The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 27, 1881, Image 2

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    ft- V. MORTllIMKll,
SATURDAY, AtM. 27, lflSI.
Democi'Atto County Convrnilmi.
At tbe Annual Democratic Ootiuty
MoetlnR helil nt Maucll Chunk, Monday,
August 15th, 1831, the tallowing resolu
tion was unanimously adopted :
Kkholted, That Saturday, Svpt. 3rd,
ba the tinia for holding tbe Delegate Elco
tbnv and that the convention for the
nomination of county officers bo held on
Monday, Sept. Btb, lb8U Urnler tbe
Titles of the patty the Judges nnd Inspec
tors are r quired to have the polls open
from 2 to 7 o'cl ick p. m. Tho conven
tion will bo called to order at 10.30 n.
m., Monday, Sept. 5th, 1881.
Apportionment of delegates to the
Democratio 0nnty Convention, as per
Article 5 of Hale? and ltegu'n'ions gov
erning the party in Carbon county :
Audctiried 2
Bearer Meadow 2
Kast Venn 2
East Maucli Chunk .... 2
Franklin 3
Kidder, North 2
Kidder, South .'. 2
Tmusford 2
Lnusiiniio 2
Lehigh 2
LeliighUw 4
Iiuwer Towtiiiieneing 5
Mahoning 2
Maurb Chunk, let ward 3
Maucb Chunk, 2d ward- 2
JfesquehnniiiK 2
Pocker 2
Packertnn 2
1'enn Fonet 2
TArryvllle 2
Kummlt Hill 3
Tnwnmensing 3
Weatherly 3
YYelssport 2
Total 58
cot,, joia citAiii. roit STATU
As the time draws nigh for the holding
of the Democratio State' convention. It ii
but natural that aspirants should present
their claims and ask recognition, nud all
tbe suitable men bo suggested for State
Treasurer, ths only Stute office to ba fill
ed this year. For this position wo have
had in view for some time, a prominent
citizen of this county, namely. Col. John
Craig, of Lehigh Gap. It is well kuown
that Col. Craig is a large busiueMi man,
nn able financier, and combines all the
requisite qualifications to make n com.
petent and efficient treasurer. The east
ern portiou of the State has bad no Dcm
oer.itio candidate for treasurer for many
years, and is, therefore, entitled to the
nomination this year. In the face of this
claim, we would urge npou the del gates
from eastern Pennsylvania, and especial.
ly those from tbe Xlth Congressional
district, to net as a. unit in the Dcnio-
cr.itio convention, on tbe 28th of Reptini
ber, and present bis name with a will and
purp ise of winning. He above all others
would add strength and dignity io the
Col. John Craig has other attributes of
strength, besides those mentioned, which
recommend him strongly to the people
for' this position ; some of these are, bis
popularity, fine executive ability, com
manding influence, aud moreover having
been norava soldier during-the late war,
commanding the 147th regiment Pa. V,
there conld be no discount on his loyally
to the Union during those critical times.
Taking all in. all, we come to tbe cooclu.
siou that Coh Craig would be tbe strong.
est and most powerful opponent the
Democracy could present to tbe corrup
tiouista on tbe Republican side. His
name would be a harbinger of success,
and would arouse the latent forces of tbe
Democratic party to enthusiasm and ac
tion, which would mean triumphant suc
cess. Let Craig be nominated aud he
will be elected.
I'tiE riiM iiCAtj oiri jlohk.
The political situation remains un
changed. Tbe universal feeling which has
existed for months, that Democracy will
score a spleudid victory in tbe npproach
Tng. election, is intensified with tho lapsa
of time, Even Ohio, that hot-bed of Re
publicanism, where slippery Gov. Char
ley Foster is in oommand nud pouring
out bis money with a lavish hand, is
booked to come over to tbe Dtmocratio
side, with a majority that will stagger tbe
leaders of the pvrty who supposo they
are invincible, with unlimited cash and
offioial patronage at command. But they
are likely to find out too late, that there
are some things that lucrative offices and
money will not buy. The refusal of the
Administration to make good to ex-Senator
Conkllng, tbe promises made at Men
tor, daring the last campaign have begun
to react with terrible force. The ex-Senator
may not po sees tbe support of a
majority of the Republican party, but he
controls sufficient votes to defeat tbe Ad
ministration and convince them that iu
tbeir dealings with him, honesty would
bavo been the best policy. We have no
jiympathy itu Mr. UouMing and ue de
test the imperial principles that he rep
resents, but we da ubseit, that he is im
nieiusurulily the siiptnor nf any remeu
tive uihu iu bis puriy to-i'ay, both iu
poiutul ability ondiu hontsiy of purpose,
and though out of office uud nominally
in retirement, we believe that be still Las
the er and controls tb actions of tbe
eonstituucies nf tbe 300 delegates, who
held tho fort to bravely iu tbo Cbfcigu
Convention, until ov icmnaby thobUud
Ubmeuts of the GuiM.Mll.iiiio wing ol
tho party. These men were cajoled into
supporting UarrUl 1, aud they have been
hamelully abused since. Tbe policy ol
Mr Blditse. who, siuce bis acceMnn to
the See returyship of State, lias been tho
master-mind of the Admiuibtrutuin, has
been one of retaliation on those who
thuuited his uwu president! il apiru
tious. He bos unbelt a bitter and relent
less war on bis old time enemy Coukling
ai.d his ollovers, and it is but human
for them to return tbo compliment new,
when tbe opportunity so auspiciously
prweuts itelr. It is not open rebellion
llio critical eondi'iou ot the President
prevents that but it is a factional strug
gle vigoruu-ly carried on in secret.whieU
will provH more deadly and effective thai
an opeu fight.
