,-lllSt'i:i,I.NK()tM. The World of fnftl lia Kiich o !nro Tbt lie who wftUlrt not a-e on ns, Must bide at home and Inll lilf door And broak tiia looking glials, MIS' He Mire and stop and nttt tor Or. Hatnmert'a German VetabKl Worm' Medi cine Warrantod to euro or no pay. A.J. Darling, Dank at., sole agent for lhfghton, Vouna. 20 13w She asM him wlul alio should get for supper, and ho s.H he didn't ear, no that it Wat a light oue But wiimi she put on tho table a plentiful fupply of lighted undies he couldn't sco tho joke. Iniporinnt to'lrnrclcm. Sriteiib lsDDcr.MR!T3 are offered you by the nuitMNOTON Hootk. It will pny you ti read their advertiscitieut lobe lound else where in this issue. A man can drive a hog four mllei along a country Aad with broken down fences, and keep his temper I but when II mines to putting on a pair of kid gloves that' loo much. A Iti-llublo Wine. Mr, A. Spe cr, of New Jersey, whose Port Grape Wine has such a wide reputntlon.-ind vehloh physicians prescribe lORenerallv.WBS the first in this country to introduce the art of making wine friun tho Oporto Grape, which Is now tho bestyvinn to on had, and has become a great favorite union? the most prominent physicians of New York olid Philadelphia, who liayo visited the vino yards, and wino cellars nt Passaic. Families and aned are benefited by It. For tale by A.J. Idirliiiq and C.T. Uorn.M. D.,Lehic.li ton, and Zern A- Rapslicr, Druggitts, Weiss-port- An exchange thinks thst Iho funniest thing concerning a picnic is thinking about it before you start. 'J he next funulest thing is congratulating yourself when it is over. . II. 1)' rover. Sir A. It. Avery, Pharmacist, Newark, N J. Havlnchen severely nilHctod for eleven years with liar Fever, alter trying alrnoit rverythine withmt avail,- I save tin nil hojHa of being cured, when I purchased of you a bix oi lily s uienin Utilm. To my fiirprife, after a few application, I wae en lirely relieved. It. Watson Harris, Tn-ttcr Carrier No. H, New P. 0 , Newark, N. J. Messrs. White & Hurdick, Drugcisla. lib acn, N. Y. I recommend to those puir.-rinc (a I loivo been) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cream Bjlin. llavo tried nearly oil the rem.-dies I could find, and pivo this a cle c:iled prererence over them all. It lias given lne Immediate relief. 0. T. Stephens, Haul ware Merchant, Ithnca, N. Y. Sept. 0, I8S0. Trice 50 ets. It was a funny little boy who, when lie saw a dairyman feeding his cows rait, said he thought they didn't salt the butter till after iu was churned. a i.Aiim, i'i.ino .iiAur-vc roi:v. . While it was well known that the Men y dclssohn Piano was really a reliable and fxcellent instrument, it was hardly sus pected by the other manufacturers that the demand for it had increased to such an e.x , tent as to warrant the makere in erccline the lartret piano maiiuoiclnry in tiio world as a centennial memorial of tho success of the instrument but such was the case, and to day tho Mendelssohn Piano Manufactory eight stories in height, covering 7K,0(lli square feet of ground, from its locution on the corner of Tenth Avenue and 57lli Street overlooks the Hudson lliverand the great, r part of Manhattan Island. Giicaijo Times The large factory of the Mendelssohn , Thino Compiny corner of Filty-seventh St., and Tenth Ayeniie, is well worlh a visit. One can here witness the various and in teresting steps in tho progress of transform ing the rough lumber and metal into high ly finished instruments. In the sale oTtlietc Pianos, tho Company have under-taken to lieat tho people with factory prices, em liloving no agents. Instruments are sent on trial, and u very intelligent idea of what they are, and what musical people think about them, can be obtained by sending 'or an illustrativo and descriptivo catalogue. "With no expensive agents and commissions the Company decline to give any discounts, thinking the lowncss of their prices and the rn.