The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 05, 1881, Image 1

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    , ,,,, LT-J JJ..illlJXIllJlJII'UlUlt-UUISllJl)llllWIIIWll spWiSSatfaJIMSJJS)IMW I1IUMUS'M
Advertising Rates.
We desire It to bo distinctly understood
that no advert Isomcnts will be Inserted In
the columns of Tim Carbon Aivooatk that
way' bo received front unknown parties or
tirim unless accompanied by the, null.
The following are our oniy tormii
One year, each insertion in cts.
Blx mouths, each Insertion IS cts.
Thrco months, each insertion JO cts
Less than tkreo months, first Insertion
$lj each subsequent Insertion.!..... 25 cts.
Local nolicos 10 cents per lino.
II. V. MORTIIIMER, rubllshor.
A. 1. Meea'j
Manufacturer ot and D tier In
Tin ana Sbeet-ron Ware ana General
House Furnishing Goods.
ROOFING! nuil srovriNO done at
short notice and at Lowest Cash Pricej.
VverrllnfloJ MOVr. CirWTr.s nut riHE.
BRICKS Uoptcouitmtlyon Mini.
Store on SOUTH Street,
A few doors abovo Hank St., LEUI01ITON
ratronsee solicited Satiiraa'trngiiarantri l.
Olt. 5-Tl A. 1). .IOS3UIt
Livery & Sale Stables
And positively LOWER nuons than any
other Livery lu tho Coantv.
Largo and hmdaomo Carriages for IMnaral
pnrposcaand Woudluxs. D.VVIO EllBKKT
Nov. 22. nil.
Central Carriage Works,
Bank St., Lolilglifon, Pa.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,
Of every description, In the most ruMtantlal
manner, ana ai i.onrst uasii i-rices.
Bcpalring Promptly Attended to.
Ayrtl 39, 1679 yl Proprietors.
The undersigned rejpectfully annonnces t
nis numerous irienus annne puiuie Kenerni.
ly.'tjHit hols now prepared In supply them
wlth'eholce SIIOATS FltliM NEW Jillt-
BEY, at the Lowest Market Prices. Yard
andOBIceat Exchange Hotel, i,i-lilichton, I'a
July DAN. KUX, A;cnt.
Two Doors Below the "Broadway House (
Dealer m all Patterns ol Plain and Fancy
Wall Fapersj
Window Shades,
Taints & Painters' Supplies
lowest oasu rmcn8.
Instructor of Music,
(Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.)
MoleTagent for the
J. & C. Fischer Piano ;
Ab4 daalsr In all kinds or Pianos and Organs.
Ttrmt low and easy. Slate, lumber, bricks,
at.., taken In exehange.
finest Muilo and books furnished on short
For particulars, terms, Uc, Address,
Aug 2. lT9-ly. Lohlithton, Pa.
How Lost, How Restored,
In.t tinl.tlaAn.l n new edition of Pll. CPL
Itsd'cal I'nro of Pl-Kllll utinxmE . or ieml in'
u eakneaa, IiivuluntJirv .omt i'-l Losvoa luro
Tkxct, Jlentil anaPavlCKiruoaimi!itv Inimsi.
imeata to Marrli.ue. etc : n,o, CciM-uiil'ii js,
lirar.rsr aud Fns Imiuorfl bv ai ibuiuumeuce
or twxu i( extrava au.-es.oto
Tho celebrated au'hor in Ibis adm'rnhlo Ea.
BAT. ClMriV lieiliinii'iniiw. nuiu i. i-iir.y jrwu-
pi.cnv.MU. irao"w . ,.,., .UJ,v
quencosol ett abun mi.y lie i Mica.iy oure-l . uiteuiien to, Tsoehiirgem .dounleea a patent miteeaViU'd unlv when llio treatment isord. r
uomilng out modo ol ouro at mica simslo Isserurad. Solid lor circular. ocH-tr e.i .rem ouriireiit. J 1HN C wcjt a uo.
eerutn and effscfiil. by inea-anfwhieii every - . pr pnetor. IS1 A its W. Madiain Btreet
auffaier.un matter nliat Uia Hinlpinn mv be, p A TIS'NJTS ,-f" MIlTFft SoJIcilir ' hVn.o.111. A J JiUIILO A gent, Lehtshl
mave.irehliuacl chwuilr. nnvatolv ad itaw I At lO, ,p.,..., 1IU ' . p.. h 8"
callt. t
ewrryouth and every mail In tbland.
adrtreaa, Mii.paid nnrecwiitof alxopnUortno
poiage stamri auu phiiioi-iiwinwi?,
Tho Culrrrvrel. Medical Co.,
41 ANN 8t. Pw York. K T.
v. O. Box tit)
J.a. 1, iMwn
H. V. MouTntMBit, Proprietor.
VOL. IX., No 11.
llnnl mill K1l(lillakrS
Ollntonllretnoy,i Levan'ibttading.Vnt street.
Allomtriprompuyjtucu icorTOu,,u..
OfBcei Comer Busgachannaandllaeo streets
Attorney and Counsellor at I.avt,
Office t ltoom 2. Ground floor Mansion liouso
maucii chunk, ta.
Mar be consulted In Oorman. inaz5-ly
Tjy m. UAi'Sisrit,
Real Kstate and Collection Asencv. YVIllriuvjmd
Ball It. l Oonv.janidtm .im'Iv done Col.
Mtlons promptly mad.. -Settling Kidatee or p
d.nts a .eeelalty. May be cooiolted In Knjiisli
ad U.rman.
9- Office. : 21 floor of llhoad's Hill,
Slnneli Chunk. Pt.
All bn.tneii eutrmted to Mm will be promptly
Justices and Insurance.
The Mlowlnt Compinl are Uepreieatedl
uu.miimj mutual rut e,
roTTi-i villi: rime. ...,,
Milliuil Vinr..nnd thoTJVAV
nr.r-.rt-. accident INSURANCE.
