FARMERS' COLUMN, Fruit Kami The Fmirie 'irwifr wunts In hour sotno. thing tlniul mm nf llin Slinrplru slrswlierry In tlio Wrst, nitd nlu alut the llMwell, Wnrrn, t.miRlow, Windsor Chief, 'Wl nlher kliirts to highly lauded In tlia Enst," It It jvMslble that surli lnfir tnatinn tins u it y-t been furnished It ? fiul If it d.m'lhpnr noon It may not at nil, far these wnnrtVrfut varieties are trMunt lioarJ of anywhere during mora tbnu h jcar or two. "The growing of fine fruits will never be overdone," saysn man who ralsi-s fruit trees In .sell. That depend nn wlmt Is mount by overdoing. If meant thai fine fruit will always pay Ihe grower, Ihen it is a htllney. It fwys nurseryinen,lratisrrlatlin omtputi Irs, and ciiminlssion men, while the crow rrs yet the h-sstpmut of all, and sometimes Iiiko by It. No skill in growing or lurking can eompensnle for overcharges tn tram Jrtnllnn, bad haudllnj;, or Ilia roe.nlitirs ol till'ldlemen, Iu planting fruit nrrharda It is a giK1 ftlan not to plant as doly as n!tilp, lull to give, wide, generous (pares. With wldf lacea you can raise final) fruit or truck he tween the rows, and tlmt means minimi manuring and rulture. flut If planted too closely fur this tliero is constant danger uf neglect, and without manure and culture your orchard will never be worth much. So If you raise pencil trees, put them say Forty or fifty feet apart. innMlre well, mid false rout crops among them annually. Clore to the trees you will not raise much, but never niind,.msnuio Just the snnie, as the trees will get the benefit. Attend also tn their other wants, and you enn count on peaches about three-fourth of the time. California, once almost a Taradiieon or count of exemption from 'bug?" and Insect Jsfs, lies now gut them badly. Tench borers, leuf curters, curnllios, wilii the yellows thrown in, are all there now. This makes thin n littlo more equal between the East and the West. All sorts of plnn are offered to fiee the. Slato of these pests, but while under consideration the Inserts push right ahead, as If to mnke np for time fosi on the way In getting there. When the natives get better acquainted with lliesi" visitors they will not mind them so much. It a claimed in soma quarters Hint the peach yellows is rnlisi'd by a minute frngiis starting althe roots and then spreading over the, tree. The remedy is said to be soapsuds, lye, or wood ashes, neither of which ran be obtained generally In large quantities. Th potash of commerce might do. The surcM preventive is probablr to" keep the trees gnwine by some annual immuring', fr qiient cultivation, and freedom from borer. ' The last Is an enemy as bad as any disease, It not worse. Dig them out twice a yenr. The Rational Live Slock Journal very justly calls attention to the wisdom of grow fng the large fruits In connection with dairy or stock farming. Orehsrda need m no lire, snd the'early fallen fruit, always wormy and worthless for general purposes, is greed ily consumed by cows, hogs, horses or sheep, when thev have the chance, and they thrive b'y It. This Is onej case where "mixed farming" is advantageous. But the frnll bad better be picked up and fed out thnn ill maintain fences, so that slock can li turned fnto orchards Stock will always do mischief in an orchard, though hogs are sometime of service. Poultry Note. Watch yonr chickens now and mark the Utst for breeding next year. The old hens Wanting to "set" can be utilized