t J. T. NUSBAUM, OF THE " Original Cheap Cash Store," respectfully announces to his friends and the public that he lias just received his Spring and Summer stock of Dress Comprising among other Novelties Black Cashmeres & Alpacas, Silks and Satins, Japanese Silks, Mohair Suitings, Dcbige Suitings. Cautets and Oil Cloths, Hoofs, Shoes, CHINA, GLASS and QDEEHSWARE! Ac, Ac. which, as usual, are nil offering at knock down prices. Respectfully, J. T. NUSI1AUSI, Opposite tho Public Square, Lehighton, Pa. sept. 18-yl With Supplement. SATURDAY. Al'KIL 9, 1881. Local and Personal fea-Why suffer such unspeakable tortures, Rheumatism has been conquered, Kendall's Spavin Cure Is tho victor. Head the adv't 2HJ- Post Office Building, Lehiehton, Pa. Wow is your chance, ami I make bold to say that It'is the best you ever had, tn buy Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac I am lull y quipped for tho spring trade, and ran oiler you a greater variety, a better article, and n lower prlco than any houso in this section. Ladies, If you want nico fitting shoes fur yourselves or your littlo girli, I can pleae you In every respect. I mean busincs, and am prepared to back my assertions. Respectfully, Lswis Wkiss. EjyClergyinen, public speakers and singers uuitn in their praise of Dr. Coxa's Wild Cherry nnd Seneka. It rcndeiB the voice clear and strong. Price, 25 aud 50 cents. !S53 Dr. C. T. Horn, at tho Central Drug tore, sells warranted vegetable and (lower seeds. Buy only such, and avoid vexation from failure of crops. Sf3.Try Kendall's Spavin Cure, a Bure remedy for Sp iyim, Curb Ringbone", or any enlargement of the joints. See the advertise ment. iBlf you wantn nice smooth.ensy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to l'ranz Roedcrer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. Ho will fix you right, aud don't you forget it. 0For fine stationery, envelope, ac eouut books, memoraudum books, pens, pen oils, school. books, wall paper, and in I'ai-t anything that you want outsido of dry goods, groceries and provisions, call at Liickcn bach's, 2 doors below tho Broadway Houso, Mauch Chunk, and you ran get it, cheap and rood. SXr Don't drive a spavined Horse as long as you can get Kendall's Spavin for $1 a bottle; As a powerful liniment for deep seated pains on both man and beast it has no equal. Read adveitlsenicut. Housekeepers desiring to decorate their homes, should not fail to call on Dr. C. T. Horn, at the popular Central Drug store, Lehighton, nnd examine his beautiful stekof WAIifj PAPER, before malting pur chases elsewhere. $3f Now receiving and opening a very large and lashlonable assortment ol merch ant tailoring goods, o mprising a full line of the very latest styles of cloths, casMtnercs and suitings, of the best forelgn-ond domes tic manufacture, suitable for spring and sum mer wear, which I am prepared to make up fashionably and substantially at prices fully as low as at any other establishment in tho country. Oill and bo convinced of tho truth ol my statements. Respectfully, II. II. Pktkks, Agent, P. 0. Building, Lehighton, Penii'a. C5UA word of caution. Nearly all ven dors of cough syrups use largo quantities of opium, morphine, and tartar emetic all deadly poisons and sooner or later tho worst result may be apprehended Iroin their uses. We know that Dr. Coxo's Wild Cherry and Beneka is entirely free from them all, and can bo given to the youngest babe without any risk whatever. It will euro that cough. You will find a largo stock of boo)s and shoes, for ladies, gentlemen aud children, at the Original Cheap Cash Storeof J. T. Nus baum, of latest and best makes, which he is selling at lower prices than any other house In the county. Mary McGovcrn, of Bethlehem, aged 3 years, was scalded to death on Thursday of last week. The residence of Mrs. John Madden, at Bethlehem, was destroyed by firo Friday. The jewelry store of Harry II. Webb at Calasauqua was robbed of a largo amount of valuably on Thursday night of last week. If you are in want of queenswaro or glassware, drop in at Dauiel Graver's Bee Hive Etore, and select from his large stock, Just received from the manufactories. Prices down to suit you all. The Mauch Chunk Democrat says that $40,000 in addition to the $C0,000 originally appropriated, will bo needed to complete the Miners' Hospital in Schuylkill county. William Hensley was killed and an other man severely injured Friday morn ing by an explosion of giant powder in the Lehigh Valley Coal Company'! new shaft, at PitLston. 4ti-Preparo yourself for tho sovcro and sudden changes of climate of winter and spring, by procuring a bottle of Dr. Bull's cough syrup. Neatly printed illustrated dodgers at the AsvociTK office very cheap. Give us a trial. The rortland,Northampton county, En- terprue states that tho titles having been examined and a small mortgage dating from 1801 satisfied, the sale of the Bangor and other slate properties to New York and Philadelphia capitalists will soon be con summated. John McConnell,of Raven Run,Sehuyl kill county, is 31 years of age, 47 inches high, and weighs 86 pounds. Trains will run from this place to Allen. town to accommodate those wishing to visit Vf. C. Coup's great show on Wednesday next, 13th Inst, at cheap excursion rates, Large crowds will no doubt be on hand. Mrs. Cull, of Buck Mountain, died very uddenly at that place on Monday last. She was buried in tho Catholic cemetery, at Laurytown. At the eltctlon held in Mauch Chuuk last Saturday to decide as to whether that borough should build a new Market and Opera House, the question was decided in the affirmative, Let us hope that it will not prove as huge an elephant to them, as the publio school house of this borough has ..rattan In now vaa.1a You can catch trout now If you know how. Prof. J. T. Rowland,pf Weathtrly, was in town Saturday, and dropped In to see US. A largo invoice of manllla bags Just re' eclved aud for solo at this office at low prices printed or plain. Store keepers will do well to call and see them. If you desire to sen a welt selected slock of Spring and' Summer dress goods, marked down to the very lowest figures, call at J. T. Nusbaum's Original Cheap Cash Store, this borough. Do uot lako our wordjfor It, but call nndjsco for yoursolvcs. Don't fall to read tho monster advertise ment in to day's