The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 26, 1881, Image 4

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- . - - - - lfljR'aiS In tlio Head. fce.,
MJVHSOkS mste t r o n g breaths
&W&PB5Ttik J-, Oifltf?. C jfeS5tlt will be absorb.
TAlt.n NO-MIS.
One cord of birch wood
weighs 236S pounds.
Worms infest the lungs,
the intestines, and the kidneys
of pigs.
Forty cords of oak wood
will yii'ld just about ten cords
of merchantable charcoal.
Soft snaps differ from
hard in having potash in place
of suda as an alkaline base.
Water in which flax has
heen steeped not only kills
fish but is injuries to vegeta
tion. The Chicago Packing
and Provision House kills 10,
000 hogs every day, a day be
ing ten hours.
The first one or two lit
ters laid by pullets are not so
g od for hatching purposes as
those laid later.
Andrew Sprngue, of Eas'-
on, Me., raised 200 bushels of
very large sugar beets from
ibity square rods of ground
The average price of the
corn crop of Illinois for 1880
is 33 cents per bushel, which
is 6 cents less than the aver
age price of the last twenty
Do not be in to much
haste to set your hens, unless
you have a warm place not
only for them to sit in, but
also for the young chicks after
they are hatched.
A couple of ounces of
carbolic acid to three quarts
of water sprinkled on the poul
try house through the fine
rose of a small watering pot
once m three or lour weeks
will destroy lice and other
An exasperated Tenn-
vania farmer who had lost
a great number of sheep,
placed some poisoned meal
where ha thought it would do
the mcst goo:!. His rage was
considerably soothed next
morning on finding the dead
1)00105 Ol
Nothing is equal to tallow
for largo cog-wheels, but a
good grease may be of twenty
five pounds of tallow, twenty
five pounds of tar, fifteen of
soda, and three or tour gallons
of water. Boil the soda and
water till the former is dis
solved; then add the other in
gredients. Instead of oil, which
thickensand makes whetstones
dirty, a mixture of glycerne
and alcohol is used by many
The proportions of the mix
ture vary according to the in
strument operated upon. An
article with a large suriace, a
razor, for instance., sharpens
best with a limpid liquid, as
three parts of glycerne, to one
of alcohol.
If you wish to be success
ful with trees do not plant
large ones; they cost much
more than small ones, you
lose a larger precentage of
tnem, and the tops ol a num
ber of them die down, while
even those which do the best
are much longer in starting
than smaller ones. Of two
persons planting two lots, one
of large trees the other oi
smaller ones, in a few years
the small trees will be the
best in value.
A recent improved re
cipe for preserving plants with
their natural colors is to dis
solve one part of salicylic acid
in 600 parts of alcohol, heat
the solution up to the boiling
point in an evaporating vessel,
and draw the plants slowly
through it. Shako them to
get rid of any superfluous
moisture, and then dry be
tween sheets of blotting paper,
under pressure, m the ordi
nary manner. Too prolonged
immersion discolors violet
flowers, and in all cases the
blotting paper must be ire
quently renewed. The novelty
appears to be flic sallicylic
Nv Albny Ietlcer-Standanl.
BpeuWinff of Guvvrunrs 6ii2iaU the men
tion tf au it "in wereceivinl fTom Mr. llenrv
A Knight, Fore in on at Chas. Water ArOtu
QoTf rntr ami Vulye Works, Bnitnn, Mass i
X liare uwl St. Jacobs Oil flinuncour eiu
ployt'C3unil fln that it never fail to cure.
Tho men are dtfltelittMl with the wonderful
ellWi of the 0.1, 01 it lias curod thorn of
bruises, burns, etc.
SuUcrite for tie Alvocati, onljr 1
A raar-
P. . tVttli for Catarrh.
Apply 0 P'tle1e 1 0(0 tho car. cuuan n.i.n
ir ivlMfl irnlnnl an enviable local ronutft.
lion, displacing all other preparations In tha
vicinity ol discovery, Is, on Its merits alone,
recoimUod ns a wonderful romcdy wherever
known. A fair trial will convince the most
skeptical orits curatlro powers. It cnoctual.
ly cleanses tho nssal passages of Catarrhal
virus, causing healthy secretions, allavs in nnH Irrltnttrtn. ttrutretl the niCni'
hmnni tminiri of tho heal from additional
colds, completely heals the sores and restores
the senso of tasto and smell, llencflcl&l re
sults nra realised bra few applications, a
thnrnntrt. trunttnpnt ax directed Will CUTO Ca
tarrh. Asa household remedy for cold In the
li.n.l It II linfmtnlpil. The Halm IS eOST to
use and agreeable Sold by druggists at 60 I n rpen nt ni ao rents wi 1 mail a rCK.
aire. Send lor rlrculnr with full Information,
m.v't nmiAM iiar.M no.. tJweiro. N. Y
FonsAI-Knv A.J. Hurling, Lehlghlon, Fa.,
and by Wholesale Druggists Beng j
In Lcuckel's Ulock,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Dr. Charles T. Horn
Kespectfully announces to tho people that ho
nas repicmsucu uia siuch, uuu uuota ,
Slricllv fresh
and Pure,
Also Horse and Cattlo powdors-.Patent Stedl
clncs, llrusncs, soaps, unow, r-criurncric,
ttponges, unauiuis OKIIIS. ,v IIIVB nuu
Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps and Flxtures.l)ycsiu(rs,Cholco
Ulnars, I'll cs and Tobacco, r-'tieo-tnclcs.
