The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 06, 1881, Image 2

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LF.I1101IT0N. 1'A.t
SATt'nlUY, AUO. B, 1881.
The annual Democratic County Meeting
will be brld at tbe Court House, at Mauch
Chtmk.on MONDAY, AUGUST ISlh, 1881,
ut ONK o'clock . in. All Democrats are
invited to attend.
H M. linoDHEAt), Soc'y.
1'ltll UNO NOT YET.
Sitice the election of two Senators from
New York, political matters have heen
rxceidiugly qvtlet. This qulcttulo is not
the result of harmony In tie parly, or of
opsthy on tho part of the defeated
fiction. It la attributed to tho Presi
dent's critical condition, which com
pletely clogs the political machinery.
A great many enthnaiastlc Rt publicans
.am concratuUtinc themselves that all the
trouble U over, and that henceforth,
nothing hut the utmost harmony will
prevail. In this this they are sadly mis
taken. The powerful Anti-Administra
tion faction has been temporarily-defeated,
but they aro not dismayed. Power
ful fu numbers and skillfully officered,
they vill yet have ample opportunity to
prove to their opponents that it would
have been better to have made conces
sions, than to have driven them into ft
right which can only end in the political
annihilation of nil concerned.
In every State Convention that shall
ho held in the Heir future, this bitter an
tagonism will show itself and provent
that unity of sentiment and action, with-
out wnicu me great, ouuauu wiiu&e uup
port the Administration rely, cuunot be
kept in thofold. It will bo a desperate
ll,!ht. No quarter will be asked and not
nu jnch of ground will bo given up with
out a desperate struggle. Had Mr.
iJl.iiuo seen fit to hold forth the olive
branch, n bargain might have been made
mid. certain disaster have bben prevented.
Jut he did not and nothing was further
from hit thoughts.' He could not enrb
his desire for vtngennceon men who bnd
twice defeated his rrtsidential aspira
tions, nnd though the party might buffer
in the end. the vindictive Secretary of
State most have his revenge. lie has
had it, but it eeema as if its enjoyment
will be very brief.
Conkllag notwithstanding his imper:-
ousnes3, h a power in bis party, ma
folloning outside of his own State is im
mense. He knows his strength and re
alizing that the affronts put upon him
were not the deliberate verdict of the
people, but the result of the rankest brib
.ery and grossest corruption on the part
of tho Administration, he will not rest
easy uutil he has nnniasked the men who
4i re potting in the role of reformers.
Too light will be begun anew and with
greater vigor in the New York State Re
publican Conventon, and its-effect will
lie felt all along the line, from the At
luutio to the Puciflo and from the lake to
the Oulf. It has been the iuvariabla cus
tom of the party for many years, to adopt
strong resolutions at its State Conven
tions in favor of the National Adminis
tration. This was the course pursued
during the Administrations of Mr. Lin
coln and Gen. Grant and to omit to do
this now, would be considered a down
right insult to the present Government.
This nuestion will have to be consider d
this fall. The two factions may be able
to compromise their differences and se
lect a ticket to be voted for at the ensu
ing election, but the subject of com
.mending the Garfield Administration
will cause a hitter fight. Mr. Conkling
has reasons for being spurred to great ac
tivity and that he will make unusual
efforts to strike down his enemies and
maintain his standinc in the nartv ho
' has so cheerfully led for ten years there
can he no doubt. In the meantime
the Dunccrutio party remains firm and
united. All discordant elements have
been eliminated and it will enter the :nll
contests, with greater strength, numerical
ly and morally, and better chances of
success than it has ever had.
against the doctor by the patient. On
the trial it was not claimed that tho phy
sician had represented bis assistant to
be a doctor, nor that either husband or
wife had objected to his presence. In
fact, both had consented. No lact of
professional skill on the part of the doc
tor nor misbehavior on the part of his
assistant was charged. Tho simple com
plaint was that the physician had
brought to his aid, without disclosing
his character, one who was not n profes
sional man. The jury gave the plaintiff
a verdict and the case was appealed to
tbe Supreme Court to test the question
of the physician's liability. The judg
ment for damages was promptly affirm
ed by that tribunal, which declared that
"It would bo shocking to our sense
of right, justice and propriety to doubt
even that for snch an act the law would
afford an ample remedy. To the plain
tiff the occasion was n most sacred one,
and no one had ft right to intrude unless
invited or because of some real and
pressing necessity, which it is not pre
tended existed in this case,"
The two greatest States in the Union
Pennsylvania and 'New York cannot feel
much pride when they look at their repre
scntallves in the Senate. The private char
actera of all these gentlemen may bo excel'
lent we cay nothing about that hero. But
Senator Cameron, the only one of tho four
who Is known beyond his native village,
makes no pretensions to statesmanship, and
Is Incapable of making a ten minute's
speech In defense ot any ' interests
of his constituents, while Mitchell, wo all
knsw,sits In his shadow, and " bobs up se
rcnely," only when he is bidden. As to
New York, T-opuom Is a country lawyer of
average ability, who will cut a yery insig
nificant figure in the Senate. Ills-colleague,
Miller, Is a wealthy monopolist,
made so by the patent ho owns. The next
Senate will be composed of very poor legis
latlye timber. Bayard and Edmunds, and
a very few more, that can bo counted on
one's fingers are the only Senators in Con
gress who rise above mediocrity.
It is reported from Peoria, Illinois, that
P. W. Crowe, whose name has been men
tioned in connection with tho manufacture
of Infernal machines for shipment In ocean
steamships, has acknowledged to an inter
viewer his complicity in the diabolical busi
ness. Ho is reported as saying that, at a
meeting of the Executive Committee of the
United Irishmen in New York last year,the
expediency of purchasing the Ilolgate tor
pedo boatfto "devastate the shores cf Eng
land," was discussed; "but they decided
that it would be too exensive,and that they
could better work by depositing torpedoes in
British ships, which could bo done for $25
apiece, and which would bring England to
terms by making it dangerous ior people to
go abroad in British vessels." He is also
reported as saying that "these infernal ma
chines aro being made in every city in
which there is a branch of the Order."