paper, of W. 8. Winter niutq,, He Is fully prepared to do all lie promises. His goods nro all fresh and aro selling at very lowest prices. Call and see them, and be convinced. Miss Carrie Bauer left for her new field of labor In the public schools of Weatherly last Monday. W. S. Wtnlcrmute, of this borough, Is tho first merchant In Corbou county to oc cupy the full spaco of ono page of a news paper to announce his business. Who will follow suit? A two weeks' term of Court will con veno at Mauch Chunk Monday next. And now Laury'a Station is to have a carriage factory. They had five Inches of mow at Wilkes barre on Saturday. Tho ruling prico of Allentowr, bank stock at present is $55 per sharo. The Bethlehem lock-up accommodated 35G tramps with lodging during tho past winter. Tho small-pox is still troubling the people and keeping the doctors busy in old South Bethlehem. It is estimated that about twenty-five tons of tobacco wero grown in tho neighbor hood of Bethlehem last season. Excavations aro being made for tho erection of four now heating furnaces in tho Bessemer steel mill, South Bethlehem. Horees and carriacescan bo obtained at David Bbbert'a popular livery on North street, at all times for business, pleasure or funeral purposes, at low rates. Grand Spring opening of ladles dress goods and dry goods, at Daniel Graver's Bee Hivo Store, this borough, Including alt the newest and most fashionable designs. If you wish to secure bargains call early and select from his immense slock. Fur tho week ending mi the Id inst,, there wen- 73,327 tons of coal transported over the- L. V. railrord, making a total for the season to that dato of l,f!fG,953 tons, showing an iunease, as compared with samo time last year, of 301,101 tons. For tho five days ending; on the 31st ult., Ilieio wero C5,11J tons of coal trans ported over tho Ij. A S. railroad, making a total for tho year lo that date of 1,003,75" tons, showing an increase, ns compared with same timo lust season, of 230,310 tons. The jewelry store of C. P. Eldrcd.at Honesdale, was robbed on Tuesday night, of watches and othor yalunblcs, to -the amount of over $1000. There is no duo to tho robbers. -George Hoover, aged 14 years, Wednes day Bitot and hilled hissisler, Lottie, iigwl 17, ina quarrel at tho dinner-table, in the house of their mother, a widow, living near Sunbury, in thisSlnto. The boy was lodged in jail. He gives ns the only reason for the crime, that "they would not give him enough to cat." -A colored man named Joseph Perry, (commonly known hereabouts ns "Black Joe,") was found on tho rch of the Fort Allen House, in Wcisspnrt, Wednesday moruing, In what was at first supposed to be a half frozen and drunken state, and was carried to the bam and covered with a blanket and u lot of straw, but when some time in the aflernoon persons went tn look nflrr him, he was found to be dead. 1U. T. S. Beck, of this borough, held ail inquest on the body, ami a verdict was rendered in accordanco with tho fjcls. His body was taken charge of by tho Toor Directi rj of Parry ville, to which place ho belonged. -Rev. Mr. Hart, Graud Worthy Chief Templar of the Grand Lodge I. O. ofG. T., of rc(ina.,will lecture on Temperance In the Lehighton rinsbyterian Church, next Fri- duy evening, April 15lh. Tho last report of tho public schools, is unavoidably crowded out of this week's paper it will appear next week. Our Enial friend J. W. Raiidenbush, who has been ndimseil during the past week, is now convalescing. " Two saw mills, one belonging to the Lehigh Coul andi'avjgation, nnd tho other to Lewis Crcllin Sc Co., wero destroyed by fire at Whito Haven Wednesday. The loss is between JS000 to $10,000. The new borough council organized on Monday evening last. . A Tirol Itlilo Arllclu. Messrs. Trexler .t Kroidler.atlhe Central Carriage Works, Lehighton, Pa., have pur chased the right of Caibon county, for the use of Goodell' Patent Axlo Cutting Ma chine, to take up lost motion in boxes of bug fries, carriages and other wagons. Butchers, nucusiers unit an owners ol wagons will do well to call on the above named ccntlcmen at their works, and have their wagons made like new, as far as lost motion or worn box cs are concerned. Call and give it a thor ough examination. Kcroliillon In I'ricrv. Last week's Gazette has this to say of our young friend, E. II. Hohl : Tho rapidly increasing business of Mr. K. H. Hohl, watchmaker and jeweler, is mar velous in tho eyes of many of our older and less ambitious anil enterprising dealers, and shows what Industry, energy and liberal advertising will do inn staid old town. He lias created a revolution In prices In watch es, clocks and jewelry, and is now enlarg ing his business to Include silver plated ware of all kinds, which he is oll'eriug at prices apparently but little mora than cost. yet lie claims that his profits nro entirely satisfactory. The secret of this is, that he is a shrewd buyer, making all his purchases at lowest figures, and selling corresponding ly i-uiruj,. jus store is uno Ol tno uoatebl and n i oat attractive lu the State, anil Is lo cated on Susquehanna street, Mauch Chuuk. Mnbilll)- or Tuviiklilpn. Supervisors about going Into office should take heed of recent decisions of the Supreme Court in relation to roadi and bridges, so that they will place and keep' all such in condition that will ensuro the safety of travellers and save the township damages. Tho Supreme Court has decided that if a publio road, running through a township, Is so dangerous by reason ol its proximity to a precipice that common prudence requires extra precaution in order to secure safety to travellers, tho township Is bound touse such precaution, and the omission to do so Is negligence. Townships, as well as other municipalities, as a city or borough, are bound to erect walls or barriers along tho sides of its roads if that is necessary to the safety of travellers. In another ease the Supreme Court also decided that, where the plaintiff was driving over an unralled town ship bridge and the horse took fright at a plank nailed over a hole in tho bridne. and before ho could bo prevented, backed over the bridge into the creek, by which the horse, carriage and harness wero Injured, judgment was pioperly entered upon a voMiotofSBS in favor of the plaintiff tnd against the township, who should