FARMERS' COLUMN. The New Winter t'oddcr. No tiropoted change In tiine-honorel hiellioda of agriculture has excited" to deep an Inlereit among progressive farmers as tlio recent fx.Mriinents in preserving green for age en pi in silos or cctnent fined (.its. One c-ftl.e earliest adventurers in this new field was our old friend Mr. Clark W. Mills, of Arrareck farm, near Fompton, M. J. Wo have a vivid remembrance of bis dis appointment wjlh his first experiment, winch tras ilm.dy an excavation Into which Uio green coin stalks wero placed and cuV red with strata and earth, as well as the Rood-intured manner with which ho accept ed and endured tbo unsparing ridicule of the "natives" of that section of New Jersey. Nothing daunted, howovcr, Uio following season ho excavated a pit In his barm walled tip the sides, mid subsequently ce mented it. Tlio result was so gratifying that bo extended Its sizoaud added another, until his silos are now as extensive us any In tbo countiy, and bis success last year was so encouraging that ho Is now winter ing 120 bead of horned cattle and 12 horses without a pound of bay, and ha Is confident that ho will bring his entlro slock through until May weather furnishes grazing. His store of ensilage (or " cow kraut," as faceti ous farmers stylo the preserved fodder) was gathered from less than thirteen acres of land, and it is simply (ho stalks of indiau corn, cut when green Into half-Inch lengths, and packed In silos under pressure so tight ly as to exclude tl.onir. Mr. Mills esti mates the entire cost of his supply of about (100 tons including seed, lllbg", gathering cutting and packing ready for feeding nt less than' $500. When it is remembered that a sufficient amount of bay lo answer the same purposo would hare cost as much as $7500, tho virtue of the new process will be recognized. Recently a number of gentlemen from various parts of Ni-w Jersey visited Arrareck farm to mako a personal inspection of the method of preparing tho ensilage, and of Its results. In tho paity were the lion. James Bishop, Chief of tho Stalo Bureau of Stalls. licii I'rotcssnr George H., of the Agri cultural College, and Stalo Geologist Then dure West, Superintendent, and A.T. Nealo Chemist of tlio Slnto Experimental Farm, besides several prominent stock Misers. In the building there was not a wisp ol hay- The building is SO feet long, olid iu it arc two pits, each 10x13 feet unit "0 fret deep, wjlh ierN-in1iciilur walls of concrete. One sods has been emptied ,aud n part ufthecor er hud been removed fiom tho c.llierand the ensil.ige cut down to the bnltotn, leaving n perpendicular wall of tho food for inspec tion. Mr. Mills has found that the trcshly cut corn stalks am be compressed in bulk near ly ono-half, and ho thereforo places n frame of plank, 15 feet high, and "f tho same length ami width as tho silo, on top of the concrete wall, and this he fills also. UKn the whole mats with the addition making a depth of 3J feet a cover of plauk Is laid, of such a size as to slide down within the bugo box. This Is heavi ly loaded, and in a few days tho cover will haye pressed the mass so that its top will be n the level with the lloorof tho barn when the lenimrary frame is removed. The cover Is of two-inch plank, mado in sec tions, each four feet wide, of matched slufl and firmly battened, with the battens of each end projecting and fitting into llinso of the next one, so that, with the weighteven ly distributed, it all moves downward to gether. Tlio sections arc. an inch shorter than the width of tho pit, leaving a place for gas and air lo escape as the cover goes down. The weight used is nearly fifly tons, and in this case was composed of grain in sacks, which is ground for teed and it is taken off when needed. Ofcoursj tbe material of thoiveight may beanything sufficiently ponderous, but it should be of a nature that can bo readily handled, and whore actual avoirdupois can bo known. Mr. Mills' ensilage was perfectly preserv ed from the top layer to the bottom. When cut from tbe solid mass it is of a brownish green color, and has a slightly ncid taste. It has gone llnough no "heullng process," but before feeding it is laid out in a heap for a few days to fvrmenl slightly, when It emits a pleasant vinous amma. The cjtlle devour It eagerly, and their appearance seems to prove iu lie.tlthfuluess, while the abundant milk the cows produce is of the best qui! I It v. Mr. Mills feed j less grain than farmers ordinarily use in hay-led il.urics. A lull variety of Southern com is plumed closely in drills, and it is entailer tlio tassel op pears ami the ears begin to set. Professor Cook, who has analyzed ensilage