The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 26, 1881, Image 4

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It is Mlil thai n pullet's first eggs are uol
as good an llioko laid later.
race hnree, when gnlloping, clean
nbout liventy-four feet nt a bomnt.
Af j.'y fine as nearly boiling lint ns xn
illle, i'prinlly upon large joints.
-Keep fiTi-a ivj clean as Jiorellile. Just ns
you k"-i nlhcr tools well tlmrpvnnl.
T iimIio paint ilry rajmlH' use n lrj;o
ammiit ol Japan viirnl'Ii in niixini;.
I'nnrfari'.! illialk nJiled lo glue In small
quantities makes It Ik.1.1 the stronger.
A new InstrmncutorG.orinau origin has
lien Invented for measuring tliQ butter fat
in millt.
Autumn Ultio season most'fuVorable for
the. foiling nf timber, where, tho object to bo
nttaiiu-tl is strength ami durability.
Never overload a learn nor discourage
it by n loo heavy pull at first starting; nor
start from u bad place if possible to avoid it.
Kowls seldom tiro of milk. They mny too much grain or meat for health, but
tmlk in any form is both palatable and
Texas Is importing largo numbers of
Merino shcep It is said thatsho has Im
ported more tho last year than during any
ono of the lost, ten years.
-Almost all show animals which nro ex
hibited al ournrgrirultural f.iirsarooverfcd.
Many nro the defects in Iiirm which are
covered up by a liwivy coating of fat.
A launin plant common in tho Missouri
volley, seems likely to become a substitute
for b,rk. Tho Polygonum amphibium
yields about half ns much tannin again ns
bark, and the leather produced from it Is
said lo bo In every way superior, while tho
process is exactly tho same. The Polygonum
Isan annual, but can bo gathered exactly
like hay.
The Introduction of a puro bronze gob
bler umong a flock of mongrel turkey hens
will ndd fiom three to five pounds extra
weight per head to tho turkeys raised the
first eeain.
Ewes in lamb should, as far as metie
able, bo fed ami sheltered separately from
tho non-breeding animals, ns the crowding
and more rapid inovemcnts-of the latter nro
apt to remit injuriously.
When cotton waste or shavings aro sot-
urdted with oil, a large surface is exposed to
the action of the air, and if the oil has the
properly of nbsorbijig may absorb
tho gas so r.ipidly as to lako fire,
When feeding turnips nr any kind of
roots for cows in milk no diminution should
be mado in tho rations of lidV. Shire tho
roots increase digestion and tho flow ofmilk
more hay might ha judiciously fed In place
of lessening tho quantity.
Dr. McMurtio, of tho Agricultural De
partment, thinks the best localities for beet
raising in the United States are New Eng
land, New Ynrlc.Michigan, Wisconsin, Min
nesota, D.ikota, Washington Territory, Ore
gon, one or two counties in Pennsylvania,
nud Lick county, -Ohio.
Tho yearly consumption nf butter
Irfimlnn lias been estimated at ten pounds
p T head of tho population, or 4(1,000,000 per
vear, without including some 300O tons nee
cesiary for victualling ships leaving tho
It is said that 30,000,000 pounds of hides
are sold annually in tiie Chicago market,
and that oir one-fourth of them lhre is a
o"softwo cents on n pound by reason of
bolc3 made in the hides by grubs of the gid
dy, nt a loss of $250,000 a yen fin tho Chica
go market nlouo from the work nflbis pest.
C,over is n very strongly Inp rootod
plant and sliiltcs its lecders deep into tho
earth, finding nutriment when tho liner
roots of cereals would not go. Tho propor
tion which the roots bear to the top is very
large, and on the removal of the crop theso
are left to rot and add their elements lo eu
rich the soil,
A letter from Still Pond, Kent county,
Maryland, says that the snow fall this win
ter In that locality has been greatly In ex
cess of any winter for thirty or thirty-five
years, and tho lempcraturo unusually low.
There is a prospect of a crop of peaches In
lliot district equal lo say one third of last
year's crop, an l a large proportion ol Ihe
fruit will bo evaporated.
There lire n great many farms nnd fields
which can never be cultivated at a profit.
These, if planted with forest trees, such as
chestnuts, oaks of different varieties, pines
and larches,, would produce a growth of lim
ber which would be a source of profit, and
then tho energies of the farmers might bo
concentrated upon his host land, and his
manure could be applied where it would do
the most good,
Professor Arnold, in an account of his
new eyslem of manufacturing chceso with
out Iho aid ofacid,says"ltdiircrs from those
In common use only iu tho fact that from
the first all acid is carefully kept from the
mill:. The curd is separated Irom tho whey
as soon as ncidity develops, nnd tho cheese
it frequently put to press whilo the curd is
perfectly sweet. Taint is not corruption, ns
has formerly been supposed, but is an odor
similar lo tho odor of garlic, onions or cab
bage. Itean bo covered by sourluethocurdi
but it cannol be removed in Hint way. Taint
run bo removed, however, by airing the curd
whilo it Is a swpet as may he, aud after tho
whey has been drained oil". Tho taint will
rapidly pass away, and (he odor will become
especially noticeable as it off. I do
pot wait for tho completion pf this process
ks it will continue alter tho cord in put lo
Some ofthe advantages ol the ro-opo-
rativo factory system of butler making are
thus enumerated by Henry F. Alvor.l, of
Easlhnmpton: 1. Tho cxpenso of manufac
turing the butler, Including maintenanea of
implimenls and appiratus cs well as labor,
U much less In proportion when conducted
nt ono place and forUrgequantltiesthan for
small lots nt a buudrcd different places. 2.
