(''avium Advertising Rates. We desiro it to bo distinctly understood that no advertisements will be Inserted in the oolurana of Tni Oskbo-; Advooat that may xs received from unknown parties or firms unlesi accompanied by the Oisn. The following are our only term! OKI RQUAKI (10 LINES), One yoar, each Insertion - 10cti. Bit months, each insertion 16 eta. Throe months, each Insortion JO eta. Loss than tire mouths, first insertion $1 1 each subsequent Insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents tier line. H. V. MORTHIMER, Publisher. A. 1. 9Eossei9 Manutaeturer ot and Dealer In STOVES, RAMESJAND HEATERS, Tin and Sbest-Iron Ware and General House furnishing Goods. The Carbon Advocate An Independent Family Nswtpapef Published every SATURDAY, fu Lehighton, Carbon Co., Fa., by tiAiiitY v. mouth i.-mcu. timcx-nANKWAY, a short distance Sbet the Lehigh Valley It. it. Depot. Term: $1.00 nerAiiiiM in AdTance- Kvsar DRScaiTTton or rut ad CAHcr Job Printingr at vkrv low rnicKS- H. V. Morthimer, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." 1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. IX., No 8. LEIIIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1881. If not paid- in advance,. $1.23 HOOFING nml SI'OUTIKCJ done at short notice and at Lowest Gash Pricos. very kind of STOVE ORATES and FlltU II RICKS kopt constantly ou hand. Store on SOUTH Street, A lew doors above Bank St., LEUIOIITON. ratronace solicited Satltl action guaranteed. Oct. (-71 A. J). MOSsilill. jr-WID EUBEItT'S Livery & Sale Stables BANK STIlEKT.LKIIiailTON, Pn FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGAMT CARRIAGES. Ad positively LOWnrt MICICS than any other Livery In the County. Large ana hmdeomo Carriage for Faneral purpose aud Wedalues. DAVID EM1KUT Nov. 22. U71. - Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Leliigliton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, Sec, Of every description. In the most substantial manner, and at I.oncst Cash Prices. Repairing Promptly Attended to. TREXLER &. KREIDLER, A)rll , 1879 yl rroprletors. Tha undersigned respectfully annonnca t his numerous friends and the public general ly, that he Is now prepared to supply them with choice SI10ATS KIM 131 NtlW J Ml. BET, at the Lowest Market Trices. Yard an4 Uffloe at Exchange Hotel, Lehlghton, 1'a. July Jl-me DAN. HEX, Agent. E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Deors Below the "Broadway House MAUOII CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all ratterna of Plain and Fanor Wall Paiiersa Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH PltlCES. JOHN F. HALBACH, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory.) LEIIIGHTON, PA. Role agent for tbe J. & C. Fischer Piano ; And dealer In all kinds of Pianos and Orarans Terms low and easy. Slate, lumber, brloks, Ola., taaen in exenuugo. Sheet Musie and books furnished on short notice. Tor particulars, terms, fce., Address, JOHN F. HALBAOH, AngI, 1I79-IT. Lehlghton, Pa. "prime Homo SI ado Bread J WHY GO nUNGItYl When you can Buy oil pounds of Ftrat Class liread- PIVE LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS I J. W. O'NEAL, thfl lionnlar Tlroml .ij n.1,. llaker.of LeuiAlituu tu urdertomect the waute of tbe times, has ltednre 1 ke Pnee ot hla cele. brated Home Made BREAD to Five Loavet fnr Twenty-five Cts., Cash. Sugar, Raisin. Coco.nut Scotcli, Drop, Cream 04 uther OAKKs, only Ten Cents per Dozen. IjOoU Out for tlio Wagon I At MAUCH CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday andhatnrday Muuunas, LEU 10 1 1 TO N and we iSal'ORT, every After noon escept Friday. TERMS STRICTLV CASH 1 Patronaza .ollclted. J, w. O'NEAL. niunui un'v01lp trirai national llank! aasfSwKaiii i CARDS. Hoot nnil Shoe Makers CllntonDrstney, in Letan'i tuildtng, Bank street. AUBrdtriprnmptlyfilUd work warranted) Attorneys. JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. omco i Comer Snsgoehanna and Itaee streets MAUCH CHTJNK, TA. Jalyzmy JOHN D. BEltTOLETTE, Attoiinet and Cobhskllou at IjAW, Office t Itoom 3, around Floor Mansion House MATJCU CHUNK, PA. Mar be consnltodln Oerinsn. inaTZMy ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, DaxxSTastr,LsBiaBtoN,ra. RelBtstendCelltetten Asjency. TrillBuyand Sell Real Eitatt. Conveyancing neatly done Col actlons promptly mad, fettling Estates of D sdentsa specialty. May be consulted In KnUih ndUtrtnan. Nov. EI. J-AS. It. STKUTHLRS, ATTORN SY AT LAW, Xf Ofnea : 2i floor of Rboad's Uatl, Mnuoh Chunk. Pa, All bunln.u entrusted to Mm will be promptly ittended to, MsyS7, ly. -p J. MEEIIAN, ATTOKNHY AT LAW, Snd Pcor abovo MA SKIN HOUSE MATJOH 01IUNK, PraKA. US-Can h ronsulted In Oerman. JanD. Justices and Insurance. T IrOMAS KE9IEIinn, CONVEY ANUEK, AND GKNERAL INSURANCE AGENT The Mlolna Companies are Represented! LEHAN N MUrUALFIHE, HEADING MUTUAL FIltE, WYOMING FIRE. POTTSVILf.E FirtE. LUHimi FIRE, and thoTIlaV BLERS ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Also rcnnsi'lvanln and Mutual Horao Thief Dcteollvoand Inuraneo company. Msucn 23.1571 TIlQa. 