Tbe uoudilinn of off i'rs here in Penn
sylvania is illustrative of tliU internal
strife in tU Republican party. Tho in
difference on tho part of members of tbo
parly is more marked tbau it has been for
xtliny yuarj, aud it is largely due to tbe
action of Blaine and bis satelites. Un
questionably tbe followers of Cameron,
vould gladly bare overlooked the actions
of Dbiine and Sherman In the Hirrisburg
Convention of lBt year nnd have forgot
ten the boll at Chicago, if the Adminis
tration had fittingly acknowledged their
services in tho campaign last fall. Hat
tbe Administration, in pursuance of the
Blaine plan of punishing all who opposed
his nomination. at Cincinnati and Chica
go,, did not choose to do so. For example
H.-.rry Oliver, who contributed J2.000 to
oarry Maine, when Blaine was wildly ap
pealing for money, r.nd $5,000 more to tho
Indiana campaign, was defeated in his
Senatorial aspirations, becauso Blaine
considered him tho Caracrt n candidate
and therefore bis enemy and a man to be
defeated. Iu a liko manner Col. M. S.
Quay was treated. He raised $7,000 for
Blaine's Maine campaign and $5,000 lor
Indiana, and yet when he was urged for
Secretary of the Interior, and bis valu
able services to tbo party were explained
tol'r.sideut Gurfleld, be was coolly ig
nored and left to his own sweet and bitter
fanclis. And there ore many other cases,
not quite so bud perhaps, but all of
which show tho malignant and ungrate
ful spirit that pervades the Administra
tion. Senator Cameron is credited with
contributing something like $25,000 to
the Presidential campaign and, what was
bettei still for the party, with bringing
about that memorable meeting at Mentor,
which resulted in conciliating Coukling
and Grant and saving the country to
Gaifield; yet, bicause he had previously
opposed Mr. Blaine, he must be made to
feel the Ush of tbe avenger and meet op
position at every turn. It is this sort oi
thing that has disgusted the Republicans
of Pennsylvania in common with their
political brethren of other states and
which tends to disrupt tho parly.
The official prizes this yeur are not
much to contend lor, yet they are worth
securing, while a victory r will be the
means of promoting greattr harmony in
the purty and preparing it for still more
substantial results in 1882.
is a r.vrnic co.him; ?
Mr. John Thompson, President of tbo
Chase National Bank, nnd a mau who is
not given to conjectures, in
his paper read before the Banker's Con
vention takes a rather gloomy view of the
financial situation. Referring to panics,
he says .
Tbe last panio was in 1873; tbe pres
ent prosperity commenced in 1878. We
have now had three years of extraordi
nary argumentation of riches, much of it
really solid, but most of it emanating
from raising prices or putting up quo
Referring to the enormous credits
which characterize present dealings, he
very properly advises bankers to beware,
to take a look ahead, and to bo'fully pre
pared for the distrust which will inevit
ably follow contiactlcn when the credit
system is annihilated. Considering that
nineteentwentleths of our so-called
money is credit, .Mr. Thompson suys
there is no wonder that financial storms
burst upon and overwhelm us so sudden.
ly. It is a fact that cannot be denied
that 00 per cent, of the business of both
Americi and England is done on a paper
basis that is, by p.iper tokens, dratts,
checks, notes uud letters of credit; all of
them good enough substitutes while pros.
perity lasts, but utterly valueless when a
panic sets iu.
Mr, Thompson speak words of solemn
warning when he urges the minagers of
our banks epecially those of deposit, to
put on tbe brakes, so that the wreck,
when it does come, may prove less dis
astrous. To show the force of bis logic,
he quotes one significant item from the
panic of 1873, as tallows:
Eirly one mornin? tbe active manag.
ers of three of the New York City banks
were invited to tbe office of Jay Cooke &
Co. Wo were informed that $1,000,000
were necessary by 10 o'clock to save that
bouse from protest. What security do
you offer? was asked. Answer None;
our securities are all used. It is need
less to say that the million was not forth
coining. We left. Iu fifteen minutes
Wall street was iu n panic, aud this is
only a dnpllo.Ue of what ocourred iu
1857, when the Ohio Insurance and Trust
Company suspended.
Messrs. Ruddimau nnd Wolfe and
Representative Thompson, Secretary of
the Legislative Salary Committee, bad a
consultation nt Harrisburg on Tuesday
relative to tbe taking out of a writ in the
case recently decided against the claim
of tbe members of tho Legislature for
$500 more tbau the Stato Treasurer
would pay them. It was decided to re
quest tbe local attorney, Mr. Simoutau,
to take early action in tbe case so as to
insure its hearing by tbe Supreme Court
at its October term in Piltsburg.
Dr. Bliss, of W .tihiugtou and Dr,
Hammond, of New York, do not belong
to the Mutual Admiration Society. Tbe
latter has been sharply criticising Dr.
lili-ss treatineut of President Garfield,
and tbe result U a wrr.iy wrangle in tbe
nuwspiipeis. We must admit that we
coucur with Dr. II lUiinond in tbe opin
ion that hud tho President beeutreeted
liko an ordinary patient, be would in all
probability bo on tbe hili road to re
covery. Jjnies G, Blaine, with an oya to tho
main chance for which he is notorious,
has recently acquired some valuable rail
ro.d property iu Virgin!. aud now be is
au imt aud out repudialor. The present
attitude of the Secretary of State, who
sinco tbe disability of tbe President bus
assum.'d the. functions as far as possible
of tbe Chief Magistrate of tbe Nation, is
not ciil.'iil.itoil to inspire confidence iu
the minds of tbe European holders of our
Tbe confidential clerk, wborau away
from New Vork three woks ago, with
$50 000 in cash and securities, belougiug
to his employer, has been arrested iu
England with nil the money except $200,
iu his possession. It is mora than likely
that tbe misguided youth will soon have
au opportunity to learn a useful trade at
tbe public expense.