-rit of their goods will receive a liberal recognition from Piano buyers. Morris i'Mltp in Home Journal, July 4, 1S77. Another well planned attempt to takr the' life of the czar hat just been frustrated An American cucumber was found in hi moriing mall. Several years I hive been taking so eall cd remedies and prescriptions Irom phy iciaus, for rivspepsia, with no benefit ; one bottle D. K. V. G. has cured me ; I tak pleasure in recommend n.? to all. Isaac T. Stoddard, Adjuster Chaiter Oak Idle, Hartford, Coon. Guaranteed by all drugzidts. A man who had tried nearly every thing and failed became a shoemaker ami prospered. He said he wa6 bouud to be sue cessful at the ltt't. I cannot say Urn much) in favor of youi dyiepia. remedy, D. It. V, G. I nm ton ttefng it lth the beat results; I can eatauv thing and it does not distress inc. Tiuly youis, H.J. Wattles, 0 North avenue, lloehester, N. Y. Guaranteed by all druggists. What does a woman care who wroti the declaration that made us free, so Ion). as she can get a hustle for fifty cents, ft oilier Dnii't Know now many children are punished for being uncouth, willful, and indilferent to Instruc tions or rewards, simidy because they me out or health J An intelligent lady said ofa child oi mis kimi t "Mothers should know that if they would cive the little one mod erate doses of II op Bitters fnr,toor three weeK4iiie children would ue all a pareu coma oeeire. A firm advertise "Uathing Suits." We knew that long ago. It auita the innjority eipecially iu the summer. Kidney ComplcliilH fall descriptions are relieved at onee, amt oaedilr eured by Kidney Wort. It seem intended by nature for the eure nl all din eases of the kidneys eaused by weakne' and debility, Iu reat tiMlic ower9 are e pecially directed to the removal of this elai of diseases. We know of persons that have suffered for thirty years that have been permanently cured by taking Kidney-Wort a ahorl time;. Try It, either liquid or dry. Sun. The name Silence appears in the new Uoaton directory. It must belong to one of the masculine gender. Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin. The spirit of mortal may not bo very proud but we notice it waxes overly profane iu some cases where rliuematisin is the mov ing cause. We use St. Jacob's Oil for ours and are happy, A musile over a dog's mouth acts as a suspender to his pants. Man wants Ujit little here below andhe car get thst quickest by advertising. -Cabbage heads are solid, which is con siderably more than some men can say fur themselves. A wasp found In the Toaernlta Valley measured sis inches from tip to tip of wings, and carried in its grip sack a javelin three inches long. If that overgrown wasp were to come East and see how fluently a wasp only an inch long run aw ml the trousers leg ofa small boy and make him dance lie racket, it would regret that it wasn't born a dwarf. fMWWP Gomplai. At tlil- Bonson, various diseases of tho bovt'ls nro provrilent, and many lives are tot through lack of knowledge of n eafo mid Miiro remedy. Pj:tikv Davis' Pain iUM.LH is a sHiecmo ior uinrrnoca. uyb cnttry)Viiol.'r;ilClioler.iMorbu3,Buuuncr Uompi.itw. etc, aim w perjeaty mjc. Head the fullcnviitg? 1'Knnr IUvm'Taim Kthi.FJitvcr fail to afford initant ttUtf for cramp and p alu In the -tomacb. KlGMOLVlLLK, N. V.. IV b. 2, 1881. 'rtin rw ?jt mrxilHiin 1 kmiw rt inr ilvwntprv. cho rra morbus, anl rnmmlii t!e f tomach. llato vueu It for care, auu it Ij enm erery unio. T hnvn rrnir 1tw Kitt-Mi fii FOero nifc of cremp.rolU' an J cJioIiv.nuor biH.nnu it pa 6 nlmost ForVve'ltyypfrd l lm;o nau your Tain Killlti in mv lamily. Have It lua-ty ttnice lor bowel fOiiilatnt,itnclltnI'oyrwre. Wouldn tlr with jut ft bottlo la tho uoua ttrn, Mc.Jan. 2,1?S1. Pain ltiLLrnfortweltt llivs twert Psnnt I) win' Tain Killtp f or twelve yimr. It 1 ur, twit mi fbu. io moiuer il W uo (Ml oi iuu lami v. IT I NAra. 0?!rin. K.V.I i'Ii. 1SH1. Wet Ivrran iifln1 !t o.it '. iiy ocr-' f.iP.nmi It l ii i a ft I ei. S o . A h:.rn v tiara ftlwa) ptp-i Jinni6,ii logo lo bodwithoat a boUlolli tSt l:n in. CoNWAYBor.o. S 0.,1'ib. r-J, lL, W.