1CEMEREK. JgEUSARI) PHILLIPS, Couicrr Boudiko, MAUUH CHUNK, Pa. Fire Insurance Agent. - POLl HER In SAFE Companies only, at Reasonable Hates. Aug. 23-yl T1IE KEYSTONE MUTUAL ItENE PIT ASSOCIATION, of Allcntown. Prof. A. 11. HonnE, W. A.HAgsum, Prcs't4 Soo'y. Lim amd Ehpowmkxt Policies Ibsued. f. L. MILLER, Illstrlctand Collecting; Ag't, Oot. a.'fo ly Pr.nv vule, Pa. LMN STOLIjE, Notary Public & Conveyancer, Fire anil Life Insurance Agent MAUOII CHUNK, PA. as- Business transacted In English and German. Aug. 23 yl Physicians and Dentists. Q W. BOWER, 31. I)., (U.l.,) Orrioc: Opposite the Post Office, BANK STREET, LEIIIGHTON, Pa. May be consulted In cither tbe Fngllsh or German Language. July 10-vl D H. CIlAS. l'llAitO, Veterinary Surgeon, BANK STRVET LF.nidHlON, PA. Or tick I From 8 to 10 A M Houns: ( From 7 to 9 r. is. Dtseasei of the Foot a specialty. May be consulted In En;lisbor Oerman. July K yi. D It. W. A. CORTUIGIIT, SURGEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services to the peo" pie oi juaucn ununK, ijenigmon, weisspori' Packerton and vicinity. OFFICE: Opposite the Broadway llouso, BROADWAY, JIAUCII CHUNK, T. Fresh Lauzhinc Gas always on hand. All work guaranteed sausiactory, aug.'-yi "W. W. UEIIER, M. I)., PARRTVILLE. Carbon Countr, Pa. Tmn nQ I Residonce,... from 7 a. m. to 10 a. m. iiuuuaj and 1! noun to 10 p. m uav be consulted in the nerman Lansnace. P. O. Address Lehtebton. mar. 29, tt -y A. IiERUAJIEU, BI )., ' TIIYSICIAN ANDSC11G1SON SpertalatUotion paid to Chronlo Diseases, Office: South Uait cornurlrooandjnd ta..Le- aiEaiou.ra. Aprils, 1BTO. N. HEREU, M. I). V. 8 Rxamlnlitj: Surireon, PRACTICINO PnYSICIAN and SURGEON, Orrici, uankBtreet, REBEB'b Ulock, Lcbiah. ton. Pa. May he cod nulled In the Gcrmnn Lauguace. Xoy, 30. W VOUTII AND MIDDIE-AOED, ouia you uoroiora io bOUiD ffi (pud sump and von will (ret ud. till Frof. J.Y. EG AN, Osdeneourg N.Y. Jul) irji RUPTURE,! Tim lMPERIAf. T Tl TTBlt iMUlillrnn v.nt n Ii ir.wai luti-mi m hi LuDN'fli nee our pam .blet. Kent tree. Prof. J. Y. EUAN, Oecens barg. S. T. loly 171-1 F. A. LEHMANN. Solieitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D.O. All business connected with Patents, whether be. fore tbe Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge made unless a patont eeuuicu, ocumur circular. ooiS'ir AGENTS WANTED SfSSi MACiutiii ever Invented Will knit a pair of . r P "M lull COMP1.KTE. In 20 minutes. It will also knit great varil ety nl fancy work tor which there Is always a I'iTjrS?.a.rKUlituAI?r "ular and tenna btpl.lllin. PATENTS MisTpjt fio;icitoi .7,vis. w ,.' "'r"nts,l7i-eveuth8t.. Sn2;;S?,'.W.V'llnK'i!u Vx' Nufeerequirod unless Patent i ob'aloeil send lor ciicmar BiHugtunie.ctc. Ks..bliebod l7P. oct- jVit PENSIONS Thoneands of Midlers and i.,.u: ,)? L0,heirbelr.tltledbyth. late laws of Concreu. Heud two sismpj for lawa. and coiiv of Cltlsen Hn tlr. in h w K tiafe and llellablo Snbulltulo fr Quinine, The on!y 25 cont ACUE REhmBY rrni'.i And all JTEAIaA HMAIj liJSI': AFfE". Md l.y 11 PruecUlt. 111M FREE mi t-.-e.bt cfprlc. .Wilts to DUSD19 UICIC It tt WotnTta tmm, &tw Yvk( fr Irifir It ftwt brob, tutlloJ t ths rvaJor of llillimMf prT on "nilcnttcrn. BALD HEAD'S ADeodorkeil estraotof Potroleum, Tho Only Avliclo that Yiil Ho- storo Hair 0:1 Haiti Ileaua. What tlao XYorftl hna beca Tho crcatct r.lscovcry of our diy, ro fsr as a larje portion of humanity la concerned, Is CAK BOLlNn, nn ni llclo prepared front petroleum, and which cCccts r, complcto and radical euro In caso of balilncs, or whero tho Ink, owlnj to diseases of tho scalp, has becomo thin and tends to fall oct. It is also a speedy restorative, nad w'allo Itsuso se cures a luxuriant fjrott til of hair, 1 1 nUo brines bac!c tho natural color, and glvi-s tho most complcto Bit lefactlo:) In tlio using. The fallln? out of thohslr, tho Rcrtimnlatlnna of lUndrn.T, and tlio prematura cliango in color aro n!l otUcnccs of a diseased co:i dltlcn of tho rcalp and t!io glands which nourish tho hair. To arrest tlicso causes tho crt'.clj used rr.'j:t pasters rncdlcd kj well ni chcuilcal virtue", and the chanso must begin under tho ecalp to be of perma nent and la.tlnj bcncflL Such an ertlclo is CAR IiOLINE, r.ml, lilia many other wondciful discov eries, It Is f.uuid tJ consist cf elements almost 1.1 their natural ttato. lvtroloum oil Is the aitlcb which is modo to work biich extraordinary rciults ; butlt Is nftct it h is been chemically Ireated and completely deodorized that It Is In proper condition fur tho toilet. It una In far-ofr Kussla that tho effect of petroleum upon tho ha'rwni first observed, i Government ofJcer h.n In; noticed that a pnrtla" bald-1icaded servant of hl, when trlmmlns the lamps, had n habit of wiping his oll bcsmcared bauds InhlsEcan'y locks, ud tho result was In r. few months a much finer head of black, elcssy hair than ho ccr had before. Tho oil was tried ca horses mid cattle that had lost their hair from tho cattlo plague, nnd tho results wcro ni rapid as thc7 ero marvelous. Tho manes and even the Ulla of horses, which had f illeu out, wcro completely re stored In a few week. Thcso cxp rlnicntj wcro heralded to tho world, but the knowledge was prac tically useless to tho prematurely bald Slid gray, as no 0110 In civilized society could tolerate tho nso cf refined petroleum ns a dressing for tho hair. But tha skill of ono of our chcnil.ts has overcome the din-cult.