Trusses, Nursing Ilottlcs,
Violin Strings, and a lull line of
Vr'ull I'npcr and llonlcrsatthe
Lowest I'rlces.
I'roscrlptlons carefully compounded and
prompt attention glrcn toovery branch of tho
A contlnunnco of the patronage herctolore
extended to this establishment Is rcsnectlully
solicited, and satisfaction guarautccu.
scpt.13, ISSO.-ly. Dn. O. T. UOUN
An OLunnd Trillin IlBMisnv. Removes the
Worms and tho secretions that keep them a
live. Wo odaiiantkh Its virtue. We have
hundreds of l'cstlmotilals. collected In the last
15 years, proving cone uslvely thcro Is no re-
Dkstiiovkii to rcimivo tho Worms (all kinds
Hound, Seat, Long and I npe), that infest the
human system. Physicians buy them and
glvo ihcin to their siillcrlng patients. There
Is no humbugorquackery about this thorough
ly reliable medicine. Price, 23 cents per box,
A, W. WRIGHT k Co., Wholesale Druggists,
1UUI HVb U.IU A 1 nil. .3.1 kUIUi
Feb. 6.m3
f 1 MT 1ft. firsat chance to rcako moncj-fl-lfiflH
00 We nco.l a u-rso: in ovciv
HJ4 y &J flyblown to tnko tuibscTiDtlon for
uio larneac, cneupem nna uoji
IlhiKMftted fjim it v DtihlicQtum m Uio world
Anvoiiflcan become a eucecsilul ojciit. Six
olesaat worm of ni t piven f tee to BUiisrrlber.
Tlio prlco insn low tint alrooH uvervbudv eub
Bi;rIniB. Ona Miroiit rroortM tnmL'ir ISO tub sen.
hers in n iUy. A liidy agtmt leporis making
5o.' clear prom hi tcmi oayn, AiiwniiciiTO
nuKc m one v list. You can devoio all to a
timo to (ho bnsme.n, or onlr voar bDaie time.
you noPti tun uo away rmn noinn fiver nistUi
Vim rnn dn it ns wl Bothers Full (lnectlom
mid i cm FAerrmt and cspciistvo Outfit
free, it ou wnntprtifltablP woiitfiomlu voar
addrctii at once. It costs nothing to try the
biiKliie?H. Noono who enjaveB f.iiU tf maKe
CO., Puitlaua. Mntno. Juuolv,
Nonpatent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors in Hie United States,
Canada and Etiroiw, at reduced rates. With
our principal office located in Washington,
Uircclly opposite tho United States Patent
Ofiiec, ivc aro ablo to attend to ail patent
business with greater promptness and des
patch and at less cost than other patent at
torneys who aro at a distance from Wash
ington, and who have, therefore, to employ
" associate attorneys." We make preliminary
examinations and furnish opinions as to
patentablity, frco of charge, and all who aro
interested in new inventions and patents aro
invited to bend for a copy of our "Guido for
obtaining Fatcnts," which is sent frco to any
address, and contains complete instructions
now to obtain patents ana ouicr valuable
matter. Wo refer to the German-American
Kutional Hank, Washington, D.C.; tho Royal
Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations,
at Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, lato Chief
Justice U.S. Court of Claims; to tho Officials
of the U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators
and Members of Congress from every State.
Address: LOUIS li.YGGEK & CO., Solid
tors of Paten tsand AttorncysntLaw, LcDroit
UUlldlng, W ASHISGTOS, D.u. deczz
Our plan ol op
rrt ncr nnv mm
nou less than fef lO in tlrnlii in te only snto.
jfiiruuu iiuai-si one jf t ouercil lllTcStars 10
iiinko nimiuv. Mim fur clrcu'a? nu.l mvotl
cat", Aiiarosa LONG A N KIM AN, 114 La
salie St., catcoso, ilniinni. notice Lnnff A ore rccoinmcnileil by Jlankpra ol their
citr as bomg m every way wonliy of puulto
a year and expenses tnaxents.
llulflt froo. Addrots P. (J.
VIOKEltY, Augusta, Maine.
COCIO a year to Aleuts, and expenses, ts
tyxJiJU ouillt Ire. AUdrc.s f. bWAix i Co,,
Augmln. Mslni.
Al't:tl::n by uddtesslnir Ots. P. SotiII ft Co..
10 3trucc St . New York, on learn tho
exact cost of any proposed lino of Advertising
In American rtcntpapcrs. JKf 100- Pae cents. foh28 w
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the very best LATT1MER COAL at the fol
No.sOhestnut, by thectr...,. 82 75
no. i i.ncsmui, uy ino car. 9 7.