Gove Saulsbury, ex-Governor of Dela'
ware, died at his residnce in Dover, on Sun
day afternoon, at Hie age of 66 years. He
was a physician by profession, but early in
life became active in politics, and was elect
ed a State Senator. In 1SC3 he was chosen
Governor to succeed Cannon, deceased, was
re elected and held the executive office un
til 1870. In 1871 be was a candidate for U.
S. Senator, but was defeated by his brother
Eli. He was a dclegato to tbe last two Dem
ocratic National Conventions. Ex-Oovern-er
Saulsbury was prominent in the Metho
dist Episcopal Church, being chairman of
the Trustees of the Wilmington Conference.
He was also a delegate of the Methodist
Ecumenical Council in London, and was to
have soon sailed for England to attend its
wi J
Mr. Garfield's condition has so much
improved that the daily bulletins from
tho White House nd longer furnish ex
citing reading. He is now able to be
mised iu tbe bed and take nourishment
without inconvenience ; the wound is
doing well and the evening fever has be
come almost insignificant. Those shout
tho President now entertain tho hope
that before the end of the month it may
he possible to move him to a more health
ful ntmosphcret ban that of Washington.
On Monday several attempts were made
to locate the exact position of tho bullet
by the means of Professor Hell's indue
tion balance with srme success. The
ppot indicated is about 4 inchis below
n jd to the right of the navel, just where
the blaok and blue spots were apparent
for several days, immediately following
tho shooting, lleyburn further said that
there was no intention of cutting for the
ball at present ; they were all pleased to
feel that tbey kntw where ball the is, but
as long as it is doing no mischief they do
not intend to disturb it There was noth
iug in tho res'jlt of the experiment to in
dicato the depth of tbe ball below the
surface, beyond that it iu not lees than
two or more than five inches. Prof. Hell
of course feels greatly enoouraged by his
achievement of science, will endeavor to
still further iinprovo the apparatus. The
experiment caused no sensation to the
prtient, and he has continued to rest
comfortable in a raised position since the
dressing of the wound. The dispatches
on Tuesday afternoon report that the
President is now able to make use of his
arms, to lilt himself about a little, an
can draw his leg without pain. He
nukes no complaint of pain in the back,
tbongh all the lowtr portion of his body
is very stiff. Nothing has been decided
in connection with the removal of the
lialL The President passed a very satis
factory day Thursday and his attendants
nre beginning to discuss plans for giving
him a chance of air and possibly a sea
The State Convention of the Prohibi
tion Reform party of Pennsylvania, met
Thursday, 28th ult., in Altooua. Forty-five
delegates, representing twenty-two counties,
were present, and nominated James M.
Wilson, of Mercer county, for State Treasu
rer. The resolutions adopted recognize the
providence of God In the establishment of
mil maintenance of the Government;" de
nounce tbejreiusal of the State Senate to
bmit to the people the question of prohl
bltion; assert that "all Christian features of
tho Government should bo sacredly main'
tained; favor civil service reform, a protect
ve tariff and compulsory education, and
oppose polygamy, monopolies and the sell
ing of convict labor.
The body of Philip Kllnger Smith, at
one lime a bishop of the Mormon Church,
as been found In a "prospect hole," in So-
nora, Mexico, under ciirumstances indicat
ing murder. His death is attributed to the
Mormon Danites, who are supposed to have
killed him in revenge fur his testimony,
given years ago, convicting Johu D. Leo of
irecting tho Mountain Meadow massacre.
After returning from the trial, Smith's
wife left him, by order of the church, and
went to live In Arizona, where two at-
temps were made to kill him. It is said
that he expressed his belief thot, sooner or
later, "the Church would kill him."
Tub Supreme Court of Michigan
lias just passed upon a novel question
In a co that is .fortunately rare in
our coisrU. It appears, says tho Pitta
burgh Post, that a physician being sum
tuoned to attend a woman In confine
ment, took with htm a person to act as
as 4-. tan t in cose of need, It htppened
that the amices of tie Utter were called
into requisition, and wl en subsequently
it appeared that he was, not a medical
nun tin action for damajes was brought
OCR SrltCtit. tXTTIR.
Washington, D. C, July 30, 1881,
Tho information from tho President to
day is cheering indeed. Heslept all through
last night with the exception of a single
brief interval, and the beneficent effects of
this refreshing net, just at this time, could
scarcely be overestimated. He is apparent
ly on tbe road to convalescence, onco more.
The surgeons believe now that the worst Is
passed. Since yesterday forenoon the Pres
ident has continued to improve, and last
night bo expressed himself as feeling better
than bo hud for several days. There is ev
ery reason now to hopo for his recovery. So
favorable was the change in tho President's
condition, It was agreed by tho physicians
this morning to give the sick room a tho
rough airing and cleansing. He was moved
from tho room on the south front (where ha
has heen since tho day of the shooting) to
tho large room at the extremo western cor
ner of the north front, known as the "Guest
Room." The apartment is large and airy,
with windows looking out upon the new
Slate Department building, to tbe west, and
the beautiful park on the north. The mov
ing was attended without difficulty, the
sick bed being easily rolled from one room
to the other. It is the same room occupied
by Mrs. Garfield during her recent illness.
The change being made In order to purify
the old room, the carpet wss taken up, the
room swept clean and purified by a large
fire in the open crate, which was burned
for an hour. In the meantlmo the Presi
dent ale regularly and slept well at inter
vals, and when awake was quite cheerful.
