The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 12, 1881, Image 3

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    trroat attractions!
f Just opened and oa exhibition, . larjo
assortment or
Fancy Goods!
at Lowest Prices, which have, already In
come a mutter of great interest to our Yiiiing
Fotki. We would, therefore, invite all to
call early and examine nur elegant assort
ment oi fancy uooas, consisting or
Ladlos' and Gent's Fancy Hose.
" " Kid Gloves.
" ' " Neck Ties.
Fine Wallets.
Fancy Back Combs.
Cloth and Hair Brushes.
Fancy Pa,?r Boxes.
Fancy Work Boxes.
Opposite tha Public Square,
Lthlfhton, Pa. lept lS-yl
Local and Personal.
Eister comes on 17th rf April.
The trout angling season opens April
fc3uBet plated castors $3.00 and up
wards lit E. II. llnlil's, Maucli (JJjutik.
Lansford Titus, a laborer, was crushed
to death in the mines, near Wilkesbarrc, on
Friday or lust week.
Col. If. B. Wrlnht recently placed 100,.
000 while full in Harvey's Lake, Luzerne
aW'Tune up vonr Voice," and slop
rktHM i... .!.;.. n.- Unit riviirii at-m,.
Price 25 cent.
Frank B. Gowan, of the V. A- R. R. R.,
lias returned from Europe, looking hale and
AV-Dr. Casper recommends Kendall's
Spavin Curo in the highesttermaaiid thous
unds of, eminent physicians do the tatuo.
See advertisement.
The hill requiring directors to
nttend county institutes has passed the State
Senate finally.
SHr-Lnrcett stock of the new slyle of
clocks in tliu county at E. II. Jlolil'a ilnucli
During the year 18S0 thero were 114
cises of seartct fever in Allentown, 56 of
which proved fatal.
feQ-For man !t has tin 'equal. Forlieast
H Is tint excelled. What? Kendall's Spavin
Cure. See their advertisement.
Don't necloct witnessim; the nerfurni-
nnce'nf 'thebiborno dramatic trnujio next
Tuesday evening lu 8clinol Hall. A .rich
treat awaits you.
Tlx "Lehigh Valley Railroad announces
a quarterly dividend of one and one-half per
. cent, uyable April 10 to all shorclmlders,
and on April 14 to women only. This Is an
increased rat of dividend by the Lehigh
Valley R. It. from 4 to 0 ier annum.
SSuNever knock under. No, nevei! You
may have been deceived many llincs ami
Induced to USD remedies that have dune, you
lltlln or mi cood. Dr. Cuxu'a Willi Cheiry
and'Seneka deceive no one, but is uuivers
ally admitted to be ihehest cough ami crimp
remedy in tha world,
Mrs., James W. tliilccndati
qua, widow of the late J. W. alickley.deo'd.,
was last week given a cheque for $501.0 by
the officers of the New Era Life Asjociatior.
of Philadelphia, being the amount due. her
on a life policy-for iaid amount held by her
. $43- Housekeepers. desiring to, decorate
their homes, should not fail to call on Dr.
C. T. Horn, at tho popular Central Drue
store, Lehiglitiu,ni examine his licaiitiTii.
stock or WALL PA PElt, before making pur
chases elsewhere.
Siuca tho now haa disappeared it has
been discovered that hundred or quails ami
other game hirda perished Imm the extreme
ly cold weather ami deep snow during lie
present winter. In some places whole Hick
have been found huddled together dead,
they having evidently Ix-en buried by the
snow and starved to death,
Jst-lf you wanta nice sinooth.easy shave
your hair cut-or shampooing, eo to Franz
llnedcrer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho
tel. II will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
When a man begins to go down he finds
everything gruaied for the occasion, nays a
philosopher, who might have added that
when he tries to climb up he finds every,
thing greased fur the. occasion, too) and if
he will hire his teams at the mpu!ur livery
of David Ebliert on North street, ha will
find everything so well greased that he can
go with equal facility up nill or down hill,
Terms low.
pBTnt fine stationery, envelopes, ac.
count books, memorandum books, pvns.ieii
cils, chiol books, wall paper, and in fact
anything that you want outside ofdrv paxls,
groceries and provisions, call ut Lurken
bach's, 2 doors below the Bniadwuv House,
Maud) Chunk, and you can get It, cheap
nd good.
Frank Yarns, of Carbondale, was horri
bly mangled by a switch engine on theN.
Y..L E. and Western railroad at Susque
hanna on Saturday night. He was walking
on the track and slipicd in I rout of the en
gine, and was Instantly killed.
" You da not apiear to be very busv at
your store," remarked one salestnan'to ano
ther. "No, thank heaven, the boss don't
adTTtise, and we aro having a must (lively
tine ofitl"
aj Now receiving and opening a verv
la. -g and lashionable assortment ot merch
ant tailoring goods, c mprlsing a full linn
of the very latest styles nf chillis, cussiinerea
and suitings, of the best foreign and domes
tic imiiiuractiin',siiltalilroririugand sum
mer wear, which 1 am prepared to mak
up fashionably and substantially at prices
fully as low as at any other establishment
In the country. Calf and be convinced of
Jtbo truth cl my statements.
H. II. Pktkes, Aient,
P. 0. Building, LfhighUm, Penn'a.
The water will bo let into the canal on
or about the I51h Inst., between the Slate
dam and Easton, and soon the boatman's
horn will again be heard between said dnts.
The romaluder of the line, on to Mauch
Chunk, will uol bo ready tor the resumption
oi navigation until some weeks later, owing
to the break in the dam Jutt above. Treieh.
lr's, the work upon which progresses sbw.
tS9.Reader,lfynu are in need ofa watch,
don't tail to call and see the new stock at
E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk, and learn his
prloos and compare them with those of other
George Payne, on or the oldest coal op
erators in Sohuylkill county, died at Crest
Mtu on Thurndsy, jej TJ Tears.
Rev. Dr. Silas M. Andrews.postor of the
Doyleitown and Deep Run Presbyterian
churches ok Doylestown, died. on Monday,
in his 70th year. At the lime of his death
he had nearly completed his fiftieth year as
pastor of the Doylestown Presbyterian
Church. He had married 1242 couples.
Thomas Davis, a school teacher, who
was injured on the Lehigh Valley Railroad
near Myersvilte several days ago, has died
of his Injuries.
SStf Post Office Bulldlnz. Lehlehton.Pa
Now is rour chance, and I make bold to
snv that It Is the best vou ever had. to buy
Boots. Shoes. Hats. Cans. Ac I am lully
equipped for the spring trade, and can olfer
you a greater variety, a oeticr article, u
lower price" than any house in this section.
Ladies, If you want nice fitting shoes for
yourselves or your litllo girls, 1 can please
yon In every respect. I mean husines, and
am prepared to back my assertions.
Respectfully, Lawis Wtttss.
Persons desiring to make application at
April term ofcourt for license to keep a ho
tel or restaurant, should do so at once, as the
list is being gotten ready for publication
J. C. Coon, editor on tha Sunday JVcict-
dealef, was arrested at "Wilkcsbarrd Tuesday
night on a charge or libel perferred by Mrs.
Seely, nt Tunkhannock, Wyoming county.
He gaye bail for his appearance at Court.
Tho Easton IHe Prea has been inform
cd that Judge Lathrop, of New Yorkt E. W.
Clark and F. C. Yarnall of Philadelphia,
and Henry Fulmer and Charles Brodhcad,
Bethlehem, have purchased valuable slate
lands in that county, and will work them.
Wean' in receipt or n sieciiiien num
bcr or" Nellls" Florol Instructor," publMied
ut the noted Mohawk Valley seed gardens.
located at Canajoharic, N. Y. Wo are In
formed that at these gardens large quantities
or buth vegetable and (lower seeds are an
nually grown and put up and sold direct to
the planter, n leatuto that dnnnt be over
estimated. The proprietor, A. C. Ncllis
oilers great inducements lu the seed line to
both tli- wholesale and retail trade, and
will tend a sample number of his bttiutlfu)
quarterly anil a package of choice vegetablo
or llowcr seeds for 3 rent stamp.
