niiscr.M,M:ons. A proas bluw'cr A baiter's dozen. A "bee's wing" lilt cat Is now In or der. - tovo knolt thoulil he tied with a tinglo Wan. This tor route blackened a god many mailt Ticklinj the ' fancy" Playing against o faro lank. JMJ- He sure mid stnii and nati for Dr. Bumneri's Gorman VobbUUIo Worm Modi fins. Warranted to coin or no tiny. A.J. Iiurllns;, llnk St., sole ogeut fur Lelilehton, l'enna. iaw Always goes around with a long face An alligator. T'n- toad believes that hop-position Is tho lite nt trade. The potato bug will go over the bills, as usual, this summer. luiliorlnnt to'lruilor. Srr.clAt, IsntiCRMKHTs uro offered rou by the dubmsotoj Iltivrn. It ill piy ynu to rend their urtvertleiiieiil to bo tounu where in this issue. "Do wo inherit ability ?" was the sub jeel suggested by the scientist of au Oslikos'i ceutlng club. "It rccnis uunrrtsaary,' said one of tho members, "to answer the s otker's quf-Btl-in. His grandfather was luugitl for sheep stealing, bis father died in ft le prison and we nil know that ho him self expects to be indicted next week lor bigumy." IIoro Cold timl Hay Fcrer. Mes&rs. White & Brudiet, Druggists, Jlrniea.r,. .- Idnieeomnirnd Ely'straem Italm to relieve nit persons sutfering with lto Cold ntid Hay fever. I havo Lcen a f enlBtiirerer from the same comp!nin(5;hn ve ad great rcllof by using tin- IJ ilm. I hnvo ro.'Miumendeil It .to many of my Iriemls lor Catarrh, and In all cases where they have uctf Wo Halm ireely have neeu rurcil. T. Kenney. Dry Grants Merchant, Ithaca York, Sept. o issii. Messrs, Win. Rust A- Sons, Druggists, New Urunswii'k, N. .1. Slnre boyhood I have been Innilvd with Culnrrh nnd liny Fever, and nnvii been uininie ionium icmianeni rellut until I useii hly's Cream Ualin.wliieli lias cured mo. Alter a few day's use I could sleep alt night, which I could not do bcfpio. E. L. Clickcrcr, Ken- Brunswick, K. J. A goci''ooking old Germcil willi long hair sat down, or rather up, In tho barber's rbair(and wasnsked whether he would have his lisir shingled. Ho replied, "Mo'n Ki tt, noj I vnnt sniie hair koot off. Vywoutyou put some shingles on it peeauso ? ' Highest Prism Fort Wlisc- Tho bst wine in the counlrv. that took the highest premium nt tiie Centennial, is ripeer s I'ort Orape Wine, which lias u-omo tho mot celebrated product of New Jerey. This wiu nnd his I'. J. Ilranily are now be ing used by physicians every when-, who rfly UMin them ns being I he purest to bo had of druggists. It is unsurpassed for wrakly females and old people. For sale by A. J. Dinting and Dr. C. T. Horn, Leblgbton, and Zero A Rupsher, Weisstmrt. There's one thing I like aboul tho new version," said old BluudeibubS. "That ere if Tt about the boy being father to the man ii left out ultogelticr. I always thought that was w o genj to." And he didn't know why the tinilo went rounc ' Troublchuiun Oil It) run, that are nlwnys wetting their beds ought not tli be Hcoldrd mid punished for uhat they animt help. They need a ine.liili.o havjng a tunic effect on the kidneys and the uriniiiy organs. Such a medicine is Kidney Wort. It is u specific action. Do not Jail to-get It lor them. ICxcl.antjt. First swell. "Does it seriously mako'no dlflerenco to you whether or not ynu arc thirteen nt n table?" Second swell. "Why, yes, all the difference In the world, especially-If there is only enough on tho tablo lor twclvo." (Indlanopolis Indiana Fanner.) Kveitvnoiiv uiciir. I. When every one says a "tiling is so i. must be so." On this point Mr. A II. Lyman, Druggist, MuiiUtee, Mich., wriUsi Every ime who tries St. Jambs Oil, lays that It is the best remedy ever used for ilteniiiutlsir. Mr. White, , a customer, after h.iviug em ployed every known speritio for rheumatism was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. A New Haven Register man circulates the