have kept iup unuge iu a saic condition., Coup' I.ntc.l annul Venture. On the 13th day of April Coup's New United Monster Shows, being the actual consolidation of his own with ten othor well known shows into one, will exhibit in Al len town, giving two performances, afternoon and evening. We have often read of big shows and monster combinations, but in order to get nn udequato Idea of what is ac tually in store for our amusement loving readers, wo nsk them to contemplate tho following i Besides his own monster enter prise, three times larger than last year, Mr. Coup lias also combined with It Farlnl'a great Paris Hlppodromo, with a lent so large that it requires two hundred men with horse power lo rolso it, having a race track forty feet wldo. aud nearly half a mile round, the distance In the vust smllto riura being so great that ho uses threo cir cus and hippodrome rings, und employs three full circus companies. Ha has also added Middleton's grand Menagerie, with nearly n thousand animals, Prof. Juko's Automatic Museum of mcchaulco-autoniat-Ic wonders, requiring ten powerful steam engines to operate them, n fac simile of the New York obelisk, convoyed from Alexan dria, Egypt, at a cost of $102,000, Melville's great Circus, Hager's New York Aquarium, Nathan's great double circus, Prof. Fryer's Pony Circus, Okcliawaka'B Indian show of a hundred aboriginal braves, II. R. Amos' original Boston Jubileo Singers, Verdi's grand Opera and Anvil Chorus, Prof. Knl much's original Palestino Arabs, Cetewayo's Ainazula Princess and suite, a genuine troupe of mala and Icmalo Zulus, and feats of the Oriental curriculum by n company of Turks, Japanese, Spanish Moors nnd Lgyptitin Mamelukes. The great street procession of a hundred golden chariots and nnimal dons conteins nine bands of music, four musical chariots, each played by jrawcrful sloam engines, equal to a thousand first-class musicians, ono hundred performers iu the three cir cuses, nnd two hundred male and feinala riders and chariotors In the, great Furjs Hippodrome. The show is preceded by threo palace advertising cars, a hundred agents nnd advertisers, and tra,nsiorted by ono hundred railroad ears, nil of which aro owned exclusively by tho proprietor. There has never been anything before to equal this, and we hnvu no doubt but Mr. Coup will bo well patronized when the show ar- Wclfciport Hums. The numerous friends of Robert Yundt will undoubtedly regret to hear of bis death on Tuesday last. Mr. Yundt was engaged iu uu apoinccary store in riiuaucipliia where ho was taken sick and after a pro tracted illness with typhoid lever, died at his father's residence in this bornueh. Our sympathies are with the Iwmived family unit mentis of the deceased. Funeral ser vices Wero held on Friday ami his remains were lutcrren In tno .Last Weis.ipnrt ceme tery, there to await n joyful resurrection. Austin Boyer is einploved as a clerk In the Packcrton Forwarding Office. Frank Koonsand family, left on Mon ilay last fur Ft. Dodge, Iowa", lo visit rela tives and friends. Albert Campbell, ono of our enercetin young men, left on Monday lat to attend tho Btato Normal School at Millersville. As principal of tho Eust Weissport sohools he was unexcelled. -Singing school was hi-ld in tlin base ment of tho Evangelical church on Satur day evrnlnir. last. Finn music and slusluc was rendered on the occasion. -Tho friends of Mis. Snvder. wife ofthe late Rodger Snyder, surprised heron Tues day of last week, bv loading her table with delicacies. Night marauders wero on an expedi tion one night last week, but were frightened nil' before succeeding in entering the Miner liios., residence. Threo children nfGeoree Ramiaredown with diphtheria. We hope they may speed ily recover. Quixr. HlS Creole IUiui.. William Shoenberger difposed of 23 acres otrve to Paul Buck, of this place, for $U'5. The horses that wcra sold at his ven due brought from $30 to SI0I) : 7 cows from S17.50 to $38.50; corn sold at 55 cenis, hay giZJ per ton, oats 40 cents, potatoes 45 mils, buckwheat 45 per bushel, and about 400 pounds of chickens, livj weight, sold at from U to 10 cento per pound. -Win. Lovi-tl.ofTullvtuwn.Biicksooun- ly, moved on tho unit ho bought ol Mr. Bhoonherger on Iho 1st. Wo aro pleased to uavo nun iocuiq witu us. Cheater A. Buck moved into uno of Adam Begel's residences near Murm Fur nace, on Saturday last. Mr. Buck will open h select school in Nortli East Weissport Mon day a week. W. E. Kemerer. Win. Bover. Nnlhnn Suit and Taul Buck, of this place, were in attendance at the Conference at Milljmrt on Saturday last. -Constoblo John Strohl. of Lower Towa- inenslng township, was at this placo on Monday last on business. A child of Ilenrv Solt. near Welssnort. was interred in the cemetery at this place on Sunday afternoon last; another died on balunlay latnnil was interred on Tuesday morning, jioin y lei i ins oi scarlet rath. Mr. Full, ol Line Run. purchased the old saw mill of J. J. Kemerer, of this place, iir on Aionony lasu .Mr. i'., intends to remove the mill to Long Run and set it up there. John Srhabo and wife, of Shamnkln. wero at this placo on a visit on Sunday lo friends. Ho also rave us a nlcasint call. John is a clever fellow, and we are always pleased lu meet him --Esrcs havo advanced acalu somewhat iu price. Tho winter term of our schools havo about all closed, and with few exceptions general satistartinn has been the result. We had a terrible nor'-wester at this place on Tuesday last. Mr. J. Hottensteln. of this place, savs he received 00 cents per bushel for potatoes ut Nesquchoning this week. ItKVr.RK. UclljrloiiN JVOtCk. LtUlOUTON EVAKOKLlCALUUOnOn n. J. Smoyer, pastor. Preaching tomorrow (Sun day) at 10 a. in., and 7-15 p. in. Sunday school at S p. in. Morning subject: "The firs that shall never ko out." Ereiilair sub ject: " Christ Charged with Insanity." All are cordially welcome. Ziom'b Reformed Oucrou, J. H.IIartman pastor. Preaching at 10 a. m., Sermon, In German. 2 p, m., Sunday school. 