The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 12, 1881, Image 3

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    Great Attractions!
J. T. Imtanm & Sons
mirn rtAnn nTAnr
Just opened and on cxliibilloa, a large
nisorttiienl of
.1 L..l ttriM. which have already be-
come a matter Of Rrcat interest to our Young
Folks. Wa would, therefore, Invite nil to
sail early and examine our elegant assort'
ment of Holiday Goods, consisting of
Ladles' and Gunl's Fancy Hose.
" Kid Gloves.
" " " Neck Ties.
" Fine Wallets.
Fancy Back Combs.
Cloth and Hair Brushes.
Fancy Paper Boxes.
Fancy Work Boxes.
Jowe'.y Caskets,
Glove Boxes,
Itnn.iWchief Boxes, and
A ohoico line of SOArs an PERFUMERY.
Opposlto the Public Square,
Lehlghton, PA. "P. -yl
Local and Personal.
xo susoitii:its.
RnWrilier.i will nlease refer to the dlrec
tion tabs on tlieir papers, by so doing they
-Will be able to see whether they are square
tn our books ar not, lliusi
John FlUwilliam niarS 79
Shown that thesuboorintion has been paid
tip till March 8th, IB. 'J, anu conscqucnuy
there is one dollar due us or, the prewntyear,
which vod will Dlcase remit, orSl.So Will be
J. " "1 :r I ... ....! Mil
Cliargen ii v i.u.r ... ......
jKT"Atttilion every miel Have you heard
ol Kendall's Spavin Cure? sieo adveitiso
ten.T.vdin 11. Pinkham'a Veceloblo Com
nnniiil will at nil times, and under nil rip
cuinstanees, uct in harmony with the laws
Unit govern the feiiialesystein. AddiessMis.
Lydla E. Pinkhnm, 233 Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass., for ciiculars.
SSj.lf you wanta nice smooth.easy shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
Iloedercr's Saloon, under I lie txenange no
te!. Ho will fix you right, and don't you
' forget it.
SSr Lewis Weis, In the post-office build
Inc. this bornuzh. has just made n largo ad
dition to his 'k for the lull and winter f
.rii, viz, a full line t "ill and son
' V r" "V'Z : . ' ? ; Vnd e , :
ren's biwts. shoes and gaitein, all of which
he Is offering at tho very lowest cash prices.
ferj,Tho chap that got off that rmbli' d
nice- ol vcrsn i urn "' '" -
wiir.l. nli time, ill tliv flight, hail douliil ss I
b. npenBt.m.ed to tnkiiiff Dr.'8 Wild I
Cherry anil Seneka when a child, and eon-
scqucutly hail no fears ol croup or the
v, hooping cougn.
at verv low prices. Call and seo samples.
.car-Kendall's Simvin Cure is used from
the Atlantic to Pacific Coast. Advertisement
in another column.
SEQ-The rteceitru ncss at times oi si.meot
our, most trusted irienus aimo-i compels ns
o,,rr.,i.l, inbumanilvllacir. Hut that
trusted and sterling old remedy, Dr. Coxo's
Wild Cherry mid Seuckii, is ever faithful to
to its promise.
jSJ-cspr.Ka s iioBF.Hocsn ivtk isu iiuuk,
Made of old pearl rye, rock candy crynal,
and the HOttUtlUUl) lieru, a simple anil
efi'iictlve remedy tor oiuuhs. colds, hoarse
tiessand s.)re throat, highly recommended
for consumptives. This is no patent mcdi
cine mixtuie, but it is the pine extract of
Rye, H.OREIIOUXD and Rock Ciindy,eom
bincil with ono other medicino .inuch used
. t n- 1 r.
K Pnnntontlve. Prion 2.1 an 1 75 cents per
Wbltle. Sold bv A.J. Durliiicand C.T. Horn.
Ijelilghton, and itapslior i: iicrn, HeissjKirt,
Pennsylvania. 41.1
iS5l-Uhrist. licroer, noiesaie nani ware, killoil by cars at Solomon's Gap.ncar Wilkes
ilp.ln. Ohio, sava The Excelsior KIdliev . .. . . .
Toledo, Ohio, says : -The Excelsior Kidney
Pad has accomplished mure for my wifo in
three weeks than all the medicine she has
taken In thrcaycais. Refer all skeptics to
inc. Bee Adv.
na-The undersicned announces to his
patrons and the public generally that lie is
now closing out the balance of his winter
stocK ol overcoatings, ciotns, eassimeres aim
suitings at an alarming reduction in price, in
order to make room for spring and summer
novelties. If you Wish to secure great Dar
gains, call early.
II. U. PKTKR3, Ao't.
Post-office Building. Lehighton, Pa
SSSUColoma, Mich., Nov, 4th, 18R0. Dr.
B.J. Kendall's A- Co., Gents -.Accept thanks
for circulars which helps us considerable,
We are selling a large amount oi your iven,
dall'a Soavin Cure which cives ureal sails
faction. We are authorized to sav for Mr.
A. II. Sutton, a farmer near hear: "I have
used six bottles of Kendall's Spavin Cure
and cured us many spavins (well marked)
on UHIer-Mil Horses. I ronsiuer u a rcmeoy
never equaled for Spavins or Ringbones."
Yours truly, llyon A" Oilson.
ja-w-onas. u. itossuer, ia oummii, ou,
Aineilii, vmi I", n.iv I i ivimiiii nut iiiita ijiic
thousand ilnllars lor niv J-.xcelsior Jildney
Pad, if I could not get another. I have gain
ed In throe months thirty pounds face Auv,
ltSfFor flno stationery, cnvuloiies
count books, niemoraiiiiuiii books, pensaieti-
cils, school books, wall paper, and in fact
anything thai you wautoiiisuie oiury gooti9
cmcories and provisions, call at Lucken.
bach's, 2 doors below tho 'Broadway Hue,
Mauch Chunk, and you can get It, cheap
aim good.
Bethlehem has a borough debt of 85,-
The next legal holiday will bo Wash
ington's Birthday, Tuesday, Feb. 22.
The cost ol keeping prisoners in the
Stroudsburg jail last year was only f 245,30,
and for biwrding Monroe county's convicts
in the iicnitentiary $084,39, a total of $929.-
The religious sect known as the Second
Adventists have gained a lootlioli! in South
Bethlehem, and are holding services every
now and then In private dwellings. Their
doctrines are attracling'considcrablo atten
-Next Monday Is the day set apart for
the honoring of St. Velentiuc, and alieady
r our dealers doing a heavy business in
the sale of the tokens of love, friemhhin,
and, alas, of enmity OB well. ''S lnct Tuesday and resolved to raise a
The Northampton County Almshouse f"d sufficieni to meet tho deficit during the
Is to be enlarged by the addition of a uew next tlire0 J0"' wllicl' wil1 require $20,000
hospttol building to accommodate the large "nually. The members of tho Board sub
number of sick persona uow crowding the 'r'u;t' $29,000. Tho honorary degree of
institution. Doctor of Divinity was conferred on Rev.
Rev. Mr. Wackernagle) Mauch Chunk, E,ls"11 Frier, of Mauch Chunk; Rev. Mat
elected to the German Professorship of "'ew Newkirk, of Philadelphia, ond John
Muhlenberg College, will in acquiescence C. Caldwell, of Chambersburg.
with the wish of the board of trustees ol the Frank De.uioud died at ruttsville on
institution, take up his residence in Alleu- Sl"doy from the efiVcts of Injuries received
town, between now and the 1st of May. u wsting accident on tlie 21th of Jan-
The east-bound train from Reading for uary'
Alleulown on Monday morning was de- Don't ruin your sight by using worth
lay&l over on hour ty an aiTiueiiitoiheen.
