The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 01, 1881, Image 2

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11' V., . . . KD1TOB
Democratic licket.
associate :vuar,
HARRY E. PACKER, of Mauch Chunk..
SAMUEL RICKERT, of Summit Hill.
Capi. HENRY E. SWARTZ, of Kidder.
JOHN J. OATitMOHER, orBsnks,
E.8ENS1NOE11, or Franklin.
menslng. J. Vf. HUNTER, of Weather)?.
tub hi;.hiciiatic MiniMics.
Oeanqe Nobli TheDemocratio nom
inee, for State Treasurer, was born in
Washington county, New York, iu 1829.
When a young man ho went to Crawford
county, Fa., and I'rora there took up his
residence in Erie about the year 18G1,
and Berred as Mayor of that city about
four years, lie is at present a member
of the House of Representatives from
that county. He is President of the Key
stone National Bank, of Erie, and is ono
of the largest individual producers of oil
in IlradtorJ county, owning thirty or
more wells. Mr. Noblo is also largely
interested in the Main Iron and other
manufacturing establishments of Erio.
Hahht Eldbed Packek. This young
and popular Democrat was born at Slanch
Chunk in 1850, and in every respect may
be considered a representative Carbon
county man. XIo is bright as a dollar, a
graduate of Lehigh University, and pos
sesses the qualities of firmness and Bound
judgment to a greater extent than many
on older head. He is Vice-President of
the Lehigh Valley Railroad, nnd so pop
ular among the peoplo from his liberali
ty and modest demeanor, that our Re
publican friends, finding that his nomi
nation meant an election, gracefully en
dorsed him on their ticket, their party
leaders at Mauch Chunk having of late
years changed their tactics Bnmewhat,
concluding that it was a wise thing not
to drive this yonug gentleman with bis
large interests away from tho county as
they bad bis esteemed father, the Hon.
Asa Pucker, by continuous shabby treat
ment. Mr. Packer is a chip from the
Yankee stock, a representative of the
young Democracy nud will wear tho
Judicial ermine quite fitting the son of
the first Associate Judge of this county.
He is heart and soul for the whole tiokot,
and will use all honest ondeavors for its
Samuel Hickebt Of Summit mil, a
successful railroader, mechanic and mer
chant, about 45 years old, in the prime
of life, careful, honest, upright, sober
and industrious, of Pennsylvania Dutch
stock, a good accountant, and having
managed bis own affairs in the past, is
the man to entrust with the county's fi
nances. He at present conducts a large
stove end tin ware store, and at tho end
of each day retires to rest at peace with
the world, with bis account books posted
and balanced. He will without doubt
make a strong run throughout the county,
Henry E. Swabtz Is a representative
type of the sturdy German clement of our
county having commenced his life in the
baokwoods of Kidder township as a wood
chopper and lumberman. At the break
ing out of the war be joined the famous
Bucktail Rifles, one of the bravest in the
field, and was promoted for meritorious
conduct. Having a thorough German and
English Education, be taught school fcra
number of years, until he accepted tho
olerksbip of the County Commissioners.
He is warm-hearted and sociable to a
fault, and without doubt one of the most
rapid and best penmen iu the county,
He speaks, reads and writes German as
Well as translates it readily into English,
aud will keep the books and records of
the Register and Recorder's office in an
aocuraU and firsUclass condition. Cap
tain Swarlz is in the prime of life is a
man of large family and iu humble cir
cumstances, but has hosts of friends who
will see to it that he is clectod.
J. J. Gaixaquer Is an intelligent
representative of the Irish miner and la
borer, having served a full apprentice
ship in this dangerous vocation for years
in the mines near Beaver Meadow, in this
county. Ho is honest and liberal in every
respect, and has for years been a strict
teetotaler. He is hbout forty-five years
oh and was nominated three years ago
by tho Democrats for C uuty Commis
sioner, and through prejudice iu the
county, although ho vab cut some 350
votes and Joat CO more by the misprint
ing of his- name on some of the tickets,
yet be ran so well that he bad tho largest
majority of the thre Commissioners.
Since holding this office, be has been the
controliug spirit of the Boardandas such
bos proven himself careful, practical,
honest and judicious, and has made as
acceptable a Commissioner as the coun
ty ever Lad. During his term the tax
valuation of the miner, laborer, mechan
ic and railroader have been reduced from
0 to 100 per cent, from their previous
-valuations; the county tax rate that not
withstanding the hard time was 10 and
IS mills on the dollar, is now only 8 mills;
important surveys of the boundry lines
between Carbon and Luzerne and Carbon
aud Schuylkill couuties were made at his
instance; several new county bridges
were built and the old ones placed in
capital repair; the county buildings put
in the best repair, and tht Court House,
which for years and especially in winter
was almost untenable, judges and jury
men often getting sick, aud Judge Dreber
being compelled to sit over hot bricks
and attorneys with their legs enveloped
in buffalo robes to keep comfortable, the
whole building has been put in such an
improved condition that the new Court
House agitation is now a thing of the post
donig all ibis, after reducing the inter
est on tho bonds from 8 to 0 per cent
Notwithstanding the county prupaty la
in better condition than it has been for
20 years, our county is virtually out of
debt, with an assessment tax valuation
lower than any county in the State Mr.
Gallagher, having more than stood the
old Jcflersoninn test of "honesty and fit
ness," should be re-elected by an over
whelming majority a Just tribute to tho
peoples faithful servant
Edwin SEKstxain Tha second can
didate for County Commissioner, Is a
thriving nnd well-to-do farmer of Frank
lin township, and a good representative
of tie honest, old Pennsylvania Dutch
farming inU rests. He is honest and up
right, careful and prudent, and like old
Davy Crockett, "is alwojs'suro he is
right befcro ho goes ahead." In years
he is past forty, and with bis farming
and business experience, and reputation,
will poll an unusually large Tote, for in
him all l ave full confidence.
