The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 05, 1881, Image 3

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    Groat Attractions!
Just opened and on exhibition, a lrgo
assortment of
IF-awey 3 si si
ot Lowest Prices, whleli have already bo
cnino a matter of (treat Interest to our Young
Folks. Wo would, therefore, Invito nil to
cull early and examine our elojr,ant assort
ment of Holiday Goods, consist Ipg of
Ladies' and Gent's I'micy Hose.
" Kid Gloves.
ii ii Nei'k Ties.
' " Fine Wallets.
Fancy Back Combs.
Cloth and Hair finishes.
Fariev Taper Boxes.
Fancy Work Boxes.
Jcwely Caskets,
Glove Boxes,
Han.lkerehlcf Boxes, and
A choice. Una of SOAPS an ' PERFUMERY.
Oi'poslto the Public Square,
Lehlghton, Pa, sept. 18.yl
Local and Personal.
jro .scnsciti!ii:s.
8ubcribcrs will please refer to the direc
tion tabs on their p:tiere, by so doing they
will bo able to vea whether they are square
on our bonks r not, thus :
John Fltzwilliam iar8 70
Shows tliat the subscription has been pjhl
un III! March 8th. 1879. and consequently
there is one dollar due ns on tho present year,
which vou Will nlcsso remit, or $1.25 will be
charged if we havn to send bill.
5iEUBoy what alls the Horse 7 It needs
KenilalPs Spavin Cure. See their advertise
jPfl-Itisalamentablo fact that thousands
regard an affection of the throat or lungs,
m-h ns Couehs. Co ils or Hoarseness, Willi
extreme indifference. These complaint! nro
nfiHii Iiut the I'ore.unn.-r of Consumption,
and can be instantly cured by Dr. BuII'b
Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents.
SSESi-If you wanta nice smooth.casy shave
your hair cut or' shampooing, g to Franz
Uoederer's Saloon, under tho Exchange Ho
tel. Ho will fix you right, and don'tyou
painful que'llon. "What shall it
profit a man if hj(ains the whole woild and
put it In a p.ivinjs bank ?" The hart lelurn
vou can pet for vour money is to invest In a
liottlo of Dr. Cose'a Wild Cherry and Selie
l;a or Sahtunitic Worm Syrup.
jjS)-I,cwis Webs, in tho post-office build
ing, tliis borough, has just made a large ad
dition to his slock for the fall and winter
.n le, vis, a full lino of slid' and soft
loll hats ot tho latest and best style", and a
roll line of itentlenifn's, holivV Mid child
rcn's boots, shoes and gaiters, all of which
ho is ollcrlng itt the very lowest cash prices.
jSSSWob printing of the finest description
ran bo had at the Cincox Aiivocatk ollice
at very low prices. Call and tee samples.
SsjuJ. F. Newcomer, of Toledo, Ohio,
says: I have been greatly benefited by
wearingan Excelsior Kidney wouhl
recommend all p-rsons troubled with weak
kidneys to try it.-Sots Adv.
.Sif-If your Horse has a spavin use Ken
dall's Spavin Cu e. Pee their advertiseitien .
jay-Srasn's Huimiucxn live and Hock,
Made of old pearl rye, lock luudv crystal,
and ho IIOHEHOUND herb, a simple and
cflectivo lentedy for coughs, colds, hoaise
nrssandsmo throat, highly recommended
lor consumptives. Tins isnnpileul mcxli
ciuo mixture, lint it is the puro extract of
Itye, IIOREIIOUXD und Rook Oandy,eom
billed with one other medicine much used
by Consumptive. Price 25 and 75 cents per
buttle. Sold by A..I. Durlinzand O.T.Horn,
Ii'ihlghton, and It.ipsher & Zern, Woispnrt,
Pennsylvania. 4 13
SfSt-Ijuekenbach's store is unqiies'lonobly
the best place in the Lehigh Valley, for
cheat) and good stationery, school books.
wall paper and for all kinds of house and
sign painting, juckenbach's is ft few doors
below the Broadway Houso, Maueh Chunk.
fiEQ."Munima, it Is timo to take that
medicine." Tho medicine referred to was
Dr. Browning's C. A C. Cordial. Witli its
Wonderful hralin ( properties it is pleasant to
the taste, and children learn to love it. What
ll more desirable when u child is sick than
ti liave it take medicine; and where, in
many cases, wjll you find more trouble.
Cuildren are very susceptible Ui coughs and
odds, and Dr. Browning's 0. ,t C. Cordial
will do more good quickly and thoroughly
man any modicino known, jviaiiui.ictoiou
and for sals bv the proprietor at 1117 Arch
St., Phila"., and sold by all druggists. Price
only 50c.
""ECuVaii Stone ,V Crosbv, Wholesale and
Retail Druggist. Toledo, Ohio, savs : Wo
have soU large quantities of the Excelsior
Kidney l'a,i, mul Have lieen su'pnseil aim
unvarying satisfaction given by them. See
"SSuTh undersigned announces to his
patrons and the public generally that ho is
now closing out tho bnlance of his winter
Slock or overcoatings, cloths, cawlineres aim
suitings at an alarming retlurlion in price in
order to make room for spring and summer
novelties, it you wish to secure great oaf
gains, call early.
H. II. Pktebs. Aq't.
Post office Buildlne,-Lehlghton, Pa
L-Tliere is a remedy in use many long
years, and tried by thousands with happy
effects. It can have no superior, und has no
equal for th&prnmpt reliefnndcuioot croup,
cough antl colds. We allude to Dr. Coxo's
Wild Cherry and Sencko. Header try it.
f&ullanrhett ,t Carter, proprietors of the
great 12th St. Liverv, Chicago, III., in n let
tir dated Dec, 5th 18 71) speak thus of Ken
dall's Spavin Cure : It is several years since
wa bought the first of you and we do not
hesitate to say it is the vmv nr.rtT article for
spavins, ringbones, scratches, splints Ac,
thai we PVer used. We would not bo with
out it in our largo livery for thousands of
dollars. Wo pronounce It one nl the greatest
discoveries of the age. It stands without a
(cer in horse liniments. Seeadv't
jB-Let tho Jioor sufferers from feinnlo
complaints talto courage and rejoice that a
painless remedy has been found. Wo refer
biL)dia E. Pinkham'ii Vegetable Comund.
It is preiurwl at 233 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mtisg.,Seud to Mrs. Piukliam for pamph
lets. Chailes Kehoe, aged 40, a section boss
on the Mount Carbou branch of tho Heading
Railroad, was struck and killed by a pas
senger train, while cutting Ice from some
rocks overhanging tbe truck, last Friday af
ternoon. Committees of the Lehigh and Seliuvl-
klll Coal Exchanges resolved Friday not to
make any chnnges In line und city prhea of
coal for tho mouth of February. Tho present
rates for white ash ooal at Schuylkill liaun
aro i Lump, steamboat, broken eng. stove,
and, sniall stove, 8 eheatnut, $2.7a i poa,
-In tho Heading Railroad content we
i. , .1.- .1..,?,. .l-,i ih- ,,.
..... , --- yAMniLic'. Uuuacn.Wniasi'oRT K. J,
bol-llng the onnual meeting and election Miner, Pastor. C-ernun preaehlnir at 10
has lawn settled by both aides agreeing lo o'clock a. m., by the Pastor. Sunday SjIiooI
liave the meeting sailed for -March 1 1th, so I at 2 p. m. BunlWh pteaohinija p. m.
that jix weeks' iKiblie iiitlw Mil be given. i.ki01itok Evaoisuca!.Uiioiioh1I. J.
The Iteailing Meuager., on .v "l 1 biooy.r ,sur. Pr.hlB tomorrow (Sun-
5nn . ft ' AmM!r , f" " p 01 k mJi " 4
, . , ,. . . . , I'-- Mornlugsuijeot: "Pay Your Dvbis."