Seb. Dr. C. T. Horn, at the Central Drug
shire, sell warranted vegetablo and Hower
seeds. Uuy only such, ami uvunl vexation
from failure ol crop.
The fills unnual meeting of the stock
holders of the Carbon County Industrinl
Society, will beheld at the hotel or J. W.
RaudenbusH, in this borough, on Monday,
April I lib, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m.,iit widen
timo the election Tor officers and other busi
ness will take place.
3KT-C. M. Moseman i Bros., office is the
head centre for all prominent horsemen of
now xoik Oily, in a letter ot recent dale
says: wo-are rfeclly satisfied that there
never wasiinythiugmadetot'qiial Kendall's
3utvin Cure nor can there be anything to
tako its place as it removes the trouble and
no remedy can do more. Read advertise
ment. Those or our subscribers who intend
changing their residence on the first of
April will oblige us by sending us timely
notice where they want their papers direct
ed to.
For tho week ending on Ihe 5th inst.,
100,873 tuna of coal were lriiiiFxuted over
the Lehigh. Vally piilroad, making nj4itnl
of 1,270.330 tons fur the season, an increase
of 20'J,W1 tons us compared with the same
date last year.
jpU'The inenvenience or hard limes is
les-ened in pome email ileglec by tho hut
that vou ciiii avail vnttr.-ell'iirthenpp.iriun-ilv
to get rid oflhiit troublesome rough, that
efieets you or your child by buying either a
twenty fivo or fifty cent bi'ttlo of Dr. Coxe's
Wild Clwrry iin.l Seneko..
Giace Gallagher, a gill in tho employ
of J. I). Hutchinson, ut Jcancsville, while
raking Ihe firo ut an early hour on Monday
ipniuing 8-'t fire to her clothes with tho hot
taiker. and was, ulmi tt insanity tnveloicd
ill flumrs. Mr. Philip Briel, being i-li-se ut
hunil, run to iier assistance, and was soi-u
joined by others, done nil in their iver,
but did no succeed in quenching Ihe IIhiios
until she was horribly burned. All that
mcdicil skill could suggest u-int done fori cr
I. ill proved unavailing, and she died at III
o'clock the same evening, niter terrible suf
fering. Her remains weio taken to Ihe
home of her p.irenu at lleovir l)rook,aud
buiied on Wi-dnesd.iy. Daily Bulletin.
Dr Wild, of Canada, predicts filly-tiiree
years of war after 1SR2, and announces the
millennium to liegin in 1035.
It Is rumored tint tbe works former).
operated by E. B. Ely Sc Co., at Beaver
Meadow, and which have,now been Idle for
several yearn, nro to be again started up by
Coxo Bros. & Co.
fctuK. II. H.ilil. Munch Chunk, has lint
addetl a lull line ol'bilver wnie, such it, 1
tors, i-uko b-isketa, butter dishes, spoons,
knives, and napuiii riucs or Intei-t designs In'
iitH OSIImI hIik-L' f.til In .,.11 .....I I-. .. . '
pricraand see his new aba-k orgmids.
Zirobubcl Jones, age.1 iilMint '4 years
Ml Into a tub f hot water at Upper Lehigh,
Thursday ofla ueek,uud ws so neveiely
M-ahleil that the died in a few Imu-a nfti r.
Ill irnzleti.ii I ho b'ileher8 aro selling
h'iling l-ef at 8 and V cents a-r pound;
roasts 10 to II ivu'a a miid; steaks, 12
cents. What do our butchers sav to these
prices? Como doMii, (.elitlelneii, come
The family of J. Sharon MoNair have
been called iikhi to mourn the death of their
little boy, Comly Vincent, who died ut his
home on North Chuica street, llnzlclon, at
about J o'clock on Tucsduy eveniug, agisl
iibout five years.
Dr. Eidiuau has under his care at Fog
elsvllle, Lehigh county, a case of tupimscd
trance, which has continued for live weeks,
and wnicli is attracting the utteutioii of the
tn d cal and scientific men in that aecliou of
the State. The patient is John Gvumbere.
He is about 45 year a of uge, lobust uud u
purcntly ierl-tly healthy, yet be has not
been conscious, nor has hoskeu for thirty-
f.iur days. Wednesday he was subjected to
the most Irving tebU, but they had no efi'ect
whatever uimn him. He lay perfectly still,
and his system made no visible respome to
the ordeal it underwent.
According to the census returns there
are 35 blind persons living in this count;
Monroe lias 24, Lehigh 02, Schuylkill 110.
and Luterne 127.
George Miller, a 3-year-old son of John
H. Miller, living near Mount Pleasant,
Northampton county, was accidentally burn
ed to death on Monday last.
Mrs. Benjjtuln Bartholomew, or Odet,-
weMcrtown, Northampton county, who dis
appeared from home several days ago while
insane has been returned to her Iriunds.
It is rum.. red that the clause in tho late
General Albright's will giving to Dickerson
College Ihe bulk of his properly is In he in the Courts of this county, on
the ground of illegality.
An exchange askst Does a man ever
go into a gmccry store und say, "I'll give
you five cents a pound for sugar," and ex
pect lo be treated with respect? Not at all.
He aaks the price of sugar and pays what is
asked or goes without. But the same moii
will olfer a price twenty er cent, below
rates Tor a given space In the advertising
columus ofu newiaier, uud feci oH'cndcd
because it n not taken.
The Exiaollinu Society of PitUburi lias
agreed with tho State Agricultural Society
mat the next S ate f air be held in that city,
opening on tbe 15th of September. The
premiums will amount tn $25,000. The Ex
iosition Society contributes $10,000 and will
telsryo iheJr buildings fur the occasion.
The jury In the Burns case, at Milford,
on Tuesday rendered a verdict of not guilty.
Burns was charged with shooting his son.
A grand musical and literary entertain
ment will he given by the young people ot
.East Mauch Chunk, on the 18th and 19th
or March, for the benefit of tbo public school
library of said place.
We are pleased lo learn from Dr. N. B.
Rcber, that Hon. Tilghman Arner has some
what Improved in health during the past
few days, and that the prospects of his re
covery are brightening.
A few cases or scarlet fever still prevail
in our borough.
Hons, Robt, Klols, Allen Cralg.MIchnel
Cassldy and J. 0. Zern, will please accept
our thanks for publia documents received.
Mr. A. 8. Fry, proprietor of the Cala
sauqua House extended an invitation to
Conimny "I" when they returned from
Washington, to como to his house and par
take ofa collation, and accordingly on Mon
day evening the Company marched in a
body to the Calasauqua House to enjoy the
hospitalities of mine host. The boys spent
several hours in social Intercourse and re
lating" Ihe remeniscencea of their trip. Val
ley Ilccord.
Thru 'Anxloua Bench" Sermon.
Mr EniTont Iamsorry,indecd,thalRev.
J. E. Freeman should ao far forget himself
as to publicly disown his sermon preached
In the Weissjiort Reformed Church, Feb 5,
I SSI . a synopsis or which was fairly and
conscientiously reported for the readers or
the Advooatx. Your "rejairter ' did not
'write on article" to"rilicule" any one, but
simply reproduced, without comment, what
Rev. Freeman actually snid In his famous
sermon, nnd thertore he made use of a
'modest" nam deplume. But isn't it too bad
that some other nam de plume should try to
coax one of F's church members away from
his church, "to join p sect 7" I wonder who
was so foolish as all that I It cannot have
been a Catholic, for be certainty would
know that F's church is a sect; and by no
means us good a sect as that to which the
AHistle Paul belonged. See Acts xxiv., 13
14 In tho German. Bible, tbe English has
seemingly "lost by translation."