Samtjet, Zeioenfcbs A prominent
farmer and successful merchant, of Mill
port, 'Lower Towamcnsing Township,
and at present Justice of tho Peaco, has
been selected as ono of the candidates,
and n better choico could not have been
made. Mr. Zelgcnfue.s is known through
out tho lower part of the county for his
honesty and exactness, having been
brought up to add np a column of fig
ures twico before he puts down the re
sult, and if anyone else does the com
puting, to always go over the figures
himself before ho says "yes." With him
is J. V. Hunter, Esq., n practical farm
and retired merchant, of Weatherly, of
English extraction, whojliltetviso is a Jus
tico of the Peace, and for carefulness and
fairness is veil knnwu throughout his
neighborhood, and taken together, these
men are the right mea for tho right
President Arthur again took tho
oath of office Friday morniug. It was
administered to him in the Marble Room
at the Capitol by Chief Justice Waits in
presence of the Cabinet, Justices of the
Supremo Court, some Senators and Rep
resentatives, ex-President Hayes, Gener
als Grant, Sherman and others, about
f rty in number. After taking the oath
the President read a brief inaugural ad
dress, in which he said there was no oc
casion for an extra session of Congress,
aud also said : "AH the noble aspira
tions of my lameutcd predecessor which
found expression in his life, the measures
devised and suggested during bis brief
administration to correct abuses and en
force economy, to advance prosperity and
promote the general welfare, to ensure
domestic security and maintain friendly
and honorable relations with tho nations
of lbs earth, will be garnered in the
hearts of tho people, and it will be mj
earnest endeavor to profit, and to soc
that the nation shall profit by his ex
ample and experience. Prosperity blesses
our country. Our fiscal policy is fixed
by law, is well grounded, and generally
approved. No threatening issue mars
our foreign interests, and the wisdom,
integrity and thirft of our people may be
trusted to continue undisturbed tho prt-
seutaesured career of peace, tranquality
and welfare. The clocm and anxiety
which have enshroudbd tbo country must
make reposo especially welcome now.
No demand for speedy legislation has
been heard; no adequate occasion is' ap
parent for an unusual ses.ion of Con
gress. Tho Constitution defines the
functions and powers of the Executive
as clearly as those of either of the other
two departments of the Government, and
he must answer for the just exercise of
the discretion it premits and the perfor
mances of the duties it imposes. Sum
moned to those high duties and responsi-
bilities.und profoundly conscious of their
magnitude and gravity, I assume the
trust imposed by tbo Constitution, rely
ing for aid on Divine guidance and vir
tue, patriotism and intelligence of the
American people."
The legal authorities of Monmouth
county have addressed the Attorney Gen
eral of the State and the Attorney General
of tho United States upon tha propriety of
filing counts, before tbo Grand Jury of
Monmouth county, at its meeting next
Tuesday, against Guiteau for tho murder of
President Garfield. It is held that the waiv
er of the Coroner's inquest by the 8tatedoes
not deprive tho Grand Jury of that country
of its power tnj indict and try the crimin
al ; also that the cnmmlnal law of New Jer
sey does not disqualify a citizen from serv
ing on a jury simply because ho has ex
pressed an opinion on the caso to bo tried.
If Attorney General Stockton, of New Jer
sey, and Attorney General MacVeogh con
sider that the trial can be held here the
prisoner will be taken to New Jersey. The
county Prosecutor of the Tleas, Hon, John
Lnnnig, of Monmouth, has decided to file
belore the Grand Juryan Indlctmcn, against
Guiteau, simply as a precautionary meas
ure, so that if the Washington authorities
deem it best to have the trial in New Jer
sey there shall be no gap left for the escape
of Guiteau by legal quibbles under the laws
of the District of Columbia.
The last ceremonies over the remains
of President Gnrfield took placo Monday,
iu Cleveland, Ohio. The funeral services
at Jba Pnvillion, in Monument Park, at
which tho family of tho doceased were
present, consisted of tho singing of
hymns, reading- of Scripturo selections
by Bishop Bedell, prayer by Rev. Ross
C. Houghton,.an address by Rev. Isaao
O. Errett, tho readiug-of President Gar
field's favorite hymn by Rev. Jabez Hall
aud final prayer and benediotion by Dr,
Charles S. Pomeroy. The remains were
then taken to Lake View Cemetery and
placed in the vault, where they will re
main under guard until tho grava is ready
to receive them. Additional services,
religious and Masonic wero held iu the
cemetery, and at their conclusion the
luneral procession was dismissed. It is
estimated that 250,000 peoplo were in the
streets of Clcvelaud.
President Arthur Friday issued
proclamation calling an extra session of
the Senate of the United States, to meet
on the 10th inst
Patrick ICilcourse. who murdered
wife in Cliestcr.ou the 4th of July, was con,
vlcted on Tuesday of murder in the second
Frank Webb, of Pittsburg, aged IS years,
was killed by cars in that city on Monday,
John It. McGovarn. a well known con-
tractor of Lancaster, died on Monday, aged
09 jean.
John Tygh, an employe of the Edgar
Thomson Steel Works, at Braddock's, was
accmeawiiy uued ou eu'iaay.
Robert Uarvey. a prominent citizen
Cbcbrantop, Franklin oouDly,..waa thrown
outui ui iwggyrccenwyaDu kiuoq.
From oon Snout, CoRRuroXDHT.
Washikqioh, Sept. 23, 1881.
There- hat never been iuch a scene as the
Capital witnessed during the last three
days. The stream of peoplo was cndlesi.
They stopped passing by tho body of the
lato President about 2 o'clock this morning.
There was a resplto then until 7 o'clock this
morning, when tbey commenced to come
Bgalu. They have kept It up all day long,
and will continue until the funeral. It li
estimated that at least a hundred thousand
people visited the Capital yesterday to look
uiion the face of their late President. It
was ono long line of mourners until far In
to the night hours, after which it was found
necessary to close the lid of the casket.
Nor can this wonderful outmurlng of the
people be attributed to a merely morbid
curiosity. In the case of nine out of every
ten of them, it was an Impulse of loving
sorrow, and patriotic admiration of the man
that led them thus to wend their slow and
tedious way to that sacred catafalque, for a
momentary glance at his unburied dust;
and the memorable scenes about the Capi
tal yesterday, In be more than duplicated
to-day, furnish but a renewed assurance
that the Government which rests upon such
a people for its foundations is safer from
destruction than the everlasting pyramids.