The advantage In disposing ofthe product In
lor-e nuanJilies and by an expeit agent,
whoso rpecial iluty is to watch the markets
nd secure tho highest price. 3. The keeping
nf th(ki' milk on tho farm where only the
eieani is sold tothefaotnry.Uwgreatrelicf lo
the farmer wife of having the milk or
cream taker) pfftho fjrm saving all further
labor and enrc -4. tho Tendency of Ihissys-
tm (s unquestionably lo very greatly rt'ta
Ihe n,vtnvqnnlityif the -prodtict frpm the
mm siw. Xhcre nro innny other practical
advantages, n4 it aeemj to us that the plan
t associated butler making is ospeaiallv
adapted tollia pnrt,pf MastaCjjiusjJtsj
Tilery iuc Ercayjuia''l"iiy w uuufrij now
na,'l, an hps ttifi mmiqy return f?r tjno
prompt wi Mwun-rywrs iuv ivat tawciac.
- If vou .want .a firtt-alau nnriramr:
w' v lift uVrrl! for the Qabbus,- Avoc;4iif,'
I-or cnlnrrn,
of tho Halm Into
n ir breaths tho nose,
will he absorb-
l, cleansing nnd
henllnn the dls
;cascd membrane.
For Deate.
Apply a partlclo Into tho ear,
HAVING gained an envlablo loeat reputa
tion, displacing nil other preparations In tho
vicinity ol discovery, on lis morlts nlone,
rcci'Knttcd ns a wonderful remedy whireter
known. A fair trial will cimnen tho molt
skcp'lral of Its curatlvo powers. It effectual,
ly cleanses tho nasal passages of Catarrhal
virus, causlnj? healthy secretions, nllars In.
Iltmniatlon and Irritation, protects thomcm
tininal llnlnirs of tho head from additional
colds, completely heals tho sores and restores
the sense ortnsto and smell. Itcnctlclal re
sults are reall70l by n few applications. A
tharougl. treatment as directed will cure La.
tarrh. Asa household remedy for cold la Ihe
hi'ad It Is uncqualcd. The lfalin Is easy to
usoand agreeable Sold by druggists at 60
cents m receipt of 50 cents will tnalla pack
aire. Send f..r circular with full Information.
KIjY'S OI1EAM HALM 1)1)., Owego, N. Y
Foil bale by A.J. Durllng.Lchlghton, Pa.,
and by Wholcsato Druggists genorally.
' Oct. 3,'0 l7
In Lcuckol's Block,
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Dr. Charles T. Horn
KcBpcctfally nnnouncc to tho pcopU that h
lias ropicnisueu itis bluck, uuu unuts
Stricllv fresh
and Pure,
Also Ilnrso and Cattle powdcrs.Patcnt Medi
cines, Urushes, Soaps, Oombs, Perfumeries,
Hlionges, Chamois Skins. Wines and
Liquors far Medical Purposes. Oils,
Lamps nnd Fl.xtures.Dycsiufrs.Cholco
Cigars, Pipes nnd Tobacco. Spec
tacles, Trusses, Nursing Hetties,
Violin Strings, and a lull lino of
Wall Paper nnd Hordcrsat the
Lowest Prices.
Prescriptions carcfulljr compounded and
Itronipt attention given to every branch ofthe
A contlnuanco of the patronage heretoloro
oxtended to I his establishment Is respectfully
solicited, ami gaiisiaciton guaranteed.
sept.13, lsso.-ly. Dn. O. T. UOltN.
. .
Tun Li:nniKO Scientists or to-day nitreo
Hint most diseases nro causod by disordered
Kidneys or Liver. If, therefore, tho Kidneys
nnd Liver are Uent In Derli'ct order, ncrleet
ImuUIi will be tho result. This truth has on
ly b-'en Unown n short tlino, and for years
peoplo suflured great airony without belair
nolo to find rcllcl. 'rhodlfciivcryof Wnrnor's
Safe KidneynnU I.licrCuro mnrks n new era
In tho treatment of these troubles. Made
from n slmplo tropical Icarof raro valuo, It
eoiiiains jusi mo cicincnis necessary 10 nour.
Ish and luvltrorato b ithof these trreat orirans.
nnd salcly restore and keep them in order. It
is a rusi i lv i iiemkov ior an mo uiuices
that causo p-ilus In iho luwer parts of tho
body for't'orpld Liver, Headaches, Jaundice,
Dizziness, Uraycl. Fever, Aijuo, Malarial
Fever, and al) illinculiles of tho Kidneys,.
Liver nnd I'rlnary Organs.
It Is an excellent and fnfo remooy.for fe
males I'regnnncy. ' It will control
Mcnstru it'un and Is" Invaluable for Lcueorr
beca or Falling of tho Womb.
Asa Hlood Purifier It Is uncquallod. for It
cures tho organs that viake tho ulood.
It saved my lire. B C. Lnlelij, Sclina, Ala.
It Is tho r.medv that will euro tho tnanv
dUeases picullar lo women. Mothtrs) Mag,
It has passed severe tests and won endorse
ments Irom some of tho highest medical tal
ent In the oountry. Y. 'World.
rsorcmeuy nercioiorouisctivereu can nonciu
for ono moment In compurison with It. Dr.
C. A. llarvnj, D.D., Wotliington, D. C.
This Ilcroedy.whleh has done such wonders.
of any inedlclno upon the martlet, nnd Is sold
hy DruggUts and nit dealers at per bot
tlo. Fur Diabetes, enquire for W AUNKlt'S
T1VK Remedy. II. II. W AllNEU c (10.,
sup.-i. nocnesicr, n. x.
No, Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In the Iinited. States,
Canada and Europe, nt reduced rales. With
our principal offlco located in Washington,
nircctiy oniKKite tne unitea btatcs Patent
Office, we aro ablo to attend to all patent
business witli greater promptness and des
patch and at less cost than other patent at
torneys who are at n distanco fiom Wash
ington, and who have, therefore, to employ
" associnto attorneys." Wo make preliminary
examinations ami lurnisli opinions as to
patentablity, free of cfjargc, and nil who are
interested m new inventions and patents are
invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for
obtaining Patent," which is bent freo to any
aaarc3s, aim contains complete instructions
how to obtain patents nnd other valuable
matter. Wo refer to the Herman-American
National Hank, Washington. D.C.! the Koval
Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations,
at Washington! lion. Jos. Casey, late Chief
Justice V. S. Court of Claims; tu Iho Oflicials
of tho U. S. Patent Oftico, nnd to Senators
and Members of Congress from every State.