His room was In complete order at a late
hour this afternoon, but he was resting so
comfortably that It was deemed best not to
move him at that time. The carpet was re
placed by strips being placed in the more
frequented parte of the room, and clean lace
curtains bad been bung in the windows,
All the physicians aro quite jolly to-day,
Unless some unforseen accident occurs, they
aro now ,'qulle confident nf his recovery.
Drs. Hamilton and Reyburn remained in
charge of tho patient all tho forenoon. The
outer edge of tbe wound, above the incision,
shows signs of healing, ami pus has been
discharged oil day. Dr. Hamilton will re
main with the President until to-morrow,
and will leave for New York In the after
noon, when relieved by Dr. Agnew. Dr.
Hamilton telegraphed to a friend this after
noon that tbe President wes looking better
than at any previous lime.
Tbe question of Homestead Entry, hav
ing been referred to him by the Interior
Department, Attorney Genoral Mao Veagh
has decided that where a homestead entry
of public lands has been made by a settler,
the land so entered, cannot, whilst eucb en
try stands, be set apart by the President for
a military reservation, even "prior the com
pletion of full title In the settler," but that
where a pre-emption filing has been made
of public lands, the land covered thereby
my be set apart by the President for such
reservation at any time previous to the pay
ment and entry by tho settler under the
pro cmptlon law.
Mr. J. W. Sim'onlon's retirement from
the direction of the Now York Associated
rress will bo very much regretted by every
well-informed journalist In the country.
To his ability and untiring energy the As
sociated Press Is largely indebted for the
efficiency of the present system of collect
ing news. Mr. Houston, who succeeds Mr.
Simonton, has at times temporarily filled
the place, and latterly has been a London
agent. Ha brings to his new position a long
experience, and an ability equal, It Is be
lieved, to maintaining the reliability of the
Somewhat to tbe surprise of a number of
friends, Colonel John C. Burcb, Secretary
of the Senate, died at his residence in this
city yestciday about 2 o'clock. His ail
ment was organic disease of the heart. De
ceased had been sick ever since the adjourn
ment of the Senate, and about six weeks
ago yisited his home in Nashville, Tennes
see, whero he Improved somewhat, and
looked after the interests of bis newspaper,
the Nashville American. About a week
ago he returned to Washington, and his
condition changed for the worst, and his
family being with hlra, he was tenderly
nursed, and tbe day before yesterday was
nronounced out of dancer. There was a
change for tho worse yesterday morning,
however, and be sank rapidly and died in
the afternoon. August.
The debt statement issued Monday
shows a decrease in the debt during the
month of July of $10,078,023, cash In the
Treasury, t230,878,100; gold certificates,
f 5,74020 ; silver certificates, $51,1183,980;
certificates of deposit outstanding, $10,740,-
000 j refunding ertificates, $053,850; out
standing legal tenders, $340,681,011) ; frac
tional currency outstanding, $7,098,645;
cash balance available Aug. I, $154,827,214;
debt lets cash In the Treasury Aug. 1, $830,-
520,788 ; amount of 6 per rent, bonds con
tinued at 3 J per cent, outstanding, $178,
055,150; amount of 5 per cent, bonds out
standing, $439,708,050.
The following call has been issued for a
State Convention by tbo Republican State
Central Committee i '
A Convention of the Republican nartv is
hereby called to meet in the Hall of tbe
House of Representatives In Ilarrisbure. on
Thursdsy, the 8th day of September, 1831,
at 12 o'clock M. of said day. Delegates,
equal to tbe number of Senators and Itep-
reseniauves, to ue cnoeen in me several dis
tricts of the Commonwealth. The Conven
tion, wnen assembled, snail nominate a
candidate for the office of State Treasurer,
and transact such other legitimate business
as may be brought before it. liy order ef
mo jiepuuucan oiaio wentrai committee.
John Cksssu, Chairman.
It looks at if Jay Gould and his West-
cm Union Telegraph Company monopolists,
will not long have it all their own way in
telegraphy, Jamee R. Keen, John W,
Mackey and George l. Roberts, have organ
ized a new telegraph company, with a cap
ital of $10,000,000, and it will coon com'
menco the construction of a Hue which will
tontine all the modern lmprovements,wilh
the most economical rates. Competition like
this tends to destroy the monopoly danger,
which now threatens the country.
The Democratic State Committee will
meet at Bolton's bote), Harriiburg, on
Wednesday, Auguit 10th, to fix the dtte of
tbe State Convention.
Washington, Aug. 1, 1881
The old saying that "Uncle Sam is rich
enough to buy us all a farm" is almost liter
ally true. While we hear of poverty every
where, and see it all around us, there is lots
of money In the Nstlonat cash box. Few
people know what a large amount of money
passes through tbe United Stales Treasury
in tbo course of a year. Th'o general idea is
that the Government is made of money, or,
rather, can make just as much of that com
modity as happens to be wanted ; which is
practically, thoueh not exactly true. To
reduce these generalizations to figures i
may be slated that the total revenues of tli
Government amount to somethlngover'lbree
hundred millions of dollars per year, or
nearly a million a day. That does not
sound so large, after all, in a country where
we rate private fortunes by the million aud
daily talk of enterprises involving millions
In tbelroperatIons,yettoeltdowaand think
of it calmly and collectedly a million dol
lars Is a very large sum, and three hundred
times as much goes almost beyond full com
Let any young person who fails to realize
tbe magnitude of Uncle Sam't income un
dertake to count 300,000,000 blocks of wood
orsheettof paper. It would need to be
very young person and a yery smart one to
finish tbe job in this life. Counting 10,000
per day only a little over 3,000,000 could
be counted in a year, if we except Sundays,
and nearly one hundred years would be re
quired to couut the entire number. Tbeold
gentleman with a scythe would be along be
fore any one now living could accomplish
the feat. Yet every dollar of this lajge rev
enue it handled oyer several times by the
Government through its employees end of
ficials, and under a perfect system of checks,
balances and counter balances every penny
of it is strictly accounted for. Of course not
half or a quarter of the whole amount I;
ever on hand at one time. It comet in and
goes out constantly, but there are always
very Urge sumt In the vaults and strong
boxes. In a future article some account of
tbe sources whence this enormous revenue
is derived, and the manner In which It
expended, will be given, but it it the pur
pose of this letter to explain how the money
bagt are bsndled and guarded at tbe Treas
ury, It isn't everybody that knows where
tbe money is or how it it kept safe from fire,
moth and tbievet especially thieves. Your
correKndent knows all about ft and could
go Into tbe yault any day and help himself
to as much as be liked, But he is too hon
est; and besides he it wealthy. Newspaper
men generally are.