Also l'enni'lT.inli and Mutunl Uorsa Thief
Drfo tvear-rt "n-uremoCemra.iv.
Haicn 23. tJ73 1 UOS.JCl.MEItEIt.
-jgEKNAltD I'iULJiU'.l,
CoosTr noiiniso, JIA7JOII CHUNK, Ta.
Fire Insurance Agent.
ss rOMOir."? In SAFE Companies only,
at Kcasonablo Itates Aug. J-yi
hiie ky.viose mhtuai. hem:-
rof. A. It. Uon-ir,
V cs't.
L. SIILLUR, District and Colleotlns Ai't,
Oot.ia,' 0 lv
I HUT vi ilk. Pa.
Notary Public & Conveyancer,
Fire and Life IosnraiicG Agent
XV HuslnMS transaotod In Ennllsh and
German. uK. ji
Physicians and Dentists.
Q W. UOWEIt, JI. I , tU.i '.,)
' OrncE : Opposlto the Tost i race,
May b conraltod In cither tho Knj' sh or
O or man Language. uly '.0-yl
Veterinary Surgeon .
dank srrtaET. LEiinunox. pa.
Ori-iois I Fro 8 to 10 a m
lhiuus: ( l-'rcm 7 to It r. X.
T lseasoa ut the i'oot n rpicialty. Way be
con.u'.tt) In Entlithor flciman. July J' yt
Tenders his nrofossional pervices to tho poo
le Ol iiailCIl 1I1UUK, ueilliuiuu, ncwBjvi,
'ackerton ana vicinity.
OFFICE! Opposite the Broadway IIouso,
Fresh Lauehinz Gas always on hand. All
work guaranteed satisfactory. aug2-yl
" HUUEU, M. I).,
rARllYVILLE, Carbon Conutv, Ta!
it,,ti ral Resldeacc.... Horn 7 a.m. to 10 a. m
w ...j j l5 oull ,0 IQ lu
Mnr be ronsu.tcd In tho German Language
P. O. Address Lchlahton. mar. 2), tt
Bperlal attention paid to Chronic Direafes.
Olnee: South Ua.t cornvr Iron and 2nd t... I.i
hlghton.l'a. Aprl3. 1875
UEIIEit, M. 1).
U. S Kxamliilng Surgcnn,
Orrics: Hank Street, llEBKU'a DLOCC, Lrhicli.
ton. Pa.
May bo consulted In the Germ n Lauguage.
Nov. 2
J. W. KAUUENiiUsjll
Ilerpcctlully annnnncrs tn the pnhlle that ho
has opened a NEW LIVKUY SPA1ILE In
eonn.ctloii with Ids hotel, and Is prepared to
furnish Teams f.ur
Fnnerals, Weddings or Bnsiness Trips,
on shortest notice and most liberal lenns. All
orders left at tho "CarUn llnuso" will recelro
prompt attention Stable on Nonli S rcct, !
uext the hotel, Lehlitliton Jan22-yl
Would von oo retor. d to bOUMD lTnnVinnil 1
s-e id .1.11,10 and von mil net ad- MdllllUUu ,
Frol. J.Y. EOA.V. imdeusoorB N.Y. lulylTyl
111 unvi'itipn. AUJiea., ,
pr.r.i.vL innsij
vhat vnn 1 h.
ati'atoat tuventlen of thoael see our nam.
ihlei. feit tree. ITor. J, Y.EUAN. Ovfen
hura; V. Y. Jlvi7l
P. A. LEUMANN.Sotinltorof American
, - ..,..,mv.., m,. uuii tuui imv
, ' "r Uor vx dn.n 1) t . Nnfearfnniieei
miiie t.-i ma. ete. Ka 1iI,Iim1 igTi ioi.ii-h
PlVRTON'S Tbnuandof Idiersand
t t'ie'r
tlMir. enlltlA.1 lirtlin
laia iw ol Con-rets. s.mM two .iiiuii. for
law. an.l i opv .rnlr.n K dl'r. tn N W .ta
iwnW.L' H. ixaisi A tto. mar. Dox a -a u j,.
ixtuiuo. (Atnau.
r , v. -- v iw m
rtespcctfully announces to tho people of Lo-
hlghton and Its vicinity, tliat lie Is now pre
pared to supply thcin with all kinds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Mat,
rials at Prlccs-fnllyas lowns tlicsanicnrtlcle,
can bo bought lor elsewhere Here are a few
ol the Inducements offered :
Parlor Sol sat Iroin 450 to too
Walnut Marble-ton llrcslng Caso
lledrooin Suites. S pieces tlototOJ
ralntcd Jlcdronm Suites tin Vo 110
llano Heated Chairs, pcrsctofr).... (0
Common rhalrs, per ict of 0 tt
nnu an outer uoous equally cneop.
In this connection. I desire to call the at
tention of tho people to my atnplo facilities in
and a lull llnoof OAhKETS and COFFINS,
1 am prepared to attend promptly to all or
ders lu this line, at lowest prices.
Patronage rcFiioctlully solicited and tho
most ample latlslactl m uuaranteed.
octll DANK St., LcblKhton.
ILwlgi Weiss,
LEHIQHTON, I'A., has the Largest and
jiost iteuiive sicca oi
f rer otTernl In thfs borouicb. HuTlnff pnr-
plinseumy UcU In tlie Lasterii nnu otucr
Manufactories early In the scuson imil ut a
Raving olio to 15 per centum on tho present
AuvaitciMi rricep, i mn prepared lounerex
tr.umltnarr Iniluccmonts to my cuMomor.