Address: LOUIS DAGGER & CO., Solici
tors of Patents and Attorneys at I.av, LeDroii
Building, WismsOTON, D"0. dcc22
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
tho very best LATT1MEH OOAL at the fol
No. 2 Chestnut, by the car $2 75
No. 1 (lhcstnut, by tho car 3 7s
Stove, by tho car ,,,,, 4 00
Dy the single ton, IS cents per ton additional
Dealer in
General Hakdware, &c,
Oppostto tho Tubllc Sijuare, BANK STREET,
LISiimil'lON, I'.. II0V.33,IS79
(Sr- Outfits
JKn earoln
iisJ b'ltlni-s
sent Iree to ihoso who-wlsh to en
In Iho ino.l pleasant and prollloble
Ital U'it reoulrcu. We Wl'l flllllUb irml Rt.rr
mown. VRrv.iiinip haw f'nn.
tli iig. tioadayncil tipwardH la cully mada
witho-u gray ns owi.y fioru I onie over mclit.
No natx wlinttvor tinny nsw wotkera wanted
t once. Many nro making fortunes at noluv
lno's, T-adios make as much asnien.and ounf
bovBnndg.i-iamiceffrnit ii-iy Noonewho la
w.lling lo wort fid la td mike moro nioncyevery
liy than cnu be limCo lu n -reoic at auv oiulnav
ry orii.iAym.'nt Thni.o w to eniracro nt once wil
nun b .aw i ni in i'i iui luiie. Aimrcsa
II. UA1.1.3JIT t CO., l'oit.aud ilaloe.
To ths Working Class We aro now prepar
ril tulursl-li an clawi wl li oouttani eiunlor.
rueaL at borne, th' MhnlA nf inn uma m.
thtlrparoiiiumrnt. liunuitMii'ir licbtand
rrutltnilu. Peisautif rubor nx oijulr oun
"iimijiiii m-r eviir-m. auu a pr por.
tUmlliuui brcevetiuttholrwbolo lime to tbe
bullnra.. Dora nd tilils en-n neaily n iiiiich
li nil
nslifvu. Tint ill who ee this notice miywoa
tUoir dd(i3i mid Icit If o liisine.t tie niuio
iui.i-ii.1 All auL-ii qi. lire llol WPtl 6-1Il,Deo.
ivo will Solid neo ool'ar to utv bu. Him ii,.niiift
neo i
ltHmr. ya" vattiruiara awl ouiOl nee.
ud. llalne. jSlFinyii-
i flnEm WorpitUo JlnWtCuiMIn lilprtpiara
irf Uj V'i-'.vl IIVLW V-y lover, uoiu
TfW'ijWivUA-ln H'O Head. e.,
V .-v. Ai-'it rni 'iTOlnscrt with llttUr
t .'V ' . ' f til Winner, n narllele
MnWWtt Imp ml
DAN1CWAT, JrX dUUnM above
the Lehigh Tlley Bit. Depot,
Xicliigliton, Fenua.
W are sow folly prepared to executo every
lenrlption of PHINTINO, from a
Visiting Carito a-Lane -Poster!
tie,, he., In the Bsst Mtnnsr,
At Reasonable Prices!
We are prepared to do work at at low ratos
as any office In the country that deals
Honestly with their Patrons.
" Cleap, prompt M Reliable, "
is oun MOTTO.
A3 Order by Mall will be promptly filled
at lowest rates, and lattifaetlen guaranteed.
We have tha esohuM Slhi tat
Reynold Metallic Book-BMer,
The cheapest, best and
mosfsubstantial yet
introduced .for .
.i f . i
Call sd tbem at tkt
V -
it. 1
: Lhight'op, Pa.
Drugs and Medicines,
Iteniovnl nml Clintigo of rinn!
Messrs. Bapslicr & Zcrn
Be? lenro to annonnce to tho cit'zens of Wrls
portnnc1 anrrountimir urigtibnrhootl, tbatlhny
Iidclr piiicliascd the stock nutt fixtttrta of Dr.
rt wr T ...... uin.A Kn-j.wiM ..u-
lslied nnd isrselv lucre rsed the stoclc, have ro
moved it Into tho elegantly flttcrt up riom lu
the Dili c Dnilrtliur, on While Fiieei,lormrrly
tKvnpied by Mr rred srhinidt. wheir. thrv
ro prepares to nccoinmodate.thelr Iriends and
the publla cencrally with Ficth aud Pmo
of nil kinds tocothcr wltlin lull lino ot all such
PA NOT tiOODS as an. usually kept in well
tu DP Ilea Drug 310103. comriiifng
numols, Pcrlumery, Knaps, nruhcs. Combs,
Lampfl, Chlmners, Trivscs. Suoecrloti.,
uhonlder flrncre Pj-rlngos,; Nnrtlng
Uottlos, Dyo StulTs. ic Ac.
ime WINES nn1 1.1QDOIIS for Medicinal
purpuses, and a largo Horn of cticlco CIUAIts.
TOO DDSino"! will PO nncer mi pi;iinni
ebatirennd snportntendenco nt Dr. J. 0. Zeun.
We mrtnd lo . ivo lull aallafart on to our pa.
trnnn In qnatilr ODd price. Olvo ns n call. J. ' IT 11 V
lUty.lTI ItAlklUUIt u 1.
Tho mot successful ltemedr ever Olrcovcr.
cd, as It Is certain lu Its effect and to" not
blister Also cxoMIcnt for tho Human Flesh.
Irom a pmineiit Pliysician.