Nobody will or can forget that face. It has
become blackish. The beard was thin and
gray. It could barely be seen where on
the right of tho face It bad been cut away,
so carefully was tho body arranged. The
eyes were sunken and hollow. Dark cir.
cles under them extended down to the
cheek bones. The nose was the only fea
ture that was recognizable. The dark skin
is drawn so tightly over tho bones of the
face that it would seem as if it would be cut
by the pressure. The lips are slightly part
ed and show the tightly clinched teeth be
neath. The people who sco tho face will
remember it forever.
At about quarter before 12, accompanied
by Senator Jones and Gen. Grant, President
Arthur was driven to the Capitoltnd alight
ed at the Senate wing of the cast front.
He quickly entered tho building by the
basement door, and proceeded thence to his
old room. Then it became noised about
that the oath of the Presidential office was
again to be administered. It was ten min
utes of twelve when Chief Justice Wnlte and
Justices Harlan and Matthews entered the
room. Clerk McICinuey had with him a
small bible. Simultaneously with the ar
rival of the Chief Justice, there was pro
found silence. With some seeming trepid
ation, as if unacquainted personally with
the new President, tho Chief Justico ad
vanced and extended his hand. It was
taken and given a most cordial greeting.
Then Clerk McKlnncy advanced, opened
tho bible bop-hazard", and held It to tho
President. Ha laid his band upon It, when
tho Chief Justice, with due solemnity, ad
ministered the oath. It was simple and
short. It merely cousisted of an obligation
t faithfully administer the high office to
which he had been called. As the Presi
dent kissed the book ho said, in clear notes,
"So help mo God."
Tho President and Cabinet decided to call
the Senate together In executive session on
Monday, October 10. The official procla
mation convening the body will be Issued
in a few-days.
Tho household now called to tho Whito
House by the death of President Garfield
has no lady to preside. President Arthur
lost his wife, a year ago last January, and
sadness oyer her loss Is among his griefs.
She was the daughter of Lieutenant Com
mander llerndon, of tho United Stales
Navy, who went down on his Ship, the
Central America. President Author's ac
cession to his new responsibilities has been
too recent for him to giye any consideration
to family arrangements for his residence at
Washington, but if the cares of her own
family will permit, Mrs.Mcllroy, his sister,
will most probably be tho lady who will
preside at the White House. Ai'scsr.
FrtoM our Regular ConREsroKnmT.
Wisumoros, D. C.Sept. 26,1881
Before the remains of the dead President
had been carried hence to their final re
pose, bis place at tbe head of the Nation
had been filled, and already public atten
tion is directed to tbe new order of things.
Not that wo have ceased to mourn the late
Chief Magistrate, for the emblems of mourn
ing and the evidences of sorrow are on every
and still, and James A. Garfield will live
in the hearts of the people as long as his
country shall last, but the ever changing
tide of human affairs flows on so unceas
ingly that we have but time to cover the
fuces of our dead before tbe concerns of the '
living press anew upon our attention. Tbe
sad scenes of the past week have been fully
described. It was a mournful cortege that
came down Capitol Hill bearing the body
of President Garfield to tbe train that was
to convey him out of tho sight of Washing
ton and away from the scene of ail his
earthly triumphs. And if any looked on
who had, in the beat of political strife,
given and taken blows with the dead when
he was in tbe full vigor of his strength, and
able as he was willing to cope with any ad
versary, bard indeed would have been his
heart if it could have controlled its emotions
as tbe hearse moved by wherein was laid
the head and brain so qiiet, and the heart
so silent and still.
But now theso scenes, though never lobe
forgotten, have passed away and we turn
to contemplate tho living present, and the
luture. Great interest attaches to the mov
ements of the new President. He did not
go with tbe funeral train to Cleveland be
cause the Cablnent advised against it Un
til the succession Is provided for it was
thought best for him not to incur any un
usual risk, and that trip, amid all the ex
citement now existing, was feared to be an
unusual risk. To satisfy all possible ques
tioning, President Arthur took the oath of
office a second time and was sworn in by
Chief Justice Walte, at tbe Capitol, in tbe
presence of a number of prominent spec
tators. It was an Impressive scene. At
tbe right of tbe President stood Senator
Jones and Speaker Sharps, of New York,
Ex-President Hayes wse a conspicuous fig
ure well in tha foreground, with General
Grant but a few feet behind. All of tho
Cabinet were present. Of tbe Senators
there were present Hale, Jones, Sherman
Dawes aud Anthony, and Representatives
Hiscock, McCook, Tonnscnd and others,
During the ceremony, ex-rresident Hayes
sat near ex-Presideut Grant Tbe admin
istration of the oath was followed by the
President's brief Inaugural.
Many Senators, Congressmen and prom
inent politicians are now here and tbe pol
icy of the new administration is much dis
cussed. Tbe opinion of those who know
President Arthur best is that his adminis
tratlon will very positively assert his Indi
viduality. He Is believed to bo a discreet
and sagacious politician and Is unhamper
ed by any of tbe pledges tbat usually bar-
rasa men who are elected to tho Presidency.
Undoubtedly be understands the difficulties
of his position and eppreclatta also bit own
advantages. While he will not be rash,
he will bo decided and tho polloy of the
Administration will be changed trom con
servative to stalwart with sa little violence
as possible. This Is tho general expectation.
Among those with whom I have talked
there are nana who do not anticipate
changes in the Cabinet What tlioy will
be and how soon they will come I will u6t
predict, but nothing is moro certain than
that Blaine and MacVesgh will finally re
tire. Of the others It Is more difficult to
prognosticate. It has been predicted that
Hamilton Fish or Senator Edmunds would
be made Secretary of Slate, and ex-Senator
Frelinghuysen, or Emory Storrs, succeed
Attorney MeVeagb. As to Senator Ed
munds I must express somo doubt I do
not think he would abcipt the place. A
special session ol the Senate has been called
for October 10th, and perhaps at that time
we shall get an insight into future events.