by using them for potpie. Vary the feed of fowls through the tail, as efariai the moulting season there will not be many eggs from old f.iwls. To the pull U feed more or less wheal, wheat screen' ings, or scalded wheathran. The nioultlnc hens to he wintered should have plenty ol good warm food. Keep the poultry droppincs hauled on' from your hen-roosts, and sprinkle the roosts and floors every now and then with kerosene. It will not hurt the fowls, bu it will hurt the lice very much. The cheap eat way to' apply It Is to paint floor, roosts and corners with it, and get plenty into the Cranks and cervices. Fall chickens are sometimes profitable I one Is situated so as to protect them fron frosty mornings and wet days. lint it i better to have vour flock fomnnsged ns I rommence lay'ng early, ami Ihcnectsom' hens in winter nod civn tlieui and II chickens wl-iter protection. And n warm Wntcellar Is a good place for early winter ('spring ') chickens. Has it ever oocurr d to yonrniln hat jou nw ni for snb-trrivition to the Advocate f If not, look at the direction tab and send nn the ntnnnnt due at once James Trythal, of Warwick, Cheater Co .was struck by a train near Sprni;feld on Saturday last, and died on Monday. lie Was walking on tlio track. Mrs. Stanley, daughter of Thllip Me Guirc, attempte.1 tn burn her futlier's house in AlCoona on Halurdsy nitlil. Bh is in sane, end has been taken Into custody. It is sa'd that thirty perum in a small fowa lu Michigan were iKiisoned recently by eating sausages. This comes from leuv. .(itg brass collars on dogs. Horses relish corn on the cob. Men like it In liquid form. Tickling the "fincy" Playing against a firo bank. The toad believes that hop position is the life of trade. How can you ever load a versel without the block aid We invite some oue to tack- to this. ui; or noon c-mxtr, There is one remedy which has nroved fiself to lie a priceless boon and a true friend t-uilfl'erinc humanity Ithsssaveil ihmii audi of nervous, dehilitsted, beadni-hliig mortals to lives .if iin fu!iie and the full i-njoymenl t mbiiit liealth. If you are WimS, nervons di-bliiUttd or sutfer fmm in. diseitioii ami iiyiiepia,yna m ike a serious nii.take and do yourself srent injustice if ...... i.. -w. .11.. ,j:..l.. -'.... JTI.U iill n' HJ lll r.n iinii, iimiii-iur, t llU will nnd H a k-rfc-l panncea fur all your troubles. In a fnw weeks time your shat tered nervous syntem will he n-alored to a natural and healthful condition, all symn tnms of'dvrreioiaandtndisritiondinrinear. and tlia possibility of toralysis, ariplexy, cndollierdlsordcrsthat lead to sudden death I will be romnvHl forever. This tnoiitorious i e-wipound laa preimruli'in-of Iron and ca-1 fUllal vgelado ( ni'4- ' ! it the only pre- wration nt Iron Itiat floea not give lieau arlie 01 blacken the t.--tli. It is called Ksqfk'b Inns ftiTTcns. iMniud it of your Imggist, audtake no suUniute. It will give the i;ryltrit aatislaction, for Its rffcuU are lastiug, and not temporary. ' Is the case uritb al sr ml-c pra'ciati u Erjwu'slrou vSittm iMuUiUw akbulie.' Vjurrr. 