2ine. irank Allhouse, engineer.and Dauiel
Kreanier, fireman, were badly scalded.
Mrs. Van Buskirk, a very old lady who
lived st Forty Fort, Luzsrne county, was
accidentally buroed to death on Saturday
We will present every per-
in . ii,: ft? ..v.,1
paying $1.00 for one year's
subscription to the Carbon
Advocate, with a copy of Dr.
J. B. Kendall's Treatise on
the House, one of the most
valuable books for 1 armors
and Horsemen eVer published.
The book is handsomely and
p. i.. sit. i.i. t-.i j
TilOlUSUiy lini&uiuuu, unu yivco
symntomS and treatment fol
"J I ,
the various diseases to which
the horse is subject. Remem
ber, for $1 you get the Ad
vocate for one year and a
copy of the book free ! Now
hand in your names and the
"We have lust received a
limited number of Kendall's
rPot iticu nw tiik TTnnciF. A kh
His Diseases, printed in Ger
man, which we will give to
those paying one year in ad
vance for the Carbon Advo
Tho Democratic borough convention,
held on Tuesday evening last, placed tho
ticket in nomination:
Burgess Zacli. II. Lone.
Councilnien Wm. M. Uopshcrnnd Sam
uel Fret'.
Schoul Directors Ell II. Snyder and
Moses Heilmnn.
Justice of the Peace It. A. Bella.
Constable Joseph Zalin.
Assessor T. D. Clauss.
Overseers of the Poor Wendell Schwartz
and Feter Henn.
JudKO of Elect ons A. W. Horn.
lnpi'OlorfiI Lieoilons ueo. v. nusoaum.
Auditor P. M. VanJjicw
At a convention of tho citicens of our
Bister borough of Purryville, a few evenings
since, the following ticket was placed In
nnmtnntimi. to bo voted next Tuesdav !
nri,s,n. n Cooiier.
Counnlmeti-John Piokford, John rellit,
r, . .. ,,,, ,,;, ..,, ri, n,
"""" "'" .
Dellllif U.lllllmn.
S .liniii Directors (Iconic W. Bumnnn and
Jao.b Peters, 3 years, W. h. Kutz and John
1'ickrWirl, 1 year.
Justice nl tho Fence Daniel Wcntz.
Constable Dibline Suwlcr.
Oveiseers of the Poor -Juhn Pettit nnd
Ciini les Dunlin
Assessor Jotetih M. l'ctcrs,
Auditors C. M. Sai-L'cr nnd Win. Purcel.
Judgo ol Eli clions A. K. Snyiler.
Insptclorol Llcilimi; .Joseph Jteinnntt,
For tho week ending on the 5th Inst
there were 01,958 tons of coal transported
over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a
total to Unit dull! of 8211,454 Ions, and show
ing an increase, cnmpaied w th 6.une djle
lust year, or 48,140 tons.
Wa nr0 a,,fc, t nnle lh!lt tlc people
of Fmnkim U.Wn.l.lp li.W.l na.nin.t
our friend, II. P. Levan, for cm-tablc. Mr
Levan has fairly won tho reputation o. bo
one of tho most prompt and tellable of
fiCCr in tli'i cnuntv, and wo hope the citi
. .. ' . . 1
eiis of Franklin will show their appreet
tion of his Fervleea by giving liim a largtl;
increased majority,
Wo learn that Fred. Leuckel, Jr., will
the coming week,
The Lehigh County Agricultural Soei
oly held their annual meeting on Tuesday
of last week In Allentown ami determined
t0 holl their next annual exhibition on the
. , , .
S3ln0 ,la-V8 fleeted for tho Berks County
Fair Sept. 27ili, 28lh, 2i)th and 30th. Both
fairs wete held in tho same week last year.
The ), o(an r ,10 Lehigh Counlv Agrl
cultural Societv were re-elected as follows
President, Enos Erdman ; Secretary, L. Pi
llcclicrj Tieasurer, Ephriam Grim.
Samuel Haney, who was arrested sever,
al days ago at Stroudsburg, for tho second
time, for the murder of Etta Biltenbonder,
iiiw ucei, uiiaiu uuiu lieu uetore u uusi IX Ol
1 I I.. !.i.l T it r
tlie 1 ,n('e "' ,ho cllafee'
--joun nogari, a nagman on tne lieingti
ami Susquehanna Railroad was instantly
narre, on rriday night, tie lived at i.ston
The Board of Pardons have decided not
to hold a regular session until March 15.
For 8 days ending on the 31st ult., there
were 01,184 tons of coal transput ted over the
L. A- S. railroad, making a total of 270,849
tons for tho season to that date, a decrease
of 17,342 tons as compared with same tim
last year.
The popularity of David Ebberts' livery
still continues his horses and canlages are
in tip top condition, and his prices so low
that all can afford to ride,
William Kupp.couductorofacoal tral
on the Reading Railroad, was killed Mon
day near Pottsville by being caught between
the cars of his train.
?B,No one should neglect a cough, cold
or sore throat, Dr. Bull's Cough Syitip cures
luese ana prevents cousumpuou. 1'rice
Alexander Lenahan was dangerously
6tabbed by Edward Myers in Pottsville on
. . r , .
I v
-The Allentown Chronicle states that Hi
slate trade of Northampton county will be
gieatly enlarged during the comiug spriu
and summer.
Bradley Willams, an old man, Hying a
Plains, Luzerne county, full dead of Ilea
,seaso on Friday, while engaged man a
. . Bnn
tercation with his son
It la said that the Lehigh Car, Wheel
and Axle Works, at Fullerton, have secureii
contracts to build 1000 coal cars for the Le
high Valley Railroad, 300 gondolas for the
New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Co., ami
200 box cars for the Commercial Expics
According to the provisions of an act
the Legislature of tins State, passed June 4th
1S79, the term of every township office:
hen alter elected, whose term ofolfice woul
under existing laws expire on the first Mon
lay of Apiil uf nny year, (hall expire on tl
firt Monday ol March next preeeeding tl
said 1st Monday of April und continue for the
period now fixed. And township Auditors
6nn" mm 1118 5econ' Monday of March,
,00'' 00 vo focu Jrnr '"ereauer.
Tlie B"11"1 ofTrustees of Lafayette Col
leis gianesj get the Crystal Pebble Lenses
at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk
pair warranted to suit.
We are pleased to learn that Mr. Win.
Seabojdt it recovering from his severe at
tack of sickness.
Mr. Samuel Levan, Is busily engaged
digging out the cellar under bit house on
Ba nk street, with a view to enlarging and
putting a stoie front in the building, which
we believe is to to occupied by Mr. C. M.
Bring along Vottr election tickets, and
get them pouted while you wait. Cheap
for cash Is our motto.
Watches, froth f(J to $150 ( alarm clocks,
Watch chains and charms made expressly
for railroad men at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch
Si D. Kostenbader has removed his con'
fectionery store from Obert's building into
the store room recently occupied by Mrs. de
Tschlrsclisky, nn Bank street.
At a meeting ul the citizens of Wankllb
township held ut Moria Furnace school
ouse, the following nominations for town
ship offices were made, to be voted for next
Tuesday I
Justice of the Peace 1 Henry Camn-
bell, W. E. Kemercr.
Constable 1 II. P. Lie van, hrancis
judge ol Elections l f . A. uraver, u.
, uuclt.
Inspector of Elections 1 Wm. Melxell.
W. II. Reber, Nathan La filer.
Supervisors 2 Overseers of Poor 2
Joseph Iluuslcker, John Schwab, Andrew
Deibert, Thomas Dormant, Cornelius itcrlg,
acoa Zeigenluss.
