROM DEATH. The following statement of Wm. J. Cough lln, of Somervlue, Mass., Is so remarkable that we beg to ask for It tbe attention of odr read ers, IleSavs: ' In Ihe fall of 1878 1 was tak en With a VIOLENT ULEBDIKO OF TUB LCKOS, louoweu uy a severo oougn. i soon u?gan to lose my appetite aud flesh. I was so weak at ono tme that 1 could not leave my bed. In the summer or 1877 I Was admitted to tbe City Hospital; W hlle there tbe doctors said I had a hole In my left lung as big as a half dollar, I expended over a hundred dollars In doctors and medicine. 1 Was sd far gone at one time a report went around that I was dead. 1 gaVo up hope, bat a friend told me or nil. WSI, HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE I.TJNOS. I laughed at my friends, thinking that my case was incurauie, l?ut.J. got a uuttie to satiny them, When, to ray surprise and gratification, x cotuuicDceu io iect uetter. my nope, tmc dead, began to revive, and to-day I feel In be ter spirits than I have tbe nast three years. " l write tnis nopingyou mil puoiien it, su that every one afflicted with Diseased Longs will be Induced to take DR. WM, HALL'S UAL5AM FUR TUG IjIWUS. and becon- vnleed that CONSUMPTION Can be Oared, I have taken two bottles and can positively ,y tnat it nas apno, more gooa man an in- other medicines 1 have taxen since mv sick ness. My cough baa almost entirely dlsap, oeareu ana 1 suau BaonpeaDieiogoiowora Sold by A, J, DcKLIHO, Lehlghton, and all uruggists. ueo. is. issu-yioo HEPillV'S CARBOLIC SALVE. Tho BEST SALVE Iri the world fo'r Outs, UrUIBCS, PUIDB. UIUUIB. DIW. J1U,UUI, ..IICI, unappea jianus, unuoiains, uorni; ana an kinds of Rkln Eronllous. Freckles and Plm, pies. The Sal to Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every caio or money refunded, lie sure you got IIKNHY'S OAltliOLIO SALVE, as all others ate bnt Imitations. Price Si cents. For sale by all Druggist everywhere. ueo. is, istw-jieow RED HOUSE POWDERS Are the only Worse arid Poultry Powders that ufva' universal satisfaction. If the Ponrders do not give satisfaction, the Druggist will re turn your money. ueo. is, issu yieow $10 i flntflt fiirnthhod frwi. with full miitf rffl- tiooa forcouducUns tbe moat profitable ttns1nsH that, nnir nni fun nnfflffA Hi The bi)ainea la an enar to leara.vntl our ine true. louaarp w simple aua vvtm snai auFvna caa make preot iroiiu froirXttie Tery eturt. No one can lail who I wtljfutMO work. Women axe aa ajiMtaatSil n TyTn. nnvi hnrl Hrli ran tfli-n larpe cuai Many h&Te loaao over ono h aud re 4 do'lars hi a alnle m eic. HotbiuffJike It ever known be lord. AH nboeLfrnfftaresuxprisedaf tho eaae ana rapidity wtta which tin are able to make money, Yoa can engage Jo tula bnal iism nnnrur vnur tiruiir? iiimb ci sTn-ii i uruui vnn dnnnt have to Invest etiT canttaMu it. We laitean ine n., ixuiao wau new rt"T ih on Id wr.ttvto at at once. AU InrnJahetl tree. A'1 T PRIVATE SALE. The nnderilgned ofi"er's at Private Sale, the following valuable properties, to wit I All tharcertaln valuable lot, with the bulla, fugs thereon, situate cp the corner jot Iron and Leblgh streets. In tbe borough or Lehlgh ton, known as the "Lehlghtorf Hotel. Also, one lot, with foundation walls already rectedv situate on the upper end ot Iron street, Lehlghton. And, theone-and a-half story house and lot, situate oh the corner ot Uank street and Uankwav. Lehlghton. , Alio, a Dwelling Hoase and Six Acres of land situate In Franlflln township, on the publlo road leading to Maria Furnace. And, also, a lot of carriages, harness, &c Apply to L. F. KLEPP1NQER Lehlghton Hotel, Cor. Iron and Lehigh streets. juiyiim.,u.' Now AdveiHscmCKts. WHY! WHY! You should go io -.. Dr. C, T. Horn's CENTRAL DRUG STORE BECAUSE Ho personally attends to Ms business. He has the experience of medicine lie has the bent nhd nnrefet IiHib-r snrf Chemicals. He lias one price td all, ile has tlie best goods for the Jeaft money'; ito has ell the Popular Patent MMiclrios. ite has the best Horse and Cattle Pofrdor; Ho has the best wines and cigars, Tf A fcAri I,M tA MM lfn tTl.lhAto t medicinal purposes. . lie nas ma latest patterns In WALK PAPEIl. iln Uai A Tntl linn nfT G k4 T nMn V,- tilfCS. ,110 hai it lull line of Toilet s'h'd Fau'eyAr. ticlea. ije buys and sells' fos cash; ball and bo eonvlnOAil thitl. iIi'a. nfmVA Sr sons are correct, and oblige O. T, HU'rtN, M. i).; . Louekel's lllouk, , Opposite the "Oatbon tloum." Bept lo,188Uy. jMPORTANT AKNot JiCEMENl t 1L wis Weis i'OST OFFiCE llijiLbiNCr LEIIIOHTO.V, PA., has the largest Hi HATS, CAPS, &ti. ever ofteieil Ih Mils V&'rbngri; and1 to whlohj Invito tho special attention of toy ctistoiueri mm vnu iioi'iio Konerauy, ns i am prcparca IO oiler eitriuifdloary Indnceiuents In 1'ALti ANU WINTER ahd I Invite mj-numoroos