13 31 p$ I S Mm up ip 11 PEW DAW mm mm IS A rUHELT VEGETABLE REMEDY for INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. A Bitro nntl speedy euro for Roro Throat, Coughs, Coldrj, Diphtheria, ChllU,l)htrrhcn.,Dyscnt!ry,Crampi, Cholera, Summer Ojmplnlnt, Hlcli Jiendncle,Naurnls'.i,Klicuni!Ulsin, Bruises, Cuts, Sprain, etc. Vtrlscily eafc to uso (itcrnoHy or nfernaly.end, certain to affonl relief. No family can aflord to Ikj without it. Sold by all ilruitsku nt 3c, COr., and Si a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I, .1 THE GREAT CURE mm SOS. RHEUMATISM As It lj for all diseases of the KIDNuYS, LIVF.rt AND BOWELS. It cleaxuiss tho aTstem of the acrid poison that oansts tho drsodfal .ufferiny which only the vtoUma of &h:aaatlsm can rstllte. THOUSANDS OF CASES of th) worst forms of this terrible disease have boea quickly relieved, In a short time PERFECTLY CURED. La had irni!erfat saec4s, &nd en Immcnso &lolneTcr7p3trtcf tho Conatrj In htm dredsofco3:3ltUaaourdwerefiU elso had fillod. It is mill, bat efflciest. CCUTAIN IN XT8 ACTION, but liannlcai in t cases. iT'T olonvtaOB C.MHelhMi( and lTMNTf A IiTe to all tho imnortjut orrana of lha bodr. Tho natural actios of tUo ICidncya Is restored. Tho liver is cl caused of alldlseaso.and tho Sowols xno7o freely and healthfully. Ia this way tho worst diseases are eradicated from the system As it has been prored by thousands that ia the most effectual remedy for oleansinff tho systom of all morbid secretions It should bo used in every household a s a SPRING MEDICINE. Always onreo snJOUSNSSS, OlfSTTFA TI0X,PUiS3 and all nniAUJ Incases. IsputuplaDry TrretabloForm, inttira&s, One jiaclu-'o of v ichmakcs CquarU rsedlclne. Abo In ticulrerto.vfry Concenlratcdfor the oonTcnlenco of thoso who can&ctrcadilj pre pare lu II act $?U equal tcUncyineltherform, ort iTOFToua DiicaaisT. huge, 91.00 WELLS, CICIIAKDSOS A C-i., TropV, nruj tend f'ry rort-i-l lintuxnTox.TT.'USE BAZORIBE! MADE I A lato discovery, which ihai at once gained p. cle srrved promluenno from its 'nwn innrlt A an ft 1.1 In EASY ! fctuviDLT, it has Dover been HO MORE DULL RAZORS ! It I j tnra nahle to fvcrv on o who ue a R axon or ilssf res a Mari keM,vtti u- fwni tor uny purpose RAZORINE. Ily iifo of Hits nomlorrul pow.ler, Ihe edge of the f'l lll b lu. aernefi rarer wuy oruveil The most wlrj besrtt rosy to romuM (roro loo tuoii icoagr sain wkuou( pain or lucou veclcnee. RAZORINE. Uemoves all drta.l ot the InllrlJoal usoot tbe rasor. Any man psiesln; a beard, ean by 'be use of this rrmarJUWe tttcortry on his strap,' rsuiOYO bis beard nlth ease, comfort and celerity. A gent i vrantei In every town and couuty. S iid lor circular lib term', ta lly matt iost bald lor W oems. amle Address S, K1T3I0XI) & CO., may 7 id3 ( 37 l'ark nurff XCEW YORK CITY it otintaclnror of and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, na ana Sliest-Iron Ware ani General Hoosg Foniisnlng: Goote. teooFiNt) mid st'otmivn dona nt short notice and at Lowest Cash Prices. n vci- Mnd nt sioYS'oruTn uj rntE RX ttt-pt ronstnntv on hnud. Stour on SOUTH Street, a few dojri Uoto Bauk St., LEQIOIITO.V, nttoat to rollcitM 3.ihsfH0'irti Knftrnnlfi'd. Ort CVI A. 1) AlOaSKU t a wiSKiv in tout nwn mien, ant.nlm lnni nr wh-ch imrKfin. of Htlier wex imi mrnto our all Iho ttmn licv work, vr ta fTtr pirticn'ar io 11. U LLDTT. it 10 rortliina. Ale. Juuo28-l" S2 ICakiT.. InillHllnnkul UK. h-ll J KoM (13, ChH(.l nJiirorHesriipcuUtlT)iurpo(. Vxlutt Jnmnry C9. 