-'nr'vevftrv tajiiiltf m liiia tLt lio i I r rwn bottle In tbo bo jso. Lvr L. Wchxon. U. H UOSSVT.ATf', CnErEi.TT, Rur.Msii rr.UbrtH Yi v. 8. lWt. Thavaki'nwiil'riRYDiviii'l'AlN Kii.lt Re liOit from tbo t'ay it wai mtrrfl-c-- l.aml Ut r jn-n or obriaUon rnrt I ivrrJ its vrtnucu iu iu X i 1 jitfu, I r Lf'rBui. Eonxo' -ON-TitKUi'.Lsa. I linl lwpn tnvftral i1m rrifrcr u t pct n lv f r: n 4larrbcrrt.rcoomi'Jiile-t 't'.i 1 tuersl '.vImuJ irion your lULLUi.cn uunu" mrw iimu.i relief. II J. IJookc I tnvrt pivc H fu cany rnrs ciarrbrr . dymi tan, and cbolora, vsid uoer Lnw it to t I to ri VtfU-.f, It, CLAiiiuon. No family can safely bo without thi invaluable icmcdy. Iu price hnugn i within tho reach of nil. For sale by all drmrsisi? r.t 5e.. COc andSl.OOwr bottlo. rEKUY DAVIS ci SON, Troprh'tore, Providence, J. I. Juno 18 to sept. 1-nrm ( F ' C0NSI3TIXG OF Plain and Lace Huntings, reduced from 1G cents to 10 and LAWNS, reduced from 14 ment of yet. Percale ChintV.s, reduced from 14 cents to 111 cents. Double and Single Widths CASHMERE, Spring and Summer Shades, Reduced from 23c. to 22c., 27c. to 22s., 2()c. to 16c, 19c. to 15c, 16c. to 12lc, &c. Th -se goods are seasonable for 3 or 4 months yet, and the price is reduced merely because our line of colors arc broken, and M'e wish to clear our counters and make room. I have a small lot of them on halul yet. Tho people of Lehighton have really appre ciated this bargain, as they sold very lively, and every Shirt has given satisfaction as far as heard from. And a full line of tho Io JL isf. tla'e install ME'Se I"HM ceeats. I have just received a lot of which will be sold at the right pi-ice. Remember the place THE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM JU it is for ell diseases or tho KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system of tho acrid poison thst causes tho droadfol eufforine whloh only tho victims of Rheumatism caa realize. THOUSANDS OF CASES Of th3 worst forms of this terrible disease have been quicltly relieved In a short time PERFECTLY CURED. has had wonderful success, and an immense sale in every part of the Country. In hun dreds ofcasca It has cured where all elso had filled. It is mlli, but eUloient, CCIETAIX IN ITS ACTIO.V, but harmless in all cases. tTlt cleanses, Strcnplhciisntid slrcsTieiT 1,1 To to all tho important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. Tho Liver Is cleansed of all disease, and the Bowels move froely and hoalthfully. In Itls way the worst diseases ore eradicated from the system. As it has been provod by thousands that is tho most effectual remedy for cleansinff the system of all morbid secretions. It should bo used in every household as a SPRING MEDICINE. A.wara cures BUJOUSNE33. OUSTTPA- TlOll. PIIX3 and all FEMALE Dbeason. la put up InWrj VccctaMe Vorm, inttn cans, one packarce of w Melt maUcs CquartJ lacillctne. Alio la LtquIlForin, very Concentrated f cr the oonvcnlenco of thoso who cannot readily pre pare U. It act i vlt A ruaf ejlctency in ttthtrforvu OET ITOFYOCIt PHUGOIST. rnicE,t.oo WELLS, niCHAKDSOX A Co., Prop's, CWlll Bend th. c"rT port-wtoM HfK' 1'CTOV, T. USE RAZQRINE shaving; i MADE EASY ! NO MORE DULL RAZORS ! A lato (llfcoverr. which has at once gained a de served prominence from Its limn merit. As an aid to ihaving'. 