report that "it is very fashionable just now for young ladies to learn to play the violin." Wu admire tho Register man, but if ho is lynched we shall say, "served blra right." For three veins my Oaek, kidneys, urinal and stomach havo troubled me so I have Leon una le t attend la business. Tho bottUs D. It. V. G. hus unite mo a well man. No one should tie without it J. D. Fredenburgli, 1 1, Walton St., Syra cuse, N. Y. A jdy oin0 8sked Sidney Smith for a. rr.otto 1 r her .d'lgvjwhnsa name w Spot. He suggested "Out;- damned Rimll" for he didn't liko dogshaving oncu been severely 11 eu by u lady's pet. Ten years in while iiathcriu: ice. 1st r I ed my bnclt and took rold, urination li a been pdnful cvermnce, uiilil niter routiin lug three, oiiitln D. R V, 0. I am well now, CD years old and feel like a colt, B. a Rlodg-tl, Bake-, Syracuse, N. Y. Guarrmitecd by all Druggists. "I'll bo dashed," said the water, and It want over the dam. Wo nipple a clap of thuuder may le called a "weather report." l'lintographers aro Hill in the dark about mini- of their best work. When a rich man's will is opened then "look out fur breakers." A pretly female kleptomaniac reminds one of Shakespeare. She is a dear stealer. "One should write as much as possible BR lie speaks," says Salute. IJeuve, "and not speak as he wiitcs." It it quite natural that the prodigal son nouid speaK to bis lather In a husky voice altor returning from the picnic, Throwing wpper In the eyes of an enemy Is becoming very fashionable. And jet it can't be called a seasonable rebuke. -A lady who drew u gentleman's dressing gown at a recent church fair now wishes to draw a good looking young man to put iu It. Miss Tillliwhlle, who is about to marry, remarked tin Memorial Day that she could tympalhito with the brave boys in blue,Iia ing lost ber hand In an engagement. 'I have no great confidence," says Du- rnts the younger, "In folks who do not work, and who on coming into the world find their lives all ready made for them. When oue hears a inau talking loo much about mock modesty he may be reminded of what Charles Lamb once stuttered! "Well, Ir, there is no mock modesty ubout you nor real either " 'What is the greatest charge on record?'' asked the professor of history. And the absent minded student auswered i ''Seven teen dollars for hack hire for self and gill for wo hours." "Tour iiusbaud requires rest," said the Itvtnr ns lie Mina Cram Ilia stale rlmnilipr. I "II. will soon be well-he ha. had a bad at- . ClaSUBD HTSM'EfiB. lack "l tirlerosls." "Tiekernsis, doctor j I why that'a a new disease, isu't lit" "Yes,! (fj MISSISSIPPI, 7"Jto Th V,,f"'r,mb TS!!;e!SAt.Kand L1XCII ArfOEat (10 and s)lS liekfisin the brokers office. It elf eels the j l'ER AUUtt. Address, .,,tlc erre end the spinal .l..m." Wife AlUABl(rIJS,r Mltrs W Leader Tr ik4ra. Dec SI-niT Uuookivw, fl 1 Summer Oompkint At this season, various diseases of tho bowels nro prevalent, and many Uvct are lott through lark of knowledge of n gafo and aura remedy. l'tltttY Davis' Tain KilAHit ii a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Vlitil-r.i, Cholera Morbus, Bumlncr Complaint, etc., nud is perfectly eafe. lloiul llic following: II upnntnaE, it. Y Mureh B, ISSt . l'ninu' Davh' Pais surer ails ta ajicrd Uttaut rUt f or cramp ami pain In the stomach. J04EP11 llunuiTT. Kiq:tOLViLt.i:, tt. V., l'ib. S, lssl. The tern rti uiealclne I know ot lor rtyientery, clie eri TncTbuM,&nl cruin9lntbostouuich. llaio U2l it tor yoara. and It laur cure ei cry time. Julius w. Has. MowooVA.IowA,JUrcUl2, VAl. I havi Ted your 1'ai.i Killer lu roere'eef asnip, t ailc au I chC'leea aivj. bii.nnil It ira e nlmott lasUutiolst. iVIipt,Dwrtx. fHH'lMVlf.U!. (lA..T-fb. iS. 141. For twit yi r.i 1 ino " li m i" I imil v. .Hi :e uml it iiFcd jo iri Ain ivilukii lua y i.n b inr oonci j. VicJdu tle lia-.c '"IV-1-1 il.o 4. ril'l llo'-'- vii r-irj. Willi At a wi It la tao n- use. Haco, Mc,J.n.!C, 1831. s'r.'