Bchool Directors 2 Robert Anthony.
senr., Charles Deppe, James Beaver, Tilgh-
an Driesbacli, w. 11. Ueber.
Assessor 1 J. K. Rickert.
Auditor 1 Joseph Boyer, Wm. Schwei-
The North Pennsylvania Railroad an
nounces a quarterly dividend of one and one
half per cent (less Ave per cent for the con
tingent fund), payable February 25.
"The Anxious Bench," a synopsis of a
sermon preached by Rev. J. E. Freeman in
the Wcissport Relormed church, Saturday
evening, Feb. 5th, will appear in our next
issue. Those interested will bespeak extra
oo lies early.
William Kupp, conductor of a coal train
on the Mill Creek branch of Reading road,
Was instantly killed Monday by being
caught between tho bumpers und coupling
ooks ol ins train.
M'clssporl Evmig:. Suilday School.
The Weissport Evangelical Sunday School,
which we had the pleasure of visiting last
Sunday, is probably the largest and best
conducted Sunday echool in the county ,out-
.de of tho County seat.
Aftur the inteiestlng teachers' meeting
held In the "saeied little prayer meeting-
,n in" on the snuic floor with the school, at
:30 o'clock, the school was opened by tho
newly-elcctrd superintendent, Mr. John
Ditterliiie, who was elected to fill tho vacan
cy tSeensioned by the resignation of Mr. Web
ster Weiss, who lias been appropriately
yled "Tho Model Sunday School Superin
teuilont." The school sung the spirited sons
nulled, "Jew Happy Day;" an earnest
ml heart-felt player was olfcred by the
Superintendent, another hymn was sung,
lie lesson leaves were distributed to those
ot having uuy, niter which tho lesson was
cad'ultornatcly by the male and female pr
ions ol tlie school. The Superintendent
then stalled lo sing the spirited chorous.
Oh, How I Love Jesus.
After singing several verses of a hymn
answering lo the nbo'vo named clioi us, tho
lleclion was lifted ill the various classes.
Tlie class which we had the pleasure ol
teaching, bv request of the regular teacher,
C. M. Roth, c.illcd the Albright Class (rrom
tho handsome motto hanging up in tho amen
orner wliero the class sits, and for whicl
hey puid to the school scventy-fivo dollars),
Is composed of a number of young inen,sonie
ol whom we were olten accustomed to go to
school with when wo were a boy.
Tlie Sunday school has adopted the cnvel
ojie systum of lilting the collection by class
es, and the collection of tho Albright Class
amounted to two dollars nnd four cents.
After the very enjoyable season of teach
ng the class, in which we often sat as a
schclar, another hymn was sung, and we
then spoke to the school upon tho subject
under study during tlie session the bov
mod of Jesus, and tried to impress tho fact
upon the youthful mind that Jesus was u
real, live, active boy j wi?e, strong and at
tractive. Alter another hymn was sung
and prayer was offered by Mr. Hatch s
the Secretary, John Miller, ouo of the zeal
ous member whom wo well remember lo
havo been a worker in the vineyard in vcars
gone by, lead tlie rcKirt : officers, 0 ; teach
ers, 10: visitors, 24 1 scholars. 153: Vital
number present, lacking 1 of being 200 ;
collection $3.80. The lessou leaves for tlie
coming Sunday were then distributed, an
nouueements were made, and the classes
llsmissed in a very orderly manner at the
sound of the bell. C M. Roth is Assistant
8iiwrintendeiit Alvin Kocit, Librarian
W. H. Miner, Assistant Librarian and Trea
surer. The infant department, meeting in
what wo called "tho bird cage," when we
attended the school ns a taught by
Mrs. S. R. Miller, tlie pastor's wife, and is
now attended by about forty-five or fifty
of God's little birds who nre picking up tlie
sweet crumbs of truth falling from the Mas
ter's table. The Library composed of sever
al hundred well-eelccled volumes is quite a
feature in the school ; so is tho blackboard
aud its attractive lesson illumiuatinus. The
excellent organ iu the school is played by a
young lady named Emma Whitehead.
After the school session the regular monlli
ly Teachers' Association met, and tills
alone is evidence that tho school is not u
one-man arrangement, iu which the Super
intendent is sovereign ruler j but is strictly
union in spirit und leeliug, and thoroughly
Evangelical in its operations. Where
teacher' meeting is not held at least once
niunth.our exiK-rieni-ehut taught us that Hi
school is either voiy small in number aud
interest, or else something is wrong with tl
Superintendent or leading officers nothing
will kill the good, zealous teacher's interest
in the school soonerthau to drop the mon
ly Association meeting. Much of tli
aud present interest iu the WeissKirl echool
is due to the efforts of Rev. Miller, the pas
tor of tlie church,aiid the past efforts ol Web.
ter Weiss.the loimerenercetic Superintend
eul whu grace I lie school with ther pres
You will please excuse us for occupyin
bo much of jour valuable spaco, hut while
attending the school, the UiHMbgnte of past
recollections came muni us so hint that we
could hardly give you anything: less i
prane of Mv nasi biwiuv School, tha
we have given you, OansvEK.
l'U) incut of Wages.
In the Houseof Representatives at Harris-
burg, on Monday last, the Committee on
Labor aud Industry reported the following
bill favorably.
"That thirty days after tlie passage of this
act all persons engaged iu physical tabo:
throughout this Coin inonweslili,er- 'u'pt those
salaried by the year, shall rece' the money
due them In luwlul imp , of the United
States at least once every two weeks, an
any jivrson refuniugor negating to paysuch
wages shall bo deemed gui.'" of a misde
iiieauor, and on conviction nftlu tame shall
pay tho costs of prosciitiou, and be Siprioou
ed fur uot Iras than Unity days, li ease t
suit lw entered by such employes thjm
Idoyer or employers shall not have the rnxht
of appeal aud stay or execution, and b
nvAnt.l.nn ...... T.. : . 1. 1 I r . , , 1
execution msy forwith be issued for the UwJ
iui iniouui uu.
Iloport of oilr School,
For tho month ending January 28, W8l
Primary No. 2 Miss Boloraon.
Number of Malo scholars, ...i,.i.;u 43
" Female " 58
Total lilt
Average attendance Males 34
" ' Females 35
Total,... ii, o.. oi... C9
Per cent, of attendance Males 80
" 11 Females i 61
4 Toul...i i.m "n
Names of pupils who attended every day.
Btts--Josle FroehHcb.Robbio Triiner.Uriali
Snyder, Willie Koons, Tommy Hotitz, WU
lid Nnthsteln, Harry Sanders,ugene Smith,
Charlie Lcimbach, Charlie Peters, Asaby
Shultz. Otrj Bella Longstreeti
Primary No. 1 Miss Hofford.
Number of Male scholars,. 47
" Female " ....n.i 38
Average attendance-
........ ..U1I1....I..UII 80
Male.iu. i.i. 38
Female. u...;i. in... 25
Total , 63
Per cent, of attendance Malen 87
" Female 77
Total i., 82
Names of pupils who attended every dayT
Soy Henry Hontz, David McCormlck,
Atnandus Rehrig, Willie Sanders, Oscaf
Shultz, Miltou Hauk, Willie Clauss, Willie
Beltz, Aaron Ruch, Robert Hollenboch, Cal
vin Trainer. Qirh Solllo (lablc, Clara
Hunsicker, Ettie Drissel,IIannah Froehlieh,
Ida Williams.
Secondary No. 2 Miss Nusbaum.
Number of Male scholars 32
" Female " 26
Average attendsnce Mle
" " Female .
Per cent, of attendance Male...