-The ground-hog auw bis shaiuw ed- Kvenlnic subjeet i "PersonlBcd tiursssTurn
nesdsy, and don't you forget it. ed to BleiitDgs." AH are cordttlly lorlltd.
Mining In tho anthracite region will bo
continued on full time until further notice.
This concision was reached Wednesday, the
N. York companies deeming it best not to
restrict mining while the market continues
so baro.
Mri. Wcldner, of Meyer's Station,
Schuylkill county, a paralytic, aged 08 years,
died last week with policies for $16,000 on
her life.
Cyrus Hcckmnn died of consumption in
tho Noithompton County Prison on Thurs
day of last week. Ho was sentenced for
stealing a horso and buggy.
Gideon Durkiu died utShamokin last
week orennsumption. Policies to tho ex
tent of $35,000 were held on his life, and
many of them were taken out but a few
weeks before his death.
Tho three story Hour and grist mill of
Ephraim Sieger, at Siegorsvlllc, Lehigh Co.,
with its contents, was totally destroyed by
fire on Saturday night, Tho loss is heavy
and the insurance light.
JiS'A. B. Moloney, M. S., Philadelphia,
Pa., says : "I find Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
excellent, having a ready sale and render
ing mora satisfaction thau any Cough Syrup
I haye ever sold
During the week ending on tho 20th
ult., Uiero were 50,721 tons of coal shipped
oyer tho Lehigh-Valley railroad, making for
the season to that date a total ot 723,405
tons, thawing a decrease in shipments for
the year of 3,402 tons.
Sleighing is good, and David Ebborts'
teams aro in excellentcondition. His prices
arc reasonable, so all take a rido.
nev. J. E. Freeman will hold service
in the Reformed churoh, Weissport, on this
(Saturday) evening, at 7 o'clock. Subject:
"The Anxious Bench." All will ba very
Tho attention of our readers Is directed
to tho statement of the financial condition
of the county, printed in to-day 'a paper.
The Bangor Slato Company has declar
ed a dividend of 7 per ccnt.ou net earnings
for the C mouths ending Dec. 31st.
Samuel Crcitz, of Lynnville, Lohigh
county, wa3 knocked down by highwaymen
ncor Allentown, on Tuesday night of last
week, nnd robbed of $8.25. He had $1000
concealed upon another part of his jiersou.
President Catlcll, of Lafayette College,
announced in chapel Thursday evening of
list week.that Hon. John J Blair, of Blairs
tow l, N. J., had donated $40,000 In the mil
ego for tho endowment of u presidential
Sampson Purton, at one time mlno in
spector in Schuylkill county, and regirded
as olio of tho best informed miners of the
aiithracitn regions, died at ML Carmcl on
Wednesday, 2Gth nit,
Tho bodies of Morris and Thomas Evans,
the miners who were buried under ft full of
coal in the' Empire Mtnesat Wilkrsbarro on
Wednesday, 20th ult., were recovered on the
uextdav. Thcv were badly mangled.
-Tho "laige Italian Villa" of Jacob Hay,
at Kastou, Northampton Co., was destroyed
arly on Saturday morning, by a file origi
nating from an overheated furnace. Lots,
Alex. McLean, of Summit Hill, had an
artery severed u few dayssiuco while wjest-
Inig, ami was In Jatigerol bleeding' 'te .til.
Drs. Kistlcr and Donnelly ca mo to ills assist
aura, and found it necessary to make an in
cision in his urm and tie tin severed arlerv.
For several days, says a Pottsvillo dis
patch of the 2'Jth nil., tho county nuditois
Iiavo been preparing their annual report,
and tho fact was made public that
Charles F. Gairett, head clerk and the son
ol the 1'icsi. lent of (ho Board of Conimis
doners, and Mnrtiu J. Lawlcr, one of the
subordinate clerks, had fraudulently collect-
eil ii lid upprnnrhitctl money for deeds, wit
ness fees, etc , during last year.tolhe amount
ol several hunilrci! Mwllars. It ts l.cliev
ihat tho gloss amount embezzled will not
excceil Villi). Uotli men havo inluntteil
their guilt.
J. 1st ol Iiiillvrh
Itetnainiug uncalled for in the Packcrtou
P. O. Sutiuday, Jan. 2'Jih, 183li
Wilson Billnor, (2j.
Alex. Camp-no,
Erasmus Beni'lnger,
Charles LJuulap,
lteuiv Kluuier,
IMVidJI. Uuw,
Tilghmau Stout,
Tcrscns calling for any of the above let
ters will please say "advertised."
L. MoPaxiel, T. M.
Extra revival services will bo commenced
in tiii1 M. E. church of this place next Sun
day evening.
Tho Lohigh Valley Ministerial Associa
tion will bo in session on Tuisday morning
ami afternoon. Ministers from a distance
will preach as follows: Monday evening,
Hev. J. H. Wood, of Bethlehem, Tuesday
evening, Itev. H. T. Quigg, of Quokertown.
Wednesday evening, Itev. W. Cofftnau, of
Allentown. Others aro expected on the
following evenings of '.ho wtek, but appoint
ments have not yet been definitely mude.
Tho members and publia uro cordially in
viled to attend all the meetings.
J. P. Mili.kk, Pastor.
Good Toinplur' Convention.
m The Twenty-Sixth Semi- Annual Convcn
Hon of Good Templars, of llio Schuylkill
District comprised of the counties of Dorks,
Carbon, Northumberland ami Schuylkill,
meets in Tatnaqua, February 23d, 24th and
25th. There will be nearouo hundred dele
gates, representing IB lodges and some 000
members, present. Among tho notable jicr
sons who will be in nttendanco are G. W.
C. Templar, George W. Hart, of Waymott,
Wayne county, Mrs. Parthington,a lecturer
from Lowistou, Maine, Itev. Wm, II. Yar
row, Hazleton, Author of tho History of
Primitive Methodism; tev. Dr. MocMurry,
Bhamnkiu, a leading member of Central
Pennsylvania Conference.
i:iiki t'enti I'ciicilliiK.
Eggs are very scarce.
Sleighing is very fine.
- Days are getting longer.
Another squealer was killed Moudny.
Miss A. J. Ncff was the guost of Ellas
Smith and Harrison German, during tho
A crand weddint! will coma offal Uncle
Joe ltueh'f, on next Sunday j it is the
jonngext daughter. The prosiiects ara good
lor a grand time.
Mrs, 1). Mover was at G, Tiehrig's on a
visit during last week,
A. S. Steigerwalt and T. E. Rehrig,were
on a visit to friends at Tamaqua, on Satur
day and Sunday last. They say times aro
dull there 1'stik tiik Gbuat.
CellKloilN A'lllt-s,
M. Ii Unuitcu, J.P. Miller, pastor. Preach.
Ing 10:30 a. la. 1:15 p.m., Normal Clan. 8,
school at 2 p. in. l'rtaclilnu at 7 p, in. All
are welcome.
.ion's ItEroRMxnOnrjncn, J, Il.llurtman
pastor. Preaching at 10 a. ro Sermon, In
Herman, a p ia.,Suu)ay school. 7.00p.m.,
seriaon, In Engllih. A cordial welcome to alt,
Motuodist 1:ciscoi'ai. Ciiuiicii, Pack tit-tox.-I),
F. Uuangst, Pastor, Preach Iuk on
Sabbaih at 10 DO a. ui. and at 7 00 p. ui, Sun
day seliool at s p. m. l'rajer and OlaMmeet-
r,m 0,1 TfursJay ey.nhig at 7.30 p.m.