Stovo, by thocir , 4 00
lly the single ton, Si cents per ton additional
Dealer in
General Habdware, &c,
Opposite the Publlo fouarc, BANK STREET,
Outfit sent tree to thoao Trho with to en
C&70 lu tuo roost pleiicant untl profitable
buslm-M liuown. 1-rerithtneueir. Cad.
t tal not iwiulreu, We will furnlU jon erery
ttuiiff. $iOadayopl upwards la ewlly made
w i noil ttnv.Dtf owav riom Home over inch!.
No net whatever. Many nsw workers wanted
i.t oneo. Aiildv uro inauiir lormnAAot lbs bna.
lue-s. Ijidios make a much nameu.and vounp
boraauo mria ui'iico creit P.iy- iso one wno in
Ar.Ihtii! tu worz fa lit to make nioioiurtnerfivcrr
nay man ran oo niao ia n wren iu any nrainai
ry rmiiioymcai iuow wlo encase oi once nil
Hud a hort ro i.t to fortune. AUttress
ji. iiaulit & uu.. rortiaua, jtiaict.
Oct t. ibsciy
To tha Work! OB Chat Wo are notrnreoar
rtl tn fuinl&li utl cLia&iA with cDiiitaiit ftmnior.
niBtii at iioino. inn wnoio oi ino urne. or lor
their ipare moment. Buamess new. Jighi and
riolltvole l'piBmsof filter tei oiulV cam
from 81 cents to 5 ner ovenlnv. and a nrt.Dor.
tlonal f um by deyottnr thetr wbolo Uine to the
builuea. liova nd ghu turn neaily a much
na tiH'ii, TU-ttall wb'i ee tltla notice may eena
tno-r itdiUes, tuid ictt the Uisme-s no mnie
Lhla offar t To ttuch na are not we:l uittflAii.
wo wilt seua ono dollar to p-iy (or tne trouble
of wnllntr. Villi uaitiruiir and outfit lioe.
Morphine Habit Cured In 10 orM day.
.n iv tiu I'uroo. Dr. J. sirnicxa.
Risley's Witch Hazel.
(lures llcailac)ie,Darns,UpralDS,Outs, Wounds
Hheum.tlira, Uuriche, etc, eto. Warranted
equal Iu ijuallt to any made, at half the
e ei. stttiti 25:. rut settiii ess. tu. n.
llnvoyourdruf gUt ho has not In
stock, of
Wholesale lirnseistt, M Uortlandt HU, New
V.rk Oltr. Jan. Ua
BANKWAT, ft short distant, above
the Lehlgb Valley BR. Depot,
JLehigUtoii, Fcnna.
We are now fully prepared to extent, .very
emlptlon of PRINTINQ, from a
Visiting Card to a Laro;e Poster !
&&, tee., In the Best Manner,
At Reasonable Prices!
We are prepared to do work at ai low rates
as any offlc. In the country that deals
Honestly with their Patrons.
dieap, pmpt and. Reliable, "
W Order by Mall will b promptly filled
at lowest rates, and satlsfi.tlon guaranteed
We have the exeliuln Right for
Replls' Metallic M-Btnler,
The cheapest, best and.
most substantial yet
introduced for
Call and tMtbtr at th.
Lckigliton, Pa.
Drugs and Medicines,
WUIXE tffflliET. WElS31'OItT. VA.
ItcniOTnl and Cliango of Firm!
Messrs. Rapslicr & Zern
heir leave to announce 16 tho cit'cens ot u'rtm.
port and, .nrrouniiinK nrlghborhood, that (boy
Intelv nnrchaso.1 the Hoc nnrt flxlure. ot Dr.
islicdaiidurRelvlucrensod the etock, liavoio
moved it Inlo Vm iOBantly (Itted Ui room In
the ilrlficliuilaiDir. on wnito street, lonnerly
occupied by Mr. Fred Hchmidl. whoro Ihey
ra ureparoa to .ccoinroodate their inenos nud
toe puoiic sencrau t,iiu xiveii nuu hi.
of all kinds together wlthn full line of all such
KANOT 0001)8 as am nsnnllr kPt In well
supplied Drus stores, compnlDg
msmolt , Perfumery, Snsps. Brahea, Combs,
Lamp. Chimneys, Tiuws. Bnonorteis,
ohontilernrncea syringes,; Horsing
Dottles, Dyo Stuffs. 4c, Ac
Pnie WINES and IlQTJons for Medicinal
purpuses, snd a lsrgo slock ol cholco CIU Alts,
Tho buslnes will bo nnder Ihn perjonsl
oharge and superintendence of Dr. J, O. ZIBX,
Welnetnd to ivo fnll eotlfacroti to "nr is.
trons in quality Dd price. Olrj ns a end; ,
luiynyi nAPsHEit dt zn
The mo.t successful Itemed r ever fltrcovcr.
ed, a. it Is certain la Its effects and do, not
blister Alai cvcilentfor tho lluman ITlosb.