from a dozen localities, pronounced the l'rompton product of the first quality, and he think tbe various devices here, used havo reduced the system to a stato approaching perfection. All the exiierts present were cuimuccd that tho new process would woik something like a revolution in dairy farming ami tuck raising, which will ba readily believ ed when It is remembered that nmro than 30,000 tons of bay aro now needed every year to feci) tho horses and cattle, nf the country through our long and cold winters. FAHM NOT1.J. If ever feed decaved roots of any kind to cows giving milk. One decayed turnip fed to a cow would affect tho milk of fifty cows if mixed together. In the neighborhood of ancient Troy Sir John Lubbock has come across a beetle wnoso mission seems to be to destroy lo custs by consuming their eggs. Among French Uriners it is cnus'Mrred much better in lend beet puli In sheep and cuttle for production of meat llian lor milk, Horses will not cat it readily. A Frenchman is breeding camels is No Tad, lie his foity ramcle, ull but three Datives of that State, engaged in carrying Roods fiu in ruilioul stations to iiiiujug camps. A simple udhesivo for rubber belts i avxle by slicking iowdered chalk, whieh bus bfen evenly sprinkled over to tho sur face of tbe bell by cold tallow or boilod 1 i it Ked oil. The most successful fruit growers Hist and Weat have decided that thero is no bet ter remedy for the codling moth than to tustura hogs In the orchard, to eat tho wormy apples und the worms therein. In traoiplauting trees never set them deeper in me g.ouun man mev were orlsl nally before they were moved. The roots of grape vines should always be kept near me surface, siuco ineir roots never run deep. Thousands were sold in the fall at ruin ouslr low prices, but in suite of this it is es- malcd that from .10 to -10 er cent, of the catllo tu Colorado havo perishod during the winter. In other sections the loss has not been so great, but it has been sufficiently largo to check the business. Atllelioro Chronicle 1 caiiiiv ti:i: m:vs. Mr. John Eticininrcfr, manufacturing er of North Aitlebor.1, Mas,., lately unt?td to us the lollowns-r I .mler- Jeweler coiurnu ed so much with pains iu my nrtu, that at limes X was completely heloless. I useil that Incomparable leniedy St. Jacobs Oil was ooupuwy cured a 11 by insgic. DIRECflONS. r'or Catarrh, Hay Fortr. Cold -I V 'x CAMSSSSSIf , insert with Imff CAfS in. uor, a parltolo the Dilm Into 3 -VT . tutiiioitrHftilrair stronir Dreams tlirouuh the nose. TlltoonDiorD. cleansing and lieallnit tlio dis eased snetubrane. c.5;wFor Deafness, Apply a particle Into the car. I!L,YS CIIEAM II A UK HAVINO gained an enviable local reputa. lion, displacing nil other preparations In the vicinity ol discovery. Is, un fts merits alone, recognised as a wonderful remedy wliorcver known. A fair trial will convince themnat skeptical of Its curotlvo powers. It erToctual. ly cleanses tho nasal passages or Catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, nllats In flammation and Irritation, protects tho moin branal llnlnics of tho head from additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores tlio sense of tasto and smell. Ileneflolal re sults aro rcallzod by a few applications. A thorough treatment as directed will cure Ca tarrh. Asa household remedy for cold In tho head It Is uncqualcd. Tho liitlm Is easy to use and n-rreenblo Sold by drua-glsls nl63 cents. n receipt ofWccnts wilt innllapaek. aire. Send fur circular with lull Information. EIA"S UltEAM BALM Ul., Uweico. N. Y Foil balk rjv A.J. Durllng.I.elilKhton, I'a., and ly Wholesale. Druggists generally. Oil. 3,'tO-ly CENT11AL I; RUG STORE, In Lcnckol's Block, Bank St., Lobighton, Pa., Dr.'Charles T. Horn piioi'iticTon, Respectfully announces lo tho people that ho has replenished his stock, aud offers; DRUGS ADD Strictly fresh CHEMICALS and Pure, Also llorso and Paltlo powdcrs.Pntent Mcdl clnes, llrushej, Soaps, Combs, l'criumcrles, tMiongts, Chamois Skins. Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils, Lumps and FIxturcs.D.vcs' uirs.Cholea ClKiirs, l'lics and Tobacco, r-pee-taclcs. Trusses. Nurslnir Untiles, Violin Strlnits, nnd a lull Una of Wull Paper nnd ltorilcrsattho Lowest Prices. Preferlptlons carefully compounded and prompt nttcnllon given toovcry branch of the iiuslncss. A continuance of the pitronngo heretnlore extended to I his estahllshinonilsrespcctl'ally solicited, and tatl-ructlon uunrantecii. sopt.13, 18S0.