Special attention has boen given to the iclet
iion ui
Fall and Winter Boots ! '
nnfl I Invito my nnrnorom Monde and piitroni
to can mm exnniino my hock oetore run Kin 2
their purchase elsewhere, as lam p
tn ivo fik'cI:iI liulucements to all CASH
licmcmher, I.KWIS wniss
I' Hu I Id In Lchluhlcn, fa.
Sept. 20.
For HOLIDAYS, 1880.
Itcfpcclfully announces to her frlendi and the
imhllo ircneralli. that tlio is now receiving
und opt'iiintf tor their inspection n Urgqr
fl-octt uuu ever oi mo very i.iicsi novoiurts in
Toys Fancy Goods,
Sultablo lor HOLIDAY PItESEVTS for
Yuuiil' ami Old. lilch mid Poor. Dnn't lull
tociill early and rccuie flrrt cjiolcu and best
bargains. Slio nlio calls thilr attention to
hor New, Large and Elegant assortment or
comprising Underwear, Uerlln and German.
tbvn Wool?, Hosiery, Imported and Ho
uicstlo Ullibunn, OluveF, Flowers and
a lino nafortment uf New Designs
Al'O, In connection with the above, a full
anu complete hock oi
L1MI1UKUEU ciikiusi:,
CumllcH & Coiifrcf loni,
Iftcether with a variety of O- oda not ceneral-
ly kept In any other store In town. 1J yuu do
nui sea wnai you vtjiu, asK lor 11.
A share of puhllo pttmnniro solicited, and
perfect satisfaction guaranteed In price and
quality of goods.
Second St, 2 doors above Iron,
Nov 20, 1ES0.
Carriages,Wagon s.Sl eighs,&c
cork n or
LEHKlllTO.V, Penna.,
Itrspectrully announces to Ms friends and the
public, that lie Is prepared to liulld all des
cription ui
In the I.nteH and Most Approved ftjles, at
Prices Hilly as low as the tame can be obtain.
ed elsewherc.Kuaranlerlni; the besttirasoned
Material ami moil substantial workmanship,
. Ul uvular uii.liliou IVLll II.
In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices.
Patronaue respectfully solicited aud perfect
.aiiii.ciiLH. Kuuiuuicmi,
Dec 0. 1870-yl DAN. WIEAND.
Dr. I. O. West'h Nkhyk and Iiiuin TBitAf
vu!siou, Ntrvmin JJoudtcho. Mental Ijeorei.
aWu. Lossol Mcmorv. peima oirliooa, I m po
tency, involuntary liaiibo'its. I'reiuuinie O!
Aire. cauMNt liv over exwt on. tellabufii .
i.vor latu'ctn.ce, tthiuii leate to ruliwrr decav
and I'cath. Ono bus will cure receut ca-ea.
ach tmx ennt ins one mimth'a treatment, Ono
ilntinrnooz or six ouxeonflvo dcillira m-tir
i bv luailnrriuUton rec-nt i f orice. Vecn:ir
"J'S " HV.l0.?VVI l0,. Xyj!L,cac"
it irinilllllMluea 111)1 CUkCLR rtiro llnnr- I
I hMITn KLINB iCO.. Wholri-ilo Arents,
I Ph ladolphia.
sept, ls.'aj ly
TtfBKlC li Tonr sivn tftorn ts ro !
imUtlrrH) XoiUn, llejiier if ou 1
ianta bll intWH H uhirh mtrinnt nf
either ne& can miikA mvai nivmn i)
tiro hfv w.irk. wr to 1x narsirn'ox 10 JL
Railroad Guide.
Arrangement of PaiseDgcr Trains.
TralnsleavALliEiTOWNns follows i -
l-r Pht1a(telphla,af4:3,0.U, 11.10, a.m.. and p. m.
For riiilade Iplila at 'tjo a. mn3.,s p. m.
Fornc.idliiK iiikI llairmbuiit, 8 33, D.Uia m
12.10 4.-0 and yiap. m
1'or Lancaster and Columbia, CM, 0.00 a.m. and
4. sup m .
For Iteadlnjt, Harrlsbure, and way po.sts, 9.03
p. ni,
(Via betiilbiiku.)
For riillsdelolda from 1, V. Depot t.U. 0.12
8.l7,a. m ,l2."2,S.r3,.r4 p. m. Rinmay 4 .0 p.m.
For l'hllndoltihla Horn L. & S. Depot i2.U,
3.23. fi-6 p.m.
TralnsFOlt A I.LKNTOWN leave as followsi
LeaToriuladolphla, 7.40 a. ni. aud 1.05, M.iO
.inc 5.15 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia, 8.0,1 a. m., 1C and '4.15
p. m.
Leave P.eadlncB.uo,2.lO 3.6!,fl10.15
p. ni.
Leave Uarilaburi; H', 8 C nudB.SO. a. m 1.45
and 4.00 p. m.
Leave Lancaster, 8.05 a. m 1.(5 and 3.50 p.m.
LcarcCulumbla ;.5o n. ro 1.10 and S.40 p. ui.
I.oavo r.eaillnir. 8.00 n. in
Leave llauliiinii:,i:.00n.m.
(Via Iiktiilkiieu.I
leave Phlladclnala C45. 0C0, 0.4', 2.10, 4.15
8.(H)o. m. 8iuid.iv 9.31 n. rn., !im p.m.
Train n maike.. thus ) run to and Iront depot
9th and (Jrceu strcetR. Philadelphia other
irnlnttnn rt Irnm JJrood street depot. Trains
Via Bethlehem" run to and from Bcrl.8 ut..
Depot, except tiioso inaikcd (!
Ine'l.'t and ii.45 tialuafrom Allentown
and the '1.3 m il 5.15 p. m. tram from Phlla
dt'lphla, havotlirongliiaratnaudlroin Phlla
Gtuerat Manaatr,
C. a HANCOCK. Crn't ro. & 7'icAc( dcnl.
may t5.