It seems to be uu unhealthy period
for the dull jnestnnd tbe immoral. Tbeir
careers are brief aud full of liltternesi.
Ths t-peculatire carpeute r, ho recently
levanted with the wife, numey and ward
robe of a Brooklyu saloon keo er, has
been overhauled in Chicago, aud will be
returned to tho "City of Churches" and
tried for grand larceny.
The sad fate of beau'iful Jennie
Cramer, of New Haven, Conn., should
teach every parent In the United States,
a wholesome lesson. In too many in
stances young girls do about as they like
and parents loam when too late, that re
straint on their aotions is always beneficial.
There is considerable dissatisfaction
with Collector Robertson, of New York.
He has not yet set bis "bouncing" com
mittees to work, and expectant place
hunters are very muoh d-jected.
our srr.cut. lkttkr.
Washington, D. C, August 20, 1881.
There, is an evident improvement to-day
in Mr. Garfield's condition. The only
symptom that caused solicitude outsido of
the White Huuso yesterday was the tem
porary swelling eil one of the glands
of tho throat, but the physicians dis
claim uneasiness on this pouut, attributing
Its cause solely to tbe President's extreme
debility. This new complication started
considerable excitement during the after
noon. Tho morning bulletin was a favor
able one; and people began to believe that
after alt tbe road to recovery was nn open
one for the President. The gratifying in
telligence was announced that tbo Presi
dent had resumed bis nourishment without
unsatisfactory results. Hopes were raised
ton high pilch and everything again looked
bright. The later information was of the
came favcable character. Next came the
news that Dr. Agnew thought the Piesl-
lent so much improved that he intended to
return to Philadelphia fur several days. It
was learned before he left that he assured
Mrs. Gaifield that the danger that was sup
posed to hover about the President for the
past four days bad passed away,and that be
was again in a satisfactory and hopeful con
dition. Dr. Agnew was accompanied to the
depot by Private Secretary Brown. On bis
return to the White House Mr. Brown told
thiise who were gathered there'of tbe opin
ion of Dr. Agnew. The temperature of the
President's body varied considerably to-day.
In the morning it was one point less than
normal ; at noon it was 98.4, and this even
ing it had risen to 100, showing a return of
the fever, which has been more or lessabsent
during the past three days. On the whole
the tlay can be stated to have been a favor
able one. All the signs indicate the return
of the stomach to a normal condition by to
morrow, though it will have to bo treated
with a good deal of care for some days yet.
Guiteau has, as heretofore stated, been
engaged In writing up his life, which, he
says, will make a book of SOU pages, and the
episode of yesterday morning seems not to
have interfered with his work. In the pages
he wrote yesterday, and which were bond
ed to the officers, he speaks of "tho late
President Garfield," and writes of Mr. Ar
thur as President of tbe United States. The
impression he has doubtless got from the
guards having been doubled and tbo gener
ul aspect of affairs about the jail. On Thurs
day morning one of the guards noticed that
Guiteau was acting in a rather suspicious
manner and on entering tho cell found a
piece of steel in his possession. On being
asked to drop it lie uncermoniously attacked
the guard with the instrument, and in tho! that ensued tbe guard's pistol was ac
cidentally discharged. This brought other
quants ti his assistance and Guiteau was
fiually secured. Guiteau denies having had
the corset steel at all, but the officers are
under the impression that he had been
using it for some time for his own purpose
and keeping it out of, sight. The generally
accepted theory is that, the bed cots being
steamed the first week of each month, at the
last steaming wben they were replaced, the
cot from some other cell, in the slat of which
tbe "cheeaer" had been concealed, was sub
stituted for the one taken out. It is an or
dinary thing to find such things as knives
made of shoe shanks and corset steels about
tho prison, for no knives are allowed the
prisoners. Ol course when found such
weapons are taken from the prisoners. Since
his incarceration there has been nothing seen
by the jail guards to indicate that Guiteau
would destroy bis life, even if ho had uu
opportunity, and the possession of tbe
"cheeser" is not regarded as any indication
that he intended to use it for any purpose
except to clean bis nails, etc. To-day Gui
teau seems quite composed, and is iu his
usual spirits. Tbe mail the assassin receives
is about equal to that of a member of Con.
gress. There has recently accumulated per.
hap3 half a peck of postal cards and letters.
So many come that it is suspected parties
take this means of adyertislugtheir business,
expecting that their communications will
br mado public through the papers. Among
the postal cards received recently the fol
lowing is a fair specimen : "Brimstone
Quarries, I5th August, 1881," 'Comrade
Guiteau: My heart swells with emotion
when I witness the persecution you are
compelled to endure. You did my bidding
nobly, and verily you shall have your re.
ward, such only as lam accustomed to be
stow upon my laithful agcntF. Should you
need anything further to render yonr pres
ent condition more endurable, I will send
seven legions of little black angels armed
with red hot pinchers to make it pleasant
for you. Your's until death, when we will
havo a happy reunion, Satan."
Camp near Colohado Citt, Texas,
August 17th.' 1881.