ItrilVM nicctliijr In 1VeliifcrrU
The revival meetings in the Evangelical
church, Weissport, still continue, and show
a highly prosperous state. Up to Thursday,
27th ult., the conversions numbered about
25, and the altar is still crowded with peni
tents. Sunday, 23rd ult., was a highly In
teresting day ( the pews ot the church were
filled by thoso whoso hearts seemed to flow
together in christian love, and others who
desired the prcciousness ot Christ and tho
joys of His salvation. The scene was very
animating even to thoso who hod grown
grey In the service. Good order has pre
vailed, with tho exception of tho few past
evening, when certain young men wero
requested, personally, by the pastor to com
ply with the rules of tho church, left the
house of God in a very uitgenllcmanly and
unbecoming manner. " NMvwousk whence
lias come this change, lliis relaxation nf
good outer, this toleration of mockery in
our sanctuaries? For ourselves wo trace
the trouble, among other causes, to parents
themselvts, for, as Mr. Miller openly re
marked, "these parties disobeying the rules
of tho church, ore mostly the children of
our own members." I lev. Mr. Miller is not
ready to sanction light and irreverent con
duel' I n tho house of God, Yet the truth Is,
and a melancholy (ruth too, Hint his orders
were generally disobeyed until of late. Let
the pirents ot such children assist in this
important matter. If n minister was as
sured of the support of the Parents and
guardians In his flock, would he hesitate to
bait: the rules enlorced? How "decent
and how wiso" for parents and children to
sILtogether at the feet of Jesus, tho former,
uy.'thcir serious deportment and nltcnlinu,
to show tho latter in what estimation they
regard tho sanctuary nnd the truth nf God.
aiucii prat so is due .Mr, win. ti. junior tor
his elforts in preserving good o'dcr a'nd de
corum in tho churoh, Thus the meetings
are arresting tho attention of all, ami many
torvent prayers are mingled lor tho conver
sion of the people.
Feb. 2. The Lord continues Kraeinudy to
favor this portion of his people. Within the
last few weeks religion has assumed a much
more eneouratini! apect. Foity or fiity
souls have been brounht to experience tho
joys attendant upon an interest in the Di-
vino iricnitstiip, and more aro enquiring tno
way to Zion. It is not more than three or
four weeks since tho work became so visiblo
as to attract much attention, but in that
tuns tho reformation has marched on with
a steady Btcp, and its gracious progress lias
brought sinners of almost all ages to bow at
the foot of tho cross.
"God moves In ft mysterious way,
Ills wuinlers to perform." 9
'After a storm comoi a ealm," then the
hi I jht scenery of nature wears an aspect in
teresting and ueiigntiui lo mo animal led
in?i of man ; but when the Eon of ind dis
plays his beauties, excellencies and iKiwers
as a Saviour suited to our condition as poor
fallen sinners -when Ho manifests himself
U the ravished soul of the believer "ns Ho
doth not untu tho word" when ho sets the
prisoner tree, onens the door to the captive,
and breaks oil' the slaviih chains of tho
ievil, unbelief and sin. the woild with all
I's grandeur, pomp and vanities, recedes and
disappears, and
"Heaven opens to their hearts, tholr ears,
Wlih'suunds seraphic ring."
With these facts spreid boforo them, can
the Christian public cease to give glory to
God, nnd pray lur the universal domination
ot unrisir an ubsruvkr.
.laiilionln '1'ivliiUliii;;,
Swear not at alii but if you must swear
swear oil.
Bo not unmindful of the ric'its nnd
feelines of others. Idle spoken words often
came tho deciK-st wounds, and many times
are me snurc o ol the dnest trouble.
John Lapp and Jonathan Kistler have
nunouiieed liiemseivcsaa candidates lor con
A child of Lewis 11 uhor was buried last
Sunday Mtoruoou in tho cemetery at St.
Joliu's chitrcli. Ills wile was buried a Tew
month ago.
While Mrs. Ilccd was attemptine to en
into mo cellar last saluiday noon, she lell
iown and broke one ol her lees; ai she lives
nb'oit oiio fourth of u lulio from the piildlo-
roati, ami uouoiiy oeiui; in mo noitso except
hcisell mid a little ehil I, sho had to toller
terribly until her husband camu home Irani
I'ai'keiloti, at winc'i plaeo he is employed
Dr. Ki-dler was imiiiclialelv summoned
and lediiced the fracture.
A party of young folks from Tripoli,
i-ieiugli t o.,paui a visit to John J J.-i, u i n
liolf. near Pie.i'sini Corner, on sWurdav last
Aiuottt Ibo-u wrt knew were Miss Nellie
lirir.iMi and Miss Alvenia Krtiin. They
lefi on Sundiy alteruoou, apparently highly
pleased with the valley mid tho 'now ac
quaintances -which they made.
II jmi have muden mistakodoii't think
it a condescension to np-iloii'.e. The true
gentleman is nlwais iwidv to recti! v
blunder. Only the mule bites will, one end
ana kicks Willi (lie oilier.
While Mr. Mtihion Nothstein was go.
lug noma irom iiclnghlon on tiundny even
ing, his hor.-o took Iruht anil ran awavt u
onobeiiu(ou the sleigh at the time except
no, iwi, nine sons, woo Bueeoeueii in slop
ping him after ho lind ran about u mile.
The school board assembled last Satur
day afternoon in tho school house at Oak
urovej all tno members wero present ex
cent Mr. Happen. Tho first biKiue-s donu
was the issuing of orders for tho teachers
mid some other minor business : alter which
followed the great lopicof (he day. We have
had, with a lew exceptions, teachcis reared
in our own (.immunity for the last ten v ears,
auit i no ma lemeiiiuer inni there w is anv
omplaiiit brought before the board of ill
rectors by either teacher or scholars until
last tf.ituiday. The first complaint by the
schnlaiH was that they nre not allowed to
play ball and are deprived of certain privi
leges which other scholars are enjoying;
ufinr which their teacher remarked that ball
playing was nbolishid in one id thu Towo
mensiiig's, which caused the oHuing of the
school law bv one of the dilei-tors. ' It was
found that tho dir. dors have no such power,
which uroiighta smile on our other teal-lint,
wiioiiao io piay as wen as their scholars,
The second complaint was that for their pun.
islimeut he would not hear them it-cite,
wnicn snov s mat uiev aro anxious to study
as well as play. Thioughout the debate two
sustained tho loaeher, the others all seemed
to sympathize with tho scholars. Some of
our old tanner are only wishing for teachers
they used to havo Iwentv-file vearsaen.
Wh) not hire them; wo havo SHcimens of
iiiem in our uisiiiet. 1,1 la no wonder that
some oi our uosi leacners navo leltand omen
propuso to leave alter this term, Huxo.
Literary Society.
Lehighton, Jan. 20, 1881, Boeiety cilled to
order by the President; roll called; tho miu
utes of the previous meeting were read and
approved. An election was then held for
the purpose of electing new officers for tin
ensuing month, which resulted us follows:
President, A, C. MoLaughlin; Vice Presi
dent, F. P. Fanner; Secretary, Emma Dol
leiiinayor; Treasurer, E. 1). Schnable. First
relene-1 question: not answered; reierred ab
sent. Second question: (Jive a sketch of
Washington's liie, was answered bv A. C.
McLaughlin. An euy was read by Miss
DoUeiimeyer, subject: Music. Declamation,
Charles Ilurtung. Society was favored with
a select reading by U cargo Itcichard, sub
ject, Sewing Machiuca. Tho orator, Mr.
(iilham, wus ubseiit, oonsepiently bad no
oratiou. The debate, Heeolvod, That ulit.
cal jiarties are a benefit to a Stale, was
oieni iu tno aitirmalive by Mr. A. U Mc
Laughlin, followed in the negative by E. D.