.i.) KiLLcnlorteie a. u. ivi Hive edPETinvDwis'J .iicUii;:o. i;uljo-:o: tuji.uii ;. II I lUrri. O.XEtSA.IT.Y.lcK. 1!", Ml., We 1 i-jsn l'rln' It o if u r.y jcT'tmi, an It lwavirivi-alnnie i-.'rlc.. vci. d unr Jly cars u g3 ta UslI v. iUio-.l a LlLlj m tl.o to"r . v O. Brr.nnT. IJOVATEOPO. B I! ,irl). IJbi. K'lr'y every lanj ly la tula f ciioc ny ulw..e mnjlio.ux. . Da. 1.. Moltoh. XI R. CcrarLAT ', . . CairsLf, I!.ie13:i P.-.i arn r.K C 1K1.'uanTl.VM'xv.tit Kti.Li ".t met iro.ulliaiivlt wti tntr. ducc ..tuil HL-r jenn, ol ib-rritlio i and ue 1 r gwi '- rrt ii.c la ai houxln d as aa ou1mpw v s n .w.l'w. 1 8 lwn rn, V S Cestui. lIUllTn'-OII-'X'nEKT lli o. I b'lil Ivcn rcreral djy ( b-i.crjii? ccwrl Irrn dUrrliio. roeotooea e I Willi t teliM rtli', ; la n 1 tr'o.1 soul 1'ajm KitlsccnJlous'i rfpio ilmtaLi tn.'.it. H ,T. ooM. Ut ?ToxTAOrf; fir , Lokugj, I.ko. Durl 'i!t restfiECM rtvuv-t!iiTTjyenftln Ir.ate I liavo 1'ivi i it n r.ixiy i fj ot liarrbiR ;. dyrcn u.n. toi 1 cacicr-, oau Luew It tj r" I to pi ruIJ.r. It. Claiooou. Kj family can safrly wiihmit tliU iavahub'.j remedy. lis piico briafp i within tho reach of nil. For Balo by nil diu3i::3 r.t Cjc, COc. and S1.00 per bottle. PEHIIY DAVIS & EO:,P--r-riri;orf, Providence, 15. 1. June IS to sept, 1-nrm (JEST G8 68 68 68 08 I have just bought, 68 68 for which I have been getting (and justly too) 75 cents, and now I will offer my whole line of the No. 2 GRADE STAR SHIRTS at the very low price of 68 cts. each, which is candidly from 5 to 8 cents less than the material cost without mak ing up. Remembev, this Shirt is just as good as if I sold it for 75 cents ; it is made of the same good, strong Muslin, 3-Ply Linen Bosom, L!nen Wristbands, Shoulder Scam, Yoke, and every one is Warranted to Fit, or the Money Refunded. I have also a full line of the No. 1 GRADE, which is excelled by any nowhere for 1.00, and I get only 90 CCllts for them. 6S 6b 68 68 6S I HAVE A FULL LINE OF Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Carpets, Groceries, Provisions, &c, And a New Line of loss Rose, HanMect ateil Cliamter Sets at less prices tlian More. and a choice line of LAWNS and DRESS BUNTINGS at BOTTOM. PRICES (and Honest Prices too.) Kemcilllier it is 68 68 lMnyIS.H31.yl CARBON ADVOCATE TLAIS AND FANCY B00By JOB PRIM& HOUSE I1ANKWAY, a short dlstanoe abovo the Lchljth Valley Depot, LEHIGIITON, PA. We aro now fully prepared to cxecuto every dctcrlptluD of riUNTlNO, Irotn a Wins Card to aLane Pester! roster, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Shipping Tags, Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Programmes, r&mpblete, 4.0. , io., In Best Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! Inventors will Advaneo tlielr Interests by Employing an Experienced Attorney resident In Uaslilnxton. A. Lehmann. Solicitor ol Aniorlom and Furelitn I'utems, Washing ton, 1. U . lias bad jo.ns of suocclsful Trac tlco, and was formerly an Exomlner of I'a tents in the Patent lltnc. All Luslncn be fore tho I'ourts or tho lii'iartiuent promptly UIICdUBil III. I VU VUUUUaClli HIHIH IUUUI-, hend tor Circular, April its tr-eur. TARTLBWC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthful lmpudcaco caus'nj Premature Decay. Nervous Debility. Ixnl il m liood, etc, bavins tnrJ lu v. In every snon teinedy,haa discovered a s.mrla Ecllciirc.irlilch Ha will tend VllLl. U Lis follow suSerern, td. Arua J. II. B1XVES, i Chathm iL, M. V. January , 18S1-J1 Mannlactnrcrotand Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Till aiii SaCJMi'on Ware aiifl General House Furuisliiug Goots. IttMIFINO nnd SI'turi'JNO done at short notice, and at Lowest Cash I'rlces. liTcrvklnflof SIOVK GttATF! anil rlr.E nnitKS kept coustsntly oa hind. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors abovo Bank St., LEUlanTO.V. Pntronneo solicited Sntlslse.trnirnarnnterd. Pi t e-yi a, i). iossr,n. A vUi-.iv tn vonr own toa-n, 13.10 uiuuiiroo. rioiisi. Jto-iiicr u -'on nnnt a hu inen ar wh ch onmni t. ni rlllirr imi mun urnnt ,me nil Mm ion" mrv wouc, nr in 1'ir u ii tun art m it. !L ' Jit'? r.'ftO I'onlanil. Ale. June i3-i SffcTrste fs.rto-ir.':n.:c ii;rro.rri:i::piAini:iii!nc SflCAifcJ. 1 hi II ii ( U.n fiol.l ttt. b,ll.lBnlll3.C4cnH.I 8 An.llwtrftr nimi -n.-vii'iil oh ii jm-jwimi, aIiuL1s taclulu , uo Iniii. li L 1.3 K-aiuLi'. Y Jnnuiry :0, 1831-yl 68 63 68 68 at au inside price, from my Manufacturers about of tun W9LL SURELY CURE iririfjrrv rsiirr ACtria N LIVER COWJPLAIIMTC, PII.En, CONSTIPATION, TJItlXAKY AM NCUVOUS DlSOltllCUS, yly earning fret action of that organ end Jt i estorlng their jxiicer to throw oj dluau. lVl.v.,,PSAT1tlln,,a lining ,1 RJ Why tonuentcd with l'llei. Constipation! Kfl IVhy frightened over disordered Kidneys) , m Why cuduro nervous or sick lieadachcst I Use KIDNEY-WOnTanu1 role in health. It Is put up In Pit Yesetoble Form, In tin I igTHE ONLY WEDICI WE 5M! rs I n-m..c::MnnDoitm:vror.3i HZ JjmSiMM d TlmtAct.ntUiotiniuotlmo on O TEEUVEP., THE BOWELS, WmmSBM U AND TEE EIDSBY8. tu Mm WHY ARg WE SEGCC? s3fSSr aq" 1 Jltrauu n allow Vnst great organ to tttfilem 8J 3- a Iscoms clogged or torpid, and jwfco.toiu 1 SCTfKtA1 1 f 1 'j ' O m W3LL SURELY CURE i- 1' cas ono pacLaeeot which makes sis cusrts ot ! In this connection, I desire tn call the at mcdlclne. Also InUauliirorni.i err Ccnctn. ' tenllun of the peoplo to ray ample facilities In LsJ t rot eJ, for thosa that cannot readily j.reuro It. thi trlt acts lth equal efficiency In either form. OCT IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. T7UC2, S)I.OO WELLS, 11ICIUKDSOX ii Co., Prop's, MftTUUt send tho dry post-paid.) nntLUCTO.1, TT. shavinc'DSE RAZORINE ! MADE A lato dlteoverr. which has nt one gained a do servo! proml!itnre from Its oirn merit. As an aid lo ilmvlne. It lias never beca iqualleil. EASY I NO It Is Invaluable to crcrr nnn wli'i usu ft XI a mn or dvilro ft tharp leen,inttru MORE DULL RAZORS I mem tur uu iurpui?. RAZORINE. Ily use of this wonderful paw.lcr, the odea of the krrnest raior may b. Im. proi ed. Tho most wiry lieird may bo removed from the must icLdcr skin without pain or. lucou veulen':o. RAZORINE. Removes all dread ot tho Individual use of the razor. Any man possesslu a beard, can by i he use of this remartatic dticoccry on his strap, remove his beard ullh case, comfort nnd oelrrlty. Agtnii wanted tn ererr town and county. Si-nd lor olrcular wtlh terms, Ily mall t pald lor M cents. Sample boxii.U cents. Addrtss S, nATJIOSI) & CO., 87 Turk How. SEW TOBK OITY Diay7 ru3 xroxt RHEUIATISI Nouralaia, Sciatica. Lumbaao. Dackacho, Soreness of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Snoll ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear end Haadacho, Frosted Foot and Bars, and all othor Pains and Aches. No IVpwtlon en rarlli equals Ft. Jaw Oil ai a K'tfc, nrr, ehitple and cheap nxtcnint l.'emeity. A trlnl entails lilt III" Cnnpnrallvtty Iriiltiiff outlav of 50 renin, and every ono mfTci lug with path can havo cheap and pm!Uvopru,f cr IH claims. Plroctiom In Eleven Lnnguagns. SOLD BY ALL DRUG GISTS AHDDEALEM IN IIEDICIHE. A. VOGEIER & CO., l;atl(niorc,iri., XT. S. -Li March t, ISSl-vt 63 68 68 Cents 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 63 68 68 68 CO Itnpectmlly announces tu tho people of I,c hliltilou unit its viulnilv, tliat ho Is now pre p ued lo supply them with all kinds ut Household Furniture Mamtfftc'ured from the best Seasoned Mate rlalsat I1rlcosfuUyas lowas thoainearttcle, can be liouirht lur els-whoro. Here are a few of tho Inducements offered : Pur lor