The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 05, 1881, Image 4

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Wnini food for fowl.
Tlie Voultn itonikly tnyK "After tin ex
perience f several seasons we linve wlopteil
tlio evf'em f wanning tho fooil nil through
tho winter and cold weather, both morning
ami evening, nml wo attribute the excellent
laynt qtralities of tho fowls,- In a Rrent
Measure, to doing this. Tho food, whether
whole ir broken, grnln or other fooil, either
drv or moMcnc.l, slmulil bo wanned we
befnn feeding. Sonio breeders as well ns
farmer, muke i? practice of parching their
whole corn ami nio assured it is benefieial
Where new, unseasoned com Is mod for
ebmlien fnoi), this u,irrliing Is a decided
l)int fiti for it ninlics It equally ns good for
feoillnj! as old eeasnneil corn. Quito n num
ber of poultry ailments aro caused by feed
irfg the new crop of corn, and parching It
willoffec'tially prevent any troublo from that
score. Wheat, which is no doubt the best
kind of grain for tho laying fowls, much
better than so much oorn, which latter fat
tens so quickly as frequently to Mop the pro
duction of cs temorariIy, is much im
proved by being heated well before being
fed, and thru given to the fowls while yet
warm, not hot. n feeding wheat, only
about two thirds as muchr by measure,
should bo fed as of corn, and when fed in
that manner is very little, if any, tnoro ex
pensive than corn. Good, sound wheatnnly
should be used, lor, while wo ceo no ot.jei!
tious to screenings on the score of uuhoalttii
now, Ecreenings givo but littlo available
Winter ittittcr.
How difficult it is to get good winter
mndo butter. Often I know by tho taste
just where tlio difficulty jies. llutler-mak-era
sometimes let tho cream stand to long
before skimming, and nno can hardly be
lieve, from tho taste, that their butler is
really fresh. Somotl i es a butter fljvor
epmcS from belt of caro in keeping tho ris
ing cream undisturbed. Tlio pans oie
dipped into, and in skimming for butler tho
second rising over n part of tho pan, which
has n somewhat bitter flavor, goes in with
(he better cream, and spoils thn taste of the
whole, Tho ciesm may be kept In tho jar
too loug brforc churning, while tho butter
maker waits for enough cream to accumu
late to mako it wortli while to chum. It
would bo better in this caso to bring tho
Witter by stirring it In tho jar with a ladle
or pu'Miii': stick, if enough cream rani.nt bo
pthtred within a week (at longest in cold
weather) to fill tho chum sons to work It
well. In this case, skim tlio cream oil" very
elonly, or lieo from milk, and if you stir
ca-h summing in wit-li tlio others ns you
put itinthe jar (thissliould alwuysbedono),
and ti n worm tiie cieam moderately be
fore churning. It 13 no difficult task to bring
t is buiter by stirring. I havo ratcn exccl
Jent butter made In this way. Sumo persons
never mako good butter in winter, because
they keep their milk among bad odors, ns
in a cellar with turnips and other vege
tables. Coar. Am.Agriculturixt.
Brags and M
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store
i i i
If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old and ltoliablo Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
Iteber's Block, near tho Post Offico,
A. J. DURL1NG, Proprietor,
Wl.ero ran wilt find a fnll and complcto stock of
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
brushes, uombs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Cliimnoys, Burning & Lubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a s;reat variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 18G7.1 A. J. DTJRLING.
Lehlchton. NoveinDr2
IIIOI-T BTTTKR'S era hiUly recommended for till diseases re-q-.-.irinr
a certain anil cGclcnt to;i IC ; especially ImlUjcaion, Ihjtpcpsin, Inter
m'.tnit Fever', Want ef Appetite, I,, j of S.m'jtU, Jc,V c Jherirj, etc Knriches
ilia blood, strengthen;) the muscles, nnd fives new lifo to the nerves. They act
Mm a eliarnt on tlio disc-itivc orpins, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such
ns Tarlins IkeFovl, Iklchinq, llo'l in the Siamach, Heartburn, etc. Tho only
Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho 1 colli or tivo
headache. Sold by all druggists, "Write, for tho ABC I3ool:, 32 pp. of
useful and amusin? read in;; unit fret.
. CHOVIT CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md.
s fefl HI '" t
1.1-1 - TfrV&rTmffS
r,t:N mitus.
It is only good 6eed that makes good re
H is soon enough to pnt on shoes when
tho oil has reached 2 ycire.
Illinois inuti'iructure.l half tho farming
machinery maUo in tho United States last
y ar.
Do not full to givo your hens hot feed,
At least onco a day, through tho wint
Early spring pullets will bo certain to lay
at t)ns fcason of tho year if so treated.
Thero is nn idea yet prevalent among
Bomo farmers that dry stock needs littlo caro
it this season of tho year, and that almost
any kind of food will answer for tnem. This
is a serious mistake.
A neglected, poorly-fed, stinted lamb
never recovers, howfver well fed afterward,
to as to make ns good nnd ns largo a sheep
as it would had it had proper caro early.
Feed tho owes so that they can supply tho
lambs with plenty of milk.
B. K. Maxim, ofWnyuc, N. Y., raised
fifty-bix bushels of shelled corn on one-half
airs of land. Itwason6od land iloujjhed
in Moy, ami dressed with a compost of ten
cords of muck, cattlo nnd horso manure,
worked into tho toil with a cultivator,
Lantanss reqnlrctlch, strong soil, n lib
eral amount of water, plenty of sunshine
nud frto circulation ofair. They ore easily
grown Irom cuttings stuck In moist sand in
n Ipnrtii til.irft. It. i 1 1 n i-.l I v- tvitrlli tvtiHn In
n'tempt tho growing uf cuttings In tho fall
or winter.
When fowls are affected with realy Jegs,
which aro caused by a minute insect, piaeo
tho feel and legs in a narrow tin pall of kero
sene. This treatment will soon euro the
worttcoren, if persisted in. Thn application
ef ointments ond bandages often recom
mended involves more tioublo with no mote
-decisive results.