That large man of stoue aud mortar
known as the Treasury building Is a solid
Institution. It la not is handsome as some
of the other Government buildings, but it
came to stay. Located In different parts of
the structure are various vaults of such .mas
sive construction that they may softly be
said to defy all attacks of those who would
break through and steal. The five princi
pal vaults are connected with tbe Treasur
er's office, for the cuntetls ol which he is re
sponsible. They are known as trio cash
vault, the reserve vault, tbe silver vault, the
redemption vault, and tho National bank
vault. The cash vault Is used more tbsn all
the others combined In the dally transaction
of business, and presents more interesting
features. It is constructed on the most ap
proved modern principles, and is, strictly
speaking, an Iron-bound apartment lined
with gold and silver, Tbe walls, floor and
celling are of chilled iron, built in sections.
The so walls aro over a foot thick, tbe space
between the Inner aud outer plates of iron
being filled with heavy Iron balls, forming
a compact mass tberemovsl of which would
require much time, skill and labor. Tbe
operation of removal would also be attended
with much noise and danger to the work
men Thero It only one entrance to the
vault i through an Iron door, which is only
reached by passing through the cashier's
room, then through a high iron railing al
ways kept locked, snd afterwards through
the cash room with another iron railing.
After tbe outer door of the vault it passed
there aro '.wo iunner doors of chilled iron
and secured by two combination locks on
each door. In addition to this the outer
door has a "time" lock, whichs preclude all
possibility of access until the hour set for
opening has arrived. Upon an examination
of all theso guards and surroundings one
must conclude that it la indeed easier for a
camel to go through the eye of a needle than
for a wayfaring man to break in here and
steal from his Uncle Samuel.
Yet with all this the Government does
not rely upon mechanical appliances entire
ly for the safety of its ready cash. There
are sixty watchmen provided by law for the
Treasury building, at a salary of $720 per
annum each. They aro uniformed in blue
suits and have powers of arrest in case of
necessity. The force is divided into three
reliefs, serving eight hours each, so that
there are watchmen en duly every hour of
the twenty-four, all lully armed and pre
pared for any emergency. These men are
supposed to patrol the halls and each salute
his neighbor overy half hour. At night tbe
corridors are lighted, not brightly, but suf
ficiently to enable the watchmen to seo each
other or to distinguish a strange presence.
Many amusing stories are told of bow the
witch men get caught sleeping at their posts.
Not long ago one was taken In tbe midst of
bis direliction In this respect. He was a
German and slept rather loud. His snoring
could be heard a long distance in tbe silent
hoing balls, but he was always wide
awake when any one approached. It was
known he slept; but the trouble wss to catch
him at it. Finally one of the lieutenants
laid In wait and removing his shoes, crept
up and caught him by the nose just as his
nap bad begun. But tbo alert watchman
took in the situation al at once and forestall
ed his superior by the tantalizing remark :
Well, I thought I could fool you." The
man escaped this time, but was finally
caught and dismissed. He took his discharge
yery good-naturedly,and argued that u sleep
which cost him sixty dollars was very ex
pensive and much abovo the regular hotel
There' has never been a raid ufxn the
Treasury, except by the ofllco-eeekcrs and
official rings, but tbe authorities were a lit
tle nervous at tbe time of the labor riots
here in 1877, when the notorious Cohen and
is gang were parading the streets, armed
nd vociferating against everything that
represented money. The clerks in the dif
ferent offices were armed with large revol
vers and formed Into squads, with the chief
of each Bureau as the commanding officer,
hit army of clerks was to act in concert
with the force of watchmen who were urged
lo extra vigilance and precaution. Tbe ar
rangement was that if tbe mob should at
tack the building at night, a certain signal
would be struck on the fire alarm bells, up
on hearing which tbe tquads of clerks were
to assemble under arms In LaFayetle Square
and inarch to the assistance of the force on
the inside. There were five hundred Gov
ernment pistols distributed among tbe clerks'
so it will be seen that tbe authorities were
really alarmed. The uprising did not
amont to much, however, and was soon sup
pressed by the local authorities. One or two
battles with the police took all tbe courage
and desperation out of the mob. The Trea
sury remained unmolested, and the valiant
department clerks did not have an oppr.r-
tunity of distinguishing themselves on the
field of battle.
This romance will be "continued in our
next." The remaining chapters will com
prise the most interesting portion as tbey
will pertain to thst which is inside the vault
that over which all these safeguards are
Al Pitttburz. on Friday, a man named
Miller negotiated tbe tale of $3000 worth of
bonds with decree. I. Whltnev on account
ol the Citizens' National Bank of that place.
w nen me chock lor tne bonus was present
ed for payment it was discovered that the
securities were stolen. This led to tbesrfest
of a man named South, a grain broker.
Miller and a man named Nelson. Other
arrests are to follow. Tbe bonds are believed
to be a part of those stolen from Mr. Con
nors, at Catfish Allegheny county, in March
last. The old man and his wife were bound
aid gagged and $19,000 taken, $3000 in
bonds and tbe balance in cash
Tbe picker bouso of tbo woolen mills of
Joseph Lees Sc Sons, at Swedeland, Mont
gomery county ,was destroyed by fire on Fri
day, Loss, $5000; no insurance.