-ly. Du. O. T. IlOltN. DR. HUTCHIESON'S WORM DESTROYER. An OLunnd Titti:i IlBMisnv. lioniovestha Worms and tho secretions that keep them n llve. Wo nUAiiTi!B Its virtue. Wo have hundred nf I c ailmnnliiN. collected In tho lust 15 years, proving coi.e U'lvely there Is no re ino ly tqiul to Hit. Hutchinson's WonM IJKSTUOVKIl in rclll"VO inu " orillP IU1 KlIIUS Hound, Seal. Lonjr and I ape), that In test I lie, human i-y-tcoi. Phvslclans buy them and Itivo them to tliclr suHerlnir pillents. I'licro Is no humbug or quackery about I his ihorouith. ly ri-llabln incdlcliie. Frli e, Vj cents per box. A. w. wiuuii i mi.ii.1 iioicsate nruKvifis, Jlarkctund Front Mrcets, fob. 5ni3 Philadelphia. mm: Orsat Cianco to mal:o money W neo I n oni-sa i in oioiv .town lo taKO utsl-rlLlon fin tlitilHrnc-r.chi-i.neat r.ud Lu..i Ilii'i'atrd Mmllv imlilicitinii in tin world .nv on-can become a fiiccomIuI ascnt. hlx olefin t wor-t 1 1 in t pi veil fieo to annuel ibcr. rje jirjce it S'i low Hint almo-t even linile hub. icrl j. h. Otis nnout 1-cudrln tamc ii'O tub"-!-! icis in a ii.iv. a I'idr ngnnt repor s iiinkin -jj-eica iiroi.t in icn uuys. ah wno eu"air in ikc ii oaev t-i't. You ran i.cvoio all vo u In ihe tnt.iDcs, or only to tr buaio tniio. Viu Bosd m.t l.o awav Tom homo nvrr nlstu. Vou can do it as well unrulier l-'n!l liiccilnnii mil icrui-tree JJccmi ana exnonB.e nutai fr.-c. If on wrntTii-rfitabiowniueoattusvnar utiTien it crce. Ji costs nolh ns to uv tne Imi-liion. Is-- oi o wLo tnga -i a far- to inane not nay. AU.itc ui.oi au btiisso.n & -.-t).. I'crttanii. xainc. Juuozii-lv. No'Patf nt No Pay. PATENT obtained fbrlrtvcntors in tho Imitod States, Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal oflico' located in Washington, directly opposuo ino uniiea oiaics ratcnt umce, we aro auio to atiena 10 an paient business witu greater promptness ami des patch aud at loss coit tlinn other patent at torneys who nro at a distanco from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." Wo malto preliminary examinations and furnish opinions aa to patcntablity, tree ol charge, and all wno are interested in new inventions and patents are invited to send for n cony of our "Guido for obtaining Patents," which is sentfico to any address, and contains complete instructions now to obtain patents ami outer valuable matter. Woieferto tho German-American National Bank Washington, D.C.; tho Royal Swedish, Norweaiau and Danish Legations, at Washington; Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice u. a. Court ol nanus; to tho umcials of tho U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators and Mcmbcra-of Congress from every State. Addrcsn LOUIS BAGGER .t CO.. Solici tors of Palonta and Attorneys at Law, LcDroit Building, WAsmxr.TOX. D.C. dec22 THE BEST OF COAL The undersigned Is now prepared to sunnly tho very best I.ATT1MUII COAL at the fob lowing LOW PIUULS FOR CASH: DcllvM. No. 2 Chestnut, hjr thoeir j-j 14 No. 1 1'licnnut, by the car 3 75 S.ovc, by tin car 4 00 lly 1 Lo single tun, S cents per ton additional J . L . GABBL, . Dealer in General Hardware, &c, Opposlto the Publle gqunrc. EAKK ftTRCET, m:iiigiiiox, p.i. $5! OuiQt sent tree to ihoso wno wish to en care in tlio most pleasant aud prnOlable blltln, 114 LIIIIKII. r,n Ital nut uqulicu. Wo wri fmni-n vou ovoiv Ili.iiR, fioiiduyarn upward Is casliy maua v tliom atay ng awty tiora 1. 01110 over inr.lit. No lisle wlialtver siany new workcra wautei to cc. MouvmcrnaKincIcr.'unojut bolus laos. Taiitios mako us much 11s tnen.tintf rounv aiivsamier'ainiiOKroitn y Noonewno la W.llios to Won falls to rtlflk-F. iiininninn.,a,vra iliy luou can be inCo lu n weo' at jar molaav rv cniuiDymeni. Ihoee LociiOiront oucewil fiui a boi t ro id to rortune. Auilrcss 11. ltALLGlT u CO., Port.aud Malre. Oct.!, 186C-JJ TO thi WortClOC ClflRA lA ArA r.Atvn,.n rd ti Htrnldi nu ctasaps wl li constant o.n'i oy. meat at home. tn whola ct lae lime nr lor tnelr .pare moment.. Bu-ue new lichtaud luuirt'iu 4 ' bii 01 CI 00.' tex O .,lr OlIU fr. id Si ceat tuSI tier ev) aaU a nr nor. lion 1 mm by l eretmi tho'r wUoio luntjtlio buiiira. Ilova knd ulil. eii n itcml n. ...,,.1, nam u. Tluti.ll win -eetliliniiticeiii-iyFoao ..iu 1- -"ituD-n nun ivfc iie uiiiincva ve ninis bis cU'j.-1 To auen ns are lint we. I mil tlei.i. wo w,i nenil 0110 ool ni to ii-ir tortne iioublo ot wntluir. Full luiitb'uinr ami ouiflt nee ,aireaa. UliUilUii HTXAjO 4 CO.. I-Q.-t. iu.1. Mains. Julvievi. riv.!.. Morp Mornlilno llnb'.t Cuiedln iticrMCaya Hill II HI?", i"vt'lj fuioL Dr. J. srirnms, ari-rnrii apr.3 yi x . Risley's Witch Hazel. (lores llcadaehe.numVJpralns.Cuts, Wounds Itheumattsin. l'.nrache. etc.. cte. U'arrante.i equal In quality 10 any made, at hair the e ei. Sj'.Uii rist I:'.tlei t::. Cti. 11. Have jour drunglit order, ir ho has not In stock, of CHARLES F. HISLF.T & CO.. Whnlcsale Drugiits, 1 Uortlandt Bt., Now ".v"j. Jan. twin' AGEKT3 WANTED FOR r Glimpses of tho I 0MING W0RU It Is on eihauitletsrainoorciirlsllanTrnlhs. mi urmurj i ma iT.iionsoi inn Alintultty for pulling down of 1 he sironii holds of lnti.lef. iij mm nnciiicifni. ine enilro rcllidoui comtnunltjr nre enthused at Us t VSVVfTi?'