Vrllnig a hoiso's rack with hay, as some
" persrns do, and permitting a couttant sup
nl V to lemuili hcfoio tho animal, is nno of
HiA mntl ,irntintili manna nF tirniliif.liin .Us
.v x b
ease, aim the must positive in rendering a n i
tii:ils unfit lor fust work. Largo supplies of
liny have the effect of making tho stomach
largo mod weak.
A rough rsliinato ol tho extent of the
wild game trado in St, Louis for tho past
year fchirn tho total amount of transactions
al$l,0no,0nn. A single firm exerted for
tlio holiday futon of the Loudon markets
100 dozen quail, 1 U10 dosen prairia chickens
jindoo iIki n wild turkeys.and also for the
J,ive'po I niniUet 3000 wild turkeys.
A. 6. Oanliner, of ypsilantl, Michigan,
in rcpoive to n cliailenge to jinnlueo an car
of com Willi O'JO kernel, produc! a basket
ful of ars aeraglng n foot In length, ond
none havmj less than ?00 kernels to the car.
Onne on u had 1200 kernels. The variety
is yelh w dented red cob, and was planted
in hill fmr foot ajurteach way, and yield
ed 120 Models to the acrj.
r- If vni hove money to fool away wed
down f.u r young orchard toclover or timo
thy or w a 1'r.ip of wheat or oats. Hut if
v ir want v.iur trees to thrive caltivate will
I v aje 7 to 10 years old. Spread nshea,
n'.iiu r f ilt broadcast. Stnpcultlvating
o A" -u wie.or lio wced. '.' o judge of
t ii t ii ui ol a i appletree isliko judging
n the ii .ii'oiiir lecp in a pasture. Look
at in si. . p mid n 't at the jaslure j If they
Anil all disease of theKllncys, niadiler
and Urinary UrKans by Wearing tho
Iirovet Excelsior Kiflnej hi
It Is a Marvel of Healing and rtellcf.
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Powerful !
It Ot'rtns nhern all else rull. A KEVKT.
ATlONanil liEVOLUTION In Medlelne.
Ab.iariilnii or direct application, as opposod
to untMtlsr.ictory Internal iiiciliclncs. Send
fur our trc.itio tm Kidney troubles, sent free.
Sold by Drugjlstc, or sent by uiall.onrccelpt
oii' iuurci
This Is tho .snd
(lenalno Kid
noy I'.ul. Ask Williams' Block,
tcr It and take
no other. DETRdlT, Mich
Tte Only" Lung Pad Co,
BANK WAT. a snort dlsUns' shore
the Lehlth Valley BR. Depot,
liChigliton, Pciina.
We are aew fally prepared te execute every
eserlptlon ef PRINTINQ, from a
Visiting Card to a Large Poster !
&c, fce., In the Bait Manner,
At Reasonable Prices!
We are prepared to do work at as low rates
as any oOlee In the country that deals
Honestly with their Patrons.
Lung Diseases,
Throat Diseases,
Breathing Troubles.
It DRIVES Into the system curative agents
and heallmr medicines.
It DRAWS from the diseased parti the
poisons that rouse death.
Thousands Testify to Its Virtues.
Yob can lie Relieved ana Curefl.
Don't despair until you have tried this Sen
slide, Easily Applied and RADICALLY.
Sold by dniKKlsts, or sent by mall on receipt
of l'rlce, $2.00, by
S'r,; TliG f! O11I7 " Lnns Pal Co..
eur HOOK '
"Three Mil. Williams' Block,
lions a Year"
Sent free. (oot.SO), DETROIT, Mleh.
CO-Order by Mall will be promptly tilled
at lowest rates, and satisfaction guarantied.
l'ornicrly of ALLENTOWN, respectfully Informs tho Hotel Keepers and CItlteni rcnerally
that lio lias opened miiw iilliUUK riiuituin iawcett's Dulldlng, nearly opposite tke
' Carbon House," on
With a full stock of tho Choicest Brands of
Brandy, Yhiskoy, Gin, Eum,
Port, Sherry, Champagne, &c, &c,
to which ho Invites the attention of purchasers.
May 1, 18S0-ly.
No Patf nt No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In tho tinted States,
Canada and Lurojie, at leduced rates. With
our piincipnl ollico located in Washington,
directly opposito the United States I'atcut
Olllcc, we aro nblo to attend to all patent
business with greater promptness nnd des
lintcli andatlobs costtlian oilier patent at
torneys who aro at a distance from Wash- I
ingtoii,and who have, therefore, to employ
" associate attorneys." Womakopielimiuary
examinations aim tiiiuisii opinions as to
patentablity, freo of charge, and all who arc
interested in new inventions nnd patents arc
invited to mid for a copy of our "Ouido for
oMaliiini'jieni, which is sent tree to any j
address, and contain complcto instructions ,
how to obtain patents aim other valuable
matter. Wo refer to tho German-American
National Ii.iuU, Washington, D.C.; the ltoyal, Norwegian and Danish Legations.
at wnshniRtnui Hon, .103. Lasey, lato t liter
Justice U. S. Court of 01oimj to tho Officials
of tho U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators
an d embers of Congress from every State.
Addiew: LOUIS DAGGER ,t CO., Solici
tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LcProit
Dulldinj, Wasiiishtos, D.C. dec22
Dr. plu"i
U t'
ft t
I Ii
1 ii iner
' I O IS
I ,,..t In -1
.e ,-asiure is all right.-
The undersigned Is now prepared to supply
the very best I.ATTIMER COAt, at the fol
No. 2 Chestnut, by the ear J2 1t
No. 1 Chestnut, by the car 3 75
Store, by the 4 00
lly thiiilnijle ton, 25 cents per ton additional
j. L. GABEL,
Dealer ui
General IIahdware, &c.,
h a neat end w.11. 0"'B",f.?1,,,r,,BABK 6Tn.?ST:
1 have a ueut 1
1 1.1 1 'conil well
ui il ini'e and
LatllOlIJON, VA,
HOT. 3J.IS7'
1 in
1 1 r 1 c 1
a rui t .1 1 nit?
tl ie cr S3 tired
R D. V.'H I l'. '
mi 1 ( it m
qu:, lv '9 wo.
11 -a'lv h.'i
1 -'ill.1 llf.