Tho Petroleum H'ord's July report of the
oil fields shows a nntible falling off of pro-
uuction lor the montn, also in ino develop
ment of new wells.
Benjamin E. Hess, aged 40 years, died
suddenly at his Dome at ltocn union ision
dap, It Is supposed from eating cucumbers.
Bavard T. Jones, aced 10 years, wss run
over by a train near the Diamond shaft
Hyde Park, on Monday, and instantly kill-
New Advertisements.
P2-B S g a a
uji , Examinat ions lor entrance, bent.
s sent on up
W. t,. DE
Catalogues sent on annlleatlon to
can, registrar.
Vennor's. Predictions !
For this Month'a Weather, prepared express
Samp'e copy mailed for 8c. Stamp.
J. M. STODDART, Publishers,
JylS-w3 New York, rhlla., or Ohleago,
1. Thlsraco in Its peculiar construction
has all the advantages of a tuanenrier lor the
nanlnloi.ti. Shoulder llraeo nnd Chest Ex-
panuer coraninen.
S. It does not disarrange the shirt bosom.
3. It cannot tlip on" tho shoulder.
4. There Is less strain on the buttons of the
6. Each soctton of the pantaloons can be ad
Justed independently.
9. liy means of the adjustable back strap, a
gentle or powerful braco may bo obtained.
7. In rainy weather the pantaloons maybe
raised Iroro the heels without Interfering
wun ino irjni.
On Spring Hill, Allegheny, on Sunday,
Louis Meyer tried to shoot a dog and, slip
ping, shot himself in tbe arm. One of hit
brothers tried to take the revolver from him
to shoot the doc. but in the scuffle that en
sued the weapon was discharged, fatally
vouullug uuuil la mo nuuoiucu
James K.Carr. aced about 25 years, was
thrown (rum tbe top ol a freight train on
tbe Pennsylvania Huntingdon.
Monday and instantly Killed, from papers
found in bis pockets it is thought that be
had been employed recently in Coup's Cir
cus, and was returning to runaueipnia.
The wife of Dan Rice, the once famous
circus proprietor, it tulus him for divorce
i 1 1. . . .. n m . ir:- a...
Ill luo uigwuuijuumuivu axis uiii
wife who was divorced from him in 1801
it now a Mrt- Warner, living in Glrard
and Dan it running a small thow in the
western part ol tbe otate.
Frank It. Banks wat arrested at Johns
town on Tuesday evening on a charge of
collecting and appropriating to bit own use,
about tbe beginning of June last, tbe turn of
S9.4S0, which belongt to tbe estate of Mr,
William Uarrelt, a lorraer resident of l'bce
nixvllle, but now of ban tranciaco.
In the Pottsville Town Council on Tues
day evening a committee reported that tho
Cainting of the Nicbolt street bridge wat
adly done, and the price cbareed exhorbi-
lant, and that aa Peter D. Helms, a member
of tbe Council, furnished the materials and
labor, in violation of law, he should be ex
polled from tbe Council, lie wat accord
ingly expelled by a vote of 11 to 10.
As John Benlley, aced 02 years, was re
pairing the leather belting at the Central
Foundery, in Lewitburg, on Friday after
noon, he was caught between tbe belt and
tbe shaft, and bad his right arm torn off
near the shoulder, five ribs broken, and re
ceived several lacerations on tbe body and
limbs. It thought be cannot recover.
In a bee tree cut down near Somerset re
cently a nett of black snakes Wat found.
Bees and snakes entered by tbe same hole
and tbe latter made luemtelyet at home by
eating the honey.
Silat Blthop tried to murder hit father
recently al Uollisteryille. The old man
came to see hit wife, with whom he had not
lived foryeart, aud wbo wat believed to be
dying. The young man ordered bit father
to let ye the house, and fired several pistol
tnou, wnicu narrowly escaped Killing mm,
Charles Stengelin, aged 20 yean, wat ac
cidentally thrown from an excursion train
on the Lehieh Valley Railroad on Tuesday
afternoon, and wat injured to badly that be
died at hit home In Kaalou tbe tame even-
No More Bond Shoulders !
Icndelsson Piano Comp'y
Will make, lor the next GO days only, a Grand Offer of
850 Square Grand Piano for only $245 1
KTVT.'R Si Magnificent rosewood case elegantly finished. 3 aminos, 1-8 OotAtiss, rail
w LJ-LJ fJa natent caatante aorafles. our new niUent overstrnnv liAmulrnl
carved lcgt and lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding round casejfull Iron Frame,
French Urand Action, Grind llammets, in fact every Improvement which can In any way
tend to tbe perfection of the instrument hat been added.
at New York, with finb Piano Uovbk. Stool axo Book, okly p'o.jj
This Piano will be tent on test trial. Please send reference If you do not send money with
order. Oash sent with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways If
1 wun uu.jui.m ic,iii;buihou iu AUTUiuioiiiQUi, LUUU9B.IIUB 111 UBo. OOnU IOr UStn-
logue. Every Instrument fully Warranted for five years.
TTT A TVTACJ m to 400 (with Stool, Cover and Book). All strictly First-class
J7 I If j5 nd sold at Wholesale faotort prices. These Pianos made one or the
finest displays at the Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously ro.
commended for tho IliaiixsT Hokors. The Squares, contain our New Patent Scale, the
greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. The new patent scalo Upright! are
tho rmist n America. Positively we make the finest Unrluht Pianos, ol the richest tone
and grtaiest durability. Trey are recommended by the highest musical authorities In tbe
country, "ver it.uuu in uso, ana hot onb dissatisfied ruRanAssn. ah l'lanotanuurtrani
em on is uajr tcei iriai ,reiyarrfe ir untatiijaciory. uon-i ian to write ut ticiore buy
ing. jL'ositivory we oner me best bargains i-iano uataiogue raaueu free. Handsome mils-
trated and Descriptive Piano Catalogue of 50 pages mailed for So. ttamp,
vrurrauieu lur v j-ebc.