H. V. MortniiMtR-SiR . The expecta.
tiou which I expressed iu my lost letter
has been duly realized. With 20 other
men, I was detailed to accompany Capt
Livermore on an expedition for explor
ing Western Texas. It Is my iutention
in this letter to show what a modern ex
ploriug expeditiou is like, bow tho work
H bUb-divided, etc., and also which is
tbe proposed route of this one, and leave
for another letter whatever else may seem
of interest.
Tbe expedition is under the immediate
oomnund of Capt. W. R. Livermore, of
the Engineer corps, Department of Texa .
The captain, accordiug to my judgment,
is a of great attainments, a thorough
engineer and a good soldier, but eccen
tric uud often foolishly exact- Tbe other
officers of tho expedition are-Surgeon
V. Uavard, medical attendant and botan
ist ; Lieut. M. C Martin, 22ud infantry,
noting commissary of subsistence and
oUervtr ; Lwut. J, A. Johnston, 8th
cavalry, commanding cavalry, and in
charge of topographical survey; Lieut.
W. S. Dunning, 16th infantry, command.
iu(j infantry and geologist. Each officer
has bis respective assistants ; the doctor
has an orderly to collect specimens of
flowers, leaves and plants; the geologist
has an "assistant with the bammar," who
breaks tbe rocks and collects specimens;
the observer lias a recorder and on assist
ant, whose business it is to prepare the
silo selected lor the obsetvations, note
the time at which they are taken, etc;
Lieut. Johnston has a topographical' as
sistant, a clerk in ohargo of the odomo
ten and two draughtsmen to aid him.
Besides these there is at headquarters an
acting sergeant major and an engineer
On ths march, each in bis own depart
ment attends to his work; the togograpb-
icol surveying party, with an odometer
carl, prlstnatio compasses, sextant and
barometer make "such sketches nnd notes
as will enable them Co make a map of
tho country in the vicinity of the day's
march, which Ibey do upon "making
camp" and while ths aspect of tho coun
try is still fresh in tlrelr minds. These
small maps ere all preserved, and are to
form ono complete map of Western Texas.
The doctor botanizes and takes such
notes of his observations and examina
tions as, when completed, will form a re
port to accompany tho map. The geol
ogist collects such specimens as he may
deem proper, and upon coming to camp
selects buch as represent the nature of
the country passed over, which he labels
and preserves. Tho observer, or astron
omer, with sextant and chronometers,
takes the position of camps, time, etc.,
which will enable the compiler of the map
to perform bis wcrk with accuracy.
Thus, each in bis department perform
ing bis duty, the result will be a good
map of Western Texas, that, with the ac
companying reports, will afford the emi
grant an opportunity to learn the nature
of the country without going to see it.
Tho expedition, including six officers, 30
cavalry and 30 infautry, with teamsters,
puckers, etc., numbers about 80 men.
The proposed route is from Ft. Clark
to Abilem, via Forts McKavitt and Con
cho, thence westward to Big Springs, tal
lowing the line of the Texas Pncifio RR.,
thence toward the headwaters of the
Canadian river, aud from there to the
Guadeloupe mountains. The last part
of the proposed route is uncertain, since
circumstunceB may completely alter the
intentions of the powers that be.
We are at present in camp on Champ
ion cre.k, six miles from Colorado City.
The country round about is undulating
and quite fertile. The great want in
Texas is water. The seared and desolate
appearance continually before ones eyes,
is eaused almost soltly by want of water.
Tbe soil in this section is a great deal
better than that near the Mexican border.
The grass is higher, more plentiful, and
of a more healthful appearance than that
seen a hundred or two miles southward.
The trees, too, seem less stunted ; wild
fruits are found here and there, while
cactus has almost disappeared.
As we go northward toward that mys
terious tract of country, the Staked
Plains, we are told to expect fruits in
abundance and game plentiful.
So mote it be. Leiiiouton Bot.
F. A. Chase, a craduate of the Boston In
stitute ot Technoloav'. was severely crushed
in the t'ennsylvania steel works, near uar-
risburg, on Tuesday, lie was em ploy eu in
the laboratory of the works.
W. G. Muse, a young civil engineer of
West Newton, Westmoreland counly, who
married Miss Flnrenro Douglass near that
place a month ago and eloped with a Miss
rout tho next day, lias been caugniul Da
kota and returned to Westmoreland county
for trial.
By the fall ot an elevator in Kendlgs
warehouse ot Lancaster on Wednesday, the
following persons were'slunned and bruised:
Peter Wasner.Edward Booth, Henry Obmil,
William Faust, Edward Huber, Scott liylle,
David Hardy .John Klssiiicer.uenry Kuans,
f rank schleu and iiarry iauiz.
Subject to tbe decisions of tbo Democratic
Uounty Convention. aug. ij-i-c.
Subject to the decision of Democratio
County Convention,
OK LElIlallTON."
Subject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention. July il-ic.
Subject to the decision of tbe Democratic
County umveulion. juiy.iu-tc.
Subject tn the decision of the Democratio
uouniy unnveniiou. juiyju-ic.
New Advertisements.
Estate of Henry Ubetsey, Deceased.
Dv virtue of a power ot attorney made bv
the heirs and legal representatives or Henry
cuuniy, ra., ucoeasou, umu uimiun jiremey,
r Leblghtun, authorizing him to settle up
the estate ot said decedent, tn whom all per
sons Indebted to said estate are requested to I
make payment, and those having claims or I
demands will make known the same without
Attorney In tact lor lteln.
Aug. 25, 1881.-W0.
pleasure Ic recommending to parents th
Academy or Mr, bwlihln U. Shortlldge."
Said (1880): "Icheerlully consent to the use
or my name and relerenco. My boys will re
turn to you (for their fourth year) alter their
For new Illustrated Circular address
Harvard University Oradoate, Media,
Pa , 12 miles from Philadelphia.