0 Ti ;I. .i
ii; .1 err
u, I Min',
.1 .Kit III
11 nil in
OulSt sent free to those wbowlsh to eu
aavo in the 111041 pleasant ai d iircetalla
bllllllt4 liUDH 11. I VMI-V. flint. nj.-nr Can
lialU'it required. We will tnrnWi run ereiv
ttP tlOaitnyari upwtrdi te eeelty inafli
errffcea. eiav nt away rrow 1 nine oror uieli!.
" ItW wliati vcr Mmiv new worker wanted
o, liiuiy i.remoi-iiR Icrliuunut li I n
1 1. k. lAdiee make ah murli as ineu.siid toiiuu
tvi,i;agitliuieire itii-y No one who la
w.iliu? u worn ete to make more mnoeyevery
n tlion urn ue nime In a wrefe nt jur urolnav
TV I'll! I lorn, nt T A. win oiiHaa a, iM'.. w.l
y 1 he ut-vnliou ef i tslkAs "fioet ronii tu roitmie. Address
I H. HAUJUTAOO, Vert:ei ttJ.
est i, n&-i
T11 k Leasing Scientists or to-day ni;ree
Ihitmosl diseases are caused by disordered
Kidneys or Liver. If. thereluro, the Kidneys
and I.tvcr are kept In perfect order, pcrlett
health will be lliu result, 'mis truth has on
ly bien known a short time, and for years
people suffered xrcat auony withont lelnt
able to Had relief. Thedlscovery of Warner's
Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks anew era
in me treatment or these troubles. Made
from a tluipte tropical leaf or rare value. It
contains juvt the elements necessary to nour
ish and iiirlKorato both of these Kreat organs,
and safely restore and keep them In order. It
Is a I'OSl rlVK ltuwm.y for all the diseases
that came pulps In the lower parts or the
lnHly forTorpid Liver. Headaches. Jaundice.
Dlziiness, Urnvet, Fevor, Ague, Malarial
revcr, ami ail uitneutiies or the Kidneys,
Itlsnn excellent and safo reroedv for fa
males Prcunancy. It will control
iurnsmiai'iin ami is invaiuamo torl.eucorr
tcca or r'alllnir of ttie Womb.
Ala Ulood Purifier U Is unequalled, for It
cures mo organs inai maxe me uiooa
It Saved D1V life. E. B. Laktlti. Silma. Aim
11 Is the remedy that will cure tho many
ui' I'ltuuur iu nuiiieii,-.ucifarrf ) wag.
It has ias.etl severe tests and wou endorse,
nients In ui some of tho highest medical tal
ent In tho countrv. A. Y. World.
f'o remedy heretofore discovered ran be held
lor ouo moment in comparison with It. Dr,
j. tiarety, u.u,, wotmngion, D, c.
This Remoty.whlch lias done such wonders,
Is nut uu In ihoI.AiiUKsrrsiy. kh imTTi.,
of any inedlelno upon the market, and Is sold
uy uruKitia aou uu ueniers ai tiu par not
lie. mr inatietes, enquire for WARNER'!
warn iiiiu;i 13 111 it itisal'tlS
T1VE Rerawlf.
H. It. WARNER fcOl).
isoentster, . I,
Cheap, prompt- ami Reliable, "
We have the exelatlrt Right far
Replts' Metallic Boot-Biniler,
Tho cheapest, best and
most substantial yet
introduced for
Til IS iNl THAT.
All tho year round The earth.
The neulcst thing In silks rre lly worh.
Molasses Is like adversity. Sweet aro
the uses of both.
It's easy finding reason why othor peo
ple should be patient.
tt- If you cut, burn, or brnlso yonrself.
mere is noimcir mat win so quicmr iiuu
elfectnally give you relief, as one nppllci
ofM. II. RonunTS' EMnnnoATlON. If ill
the extreme cold weather you have frozen
your feet or hands, ami alter usinir according
to directions one half bottle of Kmduooatioh
and aro net satisfied that It Is worth ten
times what It cost you, by sending your nnmo
anil ntitiress 10 me sinks' iUF'a un. 01 1'mia
delnhla thcr will nay you l.00 for tho re.
malnder. i'or sale by all Druggist', 35 and
iu cents.
President Hayes will soon March 4lli
from the White house.
Scliurz has two records one in pianos
and tlio other in Pancai.
What word may be pronounced quicker
by adding a syllablolo Itf Quick.
49-There is no use talking;, nouso talk'ng,
'TIs to now every where 1
To cure your Counh or Cold
(Without much troublo or cxtraodtnary ex
pense,) You must use Stun' Svnnr or Tah
Wild C'lmnnY akd HoAituouno.
Some may be Inclined to criticise our metre,
but tho Idea we want lo Impress upon your
mind Is, that Sines' Tak Sic., will euro any
Throat and Lung affection quicker, than any
other Cough remedy, told In the United States
or Canada.
life dtii
lift si
I 11
The rolling mill of William Bailey & Co.,
at Thorndale, is now working on full time.
The O'Harra Glass Works at I'ittsbure; be
longing to William SlcCully A Co., were
totally consumed by fire Wednesday night.
Loss, $7,000,
3P"Oh I why should thesnlrlt ofmortal be
Troud t" We glvo It up but when wo see a
man driving a ''Proud Spirited" team, wo
unhesitatingly remark That man uses M. II.
ifunnnTS' uortsu i-owdbrs wcnisai an
Drug Stores.
Arkansas women loyo to whistle. And
what Is more lovely than tulips well blown.
Every man has his follies and often
times they are the most interesting things
ho has.
No lady with any refinement will use
her husband's meerschaum pipo to drive
nails in the wall.
I'm drawlno" a conculslon " remarked
Aiulnldab as he pulled the cat's tail Kd- f..
Jdami s nnd ' I'm beating the Doctor" remark
ed Ami's wife, as she took a doso of Sinks'
Stiidp or TAn, Wild OnEimv and IIoaii.
hound tor tier uougn. a 25 i;nt lioiueuocs
the business For Sale by all Druggists.