Sets at from $50 to $00 Walnut ularhlo iop llresunir Case lleilroom Sillies, S pieces 410 to W Talnied lltilriuun Suites $1A tu 1U (lane Sealed Chair', pcrsi-toro.,., (J Coin muii hairs, per set of 0 $1 and all other Qoods equally cheap, THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS wlthaNKWand HANDSOME 11EAHSE, and a lull llnoof C'AMihTS and COrS, I am prcpaicd lo attend promptly lo all it ders In this lli.e. at low est prices, ratronnge reinertrnlly sullelted and the most ample satisfaction guaranteed, V. SUUWArtTZ, octl HANK St., Lchlghton. JOHN F. HALBACII, -Instructor ofMusic, (riano, Organ, Vole and Theory.) LEIIIOnTOjr, PA. Sole agent for tho J. & C. Fischer Piano ; And dealer In all kinds of Pianos and Organs. Terms low and-easy. Slate, lumbar, bricks, etc, taken In exchano. Sheet Musts and books furnished cn short notice For particulars, terms, etc., Address, JOII.Vr. HALDAOH. Augl. U7S ly Lebihwn, Fa FARMERS' COLUMN. 'J'rnliilii'lOtniiKicN. Tlio tomato crop lias become ono of the most imnrldiit In the domestic a welt nt In tlio market garden, and aliould to care fully looked after. There waj a time when the eating of of tomatoes, raw nud cooked was oyerdone, but they have become a slock fruit, to be eaten for salad or sauce, and are still more useful for flavoring soups nnd olhor dishes. In the Bast they havo been used for a long tiorind in the latter form, ns en indirpensible nrticlo of diet. A littlo caro in training the plants and iiindcMto Iriinming will greatly promote their frullfulness, advance, the time of their ripening nnd improve tlim'r flavor. It Is well (n have them set nut on the sunny s!de of a w.t'1 or fence against which they may bo trained on n slanting trellis, so as to af ford u flee circulation of air behind nnd at tho tamo timo expose the fruit cunstanlly to to tho sun. The sun is essential to the per fectlon of the fruit as piuch as with el crries or apples. It is often excluded from the tomatoes by tlio rank growth of vinoi leaves, nnd ao tho fruit is slaw In coming to perfection without the ripening influence ol tho sun's rays. Another great advantage of training to matoes in the manner suggested is that they nro Kept out of the dirt, uro always clean nnd icady for use and nro nut liable to rot. Tho common moilo of letting the plants lake care of themselves, and tho fruit lioon the ground, exposes tho tomatoes to dirt and rut nnd vermin, from which Ihey may easily bo preserved by a little extra pains. Where trellis or frame cannot bo mndo il Is well to put brush nil the ground before they havo had much growth, and allow the plnnli lo run on the brush. This will keep the fruit out of tho dirt, anil on occasional moderate trimming of the vines and leave; will expnee it to Iho sun. Dut a good frame will pay well In the end. Staldbroad moistened with sweet milk Is good feed for young chickens the first few days. When a week old tliey may bo fed on cnickid grain scal.lnd, When old enough to cat grain, give them plenty of it. In telling out currant bushes caro should bo exercised not to placo any buds under ground unless the buds nro cut out of the Bi,i - it... :ii i. I on.'.,,, ui iiirv I, iii iiii.ii nut Ha so mam suckers. Currants should bo highly manur ed, lo piomoto vigorous growth and bear ing. -Lare numbers of camels are said Id room along the Gila and Salt Wyer bottoms in Arizir.a. They nro supposed to have sprung fiom a numlerof the beasts whiclr were iinimrtcd Into Texas In 1S58 for use on tho ranily planes, and wcro turned lonsi nhenllip war bivko out. -Mr. James ircddt-n,nf Michigan, whnsi bees liave brought lilm n snug litllo furlune. concludes that nhnlf hives nrelno cosily uud ciimbereouie. He lias also given up li! bnuieiipbiry. Miuiy ol tlieiettruiturcs wen built n few years slncn, but they aro mottlj ilcfciifd.iiojv. - i