LVBiA e. nmm
liiscorcitcn op
Thf roMt'ypQTrn
x or nil Female Complaints.
Thtarrcparittn, m Its nvne fl?niHfB, censlsta ot
ku3.:Ua riiM. Um l!iit fira J.inrl;jj to the riijRt Czl
-tolnvnlltL Vron cnetrUl tho Merits of tLU C6ra
.t-id Trill relief Is iinnWlato ( aud
hen lis ugo Is cotitin'je.l, in nincty nlnp catkin a bun.
' rtnl, a p!niuo:.t euro Ii clTct te J.Cx t If O'luuidfl rr'.W tc
:j. vn iwoount critiprovcnrjerititut-cayre-
'.inraniaJiu'JprcaciijeJljy tUe tost pliyelcUut in.
Ko urtry.
U Trill euro entirely to ror-t -fom ct fir.lni
of the ufcm, T.tusorriti..f lri,csul4r and .v&t i
Ulceration, now::p, MIT ..rlaccmc:.! m.d d con-
squeal rplnul vuAnc(ri.1 i tnycclbUf e!ar-ted to
Ciianseof IJfe. ItT-'.Iu's-otTO oia crn.l txnrrf
'rom tlie utf nnla an ea:!j ttitro ot tIyvclo,:.i,r.t. Ihe
tetiiency tocin?uroasbumorsUre is cbuclccd very
rcudtly by Its use.
la 13.: It b prorrj to bn tbe r"t-
et una brt roinouy thr.t htn tTer been dlwo
t. It pcmitvpt js evciy portion of tV.e fystim, end fiivts
rrn life tn 1 rror, Itirrjo-;
torstlciuiant, ftmt'ruMcvri Ts-ecsrsa
ItCKr'MjTilof.thff, Ilpa-ivch, Jfrrrrnt XVo'trttlon,
Gen9n.lIe'iIUt7,SIceiIctine", rcrirbdon a..d lCi
srerticn. Tnatfecl'cff cCtrlnccotTi, cciulns rin.
wcIgUt and Lot Iiai-ho, li always pcnr-tncnlly cured I j
Its ue. It Trlilr.tftU, endusccrIl circustt,Un
ofi, act ta Lonuoay v.-ilitli Iztr Uiii forums tlio
rorKldney.CompliIutiof elUier z tlds compound
Lydia L Pinkham's Yft-etab!o Compound
la prepare J ot S33 and t;3 lVertni Lynn,
rrlco (I.M, & .1 bottles tor &.iA by nuul In t:.e
form otplUx.aliiol:! tlio form nfl3ccucev, on rccci; t
of price, tt.30 rr box, for elllicr. lira. PHrxiL'.-!
freely antwera all Utter of Inquiry. Send for pant
pbict Addrcsn as h'joto Haitian this jjflcr.
Jfo fsmCy tbouid ro without LYDIA E. I IXEUAM'
LIZT, r;i-L3. Ticy cure Constipation, ClUousnceit,
andTorrlJlty of the i lw. 55 rr ntpfr 1ot
eral Agents, Phlla., I'a. Sold by A. J Lmr
IIdk, Lehlghton, I'a.
June 12, 1680-ly.
A Valuable Book Free
A Tr-r-itls on f bronlc. Dieaea,' embracmp;
Catarrh. Hiroat Ltiu?.. Heart,
Klduoja. t'lluary and Female Dlseaseai nlso,
1M ea: sent fieo in aoy address Kvery suflerer
fiom thee otsoasei, can oocnted. Seudtorthls
book to tho midt-rr-laned a phtaician ol latK
exoerlence. ei'dorsed by hnndreda if lonlluff
citizens M ho lestilv to tils stein. end stamp
to ihv I'LstacA to (I. i:. Livlng.toit. M. D,. 21a it
Superior en.. To edo. Ohio. sni3-yl
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Oak and Uaid Wooo Lumber, and Is now pie
nniUin ill l-In,1. .Ua. r ni... n.MtMb
i'bicu iu excvuio uuy miuuqi oi oi uera lor
DrcssoD LumboR
Doors, Sashes, Winds, Shutters,
Jluiiltlliifc's, Cabinet Yure, lit:.,
With fromptnesa.
Brackets Made to Order.
The Machlnorv la all new and ol tba best and
most Improved kinds. 1 employ none but tho
beat workmen. Hie well seaoucd and good ma
terlal, aud am thei eforo nblo tn gtiarnnteqriitlra
atistactlon to all who may favor niewlth a tall.
Ordcra bv mail nionipily attended to Mr
cbarce. are moderatei terms cash, or Interest
cnargea alter tinny nays.
rv Tboso enrased lu Dnildine will find tt t
their advantage tn Hiding, Floor Iloanla
uoors, asnea. Miutiera, cmaaoatmi
Tfn bnMneas now be to re tho pnbllc
work lor ut than at any t hit g
tViw. f imt ml nm rmti red. We
will start vou ti'indav nutt niMTaid ma-io ai
borne liv the (ndtiaTiP'nf 11 om women boy
umliririi wanted everywhere to work fr n.
Now 1- the time. You cau devote your whole
tune to tlie work or only voar spare n.ewent.
No other busine'sa wtu pay vou nearly aswt-U.
No nue willing to work can tall to mtVo nor
motupj. Uveogavln at once. Cost Ontnt
and terms fr- Araat npnortnaltv loriuak
Inr monrtv iaatir and bouor-Wr Addjos
nuva a ws., Att.rvtft jfiss-r
Live and Lot Live."
sr snitT tucTK.
Over the chimney the night wind sang,
And the chanted melody no one knew .
And the woman stopped as her baby sho toil
And thought of tho un. she had long ilnce
And laid, as her teardrops back slia forcot
"I hato the wind In the chimney."