Miss Clara Frick, of Tittsburg, threw a
shovel of fine coal on the fire on Tuesday
night and a loud explosion followed, injur
ing tho lady painfully. It is sjpposcd to
have been caused by a bottle of powder ac-
cidcntallty dropped in the coal by a miner.
S3Tlio otherday, ns two frlendswere talking
together In the strcot, a donkey began to biay
and wheezo and cough In a distressing man
ner. "What a cold that donkey has 1" sa'd
one of the men. "And by tho way, that pits
mo In mind how Is your cough?" I may not
be quite as much ot 11 donkey as you think I
am my cough Is all right and my knowl
edge that Sink's Svnur op TAn, Wild
Ciiuanv and HiiAHiioDNii. Is the best t'onnh
or Oold Itcmedy known Is the c.iusc. If you
had been wlsc.jou would not now bo a widow
ermoral use Sinks, Tad &c
Butchers sell porter house (teak, but yru
can't get ono of tlielu fo admit that ho sells
boarding-house steak.
Thonnnouncement is made thai Bcechcr
will lecture in Boston on a subject ho has
never before attempted. Must be religion.
Mrs. nrtwii Whatnreyour Efg'a Dozen?
Mrs. Sehemmerhnrn 15 Cents. Alailam.
."SIrs. Hrown tb Cents 1 1 Why how Is that?
Mrs. Schcmmerhorn Scarcity Scarcity
Scarcity. Mrs. Brown How is It that you bring In
such a nice lot of Irojdi ones every day.
Mrs. Schcmmerhorn I :lve my fowls M. It.
DonmtTS' PocLTnv 1'owds.hs three times a
Curiosity shop: ''Oh, whal a lovely
vow! It's antique, is it not?" "Jfo, ma'nm,
it's modern." "What a pity I it was so
William Kcssner, of Derry, and a brako
manon the Pennsylvania Railrvut, was run
over by cars at Altoona on Monday night
and killed.
Inventors anil Piitcntccn
Ehnnld send for Instructions, terms, referen
ces, io. . to Edson Urcthers, Solicitors of Pat
ents, Washington, D. C, who furnish the
same without charge. Kdson llrothers Is a
well known and successful Arm of lnriro ex
perlence, having been established In 1S6D.
Senator Hannibal Hamlin wears no
over-coat, even In the coldest wcallicr of
winter. One old swallowtail with him makra
continual summer.
Street gamin to a friend : "Say, Bill
yer must quit goin' to variety shows every
night, or people'll lake you for a country
member 0' the legislature.
I'll re nrnpe Wine.
A Commlttco from tho Farmer's Club of
the American Institute, have visited Speer's
vineyards ami wine ueners, ana tney re
port that the Tort Grene Wine of Alfred
Speer's, of Fassaic, New Jersey, is generally
Dronouticcd tlio most reliable wine tn bo ob
tained, and is now being used by I'liysieians
who aro the most choice in the selection of
w nes lor convalescent patients. The prin
cipal hospitals in New York have adopted
this wine. For sale by A. J. Dtirline nnd
C. T. Horn, Lehigkton: Zero fc Ilapshor,
Weiss port.
"Oh, that's one of his falllngs!"remark
ed a business man when he was told that a
competitor had again succumbed to the
pressure ot hard times.
-It is one of the pet theories of our Gov
eminent that thero are no privileged classes
in Ibis country. But everybody knows that
this is false. Are there not Ohio men ?
Call and s tana at tie
Lehightorij Pa.
ffiO-SnulTordustofany kind, nnd strong.
causlto of poisonous solutions aggravate
catarrh and drive it to the lungs. Sr. Safe's
Catarrh lleniMiy cures caiarrn uy itsmtid,
soothing, cleansing anu Dealing properties.
i-jicn DacKane preiiare one pinioi me uenie-
Ar readv for use, ami costs only fifty cents.
Sold by druggists. 60 positively certain is
It in its results tnai us lormcr proprietor
used to offer a standing reward of $500 for a
ease it would not cure.
It took a Harvard student only two
years to conquer Latin, but he was four
years learning how to throw the lasso so as
to enable in in lo earn f 30 per month on a
Texas ranch.
E. W. Brant. Drucnist, Elizabeth, N. J.
I could scarcely speak above a whisper,
and It was almost impossible 10 uream
through my nostrils. Using Ely's Cream
Halm a snort Iimo l was entirely reieivni,
Mv head has not been so clear nor my voice
so strong in vears. I have warded off sev
eral colds since. I recommend this admir
able remedy to all who are emirteti wun
Catarrh or Colds in tho head. J. O. Tiche-
nor, Dealer in Boots and shoes, Juno 13
1879. See Adv't.
I believe Ely's Cream Balm tn be the
best article for Catarrh end Hay Fever ever
ottered to the puuuc 11 nas given raiisiuc
linn In eve rv ease, and knowing its merits I
recommend' it Samuel F Wilson, Druggist,
Wilkesbarre, Pa.
It is believed that as a concession 17
stalwart opinion Garfield will not take Conk
ling into the cabinet, but he will place some
old rye on tap at the Whito House.
For 1.00 you will receive tbo Cabdos
Adtocat for one year, am! one of Dr, Ksn
tail's Hem Beelts a premium.
ret 1,-iTtntiAi Aim tmsiui us:,
Is a snro enro for nil tho rtlwasos for vhlcli It Is rccommcniliiJ,
end Is r.Iwr.yi I'Ki;KEOTI.Y BAKE In tho hands
of even the i.iost Inexperienced persons.
It Is tt Hire mill quick remedy for'COUOIIS, SOItn
THltOAT, CI11I.L9, and similar troubles! nfTorili Instant
relief in tho most malignant forms of Dll'llTlIliltIA, and
Is the bust known remedy for I. lieur.iatlsm and Neuralgia.
Tho Oldest, EcatrontTTWosi Widely Known
Family fflodJqlnqnJho World.
It hns liecn nseil ivllh sticli 11 omtrrfiil success In all
parts of thowoildfor CHAJIPS, CtIOI-IuItA,l)IAnitIltEA.
DYSENTERY, and all TJOWET. COMl'LAIMTS that it is
considered an unfailing cure for thce diseases.