From a prominent Physician
Waiblnj;tonvi:le, O., Jnrio 1", IMS.
T)r. H. J KKXDALL Co., Ocnts Tteodlnc
your alvertlirniont In Turf, Field nud l'mm,
ol ICenitall's Upavln Cure, and liavinr a vain
able and npeedv horo which had been lame
from npnvln oiah'cn months. I sent to vnu for
a bottle bv eiprcs-. which in six weeks remov
ed .11 Htnciicsq and enlargement, ami a lnrro
splint from nun her hnme. and both hursofi'o
to ony a' sound a. cnlts. Iho ono liott.owas
worth to me one h uiidred dollars.
Itcpeotfuliy youn,
11. A BKltTOLEIT, II. D. .
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Uarrt&burg. Ta., K07. ISth. 1S30.
Dr. n. J. KKNDALt A Co., Oc:ita:-Iavon
rerv flno mnro that una had n bono f pavin lor n
lonff tlioo I tn d eicrvlhinjr man couirt do vine
tn euro It but oil In va n. out! wasaoout to givo
it up wlic'n ofnentt of nn no tu thn city came
to mo rnd rccnnimnaod Kendal I's-ptvinCurc,
which I ttltd Willi jrrmu ieu)K remonnu'
tbat bxne clear nn l denn. nml then I sent Coc.
to von for oneot yotif Illustrated IIoiq Uooks,
nd T tlunx thereto no better boox pilhtcil mi
ibe hoi 80 and his disco sol 1 havo t tkeil creat
Interest In HnitU bavo einco told ISeojnnUor
vou to my neighbor rnd will ur and do what
good I can b.r netting thcoi for rtliers
Votirs iraiy, o. w. Miller,
Afthtnnd, Bchuyl. Co , F.i Jane 3, 1633.
Sr. B.J. Kendall & ro.. Ucns-A csno of
epnvJn (hnt camo under my DbvrvAtlon wn
entirely cured by ono Dottio ct your Kcn(Tairn
Spwin Cnro, and tho hot so eo.daiterwcrdafoi
two bundled dol ara.
Yuurs truly
Spavin Cure on Human Flesh.
Bakers Held, Dec. 3, 1P79
B.J. Kendall & ro..Gfnlf. I witdi to adJ toy
testimony in favor ol your invn n tie Jiunucut.
'Kendan'ij t-pnvin Cure" In tlio tonva ot
1802 T B lpped o'A titolco and sprmued my uicnt
limb at the knee Jmiit. I vtraa veiyiamo and
at time suffered tun most oxcruclatine p.iln. 1
wotobanoogoon It for over n year, und tilod
niobt cvervtlitntr wnnln my re-ch but c6uid
find not 11 la s that would gtie ino ptrtuaaeul
relief. Whtn I overwritten, ic would p.dniae
ver- much. In April. iWS, I b.'fran 10 tlnux-j
should be a ci touie for tifrj One haviu sCmu cf
Kendall's Spavin t'uro tlioacliLI wo ti l tn'ii.
tuned ooe-thlid of n bottle, and etitoilenced
relief at ouce. The pom left me ami litmiiot
trouoled me eiuce. i reel v. it frinieiuHo you
and would xfcommend Kenl til's fcpivlu Cure
to all who auffer with s;rain.H or rhtnnmlism,
Vtfurd truly. Ma. J. ulctsll.,
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
KESDAIiL'-t SPAVIN CURlS lifinro In it.
rnecia uiiain iu bciioii asnuoe not DnUir
yec it la penetrnupK and puweiful'to rettcb cvv
ry deep sealed pain or tu icinovb any tjouy
growl h or other enlargement, tuuli u byauns
spbuU. Caroa C .Houh. HpialDft, RwePlncs rnj
Lameneai. and all Uubirffcroentd cf tlio JothU
or Limb". nivltVumailnm in Man, .and for um
purpose for wnlch n Llnluivtit in nned for Mm
or Bi-nt It la now It noire to bo TJie bot ln!
mentformnn over used, acting .uilld yctcei
tiim in its effect.
Bond nddreH for TMrtsfmlrrt Ptrrnlnr whirh
wo thlulc. give poaitlvo prrol ol lis virtue-.
en rcmouy nas ever met nuu nucit unquaunr
-nccosi to our kuow.roffo. for Ucntt as well at
Price $1 pr bottle, or mi bottles for fa Au.
UrnsKlola hntolt or ran fit It for you, or it
till bo sent to any uOdresatn receipt nf irice
CO.. Knospurah Falls Vt.
SOLD STALL DRUG 0151 8. Jan2V-ra5,
BANK STREET, LcUghton, Pa.,
MXJULEUS and Dealers la
UKindiof anAIN DOUOnTand SOLTJat JlAillit-i' KATlib.
TV. wodld, also, lesoectlullr Inform our cut
sens that we aro now fully- prepared to bUl
PLY tnem with
Best Cosal
rriom ny Mine desired at VBtIT
Julr 23.