MOUTHERN TEXAS offers greater attrac.
Uods In way of good, cheap lands, healthy
country, mild climate, abuudanee or timber
and water, diversity or products, than any
other region now open to settlement. In this
rapidly developing section, 'he Texas & Pa.
cifio Railway has In operation over 800
miles of road, alrtn which are to ha had. ,
low prices and on easy terms, millions of
acres of good and cheap Railroad nd Gov
ernment lands, but recently opened fur settle-:
tor circulars and maps Ktvlnv truth.
ful Information, addreen U. Ii,
Land Oommlwioner, T, &1 Hallway, Mar.
$WAW A YEAR and expenses to
tit agents Outfit free. Address P.
DoTTITirilnt ff advertisers, loo pages, ii cts.
rmflPIllulo. T. ROWt.LLfclio.tN'. Y.
New Advertisements.
tltnlii'strntors Sotlco.
Notice Is hereby slvsn that letters of ad
ministration have, been granted to the under
signed on tho estate of Henry Spcrlbaum,
1st of the Uorounh of Lehlghton, Carbon
county, Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted
to said es'.ate will make Immediate payment,
nnd those having claims will present them
duly authenticated tor Settlement to
Lehlghton,. Aug 20-wfl
o. Whom It Mny Concern.
All tierlons are hereby forbid harborlnir or
trusting my daughter, Mary Ann Uutton, as
l win not pay any aenis coniracieu ny ner
auer ems uaie.
Parryvlllo, Carbon county, Pa.
ang. W, 1881-wB'
Are prepared to Make nil kinds of TIAIt
tho most substantial manner and at Lowest
Cash Prices. Patronage solicited and satis
faction guaranteed. aug.20-yl
Willi Medicine Quality not Quantity is
fbe ealest importance; next is the
Knowledge ani Eie lence to Cor
rectly Pena i ani Dispse the same
Bri & Family Meiticine Store,
Bank Street, Lchighton,
You can always rely upon Rotting STRICT
LY Puro aud Unadulterated
Drugs and Medicines.
DBRWNU. carries the largest stock or
PATKNT MEUiriNLS In tbo county.
DUIiMNO liasanoloirant stock of IlKUQ.
l.KT ARTICLES lor tholudies as well as
the. gents.
POWDEHS a specialty. His 13 yo irs expor.
lence In tho druir business ulves btm a tercat
advantage In th it lino.
always a Urge slock on hand.
1 iVINfcS nnd I.IClt'OIIS, both fo-eluTi and
domestic. He has a Clluluntirapa U'lno and
'a Dry Catawba Wine. Just splendid and
largest assortment In town.
Oo to HUHLINtrs with your prescrip
tions. o to DUIILINU'S lur your Patoul
Oo to Dt'RLlNtl'S for your bincyart'clrs.
Farmers and horsemen H to IIUUl.INU'.i
lur your Horse and Cattlo Powders.
aug. '3yl.
Don't tall to buy your
Cliampaigne Pear Cider,
Lager Beer,
Itoob Beer,
Porter, &c,
Aug. 13, 1881-Iy.
Da frr Vf Or, Light on tub
iiWiN Ukkxt Fctouk
In this lite, IhrouKh the dark valley, and In
tha lite eternal; as seen In the best thoughts
otteadtnie authorsandscholiirs. nmunx whom
are Itlahops Simpson, Foster, Warren, Hurst
and Kn, Joseph Cook, Ilrecher, Talmauc,
Dr.f'urrle, Dr.Jlarch I)r. WcCosh.Dr. e'ros.
by, Dr, Cuyler. Ueo. I). Prentice, Dean Stan,
ly, Whlttler, Longfellow, nnd others. The
subjects treated arc Heat.h Iminortiillt,
Millenium and Second Advent, the Resur
reetlon. JudKracnt tDe 1'unlfdimpnt or the
Wicked, and tho Reward of the Righteous.
A rich least awattsthe rcaderotthlH book. It
contains the grandest though' s or tl.o world's
Kreatest hUthros, on subjects or I he most pro
round Interest to everyone. Not cloomy hut
brilliant. There Is not a dull page In Ihe
book. It Uabsolulely without" rival Every
body will read It. School Tehchers.Sludents,
Young Men and Ladles, acting as agents fur
hi. ,o.iic nrnmnklmrorcrtlOOamonth. Sells
but. One agent sold 77 first 15 day, another
45 In 8 davs, another 11 In one day. Knottier
15 and 6 lilbles In (days, a lady sold Bin 10
hours. Secure territory quick. Also agents
wanted for the best Illustrated lieilsed New
Testament, and fur the finest Family lilbles
ever Jold br agents. Send fur circulars.
P. W. ZIE'OLER &e O.. 915 Arch St., Phil,
delnlda. Pa. 169 E. Adams St., Chicago, 111.
' aug. 13-2in.
The undersigned offers at Private Sale, the
Sailers anfl Harness Maters,
following valuable properties, to wit :
All that certain valuable lot, with the build.
Ings thereon, situate cn tbe corner of Iron
and Lehigh streets. In tbe borougborLehlgh
ton, known as the "Lehlghton Hotel.
Also, one lot, wlthrbundatlpn walls already
erected, situate on the upper end ol Iron
street, Lehlghton.
And, theone-and a-half story house and lot,
situate on tbe corner ol Hank street and
Ilankway, Lehlghton,
Also, a Dwelling House and Six Acres of
land situate tn Franklin township, on tha
public road leading to Maria Furnace.
And, also, a lot of carriages, harness, &o.