WnabliiRtonTille, O., Juue 17, lR
Dr. n. J Kendall & Jo.( Ocnts HoaOln?
Xoiir ft'lrprtlfrnient Ju Turf, Field and Fat m,
ol 3Ctn Cull's bnnvln Cair. nnd btiTine a ralit
nblo and npecdv linrco wblcli bud been lntno
fiom pprtvtn plKU'rcn months I feont to vou for
ftphntfroni ruo her lmnc, nnd hoh ltnreos mo
to any as sound ns colt. 'Iho ono bottievfis
worth to mo ono hunareil tloiiata.
Itefpccttuily yoors,
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
llarrlftbmg, Tn., Nor. ISth 1SS0.
Dr. n. J. Kexdall & Co., aentst Iltaroa
vcrr fine mare that ntaluul a bono f-pavln for a
longtime I tri d evtrfiltinjr muncuuio derive
to euro It bat nil lu va n ond x?tif nDcut to Rivo
It up when afriPiul ol mlno lu this city citno
to run mo rrenmrapnaed Kend.ill,rt-i)..TiCnre,
which I tri- d with errnnO xeulti, removing
that b ne clear ami clcnn. ami then I Bent 25r.
to vou foroimoJyour illustrated Hore Uonl;s,
nd I think there in no better book printed on
iho hotpo and his dlacnfoa. I havo t iHcn great
Intcio-t Jn it Jititl have pluco mU I8copialor
vou to my neighbor . nnd wilt nv and do what
aroodlcanbr i;ctt)nR tlicoi lorctliPis
Yauisiroiy, O, W. Milled.
Ashtaud, Schuyl. co , Pa , June 3,
Dr. 15. J. Kendall & o Gen's. A .fio of
parln that cntno uniirr mr .b-frvnrioii was
entirely cured byouo toitioof your JCi'ntinH's
Spavin Cnro, nnd tho bofeo so.daltcrnaida for
iwo uunuieu uonars.
Yciure truly
The" DiURglat. Cuas. II. Baunaku
SoaTin Cere on Human Flesli
liatereficld, Vt., Deo. 3, If 79
B. J. Kendall & ro..Gfnts. I wish to adJ inv
testimony in lavor ol vtmrtnva u Ulo Unuucm.
" Kendan'M tpavin rnio" In the fDring ot
ISO-! T slipped oa tlioico and sjirnmcd luyiitrot
iiuuiudiiio Kuee jou i. i vns very 'aiuo auu
at timcH RUU(.rofi tin) mnst nierticinllnir n iln. 1
won-abanciagoon it for o era year, una tiled
luofit ('vol vu.mjT wiiuiu niv tohlii uut couio
tind ncthinir iliat would til c mo iH-riiiauitii
relief When I overw iicou. it would p.tir.tuc
ver much. In April, ib7s, 1 bjp.m to tlnnx 3
should i.e a c Inolo for life; hur having sonie of
jvuminu H epuviii uure iiioucm. i wo un trviu
I used one-tMI itl of a bottle, ami eti.oiicncM
roiicf oi once. Tho i-am leit mo cnu btiaitot
tronolfd mo since. 1 fepi v rr Rru'ciul to ynu
nnd would recommend Kcnd -liM hpain Cuio
id uu wno funor wiin uitr.miaor iiicint.nd-m.
Vouim Viuly. Alia. J. BcuiLLL
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
effect's lul i m 1U oition a it do en not bhttti r.
yet it Is penetraiips ami pauciful torcRCb eve
rr.deep scaled pun or to icitiove any bony
H u t. iu m uuu, iiiiiu(,K""-i'M it lilt.
-plint. Curoa Olioas, tipinlim, sveliiuci any
Lanicnoai. and nil UnlnrpcmeuU of tho Joinu
or Limbs or Ith-nnialiim in Men, ami foranv
puruotvofor which a Liniim'iit Ik ucd for Man
or Cra'-t It Is lui'V known to bo Iho Let Iln!
ciontlorninn ever used, bcLin; mild yet cer-
l III! 111 UH UfCl".
(Send ntldiu-s for Itintratrd Pirru'ar which,
wo think, elves nositivit un ofot llsvlrrue-
KmraietW n:is ver met with Mich untiualiflt-r.
itcccs- to oar unow.roo, lor iiea&t as well as
M in.
PiicoSlpPi boltlo,ir-Miboitlef.)rJj all
i'iHcm'iH naoii. r can ci it mr jou.orit
111 bo Rent to uuv ai'dis (n rfretpt of
bt tUnpioi-rietor. Da B. J. KLDALL, S.
BAKE STEKET. Eehiffhton, Pa,
MlU.EIts and Dealers In
AllKind'Of ortAIN BOUGIITnnd SOLD at
Uii.UU.UAU MAxiULi HATiia.
We would, also, lcaoccttullv inform ourdti
tcn ibat we aro now fully prepared to a UP
PLY taera With
From enj- Ulne deslied at Vj;ilT
Julr :j.
Boots, Sljoes,
Hats, Caps.
or, Gents' Furnishing Goods
Merchant Tailors,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
publla patronage solicited. Julyl-tr
rhlA Outfit furnuhed free, lrith rnit m.. n..
iblLi t0" foro-riJuriiuji tiiemontxnofiialile
The b jslne.s is en easv tu leam.oml our nisi rao
tlons are tn Blaiule null lltmi tim
nuke crent lrollii trcw tl.o very ft.irt. No one
can mil wholsKllunp lo woik. Wniuen arau
ucessKlal oh men. Born uml (nri can cum
lorco uma. Mnnv li3cnaiooYoronclmuunl
ilolnrsliiuslnjlowi-eir, Noihinir Illie It ever
uuhu vcidiu. n wiiuui.fcHcpiiieiiurr-rt.tdat
lnoeeimailHly with h.cU Hio. Ale sole
to TnaKO lnoner. Yon nn itntrtti n In .lit k,..i
iiesi Uurlnjr your spue tlrao nt ter protlt
Vou do not nivu to turret uoy cai.luulu it. Wo
take nil tlio ilSK. Tho'-c trlionccKl iculv money
aiiuiuu wriw uaionct. ah furiu.iiM free.