!';?? f'i"u.rtJ ff.",-, SVhl.u'me'o'r need.' start 11 ir nr. rjnees. THE tno warns of nnPVrrn In every township. ScndrorClr. 111101110 cular and Terms, also soccnti r.,r 1 i WANTED uuim, unu feauro territory al I Feb. U-ws I'Ul4slj.hls, CAR BON. ADVOCATE TUMU AMD FANCY B00K1 JOBFRINTIH&HODSE BANKWAY, a short dtstane abort the IrfhJgh Valley Bit. Depot, liclriglito'ii, Pcnna. Wo are bow folly prepared ts exeeute every description of PRINTING, from a Visiting Cara to a Large Foster ! POSTERS, HANDlllrXS, DODOEItS, CII(CULAR3, BHIfPINQTAaS, CARDS, DILL, HEADS, LETTER HEADS, I NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, &c, to., In tbe Dest Manner, At Reasonable Prices! We aro prepared ts do work at as low rates as any office In the country that dealt Honestly with their Patrons. Giieap, prompt ant Reliable, " IS OUR MOTTO. Order by Mall will be promptly filled at lowest rates, and satisfaction guaranteed, THE METALLIC BINDER ! We havo tbe exolaslv Klgbt for CARBON "COUNTY, FOR ReynOiW Metallic M-Bblbr, The cheapest, best and most substantial yet introduced for Binding RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS, ORDER BOOKS, &c. Call oJ e then at tbe CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, BANKWAY, Lehightoa, Pa. Drugs and Medicines, WHITE BTHDET. WEI931'OBT. TA. ncmornl nnd (Jlinngo or Finn! Messrs. Rnpslier & Zcrn Be leavo to annouice to the cit tern ot Weiss. fiortsm' snrrourrtini' nelghborhond, tbatthor ntelv pnrcliaae.1 tns rtccKnnK flzttin-a of Dr. C. W. Lenti's Ding having' rruien. islieilnud tsraelv lucrerscd tbo nock, havo 10 moved it tnin tho oiogantly.flttod.uu rrom in tbo llilrc Unlldluir. on Wliltc ittoet, lormttly occupied by Mr. Fred Schmidt, wfieto ihey 1-re tireparoa to accommndnte their iriends nLd tbe imlillo Generally with Frcth and Puio DRUGS AND MEDICINES, of all kinds together with a fall line ot all such I'A.iUT liuuui na ar ueualiy itepc in well supplied SmsEtoros, comrn-iuK Hismols, rertamery, P"ps. Brnhes,CoTib9, Lampa. Chlomers. Trn-see. Bnonf.rteo, uhonlder Il'nccs pyilugov NnlHnr Dcttles, Dyo Stuffs Ac do. mm WINES nnl LlQUOItS fnr Medicinal pnrpooes, end a larico aloes: of choice CIu Alts, ThA tintr. will hn nmler ihn oeisnnfil cliaiirennd superlntenfiencn nt Dr. J.O. Zsnx. wniiiPini in ivo iuii pi,i-'hui 01 m "nr a. trnm In quality and prieo. Otve. nsn ciil. 1 hn mnt eneeeslnl ltenioile ever tllfrnver. Ail. ni It 1ft cei In 1 11 in Hh rfTeeln anil rtnn lint lilMer Aimi eio-llent for tbo Human Fiesb. HEAD l-liooi' jiklo v. From a pronunent Pliysiciaii. Wr8binRtonTt;.c, 0 June 17. IS3 Xirt n. J Kendall & Co.. Cent? Hrndinr tout nlvrrtl-rmont ! Turf, Kleio ntrlRum, ol KWaira ypavin Curr. mul l.nvmp n vnlu aliln and mrp(U hnrn wliiili linil bneii Innin tiaxn fptv'n o'chf-en nmntbs I eonr lo vnu for a Dottle bv cT)re. which in Mx wrPkB rfinnr ei all ItnicneiH nnd pn nrpcnicnt, nnl lnro splint from nr.n her hore. niitt both htrronro to qiv a1 sonnci n conn. -jih uno uoit o was worm to tun ono n mini eti nn.jnrs. Itc'peolfuiiy rour. 11 A UK IITO LETT, M ), Kendall's Spavin Cure. Ilnrr'sburg, Fn.. Kor. lctU. H30, tlr. n. T. TTr.MiAIf. A Pn nctit hnvft n rrrr ttnoitmio tbnt mis hml n btinoipavln for n lonet'.mo I tri A ewrrihim? numcuutr dovie to cure It Unt fill in von ruo" wesntum ttg ve it up wncn a Tnniw oi iimiih iu inn fur cimu lomo'iiti iecninmiidcil Koi.rtir-p 'VinCurn, which I tfid wlib irrmiL onOtf, remounu that b 'noclcur nn i clrnn. nutl iin I 8tnt Z'n to yoa tor ono of .vrut llmi'trntcd noro Uo iks. nd X tin ii. i toerclnno b-'ttcr hoox pilntcil rn ibe Ito'R and his tl'soieo. 1 bare t iken pten.t iiitnro'tln it in 1 liaVB nrco m il 'S (.oui lnr tou to my noiAtibor rnil v(U iirnnililo wlint ffooa x ecu uv couinfi mem iur incin Yours Iniiy. O. W. MILLIES. A hIi bind, Scliuyl. co , Ti , June 3. tf81 Dr. H. J. Kmiinll & to.. Urn'sA iu o nayin Hint en mo under my b ention wrs cntttn y cutttl by ore uott o cf vt IC-maIln p-ir n unio, enn mc no-to to a inisMi&iuaioi luou'iuu.tu uoi nr. Yturs Ituly rhc"D:agirt. Ciias. It. Uarxjird. KENDALL'S Spavin Cnre on Human Flat Caktreflelit, Vt., Bcc. S3, ifo B.J. Kendall & t c.,aiitp.