Apply to
Leblghton Hotel,
Cor. Irsu and Lehigh streets.
MendolBBon Piaao Comp'y
Will make, for the next 00 days only, a Grand Offer of
850 q uarc Grand Piano for only $2-45 !
R'PYTR 31 MaKo'nccnt rosewood caseclegantly finished. 3STRtitaa,l-80CTAVit9, rail
"a patent cantante ngralles, our new patent overstrung scale, beautiful
carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and largo fancy moulding round case,tull Iron Frame,
French Grand Action, Omnd llammets. In ract .every improvement which can In ant way
tend to tho portcotlon or the Instrument has been added,
Oon rmcEFonTms iNSTi'xtKNTnnxEn amo deli verid onboard cabs (Stole nn
at New York, with fine Piano Covkh, Stool and Hook, onlt p-t.UU
This Piano will b sent on test trial. Please send reference If you do not send money with
order, Uasb sent with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways It
Piano Is not Just as represented In this Advortlsemcnt. Thousands In Use. Send tot Cata.
logue. Every Instrument fully Warranted for five years.
1)T A TVTAC! to 103 (with Stool, Cover nnd Book). All strictly First-class
I I vll nml eoM nt WnoLKSALE factory prices. These Pianos made one or the
. finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and wero unanimously re.
commended for tho HionE9T Honors. The Sijuares, contain our New Patent Stale, tho
greatest Improvement In the history or Piano making. The new patent scale Uprights ate
tbo finest we America. Positively wo make the finest Upright Pianos, ol the ruthast tons
nnd greatest durability. Ti ey aro recommended by tha highest musical authorities In the
country. I 'ror 14,000 In uso, and not one dissatisfied furchaseii. All Pianos and Organs
sent on 16 days' test trlal- freight frit If uniatUfactory. Don't fail to write us betore buy.
Ing. Positively we oiler the beet bargains Piano Oataloguo mailed froo. Handsome Illus.
trated and Descriptive Piano Catalogue of 60 pages mailed for Co. stamp, Every Piano hilly
warranted fur 6 years.
J A "a"-"-ai kj the hand,omet. tastiest and sweetest
toned Parlor Organ ever offered the musical public. It contains Five Octaves, Five sets
of Reeds, viz: Melodla. Celeste. Dlaoason. hub-Rass and Utlcstlna. Also Fifirtn lifnuiu
ful Slopi. as follows, vlt: Metodla, Celeste, (a
nuicei, lueiouia-t nno, ueiesie-r ono, Expression, Trenie-uoupier, l-elttltna. Uass-Coupler,
Grand Orjan, (which throws on the entire power or tho Instrument,) Right Knee Stop and
Swell, Left Knco Stop and Orand Swell. Height, 70 In. ; Length, 47 In. -r Width, 21 in. ,
Wclf lit, boxed, 850 lbs. The enso Is ot solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and Is ot an
entirely new and beautirul design, elaborately carved, with panols, inuslo closet, lamp stand,
fretwork, So, all elegantly finished. Possesses all tho latest and best improvements, with
great power, depth, brilliancy and sympathetic quality of tone lleautlliil solo effects nnd
perfect stop action, negulnr retail price s276. Our KhoUtale nil cath price to have It Intro.
duced, with stool and book, only j87 ns ono organ sold sells others. Positivklv ho devia
tion in friuk. No payment required until you have fully tested the organ In your own
home. We send all elrgans on 15 dayi (est (Hal and pay freight both ways ir Instrument Is
not as represented. Positively, our Organs contain no "Bogus" sets of Reeds, or "Dummy"
stops, as do n any others. We mako no misrepresentations, and guarantee honest and fair
deallna. or no sale. Fultu warranted for 6 vears. Other stvles 35. aso. art. aha ?i aha
etc. Over 84,000 sold, and every Oro an has oi ven the fullest satisfaction. Organ
Catalogue mailed free.
Factory and Warerocws, 61th St., and 10th Ave.
STTTVrcT MTTSTr! at one-third price. Catalogue or sOO choice pieces sent for 3or
oiiojui. iiLuuiu stamp. This Catalogue Ineludos most or the popular tnusto o
tho day and every variety of musical composition, by tbo best authors. Address,
Is? lis 13
"3 8
mny 7-yl
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lohigliton.
public patronage solicited.
Two Doors Below the "Broadway llonso
Dealer in all Patterns of Plain Slid Fanci
Wall Papers?
Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' upplies,
i.ownsT cash ri.ici'.H.
co un eh or
Particular attention given to
In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and perfect
satisfaction gunrauteed.
Deo 0, lDJD-yl DAN. WIEAND.
Dress and Trimming Silks,
Dress Trimmings,
Dry Goods,
Groceries, Provisions,
Glas3 & Quecnsware.
Standard Silver Ware, &c.,
Call at the Popular ONE PRIOE Store of
I I i I I, VJM I LL.I If
HANK St., Leblghton. . apl-mS
For any case Hllnd, Illeedlng, Itching, Ulcer
ated or Protruding PILES lhat Unlllt.o'8
Pile Rkmeuv falls to cure. Prepared by J,
P. Miller, M. 1)., 816 Arch Street, Phlla., Pa.
jt'one genvine without hit itgnalure. Send for
circular. All druggists or general stores
have It or Hid get it for you 41. Sold In
Leblghton by A. J. Hurling, druggist.
aug. is Jm-
Prooured for all soldiers disabled In the U. S.
service from any oausc. also for heirs of de
ceased soldiers. The sl'ghtest disability en
titles to pension. PENSIONS INCREAS
ED. Hounty and new discharges procured.