7:00 p.m., sermon, In English. A cordial welcome to all KVANOKLlCAr. Uiiuncii.WKiBSrDHT. E. J. Miller, Pastor. German preaching at 10 o'clock a. m., by the Pastor. Sunday School at S p.m. English preaehlnc a 7.30 p.m. I.Ut Ol I.CttCfk Remaining uncalled for at the Lehighton Post-Office, April 8th: Carle. Philip. I Crandall. O. A Graver, David, Hill, C. L. Mack, barah, Miller, Alice, Miller, A. II. I Manti.John, Nothstein,SlephenF. I Whart, Macie, narg, oouu, jr. I wen, Matilda, Weaber, Wilson. Persons calling for any of the above letters will ploaso say "advertised." H. II. Pities, P.M. Dr. T. H. Latham, of Weatherly, has been appointed physician of tho Middle Coal Field Poor House, vice Dr. Longshore, re signed, who flllod the position for eighteen years. Mr. Nathan Kloti. the veteran hotel proprietor, assumed tho management of the Broadway House, Mauch Chunk, on the 1st of April. With Mr. Klotz's peculiar fitness for tno business, and an experience of more than score of years, we may safely predict that the Broadway will continue to be one of the most popular bouses lu the Lehigh Valley. Ex-Burgess Keiser, the lata pro prietor, occupies one of his residences ad. joining the hoUl. .VaueA Chunk Gait tie. rf iyT"mM 'i 1 1 wgBnaMftCTawgf3MWMepftssKiMBwnt Tlio Conl Trndrt The aulhracltu coal trade for tho past week has been unusually dull in all depart ments of the trade. The production of coal at tho mines, the transportation of coal from tho mine to the shipping points, or to the markets for consumption, shows unusual dullness, at lower prices. There seems to bs a purpose on tho pat t of tho coal trade not to over-stock the market by unduly loading tho new year with last year's produce of coal. To this end W. II. Johns, John E.Oroeff, John M lines and R. C. Thomas huveogr.cd to the stoppage of coal mining tho last three days of this week, that Is to cay, to stop work on April 7th, 8th and Sth instants. To fully carry out tho spirit of tho agreement it Is essential that the mining, hoisting, prepara tion and loading of coal during those days be entirely discontinued. As evidonco how much production has been reduced this year on that of last year iu corresponding timo the figures show that, on tho lstnf March, 1880 the stock of coat ou hand and nllout was 807,000 tout; on the 1st or March, 1881, tho amount ou hand was but 305,000 tuns, a de crease of 412,000 tons. This shows a very limited supply of stock now ou hand. Tho orders for coal aro quite limited, olid it is not improbable that a further suspensiou of production may bo continued for a month or two yet. Tho samo favorablo fcaluro of the trade that lias characterized it lor tho past six months, namely, united action on the part of tho several largo companies, still prevails, aud probably will throughout tho year. 1 1 was a inista ke no doubt to susiwnd coal production, and, ntthe samo time, issue circulars of advanced prices. Tho stock of coal now on hand as compared with tho 1st or March last year is 412,000 Ions literally no reduction at all. Prices wore fully main tained last year on an increased supply ol coal. There 13 no reason to fenr that the trade will weaken henco to the end of tho year, or that prices' will bo lower. Tho trade, us will be seen, opcnswithover412,000tons less on tho market than there was on tho opening of trade last year. Into the fact of less coal to sell this year there is a large short supply nil over the country, and especially at tho West. The retail prices of coal, owing to the reduction of prices by the coal combination and tho low rates of fi eight, havo been reduced 50 cents a ton to maintain Ihe present circular prices. They will meet tins week to decide upon the pro gramme for April, but it is particularly iioticeablo that some cutting of circular prices is taking placo. Thcro is no great v-oulidence in Ihe trade that theso prices can bo sustained, even If production is curtailed, and supplies only for immediate wonts are boing purchased. Thus the receipt at this port last week wereif all descriptions, 21,988 tons, against 42,105 for the samo week last year, making the total receipts since Jan uary 1st, 1,109,281 tons, against 293,904 tons last year. As freights are low, tho small re ceipts aro the moio significant. The total production of onlhracito coal for the week ending March 19th was 511,850 tons.agalnst 592,8S0 tons tho previous week, and 340,234 tons tor tho same wcekiu 1880. Tho increase in the production since January 1st is 1,242, 205 tons. The Western trade lias fallen olf. Frelghtsarelow,beiug$ll 10 from New Ynrk,$I 50 from Philadelphia, and $1 75 from Baltimore. The avcnigo rates of freights last year was low, or only $1 a ton, but it was exceptional, owing to the high rates ruling fur Ire. Vessels would carry ire lo coal-shipping ports and bring back coal. Up on the ice the profits woi made. It is claim ed by owners of freighters that this year, owing to this fact, that there will bo no such rates ruling for ice as a year ngo, coal fielghts will average higher than last. The anxious ly looked for decision iu the Reading Rail road election case, before Judge Hare,gener ally expected on 3aturday last, was uot forth coming, and may not be reached bo fore tho end of the present week. President Gowen, who is confined to his bed with a lamo leg, is recovering as fast as could be cx'ctcd and will probably appear on the street with crutches to-day. It is said at the Company's office that tho postjioned meet ing that was to havo been held ut the Acad emy of Music will be held as early as notice can be giyen or timo ami place alter Mr. Gowen gets out Ledger, Monday. The Cumberland County Temperance Alliance has resolved Uwn a vigorous en forcement of tho license laws. A number of arrests havo been made for violations. JiAiti:n;i). PATTERSON K1DD. On tho 17th ult., by Iicv. Abraham Bartholomew, l'carco Patterson and Allco Sarah Jildd, both of Cainsauo.ua, Lehlgli On. KEMEItEU-SUEI.IiY.-On tho loth ult., by same, Thomas Kemerer, of Eekley, Lu icrne county, and Miss Mury June shelly, or fcast Pcnn, Oarbon Co. lIOUail-IIOKN. On tho same day, by the same, lilwln Hough and Allss Mary Ann Horn, both orMahuiilntf. HltOWN-FHEEIlY.