-I n-lsh (ondl my iviinrjiiyiii ill i in ui viiuriivii u UIU lllixjeut, ISOJ t s tried u-j tlioijo and siunaoJ i.iviTiinl Innli at too I a mh,v lamo ainl nt tim5 t .h- most excruj nllnir p .la. i wor,- uliammgo on it toroioi a jcar, ci.i! utod 11131, rcrvill'lix wi am IhV to Cll f.Ut COUiO tlQd notlilnc iLnt n-onld uivc n.e t.crninr., m relief wtiin Iovcrir iitou. it ou:u pHiurae ver mncli. In Apitl, 187s, I b.'gi n lo tlnn.c X snimld ijoac loolii for lifet iinctialuaoiifoct euuau-a opavin uuro iiiLticlit I un nn iiv it. I urea oao-tniid or a bottle, am uticilraccd relief oi mice. Tlio fa n 11 E n.e ann him nut troualennio sinco. i loci v.rrpiuieiul tu vou nnd would reenmninnil KcndiU'.4t-p?ui Cuio tu uii nun nuuer Trim aprius or rut iiuin l.m. Voursttnly. Jits. J. UuUTEix. Kendall's Spavin Cure. KENDALL,'- srAVI CUnEJssuro inita rurjun liuuui ua miiu'i as it iidui not ulHttr. rec it In nonttrniiDir ami iuteifiii tnriiurh ft-... rv rtfep seated pam or to ictuovo any 'joity liiutTiuui ututi uiwuiuitirtii. ni II HH r?;iil )Ilt aplints. Curos C Uoa. UDinlns. swcl iiicmit LaiiivSQsn. nm1 nil linl'trcineuU of tho Jolntr or Limlifr UUwoniallini iti Mt.ii. ninl forniir purnoxofor ubicb a Liniment fs nnl for .Unn or ui-n-t 11 is ii nw i.nowu to uo f lie tot ni! moot Tor ninn ever used, ucltnK mlto yt tce:-. tri in in its effect. Sonil njciro-s for Iimtrnlert Circn'ar wbicn, wo think, clvoi iiositivo nrrofof Itsvntiio Uti remeilv oils ever met Willi mrii i-.iinni ifl-r uccom to our know.ropc, for Least a wcii us f hi. l'xlco$l pi bo't. "r nr bnt ties for 9h all Diucci'is linelt or rnu -ct U fur on. or it bv thepio irletrrf. Da B. J. Kfci&DALL. i SOLD 11T ALL DHUGdlSTS. Jac:j mi M. MEILMAX & CO., BANK STREET. Lohishton, Pa JIILLERs and Sealeis in Feed, AllKindiof artAIN EOUOJITand SOLUal KEOUIan ilAitlilsr 11AT1C8. Wo would, also, losoectinilr Inlortn onrclti ?,.n?. i6" ,T"oto aowfuiir prepared to bUl' PLV taom witu Trom any lllue deslied at VEtlT IiOWEST iKici:s. 21. nEILMAN & CO. Jnlrss. JF YOU AltE IN NEED OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Gooth GO TO CLAUSS BROTHER THE POPULAR Merchant Tailors, Bank Street, Lohighton. rmoEs YErtY low for oasii. Th publlo patronage solicited. JolyUf (11 fi P'dll'fnniUied fn c. Willi tub m-ti oc ihlU J100." '""""a'tlnitnemoMprotliaulo X lr .""" any one c p Be in - 1 he b.ulne i an rasr tu our inliuo mViVeVea-t i.otOr.:. tSVV "r'.Krt 5S.22 can tail whui, ull.iua .o woik. Women nio aa soccsa.tul a tueu. Bora ,,d irir. can la" , T -" rc mro over ono hncured .Hv .-WBUU ,HVi-.-i ,t iu co si o aio iiu'e to nialtenioney. Yoa o n ousiuelu ibl. uwaarinsvoursniietlmo i.t eieaf nrofli ou oo not lyre to Invest any tsoltal In It. Wo . rl"u "i I'Lyr. " i uce. ah furui.ned free. r'l,,e, S?P o co- iuaosta! Waine. " MONEY? I. ni... 1... ..... , ever by ttoao t won for n " . i-eiBDPH oi rnner sex cn make eea a week in tliiir owatoirn". t ihev re wlllma to wotk. No tut, ) ouim fri?. qnired. All wSo eueepe iiriuiier n one tdlil tarticular. Ires. Aildro.a. li, UAI Ltir 4 CO.. rort.ano. Heine Jnlv lOc d n Pi ncn'.t be my" e"y nt everr VvyvnuttbiisoWi,ii,sioKor. csu cni )r earn a doisu dollars a d iv Usht in their own looMllics. Havenorro tociii.aln b-re nn" Ir.ew plearsut and be. table Wninen and bovnanilBiiUdofiawo.ias men. WowliUur" tilabyouaeomoieio ija.n fro,-. Vt-cwUll eir fp.1"0 i1 aiaimar joa. i',.rticulai free. wr.tooa.Wee. Xaroirn nnd mec enie .tatlr ou-anddsuirhiers. ana al, ela tes iu nt!. HI ravluc woik at hunie, nhoulil Wiito tons and !V?!,i.a.'!S,,,,.,,',' wotS 01 '- A-'droa-Tik A co Amiis'ii Mam,. Jnlnirl WATCHES, lock. N'ovnltnu. far tjeini lor i rce 1 a'. of tbeU.8.tnilCd C. C. DUDLEY It wrwaa, stick. jajj Vjt at tsvr. ix r cook. A laity voter ol Boston found, loo late, that alio liatl voted her cutl papers. A newspaper In this Stalo advertises for an honest toy to make n devil of. -An exchange says that "Napoleon loved a man wno could lie." mis accounts lor his purchasing Louisiana from tlio Span tarda. Inventor nnd Pnlciitecw Should send for Instructions, terms, refcren. ccs. &o.. to Hdson Urothers, Solicitors of I'at. cms, Wn-hlnvtnn, li. I)., who furnish the same without charite. Ed fin Urothers Is n well known and successful firm of lariro ex. pcrlcncc, having been established In 1800. -Tho small hoy never wlshel ho was twins except where two different Sunday school Christmas, trees aro being held the same evening. Woking tip. Parron, "Rather drowsy weather this, Farmer Jones." Fanner Jones: Aye, rarinn,soba it. 