THE PLACE TO BUTT is where gets a DO&IiAM'S worth of Ctoods for a DOIilaAR. of course ? WHY YES, at You know where that place is, Si 111 alL His shelves counters, tfcc, are just packed full and overflowing with everything- MICE and MEW he has all the Mew Styles and most Delicate Shades, Patterns, &c,, in SPRING AND SUMMER DRE and some of them are just lovely, ranging in price from f cents per yard upward. A nice line of or ME It BLAG new !AHI price and quality to sua all, even the most fastidious taste, and &atins9 Sillss9 Wringe9 W&eMt lFrimmings9 OTTOHTAM3S, CAMCOJES, MUSIdGJTS, WHITE Jg, ITl&SMMIM 3- g , SfOTIOBTS, UJL AT BOTTOM PRICE 2 Have you seen the Mew liine of MAKSEIMLES COIWTEEMPAfliriaS ? They are excelled hy noaae AMXWHmisis in price, fjuality, &e, they are certainly very low, as every one says, and his stock of C all widths and equalities, are selected with great care I.6w here is something that ABPETS and Oil CILOMHS, crests every eae, especially the Men and Boygj, and that is the waffaBEMra a sacLaaaaaa saa mum a he has two qualities of it, one is made of good strong Mleavlietl BMuslin9 with &-$?lgJine ILinen Bosoni, with strong Hutcher linen hack (to make it take the starch well), linen Wristbands, cut with yoke, and is as nicely and neatly made as the most expert can make them, and he sells lots if them for just Seventy-Jive cents When he has anoth- m er which is a specialty, it is made of Croiii Medal Wamswta MusiiES", line 3-pIy linen JBosom, with strong linen back and Wristbands, and the Hosonis staid on either side by being made double, it is M finished no buttons or scams to sew up, but just ready to do up, and they are only MIWJETY CiXJT& They are certainly a bargain as the material costs just about what the Shirt sells for all made uj, and mothers and wives you need not bother and and worry about making it lit, as every one of them are wabbated to Fit or mowey itEFUiV3E). He has also a nice line of ClIICO &MIDT8 with Collars, Boy's 35 cents aid Men's 5 cents each. Me has also a nice lot of Iron Stone China, C C and Queens Ware, Glass Fitekefs Glass Bets &c, Decorated Chamber Sets a Speciality ! Groceries. Seeds. Provisions. Sc, all at Bottom Prices ! Mememher this is ixniira bottom ma mi DANK street, JLMUMXCHrTOJW, Ia Opposite the liehigh & Susquehanna Depot, sse al $ee tm aslf