" Female ,
Total.. . 84
Names of nutiils who attended every day.
iioyi John Lentz, Robert Heberling.Frank
Bartholomew, Wilson Weidaw. (Jirj Al
ice Newhard. i,lla t ink. Irene fcenstermach-
er, Emma Kncase, Ida Rehrig, Amanda
Kcms, Tillie Scuocb, Clara Rex, ,mma
Secondary No. 1 Miss Dollenmayer.
Number of Males scholars 10
" Female " 22
Total 41
Average attendance Male 17
" " J-enialo 18
Total 35
Per cent, of attendance Malo 89
" Female 83
Names of nunils who attended everv dav.
iJovs Eddie Koons. Girl) Mamie Gable,
hlla Keichard.
Intermediate Miss Bauer.
Number of Male scholars u. i 22
Female " 24
Totol , 30
Average attendance Male,,.., 20
" I'ctnale .i...... 20
Total , 40
.'er cent, ot attendance Male Ul
" " Female 88
Tolal.... 90
Names of pupils who attended everv day,
li0v Jjcwis itreibriuirs, Uhailrs Jlault
llarvev lloueh, Harvev lumns. Alvin
Koons, William McCormick. Girte Em
ma Hunsicker, Daisy Hibhler. Mattio Lone
street, Lily Heichard, Tillio Seifert, Laura
Grammar Miss Koons.
Number of Malo scholars 23
Feinalo " 11
Total 34
Average attendance Malo 19
l-eiuulo ,,, 9
Percent, of attendance-
Total 83
Names of pupils who attended every dav,
Boyi Webster Nolhslein, Willie Newhar'd
Willie Jwongstreet.
High-Prof. E. D. Schnabel.
Number of Male scholars
" Femalo " ,
Average attendance-
Total 13
Per cent, of attendance Male 91
" " Female 88
Total 90
Names of pupils who attended every day-
otrfs J.aura t iaus;.
Number of Male scholars.,,. 191
" Female " 183
Total 374
Average attendance Male 159
" " female 137
Total 296
Percent, of attendance Male 86
" " Female 82
ItcliiOIIH KOI Ok.
SL K. Ciicncii, J.P. Miller, pastor. Preach.
tnif 10:30 a, in. 1:15 p.m., Normal Class,
Schoul at 2 p. m,
Preaching at 7 p. m. All
are welcome.
Zion'8 ItEFonUED Oiiuecu, J. 11. llartman
pastor. Preaching at 10 a. m., Sermon, In
German. 2 p. m., Sunday school. 7:00 p.m.
sermon, Iu English. A cordial welcome to all,
Mktuodirt EriecoFAL Oiicncii, Packeb-
ton. 1). F. Unangst, Pastor. Preaching on
Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. and at 7 00 p. m. Sun,
day school at 2 p. m. Prayer and Olass meet
ing on Thursday evening at 7.30 p. in.
Evanoklica.'. Uuuucn.WmssronT. E. J
Miller, Pastor. German preaching at 10
o'clock a. ni., by the Pastor. Sunday School
at 2 p.m. English prcaehlnira 7. SO p. n
Smoyer, pastor. Preaching to-morrow (Sun.
day) at 10 a.m., and 7 pm. Sunday school at
p. m. Morning suMect : 'Temperance and
the Church." Evening subject : -'The Ureat
Revival at Deeapolli." AH are oonlltlly In,
Thursday forenoon last Mr. James Dewey,
the fireman of the "Robert H.Sayro,"draw,
iug No, 15 passenger train, had a narrow cs
cope at tho "big rock" above the Allentow
furnace station. The train was over three
hours late and was running at a good speed
As it passed the iwk, which Isa sharp curve,
the tiro on tho froutdriver,on,th fireman
side, broke. Pieces of it uew in'iSTsral di
rcctions, striking the machinery, breaking
the foot board to splinters and tearing off
tho whsel covers. The fireman leaped on
top of the boiler, expecting every moment
see the engine leave the track or turn over.
Had It done so, the engineer, John Roony,
and the fireman were prepared to save them
selves, if possible, from getting uner the
uoiier. ma train uaa to oe boanuoneu ana
the passengers brought down on another
train that camoalongsoon after tbeaccldent,
Some distance from where the pieces of tire
commenced flying were several repairmen
Thinking the track an unsafe place for them
the men ran down an embankment. Tli
locomotive Is now in IheSouth Easton sho
for rejiairs. Eaxton Argui.
J, K. Howcr, Secretary of the Hower
Peach Hill Slate Quarry Company, at Cher-
ryvllle, Northampton county, writes that
James Selp split seventy-eight squares of
,UUt in
assisted by Gideon Belli
two hours. He was
nd David Eckert
as blockmakers. and Georce Onlincer
Tho Conl Trndo
The anthracite coal trade Is quiet, with a
most encouraging outlook for the trade of the
current year. At the mines during the pact
Week the work has been nominally at full
tilde, but the production of coal has been
rdolly less than half the amount usual when
tht) work Is not impeded, by severe weather
nd transportation is unobstructed by show
nd tee. The Impression has gone abroad
that there is to be a coal famine and many
people are pressing for a supply of fuclj nnd
the mora anxious they are to get Utile more
its delivery l delayed. The truth it, the
late fall of snow and tho snow drifts at the
mines in all the coal regions have to (hut in
the tars and locomotives that but Iftllo coal
citu bo moved to the points whero It Is most
tltfeded. Tho consumers of coal during tho
last six months, though constantly urged to
lay In their winter's supply of fuel, have
steadily acted on the idea that coal could be
had when wanted, and perhaps at lower
prices. It Is now found that It cannot be
had when wanted nor can It be furnished at
the low prices It has been tolling at nearly
all the past yearj hot Is it ehtlrely sure that
low prices will attend the early spring open-
Dg. It Is quite probable that Ihoso who
havo learned that coal cannot' always be
commanded by the asking for will begin the
year by taking in their supply of coal as
their current wants shall require. This will
make 18S1 a long coal year, and will keep
prices well up. Thero is now a shorf Supply
of anthracite coal, not only on tho l'ncs of
the several transportation companies lieroot
the East, but all through the West Is there a
eady supply of orders for more coal. An
other fact favoring a good coal year in tho
present the Iron business promises an early
boom. This, In connection witii the other
causes mentioned, can scarcely fail to make
most extraodinary business in both of
Pennsylvania's chief staples, coal and H ob,
For the current month nil the several com
panies will work very much on the principle
of tho walkists go as you please. Some
pcrators now have more orders than they
can fill, and others have more of certain
iesofcoal than they have orders for. While
this is so there is no break in the barmchi
ous relations subsisting in all tho several In
terests of the trade during the past year, and
hile this holds not only istlotrado safe
but the supply of coal will be abundant and
t moderate prices. Those governing In tho
trade have discovered the means whereby It
may be protected from injury and loss to
these who nrs carrying It on. They will
work together and wholly eschew all spite.
work. When there is too much coal on the
market tho output will bo checked, and as
the demand is moro pressing the production
will bo Increased and price lessened. The
most favorablo feature for tho future of the
coal trade is the seeming conclusion to wgrk
armoniously under somo general agree,
inent. Up to the present time no plan has
been devised that can receive a unanimous
pporl. The fotlsvillo Miners' Journal o!