-On tho 20th ult., by tho same Albert Brown, of liowraansvllle, ami Miss Amanda li. Frecby, or East Pcnn. LONG METZGEIt. On the 24 Inst., by liev. J. 11. Ilartman, Henry Long to Miss Henrietta Mettger. both of Heidelberg towusnlp, Lehlgu county. iur.D. MARKS. On the 20th ult., In Mahoning, Ida Jane, daughter or Wilfred and Edith Marks, aged 6 years, 10 months and 11 days. FJUTZINGER. On the 28th ult., in East 1'eno, Osear Monroe, sun or John and Re becca Frltzlnger, aged 21 years and 22 days. SMITH On the 81 Inst., in East Penn, James, sen of Owen and Sallnda Smith, aged 2) years, 10 months and 17 days. DITTEn LIN E. On the 1st lost., In Packer ton, or consumption, Sully Ann, wife ur Timothy Dlturllnc, aged 33 years and 2 months, McCORMIOK. At Hickory Run, on tho Slst ult., Howard, eon of George und Elenora JJcCorinlck, or scarlet fever, aged 0 years. KKSCUKJ) FltOJI DEATH. Tho rollonlnir statement of Wm. J. Cou L-h-lln, orsoinervllle, Mass., Is soremarkable that we beg to ask lor It the attention of our read ers tie savs : In the rail or 1870 1 was tak eu with a violent ulkkpiiiu or tux lukus, followed by a severe couurh, I soon began to lose my appetite and flesh. I was so weak at one time that 1 could not leave my bed. In the summer or 1877 I was admitted lo the Olty Hospital. W hlla there the doctors laid I had a hole In my left lung as big as a hairdollar. 1 expended over a hundred dollars In doctors and medicine I was so far gone at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a Irlend told me or UR. WM. If ALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I laughed at my friends, thinking that my case was Incurable, but I got a bottle to satltry them, when, to my surprise and gratification, I commenced to feel better. My hope, once dead, began to revive, and to-day I reel in bet ter spirits than I have the past three years. " 1 write this hoping you will publish It, so thai every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be Induced to take DIE. WM. HAT.IVS BALSAM FOR THE Ll'NQS, aud becon- tuicou mat uunaumruun uan uo uureu. 1 have taken two bottles and can positively say that It has done more good than all th olher medicines 1 have taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely disap peared and 1 shall soon be able to go to work." Sold by A, J. Ucnuso. Lehighton, and all druggists. Dec. 18. 1880-yloow HKNHY'S PAMIOUC SALVE. Tho BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uloeri, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Rkln Eruptions, Freckles and Pim ples. The Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction In every case or money refunded. He sura you get HENRY'S UARUULIO HALVE, as all others are but Imitations. 1'rlce 25 oents. For sale by all Druggist everywhere. Dec. 18, 1180-yleow ERRORS OF YOUThT A Gentleman who suffered for year, from Nervous DHHIt.1'1 Y 1'ltHMATUUEDECAY aud all the etteoL. nf voutuful lndeci Bllnn. will (or the sake of suffering humanity send free to all who need it. the raclDa and directions lor msklag the simple remedy br which he was veruser'a experience can do so by addrusinaT .fin. inns u Cwjit 8Uct, X. V PIMPLES. wIa'.1. ei rce"e ' i yitoitTA.injs Bmji that will remove tar, liia tiieskin sett, clear aod beauiltnli alsorn. "tractions lorjiioduciiip n luxuriant growth ol litlr on a baliT head or anieoiu I e. Address, inelo intra,, atjlmn. lilt. Vlxritur A n. Wn tJ3ceu,an8i... Y. Janiorafl ' ltpn itniiut,'1 miiviirnc Are the only Horse and Poultry Powders that Klve universal satisfaction, ir the Poirdcrs do not give satisfaction, the Urunglst will is, tUm Vmir nnnn ' 1... 1 ?Bn, - ecu. t o, loov jjnun To Consumptives. The savcrttser, liatlnr teon permanently cor ed of that dread disease, Conimnpilon, by a firaiilo teruidv. Is nimous to mane known to Ins xe low-sulTmeis the means ct cure. To all Who demro it, ho will wud a copy of tho pre so iption ived, oreoot chiige), wita tliedliec lion.Ior lirtpbiinf and uslua the same, which tiioy will fliidasuiiB cuanfor coxMJMnioH, asiiiha nuo.NCIiliIs, Ac. rarticswinhinif the J riijciiptlon. wt 1 pirate addi, nn is. a, WIl.RijN. 194 l'EMH Street, Wlllmmsi nrih, Now Yorx. jMn:9fain A tuts WstUl. Big Pay. Light Werk, steady Kmnlnrmeiit Kumulos treo. Ad ure.', to. L. jj uu, No. 49 NASSAU Btreet M'Wjioik. Jn.2Cni A INcit Trout in cut. TSe GMin ElUer of .e. WmitrJxA Puns. If you havoConinmptlon, and would know that wiur cough can bo tnado loose and easy llectio Fever and Night Sweats cheeked In 21 hours) Inflammation taken nut of tho Lungs and air passagrs at oncoj that you can be made to gain 3 to 5 pound or healthy flesh Per week s ir you havo any Ohronlo Disease, llrnnphltt. A. Hon.. fA(nt..t, llt.l. Headache, Heart Disease. Liver Complaint, Nervous Dcblllty.Scinlnnl Weakness or Sper malorrlioea, loss of sexual power In cither sex from any cause j II you havo any form of nerv ous weakness, losing flesh or wasting away, nnd would know ol an Immedlat. roller and curiam cure lor many ol the severest cases In a short time, a new method with new agents to ratten everybody, Invigorate and make strong and healthy tho most hopelors cases, cut this out and wrlto at once lor particulars to I), s. DISPENSARY, Berrien Bprlngs, Mich. julylfyt A0E1IT3 WA11IED tor the Best and Fastest Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prlees reduced 33 per cent. National Publishing Uo., Philadelphia, Pa. mart-ms New Advertisements. jyj-.VHOXIXG TOWNSHIP. Annual Statement of Mahoning Township, for the year ending March Hth, 1M1. SAMUEL EBERT, one of .he Supervisors ol Mahoning Township, In account with said Township: DR. To tax du pi lea to for tho year 1880 a)128 85 " Cash received from N . Lefller 117 95 (1380 80 on. Salary as per self, 139 dnys at 1 60.$ 208 87 Cash pMlorrepalrlugToadsti bridges, 1003 08 Exonerations S 42 Paid Trexler fc Kreidler for 29 finger boards 15 75 Paid J. L. (Is bio, lor planks & spikes. 08 Paid T. S. Beck, J. P., Tor notice, lo Obert 60 Paid cash to U. Xandcr, Supervisor . . 75 00 By error In dupllcato 6 BO By commission on tl2B.S3 fi) 6 per ct.. 02 e) By balance due the Township 8 03 S13S3 80 Balance duo from N. Leffler, late Supervisor 67 17 CHARLES LENTZ, Oollretor or Tax and Overseer of the Poor, of Mahoning; Town ship, tn account with said Township : DR. To tax duplicate for the year 1RS0 $ 883 02 " balance from lust settlement 172 03 Reallt'd rr'msaleorg'dsorF.Frldday. It 17 s) 570 23 OR. Paid Tor maintenance or Poor as per receipts 357 45 Paid orders or relief. 2 SO Making returns T. S. Beck 60 Maklni; Duplicate 2 00 C. A. Weiss for tickets for Mrs. Fri day and family 33 Oi O. Illskey auctioneering 60 Stephen Fenstennachor lor hauling.. 76 T. It. Kemerer for coffin 7 25 Exonerations 73 By services as per self 10 daj-sJl.60. 