11 has never been tquiUed. It Is Invaluable to every one who uses a R a ton or desires a tharp ketnjnttru mem lor an purpose. RAZORINE. Ilyuro of tills nonderTuI powder, the edire of tlie keenest razor may b Im proved. The most wiry beard may bo removed Irom tho most tender skin without pain or Incon veuleuco. RAZORINE. Itemoves all dread ot the Individual use of the rasor. Any man possesslnir a beard, can by 'he use of this rtmarkable dticovtry on Ills strap, remove his beard with case, comfort and celerity. Agtnti wanted In every town nnd county, Snd lor circular with terms, he. lly mall postpaid for to cents. Sample boxes, cents. Address S. HAYJIOKH & CO., 37 l'ark Row, nj:w youk citv may 7 m3 Maunfncturer ot and Sealer In 'STOVES, bams aiid heaters, rin ani SliceUrou Waro and General House Fimiisliiiig Goods. icooFiivn nm srotrriKG done ftt short notico and'at Lowest Cash Ttices. h verr ltlnil of BTOVli! OUATES ana Finn IIIUCK.H keptcouiinntly on nana. Stobb on SOUTn Street, A lew doora ebovo Dank St., LEtllOHTON. ratronairo soliclted O. t. O-vl i inr A. D.TMOSSHIt. A WltSK in Tour own town. M.tiO tlpOti ant at iroa. JNorlai.. ReHiler it 7011 i bu Ines at whtcli noraias of tlino tliev work, wr.tor,r nartieniars to II. II LLr.Tr.ifcC'O I'ortland. 4Ie. June M-i" SakWntel.i WBteli6.PtomTTtn'ter((f3,(r.WhltiMeUlTIiinltnf t. IniltUioncoiJtft. Kn)iaicrUIZ.L-)iO(ip(it tn.trnrniiani-!nrIlliHnv)r. VltttiiLlo tvlalotuermo, 1 houipiun k Co. U2NAmubt.N.Y. January CO, lS31-y 1 SPRING AND SUMMER cents to 12 and l cents, lliese CARBON ADVOCATE TLAIN AND FANCY BOOK" JOB PEIMWt HOUSE HANKWAV, a sliort dUtaneo above tho I.ehlKh Valley H.It. Dcjiot, LEHIGHTON, PA. We are now fully preparo.1 to execute every description orPHlNTlNQ, Irom a Visiting; Card to aLane Poster! Posters, Handbills, c Dodgers, Circulars, SldpplDK Tags, Cards, 11111 Heads, T.cttcr Heads, Koto Head", Envelopes, Statements, Programmes, Pamphlets, fcc, &e., In Dest Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! Inventors will Advance their Interests by I'.mploylnKan Kipcrleiieed Attorney resident In vasiilnKton. t . A. I.eliniann. Solicitor of AmerlOHti and Foreign Patents, Washing, ton, II. U., has had years of successful Prac tice, nnd was formerly an Uxemlner of Ta lents In the Patent Dine. All buslnecs he fore the Courts or the llepartment promptly attended to. Kco contingent upon success Send for Circular. April '.'Itf-cor. TARTLIWC DBSCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful imprudence causing Premature Decay, Nervous IJebility, Lost Un. hood, etc, hiving trud In fain every Inown rcmcdy.haa discovered a simple self cure.wbicb, lie will ec i.d rnrx tJ his fellow suScrers. d. dxeaa J. II. RLZVLS, li Chatham it, M. Y. January 59, 18S1-U IN MISSISSIPPI , For SALE and KXC1I AN'GE at (10 and 15 PKltAOHK. Address, a. nr.nns 620 Attsntla Avenue. Dec. !J-ni7 llsoouirx. N. V .MM FOB Uouralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backachs, Soreness of tho Chosi, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genoral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and lloadacho, Frostod Foot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth ei'ialu Pt. Jcom Olfc a a jeoA', urc, stmplc ati'l cheap Kxtcrnnl ltcmetlj. A trial cntafh but tbr couipanitlvcly triainj outlay of 51) rents, and every one ufftr Injr with patn can hare cheap and jvalttto proof of Hn ctatmfl. Mrcctlons In EleTen LnnsnagflS. BOLD BY ALL DEUQ9ISTS AND DEALERS IN 1IEDI0INE. A. VOGSLER & CO., Halthnorc, ZIJ V. S. A March 5, ISSl-Yl 12 cents. goods I mve a crood assort- may2iylr Ilespectfully announces iu the people of Le highton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre pired tosupply them with all kinds of Household Furniture Mat urtft'urel from tho best Seasoned Mate rials at Prices fully as low as tho tame article, cnu ho toil Klit lor Is -where Hero are a tew ot the inducements ofTured : P-irlor Sets at from $50 to $60 