Schiiubel. The decision of the chuir was in
favor of tho negative. Curators then report
ed the following programme for the ucxt
meeting: Itelerrod questions First, Is the
saying that great talkers are little doers, a
trueoueY lo Laura Hofford; second, Over
whom does fushiou exert the greater in
lluence, the ladies or tho gentlemen lo W.
Bay Horn; Select reading, Carrie Bauer;
Deelamalion.W. T. Clans; Essay, Miss Km
ma Kistler; Oratiou, E. D. Sohnubel; Quoi
tiou lor delwie, ltesolveil, Ti ut the mau of
wealth cxeiu mare llilluenec than the man
of intellect. Ulna! di.pulauUi, utfirmative,
r. l . rviiuer; negaiiw, A. V. Mel,aughliu.
Sooi.ty adjouiued tu meet next Saturday
Lai sj, llutrokii, Sec,
The I'reeiileut of the Lehigh Valley
itailroad CViniany givs r.otioe that the
prioa of the Shunaiidoah Valley itailroad ,
Co.'. Fir nwlgeg. T ,re.t. boa4.wbih
he is adverlisirg for tale, has been advanced
from lt'6 ami aourutxl inte-ut to 107 and
accruotl iu,erert, P,ia. JlaxrU.
Huron c!i lleiudcTtu lit Convention.
The Democrats of this borough are ro
qucsjeil to meet In convention, at Carbon
House, on Tuesday next, the Slh Inst,
at half-past 7 o'clock p. in., for the purposo
of placing in nomination candidates to be
voted for ot tho borough election lo be held
on Tuesday, the 15th ibst. Let there be a
full attendance. Free voice and free vote
' Br iuk Committkic
Tho Mum Hollow Unlut'S. N.
Sunday schools are becoming of so much
importance in the church, that you can
scarcely find a church organlratlou that has
not a Sunday school connected with it j and
many persons who twenty years ago open
ed Sunday school in the strongest terms,
aro now just as earnestly advocating the
necessity of these Institutions in order to
keep up the church. In fact, almost every
one of lato sees the necessity of having a
school in connection with the church, in
order td keep the young folks for the church.
In view of the above facts, you will not bo
surprised to learn that in tho valley on tho
other side of the Mahoning mountain, with
In three miles of Lehlghton, there has been
a Sunday school forvears called, from the
name of the place, the Niss Hollow Sunday
At the session which we hod tho pleasure
of attending there were tnoro persons pres
ent, particularly young folks, than weexpee-
led to find, csccially so, when we remem
ber that some of them aro obliged to walk
at least two miles to tho school house in
which they meet.
Tire school was opened by Mr. Thomas
Kehrig, the superintendent, tho eCholars
singing the hymn, "I am coming, Lord."
Tho lesson, found in Luke xvii., was read
by tho superintendent nnd school, followed
by prayer. After singing another hymn,
and making selections fiom tho library,
which contains soma 130 volumes, teachers
and rchohirs engaged in the study of the
lesson. Tho superintendent then asked tho
scholars a number of biblical questions, and
after the singing of a hymn, by request, we
spoke to the school upon the lesson, Ano
ther hymn was sung, prayer offered and tho
school dismisFed by singing the doxology.
Mr. Henry Evotts is Secretary, Mr. Wm.
Lentz, Librarian, and Mr. Charles Lentz,
Treasurer. After the school was dismissed
a special meeting was held to determine
as to what style of organ should bo purchas
ed for the school. Placing an organ In the
school is certainly a step In tho right direc
tion. OnSERVRR.
tSI? Creole Ileum.
While sleighing is good, plenty of par
lies aro out nightly.
Mr. Thos. Levcs, jr., of this place, shot
a gray fox near the Call mountain on Mon
day last. So far four red and two gray foxes
nave neen Kiueu ncro mis winter.
The teacher of the North East Weiss-
port school, Mr. C. A. Buck, cave his nunils
a sleigh ride up tho Mahoning Valley, one
nay jast weca.
A number of our neighbors, who have
been enioged stocking saw mills with logs
in inu j un, omiinji in is winter, reiurneu
homo on Monday lost, having completed
lui-ir uouiiiicks.
Daniel Krum, ot this place, wo learn
has consented to ben candidate for the office
of bupervisor at the coming election.
It is reported that T. II. Kcmcrcr, of
l,ehlgh!nii, Is negolialiiig lor the purchase
of the Davfd bnjilerpropeity ol Ibis placo.
The convention for Franklin is called
considerably earlier this year than usual.
Itev. G, W, Gross, will open A series of
protruded Hurling In the Soil's church, of
this placo, imiii-Toitely after coming back
iioiii woniereiR-o mat win no in about lour
or live weeks.
Our fiiend Paul Solt, of this place, says
ho has never been In tho hjibit of lidiug,
but week, ut tho earnest', solicitn Ion of
ono of his'ncighbnrs, lie rnnsriited to.tntde
ro.ters. He toys ho w ill never trade again,
tor he claims he has been cheated as his
now looser cannot ciuw. Paul you should
havo taken him on trial before loaning a
irado. ltfcVKKK.
WcUspurt limns.
Money isbeing solicited by theLuthoron
and Ketormcd church lor tho puichaso ol a
new organ.
MlssCassie Wnlck spent Sunday with
irieuus in w.itusauqua.
Miss Mary Jane Laury returned home
nom per visii to Laury s.
A party of ladies nnd gentlemen, of
Diiinuiii ii til, sojourned wjih our genial
landlord Nathan Klutz, and participated in
a nance last rnuay nignt.
A party of young ladies, In company
with Prof. Billy Jones, of Slatington paid us
a visii on Aioiuuiy.
Master Guy Z-rn, is laid up with sick
ness, no wish mm a speedy i ecu very.
Among; this week's visitors we noticed
Isaac Ux and Ed. Zern, ofCoaldalci W, C.
Keck, of Philadelphia; Arthur Miller aud
wjfe, of Slatington; Willis Deterline, of
fcasi iuaucli Chunk ; Jfev. John Miller, ot
.Michigan, ami 11. U Clause, ol Weathcrly,
The household goods of Isricl Mover,
iieceaseu, were soiu at puutio sale, on Wed
nesday. tJuiNT.
Daniel Kulbfus, Esq., died at tho Dan
villo Insane Asylum on Tuesday, and was
buried from his late residence in East Mauch
Chunk, Thursday afternoon.
Thos. Begley, of Itockiwrt, an old cm
ploye of the Central Itailroad, was run over
and instantly killed, at Pcnu Haveu Junc
tion lust week.
Detectives in Now Mexico have ascertain
ed that Colonel Potter, of the United States
Geological Survey, who has been missing
since October last, was murdered and rubbed
by three Mexicans, while on duty in the
field. One of the murderers was banged a
lew days ago for Imrso-steuling; another is
oeiieved w be in custody at Albuquerque.
Closing prices of XikIIavkn A Tuwksend,
Stock, Government und Gold 40 .South
Third Street, Phila., Februai- 3, U81
U It b !0(l...-.
II 8. CuueuevL's
U.-. r.'n. isj,. new
U, s. 41j'it. new..
U M. Vi. new
1'enneylvunia It. It ,
l'hda .raaiiig U. 11.
I.elntUVK. lev
tfuniirb uiaANar.Co...
1111, bid 101 li askee
ril bid IIS askeu
1M t, bid 10111 asktd
.ir."3 elo HIS as.ed
1124 Old 1121. otKea
. (lit, old 141. asked
. J: iod 3:H aslsa
, If bid 6vS astro
lit, uia l.s tske.