Every Flano fully
Our New Stylo Jubilee Organ in Japantie
aiittu mo "uiiicn ran, " stylo w,
handsomest, tastiest and sweetest
toned Parlor Orsran ever offered the musical nubile. It contains Five Octatis. Five sets
of Reeds, viz: Melodla. Ueleste. Diapason. ub.lass and ULlcstlna. Alto Fiftttn lleauti-
jw oiopt, as ioiioitb, vis : nmoaia, ueiesie, B cnarming stop, inapason, duo-ualf, r.cno,
uuioei, aieioaia-ftorie, ueiesto-i- orte, impression, rreDie-vionpier, lefsuns. lists-coupler.
urana organ, (nnicn inrows on tne enure power or tne instrument.) jtigm Knee stop and
Swell, Left Knee Stop and Grand Swell. Height, 70 In. Length, 17 In.; Width, 24 In. (
vt vif ill, uuavu. cau ins. L iro case ! ui buhu nmnui, veueereu Willi cnoice wooas, ami IS Ol an
entirely new and beautiful deslsrn, elaborately carved, with panels, tnuslo closet, lamp stand,
fretwork, &c, all elegantly finished. Possesses all the latest and best Improvements, with
irreat nower. denth. brilliancy and svmnathetlo auatltv of tone.
perfect stop action. Itegular retail price t)27S. Our wholtiale net eath price to have it intra
ductd, with stool and book, only S7-
Ueautllul solo effootsand
-as one organ sold sells others. PosiTt vely mo devia-
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Deals In all klndi anil sites ot fine, Hemlock
Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and la now pie
pared to execute any anount ot orders for
DrosseB LumbeR
Doors, Srislics, Blinds, SliuttciVj
Slottldlngs, Cabinet lVnrc, &c.f
With rrovnptnctt.
Brackets Made to Order
The Machinery ts all now and of the best and
most Improved kinds. 1 employ none bnl tbaf
best workmen, nee well eaoneu aud Rood ma
tcilAl.andanlthai efore able to aroarantee entire
satisfaction to all who may favor me with atll
orders hv mall nromnily attended to. llv
clmriree aro ruotlerstni terras cash, or Interest
cbaiged alter thirty days.
rC Thmti. erTeSpf-A In TlnlMIni wilt find It k
their advantage to havo Bldlne, Floor Boards'
uoors, Bastion, e-uuuern, eo., c., maae nt uu
tion m rntuE. No payment required until you have fully tested the organ In your own
home, we send all Urgans on 15 dayt tut trial and pay rrelgbt both wayt If Instrument Is
not as represented. Positively, onr Organs contain no "ilogus" sots of lieeds, or "Dummy"
stops, as do rr any others. Wo make no mlsrenresentattons. and guarantee honest nnd fair
dealina, or no sale, fully warranted for ft years. Otber styles 3i. SM, S7. (46, 7 , 76, S5,
Catalogue mailed free.
Factory and Wabvrooms, 67th St., add loth Ave.
OTTT?T?iP TirTTrjTn at mice. UatalOTUO of 300 choice nloeos sent f rir in
OA.AA-i.Li J. itiuoiu stamp. This Cataloguo Includes most of the popular tnuslo of
tne nay ana every .variety 01 musical composition, oy uie Dest antuors. Auaress,
ItENDELSSIION FIANO CO., P. 0. Box 2058, Now York City.
July 2,-flmo.
8 3 3
d -S
g-o 5
-3 S
Si? b
may 7-yl
l OB-" .
... (2JJS SB
11 el 21'
""ff.ii.-g'H r
2 -a
a if 111
Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps,
or, Gentb' Fur lishing Goods
go to
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
public patronago solicited. julyMf
This brace In its neenltar construction
hat all the advantages or n Chest Kipander
and feklrt Supporter combined.
2. It expands the chest and irivA free re-
titration to the lungs.
3. It keeps the shoulders perfectly straight
1. Tt relieves back, hln and abdominal or
gans by supporting the entire weight of the
clothing from the shoulders.
s. It It worn without any inconvenience
whatever, and iraparti new life to the wearer.
0. It It Invaluable to children while at their
studies, obllitlng them to always tit erect.
In Ordering by Post, Send Chest Measure.
Sent Post Free Throughout the United
Statet. Price, 7c, $1.00, 1.M, 2.i0.
H. H. PETEUS, -Agt,
MayS8-yl. Lehighton, Pa,
Central Carriage Works,
Bank St., Leliigliton, Pa.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,,
Of every description, In the most substantial
manner, uiu i. w.u
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
April so, 17 yl Proprietors.
Tha nndershrned offers at Private Sale, the
following valuable properties, to wit I
All that certain valuable lot, with the build-
InKt thereon, lliuaie cu mo corner 01 iruu
and Lehigh streets. In the borouirn orLehlgh
ton. known at the "Lehighton Hotel.
Alto, one lot, wlthfoundatlpn walls already
erected, tltnate on the upper end ot Iron
street, Leniguion.
And, theone-and a-half story house and lot,
situate on the corner ot ifank ttroct anil
Uankway, Lehighton.
Also, a Dwelling; Home and Six Acres of
land innate in rranmia lowniiiip, uu iup
Pabllo road leaaing iu xuoria urnaee,
And, also, a lot of carriages, harness, Lc,
tl' 7 L. Pt KLEPP1NOER
I.ehlKhton Hotel,
Cor. Iruu and Lehigh streets,
JuljrS, l8Sl .tr.
Two Doors Below the "Broadway House
Dealer in all Patterns of natn and Fanej
Wall Papers9
Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' Supplies,
Particular attention given to
In all Itt details, at the very Lowest Prices.