'Mlndsonoof sermon time, don't it?" . Political Sneakers do It. Lecturers ami Minister" do It. Senators and ronarcssmen do It, Jttnitcs nnd Lawyers do It. Actors and Artists dn It. Merchants nnd Tradesmen do It. Farmers nn l Mechanics do It. In the Koium, Workshop, Studio, and even In tlio lMllnrs' danctum.the nnlvcrr-alrcldv tothenuestlnn. Wlint do vim lake lor a ckuicIi or colilt" Is "Sines' Syrup of inr, iviiu iiierrr anil iioarnounu," Twin bndhers at Evergreen, Ala., were r,nt only alike iu looks but so equal in slrengl h that a wrestling match was arranged us n lest. Tliis did not settle tho question, however, fur ono was thrown on his head and killed nt the bcgiuningorihocontcst. 3-Yru will find It more easier to catch a cnld nt this fenson of the tear than lo iret rid of one, unless yon tio a boltlo nf SlnoV tjjrup oflar. Wild Uherry and Hoarhuund. Two miles nf railtond have been built on Iho ice crossing the St. Liwrcnco river at Montreal. Tlio tics nnd stringers arc laid flat, nnd then water is pumped between them to fieczc, thus tnnkiii; a solid bed. Klnd-fa plain. I'vo Important Inficnntlon, Slnir licylthi'unllanl capt iln that you ore, AImuu a cry certain Inclination. UI all who havo cnlds to i.ur Sines' Tar Wlhl cherry and llnirhotind. Kind Uaptnin.your .Miunirlady Isit'sluhlnir. Sliijrlie Ithoitnlliintcapliiln I hat vou nre. This verv nnilit fho'n heen loudly crylntf, i'ur u 25c. Inn I lo iifSines' Tnr Wild Ulivrry and Iloarhnut d. T.alcr nnd tuuro compact far secured Cold cured. Tho Presbyterian Uiih'ii of Cleveland has voted that no Chrislain can consistently rend Sunday newspapers, but has expressed nnnpinion on Monday morning newspapers, which nre made nn Snnd.iv. JtHr-nvcry on" Is ncnualnted with tho old nurin ry sti.ry aliout the lien th thatchfitlho ducks, and how ono line day they went swim, mlnir In tho pond nnr by, nnd Iho Indue", incuts sho filtered thctn lo keep out ofllw water; nut it may not. mi jrencrniiy ki own whenever loullry has anything to talk about In tlieso later ami mora enlluhteneil dais, their conversation always turns to tho benefits Ihelr snceles havo dorlved from the uool ,M. II ltiihcirs Poultry Powder 14 CIS, per packauc, by druggists. An Indian nt Sin Di"ps On I., was Inld thai a voire through tho telephone was thai nf the Great Spirit, and when it sal.l, "Give up tlnv.0 elolcn linriej," hu inunedintelv confessed that ho was n thief. US. Wo were greatly iitiiiued somo diys sincu i.y .ceinc; nun in our venerun.o ciiizens. wnn nan ne, n i-owen nown i-y ri euieatiin throw nwav hH erulelien and ilec aro hlnisel iust nil youni; na he ui-ed to bo. and now he Is iceoinnicndlntr Huberts' Eintirncatlon to eviry obi la ly In town, liniment that. A'opni; gitl nt Sandy Hill, N. Y., ran 'ihlnlho nfflroofutaid old lawyer, kisfr.l Ulin,nnil raid sue ncccptcu ins oiicrn niaril nee, though he hadn't made imv. She had gone crazy. 1 rmEnirlfstimen formerly supposed that runnlnir horses were vtry Inferior lOTliuite, inn ouriiiir mo lust iwo years l a role. Wullensteln and other fast ones tlm! ivcre sent from this country to England, have Won hundreds of thoiisandiiofdotlars for.ueb Aiiicrleiins as Iho Messrs. I.orlllnr.l. Jaints Gordon llennett, &c. 'I he Kiitttlalinien. have Invi-f tlualeil the reasons fir the i-uccers of American liorr-es, and Iln I that they are kept In such fine condition by Ihe consiant us. of HI, li. lioLcrts' llorso row dcr. Sporting I lmr. Mrs. Williams, ngod ID, has applied for a divorce, nt Kansas city, from a man whom sho had married when she was 12. She Intends to go into wedlock again as toon as she gets free. InsiMirlnni to 'Imvclcrx. ErrciAL iKnccr.MF.STS nro rtTeicd vou bv tho 'ui'RI.lKQTON Hoctk. It will pay vim In reait ineir advertisement to ue lonnu else where in this issue. Tho position ol minister to the Court of St. James is a difficult ono In fill; but the father of n largo family says the placo ol minisler oi'St. Nicholas is hard enough fur him to Gil. Ely's Cream Iinltn has cured me of Ca tarrh nf several years' tinndint?. I have re covered inv Feiife ni (asm mid smell l.v n. use, and ran triilhliilly s.iy I tic p.ilin has no cnuai nn ii i-iiiu i' r 11119 ii-iiiiiid 11 seaen Prank C. Ojden, Elizabeth, N. J.,Aui;. 14, 1878. Bco acivi. Durins the past five years I have suffered from Calanh mid have wilhout lelicl remeiliea prcscribeil by various physicians. I was advised to try Ely's Cream Balm, am using it with beuellcial results, feel con (idem I shall be completely cured nf a di sease that lias seriously affected not only my nostrils but also ny ryes and hearing, W. A. Ilrlnlzinghofler. Jr.. Wholetale Tobacco nisi, Newark, N. J., May 29, lbTD. Fur sale in Lchishton, by A. J. Durling and C. T. Horn, M. D. A sailor is not a sailor when he is aboard; a sailor is not a tailor when ho is ashore; but he must bo cither ashoro or aboard; thereforo a tailor is not a sailor; illcdlcltilll Wine. Physicians frmn the New York Biinrd of Health, havo visited tho Vineyards nnd Wine Cellars n( Alfird Speerjif New Jeiscv, bnttwelvo miles frmn New York city; he'is I,iiiiwii to be one nf tlio most extensive pro iliirrnuind dealeisin Pure Medicinal Wines and Brandies in the United States, lie makes n superior l'urt, known us njieer s Port Grape Wine, which took the highest I ire i i ii nt the Centennial. It if extensive ly preecrilied h' phvsiciniis as thu mot re llnblo Pmt for iiieili"ciiinl purposes. Histoid hv A.J. Purling nnd Dr. ". 