Rev. Freeman says my translation "smacks
of lead." Well, I can't help it. It was
"lead" lhat mado the original ao heavy that
it might havo dune some fearful execution,
had thero been wder und fire behind it
But 1 am glad to say there wus nobody hurl;
no, not even tho an'xioui bench ninncrs, who
were publicly exia-lled mid allerwards
"coaxeil ' lo come back again I
Xlio Itevereml gentleman alter hurjing a
number nl un-''whitowasheil" adjectives at
me, oilers but two feeble objections to my
1. lie blames me for omitlintr certain
thoughts and sentences. I admit this. But
1 published a mere"aynoisis ami lint a lull
rcmrt of his sermon. 1 vouch for the cor
rectness of all I reported, but there would
not have been space enough ill the Advocatk
for every word of his tlresoinely long ser
mon. HejHles, the original IT published en
tiro would have been more "simple" than
the Irniiblation necessarily was.
2. llo refers lo u lew snitei.ces which he
ays were not contained in his sermon; but
a mere ossein.. n will not siiinve Here pronl
is wiinted, J fjillifully remitcd (hose sen
tences in my syimpiis, just because Rev.
I'lecmaii uttered them us a part or his scr
oll. 1 unctuuu
Now, Mr. Editor, since Rev. Freeman
chiilleiiges the correctness oi my report, 1
slnill challinge him to comply 'with your
request to pulilifh h(s sermon entire in Ihe
Advocate. If, however, his memory is too
jkn.r to rrpioduco it, I would ( hi erlully as
cist him wiih Brohbt's pamphlet on the
"Anxious Bench," uud il hois not "a good
uaiiii in iriiuMiuiiig," i might translate it
lor li i in beloro 1 begin with the revised Eng
lish Bible.
I hare the courage to say that Iain the
Lend Pencil" who report d lhat sermon on
Ihu "Anxious Bench," anil lhat "I wrote
away to my hearl'a content." I havo but
reported alubb. m lads which seem to have
made some n.v.le. ery "Anxious" indeed.
wny Hon I they go to the "Bench 7"
Literary Soclclv.
The Lyi-eum was called to order bv Ihe
President; roll rail was dispensed with;
minutes read and approved, bo Lyceum
wus then favored with music by the Lehigh
Orche-tru, which wus highly appreciated.
lielerred questions were al ly aiibwered by
Messrs. Hurtling and Campbell, followed by
music from orchestra. An orutlon was well
leltvered by Mr. Schnabel, subject. "Wash
InstUin's Ihrtli.Jiiv." next in order was a by Miss Dollenmayer, subject,
"The Muideii Martyr," followed by music
nolo orcnesir.1, alter winch an inicrestini:
lehalu riined,suhjci, Resolved. "Tliat the
t -ucher should be paid according to the grade
ot" liis ceililicalu." Alliimative. Messrs.
F.-ino-r I Miller; negotivc.Messrs. Clatiss
and Si huabel. Decision of the chair was
given in hivor ol Ihu negative. Musin bv
orchestra. Curators reported as follows:
Referred question", Isi. What is the filar
tl.mza or Grey's Elejy 7 Geo. W. Reichurd.
Slid. What is Inu pivuiiible orthe Constitu
tion of the U. S.? Wchtter Clauts. Select
lender, MihS Kistlerj Essayist,MiS Holloiil;
DiYianniiut, Mirs Duller J 'Orator, Mr. Fen
ner. Question lor ihUitet llesidvcil,"That
the plcutuio ol uiiticiiatioii is greater than
that of realization." Affirmative, Messrs.
llarliing and Sclinabel. Negutive, Messrs.
Ciuipla-ll and Miller. Society adjourned to
meet Mulch 12.
Ehua Doi.Lr.xuATxn,Sec'y,
Fatal Accldrm.
On Situnluy last, near Phtllipshurg sta
tion, George Vatiscolen, an engineer on the
Lihigli and Sutquehiiuna Railroad met with
an resulted in his death. It
apjiears, says Ihe Valley Record, Mr. Van
binteii's iraiu was standing on the truck
near the station, waiting for 3:50 passeueer
tin In finm New York. This truiu as itiip
pfoached the ilet is divided, the forward
cirs to run on Ihe track connecting with the
L. Si S-, and the last car to be connected
Willi the Lehigh Valley train. Mr. Van
sc.ten was on his engine, and after the for
ward cars had passed, he stepped down from
hi locomotive to exuuiine lheushian,Miiuk
lug that tho cars bad all gone by. As he
stooed to look under the locomotive, the
last passenger car, the approach of which he
hud not noticed, struck him on the left side
and knocked him the length of three tors.
Tho injured man was picked up and a phi
sieiunsent for. His ribs were crushed fn
and his lelt arm broken in three places. He
was badly injured inteiuallv. Tho attend
ing physician, utter doing nil thot could be
done ut that lime, ordered Mr. Vunscotcu to
tat taken home, where he died Iroiu the ef
fects ol his injuries several hours later.
Tlioy nro Coining I
Harry OsWne's Comedy Company are
billed for School Hall. this boruueh .on next
Tuesday evening. This coiiipatiy has been ami will appear with new talent
of the first order, it is first-class; prqiaro to
see them. The lollowiug notice is Irom the
Fiocidcncc (Pa.) Echo t
"The well known and beautiful Irish
Druiiia Colleen Ruaidh,' was put iim the
luuirds last evening uud elided the warmest
ouninendHtinn from all who heard It. Mr.
and Mrs. O.lmrne are exceptionally fine in
their rrsjicctive roles, and fairly supported.
The miniuny as a whole la a gil one, and
ile-a-rvcs a rousing house. Mrs. Fannie Os
burue was called before the curtain and
cheered to the echo. It Is hoped that In
High on Ihe presentation of that splendid
creation ofgeniuslhe'-Colleeii Ruaidh"lhey
will have u crowded house. Indeed tho
galaxy of run that is to be presented to night
should satisfy the moat exacting. The Col
leen Ituaiilh, ihe Irish Tourists, and Fun In
a Uunling House, will together present
such a phalanx of phun and pbancv.Artein
us Ward would tay, lhat no uhe'llow ran
lihail to b pharlly delighted. T lilgbtwill
b immense and every one should attend.,'
Big Creok Ilemy , , . .
Hay from t24 to $70 per ton.
Oats from 45 to 50 cents per bushel.
Eggs-still continue to come down In
Butter Is selling at from 25 to 28 cents
per pound.
The business outlook for Spring Is of
the best.
The greater port of tho drilted Ico on
the banks of our creek still remains.
Horses are bringing falrprlce, and the
outlook is that they will still advance some
what In price between now and spring.
Our next election will be an election for
superintendent of common achools or our I
county so Tar wa havo learner! nf tha fol
lowing aspirants for this important officcr
n. i. uoiiom, tne present incumbent; x,
iu. Aiaiuet, i-miessnr oi languages in itic
Kulttuwn State Normal School, and Pro'. J,
i'. Rowland, Principal of tho Weatherly
scnoois una late editor ot tbe VarVon Jleraia.
As the greater part of tho teachers In tha
county, vseclallv in tho lower end, are
readers ot tho Advocatk, it would not .be
out of place besides might be of Interest to
teachers and directors to have the views of
some or tbe leading teachers, who have had
considerable experience In the school room.
express their ideas through the columns of
inn AnvocATii, ns to now ollen they think
text books should he changed to advantage?
o are sure me editor win gladly give room
for the discussion of all matters unon edu
cation that teachers or others may wish to
nus auou.. u uo win tie me tirst.
Mr. John Boyer and wife, or Lawrence,
lias., arrived at this place on Monday last;
they are on a visit East to friends. Mr.
Hover is a brother to William, Paul and
Gcorg, of this plsce. Mr. Dover is engaged
in wie ouiciiering uusiness In liawrence,
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
Schabo, mother of John 8chabn, is now con
sidered out of danger and uuder a fair way
ot recovery.