Of one thing, however, thero Is not much
doubt. It will be the aim of the new execu
tive to mako his administration distin
guished for its statesmanship, but It will be
stalwart, and no half-breed or Independ
ent need apply. Don Tedro.
Pokcbo Srrttxas, Col., Sept. IS, 1881.
H. V. Motumms Dear Sir: Having
promised to write you when I left the east
for my second trip weeks ago, I will endeav
or to give you a short description of the dif
ferent towns in tbe southwessern part of
Colorado. I may as well begin at my post
office address, Poncha Springs, Chaffee Co.
But a few years ago whero now is a well
built and regulated town and cultivated
ranches was a camping place for theUles;
their trail led from their bunting grounds
through Poncha Pass to Poncha Springs,
which at that time was their trading point.
Poncha Springs is about eighteen months
old and contains about 800 people) It was
named alter the Hot Springs which are lo
cated within three-quarters of a mile from
the town and the merits of whoso waters
have brought a wide-spread reputation to
this town and assisted materially in mak
ing it tbe place of importance It is. It is
situated six miles from South Arkansas on
the Gunnison Branch of tbe D. & II. G, It.
R., ami was for a good length' of llmo tbe
terminus until tho road was extended to
8llvcr Creek and on over Marshall Pass;:
tho town is built on tbe banks of tbe South
Arkansas river, and Is ono of the most en
chanting and romantic spots iri' the'Stato.
Poncha is destined to become an abiding
place for families, aud its adjancy to the
Hot Springs has and will mako It a resort of
health; trout fishing Is the general pastime
for tho90 who have leisure to whilo away a
few hours, and many who think its sur
rounding monotonous can jump on tho cars
and in a few hours can make the ascent of
Marshall Pass, where from its summit a
scene at once grand, wild and beautiful pre
sents itself; this town is a desirable place
during tbo cummer months for those who
cannot enduro the heat farther esst and
lower down the valleys, standing on an ol
titudo of about 8,000 feet and located in the
center of three or more 'defiles or passes, tbe
gentle and cool breeze sweeps down from
higher altitudes, made cool and' luvlgo'rat
Ing by tho snow-capped peaks on their sum-
mils. Ranches waving with hay and grain
and a gcaeral cultivated vegetation ljud the
margins of the South Arkansas above,' be
low and surrounding thetowd. ' The vege
tation is prodnccd by irrlgallon,.au xfen
slve ditch being dVg'from a higfier polpt'dn-
the river, down which tbe water 18 conduct
ed and spread over tho soil at'inlcrvals to
suit it and the climate. Poncha Springs has
a location that destines it to become a pleas
ure and health resort, and I understand
there is a movement now on loot to build a
number of cottages for families who are de
sirous of making this their home. West and
northwest of tbo town are two extensive
mesas or table lands, a portion of which was
this year put under cultivation, a water con
duct was dug and tho land plowed, sown
and irrigated, tho result is tbat a fine crop
of oats and potatoes sprung up, surprising
the expectations of all; this soil is of a grav
el nature and was considered by all as bar
ren of nutrition and worthless, and when
Mr. Henry Kewby dug his ditch, tbo gen
eral opinion was that bis expenditure of
time and money in the enterprise was use
less. Since its productiveness bis been
demonstrated, preempting In this section
has been all the rage, until nearly5 (cvery
available foot of ground has been taken up
as homesteads. Tbrec-quarlers of a mile
from the town of Poncha and on an eleva
tion of 000 feet are situated the Hot Springs
whose waters have brought cheer and com
fort to many who are afflicted ) there are 47
n number and their degree of beat is 160,-
cookingan egg in less tban five minutes.
An analysis of these waters bss never been
made, but I am satisfied that sulphur, iron,
magnesia, soda, borax and arsenic exist in
large quantities In these waters. Their cur
ing and healing properties cannot be excell
ed and this I state from personal observation.
Innumerable cases, and in fact, all cases of
inflammatory rheumatism ara speedily
cured, scrofulacurvy and all diseases of the
blood, as well as venereal diseases, find
ready and permanent cures by a proper ap
plication of the waters.
The situation of the Springs gives tbe vis
itor or patient a commanding view of Ton
cha as well as tbe beautiful valley of the
South Arkansas, also Mt. Sbavano, Mt On
ray and Taylor Mountain. Opposite the
door of the hotel is the grade of the Denver
k Rio Grande Railroad, on its winding and
steep ascent over Marshall Pass and tbe Con
tinental Divide, and I can say to tbe travel
ing public, or those desirous of testing these
baths, that you have never received more
attention, more kindness, or mora disposi
tion to make you feel happy and at homo
tban at these Springs and 1n the town of
Poncho. Lumber is now being shipped for
a large hotel that Is to cost from 60 to 100
tboussnd dollars. Day after day rheumat
ics are going away cured, and in the short
time of one week, those who are oft-times
earned into their baths, go away entirely
cured and rejoicing. There is one peculiar
ity with regard to these waters that is their
application in cases of disease entirely con
flict with the taking of medicine, and the
patient who dispenses with drugs receives
more immediate relief.
Poncba has a lively and well-edited paper
Its editor Is a young, but able mn, who
Is doing all he can to build up tbe resources
of tbe place, lam personally acquainted
with Mr. Tompkins and find him to be
very fine young man. I will write you
again from and about South ArkansasIays-
Tills, Silver Creek, also a few towns In Sa
guache county, Tomlchl City, White Pine,
Gunnison City, Gothio and Crested Butte.
Use this if you think proper, if not, let
drop gently into the wasto basket
Respectfully yours,
Iu Blackllck township, near Ebensburg.
Cambria couuty, on Friday, Philip Jones
shot and dangerously wounded Elias Ed
wvrds, bis neighbor Tbo tbootlog was tha
resmv pi au oia ieua
New Advertisements.
Estate of HENRY Sl'ERLHAUM, late or
the Dorough of Lehighton, Carbon county,
Pa., deo'd. All persons Indebted to said es
tate are requested to make Immediate pay
ment, and those having legal claims (gainst
the same will present them without delay, In
proper order for settlement, to
Franklin twp., Oot. 1, lSSl-wJ.