L'uiieilC'omituulesoiiN. J.,t4 old 18', asked
Northern C'onlrui it.l 4i4 bid 41 sul eo
llMiuuvl le 1' 0 a s bin 21 a1rd
1'ilM 'in. i.eir. Co ki. Bid va amid
t euirai I iunbo. tattoo Co 4S bid nil. aseo
Norihem 1'aciUcCoii sol. old 17 tked
A " 1'iet'd. U bid u, ae
Nnrihrenusilvania 11. It. 1014 bid ti iKfil
rii'.laieiiiiilici Ulolt. It.. SI bid Si ii as
Milvu.lVrudoi.l voHbio t'J asked
I.olil(rlttin SUu-Uete
Flour, ne sack ,,,,, 20
lluckwheat flour per sack
Corn, per bushel
Uais, per bushel
.Mixed Chop, perewt
Middlings, perewt
Corn Chop ,
llran, per cwt
flutter, per pound
KiKS, imrdoien
Ham, per ponud, ,
Lard, per jamiid
shoulders, jr iiound
Putatoei. per bushel
3 00
1 40
1 70
1 40
1 10
KUFF-SHIlt Alt.-Oo the IStu Her.
A. lUrlh.doiiiew, Albert I Hurt and Miss
Einina J. hlrar, both of Franklin, Carbou
county. Pa,
HUX-i-'liullNllFlStlt.-On tbe 11th ult.,
by the tame, Jrtlerson ilex and Airs Lueln
na aaiie rroiiuiiciter, botu or jvianoniug,
Carbou enuutv Pa.
QKltllKll-rHOl-.TTaER. On the SSth ult..
In LvhtKhton, by It. v. ,1. II. llartiiian, Jus.
lull llvrtMir. ,if I l,i , Pwvl tin KpIiiil It ll i i:,..
ueuoouuiy, iu.
in i:d.
j "VlVr "."iStf Ly3"i
llarrat, aged years and 18 days.
BTOIUiT. On ihe 11th nlL, In West Pnn
joun f ranklin, son or John ami Baran
fitoudt, aged 13 ftwfl months and ti days,
The following statement of Wm .T. Coogh
Hn.ofSotntrvllle, Mass., is so remarkable that
we i.eyr ie obk ior itxiie ancniion oi our roau-1
ers Ho savs i " In the rail of 1870 I was tak 1
en with a violent ulskdino or Tun lumis,
followed by ft severe cough, I soon began to
lose my appetite and flesh. I was so weak at :
one time that I could hot leave my bed. In
tho summer ori8J7 Iwasadmltted to tho City
Hospital. While there the doctors said t had '
a hole In rny lea lung as big as a hairdollar. I
I expended over a hundred dollars In doctors ,
and medicine. 1 was so far irons at one time
a report went around that 1 was dead. I irave I
up nojw, int a Irlend told me or int. WM
lauiihed at my fi lends, thinking that my caso
was Incurable, but I got a.buttle to satisfy
them, when, to my surprlso and m Idcati,
icumnienoeu io ieei oeiter, aiy nope, once
dead, began to revive, and to-day Heel lu bet
ter spirits man i navo me past inree years.
" 1 write this hnplmo-on "111 publish It, so
thai everyone afflicted wllh lllsensel Lungs
will bo Induced to t ike lilt. WM. HALLS
IIALSAJ1 Ft)I TUB Ll'NOS. and be con-
vnlced that CON.sllMPl ION i:an be Cured.
1 have taken two bottles and can poslttvely
say that It has done more good than all th
othcr medicines 1 have taken flnco my sick
ness. My cough allnofet entirely dlsap-
nenredandl shall soon bonbletogotonork."
tOld bv A. .T. IlunLlNn. t,eldihtnn. and all
druggists. f)pc. 18. 1880-yloow
iti: iioiisi: l(hu Kits
Aro thoonlv Horse and Puultrv Powders ttiat
ufve universal latUlHRllnn. If tlin Powders
do not itlve satisfaction, the Drumrlst vrlll re
mm juur money. mo. is, isgu yicow
Tho ltr.ST S AI.VT. In Ihn wnrl.l for ('oil.
Bruises, Mires, Ulcers, f-alt Ithcutu, Tetter.
Chapped Hauos, Chilblains, Corns, and all
kinds or Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pim
ples. The Salve Is guaranteed to lve perfect
satisfaction In every caso or money retunded.
Ho sure you get IIKNHY'S UAItflOMO
HALVE, as all others aro but Imitations.
Price S cents. For sale by all Druggist
everywhere, llec. 18, 1880-yleow
I wMl mail tr?rpt ihft rrrlitn fnr n fltnntn
Veoktadus JJalm tlint. will r-tiinro tak
lair.l'KLbH. I'lATPLKSnnd
luc tlioskm Eott, clear anU benu.Hnlt fllun
siructions for pioducitip n uixuiimit f-rov. tn or
hair on a nald hen a or antcnlli la- p. Aridit!",
titrlo'lnffac. fit m in n. VAxhtLP fc Co.. No
5 Boo kiu a u St., IS. V, JurtZOtnC
A f!Mtf1fiiinti trin a ifF"it-ri1 fnt nra f mm
Nprron ni.MilI.TlY PltKM ATlTllK DHt AY
fur the .o ot rtilTrrl.ic: litminvltf m i d free to
all who iitediMlia reciun ntid d tcclonn Itr
niaUtjR tho -Blroplp nrucdy bi 7liicti he won
en nl. S CfererM wlhinr: io nriiHt by Hie ml
vorllMjr'H oxpi'ilcnco an ilo u Uy nillie-8iu
To Consumpiircs.
Tho rcvcrtPcr. liaviuirbeou ptrmanentlvcnr
eu of that or' an dlsea-e. co'asnniinltm, by a
airaido iciai dv. Is anxious to make known to
inn io low Miueiets me miausoi cute, xo nil
who ties re it, ho will aclut a copv ( f the pre
ro iptunino.1. (Ireent cliiR''b wita Iheitiice
tienbroriirephrin? i ud ustnt; the same, whleli
tliev wit. UndnaitiiE cmtKfor coNsuunioN.
asiiima. iinoNChnn. .te. x-aitica, wsidn i mo
I'l-esertntton. wm utt ase aitcle-i. I1KV 13. A.
WIIJON. lot Wisa Btrtst, Wlllinal. urih.
KewYiirt. Jnu'Jtbm
Wst'.eJ. B!s IMy. Light Work
Bteidv liiinlovnient HnnmleK freo. Ad
dress. M. L. m UN, No. 19 NASSAU f tteet
eiv York, Jatt.rj out
A New Trontmont.
The Gpldtn Etiuer of life. Fnderul Curtt.
If "von havo Consumntlon. and would know
that your eouu;h can bo mude louse and easy
llectlo reter and Night Sweats cheeked In 24
hours: Inflammation taken out of the L.unus
and air passages at onco; that you can bo
itiauo 10 gain a mo pouau, ui ucaiiny nciu
per week; If you havo auy Clironlo Uljcase,
1,.I.,.B A t. n ,.n,nt. It........ I. tML-
Headache, lloart Disease. l,!vcr Complaint,
Nervous Ilcblllty.Semlnal Weakness orSfier
maiorrhtca. loss ofsexual power In either sex
Trum any causo ; It you have any form ot nerv
ous weakness, losing flesh or wasting away,
and would know ol an Immedlat rollef and
certain cure for manv ol the severest cases In
a short time, a new method with new agents
to fatten everybody, lnvlfforato and make
strong and healthy tho most hopelens cares,
cut this out and write at onco lor particulars
tu 11. S. UISl'UNSAKY, Hcrrlcn Springs,
alien. juiy 17 yi
New Advertisements.
Eecsipts and Expfces
. l tlia Yedr .1880.