Has otood tho toet of Forty" Years' Constant
Ueo In nil CountrloD and Cllmatoo.
H ts3!ECOIMEr.'Sch by riiyslclruis, Missionaries,
3!ljilstr, Managers of Plrntnttcnc, V. ark-Shop, and
Fnrtorlrs, ?i:irirs Sh IlmpltnU in sliort by ETtrybody,
E cryrrliere, who hei ever given It a trial.
Itrhould always be titnl for I ain In ttie Eaclt anil Side,
and brings sptcdy and ) ermr.iicr.t relief lit nil cases of Unities,
Cnt, Sprain , rtece ltmu, 3cn!tl, etc
Ifo iivmll ir er n inf.? r le trillion! I:. It will ennnnllr
V tRvo many times its o . t Ij CiwUrV L"l, ar.d its prlco br!:ii;s it
wiinm tf.e .acn it it u com at noc.tanu vi per
bottle, and erii te c'dalKci Lorn ad drusjUK
PERRY DAVIS & SOM, Providence, R. I.
Cures Thousands Yenrly.
C0UOH3, COLDS, and
The Best of TohIcs,
ti EesJorts tie Appetitf,
mius uigesnon,
Btresgthenj tfcs Eyitern.
Bestores the Weak aai
Inrlgoratci ths LIVES,
. and at ths samt time
AOia en ths
restorlnc Ihom to healthy action, health aoa
strength follow from Its tis.
The VI EAKatnl DELICATE snflcring from LOSS
1 rum FicKiiess win nna it me remeay wry neea
.1, rircuc
to etrencthen them.
.1 of It Mill nrOTn Ml vn r.latm. Aak vi
tlrufctstforDR. CROOK'S WINE OFTAR. take
no oilier. For solo bv alt ilrnpirlsu .to., nni.
lar a bottle.
B. N. SIiITH & CO., Propri..
Successors to Oliver Crook A Co ,
Dayton, Ohio.
A bottle contains IS times as much as any 45
cent preparation. IT CURES.
nn 1. wrampr'h RCRUiu rvr
e n i; r 1,. ,Hi,i
iJtisItSvi . weak and diseased eyes. 8AFB
AND RlililAULl;- JHeverlslls
to cure any case of soro eyes,
anil no remedy is fo immedi
ate in Its effects. 1'rlcoSS cents n box. 8honld
your ilrtipglf t not have It, on receipt of 5 csnts
(or portngii stamps) n e will send you a box! res
of expense.
S. H. SMITH &. CO., Prop.,
Dayton, O.
Tickling or Dryness of tlie
Soro Throat,
Cold In tlio Head,
A Intlnenxa,
C'elil In tlio Horrcls,
Astlunntlo Coughs,
and relief of Consumptives.
eraduato of medicine, a Bkllif ui
pharmacist, anil a thorough
cliemlat. Uls"0.i:0."(CouI;li
and Cold) Cordial 13 not tho re
sult of merochanec.butof lenir
ecicntlfio research in chemif try
and medicine, is plainly seen
by tho rapidity of its action a:.d
its unparalleled cClcacy. Tho
czpenso in its manufacture la at
leutr Ifme as great as that of
any other mcdldno upon tho
market, and yet It is eol I at tho
cxceodlnrjly low rrlco of fiOc.
try" Sample bottles (for a
cnort time only) as cts,
XV. CHAHiriON lUlOTranittl. III. I Proprietor, 1117 Arcii Street, rhllailclnlila. Pn.
S m IIII IW MM ..m mmii.mmmiiiLmi SliaVi III.IIIMI llll.l ll II MIIH.
1 10
Kay ravssr.
t!!nA.!AA ftra won OYery In January, tR;o,"TloMterar noTolutlon" wns Inaiipii rated l.y tho puMI
VlRTnilRN ft ion of uno wimllTolmnt'. At rui-pent, lit list, imlll!heiJ nnd in pippnrtiUon, cunuirlovjlunilr
IIUIUIIUU irv tnlninrs of ftnnd.iiil iKioka. It t?ir.i (.tniUt mrnt tn alitvuf MM) ImitiU. nml tmw Tia tut ihiL a
for dMUninif to iniiThfiwrt over Re (tn nf ititnLsi n tint, 'io meet tho toiuiar demnd Icr tho eoinintf twrh
months nt least 2,000000 nnd in-obnbiy 3,000,000 odim viil Lo l-oiuircd. Tlio almovt Wonderful uo i
ccen hieh tho "Hcvolutlou' hai nclilcvcd Is, doubtlcsa, to bo attributed to 1U lLadinspilncJiIc8,vhlcb aro t
was a few j-cari
II. Wlmt lowottli leidinc: Ij worth prpRerviricr ftJl book aro neatly And rtrongly bound.
III. W'vi'a unthu Iwuli of tliu prudent coat of umkitif buokb, wbictiU vuiy mucli than It
IV. Ttrtolf hirn rnmmrttilv Iwtti rfinli1f Inntrlf i tn A trrn rrniiMtft tliev itfTit tn hn fnnAtrA nwe.iL
11m, nnd tho nut es will buy pnod hookn l y tho million If in Icon aro il.iredMltllintlielriiaeli.
V. To mako 81 nnd a filend 1 ltctter tii mnko$in1y, ond 1WK) IkioIcspdUI at ft ront of 31 each elves
profit of only 10.HJ, w hllo 1.(KXi,000 lKKkn toU nt a in-ylit t 1 cent each glvo a iruOt Kt f ty.&LO bed it Ij i-t
I'louuiuuueUaiinorsproUttu cell the million,
f TtiHi t?rl!4tnn A Tcrhfttlm reprint nf the Ivt(lMO) Tendon edition of Chnmticrn'grTifrcl'srW'
I lUe-r. I Vilil r (111 Kill 0ln,wlth copi,-ns.Tlliton!.mi)ut lb.OuO topH'.i)ly Ameriinn rditnm. thenlioli
i.viiQw I" niiivin coinbin(rd nndcr ono nlphabetlcal minnpri-meni, itli inch Illut.rratluii m ro
nTeimi7' to clueldnte tho text. Hinted from new elect rot jp platen, bmicr tyteoii FUtTrior p:ip?r, ai.J
bound tn flitocn eh'(f.i"t ot taro olunirnnf nlout POO jmffr rni'h. It v III contain, complete, about 10 percent inoia
t'iai Anpltton'd.nnd '2i mr cent moro thin Johnson'n CycloPtPdlaii, nnd, tln'iijrli in nil ivpects imjxtiinnt t t3
pcnoiAl rcAdcr It 1 far mi PCTi"r to either of them. Its eot Is but a fraction oftnelr prici'. Volunift I. to VII. ra
re idy January 10. ISfll, and thcroliiiniN w.ll lulluw, nlout two each mniith, till tho entire lorJi Ij coiuldted.