1 S 3 U y 1 ARBON ADVOCATE TliAIN AND FANCY BOMBFRMNG HOUSE HANKW AY, a short distance above the I.thlKh Valley It. It IJeK', LKUIGUTON, 'A. We are now fully prepared to execute ever) (Ictcrlptl'in or PltlN t'lNO, Irom a Visiting Cart to aLaree Poster! rosters, iranlbllla. no'igcrs, Circulars, ShliiplDK Tags, Cards, Illlllleds, Letter Heads, - Note Heads, Envelopes, . Statements, Frsgramraes, raranulets, LC, le In Best Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! Inventors will Advmco their Interests by nmplntlnican Eipcrlrnrcd Attorney resident tn ttaihlnKO n. '. A. Lehmann. (Solicitor ol Amerloin and Fureln Patents, Washing ton, I). C . his had )can of ruecessful Prac tice, and was fiirnurlyan Eicrulnrr of I'a tentslnthe Patent Offlo'. All business be fore the lioarls or tbe Department prumptly attended to. Fee contingent upon success Head for Olrcular. April ta-tf-cor. TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence causing Premature Decay, Norrona iMblbty.Loat Usd hood, etc, baring tried iu vain every known ruuedy,baa discovered a s.mrle self cure, wbicb be will tc .d FUEC to bis fellow-auSeren. ai dn J. U, IXliVta, u Cbatbam &U, If. t, January W,l!ll-T J THE GREAT J BU1ATISM, fcuratnia, Sciatica, Lumbcao. Dackachol Soreness of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swolf ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear end Hcadacho, Frostod Feet and Ears, and all otfiOP Pains and Achos. No PrenirsHon on earth rnmiti Br. jArnw Oir. a a "fo, aifrr, Wmle rut tltntp ttxt.rttnl Ktmcity. A trial cnljlls but tlio c.initratlrilx Iriflinc uuiKy f 50 Cents, and tn-r) uno miiTcr. Iiic with piln can have cheap and J-oilltrc prwf or Its rlnlml. lJtroctliias tn Eloren TAncuscs. SOLD STALL DEUQ RISTS AHD DEALESB IK MEDICINE, A. VOGELBR & CO., Baltimore, 3rd., V. S. A NorenS, ISSlorl I'cspectfully announces to the people of I.e lilgliton ami Its vicinity, that he Is now pre pared to supply them nlth all kinds of Household B'urniture Mm'ured from tbe best Seasoned Mate rials ut Prlcos fully us low as the tameari tele, eiiii be bouuht lor els where. Here are a few ol the Inducements offered ; Purler Sets at from $M to $60 Walnut iIarble-toi tlres'lnj; (!ase ItcilriHini Suites. 3 pieces, 440 to 49) Palmed Ik-Urunm Sulu s llt to til) dune Seati-il t'halr, persitof 0..,, 6 tli-nitnon tnilrf, per ct of 0 41 nnd all oilier Uoods equally cheap. In this oonncttnn, 1 dedru to rail the at. teiitlun of tho people to tny amplo facilities In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS with a NEW and HANDSOME HEAItaE, and a lull UneofOAbKETS and UUFi'Iisa, I am proparcd to attend promptly to all or ders In tbis Hue. at lowest prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and the most ample satisfaction guaranteed, V. SCHWARTZ, octl2 HANK St., Lehlghton, JOHN F. HALBACII, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, 'Voice and Theory.) LEIIIGIITOK, PA, Role agjnt for the WEBER PIANOS and lh NEW ENa. LANDOKQANSt And dealer In all kinds of Pianos and Organs. Terms low and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks, etc., taken la exchange. Hhset Muslo and books furnished on short notice. For particulars, terms, &o.. Address, JOUNF.HAWtAOH. AaaJ, Jlls-ly. iKihlglen, P. Ho. f UR fakJ iniSCEl.tilNUOlfH. Swift Id the plcn'rj ran the mad( He lightly climbed the fence, And limped thcrealter, aS he ran, With slivers token theneei He sure and slop and nslc for Dr. Bamtnert'i German VotclablB Worm Medi cine. Warranted to euro or nb pay. Ai .1. Durlinj;, Bank St., sole agent for Ijehlghtnn, I'enna. 26 I3w Y are tolJ that a man's body fa three fourths composed of water, but It Is bard 16 believe this while looking at tho noses of some of our cltisens. luiporliuit lo s ritvolcrx. 