.. . ww., AiMiusm, uaine.
snow belnnnm-lelsstrrthiiii
wit vy n oso 111 vim ,r ior ns.
I'rlEon. nr rillior .n
uiakD .mi n wci in mcir iown i nicy
iv niiiws u milk, no iik. ouuit ri..
Aiironeoin ruu the basineis. CapHat notic.
UU11.-U. aii wjo ruKiKO iiruerrr sooner, iu
Pnrliralnr Iree. Aildro-s. JI. 1IAIXK1T &
CO. 1'oit.anil. Maine JnlylOvl
(fiAf Can't ua made by every indent every
7tA Wvdiiioiita in ihe Iiumiux wo funimti.
f uiviiul tboe wining to work esn wist
ly carnadeien dollars n day ilcln 111 their own
.outlines. Have 110 rc-o 1. to explain bsie. 11a..
Ire plearaiit nnd hoiii-iablo. Women nnd
uiira and gnls da ns well as men. Would lur
nlsli you a comnieio fiui-. V e vill bear
eipeuse ot stalling you. t'lticoIat fire.
Writ and see. Fariui-ra nud lurcaanfo. ibelr
sou aud danghrera. ami all rla-sea in seed or
parint: wotk at home.aliould wilte to us and
learn all aonnt the worfc at imie. Ai'dres.
TttM1. CO . Augusta .Malna. July! tyi
f,i,.iT a
Cioc, .Vcvellies, utc"
nrini iMrrricei nr. !
Alll:? in kll n.rtB
nftlieUAaudCanadia. ,C. V. DUDLEY 4
CO., Irio-iricr. aud itanutacturer."Iifrrleii'i
ppriaaa, Mlob. . : . JuVDi-t
, TiNolhlng Is moro vatuablo than a cheer
ful dlstxisilion. Ill temper is like a Lon
don fog, In which you aro always bumping
against somebody and getting a curse for
doing It.
I n.1..Mltn A l.n.n9M 1.n,t M f.. t . I
ruuui.luii U UUIHU I UOMl.ll U 1UI1U J.1IVOI.
Cerlaiiily," was tho reply j "all you wont,
isn foot-ball and base-bait guide, a racing
shell, nnd plenty of cigars."
iUl've traveled East, I've travolcd West,
ThroUKh rnnny n weary day t
Hut tho ono tlilne that gets me best,
Is nhv the hens don't lay.
Kirirs. fit) (31s. nor tloien Kxthanat. Trv a Robert's I'oultry powders,
prep red by Sines' Mfic t!i. of Ptilladelpliln,
;i. lorsmo or nu icnuiniiruiraisrs, nna tucn
rihcr don't lay, the) aro only fit to "iro to
Ito that does good for good's sako seeks
neither prniso nor reward, though euro of
bulli al last.
Mnny men wnslo a large part of their
lives In attempts to display qualities which
Ihey do not possess and lo gain applauso to
which they arc not entitled.
cm-We havo tested the Invaluable dualities
of Robert's Ilorle and Uattle Powders upon
our own stork, and In Justice of our lollnw
citiiens, uccm h our uuty to recommcnil tne
saino to all owners of stock, not only In rases
where stock Is sick, but find It very beneficial
to now tnllch cows, ns well as to tho iccncrnl
appearand nrtlio horses and other stock j it
cost only 25 Cents, and guarranteedtoollocta
cure, ifglvcn In time.
Last week two men were arrested nnd
held upon tho charge of killing the old lady
who was mysteriously strangled at Tuppan,
K. Y., last July. Tho bloody marks on her
neck showed that one of her murderers
lacked ono finger, nnd this wa3 the clew that
has now resulted in the arrest of these men.
YtD.Wc a jreat many nronrletorv
medicine men, arc advertising Is such a man
ner, as lo lead tho nubile, and nartlcularlv
the retail druggists to believe that the salo of
ineir troou sis so ureal, inai unless tneir order
l sent in cariy.t hey win bo unable to fill them.
We however notlco one eicentlon to this ruin
Inthocaso ofthe Sines' Mf'K Co, ori'hlla
dclphla,J'a., who are honest enough to state,
mat no mailer nowinsnne oraers como in
for Sines' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and
lloarhound they shall all be filled. Their
sales on this preparation last year vtns COO,
4S3 bottles i ihclT tiicllltlcs for making at pre
Bent nro 1.000,000 bottles per annum j but let
no. druirKlst or customer bo alarmed, that
tliclr-wlll ever bo a corner In Rlnes'Tar, for
should tho trado demand 2.000,000 bottles they
can be had, nnd from our cxpcrlenco with It
as a ''ouuh and cold remedy, wo have no doubt
that lts;sales will soon rench tbe last namod
figures San JVancljco Kcictani Dltpalch.
Minister (lo ftory) "Why weren't 3011
atthekiikflti Sunday?" llrry "I was al
Mr. Dunlop's kirk." Minisler "I don't
like your running nbout las strauge kirks in
tint way. Not that I object tuo ycr hearing
Mr. Dunlop; hut I'm shuro yo widna like
yer nln sheep straying away into strange
pastures." Itorv "I widna cpro a grain,
sir, if it was tetter grass."
"fj."A horso 1 a horso I my kingdom for a
horrul!" when King Illcliard spoke these
words on Iloswortli field, ho undoubtedly
meant a horso which hail been usloi: Ilobtrt's
Celebrated Horso Powders, ns no otl.cranl
mal would have conveyed him to asufeplace
In tho quickest-possible time. Price S5 Cents
soiu ovcrywuero.
r-An English traveller found in a well
known, cafo iu the Untcr den Lmdcd,ilcr
Iln, thrco requests, in three languages, that
gentlemen should nut Einoko there. Two of
Ihclhiec were w!itely cxpresed, but the
thud was different : For Germans "Ei
wirdgebctcn.iiichlzu rauchen." Kor French
mep "On est prin tie no pas fumer ici." For
Engli'tlinieii "No smoking hero."