'J . Horn, Le highton, nuu Zern & Uapsher, Weiss)Hirt. Howard Smith, a Boston negro, finds himself rewarded by a bequest of$2!y)0(l from a Baltimore man, whose sons he onco rescued from drowning. 'Jlio lluclort. l:ajrco as In the best methods and remedies, fnr Ihe cure of constipation aud disordered liver and kidneys. But those that havo used K id ney.Wcrt, agree thai it is by far the best medicine known. lis action Is prompt, thorough and lasting. Don't take pills, and other mercurials that poison the system, but bv using Kidney-Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. AVio Covenant. Mr. Lincoln used to tell a story about a big He ii;r who raine to Washington dor- j ing the war, and called on n street Arab for a shine. Looking at tin tremendous boots 1 before him, lie called mil to a brother shiner, across the street! "uoitia over ana neip, Jimmy. I've got an army contract." Fur $1 you will receive the Ciuox Advocate (or ono year, and ouo of Dr. Ka- I dtll' ban books fr. Drugs ssI The People'sDrug & Family Medicine Store If you want nuything in tho Drug lino nt bottom prices, p;o to tlio Old and lteliablo Drug Store, iu Dr. N. B. llober's Block, near tbo Post Office, A. J. DURING, Proprietor, Wlitre von will fled a full and complcto stock of Puro Drugs, Medicines, Cliotnicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, nnd Shoulder Braces. Puro "Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Mediciual and Sacramontal purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. Establish. 18G7. A. J. DURLING. Vdi'sliVon NuvuiU'rs r A PERFECT BTRESTHSHSR.A SURE REViVEfj IKON EITTER9 nro liiplily libe a c!iarni on tlio digestive organs, rcmovitiR all dyspeptic symptoms, such r.s Sbsltn.y tht Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tlio only Iron Preparation that will not blaclccn tho teeth or rjivo hciulaohc. Sold by nil drngRisls. Vi'rito for tho A 11 C Eook, 32 pp. of useful and amus'ins reading tent free. Unoxm CHEMICAIi CO., Baltimore, Bid. IN LEHIGHTON, 11 o J33. !BIDfflS,lDM9 Formerly or ALhliNT I IW.V, respccirully Inrorins.tho liotel Kceptrsand Oitliens aencrally Unit he has opened a NEW MQ,U01t SlOKliln lawcctt'j llulidliig, nearly opposite the L.-iruin uuute, un BANK STREET, With a full stock of COMI'niSl.NQ Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Hum, Port, ShevrY, Champatmc, &c, &c to wh!ch ho Invites ihe attention ot .urcliaseis. ueadv wa-ii. 1'ATIIOJfAOIJ INVlTlill. Hay 1. lsS'My. Mo. BHATTLEBOROe; W. Largest Manufacturers of Reed Organs in the World ! ESTEY ORGANS ARE WARRANTED, AND TUB HIAXUFACTU&EI19 A&S r.E3P0NSLBIE. Be sire to Seni for Illnstratefl Calalooe Wore Purchasing FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS TTisrioPriivr excellsnce. SAVL' your II3N37, writo for Also SOLE Manattctnrers of tbo eel.bratcd Oosmx BuoxsoAar or Tlio BOOEWALTER M&IIEl Ami or SEND FOB A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. Jam es L1 &d Qo.$ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Medicines ! ! 'recommcnilctl for all diseases ro LEHIGHTON, Pa., the Choicest llrands of I'mci-S will eb Ttntrrnv Lowist roi If. E. HOHLKN. Gio. OatalDjas and PEIOB LIST to Boston Buclvbonrd Co. NEW HAVEN, CONN Effective, Simple, Durable and Cheap. Compact, Substantial, Economical and Easily Managed. Guaranteed to trorlz vreU and eiro full power claimed. JUST THE THING I0E A PRINTING OFFICE Every Farmer tvho runs n Cotton Gin, Corn ivoou caw, tuouiu uavo one. SEE OKU LOW PK1CES. S Horso Power Enemo and Boiler 240 4r " ,7 " 860 Oi " " " 365 8J " " " 440 SCOTTISH THISTLE Medicinal Fumersf PATENTED ULC. TCth, 1673. . The Klcctrlc MgM wmn rrcat dlssovcry, hot I claim th Stilish Ihiiilt AfeftYiW Fmn. ttt Isn Krcnlt-r one,olns to the i;rcnt nmouut of suirerinjr they have rulcvvd,. anil the curt they hae clTecte.l. I sjRvrid from Atlhma tit nueen ve.irs in s.