Rev. 0. W. Gross preached for tbe first
nine since no returned irom conference, In
the Soil's church, of this place, on Sunday
evening. KIVIBC.
Townnscnsiliijr Item.
Last Sunday wo had the pleasure of
Yi-iiing ino Jerusalem tJululay school at
Tiachsvllle, and must confess, that we were
agreeably surprised to find it In such a
nourishing condition considering the In
clemency of the weather and bad couditiou
of the roads for traveling. All the byways
me iinucu una consequently, the approach
to the place of meeting, is not an easv task.
Notwithstanding these impediments of win
ter, about 75 had assembled by two o'clock,
lo participate in devotions! and educational
exercises to God. The school is vory ably
conducted by Mahlon II. Christnian ami
Edwin Roth, two of the imperishable stars
in the good work of Tou aniens! tig. We
were, anil are pleasd to say it, also highly
citified and enlightened, by the concise and
well timed address or Mr. Christnian, upon
Sunday school work, its relation to the
chinch nnd us one nfthe bvwavs which is
Instrumental iu leadiiigmany from thesink
tng ship sill to lhat haven or safety
and glory. The work in which these two
intelligent young men, as chiel promoters,
aro engaged, will sooner or later rcdown to
their glory ,if they also consistently follow in
tho fiHitsteps id theirdelineationsund learn
ings winch they propound and putout piece
menl to the scholais assembled everv Sun
day, When thero is a full attendance, the
school ia unusually large for a country dis
trict, numbering betweeu 130 and 150. Let
tue gotai work go on.
The poor of this township were put on
the block and sold last Satunlav.liiihn l.iw.'
et bidders. The puuicrs numbering nine,
v.,.- me vowii-iiii uver .yuu a year.
The public tale at Teter Jonca' public
, "wa out rerv wen atieuueu last r ri
day, on account o bad weather.
There will be n dunce next Friday eve
ning, at the icsldoice ul Ed. Moyer, u large
niicuiiunni is vAjircieii, unit an who wish lo
"tnptlio Iiehllaiilustictue" will have a good
chance lo do so.
Our schools will close their winter term
lour weeks Hence. Joe, No. 2.
Wcl.apon Item.
Mumps is raging here and is mostly.
iroonv, oounneu u children.
On Saturday evening last, waa'rformed
the ceremony which united as husband and
wife Mr. Will Reed ami Miss Atinii Dei,..:
line. As the voting couple slartouton their
journey together bearing the blesslnirs of
incir iiumeiniis Inenrts, may they alsoocL
ccpt "Quint" earnest wish lor a happy and
-The friends of Rev. E. J, Millerarovrry
hauliv lo Io able lo reiairt 1 1ml h w r
turned lor another yeur by conference, to
hi h iurse innuence in our midst und en
joy Ihe fruits ol his labor diirmrr hii recent
revival. His weekly prayer meetings are
Kionuig uiieiuiBiico ami interest, manv
new voices ate heard telling Ihu news ol
John Laury returned home strain from
Mahatmy City "I cau't leave Weissport
and "
Mr. Joseph Rnsenhonpt, or the firm or
uecm, i.tcsenhuupt & Co., of Philadelphia,
,,i uuriog tue weca.
0. W. Lenlz's residences are fast ap.
pnacliing comiilttinn. Tho different de-
parlments are nicely furnished to rent; for
lieauty of location in summer or winter,
"io ia cujierior I II town.
SlindllV CCnerullv finilsn trmnnnrvAiini,
lads collected ophite the L. A- 8. depot, Tor
i.oitr iiirose uut ui insult lassers-tiy,
They '.hlnk think this shows "cenllemanlv
eniurtlirss." We would urea llnuwi felloic
to rind the right way lo act the gentleman,
mm mey win never regret it. yuiXT.
J no intauo Avyluiu at Panrlllo
Dehtrayed by Flro.
The largo ami costly Stale Hospital lor
tho Insane, located a short distance above
Danville, was destroyed by lire Saturday
night. The asylum stood on an eminence
overlooking the Susquehanna River. Just
before 1) o'clock the watchman discovered
smoke issuing from an unoccupied room in
Ihe centre of tho east wing, which wasi)etiig
repainted. This room contained a lot ol
uiiul and combustible material. In a short
time the (lames swept through the window,
the dry pine burning liketinder. Thealarm
wasluslantly given, and the officers sprang
lubi the corridor to unbolt the bars of tho
Various wards containing those patients who
bad ulready retired for the uigXt. Suiicrln-
tendeut fihullt and his assistants, however,
sewn realised that tho patients were becom
ing beyond their conlroUiid that the limited
water supply wus not sufficient to helpthem
to save Ihe building. Muuy or the lumates
realized their danger, which excite. i their
maladies, and it required almost superhu
man ellorts to restrain them from doing
themselves personal violence.
The authorities caused telegiams to be
sent lo many of ihe neighboring towns ask
ing assistance. The condition of the roads
was such that assistance from Dauville, a
mileuiid a halt distant, could not be ren
dered until the tire had gained great head
way. The steam fire engino belonging to
tho boruugh was dragged through the deep
snow by six hnraes, but was rendered use
less asm ul'ter going Into service by the
breaking of some ol ita machinery. Assist
ance was telegraphed lor In the dillereut
towns 111 the vicinity, but before il could be
furnished Ihu whole wing and the main
bui.diug were dittrvytd, a part of the lat
ter beiug blown up lor the purpose orsaving
the west wing. At about 0 o'clock Sunday
morning Uo lire wus thought to bo tinder
control, but it broke out uguln, and 111 the
uHerniH.11 reached Ihe west wing, which was
also destroyed except eight or ten wards.
The hospital was supplied with water Irum
a large reservoir, but it was inisaible lo
gel u iu Indent force on to be or any avail.
Tho citizens ol Danville hurried to the
usylum aud lent their aid in conducting th
patient uut ol tho burning building. Most
or them were iu tho htwpilal chaiel ut even
ing service when the (ire was discovered,
and were, therefore, more easily kept under
control apd together. The officials or the
asylum took churge of the more desperate
cases, and thus Tew were given opportunity
lot-scape. About 350 patients were salely
gotten out, Und the authorities say that nut
a single, lire, was lost. The most of the
patients will have tn be distributed to Ihe
other Slate institutions until some arrange
Menu .en 1. .i.u.l r.. . t...i - Hit..
' - iwi oinr vno .oerv. Aliei
managers did all in their power to mske I
them comfortable. They ars now being at
lendad t lo outside buildings on tha main 1
ground and In that part of the west wing
which wss not burned. Several are known
to have escaped from the ktcpers. One was
found at Bloumsburgb, twelve miles distant.
A number of patients were taken away by
friends, and it Is expected more will be call
ed for,
Tbe building was In process of erection
forsotiie eleven years, and was only com
pleted lust year, costing the State SOOO,
000. H was a substantial structure,' built
of stone, 1,140 feet front, with a centre
building and three sections on either side,
covering an area of one end three-quarter
acres,' and capable of accommodating 700
Ijauenh. The fire showed a raultv construc
tion or the building, In not having fire walls
above the roof between the different sections,
os Ihe firo spread nearly the length of the
structure along the roof. The origin ol the
fire is not know. There it an insurance of
about $250,000 on the hospital and furniture.
Public .School.
Reports of our schools for tbe month ending
March 1, 1SU1
Primary No. 2 Miss Solomon,
Number of Male scholars , 40
' Female " a
Totsl 7
Averag attendance Males as
" " Females 30
Total..... , u
Par cent, of attendance Males u
' " Females Cl
Names of pupils who attended eviry day.
Jtova-Asaby rflmllf, Charlie Peters, (Jeor;e
Mrnlin, Harry Sanders. Harry Ohl. Oliver
r.otlisteln. Jorla Froellch, Uriah Snyder.
Uinu Little Albright, ltlccaLongkommer.