Wiifii ntlics, hen manure and lime, ore nil giwij .fertilitcrs .'or corn, but tho lime sliiiiilil, nut be mixed with tho nsliea anr injuuic ui til just befine It Is applied In tin ( nud when applied, it should bo lint riitted ill Icloro llioiniii is planted. If mix e. l lung b. fore applied, it eeparntca the nm inonin fmni tlio manure, which is thus lot", The london A'ctfasaysi "Of nil jwnl liy brcer'lng, tlio leoriug of the gm-o Ir favurjlili- situalions is said lube the lens trnubli mo and mot profitable. It Is not smpi Iriiifi tlierernio. Hint the trade has c late yei r3 been enormously developed Cei ;c wi I livoand,to a certain cxtent.tbrlvc on tlio crarseat of grasses.'1 If a colt is never allowed to get an ad vantage, i1, will never know lhat it possessw, a power that man cannot control, and II mado familiar with sti.iuso oljeets, it will nut l.o skittish and nervous. If a horse i made accustomed from his early days to liivooljerts lii(i him ml his heels, back oi hip, ho mil pay nd a'tenlion to tho giving way nf harness, or a wagnti running aguinsl lilm nt an unexpected moment. Buckwheat may bo mado rroGUblo ii on a piece of.rough or newly-cleared ground. No other rrop ii so ollrctlve in mellowing r. ugh, elnddy land. The seed in northern localises should le sown before July 12; thenviee early frosts may catch the crops. Grjsinnd clover may sometimes bo lown successfully with buckwheat. Miiler.itely brrwd wheels aie preferable lu narrow tiers for uso on heavy wagons. Tlio outlook at tho piewnt lima is a promising oi o fur u most splendid hervest in ISS1. Tho practice of sending live fowls to pur chasers or to market by express has grown to a very great extent. It is estimated that the tolal production of wool in Hie Unilcd Slates for the year 1E0 was :d0,O0O,00O pounds, an increase of 3?, 000,000 over the clip of Ih73. Ittcent shipments of honey from Call- f. irnia tn Great Biitalu have been iccelved with great favor. An English order recent ly received calls for oS.OCO pound cans. The threo important icquisiles in mak ing u errnberry plantation ate a psat bog, or swamp, adjacent sand or gravel tankr, and capacity tu fluwage at the convenience ol the owuer. To caro for Ihe comfort and health of horses Should be the first thing to be consid ered when building or repairing a horse stable. Ture air and sufficient light should bo given In all stables wheu lwsslble. An Automatic bulletin has been placed over the clock in Boston offico of the Fitebburg Itailroid, which exhibits the tele graphic lejiorts of all western and nothern trains, tells when they are duo and how late they are. Tbo best steam engine no existing (which consumes two pounds of coal an hour a horse power), Ielda about nno-lentli of the iiower which the combustion of the coal would theoretically produce, measured by thermal mills. One of tlio reasons why wo earth up potatoes Is lo cover those tubers which grow near the surface. SLnino kinds Ibrnw nut the tubers muoh lower than others. Tubers eximied to the neather aro (polled for all purmees of conking, although as seed tbey are not ut all injured. A machine has been recently patented designed lor threading bolls and lapping nuts, slid so constructed that when one lap or die Is f.nocil forward to do its work an other die or tap will bo withdrawn. Tho machine thus works cnnliuuously, and no time is loit in withdrawing the die or tap. -.y.iw is the time when evervtnd should . subecrtbo fr the Casbox Anrnciit mil to . pr.vurc ns if Dr Kndsl'. i Hcrse BooVs. MILLINERY Including; Hats, Bounds, Flonerr, Ribbons, Feathers, Notions, and DnXSfi.TlUMMlNtlS NEW GOODS RECEIVED WEEKLY. All work dono In tho latest style, and mou durablo manner, at tho lowest cash prices. STOHUI at tho Intersection of BAN li STREET nnd BANK WAY, L.KI110IITO.V, PA, Li in 11 U, i si-jl. 1 1 i.f 1 1 Jl II I li Ilia I ill I il fc,.. i i ..i i.. mi . .in .ii ii, i.i mm' ., .mubj , . A PERFECT f inSlTHEHER.A RHVlf-R- ITlOIt TiITTi'-C? 44 li'j hiyhl KcoEmc-nJcil fur nil (.'