Boots, Shoes,
Haf s, Caps,
or, Gents? Furnishing Goods
go to.
MercLant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
publlo patronage solicited. ' jalyl-tf
Chi f Ootflt rarnltbed fire. TTlth (nil tn.truo
"Kill ttoB. fordDdactlnsth.imwtprotltable
Tlio b jslnix. la so e tu learn.and our lu.iruo
make KTeot prom, from Ue very mrt. No one
can lau wno la mlhiug 10 woik. Women uro as
oecsaiifa) a. men. JJor. mid girj can cam
larm) .unia. Many bnvo m.ito oxer one liuudrcd
dollars In a alnxle tri ek, KotbinirlUe It ever
known oeioro. ah wiioei.gaeeare.mrmedat
tbe ease ana raplditr WItU wltich U.ev ire auie
tomakeronner. loucnenipneoin thi. k,..i
neaiaorinirsrourepaietima at crenr uroflt
Vou do not bare to Inrf.t n caoital in It. Wo
should wr to to on at oaei. All Jurni.btd tro.
ai' f 'luv 14 CO., AUdusta. Maine.
now beidjTularte tat.rh.n
ever W tloM t wor for ut
iaae os a wrct in
re wlllinf; lo iroik
nrone oin rnn tbe
are wlllinc lo work, rro link, sj outfit trie
Anrone oin rnn tbe business- Cap'tal not re.
u.. ...... . "J rji,i,
itirra. All wno ruasce uraeper oonr full.,
arncnlari trea, adroM, II. JIAIJ.K1T i
O- l'ort.ann. Maine July IQi 1
(p A rv f Can't be iy every ent every
yUUUhui thM wiling to worw etn Mai
It earn a doaan dollars a dav light in their own
locMitieu. Havennrco'i toetplaln bfie. Jlu--Ireia
pleasant anil honrabie. Wnmeo and
txTa.nrt prla dona well as men. Wo will iur-nlthyouuconipie.-e
Ouifli frer. c wlllbeir
f5nf.n ' alait.nir you, l'.rtionlai frre.
Write and see. Farmc r and m(cuauio, ibelr
.ou and daughter., and all ciauei m need ot
parinc woikat borne. should wilte tans and
SttS'..tX'. y.olli.Y "We- "drca
.m r. Bfc Vi niipiieio. UKIIlft JUlVll'Vl
Ciock. Kareltitt., Eto
iia lor vnceii. ,
at tbe U &Mt CaD.di.. o. o.
OO-. Importtr. and Maaalaexuwa. ii.rrt.s
Time Is Tull of u'ew wrinkles.
An Insurance oRent's faco fslils fortune.
Wliat everybody dolug at the tamo
tltn.?- Growing old.
A disagreeable man U one whoso Idea of
fun differs from yours.
lurctitorH nml l'atcntccii
Should send Tor Instructions, terms, reTcren.
ccs, Ao.. to Ed ion Urothers, Solicitors of Pat
ents, Washington, 1. U., who furnish tho
same without charge. Edson Urothers Is a
well known and successful firm of large ex
perience, having beon established In 1899.
Troubles aro like dogs; the smaller they
aro tlio more they annoy you.
A new sentimental song is called
"Fatlier's Teeth are Plugged with Zinc."
Loyo places a genius and a fool on a
level. Gold is tho world's sovereign of sov
ereign. Grape IV I no fur Communion.
The superb quality and entire purity of
tspcer s rorturapo winc.orwew Jorsey.and
tho success that physicians hare had by Its
uio, has Induced litem to wrlto about It, and
caused hundreds of others to preserlbo It In
their practice as tho best and most rellahlo
wine to be had. it Is held In ureal favor for
Communion purposes, and said to bo a cure
for consumptives. For sale by A. J Durllng
and Dr. (J. T. Horn, Lcklghton ! and Zern &
Kapshcr, Wclssport
The man who thinks the boy who lives
next door tu him is a good boy has not bei n
Mrs. Llvermoro la lecturing on "How
Shall we Beach the Boys t" Let her ask tho
Messrs. Ely Bros., DrugKltt.Uwcgo, N. V.
To your lnqulrlos regarding our 'sales of
"Cream Balm" for Catarrh, Hay Fover, S.e.,
I will say that It has by Us superior merits
nearly supplanted .tho uso of other like reme
dies with my customers nml Is constantly and
rapidly Increasing Its sales. Though opposed
to recommending patent medicines as a class,
I make this Ono of a few exceptions, and offer
It to my friends nndcustomcrs as the best rcmo-
, iiy lor Its purposos that I havo ever sold. W. A.
Conovcr, Druggist, Nowark N, J.
My son, aged i.lne years, was afflicted with
Catarrh; the use of Ely's Cream Balm effected
a complcto euro. W. K llauiuian, Druggist,
Easton, Pa. For salo In Lehighton by A. J,
Uurllng and O. T. Horn M. D,
"Co thou clinsto as ice and puro as snow
thou shall not escape calomel." Shako
There is great joy when a doctor turns
religious. Tlio church recognizes that it has
secured a new pill-cr.
l3.Polltlcal Speakers do It.