Jlarrlaircs have Increased 40 por cent.
oHicijiil Sines' Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoar-
iiiiuiiis, uiiDii unuics. xnung ni.iu it ou Keep
rt boltle on hand tor an emergency, jou are
O.UU 111 UlllJKlllJj III11K) IUU ClllUUA.
I'rederiek, Froiins and Franklin Sher-
wniid, triplets, and all rellreil sea cipiaiii;
eclehraled their 70th birthday, November
3d, nt Westport, Ct. It is stated to bo vcrv
difficult to distinguish 0110 from another,
even when together.
rnvt'iiturs'ana t'ulciilccaj
Should send for Instructions, terms, rcferen.
ces.fto,. to Edson Urcthers, .Solicitors of-Pat-cuts,
WnBblnutnn, D. C, who lurnlsli the
same without charge. Ddsnn Urotbers Is a
well known and successful firm nf large ex
perience, having been established iu 18CS.
Mr. Riloy Klttridge of Blfast,.Mr.,hs
a postal card upon one side of which ho has
written clearly 4,008 words, comprising the
ei.tiio books of Jonah and Mnlach! and the
fifth, nud sixth aud a part ofthe seventh
Ticw JcM-cy ITciulnni IVInc,
riiysicians stale that the Port Wine that
tooK 1110 premium nt tho Ceiilrunial, p
dliccd and offered fur cala by Mr, Alfi
Speer, of New Jersey, is a wine that can be
safely mcd for medicinal purposes, lieing
plire'nr.d frco from medication, nnd is more
reliable than other Port Wines. It is es
pccinlly recommended fur weakly females
nml the aged. For sale hv A.J. Durliiiirand
Dr. 0. T. Horn, Lehighton: Zern A Hapsher,
One walch set right will do to set manv
by; but, on tho other hand, ope that goes
wrong may bo tho means of iplsleading a
whole neighborhood ; and the same may be
said of Ihe example wo each set to those
around us.
. Having given Ely's Cream Balm a trlal-I
advise thoso su fieri iig from Catarrh to lay
oilier icmedies aside. I believe it to bo the
only remedy that will euro this tcrrtblo dis
ease, from which I have been n sullercr fur
20 years. Tho Balm is doing wonders fur
me". I have used everything advertised,
but have' never found its equal. Charles
unmoral)!, ucaior in uoutsami shoe;, 8S5
Broad St., Newark, N. J. See Adv't.
Best on Record. I beliove EIv's Cream
Balm the best preparation for Catarrh now
on record. My patrons all speak well of It.
I havo sold one hundred and forty four hot-
ties in less man live months, i ordered an
other gross a week ogo,and havo sold twenty
ono bottles from the second gross. II sells
upon IU merits. John II. Phelps, Druggist,
Bcranion, u. uau. .0, ioeu.
The Ilightstown Gatettc is authorized
to correct tho rcrt that George Sharer
drovo offan embankment and broke his neck,
"lu the following unimportant details." 1.
The horsa was not seriously injuril. 2,
They were not shot. 3. The team did not
gooverlheembaukincnt. 4. Shoferdid not
break his neck. S. No such accidentoccur
rad at Allalra or cUewhero in the vicinity,
6. No such man is known in the country.
A youth who was trying to master a
bicycle, when nsked his age, said ho had
seen fifteen summers and about one hundred
and filtcen fulls.
''Tom, where can I got a good two-foot
rulet" "I can give you ono on the spot,
John." "Well, let's have It." "Don't wear
light shoes! That rule applies to both feet.
January 2Hh. 1SS1
tbrought on by a severe cold oni
Ellis lumrs. which might havrB
Rhetncured by one bottleof Slnes'H
lioarnounii 11 luacniu lime.
" ' For&I.OO you itill receive the Cibbos
jiroof at forone year, and one of Dr. Ken
dalls Uoria S00V1 as a premium,
I he PeojDle's Drug & Family Medicine Store
If you want anything in the Drug lino at bottom r rices!
go to tho Old aud lteliablo Drug Store, iu Dr. NrB.
ltebcr's Block, near tho Post Office,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
Whero yon will find a full and com plote aloclt ot
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &o.
Lamps, Lanterns; Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes. .
Wall Paper and Borders, a ereat variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of 'Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 18G7. A., J. DURLING.
LehlChton Novemt)"r2
is ffilt yii
IKOIi B2'1'2'3CI:?3 JiU'lil ircoiDn'mlru aU tlii tafss ro-"
qiu-fC a oct'u'm r.ntl cfi!Jer.t iotlic ; crpeiir.l'r i-.i'r". '' i, I Jftj'tin, Iniet
KtiWnt jr'rsrr?, trail rt App'tfc, J.'ni (J A: "crpiA, J. v; J I'.nrrryj, tti. I'ririciics
l'.io blo.-sil. Etrcrlhciii tlio rmir its. rlvisi w life lu li.e nirvci. 'ihev net
11K0 a r'.iarrii t"i il o (ViStivs oisrj;, rctupvIiisallrlTi pttdiciympuin', cr.rl,'
TM''.a 1 iUrid. j.'a'c.j.-w, IZcA ivOttl:'lWJvh,-lI-.vrt'.'tun,t.e. Tlsc fiDljr $
Iron Prt. parr.Uon tli'at vrillnot blti"Jicn t":". tvVrvv ;,irc i
Ii':.T5.:''.r'. E i'.J ty r.ll i!rn?55,'. Yrlte fur t!u A 1) C i.i.c!., 52 x1!5-01"
Uicfjl aiil rj.i.i5;.i r ix.uii'r' ml nr. . ,
DTvOVriT Cr-IEriirCAIi CO., Ecltlmnye, Md. ' 1
m mm
y;o ramliy
f-JJ-'Sjta'jX'A It (a . mro r.mT rjnlc'.i rcraeiij- for COUGlia.SOnn
.atiSijriBriwl T-uloxv, cilIIiLO, r.rd fciailiar tu'ilik-i; nfToriti lnitnr.t
h !W teller In the most i.wl!? forma cf UIPHTIlEniA, cud
ltS' Tt-.o Oldest, Cest, cr.d t.'iost Widely Known
cv.'ZV wl Ilia t; a r-Mch "X It U sdd ut :i" 01 p.
