The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 03, 1881, Image 2

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PATUnPAV, SEPT. 3, tSfil.
Deiuoerntlo County Conrrntioii.
At tlio nnnual Dbtuocratlo County
JlcetlDft licld at Million Otmok, Monday,
August loth, 1631, tbo following rcsolu
tton wan unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That Bolnrday, Sept. 3rd,
bo the timo for holding the Delegate Elec
tion!!, and that the convention for the
nomination of county officers bo held on
Monday, Sept Clh, 1881. Under tho
ruea of the party tho Judges and Inspec
tors' are required to hare the polls open
from 2 to 7 o'clock p. m. The conven
tion will be called to order at 10 JO a.
m., Monday, flepU Cth, 1881.
Apportionment of delegates to the
Democrntio County Convention, as per
Attlole 5 of Hales and Regulations gov.
ruing the party in Carbon county :
AiWenried 2
Heaver Meadow 2
Hast Teiiu 2
Vast Mauoh Chunk 2
Franklin 3
Kidder, North 2
Kidder, South 2
Lansford ., 2
.Lausanne 2
Ijehigli. 2
Lehighton 4
Lower Tnwamensing i
Mahoning 2
Mauch Chunk, lit ward , 3
Msucli Chunk, 2d ward. 2
Nesqueltonltig 2
Tacker 2
Fackerton 2
I'enn Forest. 2
I'arryville 2
Rummltnill 3
Tnjvamensing.. 3
Weathcrly 3
Wolssjiort 2
rollticians In the different states are
actively at work and the fall campaign
promises to be unusually lively and in
teresting. Our Republican fellow citl.
zens are cot in a pleasaut frame of mind
and their leaders are uncertain which
ourse to pursue, to enable them to get
through tho contest in anything lite de
cent saape. Hope of success is well
nigh dead in the most sanguinl and
nothing but the most energetio whistling
to seep tueir courage up, provests them
from throwing up the sponge at the out
set of tho struggle. Mr. Blaine who has
set himself up as the leader of the Repub
lican party, nas made a sorry mesa of It.
whtrever he has tried to get in bis fine
work and the result is a quiet.but never
weiesa wholesale desertion from the
ranks. Were the President in perfect
health or were the circumstances of his
case less lamentable, we should hear an
expression of opiniou on the merits of
the Administration as reflected in the
Secretary of Stato and his actions, that
would show conclusively the bankrupt
condition of the Republican party. For
tunately for peaoe and the security of
property, our people are conservative in
their methods, but, nevertheless when
they go about righting a wrong or elimi
nating nn evil, they ore no less deter
mined because they do it, in a peaceful,
law abiding way. Atone lime the antl
Administration men were determined to
show their political strength, by using it
to defeat their party this fall ; but now,
when they Qnd that their party is likely
to be beaten anyway, they are equally
anxious to avert tho calamity which they
begin to realize can only result disas
trously to common with the
mon 03 whom they so earnestly desire to
wreak their vengenoo but a few brief
weeks ago. The Republican leaders have
made grievous blunders. They see them
now when too late to avoid the serious
consequence of their acts. In the mad
delerium of factional strife, they over
looked that very important faotor in the
political problem the people. Luckily
no man, nor clique, is Omnipotent in
this country, and though voters may
sometimes be supinely indifferent to the
actions of their representatives, there are
periods, when thay throw off tho lethargy
and become newly alive to their own in
tercsts and to- the importantance of
healthy and determined action in their
defence. Wo are to-day in the midst of
just Bueho period, and its beneficent in
fluence will be felt in the future. Meu
may be blindly led, but they cannot be
driven like cattle, to suit the capricious
whims of ambitions politicians. Self re
specting, intelligent Republicans; have
become filled with disgust by the machi
nations of their highest representatives
and they resent tie outrages put upon
them, by withdrawing from on' organi
sation which has unquestionably outlived
its usefulness In striking and pleasing
contrast to all this, is the attitude of the
Democratio party, It stands to-day firm,
strong and pure, animated by an unani
mous and patriotic purpose, to put none
but the best men on guard. It is a noble
and commendable impulse, which will
insure unqualified success at the polls.
It is men, not mere politicians aud wire
pullers, that Democrats desire to see in
office, oad to that end, they are nomi
nating for every offioe to be filled only
the most capable and trustworlhycitizens.
The success of the party this year will
atrengthen it for a greater violory in 1882
and thus secure for it the Presidency in
The Daily Commercial Bulletin has
obtained from tha Department of Agri-
ciuure- toe estimated acreage, by Slates,
of tha wheat and the corn crops. It an-
pears that thti jearto-.OOS.Oufl acres were
fown with wheat, against 36.037 .Out) in
the year 1880, and that the condition of
spring on August 1st was 81,
agalust SO on July 1st. We quoto : '
"Following the ordinary method of cal
culating upon this kind of . data, these
ebanges would fnvolvoeonsUerablmil.
iVatlon of fhe estimates bated limn il,
July returns of the department. At theoon-1
Hilton or tho winter end the spring crops dlf.
i.-rs 11 is necessary to estimate on the two
eeparaUsly. We hive, however, no recent
dati to show what proportion of the whole
crop consist of either, and can, therefore,
piny 1'iiiow the data of the census of 1870,
whloli showed the spring-portion to bo 40
per cent and the winter DO percent. Assum
ing these proiiortlons, it would follow that
of last year's crop 288,500,000 bushels con
silted ofwinUr wheat aud 192,300,000 bush,
els or spring. Applying the average July
condition for winter (83 per cent) and the
Average August condition forpr!ngJ81 per
cent) to these figures we have the following
result t
83 p. e, of 289.500,000 busb. winter..