Over the chimney tho night wind sang,
And chanted a melody no ono knew t ,
And tho children said, as they closer drew,
"TIs some wlteh that Is cleaving the black
night through
TIs a fairy that just then blew,
And wo fear tho wind In tho chlmnoy."
Over tho oMmney the night wind sang.
And chanted a melody no ono knew t'
And the man, as he sat on his hearth below,
Said to himself! "It will surely snow,
And fuel Is dear and wages low
And I'll stop tho leak In tho chimney."
Ovir the chlmnty the night wind sang,
And chanted a melody no one knew i
Mut the poeCtlsTcncii rind smiled; for ho
Was man, and woman, Jind child all three,
And ho said,': "It Js Owl's own harmony,
Tho wind that sings In tho chimney."
When tho cold storm howls around tho door,
And you by the light or taper,
Sltelosely l.y'the-evening Are,
Lnjoyingthe last paper,
Just think of him whose work thus help
To wear away the winter,
And put this query to yourself
Haro I paid the printer t
From cast and west, from north and south,
From lands beyond tho water,
Ho weekly brings jou lots of news'
From ovcry nook and quarter!
No slave on earth tolls nioro than he.
Through cummer's heat and winter:
How can jou lor a moment, then,
Neglect to pay tho printer?
Tour other bills you promptly pay,
Wherever you do go, so;
The butcher for his meat, Is paid,
For sundries Is tho grocer;
The tailor and the shoomakor,
Tho hatter and the vlntcr;
All get their pay then why nogloct
To settle with the printer?
A charming spring Jay, whoso balmy in
fliietices was felt even in tho dusty streets of
Dalzell stood between tho curta'ns at his
hotel window, looking down at tho throng
r priiinenaucrs, nt tho ceaseless procession
f carriages, at. the rumbling horse-cars, and
across at tlie park, Just waking into green,
young inc.
It's just ono of the days to make a fellow
homesick for llio time when ho was a boy
and was contented nt the farm, and thought
that home-made breaif and. gross butter,
cany Birawuerrias, ana mother-, cottage
cheese waao feast for an Olympian divinity I
And here ' am I, strong, healthy; lazy,
iunt;iij ..if j jmu mvjr B&JJ, in UOICIS anU
boarding houses, dancing atfdndaiico, on
pretty girls' arid charini'u'g, widows. I'll
pack my valise, and run up toth.old place
for a breathing spell." Then he suddenly
hesitated in his resolute) thought a moment.
But I wonder what Flnronco Dean will
think of my sudden defection ? Nut that I
roiily very much care, either that I
know," he decided almost instantly; "for
although she is every way prettier and more
charming than tho rest of 'em, she is jusl
thosamo in being a purposeless, vapid but
terflya woman with a soul that never rises
nbovo tashinn and ease. Is there a good,
true', womanly woman in all this world for
And our olegint Dalzell really longed
for the moment, for tho higher, better lilo
that nature's silent yet powerful voices had
aroused from their lethargy In his' soul.
And as with Dalzell to wish was to pos-
eess, to think, to act, to desire, to consum
mate, he was in readiness for the fi:15 Haiti
for the old homestead away among the
mountains and lovely mountain lakes of
Imrthern New Jersey.
Wliilo Miss Dean read bis elegant little
note of explanation and icgret, as, looking
fair enough to have warranted any man
losing his heart to her, she fat m her own
especial little sanctum a room such as one
sees painted in pictures, with rare, dclicato
coloring and touches of flowers, and lights,
and gleaming ebony, and shining silver.
and tho prevailing hue a pale luscious pinl ,
She drew her forehead up in a little
frown of petulcnt vexation as she read Dal- j
zell's letter then tossed it over tho table to
where May Ferris sat, taking dainty ttitcliei
in a Breto.Q laco ruffle.
"A specimen of my cavalier that isan
rtprocke, Mi'iy. Mr. Dalzell has gone oirin
definitely, for a flying visit to his sitter,
Mrs. Viven Isn't that tho name? up in
tho wilds of New Jersey. May, lam in
dignant." Her black eyei certainly flashed attesta
tion of the fact, and a delicious little surge
of color deepened in her cheeks.
May Ferfis laughed. '
"Why should you be so indignant? Mr,
Dalzell is certainly a very considerate broth
er t& visit his sister."
"I don't know," Florence retorted. "There
are at least three special Invitations I have
accepted for the next week ou Harry Dal
zell'a account."
"And Just there I think you are wrong,"
May said, quietly, firmly. "Unless you
know positively, dear, that Mr. Dalzoll
carej especially for you, you should nol al
low yourself "
Florence interrupted ber with a delicious
little pout.
"Now, May, bo still I I have made up my
mind to make Harry Dalzell caps for me,
and I shall succeed. I have studied his
tastes until I know them better than any
other woman with whom he is acquainted.
I know ho Is gay, likes society, and enjoys
a flirtation, and to do I. All tho same, I do
fed horribly provoked tothiuk lie has flitted
so unceremoniously."
"Your handsome, serene, popular gentle
man is quite apt to carry things with a high
hand, remember," May said gravely. "Only
between you aud me I am just a little
disapiininte.1 in Mr. Dalzell, Flnre'ice. He
is so frivolous, and pur'ios'less, and lazy.'
Florence', eyes flashed, for all she
"Go on with your accomplishments, Mayl
Buy rich, good-natured, liberal, romantto
Jou are past arguing with in, I ie,"
ijay returned .musedly.
"Where haadsoni. DlstJl Is KBerof4
1.00 a
yes!" and Florince lookod defiantly In
her friend's face.
Two weeks later, and In the city a sudden
accession to midsummer heat, with tho am
bitious thermometer standing nttfO in the
shado, and only May at that. A strong
south wind blowing n hurricano, and tho
dust flying In blinding showers. And Flor
ence Dean, cross, warm, ennuito!, venting her
Ill-humor on patient May Ferris.