11 60 Auditors 4 60 Commission on 29 PI 6 per cent... IV 11 commission on t!03 Si 3 per cent... 12 12 Cash paid 101 41 S 670 22 CHARLES XANDER, ono of Iho Supervls. ors of Mahoning Township, In account with laid Towns lp: DR. To tax dupllcato for tho year 1880 630 81 " Cash ree'd from S. Ebert Saperv'r. 75 00 f 011 01 OR. Salary ns per self el); days 41.50... 3 92 01 Repairing roads and bridges S55 49 Planks, &o 73 02 Error In duplicate 1 eg Exonerations 2 99 Attending settlement 160 Auditors 4 60 Commlsrlon on $033.82 Q 6 per cent. .. 20 68 Balance due Townsblj 40 li 8 en oi Audited and approve! this 14th day or March, 1881, by JOSIAH MUSSELMAN,) J. T. MnDANIEL, Auditors. F. E. FREDERICK. apr. 8.-W3. T 1ST OF APPLICANTS job TAVERN LICENSES for APRIL TERM, 1881. Wm. Oehrlng,2d Ward, Mauch Chunk,Bor. Francis Inkman,lst Ward, Mauch Chunk Bor. Samuel llehler, Mauch Chunk Borough. Paul Schwelblni, Mauch Chunk Borough, lianlcl Chedron, Mauch Chunk Borough. Mrs. John K, McOlnley, Mauch Chunk lier. George F. Huntilnger, Mauch Chunk Bor. James S. Wlbert, Mauch Chunk Borough. Frederick Stahl, Mauch Chunk Uorongh. James MoElrov, Mauch Chunk Borough. John Uehlcr, Mauch Chunk Borough. Lafayette Lents, Mauch Chunk Borough. Michael O'Donnell, Mauch Oliunk Borough. Abraham A. Orcrholtser, Lansford Borough. Ueorge Evans, Lansford Borough. Patrick Campbell, Lansford Borough. John Hlnes, weatherly Borough. Charles Boxmeyer, Weatherly Borough. II. 11. Everett, Weissport Borough. Joseph S. Webb, Weissport Borough. J. U . Raudenbush, Lehighton Borough. Thomas Manti, Lehighton Borough. L. F. Klepplnger, Lehighton Borough. Plus Schwelblni, East Mauch Chunk Bor. O. J. (Masse r, East Mauch Chunk Borough. Daniel McUeady, East Mauch Chunk Bor. John Harklns, East Mauch chunk Borough. Jacob Schwarti, Parry villa Borough. Frederick Horlacher, Lower Towamenslng. W, I. Peters, Lower Towamenilng Twp. Harrison Michael, Lower Towamenslng. Stephen Fenstermueher, Mahoning Twp. Ilu.h Delp, Mahoning Township. Francis Stocker, Mahoning Township. Hugo Ronemus, Maurh Chunk Township. Simon Andcsner, Mauch Chunk Township. Penrose George, East 1'enn Township. James McOlosky, Banks Township. Edward Ruber, Franklin Township. John H. Weiss, Towamenslng Township. Paul Eckert, Kidder Township. Mrt Jejse Husson, Beaver Meadow, John ear, l'acker Township. RESTAURANT LICENSES. William Thompson, Mauch Chunk Borough. Frank Cassldy, Mauch Chunk Borough. Michael McUeady, Mauch Chunk Borough. Leopold Raise, Mauch Chunk BorouKb. Levi S. Miller, East Mauch Chunk Borough. Peter Bush, East Madeh Chunk Borough. Michael Gates, East Mauch Chunk Borough. Theodore Gerster, East Mauch Chunk Bor. Mrs. Annie Manells, Lansford Borough. Jacob A. Ruth, Lansrord Borough. Edward K. shoemaker, Lansford Borough. Mary Harris, Lansford Borough. Lewis J. Christman, Lower Towamenslng. Oscar Arner, Weissport Borough. David O'Brlan, Franklin Township. J. II. Kromer, Franklin Township. Frank McCann. Mauch Chunk Township. Ann Owens, Mauch Chunk Township. Ellen Potters, Lausanne Township. LIQUOR STORE LICENSES. II. II. McDrlde, Banks Township. Richard Dauguerty, Banks Township. John Sweeney, Summit Hill. Owen Gallagher, East Mauch Chunk. A. K. Miller, Lehighton Borough. Michael Martin, Mauch Chunk Borough. , GEO. W. ESSER, March 28, 1881. Prothonotary. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, A victim of youthful Imprudence causing Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Un. hood, etc, tuning Med In vain every known remedy,hM discovered a simple seUcure,wbich. be will send FREE to his fellow- sufferers, a4 Ores J, II. OEEYES, 43 Chatham St. N.XV January 23, 1881-yl Cheap JTarins IN MISSISSIPPI, ESTrPJlF.V"1 EXOHANOE at (10 and tit PER ACRE. Address, A. BEERS . . 820 Atlantlo Avenue. Deo.2&jnT Bapcmrn, N. St . QARBON HOUSE, J. W. RAUDENBUSH, PROPRIETOR, IUmkSt., LtHianroK, Pa. Th i Oabbost Hocsb offers Urit-clsn tceom. mentions to the Traveller publio. Boarding Pi1!1' J?." or .w,ek on Reasonable Terras. Choice Cigars, Wines and Donors always on !Vnd,V f?,00d Sheds and SUbles. with alt.a UTv tlrs, attuned. April 10-jJ IM RHEUMATISM Neuralaia. Semfinn. Lumhnnn Backache, Soreness of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and ScaJd3, General Bodily Pains. Tooth, Ear and Hcadacho, Frosted roet ana tars, ana an othor Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacohs Oit as a tafe,urr. ttmptt and thtap Extrnnd Remedy. A trial entails but the eoinimndlrely trilling outlay of SO Cents, and erery ono rnnr lng with pain can havo cheap and positive proof of Its claims. Directions In Eleven language. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEBS IH MEDICINE. A. VOGEM3R t& CO., -Baltimore, aid., XT. 8. A March 6, USl-yl KANKLia TOWNSHIP. Accounts of the Oram. nf tlm Paup r r run Kim rownsnip, uaroon county, ra., for tui j vat a JU. loo vOi, ; JOHN SOHWAB. DR. To amount ol duplicate " Money received for rents and tines f 431 87 3 60 t 435 37 OR. Ry services rendered hlmsetf.S ( 20 " Money paid for keeping paupers 73 00 " Provisions, clottalnir, luncr- cral expenses, etc 169 CO " J. K. Rlckert, Judgment note is 89 " Commission, 21 63 " Auditors wages, eto t u too 10 135 2T Balance due Township.. 435 37 CORNELIUS REIIRIrt DR. To amount or dupllcato 229;08 OR. Jly services rendered hltnsoir.$ money pam lor Keeping paupers no eo i-rovisioD, clothing, etc.. 14 39 11 45 " Commission. 170 19 58 89 Balance due Township. 229 08 Accounts of the Runorvlsnrs nf Frnnklfn Township, Oarbon county, Pa., lor tho year A. AS. IOOU-OL , JOHN SCHWAB. . DR. $ 774 83 To amonnt ol dupllcato - jjai. uue xownsmn July 8Td 1880 " Order on School Treasurer. 15 72 51 0 t 841 CO OR. By Labor and material to re pair roaos t 029 85 Making a financial state ment 2 00 623 85 212 76 Balance duo Township, 841 00 CORNELIUS REIIRIO. To amount of duplicate DR. 6 414 23 OR. By Labor and material tore pair roads $ 331 81 Balance duo Township 20 67 414 28 RECAPITULATION. KOaD. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, CR. By Balance In John Schwab's account $ 212 75 " Balance in Cornelius lleh- rlg's account 29 87 Total balance due Township.. 232 4' POOR. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, OR. By Balance In John Schwab's account $ 135 27 " Tlalance In Cornelius Ren- Tig's account (8 89 Total balance dne Sownshlp.. 