-ou.inj rnu America And 1 m now completely curoJ. I have been studying the lnhsllnir proross for icars, nnd ns ft result I notr plve the world l-'ie MtiiUittat 1 uttr$, the uaost effective, nnd bv fnr tlm moil convenient nreBsril tinn ever o.Tered to tho iMtblic, fcr Asthma nd Hay Fever, alsj boro Tluoat. llcnrscnets from Coughi, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Ncumlriaand Dinh theris. Cure vourSoro Throat wllhlhese Puoiets and you will liear no moro cf Diphtheria. Tliy arc Invaluable for public rpc:ikcr anil slnircrs. Thev nre out nn In fni-v bos.a. and ean ha- carried In the pocket. ad used at convenience. ir jou cannot (ret them from lour Doctor, or DfJiffRlst, send dirert to the manufacturer, who free Cn lncm t0 fl" Pns of the world, pottage A child can use these Turners, as they clo rnt hive to ba smokeri. Price, Om Dollar fir Bt. iuuiuusu.N ei SIMPSON, Prop'raand Maimfactarers, IlBLLAtMI, O. ForSalobr A. J. DUilLINO. DltUaiST LcblKhton, I'a. tScpt, 1- KiHCSFciy ' nriifrm 1 UOWLUU CORN STftRCIJ PUnEAlin SILVER GLOSS STARCH QSWI1S0 For tho Lanndrv. la tha lst and moat economies! In tbo irorld. Is perfectly pure, frss from Adds ar-1 other forolen substances that Injurs Linen. Is strnnirsr than, any otbor, r?iiulrln!i much I'Fsnnnn tlty In nlni;. It uniform, siltf.-rw nnd fiulrii'sverk altvars tho sains. Kln-nfiim'.! PnlrrilEnl rrn Starch for Ptiddlnirii.Til.iiit'-MiiKe, rl-e. Jte. Is puro UKiaeiicatn. rrsicraue i" li.'imiuu Arrnvrtnot. T. lilMOSKOUD i S0K, Osiroao, New York. MUlin-onrl'UVTFOlUI KAJUJX7 trle. 13 1.ftO. 1 frtua arpriw At ttu UUCbT10 bOiXE Cu., CuicluuftU. O Peter Henderson's COHUniED CATALOGUE OP Will be Mailed IYce alltoAo apply by jucucr. fiur ItxnArlmontnl tSroniids In ITlilch wo test our Vegetable- and l'lowcrSccdi aro most coiimlctci nnd our Grccntiouscs for Plants (covcrins 3 acres In class), aro iiueiuiiiiiiuuuiviii;u, PETER HENDERSON & CO. 85 Cortlandt Street, New York, X will mall n cony of my New Ilooli, "MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," xriti,, io any person wno wiu-p. mj. m eend tils'tiama and pc-st-ocica adJiess, auiess, ana six ceuta Vr nr one .nlierlnnr wtlh CONfitrMPTIOir, AfJTjlMA. CATAftRIf, BOltE 'rilKOAT; S1 13 a 1 Siiui,yu.ii.J, luuiuivnukiiga iu ui.iixioi. la preat valne l ana It mar In tha nrovld.nea of tinA. lytdenceol Ood, U. WOLFE, 140 Badti Bt, Ct3diinaU. ARE PAID erarr ioldlr dlulMla UilCAl NniV.ii,411ouof nnrr,fA or eje ltUl'I'CiI if but illfiu dli. ens tf l,uit or rleoa 1 cln rltt a p..n ilon. tutltr BtwUw tbouiBb4iar I" a tncrciii ri ptmiOM. Itlgui.rirphiiiiifiDrl drnIfT.t fAtStfi or uothen of i Idler !(,.( (p th army ect a pcrxfon, IlOUNTV-DI. rharit forwoiiud. Injuria er ntptr. IlvttruUbaoniy, Sendlit ittcpif rfpy ViiilnuRn.l Uunty Acts. Addrfu .P. M..F(tX(rernrJ & Pp., 01ia Altnt !nduar''lU. lrdT cfcrt r.A.W.rarl. T'rti't Inr1liiA Hankloff C.. and I:. IKr.nttJ3P I'cn'l ntral Iiank, totli cf IntlLmayvlifi. thi H0LIAI?S PADS CURE simply BY THE ONLY TRUE MAURIAl Antidoto. Absorption.! Tkabs Uakz. Ilolntan'fl Acne, I.Iror nnd Stomnrh lad-Jor ilAI.AllIA. AtU8, l.IVUR nail srOilACH. THOU. BLtSi Tries JS7.00. Ilalman'i Special x'atl Adapted to old ciironlo cases. Prlea S3.0X Uoltnan'a Spleen Kelt For stubborn casi'D ot Enlirued Bplcoa and unylflJlnp I.tvfr nnd Btomaca trouldes. rrl04i$J.M. nolraaii'i Infnutin lod For allrnsnU ot Infants na.l rlilldron. l'rlcu $1.C0. Holman'i Itennl lad For Kidney and Bladder Coaijiliints. Prieo SJ.OD. Holman's Uteri no l'.nl 7or Fonnl troubles. Prli-fl W.00. Uolmau's Abiorpl'voKIcdlrlnal Uody l'lnslor Tie test ploatfr luado jmroas onrublxirbaala. Prion S3a nolraau'a Abaorptli-o Medicinal Pool I'lumciR 1-orniimliftietandtJjff. pish circulation. PrlcniieriuilrSio. Absorption Salt Medicated Foot Batbs- For Colds. Obstructions an! all rases whero n toot batb Is needed. Tor half lb. package, ISe, For sale Vy all druttsliis-o.-sent liy mall. Eostnaul. oo receipt ot price, 'fin Abaorptkxi litis not "mailable and must Ixiacntbi ixpress at pnrchaaor'a expense. Too success of IIoInmii'H lad has In spired Imitators who olTcr Pads similar la royit and 033.T to tho Tuna noi-UArra, saying', "They aro thn eamr. tn," lien-are of all Bojnst Pads, only gotten uji to 83U oa tUo ropu. tatlon of the penulno. 6eo that each Pad I ears tho creea ratvArs ItKVESUE OTAMi'or tbo Iloltaan Pad Company with atom Trade-Marlt. If amictcd with chronlo allmcnta aad a con. clso description of aymiitums. which will ro. eclve prompt and careful uttentlon. Da Uouiss-m advleo la treo, Fall treatlso aeut tree on application. Address, HAN PAD CO.. (P. O. Box S.113 vi Wdl.aui Street, KowTorh iIAinDTr-IithiisafesS and tiortt i acts Install tni.eojalr, jiroducln? thoirio.l nsturulshada of tiimKorbrowu'.does RISTADORO'S ly applied. A standard I'r'.unuioa 1 la.ortb Fun. ni rieir well an. iiolntiHl toi..:t for lady or ir. ntlemsn. Bold bs I Ji T if" sr- all aniS at.. piled tituiuurnroaura. j caisxAixmar W wuuaia iittt, 2:nv Vck.