"I never saw such nbomlnable weather,
and six weeks before It has any business
here, at that 1 Do give mo my fan, May,
and ring for Brooks to bring us romo orange
ice I do believe I am melting I Harry Dal
zell is sensiblo oil" in llio cool, green coun
try, whllo wo swelter between heat, and
moisture, and dust."
Miy closed tho book she had been read
Suppose wo lako tho afternoon train up
to grandfather's, for a fow days? Wo will
bo welcome I am sure of it and Beech
Farm must be lovely just now. Let a go,
A quick interested look drovo away the
llsllcssness from Florenco's pretty face.
"Yes; Ict us go, that thought is on Inspi
ration, May. I haven't been up to Grand
pa's for six or seven years, and I'd enjoy It
aboo all things. And thero's just a chance,
you know, thnt wo mfjA! como across Dal-
May laughed.
"A slim chanco, Florence, when you take
Into consideration tho fact that Beech Farm
is In Atlantic County, and tho Dalzell home
stead in Sussex."
"But we might meet him, and that's one
reason I will go," Florence said.pcrsistenlly.
"Yes, we mijn,'' U(I Mcy laughed again.
"New Jersey is not such a largo State but
that we might como across him. Then it's
settled ?"
And so it happened that nt 9 o'clock of
that midsummer warm night thoy left be
hind them in tho city, Florenco and May
were sitting in tho great lonely sitting-mom
at Beech Farm, tlie windows of which wero
.down on account of the strong, salt breeze. '
"It seems like another world," Florenco
said to her Grandma Ferris. I feel as If I
wanted to stay always."
"Slay and welcome." grandma said warm
ly and hospitably.
And both tho girls knew they might have
taken up thtir remaining humtttr habitation
with His old folks if they had been so mind
ed. "Wo must help grandma to-day," May
said, as they dressed for breakfast next
morning. "Sho doesn't keep any servant in
the house, nnd tlio caro uf two additional
people is more than she ought to have, al
though she will insist upon our enjoying
ourselves all the time. Put on a white ap
ron and your grey cashmere wrapper, Flo
nnd I'll wear my calico suit, and I'll wash
the dishes' and sweep up for her, while ynu
mako the beds and"
And Flprcnoo suddenly laid down her
Ivory-backed brush.
"Why, what in tlie world do yon mean,
May ? Did wo come to work r mi n visit,
please tell me ? Did you say I was to make
tho beds ?''
May buttoned up her neat little ruffled
"I said so, Florence. Surely you don't
mean to Ict grandmother wait on us, two
strong, hcarjy girls, and she 70 years old?
ouo wptft'wuu un me, any now; nnu u you
aro too good to wait upon yourself because
you are a ricli man's daughter, why, I sup-
poso I can do it for you."
And, for the first timo in her life, Flor
ence saw a sparkle of temper in her cousin's
"You may do what you please," sho said
calmly. "I camo to visit grandma, on, 1. cer
tainly don't propose to do work, I novcr did
at home in all my life. If it is necessary, I
will pay some woman to come."
May's eyes flashed.
"You know it isn't that perfectly well; you
know grandfather can afford to hiro a dozen
servants, but grandmother prefers her own
lonely waye of houscicceping. It is tho spirit
you show, Florence, aud I am ashamed of
you 1"
But even when May went deftly, cheerily
about the light household dutlesaueily and
sweetly hushing old Mrs. Ferris', demurs,
Florenco did not relent.
She looked on, with cold, sneering smiles,
while May worked' like a busy bee, herself
gorgeous In gray cashmere morning dress
and watered pink ribbon, with her diamond
rings nn, and her hair frizzed and braided as
elaborately as if she was at home, expecting
morning culls.
"If only some one of your devoted admir
crs could see you just this very minute 1'
she said maliciously, as Moy emerged from
the pantry, with a smudge of flour on her
dark braids.
"1 am very sure hn'd 6top to look ntyou
and never see me at all," she answered gai
ly, "esiecially if it was handsome Dalzell."
Florence's lip curled loftily.
"lean imagino Mr. Dalzell's look of dis
gust if he sheuld catch you where you aro
now, on top of that cbalron tho table.reach
log up to sweep down an invisible cobweb."
And just as May, with a triumphant flour
ish of bcr broom brought down the filmy
nothing, nnd stood, flushed and laughing on
the clialr sbo bad mounted on the table,
with her sleeves rolled up to her elbows.her
bair still bearing its floury Impress, Harry
Dalzell walked in.
Florence's delight at May's awkwardness
was only tcinjiered by her own delight at
seeing bim.
"Why, where did you como from ?" she
said, flushing, and conscious of tho contrast
sho made with May, stilt perched on her in
secure foundation, hardly knowing whether
to blush or jump down.
Dalzell shook hands with Florence, and,
bowing to May, walked over to tho foot of
Miss Ferrls's impromptu throne.
"I hopo your royal highness is well," he
said, with a mock gravity that was equaled
by the merry twinkle in his eyes, in which
there was so littlo admiration.
May bowed as profoundly as sho dared,
then laughed a delicious, frank little laugh.
"I see you are not in the least ditaint-ert-ed
by my superior position," sho said, gaily.
'Not in the least. In fact, I wi.uld like
to help you. I understand now why It was
I was so anxious to follow tn Allantio Coun
ty, where 1 learned you ladies had flitted. I
only reached the city last night."
Florence looked on certainly making a
decided contrast certainly looking remark
ably pretty in her becoming dress.
"May Is abnrd." h ud with little
Year if Paid in Advanco.
not paid in advance, $1.23.
Oonlcmptuout sneer. "There li not tho
slightest necessity of her taking so much
trouble, but she "
A little, half-wounded, hnlf-mortlfled
lush crimsoned nn May's check as sho
sprang q'llelly and lightly down.