-, and by n process Known only to himself, ha has, after very claborjto and costly experiments, suc ceeded In deodorizing refined petr 1-nm, which renders It susceptlblo of being handled as dalntl!7 as tho famous eau di cologne. Tho i xpcrlinents with the deodorized liquid on tho human hair wcro at tended with tho most astonishing results. A few applications, whero tho hair was thin nad falllpc, cave remarkable tono and vigor to tho sca'.p and hair. Eery pirlldo of dandruff dls ippcars on tho first or eccund dressing, and the liquid so search ing In Its naturo, seems to ponctnto to tho roots at 0:11 e, and tet up a radrcakhaugo front tho start. It is well known that tho most beautiful colors aro m:de from petroleum, and, by some roystcrloua operation of nature, tho uso of thla nrtltlo gradu nl'y Imparls a beautiful light-brown color to Iho lair which by continued use, deepens to a black. The color remain" permanent for an Indefinite length ot time, and the change Is so gradual that the most lntlmato friends can scarcely detect its progress. In a woid.lt Is the most wonderful discovery of tbe age, and well calculated to make tho prcma-. taroly bald aud gray rejoice. Wn ndvlso our readers to five It a trial, feclln patlttlcd ih-it 0:10 npii'icnil'm will convince them of pa wonderful ilfects. l'UUbvrgli Vanaurelal of CV.SJ, lb77. The nrtlclo Is telling Its own story In the hands of thousands who uro lining it w ith tho most gratifying kud cucourjjlnj iriulu ; W. H. Bnit.t. A Co., Fifth Avenno Pharmacy, says'. "1V0 liiio sold preparations for tho hair for upward, of twenty yearn, but hai 0 never hail ouo to veil ax well orpivo nii h universal Mtlvfaetlon. Wo thero forericniiiiniii'l it with couUdcnco to ourfrleuds uid lhege1111.1l pullic." Nr. GrsTiv'-'s V. lUi.t, of the Oatcs Opera Trouiv, i.ritis: "After tlx weeks' uie 1 am con duced, cs are ulo my comrade, that your Carbo iii'o'hasend Is prutliiclnif n wonderful growth of hair unt.ru 1 had uuiio fur years," C. II. Smith, of tho Jennie Illght Combination, wrltost " Afur iisiugyaur 'Carbollno' thrco weeks lam confine d that bald heads etiu bo re-halred. It's simply wondciful In my caac," B. F. Annicn, chtmUt, Ilolyoke, Mass.. writes: " Your Corbulmo' has restored luy hair after every-tl-liig else hud failed." Jostrn E. Tosn, ottorney-at-law, No. Attleboro, lib., r rite. : For more than 20 s ears a portion of mv 1k-s 1 ha lirou as smoo. b and free from hair as billiard ball, but tome I'h'ht weeks m;o I was In duced to uy your dirbollnp, and the clTect has been simply v'ouUrrful, Wbi re no bair has been, been for.i.r. llirro now appears a thick gtouth, and 1 a.n convinced tliat byconilntilngltsuse I shall liau as toed u head of hair us J ever had. It la crow in? now nearly as rapidly as hair does after 1. la cut. CAEBOLINS Is now presented to tho public w Ithout fear of coa tiaduN'.unua Iho he t ltestorailvo and BuauUScr of lue ilaii- tte world has ever produced. l'rlee, OS I'. DOI.I.At: lcr bottle. bold Ly ull i)rii!;lt, KENNEDY & COTPITTSBURG.PA., bele Aleuts f ir the I'nlted St ttes, tho Canada' mi IT. :it Mr l ri. lUIALTII IS WEALTH! Dr E, C. West Nebve and liiuut Tekat UEM'.aepeclllolor Hysteria, Ulezlnees, Con vul.lons, Mervous Headache, Mental Depres sion, Loss of Memorv. h-peiiua-otrhcea, Impo. teney, lnvolnutary Emissions, Premature Old Age, caused bv over-oxertion, aelrabuiie. or over-indulgence, which lends to inl.erv. decay aud death. One box will cure recent cases. Kach box com. ins one month's treatment. One dollar a uox. or six bexoa fos live dollars 1 sent bymailpiepatiron receipt ! pnee, Weamar uulee six boxes to cure any caso With eaeb older leceivinl b usfurlx boxes, scroaooau. leu with live dnliai -. we si ill send the purcliaa- I rruui HiiiiruKiiHrHuiD1 lurtmru iuo inline? 1 if Itiotreatmeiiadoia uoteffkCiacmo (Inar- enireis .buuu oiuv wuen me ireaiineur i.oicirr. l from I'uriaeuti J'JHN O WEST & CO., cole Pr prletors. IS1 A its W. Madison Ulriet. (t lcsiio.Ill. A J. DURLINO Aneul, Lvhleb. ton Pa. eM ITH KLINE & CO., Wholesale Airents, Phlladeljihui. ept. IS.'SHy $66 A WEEK in jonr own town. 13.(0 .uuiuiireo. i.urisv. tteaiier II you 1 iiaia vu-iuess at wmcn persons ot wwrMiMii masej steal pay all Hie time tbev work, write for narSicniar. 10 11. H ALLETT, CO., roriland. Me, June M-"' nFBIEND. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Railroad Guide. plIlLA. ii RUADIIIO UA1LIIOAD. Arrangomcnt ot Passenger Trains. NOVEMBER lUn. ItSO. Trains leave ALLEN TO WK as f olfowsi (VIA riRKlOMXX XAILUOAll). For Failadelphia,atM:,MS, 11.10. a.m.. and .H p. m. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at M.JO a. m.,s.ss 0. m. (VIA KASl' TENNA, BKANCU.) For Reading and Uarrlsborg, S.as, 0,00 a. xn 12.10. 4.30 and sos p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 1 3i, s.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. SUNDAYS. For Reading, narrlsburg, and way points, 9.05 p. m, (VIA BET11LEHIJI.) For Philadelphia from L. V. Depot (.((. 6.12 8.17.a. m ,12.02,5.53 ,8.14 p. m. Sunnay 4.b0 p.m. For Philadelphia Irom L. & 8. Depot 12.04, 3.23. &.S6 p. ui. Trains FOR A LLENTOWN leave as follows: (VIA rBREIOMEN BA1LUOAD.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a, m, and 1.09, M.JO andS.ISp, m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 8.00 n. xu., 3.1S and M.U p. m. (VIA EAST riKKA. DUANCn.) Leave Reading 8.00. 10.30u.ui., 2.00, 3.5i.sEd O.lt p.m. Leavo Hartlsbnrg 5.13, 8.0S and 8.00, a. in., 1.43 and 4.00 p. xn. Leave Lancaster, 8.04 a.m 1.0S and 8.50 p.m. Leave Columbia, 7.05 a. m. 1.10 and 3.10 p. m, SUNDAYS. Leave Reading. 8.00 a. m. Leave Harrlsbnrg.a.oo a.m. 1 (VIA llETHLEttEH.) ' Leave Philadelphia 6.15. 