MAX SCIIWEIBISZ, Em,., Treasurer, and
the Oo'ninissiuncrs, in tmnuit with the
County of Carbon, as follows :
To Ualanco In the Treasur
er's hands at last settle
ment 013100 "
County Katks asd Levies roa 1870
T.T. Kreider, MauchChunk
lloruinrli .
tisa 01
II. A. JJelu, Lehlghton.,
03 37
- 180 41
' .it ,
Uouxti-Hates au Lkvies von 1878.
J. P. Kels, Banks tonn-
shlp 100 00
Dlldlne Snjder, l'urryvillo
borough 110 80
W.K.Streeter.KIdderiown- .
shli S00 00
II. O. f'eppey, Penn Fore3t
township ' SO 00
440 80
County Hates and Levies fob 1870.
Hiram P. Levan, Franklin
township 633 20
Daniel Ilrlslin, Hanks town
ship 250 05
O, L'. Miller, East Jlsuch
Chunk borough 055 00
George M. Ktlmson, Kidder
township 789 17
James I". Smllli, Lehlghton
borough 504 09
John Strohl, Lower Towa-
mensing township 401 04
W. W.Scolt, Mauch Chunk
borouuh toil 08
Dom'k O'liennell. Mauch
Chunk township 152 89
Jacob Hubs, Neo,uuliontng. 182 tu
S. W. Meckes, Puun Forest
township J 272 03
C. O. Itapp, Parry vllle bor-
onsth 2S5 72
An'himy Hlngrr, Towamen-
sing township 409 00
J. W. Hunter, Wcathorly
borough 214 14
Daniel bchoch, Weissport
borough ". 73 44
8400 10
County Hates and Levies foii 16S0.
O. E. Miller, Faist Mauch
Chunk borough 500 00
Daniel Schueh. Welssuort
borough 170 00
David )t. Keller, Packer
township 471 E9
Hiram P. Levan, Franktln
townshli 425 00
Daniel linslln, Hanks town
ship 1070 00
Reuben ltehrlg, Kast Penn
townshli 804 00
James P. Smith, Lehlghton
borough 1450 00
John Strohl, Lower Towa-
inrnsing township 087 10
Dom k O'llonnell, Maucli
Chunk township 3845 91
Chris. C. Itapp, Parryvllle
borough , 155 09
Anlhuuy llinger, Towamen-
slag township 4)5 00
Ellas Huff, Klddir town.
ship 073 20
Dennis Oallagher, Lansford
borough 2158 31
John O'llonnell, Lausanne
township...., $51 30
James Cannon, Lehigh
townshli 210 00
J, II. Hodman, Mahoning
townshii l5'-l 72
A. II. Uofecker, Weatherly
borough 1226'IT
W. W. Scotl, Mauch Chunk
borough 2120 10
10127 78
Thomas Keraerer, dog tax..
Lewis Armbruster, rem
First National liauk, rent..
Taxes refunded......,.,
Amount over laid en Mil.
Klliabvlh Hay's Inquvit
Amount oier (aild uni-om-monnealth
vs. Thouiss
Iieeelved Irom sale of two
22 60
80 00
u 00
82 00
12 2S
20 00
1 00
12 60
3 18
3 O0
8 80
12 45
282 30
IUiTiS .
I Mlierllf lor board reiurnrd..
uiu lumirsoiu
Fines for HuutlDg ou Sun-
KcdnuiptluD, unsealed lands
Taxes Received rou UksIuted Lands.
Banks townialp 408 62
Eut Penn Township .5 12
New Advertisements.
F.ast MauchChunkborough
Franklin township
Lower Towatntnslng twp...
Lehtgh township
Kidder township.. .1
MaUch Chunk township
Penn Forest township .....
Packer township
Towamcnslng township ....
Lausanne township
Weathcrly borough ,
Mattel! Chunk borough....,
Lehighton borough
Mahoning township ,,
cisspurt uurougu .,
4877 44
Total Ilccelpls.
A J, Urniihead, October
Term, ma 1 i II
Qrand Jury, January Term,
ioou. ..,.. 1UU ts
1'ctll Jury, January Term,
1880 ' sm la
Traverse Jury, Jan'y Term,
1BSU..., KM 41
Urand Jury, April Terra,
1BSU r AJ 77
Petit JUrv. Anrll Term. 1880 600 78
Traverse Jury, April Term,
18-0 869 VI
Urand Jury, Juno Term,
inou.. Ill ot
I'eilt Jury, June Term, 1880 3W 03
traverse jury, June term,
lsso : nns Ji
Grand Jury, October Term, -
1B9U 17V os
Petit Jury, October Term, "
1880 I'm ei
Traverse Jury, October
Term, 1880 213 02
' ' 851S 81
Couut EiraNses,
Witnesses, Constables and
Justices Ices ,.. 1002 li
Slienll's lees 21 30
1'rpthonotary's and Ulcrk's
lets, Ksscr and Keuierer 272 SO
District Attorney's lees and
expenses 109 00
Menographcr'a fees '.83 12
Court Urler.i 21000
Constables returnsand mile
age and tipstaves ,. 48112
2508 38
Stationery, Advertising & Pbiktixo.
K. II. llnnch, Election Pro-
ciamaiion eo 00
K. It. ltauch, County state
ment 05 00
E. 11. Jtuuch, othor printing,
BLuiiuiiurj' anu advertise
ments 285 85
410 85
Chas. W. Blew, Election
Proclamation 00 00
Chas. W. Wow, Annual
statcmont 05 25
Printing and advertising... W 75
210 00
II. V. Morthlmer, Annual
blatemenl 00 0 0
Printing and advertising... 118 75
200 75
Jos. Lynn, Election Procla
mation 00 00
FrlntUigandadverllslug.... i3 CO
113 50
08 50
ailde.1 & Malloy, printing
ami udverlfstiig
John C. liolun, slatlouory
IllIU UUUIVS ,,,. .,
Miscellaneous stuilunery,&e.
049 00
11 1 30
1741 89
Unseated Land Taxes fob 1873 and 1879,
Penn Forest township poor
Packer tow nshlp,road taxes.
Hanks luwi.fhlp, road taxes.
Lehigh township, sellout
MauchChunk lonushlp, road
Maueh Chunk township,
school titxvs
Kidder lowuahlp,road taxes.
75 00
55 Hi
to 00
100 00
7 25
70 DO
867 Ol
Lehlghton, Joseph Obort, 5
loia.... t
Lehigh township, S. W.
Mahoning town.hlp, A. W.
Penn Forest township, A.
W. Dialer
Penn Furot township, Eliza
Ann Oliver. .1
Lower l'ottauivnslug, John
24 19
02 00
12 31
50 42
23 51
11 40
169 81
Taxes Refunded,
Slbbach nnd others fl 28
John Haldol 30 1)1
T. D, Cliiuss...., 5 05
E. M. Mulhearn, Att'y fur
U. McUue 160
Daniel clioch on Trexler
lot;' iVcJhhport 7 13
Henry Hojer; Weissport.... 13 36
Inquisitions and Post Moiitem Exam
inations. Dr. II. S. Erwln, on, body of
Louisa lloycr 350 00
Coroner Charles W. Lentz,
on body of Edward Mul
hearn 22 60
Ocorge II. Jones, J. P, on
body of unknown man,,. 10 87
Dr. U. K. Hrwin, on body of
Mrs. Kav 20 00
Coroner Charles V. Lentz,
on bodyol unknown man
and Jos. Connor 63 03
T. J FIster and W. Conly,
on body of Mrs. Eliza
beth Hay 6 00
Jail Expenses.
Clothing for prisoners 39 10
Hoarding prisoners, etc,
Koous 857 41
Balance ol bill, J. W. ltau-
huh 70 37
Medicines and medlcul at
tendance ,, 71 85
Uuildlng fires In Jail 162 0J
Washing. 5tc In Jail, Mrs.