Those in doubt as to whether entitled to any.
thing, should send two 3 cent stamps for onr
"circular ot Information." Address, with
stamps, Stoddabt Co., Solicitors of
Claims and Patents, Washington, D. G. Look
box 023. July 18, wi.
charming stop,) Diapason, Sub-Bait, Ecbo,
O. Box 2058, New York CMy.
July 2.-6mo.
In Lenckel's Block,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Hespeetrnlly announces to the people that be
has replenished his stock, and offers
mines AND
Strictlv fresh
and Pure,
Also Horse nnd Cattlo powders,Patent Medl.
clnes, Brushes, Soaps, Oombs. Porlumcrles,
Sponges, Obamols Skins. Wines and
Llqmirs fur Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps and "Uturos.l)ycsiulI,Uliolce
Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco. Spec
tacles, Trusses, Nursing Dottles,
Violin Strings, and a lull lino ol
Wall Paper nud liorucrsat the
Lowest Prices.
Prescriptions carefully compounded nnd
prompt nttentlon given to every branch of the
A continuance ofthe patronage hcretoloro
extended to this establishment Is respectfully
solicited, and satlsr.tctlon guaranteed.
sept.13, 18S0.-ly. Do. O. T. HORN.
BANK STEKET. Lehighton, Pa.
MILLERS and Dealers In
flour & Peed.
Vt o would, also, lesprrtlnilylnlrrrm nnrclti
lens that wo oro now fully prepared to hUl'
1'LY tnem with
ISest of Coal
From any Mlue dcsiicd nt VERY
July 2S.
Foo Cnoo's Balsam of Shart's Oil
This till Is extracted from a peculiar species
or U'liiTK Siiauk. caught in the Yellow Sea,
known us L'archarodon llondrlttll. Every
Chlncso fisherman knows It. Its virtues ns a
restorative or hearing wire discovered by a
Huddlst Priest about the year 1410. Its cures
were so numerous and many bo skknikqly
MinAcuLoi's, that the remedy was officially
E reclaimed over the entire Empire Its use
ceame so universal that for ovkii BOO ykarb
ho Deafness ha ecisted amoko thk
Chinese rEOfLK. Sent, charges prepaid, to
any address at $1.00 per bottle.
Only Imported by HAY LOCK & CO,
7 Dky Street, New York.
Sole Agents for America.
Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura
tive dimeter absolute, as the writer can per
sonally testify, both from exierlenee and ob
servation. Among tbe many readers of the Review In
one part and another of theeountry. It Is prob
ablo that numbers aro afflicted with deafness,
and to such it may be BAid : " Wrl'e at once
to Haylock & Co., 7 Dey street, New York,
enclosing tl, and you will receive by return a
remedy that will enable you to bear like any.
body else, and whoso curative effects will be
permanent. You will never regret doing so."
Editor of Mercantile Review. J)2-lSwo.
Outfit sent free to those who wish to n
pftie in tbe most pleasant and profitable
hiiftlneB Known. Vvnrr.hlnir new. fan
Hal uot required. We will fnrnlb rou erery
thing. tlGadnjanrt upward Is easily madr)
wttho:ii staying away from liome over mcht,
No nek whatever. Many new worker wanted
at Many aro making lortanes at the bus-luo-s.
Iadioa make as much aa mftn.and vounp
boTa aud girlBnmte great nay No one who in
willing to irorK falls to make more moneyevery
iUy than can be mde In a week at any rrtilnai
rr employment. Those wLo engage at ouee wii
find a nil or t roatl to rortane A U dress
II. nAI.LKlT it CO., Voxtlaud. Mate
Oct. 7t 18&0-1J-
Letters testamentary on tho eitate of John
Krelti, late of East 1'enn Townihlp, Carbon
County, Pa., deo'd, have been granted to the
undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to
the said estate are requested to make pay.
ineni within six weeks, and all per hod a bar.
tng claims or demands will make known the
same without delay to
Lehlghton, July Executors.
JIakkSt., LriiioitTox, Pa.
The Oauboh llot'sti offers flrst-cl.ui acenm.
modatlons to tha Traveling public. Hoarding
by tbe Day or Week on Reasonable Terms.
Uholce Ulirarr. Wines and Llanora always on
hand. Good Sheds and Stables, with atten
tive Hostlers, attached. April lD-yl t
nr-5MNTON BRETNEY, fashionable
lUri? Root and Suok Makeu, Dank St.,
Lehlghton. All work warranted.
Vennor's Predictions!
For this Month's Weather, prepared express
Sample copy mailed for So. Stamp. i
J. II. 8T0DDART, Publishers, 1
Jj l4-w3 New York, l'blli.,or Oblcoso.
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Deals in alt klndi nnd sites nf Pltic, Hemlock
Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and .Unowpio
pared to execute any uuount of orders lor
DressoD LumboR
Doors, Snslics, Minds, Slitittcrv,
Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, Ac,
With l'ro.nptncss.
Brackets Made to Order.
The Machinery is nil new and ot tha best and
most Improved kinds. I employ nonobnt tha
best workmen, ttsorwell Bcaoued and good ma
terlnl, and aralhei efore able to gnnrant eo entlro
satisfaction to all who mavfavnrme with a call.
Orders ov mall piomptly attended lo. Jiv
charges oro moderatoi terms cash, or lntcicst
charged alter thirty days.
Those enraged In BmtdlNg will find tt t
their advnntnge to have Biding, Floor Hoards
Doors, sashes, Gutters, Ac, AC msde at thl
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the very best LATT1MER UOAL, at the fol.