9,00, 9.43, 2.10, "US' 6.00p. tn. Sunday 9.30 a. m., 8jOO p. m. Trains maiked thus () run to and from depot 9th and Green streets, Philadelphia other trains to and irom Droad street depot. Trains Via Bethlehem" ruu to nnd from Berks St., Depot, except those marked () Tno M.ni and 6.13 a.m trains from Allcntown anil tbe '1.30 and 8.15p,m. train from Phlla delplita, have through cars to and Irom Phlla delphla. J. E. WOOTTEN. General Manaaer. C. O. HANCOCK, Ofn'l Pate. A Ticket Agent. may 13, LYDIA E. PINKHAfil. OF LYNN, MASS, DISCOVEUEn op LYDBA E. PSNKHAEVi'S VEGETABLE COMPOTOD. The Positive; Cnra For all Female Complaints. This preparation, aa Its name signifies, consist! ot Vegetable Trope riles that are harmless to tho mout del Icato InraUd. Upoa ono trlaltbe merits ot this Corns pound will be recognized, aj relief la immediate and when Its uso is continued. In nlnetr-nino canes la a nan, dred,arrmanentcurlssffeod,aa thousands yrl tcs tlfr. On account ot Its proron merits. It Is tcnJaj ro commended aad preacrlbed bj tho best physicians In the country. It will cure entirely the- worst form of falllnu Of ths uterus, Lcucorrha-a, lrrepilar and painful KcnjtruaUon,aUOTarlanTreublc, Xnllainmatlon and Vlceratlon, floodlnct, all Displacements and ths con sequent spinal weakness, and Is specially adapted to the Change of Life, It will dlssolro and expel tumors fromtheuteruslnanearlystage of derelopment. The tendency to cancerous humors there U checked very ipeedlly by Its use. la fact 1 1 haa prored to bo tho irre at est and beet remedy that has ercr been discover ed. It permeates orcry portion uf the eystem. and glrcs new life and rigor. Itrcmores falntnesslatulenry, de stroys all c raying for stimulants, and rollerea weakness of the stomach It cures floating, Ileadachos, Kerrous Prostration, General Debility, Slecplossncss, Depression and Indl gestlon. Tliat feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by its use, XtwUlatalltlmes,andunderaU circumstan ces, act in harmony with tho law that go Terns the female system. Yor Kidney Complain be of either sex this compound Is unsurpassod. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 333 and 223 WeUrn Arenas. Lynn, Mass. rrlcotl.OO. Six bottles for $5.00. Sent by mall in the fom of pills, also in tho form ofLosenges. on receipt ot price, $1.00, per box, for either. Urs. mnuUM freely answers all letters of Inquiry, Send for pam phlet. Address as aboro ligation thlt paper. ro family should bo without LTD La E. rlKKILUi, UVER riLLS. They cure Constipation, BUiouxnest, andTorpldltyotthoLlrer. S4 cents per box. JOHNSTON, IIOIaLOWAV & CO., Gen eral Agent, Phlla., Fa. Sold by A. J . Uur. ling, Lculghton, 1'a, jano 12, 1880-ly. A Valmible Book Free "A TrentlsovfCbronlo Discac," embrsclng Catarrh, Throat Lungs, Heart, 8tomach.Llver, Ktdneya, Urinary aud Female Diseases: also, Pilea; sent free to any address. Every sufferer from these Ulsessea can be cored. Sendlorthls book to the nnderxlaneil. a physician of larm experience, erdoraed by hundreds of lending cliiacnswho testltr to his skill, hiend stamp to pav nostace to o. 11. Livingston, M-D.,216), Superior St., Toledo. Ohio. sora-yl fJiHE SLATINUTON PLANING MIIL AND Cabinet Ware Pactory( AT SLATINGT0N. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Deals In all kinds and sites of Pine, Hemlock Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and ilanowpie pared to oxecute auy areount of orders for DressbD LumbeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Sashes, minds, Shuttcrv, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery Is all new and ot thebeet and moat Improved kinds. I employ none but tba best workmen, use well aeaaoued aud good ma terlal, and am therefore able to guarantee entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a call. Orders nv mall piomptly attended to. Mv charges are moderate i terms cash, or Interest charged alter thirty days. GIVE MEA CALL. IV Those enraged In Building will And tt t their advantage to have Bldlug, Floor Jioards Doors, cashes, (.butters, c, iscmadeatthl Factory, Mayl JOHN BA LLIBT. BEST: bnslnnaa now betoro the nnblle. You i-an titalce inouey fater at work lor us than at anything Alu.. r.nit.l nntrrnn'rRil. Wn will start yon 813 a day ami upwaids made at noma br the Indnatri'ius. Men. women boys ami girls wanted everywhere to work fir u: Now la the time. You can .'erote your wholo time to the work, or only voir spare momenta. No other bnsinesawtll pay you nea-lr as well. No one willing to work can tall to meVe enor. raous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outnt ttod terms fre. A great opuortnalty for task, lor toonev easily and boserablr. Addrvs ttUii. A CO., Augusta ,inD:c-ty A no.UKSTIO IiKSSOlt. BT MART X. LAKAIRT. In a modelt farm-yard, years ago, There lived a meddling goose, Who brought on her devoted head A tirade of abuse. Iter gander was an earnest ipouie, Aud fond of hit good wife And even half-blind eyes could sea She led him a sad life. Please do not think great blame wai due That goose In household ways; She did her duty as a wile And merited much pralio. She kept her plumage clean and white. And feathered well her nest Of all the goslings on our green Her darlings were the best. Her fault? Why, like tome, of her fox, With much ado and olatter, She hissed opinions to her spouse On tertous business matter. Then she presumod tc Interfere So said a good dlscerner Between some outside parties, who Bid not at all concern her. One day, our favorite household guard, Our dog, whose name was Cricket, Became possessor of a bone, And was resolved to pick It, When Mr. Gander saw that bone, He thought ho'd like to share It, Hut Cricket growled that bone wai his He'd bite before he'd spare It I Now, as the gander and the dog Were generous when It pleased them, They might have compromised that bone, But Mrs. Goose so teased them That Cricket let his temper rise; Ha took