.beafon re t;u!rirr 'I rt!'l sn.l vCcicnt tor.ic ; cpctSully J,'.'i, iiy-ftj '.', -'ci t '''? lK'f, ICtr.f, t C rcay..'i, .'.-. :.".rrt tu. Ii!,hca ,'ijlJii .1, .rv.-j'.'isns t!:e nmrckn, . r..l i,ivcjrivw I Ir. o '.!. r.--.a. ri t-.ry tn V-'..3 h ;'iir')t c.j t!.a !igi;ivo orj.r.s, rcmovinsr a'l 'vri)!iv; i; :nr:t'i::.r., "purli 't.i: '.17 the t'j'i, J? ic'iine;,llci I t'.-t Ms S.'omacA, r" .--,:. 'I'l'.o only icon ?rc;nr;".t!on Viz.b vrill not baclrc-; t;-. - . r;?i o? f,io Isiurltit Jit-. C.oM by ttM tlrii.tRisig. Wt'.'.et f;r lis A U O Kcc!:, 32 j-p. cl iuefv.1 and ami : v. r rca"r foni frte. r.V.OWH CHEBIEOAti CO., Ealllmorc, Hd. JrlwgraBaVesStSsib '. -craJ5i g TiO. Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World I ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AND THE XIANtn?AOTUBEtt3 AM r.E3PONSLBI,B. bBb sure to Send for Illnstratefl Cataloane Wore Pnrcllasing. FSNE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS xtjstioKijm: e SAViJ y:ur HONS?, write for Also SOLE Manufacturers of tbn celvb rated Hosrux BuotinoAtP or 3 Horso 4. (it Bi SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. A. A. THOMAS, Corner Ninth nnd F Streets. Washington, Ii. O., attends to Pen. slon and Hack ny. liounly Claims enllrct ed. Contested Iiii.d I'laims, Jllneral and Aitrlculiuraliatlented to hefore Ihe liciart uent or Iho Interior una Supremo l uuit, rnd Scrip and Additional Ilninrsteails pur chaseu and sold. April 23-u-cor. m Ml UJi fSL. tuta " -5- ' g 5-ssss. J-I 0m?3 WiI3 lor the liest nnd Fastest ii Selling; I'iclnrial Iioekand Itlbirs. J'rlcts reduced 33 mi cent. '.uonl I'uiillsh rg Ce rhllaaelpbU P msrS-aia 51 ts is ss:.' s- e- 1 3d MISS M. S. SNYDER, Respectfully announces to her lady friends that she has just received a full line of the latest novelties in ins & Summer Gio. si o e iiXje; isr ce3. Catalosue and PEI03 LIST to Tlio Boston IiuckTboard Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN Eictive, Simple, Buralilo anil Clieap. Compact, Substantial) economical and Easily Managed. Ouarantoea to worli uell end ctvo Aill powor clalmod. JUBTTHE THING TOE A PEINTUJa 0FFI0E Every Farmer Tfho runs n Cotton Gin, Com Mill or Wood Baw, should ltavo one. SEE OCR LOW PB1CES. Power Encino ond Boiler $340 " " asn " " " 3B5 ' ' " 440 DliflP TM A'l" 'I'TTT? ft Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOB Cheai Printing; ! ., tgZZTTVc Carbon Advocate one year for $1, and Kendall's Horse Book as a premium. 1 W J II AGEIMTQ WANTED. 1 o 533 JOHHSOU REVOLVma SOOK 0A8S.' VTtin Ikcuekccvi Sun.TTs Anrusuiu: to Doom CFASY llIGnT. AW.EI.EHAXT PnESENT. lT ALU ABLE TO IivrrcrB, ClcTt;rc,, PUytcInn, Edllors, JJankera, Toacherss, KcrcJirinl. Students: And ell vho read Boots. CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, BEST. Bond, for descriptive- circular ntid l?rlco list. COnRESPONDENOB SOUCITEDr Address. UAKEU, lUtAXT & CO., . Echool Pjmlshcrs, and dealers' ta eTMjthlus; ta ttw Book nod Stationery Llc. 19 Conil St., rfotr Torlr Bead S3 cents for oir New IUus'trated Cata loeuo, with OTor 300 llluBtratlous ot c4ucaUonr ttnd usotul articles. SIS ESSIES THE CHEAT Ii UHIIZCGTOW ROUTE. tNo othor Itno runs Thrco Throuah rns( senger Trnlns Dnlly Uotwcen Chloiffo, Dcsj Moines, Council DIuHs, Omnbn, Lincoln. St Joseph, Atchison, Topekn ami Knnsns Cltr.' Direct connections for nil points In Kansas, Ncbraslin, Colorado. Wyoralnfr. Jlontnaa, Ne rndn. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon anil California. Tho Shortest, Bpccdlcst nnd Most Comforta ble nouto vlallannlbs! to Fort Scott. Denlson Dallas, Houston, Austin. Fan Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points in Texas. 