SI p. e. of 192,800,00) busb. spring, 1M,788,C00
Total 8(14.218,000
Decrease compared with lf80-,,. M,W2,000
"It is to be kejit in view, however, that
this method of esllraste assumes that the
winter and spring crops of 1680 represented
an average condition. We haye followed
that assumption because that is the method
of estimate commonly adopted, it is
not, however, strictly correct. The July
condition of winter last year averaged 05,
and the AuguitconditionofspringE8. From
those ratios last year's crop, had It been one
ol average condition, would have yielded
303,700,000 husholsof winter and 218,500,
000 of spring wheat; so that an 'average'
crop Inst year would have been 522,200,009
bushels, or -11,500,000 bushels more than
the actual crop. The principal of averages
on which the department's reports are dosed
requires that the present percentages of con
dition ofspring and winter grain should be
applied to these latter figures, which would
give 252,071,000 bushels of winter and 170,
085,000 of spring, or a total of 429,050,000
bushels, or a deciease of 62,000,000 compared
with the crop of 1860."
Respecting 00m, there were this year
63,141,000 acres planted with corn
against 52,605,031 in tho year 1880. The
average condition on August 1 was only
77. against 00 on July 1. We quoto :
"The total area planted this year Is 03,
141,000 against 52,605,000 acres In 1880, be
ing an Increase of about twenty pr cent.
The total crop or last year, as estimated by
the Department of Agrlculluro, was 1,537,
500,000 bushels. As the Auaust condition in
1880 was 98, an 'average' condition would
have given a yield of 1,568,000,000 bushels.
Applying to these figures tho current 77 per
cent 01 condition, wo have 1,207,000,000
bushels as tho yield indicated upon an acre
age the same as that of 1880. As above
shown, however, this year's area exceeds
that of 1880 by 20 per cent, allowance for
which brings up the present promise for this
year's crop to 1,448,500,000 bushels, or 89,.
000,000 bushels below that of 1880. Accord.
Ing to Ibis reckoning, the decrease from last
year's yield of corn, as Indicated by tho Au
gust condition, is 5J per cent. This result is
widely different from what bas been yary
generally expected, the difference having
arisen on the Important Increaso of acre
age, which has not been generally under
Tho delegates to tho Republican State
Convention, which meets on tha 8th of
September ot Harrisburg, havo had no
tice served upon them by the members
of tho National Republican League that
unless a candidate is nominated who will
suit that body war may bo expeeted.
The notice is in the form of a circular,
which has been mailed to all the delol
gates. It is signed by Wharton Barker,
Chairman, and these membsrs of the Ex
ecutive Committee: Samuel S. HoIIidrs-
wortb, Samuel W. Pennypacker, Edward
R. Wood, Henry Reed, Mayer Sulzberg
er and Silas W. PettiU The document is
11s follows :
" 2b the Delegate Elected to ike Republican
o.utc uunrcncioi;
"We address you in full confidence that
you will not make the mistake of supposing
the nomination of a candidate fur Stale
Treasurer at tho present timo to be a matter
of minor importance, and that the outcoma
or your deliberations will show that vou
have been guided by wise counsels, and
have had regard 6olely lo the, best Interests
of the party. Though the office of Treasur
er is not in itself one of the highest moment,
it so Happens thot this Is the first Renubli
can State Convention which has assembled
since the new issues arose within the nartv.
and upon you will rest tno responsibility of
oayiug wncre tno jtepuDlicans of Pennsyl
vania shall stand. Back of the question of
a candldato lies the question whether the
party is to enter the campaign wheedeled In
to line beside the wounded President of the
United States or beside tho late Senator from
New York and bis adherents ; and by your
choice you will determine it. It has now
become ressonably certain that the forces
that compelled the last Stato Convention In
Pennsylvania to support a policy which, if
11 naa not been defeated at Chicago, would
have been ruinous to the party and disas
trous to the country, will bo brought to
bear upon you. All tho influences that are
potent in swayiug the actions of men will
bo exerted upon you to Induce you to at
tempt to reverie tbe events of the last two
years, lull as this period is with tho story
01 itepuullcan prosperity and success ; to
prevail upon you to set yuur approval upon
a.polioy which bas met deserved enndemna
tiod, and to put yourselves iu opposition to
the sentiment or good men everywhere, and
to tne bead of tho party and the nation.
Tho attempt will bo made, notwithstanding
tno lact that the wishes of the great majori
ty of the masses of the party are manifested
loo plainly to he mistaken, iu tbe hope that
any result will be accepted. But we ask
you tu remember, for the welfare of the or
ganisation so dear to us all, and whose fu
lure Is now so Kill of promise, that in the
changed condition of thlncs party ties can
no longer compel fo say by their votes that
that Is right which they know to bo wronz i
and to forget this fact is lo insure disaster
and defeat. The resolute determination of
hundreds of thousands of Republicans not
to vote in ravor or a third term in tho Presl
deucy If the issue had been forced on them,
me recent change of party control in the
strongly Kepublican cities of rhiladelnhl
and Pittsburg, are only warnings to the
wise, but to the blind and perverse Ihey
mean wreck and destruction. However
much our party pride might wish it were
u'.bcrwise these ure the facts, end it behooves
you and all of us to recognise them."