l'l fee, Ktt of ii TOtumo, In Uuth, 3 1 0.00 1 In lf llunsln, gilt top, g22.SO.
i Aportlon of theLlbrnrr rf Vnlveial Knowledf , ve ir'Mio Clui.ler'frneyclop.dIatenfl''nelt Mlthnit
the American Htldltlonn, (omiijrto In l'i toluuiCM Uli'io. In thin t vlf il Ii pi luted f unit iirwiU't-tn't' pj ji.n-'ji
frari viry t-'ear nn'ipa'tl t rp rric. .ni btiun, i loth. $7.00! Aldn idltloii (liner, Iiea it r paper, wide
tnararins), lialCKuatla, glittt-p, $ J. hi litis ttjlo itlsnowcoui,.Mo and btlng dvlhciudtupui'vuast.rd.
What Is the Ves-dict?
Anyjortye'in Afford to rvn a eyi'loprrdK now. w,nienHle, K Y,
V.'e ton on'y n pent onr heart t commendation r f a fcclicmo which place In tlio hancji cf ths pcola trt best
liter-t;iiiatn.i.MHly nomlnet ni'Ie?. 1" attic, lorton.
Tho (lav of c'tenp and rrrxxl lnxk I onto more ulihu and tho American rock Hclunji ireutj the ft air a for
It.-iTVi'v"' ridindfljihU, 1'tnn. , .
ifiui .tmo lleli iclalte lt.'Uio'lftC'ioM,l f nrtuno v blrlt yon n-ft PiTnt'Inc In ptil.llrhlnir boolts fcr pecIa rt
no'niral prlef-il If eo, 1 aimlw jour tocku. li-t won't thu fid-lino pmllrlttm boeladnhinitlsconol CI', wku-
' At th' rto r&tosi nn'y mm may, nnd every rwn rhould. havo n library. 73 MtUnn, ChlrAp-o, III. ....
In doiii uoii lei In book-iimUinir. A fct, dullar.!!! puidwu-f a (rood Uttary. i.ruuounce then the Lett
Looki for tlio monx-y that eurwmu tot.urnotlrc. Ti Utfehiwn, ItoMen.
H i a mutter of wonder how kucU boulu, la nrm bbidhij villi good iaper nnd good type,cAnb offered t fucn
rneh a lemarkaWy cIuah kiUh of liook'. Other pnitllIicr may Lo inclined to ener et them, bt-t tn loui; tis tho
Kc!:A-,ao publlfhe a book at one-tviilh tho eot.6 at whlca It U ollcrcd clwiwucre, nicer j cannot butt thsm, C-wfur-BrriW,1lluisiIle.
Kt. , , . . , ,
We liavo heretofore plren ftenfroas notlcea ef this work, Lccnnne we believe we Are coins a favor to oor
readern In a doliir. IhraM, I'tlen, Ohio. ..... ....
Itentlre'y oblit erst r the cxer.rc ottered bymnr.y vim really vont Arocdeneyclfpfrdla.iint nro uralil-t to ret
nno of t!t fx'nlv editions. tJniLoa numUr ot our udders ai-o tubucnbciu for It, and cxpi-vwi tbcnirl es lilg-ly
pku-ti-tl. TtMt$, Cothnmton, Tcnn. ... . .
Wo know fit no puLllt ction of icccnt date that deserves to largo a of public encouragement as thia sne.
Siiwtit GirtmicU, WA-blilirton, 1. 0. . ....
'ihe Iluok Kxchr.rp'o Is doing ft very remarkable voik la tho leproduction of etandard books tt
Abamdlr low p.cei. Jaittuat, li- Hon. ......
Th-tliarnctcrof thU martlOii-ly low work 13 too well known to need much elaboratlen of Its merits. r-
rJ'ley aiVwtU pi Inte-l nnd lund. Tlic'r form H vatljr more eonverlrt than tho rreal nic!djr quarto er
CCtav -.and their prie isrlucp l,eond All prpcedent In booiMnakiiV- tt.u,C'oluinbu. O'lio.
It had been ptnare 1 vltli tho create t dtllcenco and iklll.ntirl tno litemry inees uhtch hno Leen lail-red
npon it inili itn longer nitklea nleiii-aitt am vll a thoiouglily InMruttlve ond tm-twoithy rtudlus. tl.u if
teems to hae b( en c mitted, a ml v i tcmlly in tho fdentltlc, binprnijih caf, nml IiiMorltal nitich, cverjtlilns u
Lrouttht up to th t cry latwt elate. CiminVi r, la latt, is tlio cUcajtt,lho niott ccuipklc, mid iu Ail loim. ll.e Utt
encu,liwdIn.-5'rtii'Aiy A'tg'a. C'iuclniiAti.lSbi).
It tuk avn ino tn-CAt plenoura tu recommend your noble fntrrprlto tnrouplimit lrplnl. Tour names will
hito tuMVn 1 with thOHo of iluvtml, Cobdin, Mghlinsalc, Moitc, lulieut mid Ldiwn, m iiirn.ciu cf tho iilnw
Uerth eentuiT. It. B. IHRKktr, Jticltniuii n.
Tho Ihwks aro recelvint. I am wo!l pleased with them. Your company fcs worth mo-o to the ctintnon people
t'mn tho lVabody InntL It make im ferl koc1 to look tt vour catalotuo. l ou uuen o tho prttihes of all t Uum.4
cftlfiHwipl-1. 'A. II. WiEKtn, Votikln Codexc, North Curillno.