her neek and shook her Until her meddling hissing ceased, And even life forsook her I MORAL. Girls, learn a lesson ; strive to gain, By womanly forbearance For often more than bones are lost By goosevllko Interference I Murder Will Out. BT JINNIE STERLING. Benjamin Wheeler was the son of a cler gyman. Tho ladies called him a "splendid fellow," but we fancy a handsome man is not describable his points, however, were eyes and whiskers. They furthermore de clared that he looked as if he "cams out of a bandbox," a Yankceisin for finical neat ness. The girls petted him, and thus fed his vanity, until ho became a conceited fop, and thought himself irrcsietable. Falling in love with every new face which pleased him; his conquests, ntlther few nor fur between, provoked considerable criticism. His father took Mm to task for his flirta tions, and advised him to fix. upon some one, and settle for lifo. ' Ifattie Granger was his last flame. She was a blonde, with dove-like eyes, plontcous light brown hair, and an exquisite complexion a delicate refined girl, whoso perceptions were all nico and somewhat fas tidious. Benjamin suited her. Whether it was because he was her opposite, or that his manner was softened nnd subdued by the elevating influence of a puro love; certain it is, sheloved biin with fond dovotion,tuch as belongs to souls like hers, and invested him with all good qualities, which were but the reflection ol her own. Through his father's influence he succeed ed in procuring a situation os clerk, with a moderalo salary, in a large dr' goods house, thcrcforo, as his father's advice did not con flict with his own wishes, ho asked thegen- tlo Ilattie to ba his wife she gave a willing consent and with halfthetownas witnesses, handsome Ben and herself entered into a joint partnership with love and a scant In come as capital. Ilattie was quite content; a crust of bread even, shared with Ben, was far preferable to joints and roasts without hirn she coddled him and humored his whims so that his friends called him a "spoiled baby," if they bad said disagreeable puppy, they would have hit the truth much nearer, for in hit own house Ben was an autocrat it was big I, number one, but innocent Ilatllo didn't see his selfishness and bore his fret ful tempers with sweet equanimity. Benjamin needed a self-asserting woman just a hit selfish enough to put him on his mettle, he didn't appreciate the inestim able value of a pure, disinterested love, Ilattie wept if he but chided, said yes to bis yes, and no to his no. Ben was a good business man; with his fluent, oily tongue he could talk people into buying, therefore tbe firm of Johnson k Co. gave bim tbe position of traveling salesman at an increased salary, together with a liber al commission; he told his wife in exbuber ant spirits that old Johnson was s trump, but when he declared that she must break up house-keeping and board, for ho would not be at home half of his time, her counte nance fell, and she could only say "Oh, Ben ny," in a deprecating tone. "Simpleton," he exclaimed, "will you be reasonable for once, I no sooner tell you of my glorious prospects than you whine out 'Oh", Benny.' " "But, darling, you forget how lonely I shall bo during your absence and then to leaveournice, comfortable cotttge," tbe ssld weeping violently. "Ilattie, how often must I tell you to in dulge in lets gush. Your red eyes and nota make you a perfect fright Just when I have a chance to belter my condition, of course, you begin your usual howl," Leaving hit obedient, tearful wife who, to do her justice, tried at least to conceal her feelings he started on a business lour for tbe far West, made a successful, encouraging venture, and very soon prosperity cams to him In the way of rapidly increasing orders, upon which ho realized enough to form a nucleus for future fortune. Thus five years patted away, hit wife be coming accustomed, but not more reconciled to his frequent absences she grew thin, and pined for the society of tbe msn who had crowned her life with lovo's sweet experi ences. She did net perceive that be become In different, and more conceited and arrogant. One of his trips, while staying In Chicago, he passed a young lady tn the street, who to attracted bim, that be followed hcr,thiok ingtbatoftbe many handsome women he bad teen, tbe was tbe queen. Edith Conway's beauty fully Justified hit opinion of it. She wat a tall, sparkling brunette, stylish looking, at if barn to the purple, and al though coquettish dimple lurked la the cornets of her mouth, and' played upon her checks, there was a dignity about her which conveyed the Impression that she would put tip with ho nonsense. She noticed the stranger's admiring gaze tbe admiration was mutual, too, for the thought him just ber beau-tdesl of what a man should be therefore at he kept at a respectful distance, she was not displeased to find that he followed her to ascertain her place of residence. ' Benjamin determined to become acquaint ed wllli the beautiful. Edith, aud soon suc ceeded, for ho found that a salesman, a resi dent of Chicago, whom he had known in a business way for years, was a frequent visi tor at her mother's house; of course hit friend knew nothing of his antecedents, but judged that he was respectable, and tup- posed, too, from his conversation, that he was unmarried, therefore he introduced bim (o the Widow Conway and her daughter without hesitation. And now, not an evening passed, without his being found at the widow's house. lie had a fluent, persuasive