last Friday says: "Meanwhile the operators
n tlie Schuylkill region, having orders for
February sufficient to employ nearly the
whole month, have concluded to work along
and put In all the time possible. This, being
by general consent, does not effect the rela
tions between tho compiuics, and this re
gion will, therefore, derive tho benefit of tbo
extra work. Tho prices (li January were
better than ot any previous tune since tlie
same month in 1S76, and tlie wages of the
men iu this region for the first time since
that period advanced to a rale abovo the
basis price. As this Is an incident of more
than ordinary Interest to all connected with
tho trade, a brief reference to tho record of
the intervening period may not be Inappro
priate. The $2 50 basis was adopted by tli
operators In the Schuylkill region December
31st, IS74. It was a reduction upon the basi;
of 1S74, which latter was tho same as 1873
The men demurred, and finally agreed not
to accept. Then followed the long strike of
1875, which continued to the middle, of Jnn
of that year, during which there was a total
suspension of work in this region. The men
then went to work on the $2 50 minimum
basis, with one per cent on iuside work to
bo paid for every three cents advance in the
price of coal at Port Carbon abovo $2 50, and
one per cent to bo deducted for every de
crease ol three cents below $2 50. The long
strike made coal scarce, even though the
other regions wero working during the peri
od of suspension in this region, and the price
of coal justified and the men were paid for
the urunth of Juno. 3 per cent above th
basis price; in July, 3 per cent; August,
per cent; September, 2 per cent; October,
percent; November, 6 percent, nnd Do
cember, 6 per cent -all above the basis price,
Iu 1876 the price Jiaid for January was
per cent above basis, but in Februory th
price fell to 2 per cent below. Then followed
iuarcu, z ier cent oeiow ; April, i per cent
May, 7 per cent; June, 2 jier cent; July,
per cent August, 1 per cent ; September, 29
per cent ; October, 21 percent; November, 23
per cent, jnd Decembcr,25 percent all be,
low tho $2 50 basis.
President Gnwen, of the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad, now in Europe, it is now
positively stated by those who profess to bo
well Informed on the subject, will bo bom
on or before tbe day fixed for the annual
meeting of the stockholders, March 14, 1881,
Ledqtr, 7lh inst.
Tuwmnonsltiu: ltciun.
Misses Sabilla Weissand Martha Smith
of this township, have been visiting friends
iu u eissport aud Parry vine, the past two
Jeff. Wei6s lust returned from an ex
tended visit lo bcnuyiuiii county.
Mrs. Beer, who was very sick with
pneumonia for over a week past, we are
pleased to note is convalescing.
Atnandus Kibler. the genial teacher of
the I'ine llun school, has lust closea his
third month of teaching to tbe satisfaction
of all
The anow of Tucsdar drifted badly : all
side roads are filled up With suow banks so
mat leaces are invisible,
John Weiss, tho accommodating land
lord of the Farmers' House, midway between
oiemier s and (jaiuou, was uuexpeciedi
surprised last Friday evening by a slelgl:
ing party composed of young ladies aud
gentlemen from Millport and Lchlch Gap,
being the flower of society Iroin those places.
and reflecting credit upon their tires. It
was one ol the mot decent end orderly par
lies mat ever visncu mis rezion. iney en
joyed themselves to their hearts con ten
engaging In wliut and tripping the light
fantastic toe until early morning,wnen they
returned home well pleased with their
night's enjoyment, with a promise of soon
revisiting host Weiss, for by hit congeniali
ty he cau rnako any crowd hilarious and
Mr. Yundt and his sister, of Welssport,
were sleighing to this place last Sunday atnd
while passing along the rood upset and bad
a runaway .breaking the dasher of the sleigh
and slightly injuring the horse, otherwise
uo injuries.
Reuben Younkin, of Carbon, has been
indbpuseu lor a number of days, but we a
giau to uuuw inut he is recovering.
Jot, No. 2,
T. Vt Jones, Mine Inspector for thi
South district of Luzerne and Carbon coun
ties, reports twenty-one mine accidents I
his district during the month Of January,
six of which proved fatal.
The Belblebeui Timet reports, an extra
ordinary demand for soapstone, found
I"". MffM' fani. 'n
largo at
U used
1 Iu tinaie. an4 oltomiiiT
Utcrnrr Society.
The Lyceum was called to order by tho
President) roll was called) tho mlnutti
were read and approved, after which the
newly elected officers took their scats. The
President .appointed a Committee of Cura
tors, alter which followed the referred ques
tions. They being answered, instead of an
oration a aelccttion was read by E. D.
Schnabel, subject, "The Retort Courteous,'
Debate was next In order, the question be
ing Resolved, "That the man of wealth ex
erts more Influence than the iniili ot Intel
lect." Affirmative, F. P. Founer, and 8. R.
Gilliam! negative, A. C. McLaughlin and
D Schnabel. Tho general debate was
participated in by W. Ray IXahn, Mr. May
er and othors. Tbo decision of the chair
was given In favor of Hid negative. Com
inittee of Curators reported as follows I let
referred question, Glvo a sketch of Thomas
Jefferson's life, to Webster Clauss. 2nd.
What Is the benefit of studying History?
Miss Laura Solomon. Select reading
Miss Bauer. Declamation, Mr. llahn. Es-
lyist, Mr.Campbell. Orator, J. P. Snyder-
Qustlon for debate i Resolved, "That a law
yer Is justifiable in defending a bed case."
Affirmative, Mr. llnrtung; negative, Mr.
ltclcliard. Society adjourned to meet next
Saturday evening, Feb. 12th.
Ell MA. DoLLEKM ATKR, Scc'y.
siifrprleo i'ilrly1!
Mr. Fred Leuckel, jr., being about lo pro
ceed to Leadville, Col., a number of young
people, made a surprise visit to him at his
parents residence, on Bank street, tilts bor
ough, on Wednesday evening last. After
doing ample justice to the good things furn
ished for the occasion, tbe party enjoyed a
pleasant evening in. music, singing and the
sual parlor games. Among those present
wero Misses Dollenmcyer, Houck, Rauden-
bush, S. Clauss, E. Clauss, C. Ilibler, E.
Bower (Catasauqua), Ella Clauss, Grcenwalt,
Yundt (Weissporti, O'Brian (Welssport).
Messrs. Jacob Defrehn, Joint Kutz, Charles
Obert, C. Horn, T. Seifert, Wm. Hills, Chas.
Bower, F. Clauss, E. Frantz, F. Weiden-
heimer (Kansas), John Holbach, T. D.
Thomas, A. C. McLaughlin, E. D. Schnabel,
John Faga (Mauch Chunk).
Ill; CrceU Itcnik.
A spelling bee was held, by tho teach
ers of the Pine Run school, on Friday even
ing of last week.
Mr, Jonah Buyer, of Lawrence, Kansas,
has been stopping nt this place siuco last
week on a visit to Iriends. lie left for Phil.t-
lelphia, accompanied by his brother Wil
liam, on Tuesday morning, Whero ho in
tends to consult a number of lcadlnz phy
sicians in regard to his health, as he says he
lias not been able to do a days worlc, in live
years. We hope ho may flud speedy roller.
Stephen Fritzlncer will rriofro from tins
place into a residenco near George Wagner,
near Wcissport, cany In tho spring.
The residence ofMartln Graver.of Pine
Run, was entirely dcstioycd by fire, in ins
absence, on Saturday of last week. This
comes very hard or. Mr. G.. aside from be
ing homeless in mid-winter. Whether there
s uny insurance or not on the houso we have
uot, as yet, been a uie to I cam.
Thomas Leves, Jr., of this place, cap
tured another fox oil Monday,
Henry Deppe, of Albrightsvillc, was at
tms piaco on a visit to Iriends on Sunday
Tho convention for Franklin met at the
Maria Furnace school houso on Tuesday
evening last, and nominated a full ticket to
bo voted at tne coming Tuesday election.
.Unliuilllir 'I'tvlnkliiiffti.