11 Tbo uncqunleU Inducements offered by this. Mno to Travelers nnd Tourists, are ns follows:; Tho oeloliratcd Pullman (lo-wheel) I'alaeo. EleepIiiR Cars, run only on this Llne.C. U. It. Q. I'nlnco Drnwlns-Itoom Cars, with Ilorton'sr ltecllnlns Chnlra. No extra chargo for Scots In Itccllnlna: Chairs. Tlio famous C. It. & Q. Fnlaco PInlnsCars. OoreeopH Smnkins; Cnrsr, titled with nicsant niiih-nacltcit Itattnn He-, volvins Chairs for tho cxcluslvo uso of first clnss picnccrs. - Stcol Tract nnd Superior Equipment, com bined with their O rent Throurh Car AtTanire-, mont, mnUcs t his, nbovo nil others, tliefavorito. ltnuto to tho Boulh, South-Wcst, and the Far West. t , Try It. nnd yon wilt find travcllnr a luxury Instead of a discomfort." . , .Through Tickets via this Colebrnted Llna for snlo at all olllccs In tbo United States and: Canada. All Information nbont Itntej of Faro. Sleep Inar Car Accommodations, Tllno Tifl)le,s, Ac., wlll bo choorfully given liv npplj-lnn to J. Q. A. BEAN, Oen'l E.-itorn Ajjont, ' OOJ VnshlnKtouFt Dcstnn. Moss, nnd unilrotdwny, Now Ynrk. JAJ1E9 Tt. WOOD. den. Pass. Ant.. Chlenjro. T. J.-POTTEH, Gon. Manascr, Chicago. jnit-claiw r.TtTCaaiox T ICKET, f Mm mtijm ni livi! rolnh. t DKK. VBR.OOLOnADO HPniNOS, antl PUEI1LO. AND HETUilN, by MX iT. DIFFERENT BOCTR-. ftt WOTllnr fuHy low Thosw tlcVeta will ho roo-1 p-oirtjr v.ct within nftsxm (1ft) day from date or nno rtiarn ywl Octolr .tint foijuwinir. 'J"ulhiin ln.lac9 Car ar tw hr thla rompunT fmm CltlCAOO Ui Cotr oil u t-tipfs, topkica am .KANSAS CITY, lot-mln? 1 no tTJ; Lutonschan(rotf cn loPBIfVIfl piwl 1UEULO. DlnlnT Car are at. tacbed to all throurh trains la which pieals can te obutndat thoreaoa 4lc price ot rcTenty-flre rcnu. i'or rates, further information, and clccaat Mav ot United Htat ), tree, address, 7. Q. A. BEAK, O.n'lEaitern Airt.. ni7 B road roy.Kew York, and 3CC WanUinston tit., lionton, Man. 9 D.. V. G. CURCQ DysDBDsia, Intliscsliorj. lllroitbltvsariunj Ihtrcfrom, such lieadacne, Du Caimc Acidity of lha riatulency, Urr and tress aft 1 Stomach, K I d 11 e y CompUInt, Terplti Liver Aches I iConitipition. rn, he Back and Umbt, It Ii the U00J rurlfier In ihe V.'crlJ. Cuarsn Dru-;Eits to tfve per factloa er noney Try It. Our Vital Toaic Cillers, the pctliertatheWerld. CiltCirthcm. I9" UT D. R.V.C.Mfff.Co., Prop's, SYRACUSE, N. V. New Verlc Depot, 0. H, Crintstn, 113 ftlta BtrssL Wtlajrri taayiUFitcsilbrsIl C3i Ml feci utls Wk m refunded. Wlzlnc best .p- Zauncoiato Hanoi from Asthma una Hay X"ovcr. 4m SCOTTISH THISTLE ediclnal fumersf PATENTED DEC. SCth, 1578. . The Eteetrlc I.ieht ws a trreat dlscoreir. twf I claim that the S.olthh TUtltt .IMitiutl 'turn, era lis srreaier one, owlnir tu the great amount of sunerto; they lia.e rclUcd, and the cures they have e:ri:te.t. I autlcrud from Asthma (er fifteen jreirs in b;otl mJ fiul America and lam now completely c ire I. I lato been studying the Inhaling prnress fur te irt. nnd ns a result I now give Ihe world ns iltJt.lufl lumtrr. the roost effective, and hy fur tiiu mo.l contcment prepara tion ever offered to fig public, ftr Asthma and II iv fever, a!si Sou T neat, Hrnrscncss from Cnna;hs, Catarrh, !roi;huis, Nctirulsrla and Diph theria. Cure vo-tr&oiif Tliro.-it wilhlhese FunAers and you will hear no ino i ct diphtheria. They aru I naluahls for p iMic ( and stagers. Thtv are nut nn in fjnt-v 1 oicra. and can ho' enrried in Lha pocbt, nnd used at convenience 11 vim ennnne pel l.irin irnm imr sincror, or Drujitiit, ajnd rllrr.t to tie manufacturer, who will ssni them to u!l rarls r.f ths world, postage froc. A child can use lhse rumers. si they to not" have u li s-aokod. Prirt. One XhlUr ftr Hoi. UORRISMK & KIMPSOK. rioVaunJ Mannrhrturera, ncl.l.AIKK, o. ForPalebyA. 3, DltBMNQ, DKUOOIST lhightos, r titf t, t- t -jj. i. .,