"I think you forget, Flo, I explained to
you I thought graudmother needed assist
Aud Dalzell looked at her stftet, woman
ly face, listened lo her tranquil, melodious
voice, and somehow or other a pleasant
new interest tn her sprang up within him.
"I nm a master hand at helping people
let me add my valuable assistance to yours,
ladies. You needn't smllo -Miss Ferris
you needn't look so Incredulous, Miss Flor
ence, lor I assure you It is absolutely truo I
Let mo stay alt day, and let's have a lark
of it."
And lo Floronco's disgust elegant Dalzell
eubnilttodlo taking off his coat and having
a big whito apron tied about his waist, and
was May's most obedient factotum all the
morning, whllo she, in quiet, dignified re
prnval,sat asidb and made a quarter of a
yard of floss laco.
Once, in the kitchen, May, suddenly
stopped something sho was doing.
"I nm nlraid Florenco wilt bo angry, lo
oiuso "
She hesitated, and flusliod a littlo-
"Because what?"
"Because I monopolize you so merciless
ly," sho added, shyly.
Ho laughed.
, "I like to bo monopolized I very much
prefer it. Besides, Miss May, In all coutle-
to your cousin, I know of no reason why
,'ie should feel nggrieved any more than a
score of other friends. Mils Mny, look
therol I believe our pudding Is boiling
That night, Mr. Dalzell went homo, hav
ing captivated tho hearts of tho old people,
and carried away u cordial invitation 'to
como again, soon."
And Florence cried bersolfto steep with
rage at the turn affairs had taken.
"You did It on purpose, ynu sly thing!"
sho said, furiously, when May mentioned
tho jolly fun of the day.
And then Mny, who could bo proud and
haughty ns a queen when occasion demand
ed, spnko very resolutely:
"Until you think belter nfmt-, don't ex
pect me to stay with you again. When yon
go homo I shall remain with grandmother."
And sho kept her word, and did remain
with tlie old penplo.
Dalzell o not a few trips down tn
Jersey that pleasant spring and summer,
and then autumn came and carda were nut
for nn old-fashioned full-nnd-plcnty wed
ding at the South Jersey homestead, and
Dalzell married sweet May, and got a wife
who was a perpetual blessing, and a peaco
and njoy lo him.
woitDs or tvisDim.
Wo.shi.uld do many more things if wo
believed in impossibilities.
After all;- the Joy of success docs not
equal that which attends the patient work
ing. Tho firefly only shines when on the
wing. So it is with tho mfnd ; when once
we rest wo darken.
You may shrink from tho far-reaching
solitudes of your heart, but no other foot
than yours can tread them.
Tho time for reasoning is before we
have approached near enough tn tho for
bidden fruit to look at it and admire.
To achloyo tho greatest results the man
must die to himself, must ceasa to exist in
his own throghts. Not until ho has dono
this does he begin to do aught that is great.
Nothing sharpens the arrow of sarcasm
so keenly as the courtesy that polishes it;
no reproach is tike that we clotho, with a
smile and present with a bow.
Tho only way to shine, even In Ibis
fair world, is tn be modest and unasumlng.
Fulsehood may bo a thick crust ; but, in the
courscoftlmc,truth will find a place to break
through, Elegance ol langnago may not bo
In tho power ofusnll;but simplicity and
straightforwardness aro.
"Tho crlmo of obtaining money under
falso pretenses has greatly diminished with
in tho last few years," said a police justice
t n country friend. "How do you account
for that?" asked the friend. "Easily enough,"
replied the justice. "You see, the fact is in
these times it is almost impossible to obtain
money under any pretense."
'I'lio Kirunscsit .linn Living.
Joseph Pospischill, who is now a prisoner
in tlie Austrian tartress at Ofen, on convic
tion of highway robbery, is said to be the
strongest man living. One of tho feats for
which ho was renowned was to support in
the air, with his hands and teeth, a table
upon which two gypsies danced, while a
third fiddled. He aud one of his brothers,
only less powerful than himself, were wont
to bear upon their shoulders a wooden plat
form, shaped like a bridge, while a cart full
of atones, drawn by two horses was driven
over it. Tho other day, when the jail in
which he was confined was undergoing a
visit from the municipal prison inspectors,
this Hercules volunteered to give the au
thoritics a spcoimen of his powers, and, up
on receiving permission to do so picked, up
with his teeth a heavy mahogany table, nine
feet long aud balauced it aloft for nearly
half minute.
The Connee'.icut rivef is stocked with
shad and salmon in Its waters In Massachu
setts, but the fijherineu down the river in
Connecticut took 200,000 shod last year,
while the Massachusejta people got butOOOfl,
Count Carlo Mcnabrea, the son of Gen-
erul Menabrea, tho Italian Ambassador in
London, who was Master of Ceremonies at
the Court of King Humbert I., has shot him
self through tho head in concoquence of an
unsuccessful love affair.
President Andcrsou, of the Baptist Ro
chester (N. Y.) University, s-iys that once or
twiroa week he finds interest and profit be
taking up snine leading news event wills his
students and considering both the subject it
elf aud 'its journalistic treatment.
A Chicago paier tells ufa inau who was
onmplaluing that ho had Invested a rather
large sum uf money iu Walt street und lost
it all. A sympathizing friend asked him
wbether-ho had been u bull or a bear. He
ri)lied, "Neither) I was a Jackass."
The big tet warfare tu America lias re
oaivcd Ihe lollowiug addition i "If I was as
flat foeted as you are I would not be afraid
of sbppiug oo tlio pavement." "Yes" was
tn. rni'iou I soma pe-l aro flat ou oue
end tad mm on it. otn.r."
The Carbon Advocate
An Independent Famtlr Newspaper
Published every fiATC-lDAY, Itv
Lehlghton, Carbon Co., Pa., vf
hauiiy v. ittoitxiiirrii:...