Walnut Marble-ton Dressing Case Itedroom Suites, 3 pieces. .. $10 to $65 Palmed Jlcdrouin .ulu-s $18 tu 4D (Jane Seat'dVhafr, per set ot 6.,,. $a Uuimnnn ( hiilrp, per t-et of 6 $J and nil other Goods equally cheap. In this connection, 1 dealro to rail the at. tuiitlun of the people to my ample facilities In THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS wlthaNEW and HANDSOME HEARSE, and a full llnoorUASKETS and COI'FINS, I am prepared to attend promptly to all er. ders In this Hue. at lowest prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and the most ample satisfacti on guaranteed. V. SUHWAKTZ, ootlZ HANK St., Lehighton. JOHN F. IIALBACII, Instructor of Music, (riano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) IiEHIOHTON, PA. Role agent for the WEUEK PIANOS and the NEW ENC1 L.ANU OUUANS ; And dealer In all klndxor Planosand Organs, Terms loir and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks, etc., taken In exchange, riheet Wuile and books furnished on short notlee. For particulars, terms, &e., Address, JOHN l 1IAI.I1AOII. JSS1 on Aug 2, U7-ly. I.ohlfhton, Pa. FARMERS' COLUMN. inn it ii.i i ny n. n n n i rr.vi.ni. m i - ft M T Cure linpcN. Tbo Iiondon CbWocc Gardener says I "Wo linvc learned to Jest at gapes by making free ueo of camphor. Wo glvo to n cblckcn in a very bad case a pill tlio slzo of a small garden pea. As soon as we see symptoms of gapes wo give the birda water to drink which, is strongly impergnated witb cam phor, thus giving lo tho chickens that which was a favorite medicine with our grand mothers, 'comphor Julep.' The treatment seems to explain itself. The gapes or gap ing is caused by tho presence of small red- worms in the windpipe. No medicine can reach them unless it does so by vapor. An hour after the chicken has swallowed the pill it smells of camphor. Camphor I strong vermifuge nnd tbo worms die." Tlio Teazel rinlif. The prickly heads of tho teazel plant aro invaluablo for raising the nap on cloth. France devotes 0,000 acres of laud exclu sively to Its cultivation. French inatiiifac turcrs U6e $1,61)0,000 worth of the prickly heads and export 00,000 tons valued at $2,' 500,000, yearly. Austria produces from 45,' 000,000 to 08,000,000 heads, whllo England Dcligum, Poland nnd Crimea contribute largely to the world's supply. The prickles of the teazel have a email knob nt the end nnd this, mounted on nn elastic stem and set with great precision on the central spin rile, affords a little brush, such, it is said, as the utmost mechanical skill has never been able to rival, at nil events at the same price. (2ri''lllioilNr I'Jlllll.. At this time of the year most of the green house plants are out of doors, and it is sel doni that wo see n creen house look atlroc live. Much shading must be done, cither with heavv coats of whitewash unon tin gloss, or by means of muslin hung below Frequent watering will be required to keel the house coo and the plants from drvincr up. Fumicotions will he necesshrv to keen down luo insect pests that pronagato very rapidly upon tho plants during tho hct weather. FAttrtj io'i'i:s. A Georgia fuimer removed lo Alabama nnd look his cow with him j blit the nnimul turned up at hcrol 1 home, ninety milisoT, a few days afterward. Dr. Arnott affirms that no wave of the ocean ris s more than ten f"et from (he or dinary sea level which, with the ten feel ils surface decends, gives twenty feet to the whole height. Fifteen acres of wheat wero burned, ii"ar S.in Jose, Oil., some days since, by a passeiueron u singe coach throwinga light ed iiar into some dry grass on the roadside. All the people in. the locality had to luin out to prevent the flames from spreading lo other grain fields in Iho valley. The Toronto (Jlobe publishes crop re ports' from all parts of Cana Ja, indiciting at least