tongue a gift of throwing off small talk onlivcnod by anecdotes, snatches of poetry and witticisms; with the news of the day hswasouaif, and conversant with the on diln of society. Then, too, he was aided by a pair of fins eyes, so full of loving expressions made to order, that ono could not well believo that their language was counterfeit, and not the correct interpretation of the emotions of his heart. Fine eyes do not In any case denote fine minds, but Edith was too inexperienced to know this, consequently they seemed to her to be mirrors of truth and beauty, and, fas cinated, she did as girls generally do when a young man pleases their lancy gave him her love, and invested him with all tho virtues. Ilattie, in her cottage home,kept "a swarm of bees worth having be patient, be hum ble, be mild," but Edith was impatientjproud -and imperious. While Ilattie danced attendance with fussy anxiety, tlio exacted attentions, capric iously smiling and frowning as the humor pleased her, keeping Ben on his best be havior. When he returned homo carrying the Image of Edith in his Wicked heart, the ten der ministrations of hit young wife vexed and annoyed him, and ho became peeylsh and melancholy by turns. Duty and passion were struggling for the mastery, and when business again called bim Chicago, he allowed tho old enemy of souls tojiavo his own way thus 8alan con quered, and Benjamin Wheeler "sold his birthright for a mess of pottage." Taking due precautions to conceal all knowledge of his history from Widow Con way, by plausible false representations, he persuaded her into giving consent to his marriage with her daughter, and tho wed ding day fixed upon he forgot his duty to bis wife, to his country and to hit Ood, but it mutt not be presumed that he had no mis givings or torturings of conscience. Tbo first step In wrong-doing being taken, others followed in easy and rapid succession i until hit better instincts seemed stifled, and he was ready for almost any crime. Oftentimes it is difficult to draw the divid ing line between sanity and insanity, and it becomes a mooted question. At home Benjamin was generally moody and morose, as if meditating tome dark de sign, but one day, returning after a long ab sence, he surprised Haltie by an unwonted pleasant mood she was prostrated by Illness brought on by loneliness, and tbe depress ing thought that the was cot now necessary to his happiness. "Darling," he said, "I grieve to see you so ill; rouse yourself for my sake, and tit upon my knee, dear, at you once used to do." Ilattie, overjoyed, chided herself for har boring an unkind thought of her hero, con tentedly reclined her head upon hit should er, happy at being rarrested. "You are so thin and pale, sweet," he con tinued, "that I am sure you must have a poor appetite. See, I have brought in tome baked apple, nicely eugared to tempt you,'' at the same time moving a small table near er, placing tbe plate upon it, he fed her with the apple by the spoonful, at she tat upon hit knee, sho looked into hit face with lov ing eyes, and said. "Benny, you are just your dear old self to-day, and I am so happy;" then as she re turned to the lounge, with half-closed eyes, followed hit every motion at he carefully gathered tbe remains of the apple before leaving the room, excusing his absence on tbe plea of business. When he returned home at a late hour thtt night, he was met at the door by friendt, who cautiously communicated tbe intelli gence that bis wife had been found dead by the landlady, about an hour after hit de parture, lie turned pale and trembled, and when he saw ber lying cold and still, he gave way to an outburst of Intenso grief, eliciting pity from all around. At the inquest, it was stated that Mrs. Wheeler't mother came to her death by heart disease, so without much further in vestigation,! t was concluded that her daugh ter died in a similar manner, and a verdict was rendered accordingly ; and poor Ilattie wai laid away but not forgotten, for a Nem esis pursued her husband. Her trustl.ig, artless manner, while he was daintily feeding ber with the poisoned apple, was ever before bim. It it asserted that murderers are continu ally haunted by their victims-certain it is the Good Book declares that "sin shall not go unpunished." Remorso and retributlou invariably follow In some form. Having ttained hit soul by the greatest ef crimes, he hesitated at nothing further, and before proper respect and decency permitted, hurried to Chicago, where Edith was hasten ing preparation! for the marriage. It wanted but a week nr two to the time fixed upon, and her handsome lover's re tup was welcomed with delight. She tried to talk and sing bim out of his dull mood, and was as meny as a bird. Then he cast aside bitter memories, and abandoned him self to tbe msgio of her tweet tones, engtg Ing manners, and bewitching beauty. During tbe evening a long-time friend, who was visiting the city, called upon Mrs, Conway be bad been a guest of Benjamin's father, and recognised b'tn immediately ,and knowing of bis wife's recent death wat sur prised at finding bim so attentive to Edith, but Mrs. Conway In a whisper told him bow rottUrs stood, when he Inquired bow long they had been eugsged, To hit profound astonishment he found (he engagement daled from before Mrs, Wheeler's death, which stertllng'Intellt gence he made known to Edith at ones, who became very pale and agitated arising the stood before him In fact they were all standing, making an impressive tableau. "Benjamin Wheeler, Is