Umot-OAIRWAT. a t.hort tUst.uee .bofe
the Lehigh Valley ft. n, Depot,
Terms: $1.00 perAunntn In Adrancs
evtnr BEsciitwios or ruta isu rises'
Job Printing
at vfiirf low rr,ion.-
Our Puzzte Corner,
j. crtcrstf word enigma.
My first Is In" sin IT", but not in cane j
My second is In' road, hut not In lane I
My third Is In horse,-but not In clt
My fourth is In Jounce, but not In jntt r
My fifth Is in stick, but not in log
My sixth' Is in marsh, but not In tgf
My seventh is in slam, but not in bang)'
My eighth Is In stretch, but not In hng'
My ninth ii in honey, but not in bee
My whole came o'er the stormy sea.
Oca Witun.
1. Part of a ship, and a disturbance.
2. Equal v.iluc, nrid to decompose.
3. Darkness, a preposition, and a tempest.
4. A personal pronoun, and a preposition,-
Our WitLtsv
3. NUMERICAL ENIGMA. 13 Letters.-
1, 8, 12, 7, is to manufacture.
A, 13, 11, 0, is a part of tlio body.-
10, 3, 2, 4, 4, is to disengage.
The whole is situated iu tho Stat, of'
Maine.- MrV
1. To separate.-
2. X plailt.
3. A beautiful flower;
4- To produce
2. Consonant.
3. Tho hermit thrush.-
coitions faci's.
Thirty-two thousand seils wero one'
counted In tlio' head of a poppy.
Tho Chinese mako glue out of a com
man kind of seaweed on their shore".
The American Bitilo society has pro
cured a new stop-cylinder press, upon which
alone a whole Bible can be printed every
Tlicro is a cave in' Monroe, Conn., ItY
which, nt a depth of SO feet, has beon found
a spring of water and an anliquo trap for
catching wolves.
A woman In Kansas, whilo rt work
clearing aWay sorrra bushes near her house
was stung by a wasp, and the' effect Is suth
that sho ha3 been entirely paralyzed.
Thoohjectof tho greatest interest in the
Orkney Islands is tho cathedral of St. Mag
nus, nt Kirkwall, which dates I rom lha
twelfth century, nnd is still entire and In an
excellent slate of preservation.
A field-glass, lost in Trickly Pear Val
ley, Col., in the winter of 1870-80, was found
n fow months ago, and the trees, vegetation
nnd a small stream, nenr which the glass
lay, ara indelibly photographed on Iks
At Macedonian weddings tho groom
leads tho bride into her new home by a
new holter. and when aho outer, he knocks
her head against tho Wall, as a warning of
what sho may expect if she does not behave
h a proper manner.
Hair often fails out after sickness, and
bleaches suddenly alter severe nervotn
shocks, but a white-haired elderly lady was
lately surprised to observe that tho lair
which had fallen nut dnring an attack of
pneumonia was being replaced, if not by
locks of raven hue, at least by those of a
dark color, such as had not adorned her
brow for many years.
The monks of the Greek churoh, who
live in solitude, subsist upon ffesh and dried
vegetables, and are allowed fish only on
Saturday and Sunday. Once in a great
whllo they indulge In the luxuries of eggs
and cheese. Each monk is required to sup.
port himself by some sort of manual labor)
their principal occupations are the manu
facture of clothing and wood carvlftg.
Ifo Ilml I.cnrncil WLdotti.
At mid-forenoon the other day a man whn
was crossing Woodward Avenue at Ongres,
street suddenly began to paw 'lha air with
his hands and perform divers strange antics
with his feet, and after taking plenty of lime
about it be came down in a heap. Mora
than fifty people saw the performance, and
there was a general laugh. It had not yet
ceased when a man with a funeral counte
nance pushed bis way into the crowd and
asked: "Who is he what's his name?"
It'a Jones," answered a voice. "Whsl
Jones?" "ThomasJones." "Sure?" "Ye f
I've knowu him for more than twenty
years." "Then I'll laugh," said the solemn
faced man ; and hn leaned against the wall
and chuckled and laughed until he could
hardly get his breath. One of the crowd
remarked on his singular conduct, and the
laugher wiped the tears from his eyes and
replied : "Gentlemen, nothing tickles me all
over so much as to see a man fall down.
Ten years ugo I was salesman in a whole
sale house, with a fine chance for promotion.
One day a man just ahead of me felt down,
and I laughed. It was our old man, and
be discharged me on the sjut. Five yean
later I was engaged tn a rich girl. As I
came out of lha Post Office one day a man
sprawled out on the walk, and I laughed
till I was sore. It was my Angelina's old
man, and he broke up the match. Again I
laughed myself out of a position In the bank,
and but lor the same failure I should to-day
haye a place in the Custom House. I hare
learned wisdom. Npw when I see a man
fall I ask his name and find out If be has
any influence to put ine out of my clerkship.
If he has I look solemn and pats oo, If he
hasn't I laugh hat hat bat Jones lilt?
Jones can't do mo any barm, and ha I ha I
ha t ha I J wouldn't have missed this for
a month's sal ha I ha! ha !" Detroit Frc $
Tho hist daneeis in Washington sr.
urmy and navy oftlcers.
New baugle bracelets are single, and
Hi. fastening is an imitation of a large hook
Chrysanthemus and Parma violets are
tlie favurilo flowers for garnitures for ev.n.
tng billets. ,
Miss Kate Baleman (Mrs. Crow.) Is re
ported to be eouliio plating final retiieuient
from the stage.
lady has again obtained a first-clan
at Cambridge ia the papers for tb. M;s4
Science Tripos.
More than one hslf the population of
Rhode Maud are engage- in ruoohsnloel of fto.ring pursuit