The undersigned will Sell at Public Salo,
on the premises, situate on the roadleadlnK
from welssport to Parryvllle, Carbon coun
ty, Fa., on
Saturday, Oct. 22d, 1881,
at 2 o'clock p. m., all that certain Lot of
uround sltuato on tbo toD or the hill, on the
pnbllo road leading; from Welssport to Parry
vllle. In Franklin twp., containing about
threo-fourths of an acre, with a 2-Story
Frame Dwelling llouso, lxS2 fcet,and kitch
en attached 8x22 feet, and other outbuildings,
and a Rood well of water. Terras will lie
made known at time and place of sale, by
Attorney for the Heirs of J as. Drown, deo'd.
Oot 1,-wS.
Of VnlnaTblo Real Estate.
There will bo sold at publlo sale on the
premises or John Krelts, dee'd, In East Penn
township, Carbon county, Fa,, on
Saturday, Oct. 29th, 1881,
at 2 o'clock p. m., a certain tract of land con
taining sIxty.Qve acres and ninety-eight
perches and the allowances, adjoining lands
or Daniel ilelnert, Jacob Stelgerwalt, Jacob
Frltzlnger and thelate John Horn and others,
upon which is erected a 2-Story Frame Dnel
ling House, 24x28 feet, and a kitchen 18x14
feet, and a Swiss Barn 88x60 feet and other
outbuildings too numerous to mention. Terms
and conditions will be made known at time
and place of sale, by
Oct 1, 1881.wl Executors.
w. p. LONG
Respectfully announces to the Ladles of Le
hlghton and vicinity, that he has just receiv
ed another lot of GOODS for the Fall Trade,
NECKWEAR of every description,
Zephers, Germantown and Saxony Wools,
Colors, Hamburg and Swiss Embroidery,
and a variety of
Underwear, Hosiery and Felt Skirts.
Ladies Gossamers for $1.87 upwards.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to the
Ladles to call and make an Inspection for
themselves No trouble to show goods, and
One Price to all.
In connection with the above, Mrs. W. P.
LONG is prepared to Make Dresses accord
ing lo Latest Styles at Reasonable Prices.
Dress Trimmings of all kinds on band.
Remember the place, Two Doors above
Cluuss & Bro's Clothing Store, BANK St.,
Lchlghton, Pa. . Octl-yl
WIIEREAS.thelfon. Samuel S. DnciiKc,
President or tho XLIIId Judicial District,
composed of Monroe and Carbon counties,
and Ch&s. Mecndscn and R. Leonard, Esq.,
Judges otCumiuon Pleas of Carbon county,
and hv virtue or thelroulces. Justices ortha
Orphans' Court, Court orOyerand Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, and tho Court or
Quarter Sosslons or the Peaco orsnldc.-unty
otCarbon. have Issued their prccepl tome,
bearing dato or June 2Mh, 1891, ror holding
Court or Quarter Seestons of the Peacc.Court
or Common Pleas, and Court or Hyor and
Terminer, and Ocnoral Jail Delivery, and
urpnans' conrt, ior tne purpose ot trying is.
sues In criminal cases, and the transacting
or other business of said Courts, at the Court
House, In tho Borough or Slnuch Chunk, on
Monday, tho loth day of October 1851, to con-
unue two wcuikB.
Justices M tho Peace, and the Constables of
tne lain uoumy ot uanxm, tnai tney mny do
then and there at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of
the cold nav. with their rolls, record i. lnoulf-
luons nnu rememoriiDCC!, to no uioae tutngs
which to their offices are appertaining, and
also those that are bound by recognizance to
nrosecute and trtve evidence atcafmt persons
charged with tho commission of offenses, to
proeecuio as vuau do just.
uiTcn unucr ray uanu iil xuaucii uudk, in
BU1U UUUHIY, ESOjiL. 19111, 1091
uoa Bare me uommonweaim.
Mauch Chunk, Sept. 17, last. to.
FooClioo's Balsam of Mh Oil
This Ull Is extracted from a neeullar snecles
or White Shark, canght In the Yellow Sea,
Known as arcnaroaon jtonaeteiit, .vcry
Chinese fisherman knows It, Its virtues as a
restorative or hearing were discovered by a
IJuddlst Priest about the year 1410. Its cures
were so numerous and many sosEEMiitaLr
MIRACULOUS, that the remedy was officially
proclaimed over the entire Empire Its use
occame so universal mat ler over sou tears
no Deafness has eiibtkd amonq tiik
Chinese people. Bent, charaes nretiald. to
ufty uuureiis m gi.uu per Dome.
uniy imporieu Dy u&ri.uua & uu ,
7 Dev street. New York,
Solo Agents for America.
Its virtues aro unauestlonable and Its cura
tive chracter absolute, as the writer can ner-
sonally testify, both from exierlenee and ob-
Amonir the manv readers of the Review In
ono part andsnotherortbecountry, Itliprob
able that numbers are afflicted with deafness.
ml to such it may be said s " Write at once
to liaviock b Co.. 7 Dev street, new York.
enclosing 1, and you will receive by return a
remedy tbat will enable you to bear like any
body else, and whose curative effects will be
permanent, x ou win never regret aoing so.'
LdUor of iltrcanltli Itivicw. Jyz-13wc,
Central Carriage Works,
Bank St., Lcliigliton, Fa.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring "Wagon, &c,
Of every description. In tbe most substantial
manner, ana at jjowesi uasn races.
Repairing Froraptly Attended to,
April , 1879 yl Proprietors.
Ontflt aent free to LhoM who wish to en
gave In the most pleasant and profitable
buiinrai mown, nrerrinioe new. uan.
liai not rtquirea. wewiiiiarniu jou ererr
thmsT. tio a dT and tinwanla la eaallr madd
without staying awar from home orer nuhU
Ho rule whaterer. Many new workers wanted
at once, ft any are making fortunea at the bus
lue's. lAdioa make aa much aa men,and young
boya and &irla make great psy. No one who la
-willing to wors xalla to make moremooeyeVeir
day than can te made In a week at any o nil nay
ry employment. Those who engage at once wll
una suiurt roan w igrmno, Auuresa
Portland, lEalna
Oct, X, lMOly
IUtxtk or JUmut UBrTHEr, DkcoubkD.