friends abd patronl to call and examine my stock before making their purchases olsowhero, as lam prepared to give speclajlnducements lb all OAS It PlillOItASEItST , . . , , . lieraemberj LEWIS WEISS Pbst-OiSco UUIIdlhg, Leblghtbn, Pa; Sept. 20. Saloon Keepers and Others, Ubn'tfall tbbdyyo'ut CliarhTJaighfe Jear Cidefj Lnget fieei'j Rodt iicevi Nfecfar; . Pottery &c.j OF C, (30ETTGER, TAMAQUAj Aug. 13, ISSl-Iy; THE LATEST AND MOST WON&Eli EDISON'S iristantaiiSoii& TO T11E PIANO OR ORGAN Hv which any Child1 or Person can play an of the Popular Airs by note, at sight, wlth out STUBY, PREVIOUS PHAOTI0E, ot even Musical , Taleuti The Company will FORFEIT ,1.00" ir any Child ten years old falls to play AN TONE or our Popular Tunea on the PIANO. OIK) AK or MELUDIiUN within t)N E HOUR after receiving the Mus) to and Instructions, provided said child can eount, with the figures before It) ft 6m 1 to 100 correctly. 7 Pieces of Music, witb WwMi Mailed to any address on receipt of $1.0). En close one-cent, postage stamp for Catalogue of Tunes. dr-Agcnts wanted in ivory State and County In the Union. , Edison Music Co., 2H k 217 Walnut St,, Philadelphia, Vi Sept.lT-4t. WANTED GOLDEN AOKMTS FOB TBE WUUiiiit DA tJtr TvT r- Eight o'w thb Xi. VY IN CI SEAT FCTOEIS In this lire, through the dark valley, and li the lira eternal ; as seen In tbe best thoughts of leading authors and scholars, among whom are Bishops Simpson, Foster, Warren, Hunt and Foss, JoBerli (JOok, Eeeoher, TalmageJ Dr. Currle, Dr. March Or. McOosh.'Ur. Cros by, I)r, Cuyler, Uoo. D. Prentice, Uean Stnd, ly, Whlttler,, Longfellow, and others. The subjects treated, are Dcat.h Immortalltj; Millenium and Second Advent, the Resur rection, Judgment; the Punishment oftbe Wicked, and the. Reward or the Righteous. A rloh leait awaits the reader of this book. It contains the grandest thoughts of the world.'! greatest anthros, on subjects of tht mest pro found interest to everyone. Not gloomy but brilliant. , There IS not a dull page Io tho book. It is absolutely without a rival. Every, body will read It. , School Tehcherf,S!uenl8( Young Men and Ladles, acting as agents for this book are maklngover 10O a month. Sella; fast. .One agent sold ,77 first IS days, another 45 In s days, another II In one day, another li and 6 lllljles In ,6 days, a lady sold 9 In W hours. Secure territory quick. Also agents wanted for the best Illustrated Revised New Testament, and for the finest, Family Bibles' ever sold by agents, Seod for circulars. . . 1 W. ZIKOEEll&i:0.,815 Arch St., Phil: delphia, Pa. ISa E. Adams St., Chloago, I1U ang. li-lm. No Patent No Pay PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United State Canada and Europe, at reduced rates." With1 6ur principal office located fa Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are able to attend to ill patent business with greltsr promptness and de! s'patih and at les I cost than other patent at torneys who are at a' distance Irony Waast: fngloo, and who' have, therercertb'4m'p!o 11 associate attorneys," We makeprHmliilry ezamtn'atlons and furnlih opinions aa to pa tenublllty, free of charge, and all who' tit Interested In new Indentions a'nd patents are fnvited to send for 4 copy of our "Guide for' obtaining Paltents," which Is sent free to1 any address, and contains complete Instruct (tons how to obtain patents and other valu.' hie matter. We refer to the O erroaq-American National Bank, Wasbtngton, P. On (h Royal SwedIih,,KorwegJ4n and DanlshLegaV Hons, al Washington: Hon, Jos. Casey, Utej Chlel Justice U. s. Court or Claims; to the' Officials or the U. H. Patent Office, and to Senators and Members' Of Congress front every State, Address! LOVlS IlAfJOER k OO,, So'i lletlors or Patents and" Attorneys at Law, Lo ll rolt Ilulldlng, WeuiKOTOM, I, U. HELP Youriclvea uy miking monet when a eoldenchsnce Is offered;, tneienv always ieepiog poverty- from roar door. Tlinso who always take d vanle ot tbe chances tov msktng money tbati. are oSb ied, generally become wealthy, wmie. those who do not Improve such r-basr rcraain in iioy. rtv. We want many wen. womeo.bor anu girls to work for u riant la tliejr own 1, caiitlca. Tbebuitucu wtit pay mora tb.n.taL times trdlosiT wages. Velurriih an elve outfit aud ail thai you need, tre. NkwsV who eugogeafiils Jo make oooa very jspUCVf VOu can devote your whole time to i l.e werly or i)lr your spare momeuts. Kail informalloxf , sod afi that I needed sent tree. AddicM . bTIMHON & CO,, rortlaud, Maino. Oct, Z, IWr yf. rpo Whom It JUny Conc6ra. "All persons are hereby forbid meddling wl ft a 1IKOWN HORSE, loaned by the under slgno.1 to WILSON SWAUTWOOH, 6f Maf honing Valley, Pa-, as said horse Is ihe prop. Srtv o? 'pETERSWARTtVOOlJ. u,wa. nr Kimv Minn. Uank MtSt ihiK&toff AM work ttwti?