Fatronaice respectfully solicited and perfeol
satisfaction icuarabteed.
Deo B, ir79-yl DAN. WIEAND.
Dress and Trimming Silks,
Dress Trimmings,
Dry Goods,
Groceries, Provisions,
Glass & Queensware.
Standard Silver Ware, &c.,
Call at the Popular ONE PRIOE Store of
I1ANK St., Lehighton. aplt-raC
Revised New Testament.
A Laige Type Edition at a Low Price 1
Every family In tha land will want a copy of
the Revised New Testament and we desire to
call yor attention lo r. PflTM'PiJla our
edition. Vlttlarue. " 1 VJilX X O clear
new type i ttoo-l iapert Rood prlntluir and
blndlnici the lowest price and (atlttacllon
guaranteed, or money returned.
iRICES Hound In heavy paper coyer,
SO cents I In limp cloth, with retl edg"l, 40
eentat in heavy silk cloth, li feint! in
French moocco, with Kilt edgei, 11.25 1 In real
Turkey morocco, with Rill edges, making one
of the best books WAde, $2.00 (Sent by matt,
Pt-paM to any addreM,upon receipt of price,
oattge itampt lakenat cash.
Hpcolal terms given to Sunday-school! and
dkurcuta for quantities.
We wanton Agent in every town, vlllaa-a
and hamlet In this whole land to tell tbit
book. The best terms are ottered to say one
who will take hold and canyatt for IU Send
for particulars.
4rf-Alk your bookseller to letyou tee "The
American Oxford Edition," or tend dlreet to
J. P
In Lcnekel't Block,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Respeotfully announces to the people that he
una rcpicuisiieu ois sioca, ana onert
Strictlv fresh
and Pure,
Alto Horse and Cattle pnmlers.Patent Medi
cines, Ilrnshet, Soaps, Oorabs, I'erlumertet,
Sponges, Uhamols Skins. Wines and
Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps and Fixtures. llyesinffs.Oholce
Olxars, Pipes nnd Tobacco. Spec
tacle!, Trusses, Nuriing llottlos,
Violin Strings, and a lull line of
Wall Paper and llnrders at tbe
-Lowest Prices.
Prescriptions carefully compounded and
Erorapt attention given to every branch of the
A continuance of tho patronage hcretnlore
extended to t his establishment Is respectfully
solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.
sept.13, lS80.-ly. Dn, O. T. HORN.
DII.MA!' & CO.,
BANK STREET. Lehiehton, Pa.
MtLLERX and Dealers in
All Kind, nf ClttAIN BOUOItTnnd SOLDai
Wc wonld, alto, lespretlaHy Intorw onrrltt
zens that wonre uuwtulir nrupiirid to TJ1J
PLY them with
EBest of al
Prom tny Mine deslied at VERT
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the very beiit LATT1MER COAL at the fol
No. 4 Chestnut, by the car fl IS
No. I Chestnut, by the Car J 76
Slove, by the car 4 00
liy the single ton, 26 cents per ton additional
Dealer fn
General IIaudware, &c.,
Opposttothe Public Square. BANK STREET.
LE 11 IQ 111 OX, PA. nov.OT.IWtf
Bank Street, Lehighton.
Ofnll description promptly attended to at the'
trmtt reasontiblo prices.
to- All Work guaranteed, and patronage
Is resnoctfully solicited. Uan.2-!l
July :s.
Foo Glioo's Balsam ofSM'sOil
Thlt till It extracted from a peculiar species
of VVhitk Shark, caught In tne Yellow Sea,
known as Carcharodon llondeletit. Kvery
Chinese fisherman knows It. Its vlrtuet at a
rettorative of hearing wiro discovered by a
UuJdlst Priest about tbe year 1410. Hi cures
were to numerous and uaky so seksiinoi.v
miraculous, that the remedy was officially
proclaimed over the entire Empire lit use
became to universal that fur iivnn 300 veins
no Dkavnkss has ecistld auoko tiik
Ohikksk rsoi-LK. Sent, charges prepaid, to
any address at tl.OO per bottle.
Only Imported by HAY LOOK & CO ,
7 Dry Street, New York.
Sole Agents for America.
Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura
tive chracter absolute, as the writer can per.
sonally testify, both from exi erlenee and ob
servation. Among the many readers of the Review In
one part andanotherofthecountry,ltls prob
able that numbers are mulcted with deafness,
and to such It may be said : ' Wrlie at once
to Hailock & Co., I Day street. New York,
enclosing (1, and you will receive by return a
remedy that will enable you to hear like any.
body else, and whoso curative effects will be
permanent. You will never regret dolnx so."
tditor of Mercantile Review,
Outfit lent free to those wbo wlib to en
jr&te in tbe most p lei earn ind profitable
btifllneu cnown. Kvery.hiDir new. Cab
IloI not required. We will f arnWi sou ererr
tbinff. fioaday and op wards la easily made
wit boa i alarm? away from liome over nitht.
N oris a: whatever- Many new workers wanted
at once. Aiany are making fortunes at the taa
loe's. Ladioa make as much as tnen.and Toon?
bora ami cirts mttke great piy No one w no t
Willi on to won falls lo make more rooDejevery
day thau can be mde la a week at any ordlnav
ry emmoymetit. Those wto ciifiie at onee wi)
fliid a short road to fort an e. Address
II. HALLE IT t CO.. Portland, Mains
Oct. 2. J 60-1 j'
H Bnat Buck hlanA Wo!"