this true T" the in quired, looking at him. with syeawhioh fair ly biased. "Yes, It Is," he tald, with guilty raoe,ond down-cast eyet, "but dear Edith, let me ex plain how" "Go," she said, Imperiously pointing to tho door, "I despise youl" Then as he rushed from the room, she fell fainting into her motbO's arms, "Murder will out," suspicion wat aroused and confirmed, hut it fell upon the guilty msn after ho had taken leave of mltery and life together for straight from Edith's pres ence, with her words of scorn yet sounding in hit cart, Benjamin Wheeler sought and found a watery grave. As for Edith, the deceived one, the out lived her sorrow, and rejoiced at her narrow escape from a villain. a nr.MArtKAnLC diamond. Of the many millions in value which the diamond mines and river diggings ofGrl- qualand West have yielded, the Klmbcrley (South Africa) Advertiser aays the "Forter Rhodes" diamond stands alone in water, purity and tlze combined. The dwrfwer says t This rcmarkablo diamond was found on tbe twelfth of February last In one of Mr. Porter Rhodes' claims in the Klmbcr ley mine and banded to him by one of hit overseers, who will reap substantially the reward of his fidelity. Mr. Rhodes has kept his secrect well until tbe past week or tn, when a few personal friendt were treated to a view, some of whom suggested exhibiting it In aid of the Canarvon hospital, and al though the seemingly high cum of a sover eign per head was charged, the sum of 120 pounds was netted In one day in Klmbcrley alone for fie first institution of Kimberley. In weight it It 150 carats, In shape, that of a dodecahedron of perfect form, spotless and flawless, with small secondary natural facets finely ribbed, which Impart a beautiful satin-like appearance to it. A piece has boon brokon off very cleanly in the line of grain or cleavage from one 'tide, of about thirty-five to forty carats, and another piece of about fifteen carats is gone on the oppo site lino of cleavage, alto a very clean frac ture, and at the same end of the ttono, so that the wholo has the appearance of the top of an egg with a small piecooff one sldo. That it will cut a brilliant as perfect in form as in puity is the opinion of our best ex perts, while as to its water or whiteness one and all unite in pronouncing it so exception ally fine that the sight of it can never be effaced from memory. Experts know that there are various kinds of whiteness known to the tradepumc luoro valuable than others. The whiteness of this diamond hat been tested In every known way, and it Is gener ally described to be of a lovely satin-like whiteness, without a particle of steely blue, pinkish or any tinge or taint of any color whatsoever. Tlu Friday an TJitluclcy Day I Friday ,Iong regraded as a day of ill-omen, has been an eventful ono in American his tory. Friday Christopher Columbus tailed on' his voyage of discovery. Friday, ten weeks after he discovered America, Friday, Henry VII., of England, gayo Cabot his commission, which led to tho dis covery of North America. Friday, St. Augustine, the oldest town in the United States was founded. Friday, the Mayflower, with theRIgrlms, arrived at Princeton ; and on Friday, they signed that august compact, tbe forerunners of tbe present constitution. Friday, George Washington was born. Friday, Bunker Hill wot teized and forti fied. Friday, the surrender of Cornwall!! at Yorktown occurred ; and on Friday, the motion was made in Congress that tbe United States were, and of right ought to be free and independent. Artta and Caterpillar. Lord Beaconsfield and Charles Reade are undoubtedly great writers of fiction, but the man who composed the following noyelette may claim to be their bumble rival: He says he wss musing one morning, with eyet on tbe ground, when he noticed a rater pillar crawling along at a rapid pace. Pur suing him wat a host of' small black ante. Being quicker In their movementa tbe ants would catch up with the caterpillar, and come would mount on hit back and bite him. Pauting, the caterpillar would turn hit head and bite and kill hit tormentors. After tlanghteripg a dozen or more of his persecutors the caterpillar showed signs of latigue. The ants made a combined at tack. Betaking himself to a stalk of grass the caterpillar climbed up tall first, follow ed by the ants. At one approached be seized It In hit jawt and threw it off the stalk. In a few minutes the stalk fell, and hundreds of antt pounced upon the fallen caterpillar He was killed at once, and the victors marched off in triumph, leaylng the foe's body on tbe field. An Ancient Cathedral. An object of greatest interest In the Ork ney islands is the cathedral of St. Magnus nt Kirkwall, which dales from the twelfth century, and It still entire io an excellent stale of reservation. In the tixteenth century it was extended both toward the east and toward the west, the same material being used as In tbe original structure namely, old red sandstone, which abounds in the Islands. Haco, king of Norway, who died in the adjolniog bishop's palsse in 128S, was buried here, as wat also Margaret, tbe Maid of Norway, who died here oil her way to Scotland In 1200. One of the finest fea tures of the cathedral is the western door way, In which there are tbe remains of tome very fine carving much effaced by atmos pheric sctlon. A etriking effect it produced by alternating yellow sandttone in the pill art and molding. Tbe heat of genuine affsction can find no mors glowing expression than that of the Irishman who eald.'Arrah, me darlin', I wish I was in jail for stealing ye. The gambler and tbs beautiful young lady have both of them winning ways; but the gambler's great card is the knavs of trumps, while the young lady't Istbe queen cf hurts. Our Puzzle Corner. 