194 16 DR. To Joseph Anthony, Judgment note $ 39 00 " Daniel Boyer due bill 37 00 Allen Craig, Widow John Moyer, eto 65 00 111 00 Balanco due Township i) 63 16 Audited and approved this 14th day or March, A. D. 1881, by STEPHEN SOLT, ) D. F. RICKERT. Auditors. JOSEPH BOYER. J Marsh 26, 1881-W3. FARMERS, LOOK to Your INTERESTS AND PURCHASE ThresIiinE Machines and Agri cultural Implements, The Beit In the Market, at J. L. GABEL'S. Also, en hand, and for Sale In Lots to Halt Purchasers, CHEAP FOR CASH, 10,000 feet Georgia Yellow Pine Flooring, White Pine Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. AT HIS HAROWARK BTORH. April -m Lehightok, Pa. MILTON A. WEISS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. REPAIRING Of all Inscription promptly attended to at the most reasonable prices. 43 All Work guaranteed, and palrotux Is resDectfully solicited. Jan.n-jl S2 WAlch..SLmWln4.nlS.BI.WMtU.UIIIltBttaf I Cam li. ImlUll.B I oW IS. BollilgoldllL C1a..I .BdbMir.rUMortpcul.UvpuruiMA, VaIua.U January 29, ltai-yl iinilnistriitor's Nollce. Notice It hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted the under signed on the estate of Henry Raaaly, late of Lower TowamenslngTownsnlp.Carbon coun ty. Pa., dee'd. All persons Indebted to said estate will make payment within 30 days, and those hiring claims will present them duly .Ulhentleated for settlement to J. O. KRUAMEU,- Administrator. Lwr TcwsmenHPg,Mreiil, liiH. 1,000 OVERWHELMING NEW FEATURES! Positively Seen In no other Saow en . C. COUP'S NEW UNITED MONSTER SHOWS Combined with FARINI'S GREAT PARIS HIPPODROME, With a magnificent four.horse Roman flharlnt Ruco Track, forty feet wide, near? halfa-mll round. Which will positively exhibit. In ALLENT0WN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th, 1881, Olvlnft two full nnd oomplete performances, vis : Afternoon nnd Evenlnc, for Ihe usual Prices of Admission. The success attending COUP'S NEW CONSOLIDATION OF TEN IMMENSE V.f ,1 "aosoiuieiy unpreccuenieu in tno World, fornothlnif like It was ever known. former ca; . Coup has completely absorbed ten other well-known Shows with their Man- alters. Includlnir the Ciroat Paris llinrMldromo. lurmcrcaoncuT. air. uoui nas comn eteiv auiorneti ten other well-known Nhnws with timir aiim dronio Features, requiring Tor this special Department. Cu DIsiInBulshed Riders or nil Nations, requiring the use ol Q nf s ':,. ,,! T-i:,l.. lJ,.., and the em- j vyiiv.no iiuu aaijiuuioiiiu JAiuta, ployment of 3 Full Circus Companies, TtTX 200 Male & Female Performers,. The distance In the Hippodrome Tent Is so Kreat, that In order to acoommodate everybody per fectly, Ooup's Famous Equescurrlcnluiu Is placed at ono end, and at the other, Melville and Nathans' Double Circus. The first and only Show In tho World thai, ever ued Nino Bands of Music, Ineludlnx Four ON jrantlo Sto.im Power Musical Orphcodu, equal to a Ouccrtu or ono hundred liiHrumenls or brass, and also Prof, Juke's Auto.mu'lco-mechanlcal Mnsterplece, dodlcited In inumury to tho oddess ofthe Muses, called the Satplngaslan Uharlot or Mnemosyno. wlmsa thundering sym phonies are fully equal to tho combined melodies of 12u0 skillful musicians. Anions hundreds or entirely new and astounding Interestlnir Tints or the great Parts Hippo, drome will be Introduced tho Boautimi Flyinit LU LU.who will perlorm tne new hnd startlli ft feat posltlvoly never accomplished before in any Truvollnir Show on harlh of Flyluir l utlrely Across the irreat Hippodrome Tent, so that everybody can positively see her: a tlitla worth golnir a thousand miles to sco. Another combination Is that or Prof. Jukes' Automatic Museum, Containing thousands of rare and costly curiosities, and actually requiring Ten Steam lire F.n, (fines to operate them. AmonKafowortherliieloHhoseareiiMeclianlc.il Brum Map r tlorp. consisting; or 12 llfc-slzo automatons, mounted upon a beautiful Tableau Uharlot, each beutlnir In perlcct time upon 12 sllver-mnunted Suaru Brums, alro tho famous incchauleal reproduotlun i f Brannlgau's Band, Uolilen Chariots of Automatic Slivlnir Birds, Okenawaka's IndUn Show,, with wives, papooses, ponies and wigwam tents, a whole tribe, u troupe of Male and Female Zulu warriors, Japanese, Eityptlan Mamelukes, and Palestine Arabs, beautiful Llllputian Mlduet Ciuecm, Oetowaro's Princess, Uauirhter and suite, exquisite water fountains forced by powerful engines, Miniature Landscapes ofthe Harden uf Adunls.aiid many other rare and beantlfol tilings: Middleton's Grand Menngerie, With rare, magnificent representative specimens of nearly a whole Zoolosrle World in Captivity I Embracing tho largest Collection or Trained Animals ever soon with any show. Hager's New York Aquarium, Which Is consolidated with Coup's Show, contains beautiful llvlnif Fresh and Salt Water Fishes, monster Sea Lions, Hell Bdiiders, the eiirions b.tnded Proteus, anil In f.ict a captured World of floundering Tbalassaslan Monsters or tho deep. A perrect fac simile of the Famous New York Obelisk, Egypt's itlft to the New World, a gonulne cetemporary with Moses, recently set up tn Central Park, at a cost of over 1' 2.000. Is arasni: tho numerous novel attractions of tha Shuw. also thn, beautiful and wonderfully trained $100,000 Stud of Broncho Horses, The Champion Leaping: Horse Nettle. Fryer's Educated Self-hanirtnir Don?. aNantetlanShen. herd Horse ou Stilts. Ponies lorminz Tableaux tn competition, Including scores orthe leading champion male and remale Imrcback riders ot Urn World. Magnificent Electric Lights beautifully Illuminate the whole, by means of which a full and complete performance will be vtven In the cvenfug, the same as In tho afternoon, for witness ing the thrilling Hippodrome Chariot and Jcckcy Haco by Electric Light. The most beautiful sight ever witnessed. The Great Street Procession, Centalnlntr Nine Bands of Mnsle. will take nlaca between the hours or S and 10 o'eleck rnrh morning on the day orexblbitioa. Cheaj) Excursion Trains Will be run expressly for those wishing to attend Coup's great sensation. en. Two Performances irlven dally, ulternoon ond cvcnlnir. at the usual hours. Admission In all no more than Is asked by small Interior shows, viz: 50 cents, children under nine years, 25 an 17 F0B GOLDS and O 0 1 J 11 H S 2 5la.50 Cts ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB IT IV.CHAHPIOH DROWNING, IW.n. rnLis raopru: Ton, I3CI Arch Street, P.YIsrio'iP'. IN EITHER L1(JIJ1I Oil llltV FOliJl That Acts at the Saute Time on I The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. Theso prent orons are the nitural clwuirvrfl of tlienyi-tem. It they work well, health will bo lerfect Jf they become cloftreu dreadful dU catt aro sure to f oUow wltU TERRIBLE SUFFERING. JlUiousness, Headache f Vytivjuta, Jaundice, Constipation, litt Kidney (k)mjlaliiUt Grant. Diabetes. Jiheumatle ltliuor AcJte. are dere toped Jjcciuw the blood li itolxoned with lueuumorsiaitsnguniDe eajx'uea umurajij. KinMEV-ynBTWILL RESTORE tbe health t action and all thce destroying evil, will be Uatitnliedi neglect them and you will lire but Co Buffer. Thousands have been cured. Try It and you will odd ono inoro to tho uumbrr. Take it aud li calth will ooco more gladden your heart. Tf kj tnffcr Inurtr fram Ike tftrnw ut ef irlilKt tWIt I lTbj bear inch dlttmt fret ('mtlpalloM ad 1'lln t KiDKET-WoRT will cure you. Try ltatoneand bosaliolled. YourdixttfgtVt lilt. 1 Vice CI. OO. tTtln cam one package of which makes tlx uTquarttof medicine. UTMso In LI quid Form, rery Caneentraltd Ki tSTtor the convenience of thnw who cauuot tyreadliy prepare H. Jt act$ tcltS, fflual tSrcSHcitMV in either orm, ?V E LliV,Tu t llVu US ok X CO., rroiPn, (Will wqd. the dry poet-jxdd4 UCULUGTOT, T. f m a m m it Axle Urease. Ilcst In the world. Lasts lonaer than any other. Always in good condition. Cures sores, cuts, bruises, and corns. Costs but lit tle more than the Imitations. Krery package has the trade mark. Uall for tho genuine, and take no other. AlabastinE ! For flnlihlDU Walls and Celllnirl. Is the most raluable material known. It Is far suncrlor to Kalsomlne, and more economical. It is a valuable dlscoverjr, and Its merits as a wall finish are unsautled. It Is the only natural and durable nnlsh for Walls. It will pay you to send for sample aard and testimonials to Sl!l!L.I3Y UltOS., 38 Durllos Up. Y. City. ' $5 AND UPWATlDS.Vim'. Ued capital deMrloK to beeome Interested lu Ml Dint enternrUci, at bottom figures, rde&ia end addreis for free prujectu to .Tub I AH $777 a year and expenses to aiicnli. Outfit free. Address V. I). VIUKERY, Augusta, Maine. COOO year to dgentv and expenses. 3 Outfit free. Addreis i bWAs Co,, Ansmsta, llalne. OPIUIVI TTABITi 'nrrii br thn ONLY TllUlS cure, in less time and at less cost than by any oihcr meaua No soffsriuc or IncenTcnieooe. Treatment ship, ped to any part ot tno u. K or Cmsdsi. I'm I particular. Iree. Addius. 1). 8. DlBl'hN. bABY, AorrikQ Bpilns, U1U. (EnabUibwl Earth, secured at immenro cost expressly tot Havlnn cnlantcd his own Shews to tl.rro times their nistory ol amusements minis or any other age or tha cnntnlnlmr npnrlv 20 I flh&rlnta ltnri. nml Tllnnn. on each othor's backs. Threo Circus Cnmoanfftii 1m tvim am wlfJ iHH? DCmTmi wKfaJ ' irr-.-r' . .w ' -''.tij. ibm. 'ct tv,. THE GREAT BUHLIGTOy JROVTE. taiTNo other lino runs Threo Through Pae scDgcr Trnlna Dally between Chicago, Dea Moines, Council muffs, Omabn, Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topclia nnd Kansas City, Direct connections for all points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyominir, Montana, Ne vnd.i, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Orccon and California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nud Most Comfortn blo Itouto vlullannlbi'.l to Fort Scott. Uenlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points In Texas. Tho uncqunlcd Inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, nro as follows: Tho celebrated Pullman (16-whccl) I'alaoo Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C. II. 4 8. Palaco Drawlnff-Ttoora Cars, with Ilorton' cclinlner Chairs. No extra chnrso for Scats In Itccllnlnpc Chairs. Tho famous C. n. tt Q. Palaco Dlnlnir Cars. Gonrooun Smoking Cars Dttcd with Klctrant High-Hacked llatton 110 rnlrlnfr Chairs for tho cxclusivo uso of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com blnod with their Great Throur;u Car Arranso racnt, makes this, above allothers,tb favorite Itouto to tho South, Bouth-Wcst, and tho Far West. Try It, and you will And traveling :n luxury InMcad of n discomfort. Through Tickets via this Colehrntod Line for salo at all offices la the Untied Etaiej and, Canada. AH Information Rbout Hates of Faro, Slon Inir Car Accommodations, Timo 'fables, Ac, will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. UK AN, Oon'l Knsiorn Ajront, aw Washington St., Il mton. Mass nnd '117 llroudw y, Now Yin k. JAMES n. WOOD. Hen. Pass. Act., Chicago. T. J. POTTElt, (son. 14nafcr, Chluneo, DEGISTEU'S NOTICE, Notice Is hereby glren that the Executors, Administrators anil Guardians hereinafter1 named have Hied their respeetlre accounts of tbe rollawInK estates In the Keglster's Uftlco at Mauch Dhunk, in and for the County of Oart'on, which accounts bare been allowed by the lleglster, will be presented to the Judges or the Orphans' Court on MONDAY, th. 11th of AI'ltlL, A. D. 1681, at a o'clock P. M., for confirmation : Flnt and final account of Paul Krepge, ad ministrator of Daniel Kckhardt.or Towamen slng township, Carbon county, Pa., dead; First and final account of Jacob Snyder. Jr., administrator o I tbs estate of Harriaou 6d, der, dco'd. First and final account of Wm, O. Froy man, executor of the estate of John SUlu, deo'd. First and final account of Mary Tircgan, administratrix of Frauds Brognn, dee'd, First an.l final account of Daniel Wentz, executor of th. last will and testament of Ur Solt, deo'd. First and final acoountofj. E. Mcacs.ad. mlnlstrator of the estate of Thomas Duncan, dco'd. First and final account ot William Shaffer, administrator of th. ejtato of Darld Sharlur, deo'd. BERNARD PHILLIPS, Register. Mauch Chunk, March 12, USl.vl QHAItTi:it NOTICE. Nollce Is hereby glteu, thut an application for a prpo.Hl CorHratlon to be stylvJ "I'nlon Ceumtry Assoolailvu, of Fait Wrlsiport,'' to be located In Franklin township, i irbon cuuuij, i-a., wildo uiuuo to ins Jtooorn. a. Dr.her, Pruldrnt Judge, on the tint d of th. next April Court In Carbon county. Tho, charaoter and object oraald Corpoiat.ou i Lu Jirovide a suitable place for tho l.unal of tho, Had. 8.11. U ILIUM Attorney for Applicanu. March 12, u. wl, Vl