Primary No. 1-Mlss Hotford.
Number or Male scholars 4i
Female " " m
, Total
Average attendance Males .... S3
" " FtmaleSM...,...,., 22
T0t.1l js
fer cent.-or atttndance Males is
" Female ,.. ca
Total .
Namrcornull. V, n n ...I .u
,?" Milton HauK. Uavle Merormlek.Wfl.
U".1'"";, wm, Hapsker. Willie Kreldter.
liobert Holcnbaeh, Alllo llunstekar. Tommy
Jones. (JiiiLa-SallleOabel, Hannah Fro.
lleh, Laura Klolt.
Secondary No. 2 Belle Nusbaum.
number of Male scholars ,
" Female "
, 22
Total .9
Average attendance Males 25
" " Females S2
Per cent, of attendance Males js
" Fcmal ai
Names of pupils who atttnded every day.
nora Oliarles Krantt, Pleice IIellman..Tohn
J.cnii. nany Mil er, Milton Dick. Uinta
" ,A-enswrmai-nr, Kmma Kneass, Tlllle
schooli, Clara Bex, Kilo, Albright, Emma
Secondary No. 1 Emma Dollenmayer.
nnmueroi Male scholars u
" Female " ., gg
Aoini.. tlt
Average attcadanoe Males
. CUlttltl .......
Per cent, or atlenaanoe Males......
" " Females...
Names or mmlliwhn ,i.i
ftova Abraham Wi ll, lyMIe Honls. tdille
uinLS l.l 1 lie, Lnnra Trexler. Klla
iciciiuru. juary AiDnithi, JSinma Froellch,
Intermediate Sties Bauer.
numoer oiainio tcno ars m
lemaie " jj
Average aitcndance Stales....
Total ..
Per cent, ol attendance-
Total .
Names nC 101, .11. tvl.n ni,.n,ii .1
, ,.v null OlIJ..
riOS I.OW S llrpll.plhl.. I' ;,...(-
itarvey llouuh. Harvey Koons, Alln Koons!
Mil'onnlck, lit. McOormlck, Kitdle
1. , ' .'.". 1 uinLa uarrle
IJrcfhelbles, Mattlo Lonxitrcel.TlllleSellort,
" Grammar Miss Itoons.
Humber of Male scholars
, retnaie '
" Total
Average attendance Males....'..,,.','"'.'
" Females.,
Por cent. ornuendanVcl!iii!..I!"'I'"
Females ,
lotai , , jn
Names or pupils who attended everyday.
noTS-Wlllle'l.nnu.ilreet ttr.iY. Tv-,.f. ',?'
Charles Brlnkman. Wltlln 11. ..J
Clauss. ' 3
IIIlth-E.D. Schnabel,
uinueroi aiaie sctiolars s
lemalo " ,,,,
Total i.
Average attendance Malts ', , 4
xumaies j
T.I.I '
Percent. of'aten'danVe' a'laies!!!!!!!'.!!! aa
Names or pupils who attended everyday.
i ??r"".U;.)V'.'J' """hard. OinLijSalli,
Ilolford, Alice Mann.
number or male scholars
. 1M
, ieo
. SM
. 140
. II.
teniaio ,
Average utttndanc'o ' Ma ics
Totn 1
Psront. ofatUndance Male's "t'.'.V.!
r 3TB
Total ,i
Unless something unforsecn should han-
peus, our schools will close the present term
on tho last day of March.
The pupils will be examined In all the
rooms during the last week of the month,
beginning with Monday, March 28. No
scholar who is not present at the examina
tion will be promoted. Pupils who are not
found competent to enter a higher grade,
will be ordered to remain In their rjresoiit
classes. The examination of every class
win extend through tbe whole work passed
over by that class during this term. Schol
ars who did not enter school at tbe opening
or the session, may not be able to pass an
examination of Hint which they m'ssed,and
mis may hinder them from being promoted.
as ino schools aro arranged at the close or
- , iuey are opened at tne next term
It Is highly necessary that every
scholar should bo present ot the coming ex.
oininollon. Thocitlzcnaarelnviicdtocome
and hear what und how the pupils can ans
wer tne questions put to them.
E. D. Sen x.mia, Priuciial.
Tilt) Coal Trade.
The anthracite coal trade shows litlW
cnange since our last report. The output is
large, being olmust twice as heavy as at this
uiue last vcar, so that the two months' tola
lor ISSl Is -ever 000,000 Ions ahead or the
corrcsiwnding period or I860. While the
output continues large, however, there seems
4o be some falling oil' in orders, as ir dealers
were hesitating in antlclpition of lower
prices when the eprii.g trudo begins briskly
snd the transjiorlalion cainpanies announce
Iheir freight rates. There is no indication,
however, that these rates will change so as
to effect the trade in any meterial respect,
but the apprehension naturally induces
hesitation. p,imale,H well maintained,
with very little accumulation of coal at ihe
shipping ports j in ruct. at Port Richmond
he smoks are getting low. The collieries are
running in (he Schuylkill region generally
at threo quarter lime, and this is expected
to coutiuue Ihroughouj March. There is a
neaithy feeling In the trade, a lanre. nolrmt
and brisk business being antlcijiateil, some
expecting that the total tonnage will exceed
iua.ulauy previous year. XooVcr, Mondoy.
The Scran ton Republican aava th.l
leepy servant girl with a llghted'candle is
- i ,. - . , "
",e "P'-xwtinn of the mystery ofthetiri
" burned IT little children to death' In
that city. 10
ssciiffiona noto. t n n , , .
M. J'pnoncit, iMlllef .pijtojj Prowh'
inn j :a a.m. 1:10 p.m., normantus. B.
school at 2 p. m. Preaohlns at 7 p. tn. All
are welcome.
Ziok's llaronutDCncncrt, J, H.IIartman
pastor. Preaching at 10 a. tn., (Sermon, In
Oerman. a;p. m., Sanilajr seBooI, 17:00 p. tn.,
sermon, In English. A cordial welcome to all
Methodist Eriscorat. Church, PACExn
Tow. D. F. Unangst, Pastor. To-morrow
(Sunday) Sacramsntat services at 10.80 a. m.,
and Farewell scrjlets at l,00p, m. Sunday
school at2p,m; ibrayirjahd Class meeting
on A uursuay evening at 7.SU p. tn. A cordial
Invitation Is extended to all.
Evanobuca'. CnuBCU.WKtssroKT. E. J
Miller, Pastor. Oerman preaching at 10
o'clock a. m., by the Pastor. Sunday School
atlp. tn. Xngllsn pre whine a T.tO P-m
amojer, pastor. Prtachlng to-morrow (Sun.
dav) at 10 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sunday school at 2
p.m. Alt are eordially lnvllwl to attsnd
In the Senate Thursday 3rd inst., the
Supplemental Funding bill wos received
from tho House, read a second lime, and re.
fcrrcd lo tho ConimiUeo-on. Finance. The
Cherokee and Arkansas Railroad bill was
considered. The Deficiency bill wss reported,
with amendments, and passed, Mr. ifoar
withdratving his amendment providlne for
a three per cent. loan. The credentials of
William J. Uewcll, Senalor-elecl'Irorri Wew
Jersey, wore presented and Uled. A.commu
mention was received from the President,
announcing mat ne nau received the resig
nation or Secretary Sherman, to take effect
at the close or the day, A conference report
on the Sundry Civil bill was agreed to. The
lapaueeeunueroniiy laaa Dill was passed
yeas 4fl,,nays ff.
In tho House, tne rules were suspended
and the bill passed making appropriations
for payment of claims allowed by the Claims
Commission. A conference report on (he
District Appropriation bill was izreed to. A
message was received Irom' tho President
vetoing the t unding bill, Aflerdt had been
read, Mr. Tucker moved that it be' printed
aud laid on the table Cor future considera
tion. The motion wasagrecd lo, 138 to lis.