1. NUMERICAL ENIGMA.-28 Letters. 4, 6, 12, 9, 7, 8, 2, 6, 21, 12, Is charming 16, IS, 3, 11, b, 20', la part of a garment. 17,21,1,25, It a key. 2; 1,.14, 10, li,lsa musical Instrument. 19, 23, 1, 16, 13, It a collection of insect.. 22, 9, 29, It an abbreviation. 13, 1, 24, is a boy's name. The whole is well known, to yoit. Clikto 2: BLANKS. Fill' blanks with, tht same word trans posed. 1 If Congress to pass IHe bill, ihtr President will It. 2. Seo the light tossed about by tho- waves. 3. See the sportlva eating the - Edith Estxs. SI DIAMOND PUZZLE. 1. In the ocean. 2 To ttudy. 3. Part of a flower. L An adverb. ila the land. Max. ANSWERS TO THE LAST. 1. 1. Creed, reed; 2. Brink, rink, Ink;.- 3. Howl, owl ; 4. Tricrice, Ice;. 6. Whale. hale, ale-. 2. 1. Wholly, Bolly; 2. Gash, ash; . Call, all ; 4. Sever, ever. 3. RISE I , T E Mi SEEM K M M A FAMOUS MKPf OF MUSCLE. If history is to he believed, Phatyllut, of Crolona, could jump a distance of 58 feet. Among the Greeks the successful athlete' was crowned with laurela and loaded down, with wealth and honors. The Roman Emperor Maximinus wat up wards of eight feet in height, and, like Mllo, of Crotona, could squeeze to powder thee hardett etone with his fingers, and break the leg of a hone- by a kick. While a prisoner in Germany, Riehard I. accepted an invitation to a boxing match with tho toon of hit jailer. He received tha first blow, which mads him stagger; but . recovering, with a blow of his fist he killed bis antagonist on tbo spot The famout Scanderberg, king of Albania' who wat born in 1414, was a man of great stature, and bis feats of sword exercise havs never been equaled. On one occasion, with hit cimeter, he struck his antagonist such si blow that its force cleaved him to tbe waist. Strutt, an English authority on games and amusements, speaks of a Yorkshire jumpor named Ireland whose powers were marvel out. lie was six feet high, and at tbe ago of eighteen leaped, without the aid of ft spring board, oyer nine horses ranged aide by side. Polydamus, of Tbessalla, was of colossal height and prodigious strength, and it Is said, alono aud without weapons, killed an enraged llou. Ons day, it Is recorded, he- seized a bull by its hind feel and tbe ani mal escaped only leaving the hoof in tho grasp of the athlete. Maurice, Count of Saxony, was especially noted for the surprising muscular power of hlsbands. Ononeoccaslon,needlngacork-' screw, ho twisted a large iron nail round In to tbo required shape with bit lingers, and opened half a dozen bottlet of wins with it. Another time ho picked upa dozen of horseshoes, and with hit handt tnappod them in too as readily aa if made of glass. Topham, an Englishman, born In 1710 was possessed of astonishing strength. His artnplts,hollow in tbe caso of ordinary men, were with him full of muscles and tendons. He would take a bar of iron, with Its two ends beld In his handt, place the middle of the bar behind his neck, and bend the ex tremities by main force until they met to- ' getber, and bend back the Iron straight again. r : i WAn it. mI. . I. it,. Olympic and Pythian garnet. He it said to 1 .... . II. lit, . I..,. .11 rf .. 1 . u , um a .una ...... . ijuiy w.. -w... vj .. , ' - on hit shoulders, and afterward killed tha -animal with one blow of hit fist, and ate the entire carcass tn one day. So great wat bis muscular pow;r that be would bind a cord around his bead and break it by the swell ing pressure of tho veins. An ordinary meal for Mlio wat twenty pounds of meat, aa much bread, and fifteen pints of wine. L , S VAKIKTtns, A land letgue Three miles. Clothes connections A pair of bract. An elastio diversion A rubber of w hist. A railroad flagman dots a flourishing business. A tramps motto "A little earning It a dangerous thing." The man who hat no family generally wina tha turkey in a raffle. A man ought to know wbat an attempt to bribe is. If he does not he la no judge. Politeness It a relative term. There art) plenty of people too polite to earn their bread. Ii some of tha children's dolls went made cross-eyed and freckled they would b more lifelike. A word to tbs wise it sufficient. Sin nets are supposed to be foolish, and they must hear long sermons. John Kelly can be deposed, decapitated and retired, but tbe Iron nils of tha dress maker canuot bo broken. Krupp, tbe cannon maker, has gone to work making railroad iron, Probably his guns were not fatal enough to suit, his taata for slaughter. Beaconsfield Ascribes his success to wo men. Adam laid all hit trouble to the cam source. Adam, we ore ashamed of you. Beaconsfield, you are a gentleman. This is tbe season when tha long-headed member of Assembly anticipates the work of the coming session and prepares his ex temporaneous speech cs. A Laporte City, lows, man recently found a good tized lizard In a plug of tobac co. Tbe animal wat all there- except tbej bead, which bad been bitVen off by the dis coverer. About a million cnples of Webster's Spelling Book continue to be cold annually, it it said, but no one would suspect it who reads the manuscript tent to a newspaper office. 1 ' A bashful young clergyman a few Sun days ago, risiug to preach for the first time, announced hit text in this wise: "And Im mediately tbe tuck wept and Peter want, cot snd erew bitterly."