Gen. Grant has changed. Ho is rio
longer a sileut, uncommunicative man,
but talks stocks aud Mexican railroad
matters with the ease aud flutnoy of a
veteran speculator. lie has made a eood
deal of money too of Lite, and that may
nave something to do with his super
abundance of spirits. Juy Gould and
other shrewd magnates of the street, have
had'him In hand lor Borne time and uud. r
their expert guidance he has been able to
make sonio $75,000 by Bpecnlations in
stocks. "Wnat o chaugi is there my
countryman?" In his oouditlon to-day,
from his fiuauclal and avcial status just
before the war, when be could barely
keep soul and body together by working
a scrnbby little Minimi farm, whose
principal product was a very inferior
quality of cord wood.
Speculators in grain have hid quite
a lively shaking up lately, Cereals took
such a big tumble that operators on the
wrong tide of the market, felt compelled
to make heavy investments in the con
densed article to brace upon.
''To destroy properly vt ithout taking
life," is now the new cry of tho dynomito
"skirmishers." There was a man in
London the other day, who set firo to his
lodging-house, in order to make the in
surance on goods in his shop. The fire
burned up six people who Blept on an-
upper floor.and the Court decided ho was
guilty of murder. lie had not planned
to kill theso other lodgers, but only to
commit, In n manner, n fraud, that in
eluded a felony. But the Court said that,
when by reeson of a planned and suc
cessful fclouy n life was lost, there was no
difference betweon such a crime and a
plot to murder direct. A train-wrecker,
who puts a log or tie across tho track of
a coming train, for tbo purpose of rob
bery in the confusion of the wreck, is
just as guilty of murder ns 1: ho had
mangled or put an end to the passengers
by any other means. It is idiocy to hIU
nbout nny organized work of destruction,
or attempt, iu Rokbo's infamous work, to
draw lines between property and life. It
is not likely there are many Irishmen so
dull as not to see where all this leads to,
but there oi'ght to be enough to sit upon
Jeremiah O'Donavan, and keep him from
branding their cause with such danger
ous stupidity.
The Cameron managers would like
to slaughter Senator Davits, who is the
antl-machine candidate for Stato' Trca-
fcurer, if they dare. The Cameronians
nre not in love with Davies, becauso he
acted with the Independents in tho Leg
islature, and is band in glove with Buch
leodcrs as Wolfe and Mapes. They have
brought to the front Gen. Daily, who
acted with Conkliug, Grant and Camer
on at Chicago and is a Republican of the
most Stalwart type. Shrewd politicians
aver with a good deal of emphasis, that
Duvies has the strongest following among
Republican voters aud that any attempt
to defeat him by the usual tactics of the
Administration men, will react upon
themselves most unpleasantly. It looks
as if there will be lively times around the
Republican council fires.
American citizens of African decent
with military aspirations, ore just now
nuder a very black cloud. Tho first grad
uate of color from West Point and the
only commissioned officer of color now
in the Army, stands charged with de
frauding the Government of funds in
trusted to him as Acting CommibBary of
Subsistence at Fort Davis, Texas. Lieut
Flipper can now join Whittaker, James
Webster Smith ond other "cullud
youths, who tried to climb the lodder of
military renown and failed.
There is considerable nnxiety in
Europe in financial circles. Over $170,
000,000 of foreign coin, have gone into
the melting pots at our Assay office in
two years and more of the precious metal
is on its way htro in exchange for our
productions. Iu view of this fact, it is
surprising that we are a prosperous peo
ple deipite the peculations of dishonest
officials and tho innefioieut and expen
sive management of uuuy of tho impor
tant Departments of the Government?
That despicable, universally ejosio'
ed wretch Guiteuu, avows his intention
of Bocuring tho best criminal lawyer
money will procure to conduct his de
fence. Where this dyed in tho wool dead
beat and knavo, will secure tho needful
to accomplish this end is something no
body can find out.
If President Garfield should ilia
which God forbid it is likely that the
venerable Hamilton Fish of New York,
will be made Secretary of Stite. But
Conkling, who could without doubt,havo
the position if he wanted it, will bo the
power behind the throne, directing the
the policy of the new Administration.
The papers very irreverently speak
or ex-Senator Conkling's auccoasor as
"Old Lapham" which aide of the Admin
istration ienoe ho is on is a question,
which we do not believe he himself can
answer. Just now liu is evidently watch
ing to see which way the wind will blow.
WAsniNaTox, D. G, August 27, 1881.
The past week lias been the most re
markable in tho news annals of the Ame
rican capital. Other great events have
come aud gone, plowing up the riublio
mind in their passage, other great alarms
have been sprung from timo to time,
other great anxieties have pressed the
publio pulse up to fever heat before, but
there probably never was such a oonstaut
and uninterrupted strain upon the nerves,
such a scries of alarms, such n week of
upa and downs, of hope aud fear, nnd
excitement, as tho one beginning last
Sunday aud ending to-day. From the
momeut of the President's relapse on
Sunday to the present hour there has
been scarcely a breathing spell of reason
able hope for bis recovery. Yet tho oc
casional recurrence of encouraging symp
toms and the almost coaxing voice of the
Presidtnt's physicians, have afforded a
temporary relief. These respites of nnx
ety have only served to whet tbe edge of
excitement at every reversed unfavorable
report. This constant strain upon the
nervous system bas had the effect, at last,
to produce au exhaustion akin to lethar
gy, and never since the dark days of the
rebellion, when the life of tho nation bung
tremblingly in the balance, have the
whole people suffered such a season cf
nnxicus wuiting as since lat Sunday
night, when the dispatch of Seo'y Blaine,
showing for the first time the exnet ccn
dition of the President, announced to the
country bow frail was the tenuro of bis
life. All during the week the sorrowing
people have eagerly looked for favorable
news, and each day ban closed with an
omiuoui forboding that the morrow
would bring forth fatal tidings. Since
Thursday uight the suspense has been
positively painful, and now even with the
'shade of hope" ns exprossed by Dr.