PERRY DAVIS & SON'. Providenco, R. i.
Anil all dlreato. of tho Khlneys. Blad.Ior
and Urinary Oriiona by Wtarhiif tho
Improved Excelsior Kidney Pail.
It li a Marvel of Henllng and Heller.
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Powerful !
It (Wil F.S where-all else folia. A It EVE I
ATlOKand HKVOI-UTION In Jlodlclne.
Al s-Jip lonnr direct application, at opposed
to unfatlsfuciory Internal nio.Jlctuea. Send
for nur tre-itl;o on Kidney troubles, sent Iree.
Suld hy, or sent by mull, on receipt
cd'rlce, 2. address
oLl'aTlie Only" Leg Fad Co,
(Icinillio Kid- '
ney l'.id. Ailc Williams- Block,
lor 1 1 and take
noolh. . HLTEOIT, Mich
Formerly or ALLEN'TOWN, respectfully Informs iho Hotel Keepers and Citiiens Renerally
that he has opened a NEW LIQUOR Fi TORE In i'aircett'J Uulldln, nearly oppcilto the
'Carbon House," on
With a full stock of tho Choicest Brands of
Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Bum,
Port, Sherry, Champagne, &c, &c
to which he Ijivlus tho at'entlon of purchasers.
Way 1, JSSO-Iy.
tut dl&Vrhij from ftllcihui.
tict)ptbapc,wtth elf-AdBiUxi
Hal lla ctnUr, MapUl twit tt tU
rotlibu of tbt batfr, tfl th
llallin thinrtDi'Mui batattb
iniuunu J"," mjmm wvi
EGQLISTOEI ?UC3 CO., CUcflffO, 111-
rci i:m:aw A.13 htcumi est,
Is a snro euro fi r a'l t'.ia diseirt fortrhlch It 1j rccorarncndeiJ,
mil is i.:rr.;'s t T.UVjZWIZ.Y S&Vil n tlio lumUj
of cca tha r.. i"i Ir.cij-cr.'cnteJ peraoaj.
Far.illy, Pilc'.ilRln.i In the Vofld.
It l-cci.iiill''v1''1 Momlerltel nuccctn In nil
paiu ut thoiv..iia f r c2ia::ps, cTrsrKitA.uiAitiiiia:.,
JJY3Er."2'I3ISV,t:iiirtf'll.'l BOWSli COriFLAIMTa Uiat-it 1
cousklered nn unfstlllug for 11 ?'e dUctua,
Hco stoo:l tho toct of Forty Yoaro' Constant
Uso In v.'.i CountriM nnrt Ciimatcc.
It En IiarO?S Jisr."i; by r hvulctani, PIlMlonnrlra,
JtlnUici-a, tldiiurcra cC l'laulatlciM, V.'ork-EIicj), anil
Vtv icrii"!, Ktir-ct I:-. Ilo-jil'kli in a!t( tt ty EvcryUoilj-,
Ui crvay:, iq Jm-1 e-. r g!vti it r. trlu'
Itf'tonUIalwavs h u..-1 f, r l alti it t'.io EcSi nml riitr,
AlHl brmss f pecy rt.' 1 r.e-'i..M!tr.t iisllrf i:i t.'.l tu.scj of Uruluu,
r ur iy 1 o i"-' lor.t 1-. it win r."i":auy
Lung Diseases,
Throat Diseases,
Breathing Troubles.
It HIUVES Into Iho system curatlvo agents
and heallnir medicines.
It UltAWS from the diseased parts the
putauus inni cause nein.
Thousands Testify to Its Virtues.
You can 1)3 Believed and Cured.
llon't despair until ynu hare tried this Sen
elide, lijslly Applied and HAD JUALLI'
Kt'h'hDTUAI. UliJlUDY,
Sold by ilruBXlsts, or aent by mallon receipt
ori'rlce,, by
our HOOK '
"Thrco Mil- Wuliaws' Dlock,
Hons n. Year"
Sent free. (oct.SO) DETROIT, Mich,
I'kichs will bbtuxtbt Lowest run;
rnc ruiu tjtrr so
I iiMfAVi'y iJol
soldier la
iicrointrvl. A
uig iOuii r Vurloo VcIm iirti
1 .'lv" "" 't Ptn.i.n.
cr cuib.t. .r .Ui.r. ViT. .i..j i. .if:
I" is fall Uu.i,. HcadU.uuiin,
. Sad It. V. KianAw 1'..... r.. .
Cures Triiousautfs Yearly.
, ,. . COUGHS, 001.13, sad
' C0NSUMP110N,
The Bpst of Tonics,
Restores the Arptlit,
& r . i . . . ! 1
l4$mm Miasuigqstion,
btrcngtncB ua tystsm.
Ecolorcs the Weak aad
Inrlgrrates ths LIVE3,
. and at tie samo tins
restorlnif Ihem to healthy action, health 04
ircni;iii lonow irom in lle.
Tha WFAKalltintl lrATr.nffrtnrrnmln
0 F APP tl IT E,l NVA L I D S anil person j rocOTrlne K
from tlcknea will tod it the remody they naJ C
iu ctiviiuiiti-u iiiciu,
A trial of It will proveoll wo claim. Atkroar
druirslstforriB. CRfinK'SuiiMF nrTin. !
no ottii-r. i'orsalo by all drajglsts at Oaa Dol- tf
C IT. 6HITH 4: CO., rrcp-s., fit
tjuccessors to unrcr urooic i Co , 1
uuvton, unto. .