Ht virtue rf a power of attorney made by
the belri and legal representatives of Henry
Uretney, late ot MalionlngTownihlp, Carbon
county, Ta deceased, untoUtlnton ilretney,
of Lsebighton, authorizing him to settle tip
the estate of said decedent, to whom all per
nni indebted to said estate are rea nested to
make payment, and those having claims or
demands will make known tbe same without
Attorney in fact for Hetri.
Aug. S, lMl.-m.
New Advertisements.
All persons ate Hereby forbid meddling
With a liHOWN HORSE, loaned by me to
ley, Carbon county, Fa., as the fame Is my
property. L. F. KhEPPlftUEH,
sept 24, 1881-W3. Lehighton, Pa,
the Conrt of Common Picas of
Carbon County t
son, trustee or Henry M. Dcnuler, having
filed his account up to July, 1st, 1881, the
same will be confirmed jri st at the October
Term by the Court, unless objected to,
Sep. St, HSl.wt. Frothonotary.
$500 Reward I
WE will nav tha nbftve reward for tor catn
or Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head
ache, Indigestion, Constipation or OostlvencsS
we cannot cure wun west's stiver vegetaDio
Pills, when the directions are strictly com.
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fall to clve satisfaction. SuirarUoated.
Large boxes, containing 80 Pills, 28 cents,
For sale by all Druggists. iUttare of count
terreits and imitations. The genuine manu
factured only by JOHN O. WEST t CO.,
"The Pill Makers." 181 t 183 W. Madison
St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by
until urepum un receipt oi cent Biamn.
Smith Kline fc Co., Wholesale Agents,
Philadelphia, Pa. 24, '81-ly.
To Sell a EwlioW Article.
rpllE poor as Well as the rich, the old as well
-1- as the VOUmr. the wlTa. as well m thA hm.
band, the young maiden as well as the young
man, the girl as well as the boy, may just as
Well earn a few dollars In honest employment,
as to sit around the houso and waft lor oth.
ers to ejrn It for them. We can give you em
ployment, all the time, or during your spare
hours only traveling, or In your own neigh,
borhood, among your friends and acquaint,
ances. If you do not oare Tor employment,
we can Impart valuable Information to you
freoof cosk It will cost you only one cent tot
a postal card to write for oar Prospectus. and
It may be the means or making you a good
many dollars.
Do not nouloot this onnorttinltv. Yon do
not have to Invest a large sum or money, and
run thb risk or losing It. You will readily
see that It will bo an easy matter to make
from tlO to tlOO. a week, and establish a 111.
eratlve, and Independent buslnessonorable,
straightforward and profitable. Attend to
this matter NOW, for there la MONEY IN
IT Tor all who engage with Us. We will sur
prise you and you will wonder Why you never
wrote to us berore. Wi bind full partic
ulars free. Address
(Name this paper.) Marion, Ohio,
Sept. 2l.-m.
Election Proclamation
Pursuant to an act ot the neaeral Assembly
of tho Commonwealth of Fennsylvanl, entitled
Au act relatlna to elections in this Common-
wealth," approved the 2d day o( Jalv, Anno
Domini, one thousand eight hundred and ihirty
nlne, and a further supplement to that act, ap,
proved January 30. 1S71, 1, TII011A8 KOONS,
Sheriff of the Couity of Carbon Pennsylvania,
do Lereby maKe known and mVo'ooUce to tho
elootors of the county aforesaid, tn.t au elec
tion will be held In tbe said Comity of Csrbnn.
Anno Domini, ono thousand eight hundred sod
eighty one. at which time the lollowlng officer
will bo volt d for f
Lno person fdr Stato Treasurer.
One pel son lor Associate Judge,'
One person for County Treasurer.
Ono person for llrglster and ltocord-r ot
Three persons lor County Commissioners'
Time persons fur County Au llior..
I also noroby make known and giro notice
that tne places ut holding tho aforesaid elec-
lorts In tho several townships of the said codu.
ty will be respectively at the irfacos hcielualter
designated, to wit t
Thetrecmen ot tbe borough of LchlKhtcn
will hold their e'cctlon at tbo public nouso.ot
J. W- ltaudcnbnsb. in said borough.
Tho freemen resldtnjr In thnt part ot Banks
townsi.ip known as the Anilenreid district will
bold their election at tho school houe In Au
denrcid i the fteenirnroildlUK la that pirt ol
nanus townsbip known as tno Heaver Meadow
dtatrtit, shall bold their election nt the school
houso at LcvL-toii, iu said towiihbip.
The freemen of the township ot nasi Tcnn
will bold Hie r election at the public liouto of
Fenroco George. ia ?ald township.
Tho neeinen of the towniu.n of Lower Tow
amemdng y, Ui hold tiiclr election at the publlo
house of Lem OrvrT, in smd township.
The tioemrn t the township ot Franklin will
hold tlieli- e.eciiim hi. tho public house of Ed
ward itubcr, in said township.
The freeiutu of tbe township ot Lausanne
will bol.1 Ihctr election 1.1 tbe femalo school
hone at Buck afountnlu, in ,sid township.
The freemen ot the township of Lehlga will
hold their el. otlon In the school bouse lu Back
pott, in said township.
The freemen of the borough of weatherly
will hold their election at the public bouse ol O
Kelser, la said boi ouok.
The freemen ot the first ward of the borough
of Mauch Chunk will bold their election at the
pnbllo bonse of Nathan Klots, lu said bor,
The freemen ot the seoorld ward of the bor.
oogh of Blanco Chunk will hold their election
at tbe publlo bouse ol Frederick Stabl, in said
The freemen of Fast 21 such Cnunk will bold
tbelrolcctlon at the publlo houso ot Christopher
Curt an. In said oorougb,
Thofiecmen of the township of Mahoning
will hold their eleolion at the puhllc houso of
, Thompson MoDanlel, in saw) township.