Hamilton, this morning, the feeling of
depression is not lightened, and as the
fatefnl Saturday dawns fear of Impend
ing dissolution crowds from the publio
mind the slender germ of hope of possi
ble recovery.
Thero Is a disposition to find fault with
the doctors because they will not tell the
actual truth about the matter. Now.
while I have been equally disposed to
.'kick at tbo occasional concealment or
apparent distortion of factsjn the official
bulletins, there is a line beyond which I
foci bouud lo say I think the phyi iciaus
arc assuredly right not to venture. This
is In the expression of adverse opinions
or even to indicate by any positlvo word
or purposely suggestive oot that tho Pres.
ident is going to die, though they may
think bo over so strongly. In preserving
a discreet rcscrvo when the symptoms aro
alarming and expressing their renewed
confidence and hope when tho patient Is
doing better I think thoy aro doing n
wise and creditable thing, and what
should be expected of them. There is n
professional sldo to this lino of conduct
which should not be forgotten. As long
os the President has a chance for life,and
le is a trite saying that "while there is
life thero Is hope," it would be a risky
thing to express an adverse opinion. For
should the patient recover it leaves the
pbyslclanB In a very ridiculous attitude,
His opinion on such n subject would not
bo worth much hereafter.
When the physicians opproachod the
noblo wife of our Chief Executive yester
day ovening and pcrformod their painful
duty, informing her that she must be
ready for the direct result thai her bus
hind's death was neur at hand, unless
nverted by a miracle, tho brave woman,
still strong in the implicit faith that such
a grand life could not bo torn from her
and from the country, replied forcibly
"Then that mlraclo will occur. My hus
band will recovor. Ho must." A fellng
of an Impending calamity pervaded every
person during the evening. The cabinet
wero all at tho White House, and some
of tho ladies were with Mrs. Garfield,
There was a deep 'fee-ling of gbom with
them. Hopo had nlmost forbaken them
when tho contents of the evening bulletin
were ltarnod. In conversation with the
doctors they learned that tho situation
was growing moro and more grave, and
they were given to understand that a
change must come soon. In fact, ono of
tli3 members stated afterward, they were
told that if a change lor the better did
not come within twenty-four hours the
worst might be expected. Tho Cabinet
aud their ladies nil Kft at 10 30. Secre
tary Windom bad tears in his eyes as ho
escorted his wife to their carriage. In
answer to nn inquiry, ho replied. "It's
bad enough, I tell you." Secretary Hunt
said: "I don't know any more than you
do about it." Secretary Kirkwood Baid:
Wo think the President will not recov
er." Postmaster General James, whoso
hopes bus been the strongest could not
speak for emotion. Secretary Lincoln
said: "The end looks near." Attorney
General MacVeagh said: "It is turning
out as I feared, and it won't be long, I
fear now. The only hope lies in tho effect
of tho nourishment iu the next few hours'
No rain has fallen in the vicinity ofPitts-
burg for seventeen days, and during the en
tire mouth the total rainfall has not been
ono Inch. Reports from Allesheny and the
surrounding counties stale that the draught
is proving disastrous to tno crops. It is
stated that evyything is drying up, and
unless thero be ram shortly the efTect will
be very serious.
Subject to the decisions or the Democratic
Uounty lAHiycntton. aug. 13-t.c.
Subject to tlio decision ol' Democratic
Oounty Convention, . ' .Tuljanc
Subject to the decision of the Democratic
Uounty Convention. July 30-lc.
Subject to the decision of the Democratio
uouuty Uunvention. julySO-tc.
Subject tn the decision of the Democratic
Uounty Uunvention. july30-tc
Now Advertisements.
Ily virtue if a power or attorney made by
tlio hell 1 and leiral representatives of Henry
llrctnoy. Into ot MalionlngToirnildp, Uarbon
county, l'a,. deceased, uuto Ollnion llreiner.
or Lebliiliton, authorizing Lira tu settle up
the estate ol satd decedent, to whoai all per.
tons Indebted losnM e.tate aro requested to
luako payment, und those bavin claims or
demands will make known tho same without
ueiay. Uljin tlin illltil'Oll.V,
Attorney In fact tor Heirs,
Aug. 25, 1881,-wO.
Poet and Traveller
Hal. I: "i take irseat
pleasure lc recommending to parents the
avuuouiy u, mr, allium u, snoriiiuge,"
Said (1BS0) : ' I cheerlully consent to tbe use
of uiy name and reference. My boys will re
turn to you (lor their fourth year) alter their
For new Illustrated Oireular address
IUrvaiu) Umivhrsitv Urauuatk, MkuiA.
1'a ,.12 ratios from Philadelphia. '
ATORTHEUN TEXAS offers treaterattrae
L1 lions In way orROOd, cheap finds, heallhv
country, mild climate, abundance or timber
and water, diversity or product!, than any
other reition now open to settlement. In this
rapidly developing seotlon, the Texas & 1'a.
cipio Railway Ess In operation over 600
miles of road, along which are to be had, as
low prices anu on easy terms, millions nf
errs ui kuou anu cacap ifauroau and Uov
eramenl lands, but recently opened for fe'tle.
ment. Forclroulars aud main giving truth,
ful information, address U. II. AflllAMrj.
LindUoiuralloner, T.aP, Railway, Mar.
shall, Texas.
A YEAR and exnensea in
irents Outfit free. Address 1'.