average crops generally. .Wheat will fall ij (o 12 per ceut. below the overuse, nnd corn.about 16 pr cent., but other cereals protnisoan abundant yield. Potatoes and Miser roo's obo promise well. Soinejears ago a bankrupt Mielilgun editor nirored his creditors a warrant for ISO ncies of land in siitisfsiellon of their clnims, nnd Ihey refused It, preferring to take other property valued at $250. Tlio despised 1211 jicrrs now yield the former Imnkrupt editor ti annual income ol $00,000 or more from mines. A sociely is now forming in Kngland lo inlrndiico tho " paitiripalion ""system of niniiu'noturing.'ln which n share of the iiet pr litsnf an undertaking is allotted to the w. rkingmen in addition to their wages paid nt tho lull market rate. No I .'SB than one hundred firms in continental Europe ire r.ow worked on this plan with univoialiv good results. MIm Frances II. Willard writes lo tlio HViife Mountain Echo suggesting that the White Mountain peak called " Tho Hay slack" be re-named Mount Garfield, in honor of the President, "whoso faeewasset toward the White II I lis on the morning of his attempted assassination. - At Poll Jervis, N. Y-, Colonel Anthony P. Kier, a well Known farmer, went into u Held to catch u horse, when ho was knock ed down by tlio animal nnd trampled to death. Ho was 60 years of age, A curious pit forms nee in vegetation lias been noticed rert-nlly at Iho residence ol Mr. Howard S. Collins, in Collfnsvillc, Conn. Out of the full blown roses on one of his bushes have come forth buds, three or four on the eame blossom, and these fresh buds have gone on ond developed into per fect roses like the flower Ihey have sprung out of, A few days ago some quarrymen, in getting out a flagstone at Prospect Hill, t oi l ml a petrified rattlesnako imbedded in the solid rock. It measured over seven feet In length and hud fourteen rattles. There being no cervice in the rock, how it pt there is a tnyblery. It is believed to have been there ut least a thousand years. It has been forwarded to the Smithsonian Iustitu tion at Washington. Amos Dow is an eccentric character living near Seabrook, N. II, Bomo twenty years ego he went Into a barber's shop and was shaved with a razor which the owner said cost fifteen dollars. Whether be thought the story too big or the price to mu:li, it is certain that a razor has nsver touched his face since. But his most singular freak is in regard to women. He built a house and placed over the doora sign which reads as follows i "Notico, Admittance to Gent's but no Ladies," and no woman has ever crossed the threshold of his door. He lives alone, does all of his own work, and appears to be happy. Waldo F. Brown reports In the Coimfry Gentlemen that a barrel of hen manure, sift ed and drilled in ononeacra for wheat, pro duced as good resultsas another acre "dress ed liberally witb stable manure," or a third acre with 200 pounds of ground bone, also drilled iu. The yield from each acre was oyer thirty bushels. lie thinks the manure alone from fowls will pay for their keeping, Probably this is an overestimate, but doubt less few farmeis appreciate lieu manure at its lull value When n woman burns her finger she cies a little oyer it, and keeps lha burn in good condition to show her husband when ho comes home, and get eymj atby. A man i'l the same condition will stick his digit in his mouth, kick over the office stool, swear at the boy and forget all about it, Ouo Is the effect of love i the other of business. SllRuliscribo for tho AovuciTC. iiii.jtikMiiii Includlns Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Itllbons, Feathers, Notions, and DRESS THIMJIINas NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. All work dono In tho latest stylo, and mot durablo manner, at the lowest cash prices. STORE . at the Intersection of HANK