Lecturers and iillnlstcrs do It.
Senators and Congressmen do It.
Juokcs and Lawyers do It.
Actors and Artists do It. '
JUercliants and Tradesmen do It.
Farmers anil Mechanics do It.
Sin the Forum. Cotintlnir-house. Workshon.
.bludlo, and oven In tho Editors' Sanclum.the
universal rcpiv toineauesilon. "Wlint i o vnu
lako lor n cough or colUT" Is "Sines' Syrup or
Tar, Wild Cherry and Uuarhound."
Tho only way to settle the color question
at west l'oiht Is for tho court murtial lo
whitewash V.'hittalicr.
A physician of Galena told Grant he
could c.ire him of his loudness for tobacco,
Grant carefully avoids that physician.
3-Vcu will find it mora caster to catch a
cuiu at tins season ol tho ear than lo ct rid
vi .u,, it ,iu miu jiwariivunu.
riincctim College is in a row over the
query ns to whether oysters wero made bc
rorG,,uyin. tconwlillo tho happy clam is
rolling in fat on tho sandy shore, iinliilcrcut
as to Iho prccedcnco and careless as lo chow
Kind raplaln, l'vo Important Information,
. Sine licyllhuuallnni captilntliulyouare.
About a ery ccriuln Incllnntmn,
tlf all who havo colds lu l.u- Sines' Tar
. Wild cherry und Uuarhound.
K1ifd(JnlJtnlii,)our jounglad) Is u' sighing,
..,v,tui,,M,kv.iMnii inui jnu nri;,
aiiid vvi y iiiitiii, ejiu ii oven louiliy CM inK,
I'oraSSc. uottIoofSines"lnr
Wild Chtrrv and llnarln'mi il
Later and more cuuipact Tar secured
French ladles are abandoning the
French heels, and now apiwar at drees
parlies with the leet clad in elegant stock
gs and low heeled clippers. Even the
yurld of fashion has a glimmer of common
3-nvery one Is acquainted with tlio old
nuriurv story about the tb t haiclud Uio
ducks, and liuw Una day iliey went swim.
uiIok' In lliu ponduinr b, aim theluuuer.
lueiits she vllered them to keep out of I he
water; but It may not bo Rcnerully known
mm wm-uctcr I I'uury uii. un) IUII1K 10 lalK
ubnut In theso later und uiuru eniiuhrnfii
ilns. lhclrconvcratlon nlways turns to the
benefits Ihelr species have derived Iroin tho
useol Jl.ll Hoboit's' Poultry Puwder 25 cts..
pur puchugv, iy uruggisis.
When the Signal Corps has roprttd
"warmer, followed by colder weather," and
"colder, followed by warmer weather," what
moro ran be askod of II, and what more
could man do ?
t3-Ve were trrcnlly amused some days
siiuu uy rcciuK uuo ui uur vcnerauio cuizens,
who bad been noivcd down by rheumatism,
throw nwav bis crutches and declare lilimell
justuayounx as be uccd to be, and now bo Is
recoiuiiieouiiiK Houtriir Ltnorocation , to
cvtry old lauy in town, ureat liniment that
Bernhardt says American women arc
adorable. This little speech has been made
from tho dark end of Ihoutands of co'es
every Sunday ovening for a century or
more.. 1
ta-Cngllshmtn formerly mpiwied that
American running horses were very Inferior
to theirs; but during the list two years Pa
role, Wullenilelo and other fast ones that
were sent from this country to England, have
won hundreds ofthousands of dollars forsuch
Americans as the JUessrs. Lorlllaril, James
Gordon Dennett, &c. The EnKllshmcn, have
Investlirated the rensons for the (treat success
of American horses, and find thai they are
kept In such flue condition by the constant uso
of M. V. Roberts' Horse Powder. Sporting
Brigliam Young acquired tbe titlo of
General from having been called "Brlggy
desr" rtca 'lis numerous wires,
"Jacob, is there, much difference, be
tween a sen and a saw " "Yes, the differ
ence betwecq s'a and "7 i Intense."
A man engaged Jo n girl worth $250,-
000 was told that she snores. But it didn't
seem to abate the ardor of his lave a bit.
We meet in society ninny beautiful and
attractive women whom we think would
make excellent wives for our friends.
A Michigan man has had six wives, all
of whom were negresscj. lie preferred wivri
of that race. Ue was of that reca himself,
There are two things wanting lo make
the New Yorl? World". Fair a success. One
is a change ofsite, and Ibe other is a tight
of "cliango."
IfV.lcfloii In Sure nnil Snfe.
TiVo relebrsted remedy Kidney- Wort can
now b bblailieil In tlm usopl dry vegetable
r.imi. ormliauid furm. It is uat in the
latter way for the escinl mnvrnlenro of
tbuso whn cannot readily prrpure it. it
!! h found very conoenlrjleit and will
act Willi equal efficiency ill either rasf. Ba
aura and read Uio krw advertisement for
particular!. -roulA anrf II t.