Tbo freemen ot tbe township of Penn Forest
will bold their election at tho publlo bouse of
Enos Koch, in said township.
The freemen of the towmblp ot Upper Towa.
meoslng-wul hold their elecllou at tbe pubdo
houso of John II. Weiss, lo said township.
The freemen of the township of Facker win
bold their election at the publio bouse of Feter
Jlartz, 01 said township.
The freemen of that part ot tbe townsblp of
alauch Chunk residing within the Summit
lllli district will hold their election st the town
ball In tbe village of 8 jmmlt IIUL
The freemen ol that vsrt of tne township ol
llancb Chunk residing within the tteequebon
Ing district will bold their election at tbe publlo
bouse of Fatrtck McEenna.ln tbe village ot
The Iietmen residing In that part ol Kidder
township knonn as tbe south district will held
their election at tbe publlo house ot Paul Eok- said township.
Tbe freemen residing in that part of Kidder
township known as tbe Itorth district will bold
their election In the echool house at llrtdge
port. In said township,
The freemen ol the borough of rarry villa
wlU bold their election at tbe public house of
Jacob Scbwarts, in said borough.
The freemen residing tn the election district
of Faekerton will bold their election at tbe pnb
llo bouse ot deorge Uagan. In said dl-tnct,
The freemen residing lu the election distrlet
ol Lansford will bold their election at the pub
llo bonse of deorge Evans, tn aald borough.
The freeman of the borough ot Weistport
will hold the:r election at the publlo bouse of
II. IL Everett, lu tbat boroazb
I slao make known and giye noilce, as in and
by tbe Utb section of tbe aforesaid set I am
directed, tbat "every porson excepting J atlce
of the pesoe. who shall bold any office or sp-
pomtment of profit or trust under the Govern
ment of the United States or of the State or
any city or Incorporated district, whether cam
missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
offloer, or agent, who is, or eh all be employed
under tho legislative. Judiciary or executive
department ot this titalo or the United states,
or of any city or Incorporated district, and also
tbat every member ot Congress and tb 8 late
Legislature, and tbe select and common coun
cil of eur city, ooDuaiasIooer of any incorporst
ed district, la by law Incapable ot holding or
eserciaing at the same time the offlce or ap
potjitment of lodge, tn-jiector or clerk of any
election ol this commonwealth, ana mat no In
spector or Judge, or any other oncer of any
such election, shall ba eligible to any office
then to be voted tor,
Act of Wlb, June. 1574.
And all elections hereafter held under the
laws of Ih a Commonwealth, the polls shall bo
opened at eaten o'clock a. m., aad closed at
seven o'clock, p. m.
Glven under my band at Mauch Chunk, tbe
Utb day of September, A. D. OJe thousand
eight hundred and eighty one, and of tbe Inde
pendence of the United State, the one bun-
dredand alatb.
Sept. it, Ull,
Boots, Shoes,
Httts Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods
Merchant Tailors,
Dank Street, Lehighton.
publlo patronago sollolted.
Two Doors Below the' "Broadway House
mauch oiuJk, pa.
Dealer in all Patterns ot Plain and Fancy
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' upplies,
of any Cass Blind. TJIeedlnr. Itehlnv. Tlli-.r.
ated or Protruding PILES that DkIIino's
Pile Remedv rails to ctiro. Prepared by J.
P. Miller, M. D., Sit Arch Street, Phlla., Pa.
Aone OenVini Without hit kltmatlirr. Rnnd tnr
circular. All drujrglsts or general stores
have It or will got it ror you SI. Sold In
Lehighton by A. J, DUrllng, drfegglst.
aug. ia Km-
Pfni.ttrAft far fill Knlillarrj illt.Ktjul tn II. a TT .
service from any cause, also ror heirs or'dnN
ce&seu suiuiers. xne sugntesi oisaDiiuy en
titles to pension. PENSIONS 1NOKKAS
ED. Dounty and new discharges procured.
Those In doubt as to Whether entitled to any
thing, should send two 3 cent sttfmps for our
"circular ol Information." Address, with
stamps, Stoodaut H. Co., Solicitors or
Ulalms and Patents, Washington, D. C. Lock
box C23, July ls.-wl.
BANK STREET, Lehiffhton, Pa.,
MILLEHS and Dealers In
AllKindiof (irtAIN BOUOIITand SOLD at
uunvuiwni.u. , calico, iu.jj iuiui ui uui viii
;eiia that. we are nowfullv nrunarod to'HUP
PLY tuom with
From any Mlno desired at VEttT
3f. HEILMAN & 60.
Jnli 2S.
LEltlOHTON, Penna.,
Particular attention given to
In all Its details', at the very Lowest Prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited aud perfect
satisfaction guarantied.
ueo o, lfliv-yi u aw, wit An v.
Dress and Trimming Silks,
Dress Trimmings,
Dry Goods,
Groceries, Provisions,
Glass & Qucensware.
Standard Silver Ware, &c.,
Call at the Popular ONE PRICE Store of
DANK 8t. Lehighton. aplS-raS
WOMEN. Examinations rot entrance, bent
1tth. Catalogues sent on appllcatioa to
)50-3m. w. U. DEAN, Keglslraf,
Should address EDSON BROS., Attorneys
at Law and Patent Solicitors. S17 Tth Street,
Washington, 1). U., for circulars of instruction-,
Keferenees and advloa aent rasa. We
attend delusively to Patent business. Ite.
Issues. Interferences aud eases rejected In
other hands a sneclaltv. Trade-Marks and
Uaveals solUcted. Upon receiptor model or
saeicu ana description we aire nr uruuiua aa
to patentablllty.TRs orcuaaoa. we refer
to tbe Commissioner of Patents, also to ex.
Commissioners, Established 16S4. 31-oer
Notice is hereby given, tbat ah Application
will be made to the Court of Common Pleas
or Carbon County ror tbe dissolution or "The
Lehigh Winding and Loan Association, ol
T.AhlirMnn. Pa at October Term aT (Innrt.