Pamnhlft for advertisers. 100 pages, 24 cts.
f dlililUlul O. l HOW t-LL, & do., K. Y.
H f" I D Yonneivcs by making money
11 I I V "ben aoideu ctunco is olToien.
' theiesv always keeping poverty
from your do. r. Those no always tike ai
vaniaie ot tne cbai.oo tor making money that
fllZ??1; a?rHy become wealthy, while
trow who do not ttuproro such cuaurea remain
lunov.rty. We want mmv men, uouicn.uoy.
nd Klrli to work for us risht Iu their owu lo.
"tlea. Thebalnes will pay more than ten
timea ordinary wage. Weturnt.h an elcpen"
lyeoniflt and all mat you need, tree. No one
vl" engage, (ait. to make monei very raniaiy.
You cau devote your whole tune tn the work
Sl',iVr.r.0t spsr momenta. Full Information
and ar. that needed sent trree. AildreiT
Oct t, til1- y,ON V" rortI"d- "'
New Advertisements.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby zivan that letters of ad
ministration have bom granted to the under.
sinned on the estate or Henry Sperlbaom,
late of the JJorough or Lehlghtoni Uarbon
county, ra., deccaiod. All persons Indebted
to said es'ato will make Immediate payment,
and those having claims will present them
uui uutuviiiiuHit-u inr bci iicment 10
. . , . . . Administrator,
TvChlghton, Aug. 20.W6
Whom It Mny Concern.
All porsons aro hereby forblil harhnrlncr or
trusting mv daughter, Mary Ann Burton, as
I will not pay any debts contracted by her
after this date.
Parryvllle, Carbon county, Pa.
aug. 10, lfSl.w3 "
Are prepared to Make all klmi or WAT.
NKSS. and KKPAIIt II A 11 rjl'Rti 1,.
tlio men substantial manner and at iKiwcst
vjsibu i ricci. i-aironage solicited nnrt satis,
factloa guaranteed. aug.20-yl
With Medicine Quality not Quantity is
m geaiest imparlance-: next is tbe
Mowieaie bm Experience to cor
rectly Prepare and Dispense the same
Drug & Family Micine Store,
Bank Street, Lcliighton,
You can always rely upon gettlnir STRIOT-
1. 1 j-uronnu unadulterated
Drugs and Medicines.
UURl.INO. carries tbo largest stock or
PATKNT MEDIC1NKS In tho comity.
DURLINO has an elegant stock or Hit UO.
niSTU SHNDhlES, FANOY and Till
l.ET ARH0X.1..3 Tor tbo ladles as well as
I lie gents.
nURLlNd makes HOREand CATTLE
FOW1) 1KS n specialty. Ills 23 yeirs exper
ience Iu the drug business gives him a great
advantage In tli t lino.
iimaja 11 iiirgu eiuua in, iiuuii,
rt'INKS and I.IQ.COHS, both foreign and
domestic. He bas u Oilmen li rape Wine and
a Dry Oatawba Wine. Just splendid and
larger assortment in town.
Oo to DUtlMNG'S with your presorlp.
Hons OotoDUftlilNU'S fur your Patent
Oo to HURLINO'S for yourrancyart'cles.
Farmers and horsemon goto DUKf.lNU'o
lor your Horso and Oattlo Powders.
aug. 13 yl.
Saloon Keepers anl Otto,
Don't fall to buy your
Champaignc Pear Ci$3er,
Lngcr 13eer,
Hoot Beer,
Porter, &c.,
in till' life, through tho dark valley, and In
the lira eternal; as seen In tbo best thoughts
ol leading authors and scholars, among whom
are Jllihops Simpson, Foster, Wmren. Hurst
and Foss, Joseph Cook, lieecher, Talniage,
Dr. tlurrio. Dr. March Dr.McOosh.Dr. fros.
by, Dr, Ouyler. Oeo. I), i'remlce, Dean Stan,
ly, Whlttler, Longfellow, and others. The
Subjects treated aro lleat.h liumortallt),
Millenium nnd Second Advent, the Resur
rection, Judgment, tbe I'unlihment or tho
Wicked, and the Rewsrd or the Righteous.
A rich feast awaits the reader ot this book. It
contains the grandest Ihoughiaoftbe world's
greatest authros, on subjects nrthe most pro
found interretto cveryono. Not gloomy but
brilliant. Thero Is not a dull page In the
book. It la absolutely without a rival Every.
Inxly will read IU School Tehcherr.StudentJ,
Young Men and Ladles, noting as agents for
this book are making over 10O a month. Sells
bist. One agent sold 77 first It days, another
45 in 8 davs, another 11 In one day, another
li and 6 lllhlcs In 6 days, a lady sold v In 10
hours. Secure territory quick. Also agents
wanted for the best Illustrated Revfsod New
Testament, and fur the finest Family Bibles
ever sold br agents. Send r.r circulars.
P. W. Zlh'OI.KR &t:o..t)!S Arch St., Phil,
dclphla, l'a. 183 K. Adams St., Chicago, III.
aug. 13-2m.
TZ lsS o .M
The undersigned offers at Private NiIil iin
following Yaiuabls properties, to wft :
All that certain valuable lot. trill, th tmlM.
Ings thereon, situate ou the corner or Iron
and Lehigh streets. In tbe borough of Lehigh,
ton. known as the "Lehighton Hotel.
Also, one lot, with foundation walls already
erected, situate on the upper end ol Iron
street, Lehighton.
And, tbeone.and a-half story house and lot,
tuate on the corner of Ifauk street and
Bankway, Lehighton.