A little W in Belfast, Ms., attended
thureh, last Sunday for the first time. Ou
returning home, ho was psled what was
rlona at tha church, to which ba replied I
'Firat they tang, then a man prayed, and
than en. passad a wand a corrropper."
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store
If you wntit.nliytliiii in tlio
go to tlio Ulcl ana Kcliablo
ltober's Block, near the Post
A. J. BURLING, Proprietor,
Whero yon will Und a fnll and complcto stock ot
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a ffreat variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 1867.1 A. J. DURLING.
LcnKratniv. Novmon 2
TIION DITTEIM nri lii.'l:!y recunrneBdel for nl t:ir,taF9 ro
quiiinsaceriiinr.r.ilcEipicr.lionic; crticci-.My Jv- i,J'jtejiii, Inter
miltci.t 1'acrt, Yi'atl AppMif, r .i-', i, 7 .:. -J in.-, cc. 1'nriclics
l!te)jlootl,E'.rcrjst!ici!s thoi.iiiscl'..', r.'.nl fives mv 1 :'o Ij tlicr.crvei. Thrr act
llko n clmrm on (bo (lirtcs'.ivo cr;M:ij, ro-iovin-j a! I !jrrr,,i':'0 symptoms, tucli
n9 2'di.'.'n7 the Fuod, JleUliy, Ilcnl tn ,'.e'.0Titi.A. IWrfdini, etc. Ti?c only
Iron Prcprtratlon tJi'stt will not l;'.aoI:c:i tho irtih cv f;ivo
lic.'ldaohc, Sol J by all drtipfjbts. Yrito for tl.o ABC Leo!:, 32 pp. cf
useful end a:uu:ins reading coit free.
EHOWir CI-IiailCATs CO., CaltLuoro, 3Id.
Formerly of ALLENTOWN, respectfully Informs tho Hotel Kceptrs and Cltltcns generally
thnthohasopcncd.aNUWIilClUOIlSrOllElnFawcelt's llulldlng, nearly opposite the
Carbon House," on
Willi a full stock of the Choicest Brands of
Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Kum,
Port, Sherry, Champagne, &c., &c
to which ho Invites the attention or purchasers.
Way 1, ISSO-ly.
Largest Pflanufacturers of
J as E I t
No. CSio. UjctS'
Be sure to SenJ for ninslratea !.aie Mm VMmw
BAVE your M01IEY, mito for
Also SOLE Manufacturers
of tan celsbrated UosroH
DuoKooaan or
Mill or
Drug lino at bottom prices,
Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
I'ntcts will ok TimyErtr Lowkbt ron
Reed Organs in the World I
Cataloguo and PSIOE LI3T to
Boston Buclcbonrd Co.,
Effective, Simple, Durable and Clieap.
Compact, Substantial! Economical and
Easily Managed,
Guaranteed to work vroll end ffivo full power
Every Farmer tvho runs a Cotton Qin, Cora
Wooa Saw, should liavo one.
pee ouu low r mens.
llorso Power Enpno and Boiler $240
" " " 2S0
1" li liQ lX-iiij
The Klectrlc Light wn$n Ltcut dlccevcry. but
1 cUtm tltnt the Scottish Tkttllt Medfhiat iWi
trt n greater one. owinc tu the gront nmouot
of su He ring- they i(ve rcheveil and the turcj
they liftve effected. 1 tuflert-d from Atthina (ot
fifteen years Iti Scotlmd and America and I ain
riow completely cured. I have been ttlmWIrg the
nhatlnjf process for years, and ns a rvsult 1 now
ffUe the world the Meditinat I utters the most
effective, and by far the moit convenient prepara
tion ever offered to the public, fcr Asthma rtd
liar Fever, also Sore Taroat Ucatscness from
Coughs, Catarrh, Ilronchitls, N eiirntgla and Diph
theria. Cure vourSoro Throat with these Fm'WS
and yon will hear no more cf Diphtheria, They
are Invaluable for nubile cneakcrs and ilnrcri.
Xsunsiutus u.-.. a.
'Slay' 2F:
Th.y are put up In fjney boats, and can ho
carried in the pocket, nud used at lonvenlcnc.
If yon cannot pet them from jr-ur Doctor, or
Druggist, send dlrtrt to the manufacturer, who
will send them to all parts of the world, nostaga
A child can use these Fitmers. n they do wit
bave to In smoked. Priet, Out Dollar fir St'.
Monrusof & simpson,
Trop'r. and Manufacturers,
Dkllaihe, O.
For Sale by A. J. UUIIMNQ, DltUiJiHSr
Lchlnbton, Pa. Sept, 4-
BSD f -t7'
For the Laundry, Is the best and most economical ia
the world. Is perfectly pure, froo from Acids and
other foreign substances that Injuro I.lncn. Ta
stronger than any other, requiring much lrn quan
tity In mlng. Is uniform, stirffmi and finishes work
always tho aims. KlnirafnnVs PulTcrlrcd Corn
Btarch for Puddlnes, Illaiie-Manc, CaVo. ic, Is pur.
and delicate nrniuda Arrowroot.