8rr.ctAL tiint'ORMRNTS ore offered you by tho iium.lNurns KorTX. It will pay you to rend their advertisement to be found else where In this issue. It Is n very singular tact that builders, be fore commencing to erect an edifice, proceed to "spile'' tbe ground upon which It Is to stand. Drupxy nl ItliollllirtsUitl. Dmpsical nnd Itheuniatlfl persons And tbe use of Siieer'a Port Ornpo Wine, of New Jer sey, ana me tnn uittcrs, ol Incalculable bonrhl. Their purity and valuable Drniier- ties have given them a wide reputation anions physicians throughout this country and Europe. This wine took tbe highest premium at the late Centennial. It is ex cellent for weurv nnd debilitated females. This wiuo In for sale by our Druggists, A. J. iiurnng a mi u. i. unrn.M, ij.,ifIiIrIi ton, and Kern Jt Haiisher, Druggists, Weiss iort, Pa. There Is a msu in St. Louis who has wonderful memory It is thought fie city will eventually employ hlni to remember the Sabbath. liny Tovcr. Messrs. White i. Burdick, Druezlsts. Itb nea,N. Y. I can recommend Ely'a Cream Ilnlin to relieve all persons suffering with Rose Cold and liny Fever. I have been a great sufTercr from the tamo ccmplilnlsi have bad great relicl by uslnc the Balm. 1 have recommended it to many of my friends lor (J.iiiiTii, nnn in all cases where they havo used the Balm freely have been cured. T. Kenney, Dry Gools Merchant, Ithaca, it V o.;I a loiin ' ' Mr. A. L. Avery, I'liarmacist.Ncwar):, N. s. Having been severely atmcleri Tor ele ven years with Hay Fever, after trylbe nl- tnon everything without avail, I cave up .III -t 1 i i , . "A I i mi ui'pt-s iii urin vuicii, wot-ii i purvnnBcii of you n box of Ely's Cream Balm. To my surprise, after a few applications, I wils en tlrcly releivcd, II. Watson Harris, belter Carrier, Ho. 14, Kew 1'. 0., Newarkj N. J A youth after vainly tryjng tn explain Siiuie sciciititio theory t his fair inamorate said, "The question Is difTicuIt and I dou't see what I can do to make if clearer.' ''SiipjHiseyou pop III" whispered the blush 1 112 danibel. Thousands ol ladips to diiv cherish rrrnt ful rciiiembnuici-i of the lu-iti drrived from the use of Lydia i. Piiikhnm's vegetabli (.'lllilitilld. It positively mix nil Iriiith nmipluinls. a-lnl to Mil. I,vdia E Pink hum, Wrslern Avenue, Lyuu, Mass.. for patnpliloU. "Youth at tbe prow ami pleasure ut tin helm," ns the bumblebee remarked when lie uti-euded liim.iclf mi the brty Iio was just stirring ui the uet with a hoe handle. 1). It. V. G. hns clrured hit fare and neck from vellow lull-lies o; over 20 years sIhihI iug. t can ii-tiiinim-'id D It. V. O. toludu-r whose cuiiipli'Xinii notcltar. Mis.T K Ftill-r, Diitortli, N. Y GuHr.iteed by nil druggists. V.fHik hiiw phiiu ii tail thittl put you 'Hiiyrrt," rrftd ttu cow to the milk nwid, sii Slie switch! d her olf the milk stool into the lliud. I huve. been troubled with Flatus in tin sU'luuch and Imivtls lor ears, soiiiL-tiniif ei-rioualy so. 1). It. V. 0. but cured Inc. 1 n i-fiiiiiiiniul it l,i itll. li C.tudcc, Aldi-rinnn, Clh Byracusif, N. Y. ' Guaranteed by all druggists. An ounce ot your own spirit ia worth u pound of other (wople's, and a thousand barruls of the article sold in the drug sture. CJ I ven up by Doctor. "Is it possible that Mr. Godlrey is up and at work and cured by so simple u remedy!" "I assure you it It true that liu is cntirch cured, nnd with nothing hut Hop