J. W. Kaudenbush 23 00
Repairs oy County Hbisoes add New
11 hi Data.
Mud Hun bridge 243 16
Weatherly bridge 18 00
East Maueh Chunk bridge. . 3 7 62
Weissport bridge Ic6 06
Balance on the Weissport
bridge 22 00
Dennis Mojer's bridge 225 00
Grlltlth's bridge 72 34
Maria Furnace bridge 332 63
Lehigh Tannery bridge 39 25
Pohu t'oko bridge 2 66
Parryvllle aud Lehigh Oap
bridges 44 18
Quakake bridge 681 81
East Maucb Chunk pier..,. 2249 03
4401 81
Subscription for sprinkling
streets 1
Decorating Court House sol
diers' reunion.,.., 2
New clock for the Court
Home 2
Contribution to Marion Hose
Leonard Ye.ger. new furni
25 00
ture and repair of old;., 120 86
Indexing judgment dockets,
on account
Insurance ut Court House...
O. I'. Snarls, attending
800 00
63 00
7 60
6S3 65
Auditors and clerk hire
Auditing Register anj Re
corder and Prothoao
tary's duckets, E. Jt.
Stale taxes
Making out duplicates
Professional services ,..
Merchandise ,
Repairs or County build
ings Fox soalps
Kaitern Penitentiary
Ho.rdlngJurursln liomlcldo
Treasurer's Salary
Coal lur the Jell aud Court
Huuse .,
(las, water and reut
Compuliog Elettlim Re
turns Delivering election papers..
108 00
35 00
607 6d
li no
189 26
90 60
1797 It
126 00
blJ 27
182 00
1000 0J
4H 22
146 37
18 50
17 J
5009 :
Election Kxtensks.
Lausanne township, Febru
ary eloetlun
27 40
26 40
Lehigh towusblp, February
eietuen .
Maneli Chunk Uweuuu.
First Ward, February
eleetlon 86 00
Maoch i 'huuk borough. See.
end Ward, February elec
tion M
New Advcrtischiont?. New Advertist'hichfs.
Audenrled district, Fcbru.
nry election 23 to
Ktddcr district, Nortli, Feb-
. ruary election 28 20
Packer district, February
election 23 60
Summit Hill district, Feb
ruary election 22 00
Lansford borough, Febru
ary election 20 00
Towsmensing district, Feb
ruary election : 27 20
Lower 1'owamcnslng district
February election 27 15
Packcrtou district, Fcbru.
nry election 24 21
Mahoning 'district, Febru
ary election 27 00
Weathcrly district, Febru
ary election ,. 23 00
Kldder.Soutli district, Feb.
ruary election 24 10
Nesquelionlng district, Feb
ruary election 23 80
Penn Forest district, Febru
ary election ,. 30 20
East Maucli Chunk district
February election 26 44
Weissport illstrlcttFebruary
. diction 24 to
E4it Penn dlsirlct, Febru-
ary election 26 80
Parryvllle district, Febru-
ary election 25 00
Heaver Meadow district,
, February election 23 80
Franklin district! February
election m 24 40
Lehlahlon district, Febru
ary election 1..!... 245
Incidental olectlnn expen
ses 611 15
25 03
Lausnnho township, KOVeinr
bcr election S3 4d
LehUh township, Novem
ber eleni ion.- 1... 32 00
Mauch Chunk, 1st Ward
Nov. election 29 Olf
Mauch Chunk, 2nd Ward
November election 27 09
Aud-nrled district, Novem
ber election 36 05
North Kidder district, Nov.
ciecuon 34 09
Packer dlsirlot, November
olectton r.o no
Summit Hill district, Nov.
eiccuon 81 01
Lansfoid district, November
elcclloi 31 45
Towamcnslng district, Nov.
elccilon 81 40
LowcrTowainciisIng district
Nov. election B0 70
Packerlon' district, Novcm-
bcr election 27 00
Mahoning district, Novcm-
bor election 29 00
Weatherly district, Novem
ber election 31 80
Soulh Kidder district, Nov.
election 31 00
Ncsquehonlng district, Nov,
election,, 23 15
Penn Forest district, Nov.
election 32 00
East Mauch Chunk district
November election 28 30
Weissport district, Novem
ber election 29 80
East Penn district, Novem
ber election si 65
Parrjviilo dlsirlct, Noicm-
ber election.,,,, 23 40
Beaver Meadow district,
Nov, election 31 39
Franklin district, Novembor
election , 30 33
Leblgliton district, Noveiu-
bcr election 29 97
742 22
Jury Commissioners and
cleiK hire
117 24
County Institute,
R. F. Hofford
80 SO
Assessments, REOiSTnv and MiLiTAnY
Mauch Chunk Borough 30.1 09
Mauch Chunk tuwnsidp 288 69
Lanstord Unrough aie 96
Lausanne township 74 65
Weatherly borough 98 62
East Mauch Chunk borough 132 Ol
Towameuslng township 81 67
Lower Towauiunslng town-
ship 15? 83
Packer townshlj 60 62
Kidder township, North and
South 160 70
Penn Forest township ,81 69
Franklin township 08 00
Weissport borough 43 65
East Penn township 66 22
Mahoning township 15138
Lc-hUhtou borough 133 42
Parryvllle borough ;., 66 04
Lehigh tnnnslili 122 0U
Hanks township 243 00
County CoifaissiONEns, i.c,
J ,T. Oallagher 409 10
James Ast 308 00
.loslah Andreas 347 00
II. E. Snarl's, Commission
er's clerk 800 00
Kxtrn services 00 00
Traveling expenses In hold
ing appeals 18 55
Postage, telegraphy, office
expenses, &c 187 10
Bridge VI0W8 133 2d
2113 03
Interest on County bonds... 1153 01
County Bonds Redeemed.
John Hynon
Reuben Hunter.
M. Arner....,
Jofcph Schneider
Richard Jenkins
No. 166 ,
" 163
" 10U
" 169
400 00
, 4UO U0
, 1200 00
. i:oo oo
1300 00
1U0 00
. WO 00
400 00
, 700 00
0600 00
Total amount of rcclp's 40571 23
Total amount of lmburso-
menis 35269 26
Balance In hands nf Treas
urer, Jan 1, 1881 11302 02
46571 28 40671 28
Bond Account.
Bonds outstanding Jan. 1,
1881 17100 00
Bonds redeemed 6600 00
Balance outstanding Jan. 1,
Conrad Kochcr, cx-Trcas-
urer 21.33
J. II, Relss, lax, collector,
Banks, 178 600 81
W, F. Streoter.taxcollector,
Kidder, 1878 20 04
II, Ileppe, tax collector, .
Pcnu Forest, 1878 184 44
105C0 00
Ueorge Boyle, collector,
Lansford, 1879 43S 70
Wm, W. Scott, collector,
MauchChunk, 1880 '5594 27
C. E. Miller, collector, East
Mauch Chunk, 18 0 871 16
Daniel Schoch, collector,
Weissport, 1SS0 ; 180 49
II. P.Levnn cullector.Frank.
Iln,1680 tn 672 69
Banlcl Hrlslln, collector,
Banks, 1SS0 V,. 637 31
Reuben itcnrig, collector,
East Penn, 1680 ,..
James P. Sujlth, collector,
Leldghton, 1560 ,..
John Strohl, collector. Low
211 33
276 27
er Tuwamensing, 1880... 606 37
D. O'Uonnoll, collector, M.
Chunk twp., 160 216 14
Samuel W. Meckes, collec
tor, Penn Forest, 1880.. , 402 67
Christ. Itapp, oolUctor, Par-
rjvlllo, 1680. 635 12
Anthony lllngor, collector,
Tuwamensing, 1880 192 79
James cannon, collector,
Lehigh, 1880 ,
Jacob llolfman, collector.