Also, a Dwelling Horn and Rlx Arreanr
land situate in Franklin township, on the
publio road leading to Maria Furnace.
And, also, a lot or carriages, harness, &e.
Apply to
Lehighton Hotel,
Tor. Iron and Lehigh streets.
Sailers and Harness late,
Will make, for tiro next GO
850 q unto Grant!
STYLE 3 5t"1nJntcn'f'"woodcaseelegantlyf)nished,SSTnmns.l.OoTAvi nm
l'lano Is not just as represented in tbli AdvSuwmen" "Thousands Vo us.7 S'.nd V5.W?,y1 ,f
logue. Every Instrument rully Warranted ror Ave years. ' 8n(1 fcr
PIANOS Jiff gpfasKi rtzmaar.
commended or ,. ariS!M:5S'?
f ... ? le" la'T"lM'. f uniafffdcorv. Don't fai to write ui beror.fn.i
,ft.H1.0n,itUelrJ,1 1"."'9 HS" "fWlas. riano Oaulogue mailed f?6eT ifandsoms i ll ill'
wirnated For"??.''.! P'" ttUl0g" f M pttge' mM,e5 for ET.?ydi'loIrulIy
n i,..i. r. n-.-.j.v ....'' th.B. handsomest, tastiest and sweetest
Melodla, Ooleste. Diapason,
ful Slopt. as follows, tIl
or Reeds, vizi
rii..A? ."?".u-".'Sn?'cal.Pn.Dl.,r- "conta ns FIVB! Octavks. Fivssets
ris: MHodia, Oeleste, (a charming stop,) Diapason, Sub-Dait. Echo
'J??Lstt?? . Expression, Treble-Ooupfer, (feUmia. nassVoonnli?!
uuicei, Aieiouia-r orte,
urana urgan, (which
Swell. Left Knee Str
Wclsht. boxed. S50 lbs.
entirely now ana
iv kuo. iiD ijush IB ui aniiii
&r?rner'0d,crDth' n"T and sympathetic"
S"li fuP?.0'?"- eB'' LI??" P''?
iretwork, so, all
tion in rntuK. No
home. We send alt
oouk, ouiy g ns one organ sold soils others. Positively so niviA.
.ayment required until you have fully tested th i orgfi In Tyou?own
IrgansonUrfay.fe.tfrfaland pay freight both wavier iy.L,W.?
HH . vmu.,11. uu. uieuui
dealing, or no sale, rully arrnfei roVi yea
stons. as do manv others w mi.......i. " j , " ""u. ur "ar
FAOTonr akd Waiusrochs, 67th St., akd 10th Ave.
KT-TT7.T7.T TVfTTCTn at one-thtrd nrlce.
V" -" stamp. This Catalogue Includes rnn.t r th. KJ, : r
the day and every variety or musical composition, by tbe best authors. Address,
1,5 Str-SS
3 S
03 IS
si I
3 "B PoS
east a
may 7yl
Boots, Sliocs,
Hats, Caps.
or, uents I'nrnislnnjf Goods
THE roi'ur.AR Tailor
Bank Street, Lehighton.
publio patronage solicited, Julfl-tf
Two Poors r.clnw tie "Jlroadwav ffouso
Dealer in all rattcrns of Plain and Fanej
Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' upp lies,
"dYel wieand7
cobheb or
Particular attention given to
in all Its details, at the verv Lowest Prleea.
Patronage respoctfully solicited and perftot
Deo . 1879-yl DAN. WIEAND.
Dress and Trimming Silks,
Dross Trimmings,
Dry Goods,
Groceries, Provisions,
Glass & Queeusware.
Standard Silver Ware, &c.,
Call at the Popular ONE PRICE Store or
nANK St., Lehighton. aplC-mO
t or any case Blind, Weeding, Itching, Ulcer
ated or Protruding PILES that IJkHiko's Kkukuv rails tocure. Prepared by J.
P. Miller, M. 1).. RIS Arch Street, Plilla.. Pa.
K,n, genuine wllKcut hit if; aefurr. Send ror
circular. All druggists or general stores
have It or wlil get It ror you SI. Sold In
Lehighton by A. J. Hurling, druggist.
aug, 13-tm.
Proeured lor all soldiers disabled In tha V. S.
service rrom any cause, also for heirs ordc
ceased soldiers. The slightest disability en.
titles to pension. PENSIONS INCREAS
ED. Bounty and new discharges prooured.
Those In doubt as to whether entitled to any.
thing, should send two s cent stamps for onr
"circular ot Information." Addri, with
stamps, Stosdart k Co., Solicitors or
Cislins and Patents, Washington, D. C. Lock
li . July I8..wt.
Piano Ctomp'y
days only, a Grand Offer of
Piano for only $245 t
Subclass and Uelesttna.
iTamiTrL vnavn,i m ti ' i .', .
nnallty It tone7 Beaut (Tsolo Tand
0" violent, nit to Lie uV?.
canum nn "iinvui" mii nr .....
no "noim1 MRt nf 1!... ..
Oth,, Styles 36 6orM?eS0VTo' '
Oataloirne nf mnn hni i . ,
O. Box 2058, New York CHy.
In Leuckel's Block,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Hospcctrully announces to tho people that ho
.vx'.vuibuou uia hock, anu oilers
Strictly fresh
and Pure,
Also Horse and Cattle powders.Patent Mull,
clncs, Brushes, Soaps, Oorabs, Perlumcrles,
bponges, Chamois Skins. Wines and
Liquors Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps nnd Flxturoii.llycuuirs.ChoIoo
t.lgars, I'lpcs nnd Tobacco. Siwo
tneles, Trusses, Nursing Ilottles,
lolln Strings, and a lull line ol
Wall Paperand Hordersatthe
Lowest 1'rlces.