Tbouirttidi of i.ieshiii in th nan w ho invented printing, thcurar.di moro for Mm v ho that Invention for
thalfMicU of IU Mlow-cotintiyinen. Ihe Imo1.s v-hkh I haeo rcoctt e t Hem jou wet w uncoiled Ki tko
la&uey, 1, 11. (Joxkuno, I'Mloe Coiiffrcealiuiial Church, W hitcv ator, WU
Standard tiGSisQ'
'F-nKlaiufreTucet! fnnn tltQ tft SI tZ; CHtionAwi:omoM from l9.f3 to ff; Crete'
f....?. aijf.i MrllA. l,ilttn An. Iiit 1 1 klnrv 11 R I Tt Mmiiliifcssil'ii f jiiif-" f .11 1 I. si
" 1 1 IVIV
V." 1 Tts MtiiiliiMirti ".ionic." f.l LI.'l
KtiKlanrt," e".nlot' " Km nee. ' ilnre.' Oennany," C'ai iyle's ' Fivi.rli 1U oIuUoji," GaliUi s
'Thirty Vears' U'ur." Crey's 11 ttltsottbo World.' prcmrint, foually lowinpiico,
Or xxit by each of tlio srreat antltors who haie won claile fame llfo It too diort tn read all tbHr
voi k. but yoi canreA'Umof eorli. TJxtr.1 (toth butinil, laipo tyK-, BU toftl cents each. t;ejU'
Piem's " I'Aitla," llntrhW m Itiifrny,1 IiMnc' ' KnlckerluM ;" Crnanta'A 'Mon Vulxote ItiiKo'A VU M!m ra
blen" 1 hackevny't Keweome,,r L'ttoner's Molili-ans," l haw' " till IIIaa." Ilcirt he h " ithrlm MeljUr," ' UU )
tt r "lltnn," RtAetJ"foriine," Macdnnald "Aire FoiUs'Uulvck'Jobu lUlUiur," JJiouto's "Jmu Eyre,M
lurtrcnelir'a " father And Son," lleadei's " Li o Mo Little."
i eirrr
n:nniMit Hi Tueniy-elffht ttAndam txhiica retiueoa m i irom fw w fa . amenf oinenrn
6hnk$wAre, Hn?e tvjle, 3 voH. fl.5 MI'ton, 5 centt Ptr.te, TO ,eentt Vlrjjll, 33 renUi "frner's nnnr
" jiiaeV W ccntii .llojicr'si OJyscy,v 5J eenti( "Licht of Asia," line cdltiou, 23 ctnts; ilemans's, CO f J J ( V,
I U.MM...M ChmVrs's,,nrclprI'',f Ensh Uleratur-, "irduee fromCOM toM W, Talnefrom IOfO
1 ITPrfltlirP te tttcentli Hulauay'j - Fjmu i f.ont f,7.b0 to IJI.Wt "MwJenii lajwlc-." lUe . Is., fimn t4M
LI IG 1 tl UU Ui S "ent-, rioissait's M Cbronlcles ' from 3.(kJ to 51,60; "TUo Koxwi3 from to 3 ccutt
fU'h .7iMfJ. nt 0centtvxh. " Arablin Mirliti," " noblnvn Cnwoe," TiunTan's" I'llcrlm's ,1f-ll1In
wt?Ti V.-.i t7i . ti n t.i..rii .i-i.l ita.iiJj.lj cmti. "liaillnOuetr Land." IU) cvUs. UUlUiillUs
' ."PSS: ( II m
Mecliciml Forners!
The Klectric I.lht rrasn rrrcnt ril'vovtrv, Vvrt
I claim that th S,ot:is.'t Ti,tttl MM fitai ')"tm.
trs is i jfreuicr on., owing to the fftunt aim own t
of suffering the ruined, nnd the evrrs
thev havet erfecleJ. t su tiercel frwin AstUm vut
fifteen years in S ol! ind'rnd A"' eric a and I x
nnvv complotcly cure.!. I have been flitdvlnff tfce
Inhaling prr;cs fur esi3, and its a result I nir
five the wnrM 1'ic Aleditinal turners th melt
effective, an J Vy far tlio mattconteruient prp(rtv
tinn ever otfercj In tliu iniblic for Asthma nilA
H.iy I'-tfrc-r, ats Soro TliTrmt, Ilratscnere ftum
CoMhs, CAtirrli, Uronchitit, NcurW Dtplv
thcria. Cure vo-irSoro Thro-.t witlitntse Fwijets
and ynu will "liear no mora cf DIphtherlA, Tncy
arc Invaluable for public jpcsikers and singers.
They are p'U up In fancy boxes, nd cAn be
carried in the packet, nxft iicd at convenience.
If ynu cannot ret them from Vdur Doctor, or
Drmrjjist, send tllrsrt to the iiVnufActurcr, who
will sj;id them to atl parts r.f tho world, postage
A child can use thejo Fumers. as they do njt
have to h oinokttrf. Price. Out DoUar ftr Son.
MonmsoN si simpson,
Prup'rt. and Mantifnctttrers,
nKLt.MHK. O.
J.rlilKhlou, m. Sept, i-J 1
ft ,:fejTKlKI!SE0mi5l!N
For tho the lc?t and most cconoro leal la
tho world. Is perfectly pure, freo from Atlds and
other foreign substances that Injure Linen Ir
stronger than any othor, requiring miirh less quan
tity in ulng. Is uniform, stilfns nnd finishes work
always thn snme. TCinjrtfnnVa PulTerUceJ Corft
Starch for Puddintn, Blanc-Mrtntre, CaVe. Ac is puro
and dcllc.ito. Profer.ililo to Henuuda Arrowroot.
T. KINGSrortD A SOK, Osego, New Ytrk
"TUMa rftnoordanro" (Srurireon wyn Cniden's H cliHd's rlAy eoirnand with
reduced fruvt SliW U I Oeiltle's " Ufo cf Cbrts't," fi-om SS.eO to tWctntsi
Yoiin's fiwt
Kril..'"Oicloua)Ji' fioiu I10.1U lolWli bmIUi'a"IJlbloLlctlouary,"froiu C3.C0 to SO ccuu i
"Jonnua's IV oil..." 11.;.