Yen I tinks wat now I is,
Aud vut I used to was,
I tink I trowed myself away
Mitoul sufficient cause.
J. II. Arner went to Philadelphia last
week and bought n large stock ol store goods
lor A. Arner. 'ihey have a large trade, and
mo reason is becauso they are obliging and
sen fiieap.
The young man that had no rest until
ho had a wife says he knows how it is, since
he got a buckwheat cako slapped over his
potato trap, for lelliua his young wife that
sue forgot to wash belorogolting brcaktast,
-Read fast: Peter Pranglcr the prickly
pear picker, picked three pecks of prickly,
prangly peara from the pranily pear trees
on tne pleasant prairies. uuir
The folio wine statement of Wm J. Ooutrh
Iin.of tiomervllle, Mass., Is eoromarkablu that
we beg to ask for ft tlie attention of our read
en lie sava : " In the fall of 1870 I was tak
en with a violent HLBttntNa or the lujgs.
ful lowed by a severe cough, I soon began to
one time that 1 could not leave mv bed. In
lose mv amiCLiLB ana mean. was nn weak nt
iiiu BuiDioerui ion x TTiuauiuiiiea loinov uy
iiuBi'ik'Lw rv in ik iiiers iL'e uuciuro emu i nau
a hole In my left lung as Mir as a half dollar.
I expended over a hundred dollars In doctors
and medlclno. I Has no far gone at uue time
a report went around that I was dead. I gave
up ho no, but a friend told me of Hit. WM.
laughed at my friends thinking that my case
nai uicumuie, uut i got a uoiiie m raiisi;
mew. TTnen, 10 my lurunse anu irraiincaiioD.
T nmnniaA n U.I h.lta. HI n
ueau, uegan to revive, ana lo-a&y i ieei in ovv
ter snlrlts than I have the nasi three Years.
i write mis noping you win puonen it, so
that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs
Will UO inUUCCIl 10 IHKS till. WiU. JIAJULi o
rnlced that UONhUMPl ION Can bo Cured.
1 nave taucntwo bottles and can positively
iay mar; it nas none more goou man an in
other medicines 1 have taken since mvs!ck
ncss. Mv couirh has almost entirely dlaan.
ueared and 1 shall soon be ablo to go to work."
ooju uy ai j. uciiuKo. jueinifuiun. anu an
uruggiMs. ueo. is, itsuyioow
Are the only Hone add Poultry Powders that
ive universal satisfaction. If the Powders
do not give satisfaction) the Druggist will re
turn your uiuncy, uec. is, jssu yieow
The BEST SAliTE Id the world for (Juts,
Bruises. tores. Ulcers. alt Kheutu. Tetter.
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Uorns, anil all of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pim
ples. The Salve is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction In every case or money refunded,
lie sure you tret HENRY't, OAKHOLIU
HALVE, as all others are but Imitations,
Price 25 cents. For sale by nil Druggist
everywuerij. wee. is, ltso-yieow
I win intfil (Free) tbo recipe for a simple
in the akin soft, clear and beauiliult aUmn
stroctions Cor prcrtacw? a luxuriant growth of
inc0'iniT3l'. BlMlllD. HEX. VAND1LF fc Co.. No
& lie ek man Si.. H. V. Jan9 m6
A Gentleman who suffered for yfars from
NerroutlJfc:iJILllY.lltWMATUrtl3DEt AY
and ml the eflecinof ruuthlui lndecie.lou, win
for ttwiaUeot uniffennfchuojauity send free to
all who need it, the reelpo aud dirccilonator
ruaklag the simple remedy bt which ho was
en ed. 8' He rent wishing to urottt hr the ad
vertuer's experience can do eo by adtirer-siug
4 ttn.2V-o 4icwtr totieet, x.
To Consumptives.
The tovcrtlier, havlnirbcen peruianrnttr car.
eu of that nr. to disease, Consuuipilon, by a
aimple remrdv. ft anxiout to wake known to
uia re loW'iuneiera loe uifaiitoz cure, to ail
who desire it. be will aeod a tour cf the nre-
senptiou used, (tree ot casigtl, wita the dtieo-
iioij. lor yrey.nuir .iiu ufiuk iuo .unie. ituicu
thev will tlndasuiiE CCbk lor Cossuiimox.
AslUMA. HnoxcuiTM. Ac. Partita wiablui the
l' tot Ion. nl iilcase tddiex, iiev. u. a.
wilhu, lvi riir. Qtreet, wiiiiauir.uran,
liew Yor. JtnUDbut
A gnu Wutel. Ule Pay. Light Work
Htesdv ttmnlormeat BsniDle. free. Ad
arers, m. ui im, so. a sas.iau hucet
A New Treatment.
The Geldtn Ellter of Lit. Wonitrful Curd,
li you navo i.oniumpuon, ana wouia Know
that your cough can be made loose and easy.
Hcclio Kei.r and Night Sweat! cheeked In 21
hours j In&auiuiailou taken cut ol Ilia j.unas
and air nasfaatt at once; that you ran be
mado to gain 3 lo 6 pound- of healthy dull
itr, nr ii wu iiu.v p,ij viiiniuu,
hroneliltll. Ajlhliia. Calarih. Hi tnen.10. slelc
il.n.l.fhn lu.ri lil.,i. I u i',nn,, Bim
!i'S.i.:??;.i i.i, J Ji..l i .1- i'JiH m L? n '
maiorrhos.1. loss or seiual power In either s.x
rrom any cause It you have any rormolnerv -
out weakness, luslnif flesh or wnitlnir away.
and would know or an linmadlat relief and
certalu cure tor many oi the severest caset in
athorttlme, a new inetho.1 with new .gentt
lift0 1'rflf ot '.te'SSl Kile.
io uiien evervuoav. inviurorALa ana inaaa
I Sift."' ulal,WSSAUY' B,rr,e)nu,5"rJ'yf
Hotels and Saloons.
Bank St., LEittoHion, Pjl.
Tho OAttnoir tineas offers first-class nccora.
raodatlons to the Travotltnr public, Hoarding
by the Day or Week on Reasonable Terms.
Unolce Cigars, Wines and I.tauOrs always on
hand. Good Sheds and Stables, with ntten
tlre Hostlers, attached, April 10-yl
Respectfully announcer that he has Just
opened an
Oyster aufl Ealini Saloon
In the hullillnfc nest dot to the Central Car
riage Worksj on llank&treet, l.r.HIUUTON',
Pa., and that ho Is prepared to servo up meals
at all hours of the day or evenlrgat very rea.
sonable charges. OYSTERB rscelved fresh
every day, bud supplied to futhllleS at lowest
mrrkct prices. Also, all kinds' of Cheese and
Mustard, in large or small quantities, for
family use, cheaper than elsewhere In tlill vi
cinity. op. to, 1880-ly.
The Fort Allen House,
Milan Klottt, Proprietor
This HoivSo 13 located In tho Borough of
WeiSsport, Carbon County, Pa., and Is built
on the site of Fort Allen, an old stockado Tort
lflcatloncrccied hero over n century ago to
firotect the early settlers aualnst the hostile
ncuislons of tho Indians. Tho house Is a sub
stantial brick, and was named "Fort Allen
House" bylhelate Edward Weiss; ltcontalns
Thirty-two Kooins and a handsotno Restau
rant, and the present Proprietor has newly
and thoroURhly refitted tlie establishment.
It has all tlieappohitnieiitsof a flltST Olasb
Countiiv IIotkl. adapted forthc comfort of
Us patrons. In cioso proximity to the Hotel,
In perfect preservation, Is tho Iltstorlti
which was dug-by order of Benjamin Trank
lln to supply the garrison or Fort Allen with
water. Its walls of stone, which still defy the
rnvaees of ages, are ns perfect to-day as whon
put there, and the well now contains about
six leet of cristal water. The well Is now bo-
Ing fitted up as n historic relic. to tha water of
which tne patrons ol the House win navoiree
will bo accommodated at Reasonable Prices.