J resonpttons enrerultv romnnn.ti..i n.(
gjojnpnttentlon given to every branch of the
A continuance or the nntrannn-n trat.inT
...... . . ""'"mens is respoctmuy
solicited, and satlsraetlou guaranteed.
scpt.13, l88.-ly, l)n. O. T. HORN.
IIEIL.MA.-t & CO.,
BANK STKEET. Lehighton,
MILLERS and Uealeis tn
AllKird -of O RAIN BOUnHTilnd ROLUni
Wewonld, also, icsnrctluilr Inform onrcin
sens that wboib now fully prcpatcd l BUI'
PJ,y tnemwith .
IB est of sai
from any Mine dexf, ert a( VErtT
JrJlr 25,
FooClioo's Balsam of Shark's Oil
This oil Is extracted from a peenliar species
or Wiutk SiianK. caught in the Yellow Sea,
known as Carcnarodon Mndeliltt, Every
Chinese fisherman knows It. Its virtues us a
restorative or bearing were discovered by a
Huddlit Priest about the year 1S10. Its cures
were so numerous and sianv bu seemingly
miraculous, that the remedy Was officially
Croclalmod over tbe entire Empire Its nro
ecame so universal that ror ovkb 300 vkaus
t;o Ukai-hiss nil kiutkd amobo tiik
Chiskbk PliorLE. Sent, charges prepaid, to
Only Imported by HAY1.0CK & CO ,
, 7 Dav Street, New York,
Sole Agents ror America.
Its virtues are unquestionable and Its cura
tive ehracter absolute, aa the writer can per
sonally testify, both from exierleneeand ob-
Among the many readers or the Review tn
ono part aud another of thecountry, ills prob-
auie mat numbers are amicted wlih deafness.
and to such it may be said : " Write at once
to Haylockit Co., 7 Hey stroet. New York,
enclosing 1, and you will reeelve by return u
remedy that will enable von to hear Ilka a nr.
body else, and whose curative effects will be
permanent. You will never regret doing so."
I'dffor of Mercantile Review. JyZ-13wc.
Outfit sent free to those who wlh to en
gave tu the most pieanant and profitable
ttal not required. We will turnl.h jnu every
thing, lioadarand unwarda fa easily mane
"iwwui alarms mwmr .rum nome over uiem
No nsk whatever, alanr new workers wan
at once. Mauy are making fortunes at the bus
fnea. Ladies make aa much aa men.and vouna
bora and girls make great nay. No one who la
day than can no made In a week at any oral nor
ry employment- Those who engace at once wil
WIUIDB to Hon I lil I B LO m.n mnM mnli.T,....
uuu m Fuur. rui w 'urv'.i.e. Auareas
u. 11 ALi.KiT ci CO.. Portland, Maine
Oct. I, J84o-ly-
Letters testamentary on tho estate of Joha
Krelts. late or East Penn Town.htn. fi.rhnn
County, Pa., deo'd, hare been granted to tbe
undersigned, to nnotn all persons Indebted to
tbe said estate are requested to make pay.
ment within six weeks, and all rrnn f.i.
Ing claims or demands will make known the
same without delay to
u. uuriAian,
Lehighton, July 13-wo" llxecutorf.
Hank St., Lihiouiok, Pa.
TheOa&BOM irotTaKotrerlflral.l..AAMn.
modatlons to I ha Traveling .mhlf.. i..,
by tbe Day or Week on Ileasouable Terms,
Ubolee Cigars, Wines and Liquors always on
hand. Uood Sheds and Stables, with atten-
ure iiuaiiera, aiiaeuea. April 10-yl
rrjSDLlNTON DUETNEY, fashionable
UliB Hoot and Shok Makkb, Bank St.,
LeblKhton. All work warranted?
Vennor's Predictions !
For this Month's Weather, prepared express,
Sample copy mailed for So. Stamp.
J. M. STODDAIIT, Publishers,
Jyl-wS New York, Ph'.la., or Chicago,
Cabinet Ware Factory,
pared to oxecnto any aiaeunt of order for
DressoD IiimboK
Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutlerv,
Monltlliiffs, Cnlilnct ITnrc,
With Promptness.
Brackets Made to Order,
Tho Mflehtnerr 1 all new ttnA nr th
most Imnroted'klnda. I pmnintnAnaiin.
best workmen, true well seasoned and good ma
terlat,and omthoieforeable toguaiantee entirn
satisfaction to all who may favor mewttb calf.
Orders nv mall nrnmnttv iiiinuM
charges aro moderate i terms cash, er interesi
chargod alter thirty oars.
V& Those enpaee.l In Tlnllillnv will Ana ,
their advantage to have Biding, Floor Board
Doors, sashes, shutters, &c, At,, made atthl
The undersigned Is now prepared to surnlV
the very best LATTIMETt COAIj at the taU
lowing tOW PltlCfES POR CASH t
No. 2 Oheetnut, by tho ear li
No. 1 Chestnut, by the car J 79
Stove, by the car 4 oor
By the singleton, S6 cents per ton additional
Dealer in
Geneijal Hardware, &c.,
Opposite the Public SrinarcV BAN1! STREET,
LEiiiQiiiON, pa.;
Bank Street, Lelrigfiton,
Or all description promptly attended to at thtf
mwi rearonaoie prices.