Bitters; ami only ten ihys ago his doctors guve him up ml sain lie mual (lie I -'Well a-duy I That's remarkable I" I will go this tlay and get some lor my ikkii George I kuow hoisaro gtHid." Throwing dice may seem all right, youug man, but remonfber, if presisted iu, Iho dice will throw you ut last. A IlHJi: 'I'nSI'l.tlllMAL. Mapauk ANnti.K, l'rittu Donna, of the French and IUlian Opera, says ; MfcttngitSsoiiK Piano Co., Nkw Yorr i Gkxti.kuen From tho exiierieun I have hud in playing upon your Upright Punc s 1 cannot belli expressing inr udiniratinn of their tone and union. One respect iu which they particularly excel is their singing quality of tone. Wishing you good surccss iu l ue manuiaciure ol ineso line lustru mcute, I am, Yours truly. Angels. If you want to get rich, mount a mule because when you are on a mule you urc better off. St. Lou'a Western Watchman. Pintle Iltitli C'luirius, cct. Ono of the great manufacturing interests of Boebm, is Ihe Emerson Pi inn Omnpaliy, whose pianos are usi-d with high apprecia tion nnd sslislactiiiu throughout the world. In a recent eon vernation witli Mr. Joseph Grdiner, one ol the proprietors, that gentle man remarked i I have used the tpleudid rrniKiy Si, Jacob's Oil, l ti my family, and fnuud it to bo so very beneficial thsl I will never be without it. It has cured mo of a severe rasa of iheumatism, after other reme dies had failed. When Is a room full of men like an emp ty one t When it has not a single one in it. To AccouiniodiMa lliet'tibllc. The prnprieUirs of that litiinonaely popu lar remedy, Kidney-Wort in recognition of the claims of the public which hss so liber ally patroitizod theni,haye prepared a liquid prejiaretion of that remedy for the special aeoommodatiun of those who Irom any reason dislike to prepare it for themulve. It is very consentrated and, ns tbe dose is small, it is iur easily taken by many. It has the same effectual action iu all diseases of tho kidneys, liver pr bowels. llonyz and Farm. It is tbe habit of mankind to give tbe fine flour to tb world and the bran to God. A sore back mule Is a poor band to guess de weight ob a bago' meal. When a dog howls at night It Is tbe sign of death. It is if we can get sit the brute. ' Last week tbe bent in Tjondon was so in lenso that several partnerships were quite dissolved. No woman ebould borrow the husband of another, because it is not good for man to be alue. If the tide vtatci era breakers, It Is no wonder the loose wave smash things A smart tiling A mustard plaitafa A yane bird Tho weathercock There It a good deal of human nature in a canary bird. He begins lo chatter as soon I s tb plane begins to play. Including Hats, Bonnsts, Flowers, Klbbons, NEW GOODS RECEIVED "WEEKLY All work done In the latest style, and most durable manner, at tbe lowest cash prices. STOKE: at tbe Intersection of HANK STUEKr and UANKWAY, LEHIOHTON. PA, nprll SO, Ml-yl. A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER, XKOX BITTERS nro highly recommended for all dbcasea re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indi'icstion, Vutpeptia, Inter- the blood, strengthens the muscle?, and iiko a cnarm on mo ciigcsuve organs, removing an uyspepuc symptoms, sucli ns Haling the Food, Baching, Heal in the Stomach, llcarthurn, etc Tlio Only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho tcctli or giro licadnolic. Sold by all druggists. Write for tho A 11 0 Uook, 82 pp. of Useful and aintisinjr reading tent free, BROWN" CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. llllllll -ITI I llll IWMi. .. Na. Largest filanufaoiurers of Reed Organs in the World ! ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, Airu nil KAirBTAcsiniEEa Ar-t nsjpo'Nsniia Be afire" fa Semi for Illustrated Catalogue teforo PnrcIiaslDg, FINE CARRIAGES AND Xjislit ! CStylirsli ! Warrnntod t SAVE your KOHBZ, writs fer Oatalogtto and P2102 LIST to Also SOLE Msnuftcfjren of tho celcbrattil Uostuk DuoKnoASD or Tlio BOOKWALTER EIHIEI Ilorau SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. James Xjg el &c Co. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. A. A. THOMAS. Corner Ninth amt T Bircets. Wasblugton, li. U., attemls to 1'cn. llou sn4 llaclt I'ay. llouulr Claims collect, ed. Contested Lit.! Ulalu, Mineral and Atrrleuliuralj attended to befure iho Uepart meat of tbe Interior and tiuprem Cuurt. lAni Scrip and Additional Homesteads jmr chased and sold. A prll aa-tt-cor. CllfeiJ25,tiie5iBs 9 lsVa . te s ? o s " e s ?a i S S AOtirra WltlTIt tor tbe Rest snd Fastest KelllOK Pictorial Hooks and Bibles. I'rices reduced S3 ixr cant. National Publishing o., Philadelphia. J'ft. mirt-oi MISS M. i SNYDER, "Respectfully announces to her lady friends that she has just received rl full line of the latest novelties in Spring & Sumnior SI GOODS, Feathers, Notions, and DI1ESS TRIMMINGS givca new life to the nerves. They act Oio. ROAD WAGONS Boston Budcboard Co., NEW HAVEN CONtt Effective, Simple, DnraWe and Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Guaranteed to xrork "well and erivtj full pcrwsr claimed. JUBTTHE THING FOR A PEINTHTG OmOB Every Farmer tvho runs a Cotton Gin, Com Mill or "Wood Saw, thould Iisto one. SHE OVR LOW I'll ICES. Power Engino and Boiler fcJ40 7 " 28(1 ' " " 885 ' " ., 410 C. DROP IN AT THE wdi uun rtuvocaie OFFICE FOR Cheap Printing ! i lTbe CAnuox AnvocAtE one year for $1, and Kendall's Ilorso Kook aB n premium. . m AGENTS WANTED iss jomrsow asvoLVnia eook oasi Wrra iKncrcxcun SnrtTns Atutrsnir-n ro coon or ah trillions Alt EliKOATTT PUES33.VT. IXVALUASIi: TO l.arj-rrsr, Clcrftr"'' Plsj-stlclsviW, XkUtorK,, 'I'nnchcrs UJcrcnsit MmlcHtk! And ftU who rcadPeolrs. CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, BEST. Send for dcscttptiro circular nnd ITlcn list. CORHESBOirDENCE SOUCiTJSJO Addrces, U.Vrcr.lI, VltATX A. CO., tihool Pjrnlsh-M, and dealers U OTtrjUunj ia thi ftoolc and btallonet)' luui, 10 Conil St., New VorU. Bend SJ cents for our New illuatrnted Cata loguo, -witli onr 303 IllusanUona ot educational fcad uselul articles. THE GREAT B UULIJSTGTOIf ItO VTE. XSrtSo other lino runs Three Throujrh Tn! senccr Trnltn IWHy botvrccn thlcnco, Rci Molncs, Council UltilTs, Omaha, r.lncoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Tonckn flml nar.Kis Cltr. Direct counoctloitH for nil rolnt In Knnms, Ncbraslrn, Colorado. Wyoralnjr. Jlcutauti, No rndn. Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Cftllfoniln. The Khortest, Spccdleit nntl Most Cora fort n Wo Houto t laliannlbi.t to I'rt !?cott. Pcnlsnn, U:illns, Houston, Austin. San Autonlo, Culvc ton and nil points In 'lexa;). Tho ttncqunl.d Induccmonta rfTcrtxl bythU tliio to Travelers nnd TourUtt; nr.- a fi llotts: Tho celebrated I'ullinnn tlO-wltfl) l'lilueo t'dcoplns Car?, rttn onlv on tbl s I Inc. C B.