,Al)Otlli contalna 10 tltnea ns clach as aay tt f,
ten. pii'piirnuuu. ,uiiLo
SALVE in poMUvo cure for c
,WJ AMDKELlAMiR. NeverfaUa
rnS no remerlv 1a fn 1 m m rvd I- In It vf?Ai. 1r.f.n?& rents ft liftY. I
your drnpni?t not liavc U, on recript of S3 ceuta g
(or potgf Btaiup?) wo will eend y qu a box fr C
01 tzpenec.
S. fi. SMITH & CO.., Prop., K
Psyton, O.
1 3
Meaicmal Iimers!
The Ulcrtrtc I.ljr!it wnsaf:rct dlfcwvery.irt
I claim that tlir S o.tish TfiiiiU Medtt hiat '"ww.
ers is t pr cater tine, (nvtnrr to tUc ptont uraoutit
nf iiJTitIii tiicy tlHi'mJ, and the hib
they have c.Tcctc.l. t tiered fiom Astlims'tSy
fiflpen Yi.ns In S-otUnJ ttiul America and I w
now complL'tcty cnrcl, I liac been tlnHyirf Uut
give the world t!!c Aftttitiita! ";;, the oK
effective. nrid hy tliynibit convtiient prefHtrtr
tion ever gltred to tho public, for Aithma tm
H.iy Ferrr,,-il$3 SorJ ThroMj IIr,irscnci9 (row
CoiiwhajCatirrht Bronchitis, NcuraltiaaiidnVK-
l)iria. Cum voirSirc Throat withtliese Fbt&9
nnd you will luar nn iroro cf aDiphtherU, Tbey
arc InvahmbW for public fpe.i Iters nnd slnpcrt.
Thcv arc put ifp In f.incy 1 oxes, and can b
carried in the pocket, ad nied at convenience.
If yon cannot pt them from rir Ductor, r
Druggist, ee ml direct to the tnnnufneturer, who '
will 3-Jua them to all parts of the world, pottage
A child can we three Turners, m they dojiot
have to be smoked. VV, On Dollar er
Prcn'r and Manufacturers
ForPntoby A. J. DUULINO, DllUitJST
Lehtxhtmi. I'a
14 STAFcGH 11.
Wkttt 3 CSWEGO MY. Ilffi Jp
Tor tho Liundry.t? the lttt nnd most economic. In
the world. Is purr, free from Aelda and
other foreign enhsrnnces that injure Linen. Ta
ttronjynr than any other, rcnnlrlns inurh lew quan
tity iu tnlng. Is unlfo-m. nflH-iw nml fin Wiei work
always tli &imo, Kittf:if'n!W Pulvrriecd Corn
Starcli for Pudding Bin n's-Mtm-'C Cake. Ac. is pur
finddellcalo. PrTfrablo to IVnnudn rrowrooL
T. KIKflSFOKD iV Sf)?, Osve Kew York.
Ilolmuu'a Acne, Liver nml Stomarti
Incl-l?or MAT..VIUA. AOUE,
i.iviiit nud HroiiACU xitou-
HLlii Trlco f 2.00.
HoImnii' Npertnl iail Adapted to old
chronlocasea. l'rlco K1.00.
Xlolmau'ai (iplerii Ifelt-l-or atutiborn
crixea of Enlirged Bpleea aod
mylelflluff Liver nnd Btomacb
troubles. I"rlca $3.03.
IToImnn's InfaiiOH B'ml t'or allmants of
Inrania aud chllilron. 1'rlci) $1.50.
Ilolman'a Iteitnl l'nil-l'or Kidney and
Bladder Ooiaiililnla. Prlco $3.00.
Ilolmmi'a Ularlua fail For femal
troubles. I'rlen S3.C0.
IXoIiuaa'ei Abaorptive iTIrdlrlnnl Body
I'lnisler-T ie. I est piaster made
jiorous on rulitor baala. Price SBe.
Holman' Abkoi'ilvo .TlcilUlnul I'ool
1'lnulci'M roiliumbreetmidalug.
Kiel) rlreulntlon. Prlcn tier pair Sic
AlMurpllou Halt Medicated Foot Batlia
" I'or C'oldi. ybstruetlona and
nil eases wliera n. foot lth ta
neoded. Tor Imlt lb. package, SJe.
Torrila T7 all drtiRRN-a-or writ liy mall,
postpaid, on rerelpt ol prlro. 'fin Anagrptlnn
Kilt la not "malLililo nud must bisaeutby
lixpreaa nt pnrrlia3.r,H cxpenso.
The sut'euss of tlolnian'M lad haa rn
aplred Itnimtori who olTer I'.ula similar In
I oau rnd ouoa to tha tkcb Holm ink, aaylne;,
"iney ara lh ramn, ta" llewaro of all
Bo-jus Tada, only pot.oii up to Bod o,i tho rvpu.
tAtlon of tho
tea that each J'.ij Lean ilia preen raiVATl
r.tvESrc stamp of iln Uulmnn Pad Company
with alovo TraiV-Mnrk.
If a'.lllclea v.ith chronic nllmcnta aead eon.
else di'crlption..f symptoms, wlilcu will ra.
celrc prompt unit cart-fal ati.-iitlon.
DBIIoijJiS'rt a.iviuo la rvo. full treatleo
sent fri'B on nppll.'atlop. Adclrraa,
. Hoi -ii.w f.n co.,
(P. O. Bos 2.1!" w Willum b-rot, J.'uwTorK,
sII.UP. ntn ' I h fef
rii'.t. i i o y 'i: ap.
)iie,U (brld T
lHe4 by .- 4, WAnoKp.
M. . . . . .
WW 'It ".414 H'lTl, IVIla