No. 2 Chestnut, by the car f2 76
No. 1 Chestnut, by the ear 3 TS
Stove, by the car 4 00
liy tho singleton, SE cents per ton additional
Dealer in
General Hardware, &c,
Opposite the Public Souoro. BANK 6THEi5t,
Bank Street, Lchighton.
Of nil description promptly attended to at the
mnt renonb1e prices,
a?" All Work guaranteed, and pntrnnngo
Is rosnectfully solicited. Jan.29-jl
m "nunv,iTOiJ"AV.'!i'-"g,.rV!tJl'T"-'rtl
Stands preeminent smong the great Trunk lints of tha
tVcst for being tho most direct, quickest, and safest line
connecting tho great Metropolis, CHICAGO, and tha
EisTitis, Nojmt'EABTBKN, EocTnzRX and Sooth
EiSTZKX Lists, which terminate there, with Kaxsas
Citt, TjtiviHwonTn, AtcuisoV, Council P-tcrrs
and Omaiia, the commiroial cxktkrs from which
that penetrates the Continent from the Missouri River
to the Pacific Slope. Tho
Chicago, Ml Island & Pacific Railway
Is the only line from Chicago owning track Into Kansas,
or which, by iu own road, reaches the points abuvo
named. No tiahsmbs st carriaoxI Kohimiso
CONKICTIONSI Ho kuttttllng In (H-nntllaUd or un
clean care, a every pauenger U etirrird in roomy,
clean and ventilated coackee, upon Fail Ezprei
Dat Cabs of unrivaled magnificence. Pclusak
Palacb Slxifixq Cars, and our own world'tAmona
Diniko Cabs, upon which mials are served of un
surpassed excellence, at the low rate of StviKTr-riva
Cints bach, wltb ample thno fur healthful enjoyment.
Through Cars between Chicago, l'eorla. Mllvriukrq
and Missouri River polnti; and close' connections al all
points of Intersection with other roads.
We ticket tdo nolora Ml) directly to every ptaea
of Importance in Kansas, Jcbrnlia, Black IHUa,
Wyoming, Uth, Idaho, Nevada, California, QreKon,
Washington Tcrrttofy, Colorado, Arliomi and hew
Aa liberal arrangements regarding baggage as any
other Hoe, and rates of rr alwa)a as low. as competi
tors, who furnish but a tithe or the comfort.
Dogs and tackle of sportsmen free.
Tickets. map and foldere at all principal ticket offices
In the United btatcs aud Canada.
Tlot rret't tod Ocn. Uaiger,
Of I. Tkt. ud ruil-AC
A. Ponltlvo Cnre) Tor Catarrh of all
kind. It la lnatantaneous In ftiiTect
and Permanent lo llcault. Cures at any
stage of tbe disease. Has cured cases so terrible;
that bones came Irom the nose.
IJr. Kvory'ii Diamond Catarrh Rem
edy is mild and pieasant, affording Immediate
Itellei and prompt cure In all cases of Cntarrb,
Influenza, Ilajr Vever, llroneliltla.
It will remove Polypus and effectually euro
Watery and Purulent Discharges from the 11 cad
and Throat, and Foetid. Sickening lircath; per
fectly restore Impalied Smell, Taste and Hearing)
relieve Uoadache. Break up Colds In the lleadi
Strengthen the Volco and fcyes; Purlry, llogulste
and Render Clear and Active every Organ or the
Head and Throat, Price, B0 cents.
Dr. EvoryU Diamond Invlgoratnr la
a l'erlect Blood 1'nrlller, Appetiser and
Nerve Tonic It makes a delihtml, whole
some drink, which lnvlcoratea. 1'urlllee
and Strengthen the entire system.
For Geneial Drblllty, Dyspepsia, lHlonncss.
Torpid Liver. Indigestion, Keuralglo and Rheu
matic Affections, Jaundice, Malaria, Flatulency,
Nausea, sick Headache ami Kidney Complaints,
It Is Invaluable. Pi tee, 60 cents.
Dr. Kvory's Diamond Salve Is a sover
eign cure lor llurns, liruises. Sores of all kinds.
Salt lthenm, Tetter, Ringworm aud Cutaneous
Eruptions, price, S3 cents.
Ask your Drucclst for the remed
ies and take no oilier) or will be eut
I'reo oti receipt ol price.
DctcrlpUvo Pamphlets Free.
Address Dr. Evory'a Diamond Remedies Co.,
P. O. Box 3300. 104 John Street, Kew York.
JOim B. COUCH'S bran1 new book, entitled
Is the hit chance offeree to you. Its Scenes are drawn
from the bright and shady tides of life, portrayed aa only
John B. Gough
tux portray them. Thii cnifd mewfor tktJSrtl
ti4 fubtuktdx the booming i' toekfar igtnt$t and
U outselling all others V (a cut, TA tktrtj-tAird
ikatuand'x now in press. Its immense sale hats been
made entirely by attire canvassers. No other book com
pares with it (or quick and profitable returns. We aid
tartiDe more agents now than ever before, and e be
lieve the sale ol this book will reach Out Hundred
Thousand Ceiti in th tuxtraf months.
We want 1000 more agents at net, to supply this
pand book to tha thousands who are waiting lor it.
Kcmember the sale is tnly novt cimmcncinf. The book
is entirely new, and mnt qftk U frit try it now charm
Agents, um u your timt to mako mtomy, sod at tlto
same time circulate a thoroughly Ant-class booh. K
clusive Territory aod very Special Terras givto. Send (or
cur Urge circulars containing full narticulirt. Address
A. P, Wchtiomctom 6 Co.. iWUicrs, iUrlW, Ct