The liar is supplied with the uH Wlcc,
Liquors and Cigurs, Uood stabllnir attached.
Bv vlrtuo or an alias order of sale Issued out
of theUourl of Common Ploas of Carbon Co.,
at January Term, 1S31, tbo unilorslgned As.
slitnce of Joseph Feist, or Wcissport, Carbon
county, Pa., will sell at Public Sale, On the
premises, on
Saturday, February 19, 1881,
at TWO o'clock P. M., tho following ilopcrib-
ed properly, to wit: All that certain Traet of
it4i u, ucguinmg at a point, inence esicpu
ia-x by a imbllo road leading from Wclpsport
to iA'hluhton and by land ul Jonas Howinnn
Eolith iuventy four and ono-hnlt degrees, west
nltecn porches: thenco south stxty.iiiuo nnd
three-quarter dcurces, west stiven and three-
along said race south monty-efxht degree;,
east eighteen and a halfpcrches to a post;
incnce ny lanu oi jonn iiaraer norm sixty
eluhtdeirrecs. eiist elirht and two tenths" per
ches ton nus? : thenco bv a certain church
iui norm iweniy-one ana n nan tn'grcc?. wuti
lour perches to a stake j thenco by the safnc
norm sixiycigni. ucgrcca, enst ciecu unu
ntvhf.t onl lis tkort'iin In a tuiaC tlinnnn
Franklin street north twenty-one and oi e.lmlf
degrees, west twelve perches to tho plnco of
Demnning, conia;ning ttno fujr, nnu unu
mi nu rea ana t ony I'jkiujuje;, wim n lfricK
Hotel Uutldlnir. and Mablo and Outhouses
thereon erected, situate, lying nml being In
mo uorougn oi weissnori, anu nnowu as mo
Terms will bo mado known on dav of salo,
J. O. ZUUN. Assince.
. ll. siEWEtts, Att'y. Jan. ct-ws
Of Valuable Real Estate.
Thero will ho offered at pulille sale, by the
undcreiirncil, on the premises in East Peun
Township, Culbun county, Pa., on
Saturday, Feb. 19th, 1881,
At ONE o'clock P !., all those ccrtal
described Farm Tracts or
Bounded by lands of Jacoli Stelgrefwalt, Ucu.
lien Peter, Jacob Fritzlncer, Anna Dinkey,
W. S. llclntzlcman, Hannah Nlmson, Auisus.
tus Eck, J. II. Schappell and John lialliot,
containing; TO Acres mid 81 Perches, more or
less. The Improvements thereon consist of a
Dwelling House, llurn, and other outbuild.
Incst a lull hearing Orchard or choice Fruit
Trees, and a flno stream or Wator runs
throuith the property.
Terms will be aiade known at the time and
place sf sale, by
East Penntnp.. Jan. 15, 1SSI.-W8.
Farm for Saleor Excliauge.
A valuable Farm of Seventy Acres, situate
in Monroe county, Pa.i on tho old State road
leading from Mauuli Clmnk and Weissport to
Stroudsburg ; CO acres of which aro cleur and
under a KOod state of cultivation, with Rood
rences and substantial buildings thereon, Tho
place Is woll supplied 'vltli never-talllnK
water ; a young orchard of thrlty bearing ap
pie tri es, and a variety of ttrapo vines, peach
andchetry trees on the premises. Tha Im
OnS. provements are a Plank Honso, 26 x
SO rcelt a new barni by 3e feet; a
liiiiii Wilson shed, 20 x2 licet, with all other
necessary outbull.llnics all lluto roofad Con
sideration t.2.000, one-hair cnsli, balance on
time. Possession will be Klven Immediately
alter sale. For further particulars, apply at
this Otltco. Jan 22,
A victim of youthful Imprudence causing
Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Man
hood, etot having tried tn vain every known
rcmcdy.has discovered asimrde self cure.which
ha will send ritEi: to his (ellow.sufTerera, ad
diaa J. II. ItCLVES, ii Chatham tl, M. Y.
January 29, 1881-yI
The undcrslened Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' CuUrt of Carbon county to make
distribution or the balance or money remain'
lni; in tho hands or Joseph O, Monro, Kxccu.
tor or the last will and testament or (Jeorue
ltussel, deceased, will attend to tha duties or
hts appointment on
MONDAY, FEDnt'AUy Hth, 1681,
at TEN o'clock A. M.i at his Otflce. 2nd door
abovo the Mansion House, Mauch Chunk,
Pa., when and where all parties Interested
may attend. P. J. M EEH A N,
January 22. ISSl-wl Auditor.
Tho nndersltrned Auditor, apjiolnted by the
Court or t 'Oimnon Pleat or Carbon county to
make distribution of tho money In the haudt,
of K. F. Luckenbach, Assignee or oscr &.
Itemmel, will attend to the duties or hit ap
pointment on
TUESDAY, FEnnUAUY IStli, 1881,
at TEN o'clock A. M.. at hit Oalce, 2nd door
above tho Mansion H"use, Mauch Chunk,
Pa., when and vthere all ptrtiet Interested
may attend. P. i.MEEHAN,
January 22. 1831-W4 Auditor.
YonrielTC bv mnkins moner
wbCn u voldeii cnance is offered.
tlieiehv n.wava keenlnc nnvnrtv
from your floor. TJiosu who always take niX
vaniHsre vt t&e chuitcts (or uiaktnx money tnat
arooffuiwl, (fonerally bfcomo wealthy, vrhv
trotto whouj not Improve sticli dianc vemain
In pov rcy. We want tainv men. wouien,Uvi
unci pJrU tJ work for ut ruht iu tueli owu lo
raiitlia. Tho butlucc will pay ntore tumi ten
ttmcionllDarT waKen. Wefumirh au ttzpen
bItu on t tit and ail tuat you need, tree. Ku one
xtho engages fulls to make money erv rHpialy.
You can devote your wbolo tiniu to Um wrlc.
or lily your spara momenta. Jruil Infonnaltou
aua all tbat ii ureded aeutfiree. Addicsa
TIN'&ON A CO., Portland, Maine.
i a a? Wi
mput. In old onei. Caveats. Inluuci iutnt.
Trade-Maikn. and all futi'iit busintai prompt
l ntlen 1 mi to. H
l"t II my tl II tn mo.t t-naiM. be iia'eniKi
' , , .
u ut. nam . ojiiiatri.iie u.e z'.ieut
and engined m PATAN'T llt'-ISOH L'X
J,lolTt'l'i' u veure ia i eiu. in lea
time ibau tUo-e who, are e note from '.Vct.l
! Vvhen Inveniors eud runi'el or tkrtoh. we
1 raak sejnhlu be I'altn, oulce.und adv as
' toil. wtUintbilitr ralss OF cili .UE Uo let
pondenoo coiiGUeuilai feu. reiuvuablei ai d
U usljc rATi.Nl' n on
! 1?Af'r,,'
fe refer bv uermi-itlon to the Oiiv VoAtni..
ter. and to the uj. , utenili'iit ot ibaPiistor
1 "ST,. a A 8K0W
i-m. Aji.
8KOW b "'0.,
Bank Street, Lehigh tfifi.