E tanas pre-eminent among the great Trunk lines of tbd
West for being the most direct, quickest, and safest lins.
connecting the great Metropolis, C1IICAOO, and tho
EiSTzna, Nobth-Eastibx, SonTnsajt and Botrrn
Eastehx LHi as, which terminate there, with Kakbas
Citv, LziviHWOKTn, ATCiiuoif, Couxcil IlLt-rrs
and Ouaua, the oommescial cxntxos from bleb.
that penetrates the Continent from the Missouri River
to the 1'acinc Slope. The
Chicago, Bock Island & Pacific Railway
it the only line from Chicago ow nlng track Into Kinsas,
or which, by Iu own road, rfntlica the points above
named. No TEAXsrxaa nv caiimaozI No
eoxHEOTlosal Ho AuddWnfl Ul ventUattd or un
clean cart, at tteru pauenatr it cont'd tnroomt,
clean and vtntuaud coachu, upon latt hxprta
Dat 'Cabs of unrivaled magnificence, PcLUCAif
Palack BtEKPiivo Cabs, and our own world-tumour
DlKlHO Cns, upon which metis aro served of un
eurpaed excellence, at the low rate or SsvENTT-nv
Cents each, with ample time for healthrul enlojmcnt.
Through Cart between Chicago, 1'forHv Milwaukee
and Missouri l'.lver polnti i and cluee connections at all
point, of Intersection with other roads. t
Wetlckcttdo notforacl WWdlrcctlyto every place'
of Importance In Kanwis, Nebrank., Ttlack Hills,
Wyoming, Utih, Idaho. Nevada, Calttiirnla. Oregon,
Washington Territory, Colorado, Arizona and Jew
At liberal arrangement! regardlnjt baggage aa any
other line, and rates of fan aiwii. aa low m competi
tors, woo rurnlan DUtailtnooi ino couuun.
Doge end tackle of sportsmen free.
Tickets, maps and rolaers at an principal uckci unices
in the united btaies ami inm..
VU Prea't and 0n. Utaafir,
Qtn. Tkt. u J PuiT A(V
A Positive. Cure for Catarrh of all
Kinds. It Is Instantaneous In tiiTect
and Permanent In Itesult. Cures at any
titge of tne disease. Hat cured cases so terrible
that bones came from the nose.
Dr. Evory'e Diamond Catarrh Bern
edy Is mtld and Pleasant, affording Immediate)
He I let and prompt cure In all conea of Catarrh.
Iiifliieiizn, liny Fever, llroncliltls.
It will remove Polypus and effectually euro
Watery and Purulent Discharges from the Head
and Throat, and Foetid, sickening Ureath: per
fectly restore Impalted Smell, Taate and llearlcci
relieve Headache, Break up Colds In the Head)
Strengthen the Voice and Kyct; Purify, Regulato
ana ltender clear and Active every Organ of the
Head and Throat. Price, co cents.
Dr. Evortts Diamond Invlgorator Is
a l'erlect lilood iMirlUer, Appetiser and
Nerve Tonic It makes a delightful, whole
some drink, which Invigorates. Parlflo
and strengthens the enilro system.
ror ucucmi moony, uytpepsia, viuonanest,
Torpid Ltver, Indigestion, fteuralglo and Itheu
matlo Arrectlona, Jaundice, Malaria, Flatulency,
Nausea, Sick Headache and Kidney Complaint,
It is Invaluable. Price, to cents.
Dr. Kvory'e Diamond Salve Is a sover
eign enre lor Ilurns, llrutsci. Sores of all kinds,
Salt Rheum, Tetter, ltlngworm and Cutaneous
Eruptions, price, si cent.
Ask roar DrntrgletfOr these rented
lea and fake no oilieri or will be sent
1'reo ou receipt of price.
Descriptive ramphlets Free
Address Dr. Evory's Diamond Remedies Co.,
r. O. Box 3300. 101 John Street, Kew Tort.
IS Kosa Stmut, Mew York.
" It is only a Hold "hat sent thousands
to premature gravel. A cold ttopt up the
avenues of the system, and disease must re
sult. Neglected, most violent remedies must
be used to remove the obstruction. Taken
timely, a few doses or
Tarrant's Scltxer Aperient
will carry off naturally the cause of the suf
fering, aud save dayt, months or even years
ofiuilerlng. Bold nr am. Dut'OoiaTa.
I want UN agent fn every town to sell a
valuable article. No money required until
goods are sold. Address F. O. liux sua.
New York Pity. j;23-w4
Pdmnhlnt ,ot advertisers. 100 Paget, 25 els.
rdfflPJllljl O. P. IIUWcLL UP N. Y.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Joha
Kreltt. late of East Penn Townshln. Uarbon
County, l'a., dee'd, have been granted to the ; We want
undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to 1 grand book
tile said .state are requested to make pay. Remember I
ment within six weeks, and all tersona bar.
Ing claims or demands will make known the
lame without delay to
Lthltihtou, July S we tiecutorr.
JOHN a COUCH'S trtn new book, entitled
b the tilt chance oHercd to you. Its Scenes are drawn
from the bright and shady sides of life, portrayed as only
John B. Gough
can port raj ibem. Th'u graiU work far fAtSnt
time fu&IuAfdxt live " boooiincy bwk vr agytUt, and
la ouUeJliog alt others Uh , Tkt t&tr(yjAtrd
tkouuxnd it nowlu pre&a. Its immeftse aale baa fcetn
made entirely by active canvasser. No other book com
pares with it lor quick and profitable returns. We aro
atarting more agent now than ever before, and e be
Lcve the aale oi this book reach 49m UmndrtJL
Tkouiamd Caiui in tks mtxt few months.
we want 1000 more agents at once, ta ioppiv uii
10 m uiouwira mm wuunx jut u.
the sale Is v uotm camwutubtr Tin. book
Js entirely new, and mtt ? Ar Urriivry U nv fltar,
Agents, navt it rw. timt t ntk mm7, and at tho
same time curuute tkrughtjf firittMt W.
elusive Territory and vcrV Special Terms fire n, Sendfor
cut large circuurs containing full particulars. Addreaa
A UAVcTiu,TOt.oAtu,l,uUidieiil4rtIxJlCw