"rti-toHM Hanilr Lextpon." ltliitmtlcn.,lT cents ItM'th liy T-xmlK, 0 crnti
"lleallli fur w'omdi," il rriu. "CiiiMof 1-nrolyiUi." aiiint "Snyliiesliyautiior 1-iitiont." Si cent.!." Leaves Ciom lliarr ofon Uld Lawicr "tl.w.
n I Scott'n "Tlio Art cf Eofiutlfylnff SuUiitian nomo Oround.," rcdiwvU from SS.W
HPailt fl I Hnmn ""SJW OiVoofthilliici.tlSii. cverpubllshtalnUil. counts. HeeyUr,oi
UUHlHIIlll lIUlllUO. i'Thciv I. no cthor Look Hint inn comporo villli It for the want, vt common
people." Geo. Win. Curtis says i " I. so full of tooU m.iim mid Uuo fwlUig Uiat It UioulJ bo ta ei cry v Uuse Ulinur."
Revolution PamphletSa
JlJlll.brl(lp1,o.t.Mlt.ottlieprloMinimHl. .. ...,.i.
lau!y'. ''jr of KiTil. i ick tin dreat." Tormf r rrtcr. t 51, Prerler tr. pri 3 rents.
l'rlylc' " Lire of ItolnMt tlurnl" I'onntr prlco, 11.55. Urge brej ler I J l'. !'"' f J "",, .
LIeIH of AJi." lly rjlii Ainol.l. Ftnmr prico, 11.10. llwnitlful rrfiit, Wloi 'If K1 nt
ThoS. Iluebe.'. MiuilllltMof ClirUt." Kormy prirc. 11.00. Ilcoutlfull l.lovler Ol1"! il fnats.
- Mary lueni of Sen .' I..fe," ly Umartlne. Vnnan pike, 11 Si. lne Icr tjlJM'i lc Sciuts.
"Vlcarlf WakclulJ." lly blu.r liold.mlth. llroilcr tyi.loutlful luint, .rico ' cciita.
Banyan'. " I'llgrlm's rroitrca." BourtioU tyic, liailej ; beautltul pilnt, prlco 0 cent,
Ilccrlntlve catalogno sent frco on rcquct. lie inlt by lank draft, money order, rcebitered by crpreei.
ft -tfSs. I
Txads Mauc.
JOHN Ti. ALDEN, JIanaoer. Tribune nulldinfr, Now York.
a cTirrimri rtoKton. II. L. Itaiitlnevi rhlladetr'tila. Lcary A Co. ; Cincinnati, UoliertCUrka & Co. i
AGENCIES t S taftlilfc r!iVZn," & C.jblrl.lid, Insham, UrkA .CojTolcdo Browj.
KaacrJtCo.1 Chicago. Aldon & Ctad.lck, is Slato tuniiuishaui, CurtlM i Ulch.Et.
All 11!&E&s prabfiSsBaeal
OaitsBleg'uue lBel;es9 toy
Agent for Lcliigliton nnd Ticiiiily.
llua raldifisvlM; fremalleltfrr,
wwtlBsi of tbs) btsdr. -tfi. lis
fcs I li n thecp jressis Lselt tb4
CCO to 1S125 a lie. nth.
your owm ptft;r?7.
R Ureal sucieM. Onsscmt
LAWYER z&tVJ-L is-
other 7i ia 13 itiya. SaTei I n thnea Its ct,aiid I
ryK)dy want ft. fend for circutJirs aad ttsruu.
WCIXSIOH CO., CJifcaSO, IU P. V. Z1EGIXB & CO., 1.9U Xnhtt. Tail's, Pa.
Ilolmau's A rue, Llvrr nnd Stomacft
J1LES. 1'rloa $2.00. .
nolman's Special Pad Adapted to old
chronic cases. 1'rlco $3.00.
lloliuau's Splceu llelt Vor stubborn
cases of Enlarged 8plcen snd
unrlrlding Liver and Btomaeb
troubles, rrlco 55.00.
Ilolman's Infniit'x I'ml-l'or allmants ol
Infants and children. Vrlce $1.W.
Ilolmau's Ilemil Pud For Kidney and
Bladder Corniililnts. l'rlco $3.00.
Ilolmau's Ilterltin Pad For FcimU
troubles. I'rlcn $3.00.
Iloluian'n Abaornllvo Mcdlrlnal Body
Piaster Tlio test plaster made
pnroua on rublier basis. Frlcn 5o.
llolmnu'a Absorptlvo Illcdlrlnal I'oot
iflsti rlri'.utatlon. I'rlcn per pair E5c
Absorption Mult Medicated Foot Uaths
For Colds. Obstructions and
all cases whero n toot bath la
needed. Ter halt lb. package, 23c
For sale by all druggists or Bent hy mall,
postpaid, on receipt of price. The Absorption
Silt Is not "mailable'1 nml mast bo sent by
Express nt purchaser's expense.
The burcess of lloluinli's Pad ha ra
splred Imitators wlio olfer I'ads almtlar la
roau and odok to tho Tuns noLUASft, aaylng,
"They aro thn name, iic." Bewaro of all
Boa us Pails, only gotten up to eoll ou ths repu.
tatlon of tho genutue.
Kootliateacfi I'nU bears tha green ratVATa
revemce stamp of the Holuiau Pad Company
with above Trade-Mark.
If atlllcted with curonio ailments send a con
cise description of symptoms, which will re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
Dn Houuh'h advice la free. Full treatlsa,
aent free ou application. Address,
(P. O. Bos 2,112) Kt W.lltara Street, Kew Torsi
ITAIR DYEls tho safest
and best ; acts lnstan
taueously, producing
tha raont natural shade
olblnclt orbrown-.dooj
not stain thn skln'.cnsl.
ly applied. A standard
prepurailon ; favorlUi
up.i every well ap.
pulutril toilet for lady
nr irenllonnn. Bold by
all ilriivjtai. anil nrw
piled Vjrai; hair dresws. 3 CJUfTADORP,e
. W WlUloa Strtit, Xw York,