67 77
Mahoning, 1880 40 68
John Kline, balauco due on
Tannery bridge
08 38 7770 32
8918 61
Cacbon County in Account witu County
John J, Hallagher, orders
urawn 409 10
By balance due for 1879 5 10
Hy 100 days at 43 sou oo
Uy 27 days at fl 64 oo
11 traveling expenses 08 60
452 60
11 60
Balance dne County,,
James Ash, orders drawn..
Hy balance due for 1879.,..
Hy 100 days at 3 ,
Hy 18 days at 02
Uy truvllng expenses
m oo
13 00
800 (XI
6 OU
Tt 00
424 00
Balance duo James Alb,,
m 00 421 00
Joilah AnJraei,
drawn crdtri
31T 00
ny Inline 4uerer 1810...... 2 0)
liyl OdiiyialM 300 00
Hy 16d)i at J: 0 00
By (ranting expenses IS 00
407 00
Bal. due Joilah Andraci ...
M 00
lu;co ticfoo
Wo respertMly Htllke tM' tallowing red
ommemlaliuns to the County Officers 1
1st. That tho tax collectors be mjiilreil to
settle ami piiy in full their iltiiilientis before
any cntiiinissimn lie allowed idem 11b either
the whole Or mll of their UUhlih.let.
2nd, That tax col lei lots who havo riot
fettled up their duplicate! in full b not re
upmlntMl, 3rd, That 110 bills nisalhst the f.liMJI lir
aecepteil tnal are not lolly scrutinised,
W tt... , .l ....11,
,n. i iiiifri vijt urn, iiiiiiLors 01 lie
County of Cirrlxin, iltate of lVimylvaiiwr
elected anil sworn (11 puini.niT ol'l.nv, do
nnut that wo ini t,,lid audit ami setllo liuJ
,j,o,, m-i-iuuing m taw, me accounts 01 me
TrpM.nmr nt.,1 P.i,n,..!..L..H ..I tt
.,,, v,'illllll,,ltlIIU9l BUM, VatUli-
ty.ooiiiinciielticnn the third day of Jaliuary(
A. D. 188lj and eiulinn 1,11 the twenty .
nnu tiny or jainnry, iwi, und that said ac
counts, as settled (rii"tcnhilnr in tho
I'rolliotiotarv'e Office of t'tlrbou County, are
correct, as above set forth.
tn tl.t,t, u,l.u..r ... I. .. - 1 t
set our hands nntl seals, at the office afore
sa di this twenty-secobd. day of January,
A, ll 1681.
11. A. BELTZ,
John K link. Clerk.
Statement of Assets and Imle6t-
etoess of Carton County
on January, 1, 1881.
Balance due, IB hands
of Max Schweibinz,
Treasurer SI1332 OS'
Outstanding taxes, Ac. 8948 fit
20240 68
Amount of Bonds out
standing $KW0O 00
Approximate amount
due Townships and
Boroughs for unseat
ed land, school, road
and poor taxes 20(18 00
12508 01)'
Approximate amount;
of resources iu excess
of liabilities $7082 50
Attcstf Commissioners.
1L E. Swautz, Clerk.
Mauch Chunk, Feb. 5, 1881-w
Tho School Board of Lehlghton offers for
sale $10,000 In school bonds, lor which 4 per
cent. Interest per annum will bo paid.
The fiends are tree of taxation, and are n
very derlrablo Investment lor panics having
money to loan.
Tho Interest will bo paid annually.
Feb. 6, 1S81.-W8.
ARE, PAID wit BoWler dlll41n
iV1:M offinTk.n4.IoB3 of Cnft-r.ofl
or tyv, ItUI'XUIf bm tt(,dt-'
VtiM i lira or VimIgdIo VtlnaiHra.
luniluiif Under nuw w tbousftnilii ar
nitalitl to' au liicrenift of penplon,
VlIu a, orphans nnd depfndTit father
or mwthcri of mltJicrx wlm HrHn th
army ftt a pension, IIOUNTY DiJ
eliarpe frtrmonnd, inltiiief tr rnrlnre,
fives fall bonn tr. Send IS lUmp f -ropy
ntine and livuntr Acts, Addre
llniX, both of Imilnnrtpot-it. Kama this
DR. HiiTCiliNSON!S .
AilOlitniKlTrlKlIlcincity, Jt'aiwretiheU'ormt
nndAcsccrrf,iMf,Vtfl-ce,fA'77i?,tr, We gum-autee
Its virtue. Wo have hundreds or Testimonials; col
lected In tho last n years, pr vttu conclusively Mere
is no rtmnlii rqiuil to Div lliitcliliirnn'a AVorm
llntroyer ti, leioove the oims (all kinds, llmmd,
Kcat, Lang, and 7o o, that mfc-t the hiimuti sjstem.
Phuticiant liu Uci nnd give iheni to ihelr btiferlrni
patients. Tltoc ti no utuibuti oi r.uncktry about this
thoroughly reliable medicine, nice, aiSc. per box.
A. W.WRIGHT & CO., Wholesale Druggists,
Mciket anJ front Street), POIatfclphla.
Unparalied Offer !
With fullllneol ATTAOIIJ1ENTS to do
all kluds or Work,
Given Amy, Free of Charge I
Having made arrangements with a well
known Company for a large number of their
MachlnfsVWe'ofrer AS A PREMIUM to
every purchaser of TWENT V-F1VE DOL
LARS WORTH OF HOOKS, to be selected
from our Catalogue, consisting of HAND.
A Fist Class Family Sewins MacUne,
AND DRAWER, carefully packed and de
livered to e,ny Depot In this city, FREE OF
This Is a bono ride offer, made for the pur
pose of Introducing our publications through
out tbe United Slates.
Send for a Catalogue and Descriptive Cir
cular to
725 Siinsoui Street,
doc. 16 1180-W13.
AGENTS I For tbe Complete k authentic
VANTED J lieoordortl18 Achievement! of
The developments by Stanley In the Dark
Continent, bis Remarkable Discoveries and
Wonderful Descent of 2600 miles of the Congo
River, Shooting Rapids and ( ataraets anildit
the most difficult and thrilling situations,
Daring Adventures with Wild Ueatts, and no
less wild Savages, baa no parallel In tbe an
nals of Explorations. It Is moro fascinating
than Romanco contains over 700 pages and
many sulking Illustrations,
Send for Circulars and terms, and Iceare
Territory at once, for this tbe most lolsresllui;
and popular book of the day.
Jan lows. WM. FLINT, Philadelphia,.
Risley's Witch Hazel.
L'uros Ilcadache,Barns,!3pralns,Culs, Wouuua
Rheumatism, Earache, etc., ete. Warranted
equal In quality to any made, at half tbe
S Ot. BC.tlll 2So. Pitt Bittlll COo. (ts. tl.
Have your diuugtst order, if lie baa not In
stock, of
Wholesale DrUjigtsts, M Cortlandt St., New
York City. Jan.l3-8m
"Pjpolcl Stand for Sale or lo lteiiL
possession ArniL tirst.
The underilgnej offers at Private Palo or te
Rtnt, his Hotel Stand, known as the "Iloael
Shok lliU'St,"lltuateou the public road lead
ing lo Bowman's, and atvut one-ruurtb ol a
mile below the Parryvllle Furnaces. This
oIMrrl a rare chance lor any one In tearch of a
first class buslurts stand. For liaruculars ap
ply on Ibe premium, to II. FELLMANN,
Proprietor. Jan. 13, ISSI.nJ
rorSALEand EXCIIANQEat land til
PER ACRE. Address,
A. DEE113
S20 Atlsnlla Avenue.
Ds!.-an inwii.r,K r,