Of nil tlesoilpllon promptly alleudkil to it the'
lniisi renponuoic prices
All Work fritaranteea. and imtronaaA
Is respectfully solVulteJ. J.iu.'.ti.i 1
In the matter of the Rher'rs Sate of llitf
Personal Property ol P. P. iemmel anil Wm,
lieeil, dealers In tobacco mid cigars I,el,lli
ton liorough. In the (Jourt ofUommon Pleat
ottlarbon county, Pa.
Tho underslKned, appointed Auditor toilH
tribute the money realised from the said sale
among the creditors entitled thereto, will
meet all parties Interested, Tor the purpon a
of hlA itjjtiotntmrnt. at his (illtee, adjn niiirf
the First National Hank, Mauch Chunk, orf
MONDAY, FECUUAnY 21st, 1891,
at TEN o'clocTt A. M., whtre all may attend
who think proper, and present their claims
upon tne saia lunu or oino oe uouitrreo, A
W, G. FBKTftAKt Att'y, Jan S9-w4
T,arite 8-papfe. 4Scolunin tnqtithly contain-
mnllj, nl lltlnrKII In I'.VBRlT AlkKfllUH OP
tub Family, will bo mailed to any aridr.ei'rf
for ONK Doliar a year. Specimen coplet fuf
3 cent stamp. No attention paid to postals.
txtraoroinary inducements iu uiuu-vinerB,-
Q Jlontlis, on trial, for 20 cents.
iO-J Dethel, Uonn.
2 tf.liel, tl O.tVhltoMetatnnnnnc
C.utl.jmlKllirnicuMtt. Soll.Uol.llH. ClitmK
nnJU'stfornian, .p.culitlT.iiifv..ii. V.IH..I...
etloKnerri.' ThowrMaA Co. IVSKMMUaLN.T.
January !, 188t-yl
Science Epiletsy I
Doctor against Quack !
for tbe CtTXtr, OF EPir.nPTIO FIT9.
From A-. Journal of Medictne.)
Dr. Ab. Meeiole(lateof I.- ndonl.who make
n aiiccialtv 1-1 Kptlop-y has without i.Ouot
ireaicu oracuroj muio crnien n.uu w.jr uiuw
lltmK nhisiclaii. . Ilia succor has simoiV ncet
aftoulchluf:: wehaiohi-aiduf cnseaol ovirCD
vcars' si analog fuccesful'y cured t'y him.
llulias puulished u raluab-e worK on thiadl.
eao nl.irb ho toaila null a I iriro botlio oJ tils
wonileitul euro tree to auy nufleiei who taut
feudtliur exi-icii and r. O.aildiees oa
Mscanyonewlslilnita curotoadd'ODr A It;
1 1..WL.I1 I.I.:, No. I'll. John Bt NoTfYoi t
In Iowa. Kansas, KGtakaMiiii'a'
Great hnvslns 10 year tlii'e on thrce-tonrths
oi t,.e piirehtif o' Interc.t 8 tier cent.
TnrllrN lull itrtjnir to ln Aeit RQIill for Itut.
blatolocitltv iii wliieli tlio laiuis are iiC't.rcCI.
J. K. O
Tan. S ri
New Yoik City.
We ham for sulo CiiKitr. both LAKOE am
smull rAtiMa impioteii ami unimprovd,lii;ttt
MiitH ol Van in.i, linnilRranta ol every noll.l
cil comiiiex on and froin every partot tbe Us
Ion, at e welo mo lo Vlrplna.
Write for REAL ESTATE REVlEY.'freo
iUltTfl4 II. L. STAl'JiUa e CO., ittcrjtnond,
Vli gyma. Jon
Plays! Vhi)sl il.iys! l'lays t
Tat IteMlimr clubs, for Atnctror Tl rntucalD.
TenipcrEiive r'ar-i, oiavlii lirom riaja, t'nl'
rv J'nTM'.tinoolnn rtftyn CJmrto Uoafca, Wpcns.
or1, l'Hntomiuiof.TAMhin: LlUtd. AiAPtiCMiirh
Jiiglito. CoMn-O 1'iie. Bunt fori!,
I ulo lTeimnuiuiii. Jarli'3'M Wnx oiks. Wlut,
UojtJ jntl Mnu-fci'iiPH ut re1iicel prlooe.
C'o-tDme, Bcenery, ClnrnOs. Catalogue
yeui tiee cuiit.Jnmc full doaciiiitlonatid pijott.
A1!UKI FitKNUU &. CO., 12. Hth SlIMt,'
Zbr Vbtk. Jon, 2i w4
a year and expenses to agents.
Uutnt froo. Address P. O.
VIUKEltY, Augusta, Maine.
AintUson by addrorsinir Geo. F, Soicll tCo.,
10 Snruce St . New York, can team the
exact cost or any proposed line or Advertising
in American newspapers.
- 100- FaKO
PampLlot, 2j cents
JanTv in
'urcd t-v the
and at lens eost than by any oihct. means. No
sufrirliii; or tntonVenieneei Treatment riflp.
ped tu any pait of tin U, s.irOtinlhi. Fn'l
nalttculnri iree. Address U. 8. HlHPf.r,.
SA ItV, Uernen SpUuire, Mich. (Kvtslilialicd
IS3). JUIJlTyl
Of U kinds. TfjMORH. dlschsr
ceiof liLOOD or uiticiit anj
n .i...n..n ..ri. li 1,'m.IT It
quickly and perfectly cuieJ bv a sfnip.e and
taothluff JlMKl)V. Foi'infomiattou addi ft.
K'K J, FAHKa6t,0.2iAunt..N. Y.
Unparalled Offer!
FirsT ClasS Sewin& MMl
With ftill line 61 ATTAdHMENTS to do
all kinds of Work,
Given Away, Free of Charge!'
Having made arrangements with a well
known Company Tor a large number or their
Machines, we offer AS A PBEMiUAI to
every purchaser or TWENTY-FlVE DOL
LARS WOKril OF HOOfcS, to be selected
trom our Catalogue, consisting or HAND
A Fist Class Faniily Sewing Hacliinc,
AND DRAWER, carefully paekerl andde.
llvered to any Depot In this city, FREE OF
Thlt It a bono fide offer, made for the pur
pose of Introducing our publications through,
(rat the United States.
Send for a Catalogue and Deicrlptlvt Cir
cular to
725 Saiiom Street.
dee. ii, )U0-wl3.
AGENTS I Fur the Complete K authentic,
WANTED i Ktccri,t'f Achievement, of
The developments by Stanley In tha Dtttk
Continent, his Kemarkablo Discoveries ao4
Wonderlul Descent of SW0 miles of the I'onvo
River, Shooting Rapids and t attract I amidst
the moil dlfhcult and thrllllmt tltuttlcnt.
Daring Adventurct wlib Wild lleattt, and no
less Wild nvui(c, hat no parallel In tha an
nals of Exploratloni. It Is mare ratclnatlnir
than Romance contains over 700 pagil and
many stflklog lllustratlont.
Send for Circulars and terms, and secure
Territory at once, ror thin tho QostlDterettlac
and popular book of tbo day.
Jan 154. WM. FLINT. Phtlldelpni.
old Stnntl fur Sale or to Itcrt.
rossissios ArniL tibst.
The nndcrtlgned ofTert at Private Stle er to
Rent, his Hotel Stand, known as tl.e'
Khok Ilfjret,"sliualeou the public rooiS let.
Ing to llowman't, nnd a'Kiat one-fourth of a
luilo bcluw the Parryville Furnaeel. Thlt
oilers a rare chance for any one In rcarcli or.
Crit class butlncf i ttand. V'nr i.artlculart ap
ply ou the premlstt, to It. f'EI LMANN,
Proprietor. Jan. 16,'831 w
For SALE and EXOHANOEtt 10and fit
IM Atltntlo Arena..
IteeuxlTk, ITi Ti