Mr. Cox motert'lo" suspend the rules and
fiass tho Apportionment, bill on the bas!s of
-iui iiepresentuuves, hut this being opposed
on tho Republican side, he amended his
motion so os to prnyide Tor having votes
taken on the numbers 322, 31V, 315, and
307, Ihe number agreed nn by tho majority
to be Inserted In the bill.' The rules were
auspepded, and a vote being taken on 322,
it was rejecteu yeas lit), nays I3Z. A vote
was then taken on .1119? and it was agreed
to yeas 130, nays 123. .The Apportionment
bill, with the number fixed atSI,wastheu
passed yeas 145, nays 113 and senttotbe
Senate. The conference report on the Sun
dry Civil bill Was'reJ'ctetf. S
Both Houses ol Congress continued In ses
ston until after midnight.
Tho Forty-sixth Congress expired Friday
ot noon, 4i(lmedj4tcly apey (he, adjourn
meht of tWSenalt,ihe WW B-nate wis call-'
ed to order by Vice President Arthur, and
tha new Senators were qualified. The roll
call showed that seveuty-lwu were present,
oenaiors uimunai, Allison and Alanone be
ing absent. After theappoiniment of the
usual committee to wait upon tbe President,
ine senate anj.iurneu.
All tho regular appropriations hills were
passer) by CjngreMani1, .signed by the Presi
Sent before adjournment. Among the men
sures'nbl'h failed were tbe Apportionment
bill, whifH-was'iiot acfwl'uTjdn ovthe Sen
ale; also the following uinoiigotier bills: To
apply tlio prone, Is of public land sales tn
riiucuiioiiBi puriioseF; to regulate mo auttca
mi hoop, scroll and band irouj to regulate
customs duties or.-tugufj brrejiea! tho dis
criminating duties on tea and cufl'ce, the
products ot possessions nfthe Netherlands;
n, relation lo the Japanese indininity ru ml;
declaring the iml cy of the United Stales in
regard, i liiloroceanippnnal ; lo-restrlct
iinuei-etiinniigraunn;i an;.reguiate, inter.
Slide commerce I to prohibit political assess.
menls; to ubrogate tho Clayton Bulwer
Treaty ; (o incorporate tho Nicaraauun Canal
Company ; to establish a Government tle-
gratni system ; ttipmvnto for a Commission
on the Turlll t for tho re ief or Filz John
Porter, and to place General Grant on the
retired lUt.
In the Senate on Saturday, Vice President
Arthur stated (bat ' he had received for pre
sentation a number of petitions- for. special
legislation; but it was his opinion that these
could not be presented at an extra session.
He submitted tho question for decision, and
It was ordered that the petitions be retained
by him for presentation at the next legisla
tive session. Mr. Hoar offered a resolution,
which was unanimously adopted, giving
General Hancock the privileges of the floor
dttring his stay-In Washington. Mr. Blaine,
iu accordance wun a motion given by him
sevetal weeks ago, submitted a resolution
for tlieeppnintment of a, special jcummittee
or flve-inembers'flMake into jcpnaidetatipp
tho mode-uT-voting-ror President'' thd Vice
President of the United States, and tbe mode
of counting and certifying tho same, who
shall rert such propositions for a change
in the laws and Constitution oa mov seem
expedient ; that said committee, have power
to sit during recess ol congress, and that
they be directed to report on or before the
second Wednesday ofJauuary, 1881." The
resolutions was temporarily laid on the
table, and brdered'prtnted: Mr. Pendleton,
irom me ccinintttee appointed lowait upon
me rrcshieni, reported mat lie would have
a communication tn make at three o'clock.
A recess was taken Until that hour, und
after reassembling, the Executive communi
cation (being tho Cabibct nominations) was
7 ..... I r r . r - r .,, uu iiiuuou oi ur vuineron, oi
Pennsylvania, tho Senate Ihen .went into
execuiive session, senators uiaine, Wlndom
and Ktrkwood leaving tho chamber. Dur
ing the executive session, all the nomina
tions were confirmed without a call of the
roll or a dissenting vole.
In tho Senate, Monduy, Immediately after
tbe the journal,-Senator-elect
Ma hone, of Virginia, appeared, and! was
sworn in. Ho took his seat (in the Republi
can side, next to that ol Mr. Mitchell, ol
Pennsylvania. Alter he had done so the
Senate,on motion or Mr. Pcndletondjuuru
ed. A Philadelphia correspondent of tho N.
Y. Sun, udder data ofthe 6th Inst, gives us
the following glimpse of jiolltics iu and
around this State I Under the new Consti
tution of Pennsylvsnis, sessions of the Leg
islature are held biennially! Therefore while
Assemblymen are elected for n period of two
years, instead of annually, as heretofore
they draw pay for only one session in every
two years, which gives them just half the
amount tlieyjrojnierj ryjjelvidfpr: (he same,
length ortscrvireV" InUhe rqilnloa'or the
average Pennsylvania legislator, this is a
grlevious wrong, for which the regular aud
only remedy is convoking the Legislature
in special sesslorfby the OoVernpr. When
evfr.thete.Js.nifrospect of sucli-4 session
being called, the "boys," as nur Assembly
men affectlonally term each other, become
vrry despondent. Last week they wero In
high spinas over, thefailurotofngrcla'to
pass tha ApporUoDmsjit'blllJasShay firmly1!
believe.) that an extra session ofthe Assemh
ly would bo held in order to pass a Con
gressional, Judicial, aud Legislative appor
tionment hill In time for tha elections nf
next year. But this glee of our Assembly
men will give plsce to despondency as soon
as they learn of the conclusions reached by
Cov, lloyt and "Secretary Quay lhat no
special session of the Assembly Is necessary
for ibst purpose. Cul. Quay is of tho opinion
thot, even if the Apportionment bill that
law ltrino elidf4be -additional' tneinberi
given tinder lhat act to this State could be
chosen by the electors of the Stale at largo.
This arrangement of continuing the present
apportionment In fbroa, fnrtwo ers longer
i would defeat the contemplated movement
deprive the lion. Samuel J. Randall of
la seat in Congress, by so shaping tbe Con
f 'i03I di-riet- U VhiWds-'phia ss to
make them all securely Republican. Tha
election ofa Governor and other Stole officers,
Congressmen, legislators, ntid Important
local officers is the cause that will operate
to prevent a special session of the Legisla
lure, In consequenco of which the hoys will
oe tue losers oi a quarter orn million i
cash and the Stats the gainer.
The total number of hogs packed a
Kansas City since Nov, I, 1880, to fcb. 10,
1S81, fooU up 307,977 head, against 172,123
tor the same period last year an Incressn
of 135,818 head.
Tito Mtcrnry Kevoitiiion.
CnATnttor 11 As a This verv remnkfhfa
enterprise continues to make such progress as
iv ac.uii.ii iia iienus ajiu asiounil lisentmies,
Its ureallr Increasing nrnnonlnnr Imen mm.
pilled the removal otlis hcadqnarterslmra the
Tribune Ilulhllng to tho very large and beau
trfnl bulldm. No. 781 Broadway, which Is In
the, verr u.ldstof tho "look ill.trln" ,,r N.,.
York City, and, therefore., ofthe publishing
....'I'iim u, in. iiumuu. hub ouiiuinir,
thOUuh. SIX Stories In nelaht.2, feat Trent ,n,l
loo teet deep, Is sufficient only for the offices
and retail store ot tha Comttanv. Th rrmnn.
facturlng Is carried on In several lnrife. build
uu ,ui-un-u in oioer irons oi ine cuj7UOUgri
i is wvuicmiMiHcu concentrating mem soo
ono Immense lactorv to be ereeteit.