STREET and BANK WAY, LEHIOHTON, r A, oprllCO, lt81-yl. A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IltOJT B1T0CKKS aro highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonio ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter millcnl Fevers, )Vant of Appetite, Iota of Strength, Ijai-heiJ Kncrrpj, ttt. Enriches Iho Mood, Gtrungihena tho muscles, and gives new 1 ifa to tho nerves. They act liko a charm on tho digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, sncli ns Tiwiinj the Food, SaeJiing, Heat in the Stomaclt, Jlcttrtburn, cic. Tlio only Iron Preparation thtvt will not hlacUen tho tcctli or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for tho A 11 O Look, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading eenf free, BIIOWST CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Bid. ' No. Gio. MOTTLE Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World ! ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AND IHB UAlTCPAOTtraEIUJ AHE liEEPONSHiMI. snre to Send for- Illustrated Catalogue before Purchasing, FINE CARRIAGES AMD ROAD WAGONS XT7STI2T'Ox3vr EXCELLENCE, Xjislxt ! Styliali ! Warrniatod ! SAVE your HONEY, wrlto for Catalog an! PRICE LIST to Aleo SOLE Manufacturer of thn cekbratej lsosrus BuouDOAnn or M0EBAT WAO01T. IIorso BOQEWALTER EM SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAHPnLET. Janies Xj 1 fe C5o. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. A. A. THUMAS. (Jorner Ninth nnd P Slrecti. Wuililngton, ll. U., ntlcndj to I'en. slon and Hack ray. llounly UlalmB collect ed. (oniostcd I.n.d (lialmf, Allneral and Aurlculiurul; atun.lcj to bcrorollie llepart ment of the Interior und Supremo Court, Land Serin and Additional Homesteads nur- cliaaed and told. April MI-cor. C3: I CEHT3 WAtlirS tor the lien and Kmlo.t II Keillor I'lft.'rlal lluiki and lllulei I'rlvri rcducj-d 33 pit cent. National J'ukllitisg Co., rUladilpkl i, l'a. Iaar-tti3 Om m"" Kill S ?&ix. i-j 'Ji MISS M. S. SNYDEB, Respectfully announces to her lady i'viends that she has just received a full line of tho latest novelties in Spring & Summer 111 C400BS, true xoNIC jjj SMIL WT. Tlio Boston Bucldbonrd Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN Effective, Simple, Durable M Clieap, Compact, Substantlalj Economical and Easily Managed. Guaranteed to work well ond givo fall power claimed. JUST THE THING JOE A PBI1TTIH& 0ITI0E Evcrj- Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Corn Mill or Wood Saw, rhould Jiavo ouc. sun oi;it i.ow J'uicns. I'o-wcr Enfrino and Uoilcr. . .$240 . BSD . as.i . 440 Tho Caiuion Advocate ono year for 1, and Kendall's Horse Book as a premium. DROPN AT THE J vi Carbon Advocate I OFFICE FOR I Cheap Printing ! A AGEWTS 1 o THE J0EHSS1T ESVOLVHia E00E CASfl. VlTU ISDETEJiDENl SnTT.TP! ADTUSXABLS TO BOOES AS SIiX:Q.V?!T PXIESEISTt. 1STALUACLETO I.ar-crs, Clcrrrrsuc", Pliyfclclniw,' Editor-, ISnllltcrii, TcncUorw, BIcrcIiauti.. fitudcuU! And All who real JJooL-s, CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, &EST. Bond for descriptivo circular and Trlccr list COSnESPONDEKCE SOUCITED Addros3, HAICEIC, TlXATX ic CO., Hchool Pirntthcn, ond dealers In CTcrjrthlng In th BooU and fc.UUt.ne17 lUic. II) BOMil St., Now York. Bend 23 cents for our UowIUustratod Cata loeuo, with over 000 lUustrutloaj or educational ana usoiui ariiucs. THE CREAT liUItLnS'GTOjr ROUTE. tr-No otlior Una runs Thrco Through P8 pongcr Trains Dally between Chicago, Des Molnc, Council HluHs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topcka nnd Ransns Cltj-. Direct connections for all polnH In Kansas, NchrasUn, Colorado. Wyornlnrr. Jlnntixi.i, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Cnlirornla. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Comforta ble Itouto via Hannibal to Tort Scott, Denlson, Dallas. Houston, Austin. Saa Antoulo, Onlvcs ton and all points In Texas. Tho unenualpd inducements ottered bytliia Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, arc as follows: Tlio celebrated Pullman (10-wlicol) Valaeo Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C, It. & Q. Pnlaco Drawlng-lloom Cats, with Horton's lteellnlnij Chairs. No extra chnriro for Sonts in llecllnlnfr Chairs. Tlio famous C. 11. & Q. Pnlaco Dlnlns Curs, fiorgeous Smoking Cora fitted with r.leirnnt Hiph-Il.Khed Itattnn Ite volvlnjr Chairs for tho exclusive uso of flrst cln s pTKcnscrs. Stool Traclc nnd Supevlor nnulnmcnt. 00m blncd with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, mnk03 1 .Ms, nuovo all ot hers, t lio favorite Homo to tho South, Boulh-Wcst, and tho Far West. Try It, and you will find traveling a luxury Instead of a discomfort, Through Tickets via this Celcbrntod Mno for palo at ail oElccs iu tho United Statos and Canada. All Information nlinut Hates of Tare, Slecp Inir Cir Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, will be cheerfully Given l.v epplylnn to J. Q. A. BRAN, flcii'l nastorn Acont, SOU Woshlntrtnn St., Iliwtan, Ms, nnd 1)17 Ilrotdwny, Now York. JAMES It. WOOD. Hen. Pass. Ant., Cutc-wo. T. J. POTTCIt, Gun. Manager, Chioarp. How en rjl-ai 1 tl i' inTtti wam. r t-clas kicit 'i .v TfrKrT". tvmA Llairo airi lomi ilnu, in DEN. VHT), mt,OHADO HPniNOS, anrt PUEBLO, AKD HErUitlJ, by til Mil vtrrvuvsi itouTKr nt womtir. fully low rule-. Tnw tIeVt will I L-ood roiiir tt wllliln lirtcun (13 Unr- ltomdateof niIp, un'ttarotarJ until OctoliiT at -t followlnir. 1'ullmiui Ito-lm1- Ctir re nm l.y lilt rmnrnnv rrom CTITOAaO to ?-27;9!U,.!:2r ?'opbjcajh' KAKSAU CITr, ronnlili n hna !. but op rlinnTO b( earn to nBNVlfi' nnit rUEULO. l'iiliij'Cr err Infbnil toHll lhroo"U Imln-i, inwblcl mnUricnnbo iiblnhied at Uiei-cdbOU bio jii lea of Krenlr 'tlv rt-nU. x'or rates, furthor Information, and cltcnnt Mai or United Htatcs true, ruldross, J. 0. A, EEAIf, Oen'l Eastern A;t.. 317 Ilroadway.NewYork.ond 3:HI Waliln 'ton St. lloston, Mass. D. R. V. CURES Dyspepsia, MlgcstiiiD, And all iroubltt arising therefrom. H c h Sick Haadache, DU- S tresj aft ; Stomac'i, Kidney Liver AcVi I Hatlnc Acidity of the 1 FUtultacy, IJvtr mnd I Complaint, Torpid Con it Epat ion. riUi, I be Eaclc and Ltmbt, It It the Leu UlooJ the World, Guaran-! Purifier In fi J Iced by all feet talis. lDru22iii to tive per itenon cr moucy refunded. H Try It. Our YltaL lilnc oest pp. UT r.: .l ptttcr ia the World. Call far ihera. D.R.V.C.Mfg.Co., Propj SYRACUSICN. Y. New York Depot, 3. U. CxMnaoi, 113 Ttltcs Hmt. Eiy Povcr. 1? 331 SI SCOTTISH rnr TTnrnT -m -mm p iniO litilA Medicinal burners! PATRNTED DI2C.' SCth, 1S7. The Electric I.IrM wnia treat diecovcrv- but I cl cm tiMl the .9 oiiish Thi site MtJicinal 'Futn $ jb a I'-catrr one, owlnur to the great amount of gii'lt.Tin ihev hive, relieved, and the cures t it'v h.iv ifu.t,vJ. 1 sjUctvd from Asthma for tiftrt-n ye in in S MiUud fid America and lam i w "3'np!.4ely c'tr.-d, I have been studying lha i....U.ti piocei tjr ers, nnd n a result I now ?i.j the world-t ie HftJiriwt rttuiers the most t fleet. vc, jnd bv far tl.d ntoxt convenient prepara t'oti ever ottered to tc jmblic fir Asthma nd. Hiv ! enalsi Sore Tarnnt, IIr:trftne from C'u is, C.it.irri, Jlronohillj, Ncuraliia and Dtjih Ihitis, Ci'f m irSuro ''' oat witlithcK Kuirter na! on wil" -k ir no mo e t f Diphtheria, "They arc al i ir.' I ii ui' I.ii foalvfr nnd slnt?eri. i 1 it p in ft ii y 1 oats, and ran bo , ' r nd used nt convenience, "t ; t tluM ftmn yttii, Poctorj or i t n t' i' i"anufcturcr, who it ' 'j .:rti c( the world, pofctOgo - i' t'ft Ft tucrs. ok thpv An not C1T1 It v . . a . I . .1KISON A. KIMnSQM,, , wa1VifPiffLVo. For KaIo by A. J.IUKMIO, DHUdOISTi I.thightunJ'u ticpl, I