& 8. Palace r)r.ttvlng-l!oom Car?, with Hurtui'a ccllnlns Chalra. No t'.vti'A charge f':r Si'uts In ltccllnlns Chairs. The futnoui . II. A V. Palaco DiniiitrCurs. Cnrirei'tis Sni klnfrOtrs fittest with r.lcjrant Hlrll'Iti-t Ke-1 Itattnn tie vnlvint: Chali-s for the cxclii'ivs! tb"j Uf r.rl cHi p.'P'etiper't. Steel Track nnd Purel"r ruulpmcat, com bined with tblfttreutlhrfiticb Dttir Arrnnire mcnt, makes thl.MiliOVO nllotlieM.tttefnt rlto ltouto to tho South, South-Wcat, and tho 1'at West. . . , Try It, nnd yon will find t ravelin? alusury In'trud of n dlsoomfort. Thriiitch Ticket vtn lhl3 Cclobratod I.Ino for ralontoll oQcciln the United States itnd Cntindn. ' All Information nbot-t ltate r.f Pur-. Slr-ep. Ins Cir At'eontmorttillons. Tlmn Tnbb s, iitiif will bo cheerfully given t.v nnplvlijjjittj ' J. Q. A. DEAN, Ot'n'l Eistorrt-Aeenl. .. ayi WahlnsrtntrSrL n tnu,iI'"M ami tl. Ilroidw iv, Ttew irk. JAMES It. WOOI. rien. Vitsa. Alt., t'hliv.rJ. T. J., Oen. Manaser, Ct!CeO' Nir fi intisisi.n.i rt i nt4sii sMWiin lIc't mvl Nwvt , t,nt. to DBN. VB", COLCTTJ 4Tn PltNOS, aVl rXSZTSUO, AND flBrUftN. IkV iv Ml rt'ccn'Wr htki. t wonilnr fnPyiow i-alM. TImvii tlCs will 1st qtuM ifoinsf .t fifteen tiK any trump-Hen' wilr n.l torctur iulli.m islu.w. l n UiitsTl't rpo, CIirCAQO ti l come ozi ntuya. TOFEKAaA, E AAiiiSAiuun, loniinwrn imp nxr but on" ehnnxB vt r,itn lor13WV3S; antl PUEBLO lfnlnqr Vw arv .t 'iwliivl to til thronrb tmin. tn wliiet meuUrftn bt cttAmesJ at the re&mi tic ot pcrentj-ilro vtnt. for ratf i, further infum.4t.nn, and elcpaut ot United Htutod irt, addreeg, T. 0. A. ErAlf, Oenl uUn At.. HI 7 Bnwid way. NcwYork, itnd 3t!0 wfuuiwju oiw, xjosion, wan, D. R.Y. a. Dyspepsia, lnt!isestlcm. And ll treublt. sriiiin; thfrcfrom, such Sick IltaiUche, Dit- trcu aft.r Stomach. Eatlnc.Acfiityof the F1atulcy. Lirtr nd K I d n c y Complain t, TerpU Livor Aches I "otiitlpition. Pilw. ht Back and Limbs, It Is the bot Uood rurificr la tedbr all the World. Gujran- Dni;;i lo rire rer feet satis rtfusdd. belt ap- licLion er nonry Try It. Our YltJrt To.iI; Ditttrs, the pether In the World. Call r them. D. n.V.C.Mfe.Co., Prop's, SYRACUSE. V. New York Dtpst, C X. MttxUs, 115 rtitct Strut. Wl ' I la' mm Of mm it laxiiuaia.s fresi Asthma aal EEr.7 Fever. TECZl - THISTLE mm SCOTTISH rt .ti n i a ri at 1'ATliNTJ-D VLC CClh, 157 The Klrctric I.ipht was a RTeat UJccovcrr, but I c!.ii vl. it Hu A iisA TltU MJttfaal Vt. trs 1 2 TrAt.) (tit;-, uft-i, p to tlic tfrext atnvunt cif iaifcrin r t my li.i . c rUicieii, anJ Uic cures tHcy bc c.T.'-iv. I tupend from Atlhmi for fificn v in in S.sHl tnd snil America and I ant now romplowly cnreJ. 1 ,c been etudylnf the iahatln? priv-cat for veira, and a a result I now give ht wrM Lie Mett iiMl ltrrf tbe raott effective, and by far the rnotl convenient prepara tion vrr c) He red lo Ihe ttuUic, for Atttma td Hay Kevrr, .itii St ThfOJl, llraraencti from Cuucr1!. C.tirr i, llro-ichuii, N cur.ileUand Dlph UirrU. C'rc nur Thrtwt uithlhpfc Fumcra and yin wdl h"ir no t-io . tt f'ipblbcria. They are inwiaaSIc for mnMic rrH.'ki r aud ftlngcra. Tif-v ar. a - p 1 1 fmy tpxi-vand can b e.tK-d In tlie pukfi, and uat d at convenience If you canti..t ft fom oir Doctor, or" Oniifjrin. ajnd '.re-t W. manufacturer who will ind them t all p trta of the tvorld, posUgo free. A cliHJ t an iw f. - e Fumera. aa they So not have tu U 4n.4.d. Prue Out Dollar ftr 2J9i MOnRlMN'Ai SIMPSON, riop'taud Manufaiflurcra, HakLAme, 04 ForftaUbyA, J.DUKLINO. DttUUCllST Letlghtou,!'