Their list or recent nnll early forthcoming
pubpoatlons are extremely Interesting to nil
.tiuenjuj won is enuicest in literature xn
Library Mairatlno Is unique In both furra and
character nnd altogether delluhtral In th
richness or its contents, (if tho books an.
pounced, Clreon's larger "History ofthe Ena
Ilsh People," roduced from 10 to tit i.'arl ro7
"'mii; vi iiiu rfencu jiavuiuiion, ' reuuceit
iuucenf,-uari;ie s -Heroes anil Hero Wor
Shin." 25 cents, anil the llnvltp.l tsTmw n,.,i.
ment," whloh Is promised to be manufactured
with rapidity heretofore unheard ur. win t.
tract special attention. It Is worth while for
everv one who hnl not 1 rear! tf i,mi It In t.nri
an J- get the Illustrated painnhlet, "Hook-
i"8i mm i J I' oetiin oyaieam, wmen
will be sent free upon a plication. Address,
the Anxrlcan Hook Exchange, "C llroad nay,
Closing prices of Didivr.v lc ToTnsKJlb
Stock, (jovernnient and Gold 40 South
ilumBtroet.Phlla., March 10, If SI.
U. S. fa 18S1 102 bid 103U asked
V. s. Currency, 0' ISO bid 132 asksd
U- S, 6, 1881, now 101 bid 1U1J asked
U. S. 4U, new 111V bid 1UJS asked
U. 8.4'answ llsJI bid 113)2 asked
I'ennsyanla H. H 60 bid 60V niltoJ
Phlla. i Head loir II. . S3 bid SJ'i asked
LehlKh Vallov H. It.... 62 bid C2Vl asked
Lehigh OualSiNav. Co.. 66 bid 47 asked
United Co's ol N. J 183 bid 181 asked
Northern Uehlrol It. It. 49 bid 49U asked
II,ni.llt tl . 1 inly 1. 1 nn' ..... i
Pitts. Tit. tc Hull'. It. II. 20 bid SuW asked
Central Transportation. 4T bid 48 asked
Northern I'aelflo t.'oin... 49U bid 49Jf asked
. '' Prcl'd.. 14 bid 7l(J asked
vi.i, vniia. j,, j,,.,, ov UtU W aSHDtl
Phlla. H trla 11. R... . bid !!9U nsl.,1
bllrcr, (Trades,) 99H bid Wi asked
LchltilMoIl Jt(tlc(si
Flour. oa sack mm
JJuckwheat flour per sack , s vo
Corn, per bushel.... , , jo
Oats, per bushel lb
MlxedChop, perewt...... 140
aiiaunno-s. nercnt l
t;orn Clidp 1 40
uran, per cwt..... , 110
flatter, nernound so
Eirgs, perdusen is
llaiu, perponud yi
Lard, ner notind. 11
shonlders. per pound 8
Potatoes, per bushel to
uence oi tae nviuo a imrenls. Tuesilav nv.
nlnir. Match l.DV the ilev. .lames A. t.luln.
H.irry Williams, lorraerly ol Ilokendauqua
m juiMouoiute, i trillion, oi oeuers.
villo. Bucks county, P.
PlOKKOKU-FtiCUT-At FarryvlIIe on
thesaih ult.. bv Kuv. J. Ilaw.len. Mr. Wit.
Hum Plckford und Miss Itosa Fochi, loth of
rmr) vine.
DKIIItiEJI AN HAItlllS At Parryvllle,
on the 1st Inst., by lit v. J., sir.
Ucorgo . Heldleman.ofScraiiton,toMlss
Lusotta Harris, of OurlwnJale.
SEIDI.K On tho SSth nit., In T.rhlzhton.
Sarah Senile, wlfo U .ronathau Soldlc,aucd
St years, 6 mouths acdCTdais.
Tho rollowlng statement of Wm J. Cough
Hn.otSoinervllle, BInss., is si.
we beg to ask lor It tho nttenlloii of our read
ers He savs In Ihe ralruM8764 was tak
en with n violknt nLKMiinn os- rii lvkoh;
followed by a sotero couudi. 1 soon beaan tu
lose my apiietlte nnd flesh. I was so weak at
one tltue that 1 could nut Icavo my bed. In
the summer of 1877 I wasadmlttcd lothel'ily
xiuspiuii. . ono mere ine uoctors said A nail
a hole In ray left lung as Mg as a halMollar.
I expended over n hundred dollars In doctors
and uiedlclno. I was so Tar isonaat one time
a report went around that 1 was dead. I irave
op none, nut a menu iniu moor itit. wai,
lauxhed at my friends, thinking that my ense
was incurauie, out a trot it ooitie to satisly
them, when, to my surprise and icrailncatlun.
1 commenced to led belter. My hope, once
ueuu, ueKiiu to revive, nnu io-uay a leoi in bet,
tcr spirits than 1 have the nasi three years.
"1 nrlte this hoping you will publlth It, so
thai every ono afflicted with Hisoased Lungs
will bo Induced to tnko UK. W.M. HALL S
UALDAit r'UK Tiiig bl'NUS, and bocun
vnlced that OUNfiU.UPlION I'm be Cured
I have taken two bottles and can iosltltely
may inut it iiu uuuo uioro Kowi man an in
other medicines 1 havo taken slnca inv slek.
ness. My counh (.as almost entirely dlsap
beared and 1 shall s.ion be able to uro lo work."
Sold by A, J. IH'ULIno. Lehlgliton, and all
tiruKaitts. uec. is. iswi-yioow
Tim ftPT SAt.VC lnlhnwn.l.l fixrl'
Bruises, ores. Ulcers, talt llheum, Totter,
Chappod Hands, Cihllblalns, Corns, and all
kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pim
ples. The Salve Is guaranteed to ulvo perfect
satisfaction In every caso or money refunded.
He suro you get ULNUY'.-v UAUUlll.lO
aai.vt,, as an others aro but imttauons.
Prlco 23 cents. For sale by nil Druggist
cTcrywncre. xtec. is, issu-yieuw
A Gentleman wlii natTtiretl for star Irom
m t rr oa u urn uvt x man atuhd uec a y
and ml Ihe mtcclnnf vmiihrm lniir-xnin tnn. win
tor the iahOu! sufrertuffbumaulty bilU frco to
all who need it, iho rccvo and direcilima toi
luaklap the slmiile renifdy bv which lie wsi
cu ed. S i He i era wl-lnng to profit Ly tho d
Tertiacr'a experieoce ran do eo bv aatiosin? 6 4J C&Ipt tl ccf, . Y.
r wilt mall !-'re) tho recloo tor n
VCOBrTAJlLE llALM that Will rtniOTfl l'A!f
tua ice skiii sort, cicar ana Deaa.uaii aisoin
structioas inr jnuunciop a luxunint ftrowiu oi
lisirot. a bald head t.r snirotti la- e, Aitdies.,
utioiinirat'. siaino. iihx. vawlsa ( :n. nn
i Si., w. Y. Jan2lims
Aro the onlr Horse and Poultry Powders that
Klre unlrcrsal satlsfactlun. If Iho Powders
do not give sallslacllon, the liruaelst will re.
mm your money. lit c. is, lssu j leow
To Consumptives.
Thoscvertlser, having been permanently cur
eu ot that nttau tliseitAo, Cousuaintunf by a
airajdo temcdv. Is animus lo mato knowu lo
uis lo low-Baui-iD.e iud uiiuusiu cure. AO an
who it. ho will aeiid a cofiy cf tlie pie-
te llitlou U-O.L llrco ot chstei 1. w.t the dlree.
nolle lor prepbnu snu ucidk iua (tame, nines
thev wlli dudaatrnc ul-R lor cossuaifiiox.
ABiuujt int0M:aiTia tee. A'aitieawisiitua tbe
rrescitpuou wi i please aocre., jtsv u. A.
W118UN. 101 I'CKK Ktroct. Wltlnim. ur.b.
aew xorc J.n.aau
Ajtrti Wisttl. Bib Pay. Light Work
Icdy blniuloviucat Hamnlea Ireo. At
uress, St. L. Ill UN, Ko, S NASSAU street
ew sora. jau.zaoiu
A Non' li'Piitnifiit.