7 All AVurk ffiinrantp.l. iml unlnw...
Is rcsnoctrully eollciicd. (Jan.2a-l
Stands preeminent among the great Trunk Llnca of the
West for being the most direct, quickest, and safest line
connecting the great Metropolis, CHICAGO, and tha
Eastxcx, NonTn-KASTxas, Eotrrnzax and Sotrrn
Eastxhx lines, which terminate there, with Kansas
and Omaha, the couxsaotAL cxxtxks from which
that penetrates tho Continent from the Missouri River
to the raclflc Elope. The
Chicago, BocK Islana & Pacific Railway
la the only line from ChtcAfrrownlnjE track IntoRatiMi,
or wblct by it own kmuU reachv tlm point abora
nam6d. Ko teanbfkiw btoarkiaoxI Koiciuika
coNNKOTioit! jVo hudiiting tn UbttnUlatm or wn
cltan cam, a tvery patiengfr U carrUd in roouiK
clean and vtntilatea coachi vpon 'oil Exprut
. 1)ay Cars of unrivaled msniflne, TvhtMlX
riLAca bLKiriKO Oaks, and our owo vorld-famoo
Uixiko Cabs, upon wiilch rntal aro feerrrd of ua-
mirpartfd tazcellence, at tiio low rate of Sevbstt-tit
Cent xich. with ample time for bealthfol cnloymeoC
TbwURh Car between Chtraso, I'eoiia, XlUwaitkoa;
and Miisourt Hirer potatst and cloeo conn ecUomaC alt
point of Intersection wtfti other rojdjt.
We ticket (do notorget fAf)i11rcctyto ctcryrlactf
of Importance In Kanne, Kcbrnufcaj iUacfc- IlllUy
Wyoming, Utby Idaho Ncrada, Calltbrnla, Orrtroc
wathlncton Territory, Cokiradu, Arizona and Hew
Aa liberal arransementa rfgardlnjr biErtjre m of
other Hoe. and rate of fart aiway aa low aacompetf-'
tora, who furnUh but a tithe of the cooifurt.
JKva and tackle of port e tne rr free.
Ticket man anrt folder at all prtnd pal ticket Office
In the United btatca ind Canada.
f k Prei't aad Oen. Masctr,.
Gei. Tkt. a rtAl
roalllje Cnrf for Catarrh or
kind. It Is IlistaataneoL
us tn fcfTec
r.. .V.,!!,n,nen, ".euu. Cores at any
s'sso of tneiiesse Haa eurod cawa- 90 terrlbhr
.uui, uvuub tame irom me nose.
- lrl'ay'r,'" D'woiidCalarrH Rim
ear Is imlil and p eauont. arrordlng InataedVlala
Jteilet and prompt cure In all eases nfC'atxrrb.
Iiiflueiiza, Hay Verrr. llrtmekltla.
It w.ll remove PoljpuS end effeetally enrff
Waierjrand I'nrulent DUchargea Irom tne Urad
and Throat, and Foetid, Sickening Hresth: per
fectly restore linpabeil Smell, Tnt add UeaTtuzJ
relieve Headache, Break up Colda In in Head!
btrenRthen iho Voice and Kyesl Pttrify, KeguUte
and itender clear anrt Active ef ery organ of ths
llead and Throat, I'rlce, BO cents, 4
5r- Kvory Diamond Invfcrorator t
a I'eriect lllooil IMirlller, A.petUer and
Kervo 'ronlc It make a drlijthirnl, whole-
and Strenctliciia the enilre stsietn.
tmH0.06"11, u:,mtT. Uyspepala, mHotfanesf,
Tornia Uver. Indlncstion. Keuralitlo and Rhta
vi'ii?F;u?.n''.JaunUlcej Malaria, Fiatnleney,
Mnsea, sick Ueadache and Kidney Complains,
It Is Invaluable. I'rlce, to cenu. '
Hri-Kv.or" Binmond Salre U Hover-
f,nJ 'of ""ma, llrnlses. Sores or all kinds,
salt ithenm, Tcticr. JUnjtworm and Cuisneeu
Eruptions. Trice, 25 cents.
A alt your Druggist for these resaeii'
lea and take 110 other 1 or will be aent
Free 011 receipt or price.
Pescrlptlve rjmphieta Free.
Address Dr. Evory'a Diamond Ibnnejid oo-(
1'. o. Box 3300. 104 jolm Street. Knr Tort.
JOirN B. COUCH'S bran' new book, entitled
tithe teit chance oflercd to you. Its Scenes are drawn
from the bright and shady aides of lift, portrayed as only
John B. Oough
can portray them. This graiH vaVnmtr lie fird
eime fuilukeJa the " booming! itttfirmpmtt, and
is outKlhng all others ten It Zue. Tit IkirtyJkiri
tAevtaxaa now in press. In immente isle has been
nude entirely by cctire canvassers. NoottKrboek corn
pare with it (or quick ind profitable ret ami, W art
ixartinc more agent now than ever before, and we be
beve the aale of this book will reach On JfmUrtd
TktuMnd CeUt t'm tU mtxtn mtks.
we want 1000 more atnti at one, to fnpplr this
crand book lo tho thousand who are waltini: lor it.
Kcmember the sale U mw cimmtntimg The book
is entirely new. and r4 ttrrUry i mm cltmn,
Agtnti, mm is ww time t mak mKyt and at tha
same time circulate a tkrVjr ArttUt -Wi.
elusive Territory and Ttry SjiecUl Verm siren. Send lor
tpur Urge circular containing full (articular. Addrea
A. D. WoKTMiHGTOM ft Ca, ruUkUr, lUrtW, C