T. KINGSFOUD 4 SON, Oswejo, Hew Yoik.
AcenU Wonted. etSoBny m&
SCAL1- Weigh, up to 25 lbfc ItlUU
Eri. iiilU0. lcrmiaarrriiAe.U.
'omestio tioJOK Co Umcilinatl.0.
Peter Henderson's
mil be Hailed Free t3 all who apply by
Ortr ExTtorlmontal Gronnda In
9 which wo tcst-our V'cgotaulo ana
Il'lotvcr Srcuanroniosicouipicic)
nnil our Groonliouacs rorIiant
(covering 3 acres In glass), aro
tlio largest In America.
33 Cortlandt Street, New York,
S will mail n cop;
of my mew iiooftt
end his' name and post-ofUco aduVess, and Sjtceuta
n itamps to pay poslafto. Iix -, r
To anV one iofferimr with CONBUHrPTIOKi
Asthma, oatakiiii, soitis xiikoat
or UltONCniTIS. tbe Information fn tbta Book ts
of rreat Talua t and It may in tbe prorldenco ot God,
MvOTTtanr usefnl Htm, Add re si,
DlbliasU. WOLFE, 148 Bmlth fiu, cSdanaU.
ARE PAID Terr leldler dlutUJ la
lino accident rothtrwiifl. A
VUILM Afmv kind, laif et AnmkIaa
a9ttorLunefir VorlvMO VcluicsTta
ptDsiun. Uuder ntwltn' tLouMnd ar
rntiiicu to na mcreaio ci
n iatiwfl.orplitni nd dtprndent fathtri
or moihtr cf taldler" whn dMintht
rtnT ftet a pcnlen, BOCNTY-DU
charjta for wound. Itvjitrie or rnplara.
IiretfuUbonnty. Send iun3riforfopy
'rniln and lluttntr Aeti. Addrovt
,P. M.FItlsernld A Co., Ctafia
Alenti, IndiananolU. lrd. Wi rftrrt
F. A.W.liarit. 1'rei't Inddna Banklar
Co.. and H. F. Kennedy. I'rti'tCrntral
Ilank.botbof ladiaaapoUa, JiamaUila
Titans Majuc
Zlolman's Arrue, I.lTor nud Stomach.
BLE3. rrlco 52.00.
Ilolman's Special l'ail Adapted to Ola
chronic caaea. Prlco $3.00.
ZIoUuau's Kplcen IIclt-1'or atubboni
cases of Ibilarucd Bpleea nno
unyielding I.lver and Stomach
troubles. Prlc ?3.00.
Zlolman's Inlniit's l'ncl l'or ailments of
Infants nud children. Prlco tl.W.
Ilolman's ltcnnl l'ad For Kldner and
Bladder Complaints. I'rlco $3.00.
Klolinnti's uterlno lail-For remals
troiibles. Prlc 43.00.
Holiuan's AbsorpIU'O Ulcdlrlnol TJodJ
1'lnstci Tlio I est plaster mado-
porous on rubber basis. Prlcn 30.
Ilolman's Abxorptlvo medicinal Pool
l'lutcr Fornuinbleetiinflslug.
glsh circulation. Price per pair ISO.
Absorption Salt Medicated Foot Ilatbs
For Cold Obatrurtlons and
all cases whero a loot bath la
needed. Tor half lb. package, SSe.
For salo by all drnsRlaia or sent by mall,
Soatpaid, on receipt of price. Tho Absorption
lit la not "mailable ' nnd muat beecntby
Jiaprcaa at pnrchaser's expense.
he success of Ilolllinii's Pads has In
aplrea luiitatoru Mlio oiler Pads similar In
toauandOBoitto tho tiicb IIoLMAS'rt,iTlng-,
'They ara thn same, &o." IJeware of nil
Doatn Fads, only gotten up to sell on thd ropu.
Utlon of the genuine.
Boo that each Pad lisars tha creen ratTATB
IttvrsuE sriatr of tba llolman Pad Company
wltb, abovo Trade-Marls.
If oiflicted wltb ehronlo ailments afnd a eon.
cl.e description of symptoms, which nlU ro.
eclve prompt and careful attention.
Da IIouun'h adTlco la free. Full tre&UsQ
sent Ires ou application. Address,
Ht)1IAN l'AD CO..
(P. O. Box 2,112) ra William 6ireet, KewTorbj
IIAIUDYEU thn safest
and beat ; acts initan
taneoualy, producing
tl' mo.t natural shad j
of bincliorbrownidoes
Snuttitainthn aaimeasl.
ly applied. ABtandafil
jrt.arauon I xa- onto
upon erery veil ap.
poinirj toi ft for lady
c.r eentleman. Sold bv
alt drurm.Ts and ail.
piled liytUUldrsr.i. J CllWADOap,.