1M1. All persons Interested will please take
notice oi tne same. ,
W. M. UAPHUER, Solicitor.
oepiemDor ?i, loei.
Notice Is hereby given, that an Application
wilt be made to the Uoart or Commen Pleas
or Carbon Coauty ror the dissolution of "The
Fort Allen liulldlntj and Loan Association,
Jr Welssport, Pa.," at October Term of Court,
881. All nersons Interested will please take
notice of the same.
J. O. KERN, Secretary,
" Vr. M. KAPSUEIt, solicits?;
nepienioer at, tssi.
With Medicine Qaality not Quantity K
me greaiosi imponaiice; ileitis to
Knowledge and Emenence to Cor'
rccOy Prepare and Dispense ttesaffld
Drug & Family Mich M,
Bank Street, Lehighton,
You can alwayt tely upon (Jetting 8TBIOT'
LY Pore and Unadulterated
Drugs and Medicines.
DTJKI.iNO. carries tbe largest stock of
PATENT MEDICINES la the county.
DURLINO hasaneleeantstoekorDRUn
IiET AltTlOLLS for the ladies as Well as
the gents.
DtlRLINQ m&kbi ilOItSE and CATTLE
FOWDEKS a specialty. Ills 23 years expef.
lene'e In the drug; business gives him a great
advantage In that line.
always a large Stock oh hand.
WINES and LIQUORS, troth Ibretgta and!
domestic lie has a Clinton Orape Wine ami
a Dry Uatanba Wine Just splendid and
, WAth PAPERS? and nrjRDEKS tfisj
largest assortment In town.
nr to.DURLINO'S with your preserrpr
linns, nn in nriiir.SMfi.Q u..f ,
Go to DUKIiINa'S for yoor randy art'elssV
Farmers and horsemerf goto DUIlI.INU'tf
ror your Horse and Uattle Fowdets.
ang. 13-yiV
A tTXd DttKATif may result from acidity of
the Stomach, or franr bHltofntneair- fn
case' a few doses of
Tarrnnt's Seltzer Aperient,
adiurhlstered aceoadng to directions, wllf
supplant tbls unpleasant companion with a!
sweet and healthful one. It Is a ta.lne tott
rectlve, specially suitable for warm weather,,
and'lenves the system strong to dolls work of
"la a
a an e
) COl) s
iriM ca r ia ,
v 5 .8 3
Poet .end Traveller"
pleasure In recommending to parems, the
Academy otair.Svrlthla O. SliortlldgHs."
Said (I860): 'Iche'erlully consent to the use
ormyniime nnd rcrcrenoe. My boys will re
turn to you (ror their fourth-year) arterthelr'
Vacation." , . .
Fur ncrf Illustrated Olrculnr sourest"
Pa . 12 miles from Philadelphia.
ftjCnn P,vcn for an 1S04 U. S. Dollar. If
gOUU 1 ustralod cat nlo.iie.'wltu prices paid?
lor oiti nnu rnro coins, poiurao ior urcenie.-
c. stEiufciiwAivr, Larrenster, ra
A YEAR and expenses to
gents Ostftt free, Address Pf
for advertisers. 100 pages, IS'CtlV
Cafemtrt Ware Factory,
avruaa ati, mis d.iuiii nuii i-iarcn 4 rii ji ciuiwa
oak. miff llar-l Wooo LuDibet, 4 ml it) now t 4
pircd to Axocute any uraonut of atffrra for
tt.l. - n Irln,la aii4 alua , IMA . Ilail'ull
DresseD LambeE
Doorsj Saalics, Blififis Shutter
Mmildlnss, Cabinet Ware, &at
With Preuiptuesaj
Brackets Made t'O Order.
Th4 Machlnerr.fa all new and or tluVbeet acel
iiitutt linnroreil kinds. I eniolor none but the1
best ttorkmen.use well Beaconed and rood ma
teiiai, and ara uiererore anie u pruai ansee anirrw
saiisfactlon to all who may favor me with a c
Ordera ay mall pionouy attenueu to. say
eburjrea are moderate! terms c
i cash, or lafereef
charged alter thirty days.
rjr Those encaged InJlaildlng will tod It t
their advantage to have hlcllnc, floor Hoards'
Doom, cashes, ehttiicnt. As., a (v. made as tn
rectory . ,
The undersigned Is now prepared to ioTpl?
tbe very best LATT1MER COAL l the M
No, J Chestnut, by tfiecar... ear
No. 1 Chestnut, by the ear.... j, Tt
Stove, by the oar c M
lly the single ton, sS eents per to edelUcWl
J. L. GAB EL ,
Dealer )n
General Hardware, &c,
Opposite tbe Pnbllo Sensre, BANK 6THEIT,
LEIiiaiITONPA. nor.".'"
Dr. v.. C. Wiffi's nebvs and 11 ejus Ttutif
MEAT, a snecluo lor Hysteria, Ulaxtueas, Con
vulalona, Huvoua lieadaehe. MauUI Deere,
alon. Loss of Memorr, hpeima errbosa, lianx
tency, lnvol notary Kmiaaiona. Premature Old
Age, caused by over exertion, sell-abuse, as'
over-lndutgeoee, which leads to ralaert, dees)'
aud Heath. One box will core recent caeeau
Kacb box oonuins one mot.iu irwimran use
iter a box. or aix boxoa ror nve oouasa t seas
by mail prepaid on roenpt of prices .We
cej .we sneer.
Witb eeest
s. accotaeAav
dim alx boxes to e.rreauy ease i
order leceived bv us for alx boxei
led with Uve doliara, vs will send the-pareha
rr oar written gnaranto to return the sooner
U tbe treatment doea not effect a cu
antecalaauod unit when the treatment tsordw-
Bole Proprlet
(via ua. uun j. tvxrfsi 9
rletors. Itl A I6J W. Vadiann Street,
A. J.DUULANO. Afeat,Lesdfc
6HITUKLINE ACO, Wholesale A sent 3,
FlilUdalahia, ept,JVBUy
i is