Ta Goldtn Mixer of Life. Wonderful Cum.
ti yuu tnttu IjUu.ui(ii.iuii, nnu ttuuiu Kliuvt
lhat jour cough can bo made loose and easy
Hecuoretur and Night Sweats cheeked in 34
hours i Inflammation taken uut of the L.unas
and air passages at oucet that you can be
mado to train S to 0 pound of healthy llesh
per tteea t u you uavo any unronio insease,
llroDchltis, Asthma,! atarrh.llrrpepla,Mck
Headache, Heart Ulse-tsa. I. Iter Oumlilalnl,
jxervous 'ieDiuiy.?.eniiuHi tveaanessoreper loss if sexual power iu either sex
from any cause ; It you hare any form ul nerv.
ous weakness. h'Siux flesh or WHSllna: away,
and would know ul an linmedlat roller and
pertain cure for many oi tbe severest cases In
a short time, a new method with new sgents
lo fatten overytmdy. Invigorate and make
Strong; und beaftlir tbe mot hopelots eases
rut this out end write at once lor uriounri
to 11. w. UIsl'E.NSAlty, llerrlcn Sprues,
Mloh. July IT yl
JivJ. V. 1JUEU
Nkw, AcTUKSTin and Tiiriluxo History
ol the Idves and Wonderful Adrcmures of
A merle i's ureal Outlaws,
and their Ilandsof Hlxhwayuien down to ISSI.
t'on'alns more than 1Q Illustrations einbnte.
InK lato Portraits or tin prluclpal characters,
JnciudlOK r'rina James, never before nubllsli.
ed, and Vi Vine, colokko I'lates. Inter.
viewAann letters jruin uuie t uunxer rtiart
liug llerelations. All about the lll.ick ring,
the Illaek Uath, tha Necrrt Care, and hund
reds r other wonderful Ihlnas, Must . Jtclt
ok book ever puullsh.d i mora thrilling th.n
aroiaaicc, jettrualn ercri vsaeaital. dolls
Ilka wild. fire I 10,(AO ordered In advance.
Mothlng like III beats everything!
100 paires, price SI SO, AeuiS cauvMSinir
QUIUl. SO oents. Write Immtdlslely lor full
particulars, to UISTOIUUAI. PllJUSli.
Via go., t. (m.s, Mo, mars
llBsS Ms!
Ifaoralgla, Soiaiica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soronoss of iha Chest,.
Govt, Qufnsy, Son Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Toolh, Ear and Headache, Frosted"
roat and Ears, and all other
Pains and Ashes.
No Propnmtlon on e arfli equals Er. jAccns 0I
as a tnfe, aiisy, tlmple and tficnjt Ealtnitl
:3!X A n"' enl-l but th corajiitratlTslT
trinlng ontlky of oO Cents, and trtry one suffer
Ing with pain can have ehesp anil posillTS prwf
of Itsctstms r
Dirsctlons In Usrsn LMtgnagrs.
A, VOGSLEE, sfc CO.,
jjasimttre,jaa.1 V. s. a
March J, 1881-yl'
By vlrtuo of an Order of tho Orphans' Court
ortlarlon County. Pennsylvania, will be sold
v i-uunc one, on tne premtes, in Ihe Town
hip of MAHOMlIsG, in said county, on
Monday, March 28th, 1881,
at TWO o'clock P. M tho following lUal
Estate of t'KANZ OUKERSH AtTKir. !
ceased, vix: All that certain tract oflA.N'D.
In Mahonln'ToTfnshlp, described as follows:
lieglnnlng at n stone, thenee by land ol Theo
dore Kcmcrcr north 1 dcrso, east'JI ssrehts
to a stone j thence by land of Joseph Lyons
south 71 and a hair dearees, west Co perches
too stone t Ibence south one degree, west 21
perches to n, stone f thenee by land of Philip
ijtOCkley north iteirrera mo Kit
perches to the place of beginning, containing
15 Acres and 30 Perches.
The Imbrovements thereon arn n 9JKlnr9
FitAMEHIIUSn.SlTt.. llarn. Plo-Slv.
other ouibolldlngs. Also, a Well ot Never
Falling Water, and a tlood Orchard or Fmlt
Trees. Four Acres or land Is eovered with
taluable Uhestnnt Timber, the remainder la
under good coltlvallon.
'IEH.ils: Une-hulf the purchase money
must be nald cash down, anil tha ramtind.p
In three months, with Interest.
t-osscssion on jsi, issi.
Administrator of said Lcciaied.
March Sih, 18il.-w3
TteMDii Machines ai Atf-
cnltnral Implements,
The Boit tn the Market, at
Also, nn hand, and for Sale In Lots to Molt
Purchasers, UH1SAP i'UK CASH,
10,000 feet Georgia Yellow
Pine Flooring,
White Pine Boards and Floor
ing, Lath, &c.
at his rxAnrvwAitK 6Tor.B,
Apni s-ms Leuightok, Pa.
Bank Street, Lehighton.
or all dssorlptlon promptly attendsd toat the
most reasons: ble prfess.
All Work iruarantctd, and patronage
Is respectfully solicited.
HaMiSt.i r,KitinuTO, Pa.
The Oanno-r Hncsc offers flrst-class sceora
modatlons lo tha Trarellnt nuhllA. tln.rHiRB.
by the Hay or Week on Iteasouable Terms.
Choice Olirars, Wines and l.tnuors always on
hand. Uood Shods and Stables, with aiten
tivo Hostlers, attached, April 10-jl
ItesDectfullv annonnees that i ) liti
opened an
Oyster anfl Mm Mm
IB the building next door to IheCeatral Car
rlaxo Works, on Hank Street, LE1UOHTDK,
Pa ,and that he Is nrunarctl iu ..miin mmIi
at all hours of Iho day or etrnlcK at very tea.
sonsble charges. OYSTEltS reeelrcd fresh
every day, bnd supplle.1 la families at lowest
inrrket prices. Also, all kinds ur UheesoaaJ
Mustard, In large or small quantities, for
family use. cheatrar tkaB, elsewhere It. Dili t-
dally. an. in, liso-ly.
The Fort Allen House,
iVatlmn Klotz, Proprietor
This House Is located In ttiA RnMn.V Af
Welssiort. Il.rbon lluintr. !... mnrf l. lmllt
on tbe sits of Fnrt old stockads forts
moittimi. ere.iieii neroover a century as; to
protect the early soitleis aualnst the hostile
Inclusions ofthe Indians. The hum-, la . mh.
slant! il brick, and was uamed FVri Allen
House" bv tho lute Edwanl Welts: It ennlnlm
Thirly.two llooius and a handsome fiestas;
rant, ami too present 1'rorrieior has newly
and thnrouahly refilteil the establishment.
It has all theapnolnimentaofa Kinar
IIOUXTRV Hotikl. adapted lor tha comfort o(
Its patient. Inclose proxluiftv to tbollotsl,
la Vwrfv-c( preservation. Is the lllstorlo
Oltl) FltAfiKLI.N WILL,
which was ilujj by order or Henjaraln TTrsnk
nn losunniy inattarnson oi tort rtltsn ttllh
water. Its walls of stone, uhieliatlll d.r. tha
ravaaes of aires, s ra as nerle't to-davai whun
put the te. andthawsll now contains about
six lee t of or) stal waicr. The welt Is now t.
Idk fitted up as it historic the water ot
which the patrons or Ike Houso will bay free
will t.a aoeommodatcd at Reasonable Prices.
The liar Is supplied .with the but Wines,
Liquors and 'JU&ri, Uood stabllnjr atuehed'
0IVT3 WstlTZS tor the Best and Fastest
. Helllnar Pictorial Booliaand nihl. vJu.
reduced S3 per cant. JVaUooAl Ptibl'sfctne
Oo., PbluvdslrhU, pa, martwS